[00:00] Muscovy, I tried sudo cp and it said: cp omitting directory [00:00] w1n5ton, user is your user name on that server. domain should be the local IP of that machine (or hostname if you have a local DNS) [00:00] Eventyret, ssh user@host is probably simpler [00:00] Core_UK: use the GUI or cp -R. === The_Doctor is now known as ttech [00:00] Eventyret: doesnt matter u can also use user@domain.com if there's running a ssh server ofc [00:00] fierygod: run "ls /dev" and look for entries like cdrom or cdrom1 and dvd or dvd1 . On my box, i have two dvdrom drives, and they both show up as bot dvd (for the first drive) and dvd1 (for the second drive) and cdrom (for the first drive) and cdrom1 (for the second drive [00:00] ssh [meh] -p [port] -l [user] -i [keyfile] -L5901:remotelocalip:5900 [00:00] then vncviewer localhost:5901 [00:00] or vncviewer localhost:1 [00:00] Dropje^: edbian ahhh ok =) Im trying to fix my alias on local machine so >> cant get it to work :P [00:00] so the routers IP? [00:01] meh is your public IP [00:01] \leave [00:01] Eventyret, :) [00:01] port is the port that is forwarded to your ssh server [00:01] thanks I'll try it [00:01] w1n5ton, No, if both machines are behind the router you can ssh right to the machines IP. [00:01] user is your username on that system, keyfile is your private key (if using that authentication) [00:01] w1n5ton, to get the server's IP go on the server and run ip addr [00:01] if both machines are behind the router, just vnc directly [00:02] ro [00:02] I want to do it remotely though [00:02] w1n5ton: use what I said. [00:02] w1n5ton, If you want to connect using ssh remotely then you have to tell the router that once a connection on port 22 comes in it should be forwarded to the IP of the ssh server. [00:03] do I need to forward the port s [00:03] first? [00:03] do you know a simple, GPL'd and safe command line program to have a p2p symmetrically encrypted chat? [00:03] Tylerjd: I have cdrom, cdrom1, cdrw, dvd1, sr0, and sr1. I noted the sr's as I caught in other forums that those are possible renames of cd and dvd drives [00:03] w1n5ton, To connect remotely you have to forward the port. [00:03] Eventyret: what i do is vi in .bashrc and add for example : alias install='sudo apt-get install' so i can just put in install to get something from the repository [00:04] w1n5ton, You have to understand that the router has 2 IPs. The IP that other computers on the internet see (the router) is used for all of the computers in your house (that's the point of the router). [00:04] Dropje^: is that all you need to add no more file edits ? [00:04] w1n5ton, So when an ssh connection comes to the router you have to tell the router that it's for computer X. In other words, forward the port (22 btw) to the IP of the ssh server. [00:04] so say my router's ip is [00:04] if you do that and reload .bashrc with : . .bashrc with root [00:04] So point it at the router [00:05] w1n5ton, Which IP? Inside your network or outside to the world? [00:05] IDK [00:05] Tylerjd: is there any significance to the different colors to each of the entries in ls /dev? [00:05] Eventyret: that way the alias doesnt get removed after a reboot [00:05] w1n5ton, Ha, google my ip address. The IP address a website sees is the outside IP of the router. [00:06] Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:24:2b:59:48:58 [00:06] inet addr: Bcast: Mask: [00:06] inet6 addr: fe80::224:2bff:fe59:4858/64 Scope:Link [00:06] UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 [00:06] RX packets:136341 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 [00:06] w1n5ton: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:06] TX packets:84516 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 [00:06] Dropje^: good one xD [00:06] w1n5ton, If you ssh to the outside IP it will be like you're connecting remotely. If you want to connect to the ssh server locally first it will be easier. [00:06] Dropje^: il test it :D [00:06] Eventyret: it works ;) [00:06] So find out the IP [00:07] Forward port 22 [00:07] Then how do I point it to the specific computer? [00:07] w1n5ton, Yes, you want to tell the router to forward port 22 to ip of the ssh server computer [00:07] some ISPs block 22 (and having 22 open to the public is probably a bad idea) [00:07] how to mount a hard disk volume? [00:07] BUT [00:07] Dropje^: thank you =D [00:07] w1n5ton, Yes, you will notice that once you open port 22 that script kiddies will annoy you. [00:08] ? [00:08] So how do I open it and keep it secure? [00:08] dougmencken: mount /dev/sd?? /place/you/want/it/mounted [00:08] w1n5ton, script kiddies are jerks that run scripts that look for ssh server and try to guess user / pass to them [00:08] !mount | dougmencken [00:08] dougmencken: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount [00:08] So use a different port? [00:08] w1n5ton, You use public / private key encryption. Use an unorthodox port, or use something like denyhosts (a package that watches for script kiddies and bans them) [00:09] edbian: w1n5ton check out fail2ban if you want to leave it on 22 and stop attempts at it being hacked [00:09] w1n5ton, That's one way. [00:09] w1n5ton: different port and strong password [00:09] w1n5ton, fail2ban is the same idea as denyhosts [00:09] i love port 22 [00:09] histo: /dev/hdd9 [00:09] use ssh keys intead of passwords [00:09] aegis, What does that mean? [00:09] I'll just use a random port [00:09] dougmencken: okay so sudo mkdir /media/somefolder && sudo mount /dev/hdd9 /media/somefolder [00:09] hi everyone! [00:09] w1n5ton, k [00:09] fierygod: yes and no to the colors, they have to do with links and directories. cdrom entries and dvd entries are links to the sr0 entry. those are the light blues, the dark blues are directories. Oh, to edit your fstab, I have "/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0" as the first dvdrom, and "/dev/cdrom1 /media/cdrom0 auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0" for the second. It... [00:09] ...doesnt matter weather you put cdrom, dvd or sr0 as they point to the same place. Before you restart the machine you will want to make sure you use "sudo mkdir /media/cdrom && sudo mkdir /dev/cdrom0" to add the areas to mount your dvd's [00:09] anyone know the gstreamer pipeline for apple lossless via ffmpeg? [00:10] histo: yeah, even got an icon on dekstop; it's magic [00:10] histo: but it is read access only [00:10] I have to design an ebook in ePUB format. Is it possible to do it with Ubuntu? [00:10] Tylerjd: I will give this a try and see how it turns out. [00:10] How do I log into my router? [00:11] hi again, guess what.. [00:11] hey, may somebody help me?? i like to know where i can see the change of level in my ubuntu [00:11] nvm got it [00:11] w1n5ton with ipv4 (we all use) you will get one ip assigned by your internet provider. This has to be shared with all your computers in house. the only way to do that is by using a different subnet (thats where your home router comes in). Using NAT the router decides which packets are ment for every computer in house. If you want a server/service to be available to the "outside" world the router needs to know to which computer is running a [00:11] arvut: restarting fixed everything? [00:11] w1n5ton, by going to it's ip address with a web browser. [00:11] buwar: change of level? [00:11] w1n5ton, :) [00:11] ok, and please report your results when you are done, you will want to make sure to reboot to make sure you have the changes recognized [00:11] yaa, i mean the runlevel [00:11] my pc aint rebooting. typed sudo reboot in terminal and now its doing nothing [00:11] will do [00:12] I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, buwar. Do you mean the system load? [00:12] im on my n900 right now [00:12] arvut: looks like you did done broke it. power down :/ [00:12] TCP OR UDP? [00:12] buwar: Hi! I can help you. Can yo please describe your question more detail? [00:12] For the ports [00:12] w1n5ton, tcp [00:12] ouch, guess i did ;) [00:12] w1n5ton you can see the ip address of your router throught the command: ip route [00:12] w1n5ton, ssh is tcp (almost nothing uses udp) [00:13] i want to know whre is logged when i shut down my computer [00:13] can i burn a bootable iCD iso to a dvd? will it still be bootable? [00:13] plainas: yes. [00:14] w1n5ton, you will a line with "default via 192.xxx.xxx.xxx or something [00:14] Aight [00:14] *see [00:14] yeah ive never had any trouble doing that, dont have any blank CD's these days, more economical to just buy DVDs [00:14] i'm not talking about ubuntu isos i'm talking in general, does it work that way? [00:14] Forwarded port 555 [00:14] buwar: please check the /var/log folder. You can find logs there [00:14] w1n5ton, Well don't tell us. There might be people in this channel that are priming their scripts right now. [00:14] yep, i just found out i don't have any more black cds :s [00:14] Is it safe to start to update from 10.04 to 10.10? [00:14] yaa i check it, but i dont find it [00:14] i check the boot [00:14] last boot [00:14] Never told you my IP :p [00:14] w1n5ton go change the port :) [00:15] No more beta state on 10.10 ? [00:15] plainas: it will be fine, just burn it in the normal way [00:15] and tell me the same when i put las shut [00:15] thats something we can see [00:15] if i'm correct we can see users ip's? or at least ISP hostnames [00:15] w1n5ton, IRC tells me that: mailto:ben@adsl-074-185-163-021.sip.mem.bellsouth.net [00:15] thanks [00:15] soooo [00:15] That aint an IP [00:16] thats a hostname [00:16] w1n5ton: your public IP is [00:16] ping to that and you have the IP [00:16] w1n5ton, It's your hostname (DNS gives me IP) [00:16] w1n5ton, :) [00:16] it's called public because that is just what it is [00:16] FUUUUUUUU- === balbinot is now known as cavera [00:16] w1n5ton, ha ha ha [00:16] w1n5ton hahaha [00:16] ok another question, i never really got to know what wubi is.... what does it do? does it install ubuntu with dual boot? [00:16] I