
jrib#debian getting hit01:01
IdleOneis he serious or just trolling?01:28
jribIdleOne: clueless or trolling... hard to tell01:30
IdleOnei think it's a little of both01:30
Seeker`putty sucks for UTF-801:39
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:39
Seeker`yeah, doesn't display at all01:39
Wuubuy_hello my name is Bill Goodman. I am use to meeting girls from the internet and they unexpectedly farting when my dick is in their butt. I hope that breaks some ice. I am not a man of high expectations. So i hope some of the girls here won't mind speaking up. I am sure you are great people in heart.02:20
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!02:20
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()02:20
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()02:20
macoIdleOne: wahh why are you always faster than me?02:20
macotonyyarusso: thank ye02:21
IdleOnemaco: I have certain words on "extreme highlight $me"02:21
macowell i got the highlights because of "girls"02:22
macoi just typed a longer kick message in #ubuntu02:22
Seeker`maco: you have girls on hilight?02:23
macoSeeker`: yes02:23
Seeker`does that get triggered much?02:23
macoat least 5 times a day02:23
Seeker`and how likely is it that a troll triggered it?02:23
macotrolls? infrequent. sexist douchebags? about 1/3-1/2 the time02:24
maco(the other half is "im gonna go have dinner with my girlfriend now" or "im a parent of two little girls" etc)02:24
macothis is how i catch "ugh why are girls so stupid?!" conversations in #ubuntu-offtopic02:25
tonyyarussomneptok: Do you know of anyone I could talk to who would be likely to know of general predictions for job openings at Canonical in Montreal Q3/4 2011?04:10
* tonyyarusso would prefer something a little closer to Minnesota, but there seem to be a lot more options in Montreal than Thunder Bay, so I guess I should look04:11
ubottuilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu (segin)04:12
aborticidehow to make font smaller in virtualbox ?04:13
Flannelaborticide: #ubuntu is the place for support, not here.  Thanks04:13
aborticidecan i be unmuted, please?04:21
IdleOneaborticide: for virtualbox try #vbox as for the mute I will leave that up to bazhang04:46
aborticideokay thanks05:04
aborticidebut fonts is an ubuntu issue05:04
mneptoktonyyarusso: if things are the same as when i left, openings aren't that well known beforehand. best to just watch the job listings on the Canonical site.05:04
tonyyarussomneptok: noted.  Care to share other Canadian places I should consider?05:07
mneptoktonyyarusso: don't really know many.05:18
mneptoktonyyarusso: i was only there for 3 years, and moved there for work and left when i left the job.05:18
elkylooks like thefeds is out and about again05:33
ikoniamarienz: are you there ?09:52
marienzikonia: somewhat09:53
ikoniamarienz: was it you who spoke to Bacta about this jewkonia stuff recently ?09:53
marienzikonia: no09:54
marienzikonia: is he still at it?09:54
ikoniarats, do you know who it was09:54
marienzikonia: not off the top of my head, but relaying through me probably works anyway09:54
ikoniahe's upped the game now trying to actually associate himself with me09:54
jpdsHow very strange.10:09
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (crankyadmin appears to be abusive - 4)10:39
ikoniahello wells10:45
ikoniahow can we help today ?10:46
wellsis this chan concern abuse for ubuntu-fr ?10:46
ikoniawells: that would be #ubuntu-irc10:46
burnmedvdisoplease remove ikonia from admins11:46
ikoniahi burnmedvdiso sorry for having to forward you here, I tried to talk to you in pm but you where not responding11:46
burnmedvdisoatleast his mute and kick privlages11:47
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: I'd put a temporary quiet on you in the channel while I asked you to stop with the smart comments in #ubuntu, it's a busy channel and needs to stay on topic,11:47
burnmedvdisothat is all good day11:47
ikoniaif you don't wish to disucuss / resolve your removal then, that is all, thank you and please leave the channel.11:47
burnmedvdisoit was fine untill you showed up.. again..11:47
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: do you wish to discuss/resolve your removal, yes/no ?11:48
burnmedvdisothis is repetive, ikonia i wish you would just leave me alone..11:48
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: do you wish to discuss/resolve your removal, yes/no ?11:48
ikoniathat's the only question we need an answer to11:48
burnmedvdisoyes... thats y i came here11:49
ikoniafirstly, I'm sorry I had to remove you and forward you here, but you where not responding to private messages11:49
