
=== jledbetter_ is now known as jledbetter
jledbetterSubmit! http://geekfeminism.org/2010/11/04/wednesday-geek-woman-submissions/17:05
pleia2jledbetter started (thank you!), but can others who attended the session have a look at this and update our blueprint based on notes? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+spec/ubuntutheproject-community-n-ubuntu-women-project-goals19:25
jledbetterpleia2, You're welcome :)19:26
pleia2thanks Pendulum! :)20:10
AlanBellwas the world playday thing going to be done on Ada Lovelace day or not at all or something? I got confused by that bit.20:14
pleia2I was confused by that too20:16
czajkowskias far as I can remember it was to be done on the day20:20
czajkowskiI left early in the session as I'd had enough20:20
czajkowskithough Pendulum did a really good job of leading the session, so thank you for that20:21
PendulumI think the idea thata elky had was that we run all the competitions on the same day20:33
Pendulumone for older girls and one for younger ones20:33
jledbetterYes, that's what I got too. Different age groups on the same day. Wasn't sure who was lead though.20:45
Pendulumwe didn't set one20:52
Pendulumelky was to e-mail the list about setting it up20:52
PendulumI suspect it won't happen until she's home next week, though20:52

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