[00:42] If anyone has questions, don't hesitate to ask, we're here to help! :D [01:05] bug #1 [01:05] Launchpad bug 1 in tilix (and 20 other projects) "Microsoft has a majority market share (affects: 609) (heat: 3042)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 [01:05] OK, good. [01:05] bug #671232 [01:05] paultag: Bug 671232 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/671232 is private [01:05] Legit. [01:05] Much love ubot2 [01:05] whoa whoa whoa [01:06] paultag: you just pop in and first thing you do is speak with the bot?? wheres the love for mankind!?!?!? [01:06] stlsaint, hey :3 [01:06] stlsaint, the loco tools I've been writing have been kicking ass [01:07] ubot2 is a fork or something? [01:07] stlsaint: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [01:07] what the....... [01:08] stlsaint, hum? [01:08] stlsaint, can you test my script, please? :) [01:09] paultag: sure bbuuuuudddddyyyy [01:09] stlsaint, bzr branch lp:locolint [01:10] stlsaint, cd locolint [01:10] stlsaint, ./lca report-issue [01:10] stlsaint, see if you can do that. Let me know any errors you run into [01:10] aye, one sec [01:10] stlsaint, you rock :) [01:12] paultag: it opened up lp and asked me what level do i want to grant loco audit [01:12] stlsaint, change anything [01:12] stlsaint, sorry, I should have noted that. Because it needs to file a new bug [01:13] alright i selected change anything...came back to terminal and hit enter...now its runnign stuffs :D [01:14] ohhhh this is a smart script :D [01:14] stlsaint, :) [01:14] stlsaint, I wrote it, expect nothing less ;) [01:15] true true [01:16] alright well i really dont have a bug to file against the texas team :P [01:16] stlsaint, make one up, I'm going to close it right away anyway [01:16] stlsaint, make a note you're testing [01:16] oohh ok [01:16] alright we have an issue [01:16] stlsaint, oh? [01:17] stlsaint, what bug ID? [01:17] nope, i cant get past this first part of script where it ask me what team i want to file against [01:17] i only have on and its ID is 0 [01:17] so i enter 0 and i get: Whoh now, enter something between 0 and 0 [01:17] hahahahaha [01:17] awesome [01:18] Thanks stlsaint, just a moment [01:18] close this process? [01:19] stlsaint, yeah, i'll have you update in a sec [01:19] stlsaint, try a "bzr pull lp:locolint" [01:19] stlsaint, then try one more time for me, if you would [01:20] i see your using my beloved python you sly dog you :D [01:21] stlsaint, :) [01:22] paultag: LP Bug #671237 [01:22] stlsaint: Bug 671237 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/671237 is private [01:22] stlsaint, sweet, thanks man :) [01:22] np [01:23] i like that also...it will file against any loco team your on...nice [01:23] stlsaint, :) [01:23] stlsaint, just working out how I can get to it, let it hang :) [01:27] paultag: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-locoteams/+bug/671237 [01:27] stlsaint: Error: Bug #671237 is private. [01:28] stlsaint, Yuppers, it's just that it's private and I forgot to set the LC as the supervisor ( and I can't because I'm not an LC Admin ) [01:29] lol, ha, so what do i do with bug? [01:41] stlsaint, nothing, it's a great test [01:41] stlsaint, thanks :) [01:42] okies [01:42] stlsaint, you rock, 10 paultag points :) [01:43] hells yeas!! W00T! [01:43] paultag: wait...redeemable points yes?? [01:44] yup [01:44] but not with ldap [01:44] dammit [01:44] opps sorry [01:44] haha [01:55] stlsaint, have time to do one more test? ( and do you mind removing ( marking fix released ) on the bug you're on now ) ? [01:56] paultag: aye, lets do this!!! [01:56] stlsaint, sec :) [02:00] stlsaint, just need to quadruple check it's OK here before I have you do it [02:00] roger that! [02:00] :) [02:01] stlsaint, the bugs were not getting subscribed. Dummy move by me :) [02:01] smh...rookie [02:02] :) [02:02] Not bad for an undocumented API [02:02] I could really use docs [02:03] how would you document this script...its plenty self explanitory [02:04] stlsaint, I wrote it -- yeah [02:04] stlsaint, but the launchpad API is undocumented [02:05] touche [02:07] stlsaint, OK, give it a push and a test. Muchos Nachos! [02:08] Ordering