ikoniaI put a short quiet on you to explain that the smart comments where not needed, just need to keep with the ubuntu support channel topic,11:49
burnmedvdisodoes anyone else but ikonia talk?11:49
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: as you don't wish to resolve your removal, please leave the channel11:50
burnmedvdisoor was present in #ubuntu?11:50
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: I have asked you straight if you wish to resolve it and you are ignoring the conversation11:50
burnmedvdisoi am not11:50
Seeker`yes, but ikonia is doing a good job, so ill let him continue11:50
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: this is the last time I'll ask - do you wish to resolve this ban foward, yes/no ?11:51
burnmedvdisoi find it on the edge of harrasssment / abuse of privlages11:51
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: then respond to me - and I'll explain how to make a complaint once the issue is resolved11:52
burnmedvdisoi have?11:52
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: you've not, you've ignored everything I've said11:52
Seeker`you wont get anything different from anyone else, so if you want to get back in to #ubuntu you nees to talk to him11:52
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: I've explained it was a temporary quiet while I explained to you to keep with the topic, if your comfortable keeping with the topic then I'm happy to remove the ban/quiet and let you re-join11:52
burnmedvdisoseeker i have not had any issues with any other admins just ikonia11:52
ikoniaI only had to forward you here as you did not respond to any pm's11:53
burnmedvdisohe has a long history with me11:53
ikoniaI don't even know you11:53
burnmedvdisoand i wish for him to leave me alone11:53
ikoniaI've never spoke/banned you before11:54
burnmedvdisoand stop muteing for a oneline that is off topic...11:54
burnmedvdisoor in all cases11:54
burnmedvdisonot at all off=topic11:54
Seeker`burnmedvdiso: feel free to ppart the channel then. your ban will not be removed unless you are willing to discuss it with ikonia11:54
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: as I explained, I asked you to get on topic, you ignored it and tried to be clever with me, I asked again, you tried to be clever again, I muted you and sent you a pm, you ignored it, I forwarded you here, now we are up to date11:54
ikoniaI'm not aware of any other history with you as I don't know your nickname and I've never banned or muted you before11:55
burnmedvdisothis is the 8th time i was in a convo ubuntu relevent and you muted me!!11:55
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: I've never muted you before or seen your nickname before, do you use other nicknames ?11:55
burnmedvdisough w/e please un mute me i'll just log off when you join11:56
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: no11:56
ikoniaburnmedvdiso:  do you use other nicknames ?11:56
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: have we had conflict under other nicknames ?11:56
burnmedvdisonot that werent resolved11:56
ikoniathen I have never muted or banned you or seen your nickname before , and you are telling lies, so I'll end this discussion11:56
ikoniaour records show this nickname has never been banned before11:57
ikoniaso eitber you are telling lies about using other nicknames or me banning you11:57
ikoniaeither way, I'll end this conversation11:57
burnmedvdisoi'm not lieing at all..11:57
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: so why do our records not show any other bans ?11:57
burnmedvdisothis convo isnt over untill i have chat rights back..11:58
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: then you need to answer the questions11:58
PiciThen you need to talk to ikonia about it, instead of making comments that hes the worst op etc.11:58
burnmedvdisoi never said that, only provided examples11:59
Seeker`this isnt going anywhere11:59
burnmedvdisoi wont talk in chat when ikonia is on...12:00
burnmedvdisothat much i'm comfy with12:00
Piciburnmedvdiso: Then I don't think we'll be resolving this any time soon.12:00
Seeker`burnmedvdiso: please leave then.12:00
Pici!appeals > burnmedvdiso12:00
ubottuburnmedvdiso, please see my private message12:00
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: sorry that is not acceptable12:00
burnmedvdisoas i can't get one line out when he is on12:00
burnmedvdisoubott thats not even what we are disscussing here12:01