need to got TOR on xchat [00:17] hi [00:17] plainas, It installs Ubuntu dual boot from inside windows without repartitioning the HDD> [00:17] not quite. it installs ubuntu inside the filesystem of windows [00:17] w1n5ton: get a cloak from ##freenode and then only ops can see your IP === Eric is now known as Guest15502 [00:17] w1n5ton, It's trivial. Just don't tell people you're running an ssh server on port whatever and nobody will target you. [00:17] w1n5ton: or if you have a very nice ISP they run a shell and connnect to channels from there :) [00:18] so as edbian said you don't have to partition [00:18] w1n5ton, You are particularly juicy because it is clear that you have never done this before. [00:18] I know [00:18] I changed the port [00:18] anyone remember the command to remove lets say %20 to make it just an empty space within a file ? [00:18] w1n5ton just make sure you use generated passwords [00:18] Is there a channel admin online, the user EricThibault is me, and it seems i'm not disconnected, so i cant login [00:18] edbian: aummm... where does it gets installed to? === Pinna is now known as Rapacious [00:18] i mean... no partition??? [00:18] And most of our computers don't use ssh [00:18] Guest15502: /msg nickserv help release [00:19] I would not type 'rm -rf * %20' [00:19] me so happy =) [00:19] its updating now [00:19] plainas, it creates a file inside the windows FileSystem. this file acts as Ubuntu's HDD. (similar to a virtual machine) [00:19] no errors [00:19] plainas, you choose where. usually it's the c:/ drive [00:19] arvut: good to hear [00:19] yeah, wonder what went wrong tho [00:19] i see... and it installs grub or some other bootmanager i believe? [00:20] plainas, yeah [00:20] out of curiosity does anyone know whats for pay software is going to be for sale in the ubuntu software center? [00:20] okay [00:20] that's cool [00:20] when the installations finishes it installs grub so that it seems like dual booting [00:20] plainas, It's a clever hack really. [00:20] brb gonna try this out [00:20] w1n5ton, ha, ok [00:20] w1n5ton, I don't see why you'd have to leave IRC but ok. [00:20] does it comes with a friendly way to configure grub on windows? [00:21] IdleOne: thx for the help btw, you've been the most helpful of them all, see you in #u-o =) [00:21] plainas, It configures grub for you. It does not provide a windows tool to configure grub. You'd have to do that from inside the Ubuntu install. [00:21] plainas, what do you mean? [00:22] i meant if a user later wants to recover the old original boot (i guess it's backed up somewhere) or such things === Rapacious is now known as Pinna [00:22] plainas, it doesn't delete mbr [00:22] plainas, If you uninstall using wubi it fixes the MBR for you. [00:22] when you do such an install are the files directly accessible from windows is the ubuntu install done to a file that ubuntu treats as a hd ie like vmachine disk file? [00:22] i mean when you want to uninstall ubuntu you do it through the windows control panel [00:23] * Tylerjd thinks that Wubi is a great way to try ubuntu [00:23] and it removes grub as well [00:23] has anyone here compiled vanilla 2.6.36 via either kernel-package or the like, with 10.10's gcc 4.4.5 on x86? [00:23] michaelrose, yes. [00:23] i hate grub2 [00:23] Is there a channel admin online, the user EricThibault is me, and it seems i'm not disconnected, so i cant login [00:23] ok... [00:23] aegis, uh, why? === w1n5ton1 is now known as w1n5ton [00:24] UnholyTerror, Because the configuration is much more complicated. [00:24] on a related subject, when i tried server edition it had an option called "install minimal virtual machine" [00:24] I want to convert .dmg to .iso, plz help me [00:24] I had my wireless working on my laptop with 10.04 LTS, i just updated to 10.10 and now it is not working, i guess i have to reinstall the drivers again....only problem is i forgot how i did it. Can anyone help me? It doesn't even recognize the wireless card right now [00:24] Server is refusing connections [00:24] UnholyTerror: Because now I can't make it do what I want. [00:24] quit [00:24] aegis, which is? [00:24] lol [00:24] what does that do? [00:24] oops [00:24] w1n5ton, I suggest you get local connections working first. Is that possible. [00:24] UnholyTerror: I leave grub2 alone and pray it doesn't break or get modified by accident somehow and break my whole system. [00:25] brianl__, What is the name of your card? [00:25] adbian: I am not sure.. [00:25] aegis, what gives you that idea? [00:25] w1n5ton idd can you use a local ip? liek 192.168.x.x [00:25] plainas, i have no idea [00:25] yes [00:25] brianl__, sudo lspci -k (look for your card in there) [00:25] But I don't care about that [00:25] aegis, and what does that have to do with what you want it to do? [00:25] I need remote access [00:25] UnholyTerror: One time I simply wanted to change the order in which the OS's were listed... It was like trying to compile a kernel, only it wasn't successful. [00:25] Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5787M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express [00:26] w1n5ton, so the router forwards port what to where (and to what port? ) [00:26] edbian: shouldnt you have something like "listen portxxx" ? [00:26] I aint saying the port # [00:26] UnholyTerror: I also wanted to change the default boot OS and that was uber complicated. [00:26] w1n5ton, good call. [00:26] w1n5ton, Make sure it picks it up at whatever port you want, but forwards it to port 22. Since you probably didn not change the port the server listens on like Dropje^ pointed out [00:27] gimme the command again [00:27] aegis, http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html [00:27] edbian: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5787M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express [00:27] brianl__, search BCM5787 in synaptic and install the package that comes up (if there are more than one read the desc) You're looking for the package that contains the driver/module for your card. [00:27] w1n5ton: just make sure you have external port xx forwarded to 22 of ip 192.168.x.x [00:27] WHAT????????????????? [00:27] I need the ssh command [00:28] w1n5ton, ssh user@hostname [00:28] w1n5ton, or ssh user@ip_address [00:28] then what? [00:28] I told Ubuntu 10.10 installer NOT to wipe/use the Windows drive but it did anyway [00:28] w1n5ton then it should prompt for a paswword [00:28] Callum_Laptop: consider it a blessing [00:28] edbian: no packages came up [00:28] blakkheim, hahaha [00:28] blakkheim: I'm being serious here [00:28] Callum_Laptop: replicate the behavior and file a bug [00:28] Callum_Laptop: so am i :) [00:29] ok turns out you guys fouled me quite a bit [00:29] Callum_Laptop: What do you mean it used the windows drive? [00:29] hang on [00:29] Callum_Laptop: what is the current behavior [00:29] brianl__, ugh [00:29] i was reading about virtualization and.... [00:29] does anyone know how to change the owner of a folder so I can change permissions ? [00:29] brianl__, Did it list a driver in lspci -k ? [00:29] stodertoad: chown user:group directory [00:29] !permissions| stodertoad [00:29] stodertoad: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [00:30] stodertoad, sudo chown user folder [00:30] stodertoad: chown user:group filename [00:30] got it [00:30] edbian: Kernel driver in use: tg3 <-- that? [00:30] I dual-boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 on this, and I told it to overwrite the old 10.04 installation, but it instead overwrote the Windows drive, where conveniently enough I backed up all my important files from the Ubuntu drive [00:30] lookup [00:30] plainas, and...? [00:30] thanks everyone [00:30] Callum_Laptop: so there is no longer an ntfs partition? [00:30] brianl__, According to lspci there is already a driver then. How is the system not using it? [00:30] stodertoad: if you want to do all the files within the folder use 'chown -R user:group folder' [00:30] histo: uhh, no, and now I have two Ubuntu's on this [00:30] and the install app on server edition is simplified but is not a text based intall like in the alternate or mini CDs [00:31] aegis, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/startup-manager-change-settings-in-grub-grub2-and-usplash.html [00:31] dang [00:31] hey [00:31] Callum_Laptop: well I would shut down immediately and boot to a live cd. Then rescue your files [00:31] edbian: I am not sure. It was working fine before i upgraded to 10.10.... [00:31] UnholyTerror: Thanks [00:31] It won't let me open nautilus [00:31] brianl__, Do networks show up in the applet? [00:31] i just installed a bunch of new themes from bisigi. The wallpaper and window looks all changed. BUT the log in screen has not changed. Is there a switch I must check in order to have the login screen "theme based"? [00:31] edbian: no [00:31] brianl__, what about sudo iwlist scan [00:31] how would you tell the nfs server not to export v4? [00:31] Staticlv: it's not as easily themable as it was in the past [00:31] histo: I highly doubt I can, cause Ubuntu is now installed on the drive and yeah [00:31] edbian: neither interfaces support scanning [00:31] edbian [00:32] plainas, oh, i wasn't here when you talked about this [00:32] the file manager won't work [00:32] w1n5ton ssh was not ment to vnc [00:32] w1n5ton, [00:32] how is better multimedia player ?..i think [00:32] Callum_Laptop: yes but it didn't overwrite everything on the drive. Those files are still on the disk [00:32] mplayer [00:32] brianl__, what if you run sudo iwlist scan ? [00:32] Callum_Laptop: outside of the size of the normal install [00:32] so now what? [00:33] Can anyone help me with http://pastebin.com/iFpPALBH [00:33] blakkhem: k is there a way to change the backround picture for the login screen or a page i can read about getting it changed? [00:33] edbian: it says lo does not support scanning, and eth0 doesnt support scanning [00:33] w1n5ton what are you planning to do ? [00:33] brianl__, It does not list wlan0 at all? [00:33] I want to be able to access files remotely [00:33] histo: well what would I use to do that? presumably the Ubuntu live CD can't rescue files? [00:33] edbian: no [00:33] w1n5ton you would use a form of sharing for that, like http or better ftp [00:33] i got told erroneos information like by 5 ppl about this subject :( [00:34] fist thing ppl told me when i got in here: [00:34] so you made the first step getting access through ssh [00:34] hi what's up everyone? [00:34] suppp! [00:34] w1n5ton, learn how to use cli. Additionally, use ssh -X user@ip_address to get graphic forwarding. (lets you see the graphics of individual apps instead of the entire desktop) [00:34] w1n5ton now you can install a ftp server through it [00:34] "if you see a grafical install then you're not using server edition CD" [00:34] Staticlv: I know you can do it by changing ehs default background (/usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png). [00:34] Callum_Laptop: sure it can and I would put the rescued files on your old 10.04 partition. But you need to look in to the testdisk package. Has some tools such as testdisk and photorec. And there is scapel and foremost for data craving [00:34] which was not true [00:34] Callum_Laptop: carving not craving [00:34] brianl__, Look near the end of the output of the command dmesg. See anything about your wifi in their? [00:34] edbian: he wants to share files [00:34] w1n5ton, use sshfs [00:34] you can't do that with just ssh [00:35] Callum_Laptop: alll depends on how important your files are. How much time they are worth messing around for. [00:35] soooo [00:35] edbian: nope, just eth0 and lo [00:35] ikonia you in here dude? [00:35] Muscovy: ty [00:35] brianl__, It has the wrong driver loaded I think. [00:35] Chaos2358: what seems to be the problem? [00:35] quick question... I have a desktop with a wireless NIC and every time I reboot I have to go to the wireless settings, find my SSID and enter my password again. How do I make it stay permanent? I already chose the option unlock the keyring when it asks for the password but still [00:35] brianl__, I'm not sure what else to do. Google it I suppose. "bcm5758 on Ubuntu 10.10" look in the forums [00:36] brianl__, If there isn't a driver in the repos I'm at a loss [00:36] it's annoying when other people want to use the PC I have to come and type in the password (which I cannot share) [00:36] Seeker`, he gave me a link yesterday to the info on the new release of empathy and i cannot find the info by searching [00:36] so all ssh does is give you terminal access? [00:36] w1n5ton sharing files through the internet is always handled by a server.. most convenient to use is ftp [00:36] ^ [00:36] gabe_, do you want other people to be able to connect?i didn't understand [00:37] w1n5ton thats a very powerfull access :) [00:37] w1n5ton, yes that's "all" it does. [00:37] hrm, anyone else know about how to get my wireless working? [00:37] raven_ I think he means keep the keyring unlocked. [00:37] you know, the wireless icon? [00:37] So I got sshfs [00:37] Seeker`, trying to deduce which chat services ie aaim msn etc are supported in the voice video chat in empathy on 10.10 [00:37] Now what? [00:37] w1n5ton, sshfs is for the clients. [00:37] you click on it and it gives you a list of available SSIDs correct? [00:37] sudo [00:37] gabe_: yes. [00:37] w1n5ton setup a ftp server [00:37] w1n5ton, Honestly though the purpose of this channel is not for us to hold your hand. Read about this stuff first, if you get stuck then ask for help here. [00:38] w1n5ton : apt-cache search ftp [00:38] mine is hidden, so the first time I configured it I typed the SSID name, password, and type of security settings (WPA) [00:38] Chaos2358: no idea myself, and I don't think ikonia is aroun [00:38] d [00:38] w1n5ton, http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/10/28/how-to-mount-a-remote-ssh-filesystem-using-sshfs/ [00:38] ok everything good until then [00:38] Seeker`, ok well thanks [00:38] gabe_: The system stores passwords for wireless and stuff in something called a keyring. If you enter your password at login, it is "unlocked". If not, each password will request like what's happening for you. [00:38] holy nutbladder, 11.10 is going to have Wayland?! [00:38] w1n5ton: don't setup ftp just use sftp [00:38] brtfs as default?! [00:38] daedaluz, I read that today too. [00:38] w1n5ton: or scp or mount with sshfs [00:39] does anyone know which messenger services ie aim, msn jabber, are actually supported in the voice and video chat in empathy on 10.10??? [00:39] yes, you got it... but every time I reboot the keyring password dialog box comes up asking for the password and even though I said Unlock, it ask for the password when I reboot [00:39] hi this is my first timein this chat [00:39] la hi [00:39] I just want to reboot and have the PC automatically connect to my wireless lan since I already configured it [00:40] hola la [00:40] sudo apt-get install RonPaul [00:40] gabe_: I've actually been looking for the solution to that too. [00:40] hola [00:40] gabe, i don't think you can do that [00:40] raven_: sure you can [00:40] raven_: I've heard it's possible to keep the keyring unlocked somehow. [00:40] gabe_: do you have it set to autologin [00:40] really? I've got to type the password every time I reboot? [00:40] some body speak spanish [00:40] no [00:40] what's the easiest-to-get-going-and-probably-most-supported virtualization software for maverick right now? preferably with gui controls for creating vm's, etc [00:40] in kde maybe you can set a different passwd for the kde wallet [00:41] there are multiple user accounts (4) [00:41] gabe_: is the keyring password different from your user password [00:41] rocky, virtualbox [00:41] yes, it is [00:41] edbian: what is b43-fwcutter? [00:41] rocky, by far [00:41] does anyone know which messenger services ie aim, msn jabber, are actually supported in the voice and video chat in empathy on 10.10??? [00:41] la; This is a moslty english speaking irc:) [00:41] histo: I think the issue is it doesn't _ask_ the password on login. [00:41] gabe_: that may be your issue. But usually it's that people turn on autologin. So they don't have to enter there password on boot. That creates issues with keyring [00:41] gabe_, so you want to configure the network once for all the users? [00:41] ok [00:42] thank [00:42] edbian, cool will check it out [00:42] brianl__, b43-fwcutter is a package that extracts firmware (the software that actually runs on the chip of the card). It downloads something from the internet too. I use it on my system because I have a bcm4306 card. Becuase you don't have bcm43xx card I am not sure this is right for you but it is worth a shot. [00:42] la hola. que neccesito? [00:42] histo: I configured the password with every user account thinking it won't ask for it later [00:42] raven: yes, that's what I'd like [00:42] gabe_: there are a lot of people on the forums who have posted fixes for your issue [00:42] Can anybody help me in getting my wireless working on 10.10 using a bcm card? [00:42] edbian: do i just get fwcutter from synaptic and run it? [00:43] oh, I see... [00:43] hola chaos [00:43] brianl__, The number is the most important thing. Make sure you mention it when asking for help. [00:43] will look that up then [00:43] gabe_: it shouldnt' be prompting you. So typically it's because you enabled autologin in gdm. Or you have an old version of ubuntu with that bug. [00:43] brianl__, You don't even have to run it. installing it should do everything for you. [00:43] la: I speak spanish... message me on private if you need help [00:43] la hola mi amiga [00:44] edbian, is virtualbox as "open" and/or "free" as the other solutions these days like xen, qemu, kvm, etc? [00:44] well, back in 8.04 (very old huh?) that problem did not exist. I'm running 10.10 right now [00:44] rocky, AFAIK yes. [00:44] Can anybody help me in getting my wireless working on 10.10 using a bcm5787 card? [00:45] there it is, another wireless issue :) [00:45] gabe_, :) [00:45] brianl, does your PC recognize your nic card at all? [00:45] gabe_, it does (and it has a driver for it) but it does not show up as wlan0 [00:45] brianl__, run sudo ifconfig -a (what interfaces are listed) ? [00:45] gabe_: yeah what edbian said ;/ [00:46] Server keeps refusing connections [00:46] edbian: eth0 and lo [00:46] Hey guys my mouse and keyboard stop working after a partial upgrade in 10.10 cna anyone help me plz [00:47] Does anyone know if InitNG will still work in 10.10? [00:47] can anyone help me? i would realy appereciate it [00:47] sup dudes [00:47] edbian, is your name ed and you're using debian? :D [00:47] Is it possible to use a cell phone to have internet conecction in Ubuntu? [00:47] raven_, yep! [00:47] ok [00:47] ttl everybody [00:48] Licuadora: Yes, what kind of phone? [00:48] edbian, haha nice...and creative [00:48] Licuadora, Anything is possible in Ubuntu because you can write the source code yourself. [00:48] raven_, Thank you [00:48] edbian : isnt ip address replaced ifconfig -a? [00:48] edbian, :) [00:48] gabe_: Did you see what i said earlier, or what edbian said actually ;/ [00:48] Tylerjd: I dunna, any kind of phone who has WIFI [00:48] Dropje^, I dont' know what that means. [00:48] *hasn't [00:48] "command: ip address instead of ifconfig -a [00:48] my keyboard and mouse stopped working after upgrade can anyone help me? [00:49] I just want to know what are the programs to download, and if they come in a .deb package [00:49] Dropje^, Oh, maybe. They both work so... [00:49] yes... looking [00:49] Licuadora, That's a better question. I'm not sure. [00:49] thats what ive been told a some linux oracle [00:49] gabe_: okay thank you [00:49] Licuadora, What are you trying to do, give the internet access from your phone to your computer? [00:49] try mode prob -r === Pinna is now known as Pinako [00:49] Licuadora: yes it is possible. i connected to