some food, take your time stlsaint [02:12] stlsaint, is it running? [02:12] paultag: one sec sire [02:12] sure [02:13] pulling again...not sure if i was suppose to or not :P [02:13] stlsaint, yeah you should :) [02:13] stlsaint, it should update one locolint/function/ file [02:14] LP Bug #671253 [02:14] stlsaint: Bug 671253 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/671253 is private [02:15] stlsaint, rocking. You rule :) [02:15] 10 more points?? :D [02:15] stlsaint, yessir! [02:15] * stlsaint gives evil mad scientis laugh at thoughts of redeeming points :D [02:21] paultag: close bug now? [02:21] stlsaint, already did [02:21] stlsaint, looks great, you rock [02:22] oh ok [02:22] cool [02:22] stlsaint, you made a happy loco council :) [02:23] sweet [02:41] I have an autorun.sh on an eSATA drive that I would like to run when I plug it in...how would I go about automounting the drive? [02:50] PCChris, I think XDG can do it, but it's not like Windows [02:50] PCChris, that's really insecure, so we try and not do that [02:52] paultag, so what I'm trying to do overall is have it so when I plug in this drive it runs a script prompting me whether I want to synchronize or not [02:52] PCChris, you might be able to do some HAL magic, but it's really insecure -- what if someone ( John Q. Hacker ) plugs in a drive with an autorun script that runs rm -rf ~ [02:52] PCChris, there's a reason Windows is so easy to hack ;) [02:53] PCChris, you might be able to do something with checking the USB vendor / product ID and using that to run a local script [02:53] paultag, yeah....that's what I was about to ask [02:53] paultag, the sync/prompt script and everything is actually local, so any advice on how to do that? [02:54] PCChris, sure :) [02:54] PCChris, let me find links [02:54] PCChris, http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html#external-run [02:56] paultag, ok, thanks....one question: does anything special need to be done if the drive is eSATA? [02:57] PCChris, Nope! Linux treats all devices of the same type the same way [02:57] PCChris, if it's a IDE HD, SATA drive, eSATA drive, or USB disk, it's all the same [03:00] paultag, thanks, I'll give it a go [03:00] PCChris, rock on! === swordfish is now known as genupulas [03:36] my empathy not showing online gmail contacts.....can any one help me please [03:39] paultag, ok, I have this udev entry and when I do udevadm test /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sdc/sdc1 it says at the end that it runs the command that I want(I'm using gnome-terminal for testing purposes) -- Should Gnome terminal pop up? [03:48] PCChris, don't think so [03:48] PCChris, it's not hooked up to your display or anything [03:49] PCChris, udev is a daemon -- have it run a test script that touches something [03:54] I'm afraid I'm a bit lost...so far I have my .rules file and I told udev to reload rules through udevadm [03:54] paultag, [03:54] humm [03:54] Ahha :) [03:54] PCChris, Linux is not like windows -- there's a whole system running [03:54] PCChris, the computer is not just the display and what you're doing on the screen [03:55] PCChris, lots and lots of stuff runs screen-less. udev is one of those things. It sits in the background without even being aware there's a monitor on the computer [03:55] PCChris, so if you run gnome-terminal, it will fail -- since, after all, you can have as many monitors as you want, just saying run the command is ambiguous [03:56] PCChris, so instead, run a command in the script that you're running that will touch a file [03:56] paultag, ok will do [03:56] PCChris, :) [04:08] paultag, so....when I do the test run with udevadm test /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sdc/sdc1 it says that the touch would be executed...however, plugging in the device does not seem to trigger this [04:09] paultag, here's the rules file: [04:09] KERNEL=="sdc1", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ATTR{size}=="1638951237", RUN+="touch /home/chris/workingudev" [04:09] paultag, I should be able to take out the ATTR{size}, but as I was saying in the test it said it would execute the touch....so idk what's wrong [04:27] paultag, I