burnmedvdiso<ikonia> I've muted you for a moment in #ubuntu, you don't need to get smart or have an attitude, you where just asked to follow the topic, either "ok" or just following the topic is enough [04:39] <ikonia> I'm happy to remove the mute if you just get with it a little more [04:39] == ikonia [~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia] [04:39] ==  realname : Matt Darcy [04:39] ==  channels : #ubuntu [04:39] ==  server   : hubbard.freenode.ne12:02
burnmedvdisowho is being smart here?12:03
PiciI see ikonia being courteous to you.12:03
burnmedvdisowhat does he mean by attitude and get with it?12:03
burnmedvdisowhere did i go wrong past my 2-3 lines of text?12:04
burnmedvdisowhat was offtopic where you felt it was?12:05
burnmedvdisohow do you ikonia, feel that phrase was off topic?12:05
ikoniaoh, sorry, I wasn't responding as I didn't think you where progressing it with me12:06
ikoniathe offtopic comments where discussing hardware12:06
ikoniaand then the follow up comments to me asking you to stop12:06
ikoniathe other person discussing his hardware issues was also directed to stop, and did12:06
burnmedvdisothe psu was causeing issues with ubuntu..12:07
ikoniapossible, and that was being worked through, but he was partly ranting about his hardware and you where just slating brands12:07
ikoniaif you look after you where muted he was brought back into working through the hardware issue within ubuntu12:07
burnmedvdisoso no discussion of brands mainly...12:08
ikoniait's nothing to do with not naming brands, but your comments about brand A being poor where just fueling his rant12:08
ikoniahe needed to return to resolving the issue12:08
burnmedvdisoeven tho that help diagnose issues...12:08
ikoniait didn't help12:08
ikoniait was fueling his rant, which is why it returned to the problem in relation to ubuntu12:08
burnmedvdisoyou didnt let it...is what i'm saying12:09
ikoniawell, after I muted you, it got there pretty quick12:09
ikoniaand if you had responded to my pm, I would have removed the mute, as I said I was happy to12:09
ikoniainstead you've decided to make things up about me banning you 8 times12:09
burnmedvdisolol it was playful chatter i wasnt gonna let it go past 1-2 lines12:09
burnmedvdisoi didnt...12:10
burnmedvdisoand i won't12:10
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: have I banned you 8 times befoe ?12:10
burnmedvdisoonly once and that was in error..we corrected it12:10
ikoniathen why did you say 8 times earlier12:10
burnmedvdisomutes is anther story tho xD12:10
ikoniaand why do our records show no other bans12:10
ikoniathere are no records of any other mutes12:11
ikoniaso how can I have banned/muted you 8 times before12:11
burnmedvdisoi'd like to keep it that way12:11
ikoniaso how can I have banned/muted you 8 times before12:11
burnmedvdisoyou did.. even tho there are no logs of it12:11
burnmedvdisomy brain doesnt keep logs12:12
burnmedvdisoit remembers xD12:12
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: ok, so what I'm going to do because the records are so conflicting12:12
ikoniaI'm going to leave the ban in place while I go through the logs and find out if you are telling lies or not12:12
burnmedvdisowow dude...12:13
ikoniathere are a lot of logs and it will take a while, but you are saying our auto system missed 8 bans/quiets and I have no memory of ever seeing you before12:13
ikoniathat is a big statement to make, when there are no records (which auto create) and I have no reference of it12:13
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: that's where we stand. It will take a few days to search the logs, I'll send you a memo on memo serve when the investigation is complete12:14
burnmedvdisoi've changed pc's12:14
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: that doesn't matter12:14
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: the logs will show that12:14
burnmedvdisoi gave you the info12:14
ikoniawhat info ?12:14
burnmedvdisoyou dont have to search anything...12:14
ikoniawhat info12:15
PiciCan we try to deal with the issue at hand.12:15
burnmedvdisonicknames i've used that were muted or banned by you12:15
burnmedvdisoikonia your getting off topic -.-12:15
ikoniaPici: I am doing, I've explained why this person was banned, no problem resolving that, but if he's making statements about 8 previous mutes then there is either a problem with this user, and our tracking system12:16
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: I've not seen the other nicknames (you said you didn't' use any) which ones are they and I'll check now12:16
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: if you have the other nicknames I'll check now (very quick) and we can put this to bed12:16
burnmedvdisopazsion and ubufool i belive, i have not used other nicks on this pc....12:17
ikoniaahh, I see12:17
