
allowoverridehow do i go about finding what group my user needs to be in to see usb devices, but i can already see other usb devices when i plug them in,,,00:00
ubunrtwgoldhi,how install gdm themes in maverick?thanks00:00
allowoverridei think the usb_modswitch is involved as well00:00
jmillsallowoverride: have you tried to tail syslog or messages when you insert the drive?00:00
histoallowoverride: plugdev00:01
allowoverrideill post that in a few, thanks histo i asked about that early.. i am already a user of that group00:01
allowoverrideill pastebin tail -f messages... brb00:01
ActionParsnipBenkinooby: i use lxde dude, full desktop mashings, ask nothingspecial00:02
allowoverridehere is the output http://inetpro.org/pastebin/1048400:02
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, ok, thx00:02
allowoverridedisco is the first entry, and replugged in is the next 3 entries00:02
ubunrtwgoldhi,how install gdm themes in maverick?thanks00:03
allowoverridejrib which one do i use for the BLOCK_DEVICE00:03
jriballowoverride: the one that corresponds to the new device00:03
PhantomStringAre you trying to mount a phone?00:03
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allowoverridePhantomString: yep00:03
ubunrtwgoldhi,how install gdm themes in maverick?thanks00:03
allowoverrideit used to mount all by itself, again, from a clean install its not working00:04
n0a1iasis there an easy way to moniter system temps?00:04
allowoverrideID 04e8:f00000:04
ahaney3how do you view the !repeat and !attitude sections?00:05
PhantomStringdo have usb_modeswitch installed?00:05
galusrHi, Can someone help me out with my crontab file. It isn't working.00:05
TerpIt seems like my gdm is not working properly. It only shows my computers name but no loginform what so ever. I've tried to upgrade everything on my system but it does not seem to work. Running Ubuntu 10.10. Any idéas?00:06
ahaney3galusr can you pasted it at paste.ubuntu.com and describe what you need it to do?00:06
allowoverridePhantomString: explain a little more... messages show it is working, and i would think as a mod as i pasted in bin00:06
icy_Anyone here know how to install Ubuntu Server 10.10/10.04 from a USB drive without getting CD error?00:06
xanguatried unetbootin icy_¿00:06
ActionParsnipicy_: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?00:06
icy_or can direct me to some links00:06
PhantomStringallowoverride: is the package usb-modeswitch, installed?00:06
galusrahaney3: Thanks. http://pastebin.com/ It's for backing up a directory and then outputting a success log. I've tried both commands manually at the terminal and they work.00:07
icy_yes xangua, no phantom00:07
nothingspecialDo this http://paste.ubuntu.com/526055/00:07
allowoverridePhantomString: ill double check, im pretty sure it is. sb00:07
allowoverridestand by00:07
galusrahaney3: Sorry http://pastebin.com/KvWa8DcY00:07
ActionParsnipicy_: did you test the ISO before transferring it?00:07
icy_how do i test it00:07
xzjhello, I just installed ubuntu from the alternate installer, but towards the end (after installing and creating my primary user), root was giving that user permission to do things but the install froze.  I shut down and restarted and boot works fine, but this user doesn't have a desktop, doesnt have permission to execute anything, etc... is there a command that will give this user control of his own home?00:07
ActionParsnipicy_: then how do you know it was consistent or complete?????00:07
ahaney3galusr and you want it to run those commands every night at 12:02?00:08
ActionParsnip!md5 | icy_00:08
ubottuicy_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:08
icy_because it boots from the image, i see the application00:08
allowoverridePhantomString: yes it is00:08
icy_it just fails on detect CD step00:08
galusrWell I'm just using the current time to test. Once I get it working I plan to run it @ 4am.00:08
icy_and other ppl have had the problem00:08
ActionParsnipicy_: the ISO may possibly be faulty, MD5 test would have shown this00:08
galusrahaney3: Well I'm just using the current time to test. Once I get it working I plan to run it @ 4am.00:08
sieI tried to download the ubuntu iso, and I dd'ed it onto /dev/sdb1(flash drive). It ain't working — why?00:08
galusrahaney3: Daily.00:09
ahaney3galusr, might I suggest setting the crontab file to run every minute and see if it will do that properly? that way you know it's not a time related error?00:09
icy_Even though it is from official ubuntu site?  I have used the same method on Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10 without fail.00:09
n0a1iashow do i moniter system temps?00:09
ActionParsnipsie: did you MD5 test the ISO?00:10
Eventyretanyone able to help me to create a bootable USB for windows XP in ubuntu ?00:10
nothingspecialBenkinooby: Use byobu00:10
ActionParsnip!sensor | n0a1ias00:10
ahaney3also, I believe you have to restart crontab after changes, sudo /etc/init.d/crontab restart00:10
galusrahaney3: Yes I have tried that. I have been modifying it and setting it to run then at the next minute to test. Strangely the echo command is creating the log file but not writing the text into the file.00:10
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.00:10
=== Patric3_ is now known as Patric3
Benkinoobynothingspecial, i am with tmux00:10
djznis there a linux gaming channel in freenode?00:10
nothingspecialBenkinooby: What is tmux??00:11
icy_I will look into this, ActionParsnip00:11
ahaney3I installed git on my server recently and now I am unable to ssh in, I receive http://paste.ubuntu.com/526039/ as output on my OS X machine, any idea what I need to set that enviromental variable to?00:11
histodjzn: you can /msg alis list *game*00:11
Benkinoobynothingspecial, like screen (byobu is based on scree) but with "neater" code, more flexible, easier to configure and native vertical and honrizonta split00:12
Benkinoobynothingspecial, it's in the repos. give it a shot :P00:12
galusrahaney3: All looks ok to you? Does it need a pipe between the echo perhaps? If I set the verbose flag on rsync where would it write the log data to?00:12
nothingspecialI got it, google. I like dvtm00:12
=== kragickirt is now known as jubgyt
allowoverridealrighty, per PhantomString suggestion: apt-get purge usb-modeswitch  worked00:14
dfdfsdfhi i have 3 nics in my pc, 1--> wlan0 connects to router and gets ip netmask;    2--> eth0 ethernet with static ip netmask is masqueraded to wlan0 with iptables so i can connect with cable another pc to have internet ;   and third another wifi cand wlan1 that is configured ad-hoc with ip connected to a laptop with ip and netmask for both ; and wlan1 is also masquerad00:14
dfdfsdfed to wlan0 to have internet. the thing is it either works one or the other i mean either eth0 or wlan1 not both at the same time, do i need to put them in different subnets?00:14
ActionParsnipdjzn: #linuxgames00:14
nothingspecialBenkinooby: but I will have a go with tmux00:14
EventyretAny guides on How to make a windows bootable usb in linux ?00:14
allowoverridethis took care of my phone WAN dongle'd issue that now opens a nautilus window and mounts the cell phone. i would think that works with most if not all phones that use this type of connector. thanks. im out l800:14
Benkinoobynothingspecial, the nice thing is that you can set tmux to have a vi or emacs similar keybinding. what makes it a lot easier to use for me as a vim user :D00:15
ActionParsnipBenkinooby: the OS is flexible like that ;)00:16
nothingspecialBenkinooby: The thing for me, is how the apps play......... with each other.00:17
sieActionParsnip, hash is alright00:17
sieActionParsnip, The iso works on flashes, right?00:18
Benkinoobynothingspecial, that also applies to me. atm i am using fluxbox and kupfer and/or tmux00:18
pwillzBIGGEST P.O.S. EVER00:18
FloodBot1pwillz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:18
Benkinoobymaybe i'll try irssi later, but for now i am with xcaht00:18
nothingspecialBenkinooby: I`m not doing this ty00:18
histopwillz: click on your user folder or open a terminal00:19
pwillzim about to shoot whoever thought unity was a good idea00:19
sieFloodBot1 is overreacting.00:19
nothingspecialBenkinooby: sorry00:19
Benkinoobynothingspecial, ?00:19
rwwgord: consider wearing kevlar :(00:19
LjLsie: i wouldn't say that00:19
pwillzhow do i get my home dir on to my favorites tab00:19
pwillzit has documents music and all this other gya shit i never use00:20
nothingspecialBenkinooby: I`m not doing this to be clever or geeky or anything....... the only thing I can`t do is read comics00:20
ActionParsnipsie: sure, then use unetbootin to put the ISO on the USB, yes it can be used00:20
pwillzand why the hell is it when i search something it starts opening random shit!?00:20
rwwubottu: language | pwillz00:20
ubottupwillz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:20
LjLpwillz: please calm down and control the language :(00:20
rwwubottu: guidelines00:20
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:20
danieloalguien habla espanol?00:20
rwwubottu: es | danielo00:21
ubottudanielo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:21
pwillzim just saying, unity is the biggest piece of trash ever, the interface on 10.04 LTS > unity00:21
pwillzcan i downgrade to that?00:21
=== Jyggaa is now known as Jygga
rwwpwillz: Downgrades aren't supported. Feel free to reinstall 10.04, though.00:21
LjLpwillz: there's something i don't follow. unity isn't the default interface in 10.10...00:21
Benkinoobynothingspecial, hm... must have missed something... somehow i can't follow you00:22
pwillzLjL, netbook00:22
LjLpwillz: ah ok. well i don't think you can downgrade to the other interface (not sure though), but Maximus at least is still available as a package00:22
pwillzThanks B-)00:22
rwwYou can't use 10.04's Netbook interface in 10.10.00:22
pwillzwhy would ubuntu go with unity, i mean.... UGH00:23
pwillzits so... BLAH RArahrgh FUFLF URGLE00:23
hypatiaLjL: algorithm might have been the wrong word.  if you take the same file and trancode it to the same bitrate in, say, h264 on a cpu vs. gpu, i would think the output would be just about the same, if not identical00:23
aeon-ltdpwillz: why would ubuntu even split in 2?00:23
pwillzi literally almost kicked my child00:23
hypatiathe gpu will just generate it faster00:23
danieloi need a favor my ubuntu always give me wrong after the finish some instalation00:24
ZykoticK9lol - and just imagine, 11.04 Unity is the default interface for Ubuntu too.  Hope everyone doesn't react the same as you have.  </OT>00:24
hypatiaLjL: lol replied in the wrong channel, sorry :)00:24
nothingspecialBenkinooby: I talk, I use a cli only system. I wish I could read cbr files on it. That`s why I have the option to start X00:24
Benkinoobynothingspecial, ah, ok00:25
histonothingspecial: watching videos on ratpoison right now. I'd go no X but I need a modern browser00:25
h1ll37Hey all00:26
gh0sthey guys, i just downloaded some files for an mmo framewark called "World Forge" and they came in a ******.package format. How do i open them?00:26
nothingspecialhisto:  Why do you need X? realy, you don`t00:27
h1ll37gh0st i'm not 100% sure i'm looking it up though, is no one else answering?00:27
gh0sth1ll37: nope, your the only one!00:27
histonothingspecial: modern browser00:28
ZykoticK9gh0st, i've never heard/remember .package as a format.  I'd be interested to know what the terminal command "file whatitscalled.package" states the file is.00:28
nothingspecialhisto: For what??00:28
histonothingspecial: unless you've been able to get firefox working with framebuffer but people are having troubl with it.00:28
h1ll37alright gh0st i've never actually encountered a .package file one se thouhg00:28
histonothingspecial: youtube facebook etc...00:28
h1ll37gh0st i assume you just tried double clicking it?00:28
gh0stZykoticK9: it says its a bourne again shell script... but it wont execute as one00:29
gh0sth1ll37: not associated with anything00:29
ZykoticK9gh0st, "bash whatitscalled.package" maybe?00:29
nothingspecial#Ahh, facebook - no, youtube, you see the the pic with links2 then youtubedl.......00:30
MagusOTBWhen my ubuntu tries to go to sleep, it just goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor and kicks out heat like a fireplace.00:30
MagusOTBI think my bios doesn't like whatever it's trying to do. is there a way to make it hybernate instead?00:30
histonothingspecial: yeah.  But i've heard some mumblings of firefox running in fb so i'm looking that up00:30
h1ll37gh0st i'm with whoever said they've never heard of that, i haven't either.00:30
gh0stZykoticK9: AHHHHH!! there we go!  i kept going              $ bash ./******.package    but             $bash *******.package worked00:31
histonothingspecial: however performance in fb is not going to be as good as running X with a lightweight de/wm  like ratpoison etc..00:31
nothingspecialhisto: source??00:31
histonothingspecial: let me find some linkage00:31
nothingspecialhisto: ok :)00:32
EventyretHow can i know what libs or something im missing when make is not working (trying to install ms-sys)00:32
histonothingspecial: http://www.shellperson.net/the-trouble-with-the-framebuffer/00:32
a7i3n /exit00:33
salahhow r u ?00:35
h1ll37pretty good you?00:35
h1ll37how's everyone's computer running ;p00:35
=== kragickirt is now known as jukio
nothingspecialhisto: This is interesting, but I fail to see how running X wil improve my Cr*p laptop. Yes, if I compare ratpoison and fb on a high spec machine.00:37
salahDoes everyone here uses lunix ?00:39
Nayrpretty much00:39
Eventyreth1ll37: i would love to get some of mine up and running ><00:39
h1ll37prolly everyone ;p00:39
Nayrit is the linux help irc channel..00:39
h1ll37why can't you get them up and running eventyret00:39
histonothingspecial: you'd get better video performance in X is all based on drivers vs fb00:39
Imagineer66good evening00:39
Imagineer66q regarding Unity...00:40
Eventyreth1ll37: well its up and running but making a USB boot for tinyXP >< and i cant get ms-sys to work "make" fails00:40
salahgood evening00:40
Eventyreth1ll37: http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/00:40
=== Nayr is now known as GH9897969x987l
Imagineer66I install Unity on 10.4 to give it a try.  Now my normal UNE session panel is screwed up.00:40
Eventyreth1ll37: cant compile it >< i just get error 127 from make00:41
h1ll37Wiat eventyret what are you trying to do? lol. slightly confused to your goals00:41
nothingspecialYes, but that`s not the point. Coming from full gui stuff00:41
GH9897969x987l 00:41
=== eddie is now known as Guest28554
Imagineer66How do I get rid of Unity's unified panel and application menu?00:41
nothingspecialI think fb is great00:41
StaRetji1People, please read my conversation from xbmc channel. I really need clarification on this from experienced users http://paste.ubuntu.com/526072/ Thanks in advance!00:41
Eventyreth1ll37:  make a bootable tinyXP usb in ubuntu00:41
h1ll37eventyret: have you tried unetbootin?00:42
Eventyreth1ll37: yeah it screwed up the bootloader of TinyXP ><00:42
DajoriEventyret from00:42
m4they, is there a preferred way to switch versions of gcc? eg. from 4.4 to 4.5?00:42
GH9897969x987lhi all00:42
EventyretDajori: ?00:42
m4tswitch the symlinks in /usr/bin over00:42
h1ll37eventyret: did you try the built in ubuntu startup disk creator?00:43
DajoriEventyret usa00:43
StaRetji1Anyone experienced with know-how on gpu drivers?00:43
Eventyreth1ll37: pref i could do it the manualy way, if i could get "make" to work00:43
ahaney3I'm having problems connecting to a server via ssh, I did some more research and called ssh -vvv and I got a TON more output, although I need some help deciphering it, can anyone help me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/526076/00:43
EventyretDajori: no im not from USA :)00:43
Eventyreth1ll37: no im gonna try it now :)00:43
seanp2ki upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 using dist-upgrade, and now some programs think I'm stil running 10.04, where are they looking to see that i'm running 10.04 ?00:43
seanp2kor, how can I update my system so that everything knows I'm using 10.10 and not 10.0400:43
h1ll37Eventryet: tell me how that goes. I've actually had more luck with unetbootin, never had it fail strange that it did on you00:44
Eventyreth1ll37: and make seem not to work on other things i tried to compile just get errors ><00:44
ZykoticK9seanp2k, doing "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" does NOT update to a new version of ubuntu - at all!00:44
GH9897969x987lubottu, hi00:44
DajoriEventyret moras in which parents00:44
Imagineer66anyone familiar with Unity's settings?00:44
h1ll37I've actually never done a startup usb the manual way so i can't help you there eventyret sorry00:45
seanp2kZykoticK9: i updated all refs in /etc/apt/sources.list from 'maverick' to 'lucid' and it worked00:45
EventyretDajori: ? sorry00:45
icy_During Ubuntu Install, how do you view contents of /var/log/syslog using the drop down shell (Trying to resolve errors during install)00:45
Eventyreth1ll37: would you know anything about "make" and the rror then :P00:45
icy_I am unfamiliar with these shell commands00:45
seanp2kZykoticK9: if I go to system -> about ubuntu it says I have 10.1000:45
seanp2kZykoticK9: and it updated a ton of packages00:45
xanguaseanp2k: doing what you said sounds like a bad idea00:45
EventyretDajori: you are wondering where i am from oO ?00:45
h1ll37eventyret: prolly not lol, what's the error message?00:46
DajoriEventyret how old00:46
MagicJI am running lucid on a number of machines - apt-get upgrade works fine on all of them - on one however I get the message: The following packages have been kept back: linux-generic linux-headers=generic linux image-generic = what is the issue here00:46
Eventyreth1ll37: paste here00:46
Eventyretmsgfmt -o mo/sv.mo po/sv.po00:46
Eventyretmake: msgfmt: Command not found00:46
Eventyretmake: *** [mo/sv.mo] Error 12700:46
seanp2kxangua: yes, it wasn't the supported route, but I'm not worried about that.  I'm just wondering why some of the refs i.e. in update manager under "other software" tab it says "10.04 lucid lynx"00:46
FloodBot1Eventyret: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:46
DajoriEventyret yes00:47
EventyretDajori: Norway >< 24 why ? :)00:47
Imagineer66Unity?  anyone?00:47
StaRetji1Folks, I have a situation where I use usb stick on two different hardware, Intel gpu and Nvidia gpu. Now, firstly stick was installed on Intel gpu and everything works well including OpenGL. Then I took out USB stick and plugged into Nvidia GPU pc and installed drivers for nvidia, everything works well including OpenGL. So, I'plugged back to Intel gpu PC and now OpenGL doesn't work.00:47
DajoriEventyret 2300:47
GH9897969x987l! no | Nayr00:47
ubottuNayr: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!00:47
StaRetji1Does this mean I can't use both drivers and OpenGL on same USB stick?00:47
roastedI'm getting a bunch of errors trying to add my gmail to evolution in ubuntu. Anybody have any idea of what I could be doing wrong? It errors out authentication-wise, yet I don't see what's different from evolution vs thunderbird and t-bird works...00:47
xanguaseanp2k: updgrade the right way then00:47
StaRetji1Anybody, please, just yes or no, thx :/00:47
seanp2kxangua: i am already at 10.10, I can't really downgrade just to upgrade again00:47
DajoriEventyret what makes life00:47
Eventyretroasted: i got one for you 1 sec was it gmail and evo ?00:48
roastedEventyret, yes.00:48
roastedEventyret, gmail and thunderbird work fine but evo is giving me some issues00:48
Eventyretroasted: one sec :)00:48
h1ll37Eventyret: a quick google search came up with someone saying "try this: sudo apt-get install mono-mcs"00:48
Eventyretroasted: http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/03/08/howto-set-up-gmail-in-evolution-gnomes-mail-client-and-organizer/00:48
h1ll37eventyret: then try to make again00:48
roastedEventyret, bummer - I wanted to use imap :(00:49
Eventyreth1ll37: 1 sec then00:49
Eventyretroasted: i am using imap xD00:49
Eventyret<--- google apps <300:49
Eventyretroasted: its just the ports :) 1 sec00:49
h1ll37eventyret: alright tell me how it goes00:49
Some_PersonI'm trying to access some SMB shares at home, and it prompts for a user/password/domain. I don't have any domains on this network, so what should I do? This seems to have started when I accessed some shares at school on the same computer, on a network with domains00:49
Eventyretroasted: http://weakish.int.eu.org/tutorial/configure-evolution-for-gmail.xhtml00:50
* GH9897969x987l has quit ("leaving")00:50
Eventyreth1ll37: testing now00:50
id10t'lo all00:50
h1ll37eventyret: alright, if that doesn't work make sure you have gcc installed (should be in synaptic)00:50
Connor1<CJ> Ezcal when you right click an image online ... what option do you choose to copy the image location?00:50
Eventyreth1ll37: same error00:50
h1ll37eventyret: do you have gcc installed?00:50
Eventyreth1ll37: dunno ><00:50
Eventyreth1ll37: apt-get gcc ?00:50
h1ll37idk, just check in synaptic, you know how to get there right?00:51
id10tEventyret, h1ll37 apt-get install build-essential00:51
h1ll37id10t, Eventyret: what he said i guess ;p00:51
id10tevelyn_, h1ll37 or search for build-essential in synaptic00:51
h1ll37eventyret: we assume you do know where synaptic is right?00:52
Eventyretid10t: i got build essentials :)00:52
Eventyreth1ll37: yeah :P00:52
h1ll37eventyret: okay didn't want to overestimate anyone's skill level ;p00:52
id10tEventyret, pls /msg me your original query ... i just joined00:52
h1ll37id10t: he had an error 127 when trying to make something00:53
Eventyretid10t: ok00:53
Eventyretroasted: did it work ?00:54
Eventyreth1ll37: id10t - http://paste.ubuntu.com/526079/ the error from start00:54
id10tEventyret, thanks00:54
roastedEventyret, trying now00:54
Eventyretroasted: i removed my evo i love my thunderbird <3 :D00:55
Eventyretroasted: so oposite with you, i even synced contacts + calendar :D though i got a google phone xD00:55
h1ll37eventyret, id10t: i've covered about all I know in this area, sorry I couldn't help more but I'll leave this one to id10t he seems to know more. I've gotta go though, cya later00:55
roastedEventyret, I like thunderbird, but it just lacks so many necessary features if you're using an email client for work...00:55
danielosoy nuevo en llinux como encuentro el canal en spanish?00:56
Eventyreth1ll37: thanks again have fun00:56
Eventyretroasted: like what :P00:56
ahaney3I found a solution to my ssh issues, I was able to ssh into another machine and then ssh into the remote machine, afterwhich I added a new user that was different than the git user and suddenly everything worked as it should00:56
roastedEventyret, I think it worked. let me test his hizzy out... one second...00:56
Shadow_7Is there a way to prioritize you soundcards in ubuntu?  In a non-technical / hardcoded way?00:56
Eventyretroasted: =)00:56
id10tEventyret, msgfmt is from gettext do you have that installed?00:56
roastedEventyret, contacts, calendar, memos, notes, all kinds of stuff integrated.00:56
xangua!es | danielo00:56
ubottudanielo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:56
Eventyretid10t: uhm no oO00:56
roastedEventyret, thunderbird needs add ons to make that happen. And while add ons are awesome, Ive had my lightning extension in thunderbird break with every SINGLE update to thunderbird00:56
Eventyretroasted: ahhh ok00:56
roastedEventyret, granted I was using the PPA for mozilla, but still00:56
Eventyretid10t: what you told me to get ?00:57
id10tEventyret, gettext00:57
Eventyretid10t: now i got it trying again00:57
=== jrib is now known as Guest7535
Eventyretid10t: no error now though00:58
Eventyretid10t: just LOADS of text00:58
Eventyretid10t: think it worked im gonna test00:58
coxnI'm hoping somebody can help me identify the package I should file a bug against00:59
coxnI'm deploying a fleet of laptops and using pxe boot & preseed00:59
Eventyretid10t: think it worked00:59
coxnin the process I'm creating an admin user and setting a root password00:59
nimbioticsHello all. I need to record phone calls I make thru Google Voice. I'm using Audacitiy for this purpose but so far I've only be able to record my own voice. Ho can I make Audacity  record my voice AS WELL AS the other party's??? TIA!00:59
id10tEventyret, cool, you owe me a beer :)01:00
coxnwhen I deploy laptops, I create new accounts and give them sudo privileges01:00
coxnthese new user accounts can use sudo or gksudo just fine01:00
roastedEventyret, still getting errors01:00
roastedEventyret, I can get mail, just cant send it01:00
coxnwhat they cannot do is successfully get things like the automatic prompts for password when updates are available to work01:00
coxnor, for example, when firefox prompts for the install of flash01:01
id10tcoxn, is your sudoers file default still?01:01
coxnid10t: yes. no change there.01:01
coxnand again, if they do a 'gksudo synaptic' or a 'sudo aptitude' they are fine01:01
Imagineer66Anyone familiar with the Unity Panel settings?01:01
mrnelson1986_hey i need some advice: I have an intel centrino 6300 N wireless card...but using the drivers that ubuntu 10.10 automatically installed, I only can connect to wireless G bands, and my wireless N connection either doesn't show up, or will repeatedly disconnect and reconnect01:02
coxnit is only when they click on the software center from the Applications menu or are prompted from (again, for example, firefox) an application that it does not work01:02
id10tcoxn, what groups are they in? or are they exactly like the default first user created during setup?01:02
Eventyretroasted: what error is it :P01:02
Eventyretroasted: pm me it =)701:02
Eventyretid10t: fine *gife a bear*01:03
Eventyretid10t: oh got another one if you got time01:03
Eventyretid10t: nvm xD01:03
id10tEventyret, sure, just ask... mebbe someone else will know more :)01:03
Imagineer66mrnelson1986_, There was an article on ubuntuforums about going back to earlier stable drivers to fix these types of problems.01:03
Eventyretid10t: can you make a WinXP usb for NTFS oO or is it just FAT32 oO ?01:03
Eventyretid10t: or doesnt that have anything to say01:03
=== Quantum_Ion is now known as The_God_Father_O
Eventyretroasted: but your using gmail right ?01:04
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mrnelson1986_Imagineer66, i did a clean 10.10 install, i never had another driver01:04
roastedEventyret, yes.01:04
roastedEventyret, sec, Im pastebinning01:04
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id10tEventyret, dunno... i don't do windows01:04
roastedEvelynn, http://pastebin.com/UCdCUtb501:04
Eventyretid10t: neighter do i >< just for some games for my fiance :P01:04
Eventyreti got her convertet to ubuntu xD01:04
roastedEventyret, http://pastebin.com/UCdCUtb501:04
Imagineer66mrnelson1986_, even so, the 10.10 drivers are not necessarily stable.01:04
roastedEventyret, when I hit send/receive, it seems to GET mail fine, but it gives me that error after it locks up on smtp for a while.01:05
Imagineer66mrnelson1986_, even so, the earlier drivers will work with 10.1001:05
GlowballHow can I repeat a command every 10 minutes?01:05
coxnid10t: all the boxes under the "User Privileges" tab after "Advanced Settings" button in the GUI interface01:05
mrnelson1986_Imagineer66, ty, so i'll just look for a post on ubuntuforums, you have any idea of keywords that may have been in the title?01:05
coxnid10t: they are in all the groups as the initial user, plus a few more01:05
Eventyretroasted: can you login via web ?01:06
Imagineer66mrnelson1986_, I was trying to find my bookmark01:06
rumpe1Glowball, cron01:06
roastedEventyret, yes.01:06
bpgoldsbSometime ago I told my 10.04 box to not automatically mount my iPhone when I connected it.  Anyone know how to change that setting?01:06
Eventyretroasted: no errors or capata01:06
roastedEventyret, gmail works flawlessly with thunderbird and webmail. I just dont know why its being a brat with evo.01:06
Imagineer66mrnelson1986_,  http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download/stable/01:06
Eventyretroasted: hmmm what ports you using for SMTP out01:07
coxnagain, this is not an issue of these users lacking sudo01:07
Imagineer66is where is will eventually lead you01:07
MagicJglowball - crontab01:07
coxngksudo and sudo both work for these users01:07
DanMDIf I add a script into /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-bottom and make a new initramfs, why won't it execute? I can't even just echo one line. Any help deeply appreciated01:07
mrnelson1986_Imagineer66, i really appreciate it i will look at that01:07
id10tcoxn, what about startup in the background processes?  some gnome/kde utility...01:07
Eventyretroasted: evo had a ass with me due to the ports where wrong or you might have missed a @ or something01:08
roastedEventyret, I put the addresses in like that link did - imap.gmail.com:993 or whatever it was.01:08
Imagineer66mrnelson1986_,   That's what the community is all about, paying it forward01:08
=== solid_liquid is now known as solid_liq
Eventyretroasted: maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-904692.html01:09
jamesstanleyI am using 5MB of my ubuntu one storage. Whenever I try to copy a file in to ~/Ubuntu\ One, a little box appears telling me that my storage is full. However, if I use the web interface it works perfectly well01:09
coxnid10t: I'm not sure I understand the question01:10
coxnI'm creating these end users via the graphical interface01:10
coxnis that not the expected way?01:10
coxnbecause if the expectation is that users with administrative privs will be created through some other mechanism...01:11
coxn(a) that seems odd/silly, and (b) I want to know about it.01:11
id10tcoxn, i would think so01:11
Imagineer66anyone know of a channel to ask gnome questions?01:11
dougb_freebsdI was fiddling around with the System > Preferences > Network Connections thingy, and now my network does not start when I boot; although if I do 'ifconfig eth0 up ; dhclient eth0' then everything is fine ... how can I make it start automatically again?01:11
id10tcoxn, i was thinking it was an issue of the popup for updates not appearing at all, so the user is never prompted for them01:11
f00bar80tried to rmmod and rmmod -f  module , can't unload it always got module in use or "ERROR: Removing : Resource temporarily unavailable", then after i wait a while i can unload , but i'm sick of always can't unload at the start and have to wait, maybe sometimes also i have to reboot , any comment ???01:11
coxnid10t: nono, the user is definitely prompted for updates, which is the main time when we see this bug.01:12
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id10tcoxn, ah01:12
nimbioticsHello all. I need to record phone calls I make thru Google Voice. I'm using Audacitiy for this purpose but so far I've only be able to record my own voice. Ho can I make Audacity  record my voice AS WELL AS the other party's??? TIA!01:12
id10tcoxn, mebbe i shouldn't have had that second beer :)01:13
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Eventyretroasted: ? did it help01:13
f00bar80any comment ?01:13
civixierCould someone direct me to a guide on how to change from gnome to lxde?01:14
replicasexI was one of the many experiencing problems with the new xorg in 10.10 while running the nvidia driver -- has this issue been addressed at all?01:14
id10tcoxn, but pulling something out of my butt, can you write a wrapper shell script that calls gksudo manually to start update-manager?01:14
Glowballrumpe1: Right, I got my cron line. Do I just have to add it to /etc/cron.d/anacron and it'll be fine?01:14
coxnf00bar80 what module?01:14
Eventyretreplicasex: what issue ?01:15
f00bar80wireless interface driver01:15
coxnid10t: I don't need to if people are going to initiate things; they can just use gksudo01:15
replicasexEventyret, huge issues with it freezing the system especially when playing video.  I had heard a lot of people had this problem so I went back to 10.04.01:15
coxnid10t: the issue is that when they are prompted by any interface to elevate their privs where they didn't start explicitly with gksudo01:15
replicasexEvelynn, essentially the problems made the system unusable.01:15
coxnid10t: for example, when they are prompted for updates. Or when they click on the software center from the application menu01:16
Eventyretreplicasex: oh i havnt had any problems so far, i just issues with my wifi freezing my reboot :P01:16
f00bar80coxn,  i've googled it but can't find a reason or a way to get rid of that01:16
coxnor when they are prompted to install flash from firefox01:16
coxnf00bar80: what module?01:16
replicasexEvelynn, apparently it's an issue with the nvidia driver and the new xorg in 10.1001:16
f00bar80cox, rt2860sta01:16
id10tcoxn, ah...01:16
Chaos2358how do i upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 ?01:16
f00bar80coxn, rt2860sta01:17
coxnf00bar80: why are you trying to rmmod that module? Is the wifi card hanging? Maybe you want to blacklist that module and use a different one?01:18
xangua!upgrade | Chaos235801:18
ubottuChaos2358: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:18
DanMDHey everyone: Does any script placed in initramfs need to be made executable?01:18
dougb_freebsdI was fiddling around with the System > Preferences > Network Connections thingy, and now my network does not start when I boot; although if I do 'ifconfig eth0 up ; dhclient eth0' then everything is fine ... how can I make it start automatically again?01:18
roastedEventyret, wow, I feel stupid01:18
f00bar80coxn, , that's the latest one i think01:19
replicasexso does anybody know of any updates to the nvidia driver or xorg?01:19
ChogyDan!notes | replicasex01:19
ubottureplicasex: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101001:19
replicasexChogyDan, O.o thanks01:20
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Eventyretroasted: oO you owe me beer now ? :P01:20
ChogyDanreplicasex: there are relevant links in there01:20
Eventyretroasted: hope it worked though...01:20
replicasexChogyDan, yes I see.01:20
Nattgewhow do you get backintime to back up hidden folders?01:21
coxnf00bar80: take a step back and please describe what you are trying to accomplish rather than the rmmod problem. Are you, for example, trying to get a wireless card to work that does not currently work?01:21
coxngood luck01:21
MysteryPigHELP! After making some changes in GParted (growing partitions), when I startup the computer I get error: no such partition, and then grub rescue>    I am currently using live CD. What do I do?01:21
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f00bar80ppl any comment ?01:22
BerylFor blocksizes in dd, does the bs determine the final outcome, of the bytes on the file?01:22
doorunrun:-D Hello01:23
MysteryPigHELP! After making some changes in GParted (growing partitions), when I startup the computer I get error: no such partition, and then grub rescue>    I am currently using live CD. What do I do?01:23
Eventyretid10t: how you show what Wlan card im using remember the command ?01:24
_chun #wireshark01:24
doorunrunsomehow I just don't get chat rooms.01:24
drmp420using a dell latitude and it seems to be running HOTTER than with win 7 any ideas what I should look for?01:25
Eventyretid10t: nvm google01:25
GH9897969x987ldoorunrun, why?01:25
replicasexthe only thing the nvidia driver says is [version current] -- does anyone know what version that is?01:25
BerylFor blocksizes in dd, does the bs determine the final outcome of the bytes on the file?01:26
zaeryI have a server, running desktop Ubu 10.10, it's running a shell script in a terminal window on the monitor connected to the box itself. Is there any way to stop the script using ssh?01:26
Nattgewdrmp420: you can run the command "top" in a terminal, or run the system monitor from your menu to see if there is a program using a lot of CPU01:26
doorunrunwell, I trying to use google talk and I have no clue how to set it up. I guess I don't have buddies01:26
IdleOnereplicasex: apt-cache policy nvidia-current01:26
dougb_freebsdBeryl: your question doesn't really make sense, what are you trying to do?01:27
Nattgewzaery: if the script shows up like in top, could you do a killall on it?01:27
drmp420thanks will look at that, total newbie here01:27
rwwBeryl: no, just how many are copied at a time01:27
replicasexIdleOne, am I to take it that this command will reveal the current version number of the nvidia driver (and nothing else)?01:27
BerylI'm trying to copy files.  "dd if=whatever of=output bs=1024" does the "bs" matter?01:28
dougb_freebsdzaery: yes, if the system is running sshd, and you have login credentials01:28
BerylNvm, rww answered.01:28
taofdmy fan keeps surging high and low, i've already tried lm-sensors and most of the fan control utilities out there (they can't detect my fan)... someone have any opinions? Does the linux kernel have any control over fan speeds or regulating temperature?01:28
IdleOnereplicasex: it will reveal the version of the installed package and the available version in the repos01:28
BerylThank you, rww.01:28
dougb_freebsdI was fiddling around with the System > Preferences > Network Connections thingy, and now my network does not start when I boot; although if I do 'ifconfig eth0 up ; dhclient eth0' then everything is fine ... how can I make it start automatically again?01:29
Eventyretroasted: working now ? :)01:29
replicasexIdleOne, thanks.01:29
IdleOnereplicasex: sure thing01:29
drmp420hmm looked in there , nothing out of ordinary01:29
Tweedleanyone mind helping me a little bit?01:29
dougb_freebsdI'm running 10.10, is there a way to downgrade to the version of grub2 that was installed in 10.04?01:30
dougb_freebsdTweedle: just ask your question01:30
replicasexwell according to the release notes my driver version should be compatible01:30
roastedEventyret, my issue was I had a stuck email in my outbox causing the error, not the actual server settings. I had it right all along. Man. I suck. :(01:30
roastedEventyret, mucho thanks for the help tho man!01:30
Tweedlewhen i try to type "su" my password fails, so i am VERY confused01:30
dougb_freebsddon't use su01:31
Dr_Willis!sudo | Tweedle01:31
ubottuTweedle: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:31
Eventyretroasted: your welcome :D01:31
bob3000ola ubuntequeiros ... heheheh01:32
drmp420is it normal for my laptop to run hotter with ubuntu 10.10  as opposed to win 7?01:32
taofdanyone here with extensive experience with fans? I'm having fan surging problems and it's super annoying :(01:32
Dr_Willisdrmp420:  you could try installing the 'powertop' stuff - that may give you some tweaks to  reduce its power and heat.01:33
hiexpoeverything that uses 10.04 and later like ubuntu , caine and deft will not boot from usb   > what is the problem here ?01:33
Dr_Willisdrmp420:  its possible that win7 has some better drivers/optmized things to let it throttle down the cpu better on win7.01:33
replicasexDoes anyone know if Kubuntu uses the same version of xorg as Ubuntu?01:33
Dr_Willisreplicasex:  yes - it should.01:34
SolvedIn my bootloader, there is the same things repeated over and over01:34
Solvedhow come?01:34
replicasexDr_Willis, sigh :(01:34
zaeryLet's just say i want to kill a process that looks like this when i run ps:    30703 pts/1    00:00:00 sumthing. How would i do that?01:34
drmp420thanks dr01:34
SolvedI dual boot, and there is one choice for windows XP, yet 6 for Ubuntu01:34
ejvzaery: sudo kill -15 30703 or kill -9 3070301:34
Dr_Willisreplicasex:  there are some PPA's out for newer versions of Xorg. but ive never needed touse it.01:34
myeyespyHow do I add a source like "lp:panflute" to my download sources?01:35
dougb_freebsdSolved: you have a lot of old kernels. Try moving the older ones out of the way, then regenerating grub.cfg01:35
Dr_WillisSolved:  3 differnt kernel versions, with a recovery option for each...01:35
nUOVOhi all!01:35
juliohmhow to host a software to Ubuntu software center?01:35
replicasexDr_Willis, the problem is that apparently my system's nvidia card/driver isn't very compatible with it.01:35
SolvedDr_willis: what do you mean by kernels01:35
replicasexDr_Willis, it's frustrating.01:35
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages01:35
nUOVOI need to configure q4wine but it doesn't fine /usr/lib/wine01:35
ejvzaery: there is a difference btw, learn it! 15 sends a TERM signal, 9 sends a KILL signal.01:35
Dr_Willis!info q4wine01:36
ubottuq4wine (source: q4wine): Qt4 GUI for wine (W.I.N.E). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.118-4 (maverick), package size 1258 kB, installed size 3368 kB01:36
nUOVOubottu: ok, but I installed that01:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:36
dougb_freebsdSolved: no offense, but if you don't understand what a kernel is, you  might want to just leave things alone :)01:36
zaeryejv: good to know01:36
Solveddougb_freebsd: how do I move the old ones out of the way?01:36
nUOVOubottu: cute bot! :D01:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:36
Tweedlewould my root password be the same as the one i set during the install?01:36
SolvedTweedle: most likely01:36
Solvedit should be01:37
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:37
dougb_freebsdTweedle: don't think in terms of a "root password"01:37
plainasok, so i want write a script that assigns a global keybind to another script01:37
nUOVOso any1 here can please tell me where is /usr/lib/wine in Ubuntu? q4wine needs that01:37
edbianTweedle, There isn't a root password by default in Ubuntu01:37
plainasfrom what i've red there's no clean way of soind this as it requires some hackery... maybe somone could point me the _easiest_?01:37
Dr_Willis nUOVO  i notice here on a 64bit install i have --> /usr/lib32/wine/01:37
beaverI need help getting a wireless connection to my Laptop01:37
nUOVODr_Willis: oh because I have amd64 also!01:37
nUOVOlet me see01:37
SolvedIs there any  way to change the names of the partition options in the boot loader?01:37
metaphazeHow does 'sudo' worked compared to escalating priveledges with issuing 'su root'?01:37
Dr_WillisTweedle:  There is no root password by default.  the initial user has sudo rights.. the sudo password is that password.01:38
nUOVOta-daaan!!! :D01:38
Solvedmetaphaze: sudo will ask for your password, su will not.01:38
Dr_Willismetaphaze:  its better to use sudo -s, or sudo -i, as needed.01:38
drmp420hey drwillis ran powertop01:38
* replicasex is sad over the whole ordeal01:38
Solvedmetaphaze: su = Superuser01:38
drmp420now what should i look for01:38
dougb_freebsdsudo allows you to do everything that you would normally be able to do as root, but one command at a time01:38
metaphazeSolved, if I am logged in as metaphaze, and what to su to Dr_Willis or jane, or root, it will ask me for the the usr's password.01:38
Dr_Willismetaphaze:  the initial 'enviroment' may differ in those  cases also.01:38
nUOVOoh, when I press alt+f2 what should i digit to get terminal?01:38
metaphazewhen I sudo it allows me to run admin tasks as my user, by asking my password.01:39
Dr_Willismetaphaze:  thats how it works. :)01:39
metaphazeBut metaphaze is not root, is he?01:39
Dr_Willisbut by defualt theres no root password. so you cant su to root.01:39
metaphazesu = set user id, not super user01:39
roastedis evolution slow, or does it just take a while to heat up?01:39
metaphazeyou can su any account01:39
hiexpoeverything that uses 10.04 and later like ubuntu , caine and deft will not boot from usn whats the problem here did something change01:39
SolvedDr_Willis: how do I get rid of the older kernels in the bootloader?01:39
xanguanUOVO: you could just hit Control+Alt+T01:39
metaphazethat you know the password to, so it is not super user01:39
Solveddo I need them?01:39
Dr_WillisSolved:  use the package manager and remove them. is one way.01:39
nUOVOxangua: ty01:40
Dr_WillisSolved:  they dont hurt anything. the newest should be the default.01:40
gryllidawhy do the repos contain an ancient version of znc, which works as a web proxy and enyone using that znc can connect here and get booted off the server with the proxy scanner? who and when is going to update the znc in the repo with a newer version?01:40
metaphazeDr_Willis, that sounds not a security flaw, can I set a root password, diff then my user acct?01:40
SolvedDr_Willis, I prefer to use the terminal01:40
SolvedDr_Willis: is there a specific command I can use?01:40
nUOVOand can someone give me some docs with story about in Ubuntu there's *only* sudo and not su?01:40
con-manhow do you open a root terminal without typing "sudo su"01:40
Solvedsudo apt-get remove (     )?01:40
Dr_WillisSolved:  sudo apt-get remove whatever01:40
beaverCan someone help me i can not connect to my wireless internet i am currently connected throughmy neighbors ethernet01:40
plainasnuovo, there's su too01:40
nUOVOit doesn't ask for root pwd during install01:40
Dr_Williscon-man:  use 'sudo -s' or 'sudo -i'01:40
Solvedyes but how do I know what to replace "whatever" with01:41
nUOVOi know that01:41
metaphazenUOVO, apparently there is no root account...01:41
dougb_freebsdSolved: If you make a mistake with your grub configuration you can render  your system unbootable ... if you don't really understand what you're doing, your best bet is to leave it alone01:41
con-manDr_Willis, what is this difference exactly?01:41
metaphazeThis is confusing me too01:41
Dr_Willismetaphaze:  Huh?  not having a root password is not a security flaw. its a security enhancement accordding the the info on the topic ive read.01:41
Solveddougb_freebsd: I am willing to take the risk in order to learn01:41
nUOVOmetaphaze: and why it doesn't ask during install?01:41
SolvedIf you tell me the correct commands, I will not make the mistake01:41
plainasroot doesn't come enabled by default, you'll have to sudo -s then passwd to set a password for the actuall root user01:41
rdw200169Dr_Willis is right, sudo > root01:41
Dr_Williscon-man:  http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/01:41
metaphazeDr_Willis, so who is root then? The creator of the enviroment? The first account installed?01:42
Solvedis there a command to get rid of older (useless) kernels?01:42
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:42
Dr_Willismetaphaze:  there is the root account.. but by default its basically 'locked down'01:42
ejvSolved: rm /boot/<kernel>01:42
plainasroot is the system administrator, with maximum privileges01:42
metaphazeDr_Willis, sounds good, but dangerous if the user uses less then secure passwords, or other issues.01:42
Dr_WillisSolved:  see what versions yu got installed. use the proper 'sudo apt-get remove XXXXXXX' command to remove them.01:42
ejvomg enough about root and sudo, take it to offtopic already...01:42
* ejv facepalms01:42
SolvedDr_Willis: how do I determine which kernel's I have installed, that is my question01:43
dougb_freebsdworking as root and working with sudo are completely different perspectives .... the ubuntu way is to use sudo, so if you're running ubuntu don't worry about root ... simple :)01:43
Dr_Willis!apt | Solved01:43
ubottuSolved: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)01:43
hiexpoin system tools there is a root terminal in 9.10 but later editions i do not know01:43
ejvSolved: ls /boot | pastebinit01:43
con-manDr_Willis, cheers, that helped01:43
symptomSolved, dpkg | grep kernel01:43
ejvor yea dpkg01:44
dougb_freebsdI'm running 10.10, is there a way to downgrade grub to the version that came with 10.04?01:44
symptomSolved, sorry it is 'dpkg -l | grep kernel01:44
Dr_Willisdougb_freebsd:  you mean to use the older grub 1, or the version of grub2 that was with 10.04?01:44
Eventyretnight IdleOne roasted01:44
dougb_freebsdDr_Willis: grub2 from 10.0401:44
drmp420dr_willis ran powertop it keeps make reference to usb and bluetooth interfaces running recommend to disable01:44
drmp420thanks for the heads up01:44
dougb_freebsdthe version in 10.10 has a regression in regards to booting multiple freebsd partitions on the same disk01:45
Dr_Willisdrmp420:  powertop can give a lot of hints and info. overwhelming in some cases.01:45
Solvedejv:   http://pastebin.com/chnaC7nf01:45
drmp420its telling me to run as root01:45
Dr_Willisdrmp420:  you mean 'sudo powertop' (or whatever it is)01:46
beaverCan someone help me i can not connect to my wireless internet i am currently connected through my neighbors ethernet01:46
vnnlatest version of ubuntu?01:46
Dr_Willisdrmp420:  makes sence.01:46
Solvedsymptom:  http://pastebin.com/5CxfSZjF01:46
mrnelson1986_beaver, you gotta give more specifics before someone can help01:46
plainasbeaver, your neighbour's internet seems to be working just fine ;) (jk)01:46
ejvok Solved , so vmlinuz-<blah> are your kernel images, so you apt-get remove to wipe them out01:46
Dr_Willisvnn:  10.10 was released on.. 10.10 2010  :)01:46
ejvSolved: looks like you have 3 viable kernels available01:46
Solvedejv: which ones do I get rid of?01:47
ejvSolved: uname -ra | pastebinit01:47
ejvSolved: you're probably using 2.6.32-25, but uname -ra will tell us01:47
beavermrnelson1986_: i have an inspiron 8500 and i have no clue what my wireless card is01:47
Solvedejv: http://pastebin.com/XwgXuSjx01:47
drmp420mrnelson got a service tag?01:48
ejvSolved: ok, so you're using 2.6.32-25, so if you're satisfied with the kernel and it's stable for you, use apt-get remove to wipe out 2.6.32-21 and 2.6.32-2401:48
symptomSolved, also need to purge them01:49
Solvedejv: so I type sudo apt-get remove 2.6.32-21?01:49
Solvedsymptom: how do I do that?01:49
con-manguys I need help, my hard drive keeps mounting at different points (ie /dev/sdc, /dev/sb1, and so on) this causes my fstab to get confused when trying to mount it. any suggestions?01:49
mrnelson1986_drmp420, service tag?01:49
plainasSolved, first do a search at least01:49
Solvedplainas: for what?01:50
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drmp420yeah serial number of the macine01:50
mrnelson1986_beaver, run in terminal ifconfig see what that tells you01:50
symptomSolved, no you need to put the whole pkg name01:50
=== Guest38623 is now known as zhang_
plainasSolved, so you can check the exact name of the ackage you want to remove?01:50
mrnelson1986_drmp420, its not me, its beaver :P01:50
ejvSolved: apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic , it will also kick in modules that need removing, should be fine01:50
drmp420oh sorry01:50
drmp420trying to chat and watch soccer01:50
symptomSolved, once you remove them you have to actually delete them to free up space.  Not exactly sure how that works.  someone else here can tell you.  Might need to do it though dpkg01:51
plainasdrmp420, which match?01:51
drmp420nyrb vs sj01:51
symptomSolved, ive done it before, but i have to look it up everythime01:51
con-manI will wait 5 before asking my question again01:51
nimbioticsHello all. I need to record phone calls I make thru Google Voice. I'm using Audacitiy for this purpose but so far I've only be able to record my own voice. Ho can I make Audacity  record my voice AS WELL AS the other party's??? TIA!01:51
plainasok.. i don't know any of those... care to spell the complete names?01:51
beavermrnelson1986_: eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0d:56:35:0f:b601:51
beaver          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
beaver          inet6 addr: fe80::20d:56ff:fe35:fb6/64 Scope:Link01:51
beaver          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:101:51
FloodBot1beaver: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:51
beaver          RX packets:8877 errors:2 dropped:2 overruns:0 frame:001:51
diz_Child1map (hd1,3)/xxxx.iso (fd0)01:51
beaver          TX packets:7411 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:001:51
diz_Child1map --rehook01:51
diz_Child1rootnoverify (fd0)01:51
diz_Child1chainloader +101:51
diz_Child1Error 11: Unrecognized device string01:51
FloodBot1diz_Child1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:51
drmp420new york red bulls vs san jose earthquakes01:52
Gnea!pastebin | beaver diz_Child101:52
ubottubeaver diz_Child1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:52
ejvSolved: if you prefer a gui program, Synaptic works great for removing kernels, my preference is the CLI01:52
Solvedejv: and the second command would be:     apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic01:52
ejvSolved: sure, give it a try :)01:52
Gneadrmp420: what?01:52
ubuntu4shaneon a laptop when it is unplugged, my battery meter doesn't come up on the panel, how do I get it up there?01:52
plainasahahah american tem names are so american01:52
drmp420yes they are01:53
Gnea!ot | plainas01:53
ubottuplainas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:53
Solvedsymptom: can you give me any idea how to free up this space?01:53
ubuntu4shaneit is like ubuntu doesn't even know that it is unplugged??01:53
con-manguys I need help, my hard drive keeps mounting at different points (ie /dev/sdc, /dev/sb1, and so on) this causes my fstab to get confused when trying to mount it. any suggestions?01:53
Solvedejv: and now these kernels will no longer appear in bootloader?01:53
Gneacon-man: it shouldn't matter01:53
xanguaubuntu4shane: i believe for default only shows when the energy is 10% por something like that01:53
zaerysorry for those of you who've seen my question(s) before, but I have a shell script running on my server that I need to kill with ssh, and I really shouldn't just reboot the thing, when I run ps, i get http://pastebin.com/a4ZNaW1J so I can't see the process i need to kill, all i get is ps and the bash that i'm using on this computer. Any help?01:53
xanguaubuntu4shane: you can configure it in the energy preferences01:53
ejvSolved: i doubt dpkg scrubs your bootloader clean, you may have to manually go in and remove the old kernel entries yourself then run a `grub-update`01:53
ubuntu4shanexangua, well, sometimes it shows up, and sometimes it doesn't01:54
Gneacon-man: ubuntu doesn't use device names to mount, it detects UUID01:54
ubuntu4shanexangua, right, I have it configured so when it is unplugged it shows up there01:54
dougb_freebsdzaery: do ps ax01:54
Solvedejv: how do I remove the old kernel entries?01:54
ejvSolved: i don't use Ubuntu very often, take my advice with a grain of salt01:54
mrnelson1986_zaery, its in an active terminal window? you can't ctrl+c?01:54
ubuntu4shanexangua, but it doesn't show up.01:54
SolvedIs there anyway to rename partitions that appear in the bootloader?01:54
zaerymrnelson1986_: it's in an active terminal window on the monitor that the server is physically connected to, all I have here is ssh01:55
GneaSolved: partitions?01:55
inetd50does anyone know what this wallpaper is? http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=stxza#/d1x8yah01:55
ubuntu4shanexangua, what is the actual program name to kick-start it from terminal?01:55
con-manalso, whats the best file system that can be used by both windows and linux, I see some variants of FAT3201:55
diz_Child1map (hd1,3)/xxxx.iso (fd0); map --rehook; rootnoverify (fd0); chainloader +1; boot; Error 11: Unrecognized device string01:55
beavermrnelson1986_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/526097/01:55
blakkheimcon-man: ntfs01:55
SolvedGnea: I am trying to rename the options in my bootloader to simpler names01:55
Gnea!best | con-man01:55
ubottucon-man: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:55
dougb_freebsdcon-man: what kind of files are you going to be storing?01:55
GneaSolved: I'm not following... what options?01:55
mrnelson1986_zaery, oh i see, i missed that part01:55
ejvSolved: to update grub, sudo nano -wc /etc/default/grub01:56
mrnelson1986_zaery, can you use the "kill" command?01:56
SolvedGnea: in linux bootloader01:56
con-mandougb_freebsd, media mostly, its currently NTFS01:56
zaerydougb_freebsd: thank you very much, it worked :)01:56
ejvSolved: afterwards `update-grub`01:56
rinku_kokirihei guys..  got a problem here with sound01:56
zaerymrnelson1986_: now that i know how to find the PID, i can01:56
Solvedejv: the first command opens a file01:56
icy_Where is "xorg.conf" located on Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 ????  It should be in /etc/X11/, but it isn't.01:56
Solvedejv: am I supposed to modify it?01:56
mrnelson1986_beaver, sorry i don't know how to fix01:56
dougb_freebsdcon-man: then blakkheim is right, ntfs is fine ... if you run into problems with accessing that from linux, I've had very good luck with fat3201:56
GneaSolved: yes, I understand WHERE, but WHICH options?01:56
ubuntu4shaneok, seems as though gnome is not picking up that I'm disconnected from power.01:56
drmp420anybody with a link or doc on how to use/read powertop data?01:57
con-mandougb_freebsd, cheers01:57
rinku_kokirianyone running current ver ubuntu have audio issues?>01:57
hiexpohello Gnea01:57
Gneahiexpo: good evening01:57
SolvedGnea: like I want to rename the ntfs partition to Windows XP01:57
ejvSolved: sorry grub2 shifted some config files around, sudo nano -wc /boot/grub/grub.cfg is where it's located01:57
GneaSolved: show me the line that specifically says "ntfs partition"01:57
ejvSolved: stay with me, we'll get there, run that command ;)01:57
Gneaejv: not sure where you're going with this...01:58
StaRetji1Folks, can someone help me out making nvidia card work with nouveau drivers. Thank you01:58
Solvedejv: k i ran it01:58
StaRetji1I can't bring X01:58
Solvedejv it says DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE01:58
Gneaejv: let's make sure that that's what he needs to do first :)01:58
ejvhe wants to simplify the display name in the bootloader01:58
rinku_kokiriyou could unmount it, rename it, then mount it01:58
rinku_kokiriall with gparted01:58
Gneaejv: he didn't specifically say that.01:59
GneaSolved: or did you?01:59
dougb_freebsdejv: it's not a good idea to edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg directly, it is likely to get wiped out by some automated process01:59
ejvdougb_freebsd: i do it all the time, should be fine for some minor display changes01:59
dougb_freebsdejv: I didn't say "impossible" I said "bad idea" :)01:59
SolvedAt the moment, I believe ejv is helping me to scrub clean the remains of the older kernels, but yes Gnea, that is also something I wish to do02:00
rinku_kokiri<Solved> Gnea: like I want to rename the ntfs partition to Windows XP  << looks  like he wants to rename a partition.. nothing to do with grub02:00
drmp420how can i tell if bluetooth interface is disabled?02:00
dougb_freebsd... especially for a new user who doesn't quite understand what's going on02:00
ejvrinku_kokiri: i think his terminology is just off that's all02:00
rinku_kokiriejv, i think he want's to rename a partition, from what I read02:00
rinku_kokiriand editing grub won't do that02:01
ejvSolved: in that file you can edit the menu entries and remove them, if anyone knows a prettir tool speak up02:01
GneaSolved: okay, I wasn't sure, because you seemed to be focusing on one thing rather than another02:01
StaRetji1I get this in kernel.log NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  How can I remove nvidia from kernel module. I need to make "nouveau" driver operational. HELP :)02:01
SolvedI want it to say "Windows XP" and "Ubuntu 10.04" instad of long spews of stuff02:01
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:01
Solvedejv: so I run that command and then what?02:02
dougb_freebsdejv: if he was successful in removing the old kernels, 'sudo update-grub' would be a better way to start then editing the grub.cfg directly02:02
replicasexyou know, installing different desktop environments -- that's generally a bad idea, yeah?  I've heard it leads to significant instability.02:02
ejvSolved: if you're worried, back out of the file (ctrl+x) and sudo cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg /boot/grub/grub.cfg.bkup, then go in and make changes02:02
nimbioticswhat are the restricted multimedia packages and where do I find them?? TIA!02:03
ejvdougb_freebsd seems to be an authority on this, so if you removed the old kernels like i instructed before using apt-get remove, run update-grub and see if that removes the old ones, then we can go in and change the silly names02:03
ejvSolved: ^02:03
quanru哇  有中国人不02:04
Solvedejv: I have ran update-grub and it seems to have done this02:04
CJO232I was wondering, by definition would the MBR be the essence of a filesystem?02:05
plainashow to i set a global keybind using a script02:05
Solvedok I need to get some rest02:05
ejvSolved: ok cool, now make the backup using this "sudo cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg /boot/grub/grub.cfg.bkup" as precaution, now re-open via "sudo nano -wc /boot/grub/grub.cfg" and you'll see each loadable kernel has a menuentry, feel free to simplify them, be aware of syntax02:05
dougb_freebsdCJO232: define "essence"02:06
rinku_kokiriCJO232, that's a loaded question02:06
Solvedejv: allready been done, thank you so much02:06
Solvedgnight all02:06
ejvSolved: cool, good luck ;)02:06
rdw200169CJO232: MBR is the Master Boot Record at the beginning of the Hard Drive.  It describes the partitions and how to boot the hard drive.  i.e. its information for the BIOS so the computer knows how to boot02:06
rinku_kokirithe "essence" of a filesystem would be the MFT's02:06
rdw200169!cn | diz_Child102:07
ubottudiz_Child1: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:07
=== Infurnus is now known as N00bsauce
dougb_freebsd... and speaking of grub, I would like to downgrade to the version of grub that came with 10.04 ... any suggestions?02:08
rinku_kokirianyone with alsa experience?02:08
CJO232Thank god Ubuntu has the ability to have multi linguil channels... " No speaking non english languages -b/-quiet " would be bad02:08
rinku_kokiridougb_freebsd, i thought ubuntu has been using grub2 since 9.1002:08
dougb_freebsdyes, it has02:08
taofdi'm having fan troubles, anyone here free?02:09
rinku_kokiriso how can you revert to a grub we currently use dougb_freebsd02:09
arrrghhhstupid question, if i setup passwordless logins for ssh, how do i get new public keys onto my server so i can auth?02:09
dougb_freebsdI would like to downgrade the VERSION of grub2 that comes with 10.10 to the version of grub2 that came with 10.0402:09
rinku_kokiriarrrghhh, ftp?02:09
dougb_freebsdthey are different02:09
arrrghhhrinku_kokiri, lol i'm not leaving ftp open...02:09
dougb_freebsdtaofd: just ask your question02:09
rinku_kokiriarrrghhh, usb?02:10
arrrghhhrinku_kokiri, this is assuming i have physical access to the server at all times...?02:10
taofddougb_freebsd, my fan keeps constantly surging (high/low) i've tried several fan control apps, but nothing seems to work, not even the bios options...02:10
N00bsauceRunning 10.10. Off hand anybody know how to stop independent sound settings for flash? While watching a youtube if I hardware mute or software mute it totally ignores system sound levels and can only be controlled from the youtubes interface02:10
dougb_freebsdtaofd: when you say "constantly," what do you mean? IOW, how often does it cycle?02:10
taofddougb_freebsd, like high/low every 2 seconds02:11
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arrrghhhrinku_kokiri, well i guess that answers my question.  it's best to try & setup all my boxes that access the server, then flip it to be passwordless...02:11
rinku_kokiriarrrghhh, don't change your keys?02:11
dougb_freebsdtaofd: does it do that in other operating systems?02:11
rdw200169N00bsauce: thats more a pulseaudio thing... if you want to effect alsa, use alsamixer02:11
taofddougb_freebsd, i havent had a chance to reinstall 7 yet, but it does this during bios load and grub boot screen02:11
rinku_kokiriso i have this problem... sound stops working on a clean install02:12
arrrghhhrinku_kokiri, yea no problem.  i just don't have it setup currently, i was using password logins because it was easy... but it appears to keep hackers at bay it's best to use passwordless logins.02:12
dougb_freebsdtaofd: if it's doing it during BIOS load that sounds like a hardware problem .... or, possibly a buggy BIOS, I would check with your manufacturer and see if there is a newer version02:12
N00bsaucerdw200169, ack, afraid of that02:12
taofddougb_freebsd, i have the latest bios version, and apparently there are a few others experiencing thsi problem -___-; i suspect its hardware02:13
taofddougb_freebsd, i was just wondering if the linux kernel had control over fans02:13
sofaking88Hey everyone, I need some help. I have an inspiron 8500 and I can't connect wirelessly to the internet. What should I do?02:13
taofddougb_freebsd, i have the newest version of the bios02:13
N00bsauceAlso another issue is with my HP laptop I hear a frequency from my speakers related to my mouse. When I scroll or move the mousewheel I can hear it whine - drivers? or is there any way to see why theirs an interference?02:13
taofddougb_freebsd, it's an hp mini 21002:13
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dougb_freebsdtaofd: even if you have the newest version installed, try installing win7 then flashing the bios again ... the problem you describe could theoretically be caused by a bad acpi table entry, which would theoretically be fixed by re-flashing ... you might also try flashing to an older version of BIOS if that is a possibility02:14
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taofddougb_freebsd, there is only the initial bios available at this time T__T02:15
CJO232I am told on the gparted site I need to give my master boot record and the ntfs boot record? Whats the ntfs br and are there more than one mbr for each partion ( or logical drive) containing a diff. os?02:15
dougb_freebsdtaofd: ah, then it is almost certainly a bug ... try reflashing, and if that does not work, poke your manufacturer02:16
rdw200169rinku_kokiri, N00bsauce, one of the things about pulseaudio, is that it sometimes has problems finding the correct sound card... you *can* force pulseaudio to directly use a certain card by using a different means of finding modules.  I.E., I edited my /home/<user>/.pulse/default.pa file to include "load-module module-udev-detect" and now my pulseaudio installation actually finds my HDA...02:16
rdw200169...Intel sound card02:16
taofddougb_freebsd, okay yeah, i'm going to try to reflash once i install 7, and if not this netbook is only 3 days old so...02:16
taofddougb_freebsd, thx for the help though, you've been more helpful than any of the answers i've received the past 2 days :)02:16
dougb_freebsdglad to help02:16
dougb_freebsd... sorry it wasn't better news02:16
rinku_kokirirdw200169,  i forced it to use my creative hw... still represents a problem though.. waiting for it to surface again02:16
CJO232"The MBR is first of what could be many partition sectors, each one containing a four entry partition table." (http://www.ata-atapi.com/hiwmbr.html) makes itr sound like each sector can have 4 partitions and each can have a mbr02:17
sofaking88Hey everyone, I need some help. I have an inspiron 8500 and I can't connect wirelessly to the internet. What should I do?02:17
sofaking88It has a brodcom wireless adapter, or something like that02:17
rdw200169rinku_kokiri: N00bsauce also, running pulseaudio from the command line may help diagnose exactly what problems pulseaudio is encountering with using your soundcards02:18
A1kmmIs anyone else here had problems with using GDM as an XDMCP after upgrading from Lucid to Maverick?02:18
taofddougb_freebsd, well its fine, like i said, i just bought it from costco a few days ago... i buy these sorts of things from costco for this very reason :/02:18
rinku_kokirialso, i CAN play two medias at the same time, and adjust both independantly (one being adobe flash.. youtube)02:18
A1kmm(XDMCP server rather)02:18
octopus@sofaking88 did you try installing the driver from "menu>preferences>additional drivers"?02:18
mercutio22It seems there is no geany package in the ubuntu repository, is that right?02:19
Pavlzpc tell me that there are errors02:19
N00bsaucerdw200169, my experience with pulse with dapper forward has left me with no working sound or a hassle with exclusive locks and usb headsets. I'll definitely give it a go though, can't wait until html5 embedding video >.<02:19
rinku_kokirimore info... get multiple error windows referring to pa_stream_cork failed02:20
rdw200169N00bsauce: i used to hate pulseaudio until i finally figured out how to use the configuration files to my advantage... took a little bit of 'getting my school on' though, at pulseaudio.org etc...02:21
sofaking88octopus: I think so. I connected to the ethernet cord, and went through an update. I had something pop up asking me to activate the wireless driver, so I did, but it didn't do anything.02:21
taofddougb_freebsd, just out of curiosity though, do you know how fan control usually works? I know that hardware wise, the fan will kick in at certain temperatures, but I also know that software policies influence fan speeds as well...02:22
rdw200169rinku_kokiri: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9978103#post9978103 references that problem to gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio ...02:22
N00bsaucerdw200169, going to read through that, Thanks for the help.02:22
Pavlzhttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-security/universe/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found02:22
Nattgewhow do I get backintime to back up hidden folders?02:23
roastedAnybody have any idea why in evolution when I edit the "work hours" of my calendar it doesnt change the color scheme of active hours vs inactive hrs?02:24