MADE PROGRESS! (and yes, that did deserve all caps) [04:28] PCChris, :D [04:29] paultag, so I got the touch to work...now I just want to know if there's a way for the rule to start a graphical program (ie terminal) on an X screen I already have up [04:30] PCChris, not easily, but kinda [04:30] PCChris, I'd avoid that [04:30] :/ [04:32] paultag, well, thank you for all your help [04:33] PCChris, godspeed! [05:44] I would like to stop the "extra" folders being created when creating a new user (in /home/newuser/ directory). Does anyone know where I should be looking? [06:27] narrowing it down... the adduser command is not what creates those extra folders, seems to be the first time gnome is run... [07:23] [07:41] Hi all [07:51] Greetings all... ready too learn :D [07:52] what do you want to learn today? [07:55] As much as possible (and seeing as I know so little I will learn from just about any question here today I am sure) :) [08:09] nlsthzn, you might also want to drop in to #ubuntu [08:09] high traffic but good questions and some answers [08:10] UndiFineD: I have tried a few times... a bit hectic for me... maybe if I have a few hours to "just" do that I will try again, thanks for the idea, appreciated... [08:11] with xchat you can coloize nicknames, which makes it a bit eassier [08:12] colorize* [08:12] hello all [08:12] hello varunit [08:12] i have a problem with totem player can anyone help me? [08:12] Busy giving Empathy one last chance to do my IRC too... I like the integration it has with the notifications etc. [08:13] heh [08:13] thanks unidfined [08:13] i will explain my problem now... [08:13] even at UDS they declared empathy useles for IRC [08:14] when i remove totem it also removes nautilus audio-video properties [08:14] and getting an error dialog box [08:14] and so in the future it will most likely point to freenodes webchat [08:15] hmm, I do not use totem, but vlc , I have it installed though [08:15] ya.. i want to remove it [08:15] when i remove totem it also removes nautilus audio-video properties [08:16] seems logical [08:16] what could be the problem? [08:16] they are interconnected, as totem renders the little picture to show the movie stillframe [08:17] oh.. how to get rid of this [08:17] when i right click to open any video file displays an error dialog box... [08:18] sudo apt-get remove totem [08:18] i am doing this in fedora.. [08:18] please help me [08:18] varunit: lol [08:18] fedora hmmm [08:18] because no one is responding there... [08:18] sorry, this being a Ubuntu channel [08:19] i would like to remove fedora.. just want to know the reason [08:19] I have to look up rpm commands [08:19] one sec [08:19] ok.. sure thanks.. [08:19] varunit: Doesn't Fedora also have a GUI add remove application? [08:19] yes nlsthzn it has [08:19] varunit: and you can't search and select totem? [08:20] i tried to remove totem from add/remove but the problem is it also removes audio-video properties [08:20] # rpm --help [08:20] The program 'rpm' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: [08:20] apt-get install rpm [08:20] root@head:~/Python/Python Challenge# apt-get install rpm [08:20] i tried to remove totem from add/remove but the problem is it also removes audio-video properties [08:20] and i am getting an error when i right click to open any video file displays an error dialog box [08:21] varunit: what application to play video do you have installed now? [08:21] i have vlc now.. [08:21] varunit: so you can play video, but not get the properties? [08:21] yes.. the same [08:22] i am getting the properties after clicking ok in the error dialog box.. [08:22] varunit: Where you maybe able to see what packages where removed with totem? [08:22] i will post the error message now [08:22] Couldn't load the 'properties.ui' interface. The file does not exist. [08:22] make sure that totem is properly installed [08:23] UndiFineD: Empathy is ok for IRC one on one... I suspect that is why the main #ubuntu channel isn't working for me, because as soon as more than two people are posting it fails :) [08:23] not sure ofcourse, but --allmatches remove all packages which match [08:23] Couldn't load the 