ikoniaI didn't realise they where nicknames12:17
ikonia1 moment and I'll check12:17
burnmedvdisowell i did first log on this chat with pazsio n today12:17
burnmedvdisoon this pc..12:17
burnmedvdisoi hope that doesnt mess up the entire log =c12:18
ikonianope, not at all12:18
ikoniaagain our records don't show either of those users12:18
burnmedvdisoi kno it's been a while but, you forgot me already =/12:18
ikoniabut as you've decided to now explain the truth that you do use other nicknames, I'll be happy to remove the mute in #ubuntu if you can agree to stick with the ubuntu support topic12:18
burnmedvdisowell then that is good12:18
burnmedvdisoi've been telling you the truth the whole time...i don't use other nicks...12:19
ikoniayou've just told me 2 others that you do use12:19
burnmedvdisopazsion is primary, and then others are relevent to my issues <<example12:20
ikoniaso they are "other nicknames"12:20
ikoniaas I've said though, if you are happy to keep with the topic in #ubuntu I'll be happy to remove the ban12:20
burnmedvdisokk guys i'm out of here sorry you had to witness this... but i do need witnesses sometimes12:20
burnmedvdisoand ty ikonia12:21
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: so you can keep with the topic in #ubuntu yes/no ?12:21
burnmedvdisoyes, can you let people chat before you mute them?12:21
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: no12:21
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: please listen one more time12:22
burnmedvdisoell then12:22
ikoniathe topic is "support" not chatter12:22
burnmedvdisowell then12:22
ikoniaplease keep with support and there will be no problem12:22
ikoniais that acceptable12:22
burnmedvdisoyou need to "chatter" to find solutions..12:22
ikoniaok, but please keep it relevant to the issue, not random12:22
ikoniaI'm trying here, but your smart responses are not helping12:23
burnmedvdisoi'm not trying to be "smart"12:23
ikoniathis is exactly what got you muted,12:23
ikoniathen just respond, clearly and sensibly12:23
burnmedvdisoi'm trying to understand why you are the way you are, and how you go about things12:23
ikoniakeep the topic relevant to the problem, and there will be no issues12:23
ikoniais that acceptable ?12:23
burnmedvdisoyou create issues...by making on topic things..offtopic.. that is your opinion...not what is actually happening...that's the problem..and yes12:24
ikoniaburnmedvdiso: I'll ask one more time12:24
ikoniakeep the topic relevant to the problem, and there will be no issues12:24
ikoniais that acceptable ?12:24
burnmedvdisoyes again12:24
ikoniagreat, I'll remove the ban12:25
ikoniathe ban has been removed, you can leave this channel and re-join #ubuntu12:25
burnmedvdisoyou have a good day...12:25
ikoniathere is more to that than meets the eye, I have no recollection of ever banning/muting him before,12:26
ikoniathe records show nothing12:26
PiciThat was odd.12:26
ikoniaI found it odd, yes12:27
seekerYeah, might be worth keeping an eye on him12:27
seekerProfessional troll IMO, he spent a lot of effort arguing about everything but the ban12:27
ikoniaI'm sure he'll be back with the nick webcamdead or something like that12:27
ikonianot sure if there was a bit of a language issue there12:27
seekerEvery time you tried to talk to him about the ban, he started talking about something else12:28
seekerLike how unfair it was, or how you were mistreating him12:28
ikoniaI'm hoping that was just his frustration and wanted to make an issue out of me banning him12:28
ikoniaI was more curious as to him saying he has a regular problem with me and I've banned him many times12:29
seekerMaybe, but it is pretty classic serial-troll behaviour.12:29
ikonianot sure if that was just to make it look like I was picking on him12:29
jpdsseeker: How much do you think he charges per troll?12:29
seekerjpds: He pays himself in 'lulz'12:30
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Peace-)12:33
seekerPeople that dive off on a tangent the second the reason for the ban is brought up tend to be here a lot.12:33
=== seeker_ is now known as seeker
Tm_Twe do, thanks (:13:41
IdleOneikonia: that burnmedvdiso person was the same person with the modified flash binary.15:59
IdleOnesame evasion pattern when op asks about reason for banning16:02
PiciThats hardly evidence.16:02
IdleOnebut they were ban evading16:03
IdleOneif you believe it was the same person that is16:03
Seeker`IdleOne: lots of trolls do that16:04
Seeker`a "good" troll will derail the conversation from the topic that is meant to be discussed (i.e. the ban) at every chance they get, because they know the conversation wont end until it is discussed16:07
