
=== grumbl is now known as grumbl69
grumbl69any experts in ?00:20
Kerio2i have just installed ubuntu studio and am trying to choose a rt kernel but i cant find one. is it possible to install one from synaptic?14:43
AutoStaticHello Kerio2, Ubuntu Studio 10.10?14:47
AutoStatic10.10 doesn't have a realtime kernel14:48
Kerio2really? :(14:48
Kerio2could you recommend one that does?14:49
Kerio2allright, will try it! thank you for your help AutoStatic14:50
AutoStaticYou're welcome14:50
AutoStatichope it isn't too much of a bummer that you have to downgrade14:51
Kerio2installing on virtual machine so no biggie :)14:51
Kerio2trying it out before i go live14:51
Kerio2looking for a good kernel to run counter strike gameserver on14:52
Kerio2i have tried http://wiki.fragaholics.de/index.php/EN:Linux_Kernel_Optimization several times but i cant get it to work14:53
Kerio2so i am looking for other options14:53
* persia idly mentions that running an RT kernel in a VM is likely to be *slower* and have *more* latency than a -generic kernel, especially if the kernel for the host machine isn't RT (but even if it is).15:34
MystekJust curious is it possible to run the jackd through a VM?18:18
persiaYes, but expect fairly high latency18:18
holsteinyou can dual boot easy enough18:19
MystekI know, I just hate having to reboot and I tinker more with linux.18:20
holsteini would suspect tinkering with the VM would be more of a drag than rebooting18:20
holsteindepending on what your trying to do18:20
MystekThe problem is this computer's soudncard is causing me problems in even Windows 7, otherwise I only have a legacy m-audio device18:20
persiaOr run whatever you use less in the VM18:20
persiaWhich card?18:20
MystekSo I've never got much performance out of linux18:21
MystekIt's a Realtek HD Audio18:21
MystekPlus I'm running 64 bits18:21
MystekSo I had to basically uninstall the drivers and then let Windows handle them18:21
MystekBut I get a PCM error from VirtualBox and Jack crashes18:22
persiaTry with a liveCD: that ought work fine.  Realtek is getting better and better support these days.18:22
MystekOn Windows it was pretty glitchy until I removed the drivers18:23
MystekI should try the m-audio card18:24
persiaYeah, well.  Different driver writers, different priorities.  I doubt anyone here can speak for Windows kernels.18:24
MystekIt's weird because OSS works I believe18:24
MystekGnome works with OSS right or is this a PulseAudio thing?18:26
MystekSorry I have a BSD background18:26
holsteinMystek: cool18:28
holsteinthat should serve you well18:28
holsteinMystek: what maudio card is it?18:28
holsteinthe realtik should work fine18:28
holsteini have one18:28
holsteina couple acutally18:29
holsteinand they work fine18:29
holsteinjust ubuntu18:29
holsteinthis is where i check18:30
holsteini usually check there18:30
persiaBy default, Ubuntu is JACK or Pulse running against an ALSA backend.18:30
holsteintry live CD's18:30
holsteinrun lspci18:30
holsteinaplay -l18:30
MystekOk pulseaudio is running18:30
holsteinarecord -l18:30
MystekI couldn't kill it18:30
persia`pulseaudio -k` should work.18:30
holsteintry and get an idea of compatibility before installing18:30
holsteinlaunching jack control should suspend pulse right?18:31
holsteinor is that changed now in maverick?18:31
MystekOk my card came up in aplay18:31
MystekJackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, skip cycle Released audio card Audio018:32
MystekThat's what happens18:32
MystekIn qjackctl18:33
persiaThis is on HW, or on the VM?18:33
MystekAnd also when I run the command18:33
MystekThrough the VM18:33
persiaSo, first thing to hunt is the quality of the ALSA drivers for the emulated soundcard.  My experience is that they tend to have limited coverage.18:34
persiaWhich soundcard are you emulating?18:34
Mystekcard 0: I82801AAICH [Intel 82801AA-ICH], device 0: Intel ICH [Intel 82801AA-ICH]18:34
MystekBut I think it might have happened with the SB too?18:35
persiaThat ought be OK.  Hrm.18:35
holsteinit should18:35
holsteinMystek: is this maverick?18:35
holsteini would suggest getting a lucid live CD18:36
persiaWhich VM engine are you using?18:36
holsteinand run those commands18:36
* persia agrees with holstein: working with real hardware is much more likely to be a pleasant experience for audio18:36
MystekI guess I can just dual boot18:36
persiaDoes booting into Ubuntu work, and it only has issues in the VM?18:36
MystekNot like I don't have a TB and a half :P18:36
MystekYeah it's working great in the VM18:37
MystekSound works18:37
holsteinMystek: run the live CD18:37
MystekJust can't get Jack running18:37
holsteinand feel free to ask questions here before you 'pull the trigger'18:37
persiaJACK exercises the audio drivers a bit more than some other things :)18:37
MystekWould using portaudio work in the VM?18:38
MystekLet's see if I can compile a CS score18:39
MystekI was just curious about what I could do in the VM18:40
holsteinmost anything18:40
holsteinjust slower18:40
holsteinand probably not pro-audio18:40
persiaEverything should work fine, to the limits of the drivers, *except* that running anything in a VM is inherently is in a separate continuity, so you won't be able to trust any timings.18:40
holsteinive never even considered trying it18:40
MystekI was also jsut trying to see where the state of software was at. I haven't booted Linux in like years...18:41
persiaIt got better :)18:41
MystekAre VSTs supported better?18:41
holsteinlinux native vst's run great ;)18:42
persiaThere's some support for foreign VSTs, under WINE, but it's a bit awkward.18:42
holsteinask whoever makes the vst's18:42
MystekI guess it would just make more sense to dual boot18:48
MystekI'm just rather busy and like to multitask18:48