boodroscotchHye guys, I have a screwed up fstab file, and I can't mount any of my NTFS drives with ntfs-3g without root priveledges. I've already tried rw, user, users, group, and removing defaults to no avail. This started after I installed and "auto-confgured" my ntfs drives with ntfs-config. any help would be appreciated.02:24
rinku_kokirirdw200169, and unstallation requires the unstallation of ubuntu-desktop02:24
=== magus_ is now known as magusOTB
magusOTBdoes wpa_supplicant not work in ubuntu?02:25
PCChrisI have an autorun.sh on an eSATA drive that I would like to run when I plug it in...how would I go about automounting the drive?02:27
nimbioticswhat are the restricted multimedia packages and where do I find them?? TIA!02:27
FloodBot2Legion___: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:27
nimbioticsHello all. I need to record phone calls I make thru Google Voice. I'm using Audacitiy for this purpose but so far I've only be able to record my own voice. Ho can I make Audacity  record my voice AS WELL AS the other party's??? TIA!02:27
dougb_freebsdtaofd: that's OS dependent02:27
arrrghhhnimbiotics, ubuntu-restricted-extras for multimedia stuff02:27
dougb_freebsdnimbiotics: what you're asking to do is almost certainly illegal, so don't be surprised if no one offers to hel you with it02:27
debianmanhi, i have a problem with the charset on gnome-terminal on debian, dont show accents and any especial chars, i have configured with LANG=en_US.ISO-8859-15, any idea how to fix this?02:27
Nahledgewhats the sudo snytax to remove package again? (uninstall)02:28
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)02:28
dougb_freebsddebianman: use LANG=en_US.utf802:28
roastedAnybody have any idea why in evolution when I edit the "work hours" of my calendar it doesnt change the color scheme of active hours vs inactive hrs?02:28
PCChrisNahledge, sudo apt-get remove         ?02:29
magusOTBdoes wpa_supplicant not work in ubuntu?02:29
debianmandougb_freebsd: i tryed with this charset, but dont work, is the same problem02:29
PCChrisI have an autorun.sh on an eSATA drive that I would like to run when I plug it in...how would I go about automounting the drive?02:30
magusOTBI'm trying to use it and it says CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED - disconnect event - remove keys repeatedly02:30
driverdavidso i used synaptic on xubuntu to install apache2 php5 mysql-server libapache2-php5 and phpmyadmin, but when i browse to a php file on on http://localhost it downloads it instead of executes it02:30
dougb_freebsddebianman: where are you setting it, and what apps are you having problems with?02:30
debianmandougb_freebsd: i tryed with en_US02:31
debianman en_US.iso8859102:31
debianman en_US.iso88591502:31
debianman en_US.utf802:31
debianman es_ES02:31
FloodBot2debianman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
debianman es_ES@euro02:31
dougb_freebsddebianman: where are you setting it, and what apps are you having problems with?02:32
PCChrisI have an autorun.sh on an eSATA drive that I would like to run when I plug it in...how would I go about automounting the drive?02:32
boodroscotchHey guys, I have a screwed up fstab file, and I can't mount any of my NTFS drives with ntfs-3g without root priveledges. I've already tried rw, user, users, group, and removing defaults to no avail. This started after I installed and "auto-confgured" my ntfs drives with ntfs-config. any help would be appreciated.02:32
debianmanonly gnome-terminal and rxvt02:32
dougb_freebsddebianman: ok, typing in a gnome terminal window, type this:  export LANG=en_US.utf802:33
dougb_freebsdthen still in that same window, try viewing the text you were having problems with02:33
nimbioticsdougb_freebsd: almost certainly ilegal? I might not be a Linux ubuntu expert but I aint no dumb either. I'm not pretending to do anything ilegal with it; I need to transcript many of these calls and I'd like to be able to record some with my laptop when I'm not home where I do have a recording device attached to my phone. Please help. TIA02:33
yaomsi want to disable the X11 of my 10.04 Desktop system , anyone tell me how ?02:34
eu_soh_me_fodo_vala aalaa02:35
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=== ChEaSeR is now known as ChSR[dinner]
Genieliuif I want to kill x,which command should i use?02:35
debianmandougb_freebsd, i do, but dont show special chars02:36
dougb_freebsdnimbiotics: recording phone calls IS actually illegal in the United States except under very specific circumstances.  Your intentions for the use of the recordings are not relevant02:36
kasunGenieliu, CTRL+ALT+Backspace will kill your nome session02:36
snootI need help02:36
snoothelp is what I need02:37
snootit involves hardware02:37
snootof the laptop nature02:37
snootIm replacing a dc power jack02:37
snootfor a hp g6002:37
dougb_freebsddebianman: ok, try logging out, then after selecting your username in gdm but before entering your password look at the menu on the bottom of the screen, and choose the UTF charset.  Then log in with your password and see if that helps02:37
apporcHi,man. Who can tell something about ubuntu's automount windows filesystem. It is that , when you02:37
apporcleft click one disk icon , it is then mounted for you.02:37
snootand the original came out with 6pin connector02:37
snootand the one replacing it has a 5 pin with 4 wires02:37
snootbut the 4 wires appear to cover all the bases on the back of the power jack02:38
snootis that possible?02:38
snootthe two black wires that are missing are black on the original one02:38
snootI have a picture02:38
dougb_freebsdsnoot: wrong channel, and your "one line at a time" method of typing is very annoying :)02:38
snooto sorry02:38
snootbad habit02:38
snootwhere do I go02:38
apporc Hi,man. Who can tell something about ubuntu's automount windows filesystem. It is that , when you \02:38
apporc left click one disk icon , it is then mounted for you.02:38
nimbioticsdougb_freebsd: what I'm trying you to understand is that all FIVE persons whose phone calls I need to record have signed a waiver for me. On top of that, we do follow a certain protocol before I can actually start recording the call02:38
PCChrisI have an autorun.sh on an eSATA drive that I would like to run when I plug it in...how would I go about automounting the drive?02:38
debianmanok, i come back soon02:38
snoot ruhroh02:38
dougb_freebsdnimbiotics: ok, good luck with that02:38
rinku_kokiridougb_freebsd,  and it only usually requires ONE PARTY to know the call is being recorded02:39
dougb_freebsdrinku_kokiri: In the United States that is not correct, but IANAL, and this isn't the legal advice channel02:40
rinku_kokiriTwelve states require, under most circumstances, the consent of all parties to a conversation. Those jurisdictions are California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington. Be aware that you will sometimes hear these referred to inaccurately as “two-party consent” laws. If there are more than two people involved in the conversation, all must consent to the taping.02:40
dougb_freebsdI was just giving nimbiotics one possible explanation of why no one was answering his question :)02:40
dmsupermanIs there a tool to re-analyze an mp3 and set the header data for the lenght?02:40
rinku_kokiriFederal law allows recording of phone calls and other electronic communications with the consent of at least one party to the call.02:40
lyjHello everyone02:41
rinku_kokiriso unless you have statutes thaat conflict with that...02:41
lyjMy ubuntu 9.04 has no sound, anyone can help me?02:41
blakkheimlyj: no, because 9.04 is unsupported02:41
NahledgeI was installing aircrack-ng and told I have to add it to the PATH. what does that mean02:42
lyjThe laptop become silent when I install ubuntu 9.0402:42
apporcWhen I click the disk icon , the ntfs-disk is then automounted .But I am not satisfied with the options about that disk .How can change that myself02:42
blakkheimNahledge: you shouldn't be using aircrack-ng if you don't know what $PATH is02:42
rinku_kokiridougb_freebsd,  and actually, michigan has an ALL PARTY law that a judge ruled invalid: one Michigan Court has ruled that a participant in a private conversation may record it without violating the statute because the statutory term "eavesdrop" refers only to overhearing or recording the private conversations of others.02:42
NahledgeI dont know what anything is. I only installed ubuntu to use it02:42
blakkheimlyj: you need to install a supported version such as 10.04 or 10.1002:42
Flanneldougb_freebsd, rinku_kokiri: Please take this to #ubuntu-oftopic, thanks02:42
dougb_freebsdrinku_kokiri: seriously, way OT, and I'm done discussing it02:43
Flanneler, #ubuntu-offtopic02:43
lyjThat was totally a disaster to install a new version....02:43
Nahledgeblakkheim: can you explain what it means to add to path brieefly. I plan on only using nix for aircrack-ng02:44
fracasaurioUbuntu no me monta el cd automaticamente02:44
lyjI don't think it's a good idea02:44
blakkheim!es > fracasaurio02:44
ubottufracasaurio, please see my private message02:44
blackchook #el-lnx ellnx02:44
lyj9.04 release with the sound can't work !!02:45
blakkheimlyj: i told you 9.04 is unsupported, no one here can help you with it02:45
rinku_kokiriso i think that gstreamer thing fixed my sound problem02:45
rinku_kokirihaven't had it disconnect on me since i uninstalled02:45
lyjwhy does it release then...02:46
blakkheim!9.04 | lyj02:46
ubottulyj: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.02:46
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lyjI mean in the beginning ,it doesn't support the sound??02:47
lyjThat was totally unacceptable02:47
wast3landanyone know if it is possible to mount the network drive itself? not an individual share on it02:47
wast3landive searched for ways to do it on google02:48
wast3landbut all answers provide ways of mounting the share's02:48
wast3landnot the actual network drive02:49
rinku_kokiriwast3land, how's this... share the root of the drive02:49
rinku_kokirithen mount that02:49
wast3landi tried, but samba doesnt appear to support that02:49
wast3landit requrires a share02:49
ish_hey guys02:49
ish_whats a good channel for c++ questions?02:50
homei need help figuring out to get my webcam on this laptop to work02:50
wast3landsay 'bar' is the share and 'foo' is the acutal drive the shares on. i try smbmount //foo/ /mnt/foo02:50
rinku_kokiriish #c++ ?02:50
vdubhackAnyone know a good message board or something similar for sorting out UUID issues ?02:50
roastedEvolution says I have 1 in my inbox. Yet when I go to my inbox, it says no messages. Uhh?????????????02:50
wast3landbut it work unless i provide the 'bar' at the end: smbmount //foo/bar /mount/foo02:51
Nisstyre65ish_: ##c++02:51
replicasexsay I wanted to try the latest kde out -- would installing and uninstalling the kubuntu-desktop be a very poor way to do this?02:51
vdubhackreplicasex: No thats fine you can have multiple desktops I do for when gnome goes crazy02:51
roastedI also delete 3 emails from my evolution, hit refresh, AND THEY COME BACK. What in the world?02:51
replicasexvdubhack, I've been warned anecdotally by a few people for possible instability .. any merit to that?02:52
rinku_kokirireplicasex, is your drive corrupted?  memory failing integrity checks?02:52
vdubhackreplicasex: I havent yet seen that02:52
replicasexrinku_kokiri, no no just wanted to give kde a try -- i was going to use a vm but kubuntu wouldn't play with the gues installtions02:53
Pavlz233 packages updated02:53
vdubhackreplicasex: the ubuntu wikis even say you can have multiple desktops, though the one I use multiples on though I only use for basic uses and backup02:53
replicasexvdubhack, yeah I don't want to rock the boat with my main system >_>02:54
replicasexi wouldn't mind giving the netbook remix a try either, for unity at least.02:54
vdubhackreplicasex: My main use systems are all xubuntu02:54
rinku_kokirithey need to make a palmbuntu02:54
nimbioticsdougb_freebsd et all: Thanks02:55
vdubhackrinku_kokiri: LOL02:55
rinku_kokirivdubhack, i'm tired of webos and no microphone api.02:55
MagicJwhem I run apt-get upgrade on ONE machine I get "The following packages have been kept back -linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-generic-image - what do I need to do02:55
rinku_kokiriand i can't lshw02:55
vdubhackrinku_kokiri: there are open source OS's you can put on the palm or you can set up a build environment and make your own :)02:56
vdubhackrinku_kokiri: or just get rid of the palm :P02:57
rinku_kokiribut it has wifi02:57
vdubhackOK and? You cant find a comparable device with wifi?02:58
rinku_kokirivdubhack, not for free =D02:58
vdubhackAhhh got ya02:58
vdubhackgo the build environment route then :) Look up OpenEmbedded02:58
vdubhackAnyone know a good message board or something similar for sorting out UUID issues ?02:59
austinbvHey I am having an issue chmoding my secondary drives mounted via the gui, I tried chmod -Rv /media/drive_name and run with sudo and run with root user the output says perms change but nothing changes03:01
austinbvHey I am having an issue chmoding my secondary drives mounted via the gui, I tried chmod -Rv /media/drive_name and run with sudo and run with root user the output says perms change but nothing changes03:02
vdubhackaustinbv: you dont need to flood your question so quickly03:02
vdubhackpeople will answer if they know03:03
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shibuindieHi all..03:03
tibmanjordan_u, are you online?03:05
shibuindieinstalled 3d acceleration software in Ubuntu 10.10, but when try to open message pops up as "XDriInfo returned with non-zero exit code"03:05
tibmanshibuindie, what brand of card?03:05
=== swordfish is now known as genupulas
vijay_hi all03:05
shibuindiexdriinfo in terminal shows up as "libgl is too old."03:05
Matt4542Can someone help me? Gnome literary is gone.03:06
shibuindiegts 25003:06
Matt4542I just have a white background.03:06
MagusOTBHow do I connect to a WPA network from the cli? wpa_supplicant won't work.03:06
tibmanshibuindie, I had a lot of problems installing the nvidia drivers on another computer, Ati install much easier, sorry guy I wont be much help03:06
xanguaexplain better yourself Matt4542, what did you excactly do¿03:07
Pavlzhow to update the kernel ?03:07
Pavlzi don't remember mre03:07
Pavlzi made 1 or 2 time03:07
shibuindieok..thats fine "-)03:07
Matt4542xangua, I have no idea. I rebooted my computer and turned it on and all I see is a white screen.03:07
xanguaPavlz: sudo apt-ger update && sudo apt-get upgrade ¿03:07
SnakkahDoes anyone here have experience with Western Digital external hard drives?03:07
zhangxinhuiwhat 's wrong?03:08
Pavlzapt-get update && apt-get upgrade03:08
SnakkahI'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and I'm trying to find a way to get the "Virtual CD" to go away.03:08
rusiviSnakkah: Yes, I have 2 recently purchased WD external USB HDD working great.03:08
tibmanI inadvertently installed grub on my win 7 partition and now it wont launch, anyone know how to correct this?03:08
SnakkahEvery time I mount their "My Passport" hard drive, this "virtual CD" mounts with it.03:08
yaomsi want to disable the X11 of my 10.04 Desktop system , anyone tell me how ?03:08
Nisstyre65yaoms: apt-get remove xorg ? or something like that03:09
rusiviSnakkah: Your referring to the "WD SmartWare"?03:09
zhangxinhuiUse PE to boot you system,bootsect c: /nt6003:09
SnakkahYes rusivi.03:09
SnakkahHow do I remove it?03:09
mecablazeI have a make file, is there a way to use mingw32-g++ to compile instead of normal g++?03:09
ZykoticK9yaoms, if you want to boot to text mode you can see my notes at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/boot-to-console---disable-graphical-login-gdm03:09
=== emma_ is now known as emma
rusiviSnakkah: Don't worry about it. It does not interfere or persist after "Safely Remove Drive" or doing anything else.03:10
ZykoticK9yaoms, that's technically for lucid obviously, but i'm sure it will work for Mav too03:10
Pavlzcomputer tell me to be rebooted03:10
Snakkahrusivi: I know. It's just kind of annoying. Also, if I'm going to be installing an OS onto this WD drive, will that "virtual CD" still be there?03:10
Pavlzand that there is one package not updated03:11
Pavlzi reboot the pc03:11
Nattgewhow do you get backintime to back up hidden folders?03:11
Pavlzse we later03:11
rusiviSnakkah: It's Windows-based prop. software. Assuming it's not hardcoded into some flash memory you could try to reformat the entire drive with your filesystem of choice.03:11
Matt4542Ugh guess I can't get help.03:12
poohstixI want to use a liveCD with a laptop with CD drive.  Does that mean I should use the desktop image, rather than the notebook image?03:12
ZykoticK9poohstix, it would probably be easier with the desktop vs the netbook version03:13
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kopI want to pound a nail with a screwdriver does that mean I still nned the hammer ?03:13
poohstixZykoticK9: thanks.03:14
rusiviSnakkah: Unless your using USB 3.0 I would not recommend running a Live USB OS from the external HDD unless you want inferior performance to an internal HDD>03:14
kopinferior = slower than plan 9 upgrades03:15
ZykoticK9esata = fast external drives :)03:16
zakwilsonDrive-by semi-troll for anybody who works on the UI and might happen to be here: it's 2010. Why can't I drag songs from Rhythmbox to a Thunderbird message window to make attachments?03:17
tibmanInstalled grub on windows 7 partition inadvertently, grub will load linux but when I try to load windows 7, it says "error fylesystem not found". While in linux I can open my windows partition, so the files are still intact. I also tried the windows 7 install disk startup repair multiple times, no dice. Anyone have any idea?03:18
Glochouch that sounds nasty03:19
zakwilsontibman: I'm guessing the Windows installer puts a bootloader in the MBR, but not the partition, right?03:19
ZykoticK9tibman, does booting into ubuntu and running "sudo update-grub2" find/correct your windows install?03:19
tibmanzykoticK9, i tried that a few times, it says "win 7 found" but it doesnt fix it...03:20
ZykoticK9tibman, ummmm, sorry can't help then.  good luck.03:21
tibmanzakwilson, I am not sure where windows puts its bootloader...03:21
yaomsZykoticK9: thank you03:21
ZykoticK9yaoms, glad to help03:21
Pavlzi tunred back03:21
zakwilsontibman: alright, let me put it this way: when you "fix" it from the Windows installer, does it still load grub on startup?03:21
Smalltalkhi,I am a newbie03:21
tibmanzakwilson, yes, grub still loads after using windows startup recovery03:22
kopSmalltalk, we all were once03:22
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hyperstreamtibman, if all else fails, and you go for the format option, backup all required data, then format the drive - install 7 then ubuntu straight after (had a very similar issue, wasted 3 days seeking answers, fast to reinstall)03:22
zakwilsonSmalltalk: you're a newbie? I thought you were a programming language from PARC.03:22
SmalltalkI like the name03:23
tibmanhyperstream, i thought about that option, but I have my windows so customized, i would rather find a fix, but I am considering it...03:23
zakwilsontibman: I don't know what to tell you then. I figured it would put the bootloader in the MBR and you could dd it to the partition.03:23
kopSmalltalk, just watch it scroll by for a bit you'll get the basic idea03:23
hyperstreamtibman, i know the feeling, but i also noticed i resetup my windows pretty quickly(i spent a day, jotting down stuff i should backup/restore/do/add/install) i only forgot my pop3 mail (no biggie)03:24
tibmanI hate grub, it has been the center of many headaches for me03:24
* Anom01y is away: TRP idle03:24
fakhirhello. i want to mount a raid on boot (/dev/md0) what is the best way to configure that? (ubuntu server)03:24
hyperstreamtibman, before 9.10 was for me also. now grub plays nicely for me.03:25
* Anom01y is back (gone 00:00:06)03:25
zakwilsonI find grub to be rather nice as bootloaders go.03:25
Smalltalk kop,smalltalk translated in chinese is novel!03:25
hyperstream!mount > fakhir03:25
ubottufakhir, please see my private message03:25
hyperstream!raid > fakhir03:25
tibmanI wouldnt mind grub if it didn't lock me out of windows03:25
hyperstreamfakhir, hope those may help bud03:25
ahtmly2khey how do i turn on the Unity UI on maverick meerkat? i upgraded from previous versions and is now still using the old UI..03:26
fakhirhyperstream, thanks03:26
zakwilsonAnom01y: please don't use public away messages like that (they kick for it here)03:26
hyperstreamtibman, you installed it to the wrong partition/drive (has been my issue in many cases) When it comes to installing an alternative OS beside another, i always check things like 18 times lol. Hate messing it all up03:26
tibmanI have to get my laundry, thanks guys, be back03:27
leoowuThe version : ubuntu 10.10; the mic doesn't work, but i can hear from when i say sth by microphone, any other thing normally03:27
ZykoticK9ahtmly2k, 1st install unity "sudo apt-get install unity" then Log out - and once you've selected your username, at the bottom select Ubuntu Netbook Version - log back in and you'll be in Unity03:27
Glochahtmly2k,  you have to apt-get it first03:27
leoowuwho can help me with it ?03:27
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Glochthen just loout and choose unity then login03:27
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Glochusing unity now03:28
leoowui can't find an effective way to resolve the problem03:28
leoowuwho can help me03:28
hyperstreamhow do i restart pulse?03:28
leoowuthe headphone and mic is new and works well under win703:28
kopdeath to Pulse Audio !03:29
hyperstreamkop, whats it replace?03:29
ahtmly2koh yeah i just realized that.. but is it okay if i get it from the USC ubuntu software center?03:30
kophyperstream, I just use alsa03:30
ZykoticK9hyperstream, Pulse replaced ESD - pulse uses alsa for lowlevel soundcard stuff03:30
* choonming is away: Time to sleep03:30
kophyperstream, just an opinion here . PA was a bad idea gone worse . I got tired of hearing from devl discus and launchpad that it "should just work"03:32
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hyperstreamafter like a day03:33
hyperstreamsound stops working03:33
hyperstreamSorry- enter key bad habbit from facebook. let me re type that.03:34
hyperstreamAfter around 24 hours, or so, it seems my sound just stops working, how would i go about restart what ever controls the sound in ubuntu 10.1003:34
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
MagusOTB_Where's the best place to put an xrandr command so that it'll get executed when I login to xmonad?03:35
Sicklercan someone tell me what the channel is for xbmc as all my plugins have errors when i run them03:35
shcherbak99.99% Up-time Guarantee? Does it mean in life time?03:35
genupulasmy empathy not showing online gmail contacts.....can any one help mw03:36
genupulasmy empathy not showing online gmail contacts.....can any one help me please03:36
denisesballhey all, i cannot figure out why my CPU is running hot only since my upgrade to 10.1003:36
atari2600aI need to add some files to an ISO03:36
atari2600abut archive manager opens it read-only03:36
atari2600aanyone know how to fix this?03:37
genupulasmy empathy not showing online gmail contacts.....can any one help me please03:37
denisesballhey all, i cannot figure out why my CPU is running hot only since my upgrade to 10.1003:37
denisesballload is constantly around 1, and the only thing I see is X using 4-5% CPU03:38
pedroHey i got an easy one, when im using dual monitors and im on youtube i cannot switch to full screen mode03:38
genupulasatari2600a,  i dont know exactly but extract them and change permissions  with  chmod03:38
atari2600agenupulas, that would ruin the boot sector03:38
genupulasatari2600a, after that u can do what u want03:38
genupulasatari2600a,  hmm give me a sec03:39
pedrohelp me03:39
pedroubottu i love you but i dont think "we" can work out im sorry03:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:40
Sicklercan someone tell me what the channel is for xbmc as all my plugins have errors when i run them03:40
pedroplease dont say that about yourself03:40
jayd3equestion, I got a certain piece of hardware(Wireless NIC that uses RT2860 chipset) to work in a Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop install, anyway I can transfer those drivers via a flash drive over to a Ubuntu Server Edition install?  so my wireless connections works instantly?03:40
pedroyour beutifull03:40
pedroits not u its me03:40
genupulasatari2600a,  at which areas u want the change03:41
pedrodiego, ablas espanol?03:41
nimbioticshello all. Rythmbox keeps crashing w/o any warning message whatsoever as soon as I try to play any readio station. Any ideas?03:42
pedrodiego, de donde sos usted?03:42
ejv!espanol | pedro03:42
ubottupedro: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:42
apporcnimbiotics:Maybe you can try to reinstall it.03:42
pedrorythmbox, crashes for me aswell03:43
atari2600aGenieliu, I have a freedos livecd ISO that I want to put my BIOS updater on, but I can't write to the ISO03:43
pedrohey where do i go to delete sys32?03:44
genupulasatari2600a, was that for me03:44
atari2600agenupulas, I think the ISO may have been corrupted, hold on...03:44
jayd3equestion, I got a certain piece of hardware(Wireless NIC that uses RT2860 chipset) to work in a Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop install, anyway I can transfer those drivers via a flash drive over to a Ubuntu Server Edition install?  so my wireless connections works instantly?03:44
genupulasatari2600a,  hmm03:44
gryllidaPavlz, ubuntu doesn't have win32, sorry03:45
gryllidahe left03:45
FloodBot1gryllida: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:45
roastedwhy is it when I delete emails in evolution, they just come back after 20 seconds????03:45
Genieliuatari2600a: sorry,i dont know how to add files to iso.Maybe you should ask somebody else03:46
xanguaroasted: using pop¿03:46
roastedimap, with gmail xangua03:46
heshamjayd3e: yes you can as long as the kernels are the same version, make sure you copy the firmware as well (/usr/lib/firmware or /lib/firmware)03:46
jayd3ehesham:  how would I go about transfering the drivers?  and exactly what directories would I have to transfer03:47
xanguaroasted: then just drag them to the trash directory instead of deleting it using the evolution menu03:48
roastedxangua, is that a serious suggestion03:49
BadAnthemsAround The World - Dune Greatest Hits (Utmost nice music)03:49
heshamjayd3e: you should transfer the kernel modules for the RT wlan, which driver are you using? the rt2860sta?03:49
heshamthen its the rt2860sta.ko file in /lib/modules/`uname -r` folder03:51
BadAnthemsroasted: Always copy03:51
Nahledgehow do i find the mac address of an access point?03:51
roastedBadAnthems, always copy?03:51
BadAnthemsroasted: You should not need to ask me that.03:51
BadAnthemsMove along now03:51
roastedBadAnthems, well, I am.03:51
Sicklercan someone tell me what the channel is for xbmc as all my plugins have errors when i run them03:51
heshamNahledge: iwconfig03:51
roastedI'm sorry. Is this a support channel?03:52
jayd3ehasham: in this path /lib/modules/2.6.32-24-generic/kernel/drivers03:52
Nahledgeits showing me my own wireless device... is there anyything i have to append to that?03:52
BadAnthemsroasted: Always copy important stuff before you remove it. To move means no inbetween storage mostly.03:53
heshamjayd3e: yes its somewhere in there, use "find -name rt*sta*" to find the exact location03:53
roastedBadAnthems, I'm not trying to copy anything. I jsut want my emails deleted when I select delete. I don't want them re-emailed to me 20 seconds after I intentionally delete them.03:53
heshamNahledge: no, in the output there should be Access Point: xx:xx:xx...03:53
genupulasi wanna install "gaim" Im03:53
BadAnthemsroasted: They are in your mailserver queu ?03:54
roastedBadAnthems, I use evolution at work, and I dont have this issue. I just decided to use evolution at home because I like the extra functionality but I can't seem to figure out why I just get my emails back that I delete.03:54
genupulasbut it was replaced by pidgin how can i get "gaim"03:54
heshamgenupulas: install pidgin its the new gaim03:54
NahledgeOkay let me rephrase this. The only thing I know how to find is the SSID (I think its called this) in this case its Anges1.03:54
roastedBadAnthems, well, I'm using gmail with imap. I don't have anything in my gmail web interface at the moment...03:54
roastedBadAnthems, not sure if that answers your question.03:54
xanguagenupulas: pidgin is formelly gaim......03:54
NahledgeKnowing nothing of linux, and starting at this point.03:54
NahledgeWhere do i go from there03:54
roastedBadAnthems, however, it says I have 1 email in my inbox, yet when I click on inbox, it says empty. lol?03:54
jayd3ehashem: do i want the one in /net/wireless or in /staging?03:55
BadAnthemsroasted: Set your Evolution email client to not delete emails and somehow the database pulls what you already have maybe ?03:55
heshamNahledge: maybe you should mention the main problem, are you trying to connect to a wireless network and having issues?03:55
BadAnthemsroasted: From the pop server03:55
heshamjayd3e: /net/wireless03:55
roastedBadAnthems, by pop you mean imap? mine is set up as imap.03:55
jayd3ehashem: and also is that really the only driver I need, because I went through a whole process of installing a driver and it embedded a number of files in my system>03:55
NahledgeNo I'm trying to figure out the mac address or any information on it in general. In order to use aircrack-ng03:55
jayd3ehashem:  were all of those files only necessary to create that one file?03:56
BadAnthemsroasted: you always have a pop/imap server03:56
genupulasxangua,  when i am going to connect with gtalk it not getting connect and showing ssl error and connecting with other yahoo,msn etc only the problme with gtalk account03:56
genupulasxangua,  username and paswd fine for that from me03:56
heshamNahledge: oh, so you're not connected to it already, then use iwlist scan03:56
BadAnthemsroasted: Put and get. This is what email is about. Some also have push, but thats hardly good securitywise03:57
genupulasxangua,  but when i deleted already added acnt and adding it again then it will for that session only03:57
xanguagenupulas: no problems here using the latest pidgin 2.7.503:57
genupulasxangua,  ok03:57
genupulasxangua,  let me check my version03:58
genupulasits 2.7.303:58
roastedBadAnthems, hm, I see. I dont know, its just confusing me as to why this is happening. I dont have this with thunderbird on the same email acts....03:59
genupulasxangua,  is it possible update specific pkg03:59
xanguanever had problems with that version either genupulas, you could try #pidgin but i don't think there are too many people alive at this hour03:59
jayd3ehashem: and also is that really the only driver I need, because I went through a whole process of installing a driver and it embedded a number of files in my system>03:59
jayd3ehashem:  were all of those files only necessary to create that one file?03:59
genupulaslet me xangua04:00
xanguagenupulas: yes, you can update pidgin following the instructions at pidgin.im04:00
heshamjayd3e: most likely yes this is the only file you need. there should be no harm trying to load the module and checking the dmesg output, if anything else is required it would show you there04:00
BadAnthemsroasted: Same isp's in between the mailserver/pop server ?04:01
roastedBadAnthems, same everything. same dang computer.04:01
roastedBadAnthems, I can open thunderbird, works fine. same two gmail accts, imap, setup, etc.04:01
icekCan someone direct me to a good OSX theme?04:01
roastedBadAnthems, I mimiced the same setup to evolution when I began to adapt to it tonight04:01
roastedBadAnthems, but like I said I have this issue...04:01
BadAnthemsroasted: You have forgotten something. What it is i cannot tell :)04:02
roastedBadAnthems, um..04:02
roastedI'd be really, really happy if you'd tell me.04:02
jayd3ehashem:  one more question, shouldn't the two installs be acting the same as far as my wireless goes?  does the server install not have a module installed tht it needs?04:02
roastedseeing as though this is a support channel and I'm quite frustrated, to be completely honest with you.04:02
BadAnthemsroasted: Trust me, youve forgotten a tiny detail somewhere in your setup. Go over it again!.04:03
heshamjayd3e: rtsta module need compilation, it can't be included the default installation due to license issues04:03
roastedBadAnthems, Ive been over my setup about 40 times.04:03
roastedseriously... can you just give me an indication on what you are referring to.04:03
BadAnthemsroasted: Ah, a deadlock. Remove the new email client. Erase this email clients settings in your home directory: "ls -la"04:04
roastedBadAnthems, you think thunderbird's settings being existent (even though thunderbird isnt running) could result in that happening with evolution??04:04
jayd3ehesham:  right but I went through the same exact process to install rtsta module in my Ubuntu-Desktop install as I did with the server and yet somehow I got results on one and not the other.  It is important to note, that on my Server Edition install, wlan0 never changed to ra0 after compilation; however it did on the Ubuntu-Desktop install04:05
BadAnthemsroasted: No, the new email client's settings04:05
CodeWarwhile building the ubuntu kernel using instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile ... doing make mrclean takes out the debian/ directory04:05
roastedBadAnthems, the "new" email client is evolution. You want me to wipe evolution's settings?04:05
CodeWarany idea whats the best way to bring it back04:05
BadAnthemsroasted: Yes, and evolution. Then install it and begin again.04:05
roastedBadAnthems, and evolution - you mean and thunderbird? :P04:06
wrektjethello. is there a program that can tell me the wattage my comp is using?04:06
mzuverinknessus in any repos?04:06
BadAnthemsroasted: Just evo. It should work, i trust you.04:06
heshamjayd3e: well it seems the built-in modules were not blacklisted, you tried rebooting the server? or if that's not possible then try modprobe -r (any old modules) and reload rtsta04:07
roastedBadAnthems, hm, thats strange because I JUST set up evolution...04:07
roastedBadAnthems, but Im trying with both tbird and evo removed, then setting up evo again.04:07
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BadAnthemsroasted: Version of Ubuntu is ?04:07
cpsDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 004:07
roastedBadAnthems, 10 1004:07
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.04:07
BadAnthemsroasted: Maverick right ?04:07
BadAnthemsStevooo! :)04:08
BadAnthemsFrom jackass :P /Just joking04:08
BadAnthemsroasted: Setup the encryption right if any ?04:09
jayd3ehashem: ok ill try those things04:09
jayd3ehashem: ty for all ur help04:09
porjoHow can I set parameters on glslideshow under Ubuntu 10.10 ?  I've followed a howto which said to edit /usr/share/applications/screensavers/glslideshow.desktop however that hasn't made any difference04:09
roastedBadAnthems, I found about 5 guides online that all told me to do the same thing - SSL for receiving, TSL (or whatever) for sending.04:09
BadAnthemsroasted: Naah, use SSL for ANY04:09
roastedBadAnthems, it said in every guide to use TLS for sending04:09
lake1I use xmonad as my window manager. I'd like "nm-applet" to run automatically. How can I have an application (nm-applet) launch when I boot into Xmonad?04:09
BadAnthemsroasted: Most isps people dont know what they write.04:10
roastedit wasn't anything to do with an ISP04:10
roastedit was specifically for setting up evolution with gmail04:10
BadAnthemsroasted: The understanding is the same.04:10
roastedit still came back04:11
roastedI just emailed myself from 1 acct to another04:11
roastedI delete the message, and blam - its back in 15 seconds in my inbox, unread04:11
demitrius_Hello. Does anybody know how to get Netbook 10.10 to work and look like Netbook Remix 10.04?04:11
wrektjethello. is there a way to gauge the power consumption of a computer in wattage? either via terminal or a program?04:11
BadAnthemsUse an echo server04:11
BadAnthemsemail echo server04:12
roastedecho server?04:12
FrenchMaidwrektjet: is it a laptop?04:12
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wrektjetFrenchMaid, it is a desktop04:12
FrenchMaidwrektjet: then I cannot help04:12
wrektjetFrenchMaid, running 10.0404:12
BadAnthemsroasted: Send to: echo@sunet.se and itll try to send it back to where it came from04:13
FrenchMaidwrektjet: sorry04:13
wrektjetits ok thnx04:13
roastedBadAnthems, what the... it failed to send.04:13
girlie_womenHey Benny!!! You seem to be everywhere today...04:14
Benny_GeckoOh, yeah. I was in Vegas today.04:14
BadAnthemsroasted: Check your logs why it failed. Start the logger if its not running first (rsyslogd etc)04:15
girlie_womenYou wasted all the money at that strip club again???04:15
BadAnthemsSTRIIPCLUBS!!! :)04:15
FrenchMaidgirlie_women and Benny: Isnt this just a little off topic?04:15
BadAnthemsFrenchMaid: you sexxi thang :)04:16
macogirlie_women: not an appropriate topic here04:16
FrenchMaidBadAnthems: Oh baby04:16
BadAnthemsFrenchMaid: Give it to me baby :P04:16
xanguastop that04:17
BadAnthemsHehe, sorry04:17
BadAnthemsBut it was fun for once :)04:17
girlie_womenBenny: I didn't see you this time...04:17
dante1Hallo Ubuntu. I just upgrading alsa 1.0.23 on ubuntu 10.04. the headphone is not working. anyone have similar problem?04:17
FrenchMaidanyway, either start your own channel or goto offtopic04:18
girlie_womenFrench maid: You lesbian, by any chance?04:18
FrenchMaiddante1: how new is your setup?04:18
macogirlie_women: this is not a dating channel04:18
macogirlie_women: get on the topic of ubuntu tech support ASAP04:18
demitrius_Hello. Does anybody know how to get Netbook 10.10 to work and look like Netbook Remix 10.04?04:19
BadAnthemsFrenchMaid: Who are you talking to ?. Always put the nick you wish to talk to first in your sentence please.04:19
dante1frenchmaid: I am upgrading elsa yesterday04:19
FrenchMaidgirlie_women: I'm actually a cross-dressing male04:19
macoFrenchMaid: i dont care04:19
macoFrenchMaid: dress how you want, just keep this channel for tech support04:19
FrenchMaidmaco:  k04:20
BadAnthemsFrenchMaid: Sexxi, do you wear prada :P04:20
girlie_womenBadAnthems: I DO!04:20
macoBadAnthems: fashion != tech support04:20
girlie_womenAnd Louis Vuitton04:20
FrenchMaiddante1: how new is your COMPUTER, also laptop or desktop?04:20
dante1frenchmaid: do i need to get specific modules to fix the headphone jack?04:20
moviefan33i need to ask two things04:20
macogirlie_women, BadAnthems: please see /topic -- this channel is for ubuntu tech support ONLY! not dating, not fashion04:20
dante1frenchmaid: it is a lenovo g460 laptop04:21
aegisgirlie_women: do you have any pics?04:21
macoaegis: not appropriate04:21
moviefan33is there a faster dvd encoder than devede. it is so slow.04:21
FrenchMaiddante1: do you know how old ur pc/sound card is? that kinda takes things into accoutn04:21
aegisof Ubuntu screenshots?04:21
aegismaco: You didn't let me finish.04:22
macoaegis: yeah yeah nice save. stick it on one line if you dont want it to look like a guidelines violation04:22
BlackenedSääääXxxI !!!04:23
Blackenedmacos fillibracos04:23
dante1FrenchMaid: Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High  Definition Audio (rev 05)04:23
dante1Audio device: nVidia Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev  a1)04:23
roastedCan anybody give me any sort of idea on why when I delete email from Evolution, it gets RESENT to me within 20 seconds??04:24
FrenchMaiddante1: do you know how to et into the mixer?04:24
FrenchMaiddante1: in GUI04:24
dante1I am opening my mixer now04:24
Blackenedroasted: you have sent email that bounces from your isp04:24
Blackenedroasted: Bad recipient04:24
roastedBlackened, impossible. it works with thunderbird on this very same PC.04:25
=== Blackened is now known as Amaranthian
roastedand Im emailing 1 acct to another. I have two gmail accounts set up with evolution.04:25
dante1FrenchMaid: I am opening alsamixer via terminal at the moment04:25
roastedso I'm essentially emailing myself during this process, but like I said - it comes back in my inbox even when I delete it.04:25
FrenchMaidlook for some sort of head phone jack sensor and turn it on04:25
punkmexichelllo can somebody help me find a wordpress teemplate similar to omgubuntu site?04:26
Amaranthianroasted: The evolution database on your computer has been hosed ?04:26
roastedAmaranth, I've deleted the .evolution folder so many times and re-set up my accounts man.... It can't be.04:26
brick_hello, i'm using brasero burning software, it works alright, i'm wondering if it's ok to burn at maximum speed if I have large video files also with it04:26
Amaranthianroasted: Ive had to delete my evo db a few times during the past 10 years.04:26
FrenchMaiddante1: look for some sort of headphone jack sensor option and turn it on.04:26
xanguaroasted: like i said, just trad them to your trash folder04:26
brick_hello, i'm using brasero burning software, it works alright, i'm wondering if it's ok to burn at maximum speed if I have large video files also with it. What's the advntge of burning at such a low speed?04:26
roastedxangua, that cant be a serious suggestion.04:26
roastedxangua, when I delete an email, it should delete.04:26
roastedIm sorry to sound picky, but thats just kind of ridiculous.04:27
AmaranthianIn the Midnight Hour! HardCore viiibes! :)04:27
demitrius_brick_: lower speed produces fewer burn errors.04:27
roastedAmaranth, when you refer to dumping your evolution DB, is that done by deleting the .evolution folder?04:27
brick_ok, thank you demitrius_04:27
demitrius_brick_ : welcome04:27
FrenchMaidUbuntu: and hello to you04:27
FrenchMaidUbuntu: whats up?04:28
AmaranthianGood Morning! Im Luke Skywalker. Ill never get to work with what is sooo very good at.04:28
Ubuntui am just install finished Ubuntu 10.10 and learning to use04:28
dante1FrenchMaid: I didn't find any jack sensor in alsamixer04:28
FrenchMaidUbuntu: need any help at all04:28
brick_Ubuntu, change your name. you have to be admin to have that name.04:29
rwwbrick_: no, you don't04:29
brick_yeah you do04:29
Ubuntusearch Ubuntu toolbox04:29
IdleOnebrick_: no you don't04:29
brick_admin or high mod04:29
lake1I use xmonad, I have a "nm-applet" file in my /etc/init.d/ dir. But, when I boot into Xmonad, I have to manually launch "nm-applet" to get internet. How can I resolve that?04:29
brick_yeah you do04:29
rwwbrick_: no, you don't ;)04:29
IdleOnebrick_: NO, you don't04:29
FrenchMaiddantel: it should say headphon on the bottom.04:29
brick_sorry, it's all i know04:30
brick_every server i've ever been on04:30
Ubuntuhi ubuntu04:30
Lindahi guys,does anyone knows the command for imagemagick ?04:30
FrenchMaiddante1: if not look for a headphone volume control i have seen one on a thinkpad I owned once04:30
snarksterusing the dd command to create a hd img file. if seek 6241 = 3gb what seek do i need to do 160gb04:31
brick_sorry IdleOne04:31
Lindai have the software but i cant get it running i guess is on terminal,i need command so i can make a short cut04:31
FrenchMaiddante1: anything?04:31
=== Amaranthian is now known as EchristIdleMoron
xanguaLinda: If you are refering to some tool like pastbinit but for images, i don't know04:31
dante1FrenchMaid: Nope.04:31
brick_lol EchristIdleMoron04:31
snarksterlinda: the command for imagemagick is display04:32
FrenchMaidhmm i dont knoe what to say..  May you have better luck elsewhere, sorry.04:32
xanguaUbuntu need something¿04:32
EchristIdleMoronbrick_: Its good to be nice i think.04:32
Lindaimagebin and pastebin04:32
snarksterLinda: so to display image abc.jpg you use display abc.jpg04:32
UbuntuI need you04:32
Ubuntube friends04:33
heshamUbuntu: read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:33
dante1FrenchMaid: Ok. Thx.04:33
snarksterthen again I didnt say anything to you. :|04:33
FrenchMaidGOODNIGHT ALL04:34
xanguathis is not a let's be friends channel Ubuntu, is a support, support for ubuntu linux channel; so wathever you are trying stop now, if you just want to chat there is #ubuntu-offtopic04:34
EchristIdleMoronxangua: As a representative i feel that the word "Friend" is relevant, dont you ?04:35
=== EchristIdleMoron is now known as Niceman
=== Niceman is now known as Niceman3
Niceman3xangua: Yes ?04:36
Niceman3xangua: Let pece rain on your soul so that it may find its path.04:37
phananhhi i want a question04:38
roastedCan anybody give me any sort of idea on why when I delete email from Evolution, it gets RESENT to me within 20 seconds??04:38
phananhi have two mechine a window and a ubuntu connected by a line without moderm04:39
c3lhow do I change DNS settings for all networks? right-klicking the network applet gives me the option to change DNS settings for specific networks, wired, and then every single one wireless network. how do I changn DNS settings for all networks?04:39
Niceman3Ps, thats a load of crock, but it enstills a profound belief in those who believe and makes then snap out of their jibberish ways more often then not.04:39
phananhhow to share file to ubuntu to window04:39
phananhsamba has not found window mechine04:39
Niceman3Question is, qhy do they have to believe in anything but themselves in the first place... Odd04:40
rwwubottu: ot | Niceman304:40
ubottuNiceman3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:40
=== Niceman3 is now known as Briceman
Bricemanubottu: ot | rww04:40
ubotturww: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:40
poohstixroasted: Are you sure you aren't receiving many copies of the same email, and the deletion has nothing to do with the new arrival?  (Sorry, it's the best I can come up with.)04:41
Bricemanbe nice now04:41
Bricemanrww: Right! ?04:41
c3lphananh: using ssh throuhg putty or cygwin or similar works, but you might be looking for a more native solution04:41
roastedpoohstix, I don't think it's a NEW email, I think it's the old email due to the time stamps being the same.04:41
poohstixroasted: How are you deleting, then?04:41
roastedpoohstix, I select them and hit delete, or I right click them and select delete message - both do the same thing.04:42
Lindathanks guys04:42
xanguaroasted: you see that folders in your IMAP account¿¿ in the sidebar on evolution¿¿ just drag the file to the TRASH FOLDER04:42
Bricemanrww: I asked you a question. How do you respond my friend ?04:42
roastedxangua, you've told me this like 8 times.04:42
roastedxangua, and I'm going to tell you something for the 8th time.04:43
roastedThat is not an acceptable solution when there is a TRASH ICON right fricken there I should be able to click and work.04:43
rwwxangua: your question marks all fell over :(04:43
coldfirecan someone tell me the difference between gentoo and arch and how they differ from ubuntu?04:43
rwwIdleOne: may as well remove the other four ice.net bans on dynamic IPs. I hear you're short on banlist space ;)04:44
dougb_freebsdI was playing with System > Preferences > Network Connections and now when I boot the network is not started automatically. How can I get it to start automatically again04:44
poohstixroasted: Have you always had this problem with deletions, or is it new?04:45
dougb_freebsdwow, there are bans there that are 200 days old04:45
dougb_freebsdthat's impressive04:45
roastedpoohstix, new, because I moved from thunderbird to evolution.04:45
celvindougb_freebsd, delete it, add it, and check the option auto start04:45
heshamroasted: after deleting, did you try to expunge trash and see if the messages still return?04:46
poohstixhesham: good thinking.04:46
dougb_freebsdcelvin: delete the interface in that same tool?04:46
roastedhesham, yep. I deleted them and did that REAL quick trying to beat it. But they still came back when I hit send/receive.04:46
celvindougb_freebsd, yes04:46
dougb_freebsdcelvin: ok, thanks ... I'll give that a try04:46
celvinor simpy the conection configuration04:47
rwwIdleOne: plus a +q >.>04:47
arrrghhhwhere is my "authorized_keys" file?  i don't seem to have one in /home/user/.ssh... in fact .ssh doesn't exist there.  this is on my server, not on the client.04:47
macoarrrghhh: make it?04:47
dougb_freebsdarrrghhh: you will have to create it04:47
arrrghhhi thought it was there from ssh being installed.04:48
poohstixroasted: Do you have "view deleted messages" selected or not?04:48
Treelanea You certainly look sensationable my queen :P04:48
TreelaneaSpice exists on the planet, the planet is Arakis.04:48
roastedpoohstix, where at, under "view" itself in the top of the menu?04:48
celvinarrrghhh, sudo find / -iname '*ssh*'04:48
heshamroasted: did you check if in your imap settings, the move deleted files to setting points to the trash folder on your server and not on local computer?04:49
poohstixroasted: yes, there.04:49
yahello, world!04:49
roastedhesham, not sure I follow you 100%. I'm in the menu now, but I'm not sure I'm seeing what you're speaking of.04:49
yawhat are U speaking about?04:50
TTTPlay IdleOne04:50
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=== beer is now known as Guest39618
arrrghhhso to do 'keyless' ssh authentication i just skip the passphrase portion in the key generation?04:52
arrrghhhor passwordless sorry04:52
roastedhesham, you out there man?04:54
heshamroasted: yes one minute trying to get evo running to show you the exact setting04:54
roastedhesham, k, thanks bro04:54
starncan mplayer use pls files? and how do i fix "failed to open LIRC support04:54
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poohstixroasted: In the meantime, what version of evo?04:55
roastedpoohstix, 2.30 I believe. its with 10.1004:55
c3lhow do I change DNS settings for all networks? right-klicking the network applet gives me the option to change DNS settings for specific networks, wired, and then every single one wireless network. how do I changn DNS settings for all networks?04:56
MagusOTB_How do I disable the media buttons on my apple keyboard and make them default to the function keys? I don't use gnome, so they do nothing...04:56
poohstixroasted: ok, I'm on 2.28 (10.4).  I like where hesham is going, but I can't find that setting on mine yet....04:57
starncan mplayer use pls files? and how do i fix "failed to open LIRC support"04:57
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MagusOTB_starn: I don't think mplayer on its own does pls's, but totem does.04:57
rotrotstarn: have you tried pls with mplayer? let me know04:58
starnrotrot: so far it does not work.04:58
starnMagusOTB_: is totem CLI?04:58
rotrotstarn: me too. i simply paste the url in the pls to the commandline. works04:58
MagusOTB_You can start it from the cli... Are you talking about like framebuffer CLI?04:58
c3lstarn: ffailed to opend LIRC supportt is nothing you have to care about, unless you want to use LIRC, iirc its linux infra red control04:59
starnrotrot: i get seek failed.04:59
starnohhh.. i do not have infra red stuff on computer.04:59
poohstixroasted: Do you have any filters defined?05:00
MagusOTB_starn: yeah, lirc is a remote control program. Unless it's stopping playback, I wouldn't worry about it.05:00
roastedpoohstix, nothing I set up separately.05:00
starnMagusOTB_: i don't think its effecting play back i assume the pls file is. what formate does mplayer support ang again is totem CLI?05:00
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MagusOTB_starn: what do you mean "Is totem cli" if you mean "can you start it from a terminal with an argument that is a .pls" then yes. If you mean "will it run without xserver" then no.05:01
rotrotstarn: sorry. can i have a link and try that one?05:02
heshamroasted: sorry can't connect to my desktop running evo at the moment. I have had the same problem in the past, just can't clearly remember how I resolved it05:02
snarksterif im trying to image a hard drive why isnt it it taking the whole drive?05:02
roastedthanks for trying bro05:02
starnrotrot: i'm using my own playlist to files on my computer.05:02
roastedhesham, I posted on the forums under the username roasted about this issue. If you find a fix and think of it, could ya bump my thread with some input? :)05:02
heshamroasted: sure i will keep checking05:03
starnMagusOTB_: yes i mean as in no Xserver. command line interface like moc and mplayer. and few others.05:03
Chaos2358hey guys i just upgraded through update manager from 10.04 to 10.10 and cant find software sources among many other small problems can anyone work with me to try and resolve a few?05:04
taofdcan any artists here recommend me any *good* drawing apps that they actually use for their professional works?05:04
MagusOTB_starn: no. but if you're manly enough to be using framebuffer movie players, can't you use sed to convert a pls file into a shell script that will invoke several mplayer instances in sequence?05:04
heshamroasted: you are not running any other client at the same time? mobile client, another computer etc?05:04
roastedhesham, nope. :(05:04
snarkstertaofd: gimp05:04
maco!pm > diego05:04
ubottudiego, please see my private message05:04
taofdsnarkster, do you actually use it for production work? i feel that the way layers are organized and some of the other UI features is kind of awkward :(05:05
starnMagusOTB_: i'm just getting into this CLI stuff and i'm loving it so far.05:05
heshamroasted: you see when you delete IMAP messages in evo it doesn't remove them just marks them for deletion, and finally deleted when you empty trash. it seems some other client is unmarking them in the meantime05:05
rwwmaco: your pastry hat's showing05:05
macotaofd: um im not professional, but MyPaint is *excellent* -- if you have a tablet.  i do brush calligraphy with it, but its got watercolour and oil simulations as well05:05
macorww: oh right i was gonna remove some old +q's05:05
roastedhesham, what if I switch from imap to pop?05:05
taofdmaco, okay i'll take a look at it05:05
snarkstertaofd: actually my artist friend who is sitting on the couch across from me uses it daily.. I turned him onto ubuntu and he hasnt looked back05:05
heshamroasted: it should delete directly from the server when using POP05:06
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roastedhesham, so if I switch to pop, technically the issue would be sorta resolved. right?05:06
heshamroasted: yes05:06
roastedhesham, the only downside is, if I leave my client open, I cant hit my inbox with messages that evo would have already intercepted. right?05:06
poohstixroasted: careful -- pop has a subset of the features of imap.  You might be disappointed.05:07
macoroasted: right05:07
snarkstertaofd: there is a learning curve but it is free05:07
roastedpoohstix, I really dont see what "features" I would be missing out on. I just want my email to send/receive/delete :P05:07
poohstixroasted: :-)  Got it.05:07
macoroasted: you should be able to set which dir to use for Trash, no?05:07
roastedmaco, I think so... I think I saw that option... let me check quick.05:08
heshamroasted: you will not be able to use server side folders with POP, only Inbox, no sent items etc.05:08
macoroasted: then set it to use your webmail's Trash dir, so it moves deleted messages there, that way when you empty trash on webmail or expunge in evolution, itll be the same thing05:08
snarkstertaofd: can we talk private for a sec.. I wanna send you a link to my friends deviant art page.05:08
taofdsnarkster, sure thx05:08
roastedmaco, ehh I have a thing here for drafts and sent, but not trash. ehh.05:08
macoroasted: oh boo. i wonder if that was why i switched to KMail...05:08
poohstixroasted: Which provider?05:09
roastedmaco, I really, really like evolution. I just. want. to. delete. my. email. :(05:09
roastedmaco, I dont have this problem with evo at work, and I use imap at work...05:09
roastedpoohstix, comcast is my ISP, gmail is the email I'm using.05:09
dougb_freebsdSo on my network issues, the network manager icon is showing in the upper right of my screen, but it says it's not running05:09
macoroasted: the "expunge" option (ctrl+e iirc) should force the delete...but if its using a local trash instead of remote im not sure how well thatd work05:10
dougb_freebsdand the app is enabled in the startup list05:10
roastedmaco, hm, do you know how to tell which one its deleting to?05:10
dougb_freebsdIn order to get this connection to autostart again I had to edit /etc/network/interfaces05:10
maco*sigh* i think this is telling me what the next patch i should write is... make-evo-trash-configurable.patch05:10
macoroasted: well if theres no config optino for what dir to use as trash, then it only has a local one :-/05:10
poohstixroasted: (Sorry for following -- not a gmail user) So you're using IMAP to gmail, which is fetching mail from comcast?  Rather than accessing comcast imap directly?05:11
roastedmaco, why isnt this an issue for me at work then? Granted Im using exchange and not gmail, but I'm still using imap...05:11
heshamroasted: gmail delete does not work with evo05:11
roastedhesham, whaaaaaat.05:11
heshamroasted: http://thegreyblog.blogspot.com/2009/06/gmail-with-evolution-and-trash-bin-how.html05:11
dougb_freebsdgmail's implementation of imap does not follow the specs05:12
roastedso maybe Ill just use pop05:13
macoyeah, that was *definitely* why i went to KMail...05:13
macocuz i'm a gmail user05:13
roastedI only used imap cuz I was told to use it05:13
roastedmaco, so kmail handles the gmail thing better?05:13
roastedmaco, that whole K thing scares me tho...05:13
dougb_freebsdpersonally I'm quite fond of tbird 3, it's what tbird was trying to be all along05:13
heshamroasted: i guess its better to switch to thunderbird/kmail/zimbra desktop instead of evo+pop05:13
macoyou tell it "use [GMail]/Trash as trash" and then it *does* and everything is lovely05:13
roastedI've tried KDE so many times and been let down... well... every single time...05:13
macoroasted: you can use kde apps within gnome :P  amarok is very popular!05:14
rwwmaco: mail clients doing what you want? what is this heresy05:14
roasteddougb_freebsd, I like tbird a lot, but I want a calendar integrated with my client - and dont even bring up the lightning extension... many headaches there.05:14
macoand when you reach the point of "this gnome app doesnt have the configuration option i want" ... well, thats the point where kde apps start looking good ;-)05:14
roastedmaco, yeahhhh I know. I just try to stay as gnome-pure as possible. come to think of it that sounds kind of stupid, but hey.. is what it is :P05:14
macoroasted: i used to do the same because qt3 was ugly and didnt know how to match theme with the gnome desktop. qt4 can look native though05:15
roastedhesham, this link is also from 2009 ya know... I wonder if theres been a patch? Then again, if it still aint working, I guess not :P05:15
roastedmaco, yeah.. I dont know.. gnome looks normal and presentable to me. I just dont like anything at all about kde apps or kde in general. font choices, size, etc, its all off to me.05:15
heshamroasted: i don't think there is a patch, if there is you would see the option to selece the trash folder alongside sent items and drafts in your evo settings05:16
roastedif I go with pop with gmail, what EXACTLY would I be missing out on?05:16
macothere isnt a patch05:16
macoi was just saying i probably ought to write one05:16
heshamroasted: POP has no folder support, no support to save sent items or drafts on server05:16
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poohstixroasted: iirc, IMAP pulls down headers without needing to pull down mail body.  With POP it's all or nothing.05:17
roastedhesham, wait, did you read the last entry on that link?05:17
poohstixroasted: aha!05:17
dougb_freebsdI'm running 10.10, and the version of grub2 that's installed has a regression. I'd like to downgrade grub2 to the version that was in 10.04, how can I do that?05:17
roastedthey came back anyway05:18
roastedseriously. how has this bug lasted this long in evo.05:18
heshamroasted: its not an evo bug, its a gmail issue, gmail does not adhere to IMAP specifications05:19
gantrixxA weird thing happened when I rebooted.  It didn't boot up into gdm05:19
roastedhesham, oh. so how can kmail get away with it?05:19
gbear14275hey guys, I just extended the root lv of a headless machine I have but when I run df it doesn't seem to reflect the new room.  Did I do something wrong?05:19
gantrixxIs there a way to start the GDM/GNOME environment by the command line?05:19
macopoohstix: there's also dimap. i <3 dimap. it pulls everything down and caches locally so you have a copy like with pop, but it has all the nice folder support and everything. perfect mirroring of webmail and local maile.05:19
roastedpoohstix, whats the downside of "all or nothing?"05:19
heshamroasted: other clients have created workarounds for such issues, but again not in accordance with IMAP specs05:19
macoroasted: kmail gets away with it by having an option to pick a different dir to use as trash05:20
Guest39599I would like to stop the "extra" folders being created when creating a new user (in /home/newuser/ directory). Does anyone know where I should be looking? (it doesn't seem to be anywhere in the skel dir...)05:20
roastedmaco, ahh...05:20
roastedhesham, what is IMAP+05:20
poohstixroasted: main downside is bandwidth.  If you've got lots, no downside.  I still live in a 2400 baud world in my tiny little brain, sometimes.05:20
=== Crisco is now known as zz_Crisco
heshamroasted: enhanced IMAP support in evo, still won't solve your issue IMO05:22
roastedhesham, perhaps its worth a try :P05:22
Chaos2358when ever i try to view a webcam feed through the yahoo messenger account on empathy in 10.10 it disconnects the account and says ne reason given. any ideas?05:22
poohstixGuest39599: "adduser --no-create-home", if you're doing it from commandline.05:23
snarksterChaos2358: the yahoo client version isnt up to snuff for video confrencing unless the other person is using the same client05:23
Chaos2358snarkster, so the other person using yahoo and me using empathy wont work? is there a bug fix for this in the works?05:24
cryptodirahello.... has anyone solved the backlit keyboard failure at bootup for amd64 in 10.04 on a toshiba satellite??05:24
snarksterChaos2358: I have no idea.. I know that if your using the same client on both ends it works.05:24
Guest39599poohstix: thanks, but it is a little more complex - I am doing via a gui...05:24
Chaos2358snarkster, ok well thanks05:25
poohstixGuest39599: I figured....05:25
snarksteryour welcome sorrelp more05:25
gbear14275Do I have to do something to get a rot filesystem to reflect an extended lv?05:25
snarksterum yah "sorry couldnt help more"05:25
xanguaChaos2358: you cold try gyachi http://gyachi.sourceforge.net/ need to add the ppa to install from repository05:25
Chaos2358snarkster, thats ok05:25
gbear14275I just extended my root lv, but it is not being reflected when I run df05:25
Guest39599actually using likewise-open which creates the user upon AD authentication..... problem is ubuntu creates all the other folders...05:26
Chaos2358xangua, thats is a different chat client?05:26
snarksterim using that new chat thingy that came with 10.10 (prettycool) but if you click the camera thing it crashes05:26
roastedhesham, I wonder if IMAP+ fixed it....05:26
c3lhow do I change DNS settings for all networks? right-klicking the network applet gives me the option to change DNS settings for specific networks, wired, and then every single one wireless network. how do I changn DNS settings for all networks?05:27
Chaos2358snarkster, thats what my problem was05:27
gbear14275and lvm wizards here?05:27
xanguaChaos2358: it's supposed to support voice and video with yahoo05:27
SwedeMikegbear14275: ask and you will see.05:27
heshamgbear14275: you have to extend the ext3 partition as well using resize2fs05:28
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Chaos2358xangua,  ok thanks. would you also be able to tell me how i add software sources to 10.1005:28
roastedhesham, imap is confusing the crap out of me. I'm getting the emails back, but they're not bombarding my inbox. they're here in all mail though.05:28
gbear14275hesham: ah thanks05:28
akshu1 hi all i have windows application after running in ubuntu 10 i am getting error as ActiveX component can't create object05:28
xanguaChaos2358: sudo add-apt-repository "ppa name"05:28
akshu1i am running application using wine05:29
poohstixcollabra: "man resolv.conf"05:29
akshu1getting error as  hi all i have windows application after running in ubuntu 10 i am getting error as ActiveX component can't create object05:29
Chaos2358xangua ok so there is no longer a gui software sources?05:29
xanguaChaos2358: yes there is, just copy the ppa name to it05:29
akshu1fixme:ntdll:server_ioctl_file Unsupported ioctl 24000 (device=2 access=1 func=0 method=0)05:29
gbear14275hesham: thanks... missed that part in the howto05:29
cryptodirahello.... has anyone solved the backlit keyboard failure at bootup for amd64 in 10.04 on a toshiba satellite??05:29
dougb_freebsdI'm running 10.10, and the version of grub2 that's installed has a regression. I'd like to downgrade grub2 to the version that was in 10.04, how can I do that?05:29
heshamgbear14275: :)05:30
xanguaand manually import the jey Chaos2358 pff i am just to lazy to do all that; so i preffer to use the add-apt comand05:30
xanguamanually import the KEY*05:30
heshamdougb_freebsd: 10.04 has grub2 AFAIK05:31
Chaos2358xangua ok i am confused here. there used to be "software sources" in system>admin in 10.04 10.10 doesnt have. i understrand how to do the add-apt but it helps to know what i already have05:31
dougb_freebsdyes, but it's a different version of grub205:31
xanguaChaos2358: edit the menu and mark it05:31
heshamdougb_freebsd: sorry didn't get the question at first05:31
dougb_freebsdhesham: no one seems to :)05:31
Chaos2358xangua didnt see it05:31
xanguaChaos2358: you can also acces to it from the software center and synaptic05:31
Chaos2358system>pref>main menu correct to gelect? it isnt there05:32
roastedhesham, do you know with pop and gmail if theres a way to have TWO separate inboxes for each of my accts? I just set them up to evo with pop and I have 1 inbox :(05:32
heshamdougb_freebsd: well as grub usually doesn't have many dependencies, i guess a download and dpkg -i of the old grub deb package should do the trick, i would keep a recovery cd handy though05:32
dougb_freebsdhesham: already have that one :005:33
akshu1ubuntu 10.10 does wine has almost all support , because i am getting error as fixme:ntdll:server_ioctl_file Unsupported ioctl 24000 (device=2 access=1 func=0 method=0)05:33
heshamroasted: pop downloads email to local inbox only05:33
dougb_freebsdhesham: what you're saying makes sense, but what I need help with is A) determining the version I'm looking for, B) finding it, and C) the proper dpkg commands ... I'm new to linux :)05:33
roastedhesham, I understand that. I just want two inboxes for each of my accounts. I had this in thunderbird...05:33
xanguaChaos2358: when i said edit the menu, i mean to say  EDIT the menu (right clic> edit) and search it in the administration section, enable it05:34
heshamakshu1: wine is a work in progress05:34
dougb_freebsdroasted: so use thunderbird :)05:34
dougb_freebsdoh wait ..05:34
heshamdougb_freebsd: the version in 10.04 is 1.98-1ubuntu805:34
collabrapoohstix, I'm really trying to infer why you would want me to man resolv.conf,.... any insight you could give me would be appreciated.05:34
roasteddougb_freebsd, I'd love to. if their lightning extension didnt suck.05:34
Chaos2358xangua ok that does the same as system>prefs>main menu and it isnt there.05:34
heshamdougb_freebsd: and you can get it from http://packages.ubuntu.com/05:34
akshu1hesham, after googling i saw many pepole gets error as ActieX cant create a object05:34
akshu1runtime error05:34
heshamakshu1: wine is a work in progress, it does not run all windows software, you can get better help in #wine05:35
collabrapoohstix, You have me essentially clueless at the moment.05:36
poohstixcollabra: There are probably more "modern" ways to do it, but entering a line "nameserver" (where is your dns server IP) should universally update DNS resolution.05:36
Chaos2358xangua nvm i got it05:36
Chaos2358xangua sorry its late and my eyes are on strike05:36
akshu1hesham, on #winehq no response nothing is going there05:36
baphometcan anyone help me solve an issue i am having with UNE?05:37
Tweedlei cant get my sound to work in stereo05:37
collabrapoohstix, okay,... do i have a problem resolving DNS updates?05:37
heshamakshu1: well then try at a later time, or post a bug at http://bugs.winehq.org/05:37
baphometi can duplicate the issue on my other laptop running ubuntu desktop05:38
collabrapoohstix, or did you mistake me with someone else?05:38
hesham!ask > baphomet05:38
ubottubaphomet, please see my private message05:38
poohstixcollabra: I probably goofed.  Sorry -- first day with xchat.05:39
collabranp,... and no worries poohstix05:39
dougb_freebsdhesham: ok, I've downloaded the files  ... now how do I use dpkg to delete the newer version of grub and then install the ones I downloaded?05:39
collabrapoohstix, :)05:39
heshamdougb_freebsd: dpkg -i filename.deb05:40
