
=== emma_ is now known as emma
wellsMcPeter:  Salut... je suis encore ban sur #ubuntu-fr après plusieurs mois... combien de temps cela va encore duré?10:50
avelldirollwells: pour les questions concernant la modération d'#ubuntu-fr, c'est sur #ubuntu-fr-ops que ça se passe10:53
Tm_Tif you use english, others are able to participate to discussion too (:10:54
avelldirollTm_T: sorry for that ... he was asking for an unban on the french support channel, and I just redirected him to the right place to do that10:55
wellstkx Tm_T10:57
wellsand avelldiroll10:57
wellsI was redirect hear form an other ops chan10:58
highvoltagehmm, anyone know why I would be redirected from #ubuntu-community to #ubuntu?14:02
highvoltage09:51 [freenode] -!- #ubuntu-community #ubuntu Forwarding to another channel14:02
nhandlerhighvoltage: Are you sure you didn't want #ubuntu-community-team ?14:16
highvoltagenhandler: aah, I did indeed, sorry :)14:16
Tm_Tso the redirect is wrong?14:35
nhandlerTm_T: It isn't necessarily "wrong". It probably was there from before -community-team. However, I have gone ahead and changed it to forward to -community-team now15:20
Tm_Tah, good, thanks15:32
JanCanybody know what "ubuntulog" is supposed to be?17:24
jussiJanC: the official ubuntu log bot17:25
jussiJanC: its replacing the ubuntu-eu supplied locobots17:25
JanCwhat's it doing in ubuntu-nl suddenly?17:26
jussiJanC: it means all logs will now appear at: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/17:26
nizarusand where it will save the log ?17:26
jussinizarus: :D17:26
JanClocobot is still there though  :P17:26
jussiJanC: locobot will shortly disappear17:27
jussized will take them down once the transition is over17:27
nizarusthe bot is dead... long life to the bot17:27
jussisomething like that :D17:28
jussiJanC: I think Ill send something to the irc list soon, just to make sure all are aware17:30
CrazyLemonis that the reason noone is replying on admin@ubuntu-eu? :)17:30
jussiCrazyLemon: the team has been a bit broken up recently - were you asking for a bot?17:31
CrazyLemonjussi yes i was :)17:31
* jussi goes to fix wiki pages with bot stuff17:31
jussiCrazyLemon: please send all bot requests now to rt@ubuntu.com17:31
CrazyLemonjussi are they more responsive? :p17:32
CrazyLemonthanks..will do :)17:32
nizarusjussi, and send the same thing to the lococontacts list17:32
jussiCrazyLemon: yes, they are. also, please note the ubuntulog policy here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:32
jussi(im updating some small things about wheere it goes as we speak)17:32
jussiJanC: can you check and make sure your topic is sorted with the change also?17:34
JanCjussi: you mean the into message ?17:36
jussiJanC: yes17:36
JanCI guess I would also have to translate it then?17:37
jussiJanC: well given the link is in english and the locobots used to /notice people in english, its up to you.17:37
jussibut it might be nice17:38
JanCthat's going to be fun if we ask for a logbot for -be, 8 lines of intro messages to get all languages covered?17:38
JanCwhat's the point of an intro message that peopel don't understand?17:38
JanCand I guess we would have to translate the ToS too...17:38
jussiJanC: you can pop something in the topic if you prefer - how doe the topic work in -be?17:38
JanCthe topic is in English, but a legal message in anything but the local language isn't valid...17:39
JanCso it's pointless to have an English message in a non-English channel  ;)17:40
* jussi hrms and wonders if tsimpson, Pici topyli or nhandler have thoughts on this17:40
JanCfortunately we don't have a logbot in -be yet  ;)17:40
jussiJanC: and its not acceptable to have it in only one of the languages?17:41
JanCwell, I can do it just in English, but if people can ignore it  ;)17:42
JanCeh, lost some words there  :P17:42
JanC"if people want they can ignore"17:43
tsimpson|n800JanC: well the freenode ToS is in English17:44
PiciJanC: Can a very short message with a link to a wiki page with a bunch of translated versions of the TOS work?17:45
JanClike I said, it's probably easier to just not log the channel  :P17:46
JanCor log it ourselves or whatever17:46
tsimpson|n800JanC: you should still have a notice/topic stating the channel is logged17:47
PiciThats what the freenode ToS state.17:47
JanCit's not in their ToS, they just advise it AFAICT17:52
tsimpson|n800JanC: see /motd17:53
Pici"By connecting to freenode you indicate that you have read and agree to adhere to our policies and procedures as per the website (http://freenode.net). We would like to remind you that unauthorized public logging of channels on the network is prohibited. Public channel logging should only take place where the channel owner(s) has requested this and users of the channel are all made aware (if you are publically logging your ...17:53
Pici... channel, you may wish to keep a notice in topic and perhaps as a on-join message)."17:53
JanCPici: I can't find that on that site?17:57
PiciJanC: I can't either.  Use /motd in your irc client to bring it up18:00
JanCthe policy on their site says differently...18:02
JanCprobably easier to log less channels than more in that case18:03
JanCBTW: why aren't the IRC logs organised as channel/year/month/date instead of year/month/date/channel ?18:06
JanCthat would make it easier to point to logs...18:06
JanCwell, more useful18:06
PiciPerhaps the LC can make a suggestion on this issue.18:09
persiaImplementation on the server side is lots easier with current layout, so it probably stems from that18:10
* persia has no particular opinion on which is the right model18:10
PiciEr, I mean on the translation issue, not the log organization one.18:11
IdleOnecan somebody link me to the audio archives for UDS-N please?18:12
IdleOnespecifically the IRC sessions18:12
Seeker`IdleOne: I've been looking for them, not found them though19:27
pleia2quick heads up Bacta just trolled #ubuntu-us19:45
m4vkudos for replacing the locobots, their logs where poor at best.20:11
persiaThis will require massive updates of lots of docs though, as so many things point at ubuntu-eu (but is still a good thing, overall)20:11
IdleOneSeeker`: I did some searching also and wasn't able to find them20:13
IdleOnepleia2: you are probably aware but there is talks with freenode about implementing namespace bans.20:14
pleia2IdleOne: heh, that'd be nice20:15
IdleOneor at least an easier way to do it20:16
Seeker`I'll believe it when I see it20:16
Seeker`I've seen 1 attempt at a namespace ban, and that didn't last.20:16
IdleOneI think it is more about a method of issuing the ban across all #u* channels and less about how long they last20:17
Seeker`IdleOne: my point is, even with a a method of implementing them, I'm not convinced it will ever actually be used20:18
IdleOneI suspect there is going to be very strict circumstances required before a ban of that nature is set.20:19
IdleOneWill have to go through 5-6 teams before approved :P20:19
IdleOnebut let's hope for the best.20:19
m4vfreenode doesn't have that extban, dunno, $z:#channel, and which is like using the bans already set in #channel?20:20
m4vI remember I saw something about it, but isn't in freenode's docs though20:20
m4vextban $j it is (had to look at the ircd-seven sources)20:30
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