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jdonghmm, linux-tools from lenny-backports is built against binutils from lenny (non-backports)?01:20
jdong*scratches head*01:20
jdongit's anomalies like this which make me hesitant about the whole cherrypick-from-backports idea01:21
jdongnot that there's a "correct" answer to whether or not linux-tools should build with the toolchain from backports, though....01:23
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RhondaWhat is needed to block wesnoth-1.9 from natty?12:41
directhexRhonda: one of these guys: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_owN7osPiFRo/S_PSmG6HyxI/AAAAAAAAAMw/9wsxd6Da5h4/s1600/IMG_0109.jpg12:49
bilalakhtarbdrung: Congrats and welcome to the DMB!12:51
bdrungthanks bilalakhtar12:57
ScottKRhonda: It's already in Natty.  If you want it removed, file a bug asking for removal and sync blacklist and subscribe ubuntu-archive.13:18
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jetiennehttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/58738628/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.nodejs_0.2.4~maverick1~ppa201011061723_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <- somebody cares to look at this ? the build was working fine on 10.04, and now it is failing on a litian stuff in dh_buildeb16:58
kklimonda_jetienne: for some reason files are installed in /usr/local and not in /usr17:02
jetiennekklimonda_: yep but how come it worked without trouble in lucid and is failing now in maverick ?17:03
paultagjetienne, I hate to be nit-picky -- but what's this line -- echo this is failling but i dunno why, so i disable \n this is failling but i dunno why, so i disable17:04
jetiennepaultag: this is where i admit that i just pacakging to help friends. im not a pro17:05
kklimonda_jetienne: there is nothing obvious in the log so you'll have to build it locally and investigate17:05
jetiennekklimonda_: this is the key problem :) it build as src and as bin .deb on my vm17:06
paultagjetienne, what's your rules file look like? -- looks like you override | override_dh_usrlocal17:06
jetienneecho this is failling but i dunno why, so i disable17:06
jetiennepaultag: this is the line currently existing in the Rules17:07
jetiennehttp://pastebin.com/X7mgpC1a <- the whole Rules17:07
paultagjetienne, do you have a log that ended successfully from Lucid you could post?17:09
jetiennepaultag: let me look17:09
jetiennehttps://launchpad.net/~jerome-etienne/+archive/neoip/+packages <- the nodejs package for lucid is still there i cant find the build log17:10
jetiennemaybe you can17:10
paultaghttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/58168485/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.nodejs_0.2.4~lucid1~ppa201010250818_BUILDING.txt.gz <-- that's one17:11
jetiennedpkg-deb --build debian/nodejs .. <- this is going ok on lucid17:12
paultagyou should use pbuilder with dpkg-buildpackage -S jetienne17:12
jetiennepaultag: ? i dont understand, can you give more details ?17:13
paultagjetienne, just in general -- you should use dpkg-buildpackage -S to create the dsc file, and then use pbuilder to build in a chroot. Say... I wonder.17:14
paultagjetienne, it could be that you have a dependency issue, are you ensuring all the build-depends are being installed?17:14
kklimonda_jetienne: lucid build is also wrong17:14
kklimonda_no package should install files in /usr/local/17:14
paultag+1 kklimonda_, but that does not explain the FTBFS17:15
kklimonda_the reason the build doesn't fail on lucid is most likely because maverick "buildchain" has been made more strict17:15
jetiennepaultag: i dunno but the binary is built without issue17:15
paultagOh yes, I see kklimonda_17:15
paultagINFO: Disabling pkgbinarymangler for PPA build17:15
paultagfor Lucid17:15
jetiennekklimonda_: how come it build on maverick locally then ?17:15
jetiennewhat is this pkgbinarymangler ?17:16
paultagjetienne, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pkgbinarymangler17:17
jetiennepkgbinarymangler consists of a dpkg-deb wrapper that calls helper applications while building a debian binary package <- ok17:17
paultagjetienne, fix up the install issues and you should be OK. Try testing in pbuilder17:18
jetiennewhich install issues ?17:18
paultagjetienne, installing to /usr/local/17:18
jetienneoverride* is no more honnored ?17:18
kklimonda_jetienne: pkgbinarymangler works on a different level17:19
jetiennekklimonda_: i dont understand17:19
kklimonda_jetienne: override_dh_usrlocal doesn't stop pkgbinarymangler from doing its magic17:20
jetiennekklimonda_: can i prevent it from doing that ? or to have it honnor the usual rules override ?17:21
kklimonda_jetienne: you should fix the build system to install files in /usr and not in /usr/local17:21
kklimonda_but, to answer your question, I have no idea17:21
jetiennekklimonda_: unfortunatly i cant17:21
jetienneok thanks anyways17:21
jetiennebecause if i do other stuff break17:21
