
nlawsonwhat does that mean for drupal?16:34
nlawsonand do any of you frequent reddit?16:34
nlawsonwhat are some of your choice subreddits?16:34
greyfox-nlawson: ubuntu linux columbus cfb pics geek funny movies muci listentothis scifi sports16:52
greyfox-the list goes on...16:52
greyfox-muci = music16:53
thafreakeh, there are plenty of projects out there forking mysql, drupal will be fine17:03
thafreakbesides, it already supports postgres doesn't it? Most feel that postgres is a better db than mysql anyway...17:03
thafreakAnd most of the forks aim to provide drop in replacements for mysql....like mariadb, and I think drizzle speaks the current mysql protocol17:04
thafreakin fact, mariadb was actually started by the guy who started mysql...he didn't like what Sun was doing, so he left17:05
thafreakbut he was thinking ahead, he named his project maria, so you can still call the stack "L.A.M.P"17:06
deejoecut up, Maria!  Show me some of them Spanish dances.17:14
canthus13Wow. Counting Crows...17:21
thafreakAny of you aware that the actual 4G spec is supposed to offer 100Mbps for "high mobility" devices (cell phones)19:13
thafreakand up to 1Gbps on "lower mobility" devices...19:13
thafreakI'm sorry, but sprint, verizon, etc don't have a 4g network...19:14
thafreakbah, how do big companies get away with this crap19:14
* BiosElement has never quite seen the point in faster networks...all it means is you get to hit the 5mb cap in 30 seconds instead of 4 minutes.19:18
deejoeBiosElement: e-nis bragging rights19:30
BiosElementHeh, probably19:30
thafreakgood point19:50
Cheri703you guys would appreciate this: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs243.snc4/39510_417673063213_580943213_4884720_5756053_n.jpg21:34
Cheri703it made me chuckle21:34
Cheri703nice canthus1321:34
* BiosElement is working up bullet points for his apparent talk on monday >.>23:24

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