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fta2jdstrand, mdeslaur: ping06:49
fta2dpm, hi, i think i misunderstood your remark about the formatting bug in the last thread. just filed bug 67082109:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 670821 in rosetta "translator comment formating lost (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67082109:21
dpmfta2, yeah, that's what I meant on 3rd point in my e-mail - thanks for filing the bug10:06
fta2dpm, yep, got confused with another issue, which was about the folding of msgstr which is crazy in rosetta, but i managed to deal with it10:19
dpmok, right10:19
fta2dpm, i've implemented a workaround for bug 669831, but it has some rejects: http://paste.ubuntu.com/525566/10:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 669831 in rosetta "obsolete translations exported to the branch (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66983110:24
dpmlet me re-read the bug to remind myself of the details...10:29
dpmfta2, what am I looking at in that pasted output? What does the "fixed n bogus strings" part mean? And the "compared:" output?10:37
fta2dpm, bogus.10:41
dpmbogus in what sense?10:41
fta2dpm, the "compared" are strings i get from lp a translation that differ from existing upstream translations (which means conflicts to resolve)10:42
fta2dpm, bogus means: for a given "id" (the long digit in the comment), the untranslated string read from lp's po is not the same as from the po i fed to lp10:44
dpmok, gotcha10:44
fta2i fix some by unescaping some xml codes. but if it's still different, i give up10:45
dpmfta2, one other question on the "compared:" output - to which language does it apply?10:45
dpmE.g. the following string sounds more Spanish than French:10:46
dpmlp669831: skipped 0 / fixed 2 bogus strings from google_chrome_strings/fr.po10:46
dpm<<u'Colabora en la mejora de Google Chrome enviando autom\xe1ticamente a Google estad\xedsticas de uso e informes sobre fallos.'>> and10:46
dpm<<u'Colabore en la mejora de Google Chrome enviando autom\xe1ticamente a Google estad\xedsticas de uso e informes sobre fallos.'>>10:46
fta2dpm, i should add the lang in the output10:46
fta2hold on10:46
fta2'es' then10:47
fta2dpm, ^^, the Compared and lp669831 lines are unrelated10:48
dpmyeah, I understand it now10:48
dpmfta2, It might also be worth  converting Unicode codes into actual characters in the output - strings such as <<u'\u0e22\u0e2d\u0e21\u0e23\u0e31\u0e1a\u0e41\u0e25\u0e30\u0e14\u0e33\u0e40\u0e19\u0e34\u0e19\u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e15\u0e48\u0e2d >>'>> are otherwise unreadable10:50
dpm(just suggesting, not trying to be picky)10:50
fta2yep, it's from repr(string). i work in regular xterms, they suck for unicode10:51
fta2i needed to easily compare strings "visually"10:51
mdeslaurfta2: hi!11:49
fta2mdeslaur, jdstrand: fyi, imminent security update for chromium, also impacting webkit and libvpx13:38
mdeslaurfta2: cool, thanks...let us know13:38
fta2mdeslaur, i don't do libvpx myself (i use it as system lib for chromium-*-ffmpeg though)13:40
fta2mdeslaur, so i'm not sure about the details (we have 0.9.1 in lucid, 0.9.2 in maverick natty, debian has 0.9.5 :()13:43
mdeslaurfta2: libvpx is in main in maverick, so the security team will backport fixes for it13:44
mdeslaurfta2: libvpx in lucid is in universe, so someone needs to create a debdiff with backported fixes which we can then sponsor13:45
fta2chrisccoulson, should i re-enable umd for natty?14:28
fta2hmm.. natty for umd14:28
chrisccoulsonfta2 - the firefox-4.0 builds should be ok14:28
chrisccoulsoni still need to push the workaround for all the other builds14:28
fta2should i or not? ;)14:28
chrisccoulsonfta2, i'll add the workaround for all the other builds in the next hour or so, so, if you re-enable them, they will be fixed before you next run them ;)14:29
chrisccoulsonheh, only 7 patches in our xulrunner package now15:48
* chrisccoulson uses axe15:48
chrisccoulsonstill 16 patches in firefox though15:49
fta[Branch ~chromium-team/chromium-browser/channels] Rev 411: linux/stable (7.0.517.41 -> 7.0.517.44)16:27
fta[Branch ~chromium-team/chromium-browser/channels] Rev 410: linux/beta (7.0.517.41 -> 8.0.552.28)16:27
ftaoh my16:27
davidascherchrisccoulson: any tb patches?17:33
chrisccoulsondavidascher, i'll get to those in a bit. IIRC, we don't have many tb patches, and i'm trying to trim down our distro patches as much as i can17:33
chrisccoulsonwe have way too many patches for firefox :/17:34
davidascherchrisccoulson: do you know how many of those patches are functionally equivalent to patches that other distros have?17:34
chrisccoulsondavidascher, i'm not sure about that. you can view our current patchset at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/thunderbird/thunderbird.head/files/head%3A/debian/patches/ though17:36
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micahgchrisccoulson: I see 4.0b7 has been tagged, after you upload to Natty (would suggest waiting until release), I'll backport to the firefox-next PPA21:08
* micahg is making an assumption that beta 7 is landing in Natty after it's released....21:09
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, that's the plan, although i still need to get language packs sorted out21:11
micahgchrisccoulson: oh, right...21:11
micahgchrisccoulson: if you want to ditch LP, I can convert the thunderbird-locales package, has dpm had any luck with upstream contacts?21:12
chrisccoulsonnot sure yet21:12
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I think we have about a week until beta 7 is released if no major show stoppers are found21:12
chrisccoulsoni should be pretty much done by then, which will hopefully mean i have ubufox ported and the new profile migrator working21:13
micahgchrisccoulson: wow, you work fast :)21:14
fta\o/ landed my 1st translation patches in chromium daily :)21:29

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