kklimonda_there is something wrong with either your build rules or with upstream build script - either should be fixed.17:22
jetiennehow can i make my local build to use pkgbinarymangler ?17:22
jetiennekklimonda_: well just trying to help friends, not to fix the whole world :)17:22
kklimonda_jetienne: well, nodejs has ben packaged for maverick and natty so you can just reuse their rules17:23
jetiennekklimonda_: ok i got your point. unfortunatly i cant17:24
jetiennecurrently all i want is to be able the pacakge locally the same way ppa is doing it17:25
jetiennethus i could try to fix this problem without waiting 30min at each iteration :)17:25
kklimonda_jetienne: then make sure you have pkgbinarymangler installed and it should be used17:26
jetienneah ok pkgbinarymangler provides another dpkg-deb binary17:26
kklimonda_(because you already use dpkg-deb)17:26
jetiennekklimonda_: thanks trying17:27
jetiennedh_builddeb: dpkg-deb --build debian/nodejs .. returned exit code 1 <- excelent :)17:28
hakermaniaHi, is it true that only packages for natty are currently accepted (as REVU says) ?17:58
hakermaniaAnd where can I download a beta version of natty to test my app on it?18:02
lifelessthere is a separate process for backports to maverick18:02
lifelessand also another one for 'extras' for averick.18:02
lifelessyou can upgrade from maverivk to natty18:04
lifelessno cds yet18:04
hakermaniaI don't get you. Can you explain me a bit better, because on REVU I've seen a lot of recent packages being rejected because of 'Package is for "lucid" but only packages for     "natty" are currently accepted.' and i don't want to have the same problem with my own app.18:09
hakermaniaSo where should I try my app to ?18:11
kklimonda_hakermania: well, that depends on what you are aiming for. If you'd like to get your (open) application into Ubuntu you should use REVUand aim for natty, and after that request backport to every stable release you care about. This process in, unfortunately, pretty long one.18:17
kklimonda_you could also try to get your application into current stable release and skip development one by using the new process which involves application review board. But it's a new process and I'm not sure if they are actually accepting applications at this time.18:18
ScottKThey are accepting applications, but nothing has been approved yet.18:19
hakermaniaSo, let's say I 've tested my app in maverick and works just fine, is there any other thing I have to do to avoid the pre-mentioned error about natty or I should upload my package to REVU instantly?18:19
RhondaScottK: Thanks, will do so.18:20
kklimonda_hakermania: you should test if your application builds on natty (there are few ways of doing that without actually running natty on your computer) and then, in the changelog target natty release instead of maverick.18:21
kklimonda_ScottK: ah, right.18:21
ScottKYou're welcome.18:21
kklimonda_ScottK: is there an actual list of applications that are being proceeded at this time by the ARB?18:21
ScottKkklimonda_: I've no idea.  I only know what I do because it was mentioned at UDS.18:22
hakermaniakklimonda_: I searched for downloading a beta version on natty to test in on a virtual machine or something but I found nothing. Can you send me a link or something?18:23
kklimonda_hakermania: there are no natty images currently available, you have to install 10.10 and use apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade.18:24
kklimonda_hakermania: but you can create a simple scroot (by using pbuilder or similar tool) just to check whether your package builds fine.18:25
hakermaniaOmg, i think my prog will work fine in natty, I'll simply change the changelog to natty --_--' I hope one day packaging process and policy will become easier and simpler!18:26
RhondaScottK: hmm, wenn I click subscribe and enter ubuntu-archive, it gives me two. The one I expected, but also "Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync". Should I (also) subscribe the later because of the sync blacklist? It somehow sounds fitting and made me uncertain.18:27
ScottKRhonda: You want exactly ubuntu-archive18:27
ScottKThat's the actual team of people that maintain the blacklist.18:27
RhondaRight, that's the one I always used before anyway. But the other got me confused, that's why I ask.18:28
xteejxHi guys18:36
xteejxbug 671222 - is python-gconf due to be rebuilt against python2.7 soon?18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 671222 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager fails to start" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67122218:36
hakermaniaxteejx: Hi18:37
xteejxhakermania: Hi :)18:38
ScottKxteejx: Commented in the bug.18:38
xteejxScottK: Thank you :)18:39
jetiennepaultag: kklimonda_: succeed !! thanks for your help18:41
hakermaniakklimonda_Is there something else I have to do except from changing the changelog to natty?18:41
xteejxScottK: Could it be that update-manger is trying to use python2.7 and that control needs 2.6 explicitly set?18:41