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baphometi would like assistance with an issue i am having with the 2d launcher on UNE.  when i boot into this desktop i get gnome (with my docky launcher) overlayed on top of the 2d interface.  this was happening on UNE and i can duplicate it on my laptop running ubuntu desktop.  here is a link to the thread that i have posted on the forums and gotten absolutely no help. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159410205:42
dobblegohow do I set the time zone on ubuntu server?05:43
heshamdobblego: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata05:44
dobblegogot it thanks05:44
baphomethesham, any ideas on the issue i am having?05:45
heshambaphomet: sorry can't help you with that05:46
baphometit seems no one can, should i report this as a bug then?05:46
heshambaphomet: can you paste the screenshot somewhere and send the link? (i kno you have the screenshot on the forum, but i don't remember my ubunu login :S)05:47
baphometsure, any suggestions for a site that i can do that with?05:47
heshambaphomet: http://tinypic.com/05:47
bazhanghttp://tinyurl.com/imagebin baphomet05:48
baphomethold on05:48
sivakumari have installed new themes ..in my ubuntu 9.10 but it is not looking good for...but now my problem how can i get my ubuntu default theme05:48
baphometthere you go05:49
dougb_freebsdhesham: thanks, I think I've got everything set, wish me luck :)05:50
baphometyou can also see how things are the wrong size in that image05:50
heshambaphomet: what netbook you have? i will try to reproduce it on 10" asus eeepc later today, what locale are you using?05:51
baphometthat was on a dell mini 10.  i can reproduce it on my mini 9.  the mini 10 is using japanese as the locale, the mini 9 is using english (us) as the locale.  the mini 9 is running ubuntu desktop and i installed the netbook packages on it to test the issue.  the mini 10 was running NBE05:52
cryptodiraamd64 on 10.005:55
cryptodirasigh.... would be nice to have the backlight working in ubuntu05:55
cryptodiraamd64 on 10.04 .... do any of the NON adobe flash players work for this combination?   no luck with any of them here....05:56
dw-I force quit Steam/TF2/hl2.exe and my resolution is now 800x600 in Ubuntu.  What's the least-invasive method of resetting the resolution?  Nvidia drivers.05:57
heshamdw-: nvidiax server settings05:58
aaron11Hi everyone05:58
dougb_freebsdhesham: success!  Thanks again!05:59
dw-hesham: yea i can config it and stuff but dont see how to reset the active resolution05:59
karthick87How to to delete a NTFS partition from terminal..?06:00
heshamdougb_freebsd: great!06:00
jubobakarthick87: fdisk --help06:00
heshamdw-: there is resolution in "X Server Display Configuration"06:01
jubobakarthick87: you have to list them and delete the one you need06:01
dw-hesham: it just writes to xorg.conf i ned to restart X or something.  any way to do it without reboot ?06:01
aaron11I have a good problem right here. I want to install some plugins for NetBeans. But every single time I try updating or try to install Ruby on Rails plugin I get some error. For trying to get Ruby on Rails I get this error: module org.netbeans.modules.server/0-1 > 1.0 Whats the problem?I cant update. Im currently running 6.1 right now. And I realy would like to get started on programming and robotics. Can someone please tell me what to do from here?06:01
dw-hesham: the xorg.conf never change to 800x600 its just from crashing TF206:01
karthick87This is my drive "/dev/sda2 * 7 6534 52436160 7 HPFS/NTFS" how to delete it ..?06:02
ramasGood evening, its been a while since I logged into the support chatroom first of all thanks to all the people giving good support here06:02
baphomethesham, how can i contact you?06:02
dw-sup ramas06:03
ramashey dw06:03
heshamdw-: did you try using System->Preferences->Monitors06:03
rkhshmwhere can i find the code for iostat used under debain06:03
heshambaphomet: if i found anything i will post it in ubuntuforums in your post06:03
ramasI have a good one for you guys here, been driving me crazy and looking for a solution06:03
aaron11Any help would be nice06:03
bazhangrkhshm, #debian06:03
baphometok cool06:04
dw-hashem: seems to work thx06:04
rkhshmbazhang: i cannot join that channel.. it says i need to be identified by 'services'06:05
ramashere goes, I have a vostro v13 notebook very nice It came preloaded with Jaunty06:05
rkhshmwhat ever that means///06:05
bazhangrkhshm, then register06:05
rkhshmI'm a registerd user of IRC06:05
bazhang!register | rkhshm06:05
ubotturkhshm: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:05
bazhangrkhshm, /join #freenode06:05
aaron11I have a good problem right here. I want to install some plugins for NetBeans. But every single time I try updating or try to install Ruby on Rails plugin I get some error. For trying to get Ruby on Rails I get this error: module org.netbeans.modules.server/0-1 > 1.0 Whats the problem?I cant update. Im currently running 6.1 right now. And I realy would like to get started on programming and robotics. Can someone please tell me what to do from here?06:05
ramasall hw supported preloaded by Dell, had no issues until I upgraded it to Karmic and eventually to Lucid and I still experience the same annoying issue06:06
heshamramas: whats the issue exactly06:06
ramasok here it is06:07
ramasI dont know why it doesnt seem to be an issue with dns resolution06:07
ramasit is just that all works fine but any net service ftp, ssh, sftp06:07
ramastakes a lot to start connection06:07
bazhang!enter | ramas06:07
ramaslike if it takes a lot to resolve06:07
ubotturamas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:07
dw-ramas: you left a proxy on ? :)06:08
karthick87This is my drive "/dev/sda2 * 7 6534 52436160 7 HPFS/NTFS" how to delete it from terminal..?06:09
dw-ramas: changed your DNS servers? router DNS servers?  ISP delays? :)06:09
heshamramas: try dig www.google.com and see if it takes time to resolve (should be within 100-200 ms)06:10
ramasoh sorry..  Ill keep it as concise as I can. So it takes eons to connect, once connected for ssh for example, it works fine, ftp and all too. I have no firewall, no proxy, direct connection to my router, I have 2 other laps one with karmic, one with jaunty and a desktop with karmic too all of them are fine.06:10
aaron11I have a good problem right here. I want to install some plugins for NetBeans. But every single time I try updating or try to install Ruby on Rails plugin I get some error. For trying to get Ruby on Rails I get this error: this is missing: module org.netbeans.modules.server/0-1 > 1.0 Whats the problem?I cant update. Im currently running 6.1 right now. And I realy would like to get started on programming and robotics. Can someone please tell me what t06:12
aaron11from here?06:12
ramasI could live with it because after connection is made all works normally, for navigation when freshly installed firefox took eons for each resolution too, that I solved by disabling the network.dns.ipv6 resolution. Because surfing was a pain in the neck too.06:13
DrManhattanquake live is crashing on me! wah.06:14
ramasit just happens on karmic and lucid (my my I havent dared to test maverick as I dont want to upgrade now) and ONLY on my vostro, have seen several installations of lucid, karmic, jaunty, all the way back to hoary and never ever seen something this weird. nslookup works normally is just when connecting to a service where I see this behavior06:15
ramasYou guys are my last hope as I have been looking for a solution for months now, without any luck06:15
ramasany ideas?06:16
aaron11Can someone please help06:16
hanasakiwhat controls the screen visible bell in gnome?06:16
Blue1ramas: sorry just got here fill me in.06:16
ramasBlue1: ok will repost06:17
Blue1hanasaki: screen visable bell?06:17
hanasakiBlue1:  the screen flashes on a bell doesn't it?06:17
Blue1hanasaki: not mine....06:17
ramasit is just that all works fine but any net service ftp, ssh, sftp06:18
ramas takes a lot to start connection  like if it takes a lot to resove06:18
aaron11I have a good problem right here. I want to install some plugins for NetBeans. But every single time I try updating or try to install Ruby on Rails plugin I get some error. For trying to get Ruby on Rails I get this error: this is missing: module org.netbeans.modules.server/0-1 > 1.0 Whats the problem?I cant update. Im currently running 6.1 right now. And I realy would like to get started on programming and robotics. Can someone please tell me what t06:18
aaron11from here?06:18
ramasI have a vostro V1306:18
hanasakiBlue1:  when I hit backspace on an empty input in pidgin the screen goes dim06:18
aaron11Ive been asking for a while now06:18
ramas So it takes eons to connect, once connected for ssh for example, it works fine, ftp and all too. I have no firewall, no proxy, direct connection to my router, I have 2 other laps one with karmic, one with jaunty and a desktop with karmic too all of them are fine.06:18
ramas I could live with it because after connection is made all works normally, for navigation when freshly installed firefox took eons for each resolution too, that I solved by disabling the network.dns.ipv6 resolution. Because surfing was a pain in the neck too.06:18
praxishello everybody06:18
ramas it just happens on karmic and lucid (my my I havent dared to test maverick as I dont want to upgrade now) and ONLY on my vostro, have seen several installations of lucid, karmic, jaunty, all the way back to hoary and never ever seen something this weird. nslookup works normally is just when connecting to a service where I see this behavior06:19
Blue1hanasaki: oh that easy fix.  System/Preferences/Sound/Sound Theme:  No Sounds06:19
Blue1ramas: please prepend all messages for me, with my nick, thanks06:20
ramasok will do again will put it all in one message06:20
praxisi am looking for a word list06:20
praxisdoes anybody have one?06:20
aaron11:-/ doesnt anyone know?06:20
ramasblue1: do you want me to repeat?06:20
Blue1ramas: sounds like a dns problem.  do you use static or dynamic ip?06:20
ramasdinamic ip06:21
hanasakiBlue1:  that didn't solve it.. :(06:21
aaron11praxis, hello06:21
aaron11praxis, for what do u need a word list06:21
Evil_Ericis there a chan for bash commands06:21
Blue1hanasaki: you have sound theme set to no sounds, right?06:21
hanasakiBlue1:  yes06:21
ramasblue1: I use dinamic, all to my dhcp router, my win lap, my other 2 ubuntu laps and ubuntu desktop use it, without this issue06:21
aaron11I have a good problem right here. I want to install some plugins for NetBeans. But every single time I try updating or try to install Ruby on Rails plugin I get some error. For trying to get Ruby on Rails I get this error: this is missing: module org.netbeans.modules.server/0-1 > 1.0 Whats the problem?I cant update. Im currently running 6.1 right now. And I realy would like to get started on programming and robotics. Can someone please tell me what t06:22
aaron11from here?06:22
booksbuggyis there anyway to join a password protected irc channel with pidgin or is this the wrong place to ask?06:22
Blue1ramas: can you pastebin /etc/resolv.conf please06:22
ramasblue1: If I do a nslookup it resolves quick no issue is just the services and when I disabled ipv6 resolution in firefox I stopped experiencing it on surfing06:23
Blue1hanasaki: dunno that got rid of it here.  you might try logging out/in somethings require X to be reset06:23
sunithello , I am using ubuntu 8.04 LTS06:23
hanasakiBlue1:  you had the same dimming issue?06:23
ramasblue1: ramas@Virago:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf06:23
ramas# Generated by NetworkManager06:23
Blue1ramas: why are you using ipv6?06:23
xanguabooksbuggy: password protected channel¿¿ maybe you just need to register your nick...06:23
sunitI am using a jar file to integrate openbravo erp and magento ecommerce06:23
ramasblue1: Im not using it I DISABLED it it was enabled by default06:23
Blue1hanasaki: dimming as in something is greyed out?06:23
booksbuggyit's a private channel for my school's club06:24
heshamramas: i would start by disabling ipv6 (http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu-1004.html) then by checking if the machine can resolve its own hostname (check /etc/hosts for an entry pointing to hostname)06:24
aaron11^_^ no one???06:24
Blue1ramas: what hesham said06:24
xanguano idea booksbuggy, there is #Pidgin if you want to try luck, a little late here, midnight06:24
booksbuggyokey dokey thanks06:24
hanasakiBlue1:  no.. the whole screen brightness gets lower... if I open a new window.. just that window is the full brightness.  if I restart compiz --replace then the whole screen comes back to normal brightness until something like that backspace on an empty line06:24
aaron11booksbuggy, lol. I thought u said ok donkey06:25
sunitcan any body tell me how to use this jar file as a service so that jar file will run spontenously afer boot up ?06:25
Blue1hanasaki: are you on a 64 bit system by chance?06:25
aaron11I have a good problem right here. I want to install some plugins for NetBeans. But every single time I try updating or try to install Ruby on Rails plugin I get some error. For trying to get Ruby on Rails I get this error: this is missing: module org.netbeans.modules.server/0-1 > 1.0 Whats the problem?I cant update. Im currently running 6.1 right now. And I realy would like to get started on programming and robotics. Can someone please tell me what t06:25
hanasakiBlue1:  yes... tell me what you know please06:25
aaron11from here?06:25
hanasakisunit:  what jar file06:25
Blue1hanasaki: and are you running firefox?06:25
Blue1hanasaki: i have the same issues here.  I had to switch to chrome of opera to reslove.06:26
dw-aaron11: a module is missing, go find it ?06:26
heshamsunit: you can add a line to /etc/rc.local to run the jar file06:26
hanasakiBlue1: nuts06:26
hanasakiBlue1:  is there a ticket open?06:26
hanasakiBlue1:  I quit firefox and still have the same issue06:27
aaron11dw-, Uhh... A little bit more help?06:27
sunityes, I can , hesham.06:27
Blue1hanasaki: flash and firefox doesn't work correctly and you might have the 32 bit plugin and 64 bit plugin (flash) both installed at the same time.  removing the 32 bit plugin did NOT resolve the issue with firefox.06:27
ramasblue1: Ok will do, I think Ive tried, Im actually writing from the lap itself it works pretty fine is just this issue, and I could live with it... the thing that made me mad was when I opened an account at livestream06:27
Blue1ramas: exactly it dies...06:28
ramasblue1: will check the doc hesham said, will be back06:28
hanasakiBlue1:  checking.. how do I check which one?06:28
dw-aaron11: google the name of the missing module and how to install06:28
dw-aaron11: never used whatever youre usign sry06:28
Blue1hanasaki: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=38206:28
ramasblue1: YES YES!!! it keeps disconnecting and I cant open the webcaster or livestudio, cant even watch videos it keeps disconnecting, chat, and all06:28
sunitbut , hesham , I am using many jar files for different purpose for integration.06:28
aaron11dw-, ive been asking this 4 hours06:28
sunithesham , so I need to add differnt jar file to run as services06:29
Blue1ramas: afaik no open ticket - this did NOT resolve the issue, but it;s def. a problem06:29
heshamsunit: you can run as many jar files as you want on startup by adding them to /etc/rc.local06:29
ramasblue1: afaik???06:29
Blue1ramas: as far as I know06:30
dw-aaron11: maybe this will help http://google.com/search?q=netbeans+install+modules06:30
hanasakiBlue1:  Shockwave Flash 10.1 r102 File:  npwrapper.libflashplayer.so06:30
dw-aaron11: searching is the best skill06:30
sunithesham , How shall I add jar file to /etc/rc.local ?06:30
dw-aaron11: that and thinking :p06:30
Blue1hanasaki: yeah that's the 32 bit guy06:30
heshamsunit: no need to add the jar file, just add the line java -jar /path to your jar file06:31
dw-aaron11: g/l bro06:31
ramasblue1: oooh no open ticket where? in bugs in ubuntu? I opened 2 tickets at livestream, they stopped at me having a firewall and all and they couldnt give any answer.06:31
hanasakiBlue1:  then umm ubuntu installed what it shouldn't?06:31
sunityes, I understand , hesham.06:31
Blue1hanasaki: well - -no.  ubuntu refuses to use an alpha or beta anything even though the 64 bit alpha is WAY more stable then ther blessed 32 bit plugin.  But ubuntu use the 32 bit flash plugin in a 64 bit environment -- it works crappily.06:32
sunitbut , hesham , should I add all the path of jar file to rc.local ?06:32
heshamsunit: yes06:33
hanasakiBlue1:  hmm would think what you say would be reaosn enough to package something more stable06:33
hanasakiBlue1:  I am getting the same issue even with flash uninstalled06:33
sunitok, and all the jar will run as service . I am correct , hesham ?06:33
Blue1hanasaki: blame mark shuttleworth - owner/ceo of ubuntu06:33
heshamBlue1: there is no more a 64-bit flash player from adobe06:34
Blue1hanasaki: yup you will - firefox just don't work for crap on a 64 bit system flash or no flash - again no issues with chrome or opera06:34
heshamsunit: well they will just start on system boot06:34
xanguathere is a ppa for the new experimental 64bit plugin hesham Blue1 https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/%2Barchive/flash06:34
hanasakiBlue1:  funny thing is that firefox  and flash are not running.  and still the issue06:34
Blue1xangua: I am using the beta flashplugin works fine - just not with firefox06:35
DimaVHey guys, i am running 10.10 server and i got this sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found06:35
custom_can anyone tell me how can i convert .rpm package into .deb?06:35
DimaVany ideas?06:35
xangua!info alien | custom_06:35
ubottucustom_: alien (source: alien): convert and install rpm and other packages. In component main, is optional. Version 8.81 (maverick), package size 83 kB, installed size 244 kB06:35
sunitok. hesham, I am trying. I shall inform you later editing the file06:35
hanasakiBlue1:  so firefox is going out of business in your opinion?06:35
sunitthanks, hesham06:36
xanguaDimaV: try sudo withoud the ":"06:36
ezequlel /IGNORE * CTCPS06:36
fermulatorhas anyone experienced slow transfer rates when transferring via "rsync" over samba mounts?06:36
Blue1hanasaki: will it's not stable in ubuntu on a 64 bit platform - it works peachy on a 32 bit system though06:36
fermulatorI have a file server.  From my desktop, if I browse via GUI to smb://servername, and copy/paste, i'll get 12Mbps easy (max for 100Mbps NIC)06:36
fermulatoralso, i have the samba share mounted in /mnt/myserver, same speeds there06:36
hanasakithanks Blue106:36
DimaVxangua: sorry, i copied in the wrong spot06:36
fermulatorbut if i use rsync to copy over that samba mount, it's really slow ... < 3MB/s....06:36
hanasakilater all06:36
DimaVxangua: what i tried was 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deluge-team/ppa06:36
fermulatorusing a command like: "rsync -avhEA --progress --delete --include-from=~/scripts/sync_files.list /mnt/myserver/share/* /mnt/storage/destDir"06:36
ramasblue1: Ill reboot to test the ipv6 disable from the file that hanasham gave me I will get back if I still have the issue06:37
Blue1hanasaki: sorry that didn't resolve your issue, but nice to know I am not alone06:37
DimaVand i got add-apt-repository not found06:37
Blue1yeah no reason to run ipv606:37
xanguaDimaV: what version of ubuntu are you using¿ i believe that command was introduced in karmic06:37
DimaVxangua: maverik, server06:37
Blue1xangua: cat /etc/issue will tell you thant06:37
vgoldneed help on updating metasploit3 in bt406:38
DimaVxangua: ah, i tried it without sudo and it told me to install python-software-properties06:38
DimaVxangua: how ODD06:39
ubuntu_lolsI just installed unbuntu 10.10 64, right out of the box i did apt-get open ssh server06:39
DimaVproblem solved06:39
ubuntu_lolsits working, but when i try to ssh in locally there is a delay, any ideas?06:39
DimaVanyone here use deluged?06:39
uLinuxcya "tomorrow"06:39
ben_qubuntu_lols, maybe the home dir is encrypted and has to be mounted first06:40
ubuntu_lolsnah, i did not encrypt home dir06:40
vgoldhi DL06:40
ubuntu_lolswell i sure dont recall doing so, unless it is done by default?06:41
ubuntu_lolsi remember in the netbook edition of 10.10 it asked if i wanted encrypted06:41
ben_qthe install setup would've asked you06:41
vgoldubuntu_lols can you explain this little problem in ubuntu for me?06:41
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ben_qbut anyway, since you logon to localhost, the home dir would already be mounted06:41
ubuntu_lolsnah im am loggin in via another machine06:41
ubuntu_lolsquickest way to identify if I encrypted the homedir?06:42
ubuntu_lolsvgold i can try, but i am an ubunutu nub06:42
=== zhang is now known as Guest17262
=== Guest17262 is now known as zhang_
coconutzhey guys06:43
ben_qahm.. don't remember the exact names, but there are funny hidden folders in /home/ that have something to do with encryption06:43
dr0idffrom ssh, how can I check how much bandwidth is used on my VPS ?06:43
coconutzi have a message; ubuntu disk failure is imminent06:43
coconutzwhat i should do? the hd is new about 1 year06:43
ben_qnew <-> 1 year06:44
ramasblue1: Im back did what the article told me to disable ipv6, is disabled: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6  = 1 yet the issue remains06:44
ben_qdid you run a checkdisk?06:44
coconutzhow i do that?06:45
ramasblue1: very annoying actually I could live with the slow connection to start because when connection is done it works fine, just being unable to work in channel or watch livestream is cripping and very damaging for me06:45
ben_qcoconutz, with fsck06:45
ben_q"sudo shutdown -Fr" will do a reboot and check everything on startup06:46
ramasanymore ideas?06:47
coconutzhow can i know what files i should backup?06:47
coconutzill go to buy new hd06:47
vgoldand what will sudo shutdown will check for and will it do some repair?06:47
DrManhattanlinux is SORELY lacking in 3d games. Wow.06:47
coconutzwhat is the command to run the disk check on the next reboot instad of now?06:48
coconutzim in a middle of work06:48
ramascan anyone else be kind enough of lending me a hand? please let me know06:49
vgoldwhat do you need?06:49
vgoldramas can you talk now?06:49
ramasvgold: Issue with a vostro v13 and weird annoying disconnections while using livestream media, seem to be related to ipv6 or something although I have disabled it from several howtos06:50
heshamramas: are you using wired or wireless? can you run some tests like tracepath -n www.google.com06:50
ramasvgold: running lucid, but it started happening on karmic, vostro came preloaded with jaunty in it didnt have any issues06:50
vgoldwhat error does the disconnection gives?06:51
ramashesham: It exhibits the SAME behaviour either by wireless or wired, everywhere, not only my router06:51
ramasvgold: on livestream no error, thats what has made it really difficult to fix, it just says disconnected in the chats, the streams, NEVER start and in the webcaster or livestudio app in flash I never pass from the authenticating please wait message06:52
vgoldYes, you re right, I get tired of this kind of problem with ubuntu, also here to get a solution but tht kind of yours is something tht will need some little more attention06:52
vgoldokay, do this, try to apt-get update it and lets see what message it will pop up with06:53
ramasvgold: I think is related to the fact that if I open a ssh, ftp or other service connection it takes some 22 secs to open the connection, from there it works fine no issues06:53
ramasvgold: my system is up 2 date u want me to try anyway?06:53
vgoldwell, if it work on port 22 you shouldn't border about it anymore then. Go ahead and use it06:54
vgoldjust to give it a try06:54
ramasvgold: just did it fetched all in 11secs ... Reading package lists... done06:54
vgoldI do that sometimes06:54
ramasvgold:I have an open window of chrome on livestream, no luck the chat tries to connect then it goes to disconnected, the stream never starts06:55
ramasvgold: I could live with this, all else works flawlessly is just that due to my job we opened a livestream account and Is irritating to be unable to admin or see the streams from my main laptop06:56
karthick87how to run bash script simply by double clicking it06:56
vgoldthe problem is with the chat, try maybe you can update the chat it self separately or look for it in the directory if you can06:56
ramasvgold: any more ideas? when the lap is freshly installed I had to disable.ipv6 resolution on firefox because it was taking eons for each link, chrome didnt need anything but both exhinbit the livestream issue, dont know if it is related06:57
vgoldcan you talk with me from yahoo instant messenger, I can sort this problem for you nightly?06:58
ramasvgold: dont have a yahoo messenger account, I have msn, google and skype any work for you?06:59
vgoldokay, let me have your msn my yahoo id can talk to your msn messenger06:59
vgoldmine is v198gold@yahoo.com07:01
ramasok can u add me? I use empathy how can I add you to my contact list?07:02
vgoldjust accept my add request when you see it07:02
vgoldI just send you a add request now07:03
ben_qwhy would a messenger work better than irc?07:03
dr0idhow can I check my bandwidth usage via ssh ?07:03
ben_qonly because they don't notice that you lost your connection?07:03
ramasvgold: Ok I just lost that one, can u send it again?07:03
vgoldlook for where you can add the id to your list here it is again v198gold@yahoo.com or you can just IM me direct07:04
ben_qdr0id, try http://bwmon.sourceforge.net/07:05
ramasvgold: I added you  but it said nothing, annoying thing I liked pidgin better07:05
ben_qdr0id, and btw.. I just found that via google..07:05
ramasvgold:I have a yahoo mail account, can we talk through that?07:06
vgoldjust IM me direct but pasting my id to your list and talk with me direct07:06
vgoldokay, let me have it then07:06
pvh_sacan anyone recommend an OCR program for ubuntu? i see some listed via apt-cache search, just wondering if anyone has had experience and can recommend one07:06
nicarkwhat do you guys think about shuttleworth decision regarding wayland?07:07
Jordan_U!ot | nicark07:07
ubottunicark: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:07
ramasvgold: Ull have to excuse me but I dont get if u ask me to msg u directly from empathy or through a Dmessage here, I have only used irc chat 2 or 3 times so not very familiar with the commands07:08
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather
ramasDMSG vgold testing07:08
vgoldokay, re you on your msn messenger now?07:08
ramasvgold: yes Im online07:08
vgoldtalk to me from there period07:09
vgoldtake things simple ramas07:09
ramasvgold: I select new conversation then use your v198gold@yahoo.com account but nothing else opens07:09
vgoldwhich chatter re you using?07:10
vgoldYou re on my yahoo instant messenger now but is say you re offline07:10
vgoldam talking to you right there now07:11
=== Rangasamee_ is now known as Rangasamee
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vgoldRamas did you leave the room?07:12
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather
Axsuulis there any way to upgrade to latest ubuntu through shell?07:21
Axsuulerr nm07:21
Guest39599does anyone know which script creates the extra directories in /home - adduser does what it says on the box! (copies from /etc/skel/) - but after luanching gnome we get extra dirs..... what script creates these? anyone?07:22
genupulas1  07:23
ghkanyone familiar with bluefish? i want a pdf guide of bluefish.07:25
AbhiJithow to get pacman package manager in ubuntu?07:26
Balsaqsudo apt-get install pacman07:29
kwagnercould i upgrade my server 10.04 2.6.32 kernel to the newest 2.6.36 kernel?07:29
=== efthymios is now known as Guest67041
AbhiJitBalsaq, its game07:33
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AbhiJiti want package manager07:33
AbhiJit!kernel | kwagner07:33
ubottukwagner: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages07:33
berk2030Privet russkie tut esti ?07:33
berk2030sau moldoveni si romani ?07:33
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather
kwagnerubottu: thanks07:33
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:34
rwwubottu: ro | berk203007:35
ubottuberk2030: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro07:35
berk2030multumesc foarte mult07:35
wdupdate stopped, what to do? http://s3.directupload.net/file/d/2334/hkaap59f_jpg.htm07:36
CeazeHi All!!07:36
CeazeHow can I change theme in XUbuntu07:37
alkisgWhat is needed to get youtube html 5 video working? I've tried with chromium-browser and google-chrome, but I'm still getting video playback with flash...07:37
=== Guest67041 is now known as kinetikopp
OsamaKalkisg, unfortunately, only a little fraction of YouTube videos are available without Flash.07:37
padhuGuys, I couldn't add my repo DVD ISO's to source list. I followed these link. http://twitteling.com/2010/06/how-to-install-ubuntu-repository-dvd-lucid-lynx-10-04/07:37
CeazeHow can I change theme in Xubuntu and which should I prefer? Ubuntu or Xubuntu or Kubuntu or Lubuntu or.............07:38
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather
alkisgOsamaK: ah, ok - do you have some video link handy?07:38
OsamaKalkisg, one minute07:38
kinetikoppHi everyone, new ubuntu user here.07:38
alkisgThank you07:38
padhuwhenever i update, Zero kb, no file found. message displayed.07:38
the_germanHi! I need an mp3tag tool for the CLI...any suggestions07:38
OsamaKalkisg, you can add "&webm=1" to your search query.07:38
airtonixpadhu, last time i "add a optical repo " to the sources i just put the disc in and auto run detects that it is a repo and offers to add it for me07:39
alkisgOsamaK: thank you - I just found one to test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UFJOcdvWMo&feature=related07:39
OsamaKalkisg, or select "WebM" from "Search options" -> "Features:"07:39
alkisgOsamaK: wow, cpu usage = 6% instead of 60%! At last!07:39
OsamaKalkisg, I personally use http://e-valkov.org/linterna-magica to avoid Flash when I want to watch videos.07:40
OsamaKit works on Firefox07:40
padhuairtonix: i have an iso files in hard disk07:40
BalsaqCeaze, ubuntu is the best overall07:40
airtonixpadhu, and i assume you are using a loopback mount ?07:40
cong06Can anyone suggest a place to ask questions about whiptail? I'm trying to collect it's STDERR output and failing miserably.07:40
padhu airtonix: yes07:41
alkisgOsamaK: thank you, I wasn't aware of that software, it seems like it'll help a lot with thin clients! Much appreciated.07:41
CeazeBalsaq, Ok but whats the difference between each?07:41
CeazeBalsaq, Main Differences??07:41
airtonixCeaze, your question is vague and invites erronous answers07:42
Ceazeairtonix, how can i change theme in xubuntu?07:42
airtonixCeaze, start with the menus ?07:42
airtonixCeaze, menu> settings> settings manager07:43
airtonixCeaze, its been at least three years since i bothered to use XFCE so the menu path might be wrong07:44
Ceazeairtonix, what to do in settings manager?07:44
chouchouis there any reason why I can't tune my Desktop on my Vmware player? I am trying to tune my desktop settings and I am told "Desktop Could not be enabled"  what do I do?07:44
airtonixCeaze, investigate ?07:44
Ceazeairtonix, I really find Xubuntu **!!!@#$%^07:44
kinetikoppHey, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to configure fluxbox on a fresh 10.10 install. I tried using the package manager to install it, then restarting gdm.07:44
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cyruxhi i need some help with wubi07:44
airtonixCeaze, you are a aware that any themes, icons & fonts you download go into ~/.themes ~/.icons ~/.fonts ?07:44
hellajefffHi. Something really word that I can't find any reference to online... there is no more http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates ... or intrepid anything07:44
Ceazeairtonix, Its worst kind of Ubuntu07:45
airtonixCeaze, you need to clam down and have some paitence...no one is going to hold your hand and think for you.07:45
Ceazeairtonix, which version do you use of Ubuntu?07:45
airtonixim using 10.0407:46
cyruxi need some help with wubi disks07:46
cyruxanybody here07:46
Ceazeairtonix, and you use Ubuntu, Lubuntu or..........07:46
airtonixCeaze. ubuntu07:46
OsamaKcyrux, just ask.07:46
b14ckHi guys. I have a simple question. I've got ubuntu-one synced with two computers right now (using 10.10). However, I just realized that on my primary system ubuntu-one isn't syncing my files any longer. It says that it is when I go to system->prefs->ubuntuone, but it won't sync them and I see no indication that it is when I'm in my file manager looking at my folders. Any idea if this is a bug or if I've somehow messed it up?07:46
Ceazeairtonix, OK07:47
=== cong061 is now known as cong06
OsamaKcyrux, if someone knows the answer, they probably will try to help you.07:47
Ceazeairtonix, I tried Ubuntu but it has many errors, and I am fed up of them07:47
Ceazeairtonix, I think version 10.04 is better than maverick 10.1007:47
airtonixCeaze, the only difference between what you call a "version" (which is actually called a flavour".... is the desktop environment... (and you can have all the Desktop Environments install on the same computer)07:47
b14ckI also realized that when I right-click folders in my home folder, I no longer have the 'synchronize with ubuntuone' optino.07:48
b14ckIt disappeared from my right-click menu all together.07:48
cong06I'm trying to collect data from a whiptail radiobutton. How do I set a variable? Which variable is being set? I know the data goes to STDERR, but enclosing the command: v=`whiptail --radiobutton ...` doesn't work.07:48
cyruxok .. here is the deal , i have a wubi partition on my windows machine. i was getting low on space , so i decided to increase the partition using a shell script.07:48
Ceazeairtonix, 10.04 and 10.10 has same desktop environment I think??07:48
airtonixCeaze, if it is Ubuntu then yes.07:48
Ceazeairtonix, Ya07:49
cyruxthis creates another /home directory and a file under /host/ubuntu/disks/07:49
airtonixCeaze, default Desktop Environment for Ubuntu is called Gnome.07:49
Ceazeairtonix, ok then I will use Ubuntu 10.04 now, and will hope there are no errors07:49
EfthymiosHey, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to configure fluxbox on a fresh 10.10 install. I tried using the package manager to install it, then restarting gdm.07:49
Ceazeairtonix, I know07:49
Ceazeairtonix, Xubuntu is Xfce07:49
airtonixEfthymios, and then ?07:50
Efthymiosand then it came back with the same desktop manager as it had before I did that...07:50
padhuEfthymios: you may get help from #fluxbox07:50
Ceazeairtonix, So, finally i have to go back to those Gnome Feet07:50
Efthymiosalright, i'll try there. Thanks07:50
airtonixEfthymios, no you missed a step... you need to choose the Destop Environment from the login screen when you enter your username07:50
Bigfatcatlove123sorry ! i enter they wrong room07:51
Efthymiosalright, i'll try that first. Thanks airtonix.07:51
SwedeMike!cn | yuguoqiangzx07:56
ubottuyuguoqiangzx: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:56
Balsaqubuntu is easier to deal with all the way around07:56
Balsaqxubuntu are good but ubuntu is the best07:56
gaurav_hello every one07:56
=== gaurav_ is now known as Guest68829
Guest68829wishing you all a diwali greetings ( the festival of lights and joy of india )07:57
=== Guest68829 is now known as Gurv
Gurvcan anyone tell me how to use the windows based tool in linux07:58
rishilabhpurHello all08:01
krishnanduHey guys, I followed this http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml to fix my plymouth resolution, but now the tty fonts got much smaller. How to fix that?? Please help08:01
rishilabhpurMy sound is not coming, and my speaker is Intex. How to solve the issue?08:02
Balsaqrishilabhpur, have u done all the updates08:03
replicasexoh dear08:03
replicasexinstalling kubuntu-desktop on top of my regular desktop was very messy :(08:03
rishilabhpurBalsaq: If I do the updates, will it solve the issue?08:03
Balsaqrishilabhpur, not sure yet08:03
rishilabhpurBecause the speaker is a bit messy. :(08:03
Gurvcan anyone tell me how to use the windows based tool in linux08:04
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: give this a try if you want to remove kubuntu-desktop; http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome08:05
MoopzHey, quick question. How do I execute a script through the terminal?08:05
krishnanduMoopz, ./filename.sh08:05
alkisgOsamaK: does the whole video need to be downloaded (streamed) locally before LinternaMagica starts playing it? Or am I doing something wrong?08:06
JoeMaverickSett!wine | Gurv08:06
ubottuGurv: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:06
replicasexJoeMaverickSett, thanks.08:07
replicasexI removed the metapackage but it didn't remove much08:07
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: no problem. :)08:07
varunithi all08:07
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: did you follow the guide from the link?08:07
varuniti have a problem with totem player can anyone help me?08:07
replicasexJoeMaverickSett, doing it now.08:08
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: okie.08:08
magn3tsThoughts on X Forwarding vs FreeNX/NeatX/x2go ?08:08
varunithello friends,please reply me08:08
G__81when i boot into 10.10 i get some messages on screen and hence it breaks the bootup experience there was a blog somewhere to over come this08:08
G__81can someone give me that link please ?08:08
varuniti have a problem with totem player can anyone help me?08:09
OsamaKalkisg, YouTube videos do not have 'flv index', so yes, you will need to wait for the video to download.08:09
OsamaKalkisg, some other video websites work just fine, directly.08:09
alkisgOsamaK: ah, so on some non-youtube videos seeking will work. Thank you.08:09
replicasexJoeMaverickSett, thanks.  That did it.08:10
OsamaKalkisg, check http://vimeo.com/14717494 for example, it should probably work directly, without flash.08:10
replicasexIt's a real messy pain to get rid of all that stuff.08:10
varunitno body responding... i have a problem with totem player can anyone help me?08:10
varunitplease help me guys08:10
varunitif any one accepts i will describe my problem08:10
alkisgOsamaK: yup, works fine without waiting08:10
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: okie. i'm glad it did. :D08:11
krishnanduHey guys after following http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml my plymouth get fixed, but the fonts in tty got much smaller. Tried to change GRUB_GFXMODE but didn't helped.08:11
varunitfuck u all :(08:11
karthick87what is ssh tunneling..?08:11
Balsaqrishilabhpur, u can open terminal and run this, ubuntu-bug audio08:12
sosaitedkarthick87: Using a virtual server to route your traffic to it via a secure channel08:12
JoeMaverickSett!language | varunit08:12
ubottuvarunit: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:12
krishnandu!patience | varunit08:12
ubottuvarunit: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:12
karthick87How to send an encryped mail using pgp keys..?08:12
krishnandu!anyone | varunit08:13
ubottuvarunit: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:13
sosaitedkarthick87: It is helpful in securing your traffic in public Wifi and such places.08:13
replicasexJoeMaverickSett, oh dear it killed wine :(08:13
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: reinstall it? :D08:13
replicasexshould have looked at that list a bit more thoroughly08:13
replicasexyeah but I had games on there with steam >_> large games08:13
krishnanduvarunit, What's the problem?? Say the problem rather than asking anyone for help you with totem player08:13
sosaitedkarthick87: You can use Thunderbird for that. There is a guide on mozilla08:13
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: :O08:13
banjomanhi, anyone familiar with nero burner saying heder blocksize of ISO cd is wrong ?08:14
Gneavarunit: and show some respect while you're at it if you want to be respected08:14
replicasexJoeMaverickSett, it's still showing up for some reason even though it's not installed :(08:15
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: can you run the games?08:15
replicasexno it's definitely uninstalled08:15
replicasexit's just showing up in the menu08:15
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: then reinstall it.08:15
replicasexthere are no files in the package manager to uninstall08:15
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: i had that kind of thing once. all i did was reinstall it.08:15
sosaitedreplicasex: Did you compile it yourself?08:16
replicasexsosaited, uh no?08:16
replicasexi'm reinstalling now08:16
=== Illuminatus is now known as Ill
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:17
oraclehello! can someone tell me how to disable ipv6 only on epiphany?08:18
paranoid_ndroidcould anyone help me troubleshoot a LAN wifi connection?08:18
oraclei can do it on firefox but cant find any solution on epiphany08:18
replicasexok it's all good08:19
replicasexit even had my games fortunately08:19
replicasexthe menu is a bit weird now it says <wine-programs-steam> instead of just saying steam but w/e08:19
techitchhi guys..are there some issues with dm-crypt and ubuntu 10.10 ?08:19
yfkIt seems that updating CUPS requires me to insert a pw every time I want to print something. Is it a good idea to keep it's version?08:24
replicasexJoeMaverickSett, oh that's annoying it deleted my gstreamer codecs too08:24
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: :O i've never encountered that problem, so idk how to help you. :-/08:25
hyhi. i wanna use nm with wired (dhcp/static ip) and wifi (dynamic ip), how to do it?08:25
replicasexwell i'm just installing them again08:25
hyi dont want to use the old debian config files. i want to keep using nm-applet08:25
JoeMaverickSettreplicasex: hope that solves it. :-/08:26
hythe problem is my routes, /etc/resolv.conf etc get screwed when nm switches from wired/wifi08:26
replicasexJoeMaverickSett, yeah it just seems like I was overzealous with ubuntu tweak as well08:26
replicasexI did a load of package clean cycles08:27
karthick87sosaited: Installed thunderbird,wat next..?08:28
Gurvhey quick question any good antivirus tool for ubuntu08:29
hyGranis, cav08:29
krishnanduHey guys how to fix tty(terminal) resolution?? GRUB_GFXMODE not working.08:29
hykrishnandu, explain08:30
hykrishnandu, what do you want to accomplish08:30
Balsaq clamAV08:30
krishnanduI followed this http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml to fix my plymouth resolution, but the terminal fonts got too small to read, how to fix it?? hy08:30
AbhiJit!virus | Gurv08:30
ubottuGurv: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:30
krishnanduGurv, Though you won't need any AV in Linux :)08:31
hykrishnandu, sry dont have time to read that url.. i'd say update to grub2 and grub<tab> on cli08:31
krishnanduhy, Already did all those08:31
leoowu!!!who can help me with the problem ? Problem :  i can hear from the mic ,but can't record from it, and any others works well , the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:32
leoowu!!!who can help me with the problem ? Problem :  i can hear from the mic ,but can't record from it, and any others works well , the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:32
krishnandu!repeat | leoowu08:32
ubottuleoowu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:32
Gurvthanks ,08:33
Balsaqwe are workin on it leoowu08:33
sosaitedkarthick87: You need to install the Enigmail addon to thunderbird http://enigmail.mozdev.org/home/index.php.html08:33
leoowu!!!who can help me with the problem ? Problem :  i can hear from the mic ,but can't record from it, and any others works well , the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:34
leoowu!!!who can help me with the problem ? Problem :  i can hear from the mic ,but can't record from it, and any others works well , the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:35
paranoid_ndroidI have two laptops connected to a local network via wi-fi but the transfer speed between computers is very very low08:35
oraclenoone can tell me how do i disable ipv6 on epiphany?08:35
leoowu!!!who can help me with the problem ? Problem :  i can hear from the mic ,but can't record from it, and any others works well , the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:35
techitchguys where is the grub config file held on ubuntu?08:35
leoowu!!!who can help me with the problem ? Problem :  i can hear from the mic ,but can't record from it, and any others works well , the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:35
techitchthe menu.lst08:36
microjoshHi... I was wondering if someone could help me figure out how to get a firewire audio device working on 10.0408:36
leoowu!!!who can help me with the problem ? Problem :  i can hear from the mic ,but can't record from it, and any others works well , the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:36
MoopzHey. I was wondering, is there any way to circumvent having to set permissions for everything all the time? I'm getting annoyed at seeming like an unwanted guest on my system.08:36
krishnandu!repeat | leoowu08:37
ubottuleoowu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:37
leoowu!!!who can help me with the problem ? Problem :  i can hear from the mic ,but can't record from it, and any others works well , the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:37
leoowu!!!who can help me with the problem ? Problem :  i can hear from the mic ,but can't record from it, and any others works well , the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:37
FloodBot3leoowu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:37
krishnanduleoowu, You are not listening, you'll be banned08:37
damian-Moopz, you only need to set the permissions on things you don't own, but look at the 'umask' command.08:37
leoowuAH ,am i banned ?08:38
krishnandu!repeat | leoowu08:38
ubottuleoowu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:38
leoowu!!!who can help me with the problem ? Problem :  i can hear from the mic ,but can't record from it, and any others works well , the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:38
krishnanduleoowu, Don't flood, otherwise OP may ban you.....08:38
Moopzdamian-, well for example, I cannot even set permissions for a USB drive I have in.08:38
oracledoes someone can tell me how do i disable ipv6 on epiphany?08:39
karthick87sosaited: It is sayin that "Enigmail 1.1.2 could not be installed because it is not compatible with Thunderbird 3.0.10."08:39
leoowuOh ,my god ,the bot is kidding with me! i've been suffering with the problem for a while day08:39
xerox1i am looking for a program to monitor log files on my server; any advice?08:40
leoowu!!!who can help me with the problem ? Problem :  i can hear from the mic ,but can't record from it, and any others works well , the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:40
greppyxerox1: logwatch and/or logcheck08:40
bazhangleoowu, no need to precede your question with a !  ; dont repeat so often , perhaps every ten-fifteen minutes08:40
leoowuok ,i got it ,thks08:41
histoleoowu: what can you hear your mic in?08:41
leoowuhisto i can hear what i say by the mic08:41
xerox1greppy, thx will have a look at them08:42
tomoyuki28jpHow can I set the default brightness of login screen?08:42
Unirgyhi, from some point i have cron.1234 files appearing every minute in home folders, but i can't find any setting that would do that, any idea? thanks08:42
leoowuhisto but i just get some noise when i record from the mic08:42
histoleoowu: okay then what do you mean it doesn't capture what are you using to try to capture with?08:42
histoleoowu: and what are you capture settings in the volume control panel08:42
greppyxerox1: logcheck uses regexp filters, so if you are getting lots of information you don't want, take a look in /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/ to see some examples08:43
noob-tuxwhy do i keep getting gpg error badsig everytime i do sudo apt-get update? is there a way to get rid of this error? it annoys me alot08:43
leoowuhisto  i'm sure that there is no item muted at the alsamixer08:43
histoleoowu: are you running gnome?08:44
xerox1greppy: great! thx again08:44
oracledoes someone can tell me how do i disable ipv6 on epiphany?08:44
leoowuhisto the alsa-info : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a52b2f2e941631f48e0d6c20b242d39f417479ae08:44
histoleoowu: yes I already got that but are you runing gnome?08:44
=== GButola is now known as BGates
leoowuhisto Linux leo-desktop 2.6.32-25-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 19:52:42 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:44
leoowu  ubuntu10.04 64bit08:44
histoleoowu: left click on the volume icon up by the clock. Then click on sound preferences.  You will find an input tab that you need to take a look at.08:45
leoowuhisto 2.30.208:45
rumithnoob-tux you need to register the key with apt-key add08:45
=== Ill is now known as Illuminatus
leoowuhisto . ok ,i'll try it08:45
noob-tuxrumith: how?08:46
histoleoowu: also you might want to try recording in a different app just to make sure your problem isn't app specific08:46
sosaitedkarthick87: You need Enigmail 1.0.1 for Thunderbird 3.0 . Use http://enigmail.mozdev.org/download/index.php.html to select your system and Thunderbird version08:47
leoowuhisto  oh, sorry ,i'm a little puzzled about the app specifci08:47
leoowuhisto ,i just boot the record app from the menu and record from the mic ,but get only some noise08:47
joseraulhi madafacas08:48
joseraulim a nigga08:48
joseraulof the west coast08:48
sosaitedkarthick87: You will also need Gnupg installed if it isn't already.08:48
greppy!ot | joseraul08:48
ubottujoseraul: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:48
joseraulsosaited its a fag08:49
joserauljooona is a fag08:49
joseraulaloril is a fag08:49
joseraulgema is a fag08:49
rww!ops | joseraul08:49
ubottujoseraul: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!08:49
joseraullol fag08:49
gapwkraul is gay08:49
rumithnoob-tux try: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys $KEY, where $KEY is the GPG key signature that apt-get annoys you with08:49
joseraultalkeemos sobre vainas bacanas08:49
karthick87sosaited: Gnupg is installed08:50
sosaitedkarthick87: There is an easy to follow quick-start guide which will be helpful http://enigmail.mozdev.org/documentation/quickstart-ch2.php.html#id253318508:52
paranoid_ndroidI have two laptops connected to a local network via wi-fi but the transfer speed between computers is very very low08:52
=== Guest99636 is now known as dhruvasagar
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
noob-tuxrumith: thanx i'll try08:54
=== plankton is now known as Guest19671
dvaskehi i'm having problems with scp command, when running it in verbose mode I can see it issues the command: command scp -v -r -t -- , but those last to dashes confuses the receiving server, how can I configure those?08:57
histoparanoid_ndroid: wifi is slow08:57
histodvaske: what's with the last two dashes?08:57
=== devil__ is now known as Mohan_chml
dvaskehisto, I dont know where they are comming from, support guys just said that it was them that was confusing their server08:59
histodvaske: do you have them in your command?09:01
histodvaske: get rid of the -t09:01
dvaskeno the command I type in is: "scp -r -v * asolsson@server:/path/to/"09:02
paranoid_ndroidhisto it should be 54Mbps09:02
histoparanoid_ndroid: yeah what sort of speeds are you getting?09:03
histodvaske: that's odd. You could try it the other way and ssee what hapens09:03
histodvaske: ex: log in the remote machine and request the file from your machine.09:03
paranoid_ndroidless than 1Mbps09:04
dvaskehisto, I'll try, but I'm not sure I can log in on remote machine09:04
histodvaske: you have to be able to push files to it09:05
histodvaske: ssh needs to be installed on asolssson@server <<< otherwise you can't copy files that way09:06
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:06
dvaskehisto, yeah, but I think they have closed the login09:07
dvaskehisto, and I'm able to scp the files i need from another internal server in our company, just not from my laptop, and the only difference seems to be those two dashes in the scp command09:08
dvaskehisto, So I just tried the channel to see if anybody perhaps had a quick answer ;-)09:08
histodvaske: but their saying the 2 dashes are there you're not putting them in right?09:09
histodvaske: and I don't know how'd they block ssh but allow scp09:09
histodvaske: nvm that can be done. Try sftp maybe for the time being09:09
dvaskehisto, right, I'm not putting the two dashes, but they appear in the output when running with -v.09:10
histodvaske: I don't know that's wierd I would try sftp see if you can get in that way09:10
dvaskehisto, I dont know how they've closen ssh access either, but I'll give sftp a try - thanks for your help!09:11
histodvaske: I can confirm that scp works so it's some sort of problem with their setup not ubuntu or scp09:11
dvaskehisto, yea' I can also push the files to some other server, with scp, and from that push them again to the correct location, but pretty cumbersome...09:13
histodvaske: yeah then I would suspect the problem is the with the config of the server you are having the issue with.09:14
=== brendan_ is now known as Guest44435
dvaskehisto, yea' probably, thanks09:14
techitchhi guys09:14
techitchi'm having real issues getting cryptsetup working09:14
=== Guest44435 is now known as dasuperham
=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
=== znull is now known as _znull
=== _znull is now known as znull
Jonathan_Hello, i would like to install a service : "Nis" on the last ubuntu server 10.10, but it' says that the package is not found. Can someone help me?09:20
Jonathan_Hello², i would like to install a service : "Nis" on the last ubuntu server 10.10, but it' says that the package is not found. Can someone help me?09:20
histoJonathan_: what are you trying to do exactly?09:21
Jonathan_installaing an authentification server but with nis09:21
shashwatIs there any alternative to Adobe Flash Professional?09:21
shomonif you mean for creating flash, there are loads of programming libraries that do this, shashwat09:22
shomonor you could use SVG or silverlight/moonlight I guess09:22
tavastianybody having suggestions for firewall. Environment is OpenVZ virtual machine, and shorewall or arno-iptables-firewall don't work09:22
shashwatshomon can you tell me a few09:22
histo!firewall | tavasti09:23
ubottutavasti: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.09:23
shomonmain one was in php a few years ago. I've never used it, so a web search of "php flash library"09:23
Jonathan_So, histo, is it still possible to download the package NIS? :I09:23
shomonmight be good, or change php for whatever language you prefer09:23
tavastihisto, ok, thanks, I'll try that09:23
histo!info nis | Jonathan_09:23
ubottuJonathan_: nis (source: nis): clients and daemons for the Network Information Service (NIS). In component universe, is extra. Version 3.17-31 (maverick), package size 191 kB, installed size 796 kB09:23
histoJonathan_: yes it's in universe make sure that is enabled09:24
Axsuulomg how long does it take for sudo do-release-upgrade09:24
histoAxsuul: if you are upgrading versions you can expect to download about 600+MB09:24
shomonI used a cool svg/javascript library that did some cool animations, but it depends what you want to do really. html5 shows video, as does silverlight, and svg does vector animation and graphics...09:24
shomonraphaeljs.com/ is the link for that last one.09:25
Axsuuldownload was instant, installation is taking forever =p09:25
chouchouhello good morning all, any WYSIWYG editor in ubuntu like dreamweaver ? which can handle CSS, html, maybe coding too ?09:26
shomonbluefish can do that stuff09:26
JoeMaverickSettchouchou: bluefish09:26
bazhangchouchou, aptana studio perhaps09:26
shomoneclipse too I guess, chouchou09:26
nicola_pavhello. I am looking for a tftp client on ubuntu09:26
chouchouI can't see that option in eclipse09:26
nicola_pavthat i can list the files in the tftp server09:26
shomonanjuta is a good one, chouchou09:27
nicola_pavis there a way to do that?09:27
chouchouI have bluefish installed but can't see the coding aspect09:27
chouchoushomon, hehe, who is anjuta ?09:27
chouchouwhat is the url ?09:27
shomonbut I just use gedit, vim and gftp or filezillla...09:27
shomonah, google is your friend... but you can just install it from ubuntu too...09:27
chouchouI want to see the design side of it so I can easilly modify it09:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:28
michael_2can someone help me get my intel gigabit card working in ubuntu?09:28
penos!guidelines > penos09:28
ubottupenos, please see my private message09:28
shomon"sudo apt-get install anjuta" should work09:28
penos!guidelines | penos09:29
Jonathan_cant Install Nis, by doing, sudo apt-get install portmap nis, it says can't find package09:29
Jonathan_why? :o09:29
histomichael_2: it should work out of the box what is the problem you are having?09:29
penos!guidelines | penos09:29
shashwatshomon i actually wanted to create a desktop air application probably a Who wants to be a millionaire?09:29
penos!guidelines > penos09:29
ubottupenos, please see my private message09:29
penos!guidelines | penos09:29
michael_2histo: the e1000e module did not recognize when i have a cable inserted09:29
histoJonathan_: you have to have universe repository enabled09:29
bazhangpenos, stop that09:29
Jonathan_i dont undestand that09:29
michael_2so i did some googling and found that i probably should use e100009:29
histomichael_2: have you checked blacklist?09:30
shomonoh I'm not sure shashwat09:30
michael_2so i blacklisted e1000e and installed manually e1000 which is loaded in lsmod09:30
histo!sources > Jonathan_09:30
ubottuJonathan_, please see my private message09:30
michael_2and now the eth0 isnt visible at all09:30
michael_2e1000 should work with my card :/09:31
michael_282566MM is the name of the card, have a thinkpad t6109:32
histomichael_2: lsmod | grep e100009:32
michael_2histo: its loaded09:33
karthick87How to kill all running process..?09:35
michael_2histo: lshw -C network shows it as unclaimed09:36
histomichael_2: what does ifconfig show?09:36
michael_2not showing up there09:37
michael_2only lo and wlan009:37
shomonshashwat, you made me curious, so I searched and found http://www.ioncannon.net/programming/875/developing-adobe-air-apps-with-linux/09:40
karthick87How to kill all running process..?09:41
P1tt0hello, i've a trouble with ubuntu themes: each session start my panels looks in "clearlook" theme, if i go in the theme selection it comes back to ambiance except for folder icons & right click menu...09:41
greppykarthick87: sudo halt?09:42
michael_2anyone good with intel NICs? :(09:44
SwedeMike!anyone | michael_209:45
ubottumichael_2: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:45
michael_2SwedeMike: jag skrev ju högre upp allt :P09:45
=== zhang is now known as Guest88798
SwedeMikemichael_2: what does dmesg say when you load the module?09:46
chouchouhello, how do we enable WYSIWYG editor in eclipse IDE ?09:46
shashwatshomon, this is nice thanx!09:47
michael_2SwedeMike: what should i look for in dmesg?09:47
michael_2crazy amount of text came up09:47
SwedeMikemichael_2: the output from the module when you modprobe it.09:47
SwedeMikeit's in cronolohical order, so probably the last stuff09:48
=== Guest88798 is now known as zhang_
michael_2now its loaded at bootup though09:48
NativeAngelscan any of you tell me how to enable wirless in the alternative version of lubuntu09:48
michael_2any way to single out e1000 in dmesg?09:49
sosaitedmichael_2: Use grep?09:49
michael_2sosaited: it doesnt say module names in dmesg it seems09:49
michael_2ok i reload the module09:50
ttiicccrontab -e | grep drfy.sh    This freezes my terminal!can't kill it with "ctrl + c"09:50
michael_2to remove module is modprobe -r right?09:50
=== administrator is now known as Guest63498
ShorTiehow do you check a systems sanity? with gentoo it's revdep-rebuild. is there something like that?09:51
michael_2SwedeMike: i found it now09:52
michael_2in dmessg it says "intel pro/1000 network driver - version 8.0.23-NAPI09:52
michael_2and next line, copyright intel blabla09:53
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:53
=== eviltoaster_ is now known as eviltoaster
sosaitedmichael_2: What problem do you have with your NIC. Sorry I didn't read it if you told already09:54
Guest63498Thank you!09:54
michael_2sosaited: with e1000 its not found, with e1000e it always says network cable unplugged09:54
=== _liam_ is now known as z_liam_z
michael_2when i googled it suggested i should use e1000 instead which i downloaded and installed from intel09:55
michael_2e1000e is default09:55
sosaitedit seems intel suggests e1000 as well http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=2896&agr=Y09:56
sdhwhen i connect to a samba share using ubuntu, and my password on the ubuntu and the server are the same, it seems to authenticate me automatically09:57
sdhwhere does it get the creds from?09:57
sunit_hello I am trying to integrate openbravo erp and magento ecommerce09:57
sunit_we are using several jar file for this integration09:57
sosaitedmichael_2: Does it show your intel one in "dmesg | grep eth" ?09:58
michael_2sosaited: i think both modules support 82566MM though09:58
penosanyone here plays assaultcube?09:58
mjqhello, I am about to download the meerkat iso.  I have a 64-bit system, but the ubuntu website says 'recommended' near the 32-bit version09:59
cong06I have a ".desktop" file with terminal set to true. the exec is "gksudo /path/to/myscript" why isn't it opening the terimal and running it?09:59
michael_2sosaited: nothing09:59
mjqare their still compatibility issues with 64-bit libs/software?09:59
rigvedmjq: go for the 64-bit version09:59
brontosaurusrexcough, how to enable splash screen again? i have a situation that automagically boots to broken unc session? 10.1009:59
sunit_we are trying to use these jar file as service so that it will start at boot time09:59
mjqrigved: will there be any issues with 32-bit compatibility?10:00
rigvedmjq: it says that because some people do not know whether their system supports 64-bit or not. so to help them make a decision, the default is set to 32-bit10:00
sosaitedmichael_2: lcpci?10:00
chalcedonyi have a stuck open office, it was recovering and froze. how can i identify the process and kill it or is there something else to do? (ubuntu 9.04)10:00
mjqrigved: ah ok10:00
sosaitedmichael_2: SOrry, lspci10:00
michael_2sosaited: it shows up there10:00
sunit_for these purpose I edited rc.local file and add the the path of jar file10:00
rigvedmjq: i have never had any. i am also using 64-bi ubuntu 10.0410:00
speakmanAnyone know if there's a Xorg release with this patch available: http://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-devel/2010-October/014150.html10:01
hariomHi, I am running on DSL dialup connect where I need to enter username and password to connect to ISP. I have linux machine which doesn't have pppoeconf installed. How can I make my machine to dial to ISP with username/password and connect to Internet10:01
mjqrigved: thanks for your help10:01
sunit_please see the url http://dpaste.de/F21n/10:01
rigvedmjq: yrw10:01
sosaitedmichael_2: Did you check if it got named to eth0, 1, 2 ?10:01
sunit_then I rebooted the machine10:01
michael_2sosaited: feels like i should rever to e1000e module as the network card gets loaded atleast10:01
sunit_but all the jar file is not running as service10:01
sunit_can any body help me10:02
stenhi alll10:02
michael_2sosaited: with e1000e it get named eth010:02
stenim studying linux for beginners and have a question regarding x clients10:02
steniv managed to boot up in command mode10:03
brontosaurusrexhow to enable session manager from cli?10:03
histohariom: ubuntu has pppoeconf by default10:03
stenand can do xstart &10:03
stenthen start xclock10:03
stenfor example10:03
ace_steelhi all10:03
stenbut where in the directory tree the X clients are, i.e where are the program files?10:03
hariomhisto: I installed my machine as minimal install. I have checked with dpkg -s pppoeconf and it says not installed10:03
sosaitedmichael_2: What does "lshw -C Network" tell?10:03
jattsten: which xclock10:04
michael_2sosaited: with e1000: unclaimed10:04
histohariom: it maybe part of ubuntu-desktop then.  You could install the package if you have another machine with internet.10:06
rigvedspeakman: i suggest that you ask in the ubuntu dev channel10:06
histo!offline | hariom10:06
ubottuhariom: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD10:06
histohariom: or install it possibly from the cd10:06
airtonixsten, btw... if you are following a "linux for beginners" then it's most likely 10 years old and the current version of ubuntu has gone through enough changes to render that guide obsolete save for how chmod and chown work.10:06
ace_steelcan i use netspeed applet on xfce environment??10:06
airtonixace_steel, no.10:07
=== CrazyET is now known as ChesterX
ace_steelairtonix:anything remotely closer to it?10:07
airtonixace_steel, conky ?10:07
cong06hariom: also check out keryx: http://keryxproject.org10:07
sosaitedmichael_2: I think you already tried loading the driver manually via modprobe right?10:07
sosaitedmichael_2: What is your Ubuntu version?10:07
ace_steelairtonix:conky doesnt show the speed...10:08
airtonixace_steel, yes it does10:08
stenjatt; iv started xstart & then the white terminal starts10:08
ace_steelairtonix:i am already running it.10:08
sosaitedmichael_2: lsmod doesn't show it either then I guess?10:08
airtonixace_steel, then you configured it wrong10:08
stenjatt: then i start xclock10:08
ChesterXhi, i just installed xwelltris through the software center and the rotation function doesn t work. Does anyone know how to fix that?10:08
steni guess default from ubuntu10:08
* gregori79 hello10:08
LiquidDemocracyHi, I can not start Zim anymore.10:08
stenhisto: yeah i guess so.. but still can i list all the xclients some how?10:09
cong06ace_steel: you want up and down speed?10:09
airtonixace_steel, i recommend you read the conkyt website to learn how to configure it10:09
LiquidDemocracyWhen I start Zim I can see the hourglass for a few seconds but the program does not start.10:09
stenmeant to airtonix10:09
airtonixsten, what do you mean by xclients?10:09
histosten: huh?10:09
stenairtonix well iv disabled gdm10:09
airtonixsten, why ?10:10
stenbecause i just want to run in command mode10:10
airtonixsten, nvm i suppose you have a good reason10:10
michael_2sosaited: xubuntu maverik, had same problem in regular ubuntu10:10
stenits a exercise10:10
stenits dumb10:10
stenbut i need to do it10:10
cong06sorry ace_steel, was looking for the example conkyrc file10:10
airtonixsten, well you dont start X with startx anymore.10:10
airtonixsten, thats the point of gdm10:11
stenyeah i now10:11
bpovouai so tem ingres10:11
stenthe exercise is fucked up10:11
histo!who | sten10:11
ubottusten: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:11
stenbut its the last one10:11
Axsuulcan I upgrade from 9.10 to maverick?10:11
airtonixsten, and to disable gdm, you simply took it out of the appropriate init level ?10:11
histoAxsuul: yes you can upgrade10:11
Axsuulhisto: by running do-release-upgrade?10:11
Axsuulbecause i just did it10:11
histo!upgrade | Axsuul10:12
ubottuAxsuul: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:12
airtonixsten, the exercise is most likely created when russia was running goulags10:12
michael_2sosaited: i have e1000 loaded by default right now10:12
Axsuuland it seems like it only upgraded me from 9.04 to 9.10 h10:12
stenairtonix: yea10:12
michael_2it shows up in lsmod10:12
histoAxsuul: upgrades are incremental but you can go from LTS to LTS10:12
cong06one sec ace_steel10:12
stenairtonix: just for the sake of the exercise, is there a way of listing all the xclients, or is it just a list of all programs installed+10:12
stenairtonix: i mean, i can run xclock, or firefox from the command and get a gui...10:13
airtonixace_steel, the default conlyrc has up & down net speeds10:13
LiquidDemocracyIs there a support channel for the desktop wiki Zim?10:13
ace_steelairtonix:k thnx....10:13
histoAxsuul: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:14
histoAxsuul: it's explained int he first paragraph there10:14
sosaitedmichael_2: "sudo ifconfig eth0 up && ifconfig" does it do something?10:15
cong06yeah, I pm'd you the details10:15
cong06did you get it?10:15
cong06ace_steel you can also check10:15
michael_2sosaited: no such device10:15
cong06*can also check http://conky.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html10:15
michael_2but still e1000 doesnt find my card so its not loaded right now10:15
sunit_can any body suggest me to run the jar file at boot time as services ?10:16
SwedeMikemichael_2: "ifconfig -a", does that yield anything different than just "ifconfig" ?10:16
michael_2SwedeMike: no10:16
stenairtonix: if i run xclock & from command it says "cant open display"10:17
stenso first  i need to run xstart &10:17
stenthen xclock10:17
=== carmelo is now known as Guest78661
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:18
raxelohi all. can i determine which interface is virtual and which one is physical ?10:18
airtonixraxelo, apart from simply examining the interface name ?10:18