Seeker`which is how we end up with 2 hour long arguments in here16:08
ikoniaIdleOne: totally differnet ISP, oly256 seems to stick to the same IP for all the problems he's been16:45
ikoniaIdleOne: oly265 is normally VERY abusive16:45
IdleOneI stand corrected. Very similar arguing patterns though16:46
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:21
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:21
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:21
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:21
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (fe1ipe appears to be abusive - 5)18:42
nikomind if +r a little ?19:54
Seeker`niko: I don't mind20:07
IdleOne+r is set20:07
IdleOneAlso I don't think anybody will mind if you feel thee is a need to set +r20:10
ikoniamarienz: again bacta has returned to be an issue21:18
marienzikonia: channel?21:18
ikoniaahhh he's gone again21:18
marienzand/or nick21:19
ikoniaI'm pretty annoyed still over the #css incident this morning where he is claiming to be associated with me as a jew21:19
marienzplease prod me if he shows up again21:22
ikoniano problem, sorry for the slow response21:22
marienzit's irc, slow responses happen, I'm the last one to complain about those :)21:22
ikoniayes, but I also don't want to abuse you as my personal bacta police21:24
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (BANLIST FULL, REMOVE SOME BANS)21:24
ikoniawas mike_deb_h jacksparrow ?21:29
elkywhoa, wait, we're advertising "want to be an ubuntu op" in the topic of *offtopic*...?22:33
ikoniasimpley stupid22:34
* elky searches for army disposal outlets nearby22:34
ikoniasorry to say it22:34
elkyimma build myself a fort.22:34
ikoniaif you want to be an op, the wiki page says you should be subscribed to the mail list22:34
ikoniathe advert went out on the mail list, that's enough22:34
PiciAnd the planet22:34
ikoniagreat, and the planet too22:34
ikoniawhy did it not just go out on the mail list ?22:35
ikoniawho did it ?22:35
elkytopyli i think22:35
ikoniadid the whole council agree to this ?22:35
elkyI dunno, but it's hardly ideal targetting. the people in the support-giving collaboration spaces are a more streamlined target than -ot22:36
elkyPici, planet22:37
ikoniathe advertising in the topic, the advertising on planet ?22:37
elkythe -ot topic suggests tonyyarusso22:37
Picielky: We did that last time we asked for ops too.22:37
ikoniawho decided we needed more ops ?22:38
ikonia(not that I'm disagreeing I just don't remember seeing it discussed on the list)22:38
PiciIts been discussed for a while...22:38
ikoniawhere ?22:38
elkyikonia, uds discussion22:38
ikoniaI wasn't at uds22:38
ikonianeither was %70 of the operator team22:38
elkyi'm aware. im still not sure why topyli was summoned but why you werent when you had agenda items22:39
ikoniaI am getting VERY fed up of the council acting in "our" interests without asking "us"22:39
PiciIt wasn't to go over agenda items, it was to go over our plans for the cycle.22:39
* persia feels fairly firmly that decisions have to be made in the regular meetings, regardless of UDS. UDS is a wonderful way to discuss stuff, but actions ought result in agenda items being brought to meetings and people writing position papers.22:40
persiaIt's ugly and annoying, but this is governance.22:41
ikoniano it's not22:41
persiaikonia, Hrm?  How not?22:41
elkyit's so far proving to be ineffective governance22:41
topylielky: fwiw, i said i'd be there but forgot. then i was nicely reminded22:41
persiaelky, That's a bug we ought fix.  Only by participating can we have successful governance.22:41
ikoniapersia: sorry, I worded that wrong, I agree that decisions shouldn't be made at UDS, there is a mailing list that we are obliged to subscribe to and meetings to discuss this22:42
elkythere's bureaucracy being made for the point of trying to prove that something is being done, whereby the something isn't really anything more than "creation of red tape"22:42
persiaikonia, Sure.  I agree.  I also think that UDS offers higher-bandwidth discussion space, and that it remains worth having discussions there, which ought be brought back to the mailing list and the meetings.22:42
PiciI suggest reading over yesterday's logs from this channel.  I'm not sure I want to have this same conversation again.22:42
elkyWhereas I suggest having it until it's fixed.22:43
persiaelky, bureaucracy is not my favourite means of governance, but any governance necessarily involves documentation and checks&balances.  Staying away from bureaucracy is tricky, but doable, especially so long as the means of raising changes remains open to all, rather than requiring approval (which I believe to be currently true)22:44
