
ibeardsleehmm oh yeah morning19:23
palhmbssome excellent rain, makes this a 𝖆𝖜𝖊𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊  morning, man was it getting dry19:31
BactaHi guys19:40
ibeardsleemorning Bacta19:40
BactaWhat's up?19:41
ibeardsleeThe sun19:41
BactaWhere are you in NZ?19:41
BactaOh same here19:41
BactaJust out by the airport19:41
ibeardsleeany Qantas planes sitting on the ground out that way?19:49
ajmitchisn't it just the A380s they've grounded?19:49
* ajmitch wouldn't think they'd try & land one of them at wellington19:49
BactaNo but Hilary's is19:50
BactaParked out by the airforce base19:50
BactaIt's a 737-800 by the looks of it19:51
ibeardsleethe President's ;)19:51
BactaIf you believe John Key then she is19:52
BactaHe referred to her as "President Clinton" yesterday, such a moron19:52
ajmitchyou can always count on our PM for a bit of humour19:52
ibeardsleeI have trouble believing a word that tool says19:52
BactaHell yes :(19:52
ibeardsleeI hope NZ remembers when it comes around to the next election19:52
BactaMe too19:52
ibeardsleebroken promises19:52
BactaI want the Goff Father19:53
* ajmitch doesn't think phil goff will really be inspiring, national will probably have to screw up quite a bit for people to change government19:54
Bactaajmitch: But it's already happening19:54
BactaGST, National Standards, Private Prisons, Tax19:54
BactaIt may take two terms but they won't do 9 years19:54
ibeardsleePhil doesn't have the 'aura' to lead the country19:54
ajmitchwhether that's enough for people to care19:54
ajmitchibeardslee: neither did bill english :)19:55
BactaI think Phil's problem is he's had the media saying he couldn't do it from the get go19:55
ibeardsleethat as well19:55
BactaIf you say something enough people will eventually believe it19:55
ibeardsleeHelen was always going to be a hard act to follow19:55
ajmitchwhile I certainly didn't like her, I think many could still admire her for how she got stuff done19:56
BactaHeh, they had a cartoon in the paper the day after the election showing John Key setting up his office in Helen Clark's shoe19:56
BactaI think the same does apply to Goff19:56
ibeardsleeajmitch: well until the last while anyway .. then I think they/she lost the way19:57
BactaChrist, it's 9am ... I need to think about going to work19:57
* ajmitch thankfully got into work before it got too wet here20:00
BactaI think I would get in trouble for going on IRC at work20:01
BactaIn fact we have to use a proxy to access git20:01
ibeardslee'essential communication tool' here20:01
BactaWhere's here?20:01
BactaOut of curiosity?20:01
BactaI do IT work for a company in Miramar20:01

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