ScottKxteejx: Something like that.  I'm sure mvo will sort it out.  He's pretty good about these things.18:42
xteejxScottK: Oh ok coolio :)18:42
xteejxIts extremely unlikely that this will be one of those less-obvious bugs :)18:42
hakermaniakklimonda_: Is there something else I have to do except from changing the changelog to natty?18:43
kklimonda_hakermania: no18:43
hakermaniaThis is mad :P Are whole projects rejected and asked to be re-uploaded because the changelog says maverick and not natty ? :P ?18:46
xteejxThey should be natty, we're in the natty dev cycle18:47
xteejxStupid question time....:18:51
xteejxWhy on the mom page are the packages coloured differently?18:51
xteejxhttp://dehs.alioth.debian.org/no_updated.html show a lot of updated upstream pkgs, is there anything we can do with that?20:18
xteejxi.e. should we help debian if we can to update them, since it benefits us if we sync from it20:19
kklimonda_xteejx: debian is in freeze so they don't really care that much about new versions20:20
kklimonda_(at least until freeze is over)20:20
xteejxkklimonda_: Does that mean we can update from upstream directly to Ubuntu?20:20
xteejxor should we wait?20:20
xteejxI haven't been in a cycle properly before, only bug triaging so not familiar with the way things work, i.e. debian freezes, our DIF, etc20:21
xteejxAnyone at all??20:24
geserdepends if the package has a maintainer or QA maintained in Debian20:25
xteejxgeser: don't they all have maintainers?20:25
geserorphaned ones don't have one (if you don't count the QA team as maintainer)20:25
xteejxI see, so they are just left as they are for whatever reason someone leaves it20:26
geserthe Debian QA team is similar to MOTU20:27
geserboth touch packages only when needed20:27
xteejxi.e. updated?20:27
geserif someone has an interest to update the package20:28
xteejxgeser: Only reason I ask is that Debians freeze could last a while while they iron our RC bugs, what happens to our 11.04? :S20:29
xteejx*iron out20:29
geserfor universe it will be mostly the same like maverick then20:29
xteejxThis why I wish I knew what everyone here does, my packages would be updated within a week of the debian/watch telling me there was a new upstream version :(20:30
geserif you are interested in updating one package go for it (and talk to the Debian maintainer first)20:30
xteejxWell I'll be honest I think my efforts would be better concentrated there, looks like they damn well need it lol20:31
geserupdating package is not usual as there are enough other tasks too (FTBFS, NBS, UNMETDEPS)20:31
xteejxHmm I suppose20:32
geserand there are also those packages which aren't in Debian (yet) which could use an update too20:33
ScottKxteejx: This week I've been knocking two to four a day off of http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ - That's work that needs doing.20:33
xteejxScottK: Same here, well nowehre near as many I'm too stupid (lol) but I've helped peck at the FTBFS bugs20:34
ScottKxteejx: So that's good work to be doing.20:34
ScottKxteejx: I've been doing this for years, so some stuff I can solve pretty quickly.  It will come in time.20:34
xteejxScottK: Well I do learn quick when things are explained relatively simply, geser does that quite well20:35
xteejxWho needs a mentor ;)20:35
xteejxIt was just the 2700+ number that really shocked me20:36
ScottKI think it's much better for people to be active in this channel and ask questions as you've been doing than to wait for a dedicated mentor.20:36
xteejxI completely agree, you don't ever learn anything if you don't ask quetions20:37
xteejxAs a sidenote, it was http://packages.qa.debian.org/a/alexandria.html I was looking at in particular20:38
xteejxNo pkg update for 4.5+ years :O20:38
ari-tczewxteejx: I'm intersted in sponsoring your patches.20:38
xteejxari-tczew: What patches?20:39
ari-tczewxteejx: e.g. ftbfs20:39
xteejxOhh, I haven't done any for 2-3 days so I don't have anything at the minute :)20:39
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ari-tczewBlackZ: Ping on bug 671941. It's in universe. You can upload it.22:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 671941 in ctdb (Ubuntu) "Please merge ctdb 1.0.112-12-1 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67194122:20
BlackZari-tczew: thanks, I realized it was in main22:23
ari-tczewUbuntu Developers does not use Launchpad22:57
* ari-tczew thought that we really work on Launchpad! (ironic)22:58
ScottKari-tczew: ubuntu-devel-discuss is on lists.ubuntu.com, not launchpad.net.23:43
ari-tczewScottK: so, do you think that this is not an issue?23:43
ScottKI think it is not an issue.23:44
ari-tczewScottK: I disagree with you. I think that ubuntu-devel-discuss-lists ~ubuntu-dev23:45
ari-tczew^^ should be merged into ~ubuntu-dev23:45
ari-tczew(LP accounts)23:45
ScottKI think it's meaningless.  Feel free to work on it if you think it's important.23:45
ari-tczewthen LP shows that packages touched in Ubuntu are maintained by non-existing account23:45
ari-tczewit not looks good.23:46

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