PiciI'd prefer constructive discussion.  Harping on the problems is useful once, but it gets old.22:44
* persia agrees with Pici in terms of implementation22:44
elkypersia, the bureacracy being created is slowing things that really need to be sped up, not slowed22:45
persiaelky, I understand your position.  I still think the best resolution would be to draft a counterproposal and add it to the agenda of the next meeting (preferably having sent it to the mailing list for discussion beforehand)22:46
persiaThis is not extremely lightweight, but anything less seems to result in constant complaints about people not getting informed.22:47
PiciAgreed.  This is one of the reasons why I suggested that we move our meeting times so that we aren't making decisions in a vaccuum.22:48
topylimaking them in vacuums would lighten the bureaucracy though! :)22:49
persiaYeah, but at a cost.22:49
topylilast joke, i promise :)22:49
persiaI dislike bureaucracy, but not to the extent of preferring anarchy.22:49
topylithere is no no agenda of "increasing bureaucracy" really. we need to make clear so that everyone may know how stuff is done. when it works badly, it will be changed22:53
topyliso "please lighten the bureaucracy" is not a real request. "please fix issue X" is22:54
elkytopyli, it's not 'lighten the bureaucracy', it's 'this isn't something that bureacracy is going to fix, rather it will make it worse'22:56
Seeker`ikonia: the decision was made in a meeting on the 9th October.22:56
elkyand when you make *more* processes you by default make more bureaucracy22:57
ikoniaI missed that meeting, so my fault22:57
Seeker`ikonia: It was decided that -ops would be treated like every other channel, and that nhandler would send a mail to the -irc list requesting applications.22:57
elkyikonia, i asked jussi to call you. i don't have your #22:57
Seeker`ikonia: I would point you to the meeting minutes, but nhandler assigned them to himself and hasn't gotten round to it yet.22:57
topyli*poke* :)22:58
Seeker`ikonia: i forgot about what happened in the meeting, and  I was there. It did take 25 days after the meeting to get the email out.22:58
Seeker`did jussi explicitly refuse to get in contact with ikonia about it?23:00
persiaSeeker`, So the UDS effect was more a matter of enforcing implementation of a previously agreed action than taking a decision?23:00
elkySeeker`, he refused to acknowledge my repeated requests. (this is about the uds session which ikonia wanted to discuss things)23:00
Seeker`persia: the decision to recruit ops for -ops was taken on the 9th october in an IRCC meeting.23:01
Seeker`persia: I don't know about the other channels23:01
elkyare we talking 2 different 'meetings' here?23:01
topylii didn't know the whole irc team has to collectively agree on whether or not more ops are needed somewhere23:02
Seeker`elky: I have no idea23:02
topylithe -ops issue was raised, and other channels were need as well. so more ops are being recruited23:02
persiaWe don't, although ops in any given channel do like to be consulted about getting more ops in that channel.23:02
topyli-ops ops requested more ops iirc23:03
Seeker`topyli: tbf, discussions that don't require privacy should take place in public23:03
topyliSeeker`: you honestly don't want *that* much noise here23:03
persiatopyli, That makes sense, and matches my memory of bundles of us clamouring for more ops here in the past.23:03
Seeker`topyli: doesn't have to be here. Should be somewhere though.23:04
Seeker`just so there is a public record of what was decided when23:04
nhandlerAnd to be fair, the agreed upon process does say that the email gets sent out when the IRCC notices the need for more OPs in a particular channel.23:04
Seeker`y'know, in the interests of procedure, transparency23:05
Seeker`nhandler: Yes, it does. That isn't the point being debated.23:05
Seeker`nhandler: the point being discussed is whether there should be visibility of the discussion that led up to the email being sent23:05
elkynhandler, does it also say to advertise it to the chaotic rabble that is #ubuntu-offtopic?23:05
=== jrib is now known as Guest37680
topylielky: yes the chaotic rabble over there is a good place23:06
Seeker`:O naughty jrib23:06
elkytopyli, i disagree23:06
topylii see that23:06
nhandlerelky: That is fine, you are welcome to disagree. And just because it is advertised there and people there *might* apply doesn't mean they will necessarily get accepted23:06
elkyluring the wrong people to apply is not going to end well, especially if they're the ones who already argue about op decisions23:07