a Droid the other day [00:49] then modprobe ipwraw [00:49] damian-: YES! [00:50] does anyone know which messenger services ie aim, msn jabber, are actually supported in the voice and video chat in empathy on 10.10??? [00:50] gabe_: no command 'mode' [00:50] Licuadora, go to google, look up Tethering for your phone - check if it has it. if it does, then it's as simple as tethering your phone to your computer -- it will either use USB or wifi [00:50] Licuadora: right click nm-applet then edit connections > Mobile Broadband [00:50] bastid_raZor: What kind of program did you used? [00:50] Chaos2358, i've tried msn and it works fine [00:50] Licuadora: nm-applet did it. the network manager provided by gnome [00:50] raven_, for voice and vid??? === felipellrocha is now known as brfelipe [00:51] my keyboard and mouse stopped working after partial upgrade in maverik ... can anyone help me?? plz [00:51] oh crap... used to backtrack [00:51] hold on [00:51] Chaos2358, video. havn't tried voice calls [00:51] What CLI program would you all suggest for downloading and assembling binaries? [00:51] raven_, ok thank you [00:51] Chaos2358, even though I mostly use skype for both [00:51] ubuntu 10.10 because it was so slow? [00:52] Chaos2358, what do you wanna use [00:52] ? [00:52] piercedwater, downloading and assembling binaries? Do you mean a package manager? I suggest aptitude. [00:52] my keyboard and mouse stopped working after partial upgrade in maverik ... can anyone help me?? plz [00:52] raven_, well i try to keep in touch with my old squad in afghan so i need something [00:52] edbian: no, binaries from usenet [00:52] raven_, voice and video chat we used to use yahoo but since i no longer have windows i cant do voice and vid with yahoo anymore [00:52] piercedwater, Can't help you there. [00:52] Chaos2358, if you need msn there's also aMSN but based on your needs Skype might be the best option for you [00:52] Chaos2358, im thinking of enlisting, what did you do? [00:53] Issuing `/usr/bin/brasero` seg faults, what can I do? [00:53] my keyboard and mouse stopped working after partial upgrade in maverik ... can anyone help me?? plz [00:53] raven_, counter sniper. [00:53] hello. i have ubuntu installed in all disk but i would like to install windows being able to choose one of them at boot. can anyone help? [00:53] raven_, and skype isnt free [00:53] muhammadraza, if you got a message saying "partial upgrade" that literally means something will break if you continue - so in future don't do partial upgrades ("sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" can be used to upgrade what is possible, without breaking things). Sorry I have no idea how to fix your current situation - i hope someone does, good luck. [00:53] Chaos2358, sweety === brfelipe is now known as feliperocha [00:54] n0alias excuse me? [00:54] Chaos2358, i didn't get the first one and skype is free as long as both users have an account [00:54] running 10.04 now and my login quit authenticating... anyone know what to do to reset that? [00:54] thanks zykotick9 .. could it be my xorg config file? because when i boot n safe mode everything works [00:54] raven_, oh sorry that was for someone else lol [00:54] muhammadraza, sorry - i really have no idea. best of luck man. [00:54] I'm a brand new Ubuntu user and I managed to install everything without a problem but I'm having one simple issue, none of my chat accounts are working using the panel chat thing [00:54] n0alias yea join the marines if anything [00:54] thanks [00:54] Chaos2358, hahaha [00:55] how do i view my apt-get history, and raven_ i think the first one was directed to me [00:55] hi === root is now known as Guest32587 [00:56] gabe_: still there? ;) [00:56] Just installed Ubuntu server ok. but when it boots, no video. i get into grup with shift but what should I try to enable video? [00:56] Chaos2358, u mind if i pm you, don't wanna Spamup the channel [00:56] acidubthird, I started in my case with Windows installed first. Then I use the ubuntu install's capabilities to make space for ubuntu. [00:56] n0alias sure [00:57] tannerando, the icon in the top right you mean? that is controlled by the Empathy IM client - open it and verify your account settings work, then while it's open you will get the notifications in top right as well. [00:57] how do i vew my apt-get history? [00:57] n0a1ias, have you tried history|grep apt-get? [00:57] yes, I'm trying to find a solution :) [00:57] I'm a backtrack user and the commands differ, apparently [00:58] my keyboard and mouse stopped working after partial upgrade in maverik ... can anyone help me?? plz [00:58] holas [00:58] Issuing `/usr/bin/brasero` seg faults, what can I do - I am trying to burn an image cd for ubuntu 10.10. [00:58] thanks raven_ === Borreguo is now known as Borreguito [00:58] gabe_: okay, thank you for your help [00:58] n0a1ias, don't mention it :) [00:58] n0a1ias, you might also be interested in "cat /var/log/apt/history.log" [00:59] oh, im looking for a list of everything iv downloaded and installed, even with synaptic [00:59] la la la..heloo folks [01:00] n0a1ias, in synaptic there's a history view option [01:01] let me see for a moment [01:01] n0a1ias, under file [01:01] ubuntu maverick was very slow! [01:01] wow! Are you serious? Uninstall linux and grab a copy of winblows through your choice of bittorent err sumffin. [01:02] oh, cool, what about the stuff i downloaded with Ubuntu software seater [01:02] omg [01:02] hi, y have a Gigabyte G31M-ES2C, ChipSet Intel G31 motherboard... but.. i cant install sound driver [01:03] * evilson is streaming Journey - Sweet and Simple using Ubuntu 10.10.Custom [01:03] n0a1ias, there's a history tab on the right [01:03] n0a1ias, USC has a good history feature as well (probably shared between synaptic and USC really) [01:03] help me! [01:03] n0a1ias, sorry left [01:03] Borreguito, what the question? [01:03] cool thanks guys [01:03] diablodf: I notice that too, but only when I am running it as a guest on virtualbox, with mac as the host. _Any_ other way is very,very fast [01:04] n0a1ias, ZykoticK9 is right. USC and Synaptic use the terminal anyway [01:04] brianl_ try looking here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/231667 [01:04] dont whois is me.. I am here to help you get it figured out. Be nice! [01:04] sorry :( [01:04] where can i download Intel HDA drivers? [01:04] n0a1ias, you're welcome [01:04] uhmmm intel? [01:05] depends on the driver.. give me a product? [01:05] !intelhda | Borreguito if you haven't see it. [01:05] Borreguito if you haven't see it.: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [01:06] some "drivers" dont exist..welcome to Linux..however we can always adjust existing... I may need a paste of your dmesg [01:07] Realtek ALC887 [01:07] how do i install unity on 10.03=4? [01:07] im sorry 10.04? [01:08] you shouldnt need a "driver" for that. Is it USB based device? [01:08] FlintWestWood1, i think there's a PPA for that [01:08] let me see [01:08] * evilson brb [01:08] FlintWestWood1, "sudo apt-get install unity" is one method, then choose Netbook at GDM login screen [01:08] its easy apt-get [01:08] I have ubuntu installed on my laptop, love it...but for work reasons i'm going to have to switch to dual booting windows 7 (VM aren't high perf enough for what i need work-wise). The problem is I've already got 4 primary partitions on the drive (/boot, /,/home and swap). Whats the best way to move things around so that I can add another partition for windows? [01:08] sudo apt-add-repository ppa:canonical-dx-team/une [01:08] FlintWestWood1, sorry you said 10.04! that for 10.10 only! [01:09] FlintWestWood1, see raven_'s command above the "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get install unity" [01:09] New to Kubuntu. My wireless seems slow. Is 53 Mbit/s any good? I'm used to seeing Mbps. [01:09] FlintWestWood1, after the ppa command use the update command [01:09] sudo apt-get update [01:10] thanks alot guys [01:10] tim: the / means p and the b means bit... so that says the same thing [01:10] then do everything ZykoticK9 said [01:10] tim: er i should say the / means "per" which is the "p" [01:10] tim: both mean Megabits per second [01:10] added the ppa repo, updated, and doing the install [01:11] i hope its worth it [01:11] adios [01:11] FlintWestWood1, it's not (opinion only) [01:11] wenas alguien me puede ayudar no puedo iniciar seccion en mi ubuntu me tira ese problema (Problema de instalacion No se ha instalado correctamente la configuracion predeterminada para el gestor de energia contacte con el administrador de su sistema) [01:11] FlintWestWood1, i've tried it with mixed impressions [01:11] What software does ubottu run on? [01:11] My network is "N" not "G" I should be getting better than that. Any suggestions? [01:12] hi guys , i wanna check my ubutu C files.where can i find those files [01:12] * evilson I amback [01:12] ubottu [01:12] sorry left my smokes in the car and really wanted one. [01:12] can someone tell me abt its path [01:13] n0nam3, you mean the source code? [01:13] tim, to get N speeds you need to be using some specific encryption settings - sorry i don't have N so don't know what they are. [01:13] hi there! [01:13] tim, you may also be running into driver issues with N. Best of luck man. [01:14] wow... some people "try" to help but its only out of kindness, not education or experience. [01:14] * evilson is lofting until needed [01:14] Eventyret, im back VirusTB [01:14] running 10.04 now and my login quit authenticating... anyone know what to do to reset that? [01:14] My ubuntu is not working nicely... === ubuntu is now known as VirusTeBe [01:14] Eventyret, back === michaelrose is now known as michaelrose-away [01:15] running 10.04 now and my login quit authenticating... anyone know what to do to reset that? [01:15] is there a supported hardware list for all kinds of devices? [01:15] i'm 12 years old and new to ubuntu [01:15] and it is not working as well as i hoped [01:15] Can