'properties.ui' interface. The file does not exist.. make sure that totem is properly installed [08:24] nlsthzn, and xchat is not ok for you ? [08:24] varunit: why do you want totem uninstalled... you can have it and vlc at the same time [08:24] yes.. but [08:24] i used to remove it after i have installed a fresh copy of linux [08:25] i have done without any problem in ubuntu.. but the problem is in fedora14 [08:25] could you please help me? [08:25] UndiFineD: I was using XChat and I loved it... just trying to stream line my Ubuntu experience... using all the tools the way the developers had intended it (using Empahty, Evolution, Gwibber etc.) [08:26] nlsthzn: try irssi :D [08:26] but totem is used by nautilus anyway, you can leave it there, and have videofiles opened by vlc as default [08:26] yes thanks any other way to remove totem.. [08:26] varunit: To be honsest I have just again came back from a few days of distro hopping back to Ubuntu because it is the one I am starting to understand the most and it does all I need... Your best bet is Fedora forum maybe... good luck [08:27] when you remove totem, it will ALWAYS remove audio-video properties [08:27] JoeMaverickSett: irssi... not heard of... will have a look thx [08:27] i am going to remove this fedora.. [08:27] nlsthzn: http://www.irssi.org [08:27] thanks nlsthzn for your kind help.. :) [08:28] ?is it same happened in ubuntu [08:28] varunit, pick up ubuntu and we may help you much better [08:28] sure thanks.. i have requested a free cd of 10.10 :) [08:29] JoeMaverickSett: Any reason you suggest irssi... having a look at the website now but would like a users input :) [08:30] is it the same ?, yes and no, ubuntu totem does work for most of my videos, but installing the -good - bad- ugly plugins and vlc, plays all for me [08:30] thank you very much for the help [08:30] vlc just runs side-by-side to toem for me [08:30] varunit: If you want you can download a ISO and go Ubuntu sooner ;) [08:31] ya.. i know.. :) [08:31] i have several other problem in ubuntu installing DB2 also [08:31] i will install ubuntu and will return here for help... [08:31] nlsthzn: well, as i'm fascinated by the cli, i try to use it as my knowldege could go, and irssi is a cli based irc client, so, i use it alot. that's all. :D [08:32] can you give me your mail id nlsthzn? so that i can ask my problems by mailing you.. can you? [08:32] also, fedora is mostly a distribution for developers, and ubuntu is much more daily user / beginner friendly [08:32] Ok :) (explains a bit the lack of screenshots on the site) ... think I will go back to XChat for now :D [08:33] nlsthzn: hehe! :D [08:33] rightly said undifined [08:33] good morning team [08:34] good morning, Puck` :) [08:34] varunit: give me a sec to switch clients and I will be back ;) [08:34] sure.. [08:35] as is state on my wiki, I have used many distro 's since 1995, but last year I wanted to use something easy, which simply works for me and the family, ubuntu has been a smooth ride since version 8.04 [08:36] yes nlsthzn your mail id please? [08:40] XChat again :D feels like home [08:41] I wish xchat had a horizontal split, so I could watch 2 channels at the same time [08:42] UndiFineD, true =]. I am watching 20 of them :D [08:42] Mohan_chml: wow, IRC power user! [08:43] lol :P [08:43] just 20 ? [08:43] UndiFineD: Hahaha [08:43] officially its 20 ^_^ [08:44] I am in 27 channels on 2 servers [08:45] Sheese... I got three channels open, this one is by far the most active :D [08:46] I have 4 personal channels for my own :D [08:47] oh yes I have channels open which hardly have any traffic too, but they are open to support on specific topic === JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett === devil__ is now known as Mohan_chml === AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit [10:19] Hello. [10:19] hi, Silver_Fox_ :) [10:19] Hello jo [10:19] Hello JoeMaverickSett [10:20] Silver_Fox_: i'm mohi's padawan. :) [10:21] Splendid =) [10:21] Silver_Fox_: how is your day, btw? [10:22] My day is okay thank you JoeMaverickSett , how is yours ? [10:22] Silver_Fox_: very much fine. been doing some helping on #ubuntu and an assignment mohi gave