Seeker`nhandler: do you believe that discussions by the IRCC about topics like whether more ops are needed should be kept private and hidden?23:07
nhandlerSeeker`: They weren't. As you saw by quoting meeting logs, the topic of recruiting more OPs has come up several times in public places23:08
topylielky: there are fine people in -ot23:08
Seeker`nhandler: the logs only showed discussion of more ops in here. Not #u or -ot23:08
elkytopyli, those fine people are also elsewhere23:08
elkytopyli, talk to signal. -ot is noise.23:08
topylielky: all of them? :o23:09
Seeker`yes, the topic has been adressed in public. But not all of the discussion was.23:09
elkytopyli, the majority, yes.23:09
Seeker`there is, believe it or not, a difference between "some" and "all223:09
elkythe loud, noisy, entitled majority.23:09
topyliwow the other place is big23:09
Seeker`nhandler: and I really wish you would stop picking up on technicalities that are tangential to the matter in hand in the hope of derailing the topic.23:10
persiaWait, we can't expect everything to happen somewhere visible to everyone.23:11
persiaIn development, there was a case of that happening during the maverick cycle: everything happened transparently and in public, and because of that, there wasn't much discussion, and nobody was happy with the implementation.23:11
persiaIt's better to have a mix of public and private discussion, to keep the discussions alive, and have public review and decision.23:12
Seeker`persia: why not? Surely all of this process and red tape that has been introduced is in the interests of transparency. Why shouldnt decisions that arent required to be hidden, be hidden#23:12
* persia asks for a reread23:12
Seeker`persia: but atm there isn't public discussion at all on some things23:12
elkypersia, and I wish that we were able to follow discretion, rather than walk a long, winding line of tape.23:12
Seeker`persia: things are discussed in private, annoucned, and thats it23:12
Seeker`and then because they have already been decided, require 3 months to get the matter brought up with all the interested parties present23:13
persiaSeeker`, In toto, I agree that's an issue, but I think the problem is with the "announced, and that's it" part, and I think arguing the discussion side only adds to our inability to act.23:13
Seeker`persia: pardon?23:13
persiaelky, How can't we?23:13
persiaSeeker`, I argue that private discussions are fine, as long as there are public proposals and public decisions.23:14
elkypersia, well we can. The reaction when we do isn't so favourable though.23:14
Seeker`persia: atm, all -irc discussions are public, because they happen on a public mailing list, or in logged channels23:14
persiaelky, I think that's something that has to be solved by specifics, unfortunately.23:14
elkyLike, for instance, when someone gets temporary ops to deal with a touchy situation.23:14
persiaSeeker`, Except for the bits that happen in /query, sure :)23:14
Seeker`the IRCC can make decisions totally in private, without any consultation from the people that the decisions actually make a difference to23:15
persiaSure, but doing so isn't likely to have them get appointed next time there's a selection cycle.23:15
=== Guest37680 is now known as jrib
persiaUbuntu isn't a democracy, at all, in any way.  That doesn't mean that the governors aren't subject to the will of the governed, only that it's more indirect.23:16
persiaSo I don't think it's a problem that the IRCC *can* do that.  I think it's irresponsible if they do that too much, and I suspect that they are more likely to be reconfirmed if they have a participative process to develop policy.23:17
persiaBut I'm getting to the edge of where I can have an opinion, sadly, because this is interesting.23:17
Seeker`persia: maybe it isn't, but the IRCCi s meant to ensure the smooth running of the Ubuntu IRC. At the moment, that isn't happening. There are nightly arguments between the IRCC and the people they are meant to be governing, along with an apparent dismissal of the opinions of people that aren't on the IRCC, but have served before, or been ops for a while, as irrelevant23:18
elkyThat's a chasm that's only appeared in the past 6 months23:20
elkyor maybe 9 months, but still. it never used to be there.23:20
Seeker`The fact that it has appeared at all shows that something is being done wrong.23:20
persiaSpeaking only as a junior OP, I agree with you.  I just happen to think we'd do better to document how we want it to work, submit that to the ML, and come to agreement in the meetings.23:20
elkythings weren't perfect before. but by $deity they are worse now.23:20
Seeker`persia: "junior op"?23:21