anyone help me regarding a skype issue, i always go to the terminal to active my skype in order to work the video call... [01:16] ZykoticK9: Does Kubuntu support "N" can I just go to Netgear and download drivers or is it more difficult than that? [01:16] FreddyStrauss, you need to be more specific. what issue exactly are you having trouble with? Don't reply to me - reply to the whole channel. All on one line ;) Good luck. Enjoy Ubuntu. [01:16] Is there anyway [01:16] to debug my ubuntu [01:16] Can anyone help me with the login authentication failure problem at login? [01:17] I get problems when installing Celestia *gnome version, the universe is just black i cant see anything [01:17] several times, i receive this error , gdm cant start even with "sudo start service gdm" [01:17] hi, any awk experts around here ? i have a question regarding that [01:17] dmesg | tail is : http://pastebin.com/U7Keu27M [01:17] Semitones, you could use this page http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ [01:18] What's the deal with hardware acceleration for nvidia cards? I have an 8800gt and compiz fusion runs from 10-30 fps. My laptop from 10 years ago runs faster! [01:18] anyone? any way to reset password from recovery mode? [01:18] please tell me you're alive haha Eventyret === ttech is now known as Ttech [01:18] tim, i don't think there "should" be any difference between kubuntu or ubuntu when it comes to hardware support. i don't know the specifics of N at all, i don't own an N router. But my research into N showed up the only being supported if you where running one of the high end encryption options on router/devices - and I really don't know what the state of linux support for N is at all. best of luck ;) [01:18] thanks [01:19] hi, any awk experts around here ? i have a question about combining 2 awk's... [01:20] Anyone running a wireless N network with Kubuntu or Ubuntu? Is it supported? I'm only getting G speeds of 53 Mbps [01:20] anyone? any way to reset password from recovery mode? [01:20] I'm on 10.10 and when I install a deb package it does it through the software center. If I want to install it using the terminal, I should use "dpkg -i debfilename.deb" right? If so, where is the deb file put on my system? I know I can uninstall a deb package through software-center without needing the package...it must be saved somewhere on my system, right? [01:20] FreddyStrauss, a wild guess on my side - but it sounds like you might be running into slow graphics. do you know what type of graphics card you have? have you check in System / Additional Drivers to see if your system has available drivers? [01:20] @paulm: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword [01:21] Each time, I get randomly into the terminal. and i cant run gdm :( [01:21] paulm, did you try sudo passwd? [01:21] it is my sudo passwd [01:21] with my login name [01:21] paulm, ??? [01:21] this is dmesg | tail... what is mtrr error? [01:21] raven_, don't use the above commands - there are better ways to get a root terminal (but you should never need it) [01:22] http://pastebin.com/U7Keu27M [01:22] ZykoticK9, i don't understand what he wants. I thought he wanted to change his passwd not the roots [01:23] i mean my login name on my other computer is no longer loggin in because it says auth. failure [01:24] Anyone running a wireless N network with Kubuntu or Ubuntu? Is it supported? I'm only getting G speeds of 53 Mbps [01:24] yep [01:24] tim thats because your kernel and ipvx skills suck [01:24] whats your question [01:25] I don't doubt that but I was looking for something a little more helpful than being beaten down by someone being pompus because they know something I don't [01:26] I cant share with you if I dont know what your thinking.. not being "pompus" :) [01:26] How can I get my N network card and router to connect at N speeds and not 54G speeds? [01:26] just say it [01:27] I wil never guess your problem... hel thats what she said~ [01:27] I'm on 10.10 and when I install a deb package it does it through the software center. If I want to install it using the terminal, I should use "dpkg -i debfilename.deb" right? If so, where is the deb file put on my system? I know I can uninstall a deb package through software-center without needing the package...it must be saved somewhere on my system, right? [01:27] Can I just download a driver from Netgear or do I have to do something else? [01:28] rypervenche, where do you get it from? [01:28] tim give me the card your using...info bro msg me [01:28] also give me the dmesg of the card [01:28] rypervenche, Ubuntu stores downloaded debs in /var/cache/apt/archives [01:28] how can i get "free memory / total memory" from /proc/meminfo with awk ? [01:28] just grep it through through dm [01:29] then msg me the output of lsmod [01:29] dm ? [01:30] ZykoticK9: Thank you very much. [01:30] * evilson is streaming Journey - Wheel In The Sky [01:30] The card is a Netgear WN511B === michaelrose-away is now known as michaelrose [01:32] I am at my wits end. I have a toshiba m45 and a similarly configured laptop both running 10.10. The toshiba connects fine over ethernet, but when using 802.11 and a WHOLE STACK of adapters, all of them linux supported, I cannot get DHCP to acquire an IP. I have tried an install of 10.4 and 10.10. Any idea where I start working on this problem [01:32] why is the ubuntu live cd iso amd? [01:32] anyone knows if wordpress is available for ubuntu on the repos? [01:32] n0a1ias: do you mean amd64? that's the name of the arch [01:33] n0a1ias: is not, if you mean amd64 that's just 64bit [01:33] i installed ubuntu, got to windows accidentaly deleted the 2 logical drives where ubuntu and grub where instlled, now i cant boot into windows nor ubuntu anymore:( [01:33] Because AMD designed the 64 bit extensions to x86 [01:33] i installed ubuntu, got to windows accidentaly deleted the 2 logical drives where ubuntu and grub where instlled, now i cant boot into windows nor ubuntu anymore:( [01:33] vbwe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:33] tim, see this post, be sure to read to the bottom (it begins in 2008, but continues until 2010) (i didn't finish reading it yet) http://guide.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=878357&page=3 === zulgaban_ is now known as wakkarto [01:34] kitche, arch? dont call me stupid, but i have an intel porsseser, will that work? [01:34] heh [01:34] anyone have experience installing NX? [01:34] what Intel CPU do you have [01:34] Eventyret: man i give up [01:34] i'll sut tell my friend i dropped his harddive [01:34] i7 VirusTB [01:34] vbwe, simple fix, just reinstall ubuntu again [01:34] n0a1ias: yes? [01:34] NX server* [01:34] Does anyone know if InitNG will still work in 10.10? [01:34] i7 will run amd64 [01:34] hi, i can't uninstall a program in wine, how do I do that? [01:35] thanks coreyfro [01:35] ZykoticK9: Thanks [01:35] why did the developers name it that? [01:35] gueriLLaPunK, NX was a pain because I used nonstandard ports, if you stick to port 22 it'll probably be easier [01:35] tucemiux_mob [01:35] i did [01:35] doesnt work [01:36] aussa: yo go to the wine menu and use the wine uninstaller [01:36] vbwe, what doesnt work? [01:36] i reinstalled ubuntu [01:36] i cant but [01:36] boot [01:36] grub wont boot [01:36] vbwe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:36] hi guys. I've booted from a livecd, and chrooted to my ubuntu, but I dont have internet connection on my chrooted partition, but have it on the livecd. any suggestions, please? [01:36] but ive deleted all the partitions of ubuntu so shall i reinstall it again [01:36] FloodBot3: Quit flooding [01:36] vbwe, you sound a lot like a troll [01:36] xangua: yeah, i tryed that, but it doesn't delete [01:37] coreyfro: its a bot === andi is now known as elTigre [01:37] oh, apparently I do have connection, but no dns server.. [01:37] progre55: CP your resolve.conf from /etc on the livecd to //etc [01:37] coreyfro: thanks [01:38] no prob [01:38] tucemiux_mob, i tryed to help him eirlyer, but was in over my head, i did however get him up on unetbooin, with a live USB to change his partitions [01:38] coreyfro: yeah, that helped =) [01:38] Evilson: Thanks anyway don't need your attitude. [01:39] progre55: thats cuz i'm awesome [01:39] :D [01:39] coreyfro: well, then I guess you could help me out more.. )) [01:39] n0a1ias, he's trolling, he's even using enter as punctuation [01:39] * evilson holy hell some people never grow up. [01:40] am at my wits end. I have a toshiba m45 and a similarly configured laptop both running 10.10. The toshiba connects fine over ethernet, but when using 802.11 and a WHOLE STACK of adapters, all of them linux supported, I cannot get DHCP to acquire an IP. I have tried an install of 10.4 and 10.10. Any idea where I start working on this problem? [01:40] I want help! I only help at my own pace! [01:40] tucemiux_mob, so i spent like an hour on a trole [01:40] troll? [01:40] evilson, stop with the /me [01:40] how much RAM do I have? where did my C drive "thingy" go? [01:40] How can I get rid of the splash screen and quiet boot permanently in the new ubuntu? [01:40] coreyfro: the chrooted partition has kubuntu installed, and it didnt have wireless working.. but the livecd does (ubuntu). I need to install the restricted drivers from the livecd to the chrooted partition.. is that possible? [01:40] there is no menu.lst [01:41] miguel000, in grub2 it changed location [01:41] !grub2 [01:41] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [01:41] vbwe, are you a troll? [01:41] its ok if you are i just want to know [01:41] ha [01:42] n0a1ias: please try to keep the topic to support [01:42] miguel000, install startupmanager and see if it can help any [01:42] !ot | n0a1ias [01:42] n0a1ias: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [01:42] I prefer to change the config files manually [01:42] miguel000, to access the new grub2, hold shift a t boot [01:43] I want to disable splash and quiet