
canthus13wow. quiet.00:41
BiosElementA tad01:26
BiosElementHmm, who wants to tell me how horrid my latest business card draft is? http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/2623/mybusinesscardv2.png01:27
Unit1931Looks like a lightsaber...01:27
Cheri703I would look, but lately when I try to go to links that are just an image, I get 404 errors :/01:28
BiosElementhaha yeah, it kinda does. Wasn't really intended but it sorta worked01:32
Unit1931crap... it wasn't supposed to?01:33
BiosElementhaha no, but I agree it does look like one :P01:33
Unit1931What were you going for?01:34
BiosElementUnit1931, Something abstract. I guess it kinda worked heh01:35
Unit1931anyone seen this?  http://ultimateedition.info01:53
Unit1931Screenshots look cool01:54
Cheri703hey Unit1931, how are you tonight?01:54
Unit1931Cheri703: Fine, and you?01:54
Cheri703not too shabby, trying to figure out what to watch01:55
Unit1931I need to get to bed :(01:55
Unit1931Gotta get up before 7 tomorrow...01:55
Cheri703that sucks01:55
Unit1931I'm a late night person too...01:55
Cheri703same here01:56
Unit1931Got a conference in C-bus01:56
Unit1931eh, sorta...01:58
Cheri703what kind of conference?01:58
Unit1931Part of some 4-H thing I'm in...01:58
Cheri703I did 4-H back in the day01:59
dmcglone1Hi guys02:04
Unit1931Hey dmcglone102:04
dmcglone1n gals02:04
Cheri703yo dmcglone102:04
dmcglone1I still kinda feel a little bad about that bad joke yesterday02:05
dmcglone1I wonder what kind of cereal we have :-) I think I'll go get me a bowl02:06
dmcglone1frosted mini wheats02:09
Cheri703Unit1931: we don't get out much02:09
dmcglone1Hmmm. that was a commercial wasn't it?02:09
Unit1931And you think I do?02:10
Cheri703just saying02:10
Unit1931And I just have to give people a hard time ;-)02:11
BiosElementJust a heads up: http://blog.nerdchic.net/archives/418/ Probably should read. I can't say I believe it. (As in I do, but shocked.)02:14
dmcglone1Unit1931: them test answers were funny02:14
Unit1931This sound right to you? http://www.cybersalt.org/cleanlaugh-archive/543202:16
Cheri703BiosElement: I reposted that in ubuntu-women02:22
BiosElementThanks Cheri703. Send it to the ohio loco too if you've got something typed up, or I will in a few minutes. No reason the loco can't take a mindful role of preventing idiocy like that.02:23
Cheri703nah, I just posted the link02:24
BiosElementAhh cool02:24
BiosElementBack in just a few02:24
Cheri703paultag and I were discussing that there aren't many women in the loco02:24
Cheri703hoping to change that eventually02:24
paultag+1 Cheri70302:24
Cheri703so far you guys seem like a non-neanderthal lot, so I don't think we'd face many of the same issues other areas have faced02:25
Unit1931I really need to go now... :(02:25
dmcglone1later Unit193102:25
Unit1931See you dmcglone102:26
Cheri703situations like that are one of the reasons I don't consume alcohol or other substances...I never want to have a situation where someone says "if you hadn't ____, then they wouldn't have ____" and if I can have no control over anything else, I'll have control of myself...02:26
Cheri703night Unit193102:26
Unit1931Night Cheri70302:26
dmcglone1what initiated this conversation? was it the bad joke?02:27
Cheri703link bios posted02:28
Cheri703BiosElement posted02:28
dmcglone1I read it02:28
Cheri703just an unfortunately prevalent attitude that so many people ignore because "that stuff doesn't happen anymore" or "men don't treat women differently anymore" etc02:29
dmcglone1I was sittin here thinking I'll never live up to that one :-/02:29
Cheri703dmcglone1, BiosElement, paultag: have you guys been to http://ubuntu-women.org ? probably, but just saying02:30
Cheri703if the whole loco got on board with it and were actively encouraging women (not in a creepy way :) ) then that'd be AWESOME02:30
dmcglone1no, but I frequently visit kde-women02:30
Cheri703not saying to shift focus to JUST women, but...it'd be pretty darn cool to make sure they were comfortable/welcome02:31
paultagCheri703, I have always been and always will be a proponent of woman in F/OSS. I love the Ubuntu Woman project, and yes, I have been to the site02:31
Cheri703figured you had :)02:31
