
* Atamira burps08:19
Atamiraits the weekend08:19
BactaIndeed it is08:20
Atamirayoud be lucky to get many replies on the weekend08:20
BactaI wasn't aware that geeks had social lives08:21
Atamirathose with families..yeah08:21
Atamiramine is older now, so im free to do what i like08:21
* Bacta is wondering when he's going to get banned08:26
Atamiraif you're polite, you wont be banned08:27
Atamiraif you've already pissed off the ops08:27
Atamirathen your guess is as good as mine08:27
BactaI have haha08:28
Atamiratsk tsk08:28
BactaAnd I was told today that I'm supposedly barred from the entire Ubuntu namespace08:28
Atamirathen it was nice knowing you08:28
Atamirawhat did you do?08:28
BactaBut here I am08:28
BactaOh a bunch of things08:28
BactaFrom memory I made jokes about the name of an Ubuntu release08:29
BactaYou know, how they're named after monkeys and stuff08:29
BactaI don't really care about them though08:32
BactaDoesn't stop me from contributing to Ubuntu here in NZ08:32
Atamiraonly one release is named after monkeys08:34
Atamiratheya re named after animals08:34
Atamirahave you tried club ubuntu?08:34
BactaYep, good channel08:35
Atamiraso sit in there a whine08:35
BactaUnofficial, no oligarchs08:35
BactaWhine about what?08:35
BactaWhat's with the hostility? I do not understand it08:35
ikoniaAtamira: are you an op in #ubuntu-nz ?14:13
ikoniahence why you're not aware of "bacta" then14:15
Atamiranope, not until he mentioned it14:16

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