PERMANENTLY [01:43] bazhang, how can I make changes to the grub menu? [01:43] tucemiux_mob, check the grub2 wiki yet? [01:43] miguel000, most of the grub2 settings can be found in /etc/default/grub but be sure to see the link from !grub2 [01:43] miguel000, http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html [01:44] allrigt, I'll read that first, thanks [01:44] * evilson is really thinking bzhang need to piss off! === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [01:44] I have an external usb hard drive, and I need to make a raid and move everything to that disk because my laptop's hard gives me lots of failure message, it's old and with 644 bad sectors. how do I move everything even MBR to boot from that for the next time? [01:44] dude I hope you got that? [01:44] evilson, stop that [01:44] bazhang, no [01:45] * evilson why? [01:45] progre55: i dunno, try running aptitude from the chroot [01:45] do I use dd ? === dtownhero is now known as Guest58329 [01:46] * Tylerjd is getting tired here on the east coast [01:46] what is a commando to know the kernel version?? [01:47] uname -a [01:47] thanks [01:47] :) [01:47] uname -r will suffice for that [01:47] ;/ [01:47] coreyfro: btw, just tried apt-get upgrade, it failed saying "cat: /proc/cmdline: No such file or directory".. I know it was possible to loop /proc/ to the chrooted partition, but dont remember how.. [01:47] mothridates: I would try a free cloneing utility (boots of a cd) that clones everything, including the mbr [01:47] I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 via either USB or hard drive with Unetbootin (AMD64-alternate), but after language selection, I get either can't mount cdrom or there was a problem reading data from cd error [01:47] mithridates: I would try a free cloneing utility (boots of a cd) that clones everything, including the mbr (sorry spealt your name wrong) [01:48] like clonezilla [01:48] can Ubuntu be part of a domain as a client? [01:48] paco_: yes, there is a special program, let me find it [01:48] great!!! [01:49] I also tried editing the unetbootin's Install Ubuntu entry by adding "cdrom-detect/try-usb=true". But still cd rom error [01:49] Tylerjd: I'm on ubuntu live, do I use that to clone my internal hard drive on the external one? by the way my system is dual boot I have a freaking win7 for college too, will it work from usb? === dtownzero is now known as help === help is now known as dtownzero [01:51] Tylerjd: anyway, thank you for your help man, I will check it [01:51] mithridates: yep, just choose to clone the entire HDD, from internal to external, it is an ISO image you download, but you can boot from USB flashdrive if you want. It will work for Ubuntu and Win7, keep everything, and everything shouldjust work when you boot off of the new drive [01:52] Tylerjd: oh, tnx man [01:52] great [01:52] mithridates: np, I like to offer my assistance. [01:52] It is a very bare-metal solution, but it works [01:53] does any one knows about backtrack 4?? [01:53] http://clonezilla.org/ is tge websitte for Clonezilla [01:53] paco__, yes in their support channel: #backtrack-linux [01:53] hooo great [01:54] thnx [01:54] hi all. Has anyone seen graphics weirdness like this before? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10077871 [01:54] how is it better Ubuntu than Mandrake?? [01:54] paco_: to answer your earlierquestion, I found rthis on the Ubuntu forums [01:54] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=693610 [01:54] paco__, #ubuntu-offtopic for that [01:55] for joining Ubuntu to a domain [01:55] ok === dtownzero is now known as dtownhero [01:55] thanks! [01:55] hooo ok thanks guys [01:55] you are helping me a lot with homework [01:56] paco_: well we aren't _supposed_ to do that but its ok to help a bro out in a time of need:) [01:59] How do you compile with cmake? === Crisco is now known as zz_Crisco [02:00] hello [02:00] hi [02:00] hi [02:00] looking for some assistance with 10.04 Netbook === michaelrose is now known as michaelrose-away [02:01] CanadianPirate:you know, I was wondering the same qestion, as i need to compile gcc for a mipsel embedded device [02:01] netbookuser, whats up [02:01] microphone don't work. cam: microsoft lifecam vx-3000 [02:01] help please [02:01] any idea? [02:01] can anyone help diagnose my gfx issues? [screencaps: http://plainsalad.com/betty/ ] [02:01] roxdragon: is the mic on the camera ? [02:01] Tylerjd: I read the documentation , it will save an image file on the disk, how can I configure it to make a real mirror? [02:02] I have a networking problem: I have a laptop with a wlan card connected to a wireless network and an ethernet port connected to a desktop. How can I get online from the desktop? I've tried setting up some router programs, but nothing's working. Can someone help me? [02:02] Tylerjd, mic [02:02] Just did an upgrade from 9.10>>10.04 and after restart all programs auto-minimize after starting [02:02] Nautilus is unbearably slow loading a folder with more than a few dozen files. Is there an alternative file browser that actually works? [02:02] netbookuser What netbook? === bruno is now known as Guest16105 [02:02] MilitantPotato: thunar [02:02] roxdragon: I have that same webcam, and the microphone works for me. Check your volume levels. [02:02] or pacman [02:02] netbookuser, do you mean all screens when opened [02:03] HP mini 1030 - BTw sing the LiveCD 10.04 everything works fine [02:03] roxdragon: and check for updates to software [02:03] justinebbby, I've seen similar but not as bad... i'm on nvidia... probably an X issue. [02:03] HELP! Does anyone know how I might have lost files in a shared partition (Ubuntu/Win7 dual boot) [02:03] Tylerjd: in select mode it doesn't have any option to do that! http://clonezilla.org/clonezilla-live/general-live-use.php [02:03] I have no clue what happened -- I'm missing installed programs in Windows [02:03] Tylerjd, how to update software? === MikeGuo is now known as hylinux [02:04] hi, what is the package for google video chat? [02:04] is there a terminal base torrent app? [02:04] roxdragon: are you using the netbook edition or what? [02:04] yo [02:04] masterme120, have you got a ubuntu 10.10 or 10.04? [02:04] Jeaton: rtorrent [02:04] Jeaton, several [02:04] Tylerjd, desktop 10.04 [02:04] UnholyTerror, a bug ticket i found suggested "downgrading GLX", but no idea how; or how to tell what vrsn I have [02:04] roxdragon: 10.10 [02:04] roxdragon: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -y full-upgrade [02:04] nit-wit - yes i mean all screens when opened or when recalled minimize after 1-sec or display in a window. [02:04] i use 10.04 [02:04] thanks blakkheim [02:04] How do you compile with cmake? (sorry for repeat) [02:05] mithidates: you missing which option> [02:05] justinebbby, hold [02:05] CanadianPirate: what are you trying to build? [02:05] hi, what is the package for google video chat? is it advisable to install .deb directly from Google? [02:05] somebody can help me ? [02:05] roxdragon: it's worked for me since 9.04 [02:05] Seeker InitNG [02:05] nkeo: whats up? [02:05] It says to use cmake in the readme [02:05] netbookuser, do you have any threads on any forums running [02:05] Anyone? I'm missing gigs....it's ridiculous.... [02:06] neko: whats up? [02:06] justinebbby, glxinfo === MikeGuo is now known as hylinux [02:06] try [02:06] jiohdi: thanks. [02:06] nit-wit: nah - I am rdy to re-install but thought I'd ask here first [02:06] goo goog google chat, anyone? what's the package for it? [02:06] CanadianPirate: why do you want to build that? [02:06] justinebbby, as to downgrading... dunno. [02:06] np [02:07] Seeker Why Not. Also it looks good [02:07] (in a not graphical way) [02:07] netbookuser, I think if you nothing to lose I would do that. watch the updates for any thing amiss [02:07] huddson: I use pidgin [02:07] so [02:07] I am new here [02:07] hello [02:07] MilitantPotato: wtf is that? [02:07] huddson: googl chat¿¿ gtalk¿ you can conect with empathy wich is the default messenger, i preffer pidgin [02:08] goggle it [02:08] Re-install it is then - thanks, I'm off [02:08] huddson: Multi protocol IM program [02:08] and I am searching for bug in a site [02:08] the image works but mic no. i don't installed NO driver for this webcam [02:08] CanadianPirate: Honestly, I wouldn't screw with the init system if I couldn't work out how to follow the instrucitons on the project website to use make [02:08] huddson: best for windows, linux, or mac I feel. [02:08] masterme120, [02:08] I found many open door [02:09] !enter | neko [02:09] neko: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [02:09] UnholyTerror, thx , http://paste.ubuntu.com/526720/ [02:09] MilitantPotato: can i just install that .deb from google? [02:09] but I don't know [02:09] what exploit I need use [02:09] neko, use? [02:09] neko: are you trying to hack a site? [02:09] !ot | neko [02:09] neko: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [02:09] what is the channel for backtrack? [02:09] Seeker Nevermind, Had a hard time reading the instructions [02:09] SuperPaco69, #backtrack-linux [02:09] have you got a link for download driver webcam masterme120 [02:09] ? [02:09] CanadianPirate: stuff like that isn't really supported here [02:10] !enter | roxdragon [02:10] roxdragon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [02:10] #jupiterlamps [02:10] anyone knows what happen to #debian? it is blank. [02:10] roxdragon: I never needed to download a driver [02:10] how do i get into a room? [02:10] sorry Tylerjd [02:10] keenan, /join #channel [02:10] thanks [02:10] yes masterme120 [02:10] webcam microsoft [02:11] roxdragon: tis ok, just trying to make things clean and friendly:) [02:11] oh sorry === mike is now known as Guest74536 [02:11] :D Tylerjd [02:12] justinebbby, similar here but: OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.7.1 [02:12] OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20 [02:12] is there an ubuntu voice to text package === mike_ is