raxeloairtonix, as i understand it is not only set by system but user can change it too10:19
raxeloin configuration log10:19
rigvedhow to do a live broadcast from my ubuntu 10.04 machine? i have a tv tuner card and a dvr which is giving video input to it.10:19
raxeloin config =)10:19
ace_steelcong06:i pmd u10:19
histo!tv | rigved10:19
ubotturigved: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out10:19
rigvedhisto: thanx10:20
hariomcong06: Can I install it in Windows, download required packages and then use USB stick to install in Ubuntu10:21
histo!offline | hariom10:22
ubottuhariom: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD10:22
=== Foppe_ is now known as Foppe
alvmysql does not auto-start on boot. the error log is empty. so i think, it does not even try to start it...10:22
cong06hariom: yes, keryx is designed specificly for that10:22
cong06histo: the ubottu is actually not very helpful in this case. i would strongly suggest keryx instead. he wants to download in windows.10:23
alv /etc/init/mysql.conf looks fine, so how to "reinstall" the autostart?10:23
histocong06: yes it is helpful10:23
histocong06: http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt10:23
* histo ponders why people make things more complicated10:24
AxsuulAnyone know where I can get the source for sources.list for the 10.10 maverick packages10:25
sosaitedmichael_2: Did you try "sudo ifconfig eth1 up && ifconfig" as well?. If it is showing up in lsmod, then it should pick it up unless there is some other conflict.10:25
histoAxsuul: ?  can you pastebin your sources.list10:25
histoAxsuul: the name just changed from lucid to maverick10:26
sosaitedmichael_2: Did you ever get a eeprom checksum error while loading module?10:26
michael_2sosaited: dont think so10:26
Axsuulalright ill try that thanks10:26
sirlarkHi there, I'm having trouble getting a PXE boot system to boot with an NFS root filesystem10:28
sosaitedmichael_2: Maybe you should compile the e1000 drivers yourself. Or hopefully someone else have some tips.10:28
histoAxsuul: just run do-release-upgrade again10:28
michael_2sosaited: i did compile it myself i think10:28
michael_2but now im messing with e1000e instead10:28
michael_2i blacklisted e1000 but still it loads why?10:29
anvotaofd, Are you there?10:29
michael_2so now e1000 and e1000e loads at boot10:29
sosaitedthat is bad.10:29
taofdanvo, yo?10:29
sirlarkI'm following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasyUbuntuClustering/UbuntuKerrighedClusterGuide10:30
sirlarkwhich refers to hardy, but I'm using Lucid10:30
sirlarkThe problem is that on the PXE boot machines complain that there is no device /dev/nfs10:30
sirlarkthe problem seems to be that nfsbooted is no longer part of ubunu (was ther is hardy, but not in lucid)10:32
motaka2how can i watch .mpeg files on my ubuntu system?10:32
sirlarkand that the initscript /etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs no longer exists10:32
sosaitedmichael_2: unload the modules via modprobe, then run sudo make uninstall in respective e1000 and e1000e source folders.10:33
motaka2iceflatline: it does not show me10:33
spetreahow can I grep with multiple patterns, one matching and one excluding10:33
iceflatlinemotaka2: hmm..it works for me10:33
motaka2iceflatline: the player bar moves forward but there is no sound no picture10:34
iceflatlinethen the file may not be good.10:34
hariomcong06: While using it, I get Please create the Project on the plugin's supported OS.10:35
darth_tux71wow K3b is still around10:35
dpac_Guys, after my futile attempt to speed up my boot process, I've come to IRC for help. It takes more than 70-80 seconds to starup.10:36
j3r3miasalguem do brasil???10:37
cong06hariom: if you go to the keryxprojet.org website, you can download projects.10:37
cong06hariom: also note, I should have checked out the website that histo suggested. if you're just installing packages and have a nice download manger http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt might be better.10:37
jpds!br | j3r3mias10:37
ubottuj3r3mias: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.10:37
darth_tux71dpac_, how much ram do you have and what is your CPU?10:38
dpac_darth_tux71: Core 2 duo 2.0Ghz and 2GB ram10:38
dpac_darth_tux71: 667mhz FSB10:38
cong06hariom: that being said, for updates, keryx is the way to go. it doesn't seem like http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt would be very good to install updates (unless I don't know how to use it right histo?)10:38
AbhiJithow to use this clock http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/David's+Star?content=12174410:39
darth_tux71dpac_, well I have a quad 2.4 4gb and I take about 45 to 50 seconds so really that sounds about right10:39
AbhiJithow to install it?10:39
j3r3miasubottu: thanks10:39
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:39
psyt7what is the name of the applet that has the button for drop-down menu that let me choose to lock screen/suspend/reboot etc..? it suddenly disappeared after a update and can't find it10:39
dpac_darth_tux71: I think not. I've seen people having 15second bootup with Ubuntu. Same config more or less.10:40
AbhiJitnooon knooows10:40
dpac_darth_tux71: 15 second is a bit of exaggeration. But definitely around 20-25 seconds10:40
darth_tux71i have never had that fast a boot i honestly don't think a hard drive can load an os that fast10:41
dpac_darth_tux71: Also, there seems to be something wrong with wlan. Coz it takes around 30 seconds on that line. I'll show you, hold on.10:41
taofddpac_, i dunno, maverick boots pretty fast for me, maybe 10 -15 seconds and that's on an old asus netbook10:41
dpac_darth_tux71: Read taofd's reply10:42
housamhi there10:42
housami need a help10:42
histo!ask | housam10:42
ubottuhousam: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:42
AbhiJitwhat is .vlt theme? whre its been used?10:42
dpac_darth_tux71: http://pastebin.com/gGsyqtEF10:42
taofddarth_tux71, fom my experience, ubuntu will boot at different speeds depending on hardware and software configurations10:42
darth_tux71dpac_, i cant read it this chat moves to fast for my old eyes10:42
taofddarth_tux71, you could always try to directly chat with one of the members10:43
dpac_darth_tux71: He says his old Asus netbook boots maverick in 10-15 seconds10:43
=== RippZzZ is now known as Ripp__
housami need to play  my mp3 music10:43
darth_tux71taofd, he wanted me to read something you wrote actually10:43
JoeMaverickSettAbhiJit: http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/VLT10:43
housambut there is no code to run it10:43
histo!codecs | housam10:43
ubottuhousam: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:43
cong06I love ubottu10:43
horrible!love > cong0610:43
AbhiJitahh its vlc10:44
taofddarth_tux71, oh lol, i just wrote that ubuntu boots 10-15 seconds on one of my old asus netbooks10:44
taofddarth_tux71, an estimate, but it boots pretty darn fast10:45
darth_tux71taofd, that can happen but there are so many variables and how stripped down the system is I have almost ziltch of Debian 3 on a thinkpad and it blazed10:45
gogetawhat a good /boot size10:45
dpac_darth_tux71: if you see line 820 on the pastebin link i just sent, you'll see it takes about 24 seconds doing nothing. I just wanted to know if I can fix that?10:45
gogetabeing im gona use btrfs as root10:45
darth_tux71ok give me a second to find and look or private me10:46
darth_tux71yeah 819 to 820 there is a huge lag10:47
AbhiJitcant install this theme http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Technical?content=13445210:48
AbhiJitnot a valid theme error. help10:48
AbhiJitor any clue how can i correct the theme package?10:48
histoAbhiJit: ask the author of the theme. A lot of those themes have issues on gnome-look10:50
AbhiJithisto, how to solve those issue? why not anyone cotribute to it? i wish to solve all those bugs10:50
noob-tuxany link where i can study cli commands?10:50
AbhiJit!cli | noob-tux10:50
ubottunoob-tux: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro10:50
gaelfxrecently, Google music stopped producing any sound, and yet Baidu MP3 and other flash sites have no problem producing sound.Any advice on how I can diagnose, if not resolve, this issue?10:51
Genieliui just come across a strange problem,my resolution suddently change10:51
histoAbhiJit: you need to post a comment on gnome-look then10:51
AbhiJithisto, oh10:51
gaelfxI should also note that it doesn't work in Chrome OR Firefox10:51
JoeMaverickSettgaelfx: could you give me the link?10:52
histogaelfx: linkage?10:52
GenieliuI am watching a movie,and after I return to the desktop I found the resolution have changed10:52
gaelfxhang on10:53
gaelfxJoeMaverickSett: histo: wait, link to what precisely?10:53
histoGenieliu: system > preference > monitors10:54
histogaelfx: whatever page you can't play sound from10:54
JoeMaverickSettgaelfx: to the link that doesn't work for you?10:54
Genieliuhisto: the resolution has changed and there is no choice to fit my monitor10:55
gaelfxbut I'm not sure that you can use it outside of China10:55
histoGenieliu: have you restarted X10:55
histoGenieliu: or you can try using xrandr to set it directly10:55
Genieliuhisto: not yet10:55
histoGenieliu: ctrl+alt+f1 and log in then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:56
gaelfxat any rate, the problem is that everything seems to be working normally until the player actually starts playing and no music comes out10:56
JoeMaverickSettgaelfx: i don't think you could use it outside China.10:56
Genieliuhisto: thx :)10:56
Genieliuhisto: i think this will work :)10:56
JoeMaverickSettgaelfx: it's showing "Sorry, Google is not your region provide you with the services they need." :-/10:56
JoeMaverickSettgaelfx: in chinese. :D10:57
gaelfxyeah, so you can see the pickle I'm in. NOBODY uses Ubuntu here (at least that I've seen), and even though China Mobile is a Linux Foundation gold member, I think that news story was not featured in any of the Chinese language papers 'round here10:58
Genieliuhisto: Sorry,but the resolution doesn't changed thought i have restarted the x11:01
histoGenieliu: resolution was fine before playing the video correct?11:06
Genieliuhisto: Right11:06
=== saftsack__ is now known as saftsack
histoGenieliu: what is your normal resolution?11:07
Genieliuhisto: 1400*90011:07
histoGenieliu: does xrandr show that as an availible resolution?11:08
Genieliuhisto: And now it is 1360*76811:08
histoGenieliu: just type xrandr in a gnome-terminal to see a list11:08
alvhow to add mysql to "autostart"?11:09
tonsofpcslspci -A intel-conf1 is showing my NIC but lspci -A linux-sysfs and -A linux-proc do not.  What can I do to make the machine happy?  (Note: The NIC worked fine yesterday)11:09
histoalv: it should if you isntalled it11:09
kopafter upgrade to 10.04 ubuntu studio all of the desktop is missing and the /etc/apt/sources.list is near empty wth are/is the repos for ubuntu studio ?11:09
histokop: dunno maybe ask the #ubuntu-studio11:09
kop<krap , only me :-/11:10
alvhisto: the /etc/init/mysql.conf is fine, but it does not start on boot. there is no error or notice in the logs.11:10
=== hacker is now known as Guest37839
alv`service mysql start` works well11:10
kophisto, tnx for that ...11:10
histoalv: what about sudo /etc/init.d/mysql status11:11
alvhisto: "mysql stop/waiting"11:11
alvwhat is it waiting for?!11:12
Genieliuhisto: there are noly the choices showed in the system->preferences->monitor11:12
histoalv: you installed mysql-server  right?11:12
histoalv: sudo netstat -tap | grep mysql11:12
alvhisto: right, on a vps11:12
Genieliuhisto: how can i add the resolution i want to it?11:12
histoalv: look for mysqld11:12
histoGenieliu: have you rebooted the machine since this happened?11:12
Genieliuhisto: not yet11:13
alvhisto: netstat ... returns nothing11:13
histoGenieliu: I would try that if you still are having problems then http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html11:13
histoalv: sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start11:13
Genieliuhisto: thx for your advice :)11:13
histoalv: or restart11:13
histoalv: sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld restart11:13
histoalv: sry get rid of the d at the end of mysql11:14
pure_hatealv: sudo update-rc.d mysqld defaults11:14
pure_hatewill autosatrat it11:14
histoalv: and what pure_hate advises11:14
alvhisto: without the "d" it starts on my system.11:14
alvpure_hate: i'll try and reboot11:14
uosiuhi all11:16
uosiuI have a question about energy saving in ubuntu 10.0411:16
uosiuI'm preparing advert station which uses ubuntu + 50" TV11:17
uosiuin power settings i've disabled turning off display11:17
uosiuin screensaver settings I've disabled screen saver and that two checkboxes11:18
uosiustepbar is turned into max11:18
uosiuand after some time screen turns of11:18
tonsofpcspower management11:18
uosiutonsofpcs: system - preferences - power menagement?11:19
tonsofpcsuosiu: no clue, I wouldn't use ubuntu for such a display11:20
hariomI have downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 server CD. Now how can I use it to install a few selected packages. I don't have access to internet on my ubuntu machine.11:20
uosiuboth combo lists are "Never" and stebar is 100%11:20
histo!offline | hariom11:21
ubottuhariom: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD11:21
histo!aptoncd | hariom11:21
ubottuhariom: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline11:21
histohariom: sorry I believe you are looking for apt-cdrom command11:22
hariomubottu: I have ubuntu install but don't have internet access bcoz pppoeconf package is not installed. To install that in return get internet access, I have downloaded server CD. Now I want to install pppoeconf from CD11:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:23
hariomhisto: yea, I guess you are right11:23
histohariom: yeah use apt-cdrom11:23
histohariom: I thought the bot trigger said something about that just ignore ubottu's comments.11:23
alvpure_hate, histo: again, no mysql server running after reboot and no info in the logs :-(11:23
alvstarting the service manually works without any troubles11:24
histoalv: did you use pure_hate's update-rc.d command?11:25
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Genieliuhisto: With the help of the website you gave me, now i have change my resolution back. Thanks a lot.:)11:28
EventyretMorning everyone11:28
alvhisto: yes, with mysql instead of mysqld11:29
ubuntuhi lubuntu11:31
=== ubuntu is now known as nickname-new
nickname-newlubuntu is a bit faster11:32
alvhisto, is there a link missing or why does my system call the service mysql instead of mysqld?11:32
llutz_alv: the system is mysql, mysqld is just the daemon11:33
nickname-newproblem is i cant print using my ubuntu laptop11:33
alvllutz_: there should not be a need to install the daemon in addition to mysql-server, right?11:34
nickname-newi bet you guys can help?11:34
llutz_alv nope, mysqld is part of mysql-server11:34
BlaDe^Hi uys, I have Rhythmbox installed and all the plugins are in /usr/lib/rhythmbox but don't actually show up in the app11:34
BlaDe^any ideas why?11:34
gnomefreaknickname-new: try in #lubuntu11:35
gnomefreaknickname-new: since no one has answered you please join #lubuntu for help with lubuntu11:37
h_2_2121BlaDe^, those are plugins you installed yourself? Shouldn't you install them in ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins I think?11:37
gnomefreaknickname-new: since no one has answered you please join #lubuntu for help with lubuntu11:37
BlaDe^ah i'll try mv'ing them h_2_212111:38
BlaDe^I'm not sure I think I installed them via apt-get install rhythmbox-plugins but I just did a locate rhythmbox | grep plugin and found them there11:38
dw-so tf2 runs great after setting commandline -dxlevel 81 in steam11:38
h_2_2121This tells you where you can install them: http://live.gnome.org/RhythmboxPlugins/WritingGuide#What_makes_up_a_plugin11:38
gnomefreakoops sorry my screen didnt scroll :(11:38
dw-but now the sound crashes after it plays for 2s. and i can adjust the audio settings, and it comes back on for 2s, then it stops again :D11:38
nickname-newproblem is i cant print using my ubuntu laptop11:38
h_2_2121BlaDe^, If you installed via apt-get, they should already be in the correct place I guess11:38
h_2_2121BlaDe^, I'm guessing you restarted rhythmbox?11:39
dw-nickname-new: i got some hp driver it works great11:39
dw-nickname-new: hplip package11:39
nickname-newusing samba?11:40
nickname-newdont work with my wifi11:40
JoeMaverickSett!details | nickname-new11:40
ubottunickname-new: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:40
=== administrator is now known as Guest14519
logicpathhello :) I have ubuntu 9.04 installed, downloaded ubuntu 10.10 and burnt it on a disc, I was wondering If i could install the latest version on top of the one I'm using11:42
BlaDe^h_2_2121: i've copied them all there11:42
BlaDe^a couple more loaded but not the one i specifically want (Lyrics)11:42
dw-logicpath: if you read the site it says dont do it11:42
logicpathin a way that it would replace the old one, but keep my data in place, is this possible?11:42
logicpathdw-: ah, okay hmmm11:42
dw-logicpath: it says do each update individually11:42
Eventyretlogicpath: you want to update or just test 10.10 ?11:42
logicpathoh, yes i read that, that i shouldn't jump upgrades. but no I mean i already have ubuntu 10.10 on a cd right now, can't i install it on top of the one i have installed now? (ubuntu 9.04)11:43
h_2_2121BlaDe^, That's weird, I guess you could try looking at rhythmbox log files11:43
dw-if you wanted to overwrite it it would leave a bunch of unncessary crap11:44
logicpathEventyret: i want to upgrade to 10.10, but i don't want to lose my data, and my internet connection is not that strong so i downloaded ubuntu 10.10 on a cd11:44
lliuhi all11:44
logicpathwhen i tried to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 it told me it will download 2gb worth of upgrades, so frankly 2gb compared to 700mb...11:44
logicpathdw-: so you are suggesting i do a fresh installation?11:45
dw-logicpath: delete everything but your home folder then go for it? :P11:45
Amin_hello there11:46
Amin_is anybody here?11:46
logicpathokay, thanks for the help all :)11:46
dw-better just move it or archive it11:46
logicpathAmin_: just ask your question11:46
dw-logicpath: you know how to do it :p11:46
EventyretHello Amin_  =)11:46
dw-sound works for 2s per reset in steam games then crashes. ideas ?11:47
logicpathdw-: I'll do just that, I figured maybe I'd try something new but frankly don't feel like risking my data. I'll backup everything and do a fresh install :D11:47
LjLAmin_: pray tell what's the need for that language?11:48
dw-logicpath: i dont think its a data risk but will be a lot of old unneeded stuff laying around...  what about mv /* /backup :)11:48
deepinfernohello! i'm using the theme ambiance and on left of menu applications have a ubuntu icon, how can i edit this icon? to put an  custom icon11:48
Emmanuel_ChanelCan't I use Skype without uninstalling pulse on Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat yet?11:48
logicpathdw-: oh! okay I get you, you mean old unused packages, and stuff like that11:48
dw-logicpath: yup11:49
logicpathalright, i'll do a backup :)11:49
dw-logicpath: that or 2GB x 10 :)11:49
Amin_I wonder what is the best client for chatting in irc in ubuntu?11:49
deepinfernohello!, please i need from help i'm using the theme ambiance and on left of menu applications have a ubuntu icon, how can i edit this icon? to put an  custom icon11:49
logicpathi'll take 'that' :D11:50
logicpathAmin_: xchat11:50
* lliu love pie11:50
dw-amin_: i got smuxi11:50
dw-lliu: concur11:51
zambawhen trying to generate a new certificate request, i get the following error: 6162:error:0D06407A:asn1 encoding routines:a2d_ASN1_OBJECT:first num too large:a_object.c:109:11:51
zamba6162:error:0B083077:x509 certificate routines:X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_txt:invalid field name:x509name.c:285:name=S11:52
Travis-42is there a way to get a directory listing but show the last modified time of each folder's contents, not the folder itself?11:54
dw-Travis-42: make a little script for it :)11:54
TonusTravis-42, ls -al *11:55
Travis-42dw-: Yea, I guess I'll have to write a script.  Tonus: that only displays the last modified time of the folder, not it's contents11:56
dw-Travis-42: do it in PHP then you can extend your skillz to the web later :p11:57
deepinfernohello!, please i need from help i'm using the theme ambiance and on left of menu applications have a ubuntu icon, how can i edit this icon? to put an  custom icon11:58
dw-deepinferno: that is strictly forbidden.  everything else in ubuntu is wide open, except that icon xD11:59
madsteinhey freacks11:59
dw-deepinferno: i just made that up11:59
deepinfernodw-: lol12:00
deepinfernodw-: really, do you know how can i edit this?12:00
dw-deepinferno: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39986912:01
=== obelix is now known as Pavlz
JuJuBeeI can't seem to open konsole from gui.  I get http://pastie.org/1274674  when I try opening konsole from gnome-terminal12:02
histoJuJuBee: why not just use gnome-terminal12:02
madsteinpastebin error12:03
histoJuJuBee: and try hitting alt+f2 to launch konsole12:03
madsteinor get guake12:03
xcarmJuJuBee: ctrl+alt+f112:03
histoJuJuBee: or launching it from the applications menu12:03
histoxcarm: no he doesn't want a tty but konsole12:03
xcarmhrsito: are you bulgarian?12:04
JuJuBeehisto: I use kubuntu and like Konsole.  No real preference, but the fact that it won't open today disturbs me.12:04
JuJuBeeWont open from applications menu12:05
Travis-42why might a command not work under cron, but work fine from the command line? I know from the system logs that cron is running the command (under cron.d with my username)?12:05
JuJuBeeAlt-F2 either...12:05
JuJuBeeTravis-42: user perms?12:06
jribTravis-42: just tell us the command so we don't have to guess12:06
Travis-42JuJuBee: I have it set to run as my user in cron.d, so that shouldn't be the reason12:06
greppyTravis-42: full path to the command being run?  is it using environment variables from your shell?12:06
Travis-42jrib: it's a script of mine that runs /usr/bin/offlineimap12:06
dlimy mouse pointer is stuck at the upper-left corner of the screen, can not be moved by mouse. help!12:06
jribTravis-42: just paste the exact crontab line12:06
histoJuJuBee: The people in #kubuntu may be able to help more12:07
Travis-42jrib: 0 12 * * * travis sh /home/travis/scripts/gmail-backup.sh12:07
greppyTravis-42: are you using full paths in your script?12:07
jribTravis-42: ok, then pastebin the script12:07
JuJuBeehisto: thanks usually find kubuntu a bit slow....12:07
cboyhw are u all doing?12:07
stealhi all I have created a system user with the command adduser(or useradd  I can't remember) now I would like to hide this user from gdm and from users list in system->advanced-user groups list12:07
greppyTravis-42: chmod 700 /home/travis/scripts/gmail-backup.sh and remove the "sh " from your cron12:07
jribsteal: how did you create the user?  Why do you say "system user" and not just "user"?12:08
Travis-42greppy: jrib: http://pastebin.com/WpEKieah12:08
greppyTravis-42: is there a config file for offlineimap?12:09
greppyTravis-42: if so, is there a way to specify it on the command line?12:09
greppyYou may need to do that so that it can find the config.12:09
stealjrib, I have create the user with the commandline adduser! it is a system user because he can't login he is a database user12:09
Travis-42greppy: cron won't use my user's information? that might be the problem then12:09
jribsteal: if you actually make him a system user (see adduser man page, he will get a uid lower than 1000 and thus not display in gdm12:10
james296does anyone here know how to fix the issue of changing your status on Pidgin in the indicator menu and when you switch it back it kicks you offline?12:10
akshu1for wine command getting error as err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {6c736db1-bd94-11d0-8a23-00aa00b58e10} not registered12:10
akshu1Provider can not be found12:10
=== xcarm is now known as xc3rm
jribsteal: you understand?12:11
stealjrib, so I only need to put an uid lower than 1000 in /etc/passwd file and it don't display right?12:11
jribsteal: yeah, but you should probably recreate the user so that adduser takes care of the details (don't duplicate uid)12:12
=== xc3rm is now known as xcrm
=== xcrm is now known as xcarm
Eventyretjanek: explain again12:14
jribTravis-42: is nothing ending up in /tmp/gmail-backup.log?  Does "sh /home/travis/scripts/gmail-backup.sh" work in a terminal?  And here's how I do it... I use my user's crontab (crontab -e) and have: */10 * * * * offlineimap -o -u Noninteractive.Quiet     Also, make sure you have a final newline in your crontab.12:15
Travis-42jrib: my messages are ending up there showing that the cron entry is working. yes the exact command works in a terminal. Ah, but maybe it's the -u user interface specification, I will try that in addition to manually specifying the config file12:17
GoldlineHey i have a question iys mainly a routing issue in ubuntu12:17
stealgood jrib it work well now thank you very much12:17
jribsteal: no problem12:17
GoldlineThe issue is that im running a gameserver on ubuntu but i cant reach it from the outside, i guess its because the routing is incorrect, nay idea howto solve this12:20
GoldlineIts reachable from the LAN but not from the internet12:20
greppyGoldline: how are you connecting to the internet?12:21
histoI love that the edge of the windows are impossible to grab in the default theme. Thank you devs12:21
izinucsI noticed that too12:22
IncarusGoldline, check if router firewall is enabled12:22
GoldlineItsn ot because it works with hamachi12:22
darth_tux71histo, you just gotta have some paitence and a lot of luck12:22
GoldlineIts working with hamachi12:22
Goldlinebut not12:22
Goldlinewith the external IP12:22
Goldlineany idea?12:22
* darth_tux71 remembers when mouse wheels didn't work and there were no wobbles just dots for buttons12:23
izinucsGoldline: hamachi build a tunnel... the router needs to forward the correct ports to the server from the external IP12:23
benpowers23i need help installing flash12:24
Incarus!ask | benpowers2312:24
ubottubenpowers23: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:24
GoldlineHowto find out what the ip is of the router or modem12:25
Goldlineis there an easy way12:25
Goldlineif you dontk now it12:25
darth_tux71Goldline, ifconfig12:25
Goldlineok but12:25
Goldlineheres the issue12:26
Goldlinethe routers web interface is not reachable from
schweegiif i try to send a fax with ffgtk i get the message that capifax is not arranged. what can i do?12:26
Goldlinewhat now?12:26
Goldlinecant forward12:26
GoldlineIts saying page cannot be displayed12:26
darth_tux71Goldline, how is that possible?12:26
izinucsGoldline: don't use enter for punctuation.. the IP of the router is probably or 1.1 (on the end)12:26
GoldlineI really dontk now, do you?12:26
darth_tux71der me sorry12:27
benpowers23to install flash on my compute i was told to use     sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree   and it didnt work can someone help me?12:27
* darth_tux71 hangs head in shame and goes back to lurking12:27
jribGoldline: route -n will tell you12:27
farsheedsudo apt-get update12:27
jribbenpowers23: "didn't work" means?12:28
izinucsbenpowers23: did you restart the router?12:28
benpowers23sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:28
izinucsbenpowers23: sorry  .. firefox12:28
Incarusbenpowers23, what do you mean with "didnt work", any error messages?12:28
Goldlineits a cable modem, whats the most likely address?12:28
benpowers23i just quit there12:28
izinucsGoldline: you don't have a separate router? You're using the router built into the cable modem?12:29
Incarusbenpowers23, try to install just the flash player, not nsplugin-thing12:29
dlihow do I disable the shown text 'Applications' in the system menu? i.e., only showing the icon instead of icon and 'Applications'12:30
benpowers23ok, using the software center?12:30
Goldlineizinucs i tried both and no responsei n the web interface12:31
Incarusbenpowers23, doenst matter12:31
izinucsGoldline: you don't have a separate router? You're using the router built into the cable modem?12:31
Goldlinewebpage cannot be displayed12:31
jribGoldline: did you try the command I gave you?12:31
GoldlineIm on xp now12:31
DciteI wonder if there is a way to make gnome power manager force a redectionn of the power state.12:31
IncarusGoldline, what router do you have?12:31
izinucsGoldline: then I've no idea what the router address is..12:32
jribGoldline: this channel is for ubuntu support :/12:32
benpowers23incarus, thank you12:32
DciteGoldline: your gateway IP should normally be the router address, though not all cable modems accept connections.12:33
tphiveI'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 as OEM, ultimately I want it to be Netbook Edition, but I've tried UNE, Desktop, AND Alternate. NONE OF THEM are giving me the option upon boot to install as OEM. What on earth am I missing?!?!?12:34
IncarusGoldline, read the manual.12:34
izinucsthere usually isn't a manual for an ISP supplied cable modem/router12:35
GoldlineBliva go ahead12:35
Goldlinewhich modem is it12:35
Incarustphive: http://media.cdn.ubuntu-de.org/wiki/attachments/09/38/oem000.png (ik its german, but should be clear)12:35
Goldlinethats unclear to us12:35
benpowers23incarus, the software center says waiting for apt-get to exit12:35
GoldlineIts actually bliva12:35
Goldlinehe doesntk now which modem it is and how he is connected12:36
Incarusbenpowers23, try "sudo apt-get -f install"12:36
Dr_Willistphive:  so you have some sort of special OEM disk? I thought the OEM feature was for People like DELL and so on to easially make a 'custome' ubuntu setup for specific hardware/12:36
GoldlineBliva do you have anymore info12:36
gvandeweyerhi all12:36
gvandeweyerI'm fiddling with sudoers configuration and could use some help12:36
GoldlineI tried the routers ip12:37
Dr_Willistphive:  a forum thread on the OEM topic --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146069412:37
gvandeweyerI'm trying to change the targetpw settings for a single (or couple) of users12:37
gvandeweyeris this possible?12:37
tphiveIncarus: I know, I've seen a similar image from this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview    it's about verison 8 though, when booting v10.04 there are VERY few options. :(12:37
GoldlineIts non-reponsive12:37
Goldlinethe one shown in ipconfig in xp or ifconfig in ubuntu12:37
gvandeweyerI want to allow apache user to run scripts as other (non-root!) user, but apache does not have password12:37
=== Zilla_ is now known as Zillaaah
tphiveDr_Willis: It's supposed to be on all disks, but I saw that thread too, and so I downloaded the Alternate version, and STILL nothing. >.< I'm installing from a USB thumbdrive, but I don't think that really makes any difference.12:38
benpowers23incarus,   http://paste.ubuntu.com/526281/12:38
gvandeweyerso 'echo passwd | sudo -u otheruser -S bash -c ""' syntax would be the option, but I don't want to inverse the default sudoers settings (ask own password) for all users, since they don't need to have root password12:38
Mr_Blikhi all12:39
Incarusbenpowers23, kill first dpkg proccesses with kill12:39
Dr_Willistphive:  wiki page says its on the DVD's12:39
Mr_Blikhi all (i've said it twice already)12:39
Dr_Willishttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview  Note: as of Ubuntu 8.04, the DVD contains an OEM installation mode, which can be found in the boot options.12:39
GoldlineCan you clarify: do you also need to forward ports in a cable modem if ur directly connected to the internet12:40
cucoritkaMr_Blik, hello :)12:40
DciteMr_Blik: If you have a question, just ask instead of greeting12:40
Goldlineaswell as with a dsl modem12:40
Mr_Blikgood idea12:40
Mr_Blikhow do i fix splashy12:40
benpowers23incarus, how12:40
Dr_Willis!info splashy12:40
ubottuPackage splashy does not exist in maverick12:40
tphiveDr_Willis: hm... FOrgot there are actually full dvd's available somewhere, got a link? OTherwise I'll see if I can find it.12:40
Incarustphive, it should be in the alternative cd12:40
Incarusbenpowers23, ps -u USERNAME | grep dpkg12:41
Dr_Willistphive:  i dont even really see what the 'oem' installer does exactly different from a normal install.12:41
tphiveIncarus: I thought the same thing, not though. :\12:41
=== az_ is now known as overlordtm
Mr_Blikany ideas12:41
coz_Mr_Blik,  I have never used splashy12:41
coz_Mr_Blik, let me check online12:41
Mr_Blikcoz_:  go ahead12:42
Incarustphive, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=d0bb3d88a443986450c82c1d6121387b&p=9162234#post916223412:42
tphiveIt allows the computer to be set up as if it were new from the store, so when you turn it on it starts the "Out of the box experience", where you make your account and everything.12:42
tphiveDr_Willis: It allows the computer to be set up as if it were new from the store, so when you turn it on it starts the "Out of the box experience", where you make your account and everything.12:43
GoldlineYou wanna answer my question please?12:43
Dr_Willistphive:  so thats it?  it basically delays the 'ask user for their initial username/password' untill the next reboot eh.12:43
Mr_Blikabout me\?12:44
Dr_Willisactually Im suprised thats not the default really. be less to ask during the install. :)12:44
greppyGoldline: if your server has an IP in the RFC1918 space (google is your friend) you will need to forward ports.12:44
ComradeHaz`Goldline, your question doesn't seem to be particularly Ubuntu related12:44
Goldlinedo you also have to forward ports in a cable modem because with a dsl modem you have to forward ports for gameservers etc...12:44
Goldlineplease calrify12:44
Goldlinedoes that work the same with cable?12:45
ComradeHaz`Goldline, your question still doesn't seem to be particularly Ubuntu related.12:45
greppyWhat is the IP of your server?12:45
bazhangGoldline, how is this related to Ubuntu? you're using xp12:45
sirlarkanyone know anything about diskless boot on ubuntu?12:45
coz_Mr_Blik,  I have no idea...maybe install startupmanager... I believe that can deal with splashy12:45
tphiveDr_Willis Basically, oh, but it allows you to set everything up/ make any tweaks on a temp account before preparing it for the end user. It's mainly meant for machines that are to be sold.12:45
Incarustphlive, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/ubuntu-10-04-live-cd-installer-gets-a-slick-new-look/ text under picture 112:45
GoldlineNo, im using ubuntu aswell12:45
Goldlinethe question related to ubuntu12:46
histosirlark: yes12:46
Mr_Blikcoz_:  already have that one (:12:46
36DAARLV5so, the new adobe flash plugin that came today crashes in fullscreen on hardy. any ideas ?12:46
histo!anyone | sirlark12:46
ubottusirlark: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:46
benpowers23incarus, i used your cmd, but it did nothing12:46
greppyGoldline: actually, it sounds more like your question is general network related, please see my PM.12:46
izinucstphive: I was wondering about the setup.. nice to know.12:46
Incarusbenpower23, whats your username=12:46
paolobHi guys! since maverick I cannot change the wallpaper any more. Whatever image I select in the background properties, the wallpaper doesn't change. Any hint? thank you!12:46
benpowers23incarus, ben12:47
Incarusbenpower23, so type "ps -u root" and look for "dpkg" or something smiliar and kill that process with "sudo kill NUMBER"12:47
tphiveizinucs: a handy function, that 'theoretically' works. lol Nothing successful here yet though.12:47
sirlarkhisto: I've got a server; tftpf, nfs-server, dnsmasq all running. My client machine boots off PXE, loads the initramfs, but can't mount the NFS root because it can't find eth0.12:47
sirlarkI've added the appropriate network card modules to the modules list for the initramfs12:48
hvipenHello!! Here's a problem. Ubunto10.10 - wlan0+eth0+eth1. wlan0 connected to internet. eth0 connected to a Cisco router. eth1 bridge to vmware workstation. Problem=12:48
histosirlark: no idea on that one perhaps someone else can help12:48
hvipenif installed is blocking eth0+eth112:48
dl551Is there any way to dim the display further? Even at display brightness set at 0 it's still bright12:49
tphiveIncarus: I actually don't even see the 'one button' screen. Just the one with 7 or so options, just none of them are what I want. :P Found a DVD download though, looks like it might just be extra languages though, can't tell.12:49
tphivethe full DVD download of Ubuntu, what does that include that the smaller CD sized versions don't? IT is just languages?12:50
Incarustphive, did you try F1, F2, ... ?12:50
jribtphive: includes the main repository iirc12:50
hvipencab iptables be configured with multible lan interfaces?12:50
tphiveIncarus Every single Fkey.:P12:50
nickname-newubuntu is just awesome12:50
Dr_Willisiptables is so configurable.. its scary...12:51
tphivejrib: any idea if it has functional OEM features that the others for some reason don't?12:51
36DAARLV5so, the new adobe flash plugin that came today ( crashes in fullscreen in FireFox (3.6.12)on hardy (8.04.4 lts). any ideas ? or should i just try to install an older flash until they decide to actually test it ?12:51
hvipeniknow - tried firestarter and guarddog - doesn't meet my needs12:51
jribtphive: I don't know.  You tried the alternate cd?12:51
ozfalconI just created a user on a server. But I cant ssh into the server as the new user! Any Ideas?12:51
jribozfalcon: using passwords?12:52
Incarustphive, you should choose "Innstall Ubuntu" and then "OEM-Installation"12:52
tphivejrib: I did, :( No luck there either. Tried UNE, Desktop, and Alt so far.12:52
hvipenso no real hacker here?12:52
jrib!iptables > hvipen12:53
ubottuhvipen, please see my private message12:53
histotphive: language packs is the difference12:53
Kacohvipen, what do you need?12:53
noob-tuxhvipen: why are u looking for hackers? go join #defcon or #backtrack-linux :P12:53
hvipenimean hacke not hackert12:53
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benpowers23incarus, i used sudo kill 9284  which was dpkg, but no confirmation and it didnt start in the software canter12:54
tphiveIncarus: On which version? Am trying it on alt right now.12:54
jrib!away > nouitfvf|aw12:54
ubottunouitfvf|aw, please see my private message12:54
hvipenis it a channel for pure network hacking?12:55
ozfalconjrib, yes using passwords12:55
jpt1105i need some help with my internal mic in acer aspire one 532h12:55
Incarusbenpowers23, pls paste "ps -u root"12:55
bazhanghvipen, here? no12:55
jribozfalcon: can you ssh localhost successfully?12:55
sirlarkokay, failing that that anyone point me to an up to date (i.e. works on lucid) guide for diskless boot on ubuntu12:56
Dr_Willissetting up iptables rules is network hacking?12:56
sirlarks/that that/that, can/12:56
Dr_WillisI dont think so.12:56
ozfalconjrib, I can ssh with the original install account. (Infact it's the only way to access the box).12:56
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.12:56
hvipendo you know how?12:56
hvipenyes but i have multiple interfaces12:57
benpowers23incarus,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/526287/12:57
Dr_Willisive read iptables tutorials and guides in the past. but not needed to use it in proberly 17+mo.12:57
FlyOnZeWallHello, does anybody have any creative solutions for locking the screen on a tablet pc that doesn't include an on-screen keyboard?12:58
Incarusbenpowers23, "sudo kill -s KILL 9261" "sudo kill -s KILL 9284" "sudo kill -s KILL 9973" and "sudo kill -s KILL 10093"12:58
FlyOnZeWallpreferably with already written software12:58
hvipenhow do i tell iptables that eth0 + eth1 are local ant wlan0 is internet , and i can still route between locals?12:58
FlyOnZeWallhvipen, you have your routing working aside from iptables?12:59
dlihvipen, that's the job of routing tables, not iptables12:59
yoshieubuntu 10.10 64 bit did they fix the nvidia GT 240 problem yet? so i can install 10.1013:00
Aijsemoonlight ( isnt working for me anymore in ff 3.6.12. Any known problems or fixes?13:00
karthick87Thunderbird Error: "Thunderbird is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Thunderbird process, or restart your system."13:00
FlyOnZeWallhvipen, so if you do "ip route", it shows correct information?13:00
tphiveWhen installing 10.04 from USB pendrive, does it remove the options at the bottom like F6 for more options and whatnot? Or is it like that on the CD too?13:01
hvipen192.168.23.0   UG    0      0        0 eth013:01
hvipen192.168.55.0   UG    0      0        0 eth013:01
hvipen172.16.131.0    *        U     0      0        0 vmnet813:01
FlyOnZeWallyoshie, what nvidia problem was that?13:01
hvipen192.168.22.0   UG    0      0        0 eth013:01
FloodBot1hvipen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:01
hvipen192.168.22.0    *        U     0      0        0 eth013:01
hvipen172.16.1.0   UG    0      0        0 eth013:01
histohvipen: stop13:01
FlyOnZeWallhvipen, never ever ever do that again in any channel13:01
Kacohvipen, stop flooding ... however your eth0 has too many IP addresses :)13:01
hvipennew here13:02
yoshieflyonzewall: when installing 10.10 , first day it came out it did not support nvidia gt 240 as in im guessing didnt have the prop driver yet13:02
Aijsekarthick87, in terminal:  ps -aux|grep thunderbird  that sudo kill "insert proces number"13:02
xukunis there somebody here who can help me the first steps of setting my 2x1tb disks for raid1 and lvm?13:02
Incarusyoshie, whats the problem?13:02
anygivennamewhat does the findtime on fail2ban refers to?13:03
yoshieincarus: prob is i cant finish ubuntu install because it didnt support my video card, so im wondering if they have updated since the first day it was released 10.1013:03
karthick87Aijse: Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html13:03
hvipenno- eth0 is connected to a cisco13:03
karthick87karthick  3170  0.0  0.0   3320   796 pts/0    S+   06:33   0:00 grep --color=auto thunderbird13:03
FlyOnZeWallxukun, I take it you've read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/RAID1%2BLVM13:03
hvipenbehind cisco 3 networks13:04
tphiveThanks for the help guys, haven't quite solved the issue yet, but I'll come back to it later.13:04
FlyOnZeWallyoshie, should be fine, I'm using a brand new nvidia card and I've had no trouble at all13:04
Incarustphive, http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/oem-config13:04
mrnelson1986yoshie, i have a nvidia GT 330M and it takes some finagling but by using the "nomodeset" option you can get a GUI to show and finish your install until you can install the proprietary nvidia drivers...nouveau does not work on the 200-300M series I think13:04
Aijsekarthick87, sorry suposed to be karthick8713:04
yoshieFlyonzewall: ok but is that the gt 240 ?13:04
Aijsekarthick87, ps aux|grep thunderbird13:05
Incarusyoshie, installation in low graphic mode should work, because it doens't use the nvidia driver / (nouveau?)13:05
benpowers23incarus,  i killed em all but dpkg refuses to die13:05
yoshieIncarus: ok so whats the command for low graphics?13:06
karthick87which is the process no here "karthick  3221  0.0  0.0   3320   800 pts/0    S+   06:36   0:00 grep --color=auto thunderbird13:06
mrnelson1986yoshie, nomodeset added to the boot line of the live cd will let you set up and install, also adding nomodeset to the boot line of the actual installation will let you get to a gui13:06
Incarusbenpowers23, pls paste again (new paste ;) )13:06
mrnelson1986nomodeset is the command (added to the quiet splash line of the boot line) yoshie13:06
Incarusyoshie, I think you can choose that when booting the cd13:06
mrnelson1986yoshie, also you may be able to do it by hitting F6 and choosing nomodeset13:07
FlyOnZeWallis there some channel regarding tablet pc issues and ubuntu?13:07
Aijsekarthick87, Is that the only line that comes up?13:07
yoshieok thanks guys appreciate it.13:07
benpowers23incarus,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/526297/13:07
tphiveIncarus: An interesting find, would this still work though    sudo oem-config-prepare           so the config account is deleted13:08
karthick87Aijse: Yes13:08
Incarustphive, I never tried it13:08
hvipenso nobody here master in firewalls?13:09
iceroothvipen: #iptables13:09
hvipeniknow but im stuck13:09
Aijsekarthick87, Than there are no processes running that belong to thunderbird. THe one you found now was the proces of the grep command I told you to use. I dont know howcome it acts like there is a window open in this case13:09
tphiveIncarus mkay, best lead so far, thanks13:09
Incarusbenpowers23, "sudo killall -s TERM dpkg" and "sudo killall -s KILL dpkg", should work.13:09
hvipenit works for 2 interfaces but not 313:10
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karthick87Aijse: Restarting the system also din solve the problem13:10
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bradwhat's the recommended (most supported) virtual machine for ubuntu 10.10?13:11
starkвсем привет13:11
wakkartoniew pa rosky13:12
Incarus!en | stark13:12
ubottustark: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:12
ZykoticK9brad, personally I'd recommend VirtualBox - but VMware or KVM work too.13:12
Incarusbrad, I would recommend VirtualBox too.13:12
bradvirtualbox it is then, thanks guys :-)13:12
Aijsekarthick87, Ask again, include the fact you found no proces of thunderbird running and restarting didnt fix it. I dont understand whas wrong13:13
bradI presume it works find on headless servers too?13:13
jose1105i need some help with my internal mic in acer aspire one 532H13:13
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Incarus!ask | jose110513:14
ubottujose1105: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:14
ZykoticK9brad, if you want it for a server install, then perhaps VMware or KVM might be better actually....  good luck man (VirtualBox doesn't have an "easy" way to start VMs on boot, and I believe that VMware or KVM does)13:14
bradahh, thanks ZykoticK913:15
rooksbrad, theres normal headless vm support of vm13:15
rooksbrad, in virtualbox13:16
ozfalconI have created a new user on a headless server. But can't login as new user. Auth.log says PAM: user unknown.... how do I fix this?13:16
rooksbrad, i forgot its name, but its there, vboxremote or sth like that13:16
histoozfalcon: did you give the newuser a passwd and assign them any groups?13:16
kephucan anyone tell me how do I keep grub from pausing to mince my cdrom every time I boot? I mean, it's not like it does anything with it, there's no menu.lst items that tell it to "hey do something with the cdrom drive okay awesome"13:16
bradrooks: thanks, will look at both13:17
ZykoticK9ozfalcon, you can verify the user exists or doesn't by using "cat /etc/password | grep YOURNEWUSERNAME" - and yes, using "sudo passwd NEWUSERNAME" will set a password.13:17
ozfalconhisto, yes to both. sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash -U -p password sentinal13:17
rooksbrad, the commoand for virtualbox headless is: vboxheadless, it comes along normal virtualbox-ose package, tho im sure its in virtualbox-puel13:17
histokephu: grub shouldn't be looking at the cdrom your bios mostlikely is13:17
ozfalconZykoticK9, User exists in /etc/passwd13:18
ZykoticK9ozfalcon, using adduser instead of useradd is a lot easier BTW13:18
histoozfalcon: seconds adduser13:18
roberto_ajuda aqui13:18
kephuhisto, it happens when grub kicks in, not sooner. And the moment I pop the CD open, grub goes from "okay grub is loading" to "here's your menu kind sir make your selection now yes"13:18
Incarus!br | roberto_13:19
ubotturoberto_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:19
roberto_preciso de ajuda13:19
roberto_saindo aqui13:19
histokephu: are you using grub2?13:19
Incarusroberto_ it is an english channel13:20
kephuhisto, I assume so. I'm using whatever the default in 10.10 is13:20
mexxi'm trying to install x11 on a 10.04 server and it hangs while Unpacking libxfixes313:20
ozfalconok. Using "adduser" worked and enabled ssh via that (new) user. Thanks.13:21
histokephu: can you pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:21
jamesstanleyHow do you change the text colour of the Gnome clock? In the guest session it is fine, but on my account if I use the Ambiance theme the clock is black-on-black and the theme can't really be used13:22
SembianceMy computer was not powered off correctly (power loss). Now when booting I'm just starting at the Ubuntu logo. Is there a Key Combination I can press to view a console log of what it is doing right now?13:22
SembianceI'd like to see the boot process. My guess is it's doing a disk check or something13:22
histoSembiance: you can hold the shift key to get a grub menu13:22
jamesstanleySembiance: i would try f2, ctrl-alt-f1, ctrl-alt-f2 in that order13:22
kephuhisto, I could, but it's completely unmodified13:22
histoSembiance: then you should be able to boot to recovery mode13:23
IncarusSembiane, are you using kde?13:23
mexxSembiance: or boot in recovery mode13:23
histokephu: well it should have your menu entries in it.13:23
kephuhisto, also, this is not exclusive to ubuntu, this happens every time I get my linux on13:23
histokephu: make sure there is nothing related to cdrom.  I would double check your bios boot sequence13:23
SembianceIncarus: no, not using KDE, but not at that point yet.13:24
SembianceStill at the ubuntu menu with 5 red dots that are not changing heh13:24
kephuhisto, searching for "cd" in grub.cfg yields nothing13:24
Sembiancejamesstanley: tried those, none of them worked13:24
mohanohiNo sound, using ubuntu 9.10 64bit, removed pulse audio and installed esd, please help13:24
Sembiancehisto: I'll give it a few more minutes then try rebooting and using the grub menu, thank you13:24
mohanohino sound app in system>preference13:24
histokephu: no anything that isn't a uuid for a boot option etc..13:24
jamesstanleymohanohi: is the volume turned up? that was my problem, it came with it defaulted to 9% volume13:24
histoSembiance: yeah or you can try hitting ctrl+alt+f1 through F613:25
gnomefreakkephu: you maybe want to try #linux if we can not help you here, but if it is not just Ubuntu that would be a better place IMHO13:25
mohanohijamesstanley: yes it is, i checked it through alsomixer13:25
kephualso, it's not that it tries to BOOT from CD-rom. What happens is this: grub outputs its plain "grub is loading", THEN minces the cd, then, after it's done with that, it loads the menu13:25
mohanohijamesstanley: i mean alsamixer13:25
tgywawhere can I download Ubuntu emergency boot disk ? for Ubuntu 10.04 + 64 bit server?13:25
gnomefreakscratch my comment above this sounds like harware issue13:25
gnomefreaktgywa: from ubuntu.com13:26
mohanohiplease help me............13:27
gnomefreakto rescue a borked installl or bug you use the normal image13:27
ZykoticK9mohanohi, did you have sound prior to removing Pulse?  If so, why did you remove Pulse?13:28
ghisen|homeAnyone good at the route command? I would like the traffic to IP x.x.x.x to go on eth0 instead of tap0(vpn)13:30
histotgywa: just use the install cd13:30
jamesstanleyghisen|home: i think: route add x.x.x.x dev eth013:30
ghisen|homejamesstanley, thanks13:30
kephuokay, here's something ubuntu-related: I have a broadcom 4328 wireless card, and it offers to install restricted drivers for it. Problem is, all of them are blacklisted.13:30
dlikephu, is it by the b43 driver?13:32
michhi there annyboday an idea, im trying to upgrade from server 10.04 to 10.10 like it is told on ubuntu.com but 10.4 system told me nothing to ubdate  using cmd do-release-upgrade and set config to normal bevore13:32
ghisen|homejamesstanley, didn't work :/13:32
jamesstanleyghisen|home: in that case i can't help13:33
kephudli, probably. jockey.log lists a couple, but yeah, b43 was one of them13:33
ghisen|homejamesstanley, maybe i need to define the GW aswell? not its * on that route13:33
mohanohiZykoticK9: no :(13:33
histomich: sudo do-release-upgrade13:34
michi did it as root13:34
jamesstanleyghisen|home: i got it wrong, i meant "ip route add x.x.x.x dev eth0"13:34
dlikephu, or you can try the broadcom binary driver13:34
michChecking for a new ubuntu release13:34
michNo new release found13:34
ghisen|homejamesstanley, oh ok i try that.. thanks13:34
michwas printed13:34
jamesstanleyghisen|home: i don't know how to do it with the route program, but i believe the ip program is now the preferred method anyway13:34
DJonesmich: You might find that because its 10.04 which is a LTS version, its only looking for a new LTS version, have a look at http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade and the Ubuntu servers section for instructions on how to upgrade13:34
kephuI forget, dli, how do I un-blacklist b43 then?13:35
mohanohiZykoticK9: i am unable to find sound app in preference too. what to do?13:35
ghisen|homejamesstanley, it says: RTNETLINK answers: File exists13:35
michid did all the steps mentioned on the website13:35
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jamesstanleyghisen|home: "ip route del x.x.x.x", and then run the ip route add i gave above13:35
dlikephu, b43 is part of kernel, you need the firmware-b43-installer package13:35
ghisen|homeah ok13:36
xukunI'm creating raid1 and lvm but after I do this: "lvcreate --name LV --size 1863.02G VG " I get this message: Rounding up size to full physical extent 1.82 TiB  Insufficient free extents (476932) in volume group VG: 476934 required13:36
Incarusmich, "update-manager -d"13:36
tgywahisto, I am buring ... the iso file ... into a CD. Is that all what I need? in that case the Live CD is th same as the the install CD ... right?13:36
erUSULIncarus: that will upgrade to 10.0413:36
erUSULIncarus: that will upgrade to 11.0413:36
xukun--zise is the sum of my 2x1b disks13:36
Guest2056and besides, it's a server13:36
Guest2056no X13:37
kephudli: jockey.log seems to indicate b43's blacklisted, though13:37
IncaruserUSUL, 10.1013:37
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ghisen|homejamesstanley, still not going out on eth0... thanks anyway13:37
michsorry im still per ssh13:37
michisnt updatemanager a gui13:37
jamesstanleyghisen|home: in that case, i recommend reading this http://lartc.org/13:37
erUSUL-d is development version. right now dev version is 11.04.13:37
mohanohiplease help me.........13:38
DiyttoI have a ppc mac g413:38
ghisen|homejamesstanley, i will. thanks13:38
Incarus!ask | mohanohi13:38
ubottumohanohi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:38
HiddenHeroDHhi i need Binary File Descriptor (BFD) library, where to find???13:38
erUSULmich: maybe asking  in #ubuntu-server ?13:38
DiyttoI was wondering which cd i should get from here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/maverick/release13:38
mohanohiilli gandasaru yaru ilwa?13:38
dlikephu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:38
michok thanks13:38
mohanohiIncarus: my system is not outputting audio, using ubuntu 9.10 64 bit,13:39
Incarusmohanohi, try "alsamixer" in terminal and look if something is muted13:39
HiddenHeroDHi need Binary File Descriptor (BFD) library, where to find???13:39
quiescensxukun: just use " --extents 100% " or " --extents 476932 " instead of --size or something13:39
vega-mohanohi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting13:40
mohanohiIncarus: no.13:40
mohanohiIncarus: everything is alright, its not muted13:40
DiyttoShould i get the desktop cd or alternate installer cd for my ppc from here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/maverick/release13:40
dlimohanohi, fuser /dev/snd/*13:40
mohanohivega- how can i install sound app?13:40
mohanohidli: ok..13:40
lackvoidHi, I screwed up the my HDD partition table by carelessly rewriting mbr in testdisk. Now my ntfs 500gb partition is gone. How do i recover all the data?13:40
vega-mohanohi: "sound app" ?13:40
nijanHello, i have installed ubuntu latest but can't connect to the internet because firefox (only the ubuntu version) idles on loading this authentication page. can anybody help? https://auth3.unipi.it/auth/perfigo_weblogin.jsp?cm=ws32vklm&uri=https://auth3.unipi.it/13:40
mohanohivega- sound app in preference has vanished..13:41
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idefinehow do I select the nouveau drivers in ubuntu 10.10? I currently have the nvidia binary drivers installed13:41
mohanohidli: ok, did that, nothing happened.13:41
nijanis there any problem with https?13:41
rigvedlackvoid: i think there's some software called partition magic13:41
dlilackvoid, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk13:41
lackvoidrigved, windows? or ubunut?13:41
xukunquiescens, like this: lvcreate --name LV --extents 100% VG13:41
dlimohanohi, aplay /dev/urandom13:42
rigvedlackvoid: windows13:42
lackvoiddli, I tried searching for lost paritions in testdisk, didnt get anything13:42
kephudli, see, this doesn't work. Because THE DRIVERS ARE BLACKLISTED.13:42
pirrohhi, got a strange issue with 10.10 and the theming engine -- basically the window decorator works but the theme does not13:42
mohanohidli: Playing raw data '/dev/urandom' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono13:42
mohanohiInvalid rate plugin version 1000213:42
pirrohsomebody saw this bug in launchpad?13:42
mohanohidli: no sound :(13:42
quiescensxukun: 100%VG without a space, or 100%FREE13:42
lackvoidrigved, let me try partition magic.. any other solution?13:42
PhantomStringlackvoid: You have options, you can go the forensics route and manually rewrite the MBR in hex or you could just use a bootable CD with Partition Table Doctor or something equivalent13:43
Incarusnijan, .lsp stands for javaserver pages, sure that java is installed?13:43
quiescensxukun: oh wait, VG is a different argument isn't it13:43
kephudli, the step that says "Under the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the STA drivers can be activated for use. " doesn't work - it won't let me activate the driver13:43
nijanIncarus, nk13:43
lackvoidPhantomString, I am new to this.. Can you point me to any tools or links for this?13:43
nijanIncarus, not at all, it is a vanilla installation13:44
hosedsystemcan someone please tell me what to do? Upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 left my system completely bricked.13:44
jcrawfordugh really no Gnome in Ubuntu 1113:44
PhantomStringlackvoid: start here: http://www.ptdd.com/mbr.htm13:44
jcrawfordwhy not leave it as an option and just make Unity the default?13:44
rigvedlackvoid: http://www.ntfs.com/partition-recovery-concepts.htm13:44
jcrawfordGnome is widely used13:44
quiescensxukun: sorry, VG was your volume group name, altogether something like: "lvcreate --name LV --extents 100%FREE VG"13:44
nijanIncarus, isn't it a server based app?13:45
dlimohanohi, pulseaudio --start;pavucontrol13:45
nijanIt even worked with a vanilla lenny, which i don't think comes with java pre-installed13:45
mohanohidli: i uninstalled pulseaudio13:45
lyj_how to increase HISTSIZE in ubuntu?13:45
lyj_which file should I modify?13:46
lackvoidPhantomString, rigved : thanks.. i will try ptdd13:46
hosedsystemI triedto upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10, when I came back it stopped with a message box that said one of the .py scripts could not find/locate encoding latin1, from then on, nothing worked.  Booting stops, even in recovery mode.13:46
dlikephu, check the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist13:46
dlimohanohi, reinstall pulseaudio pavucontrol13:46
mohanohidli: ok13:46
lyj_how to increase HISTSIZE in ubuntu?13:47
lyj_Is there anyone can help me?13:47
rookslyj_, for terminal?13:47
mohanohidli: should i restart the system after installed pulseaudio?13:47
xukunquiescens, thaks a lot that worked perfectly13:47
rookslyj_, linecount backlog in terminal?13:47
rigvedlackvoid: urw13:47
hosedsystemso, ok.  basically no one in here knows what to do.13:48
mohanohidli: i mean after installing pulseaudio?13:48
Incarusnijan, not sure about that. that page doesnt work for me. sure that it is not caused by the page itself?13:48
PhantomStringlyj: change your /etc/profile to have export HISTSIZE=whatever13:48
quiescensxukun: its just that you were asking for 1863.02G and it probably had 1863.019G or something13:48
PhantomStringhosedsystem: One sec13:48
dlimohanohi, no need, just do "pulseaudio --start;pavucontrol"13:48
lyj_where is the default value 500 set?13:48
PhantomStringhosedsystem: What exactly happened?13:48
miguel000how do I get this mail symbol in my traybar? because I use another window manager and it does not start up automtically.13:48
xukunquiescens, I see13:48
mohanohidli: ok13:49
PhantomStringlyj: default is 100013:49
hosedsystemPhantomString: I tried to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10, when I came back it stopped with a message box that said one of the .py scripts could not find/locate encoding latin1, from then on, nothing worked.  Booting stops, even in recovery mode.13:49
lyj_Er... So where is it set?13:49
lyj_which file sets the default value?13:49
hosedsystemPhantomString: I guess that's expected behaviour when installation fails right somewhere in the middle13:50
mohanohidli: ok i opened pavucontrol, the sound was muted..... thank you very much.. now its working!!!!13:50
lyj_ which file sets the default value?13:51
hosedsystemPhantomString: but it did fail for no apparent reason, the 10.04 was a pretty vanilla installation, I followed the upgrade path directly.13:51
PhantomStringlyj: you can create a .bash_profile in your home directory and then just put in that file "export HISTSIZE=20000" or whatever number and then type source .bash_profile13:51
lyj_I just want to know where is the default value set...13:51
xukunquiescens, can you help me some more to install this ubuntu on this raid1 lvm? I can get it if you don't have time, no worries13:51
lyj_Can anyone tell me?13:51
PhantomStringhosedsystem: Well, you are not alone with many boxes getting a little messed up.  Question is... do you need to recover anything?13:52
orbitHello, i have Ubuntu 10.0.4 and every time i reboot my computer the visual effects are gone, someone know a way to fix this?13:52
36DAARLV5does anyone know how to change the lowest frequency of powernowd ? its set for 10000000 but i want it even lower.13:53
PhantomStringlyj: type find / -exec grep "HISTSIZE" {} \;13:53
Incarusorbit, have you got an intel graphic card?13:53
kv102tAnyone kn ow how easy it is to put a normal PC into a virtualBox ?13:53
lyj_Ah... That's a great deal of search13:53
hosedsystemPhantomString: It's a RAID 0 with all my embedded work on it13:53
dli36DAARLV5, cpufreq-info13:53
PhantomStringlyj: Well, I could just give you the answer or teach you to fish13:53
hosedsystemhosedsystem: it's "hosed life" when I cannot recover that thing13:53
rusivikv102t: Installing VMs in VirtualBox is very easy.13:53
orbitIncarus, i got a Nvidia 960013:54
36DAARLV5dli: ty13:54
kv102tI mean move a PC from real to virtual13:54
darth_tux71ok i got a question how do I change an icon theme?13:54
lyj_It's not a good idea to search. In other distro, the place is obvious.13:54
Diyttohttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/maverick/release which installer should i get13:55
rigvedorbit: even i have nvidia 9600 gt. mine works fine13:55
rusivikv102t: What is the cloning software your using?13:55
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PhantomStringlyj: You are not in another distro.  You are in ubuntu.  They have their own way of doing things.  Using FIND will allow you to discover this.13:55
hosedsystemPhantomString: I don't have a clue about what goes on under the hood in ubuntu.  What could I do/try?13:55
PhantomStringhosedsystem: Well, I would definitely boot into single user, if possible, and get the network up and try a apt-get install --fix-broken13:56
kv102trusivi: i have a few at my finger tips13:56
kv102tnorton ghost, clonezilla etc..13:56
rusivihosedsystem: Your best bet is if you need to recover information, pop in a Live CD and copy/paste to external media, then do fresh reinstall.13:56
darth_tux71nm got it13:57
hosedsystemPhantomString: how to boot into single user? at least grub2 seems to work still13:57
rusivikv102t: Regarding Ghost, you have Universal Imaging Utility?13:58
Sembiancehisto: I booted up into recovery mode, went to a command prompt, did  'touch /forcefsck'   rebooted. It checked all my disks. Now things work just fine. Thanks for your help:)13:58
DiyttoWhich installer should i get from here? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/maverick/release desktop cd ot alternative?13:58
hosedsystemrusivi: I don't have the raid 0 stuff in my head.  that will take me ages to figure out how to mount the raid 0 from the live system, I guess13:58
rusivihosedsystem: Did you make a full, RAID 0 system backup prior to upgrading?13:59
nijanHell, can anybody open this page using firefox installed on 10.04 ? https://auth3.unipi.it/auth/perfigo_weblogin.jsp?cm=ws32vklm&uri=https://auth3.unipi.it/13:59
kv102trusuvu: i think so. I have MiniPE CD13:59
hosedsystemrusivi: of course not.  I waited for 10.10 to be officially released to upgrade.13:59
MrsBDiytto: if its a normal desktop setup you want, go with the desktop one13:59
hosedsystemrusivi: a little naive14:00
rusivihosedsystem: A little? :D14:00
DiyttoMrsB: Thanks!14:00
DiyttoFinally an answer :014:00
rusivihosedsystem: Full backups before upgrading are always the way to go, irrelevant to what OS your upgrading from/to.14:00
MrsBDiytto: those are 4 bit and others tho14:00
DiyttoI have a ppc14:00
MrsBDiytto: 64 bit rather not 4 bit14:01
Diyttoyea lol14:01
hosedsystemruvisi: It never happend to my in *BSD so I thought...ahh.well... yes.  hugely naive ;)14:01
rusivihosedsystem: Then you were lucky.14:01
halI am trying to compile searchmonkey for my system, available from http://searchmonkey.embeddediq.com/index.php .  However, I have no idea how to compile it. Could someone offer me some advice.  See this screenshot  http://yfrog.com/73screenshot093p to see the files extracted14:01
PhantomStringhosedsystem: Edit your kernel line to say rw init=/bin/bash and boot that to see if it will work14:01
JovaroI just updated my server from 9.10 to 10.04 and not it tries to autostart X on startup. Which fails and the computer crashes. How can I prevent X from starting?14:01
=== root is now known as Guest3173
hosedsystemPhantomString: So I drop to the grub2 command line using 'c', and then I type "rw init=/bin/bash" and then "boot"?14:02
Guest3173whats new14:03
felix_-_Can someone please tell me how to get libstdc++ _5_ on my ubuntu 9.10? i cant find compatibility packages14:03
felix_-_i have a binary only package which links agains version 514:03
dekroningis it possible to play a video file as a screensaver?14:03
B-r00tdanielbw: yes14:03
Jovaroalso, I changed splash in grub to no-splash but I still get the splash screen. Does anybody know why?14:03
PhantomStringhosedsystem: when you get to the grub menu, hit E to edit the kernel that you are running, then find the kernel line and hit 'e' again and at the end, add that line, hit esc and hit 'b'14:03
macabreola, i have an existing pdf that i need to edit. i am using ubuntu 10, can anyone reccomend a pdf editor?14:03
Guest3173search always google first14:04
halcould anyone please help me?14:04
Guest3173whats the prob14:05
chrome_Anybody can point me out a good IM application, supporting msn and gtalk protocols?14:05
Guest3173chrome_  search google14:05
hosedsystemPhantomString: ok.  Let's assume that works.  I will probably drop into the shell.  What can I try then?14:05
chrome_Guest3173: no... I want to ear some opinions from here14:05
PhantomStringchrome_: try empathy14:06
OsamaKchrowe, or pidgin.14:06
thumbs`NOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! At 10pm EST tonight Freenode will enforce SASL for ALL connections! If you don't fix your client to use SASL, YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE! PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS! thumbs` AaronMT shinthux chrome_ izinucs chiluk linuxguy101 saputra kevke shafic dekroning abhijeet macabre KindOne felix_-_ farsheed Vivek ericm|ubuntu abhinav_singh squizghaal MeFra myth_ Jova14:06
thumbs`NOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! At 10pm EST tonight Freenode will enforce SASL for ALL connections! If you don't fix your client to use SASL, YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE! PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS! Destine nijan wet maxxxxxxx pmcgowan Cage Diytto ElNota huca2 dracor sniperjo anon33_ JanC_ irvy Keell vinc3nt mitiora Yopy richardjapenga ghisen|home DBEvil draioch Makarov littlebearz apelgate14:06
thumbs`NOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! At 10pm EST tonight Freenode will enforce SASL for ALL connections! If you don't fix your client to use SASL, YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE! PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS! Hypnosekroete flashkidd krachny hughhalf nispaur dashua W1N9Zr0 brad forzan SimonP86 richardjapenga_ csgeek Slasher` hal award c0p3rn1c Rookie_one cm_ detoxica mackintosh117 tieinv dfgas kamarti14:06
chrome_ok :D14:06
MPXI mean, why do people bother? It's like streakers and whatnot. What's the attention good for? Damn script kiddies wasting their time.14:07
Chellwhat's this sasl now?14:07