me. :) [11:25] I just installed ubuntu on my laptop, and chose the option to store the files on windows. I would like to go ahead and re-partition my hd, but i want to keep windows also (im not ready to make the full switch yet). I do not have an install disk for windows, will i lose the os by repartitioning? Btw i do have my personal data backed up [11:29] can anyone help? [11:31] !dualboot [11:31] Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [11:31] i have no valid experiance in this [11:36] so when i repartition it doesnt format the hd? [11:37] it does not have to, unless you select the wrong partition to install linux upon [11:37] for what i have heard, keep windows on the first partition [11:38] ok also, i i wanted to share files between the oss's should i create a 3rd? [11:38] depends [11:38] you can use in windows ext2fs [11:39] http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/ext2.html [11:39] linux can write to fat32 and ntfs filesystems, windows7 can somewhat write to ext2 [11:40] the highest chance for success is to create a third fat32 partition [11:40] can view files on the windows partition and vice versa? [11:40] can i* [11:41] right now, with ubuntu installed over windows i can access my data on windows could i do the same on seperate partitions? [11:41] hhhahahah fat32 [11:41] UndiFineD, you're kidding, right? [11:42] linux has a properly working NTFS support [11:42] well that took a while [11:42] I like my chicks as my partition FAT and 16 [11:42] fat32 has a 4gb file size limit tho right? [11:43] benpowers23, you're right [11:43] bioterror, I have not actively administered a windows system since 2001 [11:43] you're not going to move any 1080p movies [11:43] which is why i said, I have no valid experiance [11:44] i do back-up some dvds and the average iso file is more than 4 gb [11:46] also, i have a amd turion x2 64 bit proccessor should i install the 32 bit version of unbuntu? [11:46] ubuntu* [11:48] repends [11:48] benpowers23: You can install 32-bit yes, but as you have mentioned your CPU is 64-bit so 64-bit will also work [11:48] benpowers23, how much rum you have? [11:48] rum :D [11:48] RAM [11:48] no rum lol 4gb of ram tho [11:49] then 64Bit [11:50] ok [11:50] it was suggested to use 32 bit earlier because of the bugs in 64 [11:50] what bugs? :D [11:51] wow, liquid crystal memory, amazing [11:51] i dont know im new to this game thats just what i read [11:51] also i dont use any 64 bit programs [11:52] it's a different thing on linux, since all the programs are compiled to use 64bit [11:52] there are few bugs in 64bit, one of them is that they stopped supporting my xeon processor [11:52] hahaha [11:53] that stinks [11:53] I so need a new machine [11:53] UndiFineD, or different os, if linux kernel dropped support [11:53] one more and ill leave yall alone [11:53] bioterror, blasphemy [11:56] i use app inventor by google to write programs for my android phone. if there is no linux support for the drivers windows uses can i make it work somehow? [11:56] android was developed on linux, you find lots of resources for it [11:58] is there a reason to use the firefox that comes on ubuntu rather than chrome? [11:58] a good reason? [11:58] nope [11:59] ok [11:59] there's no reason to use firefox, chrome does same things and even faster and better. I think [11:59] but if you like firefox and you're not ready to sell that part of your soul to G, then use FireFox [12:00] it also work hand in hand with my phone [12:00] * JoeMaverickSett sold his soul to G! :D [12:00] no quite the opposite i am already sold [12:00] * UndiFineD has firefox, chrome, chromium, opera, links2 and some others [12:00] UndiFineD: +1 :D [12:01] whats the diff between chrome and chromium? [12:01] chrome is closed source, chromium is open [12:01] chrome is malmware :D [12:02] should i switch then? [12:02] you can [12:02] i dont mind, but i love chrome [12:02] there's no difference [12:02] as long as chromium has the same features [12:02] chrome send statics and stuff to google, chromium does not and chrome is bundled with flash [12:02] same addons and everything [12:02] ? [12:03] that's the difference [12:03] i still have no