
Sarvattbryceh: really good writeup on the X talk at plumbers on lwn now, covered just about everything01:16
brycehSarvatt, yeah have it up in the browser01:18
brycehSarvatt, how is the conference going?01:19
Sarvattall over now, the 2.5 hour desktop session was the highlight for sure01:19
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=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
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=== jbs is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as jbs
=== jbs is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as jbs
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jovaroIs there anyone here that can help me with a possible bug in xserver-xorg-video-openchrome in 10.04? All info is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome/+bug/67192519:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 671925 in xserver-xorg-video-openchrome (Ubuntu) "Xorg freeze, grey screen, no pointer : xserver-xorg-video-openchrome (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]19:57
bjsniderjovaro, does anybody in the world actually work on openchrome?20:18
jovaroI did untill yesterday20:19
jovarowhat can one use instead?20:19
bjsniderjovaro, what i mean is, how can anybody fix a bug in openchrome if there are no developers for it? i don't think there's been any code committed to it in like 6 months or something20:22
jovarothen why did it break?20:24
bjsnideri suppose because it has a bug20:26
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as Bernardo
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ari-tczewcould someone give a feedback on bug 664612 ?22:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 664612 in nvidia-kernel-common (Ubuntu) "Remove nvidia-kernel-common from repositories (affects: 1) (heat: 237)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66461222:22
ari-tczewtjaalton: around?22:23

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