PiciIts spam, ignore it.14:08
=== djuggler_ is now known as djuggler
* Chell goes back to sleep ...14:08
rusivikv102t: Universal Imaging Utility ( http://www.uiu4you.com/uiu-46.aspx ) creates hardware independent images to push from real to virtual w/ Ghost, Altiris, etc. If your in a production environment, looking for biz class support  and have the budget you may want consider it. If that is not a requirement/desire, feel free to try partimage/fsarchiver/clonezilla. fsarchiver claims highly caveated Windows HAL independence -> http://www.f14:08
FloodBot1rusivi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:08
dfgasyah seriously if freenode wanted to let us know that they would send us a server notice14:08
rusiviFloodBot1: nailed it.14:08
CaptainAwsomeguys, s'up? good? whats X11? what can i use it for?14:09
PhantomStringhosedsystem: Well, you can try fsck  first14:09
PhantomStringhosedsystem: after that, get your network up and running (wired) and then try to fix broken packages with apt-get14:10
ChellCaptainAwsome, If you have to ask, you probably never need to know;) It's the thing that does your display (in a nutshell)14:11
linuxguy101is that true about the freenode log in?14:11
MrsBCaptainAwsome: You can use X11 Forwarding to remotely run applications over ssh which display on your own desktop - look up X11 Forwarding14:11
Dr_Willislinuxguy101:  i doubt it.14:11
PhantomStringcaptainawsome: Your name is contradictory BUT it's the graphical part14:12
halI am trying to compile searchmonkey for my system, available from http://searchmonkey.embeddediq.com/index.php .  However, I have no idea how to compile it. Could someone offer me some advice.  See this screenshot  http://yfrog.com/73screenshot093p to see the files extracted14:12
linuxguy101Dr_Willis: that is what i was thinking14:12
AlinnWhat is the linux market share in server computers?14:12
Dr_Willislinuxguy101:  i would say if they were doin changes . they would have itn in the server MOTD.14:12
PhantomStringalinn: Server side, maybe 60-70%.  Not sure.14:13
linuxguy101Dr_Willis: Or have it posted in at the login of freenode..  Wonder why he is spamming that message.. What is he getting out of it?14:13
PhantomStringalinn: google runs linux :)14:13
Diyttoidoru: Nice :)14:13
xukunquiescens, ?14:14
toaderHi, when run my program by: ./myprogram >thelog.log 2>&1, how to flush the log to the logfile? as currently even my program has been printing the message, when i check the thelog.log, it is empty. I thinks the message are buffered.14:15
macabreso nobody edits pdf's in ubuntu? :)14:16
rusiviAlinn: The followin article describes the % of $ spent on linux, not the install base %, but good start -> http://www.idc.com/about/viewpressrelease.jsp?containerId=prUS22360110&sectionId=null&elementId=null&pageType=SYNOPSIS14:18
Euthanatoshow do i use exportCC=gcc to indicate the kernel compiler because everything I've tried either isn't there or doesn't match lucid 64 bit14:18
quiescensxukun: hmm? what are you trying to do? i'm kind of here14:20
rusivimacabre: When I want to edit PDFs I use the package openoffice.org-pdfimport (requires/uses OOo Draw)14:20
mkotwdhollo how i can do the power operator in pascal language14:20
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mkotwdanu help14:22
ActionParsnipmkotwd: wassup?14:23
Dr_Willismkotwd:  perhaps find a pascal tutorial or 2 via google?14:23
FlynsarmyThere's an infurating bug in 10.10 where on startup the notification area applet won't be sitting at the far right of the top panel - it'll be like 2 inches left. and when i try to 'move' it (unlocked) it wont move any further right even though there's nothing there. it'llmove left but not any further right. Anyone else experiencing this?14:23
Dr_WillisFlynsarmy:  not seen it do that.14:23
mkotwdActionParsnip: i search about how i can do the power function in pascal language14:24
mkotwdActionParsnip: i mean the operator , i try ** but it is not work14:24
noname_Hi guys i just installed empathy  inside ubuntu  , but i could not connect to my hotmail account with msn protocol ...;any help plz14:24
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: what desktop?14:24
FlynsarmyActionParsnip: gnome14:24
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: are there seperators there? It's hardly infuriating either14:25
ActionParsnipmkotwd: i'd ask in #pascal  or #delphi14:25
noname_ Hi guys i just installed empathy  inside ubuntu  , but i could not connect to my hotmail account with msn protocol ...;any help plz14:25
mkotwdActionParsnip: ok14:25
FlynsarmyActionParsnip: no separators. its just empty space between that applet and the clock14:25
Euthanatoshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46356 this is exactly what i get so does anyone have any idea how to use exportCC to indicate the kernel compiler?14:25
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: if you right click in the gap and select remove, does it vanish?14:26
FlynsarmyActionParsnip: if i right click in the gap it offers 'add to panel' there is no remove option - there's nothing there.14:26
AlinnPhantomString: rusivi: in Wikipedia is 60% . i didn't find in idc.com. is it correct?14:26
noname_ Hi guys i just installed empathy  inside ubuntu  , but i could not connect to my hotmail account with msn protocol ...;any help plz14:26
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: then you could reset the panels to default then rebuild14:26
FlynsarmyActionParsnip: how do i reset?14:27
PhantomStringalinn: Correct, meaning 100% accurate, probably not, but a great start and very close14:27
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel14:27
rusiviAlinn: Regarding Web Servers, Steve Ballmer noted in 2008 that 60% of web servers run Linux -> http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/151568/ballmer_still_searching_for_an_answer_to_google.html14:27
FlynsarmyActionParsnip: reboot required?14:27
chadiI installed cntlm, and it auto starts on boot, then i installed bum and unchecked cntlm, it stills attempts to load. How can I prevent it from loading?14:27
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: no, this isn't windows14:28
FlynsarmyActionParsnip: haha touche14:28
SomelauwWhen printing my colors are fucked up. Is it likely to be linux or is my printer broken?14:28
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: the only time you need a reboot is to load a new kernel14:28
IdleOne!language | Somelauw14:28
ubottuSomelauw: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:28
ActionParsnipSomelauw: keep the language PG14:28
SomelauwWhen printing my colors are messed up. Is it likely to be linux or is my printer broken?14:29
Dr_Willischadi:  bum handles SysV type init processses. but not the newer upstart ones perhaps.. (bum is rather old) - If its ran by upstart. there will be an init scrpt for cntlm in /etc/init/ you could rename to disable it.14:29
Dr_WillisSomelauw:  ive had drivers mess up the colors.14:29
GoldlineGreppy ur here14:29
ActionParsnipSomelauw: much :)  thanks :)14:29
Dr_WillisSomelauw:  Got a Canon printer that ubuntu auto configured.. but it dosent print properly. :(14:29
ZanQdoIm having trouble installing 10.10 SE from a stick14:30
ZanQdoit hangs on Verifying DMI Pool Data ........................ Update Success14:30
ActionParsnipZanQdo: did you MD5 test the ISO before transferring it?14:30
SomelauwYes, it was autoconfigured. Printing black/white works fine, but colors are printed very ugly.14:30
ZanQdoActionParsnip: no14:30
chadiDr_Willis, there's no cntlm entry in /etc/init/14:30
ActionParsnipZanQdo: ahhhh thats not an ubuntu issue.14:30
ZanQdoActionParsnip: no?14:30
ZanQdoits the bios?14:30
noname_Empathy doesn't work with hotmail account for me .any help14:31
Dr_Willischadi:  check the old sysv dirs then perhaps. Ive no idea what cntlm even is.14:31
ActionParsnipZanQdo: power off the system, take the power cable out of the back and let it site for half an hour14:31
AlinnPhantomString: rusivi: Thanks a lot :)14:31
ZanQdoActionParsnip: ok14:31
ActionParsnipZanQdo: you should also check the ISO before using it as you have no way of knowing if the ISO was complete or consistent14:31
camer0n_Hey, just what is required to set up a minimalist mail server. I am wanting to be able to have my pc tell me when it performs something in a script14:32
SomelauwAlthough my testprint works fine.14:32
GoldlineGreppy ur here14:32
ActionParsnipZanQdo: the errors on the system are stopping it booting, you can test the ISO whilst the errors clear14:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:32
ActionParsnipcamer0n_: you can use sendmail in cli14:32
chadiDr_Willis, thank you; I will try installing sysv-rc-conf14:32
spiekeyis there a intrepid repo archive somewhere?14:33
erUSULcamer0n_: a nullmailer like ssmptp or esmtp ?14:33
ActionParsnipspiekey: very unlikely, intrepid is dead and gone14:33
leafwizHey, latest update of ubuntu broke my wifi :( on my dell m1330. Anyone have a fix?14:33
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.14:33
camer0n_ActionParsnip, does this need to be setup? i tried using it last night and it didn't work14:33
erUSUL!eol > spiekey14:33
ubottuspiekey, please see my private message14:33
camer0n_erUSUL, i wouldn't have any idea what either of those mean... i just want to be able to send an email :S14:33
erUSULspiekey: old-releases.ubuntu.com iirc14:33
ActionParsnipcamer0n_: not sure, i'm only aware of it. It will need access to a mail server14:33
Dr_Willischadi:  the sysv scripts these days for the most part are Upstart scripts/links to them.    Most services/tools are converting to Upstart methods, so its worth learning.14:34
Sorensenhello ppl. I got some problem with grub. Anyone want to helt me?14:34
Dr_WillisSorensen:  state the issue to the channel..14:34
chadiDr_Willis, where are they exactly?14:34
ActionParsnipleafwiz: run: sudo lshw -C network    you can search for guides based on the product line14:34
halok forget searchmonkey - can anyone recommend a good GUI for find/grep?14:34
ActionParsniphal: why do you need a gui, find and grep are easy to use14:34
Dr_Willischadi:  upstart  uses /etc/init   Sysv - uses the /etc/rc* type dirs.14:34
halActionParsnip: because I prefer to point and click rather than type a long-winded command14:35
Dr_Willissearch the package manager tool? see if it has any allready there?14:35
erUSULhal: find is in Aplications>Accesories>Search14:35
Jovarohow can I stop ubuntu from autostarting X on startup?14:35
Dr_WillisJovaro:  disable the GDM service in /etc/init/14:36
ActionParsniphal: you will need to type the search strings so its not point and click even with a gui, you could write a script then write a python gui. much quicker and far easier to just use terminal14:36
Dr_WillisJovaro:  or use the kernel 'text' option at boot time.14:36
chadiDr_Willis, and I assume that the numbers represent the priority, right?14:36
halfor example, find ./ -type f -exec grep -Hi 'this phrase' \{\} \;   do you know a better way ActionParsnip ?14:36
ActionParsniphal: what are you searching for, the command isn't long at all14:36
camer0n_erUSUL, can you use something like gmail/hotmail/etc with sSMTP? just having a read of it at the moment14:36
erUSULJovaro: add text to boot options in /etc/default/grub ? run « sudo update-grub »14:36
Dr_Willischadi:  for sysv? its the order they are ran in yes.14:36
erUSULcamer0n_: i know gmail works; the others should work too14:36
halerUSUL: the native search does not search all files14:37
chadiDr_Willis, thank you very much :-)\14:37
ZanQdoActionParsnip: it doesnt match but I remember md5sum had problems with 32 bit vs 64 bit testing?14:37
ActionParsniphal: if you use it a lot, you can put the command in a script and replace the search and grep strings with $1 and $214:37
erUSULcamer0n_: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/10/21/sending-email-from-your-system-with-ssmtp/ <<<<14:37
JovaroI don't have gdm14:37
ActionParsnipZanQdo: no, if the md4 doesn't match, the image is bad14:37
Jovaroso I try the text alternative, thanks!14:38
replicasexActionParsnip, any idea if I can install Unity without UNBR?14:38
erUSULJovaro: kdm xdm or whatever you use14:38
Jovaronone of those, maybe that is why it crashes14:38
halevent then you have to move up and down directories, and escape non alpha characters, which is also slower than a gui14:38
Dr_Willisreplicasex:  you can install the netbook-destop package.14:38
JovaroI just use fluxbox14:38
ActionParsnipreplicasex: sure, just install it and the deps will be used. te default WM is mutter which is a little slower than compiz14:38
halActionParsnip: ^^^ *even then...14:38
ActionParsnipJovaro: fluxbox rocks14:38
camer0n_erUSUL, thanks, ssmtp seems like it will be good to use... just hope it doesn't use too much ram....14:38
delinquentmewhats the line command to go with sudo that just gives you temp superuser options ... is it " sudo -i"?14:39
replicasexDr_Willis, ActionParsnip yeah I just had a bad experience installing kubuntu dekstop environ and having it be horribly messy to remove -- how easy would it be to remove Unity/UNBR?14:39
JovaroActionParsnip, I don't know about that, but it works great for my mythtv-box14:39
ActionParsniphal: true, is it something you use a lot?14:39
erUSULdelinquentme: yes14:39
halyes, a lot ActionParsnip14:39
erUSUL!rootshell > delinquentme14:39
ubottudelinquentme, please see my private message14:39
ActionParsnipreplicasex: if you emove unity and mutter, it should then mark the rest for removal afaik14:39
replicasexActionParsnip, I'm assuming the install isn't as extensive as a KDE install as it doesn't have to pull in so many libs and so on.14:40
Dr_Willisreplicasex:  thats an issue of how the meta-packages work..  the netbook stuff added a new meni entry to gnome for the Netbook interfaec.. is all i saw it do.14:40
ActionParsniphal: wow, hmm, let me search: http://sourceforge.net/projects/grepgui/14:40
Dr_Willisreplicasex:  not near as cluttered as if you would have kubuntu and ubuntu both installed.14:40
ZanQdoActionParsnip: awesome, using a download manager this time14:40
delinquentmeerUSUL, and how do i escape from that mode?14:40
ZanQdothank you man14:41
replicasexDr_Willis, good cuz that was a bloody nightmare :p14:41
erUSULdelinquentme: run "exit"14:41
ActionParsnipZanQdo: using torrents adds extra checking and can help, MD5 still needs doing14:41
SorensenAnyone knows why i get alot of errors when i install ubuntu (not from windows) on sdd? When i restart it just says "no such device: f313d1d-a60e-8c1e-53208ebc9656" Grub rescuse >14:41
ZanQdoActionParsnip: oks14:41
erUSULdelinquentme: or do "crtl +D" ( the same thing you will do to exit any other shell )14:41
makkuraI recently installed Ubuntu server edition 10.10 and set up shorewall last night.  Now I find that I can no longer _edit_ files. I can create and remove them but cannot edit them even when using sudo, varrying directories.  I've never heard of such a thing so wondering what thoughts people might have on it.14:41
erUSULmakkura: what errors do you get? when you try to edit?14:42
noname_guys i just installed empathy but it's doesn't work with my hotmail account , any help plz14:42
ActionParsniphal: http://www.magmax.org/drupal/node/8814:42
Dr_Willisnoname_:  have you checked the forums yet? it could be Hotmail broke the feature with some recent changes.14:42
chervacan someone help me with a FakeRAID partition on a 3 x 1 TB hards I booted the 10.04 server cd, added the 3 hard drives in a fake raid, partitioned it, installed ubuntu all is ok BUT when I power down the PC and remove one hard ( as if it is broken ) I get to grub rescue not to a working ubuntu ... is grub waiting for me to plug an empty hard drive or what ?14:42
ActionParsnipmakkura: could make a note of ownership too then make root the owner, or your user etc14:43
SorensenAnyone knows why i get alot of errors when i install ubuntu (not from windows) on sdd? When i restart it just says "no such device: f313d1d-a60e-8c1e-53208ebc9656" Grub rescuse >14:43
makkuraerUSUL: Editing via nano it lets me edit and it looks fine. When I exit and save it asks what name to save it as and then drops back into the editor. If there is an error, I dont' see it (but I am vnced into a system that then connects to the server via ssh so it may not stay on screen long enough).14:43
x-NihilOh. So that's how they go in.14:43
noname_yes there are many ppl have the same prblems , but some of them fixed the problem ..but i used the guid and no result14:43
makkuraI tried editing the file with ruby and it echos the file after it is done and it looks correct. Cating the file after that and it is unchanged.14:44
sjmcherva, did you use linux software raid rather than the motherboard "fakeraid"?14:44
noname_<Dr_Willis>:yes there are many ppl have the same prblems , but some of them fixed the problem ..but i used the guid and no result14:44
erUSULmakkura: the error should appear in the nano modeline14:44
x-NihilCan anyone tell me some pointers on what keyboard shortcuts to assign? I don't want any conflicting shortcuts in play.14:44
ActionParsnipsjm: may have used good hardware raid too14:44
chervasjm, yes that one from the "manual partitioning" in the setup14:45
makkuraActionParsnip: ownship of the file to be edited is root and i'm editing using sudo nano ..  Editing a file without sudo in my /home has the same effect with me as the owner.14:45
JovaroerUSUL, just adding text at bootup didn't make a difference... I used nosplash instead of splash but I still get the splash screen after a while and it switched to tty7 instead of sticking to tty1...14:45
erUSULmakkura: or you can try to add a comment line to a file « echo "#this is a comment" >> /etc/whateverfile »14:45
ActionParsnip!shortcut > x-Nihil14:45
ubottux-Nihil, please see my private message14:45
makkuraI'll double check nano and try that as well.14:45
ActionParsnipmakkura: is the partition healthy?14:45
sjmcherva, did you put grub on each drive?14:45
sjmcherva, raid 1, 5, 10?14:46
SorensenAnyone knows why i get alot of errors when i install ubuntu (not from windows) on my 4th hdd? When i boot from the disc, just says "no such device: f313d1d-a60e-8c1e-53208ebc9656" Grub rescuse >14:46
makkuraI installed just two days ago and saw no signs of problems before that.  I haven't checked specifically, however. What's the best way to go about checking?14:46
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chervai saw "grub-install /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc"  during  the setup so I guess YES, raid 514:46
halActionParsnip: thank you. I've just found regexxer that looks pretty good, and includes replace also14:46
Sorensensorry if you feel that im spamming, but i really dont know how to solve this :(14:46
replicasexActionParsnip, what would you say the preferred way of getting Unity/UNBR?  The software center?14:46
x-NihilOh, I do know how to set shortcuts, but so far when I set them up other programs also use them as shortcuts, and problems occur.14:47
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:47
replicasexI don't really want the unbr itself, just Unity -- is that possible?14:47
sjmerUSUL, why is software raid called "fakeraid" here.  There is a difference.14:48
sjmcherva, not sure here.  I haven14:48
ActionParsnipreplicasex: any package manager is fine14:48
sjmcherva, not sure here.  I haven't worked much with raid 5.14:48
sachaelhi, I'm looking for a gnome program that automatically records time spent on a project by tracking the active window14:48
erUSULsjm: no here fakeraid is bios raid ;P14:49
camer0n_erUSUL, ssmtp works great! thanks14:49
erUSULcamer0n_: no problem14:49
camer0n_erUSUL, just have to work it into a script now :P14:49
ronihi everybody .. i need a little help with iptables ..14:49
replicasexActionParsnip, ok, I'll install the ubuntu-netbook package and see how it goes.  I'd rather just get unity itself but that seems impossible14:49
Dr_Willissachael:  theres that zeigiest thing that can sort of do that.. but i think it does more then just that. :) I never use it myself. but it seems neat14:50
sjmSorensen, can't find the specific drive UUID to boot from.  Look for information on UUID.14:50
erUSULsjm: but if you want to tweak the wording of the factoid you can propose a change14:50
ronii got 3 ip in a server ... , ,
Sorensensjm. Please tell me so an idiot understand. Im very new in linux14:50
ronii need to block all the access to ip , and allow the access just for the ip
gondoiis there a guide somewhere on creating seed files for automated install?14:50
sachaelDr_Willis, thanks for the pointer, will look into it.14:51
sjmerUSUL, that's my definition, but the links you pointed ubottu to, seemed to equate the two (at least the titles)14:51
roniis there a way to do that ?14:51
erUSULsjm: yes i see that For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto can lead to ambiguity. as i said you can propose a better wording14:51
ActionParsnip!iptables | roni14:51
ubotturoni: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.14:51
x-NihilCan anyone help?14:52
Dr_Willissachael:  gnome activity journal seems to be the gui to it.14:52
sjmroni.  yes, with iptables firewall you can only allow that ip14:52
makkuraerUSUL: editing a file via echo >> file  worked on my own files and presents me permission denied even with sudo on the root own file i intended to edit14:52
Dr_Willissachael:  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nautiluszeitgeist-video.html14:52
Chaos2358xangua you in here?14:52
ActionParsnipmakkura: sudo doesn't traverse the redicrection14:52
Dr_Willismakkura:  when using >> with sudo. you need to use the 'tee' command and a few other tricks.14:52
ActionParsnipMAAAAD: echo "Text I want to write" | sudo tee /path/to/file14:53
Chaos2358xangua that link you gave me last night for gyachi isnt updated for maverick yet14:53
Madwillanybody know the implication of using something like an LPGL licensed framework into an application14:53
erUSULmakkura: with sudo you need « echo "something" | tee -a /etc/something »14:53
Dr_Willis echo "foo" | sudo tee /root/somefile14:53
makkuraerUSUL: nano leaves the text up to save the file rather than show and error.. it stays until i resize the window to for a refresh (damn putty :P)14:53
erUSULMadwill: LGPL allows linking to closed source software14:53
petanx-Nihil: just ask14:53
makkuraahh my bad on usage then, just a moment14:54
x-NihilI want to know what keyboard shortcuts I can set up without setting conflicting shortcuts with other programs.14:54
petanx-Nihil: you can display current shortcuts in your keyboard settings14:55
sjmerUSUL, I'd suggest "for motherboard raid" or "for bios ("hardware") raid" rather than "for software raid"14:55
camer0n_how do you declare a string variable in bash? i have been using "x=10" for numbers... but can you use "email=email@address.com"?14:55
petanx-Nihil: also do not use ctrl+alt+del ctrl+alt+fX ctrl+alt+backspace14:56
greppycamer0n_: email='something'14:56
NoiseEeehiya, what's the deal with "W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]" during apt-get?14:56
makkuraerUSUL: it appends the comment the same as it did on my own files14:56
erUSULcamer0n_: email="email@address.com"14:56
NoiseEeewhat happend to interpid-updates?14:56
x-NihilAh. Thanks. Is Alt-fX fine?14:56
erUSULmakkura: then there is no problem that i can see14:56
camer0n_erUSUL, tried that... it's kinda screwing up :P14:56
camer0n_greppy, will try the single quotes14:56
camer0n_.... once i can exit the script14:57
erUSULcamer0n_: how is failing? give example14:57
petanx-Nihil: I do not recommend that as long it is chortcut for switching between tty's but should be disabled in X server mode14:57
camer0n_erUSUL, script is stuck :S14:57
petanx-Nihil: so it probably would work14:57
erUSULBluesKaj: hi14:57
camer0n_erUSUL, not responding. ctrl+c not killing14:57
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.14:57
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:57
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luis_hasbonHello users14:58
BluesKajhi erUSUL14:58
x-NihilAh. Thanks.14:58
greppycamer0n_: double quotes " ", will try to expand variables.14:58
ActionParsnipNoiseEee: intrepid is dead14:58
luis_hasbonIm glad to join this channel once again14:58
Dr_Willis'retired' :)14:58
camer0n_erUSUL, i was trying to do the command: "ssmtp $email < msg.txt"14:58
NoiseEeeActionParsnip: odd, i didnt think my install was that old :\  how to tell what version of ubuntu im running14:58
x-NihilAlso, does anyone have any sort of link to a tutorial on the usage of OpenOffice Formula?14:58
makkuraerUSUL: double checking the ruby snippet i tried using.. may just be a problem over the chained connections vnc->putty then14:58
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »14:58
camer0n_greppy, what do you mean by "expand variables"?14:58
luis_hasbonI was wondering if any of you has have problems or issues with sound in ubuntu maverick?14:58
greppycamer0n_: if var="testing" and you have var2="${var} again" var2 would be 'testing again'14:59
camer0n_can't kill script :S14:59
BluesKajluis_hasbon, did you just upgrade?14:59
ActionParsnipNoiseEee: lsb_release -a14:59
SomelauwOpenOffice formula is just clicking on the buttons to create a formula14:59
camer0n_greppy, ah cool :D14:59
luis_hasbonI made a fresh cd install14:59
erUSULcamer0n_: ssmtp -s "nothing here" "$email" < msg.txt15:00
camer0n_greppy, how do you kill a script that won't stop with CTRL+C?15:00
erUSULcamer0n_: should work15:00
luis_hasbon<BluesKaj>: I made a fresh cd install15:00
x-NihilSomeone67: Oh, so it doesn't calculate anything on its own accord?15:00
Dr_Williscamer0n_:  some scropt  You made? or what exactly?15:00
sjmActionParsnip, what does "No LSB modules are available" from that command mean?15:00
Chellcamer0n_, kill from terminal15:00
camer0n_erUSUL, awesome. will do that...15:00
NoiseEeethanks Dr_Willis, ActionParsnip15:00
Dr_Willissjm:  means you forgot the -a15:00
luis_hasbonBluesKaj: I made a fresh cd install, do i ned to upgrade? I already mde an update15:00
ActionParsnipsjm: the rest will tell you the release15:00
ubottuThe Linux Standard Base, or LSB, is a joint project by several Linux distributions under the organizational structure of The Free Standards Group to standardize the internal structure of Linux-based operating systems. The LSB is based on the POSIX specification, the Single UNIX Specification, and several other open standards, but extends them in certain areas.15:01
* Dr_Willis has no idea what lsb modules are...15:01
camer0n_Dr_Willis, yeah... just something i have been trying to get working. simple script.15:01
sjmActionParsnip, no, I put in the "-a" and still got it.15:01
erUSULcamer0n_: check that the configuration is ok; it may be stuck in the authentification with gmail servers etc.15:01
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: me neither, i dont think its important for support either so I havent dug into it15:01
ActionParsnipsjm: me too but it still gives the release name15:02
sjmActionParsnip, yes, I was just curious about the message.  (I usually just use "cat /etc/issue")15:02
camer0n_erUSUL, i have a loop with a sleep command... i think that is the issue. will comment that out with testing :P15:03
BluesKajluis_hasbon, check alsamixer in the terminal..for some reason the ctrls are either mutd or turned down after upgrades15:03
* Chell is happy ssh is universal. Even under Haiku you can still run your favorite Ubuntu apps ;)15:03
camer0n_erUSUL, maybe i do not :S15:03
rigvedhi everyone15:03
luis_hasbonBluesKaj:  it says alsamixer cant be open, cant find the file or directory15:04
sjmerUSUL, did you see my suggestion for the ubottu wording above?  to whom do I make the suggestion?15:04
erUSULcamer0n_: try #bash; you may want to paste the script so we can take a look15:04
rigvedi want to watch some videos which require silverlight. which package should i install? i am using ubuntu 10.04 AMD64.15:04
camer0n_thanks will do..15:05
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erUSULsjm: #ubuntu-ops ; or do « /msg ubottu no, fakeraid is <reply> Your suggested wording here »15:05
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erUSULrigved: you can see if moonlight supports them15:06
sjmerUSUL, ok, thanks.15:06
BluesKajluis_hasbon, ok install alsa-base and alsa-utils , also lspci in the terminal and look for audio controller , we need to know the sound card model15:06
Dr_Willisrigved:  trying to do netflix ?15:06
pderhi.  i'm trying to write a postinst for a deb package.  part of it is to restart a service vi /etc/init.d/myservice restart.  when i try to do this i get the following error: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable.  there are no other processes accessing this file, at least via inspection of fuser/lsof15:07
rigvederUSUL: i'll try it15:07
luis_hasbonBluesKaj:  lspci? it cant find the package15:07
luis_hasbonBluesKaj:  lspci? i already got alsabase and utils15:07
spacebug-unity/wayland.. I'm getting second thought about ubuntu. Though I should be openminded. New stuff does not always mean bad stuff. I changed from 12 years of slackware usage to ubuntu about 10 months ago and found "the new"15:07
rigvedDr_Willis: i do not understand. what's netfix?15:07
pderi can only resolve it via reboot.  not sure how to clear the error or  prevent it from happening15:07
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Dr_Willisrigved:  proberly one of the biggest comercial video streaming/dvd rental services out there. :) (usa only i think)15:08
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luis_hasbonBluesKaj:  which way can i know which soundcard do i use? i cant get to execute alsamixer and i already got alsabase and utils15:08
Dr_Willisrigved:  and if the videos are using sillverlight and using the DRm features of silverlight. then  They wont work in linux. even with moonlight.15:08
Dr_Willisrigved:  what site are you trying to watch anyway?>15:09
j0d0Is there a setting in 'power' or elsewhere to set a laptop screen to 'do nothing'  or not go blank when the lid is closed?15:09
Dr_Willisj0d0:  in the power saver/screen saver settings somewhere15:09
jovaroHi, I booted to text mode on my server which is connected to a CRT-tv but the timings/refreshrate etc is wrong and the screen is moving all over the place. How can I solve this?15:09
rigvedDr_Willis: ok. i'll try it. it's a site which i have made. it has a live stream from a computer. the video is displayed using the silverlight video player embeded into the site.15:10
jovaroThere is no use in changing settings for X when you haven't started X yet, is there?15:10
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blue_annawhat package reads glib schemas like org.gnome.Evince.Default ?15:11
BluesKajluis_hasbon,  lspci in the terminal and look for audio controller15:12
resnojeez, theres a lot of people here15:12
g0tchahey guys, is it possible to run ubuntu installation from the desktop like with windows?15:12
SakaraHi all. Just about to install libapache2-mod-wsgi noticed it downloading python 3.1 with it. All the applications are written using 2.6 will this break my system?15:12
resnog0tcha: sure, wubi or through a virtual pc15:12
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resno!hi | Reddragon15:14
reverHello can someone suggest a desktop manager for an ubuntu server install?15:14
blue_annawhat package reads glib schemas like org.gnome.Evince.Default ?15:14
ReddragonDoes any one know about logitech quickcam setup?15:14
g0tcharesno, i mean i want to download ubuntu 10.10 to install on a machine already running ubuntu 8.04 but i dont have any cd's to burn and it doesnt support booting from usb15:15
luis_hasbonBluesKaj: Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10)15:15
resnorever: desktop manager for a server?15:15
blue_annaanyone know wher eI should ask that?15:15
blue_annaif not here15:15
jovaroanybody knows why my screen is flickering/moving when I use the textmode on my tv?15:15
reverI would like it light weight and not auto start. Only needed because junior admin not good with cli15:15
g0tcharesno, so is there a way to install it by downloading it to my 8.04 and run it somehow from the desktop?15:15
luis_hasbonBluesKaj: DO i need to install alsamixer?15:15
resnog0tcha: well, network boot then , pxe is the best otpion15:15
reverresno: yeah junior admin is not good with cli15:15
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g0tcharesno, hmm i never done that before15:16
resnorever: xfce i think it is, is a good low resource one15:16
g0tchahow does it work?15:16
reverwas not sure if XDE would be any good for them. I don't want all the other junk like mail client and open office etc..15:16
resnorever: you can install the desktop seperate of those other packages15:17
resnorever: afaik15:17
reverresno: thanks that would not add the other or do i need to do --no-install-recommends15:17
pksadiqHow can I flash firmware to usb flash storage devices?15:17
reverresno Thanks I hate doing this but rather this then fixing mistakes when I am away15:17
resnorever: yea, true. my best knowledge is the install will only install the window manager and nothing else15:18
blue_annawhere is the right place to find what package reads glib schemas like org.gnome.Evince.Default ?15:18
reverresno: again thanks15:18
blue_annaI'm getting a million issues like that, I cant even boot into gnome15:18
resnorever: but its possible im wrong, so double check :)15:19
reverresno: thanks I will see what will install before excepting15:20
allureHi guys.. does anyone know a good online post-grad ?15:22
Dr_Willisrever:  if you want just a 'window manager' theres dozens of them15:22
reverDr_Willis: yeah just looking for something that is more then CLI. I planned on scripting tasks for him and createing web portals15:23
rigvedDr_Willis: no. it did not work. in firefox it just shows that the video is loading but it does not display. in chrome, i installed the microsoft media codec pack, but still no luck.15:23
rigvedDr_Willis: i'll check the site under windows later15:24
rigvedDr_Willis: thanx for help15:24
rigvederUSUL: thanx for your help15:25
erUSULrigved: no problem15:25
blue_annais there an aptitude command t force reinstallation of all packages ?15:25
dani_Hello, anyone know how can I reset my password with freenode?15:26
BluesKajDr_Willis, do the Asus Via audio onboards use intel chips? Looking for a driver for that soundcard.15:26
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:26
dliblue_anna, it's not difficult to do it with a little bash script15:27
iulhkhi all, newbie .. by installing ubuntu desktop OS we hv GUI ... can we get GUI by installing ubuntu server too ? or its just text based ?15:27
blue_annadli, great :) what script? I'd want to read it before running it hopefully its not too complicated15:28
fadeindani_: that may be a better question for the ops in #freenode15:28
fadeindani_: go there and /msg an op15:28
dani_yeah fadein, thank you!15:28
rigveddani_: /msg NickServ set password <type your new password here>15:28
dani_rigved, can't do that because im not identified15:29
makkuraerUSL: evidently the ruby script i was using only read from the file and didn't return back to save it, opps :P The problem with nano i think is actually an input problem. I'll mess with it directly later when i'm not passing keystrokes through vnc then putty. :p15:29
dliblue_anna, it may have side effects, but should work: apt-get --reinstall install $(dpkg -l|grep '^ii'|awk '{print $2}')15:29
erUSULiulhk: server install does not have a gui15:29
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luis_hasbonBluesKaj: DO i need to install alsamixer?15:30
luis_hasbonBluesKaj: DO i need to install alsamixer?15:30
erUSULiulhk: you can install one afterwards; or you can install server software in a desktop install15:30
luis_hasbonBluesKaj: Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10)15:30
luis_hasbonBluesKaj: Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10)15:30
rigvediulhk: /msg NickServ register <type your username here> <type your password here>15:30
FloodBot1luis_hasbon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:30
blue_annadli, that looks like it would have side effects yeah15:30
blue_anna:) I was hoping for something like: sudo aptitude safe-upgrade --reinstall15:30
makkuraerUSUL: Dr_Willis: ActionParsnip: thanks for the help :)15:30
erUSULmakkura: no problem15:30
rigvediulhk: sorry that was meant for dani_15:30
ActionParsnipmakkura: np man15:30
rigvediulhk: you can install gui later by typing the command - sudo apt-get install xorg gdm gnome15:31
rigveddani_: /msg NickServ register <type your username here> <type your password here>15:31
BluesKajluis_hasbon, if you have alsa-base and alsa-utils installed then you have alsamixer , and I'm seraching for a solution to your problem , pls be patient15:31
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:31
erUSUL!info gnome-core | rigved15:32
ubotturigved: gnome-core (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.28+1ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB15:32
Picirigved: That doesn't help if you don't know your password, anyway they are reciving help in #freenode.15:32
pksadiqHow can I flash firmware to usb flash storage devices?15:32
dliblue_anna, http://www.debianhelp.org/node/1048715:32
blue_annadli, thanks15:33
FrEaKmAn_is it wrong if I run .configure and make in root mode?15:34
BluesKaj!VIA High Definition Audio Controller15:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:34
jovarowhat kind of drivers does Ubuntu use for the regular terminals? The ones you go to when you press ctrl-alt-F1-6?15:34
rigvederUSUL: yes, if you do not want the entire gnome de, then you can just install the core components and build up from there15:34
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: no spaces in any ubottu factoids dude15:35
maverickjesusdoes anyone know if there is a way to resize the desktop with ATI drivers15:36
open_your_eyesi have ubuntu-10.04-LTS on one of satellites15:36
open_your_eyesi was asked to update it to ubuntu-10.1015:36
open_your_eyeswhat is the safe way to do it15:36
maverickjesusmine overdraws my LCD TV at the edges and I can't see the menus15:36
ActionParsnip!upgrade | open_your_eyes15:36
ubottuopen_your_eyes: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:36
BluesKajok ActionParsnip15:37
ActionParsnipopen_your_eyes: make sure your backups are recent too15:37
open_your_eyesActionParsnip: if i won't be able to connect there after update, i'm doomed15:37
open_your_eyesthis satellite is vital to national security of USA15:37
ActionParsnipopen_your_eyes: connect where?15:38
ActionParsnipopen_your_eyes: then dont upgrade!15:38
Pici!msgthebot | BluesKaj15:38
ubottuBluesKaj: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:38
ActionParsnipopen_your_eyes: its fixing something that doesn't need fixing15:38
ActionParsnipopen_your_eyes: think about it15:38
open_your_eyesActionParsnip: i need to upgrade15:39
ActionParsnipopen_your_eyes: why?15:39
open_your_eyesit isn't possible to use solar batteries on full capacity in ubuntu-10.04lts15:39
ActionParsnipopen_your_eyes: then make your call15:39
open_your_eyesit lacks user-space driver compatibility15:39
rigvedopen_your_eyes: try it in a livecd first15:39
open_your_eyesrigved: how can i boot from livecd there?15:40
open_your_eyesthe satellite is flying in space15:40
rick97please let me know the steps to install quake terminal on ubuntu 10.0415:40
pksadiq!find usb firmware15:40
ubottufirmware is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable15:40
pksadiq!find usb\ firmware15:40
Piciopen_your_eyes: Are you done wasting our time? There are people who are looking for real support.15:40
Pici!msgthebot | pksadiq15:40
ubottupksadiq: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:41
mibbedI have a problem with a dual boot15:41
open_your_eyesPici: lol, i'm not joking at all15:41
mibbedI installed ubuntu on a second HDD15:41
mibbedwith windows 7 on the first15:41
mibbedand intended it to be swapped over to my other machine15:41
llacGood evening!15:41
mibbedwhich has no disc drive or network connection15:42
mibbedbut now the boot loader is messed up and I can't get into windows15:42
=== webm0nk3y is now known as jdobrien
llachi rick9715:42
mibbedcan't find any instructions that are specific to this, so I wondered if anyone here could help15:42
goltoofis there a way to see progress when copying one dir to another with cli15:42
rick97 please let me know the steps to install quake terminal on ubuntu 10.0415:42
ubuntuserI an new user of Ubuntu15:43
ubuntuserI am*15:43
open_your_eyesis it possible to turn current system into vm at runtime?15:43
open_your_eyeswithout losing connection?15:43
ActionParsnipmibbed: you need an install CD or network connection to install os-probrer  then run: sudo os-prober15:43
open_your_eyesso i could then install ubuntu 10.10 on another vm15:43
ubuntuserin this moment i read the book"ubuntu for dummies"15:43
open_your_eyesand after checking i could make this 10.10 main os15:44
mibbedactionParsnip: and this will fix it?15:44
goltoofI'm copying a huge directory to a backup drive... it's just been sitting there, i'm sure it's working but it'd be nice to see the progress, next time i do this15:44
rigvedopen_your_eyes: install a emulator (like qemu). then install ubuntu 10.10 in it and then try the system if it works (connect to the vm)15:44
ActionParsnipmibbed: pretty much15:44
open_your_eyesrigved: is it possible to do remotely?15:44
mibbedActionParsnip: great, thanks :D15:44
pksadiq!find flashing15:44
ubottuFile flashing found in kdelibs5-dev, python-kde4-dev, vrflash15:44
ActionParsnipopen_your_eyes: you can PtoV in vmware15:44
open_your_eyeswhat is it?15:45
ubuntuserand in this moment I read the post of IRChat in ubuntu15:45
open_your_eyescan vmware run in console-only server?15:45
rigvedopen_your_eyes: yes15:45
ActionParsnipopen_your_eyes: the server can, yes15:45
open_your_eyeshmm, there is 18Mb free15:45
ActionParsnipopen_your_eyes: theres a dedicated OS for it called ESX15:45
open_your_eyesits an embedded system actually15:45
open_your_eyesvery tight on space15:45
noob-tuxcan anyone tell me how to remove a package? what's the commands?15:46
mibbedActionParsnip: I didn't get any output, did it work?15:47
jovaroeither use synaptic or with the terminal: sudo apt-get remove packagename15:47
ubuntuseranswer me please15:47
spostsudo apt-get remove <package>15:47
GravHi, what is good app for burning ISO's ?15:47
llacnoob-tux: sudo apt-get remove <package>15:47
om26erGrav, brasero?15:47
ubuntuseri dont know, IRC work  ?15:47
open_your_eyesits actually a nuclear-missiles-equipped satelite, so if anything will go out of control, the consequences will be quite serious15:47
om26erubuntuser, yes15:47
llacubuntuser: yes, it works15:47
ActionParsnipmibbed: ok now run: sudo update-grub15:48
rigvednoob-tux: to remove and delete configuration files also, try - sudo apt-get purge <package>15:48
Gravom26er: ok gonna check it now, thanks15:48
zackmaxhello there15:48
mibbedActionParsnip: done, more talkative this time15:48
mibbedshould it work now?15:48
ks3open_your_eyes, I wasn't aware Latvia had nuclear weapons15:48
ActionParsnipmibbed: do you see windows in the list of output?15:48
morgancurriehey guys, while trying to deploy an update to my webapp today, i got some errors about apt-get update failing, and it seems like the repo for Intrepid is down/gone. any info?15:48
zackmaxis unity only for netbooks or desktops too?15:48
open_your_eyesks3: its an USA satellite15:49
mibbedno, only linux, memtest 86 and initrd15:49
open_your_eyesmy location is for political cover15:49
ActionParsnipopen_your_eyes: so you are asking casual users in an IRCchat for this sort of thing?15:49
open_your_eyesso i'm very scared to update ubuntu there..15:49
mibbedthe other drive is mounted, if that effect anything15:49
open_your_eyesbut it must be done..15:49
ActionParsnipPici: good move15:50
diegoviolaubuntu will use wayland from now on?15:50
diegoviolain further versions15:50
RichGukHey, I have a openssh chroot question :)15:50
zackmaxis wayland/unity only for netbooks bcuz its lighter or it can used on desktops with just as much power as gnome?15:51
ActionParsnipdiegoviola: its not in the maverick repo15:51
Picidiegoviola: #ubuntu+1 would be a better place to discuss. #ubuntu is for supported releases only, and only support at that.15:51
mibbedActionParsnip: so if it isn't showing, do I need to unmount the drive it's on or something?15:51
diegoviolayes, but i would like to know if ubuntu will replace xorg with wayland15:51
ActionParsnipzackmax: you can use any WM / DE you can get your hands on, there is no such thing as "only" for netbooks15:51
mattprokesroo> addon install file:/home/webactivex/spring-surf-roo-addon-1.0.0.M2.jar --bundleSymbolicName spring-surf-roo-addon LEADS TO Could not find the 'spring-surf-roo-addon' bundle15:51
llacRichGuk: ask your question15:51
rigvedopen_your_eyes: then don't, if it concerns national security. what's more important, human lives or the fact that the battery doesn't charge fully15:51
ActionParsnipmibbed: no, you just need more work. Usually os-prober inds bootable OSes15:52
mattprokesanyone develop with java ROO before?15:52
morgancurrieI'm getting the following error when I run "apt-get update" on my server: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Packages - 404 Not Found [IP: 80]15:52
zackmaxActionParsnip: I see.. but the news is that X/Gnome are being ditched.. so I was wondering if that's only for netbooks or for desktops as well15:52
llacmattprokes: what is java ROO?15:52
ActionParsnipmorgancurrie: intrepid is dead15:52
mibbedThis is a problem :/15:52
RichGukllac: I did have it working fine, then I think some permissions got changed so it wasn't picking up the key, I fixed that but now it won't copy files over with scp, it just hangs and doesn't quit, or copy. The user has no shell, if I use sftp I can connect and put files fine though.15:52
RichGukllac: I'll gist the debug of server/client15:53
ActionParsnipzackmax: depends on needs and tastes, X can be ditched if you can do without it15:53
RichGukand sshd_config15:53
mattprokesllac: sorry, spring ROO15:53
zackmaxI see... thanks15:53
morgancurrieActionParsnip: I was able to get updates a few days ago. Did this just officially happen?15:53
ActionParsnipzackmax: you can install any desktop on any type of system, the installer doesnt detect hardware and report "not running a netbook" and stop, it doesn't care15:53
wzjhi everyone15:53
BluesKaj!intelhda |luis_hasbon15:53
ubottuluis_hasbon: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto15:53
zackmaxtrue.. makes sense15:53
ActionParsnipmorgancurrie: it died on the 23rd October 201015:53
ActionParsnipzackmax: some will make the netbook more responsive and such but you can run a full gnome desktop with compiz if you feel like it15:54
* ActionParsnip still misses gutsy15:54
zackmaxAction: I see that's good.. I will try to install on my current netbook then15:55
wzjhow can i join the opensouce project~~15:55
morgancurrieActionParsnip: thanks for the info. so does that mean i can't run apt-get update15:55
* BluesKaj misses jaunty ...usb belkin wifi worked , hasn't since15:55
ActionParsnip!eol | morgancurrie15:55
ubottumorgancurrie: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:55
morgancurrieor do i just need to update my server list with some legacy archives or something?15:56
morgancurrieActionParsnip: thanks! perfect!15:56
Piciwzj: Take a look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community15:56
mibbedActionParsnip: All the things it finds are in its own file system, if that changes anything. Is there any way I can get windows to boot without using grub?15:56
RichGukllac: https://gist.github.com/f39bfa170c1569eeaafe15:56
ActionParsnipmibbed: if the OS is on a seperate drive you can simply switch in BIOS. If you boot to windows CD and reinstate the windows boot loader then boot to ubuntu live CD and reinstate grub it should pickup the windows boot15:57
rigvedhow can i make the low-level graphics mode (desktop effects diabled) of ubuntu my default (so that grub boots into it when i start)?15:58
rigvedi have a old compaq laptop, so it does not support the gnome de with the normal desktop effects enabled.15:58
mibbedActionParsnip: excellent, I'll try that. Thanks15:58
=== AbhiJit is now known as optimusprime
paranoid_ndroidI have two laptops connected to a local network via wi-fi but the transfer speed between computers is very very low (1 Mbps)16:02
ActionParsniprigved: if you remove the driver for your video chip, you will force it to use vesa, you can alternatively remove the compiz packages16:02
goltoofis there a way to see progress when copying one dir to another with cli16:02
goltoofis there a way to see progress when copying one dir to another with cli16:02
goltoofI'm copying a huge directory to a backup drive... it's just been sitting there, i'm sure it's working but it'd be nice to see the progress, next time i do this16:03
ActionParsnipgoltoof: http://chris-lamb.co.uk/2008/01/24/can-you-get-cp-to-give-a-progress-bar-like-wget/16:03
serealHow do I start a xterm, and then have it execute a command with a & so that it gives me back a command prompt. (for instance if I open a xterm and type tail -f /var/log/messages &) it will print out any updates to messages, but I can still type commands into that terminal. I want to use the -e option of xterm to do that.16:03
goltoofsorry didn't mean to flood16:03
dar__What Jabber client do you advise me to use if i want to be able to make user search with it ?16:03
ubottujabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM.  Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Pidgin, Gajim, and Empathy (GNOME), bitlbee (cli/irc).  For more info see http://www.jabber.org/16:04
sfotografowaniCześć Matoły16:04
goltoofActionParsnip,   roflsauce.  thanks but that's a little more complicated than i hoped16:04
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
dar__ActionParsnip: i don't think any of these allow me to do user search16:04
goltoofthere's no extra option for the cp tool to show progress?16:04
ks3goltoof, cp -v will show you the files as it's copying16:05
halActionParsnip: regarding the find/grep question that I asked earlier - I gave up on searchmonkey because it was unstable and buggy. I've installed regexxer, and it's great  and also provides the ability to replace strings.  Thanks for your help with this - I appreciate it16:05
EuthanatosI'm getting an error that says the script can't find gcc-4.4.3-4ubuntu5 even though it says iot has it from the environment what am I missing?16:05
ActionParsnipdar__: try them to see16:05
goltoofks3... great thanks16:05
ActionParsniphal:no worries dude, thats for the thank16:06
halActionParsnip: btw, this is the homepage for regexxer  http://regexxer.sourceforge.net/16:06
ActionParsniphal: i always use cli.it where i do most of my stuff16:06
goltoofdar_ pidgin too16:07
=== optimusprime is now known as OptimusPrime
taomouse spin playing fps games using mouse over ssh(shared mouse) any help?16:09
goltoofwhat's the diff between su and sudo?16:10
goltooflike? :)16:10
taosudo is temporary?16:10
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo16:10
FlyingSquirrel32goltoof: sudo is for a single command16:11
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:11
FlyingSquirrel32goltoof: su logs you in as that user16:11
mike_deb_hsudo will hold priv for 10 minutes in that open window16:11
goltoofright i use sudo all the time but not su16:11
goltoofcan i get just one example of su  use?16:11
noob-tuxhow can i play a dvd file in dvd disc? i used vlc and i got errors...16:11
ks3goltoof, With sudo, you only need to know your own password. With su, you need to password of the user you're trying to run commands as.16:12
ActionParsnipgoltoof: stick to sudo and you'll have fewer issues16:12
goltoofks3... ic now16:12
taomouse support!!16:12
goltoofsu is just to log in as a diff user16:12
taomouse spin playing fps games using mouse over ssh(shared mouse) any help?16:12
ActionParsnipgoltoof: su is used to (s)witch (u)user between 2 different users16:12
goltoofActionParsnip,   i understand now, thanks16:12
taoany help here or too specific of a problem or what?16:13
ActionParsnipnoob-tux: install libdvdcss2  from medibuntu repo16:13
antonio_ciao a tutti16:13
ActionParsnipnoob-tux: aswell as libdvdread416:14
noob-tuxActionParsnip: sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2? is this ok?16:14
ActionParsnipnoob-tux: as long as you have the medibuntu repo added, yes16:14
noob-tuxi dont have and it says it has no installation candidate how can i get medibuntu?16:15
rwatnoob-tux: there's normally a script to build libdvdcss in with libdvdread or similar16:16
ActionParsnip!medibuntu | noob-tux16:16
ubottunoob-tux: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:16
asc_Using SVN. Is there any way to fix the issues with subtitles not expiring, and also occasionally printing the metadata in addition to the subtitle?16:16
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:17
VarazirHello , can you have a separate xorg.conf file for every user ?16:17
asc_wait, this isn't #mplayer16:17
ActionParsnipVarazir: you could have each user copy their copy in and restart X, then re-log in16:18
ActionParsnipVarazir: never heard of anything like that before16:18
erUSULVarazir: what for? in a machine the display hardware is the same for all users.16:19
VarazirActionParsnip: I need a special confed xorg file to get movies to show correct in XBMC16:19
Varazirand I need to turn off pulseaudio  so I created a user only for xbmc16:20
* BluesKaj doesn't understand the benefits of XBMC for playing ordinary video16:20
=== ToAsTcfh is now known as toastcfh
dan__Hi, I upgraded to 10.10 yesterday and now file manager (nautilus) wont start16:20
dan__i get this in terminal16:21
dan__dan@dan-ubuntu:~$ nautilus16:21
dan__(nautilus:5217): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)16:21
Billy_Hello, I have a netbook without a cd drive and I would like to replace my XP with ubuntu netbook edition.  The site says I need a 2 gig usb stick.  I have a microsd with usb adapter that says 2 gig, but when I go to properties of the device it only says 1.89 gig.16:21
Billy_Is there anything I can do to install?16:22
icarus_Can enyone help me, I am trying to run/install an OS in VMware player but it only gives me the option of picking an .iso but the file is vmdk? any help or pointing in the right direction would be much appreciated.16:22
taowhere do i go for help?16:22
dan__Billy_: I'm no expert but the alternative install might fit on the memory stick16:22
NashVentressAnyone been given a response of 2041 after entering ubuntu-bug audio in the Terminal?16:22
taomouse problems...16:22
rwattao rodent exterminator16:23
icarus_Billy_: Try eeebuntu netbook remix16:23
Billy_I have a netbook without a cd drive and I would like to replace my XP with ubuntu netbook edition.  The site says I need a 2 gig usb stick.  I have a microsd with usb adapter that says 2 gig, but when I go to properties of the device it only says 1.89 gig.  How can I install?16:23
BluesKajBilly_, 1.89 is plenty large16:23
Varaziricarus_: can't you import the file ?16:23
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:23
Billy_Alright, I'll try it.  Thanks guys.16:24
noob-tuxi still got an error playing dvd movies16:24
pirxhello! is there some kind of hardware diagnostics app on the install cd for ubuntu (except memtest and and the hdd test available on the server edition install cd)?16:24
icarus_Varazir: when i go to setup a new machine only have the options of using dvd iso or will add os later?16:25
dan__hi my nautilus seems to have died since i upgraded to 10.1016:25
Varaziricarus_: try to ask in #vmware16:25
dan__(nautilus:5217): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)16:25
NertilNov  5 17:17:01 Maverick CRON[1039]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)16:25
NertilNov  5 17:20:01 Maverick CRON[1058]: (root) CMD (/var/script/CCcamCheck.sh)16:25
NertilNov  5 17:20:01 Maverick CRON[1056]: (CRON) error (grandchild #1058 failed with exit status 127)16:25
pirxi have a macbook that i want to run some kind of test on. and the ubuntu install cd is basically the only cd i am able to boot16:25
NashVentressAnyone know the fix for no video playback and choppy audio following updates? Tried sudo apt-get reinstall gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio - no luck16:25
Nertilwhy i get this16:25
icarus_Varazir: cheers16:25
X-Sleepy-X!paste | Nertil16:26
ubottuNertil: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:26
dan__what is the KDE terminal command for the file manager?16:26
llutzdan__: dolphin16:27
dschuettwhy do i get this warning every sunday from cronjob ? http://codepad.org/3LFqLs1b   I have a cron that does an rsync backup, i have had this running for over a year, and I just started to get this message about 2 weeks ago16:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:28
luis_hasbonBluesKaj: I don't think it worked, i have a realtek soundcard and a msi k9vgm motherboard that is not related to intel bu amd :(16:28
Nertilwhy i get that error16:28
luis_hasbondoes lord of the rings online works in ubuntu???16:28
luis_hasbonwith wine?16:29
Pici!appdb | luis_hasbon16:29
ubottuluis_hasbon: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:29
NashVentressAm I maybe in the wrong place to be asking this question?16:29
X-Sleepy-Xluis_hasbon: http://www.playonlinux.com/en/16:30
luis_hasbonI've read that it works but is an outdated report so I was wondering if anyone has tried?16:30
NertilX-Sleepy-X i did it with pastebin16:31
Nertilnow help me16:31
X-Sleepy-X!patience | Nertil16:31
ubottuNertil: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:31
zteamAnybody here knows if it's possible to regenerate /etc/sysctl.conf??16:31
Nertilu have learned this commands well :)16:31
Nertilare u trying to be a teacher here?16:31
ikoniazteam: it's not generated, its a flat file16:32
X-Sleepy-XNertil: Nope..16:32
AnirbanHazrahow to measure the amount of space taken by a directoruy/folder in ubuntu shell ?16:32
Nertilthan get ur ass on the table and help me :)16:32
PiciNertil: Drop the attitude, we're all volunteers here.16:32
ikoniaAnirbanHazra:du -h16:32
X-Sleepy-XNertil: my ass is already on the table since i have no chairs16:32
IdleOneX-Sleepy-X: please keep the language clean16:33
zteamikonia: okey, anyway, mine is corupted, it reduces my network speed very much16:33
X-Sleepy-XIdleOne: sorry16:33
zteamikonia: So I hoped, there were some way to force the system to create a new one16:33
ikoniazteam: no16:34
Nertilhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/526404/ anyone can help me with these please.16:34
ikoniaNertil: it means your script is probably wrong16:34
hiemsHello. Anyone knows about this bug? After using a fullscreen flash video (eg. from youtube) or after watching a video fullscreen with Totem my left mouse click doesn't work anymore16:35
hiemsAny idea?16:35
TuxiscoolHello, I'm attempting to write a software installer, and looking for some opinions. Do people here think, if such an installation program was launched as a non-root user, software installed by the program should be installed in their /home directory (one they had access to) by default? Or would you think it should always query for root access and default to [a subdirectory of] /usr/local/? Note that this installer is meant to act as a16:35
Tuxiscool centralised system, so it will keep track of all the software it installs (were the user wanting to uninstall it later).16:35
ikoniaNertil: error coe 127 is "command not found"16:35
AnirbanHazrahow can I check whether curl is properly installed on my server or not ?16:35
ikoniaNertil: that should read "error code"16:35
zteamikonia: okey, guess I have to take it from a liveCD or something then...16:35
dreinullI manage a set of linux boxes via ssh and just noticed that I still run an old krnel on 8.04 (2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686). How do I update to current?16:35
ikoniaAnirbanHazra: curl www.google.com16:35
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ikoniadreinull: what do you want to upgrade to ?16:36
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ikoniaNertil: I'd suggest looking at the $PATH in your script16:36
dreinullthe latest, ikonia. I usually upgrade via aptitude everyday16:36
dreinullbut it doesnt affect my kernel obviously.16:36
Nertilfixing it now16:36
jure_ever since I've upgraded to 10.10, I'm noticing "ghosting" -- menu elements remain after clicking somewhere else -- what can I do to fix this?16:36
ikoniadreinull: ok, so upgrade them via aptitude to the latest 8.04 packaged kernel16:36
hiemsTuxiscool: for example, if I recall well, Google Earth's installer targets the home directory if launched as non root user16:37
Picidreinull: 2.6.28 doesn't even appear to be in the 8.04 repositories. The maximum version there is
dreinullikonia: I don't get the option to upgrade. And when they are upgraded they don't automatically get booted.16:37
ikoniadreinull: kernel upgrades are not auto boot, you still have to reboot them16:37
dreinullikonia: no, not auto boot, but grub16:38
Nertil*/5 * * * * /var/script/CCcamCheck.sh16:38
Nertilthis is how look my line in crontab -e16:38
dreinullin my /boot folder I have vmlinuz-2.6.28-19-generic installed16:38
ikoniadreinull: they will get put to the top of the grub menu, which is what you want16:38
ikoniadreinull: from what Pici has said that's not a valid 8.04 kernel16:38
pataprahi, what does it mean when, after saving a file, it has # before and after it ?16:39
dreinullmaybe I'm on 8.10 :)16:39
Tuxiscoolhiems: As long as the option is there for both I guess it's fine? Installing to /home by default would only be a waste, I guess, if there are lots of users on a single machine, and how typical is that for the average desktop machine?16:39
ikoniadreinull: 8.10 is not supported any more, so there will be no more updates16:39
Picidreinull: 8.10 didn't have that kernel version either, 9.04 did.  And 9.04 just reached its end of life.16:39
NahledgeA patch is redirecting me to /net/wireless/chan.c b/net/wireless/chan.c where exactly is this, i can't find it at all.16:40
luis_hasbonhey people, what could this be, with ubuntu 10.04 my  OS had sound i just installed 10.10 and it does not detect the sound hardware???16:40
ActionParsnipdreinull: intrepid is dead16:40
PiciNertil: Does that file exist?16:40
ikoniaPici: your kernel package knowledge is most impressive16:40
Piciikonia: rmadison linux16:40
dreinullikonia: Pici: I'm on jaunty. whatever number that is.16:40
Piciikonia: http://pastebin.com/CUuz62vv16:40
ikoniaPici: slick16:41
dreinullit was one of the lts versions16:41
ActionParsnipdreinull: jaunty is EOL and not supported16:41
ikoniadreinull: 9.04 is not lts16:41
Picidreinull: 9.04 iwas not LTS and it reached its EOL on October 23rd.16:41
fadeinI'm running 10.10 on an ASUS eeePC netbook. Many people have been complaining that the "disable touchpad" hotkey Fn+F3 doesn't work.  I've noticed that it does work in gdm, and it's after logging in to X that it ceases to work.  Can anyone explain what's happening between GDM and X that could cause this?16:41
Nertili fixed16:41
Picidreinull: lsb_release -a will show you your Ubuntu version.16:41
dreinullthat explains why there are no updates any more16:41
NahledgeA patch is redirecting me to /net/wireless/chan.c b/net/wireless/chan.c where exactly is this, i can't find it at all.16:42
hiemsTuxiscool: I think you're right.16:42
ikoniaNahledge: within the kernel source tree16:42
dschuetthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/526417/ any ideas why i get those warning all of sudden every Sunday for the past 2 weeks. - I have an rsync backup cron that runs every night that includes /var/www16:42
dreinullanyway, I do have these other kernels in my /boot dir. So all I do is change the file name in my grub?16:42
ikoniadschuett: that file doens't exist,16:43
ikoniadschuett: or directory I should say16:43
AnirbanHazrahow can I check whether curl is properly installed on my server or not ?16:44
ikoniaAnirbanHazra: I've told you16:44
cfeddeusing netcat and tar to transfer hierarchy between systems.  Would either of those tools have limitations on the total ammount of data that they can transfer?16:44
dschuettikonia - well i know that but i don't tell it to backup those TWO sepecific directories just /var/www16:44
ikoniadschuett: it's a log rotate error, not rsync16:44
ZanQdoActionParsnip: are you around16:44
dschuettikonia: any idea on how to get rid of it?16:44
ActionParsnipZanQdo: sup16:44
ikoniadschuett: fix your logrotation in cron, make the directories,16:45
ZanQdoActionParsnip: still getting problems, now slighly different16:45
ZanQdodid checksum and all16:45
ZanQdoamd data change...update new data to dmi update success16:45
erUSULcfedde: no that i know of16:45
Tr3LoSI have WinXP-Linux on my system and WinXP doesn't load... Should WinXP be mounted from Hard Disk Utility?16:46
blue_annacould anyone with Maverick verify that gconf2 is at version 2.31.91 please?16:46
ikoniaTr3LoS: mounting a disk is nothing to do with it "loading"16:46
ikoniaTr3LoS: what version of ubuntu are you using ?16:46
Tr3LoS10.10 maverick16:46
ikoniaTr3LoS: what do you mean by "windows won't load"16:47
erUSUL!info gconf216:47
ubottugconf2 (source: gconf): GNOME configuration database system (support tools). In component main, is optional. Version 2.31.91-0ubuntu3.1 (maverick), package size 72 kB, installed size 332 kB16:47
Tr3LoSLook, I recently changed the size of WinXP to a bigger one and now when I choose to boot WinXP it just stacks at loading..16:47
ikoniaTr3LoS: ok, then you need to talk to the guys in ##windows16:48
Tr3LoSok thank you ikonia16:48
blue_annaerUSUL, thanks .. the fact that the gnome is at 2.32 gave me pause16:48
kamskysomeone can tell me why this doesnt work??: echo ls | at now16:48
dschuettikonia: any ideas why it gives warnings on those two directories and not others that don't exist anymore?16:49
cyphasehow can i toggle caps lock from the command line?16:49
ikoniakamsky: wrong syntax for at16:49
ikoniadschuett: maybe those are the only 2 that are setup to log rotate,16:49
ngirardHi all. How would you recommand me to perform an apt-get dist-upgrade on a remote machine via ssh ? Using screen ?16:49
ikoniangirard: exactly as you've just said16:50
kamskyikonia, syntax its ok, the problem is that it doesnt prints ls output16:50
dschuettikonia: i have never messed with logrotate? - i'm not even sure how it works or what to do to fix this16:50
ikoniakamsky: syntax isn't ok, do "at now ls"16:50
ikoniakamsky: it will fail16:50
dlingirard, yes, using screen will be good16:50
kamskyikonia: $ at now ls16:50
kamskysyntax error. Last token seen: l16:50
kamskyGarbled time16:50
dlingirard, also, do-release-upgrade16:50
eurythmiangirard: I would reccoment tmux over screen, but otherwise, just as you said.16:50
ikoniakamsky: there you go, synatx is wrong16:51
mibbedI was here about 30 minutes ago16:51
cfeddeecho ls | at now # should work.16:51
ngirardHi ikonia, dli. Thanks. So, err, something like screen $SHELL, then in the shell session I'd just perform the apt-get ?16:51
mibbedubuntu's install medded up my windows and now I can't boot it16:51
kamskyikonia, mysintax is ok..16:51
mibbedmessed*, and nothing suggested has worked16:51
mibbedanyone have experience with anything like this?16:51
dlingirard, in screen, do-release-upgrade instead of apt-get dist-upgrade16:51
mibbedbecause this is bad16:52
ikoniakamsky: then why does at now ls not work16:52
kamskycfedde, the problem is that it doesnt work, if instead ls i write... touch proof, it creates the file16:52
ngirarddli: thanks again, didn't know about do-release-upgrade16:52
cfeddekamsky: what do you expect it to do?16:52
ikoniamibbed: ubuntu doesn't touch your windows OS16:53
blue_anna!dualboot > mibbed16:53
ubottumibbed, please see my private message16:53
kamskycfedde, see output of ls16:53
cfeddekamsky: it sends the results as email16:53
mibbedikonia: I know, but it does touch the boot loader16:53
kamskycfedde, email?¿? i want it on screen16:53
ikoniamibbed: no - it doesn't, it just chainloads with grub16:53
ikoniamibbed: what is the issue with booting windows, what problem ?16:53
mibbedikonia well in that case, grub is corrupted16:53
ikoniamibbed: why is grub corrupted16:53
ikoniamibbed: explain16:54
mibbedbecause I get told the device isn't found, then get some kind of serial16:54
mibbedand grub rescue starts16:54
mibbedwhenever I try and boot windows, but ubuntu works fine16:54
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ngirarddli: the trick is, i've already performed a s/lucid/maverick/g on my sources.list ; should i go one step backward ?16:54
ikoniamibbed: so grub is referncing a device for your winows disk that doesn't exist, you need to change your grub.cfg to point at the correct device16:54
ikoniamibbed: it's not corrupt, it's not touched windows, it's just looking at the wrong device16:55
kamskycfedde, some idea?¿16:55
mibbedikonia: ahah, how would I do that?16:55
Dwade09is there something i can type in the terminal that would give me my laptop hdd measurements or some other way to get my hdd measurements ?16:55
ikonia!grub2 > mibbed16:55
ubottumibbed, please see my private message16:55
ikoniaDwade09: sudo fdisk -l will show you your hard disk info16:55