flash [12:03] sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [12:03] i have chrome but no flash [12:03] ok [12:03] bioterror helping as usual? :) Howdy [12:03] hi [12:03] hello [12:04] i am reading the ubuntu pocketbook, will that help me with the commands and atleast get me on a start to understanding ubuntu? [12:05] benpowers23, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/switching/C/index.html [12:06] benpowers23, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/index.html === yofel_ is now known as yofel [12:07] so am i wasting my time on that book? [12:08] never [12:09] thank yall so much i have to go to bed now i have be up in 4 hours [12:12] that's so cool, all the different timezones coming together :D [12:15] bioterror i used you command, but to no avail [12:16] eading package lists... Done [12:16] Building dependency tree [12:16] Reading state information... Done [12:16] The following extra packages will be installed: [12:16] flashplugin-installer nspluginwrapper [12:16] Suggested packages: [12:16] xulrunner-1.9 firefox-3.0 konqueror-nsplugins ttf-xfree86-nonfree xfs [12:16] The following NEW packages will be installed: [12:16] flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree nspluginwrapper [12:16] 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 33 not upgraded. [12:16] Need to get 214kB of archives. [12:16] After this operation, 786kB of additional disk space will be used. [12:16] Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y [12:16] WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! [12:16] nspluginwrapper flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree [12:16] Install these packages without verification [y/N]? y [12:16] Get:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/multiverse nspluginwrapper amd64 1.2.2-0ubuntu7 [192kB] [12:16] Get:2 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates/multiverse flashplugin-installer amd64 [20.0kB] [12:16] !pastebin | benpowers23 [12:16] benpowers23: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [12:16] Get:3 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates/multiverse flashplugin-nonfree amd64 [1,772B] [12:16] Fetched 214kB in 3s (70.2kB/s) [12:16] Preconfiguring packages ... [12:16] Selecting previously deselected package nspluginwrapper. [12:16] (Reading database ... 136804 files and directories currently installed.) [12:16] Unpacking nspluginwrapper (from .../nspluginwrapper_1.2.2-0ubuntu7_amd64.deb) ... [12:17] and it stopped [12:17] !pastebin | benpowers23 [12:17] sorry [12:17] no problem [12:17] restart your browser then [12:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com/526270/ [12:20] just did same thing [12:20] "missing plugin" [13:58] Hi friends, i have got a problem in thunderbird.Hope someone can help me here..When i open thunderbird it is saying that "Thunderbird is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Thunderbird process, or restart your system."But there is no process running in background.. [13:59] karthick87: try to run top [13:59] in the terminal [13:59] top | grep thunderbird [13:59] does it give anything back? [14:00] yes 4908 karthick 20 0 99.0m 26m 16m S 11 1.3 0:00.34 thunderbird-bin [14:00] hjaaaa [14:00] ps aux |grep thunderbird [14:00] okay karthick87 now do: kill 4908 [14:01] and then try to start thunderbird again [14:03] Killed the process but when i open again i get the same error [14:04] mm that's odd [14:05] what should i do now..?Do i want to remove thunderbird entirely and install it again..? [14:12] killall thunderbird-bin [14:12] and it should kill every thunderbird instance [14:12] if not, reboot [14:52] :D [14:57] thunderbird-bin: no process found [14:58] so there should be one running in background [14:58] and you're still unable to run it? [14:58] thunderbirds are go! [14:58] please reboot to get sure that there's none proccess from thunderbird [14:58] what does ps aux say [14:59] ps aux |more [14:59] do u have a zombie? === JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett === AbhiJit is now known as Guest55349 === AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit === AbhiJit is now known as optimusprime === optimusprime is now known as OptimusPrime === JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett === genupulas1 is now known as group === group is now known as genupulas1 === JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett === karthick1987 is now known as karthick87 [20:22] hello [20:23] how to change /dev/ttyusb0 to /dev/ttyusb1 [20:25] usb [20:25] sorry not meant for here ;) [21:00] anyone here? [21:00] hi UbuntuNoob [21:00] hi I have a couple of questions [21:00] I just recently found out that ubuntu allows for really nice desktops [21:00] sure as hell does [21:00] So I looked it up and found out it was a separate OS [21:00] does that mean i have to reformat to install ubuntu? [21:01] wait [21:01] Ubuntu is a separate OS [21:01] what are you talking about? [21:02] like [21:02] windows xp windows 7 they're all OS [21:02] but i have to refomat and delete everything to install the OS [21:02] do i have to do the same for ubuntu? [21:02] well, you could dual boot [21:02] but Ubuntu is pretty much a complete OS just like Windows 7 is [21:03] i see so there's no option to upgrade from windows 7 to ubuntu and keep your files right? [21:03] UbuntuNoob, well if you have more than one partition you could move your files to that partition and not erase it [21:03] so you'll install ubuntu on the main partition and still have your files on the alternate partition [21:04] i see [21:04] you can install ubuntu under windows like a program using Wubi [21:04] but I don't like that too much [21:04] it doesn't give the real linux experience [21:04] i dont like the idea either lol [21:04] so ubuntu is another version of linux? [21:04] Got a question on partioning ubuntu 10.10 [21:05] ubuntu is a linux distribution [21:05] i see [21:05] hmmmm [21:05] it uses the linux kernel [21:05] !ask | Bugler [21:05] Bugler: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [21:05] that makes sense [21:05] working on it [21:06] so there are still limitations to what programs ubuntu can run just like linux right? [21:06] it can run any program made for linux [21:07] and SOME programs made for windows using WINE [21:07] i know there is many options for partitioning... i have a 120GB hd ext part. Can you give me a sample of partition sizes and mount points? [21:07] i see thanks for your help pedro :) [21:07] ex: / 15GB /home all but X GB.. etc. [21:08] Bugler, you're planning to have your ubuntu install on that partition? [21:08] yes... I have dual boot and ubuntu will be 3rd [21:08] winxp first, win7 second, ubuntu third [21:09] xp and win 7 working now. [21:09] I think around 15-20 GB to / is good. 2 GB to swap seems reasonable. the rest goes to /home [21:09] ok.. no need to do /boot and /usr anymore.. I need just a basic setup for some experimenting [21:10] Bugler, you could let ubuntu do it all for you [21:10] just select "use entire partition" on the installation process and choose your partition [21:10] it'll take care of everything [21:10] when I but the cd. it does not recognize the unallocated.. so i have to manually do it [21:11] Bugler, try opening GParted [21:11] maybe format it to something like FAT32 which ubuntu can see and then set to ext correctly [21:12] k. pedro will give a try on that one. I always overthink... Thanks again pedro. [21:12] sure, no problem [21:12] !next [21:12] :p [21:12] Factoid 'next' not found [21:12] aww [21:13] it should be "Another satisfied customer! NEXT!!" [21:18] pedro3005, hahahahha that would rock :) [21:19] paultag, <3 how're things? [21:19] pedro3005, not too bad, working on some good things. How are you? [21:19] Oh noes! [21:19] paultag, pretty good. TGIF [21:19] Homeboy got K-Lined :) [21:19] pedro3005, Aye aye! [21:20] paultag, how's fubuntu? [21:20] pedro3005, on hole for the time being [21:20] paultag, hold? [21:20] hold * yeah pedro3005 :) [21:21] paultag, so what're you're working on, if I might inquire? [21:21] pedro3005, fbautostart and locolint [21:21] pedro3005, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoLint [21:21] just blogged it out :) [21:22] paultag, you start every post with hello world :p [21:23] pedro3005, yup [21:23] paultag, reminds me of the dan brown