now known as Guest11918 [02:13] justinebbby, but this is laptop 10.04... erors were seen on desktop 8.04 [02:14] I am using the kubuntu install cd. When I start it, the display is messed up. I tried appending vga=771 to the boot parameters. How can I tell it to use the vesa driver on the lowest resolution? I know that the driver manager will find the driver after I install. === michaelrose-away is now known as michaelrose [02:14] how do i find out what the sources.list for maverick are? [02:15] s3a, what are you currently running [02:15] bazhang, debian but i want the sources repository for maverick to compile something [02:15] UnholyTerror, this lap has a fresh 10.04 install. Looking to see how to get 2.1, willing to try anything [02:16] s3a, ubuntuguide.org has some iirc [02:16] !sources | s3a [02:16] s3a: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [02:16] Hi all! [02:16] s3a, one of those links should have what you are looking for [02:16] Hello!!! [02:16] jiohdi: Thunar is pretty hot. Thanks for mentioning it [02:17] Can somebody tell/give url what are differences between 2.6.35-22 and 2.6.35-14? [02:17] Fadein you there? [02:17] anyways, does anyone know how to boot the install disk with X in "safe mode" [02:17] FishFace: I came from low power machines, had to find what worked for them [02:17] Hey i need some help [02:17] im wanting to run a media server from my ubuntu 10.04 server edition, to stream movies to my ps3 [02:17] anyone have any ideas? [02:17] I just booted a live cd and the scrren shows nothing [02:17] what think about kompozer? [02:17] Its black after boot prompt [02:17] Jeaton, ps3 media server is the best [02:17] Jeaton, ushare [02:18] how do i totally remove wine? and the stuff in wine? i did sudo apt-get remove wine and rebooted computer but its still there [02:18] Dwade09, wine stores all the stuff in ~/.wine [02:19] Jeaton, ps3 media server (http://ps3mediaserver.blogspot.com/) needs to be configured with X, but then you can move the config to a headless machine [02:19] Jeaton, they do not have a nicely commented example config :-\ [02:19] justinebbby, hmmmf [02:19] ok [02:19] Jeaton, however, it will transcode everything and works with the ps3 quite well [02:20] Jeaton, before that, I used mediatomb [02:20] smw, bazhang, http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components just talks about what each repository is and the other seems to have a huge mix of stuff, can you guys just do cat /etc/apt/sources.list or something and paste it to me please [02:20] does anyone know how to gain remote access to a windows se7en laptop using a linux ubuntu 10.10 laptop [02:20] Chaos2358: logmein.com [02:20] But does anyone have idea what are differences between 2.6.35-22 and 2.6.35-14 kernels? Because my server isn't booting with 22, 14 works fine. === _Nertil is now known as Nertil [02:21] Chaos2358: free and you do not need to install anything on the linux side [02:21] anyone who use lyx? i just installed it on my ubuntu.there is some error when i try to use the templates.it says that "the layout file requested by this document is not usable....." [02:21] cool thanks [02:21] Iltsu, it doesn't help, but the -22 and -14 are the ubuntu revisions i believe [02:21] are you familiar with this? [02:21] in case i need help? [02:22] s3a, I don't have a running ubuntu iinstall [02:22] microphone microsoft lifecam vx-3000 work on ubuntu 10.04?? the video is OK [02:22] justinebbby, I don't have an answer.... [02:22] s3a, however, I found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine [02:22] UnholyTerror, thx [02:22] deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted [02:22] s3a, replace hardy with maverick [02:23] When I execute `usr/bin/brasero` brasero segentation faults, what can I do - I am trying to burn an image cd for ubuntu 10.10. [02:23] Can anyone help with a botched upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 is there anyway to recover? [02:23] so ZykoticK9 just delete that folder? [02:24] s3a, are you still there? [02:24] Dwade09, you could just Move it to Wine_Disabled to test [02:25] Does anyone know how to put X into a "safe mode" when doing an install? I just need to be able to see the install screen. The vesa driver on the lowest resolution should do it. [02:25] Dwade09, if you are sure you don't need anything - just delete it [02:25] justinebbby, http://www.mesa3d.org/relnotes-7.4.4.html [02:25] ZykoticK9, how i get it out of my applications folder as well? [02:25] ZykoticK9, yeah, I know, I have earlier though that last -22 doesn't really matter. eg. if number is bigger its then compiled later. [02:26] Dwade09, i don't understand your question. applications folder? [02:27] yes ZykoticK9 its still in my applications at top [02:27] justinebbby, older stuff: http://www.guide.mesa2.com/SourceAndMirrors.html [02:27] Dwade09, oh i get ya -- System / Preferences / Main Menu [02:27] * justinebbby checks it out ( @ UnholyTerror ) [02:28] s [02:29] is there a way to copy a file larger than 4g to a usb stick? my stick has 14g of space available. I have used nautilus and cp. [02:29] the wine unsinstaller isn't working [02:29] I have a live usb that I chose not to save settings - but I would like to save a text file to it. [02:29] Staticlv, if it's fat32 no - 4g is max file size :( [02:29] Staticlv, have you tried? [02:30] Staticlv: what file system is on the usb stick [02:30] how can i disable hibernate when critically low battery power? there's no option in power preferences to disable === ukine_ is now known as ukine [02:31] I tryed to uninstall a program from wine unistaller but it isn't working, is there another way of doing that? [02:31] problem i have is every time i unplug my laptop ubuntu thinks it's power is critically low, even with full charge. [02:31] so every time i unplug, it hibernates [02:32] ZykoticK9, dick-richardson: thanks that answers my question. But windoz wont recognize anything other than msdos and fat32. is that correct? [02:32] Staticlv, technically NTFS (not recommended for small drives though) [02:32] goltoof, problem batteries? [02:33] negative, batteries fine, problem ubuntu [02:33] ZykoticK9: stick is 16g - that should work huh? [02:33] it's wigging out in so many way... ie, tells me there's 1 minute left and 100% charge [02:34] Staticlv, ? don't know minimum NTFS size actually, google or ##windows would know ;) [02:34] .quit [02:34] goltoof, problem w/charging system??? [02:34] can dyndns be used to map a registered domain name to a ubuntu box ? in order to run apache ? [02:34] ZykoticK9: thanks for the help [02:34] goltoof, how many batteries? [02:35] what is the easiest way to clean my system up after installing and removing stuff, and then cleaning it up of the stuff that is no longer needed? [02:35] 1 battery... the laptop is fine [02:35] new online community www.blitzpost.com (chat, email, blog, dating..) === Dalton is now known as Guest80149 [02:36] in power prefs, the only options for when the battery is critically low is hibernate, suspend, restart .... but there's no way to disable so if it's critically low for it to do nothing [02:36] Dwade09: "sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove" [02:36] but i'd like to get to the bottom of this "critically low" bug too [02:36] Dwade09, if you install from command line, you'll get a message at the end of all installs there after saying that "blah blah is no longer needed" and the command to uninstall them. [02:36] tux20, no spam here [02:37] ZykoticK9, i have and it was autoremove and autoremove removed everything i needed as well [02:37] !spam | tux20 === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [02:38] oops, wrong command:P [02:38] ZykoticK9, when i type wine i get wine can be found in the following packages wine1.2 or wine1.0 [02:38] !etiquette | tux20 [02:38] tux20: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu ): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... [02:38] but yet i removed wine [02:38] !gtfo | tux20 [02:38] tux20: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [02:39] Dwade09, that's the autosuggest feature working - there are two versions of wine you COULD install [02:39] roflsauce... didn't think that'd work [02:39] Dwade09, that feature is "command not found" i think ;) [02:39] ah ok thanks ZykoticK9 [02:40] i like vimtutor... are there any other cli based tutorials out there like it for bash, etc ? [02:41] goltoof, good question. not that i personally know of, but hoping someone has an answer for you. good luck man. [02:41] #brasil [02:41] how do you report a bug in launchpad? [02:42] every time I click "report a bug" it takes me to a wiki page [02:42] ZykoticK9, sounds like something someone can write pretty easily [02:42] Hello. I'm having a problem with a brand new bit of drives I'm making a raid array with. When I created the array it started recovering right away. Is this normal? [02:43] goltoof, well considering vimtutor is just a text file opened in vim - i'd say yes ;) [02:43] ZykoticK9, heh.... you know what i mean [02:44] can anyone recommend a domain registrar that would work for a CNAME to dyndns.org account ? or is there anything preferred or friendly for local web hosting than godaddy.com ? [02:45] k-rad, your question is really OT for this channel, but i don't have any recommendations on hosting or where to go for hosting suggestions. best of luck though. [02:48] helo [02:48] hi [02:48] hey, how can I know which package installed certain file? [02:48] im try to configure samba on ubuntu [02:49] k-rad, godaddy the cheapest, great support [02:49] but i confusse how to add config file [02:49] I have a laptop with an Nvidia geforce 330m video card. Every time I install the video driver ubuntu prompts me to install, when i restart I get stuck on a purple screen. I tried downloading it directly from nvidia for linux 64 bit, and it tells me I'm running an X server and it won't work. What can I do? My resolution is scrooged and I can't