cyphaseah, you can toggle caps lock using python: http://efreedom.com/Question/1-2353112/Anybody-Know-Toggle-Caps-Lock-Python16:55
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Dwade09thank you ikonia16:56
pksadiqHow can I flash firmware to usb flash storage devices?16:56
ikoniapksadiq: you will need the firmware flashing tool provided by your device16:56
cfeddekamsky: echo 'ls > /tmp/ls' | at now16:57
Dwade09ikonia, i do not see where it would tell me the size of it like if its 2.5" or little more then 2.5 " not its actual size inside the hdd.16:57
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kamskycfedde, but it creates a file, i want to see on the terminal16:58
cfeddekamsky: the issue is that a command run that way does not have access to the terminal16:58
* lilylnx slaps lilylnx around a bit with a large trout16:58
kamskycfedde, ok, and if for example i try: echo wireshark | at now16:58
ikoniaDwade09: oh, you mean the physical size, you won't be able to get that16:58
kamskycfedde, it doesnt start16:58
Dwade09thanks ikonia16:59
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cfeddekamsky: because there is no terminal associated with the session started by at16:59
kamskycfedde, can i fix this?16:59
kamskycfedde, maybe exporting display var?16:59
cfeddekamsky: I'm not sure what there is to fix.16:59
mibbedikonia: there are 2 grub.cfg s17:00
Guest82470Hi. I removed the 'notification area' from panel and when I try to add it I only get the 'move bar' and nothing beside. How can I fix this?17:00
kamskycfedde, i want that in 20 minutes start watching a film...17:00
mibbedin grub-pc and grub common17:00
pksadiqikonia: ? I's saying about Mass storage device17:00
cfeddekamsky: sleep 1200; vlc.....17:01
ikoniapksadiq: you need to use the tool your device provides17:01
kamskycfedde, but i want to program it with at..17:01
ActionParsnip!panelreset | Guest8247017:02
ubottuGuest82470: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:02
prakashI need help - cups - "CUPS server error There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'server-error-internal-error'."17:02
cfeddekamsky: I suspect there is a way to make the session started by at find the right display.  But in general it has no way to know if you're even still logged in when it starts.17:02
kamskycfedde, ok, thanks17:02
fruttisWho ? Russian17:02
ikonia!ru | fruttis17:02
ubottufruttis: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:02
ZanQdoActionParsnip:  it hangs again on Verifying DMI Pool Data ........................ Update Success17:03
Guest82470ActionParsnip: I just want notification area back. I've done to much customization to reset everything.17:03
mibbedikonia: It isn't being found by os-prober17:03
ActionParsnipZanQdo: if you jump in BIOS there may be an option to reset DMI pool data17:03
mibbedand the "DO NOT EDIT THE FILE" is something I'll try to listen to, lol17:04
AndrewMCGuest82470: right click panel> add to panel> then add notification area17:04
ActionParsnipGuest82470: right click the panel and select add item, you may have to remove the window list applet to add it, then re-add the window picker app17:04
ZanQdoActionParsnip: I just tried the live usb on my ntbook and it loaded instantly17:04
dreinullis there anything that can go wrong when updating from 9.04 to 10.10?17:04
kamskycfedde, this works: echo export DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \&\& wireshark | at now17:05
ActionParsnipdreinull: you need to upgrade to Karmic first, then to lucid first17:05
pksadiqikonia: there isn't such a tool provided with device17:05
dreinullActionParsnip: can it break my ubuntu? I'm 2k km away from my machines.17:06
ikoniapksadiq: then you can't do it17:06
Guest82470AndrewMC: Like I said I've done that. ActionParsnip : Sounds strange still I can try. Thanks.17:06
ActionParsnipdreinull: sure it can, read some stuff online there are lots of upgrade woes possible17:06
ikoniamibbed: what ?17:06
Out_Colddreinull, in my experience, if you can't afford a fail without time, don't bother17:06
mibbedos-prober hasn't worked17:07
AndrewMCGuest82470: and if you need to move it... right click it> move17:07
dreinullOut_Cold: I cant afford insecurity either.17:07
ikoniamibbed: ok ?17:07
ActionParsnipdreinull: i personally always clean install, less pain17:07
Out_Colddreinull, it pays to be on your box and possibly have another box nearby just to check that everything is good17:07
mibbedso I'm stuck here; how am I supposed to get it to recognise my windows?17:08
ikoniamanually configure it17:08
mibbedyou know, I picked ubuntu because it was supposed to be easy17:08
Chaos2358anyone familiar with the empathy chat client on 10.10? i can chat till the cows come home but no one can initiate a voice or vid call with me via the yahoo account and every time i try to initiate either it logs me out of my yahoo17:08
Out_Colda chm is a windows file? i'm trying to increase font size in kchmviewer but it's only increasing the header size17:08
mibbedmanually configuring boot loaders :s17:08
pksadiqikonia: Why not? in windows I use the tools from flashboot.ru to change the firmware, but don't know How to do the same in linux, wine seems not to work well17:09
goltoofOut_Cold,  try a different viewer... some are better than others, some are total crap17:09
ikoniapksadiq: don't update firmware using wine, and if you don't have a tool to do it, you can't do it17:09
Out_Coldmibbed, it is usually in most cases easy... always an oddball. especially if it's a mixed configuration17:09
jovaroI just updated to 10.4 and now my screen flickers when ubuntu has booted, during the boot process the screen is fine, but at some point it starts flickering. This is all before starting X17:09
Out_Coldmibbed, grub2?17:09
jovaroHow can I solve this?17:09
mibbedOut_Cold: I presume so17:09
Out_Coldmibbed, is it working now?17:10
mibbedOut_Cold: I'm using 10:10, so I don't see why not17:10
mibbedand no17:10
Out_Coldthe box doesn't load anything?17:10
ActionParsnipjovaro: what is the output of:  lspci | grep -i vga17:10
mibbedwindows is on a separate disk if it changes anything17:10
Chaos2358anyone familiar with the empathy chat client on 10.10? i can chat till the cows come home but no one can initiate a voice or vid call with me via the yahoo account and every time i try to initiate either it logs me out of my yahoo17:10
mibbedit loads ubuntu /safe mode17:10
mibbedinitrd and memtest 86+17:10
Out_Coldmibbed, good to know but not pertinant17:10
ngirardeurythmia: thanks for pointing out tmux17:10
ikoniaChaos2358: I'm not sure if voice is supported17:11
jovaroActionParsnip, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)17:11
olskolirchow do I get pico/nano to wrap long lines please?17:11
mibbedOut_Cold : aha17:11
ActionParsnipChaos2358: gyache can do voice with yahoo17:11
Chaos2358ikonia in the new empathy it has the options for it17:11
Out_Coldmibbed, have you been on the ubuntu grub pages?17:11
ZanQdoActionParsnip: load optimized defaults?17:11
ikoniaChaos2358: doesn't mean it works/supported17:11
Chaos2358gyathi isnt updated for 10. 10 yet17:11
ActionParsnipjovaro: yeah was kinda hoping it wasnt one of those17:11
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ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:11
mibbedOut_Cold: yep17:11
Chaos2358ikonia that sucks17:11
ActionParsnipZanQdo: there will be an option to clear DMI data17:11
jovaroActionParsnip, it works fine on a regular screen, but on the tv it flickers like crazy...17:12
mibbedOut_Cold: not the former though, I'll look there17:12
ikoniaChaos2358: check if it is supported, I dont think it is, that doesn't mean I'm correct17:12
jovaroand I use it on the tv....17:12
Out_Coldmibbed in a terminal run grub -v or grub --version17:12
Chaos2358ikonia how do i see if it is supported?17:12
ZanQdoActionParsnip:cant see it17:12
ActionParsnipjovaro: you may need to set different refresh rate then17:12
mibbeduh oh17:13
mibbed"The program 'grub' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install grub"17:13
ikoniaChaos2358: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ#How_can_I_connect_to_.28a_protocol.29_in_Empathy_.3F17:13
Out_Coldsorry grub217:13
jovaroActionParsnip, how do I do that? It is all before X is started so no use changing stuff in xorg.conf right?17:13
mibbedoh, ok :D17:13
ActionParsnipZanQdo: ok then the only other way I know is to disconnect all power and pull the watch battery out of the motherboard, don't do this unless you are ok with hardware17:13
ActionParsnipjovaro: you can use the framebuffer driver with extra config17:13
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz17:14
ZanQdoActionParsnip: just to be clear, the system boots ok17:14
ZanQdoits just when I try this USB key boot loader than it fails17:14
ActionParsnipjovaro: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/17:14
ActionParsnipZanQdo: then check the USB consistency once it starts to boot17:14
Out_Coldmibbed, if you a brand new to linux, tab is great for avoiding spelling errors and viewing choices. if you are typing in a terminal just pause once in a while even in mid word and hit tab key17:14
ActionParsnipZanQdo: or a different port17:14
jovaroActionParsnip, I'll go read that, thanks!17:15
ikoniaChaos2358: doesn't look like it's supported17:15
ZanQdoActionParsnip: usb never boots17:15
ZanQdoActionParsnip: but it does on a different pc17:15
mibbedOut_Cold thanks, this looks great17:15
Chaos2358ikonia it says audio video chat supported17:15
ActionParsnipZanQdo: then try setting different usb options in bios, as well as make sure you have the latest bios17:15
ikoniaChaos2358: where ?17:15
Out_Coldmibbed, get a version #? I can't send you a link for the wrong grub... They are terribly different17:16
Chaos2358ikonia Audio and Video calls17:16
Chaos2358Does Empathy support audio and video chat?17:16
Chaos2358Yes. Empathy should be compatible with any client which implement Jingle and supports ICE and the corresponding XEPs properly.17:16
=== jenkinbr is now known as fullgrowncat
mibbedOut_Cold: it jumps to "grub-" then when I v it gives me a command not found17:16
UTFany of u guys ever experience clicking and popping sounds when more than one program uses the audio?17:16
arrrghhhhey all need some startup script help.  i built a script in init.d, added it with update-rc.d.  everything is fine, but it seems the script didn't start as expected.  what logs can i look in to see why it failed?17:16
Out_Coldno - lol17:16
mibbedtrying out grub2, propos grub2, etc17:16
ikoniaChaos2358: yes, and does yagoo use ice/ or ICE and a valid XEP ?17:16
ikoniaChaos2358: yahoo is a propriatary protocol17:17
UTFi can use it as it is... but sometimes I hear a few clicks n' pops17:17
Chaos2358ikonia ok now you are speaking chinese to me lol17:17
ikoniaChaos2358: yahoo seems to use sip for voice chat, so voice chat may work17:17
Chaos2358ikonia neither work17:17
ikoniaChaos2358: ok, so it says it works with supported protocols, which are SIP/XMMP/Gtalk,17:17
Out_Coldoh ya... sorry mibbed... do grub-in(tab) -v17:17
ikoniaChaos2358: yahoo is a propitary protocol, the voice chat appears to be based on sip, so "may" work17:17
mibbedahah, thanks17:17
Chaos2358i dont get how it will tell me which of my contacts have webcams and if they are on but wont connect to them17:18
mibbedgrub-install (GRUB) 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu317:18
ikoniaChaos2358: because the client will advertise the hardware capabilities (especially if they are using official yahoo client) to the server, however you need the correct protocol to connect to them17:19
AndroidLoverInSFwhich cvs client is best on linux? i know of cervisia and tkcvs? you guys like any in particular? i miss tortoisesvn17:19
ikoniaAndroidLoverInSF: there isn't a "best" it's personal prefernce, try them out17:19
Chaos2358ikonia ok i got it now and im assuming there is no way to edit these protocols to actually support it is there?17:19
ikoniaChaos2358: no17:19
ikoniaChaos2358: yahoo own it17:20
mibbedOut_Cold is that what you needed?17:20
Chaos2358ikonia, ok well i guess ill keep using facetime on my iphone then thanks man17:20
ikoniano problem17:20
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arrrghhhinit.d script failures?  where are they logged?17:22
Out_Coldmibbed, yes sorry17:24
ZanQdoActionParsnip: ok removing battery wasnt succesful17:24
ZanQdonow will try to update bios17:24
Out_Coldmibbed, had to let the dog out. it's the same as grub2.17:24
mibbedOut_Cold 's ok, thanks for helping17:24
Out_Coldgive me a sec to find the favored link17:24
mibbedwill do17:24
streetmapphey all, i'm having troubles getting my vim to apply the colorscheme i'd like to use.  i've installed vim and not just vim-tiny. and edited my /etc/vimrc file. any help?17:25
Out_Coldmibbed, can you pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg?17:25
mibbedOut_Cold sure, one moment17:26
FlyingSquirrel32Im on ubuntu, how can I install an older version of pisa? I tried downloading the tar.gz and running setup.py17:27
Out_Coldmibbed, check out this link as well. http://grub.enbug.org/ChainLoadWindows17:27
mibbedOut_Cold uhm, forgotten how to do this. Though it was sudo grub.cfg but that isn't working17:27
Out_Coldmibbed, you can use 'nano /boot/grub/grub.cfg' or 'gedit /boot/grub/grubcfg'17:28
Out_Coldpossibly with sudo17:29
mibbedOut_Cold it's empty17:29
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Out_Coldmibbed, fantastic lol17:29
ActionParsnipOut_Cold: if you only need read access it should be readable17:29
mibbedOut_Cold indeed :(17:29
mibbedOut_Cold would updating fix it?17:30
Out_Coldmibbed, yes but using grub, not apt17:30
TethI have a Radeon 8500 LE17:31
Tethand I'd like to use the S-video out for it17:31
Tethdo I have a snowball's chance in hell?17:31
mibbedOut_Cold hold on, manually going to the file works, but gedit in command line doesn't17:31
trojan_spikemibbed, is this a fresh install that isnt loading?17:31
mibbedOut_Cold should I carry on?17:31
mibbedtrojan_spike yes17:31
jarnosIs it normal to have two or more users in output of "users" command, even if you just logged in ubuntu?17:31
mibbedof ubuntu, at least17:31
Out_Coldmibbed, yes i'm sure we'll still want to see the cfg17:31
trojan_spiketry setting the BIOS to load DEFAULTS.17:32
ActionParsnipTeth: you may need an xorg.conf file17:32
Out_Coldjarnos, all you?? do you have open terminals also?17:32
trojan_spikerun sudo update-grub ' to see what will load17:32
mibbedtrojan_spike have done, it doesn't make any difference17:33
Efthymiosis there a way to restart x without having a command line or loging in and out?17:33
trojan_spikedoes win or ubuntu show up?17:33
mibbedtrojan_spike ubuntu does, windows doesn't17:33
trojan_spikehave u got ur windows DVD?17:34
Out_Coldmibbed, use the info from here http://grub.enbug.org/ChainLoadWindows17:34
Out_Coldsee where you get17:34
vbwehey im totally new to ubuntu and i want to install it to, i currently have w7.. is it better for me to install ubuntu on vmware or what?17:34
mibbedtrojan_spike no, it came pre-installed and I don't have the same edition lying around17:34
Out_Coldthere is no entry in the cfg for it... was just missed17:34
mibbedOut_Cold thanks, I was just looking through this17:34
mibbeddefinitely going to attempt it17:34
trojan_spikeu will need to fix / repair windows MBR.17:35
jarnosOut_Cold, yes, i suppose the others are from the terminals.17:35
trojan_spikeXP or WIN7?17:35
mibbedtrojan_spike 717:35
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Out_Coldmibbed, it should still be the same idea...17:36
vbweif i want to try ubuntu first time17:36
ActionParsnipvbwe: each has advantages17:36
trojan_spikemibbed, : http://neosmart.net/blog/2009/windows-7-system-repair-discs/17:36
mibbedOut_Cold oh, ok17:36
vbwebut which can i do better17:36
Out_Coldalthough 7 does have a visible boot loader now17:36
ActionParsnipvbwe: vmware/virtualbox will alter your (crappy) OS less17:36
trojan_spikeyea it does,, its kept separate17:36
Out_Coldtrojan_spike, mibbed mentioned that the win7 is on a seperate hdd... mbr is intact17:36
vbwei will pick dual boot option17:37
mibbedtrojan_spike i'll get this later, and the install is on another disc17:37
trojan_spikeso whats the problem?17:37
vbwehow do i do that for w7 you got any reading material ?17:37
mibbedlooks like I'll be needing it soon if I carry on like this then17:37
Out_Coldgrub2 doesn't have an entry for win717:37
Ichatmibbed:  -   - you can also obtain windows 7 disks from the net,  ie. as long as you use your private key instead of the  often included warez keys. its legal in most keys...17:37
ActionParsnipvbwe: you can use win7's partition resizer to make unpartitioned space (run your backups first) then ubuntu wil loffer to install to the free space17:37
vbwehow much gb is enough17:38
mibbedIchat indeed, was going to try and get one17:38
mibbedslash will17:38
vbwefor first time 30gb?17:38
Out_Coldvbwe, to test anywhere from 8-20gb17:38
trojan_spikeaww,, because its separate,,17:38
vbweand if i want to make it bigger17:38
vbwei need to reinstall17:38
Out_Coldfor a production machine, it can be anything17:38
Out_Coldvbwe, no17:38
ActionParsnipvbwe: you'll need about 6Gb for the OS and enough space to be comfortable, then as much space as youo want for user data17:38
rinku_kokiriwhy did i get thrown into ubuntu-unregged17:38
Picirinku_kokiri: I'd guess because you're unregistered/unidentified.17:39
rinku_kokirithat would be incorrect17:39
rinku_kokiribecause i've been regged for months17:39
ActionParsnipvbwe: ubuntu can also read and write ntfs, Windows cannot access ext4 which is the default fs in Ubuntu, despite ext4 definitions being completely available for use17:39
Picirinku_kokiri: You aren't identified currently.17:39
ActionParsnipvbwe: 30Gb is waaaay enough17:39
Out_Coldrinku_kokiri, if you identify after your script loads your joins, it'll throw you in there17:39
BreetaiEvery time I run vmplayer it has to recompile the kernel modules. Anyone have an idea of how to fix that?17:39
vbweill use 20 hehe17:39
PiciOut_Cold: Hes still not identified.17:40
vbwehow much gb is ubuntu iso17:40
mibbedHow do I get this this non- read only?17:40
SeanInSeattleHey all. Is there a place where I can read about why the decision was made to move away from Gnome as the wm/UI for Ubuntu?17:40
vbwedo i need to burn it first17:40
rinku_kokiriwrong password17:40
rinku_kokirinew install lmao17:40
Picirinku_kokiri: :)17:40
trojan_spikemibbed, http://www.supergrubdisk.org/17:40
rinku_kokirianyway... my volume control does everything but control my volume17:40
Picivbwe: 700mb, yes.17:40
mibbedtrojan_spike Thanks17:40
rinku_kokiriit makes sammiches, but can't turn audio up17:40
Out_Coldmibbed, gksu gedit /boot/grub/gru(tab).cfg17:40
ActionParsnipvbwe: for a true dualboot, yes. MD5 test te iso before use and burn slow17:41
vbweor universal usb17:41
vbweis that poss ?17:41
Ichatmibbed you can also (perhaps better for you) use    partedmagic  - it includes also a partition editor backup tools and a super-grub disk17:41
ActionParsnipvbwe: universal usb?17:41
mibbedIchat looking it up now17:41
ActionParsnipvbwe: the u in usb stands for universal17:41
rinku_kokirianyone have any idea why my stock volume control applet in ubuntu 10.10 won't control my volume?17:42
ActionParsnipvbwe: sure you can use unetbootin or the easy 1-2-3 app on pendrivelinux17:42
vbweits like using a cd right17:42
vbweinsert usb and boot17:42
xanguarinku_kokiri: dod you uninstall pulseaudio¿17:42
rofl0rhi, i wanted to install updates but it display's "warning, you are about to install UNAUTHENTICATED software"17:42
rinku_kokirihrm.. if i mute and unmute, it starts working17:43
rinku_kokirithat and one more thing is REALLY annoying, when i turn my vol all the way down, it resets my volume fade to full center17:43
vbwecan my usb also become normal again ?17:43
ActionParsnipvbwe: you can create the usb from windows17:43
crossIs anyone here familiar with the kdmrc config file?  I'm trying to set up an unusual configuration but I'm having a strange problem.17:43
xanguarofl0r: thee next time you add repositories remember to also add the !gpg KEY, sudo add-apt-repository "ppa's name" does that automatically17:43
ActionParsnipvbwe: sure, its just data, just format it17:44
rinku_kokirivbwe, or fdisk it17:44
rinku_kokirixangua, no i unstalled gstreamer-pulseaudio[insertnumbershere[17:44
rofl0rxangua, thanks, but i didnt add any repository ^^17:44
serealHow do I start a xterm, and then have it execute a command with a & so that it gives me back a command prompt. (for instance if I open a xterm and type tail -f /var/log/messages &) it will print out any updates to messages, but I can still type commands into that terminal. I want to use the -e option of xterm to do that.17:45
vbwedoes win7 got dual boot ?17:45
mkquistrinku_kokiri: yeah, my volume does something similar, just have to turn in up/down after restart, and it seems to change balance as it goes/up down too.   a minor annoyance17:45
Out_Coldmibbed, i was on an arch box that used grub legacy... when i updated to grub2, i lost all info to about 7 OSs... I had to dig pretty deep for answers17:45
ernovcmoan, people, i need good, working config of an app to stream video over network, and that app should be able to run from cli via ssh17:45
ActionParsnipvbwe: you can dualboot with ubuntu, if thats what you mean?17:45
rinku_kokirixangua, because of a disconnect issue i was having,  now the sound doesn't stop randomly (unless adobe crashes) but rather, my volume control will quit working (i have to manually adjust it from the sound preferences window) and when i turn my vol all the way down, it unfades my sound from the back, putting it full center, killing my eardrums17:45
Out_Coldvbwe, i doubt they allow you to use thier loader to dual boot17:46
mibbedOut_Cold sounds like fun17:46
vbwei mean17:46
Out_Coldmibbed, depends on what cranks your gears :p17:46
vbweif i start my pc up17:46
rinku_kokiriyou would think by episode 10.10 they would have something as simple as sound fixed17:46
vbwei want to see a select menu17:46
vbwewindows or ubuntu17:46
xanguarinku_kokiri: then reinstall what you removed17:46
xangua!dualboot | vbwe17:46
ubottuvbwe: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:46
ActionParsnipvbwe: yes, win7 will be added to grub17:46
rinku_kokirixangua, that didn't cause the problem17:46
mibbedOut_Cold lol, I suppose. I prefer java though, less to go wrong17:46
captkirkDoes anyone know much about ptmx?17:46
vbwei havent got amd17:47
arvutI have a problem with VLC, when I closed down the only VLC I was running, new VLCs with the same video as I previously watched started popping up. til there were countless of VLC's running the same video17:47
rinku_kokirixangua, the problem was here before i uninstalled a problematic codec17:47
Out_Coldmibbed, but can't run the java on a busted box lol...17:47
arvutwhen I closed down one, many more popped up17:47
arvutlike a hydra17:47
ActionParsnipvbwe: intel cpu's can be 64bit, amd64 just refers to ALL 64bit CPUs17:47
arvutwith the same video that is17:47
xanguaarvut: configure vlc to allow only one instance17:47
Dr_Willisarvut:  from terminal -> killall vlc    perhaps?17:47
rofl0rxangua, i did sudo apt-get install update, now the warning is gone17:47
Out_Coldvlc hydra... that's kinda a kool idea17:47
mkquistrinku_kokiri: might wanna try different settings on the 'output' tab where is says Connector, maybe help17:47
mibbedOut_Cold indeed . just updated grub after adding my windows partition to the folder, but it isn't showing windows still17:48
mibbedshould it be?17:48
rinku_kokirimkquist, that doesn't solve why when i adjust the volume, it changes my fade settings17:48
Dr_Willisrofl0r:  you mean 'sudo apt-get update', then 'sudo apt-get upgrade'17:48
arvutI had to do « sudo killall vlc » to quit them all17:48
Out_Colddid you follow the link with the uuids?17:48
Dr_Willisarvut:   i doubt if sudo was needed17:48
rofl0rDr_Willis, no, after update immediately the update manager popped up17:48
arvutdid it anyway, and it sure killed them17:48
Dr_Willisrofl0r:  yep. thats often how ti works.17:49
ActionParsniparvut: you only need sudo if the process is not owned by your user17:49
rinku_kokirimkquist, and i doubt that setting would fix any of my problems17:49
mibbedOut_Cold disregard that, it shows up when I try cat boot/grub/grub.cfg17:49
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Out_Coldwhat shows up?17:49
arvutthe problem is however, how could new VLC's pop up like that, playing a file that is stored on my external drive, and continue to do so even when I disconnected it?17:49
rinku_kokirimkquist, cause i change it, i have NO sound... great fix17:49
scott_ino2my screen blanks out for a 1-2seconds every 10-20 minutes(not screensaver related), don't think it's a hardware issue, anybody else experiencing this?17:50
mkquistrinku_kokiri: lol17:50
mibbedOut_Cold, Ichat,trojan_spike , Thanks!17:50
serealhow can I launch a command with -e in xterm and have it go into the background (like typing a command with & at the end of it )17:50
mibbedOut_Cold I meant the windows 7 option, but it doesn't matter anymore17:50
rinku_kokiriI just wish canonical would TEST their os before releasing it17:50
mibbedhopefully won't be back later17:50
arvutscott_ino2: what monitor and graphics card do you have?17:51
Dr_Willissereal:  -e 'command &' perhaps? or make a script that does the command & and launch that instead17:51
rinku_kokiriI mean why leave in a problematic codec THROUGH 2 VERSIONS?17:51
ActionParsniprinku_kokiri: i suggest you read your EULA17:51
rinku_kokiriinstead of fixing the problem, the "fix" is to uninstall?17:51
scott_ino2arvut, acer monitor(can get you model if needed, using DVI) and ATI Technologies Inc Radeon HD 3300 Graphics using the open source driver17:52
vbweMark partition as active what does that mean??17:52
arvutk, I have some screen blackouts every now and then but its hw related to the monitor I have (hp w19b)17:52
rinku_kokiriActionParsnip, this eula?? where?17:53
arvutthey normally last for less than a second tho17:53
rinku_kokirithat worked17:53
chmodit did.17:53
ActionParsniprinku_kokiri: basically the OS is open source, there is no SLA or integrity17:53
ActionParsniprinku_kokiri: if it breaks you get both pieces17:54
arvutscott_ino2: try scroogling your monitors model name, with something like "screen blackout" in the search17:54
rinku_kokiriis there a "thou shalt not complain" clause?17:54
arvutmight give you a good answer17:54
ActionParsniprinku_kokiri: obviously devs strive for good results and such but there is no pressure on anyone involved to fix or do anything17:54
rinku_kokirihence why my bug reports usually sit for 6-12 mos before being answered17:55
scott_ino2arvut, thanks will do, was just wondering if it was a known thing17:55
arvutfirst approach is always to find out if others have had the same problem as you do17:55
ActionParsniprinku_kokiri: you can complain and log bugs but if they get attended or not is down to the devs etc17:55
vbweMark partition as active what does that mean??17:55
Piciallure: There is no !eula17:55
rinku_kokirii kno, i'm just a bit annoyed that my sound had to be fixed out of the box17:55
Dr_Willisvbwe:  its a partition 'flag'17:55
mibbedthat lasted17:55
rinku_kokiriwhat happened to "it just works"17:55
ActionParsniprinku_kokiri: they could just abandon the project if they wanted17:55
vbwewhat does it mean?17:55
Dr_Willisvbwe:  normally windows has to boot from the 'active' partition. not sure if thats a limittaiin in vista/win7 or not.17:56
ActionParsniprinku_kokiri: in many cases it does17:56
Dr_Willisvbwe:  its a flag that tells the bios  to 'boot this partition first' or somthing like that.. not used much any more.17:56
ActionParsnipvbwe: the active partition is the one looked on for boot info after the MBR is read17:56
vbweoops i changed it to a wrong one17:56
vbweand cant flag C: as active anymore17:57
arvutwhy is my aptitude (currently running an install run with new updates) not responding to ^C? it has been stuck at Unpacking replacement libasound2 ... for awhile now17:57
Dr_Williswith grub - i dont think the active partition matters.. not sure if it matters with win7 any more either17:57
ActionParsnipvbwe: c drive doesn't mean anything in linux17:57
vbwei have windows 717:57
ActionParsnipvbwe: still means nothing, windows incorrectly names partitions, drives17:57
vbweah ke17:58
ActionParsnipvbwe: the windows partition will not be the active one, the linux one will and grub will then boot the windows partition17:58
Buttons840there is a command which can be used to easily remove or add services to init - i've forgotten what this command was, but it was like config-init or init-config as best i can remember (though I'm obviously wrong since i can't find it)?17:58
vbweah i read the dual boot ubuntu but dont understand17:58
vbwedo i need to install somethnig?17:58
jfroebeButtons840:  update-rc.d IIRC17:59
ActionParsnipvbwe: the ubuntu install will install grub for you and handle the dual boot17:59
chmodButtons840, update-rc.d service default17:59
vbweah oke17:59
Buttons840jfroebe: yes, thank you17:59
vbwei will now boot pc17:59
vbweand install ubuntu17:59
rinku_kokiriso there's no fix to the problem17:59
Buttons840is there a command which will list what services are currently enabled, or do i just need to look at the init directories?18:00
noob-tuxis there a way i could change cdrom0 to a preferred name i want to be named on the device? if so...how? thanx18:00
Dr_Willisnoob-tux:  /dev/cdrom is just a link to the actual device. You could proberly make a link of your own name if you wanted.18:00
trojan_spikenoob-tux, right click / properities / basic / name <18:01
Dr_Willisnoob-tux:  i dont see what you gain by having other names...18:01
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: +118:01
trojan_spikeoh,, it doesnt let you,, soz..18:01
ActionParsnipnoob-tux: the name is moot, you moust the device or use the given name as what you wish, you don't gain by a different name18:01
Dr_Willis ln -s /dev/cdrom /dev/moot18:02
Dr_Willisor did i get that backwards18:02
trojan_spikesys hardware18:02
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: looks good to me :)18:02
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: ln -s source dest18:02
Dr_Willisln -s make_this_be  known_as_this18:03
DaveCavegood afternoon everyone18:03
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seeker60ok i am converting a friend from win xp home to ubuntu (another bites the dust -- yaaaa) but need to know where in the file structure music files would go and where internet favorites would be stored so that the browser can see them18:04
DaveCaveanyone have experence with loading ubuntu to pocketpc devices?18:04
mibbedHi again18:04
Dr_Willisseeker60:  thers a Music directory in the users Home.18:04
mibbedjust thought I'd report everything's up and running18:04
mibbedthanks for the help, everyone18:04
mibbedyou're awesome <318:05
Dr_Willisseeker60:  firefox stores the favorites in the users .mozilla/XXXXX directory somewhere18:05
ActionParsnipseeker60: what browser is currently used?18:05
geoffmccseeker60: most browsers have import and export of favorites built right in18:05
erUSULseeker60: $HOME/Music ? internet favorites; export them as html in windows ( firefox ) import them in the linux firefox18:05
seeker60ok thanks guys18:06
phuzionHow can I show all users in a group through the commandline?18:06
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ActionParsnipseeker60: if the guy uses IE, you can install firefox and import the bookmarks, then transfer the favourites htm file to ubuntu18:06
Dr_Willisphuzion:  grep the /etc/groups file perhaps.18:06
ActionParsnipphuzion: just run: groups18:07
ActionParsnipphuzion: oh, other way18:07
phuzionActionParsnip: Yeah, what you gave me shows what the current user is a member of18:07
phuzionthanks Dr_Willis18:07
rinku_kokiriActionParsnip, this is the error i would get :pa_stream_cork() failed: Connection terminated18:08
goltoofsay i'm copying over stuff with "cp -v"  and it gets to a large file that i don't care to copy over... any way to make it skip that file and continue copying everything else over without temrinating?18:08
rinku_kokirithat and pa_stream_writable_size(): Connection failed18:08
rinku_kokiriwould happen randomly every 2-30 mins while watching a video18:09
ActionParsniprinku_kokiri: what causes the error?18:09
Dcitephuzion: "groups" tells you who are you members of, "groupmems -g <groupname> -l" lists them (needs root)18:09
ActionParsnipDcite: nice!18:09
phuzionDcite: thanks.18:09
DevolvedSpudHello all18:10
miguel000where do I put the programms and command for autostartup, when I use gdm but not the gnome window manager?18:10
rinku_kokiriActionParsnip, watching any video while gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio is installed18:10
vbweit wont boot from usb ;s18:10
rinku_kokiriActionParsnip, or playing any media for that matter18:10
noob-tuxDr_Willis: nah.....i tried and i failed....i did this right click properties and doesnt even give me a chance to highlight to modify hehehe18:11
rinku_kokiriI uninstalled that and the problem went away, but i STILL (as in i had it before) have the "i can't change volume with the volume control" problem18:11
Dr_Willisrinku_kokiri:  i would wonder if its the sound card going to 'sleep' for some odd reason.18:11
cutiyarhow to shRE MY INTERNET MODEM?18:11
rinku_kokiriit is a old Creative sound card18:11
vbwei used universal usb installer and created the iso on my usb, now if i reboot windows it wont boot ubuntu installer. Why18:11
Dr_Willis!ics | cutiyar18:11
ubottucutiyar: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:11
rinku_kokiriDr_Willis, it is an old Creative card18:12
Dr_Willisvbwe:  ive seen pc's not boot some usb flash drives. or they dont like a specific flash drive.. or some programs dont make the usb flash drive properly.18:12
cutiyarDr_Willis, whats ics?18:12
vbwei got this program from the ubuntu site18:12
rinku_kokiriDr_Willis, vbwe espically old dells18:12
goltoofvbwe, or try a different port18:12
vbwei got a new pc18:12
fzlamnwhy this message appear when i try to install ubuntu 10.10 in my friend laptop. "ubi partman failed with exit code 10"18:12
BEAST_MODEin ubuntu what is the best network discovery tool18:12
cutiyarubottu, its modeum internet18:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:12
Dr_Willisrinku_kokiri:  there was some issues befor with sound cards going into sleep mode when not in use. causing issues.. every 20 min. sort of flaged me thinking of that. would be VERY weird if it did it while its playing however.18:12
vbwedo i need to change some bios settings?18:13
cutiyarubottu, not wired18:13
BEAST_MODEEllo oR18:13
geoffmccvbwe: have you tried hitting esc at bios to bring up boot select and choose usb18:13
rinku_kokiriDr_Willis, welllll........ hold on a sec, lemmie get my bug report18:13
Dr_Willisrinku_kokiri:  as for the sound volume. I recall having to use a mixer tool i could set to adjust the 'pcm' or 'master' volume.18:13
adyethsSo I have this little problem... when I try to boot from an ubuntu 10.10 cd my screen goes blank. I never see anything. Anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed with fixing it so I can reinstall ubuntu?18:13
Picicutiyar: Ubottu is a bot, a program, it cannot respond to you.18:13
vbwehitting esc at bios setup ?18:13
DevolvedSpudi'm having trouble setting xorg for 1366x768 resolution, it seems like it refuses to accept it18:13
Dr_Willisadyeths:  whats your video card?18:13
Dr_Willisvbwe:  you need to make sure the pc can boot from USB of course.18:13
rinku_kokiriDr_Willis, thing is, if i fiddle with it enough (mute, unmute, vol up, down, up) it finally works18:13
adyethsits an nvidia geforce 6150le18:14
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geoffmccvbwe: yes on my pc its esc but on others its different. look to see it should say hit f whatever for startup18:14
vbwehow can i know that willis18:14
Dr_Willisadyeths:  try the 'nomodeset' option at the boot menus.  Under the F6 options i recall.18:14
goltoofsay i'm copying over stuff with "cp -v"  and it gets to a large file that i don't care to copy over... any way to make it skip that file and continue copying everything else over without temrinating?   this is driving me nuts.. it's copying over a 9 gig file18:14
Dr_Willisvbwe:  check yoru bios..18:14
adyethsok, thank you very much. I will try that.18:14
vbwei saw choose an.. in green18:14
vbweand it dissapeared18:14
geoffmccvbwe: if you cant find that then what DR_willis says - check bios usb probably set after hard disk so it never loads it cause loads your hard disk instead18:15
cutiyarPici, what i do?18:15
rinku_kokiriDr_Willis, my bug report18:15
geoffmccvbwe: it usually esc or F+10 i think18:15
vbweit says18:15
vbwechoose an18:15
vbweand thenb it will18:15
FloodBot3vbwe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
Dr_WillisIt can be any key.. :) pc makers love being non standard.18:15
vbwef10 is edit boot options18:16
vbwein dos like18:16
geoffmccvbwe: yea sometimes goes fast - just hit deletete to get into bios and go to the startup section. Set usb to be first boot device18:16
geoffmccvbwe: That the one18:16
Dr_Willisive had F1 F2, del, backspace, F10, or other keys...18:16
goltoofvbwe, del to get to bios, typically18:16
BEAST_MODEin ubuntu how do I use a netview18:16
Dr_Willisdepends on the machine It SHOULD say at the post screens18:16
geoffmccDr_Willis: right- there should be a standard18:16
lockyea a lot of the time i just start dancing on the keyboard and that will bring up the bios menu :)18:17
rinku_kokirirofl @ dancing on the keyboard18:17
lockespecially when it flashes too fast to read which key to press lol18:17
ubuntunewbie777Could someone pls help me fix my Wifi problem - on 10.10?18:17
geoffmccvbwe: in f10 does it list usb as boot option18:17
rinku_kokirilock,  you breakdance?18:17
hblounthi. where can i find icon theme that has dark&simple icons?18:17
lockrinku_kokiri: only on the weekends :)18:17
Dr_WillisMany of my pc's have the BIOS settigns key.. THEN they also have a 'select boot device' key. :) which is handy18:17
vbweim gonna reboot18:18
vbwedo i need to hit g1018:18
rinku_kokiriDr_Willis, usually F12 or ESC (boot options)18:18
Dr_Willisrinku_kokiri:  one pc its F9 here.. Other its F10 :)18:18
geoffmccvbwe: if it did say f10 for boot options, then yex18:18
Dr_WillisI put a gold star sticker above the proper key on each pc.. :)18:18
ubuntunewbie777Guys, Could someone pls help me fix my Wifi problem - on 10.10?18:18
vbweyea edit boot options18:18
locki really think they try to spread it out across the keyboard just to keep you guessing18:18
Dr_Willisubuntunewbie777:  clarify the exact problem to the channel.18:18
geoffmccvbwe: when u hit jsut gonna be a generic screen listing network, hardrive , cdrom and hopefully usv18:18
goltoofcd /18:19
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rinku_kokirimy compaq (machine i'm on) has 2 bios selections, F10 for normal, F12 for extended (gives fan options)18:19
vbwenot like that18:19
HAF932guys, is there a way to connect ubuntu remotely with a graphical user interface?18:19
vbweedit windows boot options for windows 718:19
vbweit states18:19
goltoofHAF932,   vnc18:19
Krow_hi guyz18:19
Dr_WillisHAF932:  from what OS? VNC can do it.. freeNX can.. or ubuntu to ubuntu, just 'X' or 'ssh' can do it..18:19
mbeierlHAF932: there's remote desktop style (vnc) using vinagre18:19
rinku_kokiriHAF932, yes, but it requires SSH, and an X server on the client18:19
geoffmccvbwe: then thats not it--- go into bios and edit startup directly then18:19
Dr_WillisHAF932:  so 'yes' but it depends on the details. :)18:20
HAF932is it a default program comes with the package18:20
vbwek im entering18:20
vbwebios settings18:20
nerdy_kidanyone know how to adjust ufw's "LIMIT" rule?18:20
ubuntunewbie777Dr_Willis: I have a broadcom card and it refuses to even switch on. It was working fine in 10.04. Broke after the upgrade to 10.1018:20
vbweboot sequence?18:20
mbeierlHAF932: vinagre is shipped as part of gnome desktop by default18:20
geoffmccvbwe: yes18:20
geoffmccvbwe: make usb first18:20
vbweand then 1st boot usb:usb2.0 flash18:20
vbweok done18:20
vbwei got like 8 usb ports18:21
vbwedoes it matter\18:21
mbeierlHAF932: System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop18:21
geoffmccvbwe: restart with in and should load right up18:21
vbweyeah it works18:21
geoffmccvbwe: shouldnt18:21
vbwepurple screen18:21
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:21
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:21
geoffmccvbwe: glad it worked18:21
ubuntunewbie777Dr_Willis: I got it to work once with the STA driver in jockey, but that too broke after an upgrade. Now I've tried everything - both open source as well as proprietary ones18:21
ubuntunewbie777Nothing works. I've tried out everything in those pages - the links you've mentioned18:22
geoffmccvbwe: might as well just keep it like that cause as long as flash drive is not bootable - you shouldnt notice that usb is first device18:22
goltoofI just want to reformat my primary partition, i'm in knoppix  what do i say to format sda1 to get it ready for 10.1018:22
vbwei need to change the18:22
vbweboot sorry18:22
FloodBot3vbwe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:22
vbwewith my first ????18:22
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  if doing a clean install of 10.10 - you can just delete it and letave it unallocated. and let the 10.10 installer partiion/format it..18:22
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  no need to really do anything to it. the ubuntu installer can handle it. Unless you want a very specific layout.18:23
geoffmccvbwe: wait, whats going on18:23
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vbwesorry, i have yea changed 1st boot to USB, but i removed 1st device as my SATA, do i need to put the 6th boot device as my old sata?18:24
Dr_Willisvbwe:  i would imagine you want it to be usb , cdrom, then the HD.18:24
geoffmccvbwe: just the order that u need. if usb 1st i would but your hard drive (with operating systems) on second18:24
goltoofDR_Willis,  i think my drive got corrupted somehow so I wanted to reformat.  my problem is the livecd gives me errors and so does usb stick but different errors.  idk if it's something on the HD that's keeping them from booting but it's weird.18:24
geoffmccvbwe: that way if dont detect a bootable img on usb will boot right to OS18:25
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  check dmesg output.. if it mentions IO errrs./. thats bad..18:25
goltooffigured a proper reformat ahead of time would help18:25
vbweor CD as second18:25
geoffmccvbwe: right- i forgot about cd - dont do much booting of cds once installed though, so i usually keep that off18:26
geoffmccvbwe: but it to your liking18:26
goltoofDr_Willis,   I backed up all my stuff with knoppix so i'm doing ok.  now that it's all backed up i'll try to install and go from there18:26
vbweoke thnx18:26
geoffmccvbwe: anytime18:27
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  format it  and watch dmesg output for any errors I guess.18:27
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  perhaps try some other disk scan/verify tools also18:27
vbwelol just made L: drive in win7 but in ubuntu it says dev/sda1 sdb lol dont know which one is the right one:P18:27
goltoofDr_Willis,    like what?18:27
goltoofDr_Willis, I got some i/o errors...   can't paste since it's on another machine18:28
geoffmccvbwe: if your dual booting it usually notices the win partion-- are u using 10.10?18:28
nijanHello, this is a really weird problem, To connect to the internet i have to authenticate through this page: https://auth3.unipi.it/auth/perfigo_weblogin.jsp?cm=ws32vklm Using linux, no matter the browser or the distro, it idles forever and wont load nor return any errors. thanks  a lot18:28
resnonijan: you should likely contact your network administrator18:28
goltoofend_request: I/O error, dev cloop0, sector 386562418:28
rigvedActionParsnip: ya, sorry i had gone away for a while. so i serched using hardware drivers. there are no proprietary drivers in use on my compaq laptop.18:28
denis_bonoir des français ici ?18:28
resno!fr | denis_18:29
rigvedActionParsnip: so how do i use compiz to make grub2 load the low-level graphics mode by default18:29
ubottudenis_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:29
LjL!fr | denis_18:29
nijanresno, i forgot to say that it works on windows18:29
resnoLjL: i win18:29
vbwegeoffmcc yes 10.10 :D18:29
denis_ok merci bien18:29
geoffmccvbwe: it been a bit - but if i remember it should show you a little slide bar - half represents ubuntu - other half represents win - just shrink to liking18:29
resnonijan: yea, contact your network admin, you likely need an app to run18:29
asa__I have a weird problem. If I use any of my multimedia keys, ubuntu appears to crash. I can right click, but I can't left click or alt-tab. The only way I've found to get out of it is by using ctrl+alt+prntscrn+k. Is there a fix to this?18:29
vbweoke i just restarted i remade boot list18:29
vbwebecause main hdd wasnt on boot18:29
cHarNe2hi, i have a kernel-bug to report, where can i do that? (my NIC wont work with 2.6.32-24-generic)18:30
vbwegeoffmcc if i am going to programm like C++ or java etc. is ubuntu a better environment for that?18:30
nijansorry to insist resno, but i'd really to understand what's going on. what kind of app do you think i may need? it's just a plain html page (with jsp)18:30
cHarNe2second time i have this problem and last time it was a bug18:30
geoffmccvbwe: oh im sorry - we werent on same page-- you were still in boot menu18:30
goltoofman dmesg18:30
rinku_kokirinijan, you can install wireshark and monitor the traffic18:30
geoffmccvbwe>: i teaching myself and i use ubuntu for it all- yes18:30
vbweok so18:31
vbweim now in allocate drive space18:31
geoffmccvbwe: i like to do everything in nano - whereas in window you have to use their compile programs18:31
Dr_Willisvbwe:  be a bit verbose in what you are wanting/doing/the problem.18:32
geoffmccvbwe: carefull with the short multiple posts - ubottu will yell at you18:32
nijancan anybody load the page?18:32
vbweye sorry, hmm i cant find my right partition18:32
nijanrinku_kokiri, thanks, i'll have try even tohugh i don't think i'll have time to do that.18:32
geoffmccnijan: sorry - most probably dont click willy nilly on links that were posted in irc18:33
Dr_Willisvbwe:  how many hard drives do you have? - You can always check the output of 'sudo fdisk -l'18:33
vbwei went back i have 3 choises install alongside, erase, specify partitions18:33
vbwe3 hdd18:33
Dr_Willisvbwe:  3 hard DRIVES.. or 1 hard drive with 3 partitions?18:33
geoffmccvbwe: if u want dual boot u want along side18:33
vbwe3 hddrives18:33
goltoofend_request: I/O error, dev cloop0, sector 3865624    can anyone tell me what this means and how to fix it18:34
geoffmccvbwe: unless gonna but on own drive - then probably have to manual partition18:34
Dr_Willisso check fdisk -l, output and see whats what. :)18:34
vbwe1 hardrive with 2 partitions18:34
goltoofi can't boot 10.10  from cd or usb... i need to reinstall18:34
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vbwei have one hardrive of 1 tb18:34
goltoofi/o errors got something to do with it but not sure where to start18:34
vbweon that hd i made extra partition of 20 gb18:34
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  you did check the md5sum of the iso befor using it?18:35
goltoofof course not!  :)18:35
goltoofbut what about usb?18:35
goltoofno work either18:35
geoffmccvbwe: not sure - when i did it i had all one partition and let ubuntu installer do all work18:35
cutiyarhow to share internet ?18:35
rinku_kokirinijan well, pinging and wireshark both return same result18:36
rinku_kokirino response18:36
vbwedevice for boot loader18:36
rinku_kokiriat all from linux18:36
vbwewhich one18:36
sgo11hi, I am trying to combine png sequences to a video file. I tried "ffmpeg -i test%03d.png test.avi". but the output video is just the first frame.Did I do anything wrong?18:36
geoffmccvbwe: what options are you getting18:36
rigvedis it safe to remove the compiz packages from my compaq laptop (ubuntu 10.04)? i want to make grub2 load the low-level graphics mode by default (it means that desktop effects are diabled).18:36
rinku_kokirinijan, http://downorisitjustme.com/res.php?url=https%3A%2F%2Fauth3.unipi.it%2Fauth%2Fperfigo_weblogin.jsp%3Fcm%3Dws32vklm  says it's down18:36
vbwewind7 loader18:37
nijanrinku_kokiri, thanks, so i guess it can only be accessed inside the net18:37
vbwehd1 sda sda1 hd2 sdb sdb1 sdb2 sdb3 hd3 sdc sc1 w7 loader18:37
nijanor there is a firewall blocking *nix :)18:37
asa__What should I do if multimedia keys make my mouse freeze?18:37
geoffmccvbwe: wow, im totally lost, i dont remember ever getting anything like that18:38
nijanactually, i can ping and open auth3.unipi.it18:38
nijanbut not that page18:38
mbeierlasa__: warm it up?  sorry - couldn't resist :)18:38
geoffmccvbwe: you have only 2 partions on the disk right - one windows other you made for ubuntu18:38
vbwei have hd1 hd2 and hd3 with 3 partitions i think sorry18:38
bogomoI need help.When i was auditing my "UNSECURED" network, i was lucky enough to find some guy who's sending virus everybody.I google his machine name and find out that hes been doing some monkey business. Its "YOUR-727A0A4E7C"  what can i do ?18:38
vbweshall i go in windows first and look ?18:39
fadeinI'm running 10.10 on an ASUS eeePC netbook. Many people have been complaining that the "disable touchpad" hotkey Fn+F3 doesn't work.  I've noticed that it does work in gdm, and it's after logging in to X that it ceases to work.  Can anyone explain what's happening between GDM and X that could cause this?18:39
geoffmccvbwe: i dont have a clear understanding of the screen your getting and i am worried as to what to say - i dont wanna be responsible for loss of data18:39
Dr_Willisbogomo:  sneak up behind him with a rubber mallet?18:39
vbweok wait18:39
yagoofadein, there must be tinkers for that asus..18:40
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geoffmccvbwe: anything sda is one disk - if sdb is another disk and so on .... right channel?18:40
un2himhow do i install the new ubuntu system font in debian?18:40
yagoobogomo, try using WPA2+aes18:40
vbweive made a picture18:41
Dr_Willisun2him:  they have debs of it out ive seen.. could track one down.18:41
vbwei will upload it on imageshack geoffmcc18:41
fadeinyagoo: tinkers?18:41
xanguaun2him: http://font.ubuntu.com/18:41
geoffmccvbwe: k18:41
Dr_Willisun2him:  or just find teh font file and copy it to your .fonts dir18:41
goltoofDr_Willis,   can't really check the md5sum, it's an image someone burned for me.  the system is toast now.  any ideas how i get it to work with usb stick?18:42
un2himDr_Willis, xangua: thanks for the links!18:42
yagoofadein, search for "touchpad" there's a workaround link on this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks18:42
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  if you made the usb drive from a bad ISO image.. well.. you need to remake it with a good iso image.18:42
geoffmccvbwe: if it long url just msg me it18:42
goltoofDr_Willis,   i get this error   "(initramfs) Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.quashfs"   when i run the cd18:42
vbweok wait18:43
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  sounds like a bad cd to me.18:43
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  or some sort of read issue with it.. try it on other pcs ?18:43
trashbird1240I'm having trouble logging in from gdm on Lucid Lynx (10.04)18:45
goltoofDr_Willis,   trying usb again then i'll try redownloading the image18:45
rigvedhow can i make the low-level graphics mode (desktop effects diabled) of ubuntu my default (so that grub boots into it when i start)?18:45
rigvedi have a old compaq laptop, so it does not support the gnome de with the normal desktop effects enabled.18:45
geoffmccvbwe: k18:45
rigvedshould i remove the compiz packages?18:46
TaunoTum guys... i think i need help...18:46
TaunoTI have installed Ubuntu on Win 7 which has 2 partitions, ubuntu has been installed on the second one and win 7 download folder is located at the partition that ubuntu is on. How do i reach it?18:46
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  i thought theres some sort of 'verify the disk' option in the boot menus. that would verify the files.. unless of course its so badly messed up that dont even work18:46
xanguarigved: there is !lubuntu for low resources18:46
geoffmccgoltoof: if disk not working and u made usb boot off image - my $ on bad image18:46
trashbird1240Everything was working fine, then I restarted18:46
Dr_Willisrigved:  i think theres some confusuin on what you are trying to do.. If you want a minimal desktop for a low end system. try the 'lubuntu-desktop'  Its very handy.18:47
rigvedxangua: ok. i'll check that.18:47
trashbird1240After I enter my password and hit enter, the screen blanks and then returns me to the login screen (greeter)18:47
vbwewow takes long18:47
geoffmccvbwe: just said ok -- to you saying u were uploading to let u know i still here18:47
Dr_Willisrigved:  if you want to use gnome, then you can disable compiz.  that will disable the eyecandy. but still need more resources then lubuntu18:47
goltoofgeoffmcc,  yes, i just realized that18:47
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rigvedDr_Willis: no. i want to have the same set-up as ubuntu, but i just do not want the desktop effects.18:48
Dr_Willisrigved:  so disable compiz..18:48
Dr_Willisrigved:  set desktop effects to 'none' or use 'metacity --replace'18:48
geoffmccvbwe: yea?18:49
rigvedDr_Willis: should i just remove it using software center?18:49
rigvedDr_Willis: ok18:49
TaunoTCan someone answer my question please, i'd really appreciate it :S18:49
vbwegeoffmcc i have pmed you the link18:50
rony_i want to know,how can i explore my drive in terminal?18:50
blakkheimrony_: cd18:50
Dr_Willis!terminal | rony_18:50
ubotturony_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:50
geoffmccvbwe: checking now18:50
TaunoTI have installed Ubuntu on Win 7 which has 2 partitions, ubuntu has been installed on the second one and win 7 download folder is located at the partition that ubuntu is on. How do i reach it?18:51
Dr_Willisrony_:  spend a few min reading some command line tutorials..  the go for it.18:51
philinuxTaunoT: Is this wubi?18:51
geoffmccTaunoT: windows does a pretty good job at hiding the ubuntu partition , i would boot into ubuntu put files on usb and then go windiows and change download folder to where should be in windows18:51
philinuxTaunoT: Then there should be a menu at boot up to choose either OS18:52
geoffmccTaunoT: sorry didnt see the wubi- that might be different18:52
wildc4rdevenin' all!18:52
vbwedid the image work geoffmcc18:52
Dr_WillisWUBI can access the windows drives.. i was thinking it was allready setup that way. but i forget where. :) i recall looking this up on the wubi wiki pages for a guyy in here once.18:52
rony_what is the command for explore my drive?18:52
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe18:52
TaunoTcurrently i'm on ubuntu18:52
Dr_Willisrony_:  clarify what you mean by 'explore'18:52
blakkheimrony_: i just told you18:53
rony_how can i open my drive by terminal?18:53
philinuxTaunoT: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20can%20I%20access%20the%20Wubi%20files%20from%20Windows?18:53
sir_tyrionHi I did `sudo passwd` to change my password but the new pass doesn't unlock my gnome-keyring?!? Help?18:54
rony_i need some essential command18:54
gopperThe gnome-translate tool shows some HTML tags in the "Translated text" field. Is there a way to get rid of them?18:54
vbwehttp://img836.imageshack.us/i/imageebt.jpg/ << wil it select here my extra partition of 20 gb that i created in win 718:54
Dr_Willisrony_:  you need to be more clear. 'open the drive' has several meanings...18:54
rigvedDr_Willis: wait. there a problem with that. i cannot boot using the normal mode because my laptop does not support the default desktop effects. so everytime i have to boot into recovery mode, and run in the failsafe graphics mode - the only option i can select is run in low-end graphics mode only for this session only (that's low-end graphics mode with desktop effects disabled). so there is no way to set the graphics mode to "no desktop effects". i'l try me18:54
rigvedtacity --replace.18:54
Dr_Willisrony_:  if you mean 'start the gui file manager at a set location' the command is 'nautilus'18:54
geoffmccvbwe: seem my pm18:55
Dr_Willisrigved:  use the alt-cd to install if you wanted to not use the gui installer.18:55
TaunoTphilinux: What i'm trying to do , is use contents of windows 7 download folder while running ubuntu (wubi).18:55
blakkheimTaunoT: just do a real install, don't bother with wubi18:55
Dr_Willisrigved:  i dont know wht 'default' desktop effects you mean. Unless the thing has a issue with X due to its drivers.18:55
sir_tyrionHi I did `sudo passwd` to change my password but the new pass doesn't unlock my gnome-keyring?!? Only my old password unlocks teh keyring18:55
rigvedDr_Willis: i have installed using the alt-cd, because my laptop cannot run the normal ubuntu cd18:55
blakkheim!repeat | sir_tyrion18:56
ubottusir_tyrion: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:56
Dr_Willisrigved:  and your video card is what exactly?18:56
philinuxTaunoT: The Windows partition where you installed Wubi is available as /host within Ubuntu (places > computer > file system > host) All the other partitions will be available under places > removable media18:56
TaunoTOh, wubi is not as good as clean install?18:56
vbwewith 10.10 install which device do i need to select for boot loader installation, windows 7 loader??18:56
blakkheimTaunoT: no18:56
Dr_Willisphilinux:  i was trying to look that up. :) i knew it was some easy name..  but not in /media/ like one would expect.18:56
Dr_WillisTaunoT:  wubi.. sort of.. well.. sucks.. :)18:57
rigvedDr_Willis: not sure. i'll check. it's some integrated intel chipset18:57
rony_how can i play a song by typing command in terminal?18:57
AbhiJithow to open .dir and .pag files?18:57
=== Eric is now known as Guest23212
philinuxTaunoT: I would only use it to test and i would not allow any ubuntu updates especially to any item of brub.18:57
TaunoTPhinilux: Thanks for that tip!18:57
cutiyarthis link is for wired connection https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing?action=show&redirect=InternetConnectionSharing18:57
Dr_Willisrony_:  theres many command line media players.. mpg123 is one.18:57
Guest23212Can anyone tell me how to register a username?18:58
cutiyarbut my internet is modem internet18:58
Guest23212I'm actually completing my launchpad account18:58
Dr_Willisrony_:  theres proberly a dozen others.. depends on the format of the file18:58
cutiyarmobile broad band18:58
philinuxI meant Grub updates18:58
xcarmabhijeet: asked google18:58
AbhiJit!google | xcarm18:58
ubottuxcarm: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:58
TaunoTPhiniIux: found what i was looking for.18:58
AbhiJitI dont have google-fu! :)18:58
JoeMaverickSettAbhiJit: for .dir http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/dir18:59
JohnHeikkilaHey, I need help with my wireless. I installed some updates, rebooted and the wireless didn't work anymore. Rebooting doesn't work. Here's my wireless' specs: http://pastebin.com/SSfQELiU18:59
goltoofI'm a black belt at finding all the wrong answers on google18:59
rony_how can i shut down my pcin terminal?18:59
JoeMaverickSettAbhiJit: .pag http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/PRG18:59
vbwewho is using nnscript can someone tell me a clear nnscript theme lol18:59
AbhiJitJoeMaverickSett, no thats not18:59
Dr_Willisrony_:  the 'shutdown' command..18:59
JoeMaverickSettAbhiJit: how so?19:00
AbhiJitJoeMaverickSett, its .prg i want .pag19:00
vbwewho is using nnscript can someone tell me a clear nnscript theme lol19:00
francesco_xdcc list19:00
JoeMaverickSettAbhiJit: hold on.19:00
philinuxTaunoT: A better way to test would be a persistent live usb.19:00
xcarmJohnHeikkila: restart router and try again19:00
AbhiJitJoeMaverickSett, and .dir you gave me is movie while the .dir i have is gdbms19:00
rony_how can i unmount my places in terminal?19:00
JohnHeikkilaxcarm: You'd think it's so easy, but all the other laptops have a network19:00
Dr_Willisrony_:  the 'umount' command...19:00
Dr_Willis!terminal | rony_19:00
ubotturony_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:00
AbhiJitJoeMaverickSett, gdbm19:00
JohnHeikkilaxcarm: Just my Ubuntu laptop is the one that can't find the wireless19:01
Dr_Willisrony_:  note the lack of a n in 'umount'19:01
JohnHeikkilaxcarm: Worked all fine before the updates :/19:01
xcarmJohnHeikkila: behind have a little dot.. push it19:01
rigvedDr_Willis: ok. i have a 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device with a HP Company Device 08bc sub-system19:01
Wavesonicsboy this is gonna sound stupid... I have a dovecot mail server setup, but i havent used it in a long time, now I can't figure out how to connect to it. In the conf it has protocols=none, but i know i connected to it at some point and it was fine. This is what nmap says i have open right nwo: http://pastebin.com/BSbhrwGQ19:01
Guest23212can anyone help me with username registration?19:02
kubancwhat the best iso image burner for ubuntu....19:02
JohnHeikkilaHey, I need help with my wireless. I installed some updates, rebooted and my laptop didn't find the wireless anymore. All the other laptops get the connection. Rebooting doesn't work. Here's my wireless' specs: http://pastebin.com/SSfQELiU19:02
rony_how can i explore my places in terminal?19:02
gopperThe gnome-translate tool shows some HTML tags in the "Translated text" field. Is there a way to get rid of them?19:02
bleu_im having an issue where im at the login in screen and when I log in it goes rite back to login screen19:02
petankubanc: for linux?19:02
kubancpetan, yes19:02
JohnHeikkilakubanc: Brasero19:02
kubancfur ubuntu 10.10...19:02
JohnHeikkilaHey, I need help with my wireless. I installed some updates, rebooted and my laptop didn't find the wireless anymore. All the other laptops get the connection. Rebooting doesn't work. Here's my wireless' specs: http://pastebin.com/SSfQELiU19:02
xcarmJohnHeikkila: possible is a firmware to be sux, try what i say you19:02
IchatGuest23212:  - use /nickserv help register19:02
fadeinbleu_: what type of session are you trying to launch?19:02
Dr_Willisrigved:  theres been some known issues with some intel chipsets  in the last few releases.. You may want to check teh forums for your exact chipset and see if any others have similer issues.19:02
petankubanc try brasero it is good19:03
kubancJohnHeikkila, brasero gots stuck at creating checksum19:03
bleu_fadein: trying to log into the desktop19:03
philinuxJohnHeikkila: I would delete the wireless settings under network manager and then add back.19:03
xcarmrony_: ls ?19:03
kubancpetan, it got stuck at the creating checksum...19:03
rigvedDr_Willis: ok. tanx for your help19:03
xcarmrony_: dir ? :-)19:03
fadeinbleu_: I know, but is it Gnome, Fluxbox, KDE, etc.?19:03
petankubanc I know only terminal tools then19:03
remix_userI'm using netbook remix, and I've been having an intermittent problem with it not letting me shutdown....It worked fine when I used it this past Monday, and I let my netbook sit and haven't used it this week. I was using it just now and when I try to shutdown instead of shutting down it takes me to the login screen. The system log says "WARNING: Unable To Stop System: Not Authorized" -- it is a pretty much stock install with only a few e19:03
remix_userxtra packages installed and some minor tweaks to the theme and such...any ideas?19:03
vbwein w7 i created a 20 gb partition for ubuntu called K:, but in ubuntu install i got this http://img836.imageshack.us/i/imageebt.jpg/19:04
bleu_fadein: what ever default is, its a fresh install19:04
kubancpetan, can you give me terminal command for burning iso image...19:04
vbwewhich one do i need to choose19:04
petankubanc brasero works good for burning of img it is weird you have troubles with that19:04
fadeinbleu_: ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu?19:04
seeker60does ubuntu 10.10 format hard drive before install?19:04
bleu_fadein: ubuntu19:04
fadeinbleu_: depends on which flavor you installed19:04
Dr_Willisvbwe:  linux dosent use drive letters. You can use windows and have some 'unallocated' space that linux can use. there was no need for windows to format it.19:04
administradorhola español19:04
petankubanc burn19:04
bleu_fadein: ubuntu 10.1019:04
blakkheimvbwe: sdb319:04
kubancpetan, do i need to do some specific preferences for brasero?19:04
petankubanc apt-get install burn19:05
geoffmccDr_Willis: in that pic i believe it sdb3 - but im not sure were to tell him to put bootlaoder19:05
Dr_Willisvbwe:  use windows.. delete the k: partition, leave it unallocated.. restart ubuntu isntaller. and it can 'use unallocated space'19:05
trojan_spikeany1 recommend a good M-B with on board raid19:05
geoffmccDr_Willis: would that be in sdb3 as well?19:05
petankubanc not just burn iso19:05
fadeinbleu_: can you log in using one of the other profiles?19:05
Dr_Willisgeoffmcc:  depends :) normally it would be on sda. but i often keep linux on its own hd. and put it on the HD linux is on.19:05
fadeinbleu_: such as failsafe?19:05
OddJoe69hey all, I am needing some help with my sound. I have posted on the forums about it, but no replys. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10066720#post1006672019:05
rony_how can i install virtualbox closed source edition in ubuntu 10.10?19:05
Dr_Willisgeoffmcc:  'sdb' most likely NOT sdb319:05
vbwehow about boot loader19:05
vbweon which device do i need to install it19:05
Dr_Willis!virtualbox | rony_19:05
ubotturony_: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox19:05
xanguarony_: download it from it's web19:05
bleu_fadein: im rather new to linux so i don know how to do much19:06
xangua!es > administrador19:06
ubottuadministrador, please see my private message19:06
Dr_Willisvbwe:  sda, or sdb.19:06
kubancpetan, i'll try it again...19:06
petankubanc it should work19:06
Dr_Willisvbwe:  sda would be the common place19:06
xcarmhey, i have mobile broundband stick.. how can i installed under ubuntu 9.1019:06
kubanci hope it won't stuck at creating checksum...19:06
remix_uservbwe: install the bootloader on the first disk that u boot from19:06
bleu_fadein: how to i get to fail safe login?19:06
geoffmccis> geoffmcc:  depends :) normally it would be on sda. but i often keep linux on its own hd. and   Affar-SV19:06
remix_useras indicated in your bios19:06
vbwei got also this one dev/sdc1/windows7(loader)19:06
fadeinbleu_: at the bottom of the login screen should be a drop-down that says something like "Ubuntu Desktop Editon"19:06
vbwedo i need to sleect that one?19:06
geoffmccDr_Willis: thank u i knew wasnt in 3 -- or i should say i figured19:07
fadeinbleu_: click it, and go into "Recovery Console"19:07
fadeinbleu_: then tell me if that worked19:07
lockxcarm you will have to see if that stick has linux driver support19:07
unsignedWhy does 'startx' start the DE? I want to just start X w/o the DE (I'm on 10.04)19:07
xcarmhow can i check busy usb?19:07
bleu_fadein: will do brb19:07
xanguavbwe: just install ubuntu in the 20gb partition without any special modification19:07
OddJoe69how can I get my sound working right? Realtek ALC888 sound card19:07
Dr_Willisunsigned:  because startx reads various settings files to tell it what to launch.19:08
xcarmlock: yes, where can i downloaded this driver?19:08
baagzOddJoe69: try googling for that + driver19:08
Dr_Willisunsigned:  if you want just bare 'X' then run 'X' perhaps.19:08
vbwedo i need to make it unallocated first xangua19:08
Dr_Willisunsigned:  i cant imagine why you want that however.19:08
lockOddJoe69: you try System>Admin>HArdware drivers19:08
kubancpetan, why is it doing image checksum...?19:08
vbwebut do i need to select windows7(load) as boot loader?19:08
lockxcarm: you will have to check the device website to see if they support linux19:08
unsignedDr_Willis, i'm creating a special configuration for embedded use19:08
lockxcarm: what type of stick is it?19:09
xanguavbwe: you can't, grub will be the bootloader19:09
goltoofany way to see transmission settings from cl?   ie, download statuses, add new torrent url/file19:09
OddJoe69lock: when I did that it only came up with something for my video card, which is fully up to date with drivers.19:09
vbwewhat is grub19:09
petankubanc what checkum it should be at the end of burning but thats optional19:09
administradoral guien habla español19:09
lockOddJoe69: hmmm, you check device website for linux driver support?19:09
Dr_Willis!grub | vbwe19:09
ubottuvbwe: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:09
xanguagoltoof: transmission has a cli interface, i belive you need to installed19:09
remix_userI'm using netbook remix, and I've been having a problem with it not letting me shutdown....when I try to shutdown instead of shutting down it takes me to the login screen. The system log says "WARNING: Unable To Stop System: Not Authorized" -- any ideas?19:09
goltoof!sp administrador,19:10