guy on youtube.. "hello world! my name is dan brown and i'm here to teach you how to solve a rubik's cube" [21:24] hahaha [21:26] paultag, and whube? hiatus? [21:26] pedro3005, yeah [21:26] pedro3005, I needed to put stuff off to do other work. That and Tenach is taking a break too [21:26] pedro3005, so we're freezing it for a while [21:26] paultag, oh, right, tenach. is he alright? haven't seen him [21:27] Yeah he's OK pedro3005 [21:27] pedro3005, just needs some time off [21:28] ok, cool [21:29] paultag, I saw you were taking up some abandoned projects on launchpad the other day, is that what fbautostart is about? [21:29] pedro3005, I wrote fbautostart [21:30] fb being..? [21:31] pedro3005, fluxbox [21:31] paultag, ah, okay.. did you write fluxbox as well? [21:31] pedro3005, no, but I'm working with upstream on it. And I maintain it in Debian [21:31] awesome [21:31] paultag, I don't think I've used fluxbox before :x [21:32] * paultag walks away [21:32] ;) [21:32] There's an awesome version in my PPA [21:33] paultag, excuse my silly questions, but does it use gtk? [21:33] pedro3005, it can [21:33] ooh, enigmatic paultag [21:33] pedro3005, you can use GTK or Qt, no problem [21:34] I see [21:34] pedro3005, it's built using raw X11 calls -- it's not a DE, it's a WM [21:34] pedro3005, it's not like GNOME or KDE, it's like Xfwm, Metacity, Compiz [21:34] paultag, yeah, I'm no expert in that field [21:35] yeah, I see [21:35] paultag, so you must have a DE to place it in? [21:35] pedro3005, you can if you'd like, but it has a built in toolbar and menu if you don't want to [21:35] pedro3005, you can run GNOME+Fluxbox [21:36] paultag, or KDE + FluxBox? [21:36] pedro3005, sure [21:36] paultag, I'm a KFag now.. is there even such a term? [21:36] hhahahahahahahahahashaha [21:37] pedro3005, there is [21:37] paultag, I think KDE is more stable [21:37] stabler [21:38] it is [21:38] who knows [21:38] because it's written nicer [21:38] paultag, and what do you use? [21:38] pedro3005, GNOME these days. Don't tell anyone [21:39] paultag, any particular reason? [21:39] pedro3005, nay [21:39] pedro3005, I like KDE and I wear my kubuntu shirt everywhere [21:39] pedro3005, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Paultag?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=paultag.jpg [21:39] paultag, KDE feels more stable but GNOME has a place in my heart.. [21:40] pedro3005, It's that I help a lot of people, and it makes it easier if I can give them GNOME instructions [21:40] sometimes you can't get a new hacker to use the shell [21:41] paultag, altruism ftw :) [21:41] :) [21:42] someone give paultag the nobel peace prize :P [21:42] hahahaha [22:12] I have a question about installing with specific partitions as specific mount points [22:12] if I have data on the partition I'd like to use as /home, if I don't format, will it keep the data alright? [22:13] Cheri703: Does the data have the correct permissions for use as a /home directory? ie. do the user files have the right permissions? [22:14] probably? right now it's not in a /home/cheri it's just a /cheri folder, I'm assuming install will create its own /home/cheri folder and I could then paste in my other data [22:15] I just want to make sure that it will not just clear the partition even if I don't format it [22:16] Cheri703: Well yes, if you're just mounting it then it'll be left alone. [22:16] Cheri703: Also if you mount a partition as /home then the user files should be on the root of the partition [22:16] well, I'm reinstalling completely, so I'm assuming new data will be written in there, but it'll ignore the current data [22:16] ah, ok, that makes sense [22:20] well, I'll be back in a while, and hopefully everything works properly :) [23:23] Hey everyone. My sister just got a new netbook, and I installed ubuntu on it. But we are encountering a problem - usb drives just won't open. System utilities (and the terminal) detect them, list partition names, but won't mount (get an error message claiming they are already mounted). Here's the kicker - if you plug a second usb stick, that one WILL mount, even get a desktop icon. Any ideas? Google wasn't particularly helpful with