maco<persia> Sure, but doing so isn't likely to have them get appointed next time there's a selection cycle.  <--- unless they run uncontested....23:21
elkypersia, when im home and unpacked etc, I'm going to take a look at drafting a proposal23:21
elkymaco, oh, what happens then is that they dismiss the result of the nomination process and manufacture some23:21
persiamaco, Even then.  Read the charter.  IRCC is *appointed*.  Votes are only a means of providing input to the appointing body.23:22
Seeker`elky: have you confirmed your nomination yet?23:22
persiaSeeker`, Yes.  I'm an op in a bunch of obscure channels, and I'm most definitely not wearing any other hats for the purposes of this discussion.23:22
elkySeeker`, i'm talking about last time23:22
persiaelky, Cool.  Thanks for taking that up.23:23
Seeker`elky: I was just asking about this time, as I haven't recieved an email from the IRCC like I asked to say you had23:23
elkySeeker`, but yes, i keep meaning to send that mail, but this involves arguing with squirrelmail on dreamhost which isn't so pretty. i only have my work notebook with me23:23
Seeker`heh, thats what I use :P23:23
Seeker`persia: your opinion is just as valid23:23
elkydo you have to wade through ubuntu-user mailing list spam?23:24
Seeker`persia: we don't really have "junior" and "senior" ops23:24
Seeker`elky: not subscribed to that one, but I redirect mailing lists to different folders23:24
persiaSeeker`, fair.  I just wanted to be extra clear that I'm not in any way speaking as CC.23:24
elkySeeker`, oh, im not subscribed either. im just still listed as a mod, which means all kinds of mail finds me in all kinds of ways23:24
elkyit's how i find out when new lists appear. all "oh, i haven't seen that ML name before..."23:25
popeyRad- looks suspicious23:25
popeyin #u23:25
Jordan_URad- in #ubuntu is likely a troll.23:25
popeyelky: would you like to be removed as a mod?23:26
popey(of ubuntu-users)23:26
ikonianight all23:26
elkypopey, i think so. it's no point if im not getting the mails to mod, eh23:26
elkypopey, i only found out this week that i was still listed as mod. i didn't even think that unsubscribing didn't alter that.23:26
popeyelky: done23:27
elkypopey, <323:27
elkyalso, I was sad at the lack of marmite party :(23:27
popeywut wut wut!23:27
persiaThere was a lack of marmite party?  Where?  When?23:27
elkyat UDS :(23:28
elkyAt least, i wasn't made aware of it.23:28
popeySomething Must Be Done!23:28
persiaWhich night?23:28
persiaWhat?  How can you be sad at a party you weren't made aware of?23:28
elkypersia, because popey promised me one :(23:28
popeyi couldn't get to UDS :(23:28
elkyBut then there was a lack of popey23:28
persiapopey got stuck on the wrong side of the atlantic, as far as I could tell.23:28
persiapopey, So next time you'll carefully organise a party without permitting any marmite?23:29
* popey hugs his marmite XO23:29
elkypopey, i have however now tasted british marmite though. A friend in SF had some.23:29
elkyI waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant23:29
Seeker`you'll have to come here elky23:29
elkyit's like a whole different *mite, and equally nommable23:30
elkySeeker`, you need to move your country closer :(23:30
Seeker`marmite <323:30
popeyhttp://twitter.com/popey/status/329575536009216 for elky23:32
elkyI promise, I'm not licking my screen.23:33
elkyReally. I swear I"m not.23:34
* persia hands elky an alcohol wipe23:36
Seeker`mmmm, TFT goodness? :P23:36
Seeker`Has the IRCC ever considered a referendum of the op team on issues that are obviously causing a rift between the IRCC and op team?23:54
persiais there a list of those?23:54
Seeker`a list of what?23:54
persia" issues that are obviously causing a rift between the IRCC and op team"23:55
persiaI don't think a call for opinions (or votes) for a list of issues that doesn't exist can help.23:55
Seeker`well, one seems to be the defintion of what a core-ops is23:56
persiaIf there is a list, we need to identify positions for each of them, and then we can poll.23:56
Seeker`how ops are chosen in here is another (although related)23:56
Seeker`and there seems to be a general dissatifaction about the timelyness of IRCC decisions, although that isn't really something you can construction a motion to vote on23:57
Seeker`elky: anything I've missed?23:57
persiatimeliness is problematic over the entirely of Ubuntu governance, sadly23:58
* persia is part of the problem, and feels appropriately guilty, and still doesn't have a solution23:58
Seeker`persia: It took 25 days between the decision being taken to recruit more ops in here and the email being sent23:59

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