wiredfoolI've got a packet loss problem across a bridge for KVM on lucid server -- it's a 2 nic server, internal and external nets. One bridge is working fine, one is dropping packets in waves, from the host to the vm. The packets are getting to the bridge (according to tcpdump), but not getting to the vm inside, according to a fw logging rule as the first input rule. I've checked arp, and it's stable on both ends. Packets from the vm -> host seem to be ok, an19:10
xangua!es > administrador19:10
wiredfoolthere's a constant ping vm-> host, the inbound packets are way more stable.19:10
ubottuadministrador, please see my private message19:10
xcarmlock: yes, they support this device under ubuntu, but the method who they post is not works19:10
bleu_fadein: ok it loged me into a console19:10
metaphazeHow can I use dmraid to populate /dev/mapper with an Intel RAID Volume so I can mnt the filesystem in Ubuntu?19:10
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JohnHeikkilaphilinux: Yeah, but that wouldn't work for my laptop can't find any wireless networks19:10
fadeinbleu_: ok.  that means that there is something scurvy with your Gnome setup19:10
JohnHeikkilaphilinux: "sudo iwlist scan" shows "no scan results"19:11
bleu_fadein: from a fresh install? what do i need to do to fix it19:11
sjm!es | administrador19:11
ubottuadministrador: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:11
philinuxJohnHeikkila: Ah right you mean it dont even detect any.  Ok try reboting and at grub choose the older kernel19:11
vbweDr_Willis do i need to make ubuntu drive unallocated first?19:12
fadeinbleu_: in that console, can you see what's in your /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop?19:12
JohnHeikkilaphilinux: Sure, I'll try it.19:12
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philinuxJohnHeikkila: Connect it wired and try to update19:12
deepinfernohello! how can i know what is this? \x47\x72\x65\x65\x6e\x20\x48\x61\x74\x20\x4c\x69\x6e\x75\x7819:12
JohnHeikkilaphilinux: I am connected to a wire19:12
EuthanatosI think i figured out the root of my problem https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/84145/  how can use that to fix it?19:12
bleu_fadein: let me go check its in a diff room19:12
Dr_Willisvbwe:  not really.. thje installer can delete/remake the partitions it needs.. its easier to have it use the unallocated space if you are setting up the HD's beforhand.19:12
vbwehow can i sellect a partition19:12
eurythmiadeepinferno: with the context you've given us, it could be just about anything.19:12
vbwein install19:12
JohnHeikkilaphilinux: But what exactly should I update? apt-get update, upgrade do nothibf19:12
Dr_Willisvbwe:  theres was no need for you to reformat the 'k:' drive under widnows,. just having unaloccated space would have worked.19:12
JohnHeikkilaphilinux: *nothing19:12
JohnHeikkilaphilinux: Any ideas before I boot to an older kernel?19:13
petanvbwe it should ask you19:13
philinuxJohnHeikkila: Has this machine only got buntu on it19:13
JohnHeikkilaphilinux: Yes19:13
eurythmiadeepinferno: the general answer is that it appears to be the hexidecimal representation of 15 bytes.19:13
philinuxJohnHeikkila: You might have accidently knocked the wirlesss switch on the lappy19:13
vbweDr_Willis http://img836.imageshack.us/i/imageebt.jpg/ is this the way to select that partition ?19:13
lockxcarm: does it say what version of ubuntu it supports or just ubuntu in general?19:14
JohnHeikkilaphilinux: No, besides the reboot would have dealt with that (my laptop has a button for wireless, not switch)19:14
deepinfernoeurythmia: hmm, but how can i discovery what is write there?19:14
Dr_Willisvbwe:  is sdb3 the partition you wanted to use?19:14
philinuxJohnHeikkila: Try an older kernel. And try the livecd19:14
JohnHeikkilaphilinux: And my network manager shows if it's disabled19:14
JohnHeikkilaphilinux: Sure, brb19:14
blockyAnybody ever used the redshift app to change monitor color temperature? I installed it and now my monitor is super orange, and I can't disable it19:14
eurythmiadeepinferno: by figuring out where it came from, and what type of data it should be. Once you know what type of data it is, it's trivial to decode.19:15
metaphazeHow can I use dmraid to populate /dev/mapper with an Intel RAID Volume so I can mnt the filesystem in Ubuntu?19:15
baggar11blocky: can you kill the process?19:16
blockybaggar11, it didn't help. I fixed it though, installed a config app called redshiftgui19:17
metaphazelets start with something easier19:18
metaphazehow can I map the Windows key to open a new terminal?19:18
goltoofwhats up with my system not being able to mount things?  thumbdrives, hard drives... keeps telling me i'm not authorized19:18
bleu_fadein: ok i can see that dir19:18
metaphazegoltoof, before you mount do the following19:18
Dr_Willismetaphaze:  you may want to just use guake, or some other 'terminal on a Fkey' tool.19:19
dlihi, how do I hide the text part "Applications" of the system menu anchor, and showing only an icon?19:19
metaphaze'sudo mount /dev/*19:19
goltoofmetaphaze,  is that before i insert the device?19:19
VDZHello. I have a problem: I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 while having WinXP Pro 64-bit installed, and now it only boots Ubuntu, not giving me a choice to boot WinXP19:19
drx1Can anyone recommend a good, easy to setup, reliable FOSS digital signage applications?19:20
bleu_fadein: ?19:20
metaphazegoltoof, *after*19:20
metaphazetype 'sudo' prior to issuing the mount command19:20
goltoofhmm.. nada19:20
fadeinbleu_: so you have a gnome.desktop file in there?19:21
metaphazeVDZ, send me a PM for instructions19:21
uskihi; I just installed 10.10 but I am affected by a (known) kernel bug which required me to to use the boot param nohz=off. I booted on the live cd trying to tell the grub of the harddisk to boot ubuntu with that parameter, but i am not familiar with grub 2; which file should I modify and/or which command should I run to tell grub2 to use the nohz=off param ? thx19:21
bleu_fadein: yes19:21
killerkristin1Can someone help me.  I used to be able to record sound on my PC via my USB Headset but now it wont work.  I see the sound levels when using Sound Preferences but no Application captures sound19:21
goltoofmetaphaze,    doesn't do anything... still not seeing anything in /mnt19:21
metaphazegoltoof, did it get rid of the authorization?19:22
Dr_Willisuski:  in /etc/default/grub theres a 'default options' line19:22
goltoofmetaphaze, nope19:22
bleu_fadein: i tried to fresh install like 3 times and it still does this19:22
Dr_Willisuski:  you can also edit the grub boot menu on the fly. and add it to the end, for a one time test.   You will  need to proberly do that, then edit the file, then rerun 'sudo update-grub'19:22
Dr_Willisuski:  to make it always be there.19:22
dreinullkillerkristin1: do you have audacity?19:23
rigvedDr_Willis: ok. so idid some search and i found out that my laptop has two video drivers - i740 and i8xx+i9xx. so you think that these two drivers are clashing and causing a problem.19:23
goltoofgetting a little bored now... need to make a bootable usb image and now it won't mount my pendrive19:23
killerkristin1dreinull: no19:24
dreinullkillerkristin1: what other programs do you use for capturing?19:24
rigvedDr_Willis: i found that the bug of the gpu locking on some old laptops has been fixed in i81019:24
hblounthi. is there a simple way to change the color of the top title bar thing on different windows?19:24
killerkristin1Sound Recorder19:24
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dreinullkillerkristin1: can you chose the input device?19:24
killerkristin1I can hear the microphone if I up the mic volume in alsamixer19:24
dreinullAbhiJit: wa aleikum salam19:24
killerkristin1I can hear myself there19:24
rigvedDr_Willis: should i remove the i740 drivers?19:24
killerkristin1THe USB Headset is set to both input and output in Sound Preferences19:25
dreinullsorry AbhiJit, meant abo-adeb19:25
AbhiJitdreinull, who are you?19:25
JohnHeikkilaHey, I need help! I installed updates for my Ubuntu today, rebooted and now my wireless ain't working. Logs have registered this error: ath5k phy0: gain calibration timeout19:25
fadeinbleu_: dumb question now: does your gnome.desktop file look like this: pastebin.com/k1GpxL4Q19:25
bleu_fadein: any idea19:25
goltoofanyone... please help me get a pen drive mounted, i get no authorization19:25
rinku_kokiriGuess I Got My Swaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaga19:25
goltoofso close19:25
dreinullAbhiJit: as I say, autocomplete failure19:25
JohnHeikkilaMy ath5k driver apparently died19:25
bleu_fadein: you mean if i open it?19:25
AbhiJitsomeone please have a look. he is trolling19:25
fadeinbleu_: yeah19:26
JohnHeikkilaAbhiJit: Who is19:26
bleu_fadein: i would have to check19:26
JohnHeikkilaHey, I need help! I installed updates for my Ubuntu today, rebooted and now my wireless ain't working. Logs have registered this error: ath5k phy0: gain calibration timeout19:26
bleu_fadein: whats the name of the txt editor?19:26
AbhiJitJohnHeikkila, drei null19:26
wpa_hi, am having problems with print drivers... anyone here know if I can print to an xp served printer and usr the xp driver to do it (ie - not use ubuntu to print it, just to give it to the server to sort out. The printer is not supported in linux :(19:26
killerkristin1dreinull is currently helping me19:26
fadeinbleu_: it's a short file.  just cat it.19:26
bleu_fadein: cat?19:27
dreinullkillerkristin1: if you can see audio input then youre probably picking up the wrong signal19:27
fadeinbleu_: cat /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop19:27
OddJoe69hey umm I am trying to fix my sound drivers. and I went to the alsa base via gedit and the file is empty19:27
bleu_fadein: ok brb19:27
goltoofanyone... please help me get a thumb drive mounted, i get no authorization19:27
=== cmhamill is now known as shapoopy
oxicarusthe old-faschioned 'cat file >/dev/printerdevice' is still got its charm.19:27
dreinullAbhiJit: come on, I meant abo-adeb, my autocomplete picked the wrong nick. I just replied to his greeting in Arabic.19:27
JohnHeikkilaHey, I need help! I installed updates for my Ubuntu today, rebooted and now my wireless ain't working. Logs have registered this error: ath5k phy0: gain calibration timeout19:27
hovefirseHi folks. I'm trying to compile a driver for my wireless network dongle on Maverick, but the driver code provided is for an older kernel (8.04). I get quirky error messages, like "error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘get_stats’". Any gurus here who know what to do in cases like this?19:28
AbhiJitdreinull, who are you?19:28
rigvedmy compaq laptop has two video drivers - i740 and i8xx+i9xx. so you think that these two drivers are clashing and causing a problem. will anything go if i remove the i740 drivers?19:28
AbhiJitdreinull, do i know you?19:28
dreinullAbhiJit: no, I dont know you and you dont know me.19:28
killerkristin1like I said if I jack the Mic volume for the headset to 100% I can hear myself so I know it is working but for some reason my Applications are not registering sound19:28
uskiDr_Willis, thanks, that default/grub option was exactly what I've been looking for!19:28
bleu_fadein: ok  no it doesnt look like what you put19:28
fadeinbleu_: how different is it?  wildly different?19:28
gopperThe gnome-translate tool shows some HTML tags in the "Translated text" field, probably because of the Google translator. Is there a way to get rid of them?19:28
Dr_Willisuski:  play with that 'beep' option in the file :) it can play a tune as it boots.. heh.19:28
dreinullkillerkristin1: yes, because your applications are listening in the wrong place.19:29
bleu_fadein: it says stuff like gnome session this and that19:29
goltoofokay, too many desparate people here...  walking it off now..19:29
killerkristin1I changed the input though so how could that be?19:29
killerkristin1I rebooted just in case and that didnt fix it19:29
dreinullgoltoof: whats the problem?19:29
goltoofdreinull,  trying to get a thumb drive mounted, i get no authorization19:30
fadeinbleu_: The important thing, I think, is the Exec= part19:30
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount19:30
dreinullkillerkristin1: ubuntu and sound can be like rewriting the kernel. My experience.19:30
hovefirseOr, which group would be better suited for questions regarding this problem?19:30
JohnHeikkilaHey, I need help! I installed updates for my Ubuntu today, rebooted and now my wireless ain't working. Logs have registered this error: ath5k phy0: gain calibration timeout19:30
bleu_fadein: what is it supposed to say?19:30
dreinullgoltoof: did you try the terminal?19:30
goltoofdreinull,   this started happening recently, sometimes it'll mount, most times it won't.19:30
petangoltof what fs is on drive? fat?19:30
petan* goltoof19:30
goltoofdreinull,   doesn't appear in /mnt19:30
dreinullgoltoof: so you're using automount?19:30
fadeinbleu_: I believe that it should look like mine.  Mine works.  I'm curious to see yours...19:31
dreinullgoltoof: did you check /media?19:31
fadeinbleu_: i think the default editor is called pico19:31
goltoofdreinull,   if you consider plugging it in and just expecting it to work as "automount" then yes19:31
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dreinullkillerkristin1: sorry I'm not sure I can help you.19:31
hblounthi. is there a simple way to change the color of the top title bar thing on different windows?19:31
JohnHeikkilaHey, I need help! I installed updates for my Ubuntu today, rebooted and now my wireless ain't working. Logs have registered this error: ath5k phy0: gain calibration timeout19:31
goltoofdreinull, not in media either19:31
fadeinbleu_: you'll need to use sudo to edit that file19:31
petangoltoof what fs19:31
djznwhich videocard brand should I acquire for linux, NVIDIA or AMD19:32
fadeinbleu_: just had another idea.  Log in to the recovery console19:32
killerkristin1JohnHeikkila: try reinstalling your drivers19:32
fadeinbleu_: when it comes up, run gnome-session in that terminal19:32
goltoofit shows in nautilus places, but i get "Not authorized" when i try to get into it19:32
bleu_fadein: ok will try the recovery19:32
goltoofpetan, fat3219:32
fadeinbleu_: it'll try to launch gnome - if it fails, hopefully it will say something useful in the console19:32
Guitar_Arthello all19:32
Guitar_Art( :19:32
JohnHeikkilakillerkristin1: I can't find ath5k from synaptic19:32
metaphazeany software raid guys here?19:32
petangoltoof type mount in terminal do you see it?19:32
dreinullgoltoof: sorry, no idea.19:32
fadeinbleu_: that may clue you in on what is wrong19:33
goltoofpetan,  nope19:33
dreinullwow, this channel is like a bazaar.19:33
petangoltoof are you in group fuse or adm in /etc/group19:33
icarus_Hi has anyone used dradis in ubuntu i have a few questions?19:33
hovefirseHi folks. I'm trying to compile a driver for my wireless network dongle on Maverick, but the driver code provided is for an older kernel (8.04). I get quirky error messages, like "error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘get_stats’". Any gurus here who know what to do in cases like this?19:33
goltoofpetan,  o_0   please elaborate19:33
killerkristin1JohnHeikkila: what wireless card you using?19:33
petangoltoof type ls /dev/sd*19:33
metaphazedreinull, yeah it is19:33
goltoofpetan, /dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  /dev/sda5  /dev/sdb19:34
JohnHeikkilakillerkristin1: Atheros AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter19:34
petangoltoof swith to rot19:34
arvutIt seems my aptitude has problems locking on to some dir. any idea on how to fix this?19:34
dreinullpetan: i.e. use windows?19:34
goltoofpetan,   ok19:34
petangoltoof type mkdir /media/drive19:34
petangoltoof then mount /dev/sdb /media/drive19:35
orbitHello, i have Ubuntu 10.0.4 and every time i reboot my computer the visual effects are gone, someone know a way to fix this? i got a Nvidia 9600MX card.19:35
petandreinull: what?19:35
goltoofpetan,   how do you know /sbd is the right one?19:36
icarus_I have same problem on login screen sice update, the resolution is not right19:36
dreinullpetan: swith to rot -> Rot quickly.19:36
petangoltoof: how many drives you have19:36
goltoofmount: special device /dev/sbd does not exist19:36
icarus_Hi has anyone used dradis before?19:36
arvutI get the following errors in aptitude: "Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock..."19:36
petangoltoof it is sdb typo19:36
goltoofpetan,  just one19:36
vinooi'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on my dell inspiron 14 n4030 but i cant boot from the cd, error: GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)19:37
vinooany idea?19:37
goltoofpetan,  and there it is19:37
goltoofpetan,  but why am i having to do this?19:37
goltoofpetan,   i see the contents now19:37
killerkristin1JohnHeikkila: This may help someone. I have Atheros AR5001 and I have managed to make my wifi work with the following commands:19:37
killerkristin1sudo apt-get update19:37
killerkristin1sudo modprobe acer-wmi19:37
petangoltoof: are you in group adm?19:37
goltoofpetan,   gee i'm really not familiar with working with groups19:38
JohnHeikkilakillerkristin1: Okay, tried that but no. Currently following this topic: http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=928777019:38
goltoofpetan, what should i check?19:38
Jordan_Ugoltoof: It might have something to do with the fact that your drive does not have a partition table, which is rather odd and likely not tested very much.19:38
petangoltoof check if you have permision to mount drives19:38
JohnHeikkilakillerkristin1: So do I need to reboot or restart my wireless for the changes to take place?19:38
petangoltoof open users panel19:38
killerkristin1shouldnt need to but give it a shot19:39
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karthick1987How to stop ssh service19:39
bleu_fadein: i could log into safe mode session19:39
goltoofJordan_U, `  is that something that i could create for the drive?  or does it need to be redone?19:39
bleu_fadein: and the exec=gnome session19:40
fizzlefishQuestion.  I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 my work computer to try out.  I am having trouble connecting to windows directories on the file server. I get the following error.  "Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server"  Any suggestions?19:40
Scunizikarthick1987: sudo service ssh stop19:40
killerkristin1JohnHeikkila: try this as well sudo ifconfig wlan0 up19:40
petanJordan_U: not I do not think so the drive works19:40
goltoofpetan, ok.. not sure what to change here19:40
JohnHeikkilakillerkristin1: Yeah, I've tried all the if- and iwconfig commands19:40
Scunizifizzlefish: install smbfs/cifs first as a test19:40
petangoltoof: check if there is permission to mount19:40
ANTRatls -lrt19:40
fadeinbleu_: let me understand you: when you ran "gnome-session" from the recovery console, it logged you into gnome?19:41
Jordan_Upetan: But it certainly does not have a partition table, which may break some assumptions made by the auto mounter.19:41
petanJordan_U: why do you think that19:41
goltoofpetan,   i'm the only user.. not clear where to check for mount perms19:41
killerkristin1JohnHeikkila: I am not sure then sorry19:41
bleu_fadein: i exited the terminal, loged in under safe mode19:41
Jordan_Ugoltoof: It's possible to make a partition after the fact without reformatting the drive completely, but not easy.19:41
petangoltoof: open your account and then groups or permission then look there19:41
giannij #ubuntu-it19:42
bleu_fadein: and in that file you are asking about the part where exec is it says gnome desktop19:42
fadeinbleu_: yeah, that's the name of the program that the login screen should run after it checks your password19:42
goltoofpetan, yes, looking.. not clear... but still looking :)19:42
petanJordan_U: why you think it does not have partition? it is unneccessary auto mount works for drives like that19:42
fadeinbleu_: so I'm just asking you to run it manually to see if it gives an error message in the recovery console19:42
Jordan_Upetan: He does not have any sdb1, only sdb. And since he can mount "sdb" directly it means that he has no partition table, just a filesystem starting at the beginning of the drive.19:43
bleu_fadein: oh19:43
fadeinbleu_: otherwise, if it's erroring out, it's probably just throwing the output away19:43
bleu_let me try to run that from the terminal19:43
petanJordan_U: it is flash drive those are formated like that it is ok19:43
goltoofpetan,  maybe i should check with cli instead19:44
petangoltoof: if you open user panel and open your account what is there19:44
petangoltoof: some tab like permission do you see it19:44
Jordan_Upetan: Some flash drives are formatted this way, but most aren't (and I personally think none should be). While the automounter should still work reliably in this case I wouldn't be surprised if this case isn't tested very often.19:44
arvuthow can I kill dpkg?19:44
goltoofpetan,  System > Administration > Users & Groups  ?19:45
petangoltoof: indeed19:45
goltoofpetan,   negative19:45
dliarvut, usually, you don't kill it19:45
petangoltoof: can you open that19:45
dliarvut, Ctl-C, if you have to19:45
goltoofpetan,   yes i can open it but i can't find anything that you ask for19:45
petangoltoof: modify account19:45
Sean93arvut: do "top | grep dpkg"19:46
jpdsSean93: I think you mean: ps auxf | grep ...19:46
goltoofpetan,  there is no "modify account"  :)   need to get a little more specific where to look19:46
Sean93jpds: I'm a noob :P19:46
petangoltoof: properties on your19:46
petangoltoof: user privileges19:47
arvutits not running, but there is a lock on some dpkg dir that prevents me from running any updating application19:47
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
arvutroot     25329  0.0  1.3  31828 28472 ?        Ds   17:54   0:00 /usr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 36 --unpack --auto-deconfigure /var/cache/apt/archives/libasound2_1.0.23-1ubuntu2.1_i319:47
arvutthats what I'm getting from ps aux19:47
goltoofpetan,  ok... i got too much other stuff to arse with this.  I'm going to reformat the drive now that i can see it and figure out this perms thing later.   thanks though!19:48
Sean93"kill 25329" (correct me if im wrong)19:48
arvutSean93: doesnt work19:48
petangoltoof: that wont help you, do you see that tab there?19:48
he2i have a problem with the battery display?19:48
arvutkillall and pkill doesnt work either19:48
petangoltoof: I think you dont have permision to mount drives thats reason19:48
ghisen|homeHi, how can i change the Full name of my user in ubuntu? Can't find it!19:49
bleu_fadein: i tried running gnome-session from terminal and it kicks me back to the login screen19:49
goltoofpetan.... honestly.... i'm not seeing a single thing that you're describing to me LMAO  not one... single.. thing19:49
he2it allways shows 'low battery'19:49
SmileyWHat would you guys say about :19:49
Smiley[19:47:24] Channel #irssi created Sun Aug  3 22:35:13 200319:49
andre_pli have a failing drive and I dont know which it is.  syslog is showing a lot of lines like this: [  306.265400] ata3: hard resetting link19:49
Sean93arvut: don't do this until we get conformation from one of the pros but i think "kill -9 25329" should do it19:49
SmileyCaused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Error loading libGL.so.1: /usr/lib/nvidia-current/libGLcore.so.1: undefined symbol: _OFFSET_TABLE_ at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.<clinit>(Display.java:138) << about this? :D19:49
petangoltoof: open user accounts -> click your account -> properties19:49
andre_plhow do I know what drive its referring to?19:49
goltoofpetan,  i agree... i'll look at it later.. going to install maverick on another machine19:49
petangoltoof: ok19:49
fadeinbleu_: you weren't able, by chance, to see any helpful error message, were you?19:49
goltoofpetan,    thanks for your help19:50
bleu_fadein: it went way to fast19:50
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Sean93arvut: are you root?19:50
fadeinbleu_: well, I wasn't expecting it to launch gnome for you, but the fact that it even kicked you out of the recovery console is troubling19:50
arvutI am, yes19:50
fadeinbleu_: did you install this from the LiveCD?  were you able to run Ubuntu off the CD before install?19:51
arvutkilling it with sudo doesnt work19:51
ZanQdohow can I delete all partitions in an HD?19:51
area51pilotwhat is a good firewall GUI?19:51
bleu_fadein: i didnt try to run the cd, just fresh install19:51
arvut!info firestarter19:51
ubottufirestarter (source: firestarter): gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-8ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 406 kB, installed size 1964 kB19:51
talalperhaps an easy question...im backing up a hosed computer via an ubuntu livecd for a friend. hes got a couple links on the desktop, .lnk files. any idea if theres a way in ubuntu to see what folders these link too?Vthanks19:51
bleu_fadein: but the fail safe session logs in fine19:51
blakkheimarea51pilot: it's best to learn iptables19:51
fadeinbleu_: I wonder if you've got some hardware issue.  It sounds to me like something is crashing19:52
Sean93arvut: then i think "sudo kill -9 25329" but i would like a second opinion in case i am wrong19:52
arvutwhat would the -9 do?19:52
fadeinbleu_: for instance, gnome may be trying to start some 3D-compositing type stuff that your video card doesn't like19:52
bleu_fadein: what can I do then19:52
fadeinbleu_: for now, not use gnome ;)19:53
Smileyno one? :|19:53
noisewaterphdarvut -9 is force19:53
bleu_fadein: lol, how do i pick something else?19:53
fadeinbleu_: actually, better would be to check your X logs19:53
hey_joei just did a stock install of 10.04-1 server, and i can ping the machine from all other machines mac/linux/windows, however i can't ping any of those machines from the linux box.  i can SSH, HTTP etc to it, just cant ping it... ufw disable doesnt seem to do the trick? what else could be blockingicmp pings out from my linux box?19:53
fadeinbleu_: see if the error is in there19:53
area51pilotblakkeim: im working on it...in ALL my free time!  :P  (these Windows users need to leave me alone!)19:53
bleu_fadein: where do i find that?19:53
fadeinbleu_: those files are in /var/logs/Xorg*19:53
fadeinbleu_: wait, let me check that for sure.19:53
arvutthe problem I'm having is that somehow, aptitude stopped unpacking libasound2 and I had to kill it19:54
talalanyone? :) any way to find .lnk paths in ubuntu?19:54
hey_joearvut: dpkg-reconfigure ?19:54
fadeinbleu_: /var/log/Xorg.0.log is probably the file you want to peek at19:54
arvutnow I cant update cause there is a lock on some file that the update programs need to use19:54
fadeinbleu_: you'll be looking for some lines that have (EE) near the beginning, as they indicate errors that the X server recieved19:54
bleu_fadein: ok will go check19:55
area51pilotany good info on IPTABLES that someone can point me to?19:55
arvuthey_joe: says libasound2 is broken or not fully installed, I know it's the 2nd option19:56
area51pilotusing them...  :P19:56
Sean93arvut: im not sure, i think it forces it. i was told when i had a program that wouldn't close you try, kill, then kill -1, then kill -2, and if those still havn't killed it you try kill -9.19:56
arvuttry a scroogle search area51pilot19:56
hey_joearvut: cant help ya, sry19:56
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.19:56
arvutk, thx for trying19:57
Max_Goerkihey guys, how can i run following command on startup "cd /root/apache-solr-1.4.0/example/ && java -jar start.jar"? it's for my server19:57
area51pilotfigured I'd ask the moreknowledgable instead of wandering aimlessly19:57
Max_Goerkihow is the file called where i can put that stuff in? sth with local?19:57
arvutarea51pilot: try "man iptables" ought to be some fun reading in it ;)19:57
BRRBBcan anyone help with tor/vidalia/firefox/privoxy?19:57
area51pilotthx erUSUL19:57
area51pilotarvut:  thx :D19:57
area51pilotI keep forgetting the MAN pages19:58
area51pilotthey are about as exciting to read as the Federal Aviation Regulations ....  (what a sleeper!)19:58
Sean93arvut: I'm googling around around trying to find how to fix it, two head are better than one :P20:00
arvutyeah, me too20:00
metaphazeCan anyone help me mount a NTFS RAID Volume?20:01
metaphazeI ran dmraid I show the disks and raid volume in /dev/mapper20:01
Sean93arvut: try "sudo apt-get install libasound2" and post the output into a pastebin20:01
bleu_fadein: the only line that fails is one that tires to open a dir that doesnt exist20:02
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lwizardlI was wondering how I could get a single linux computer to use upto 16 monitor displays without overloading the machine with like 8 video cards20:02
bleu_fadein: how can i get my nic to work in safe mode so i can try and dl the updates20:03
vbwehow can i change the default grud list i want that it starts windows after 10 secs20:03
metaphazelwizardl, I can't help, but that sounds like fun :D20:03
HerpaderpHello. I have been using my ext. hdd for a year or two now, but this just happened. It is named 'Elements' and now when it connects it appears as 'Elements_', while there is an entry for 'Elements' that is unreadable in my /media folder. How do I fix this issue?20:03
fadeinbleu_: what directory is it trying to read?  did you try to create that directory to see if that appeases it?20:04
lwizardlmetaphaze, yeah its a design i want for my linux cctv setup20:04
fadeinbleu_: about your 2nd question - I don't know what you're talking about... sorry20:04
bleu_fadein: var/pd0 or something20:04
vbwecan someone help me how i can change the grud list20:04
fadeinbleu_: yeah, I don't have one of those dirs... weird20:04
bleu_fadein: my network card, get it to work in safe mode desktop20:04
Sean93arvut: did you try the command?20:05
fadeinbleu_: oh.  It should be working even now.20:05
metaphazeit worked got it mounted20:05
CaneToaddoes anybody know how to use skype with a usb phone on ubuntu with pulse audio20:05
metaphazenot the way I wanted to but it worked20:05
bleu_fadein: it shows the device but it doesnt seem to connect20:05
fadeinbleu_: Actually, you may want to sudo apt-get install fluxbox, or blackbox, just to get a working desktop in the meantime20:05
Jordan_Uvbwe: Add something like GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows Vista (loader) (on /dev/sda4)" to /etc/default/grub, change the timeout to what you want in the same file, then run "sudo update-grub".20:05
bleu_fadein: dont i need internet to get them?20:06
fadeinbleu_: You are correct.  I understand now.20:06
burguahi all!20:06
Jordan_Uvbwe: You'll need to get the exact title for your windows entry from your /boot/grub/grub.cfg20:06
burguais any difference between ubuntu-netbook-remix and simple ubuntu20:06
burguaexcept UI-Style?20:06
GG_My USB device don't want to mount (they appeared in lsusb but not in fdisk)20:07
Sean93If arvut comes back and tries to contact me tell him to use Sean93: to make sure i see it20:08
Jordan_UGG_: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?20:08
vbwei deleted my boot loader partition how can if fix this20:08
GG_Jordan_U: Ok thx20:08
Jordan_Uvbwe: You deleted the windows boot partition (also called the "system" partititon) or Ubuntu's?20:09
vbwei deleted my grub partition20:09
vbwewhat do i need to do20:09
vbwecant start up ubuntu or windows20:09
lockreinstall ubuntu20:09
vbwethere was a 20 gig healthy partition and a 945 mb healthy partition20:09
vbweno names20:09
vbwei deleted those20:09
vbwethen grub got error20:09
lockyou gotta be careful when messing with partitions20:10
vbwewhat do i need to do20:10
locktry reinstall ubuntu and see if grub picks back up on XP installation20:10
Jordan_Uvbwe: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?20:10
adrian15vbwe: You can just reinstall Windows boot loader. Either use a howto for this or SG1D Fix Boot of Windows option.20:10
vbwei cant go into20:10
adrian15vbwe: Unless you are using Ubuntu, are you ?20:10
lieuwe[49ft]i've got an smb share, which i can view, but i can't add/change/delete files, what do i need to change to be able to do that?20:10
vbwei started install of ubuntu20:11
bleu_fadein: well im giving up for the day, thanks for the help20:11
locklieuwe[49ft]: set the share permissions20:11
vbwei cant get into ubuntu or windows Jordan_U20:11
vbwegrub error20:11
CaneToaddoes anybody know how to use skype with a usb phone on ubuntu with pulse audio?20:11
Jordan_Uvbwe: Can you boot from a LiveCD?20:11
lockvbwe: reinstall ubuntu and hopefully grub will pick up the widdows install as well20:12
vbwereinstall ubuntu on which partition20:12
adrian15vbwe: These partitions that you have deleted where between the Windows partition and the Linux partition, isn't it ?20:12
trimatrixyo! whats the irc channel for fedora?20:12
locklol, what are you doing runnin round willy nilly deleting partitions and whatnot??20:12
Jordan_Utrimatrix: #fedora20:13
area51pilotwhats the keyboard command to quit current process and return to the prompt in terminal?20:13
robin0800vbwe: if you hold shift at start you can get to recovery use that to reinstall grub20:13
fadeinarea51pilot: Ctrl-C20:13
socraminstalled openssl, now trying to compile pound, but i get "Missing OpenSSL (-lcrypto) - abortedMissing OpenSSL (-lcrypto) - aborted" Any ideas?20:13
vbweat start of pc?20:13
adrian15area51pilot: To quit the process in the background or to kill it ?20:13
StrangeCharmwhat packages do i need to share files to share files with a windows machine via an ethernet patch cable? i've gone to system>sharing>personal file sharing, but 'this feature cannot be enabled because the required packages are not installed on your system'20:13
trimatrixthanks! by the way anybody know any good sources to add to the ubuntu software store?20:14
lockarea51pilot: ctrl+C20:14
vbwegrub rescue20:14
vbwewhat do i need to type20:14
sotosjoin #ubuntu20:14
adrian15StrangeCharm: Probably samba packages20:14
area51pilotthx guys20:14
locksure thing20:14
vbwecan i do some recovery in grub rescue ????20:14
lockvbwe: have you even tried using google for any of these questions?20:15
StrangeCharmadrian15, nope, installing samba doesn't help20:15
vbweyes i googled20:16
vbwebut cant fix problem20:16
lock...did u back up ur data before deleting partitions?20:16
sylvarHow very weird.  When I connect to the work VPN, I can no longer get to Gmail... but other Google services (docs, calendar) work fine.  This appears to affect Chrome and Firefox, so I'm guessing it's happening below the app level.20:16
vbwei deleted the boot partitions in windows, rbooted and no boot anymore20:16
vbweno i didnt20:16
vbweyea i have different hdd20:17
lockwhy would you delete the boot partitions?20:17
adrian15vbwe: You mean the Windows 7' boot partition ?20:17
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vbwei installed ubuntu20:18
adrian15vbwe: If you had deleted Windows 7' boot partition data and not the partition itself you might had no problem at all. Now partition numbers maybe have changed and that might be the problem20:18
Jordan_Uvbwe: Can you boot a liveCD and run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?20:18
vbwethen i got a L partition where ubuntu is located with 19 gig also a 20 gb partition was created and a 954 mb20:18
sotosI have an AThlon 64bit system with Ubuntu 10.10 but I can't play DVD's20:18
vbwei deleted those 20 and 95420:18
adrian15vbwe: So you only want to reinstall grub. I ask myself if you can fix it without running update-grub20:18
lockoh dear20:19
robin0800vbwe: or shift at start20:19
adrian15vbwe: Try to write your messages in only one line please.20:19
vbweshit at pc start?20:19
SmileyCaused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Error loading libGL.so.1: /usr/lib/nvidia-current/libGLcore.so.1: undefined symbol: _OFFSET_TABLE_ at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.<clinit>(Display.java:138) << about this? :D20:19
wasutton3-Labmy laptop died earlier this afternoon and i am looking for a replacement. I would like the Asus UL80JT, but i am wary of the optimus switching graphics. Does anyone have any recommendations?20:20
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ninjaiguys i have an interesting issue im trying to get around.  I'm at work, my torrent client (transmission) is running at home.  I need to change some settings in trasmission.  I've tries X11 forwarding with SSH to launch transmission, but it wont let me relaunch it and I do not wish to close and reopen it.  Is there any way I can connect to that running instance of transmission?20:22
blakkheimninjai: no20:22
arvutcan you make sense of this? http://pastebin.com/qaxGqmcW20:23
zehnfragezeichenhttp://i56.tinypic.com/os9092.png first time installing Ubuntu. This is a Windows XP computer. I'd like to install onto my 320GB SATA drive. I'd like to keep my Windows installations on this drive intact, but it's no big deal if I lose them. I don't have a viable method of data backup, I have an unformatted 30GB partition and 169GB of unpartitioned space. I'm really nervous about this and...20:23
zehnfragezeichen...I'd like for someone to walk me through this. (pic related; it's the step I am currently on.)20:23
blakkheim"pic related" lol20:24
Jordan_Uninjai: Yes, with the transmission-remote command.20:24
arvutzehnfragezeichen: why be nervous? it wont bite you20:24
arvutubuntu is easy to install in graphics mode20:25
zehnfragezeichenbecause the last time I tried installing I ended up totally screwing everything up, and that was last year.20:25
ninjaiJordan_U: I have no transmission-remote command20:25
samosais this what you donwload if our wifi isn't working? http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/wifi-radar ...idk which one to download tho.20:25
blakkheimsamosa: that package doesn't magically make wifi work, no20:26
Guest16419How do I get all MACs on the specified interface of my ProCurve 2626 ?20:26
Jordan_Uninjai: sudo apt-get install transmission-cli20:26
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ninjaiJordan_U: i am doing that right now actually.  does that interface directly with the running GUI one or is it a separate instance?20:26
bindizehnfragezeichen: just create a partition on that 169GB free space20:27
christoph_i want to adapt the boot loader menu under ubuntu 10.10 but i do not finde the menu.lst file in the boot/grub directory20:27
bamedarvut: does 'lsof' show the dpkg directory currently open?20:27
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:27
ninjainevermind jordan_u, I believe it does20:27
vieuxmikehi, I have a problem on my laptop since I moved from 10.04 to 10.1020:28
samosapls ubuntu...make wifi work, thats all i ask, how am i meant to use an OS without wifi? wire? :(20:28
vieuxmikewhen I boot i have message "no screen found" in Xorg.0.log20:28
joshua__which ubuntu do u use20:28
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samosaubuntu 10.420:29
joshua__which version do u use and laptop model20:29
joshua__cause ubuntu support many drivers for wifi20:29
wasutton3-Labdoes anyone know of a laptop which has nvidia optimus (or a working) switching graphics working?20:29
samosahmm, its a lenovo20:30
zehnfragezeichenok. thanks.20:30
rigvedi have ubuntu 10.04. how do i make grub2 load into recovery mode by default (instead of loading into the normal mode)?20:31
Bink_hey, is anyone here familiar with burg? (boot loader based on grub)20:32
Jordan_UBink_: BURG is not supported here.20:32
guntbertBink_: I don't think it is supported here - but I may err20:33
Bink_Jordan_U, well that's not very nice :|20:33
Bink_er well, kind of sick with working on it anyways.. guess i'll do with the ugly grub.20:33
anadonhow do I switch to the programming channel?20:33
rigvedBink_: it's actually because ubuntu does not use burg by default20:34
rigvedanadon: are you using empathy?20:34
LogicallyDashingI have two mice; one is a trackball. I would like to configure the trackball so that it scrolls the document, like the ball in Apple's Mighty Mouse, letting the regular mouse act as normal. How do I do this?20:34
Jordan_UBink_: You can use themes with grub2, and could before BURG existed.20:34
anadonI also have xchat, not not on it20:34
rigvedanadon: click on room > join20:35
Bink_Jordan_U, the theme support on grub2 is quite poor.. and other people seem to have no problem with burg20:35
rigvedanadon: then type ##programming20:35
Jordan_UBink_: http://apebox.org/wordpress/linux/261/20:35
anadoncan't find anything labeled room20:35
Bink_rigved, as i said, others seem to have no problem with it20:35
Jordan_UBink_: BURG is a one person fork of GRUB2, and so it can't reasonably be included or supported by Ubuntu.20:36
rigvedi have ubuntu 10.04. how do i make grub2 load into recovery mode by default (instead of loading into the normal mode)?20:36
Bink_Jordan_U, oh.. and this theme supports grub2? why did none of my google bring this article up? :|20:37
y-pwnhey guys20:37
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Bink_Jordan_U, oh.. it's gfxmenu? i was sure it was dropped in grub2.. that is, i haven't seen any articles about it20:37
Jordan_UBink_: Yes, this theme is made for GRUB2.20:37
samosajoshua: its a Lenovo IdeaPad U33020:38
SnowmanX11I have problem since I updated (10.10) today: the sound disappears after a while when I play movies (VLC, but the others do as well)20:38
Bink_Jordan_U, well, thanks a lot : D20:38
y-pwni was using Ubuntu for some time, and it's good for my PC, but i have a problem. Mounted videos with Pitivi (Theora Video Codec) cannot be read with YouTube20:38
SnowmanX11Restricted extras are there20:38
Pindakaasdoeanyone know a good tutorial to MySQL and on how to combine them with for example apache? (i mean the MySQL commands in Ubuntu Server 10.04). I don have a lot of experience and would like an absolute beginner tutorial. It may also be a english, dutch, german,  spanish or french book i have to buy20:38
Jordan_UBink_: You're welcome.20:38
y-pwnI hate loading my XP VM and starting Windows Movie Maker20:38
y-pwnI want to mount my videos in Ubuntu so they will upload normally on YouTube20:39
y-pwnis that possible?20:39
Jordan_Uy-pwn: What happens when you try to upload the video to youtube?20:39
SnowmanX11It should be a codec or pulse20:39
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y-pwnJordan_U: well, it uploads, but the video is nothing more than a green screen20:39
y-pwncodec fail IIRC20:40
rigved!mysql | Pindakaas20:40
ubottuPindakaas: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:40
vbwedeleted wrong partition cant get grub boot screen anymore20:40
vbweonly got grub rescue do i need to format pc now ?20:40
y-pwnand yes, there are other codecs, but I don't know if they work20:41
y-pwnso is Pitivi compatible with YouTube some way?20:41
SnowmanX11vbwe: if it was a root than zes20:41
y-pwnlike iMovie and WMM20:41
Pindakaas@ rigved  > Does anyone  know if Perl/Python is diffucult to learn when you can write XML/XHTML/HTML/CSS/Javascript ?20:41
trimatrixit can or there are some dericitives that allows you to do all of that with python20:42
PindakaasThank you very much for the info. Rigved! it is apreciated20:42
trimatrixpython is easy to learn as for parl i don't know i only learned python20:42
kubanchow do i use cksum coomand?20:42
samosaanyone got wireless working on Lenovo IdeaPad U330 with ubuntu 10.04 32bit?20:42
alinonanyone here try anarchy online in wine?  seems to run perfect, but for some reason all of the sliders in the preferences are invisible, even the attack/defense slider is gone20:43
root Buonasera a tutti c'è qualcuno che può dirmi il comando per ibernare ubuntu?20:43
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Pindakaasthank you trimatrix > Do you know python and PHP? if yes what is easier to begin with?20:43
alinoni've already tried going to winehq, but got no response20:43
rigvedPindakaas: np20:43
Pindakaasthank you, trimatrix!20:43
y-pwnis there any forum to ask? :P20:43
Guest46269 Buonasera a tutti c'è qualcuno che può dirmi il comando per ibernare ubuntu?20:43
Guest46269 Buonasera a tutti c'è qualcuno che può dirmi il comando per ibernare ubuntu?20:44
sasavHi, I am developing QT application using OpenGl and I am getting following message: "do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1" (more: http://paste.ubuntu.com/526564/). Is this a bug or I should adjust vblank_mode?20:44
trimatrixPHP is more of a server side language used with webservers  while python is more for programming python is one of the easiest computer languages in the world to learn20:44
bazhangGuest46269, #ubuntu-it please20:44
samosaanyone one got wireless working on their laptop ? o.o20:44
alinonseems as though unless I find someone that plays, it's going to be nearly impossible to fix20:44
trimatrixsasav: i got my wireless working on my netbook?20:45
samosahow man20:45
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Pindakaasthank you very much  trimatrix. I am more interested in servers so i will try to learn  PHP then. (Btw, i just started ubuntu server 10.04 3 weeks ago and what a great community support (Y))20:46
vbwei deleted my grub partition and linux so i cant start up right now can i do a fix in try ubuntu with gparted?20:46
trimatrixby using network utilites?20:46
trimatrixcool cool good luck with it!20:46
vbwei deleted my grub partition and linux so i cant start up right now can i do a fix in try ubuntu with gparted???20:46
adrian15vbwe: :)20:46
samosathey dont work for me, show nothing, turning on hard wifi switch on/off also does nothing, running out of ideas, also losing hope.20:46
Pindakaashave a nice weekend everyone!20:47
samosau 2!20:47
harrymuffinWondering if anyone has run into this. I'm trying to do a "do-release-upgrade" from An upgrade from 'intrepid' to 'karmic' is not supported with this tool. I realize you can't go from 8.10 to 10.04, but I'd like to go from intrepid to jaunty20:47
adrian15vbwe: So you want to recover the linux partiton ? You should use gpart then. You can find it at system rescue cd if I remember ok20:47
trimatrixback up and reinstall ubuntu it has happened to me before but my default language was spanish and i couldnt read the error20:47
vbweadrian15 system rescue cd???20:47
harrymuffinis there another way other than do-release-upgrade?20:47
harrymuffinthis is on a pretty busy production server20:47
adrian15vbwe: If the partitions have not been modified you can also recover windows 7 boot partition with gpart20:47
harrymuffinthat is about 4,000 miles away from me20:48
adrian15vbwe: Yes, system rescue cd, I suppose you might also find the tool in ubuntu rescue remix20:48
vbwegpart in try ubuntu wont start20:48
adrian15vbwe: It's a command line tool though20:48
harrymuffinoh him.. sorry20:48
vbweim in ubuntu try20:48
adrian15vbwe: If you are using an ubuntu live cd you will have to install a package that contains gpart, probably gpart20:48
vbweno i have an usb20:49
vbwei booted from usb20:49
samosaits wierd lol, i could've sworn wifi worked with ubuntu live-cd, it worked, but when installed does not at all.20:49
adrian15vbwe: An Ubuntu live usb is ok too20:49
vbweok do i get in system rescue20:49
samosaright now im using my phone to tether wifi internet connection20:49
adrian15vbwe: No, no, the ubuntu live usb is ok. In a console type apt-get install gpart20:49
vbweterminal ?20:50
adrian15vbwe: With the sudo command of course: sudo apt-get install gpart . Then you will have to use sudo gpart.20:50
acstewartAnyone else having issues with apt-get in Intrepid?  Shows 404s, and it looks like archive.ubuntu.com is missing intrepid package info.20:50
adrian15vbwe: Terminal. Console. Command line.20:50
harrymuffinyes acstewart20:50
harrymuffinone sec20:50
harrymuffinI dealt with it the other day20:50
blakkheim!intrepid | acstewart20:50
ubottuacstewart: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:50
acstewartharrymuffin: cool.20:50
vbwepackage is not avaible20:50
blakkheimacstewart: it is not supported anymore20:50
vbwepackage gpart is not avaible20:50
vbwepackage 'gpart' has no installation candidate20:51
blakkheimvbwe: gparted20:51
harrymuffinacstewart: change your /etc/apt/sources-list to use this server/format: deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse20:51
vbwegparted is already the newest version20:51
harrymuffinmutagen :P20:51
adrian15vbwe: Ignore blakkheim's gparted recommendation. You need gpart. I will try to search for the ubuntu repository where it is, maybe universe20:51
y-pwnmy favorite release after 10.10 and 10.04 is hardy heron20:52
trimatrixwhats the difference between hardy and gusty?20:52
adrian15vbwe: You need to enable the universe repository. There are supposed to be several easy howtos on how to do that in ubuntu. After that sudo apt-get install part.  And then sudo gpart .20:52
acstewartharrymuffin: Thanks, that'll help :)20:53
vbwehow do i enable it?20:53
odtis there an alternative for wicd for managing wireless without running X?20:53
blakkheimodt: wicd has an ncurses interface that doesn't need X20:54
odtbut it uses python20:54
odtand that's too much memory on my old laptop20:54
adrian15vbwe: Google for add ubuntu repository20:54
vbwewhat do i need to add20:55
vbwetry doesnt have software sources20:57
ianm_in 10.04 the synaptics touchpad Y cursor speed is much higher than X when using multiple screens, it's as if the cursor moves a % of the total screen X/Y, instead of a number of pixels, is this fixed in 10.10?20:57
kv102tanyone got a EasyCAP AV USB2.0 working ??20:57
adrian15vbwe: (Sorry). Try something like gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list and try comment an universe line or something like this20:58
adrian15vbwe: It might be even easier than using Synaptic or Software Sources I suppose20:58
ianm_er I mean X movement much faster than Y, when the screens are side by side20:58
badpenguin86My mouse wheel scrolls too much. How do I change that?20:58
vbwei did that20:59
vbweand now ?20:59
adrian15vbwe: So now you do: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install gpart ; sudo gpart21:00
vbweok i did update21:00
* adrian15 needs to include gpart into Rescatux21:00
adrian15vbwe: Run each one of the commands that I have written between ; one after another21:01
kv102tanyone got a EasyCAP AV USB2.0 working ??21:01
vbwe99% working21:01
Kyriushi everyone21:01
vbwe99% working21:02
vbwedoesnt go21:02
Kyriusanyone knows how to disable back and next page function od mouse midle buton?21:02
adrian15vbwe: What's that apt-get update ?21:03
vbweyes its done21:03
vbwesudo apt get install doesnt work21:03
adrian15vbwe: Anyways I must go in one minute.21:03
adrian15vbwe: What do you mean that it does not work? It does not install gpart ?21:03
Quantum_Ionvbwe, sudo apt get install21:03
velracHi all. Do I need the "alternate" cd of Ubuntu to create a RAID 1 installation?21:03
adrian15velrac: Yes.21:04
Remearwould someone be so kind as to point me to a more recent guide for setting up a DNS server with bind?21:04
Remeari'm only finding stuff from 2006-2007 and i haven't gotten it working21:04
kiplem_alIf i install google chrome from it's official site from deb package it will update itself automatically with my update manager of ubuntu ?21:05
adrian15Must go21:05
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vbweif i got gpart can you quick advice me what i need to do21:05
adrian15vbwe: Try to recover all your partitions as they were before you deleted them21:06
rats__try this link Remear http://linuxconfig.org/linux-dns-server-bind-configuration - 2010 post21:06
adrian15vbwe: Try to check system rescue cd wiki there might be a howto there21:07
Remearrats__: cheers21:07
adrian15vbwe: But I am not quite sure about that21:07
Sia-hi, i'm looking for editor like notwpad++, that you can connect to FTP/SFTP server and edit the files. someone can tell me which one can doing that, because i can finde it for mac and M$ but under linux is still missing. thnx alot21:07
Noldorinhow can i tell an init.d script ot only run after another has been run?21:07
vbwesudo gpart install and sudo gpart doesnt install21:07
badpenguin86_My mouse wheel scrolls too much. How do I change that?21:08
grid_wheel? buy a new mouse that is optical21:08
vbwegparted partition editor wont start can someone help me21:08
kiplem_alIf i install google chrome from it's official site from deb package it will update itself automatically with my update manager of ubuntu ?21:08
n0a1iasi cant find the ATI catalyst drivers for Linux on their website21:09
badpenguin86_The scroll wheel. It is a laser mouse21:09
n0a1iasis it in the repos21:09
rojanuThere is something wrong with my user account, tasks that needs root privileges on UI doesn't work, like update-manager21:09
adrian15vbwe: gpart is not gparted !21:09
vbwesoryr gpart21:09
vbwebut i cant use gpart!21:09
Belial`n0a1ias, use the fglrx driver. or the open source driver.21:10
vbwei can use disk utility though21:10
rojanuI have deleted the account and re-created but still the same. any ideas?21:10
vbweoke yea21:10
n0a1iasBeligal' where can i find that?21:10
vbweim in disk utility and i can see the partition i deleted21:10
adrian15vbwe: Maybe you  can install ubuntu rescue remix into an usb21:10
adrian15vbwe: Just tell  gpart to recover your partitions then21:11
Belial`n0a1ias, system, administration, additional drivers. if fglrx isn't listed there, then ati's proprietary linux driver doesn't support your card anymore. in which case you're already using the open source radeon drivers.21:11
vbweits disk utlity21:11
vbwenot gpart21:11
vbwei cant start gpart21:11
vbwei need the enable the component called universe21:12
adrian15vbwe: I do not know what it is disk utility. Explain to Jordan_U he will explain to me tomorrow or so... And I must go!21:12
n0a1iasBelial' i don't see any drivers, but i have a new card by them, so it should be supported21:12
vbwecan i access universe component in ubuntu 10.10 TRY ????????????????21:13
Belial`n0a1ias, sudo apt-get install fglrx21:13
kiplem_alIf i install google chrome from it's official site from deb package it will update itself automatically with my update manager of ubuntu ?21:13
Kyle__Quick Q:  in 10.10 can you add _any_ plugins in netbeans without right-clicking?  Or is it just me?21:13
bazhang!aptfix > arvut21:13
ubottuarvut, please see my private message21:13
n0a1iasBelial`, it says i already have it21:14
Belial`then you're fine21:14
vbweanyone with super knowledge of ubuntu i need help i cant go in ubuntu or w7 again because deleted wrong partition21:14
Belial`fglrx is the equivalent to the catalyst driver in windows, n0a1ias.21:14
n0a1iasbut my resolution sucks. and I'm just getting a clone of my moniter on my second one21:14
litropyHey, peeps! I've got a vga connected form my netbook to my hdtv using a vga cord. It's showing, but the aspect ratio is 4:3. Any ideas as to how to get it to 16:9?21:15
Belial`n0a1ias, it's not letting you change the resolution at all?21:15
ZanQdohow can I delete all partitions in an HD?21:15
vbweanyone with super knowledge of ubuntu i need help i cant go in ubuntu or w7 again because deleted wrong partition21:15
trimatrixLOL i just did that with fedora XD21:15
n0a1iasnot any higher then the resoultion of the second moniter, witch is pretty bad... Belial`21:15
trimatrixuh.. i ended up formating my c drive and reinstalling windows XP21:16
Belial`n0a1ias, which card is it?21:16
rojanuZanQdo: install gparted21:16
Kyle__Anyone here actually use netbeans?21:16
n0a1iasBelial`, the 8x3021:16
kiplem_alIf i install google chrome from it's official site from deb package it will update itself automatically with my update manager of ubuntu ?21:16
n0a1iasi dont remember the exact number Belial`21:16
n0a1iasbut i can check21:16
blakkheimkiplem_al: no21:16
Kyle__litropy: Adjust the monitor settings.  On my netbook it defaults to mirrored as well.  Just tell it it's a second monitor, and choose the right one from the drop-down.21:17
rojanuvbwe: Could you be more specific, what partition are your OSs on21:17
ZanQdorojanu: ok is that a command line tool?21:17
ZanQdoIm on SE21:17
Belial`n0a1ias, i wouldn't be able to help you too much on the dual monitor issue. but as far as your main display, everything should be fine.21:17
kiplem_alblakkheim: hmm :( what can i do to update it automatically always to latest stable version ?21:17
hovefirseHi folks. I'm trying to compile a driver for my wireless network dongle on Maverick, but the driver code provided is for an older kernel (8.04). I get quirky error messages, like "error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘get_stats’". Any gurus here who know what to do in cases like this?21:17
rojanuZanQdo: no it is GUI21:17
blakkheimkiplem_al: use some PPA probably21:18
vbwei installed w7 on C:21:18
vbweubuntu on my extra hdd21:18
n0a1iasits the 5830 Belial`21:18
rojanuZanQdo: you can use fdisk, if you need command only21:18
vbwei deleted ubuntu and grud partition now it wont boot21:18
kiplem_alblakkheim: ok thank you! i21:18
n0a1iasi got the card number wrong, thats why it wasnt working21:19
litropykyle_ I'm in monitors and I don't see where to tell it it's a second monitor21:19
n0a1iasthatnks for your help Belial`21:19
rojanuvbwe: I am lost what exactly do you want, Win or Ubuntu21:19
vbwei deleted a wrong partition21:20
Belial`n0a1ias, sorry man. hopefully someone here or on the board can help with your dual monitors.21:20
vbwewith grub on it21:20
vbwenow i cant boot to my windows or ubuntu again21:20
vbweim currently onj ubuntu try21:20
vbwecan i fix this with gpart21:20
rojanuvbwe: Well, you can re-install Ubuntu to the same part21:20
n0a1iasvbwe, try reinstalling grub21:20
Kyle__litropy: Do you see a checkbox that says "Same image in all monitors"?21:20
Kyle__litropy: Uncheck it.21:20
TheMozarti have a Huawei K3765 USB modem, but I cant connect to the internet.. anyone help?21:22
vbwei tried reinstalling21:22
vbweit wont work21:22
goltoofhow can i check what my user access via cli?  and i want to change it so i have permission to mount drives21:22
vbwegrub will go to grub rescue21:22
arvuthow can I filter the join and quit msgs in irssi? they make it hard to see the actual chat21:23
rojanuvbwe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20221:23
bazhang!quietirssi | arvut21:23
ubottuarvut: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS21:23
goltooflike what group i'm in, what permission my username has, and give my user more permissions21:23
CondoritoHi, some help please(?) openGL on ubuntu.21:23
* Kyle__ shrugs21:23
biberaoanyone uses gfxmenu gfxboot21:23
anadon_AeroheartCondorito, what's your problem?21:24
arvutthx bazhang21:24
anadon_AeroheartI'm troubleshooting right now for simillar stuffs21:24
Craig`hey guys, i'm currently dual booted with ubuntu and xp, i'm wanting to remove xp, so that it would just be ubuntu, and then triple-boot with a new xp and 7, how would i do this.21:24
CondoritoAccording to synaptic, opengl is installed, but when installing plib, I get a could not find working GL library.21:25
trimatrixYEAH! how DO you triple boot?21:25
anadon_Aerohearttry uninstalling then re-installing21:25
prakritigrub can boot as many os's as you want21:25
anadon_Aeroheartalso, it might be the wrong OpenGL package21:25
habsW700ds - Is the pullout screen supported?21:25
Jordan_Uvbwe: Can you boot a liveCD and run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?21:25
prakritijust use the partition manager to shrink ubuntu enough21:25
anadon_Aeroheartfind anything that lloks relivent and download/install it21:25
TheMozarti have a Huawei K3765 USB modem, but I cant connect to the internet.. anyone help?21:25
x0rsWhen I installed ubuntu on my machine, I only used 65% of my hard-drive with main and swap partitions. Today I used gparted to partition the rest of the drive, but it doesn't appear mounted. How can I mount that new partition permanently?21:26
CondoritoThat's what I think, but the plib page it not that specific.21:26
bzrkx0rs: put it in fstab21:26
prakritix0rs, : sudo nano /etc/fstab21:26
Jordan_U!fstab | x0rs21:26
ubottux0rs: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:26
habsI can't get it to work. Tried flipping a bunch of settings.21:26
x0rsbzrk, prakriti, Jordan_U: thanks21:26
ZanQdorojanu: well Ive been trying with fdisk for 2 hours21:26
ZanQdorojanu: I't wont let me21:26
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ZanQdorojanu: oh wait21:27
prakritiI want to disable pulseaudio and use oss or alsa either for a particular boot or a particular user for emulation.  Has anybody tried this?21:27
littlegirlHey there, does anybody know which file contains the locations listed when you right-click in Nautilus and choose Copy to or Move to? I'd like to edit that list.21:27
CondoritoIt gives more detail on using Mesa, instead...21:28
habsI also, tried Googling it, but no cigar.21:28
vbweomg i tried so much21:28
vbweisnt there anyone who can help me out simple 1 2 3 ?21:28
vbwei deleted the grub partition i cant bootr windows21:28
vbwehow to fix this ?21:28
Jordan_Uprakriti: You probably just want to use padsp / aoss instead.21:28
n0a1iaswhen ever i try to install anything i get an error saying gedet cant detect the character encoding, how do i fix this?21:28
harrymuffinWondering if anyone has run into this. I'm trying to do a "do-release-upgrade" from An upgrade from 'intrepid' to 'karmic' is not supported with this tool. I realize you can't go from 8.10 to 10.04, but I'd like to go from intrepid to jaunty21:28
Smoodo.... interesting and annoying  .... floodbot??21:29
Jordan_Uvbwe: I cannot help you untill you gprovide the information I have asked for 3 times.21:29
litropyHi, peeps! I have a VGA cord going form my netbook to my HDTV. I found how to change the aspect ratio to 16:9, but when I do, the screen continually flickers.21:29
habsAre there any hardware geeks in here who can at least give me a link to a webpage that details how to enable the pullout screen?21:29
vbwewhich info21:29
Jordan_Uvbwe: Can you boot a liveCD and run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?21:29
vbweno i havent got live cd21:29
vbwecan i run it from a usb ?21:30
goltoofhow can i check what my user access via cli?  and i want to change it so i have permission to mount drives, because currently i don't, evidently21:30
goltooflike what group i'm in, what permission my username has, and give my user more permissions21:30
Jordan_Uvbwe: Yes.21:30
n0a1iaswhen ever i try to install anything i get an error saying gedet cant detect the character encoding, how do i fix this?21:30
vbwei put it on usb21:30
vbweand now ?21:30
bazhang!enter | vbwe21:30
ubottuvbwe: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:30
n0a1iasvbwe, use unetbootin21:31
x0rsbzrk, prakriti, Jordan_U: thanks again, made the edit and issued: sudo mount -a, and now it is working21:31
n0a1iasbazhang, that was me....21:31
vbweunetbootin ?21:31
n0a1iasvbwe, its a program21:31
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Jordan_Uvbwe: What exactly did you put on a USB drive?21:31
TheMozarthow do I connect a Huawei K3765 to the internet through Ubuntu?21:32
n0a1iasi think i need to download more character encodings because im getting an error21:32
vbweJordan_U or do i need the unetbootin21:32
littlegirln0a1ias: Is this of any use? http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157861521:33
Jordan_Uvbwe: Do you have anything you can use to boot a linux system, i.e. a liveCD or liveUSB ?21:33
habsTo be more specific, I'm on an IBM Lenovo ThinkPad W700ds. It's the gigantic laptop with the pullout screen. Using the pullout screen is essential for me, but I can't get to work with Ubuntu. Help?21:33
goltoofcome one... how many people are here and no one knows about user/group management?21:33
vbwei have a usb21:33
galadudewhat program do you recommend for writing python?21:33
vbweim on ubuntu try right now21:33
Flannelgoltoof: 'groups'21:33
goltoofgaladude,  vim21:33
n0a1iasno im getting an error when trying to install an ATI driver littlegirl21:34
n0a1iasill give you a screen shot21:34
Condoritoanadon_Aeroheart: Hmm, barking up a gum tree with this OpenGl on linux thing. There are WAY too many libraries there and none says "I am the bona fide OpenGL". Thanks for your help, in any case.21:34
vbwecan i make the live usb21:34
rojanuvbwe: download unetbootin and use it to create a bootable ubuntu Live and then follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20221:34
vbwei have the new 10.1021:34
goltoofFlannel,   the story,  i can't mount usb drives says i have "no authority"    i only got one group, root..   one user, goltoof....21:34
vbweonly 10.10 live on usb21:35
Jordan_Uvbwe: Ignore rojanu's comment.21:35
n0a1iashttp://i.imgur.com/zK0gy.png littlegirl21:35
habsYou don't even have to know my specific hardware, just a link to a website and whatnot would be extremely helpful.21:35
bsmith093does thunderbird hve a channel21:35
Jordan_Urojanu: He already has boot media.21:35
ngirardHi again. How can I install the appropriate nvidia driver on a remote machine ?21:35
Flannelgoltoof: What groups is goltoof in?  "groups goltoof"21:35
Jordan_Uvbwe: Then run boot info script as explained here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 then pastebin the RESULTS.txt.21:36
ngirardappropriate nvidia driver for the graphic card ^21:36
goltoofFlannel,    quite a few, but not root21:36
BigMaoHi there, when I click over to my terminal window, it highlights the line as if I'm double-clicking.  This is not the behavior I want, as I often have something I want to paste with the middle-click.  How do I change this behavior?21:36
Jordan_Uvbwe: If there are any step on that page that you do not understand please state specifically which it is.21:36
goltoofgoltoof adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare21:36
littlegirln0a1ias: Wierd! Does that happen with every package you try to install or just that one?21:37
Flannelgoltoof: You don't need to be in the root group.21:37
n0a1iaslittlegirl, every one21:37
Flannelgoltoof: admin is what you're looking for.21:37
notk0how can I autoconnect to a wireless network? I entered the key, and I still have to press the connection each time to connect21:37
notk0and I can't right click it21:37
notk0nevermind I am an idiot21:37
n0a1iasi just got ubuntu today, so if its jsut a glitch, then reinstalling ubuntu woulnt be to bad, if i could get a script to reinstall all my programs somehow? littlegirl21:38
goltoofFlannel,   useradd goltoof admin?21:38
vbweim installing unetbootin21:39
n0a1iaslol notk021:39
vbweim installing unetbootin afterwards do i need to boot my pc with usb?21:39
littlegirln0a1ias: I'm not sure about the script for reinstalling all your programs, but the programs you've grabbed already will be in the /var/cache/apt/archives directory if you want to back them up for quick reinstall later.21:39
Flannelgoltoof: you're already in the admin group.21:39
uLinuxn0a1ias: i think you can do that using Synaptic21:39
Flannelgoltoof: You need to use sudo to mount21:39
Jordan_Uvbwe: If you can already boot the machine in question and "Try Ubuntu" then you do not need unetbootin at all.21:40
galadudegoltoof, thanks21:40
littlegirln0a1ias: Does the same error (or a similar one) happen if you install from the command line?21:40
GeekyAdami tried it can u pls use my nick21:40
GeekyAdamwhoops wrong channel21:40
n0a1iasthanks littlegirl, uLinux, like the driver? or the script?21:40
n0a1iasand yess littlegirl21:40
uLinuxn0a1ias: hm i cant using synaptic :p21:40
goltoofgaladude,   or sed21:40
nimbioticsHello all. Using PulseAudio in ubuntu 10.10; I managed to merge a sink and a source into a virtual device. My problem now is that I do not understand the instructions at (http://tinyurl.com/3a3r2vl) to make these changes permanent in default.pa. Can someone please guide me? TIA!21:40
habsIs there some sort of channel just for Ubuntu hardware issues? Because I feel like most questions in this chat are sofware-related.21:40
uLinuxhabs: everything21:41
littlegirln0a1ias: If I understand the question correctly, what happens if you try to install that ati driver from the command line? Do you get the same (or a similar) error?21:41
Gunnihow do i see the current version of ubuntu installed on a machine?21:41
Gunniwhat command21:41
goltoofFlannel,  already did mount the drive i'm using manually..   i need to figure out why "all of a sudden" i have to do this stuff manually.  why i can't just plug in usb drives anymore...21:41
galadudegoltoof, okay i'll check them out21:41
bazhanghabs, ##hardware21:41
Jordan_U!version | Gunni21:41
ubottuGunni: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »21:41
n0a1iasill show you littlegirl21:42
habsbazhang, thanks, I'll try that now.21:42
Lars_GIs there someone who packages sun java versions for ubuntu?21:42
habsbazhang, wait, how would I go about joining that subchannel?21:42
Lars_G10.10 has 1.6.0_22 and my bank insists I need to use 1.6.0_2121:43
goltoofFlannel,   and startup disk creator won't let me do anything with the disk that i sudo mounted21:43
bazhanghabs, /join #channel21:43
Flannelgoltoof: Are you doing this on the command line? or in a GUI?21:43
Jordan_UFlannel: My guess is that the problem is that that disk in question has no partition table, it simply has a filesystem spanning the entire drive.21:43
anadon_Aeroheartwhy'd my status thing for this look like a warning?21:43
uLinuxIs there any way to close a manual without using ctrl+z or X button21:43
uLinuxctrl c doesnt work21:43