MystekBut just playing around in here, gave me a new idea18:49
holsteinyeah, run windows in VM ;)18:50
MystekI'm not that sold on Linux18:51
MystekI still like Windows for a lot of things18:51
MystekA problem with Linux is that it's almost too customizable18:52
MystekSo you get distracted a lot and blobbing can still be an issue18:52
MystekAnd of course noobs :]18:52
MystekOr devels having to take time to support18:53
persiaFolks who do support mostly volunteer, so don't worry about that.18:53
holsteinnothing like JACK though18:53
holsteinfor audio18:54
persiaIn Ubuntu, we tend towards opinionated defaults: all the choice is there behind the scenes, but we're happy to tell you how we think you should do it, so you don't have to do all the customisation.18:54
holsteini mean, i guess you can run JACK in windows and OSX18:54
holsteinbut the supported apps are not really there18:54
MystekWell, what I'm really looking to do is work with portaudio18:54
MystekBut also make some cool stuff in the software that's available18:55
MystekWhich is why I'm here18:55
MystekEven though I mainly develop for Windows18:55
holsteinMystek: glad you found us :)18:55
MystekSo what's the deal with Root now, is there no root?18:56
MystekI noticed I could only sudo18:57
persiaThere's a root, but nobody uses it, and it has no password by default.18:58
persiaroot mostly just owns files.18:58
MystekAlright off to install. Thanks, ttyl.19:09
royvegardAfter upgrading to 10.10 I no longer have access permission to my firewire Alesis MultiMix16.19:56
holsteinroyvegard: drag19:56
holsteinJACK wont start?19:56
holsteintry sudo qjackctl19:56
holsteinjust to make sure its permissions19:56
persia(note that if this works, there's still stuff to be done, as running in sudo means clients can't connect)19:57
holsteinyeah, you dont want to run JACK as root normally19:57
holsteinyou have to run everything else as root, and thats not ideal19:58
holsteinhave a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firewire19:58
royvegardsudo works, and I can change the permissions of the /dev/fw*, but whenever i turn off my mixer /dev/fw is "recreated"19:58
holsteinthis is down the page a bit echo 'KERNEL=="raw1394", GROUP="video", MODE="0664"' |19:58
holsteinsudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/50-raw1394.rules19:58
holsteinyou'll see it there ^^^ at that link19:58
holsteinthat and sudo adduser royvegard audio19:59
holsteinsudo adduser royvegard video19:59
holstein*should* do the trick19:59
royvegardI'll try that...19:59
holsteinroyvegard: works for me with a presonus firepod20:00
persiaWe really need to track down why.  Users shouldn't need to be in the audio group anymore.20:00
holsteinpersia: i havent tried not adding in maverick20:00
royvegardBTW it worked fine on 10.0420:00
holsteinroyvegard: i did an upgrade from karmic to lucid20:01
holsteinand i had to redo those changes20:01
persiaholstein, I'm sure there's still several leftovers: the kernel bits were fixed, but would need someone digging a fair bit through all the use cases to know it's no longer needed for userspace.20:02
holsteinpersia: when i get around to doing some natty test20:02
holsteini'll try and remember to go step by step20:02
holsteinand try the firepod20:03
holsteinin between each step20:03
holsteinsee what is not needed anymore20:03
royvegardholstein: Doesn't seem to work. Should there be two == after KERNEL?20:12
holsteinroyvegard: you'll need to logout and back in20:12
holsteinroyvegard: and yeah, check that link20:12
holsteinecho 'KERNEL=="raw1394", GROUP="video", MODE="0664"' |20:12
holsteinsudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/50-raw1394.rules20:12
holsteinits about half way down Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)20:13
holsteinEverything should just work if you paste this in your terminal, and reboot:20:13
holstein^^ looks like that20:13
holsteini might have missed something in the copy and paste20:13
royvegardI got it to work by replacing raw1394 with fw1.20:26
royvegardDoy you have fw1 and fw0 in /dev ?20:27
holsteinits very challening to keep a simple 'how-to' going20:27
holsteinroyvegard: i'll have to look20:27
holsteinBUT, im running lucid20:27
holsteinand that above as-is worked for my firepod20:28
holsteini'll look when i go boot everything up here in a while20:28
royvegardWhen I was running lucid it worked fine and I never checked if I had fw0 and fw1. It would be interesting to see if you have them, or if you only have raw1394.20:32
persiaThat's probably a side effect of the new FW stack, which is a good thing, because it can tell the difference between different device classes.20:39
holsteinmaybe a step toward using multiple FW devices again :)20:40
persiaPrecisely.  I think that landed for maverick, but I haven't played with it much yet (my firewire disk enclosure is somewhere in the boxes yet to be unpacked from my recent move)20:41
Nils^hey. Next version without seq24, lilypond and audacity?22:59
persiaThat's the current idea.  All three will be available on demand, just not present by default.23:00
persiaseq24 is an *excellent* live sequencer.23:00
persiaBut there doesn't seem to be that many live users: most seem to want to use a sequencer for composition, and other tools are stronger at that.23:01
holsteinNils^: nothing is getting pulled from the repos23:01
persialilypond produces beautiful scores, but it's been historically hard to maintain, and musescore has some handy features that make it easier for folks new to the tools.23:01
persiaI forget why audacity was being dropped: someone might want to write up a use case for cleaning up audio to get it back.23:02

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