
ScottLstochastic, part of my original concern was who was available to effect the change, those that were preferred wordpress00:21
ScottLi don't particularly favour one or the other00:22
ScottLhowever, that was the viable path at the time, but then you commented that per the security team wordpress was verboten00:22
ScottLand i wanted to mention to you that it appears considerations might have changed since then00:23
ScottLhowever, i am very happy and relieved that it appears you will be involved with the website update :)00:24
ScottLgood morning abogani , astraljava , AutoStatic , paultag , persia , stochastic , and everyone else :)10:59
* ScottL is off to work11:00
aboganiScottL: Good morning to you!11:03
AutoStaticGood morning11:28
paultagmorning there ScottL 11:31
scott-workpersia: i have concern about the "clean procedure" you mentioned from the UKT about getting the -lowlatency kernel into natty12:59
scott-workspecifically, i would prefer to get the procedure soon so we can get the kernel into natty and begin testing12:59
scott-worki worry that without prompting we might not see the procedure towards the end of the development cycle for natty13:00
scott-workdo you have a contact with UKT that we can contact?13:00
astraljavaMorning scott-work!13:18
persiascott-work, I think we'd all like to get the procedure soon.  I think it won't be near the end of the cycle, as there's lots of folks who will be pushing non-UKT kernels this cycle.  I expect we'll be given a contact by next week (this week ends up with a lot of sorting through UDS leftovers and task assignments).13:44
scott-workpersia: oustanding!  sorry if i seem impatient but i wanted to stay on top of this  :)14:06
scott-workastraljava: good morning :)  have you had a chance to review any potential backport applications from maverick for lucid ?14:06
quadrisprohi scott-work, persia 14:12
scott-workhi quadrispro, i saw that swh-lv2 is accepted!  that was quite surprising14:27
persiascott-work, In your role, impatience is an asset :)14:42
quadrisproI'm writing a short summary of new multimedia packages which has joined Debian recently, hope to send to the ML as soon as possible14:45
quadrispronow I have to leave, see you later14:45
* scott-work hugs quadrispro even though he left already14:59
paultagheh :)15:00
jussiscott-work: have we got access to the website sorted yet?15:50
scott-workjussi: sadly, no.  but i haven't been bugging anyone lately either, so it's partly my fault as well15:54
scott-workhowever, i did file a ticket for it15:54
jussiscott-work: I saw the ticket :D15:54
jussialso saw 2 very old tickets still open from cory and luis15:55
scott-worklol, i saw luis's old ticket but not cory's15:57
scott-workjussi:  persia proffered excellent advice to bug someone on #canincal-sysadmin every 29 hours which i plan to effect when a few items settle down for me16:04
astraljavascott-work: Sorry, not yet. Last two weeks have been crazy. Things will slow down after the weekend, so I'm hoping to have some chances for hobbies as well then.18:17
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jussiscott-work: I asked about that issue with the website - they said it was "non trivial" ie. they couldnt do it right at this second. please keep bugging them19:28
scott-workjussi: thank you for checking on it!  :)19:33
scott-workI will certainly start bugging them and keeping at it soon, but i think we're probably two months away from directly needed access to the site19:33
scott-workstochastic has a copy of the site on his local machine and he has access as well19:34
persiaScottL, You'll want to subscribe to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours to get informed when the document on additional kernel flavours is completed.22:32

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