FlanneluLinux: "man" type of manual? 'q'21:44
littlegirluLinux: You can type quit21:44
goltoofFlannel,   I mounted the drive with cli,  trying to make a startup disk with gui21:44
littlegirluLinux: Or yeah, like Flannel said. (:21:44
phbneed help with fast-track update21:44
n0a1iashttp://imgur.com/MJgNG littlegirl21:44
littlegirln0a1ias: Looking...21:44
goltoofFlannel,   I'm fine with making the startup disk with cli if anyone knows how.... i'm sick of being stuck on this21:44
Flannelgoltoof: GNOME does its own thing with USB drives, which is why they mount automagically when you plug them in.21:44
Jordan_Ugoltoof: I doubt that Startup Disk Creator supports not having a partition table.21:45
goltoofFlannel,  but you can see them in cl too....  now i can see in cl, have to mount manually21:45
goltoofJordan_U,  i want to reformat the disk... startup disk creator gives me "No authority" when attempting to reformat21:46
Jordan_Ugoltoof: "sudo umount /dev/sdb"21:46
littlegirln0a1ias: Try putting sh and a space in front of ati............run <--- I didn't type out the whole thing. (:21:46
goltoofJordan_U,  k..21:46
arvutwhat do one do when apt and all other updaters fail cause there is a lock on something dpkg related?21:47
littlegirln0a1ias: So it would be sh ati...................run21:47
defsdoorany understand grub2 ? Im getting syntax error 28-30 at bootup.  Press enter present a correct boot menu still.  line 28-30 in grub.cfg look fine21:47
progre55hi guys. how do you create an "extended" partition while installing ubuntu? I have 4 primary windows partitions, and as that's the max number of partitions, I'm deleting one of the recovery partitions. Then everywhere I read, they say you need to create an extended partition and that it can include swap in it.. but which options is that?21:48
n0a1iasi love you littlegirl21:48
littlegirln0a1ias: LOL. (:21:48
Jordan_Un0a1ias: To install ATI drivers use System > Administration > Hardware Drivers21:48
goltoofJordan_U,   what would i do next to reformat a disk after i  unmount it... remount it.... god i want to get this done already!21:48
Jordan_Un0a1ias: Do *not* try to install them manually.21:48
arvutE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:48
n0a1iasJordan_U that wasn't working21:48
arvutis this solvable without a reboot?21:48
littlegirlJordan_U: n0a1ias is having an odd error when trying to install them graphically.21:48
progre55n0a1ias: that's a bad idea..21:48
Jordan_Ugoltoof: Unmount it, then start Startup Disk Creator again.21:48
ElNotaarvut: Yes, close Synaptic, Update-manager, or any apt-get process21:49
arvutElNota: they are not running21:49
littlegirlJordan_U: This is the error n0a1ias gets: http://i.imgur.com/zK0gy.png21:49
ElNotaar0nic: Check it in System-monitor21:49
arvutit all started when I forcequit aptitude as it was not responding to ^c or ^z21:50
goltoofJordan_U,  device busy when trying to unmount21:50
littlegirln0a1ias: But your initial problem hasn't been solved, so you'll still want to track that down and fix it. (:21:50
n0a1iasyea, googleing now21:50
arvutI was running an install run and it kinda hanged up on "Unpacking Replacement libasound2"21:50
n0a1iasbut at least i have not shitty resolution littlegirl21:51
guntbert!language  | n0a1ias21:51
ubottun0a1ias: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:51
littlegirln0a1ias: The best I was able to find out with Google so far is that you should pick the correct resolution, but that won't solve an issue with all text files, and you had it automatically detecting, which should have worked.21:51
n0a1iasmy B, guntbert21:51
arvutthe !aptfix doesnt work either21:52
n0a1iasyea, maybe i should just download all the resolutions i can?21:52
Jordan_Ugoltoof: Make sure there aren't any terminals open that are cd'd to a directory on the drive.21:52
Jordan_Ugoltoof: Or any files open from that drive.21:52
littlegirln0a1ias: I don't think you need to. You should just be able to define them in the config file, shouldn't you? I'm not familiar with ATI, though, since I use NVIDIA. (:21:52
arvutgoltoof: or any programs writing data to it ;)21:53
n0a1iasok ill give it a shot, thanks littlegirl21:53
goltoofi don't know if there are any ubuntu forum admins here, but seiously why do you bother showing posts back from 2006?  do you realize those are almost always the first things to show up in google and how frustrating it makes googling?21:53
littlegirln0a1ias: Good luck. Setting up video is never a completely gentle thing, but it sounds like you're well on your way. (:21:53
progre55so, anybody knows how to create an "extended partition"?21:53
arvuthow is that relevant to this channel?21:53
n0a1iasalso, i have to ask, are you actually a little girl? littlegirl21:54
littlegirln0a1ias: No, I'm a gull grown woman. (:21:54
littlegirln0a1ias: Full, that is. (:21:54
n0a1iashah ok thanks21:54
goltoofbecause people are always telling us to google foo21:54
=== grantd0uglas is now known as Grant_EH
Jordan_Udefsdoor: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo grub-script-check -v /boot/grub/grub.cfg" ?21:54
littlegirlI was a truck driver and it was my handle. I've had it for years. (:21:54
rats__try using Google/Linux.com for a more accurate search21:54
guntbertlittlegirl: n0a1ias: please keep conversations in *this* channel to support21:55
=== HeimDaLL is now known as HeimDaLL|OFF
rats__and up to date search21:55
littlegirln0a1ias: Now I'm gonna paste my question in here again. (:21:55
goltoofrats_  i'll try that21:55
littlegirlHey there, does anybody know which file contains the locations listed when you right-click in Nautilus and choose Copy to or Move to? I'd like to edit that list.21:56
littlegirlguntbert perhaps you can help me with my support request.21:56
arvutis it perhaps in some nautilus config file?21:56
Grant_EHnot entirely sure but think it is most likely somewhere in gconf21:57
littlegirlarvut: Probably, but which one is the question. (:21:58
goltoofJordan_U,  unmounted, made sure device isn't busy... SU disk creator still "No authority"21:58
towbHi. At boot my Koala can't mount the drive and asks for the root password to run fsck. I don't remember ever setting one. Now what.21:58
littlegirlGrant_EH: Will hunt around in there, thanks. (:21:58
goltooftowb,  try with no password?21:58
Grant_EHgo get nautilus-actions21:58
guntbertlittlegirl: sorry, no (I guess it is  somewher in gnome-config to be found)21:58
towbgoltoof: no luck21:58
n0a1iaslittlegirl, i still have a problom21:59
littlegirlGrant_EH: Yeah, I did, and that's a bit too complex for me. I know I can add actions, but I'd like to edit the existing ones.21:59
Grant_EHthen yeah i'd take a roam around gconf-editor21:59
goltoofdoes anyone understand users/group and how to mount and reformat a bloody usb drive???21:59
littlegirln0a1ias: Yeah, how are you coming with that? Any pages that say others have the same thing happen to them?21:59
Grant_EHi'll also take a look21:59
littlegirlGrant_EH: Will do. I went into the Nautilus IRC channel but nobody's talking.22:00
Grant_EHthis is my first ever IRC session ^.^22:00
littlegirln0a1ias: Did you try running aticonfig?22:00
arvuthow can I find out which process thats using /var/lib/dpkg/lock?22:00
littlegirlGrant_EH: Thanks! I've been hunting for a couple of days now. (:22:01
n0a1iaswhat? littlegirl22:01
n0a1iasno, how would i do that? littlegirl22:01
goltoofdoes anyone understand user/group permissions and how to mount and reformat a bloody usb drive???22:01
guntbert!repeat | goltoof22:01
ubottugoltoof: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:01
littlegirln0a1ias: The screenshot you linked mentions trying that. You open a terminal window and type aticonfig and hopefully that will run the configuration utility.22:02
arvut!anyone | goltoof22:02
ubottugoltoof: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:02
Guybrush88n0a1ias, maybe with a terminal session22:02
goltoofarvut, someone then22:02
arvutask the question instead.22:02
n0a1iasoh, sorry littlegirl22:02
littlegirln0a1ias: Not working?22:03
n0a1iasok i did it, but nothings changed22:03
guntbertarvut: fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock, but its probably either apt-get or aptitude or synaptic or the update-manager22:04
littlegirln0a1ias: Didn't you already install it from the command line? Or is this a different file?22:04
arvuthmm, neither of those programs are running according to ps aux22:04
n0a1iasim still working on the ati drivers littlegirl22:05
Grant_EHNope, been peeking in the Nautilus conf schemas but nothing there about context menu22:05
guntbertarvut: then try with fuser22:05
arvutwhat does that do?22:05
littlegirln0a1ias: Is it another file? If so, unless it has special instructions (from wherever you got it). then you should be able to run it the same way you ran the other one, by putting sh and a space in front of the complete file name. (:22:05
arvut!info fuser22:06
ubottuPackage fuser does not exist in maverick22:06
nimbioticsHello all. Using PulseAudio in ubuntu 10.10; I managed to merge a sink and a source into a virtual device. My problem now is that I do not understand the instructions at (http://tinyurl.com/3a3r2vl) to make these changes permanent in default.pa. Can someone please guide me? TIA!22:06
SorayaUbuntuHi Guys :) i usuallu uninstall apps rununing sudo apt-get remove (app) but there isa purge command also to dont leave left overs by softwares22:06
n0a1iasno, its with the ATI driver download, also, i tried the sh22:06
goltoofok... my last post is off the screen ... can i repeat now?22:06
arvutSorayaUbuntu: try aptitude, or apt-get autoremove22:06
Grant_EH"Currently pairs and schemas can't be edited. This will be changed in a later version."22:07
goltoofdoes someone understand user/group permissions and how to mount and reformat a usb drive???22:07
Grant_EHwhy do you need permissions?22:07
arvutnow there's your actual question, ty goltoof =)22:07
Grant_EHwhat happens when you try mount the drive?22:07
littlegirln0a1ias: What happens when you do the sh on that file?22:08
SorayaUbuntuhow do i use purge ? to complete unistall apps with no left overs22:08
goltooffirst, when i plug it in, says can't mount "No authority"22:08
guntbertarvut: fuser exists on your system, just call it like I said above22:08
goltoofsame when i try to get to it in nautilus22:08
arvutguntbert: thx, will do22:08
bastid_raZorgoltoof: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions22:08
goltoofso i mounted the drive manually in sudo, but i can't do anything i need to22:08
SorayaUbuntuautoremove delet a little  more than leftovers22:08
n0a1iassh: Can't open aticonfig22:08
SorayaUbuntui was missing apps using autoremove22:08
goltoofbastid_raZor,   i've been working on this for a couple hours now..22:09
goltoofall i want to do is mount this drive, reformat and create a startup disk22:09
goltoof2 hours..22:09
arvutguntbert: I get nothing from it, does that mean no program is using it?22:09
SorayaUbuntuand i have to manually delete configurations left overs in home using Ctrl-H22:09
=== zz_Crisco is now known as Crisco
Grant_EHcan you mount it through xterm?22:10
littlegirln0a1ias: Ah, for aticonfig you don't type sh and a space before it. Try it without it. (:22:10
arvutalberto: hi22:10
ctsalberto: Hi!22:10
goltoofGrant_EH,   what you mean xterm?  terminal, right?   i just said that i mounted it manually22:10
guntbertarvut: normally yes, but you can type fuser -m /var/lib/dpkg    to make sure22:10
bastid_raZorgoltoof: i've had issues with startup disk creator and have ran it with gksudo which seemed to fix things.. in a terminal type gksudo usb-creator-gtk22:10
b0r3d0many good video editor for ubuntu?22:10
Grant_EHyeah i was just clarifying thats what you meant22:10
b0r3d0mor slideshow creator..22:11
tensorpuddingb0r3d0m: ubuntu comes with pitivi now22:11
albertoDo you know what tda1004x timeout waiting for DSP in Ubuntu root mean?22:11
nikrehi, i wanted to install along with my windows partition, i chose the partition and set 20000 as the size of new partition in drive partitioning step of installation. now my whole drive is formatted and there is a 40gb unallocated space. Is there by any chance i can recover my files?22:11
n0a1iaslittle girl, i get a lot of text22:11
n0a1iasone sec, ill pastbinn22:11
nikreinstall ubuntu*22:11
sjmn0a1ias, if you can't run the ati file, put a "./" in front of it.22:11
arvutI got a weird looking output from the -m flag, will give you a pastebin in a sec cause I don't understand it22:12
sjmn0a1ias, this isn't Windows.  In Linux, the current directory isn22:12
kevinsnikre: have you written anything to the drive yet?22:12
kevinsnikre: probably not.22:12
sjmn0a1ias, this isn't Windows.  In Linux, the current directory isn't in the PATH22:12
nikreno i havent22:12
goltoofbastid_raZor,   finally, freedom!   thanks.....22:12
littlegirln0a1ias: Okay. (:22:12
nikrebut the new drive format is ext222:12
anygivennamehow long can Ubuntu password be ?22:12
bastid_raZorgoltoof: you're welcome22:12
kevinsnikre: you may be able to recover something.22:12
n0a1ias.. i know, im jsut new to ubuntu sjm22:12
nikrekevins, the drive format changed, are you sure ?22:13
gNewPowerHi,  how can I start kcontrol under Ubuntu Gnome just to config the KDE applications I use (KDE system fonts in particular).  Thanks!22:13
arvutguntbert: http://pastebin.com/m2TCBqtw22:13
kevinsnikre: Formatting a drive doesn't always clean wipe data e.g. write 0's over everything22:13
b0r3d0mtensorpudding, thanks.. and advance video creator?22:13
adrian15bvbwe: Can you hear at private talk?22:13
anygivennamehow long can Ubuntu system password be ?22:13
sjmn0a1ias, littlegirl it looks like somehow gedit is the default program to open ".run" files.  I would guess that is the problem of trying to run it in the GUI22:13
nikrethe "active partition" software couldnt fo anything22:13
b0r3d0mwith effect and transition.22:13
=== jason is now known as skaja
tensorpuddingb0r3d0m: no idea22:14
nikrei'm quite mad at this22:14
kevinsnikre: what sort of files were theu22:14
n0a1iassjm, how would you open it?22:14
extracorporealHullo chaps, just looking for an alternative touchpad driver for Macbook 3,1, can anyone be of assistance?22:14
littlegirlsjm n0a1ias Is there a way around that?22:14
nikrei select a partition and set size for new partition. what happens afterwards is completely irrelevant22:14
sjmn0a1ias, I know, I was explaining one of the differences in Linux.  Why you got the "command not found" when trying to run the ati file.  It wasn't in the PATH.  You can explicitly run it by specifying the exact full or relative path to the file.22:15
nikrekevins, for example i lost my 3 months of code work22:15
=== Kaizen is now known as Kyoku
Nertilwhat actyally is root password in ubuntu22:15
Nertilwhen i try su root22:15
guntbertarvut: my bad, with -m it checks the complete partition22:15
anygivennamecan system password be over 20 characters ?22:15
guntbert!root | Nertil22:15
ubottuNertil: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:15
kevinsnikre: did you choose to resize the windows partition?22:15
=== Kyoku is now known as kaizen
kevinsnikre: i don't fully understand you22:15
SuperMiguelis there a big difference between gnome and fluxbox ? resource wise?22:15
n0a1iassjm, i tried it in the downloads folder too22:16
sjmn0a1ias, littlegirl   to run the file in the terminal, just prepend it (if you are in the same directory) with a "./" (without the quotation marks)22:16
skajaI just installed extra components on gnome and don't know how to get them started22:16
Raydiation1hi can anyone help me with connecting to an ldap server? im really struggling getting this to work, resources are bad22:16
nikrekevins, in the drive partitioning step of ubuntu installation, i selected my "d" drive which ntfs but not the windows installed partition.22:16
guntbertarvut: if fuser /var/lib/dpkg gives nothing then there shouldn't be a process holding it -- what was the problem?22:16
arvutguntbert: yeah, the usage guide for fuser says something about mount22:16
sjmn0a1ias, littlegirl and make sure it is "executable"  (chmod +x <filename>)22:16
anygivennamecan system password be over 20 characters ?22:17
nikrekevins, and set the size for new partition as 20gb22:17
kevinsnikre: can you still use windows?22:17
dark3lfhello there, where can I find ping logs ? I want to know if someone ping me, I hear about ping logs so...22:17
arvutguntbert: aptitude, synaptic, apt-get & update-manager all refuse to run as there is this lock22:17
nikrekevins, in the drive partitioning step of ubuntu installation, i selected my "d" drive which ntfs but ""not the windows installed partition. " "22:17
nikrei have my c drive22:18
sjmarvut, is one of them running?22:18
nikrekevins, so yes22:18
n0a1iasn0a1ias@n0a1ias---Desktop:~/Downloads$ ./ati-driver-installer-10-9-x86.x86_64.run22:18
n0a1iasbash: ./ati-driver-installer-10-9-x86.x86_64.run: No such file or directory22:18
n0a1iasn0a1ias@n0a1ias---Desktop:~/Downloads$ ^C22:18
n0a1ias sjm22:18
FloodBot3n0a1ias: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:18
guntbertarvut: please pastebin the output of sudo aptitude update22:18
kevinsnikre: have you tried http://www.recovermyfiles.com/?22:18
littlegirln0a1ias: So using what sjm says, you can go into the directory that ati...........run is in (not typing out the whole command) and type ./ati..........run to run it. (:22:18
anygivennamecan system password be over 20 characters ?22:18
extracorporealnobody has any info on the trackpad driver for Macbook 3,1?22:19
arvutsjm, no. and I'm trying to find out why it's locked. I did run aptitude earlier but had to forcequit it when it didn't respond to ^c or ^z22:19
n0a1iasi jsut tried it, and got that error22:19
littlegirln0a1ias: Or, from anywhere, you can type ./PATH/ati...........run replacing PATH with the full path to the file. (:22:19
nikrekevins, that software cant find fiiles on a lost partition22:19
littlegirln0a1ias: What error are you getting?22:19
kevinsnikre: if you want to use it, stretch the ext partition back to 60gb and quick format to fat32.22:19
n0a1iasprepare to get mad floodbot322:19
n0a1iasn0a1ias@n0a1ias---Desktop:~/Downloads$ ./ati-driver-installer-10-9-x86.x86_64.run22:19
n0a1iasbash: ./ati-driver-installer-10-9-x86.x86_64.run: No such file or directory22:19
n0a1iasn0a1ias@n0a1ias---Desktop:~/Downloads$ ^C22:19
FloodBot3n0a1ias: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:19
arvutdid an update install run, it hang up on "Unpacking Replacement Package libasound2"22:19
littlegirln0a1ias: Oooh, pastebin in future. (:22:20
sjmarvut, that's the problem.  forcing it to quit didn't allow it to release the lock.  (But I can't remember right now where the lock file is put for you to delete it manually)22:20
guntbertn0a1ias: don't ever do that again please22:20
n0a1iasoh right...22:20
nikrekevins, it was ntfs beforehand22:20
nikrewhy fat32?22:20
kevinsnikre: it only needs to be in a windows-recognisable format.22:20
arvutsjm: that would be /var/lib/dpkg/lock22:20
n0a1iasis guntburt a bot designd only to get mad at me?22:20
kevinsext isnt natively supported by windows.22:20
goltoofmd5sum -c MD5SUMS  ... shouldn't that give me some output?  it's not even recognized as a command22:20
nikrekevins, wouldnt that affect file tables and lose them22:21
arvutsjm: are you saying I should delete it as aptitude failed to do so?22:21
littlegirln0a1ias: What do you see if you type cat ati-driver-installer-10-9-x86.x86_64.run22:21
sjmarvut, then delete it manually so you can run it again.22:21
sjmarvut, yes22:21
littlegirln0a1ias: I'm beginning to suspect that ati-driver-installer-10-9-x86.x86_64.run is calling something else that doesn't exist on your system.22:21
DaveCavegood evening all, quick question, Dell C610 laptop with untuntu 10.10 all updates applied, when i try to rotate the display 180 just the mouse inverts and not the desktop... soultions?22:21
kevinsnikre: what does Windows think the ext partition is22:21
n0a1iasa no such file or directory error littlegirl22:22
nikrekevins, i cant see the ext2 partition22:22
nikrein windows22:22
sjmn0a1ias, is the file "executable"?  do an "ls -l ati...," and see if the "x" bits are set.22:22
arvutsomeone said it would cause problems if other programs were using it. so what I'm trying to do is to find out if any, and in that case, which programs that are using it22:22
kevinsnikre: ok then22:22
kevinsnikre: you may be able to do something if it says "RAW"22:22
littlegirln0a1ias: Can you paste the results of ls -l on that directory into a pastebin?22:23
kevinsnikre: have you used the package "recover" from synaptic22:23
n0a1iasnow i have a > as my propmpt22:23
kevinsnikre: it has good support for ext2 drives.22:23
arvutn0a1ias: use " instead of '22:23
defsdoorJordan_U, I dont have grub-script-check22:23
nikrethere's a software called active partition recovery for windows. and it couldnt find any files22:23
littlegirln0a1ias: Pressing the Ctrl and C key at the same time should get you out of that > prompt.22:24
nikreit can detect the lost partitions22:24
BaribalHi. I've got a diff that includes changes to several files. How do I tell patch?22:24
n0a1iasok whats it even used for? littlegirl22:24
littlegirln0a1ias: No idea. I'm not sure where you went. I just know that's how I get back when I go away. (:22:24
SuperMiguelis there a big difference between gnome and fluxbox ? resource wise?22:24
kevinsnikre: it wont do anything to allocated space.22:24
edbianSuperMiguel, yes.  fluxbox uses much less22:25
kevinsnikre: you'll need to remve the ext partition.22:25
sjmn0a1ias, it's a continuation of the line above.  If you didn't close a quotation mark, it's waiting for the rest of the line to be typed in.22:25
skajaHow do I load up the gnome plugins?22:25
Saturn2888Hi, this location just had a power outtage and the server had shut off. I was told, last night, it was running a journal check. When I got here, I restarted the machine as it was frozen. When it booted, it said /dev/sda1 and 6 were clean but then it just froze on that screen. What do I do?22:25
Jordan_Udefsdoor: Can you pastebin your grub.cfg?22:25
n0a1iasok cool sjm22:25
defsdoorsure one sec22:25
DaveCaveanyone know why there would be issues with laptop lcd displays not wanting to invert 180? ubuntu 10.1022:25
defsdoorJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/k2rgSkQJ22:26
sjmn0a1ias, littlegirl it won't run because it's not marked as being executable.  use the command:  chmod +x ati...22:26
dark3lfhello there, where can I find ping logs ? I want to know if someone ping me, I hear about ping logs so...22:26
n0a1iasJordan_U, i got vbwe in ubuntu with unetbootin, its up to you now22:27
littlegirln0a1ias, sjm: I think it won't run because it doesn't exist. n0a1ias had a nine where there's a ten in the filename. Try ./ati-driver-installer-10-10-x86.x86_64.run22:27
brett\homeive somehow created a file named '-lat' without the quotes.. and rm is going me problems removing it, probably because of the hyphen.. how do i fix this?22:27
n0a1iashttp://pastebin.com/jcrewW22, sml littlegirl22:28
Akuma_sHi there22:28
Akuma_sI need some guide with an error in a hard drive...22:28
sjmn0a1ias, you need to learn about tab completion  :)22:29
n0a1iaswaht? sjm22:29
sjmn0a1ias, you can type in the first few letters and then <tab> and it will complete as much as it can of the command22:29
n0a1iasalso, i redid the command with a 10 instad of a 922:29
littlegirln0a1ias: Oh, you're going to love it. sjm is right. Tab completion is magical for making sure you don't get file names wrong. (:22:29
sjmn0a1ias, or filename22:30
n0a1iaswow i typed all that for nothing22:30
arvutback to n0a1ias question, as I wonder about that too, what is the > prompt used for?22:30
arvutthe one you get after typing '22:30
franciscoHello, I wondered how could I install php-5.2.14 on my Xubuntu. I already extracted it with the Terminal, but what should I do now22:30
progre55what is the recommended amount of swap for a 400Gb linux partition with 4G ram and core i7 proc?22:30
sjmarvut, n0a1ias, it's a continuation of the line above.  If you didn't close a quotation mark, it's waiting for the rest of the line to be typed in.22:30
littlegirlarvut: I think it happens when you've begun a process of some sort that hasn't been completed yet and you're sort of stuck waiting for something further to happen.22:30
n0a1iashttp://pastebin.com/mqY1Y4U4 sjm littlegirl22:30
ZykoticK9arvut, it's waiting for you to finish your command - I think ctrl+d is the finished keycombo22:31
n0a1iasWAIT, tab works in xchat too! what elce dont i know? sjm littlegirl22:31
Chaosrattanyone know how to unmount a partition when lsof/fuser show no open files, and "umount -f" still says its busy?22:31
n0a1iasif been typing littlegirl in every time22:31
sjmn0a1ias, littlegirl now just run it with: ./ati<tab>22:32
goltoofChaosratt,  make sure any terminals are cd'd into it or programs accessing it22:32
littlegirln0a1ias: LOL, yes, it can be demonstrated nicely in here! Okay, it looks like you chmodded the file, so now if you type the sh and the space in front of it or the dot and the forward slash in front of it, it should run. (:22:32
Jordan_USaturn2888: How long was it "frozen" and was there any disk activity?22:32
n0a1iasok its installing now!22:33
Chaosrattgoltoof: No open termals in that directory, only program I know that accesses it (samba) is completely off22:33
n0a1iasthanks guys sjl littlegirl espesilly for the tab22:33
=== xumuk_ is now known as XuMuK
littlegirln0a1ias, sjm: At risk of being wrong, I'll say that in Bash, no news is good news. So when you did the chmod command and Bash didn't say anything to you, that's a pretty good indication of success. I wonder why there isn't an outright success or failure on eevery command, but hey, as long as you know that no news is good news, everything is okay. (:22:33
Akuma_sI need some guide with a hard drive issue...22:34
goltoof!anyone Akuma_s22:34
Akuma_spastebin is not working22:34
sjmn0a1ias, have fun!  glad it's working.22:34
BigMaoHi there, I have a four-monitor setup, and after I upgraded to Lucid I'm noticing a very serious problem where occasionally my mouse gets stick between two screens and starts to flash rapidly.  When this happens, I have no choice but to do a hard reboot.  Can anyone help?22:34
ZykoticK9Akuma_s, could you give some more details?22:34
littlegirln0nam3: I hope it installs smoothly. (:22:34
=== Sam__ is now known as Some_Person
arvutaptitude is working again, the lock was 0 bytes =)22:34
Akuma_sYes ZykoticK9 "[ 8395.090625] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE22:35
Akuma_s[ 8395.090633] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Sense Key : Medium Error [current] [descriptor]22:35
Akuma_s[ 8395.090643] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex):22:35
Akuma_s[ 8395.090648]         72 03 11 04 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 0022:35
Akuma_s[ 8395.090666]         03 a9 63 0322:35
FloodBot3Akuma_s: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
Akuma_s[ 8395.090673] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed22:35
arvutso I deleted it and ran sudo dpkg --configure -a22:35
sporkboygpsbabel is giving me "GARMIN:Can't init /dev/ttyUSB0", and I forget how to fix it. (I know I had to do something on my last install)22:35
Nertilcan i have in my ubuntu gnome and kde together and when i want i will use kde when i want will use gnome22:35
Craig`hey guys, i'm using GParted and i'm wanting to remove my xp partion, not exactly sure which one this is though, i don't want to be deleting my ubu partion.22:36
ZykoticK9Nertil, yes you can have gnome + kde + OTHERS installed at the same time, and GDM/KDM will let you select which one you want at login.22:36
Nertilhow to install kde?22:37
Akuma_sI need some guide with a hard drive issue... here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/526628/22:37
arvutnow, why is aptitude getting stuck when Unpacking replacement libasound2?22:37
jiohdixfce4 is good to have too22:37
ZykoticK9Nertil, "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" is the easiest way22:37
arvutor is it a big lib that takes an age to update?22:37
Linhelp ? I am trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on a toshiba satellite notebook, with Windows vista. when I get to the install screen for ubuntu, it dose not give me the choice to duel boot . it asks if i want to use the whole disk and wipe out windows, but no graphical partition22:38
LinDo partition in windows first???22:38
edbianLin It's likely that the NTFS partition has errors on it.  If so then the system refuses to resize it.  Try running chkdsk in windows first.22:38
ZykoticK9Lin, don't you see a "install alongside" or some similar wording?  that's the dual-boot option.22:38
dark3lfhello there, where can I find ping logs ? I want to know if someone ping me, I hear about ping logs so...22:39
jiohdiLin: linux is trying to do you a favor22:39
ChaosrattBumpage: Anyone know how to tracedown a "umount2: Device or resource busy" error when lsof and fuser say nothing is accessing that partition/mount point22:39
arvutjiohdi: l0l, how harsh of you22:39
ZykoticK9dark3lf, there is no "ping log" you'd need a firewall log to see ping attempts against you (i have no idea man, my firewall is my router)22:39
Jordan_ULin: Could you post a screenshot?22:39
arvutbut I agree, it would be a favour =)22:39
goltoofjust curious is encrypting the home folder a good idea?22:39
Jordan_U!screenshot | Lin22:39
ubottuLin: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.22:39
goltoofslows things down at all?22:40
goltoofLin, "import foo.jpg" works too22:40
ibidu /msg nickserv identify raraavis12322:40
arvutshould I close down vlcwhen updating libasound2?22:40
dark3lfZykoticK9: thanx, That is what I thought but was not sure. I think I can do this with iptables22:40
jiohdigoltoof: how do you encrypt a folder?22:41
Jordan_Uibidu: Change your password quickly.22:41
sjmibidu, you might want to change your password22:41
ZykoticK9dark3lf, ya, where ever iptables stores it's logs22:41
goltoofjihodi,  truecrypt is one way, but 10.10 gives you the option when installing22:41
LinI know vista sucks but it is not my computer. I will try screen shot.22:41
Jordan_Uibidu: And next time use the chanserv window / tab.22:41
FreddyStraussHey guys, i'm new with ubuntu, and i have a little problem. Whenever I install anything it gives me some kinda operation failed message, although the action is done properly22:42
ZykoticK9FreddyStrauss, can you install using Applications / Ubuntu Software Center?22:43
arvutthe spam you get when you have finished the installation and the cd has popped out?22:43
edbianFreddyStrauss, Well what exactly is the error?22:43
FreddyStraussthe error is the following22:43
FreddyStrausswhenever i get in the ubuntu software center and i install something it says: operation ... failed22:44
LinYes something is wrong with the windows disk. I will try to fix in vista and then try again22:44
FreddyStraussbut the operation was done succesfully22:44
=== xumuk_ is now known as XuMuK
littlegirlAkuma_s: In case nobody else has suggested anything, I looked up a couple of the text strings from your error and it doesn't look good: http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=Add.+Sense%3A+Unrecovered+read+error+-+auto+reallocate+failed&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 and http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=EXT3-fs%3A+can%27t+read+group+descriptor+1&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-822:44
FreddyStraussthe very same happens when i go to system and update...22:44
ZykoticK9FreddyStrauss, I'd recommend you open a terminal and try running "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo-apt-get upgrade" and see if that is successful - running those 2 commands will update your system.  If you get an error message, perhaps posting it to Pastebin would be helpful.22:45
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Akuma_sI know littlegirl... and looking for options about it..22:46
Akuma_sIm looking for options about it22:46
=== tgc is now known as Thomas_G_C
* Gnea recommends tinyurl.com to littlegirl 22:46
FreddyStrauss<ZykoticK9>  the update works, and the installs also... the problem is that i get the wrong message. Instead of: installation succesfully or whatever... it gives me an "operation failed" message.22:46
SorayaUbuntuis there any diference if i run purge or just remove ?22:47
ZykoticK9FreddyStrauss, if you get "operation failed" my money is on something didn't work22:47
SorayaUbuntuwhats the diference ?22:47
ubunrtwgoldhi,how install gdm themes under ubuntu maverick22:47
ibiduright password changed, that's one that i can never use again, anyhoo, i wanted to find out how to set up a static ip on my ubuntu machine, so far I have tried the command "sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces" but not sure what to do there.22:47
ZykoticK9SorayaUbuntu, purge will remove the config files in /etc type thing22:47
Akuma_slittlegirl, This happened right after I format the partition to ext422:47
Akuma_sSo, be careful with it22:47
littlegirlAkuma_s: I'm not sure if it could be reporting the error wrong, but in the event that it's not, I'd definitely back up everything I could.22:48
ubunrtwgoldhi,how install gdm themes under ubuntu maverick22:48
littlegirlAkuma_s: Ah, then it might be a conflict of some sort if you still have some ext3 stuff. Do you?22:48
EventyretIm trying to get my keys to sign Code of conduct of ubuntu ? for launchpad but i dont got any keys in keys and encryption, any help ? ubuntu 10.1022:48
ZykoticK9ubunrtwgold, short answer is - you can't.  Best of luck man, I've only been able to use the non-supported UbuntuTweak apps to change to a couple of worse themes.22:48
Akuma_slittlegirl, Yeaph, is what I thought22:48
littlegirlAkuma_s: Now you're worrying me. I just installed Ubuntu LTS and am currently using ext4...........22:48
SorayaUbuntuZykoticK9, thanks,i read a little about it but didnt mention that part,it did says that will not remove configurations yn home22:48
VirusTBOMG, how do i recover files from my hDD when i dropped it :(22:49
Eventyret>< or maybe just read some more >< *Slap himself*22:49
EventyretVirusTB: TestDisk22:49
vbwewhy install-mbr package is not in ubuntu!22:49
ubunrtwgoldhow install dvb-t firmware in fedora core22:49
ZykoticK9SorayaUbuntu, that's why i used the /etc for the example, as you correctly state - it won't touch home directory stuff.22:49
VirusTBVirusTB:  Mac? for a mac?22:49
EventyretVirusTB: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk22:49
ubunrtwgoldmy card no works sucks22:50
ubunrtwgoldlinuix no good for dvb cards22:50
arvuthmm, I'm havig problems moving windows across my 6 desktops (using compiz with a nice hexagonal sphere)22:50
jiohditruecrypt seems to be saying it encrypts an entire volume, will it work for individual files?22:50
ZykoticK9ubunrtwgold, if you are using fedora you should visit their support channel(s) - this is ubuntu only support22:51
VirusTBEventyret:  well i droped it :( and it seems that the disc doesnt eben spin anymore :S22:51
arvutit works to move them clockwise all the way around, but not counterclockwise22:51
goltoofjihodi, why bother?  tar22:51
EventyretVirusTB: oh ><22:51
EventyretVirusTB: internal or external drive ?22:51
jiohdigoltoof: tar?22:51
ubunrtwgoldzykotick9 not i know yes or not22:51
VirusTBEventyret: :S its not my HDD thats the worse part22:51
littlegirlAkuma_s: The more pages I read in those results, the worse it looks. Even if that drive is behaving normally right now, I would assume it's about to fail and make sure you have it backed up and a replacement ready. ):22:51
Akuma_slittlegirl, I have 3 partitions in the same HDD with...22:52
littlegirlAkuma_s: Are they backed up?22:52
VirusTBEventyret:  ts an external 120GB, connects via USB22:52
Akuma_slittlegirl, ext4 and the other 2 are ext322:52
Akuma_slittlegirl, Not yet :P Im working on it22:52
ubunrtwgolddvb-t in ubuntu?22:52
ubunrtwgoldw_scan suck22:52
EventyretVirusTB: what sort of external ?22:52
ubunrtwgoldnot work22:52
littlegirlAkuma_s: That *could* be the cause, but it doesn't sound like it from what those pages are saying. I hope you get everything backed up!22:52
ubunrtwgoldhelp me22:53
ubunrtwgoldbad sof22:53
Akuma_sThanks anyway for the support littlegirl22:53
Akuma_sI will try that22:53
VirusTBEventyret:  what do u mean?... its USB,  ithink its not SSD because its size is 120GB22:53
Eventyretubunrtwgold: ? What you need ?22:53
littlegirlAkuma_s: I wish it had been better news, but better safe than sorry. Then once you have it backed up you can try stuff and maybe rescue it. (:22:53
goltoofjihodi, or aescrypt.   or truecrypt is fine but you can encrypt with tar also22:54
ubunrtwgoldwork my  card!22:54
VirusTBEventyret:  2.5 small size , like a laptop harrddrive22:54
EventyretVirusTB: i mean is it a Seagate, Samsung, Freeagent so on.22:54
ubunrtwgolddvb terrestial22:54
EventyretVirusTB: so its a 2.5" USB one i see =)22:54
VirusTBEventyret:  uhmm the case says conceptronic22:54
arvutubunrtwgold: could you ask the actual question instead? so ppl can actually help you?22:55
ubunrtwgoldwork with kaffeine ,but i wanna not install kde lib22:55
peepzwhen applications running on my web server downloads files on its own the ownership gets set to www-data:www-data .. how can I force it to be set to admin:www-data?22:55
ubunrtwgoldi need help22:55
sjmpeepz, why do you need it with those permissions?22:56
goltoof"work my card!"   lol, i like that if only it were that easy22:56
plobcan´t  install yahoo messanger22:56
coz_ubunrtwgold,  mm I dont know that this is possible   kaffeine is a kde applications that requires certain kde libs22:56
EventyretVirusTB: and the disk is not spinning ? - What ubuntu you using then ?22:56
FreddyStrauss<ZykoticK9> so how do u think i can solve this?22:56
peepzbecause even if its in the home folder of admin I cannot change the file permissions since its www-data:www-data ... i am not the owner of the file22:56
sjmplob, use pidgin22:56
plobcan  some help me.?22:56
VirusTBEventyret: mybad, im on a MAC22:57
peepzsjm: that was for u22:57
ubunrtwgoldi need  work my card in gnome22:57
FreddyStraussMac sux22:57
EventyretVirusTB: dont you got a USB pen or something oO ?22:57
ubunrtwgoldw_scan not work22:57
igor85 Hi, I installed debian instead of ubuntu and encountered a problem. My screen size on laptop is 1366x768 but only i have choices are 800x600 and 1024x768. What to do? My video card is intel g45 embedded22:57
coz_ubunrtwgold,  I will tell you what I do... I install ubuntu then install the kde applications I like... I dont mind the kde libs anylonger and find it quite helpful to be able to use kde applications on ubuntu22:57
littlegirlubunrtwgold: http://parker1.co.uk/mythtv_ubuntu.php22:57
VirusTBEventyret:  well it doesnt sound like the disc is spinning, and when i plug it in, it doensmt mount automatically22:57
VirusTBEventyret: pen??0_o22:57
sjmis it group writable?  then put yourself (admin) in the www-data group and you should be able to manage the file.22:57
ZykoticK9FreddyStrauss, i have no idea man - we don't have much to work on with just an "operation failed" message, that could be anything.  Could you pastebin the output from a terminal window?  It would help the channel22:57
edbianigor85, Ask in the Debian channel on irc.oftc.net22:57
EventyretVirusTB: well get a USB pen and boot up a livecd ?22:57
sjmpeepz, is it group writable?  then put yourself (admin) in the www-data group and you should be able to manage the file.22:58
igor85thank you22:58
peepzsjm: oh so I can put admin in the www-data group? i didnt know that was possible..how can I do that?22:58
FreddyStrauss<ZykoticK9> i will run the process and tell u exactly what i get22:58
ubunrtwgoldi tested mytv bad so bad22:58
ZykoticK9!paste | FreddyStrauss22:58
=== Pilif12p_ is now known as Pilif12p
ubottuFreddyStrauss: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:58
littlegirlubunrtwgold: Sorry about that!22:58
ubunrtwgoldtotem not supported dvb-t cards22:58
VirusTBEventyret:  ah ok :)22:59
sjmpeepz, I usually directly edit the group file (/etc/group)22:59
ZykoticK9!pastebinit > FreddyStrauss22:59
VirusTBEventyret:  wl u be arround in 10 minutes?  i need to burn one22:59
ubottuFreddyStrauss, please see my private message22:59
ubunrtwgoldtotem  out of my ubuntu22:59
=== Ttech is now known as The_Doctor
arvutis there any known problems when updating to the latest libasound2?22:59
peepzsjm: can I do it through a command?22:59
ubunrtwgoldmy card is avermedia volar hd ready23:00
arvutaptitude has stopped working at the same place as it stopped before23:00
EventyretVirusTB: yeah i will xD23:00
EventyretVirusTB: Just PM me when your back =)23:00
sjmpeepz, see this page: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-add-user-to-group/23:00
bastid_raZorpeepz: sudo adduser username group    ... interchange the username for a user and group for an actual group23:00
peepzthanks sjm and thanks bastid_raZor !!!23:01
anygivennameif I do ssh-keygen....then a key is gonna be created......how do I use it then?23:01
sjmpeepz, something like: usermod -a -G admin www-data23:01
peepzlemme try!23:02
sjmpeepz, something like: usermod -a -G www-data admin23:02
VirusTBEventyret: thank u very much :)23:02
sjmpeepz, i think I switched user and group the first time23:02
FreddyStrauss<ZykoticK9> http://imagebin.org/121994    there u can see the screenshot of what happens after installing any program23:03
EventyretVirusTB: your welcome =)23:03
RussRI need help! I accidently formatted a windows extternal HD with ubuntu. Is there any way to recover the data or un-format the drive?23:03
HaPK_PerCarI'm having problems with sound on my laptop... sound come right on the speakers, but nothing for headphones, even if I plug them in! I installed the alsa drivers backports to solve this, but now it won't work! I recently made an update and installed my ethernet card driver...23:03
ubunrtwgoldvrus tb garbage23:03
littlegirlubunrtwgold: How about this one: http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/59-ubuntu-xbmc23:03
ZykoticK9FreddyStrauss, my recommendation is close USC open a terminal and try running "sudo apt-get -f install" to try and fix and broken/failed installation attempts.23:04
ubunrtwgoldthanks littlegirl23:04
arvutwhy is aptitude not doing anything after "Unpacking replacement libasound2 ..."?23:04
FreddyStrauss<ZykoticK9> but the installation WORKS, it is just that it tells me it didnt, but it always works...23:04
FreddyStraussso there is a bug23:04
littlegirlubunrtwgold: I'm not sure it will work, but it's one of the pages I found when I put the name of your card in. (:23:04
arvutit seems to have stopped working23:04
ubunrtwgoldi looking it23:05
plobsjm> thank you23:05
peepzsjm: I ran your command..I still cant set the permissions :*23:06
ZykoticK9peepz, did you log out and back in (required for group changes)23:06
peepzoh let me try23:07
peepzactually i set that being logged on as root23:07
peepzand after that I logged in as admin23:07
ZykoticK9peepz, from a terminal you can check with the "groups" command23:07
RussR I need help! I accidently formatted a windows external HD with ubuntu. Is there any way to recover the data or un-format the drive?23:07
Jordan_URussR: What did you do precisely?23:08
peepzoh..I am in the www-data group!23:08
HaPK_PerCarplease people, I have problems with sound... it won't come out through my headphones23:08
ubunrtwgoldrussr super boot grub is solution23:08
peepzhold on..www-data does not have permissions to change file permission right? it shouldt have?23:08
RussRJordan, I was installing ubuntu on what I thought was a new HD but unfortunately I had an ext plugged in and it installed there instead23:09
peepzsjm im confused..i just want to have the ability to change the permissions on my home folder files that are of owner www-data:www-data23:09
Jordan_URussR: There is no way to "unformat" then. You may be able to recover some files with photorec.23:10
ubunrtwgoldi was intalling  3 OS in hd thanks a supergrubdisk i saved23:10
RussRI did that, however it renamed all the files23:10
captkirkpeepz: only the owner of a file can change the permissions23:10
peepzyes..so back to my initial qustion:)23:11
RussRis there a way torecover data and keep the original file names?23:11
peepzcaptkirk: when applications running on my web server downloads files on its own the ownership gets set to www-data:www-data .. how can I force it to be set to admin:www-data?23:11
ubunrtwgoldnormally mater boot  firs partition needs windows :)23:11
ubunrtwgoldwith reload23:11
Jordan_URussR: No.23:11
VirusTBEventyret:  an live cd, hw do i instal an RC client23:11
VirusTBEventyret:  IRC client??   sudo apt=get xchat ??23:12
ubunrtwgoldvirus tb,where are you from?23:12
SkiingPenguinshow can i install ubuntu to a usb drive and partition it so that i have some space that windows can access?23:12
RussRI did get EnCase Forensic and it would do it, but now being a linux drive it does not see the drive23:12
starncan anyone help me with this i'm using mutt http://pastebin.com/iFpPALBH23:13
captkirkpeepz: I don't know if you can, since ownership can only be changed root23:13
ZykoticK9SkiingPenguins, carefully ;) - FYI the last step of install has an "advanced" (or similar wording) that allows you to install grub onto the USB instead of the first HD (may be important!)  Best of luck.23:13
Jordan_USkiingPenguins: How big is the drive, and do you plan to use it as a full install (installing new applications, keeping up to date, etc) or just as a basic live system?23:13
VirusTBhow do i install an IRC client from terminal on a live CD?23:14
arvuthow long should it take to install libasound2?23:14
FlannelVirusTB: which IRC client?23:14
arvutHello Flannel, mind helping me out?23:14
FlannelVirusTB: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xchat23:14
RussR250gb after the data is off I will wipe and reformat23:14
SkiingPenguinsJordan_U: it is an 8gb, and i would like a full install23:14
peepzthen how do web servers work? how can they download plugins through wordpress and then login through ftp and change permissions..it has to be possible23:15
EventyretVirusTB: or use irssi xD23:15
captkirkpeepz: Not unless y ou have something running as root which does the chown'ing23:15
ubunrtwgoldrussr you are fuck23:15
peepzhow can I give a user sudo priviligies to files in his own home folder?23:15
EventyretVirusTB: sudo apt-get install irssi23:15
VirusTBEventyret:  im used to xchat23:15
Seeker`!language | ubunrtwgold23:15
ubottuubunrtwgold: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:15
n0nam3empathy does't work with hotmail account for me , any help plz23:15
arvutI started aptitude, and started installing the latest security updates. however, it seems to stop after "Unpacking replacement libasound2". nothing more happens23:16
VirusTBEventyret: ok burning ISO of live cd now :) SO23:16
ubunrtwgoldvirustb you aren't inteligent23:17
starncan anyone help me with this? i'm using mutt http://pastebin.com/iFpPALBH23:17
Jordan_USkiingPenguins: Then I would choose manual partitioning from the installer menu and make an ext3 '/' partition (4 GB) and another 4 GB fat32 partition for data that windows needs to be able to access easily.23:17
VirusTBubunrtwgold:  thats what she said23:17
SkiingPenguinsJordan_U: and what about the bootloader, where would i put that?23:17
bastid_raZorubunrtwgold: you can not spell either.23:17
EventyretVirusTB: then you use that23:17
ZykoticK9ubunrtwgold, don't insult people!  and don't swear.23:18
VirusTBEventyret:  yep :)23:18
IdleOne!guidelines | ubunrtwgold23:18
ubottuubunrtwgold: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:18
VirusTBZykoticK9:  dont bother wit him/her/it23:18
VirusTBubunrtwgold:  please stop Steve, we know who you are23:19
ubunrtwgoldvirustb i am scanning ur system23:19
IdleOneVirusTB: Please don't feed23:19
Seeker`VirusTB: can you get back on-topic please?23:19
VirusTBSeeker`:  sorry, IdleOne23:19
RogueShadowI've noticed video playback especially fullscreen is quite slow, can t his be fixed? I have installed the restricted 3d drivers for my nvidia card.23:19
blakkheimRogueShadow: what are you using to play the vide23:20
starncan anyone help me with this? i'm using mutt http://pastebin.com/iFpPALBH anyone??????23:20
RogueShadowblakkheim, Hulu mostly.23:20
ZykoticK9RogueShadow, are you playing back HD vids or just avi type stuff?  or are you talking youtube?23:20
blakkheimRogueShadow: that's adobe flash then, nothing can be done about it23:20
orbitsomeone have a clue?  I have Ubuntu 10.0.4 and every time i reboot my computer the visual effects are gone, someone know a way to fix this? i got a Nvidia 9600MX card.23:20
blakkheimRogueShadow: it doesn't even use your gpu23:20
BlueMattanyone know why, despite the fact that ffmpeg (and by extension gstreamer) supports Apple Lossless, Rhythmbox will not convert audio to it to sync with an ipod, and just says no encoders available?23:21
AltreusWhen I try to make a pen drive thingummer from netbook remix it just barfs with "Failed to install boot loader". I tried running it as root from the terminal too, no joy, no terminal output either23:21
RogueShadowblakkheim, hmm. ok.  That explains a lot.23:21
ashishhi, I am looking for white hat hackers23:21
Seeker`ashish: why?23:21
=== ashish is now known as Guest57093
ZykoticK9orbit, but it works once you start it?  if so, you might want to try installing fusion-icon and see if the problem goes away.  good luck.23:21
Guest57093i wish to learn Ethical hacking and information assurance23:21
blakkheimBlueMatt: licensing issues most likely23:22
koolioashish, who?23:22
blakkheim!ot | Guest5709323:22
ubottuGuest57093: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:22
Seeker`Guest57093: this isn't the place.23:22
Guest57093can u redirect me to any channel .. I am new here23:22
arvutstart using scroogle, Guest57093. and please choose a non-guest nick ;)23:22
captkirkpeepz: You can by moidfying the sudoers, but I don't know that would be a good way to do it since it would be veryopen to abuse23:22
BlueMattblakkheim: ffmpeg's implementation is not licensed and is installed by default with gstreamer-ffmpeg23:22
orbitZykoticK9, all ready  done, dont work for me :(23:22
GeekManwhats a good program to record a video on gnome. i want to record a video of the game nibbles to post an example of a bug23:22
zerre_opwhere can i find a official ppa to install peazip for ubuntu 10.1 ? i always update the peazip manually :( i want to update automatically with my update manager. can someone help me please ?23:22
=== Guest57093 is now known as ashishc
peepzthen how to web servers do it23:23
blakkheimBlueMatt: dunno then. i use XLD on mac os x to convert stuff to ALAC23:23
peepzgoaddy etc..how do they solve it23:23
orbitZykoticK9, and yes it works fine when i start it23:23
ubunrtwgoldvirustb ur account in facebook is very easy23:23
ZykoticK9orbit, sorry don't know then.  i did have a similar issue once, and fusion-icon seem to magically fix it?  good luck.23:23
captkirkpeepz: What do you mean?23:23
EventyretVirusTB: hows it going ?23:23
zerre_opwhere can i find a official ppa to install peazip for ubuntu 10.1 ? i always update the peazip manually :( i want to update automatically with my update manager. can someone help me please ?23:23
VirusTBEventyret: damn this DVD drive, one CD just became a coaster23:24
blakkheim!repeat | zerre_op23:24
ubottuzerre_op: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:24
GeekManistanbul screen recorder doesnt work so i wish to find a decent screen recorder23:24
arvutashishc: ty, now go to https://ssl.scroogle.org and start scroogling for answers. This isn't the place to discuss ethical hacking or any other kind of offtopic chatter ;)23:24
VirusTBEventyret: re burning23:24
histoGeekMan: gtkrecordmydesktop23:24
histoGeekMan: gtk-recordmydesktop23:25
GeekManis that a program (i asume it is)23:25
histoGeekMan: affirm23:25
orbitZykoticK9, ok, ill think i will try and se if i can find some forums that i havet found yet. But thanks for the help m8.23:25
VirusTB IdleOne thanks for kickin him23:25
ZykoticK9zerre_op, there are no "official" PPAs - there whole point is to be unofficial.  The https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas doesn't seem to include any with peazip :(  Good luck man.23:25
GeekManyeah but it says it a front end23:26
ZykoticK9orbit, good luck man23:26
GeekManthat means you need the program right23:26
EventyretVirusTB: burn it on lower speed :P23:26
zerre_opZykoticK9: ok. thank you!23:26
histoGeekMan: if you install the package it's availible in the repos and it works as opposed to istanbul23:27
IdleOneGeekMan: installing that package will also install the dependencies for it.23:27
VirusTBEventyret:  doing that ;P was to impatient so i selectedhighest speed23:27
zerre_opZykoticK9: can you tell me which will work more stable : qtk2 or qt version of peazip ?23:28
ZykoticK9zerre_op, i have no idea - never even heard of peazip23:28
EventyretVirusTB: haha have patients :P23:28
Seeker`Eventyret: patience :)23:28
GeekManyeah i don't know what i was thinking i saw it earlier and was like oh front-end means i need the program so i searched record my desktop and got nothing so i came here. idiot moment23:28
VirusTBEventyret: tring t, but i dont know how long u will be arround to help me23:28
zerre_opZykoticK9: ok. thnks..23:28
sporkboygpsbabel is giving me "GARMIN:Can't init /dev/ttyUSB0", any ideas?23:29
EventyretSeeker`: exuse my spelling <323:29
imancsegfault in libflashplayer.so - any ideas how to fix this?23:30
EventyretVirusTB: oh i be a few hours i presume, since i am not going to pickup my fiance yet, she is out on town drinking ><23:30
surdleHey guys23:31
xenoCannot ^C out of Ping.  Someone please bug this!23:32
VirusTBEventyret:  that must suck :(, i appreciate your help thus far  :) (but please dont leave me here )23:32
arvutgah!! why is aptitude not working?23:32
surdleIm using ciscoannyconnecto to connect to an ssl vpn. The client says I supposedly have a new ip, but when I go to ipchicken.com it shows my old ip. Does this mean the vpn isnt working or is it normal to have your same public ip,? thanks23:32
arvutits been more or less idle for an hour now23:32
EventyretVirusTB: i wont :) - Besides you got plenty of others that mgiht be of any assistance :P23:33
arvutxeno: and I cannot ^C out of aptitude23:33
IdleOnearvut: try a sudo apt-get -f install23:34
VirusTBEventyret:  thats true. but i got your full attention already .... cd @ 58% burnt23:34
IdleOnearvut: after killing aptitude that is.23:34
EventyretVirusTB: fine il go read some news xD Lemme know when its ready then =D23:34
arvutIdleOne: how would I do that when aptitude is running but not responding to ^C?23:34
myk_robinsonIs there a way to get banshee to refresh the video library?23:34
arvutheard ^z is another way to close it, but that doesn't work either23:35
arvutI could forcequit it like I did earlier and delete the lock23:35
IdleOnearvut: there ya go23:36
surdleIm using ciscoannyconnecto to connect to an ssl vpn. The client says I supposedly have a new ip, but when I go to ipchicken.com it shows my old ip. Does this mean the vpn isnt working or is it normal to have your same public ip,? thanks23:36
arvutI don't see it as a valid solution tho, I wanna know why it's acting this way23:36
Jordan_Usurdle: That means the VPN is not being used.23:36
arvut!repeat | surdle23:36
ubottusurdle: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:36
IdleOnearvut: don't know why but I guess there is a package it is trying to install and it is stuck somewhere23:36
arvutmight be, is there a log I can view with error details?23:37
arvutI need more tea23:37
arvutwill forcequit now23:38
xim_are their any keyloggers for ubuntu?23:38
arvuthow is that supportrelated?23:38
edbianxim_, Of course.23:39
IsleVegani am having some kind of password disparity on a new install of ubuntu server 10.1023:39
IsleVegani installed ubuntu-desktop on top23:39
IsleVeganbut synaptic doesn't like the password i used23:39
edbianxim_, Can they be installed on your system without your knowledge (almost definitely not)23:40
IsleVeganeven though it works in other areas23:40
qpopHi all23:40
Some_PersonIsleVegan: Synaptic doesn't use a password. Do you mean that sudo isn't accepting your password?23:40
plainasok, so i have this 6 year old laptop on which i want to install ubuntu server edition or maybe Lubuntu, problem is, once i pick the language and choose 'install' it loads the graphical installer.. which for some reason does not get properly diplayed in the screen i am using23:40
xim_edbian, i am looking for one to intentionally install do you know of a good one, with legit install/removability (ie not an infection)23:40
plainasi got told in this very irc chanel that ubuntu server edition comes with a text base installer23:41
Jordan_Uplainas: How much RAM do you have?23:41
edbianxim_, I do not.  Search synaptic for "keylogger"23:41
edbianxim_, A keylogger is just a keyboard driver that also records the keystrokes.23:41
Some_Personplainas: The ubuntu alternate CD also uses a text-based installer, but it installs the normal desktop version23:41
macoxim_: if you want a definitely-removable keylogger, why not get a hardware one? just unplug it when you're done23:41
xim_edbian, yeah tried that, no dice.  i am a writer and this morning i lost text in a crashed browser window for the very last time23:42
xim_maco, i have seen those, would love one but they are pricey23:42
IdleOneplainas: the server cd does use a text install, why you are getting a graphical install I don't know23:42
edbianxim_, Ha, very clever idea.23:42
plainasok... the question is: server edition, is it possible to install in text mode?23:42
plainas(windows xp runs perfectly on this computer)23:42
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arvutIdleOne: no errors in the log actually, just the same rubbish I got in the terminal23:43
EventyretVirusTB: 99% and failure oO ?23:43
IdleOnearvut: try sudo apt-get -f install   see what happens23:43
IsleVeganwhen i try to go into synaptic from the System menu, it does not like my password. when i go from the command line sudo synaptic, it accepts the password23:43
Jordan_Uplainas: If you are seeing a graphical installer then you are not booting from the server CD.23:43
macoxim_: i would do the writing in a normal application instead of browser and save often23:43
Some_Personplainas: Are you sure you're using the server install CD? It shouldn't have a graphical installer23:43
macoxim_: if it was a blog thing, i like blogilo for that23:43
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
BlueMattis there a way to change the encoding quality of rhythmbox when it encodes for an ipod from terrible sounding 113k/s mp3 to something better say 320?23:44
edbianxim_, What you need is a more stable distro IMHO.23:44
Some_Personplainas: It shouldn't have a GUI at all23:44
Gunnii have a machine running ubuntu server 10.04 should i /can i upgrade it to 10.10?23:44
IdleOneGunni: do you need to?23:44
arvutIdleOne: seems to get stuck at the same line :( I'm doomed!!23:44
sosaitedI am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit on Dell Inspiron via USB. I made the USB with Unetboot in via alternate ISo. After language selection it gives a cd error. I tried editing the boot command to include cdrom-detect/try-usb=true but it didnt work23:44
Gunnineed, not neccecarely but isnt the newest better?23:44
IdleOnearvut: what is it you are trying to install in the first place?23:44
sxdemonhey, there is a problem when I try to use ubuntu 10.04 32bit live CD.....pc screen goes black after loading the UI, no more signal and cpu fans goes on heavy duty. It always do that. Any idea?23:44
plainasmmmm i'm not sure where the border is set... but for example... the language selection... how does it looks like in server edition?23:44
arvutjust updates23:45
edbianGunni, Not always.  The older versions are supported for a while (which basically means they get security patches)  If anything older is more stable and more (or equally) secure.23:45
IdleOneGunni: not always. 10.04 server will be supported another 3.5 years or so.23:45
plainasalso, now that i think about it... it does say have all the options of server instalations on the menu23:45
VirusTBEventyret: restartting23:45
Gunnioh well i'll keep this one then23:45
plainasthen when i choose for example "instal ubuntu server edition" the screen gets all messed up and i can't see anything23:45
EventyretVirusTB: Alright =)23:46
arvutit gets stuck at "Unpacking replacement libasound2 ..." everytime I try to update (there is obviously some new update to this lib23:46
xim_obviously typing in a more stable program is better, but i type in all kinds of programs for different things, not just one.  also this particular time it wasnt actually a crash i closed the wrong browser tab, but a keylogger like i used to be l337 with when i was 10 would be a quick solution to a keyboard buffer23:46
IdleOneGunni: you can upgrade if you want to but I don't see a reason to, 10.04 still has a lot of life left to it23:46
Gunniyeah but i am just configuring it before going live, thought about upgrading before it did23:46
wesselI would like to reinstall my eclipse, how do I make sure all my settings are removed?23:47
w1n5tonHow would I access my computer remotely from another network?23:47
miguel000When I run gdmsetup everything is grayed out. What can I do about that?23:47
IdleOneGunni: stick to 10.04.23:47
tonsofpcsw1n5ton: reformat would make sure...23:47
arvutw1n5ton: vnc & ssh23:47
Gunnik will do23:47
tonsofpcserr, wessel ^^23:47
tonsofpcsw1n5ton: that wasn't for you, sorry23:47
edbianw1n5ton, using ssh and port-forwarding23:47
arvut!info vnc23:47
ubottuPackage vnc does not exist in maverick23:47
tonsofpcsw1n5ton: VNC + ssh with port forwarding is :)23:47
tonsofpcs!info x11vnc23:47
ubottux11vnc (source: x11vnc): VNC server to allow remote access to an existing X session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.10-1 (maverick), package size 971 kB, installed size 2020 kB23:47
sxdemonwow. awesome, getting the same great support from the official website.23:47
edbianw1n5ton, vnc is logging in remotely with graphics.  ssh is a shell.23:48
=== Wicla_ is now known as Wicla
fierygodI cannot seem to get my DVD-ROM drive to recognize any type of disk, but it shows up in $ sudo lshw -c disk?  Any clues on how to fix this?23:48
wesseltonsofpcs, I never reinstalled something before on linux23:48
tonsofpcswessel: me neither23:48
wesselI have only used sudo apt get install my file23:48
IdleOnearvut: try purging libasound2 then reinstalling it23:48
tonsofpcswessel: you could dpkg reconfigure [blah]23:48
tonsofpcsvnc is not secure, ssh is.  You make VNC secure by creating a secure shell (ssh) tunnel, then run the vnc over it, rather than exposing vnc to the outside world23:49
Tylerjdfireygod: is the DVD getting mounted?23:49
wesselwell my eclipse is behaving weird, I would like to make a clean install, so I'm sure I can rule out any settings that I changed23:49
arvutIdleOne: maybe I should just deselect that package and see if it updates the rest (15 other updates that is)23:49
IdleOnearvut: yup, try that23:49
wesselah so the the command to reinstall is called reconfigure! :D23:49
fierygodTylerjd:  no it will not mount, either with or without a disk23:49
tonsofpcswessel: apt-get remove [blah], apt-get clean, apt-get install [blah]  iirc, but that doesn't guarantee settings reset.  dpkg reconfigure resets settings (if the package was made right)23:50
Bilzhello, i seem to have broken the touchpad mouse on my laptop. i turned it off and now it won't turn back on again, even after a restart. ideas? ubuntu 10.0423:50
tonsofpcsyou could also read the man page of [blah] to figrue out how to reset settings23:50
EventyretVirusTB: just reloigg irc 1 sec23:50
Tylerjdfierygod: It may be that /dev/cdrom may not be listed in your fstab file, how comfortable are you in using the terminal?23:50
EventyretThere =D23:51
w1n5tonhow do I set up vnc and ssh?23:51
sosaitedSomeone please tell how to fix the "Can't read from Cd" error when installing 10.10 from USB23:51
VirusTBevelyette: ok\23:51
arvuthmm, now aptitude can't get a lock on /var/lock/aptitude23:51
fierygodOver the last week and a half since installing 10.04 I have been using the terminal almost nonstop lol23:51
IdleOnearvut: rm the lock file23:51
edbianarvut, You have another instance of the package manager running23:51
edbianfierygod, I am not on my machine without having a terminal open23:51
IdleOneor what edbian said23:51
edbianw1n5ton, First install ssh and get that working.  Then worry about vnc.23:52
edbianw1n5ton, sudo apt-get install openssh-server  (on the server)23:52
arvutnope, killed it and removed the lock at /var/lib/dpkg/lock as I did earlier23:52
edbianw1n5ton, Additionally, set up ssh on your LAN first, the worry about connecting over the internet.23:52
wesselI'm not sure my dpkg has the reconfigure option23:52
GT23alguem do Brasil??23:52
wesselit has --configure23:52
jrib!br | GT2323:52
ubottuGT23: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:52
Dropje^is there a way to highlight your nick in irssi?23:52
arvutaptitude is a nice enemy tonite =P23:53
edbianarvut, Don't manually remove the lock unless all else fails.  I would restart before I manually removed the lock.23:53
fierygodTylerjd:  I have /etc/fstab open right now23:53
jribDropje^: it does that by default, no?23:53
w1n5tongot openssh23:53
Tylerjdfireygod: ok, then can you tell me if you see a line containing /dev/cdrom (and that may contain a number)23:53
arvutI've removed it 3 times now23:53
Dropje^jrib ah yes your name is yellow ^^ cheers23:53
Bilzhello, i seem to have broken the touchpad mouse on my laptop. i turned it off and now it won't turn back on again, even after a restart. ideas? ubuntu 10.0423:53
edbianw1n5ton, k, go to a client.  and run ssh user@server23:53
IdleOneedbian: restart? really?23:53
wesselwessel@wegumar7 ~ $ sudo dpkg --configure eclipse23:53
wesseldpkg: error processing eclipse (--configure):23:53
edbianw1n5ton, Does that makes sense or should I elaboarte23:53
EventyretVirusTB: hows it going ? =D23:53
jribDropje^: http://www.irssi.org/documentation/startup23:53
w1n5tonI know what it means\23:54
VirusTBEventyret:  ok gonnt insert cd now and rebot brb23:54
edbianIdleOne, I'd rather make sure some other package manager wasn't running.  Restarting would assure that.23:54
wesseltonsofpcs, I'm pretty sure the eclipse package was made right23:54
IdleOneedbian: I suppose so. :)23:54
edbianIdleOne, I have cleared the lock file before.  I didn't like doing it though.  I feel like I'm lying to the computer (it never lies to me!)23:54
edbianIdleOne, yeah23:54
histoDropje^: yeah it should hilight nick when mentioned23:54
Raydiation1i have problems when connecting to a smb share thats connected to an ldap server i get pdb_get_group_sid: Failed to find Unix account for Posselt_Bernhard23:54
wesseltonsofpcs, or are you referring to the dpkg package?23:54
Raydiation1thats the full error log paste http://paste.pocoo.org/show/286702/23:55
tonsofpcswessel: no, eclipse23:55
tonsofpcsjust dpkg-reconfigure eclipse23:55
arvutso a restart is finally in order then, see you soon =)23:55
histodjuggler: /set hilight_nick_matches23:55
Tylerjdfierygod: ok, then can you tell me if you see a line containing /dev/cdrom (and that may contain a number) (sorry misspelled your username the first time)23:55
fierygodTylerjd:  Negative.  The only things listed in fstab are: dev/sda6 (ext4), dev/sda7 (swap), dev/sda1 (ntfs), and dev/sda5 (ntfs)23:55
Dropje^histo: yeah i can see that, makes following different channels easier :) started a new job and need to learn a lot! more about linux. good ways to start i guess are communities thats why i hopped in here :)23:55
MuscovyIn 10.10, is there a way to make Empathy log?23:55
Core_UKHow do I move my PGP key from one ubuntu install to another?23:55
xim_there is supposed to be a "linux keylogger" package called "lkl" in the universe repos, but I can't find it.  Did they take it out?23:55
Tylerjdok, well that is your problem, let me tell you how to fix it23:55
arvutI give up in trying to solve the mysterious update problems23:56
fierygodI have neither of my drives listed in there23:56
surdleHey guys I have the 10.0.4 ubuntu iso and i want to put it on an sd card to boot it from a netbook. However I have to do create teh bootable sd card from a macbook pro, any idea how? thanks23:56
MuscovyCore_UK: There's a few ways. Easiest is to copy /home/you/.gnupg to the new install (warning, will remove keys on the new account)23:56
w1n5tonI've had 2 netbooks and I never could get either to boot from an SD23:57
fierygodTylerjd:  I have a CD-RW, and a DVD-ROM.  I have tried looking up how to gain the UUIDs so I can "try" to add them into fstab, but as I am new to the game, I have not been able to figure this one out.23:57
histosurdle: do you have an option to boot from sd on yoru netbook?23:58
surdlehisto:  yes23:58
histo!usb | surdle23:58
ubottusurdle: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:58
Dropje^surdle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151338623:59
w1n5tonso I just go ssh <user@domain> ?23:59
Eventyretw1n5ton: you meaning to do ssh into a server with ssh ?23:59
Eventyretw1n5ton: im using ssh adress -l username23:59

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