Cheri703complete subject change: I'm looking for a new tv show to watch...I tend to take shows and watch ALL old episodes up to present...any suggestions welcome, but I might not take them ;)02:34
paultagCheri703, House02:35
Cheri703done :)02:35
dmcglone1I know a really good C++ programmer @woman.kde.org, she helped me quite a bit when I was struggling with C++02:35
paultagCheri703, It's always Sunny in Philadelphia02:35
Cheri703I will make an approximate list for you guys:02:35
dmcglone1no cable right Cheri703?02:36
Cheri703sons of anarchy, house, burn notice, bones, ncis, castle, chuck, stargate universe, criminal minds, grey's anatomy, private practice, big bang theory, 30 rock, buffy the vampire slayer, firefly, covert affairs, the closer, true blood, army wives, psych, sanctuary, the IT crowd02:37
BiosElementReading up02:37
Cheri703many others that I can't think of atm02:37
Cheri703the pretender, M.A.N.T.I.S., etc02:38
BiosElementdmcglone1, No, the joke didn't start it. It came up on my identica feed02:38
Cheri703all of those I've watched EVERY episode (/me likes background noise), so...02:38
Cheri703I need another series I can watch start to finish :)02:38
Cheri703(or several, I went through 4 seasons of 30 rock last weekend...02:38
dmcglone1thats good to know. :-)02:39
BiosElementCheri703, And yeah, seen ubuntuwomen02:39
BiosElementYay for reading up heh02:39
Cheri703dmcglone1: I have the internets, no cable needed ;)02:39
dmcglone1Cheri703: you just about covered everything on primetime, if you don't have cable, I don't know what i could suggest02:40
dmcglone1lol my lips are sealed02:40
dmcglone1My favorite all time primetime show "Cheers"02:41
paultagCheri703, 30 rock 30 rock 30 rock 30 rock30 rock02:42
paultagCheri703, 30 rock, and also 30 rock02:42
paultagOh yes, 30 rock02:42
Cheri703did that last week! :)02:42
paultagso good02:42
paultagso good02:42
Cheri703tina fey is HILARIOUS02:42
paultagso good02:42
paultagso good02:42
Cheri703I got the husband hooked on sons of anarchy02:42
Cheri703oo, sorry, 30 rock was 2 weeks ago, sons of anarchy was last weekend02:42
paultagWerewolf bar mitzvah, spooky scary02:43
Cheri703heh, yeah02:43
paultagboys becoming men02:43
paultagmen becoming wolfs02:43
Cheri703men becoming wolves!02:43
paultagsuch a great series02:43
dmcglone1cheri where do you get these shows from on the internet?02:44
Cheri703some on hulu02:45
dmcglone1I'd like to watch the cheers episodes02:45
dmcglone1I miss that show.02:45
dmcglone1Ok I'm headed to bed :-/02:54
dmcglone1bye guys02:54
dmcglone1and gals... LOL02:54
* Cheri703 had about 3 hours of sleep in the last 37 hours...woo!02:54
dmcglone1I'd be dead if that were me02:55
dmcglone1g'night :-)02:55
Cheri703it's been...interesting02:55
Cheri703I want to get some new show downloading before I go to bed, then as I work on stuff tomorrow I can watch it02:55
BiosElementUgh, yay for my best friend making my life difficult03:14
canthus13he didn't kiss you did he?03:25
canthus13(or she)03:26
BiosElementcanthus13, Not even close heh04:51
* Cheri703 is watching Seaquest :)05:00
BiosElementHeh, fun05:05
Cheri703ahh 90's future shows :)05:06
BiosElementI just got as much work done as possible working on an unexpected ride for a friend from Cincinnati >.>05:06
BiosElementEh, it's what happens when I trust her to plan for herself05:07
BiosElementNo sleep in 3 days, no food in 2 + no hotel room + no ride home. >.> Great planning05:07
BiosElementOff to sleep I go05:11
scooter2Goog morning!15:36
scooter2Good morning!15:36
BiosElementhaha afternoon scooter218:29
scooter2Hi! I just wanted to report that 10.10 made my suspend and hibernate work.18:33
BiosElementhaha it's a miracle18:33
scooter2Yeah! Really nice for going to class and all that.18:35
Unit193Hello Cheri70321:37
Cheri703how was your thing today?21:37
Unit193Good, long drive.... too early...21:38
Unit193other people that went were fine...21:38
Unit193When you go outside in the morning and see stars...21:39
Cheri703that's a wee bit too early21:39
Unit193I'm going for a bit of sleep...21:40
Unit193Bye for now!21:40
deejoewhee, release party22:34

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