
DarkwingDuckDo we know who to talk to about changing logos for the Wiki theme?00:02
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valorieDarkwingDuck: Canonical IS folks people, I'm guessing01:37
valoriefile a RT, whatever that is01:38
valorieand then poke them until they do it01:38
DarkwingDuckvalorie: took me a sec to remember what u were talking about01:57
DarkwingDucki gotta sit down and setup docs wikis tonight01:58
valoriethis chan has been nearly silent02:01
valorieeveryone still recovering, I guess02:01
valoriemy mailbox is still a disaster zone02:01
DarkwingDuckmines good only because my laptop is my only comp and its starting to die.... :( and i have no $$ to replace. 02:03
DarkwingDuckoh well02:05
valoriethat sucks02:06
DarkwingDuckyeah... ill figure something out02:08
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Daskreechhi rdieter 02:45
ulyssesRiddell: kdesvn upstream accepted our patch: http://kdesvn.alwins-world.de/changeset/211706:17
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Riddellshadeslayer: why should libutempter-dev be in main in lucid?13:32
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=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
nixternalthere isn't a printer app for kde that works is there? i hate having to install system-config-printer-gnome just to use network printers15:48
Riddellwhat's wrong with system-config-printer-kde?15:48
nixternalit has never worked in detecting a printer shared on a windows host15:49
nixternalthe gnome one does15:49
ScottKThe KDE one works great on printers that are actually directly on the network.15:53
ScottKRiddell: Did you see my ping about promoting  libweather-ion5?15:53
nixternalthat i can agree with, but it doesn't work worth a darn with printers shared on a windows pc15:54
ScottKSounds like something that would be useful for someone with a printer shared on a windows PC to troubleshoot.15:55
nixternali am troubleshooting, or actually right now i guess you can call it troubleshitting. i am getting absolutely nowhere15:55
RiddellScottK: done15:57
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.15:57
Riddellnixternal: system-config-printer-kde is incomplete so it doesn't surprise me that there's missing functionality15:58
shadeslayerRiddell: nvm ... slangsleek explained why :P15:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://services.google.com/fb/forms/googletvdevseed/ << freebies16:14
nixternalRiddell: that could explain it then :)  might be something fun for me to do then16:14
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nixternalyowsers, there is quite the difference between system-config-printer-gnome and -kde16:28
nixternal-kde doesn't have any of the smb code16:29
Riddellthat'll be the issue then16:30
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ulysseshy Riddell 16:44
Riddellhi ulysses 16:46
ulyssesI have time to package UPnP MediaServer KIOslaven now16:47
Riddellulysses: groovy, do you know where to begin?16:52
ulyssesRiddell: no16:52
Riddellulysses: first step is to find the source tar, download it, compile it and see that it works16:54
Riddellof course without upnp you might not get it to do very much but you can at least make sure it shows an empty folder in dolphin16:55
Riddelldo you know how to do that?16:55
ulyssesI read the announcement on kde-announce-apps@, it contains the dependencies16:56
Riddellgood start16:56
Riddelldo we have all the dependencies in the archive?16:57
ulyssesCagibi (recommended) is in Maverick/Natty, HUPnP isn't16:58
Riddellhmm, that makes it more tricky16:58
Riddelldoes huphp have a web page?16:58
Riddellgoogle doesn't know it16:59
ulyssesthis is it: http://www.herqq.org/16:59
Riddellso starting point it to download and compile that17:01
shadeslayerRiddell: how much did it cost to compile 4.5.3 on EC2 ?17:03
shadeslayerall of it17:03
Riddellshadeslayer: $20  but they was using the expensive 2CPU computers and leaving them on overnight17:05
Riddellso probably less than half that if you use the cheap 1CPU computers (bit more hassle as you need to set each one up, but that can be scripted)17:05
shadeslayerRiddell: and do you have a script for building the i10n packages?17:06
Riddellyes, see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging/L10nOperatorGuide17:06
Riddelldefinately worth doing on EC2 that one, the download takes ages otherwise17:06
ulyssesgood, hupnn doesn't use configure/make/make install17:23
JontheEchidnaany good software must use cmake/make/make install :P17:24
ulyssesit uses Qt Creator *.pro file17:24
Riddellulysses: then it'll be qmake; make; make install17:26
ulyssesRiddell: I installed Qt Creator already; it compiled the source without error17:26
ulyssesand generated makefiles17:27
Riddellulysses: so you have huphp compiled and installed ?17:28
ulyssesRiddell: yes17:29
Riddellulysses: groovy17:31
Riddellulysses: so next is to download and compile UPnP MediaServer KIOslave17:31
ulyssesHUPnP wasn't installed correctly, UPnP MediaServer KIOslave can't found it17:41
Riddellulysses: where did HUPhP install to?17:42
Riddellwhat is UPnP MediaServer KIOslave looking for?17:42
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1193657 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (5 files in 5 dirs) (log message trimmed)17:43
CIA-39Separate the muon translation template into one template per application.17:43
CIA-39(libmuon, muon, muon-updater, muon-installer and muon-notifier) Having one17:43
ulyssesRiddell: for the HUPnP's CMakeFile: http://pastebin.com/GeSRh6pg17:53
Riddellulysses: can you pastebin the output of running  "sudo make install" in the HUPnP source?17:55
ulyssesRiddell: http://pastebin.com/QtGtmgeM17:56
Riddellulysses: that's installing into /home/ulysses/Dev...17:59
Riddellso UPnP MediaServer KIOslave won't find it there17:59
ulyssesyes, it won't17:59
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Riddellulysses: try this..18:01
Riddellsudo make install INSTALL_ROOT=/usr18:01
ulyssesRiddell: If I change the install dir of HUPnP, it has to be work18:01
ulyssesINSTALL_DIR   = $(COPY_DIR)18:02
ulysseswhere COPY_DIR is /usr18:02
Riddellulysses: where is that?18:07
ulyssesHUPnP's modified Makefile: http://pastebin.com/Bw8zPMzX18:08
Riddellgive it a try18:09
DarkwingDuckYay! I fixed my e key18:13
Riddellulysses: no change?18:16
ulyssesRiddell: nothing, with the modification or with ROOT=/usr18:17
Riddellqmake is annoying18:18
ScottKRiddell: kdesdk 4.5.3 got missed uploading to Natty.  You had the changes in bzr, so I just uploaded it using the tarball from the PPA.18:18
Riddellthanks ScottK 18:19
ScottKNo problem.18:19
Riddellulysses: well I'm afraid I'm out of ideas, I think you'll need to e-mail the huphp and uphp-kioslave authors to ask how to compile and install huphp into /usr18:24
Riddellthis is fairly typical of the task of a packager18:24
ulyssesRiddell: I sent e-mails18:34
Riddellthanks ulysses 18:47

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