
itnet7ninksink: to answer your question earlier, I personally haven't doned anything involving LogRhythm18:54
itnet7Hey there n3gbz !19:00
itnet7How are you doing?19:01
n3gbzPretty good, thanks, how about you?19:02
itnet7also good19:03
n3gbzI'm still in Orlando; start back to Pennsylvania on Saturday19:05
itnet7n3gbz: cool! Have you had a chance to rest? Or working?19:05
n3gbzlittle of both19:06
itnet7hey there19:38
epidemicwhere's the agenda for the 2nd?20:06
=== epidemic is now known as Epidemic
itnet7Epidemic: there wasn't one, no one added anything20:08
itnet7do you mean the minutes?20:08
itnet7I will put them up tonight20:08
Epidemicanything for the meeting, was at least trying to catch up with what was being discussed and what's coming up20:09
itnet7We only discussed doing an installfest in Miami area, I will try to get the logs up, the mootbot was down20:09
itnet7We also posted links for pictures from UDS20:12
itnet7crashsystems1: feeling any better?20:21
Epidemicwhat was the cause of the nausea?20:22
crashsystems1Some food just decided it did not like me. Happens rather often20:22
EpidemicI know something that'll make you feel better.... Here's an internet speedtest I ran at a cusotmers site... http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/435/screenshot20101104at347.png20:24
crashsystems1How is that supposed to make me feel better? 20:28
Epidemicthat you don't have that horrible bandwidth20:37
crashsystems1Good point20:41
Epidemicfeeling better now? :)20:41
govatentare there any tips to make evolution go quicker? 22:39
mhall119what version are you running?22:49
mhall119govatent: ^^22:51
mhall119hmm, that version has no more bonobo, so it should automatically be faster23:09
mhall119do you have any web calendars?  I've noticed it stalls while those are being loaded23:09

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