see the bottom of my screen [02:49] k-rad, or 1on1 , but they're european i think === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [02:51] hello! Anyone here use plait or plaiter? You have a working script for shoutcast? [02:52] hi [02:52] duergar, 10.04 or 10.10? be sure to see this forum post (haven't finished it myself) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1470822 [02:53] 10.10 [02:53] Any CLI music people? [02:53] I actually just found that thread. reading it now [02:53] duergar, be sure to see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/657634 as well :| [02:54] hello [02:54] slayerz, hi [02:54] i want to configure samba [02:54] but i confuse [02:55] abt uncomment [02:55] I have a toshiba satellite L305-S5924..I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the SD reader working..could anyone help? [02:55] listen to shoutcast stations with plait or player? [02:55] slayerz, uncomment means to remove the # from the beginning of the line, in the config file === JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ [02:56] it's usuing ubuntu 10.10 [02:56] using* [02:56] Hrimfaxi: what happens when you insert media in the SD reader? [02:57] mdg2, nothing, it doesn't show it as being there [02:57] ic so if 5 line at the biginning have # izit i must remove dat?? [02:57] Hrimfaxi: this is a new install? Have you run updates? [02:57] hi all [02:57] mdg2, yes, fresh install and fully updated [02:58] i have a server which needs a boot delay argunt for grub [02:58] slayerz, i have no idea what you are suppose to uncomment? but to uncomment means to remove the #s [02:58] everything else works but the SD reader.. [02:58] the problem is grub is configured with no waiting ... so i can' [02:58] t edit the boot comand [02:58] is there some way i can boot from the initramfs shell? [02:58] Hrimfaxi: Hmm, not mounting..... [02:59] skwashd, you should see the link from !grub2 for configuration of grub2 stuff. good luck man [02:59] mdg2, yeah..I'm not sure if the SD reader is being detected or what [02:59] !grub2 > skwashd [02:59] skwashd, please see my private message [02:59] Uncomment the security line, and add another line to make it look like this: [02:59] Hrimfaxi: its built-in right? [02:59] izit only the security line ? [02:59] slayerz, sorry man, i don't help with samba stuff. i don't use it myself nfs/ssh for me ;) [02:59] mdg2, yes it is [03:00] ok tq [03:00] Hrimfaxi: have you run lspci? [03:00] mdg2, it's possible a card reader might show up under USB as well, so the output from dmesg would be better. Hrimfaxi [03:01] i lost the menu of audacity and filezilla is that a known problem (10.10) [03:01] mdg2, ZykoticK9 - running now [03:02] ZykoticK9: built-in SD reader usb? Hmmm... [03:02] ZykoticK9: that doesn't help me ... i need to boot from the initramfs shell not a grub shell/menu [03:02] skwashd, sorry then. good luck. [03:02] ZykoticK9: do you know what 10.10 uses for mounting devices? palimpsest or someting? [03:03] mdg2, i think my EEE's card reader shows up as USB. [03:03] mdg2, as far as i knew the gnome vuse or whatever. not sure really. [03:03] ZykoticK9: that's good to know :) [03:03] hai [03:04] ZykoticK9, anything specific I should be looking for after running dmesg? [03:04] is there a way to see a log of the dd command's output or errors [03:04] Hrimfaxi, drives sdX stuff would be good - or anything that could be the reader itself. [03:05] I see sdb [03:05] Hrimfaxi: odd that nothing would show up in the /media directory when you insert into SD reader [03:06] Anyone, I am stuck - neither 'brasero', or 'write to disc' work. From terminal `which brasero` give /usr/bin/brasero. Executing this gives me segmentation fault [03:06] Hrimfaxi, type "mount" in a terminal - is sdb mounted right now? how many drives do you have? any usb stuff plugged in? sdb is the second scsi detected on your system (don't worry it's not really scsi ;) [03:06] Hrimfaxi ZykoticK9 : I would not think it is a users/groups permission thing... do you ? [03:08] mdg2, ZykoticK9 - I'm sure it sees the card now, dmesg showed the 1GB card..typing mount now..right now I have one drive excluding the SD being plugged in [03:09] Does anyone know how to get lirc working with sdlmame (using irexec)? [03:09] Hrimfaxi: check your /media and your /mnt directories and see if anything shows up [03:09] how do i install updates in safe mode? [03:09] fadein: you here buddy? [03:09] Anyone here good with the unnix based commadn dd? [03:10] windows 7 runs really smooth on my netbook but whe i installed ubuntu it's not as snappy [03:10] firefox takes a while to open and it seems laggy [03:10] mdg2, got it [03:10] intrader, either your the 3rd person asking about brasero segfaulting tonight, or you've asked 3 times ;) Sorry your having troubles. My honest recommendation is to try a different burning software, i'm not a fan of brasero - i use k3b (BUT that requires the entire KDE Librarys which are huge) GnomeBaker (or similar) is a popular Gnome CD burning alternative [03:10] I'm trying to use Wubi but it keeps installing 10.04 AMD64 even though I have 10/10 i386 in the same folder [03:11] Hrimfaxi: good [03:11] mdg2, nothing is showing.. [03:12] !wubi [03:12] Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe [03:12] Hrimfaxi: I'm not running 10.10, but look under Accessories for a "disk utility" [03:12] ZykoticK9, It was me asking three times. I an not successful using gnomebaker as it does not show a burn image selection - only CD Data [03:12] mdg2, it sees the card and the sd reader [03:13] intrader, i don't have any other suggestions sorry. good luck man. [03:13] Hrimfaxi: which "it" [03:14] mdg2, the disk utility [03:14] Hrimfaxi: excellent! [03:14] mdg2, I clicked mount and it said it is mounted [03:14] ZykoticK9, thanks - no burning image from ubuntu 10.10, wow! [03:14] but I can't find it anywhere [03:14] Has anyone here used x2go? [03:15] Hrimfaxi: if its mounted, you should be able to go to file manager /media and see contents there [03:15] intrader, brasero works on my system? no segfault here. === zkriesse__ is now known as zkriesse_ [03:15] mdg2, nope..it's not showing.. [03:16] Hrimfaxi: what's the name of the disk utility? [03:16] ZykoticK9, thanks - I have reinstalled it - no luck. Thanks [03:17] problem in 10.10 getting errors with update anyone want to help? [03:17] Hrimfaxi: is it Gnome Disk Utility? [03:18] mdg2, yes [03:18] Hrimfaxi: and the SD reader shows in the left half of the disk utility window? [03:18] mdg2, yes [03:18] How about FreeNX vs NeatX? [03:18] it even shows the card [03:18] but fails to mount [03:19] Hrimfaxi: on the right side of the disk utility window, where is says "Volumes" click on the SD card reader entry - it should turn green [03:20] i just downloaded a bunch of themes via terminal but where do i find them? [03:20] Hrimfaxi: check the "Mounted at" entry on the right side of the disk utility window [03:20] W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/dists/http/ppa/ubuntu/maverick/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found [03:20] , W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/dists/http/ppa/ubuntu/main/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found [03:20] , W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/dists/http/ppa/ubuntu/maverick/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [03:20] , W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/dists/http/ppa/ubuntu/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [03:20] , E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. [03:20] catlady: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:20] Would using var.lof/auth.log or /var/log/messages via dmesg|more be how I'd see dd in= of = ... error reports on the copied partitions? [03:21] how do I file a bug for the installation process? [03:21] i just downloaded a bunch of themes via terminal but where do i find them? [03:21] ZykoticK9, thanks - in GnomeBaker, I see in Tools-->Burn Image and that seems to be burning. I hope I get a good image. Thanks for help [03:21] How do I force Wubi to use the ISO file I've already installed? [03:21] downloaded* [03:21] mdg2, it says not mounted [03:22] intrader, hope it works for ya. good luck man. [03:22] i just downloaded a bunch of themes via terminal but where do i find them? [03:22] lightsabater... if you wget them they'll be in whatever directory you were in [03:22] how can i install updates from safe mode desktop? [03:22] Hrimfaxi: sounds like a user permission error to me [03:22] lightsab8r, probably in whatever directory you where in when you executed the download command. Have you checked your Home Folder? === michaelrose is now known as michaelrose-away [03:23] what is that app to create a usb startup disk? Mine seems to have disappeared [03:23] msg2, when I try to mount it it says /dev/sda1 is already mounted on / [03:23] Does Wubi need the DESKTOP iso or the ALTERNATE iso? [03:23] Hrimfaxi: oh / is root [03:23] I see [03:24] Hrimfaxi: /dev/sda1 is probably your install of ubuntu [03:24] shane4ubuntu, System / Admin / Startup Disk Creator [03:24] oh that brings up a question i had before... how do you create a startup disk with cli ? [03:24] mdg2, it is, but in disk utility where it says Device, it shows it as "/dev/sdb1" === zhang is now known as Guest58517 [03:24] ZykoticK9: nothing in home folder neither hidden + .theme folder is empty === Guest58517 is now known as zha_n [03:24] ZykoticK9, thanks!!! it was there in front of my face, I just didn't see it! === zha_n is now known as zhang_ [03:25] Hrimfaxi: when you clikc on /dev/sdb1 in the disk utility window, right side of the window under Volumes - do you see "Mounted at" /media/xxxxx [03:26] I am having trouble with 10.10 using update manager....gives errors, can anyone help? [03:26] nope mdg2 [03:26] hi, does anyone know how i can map an external IP to a local address? [03:26] usb startup disk, assuming i have it mounted, how to create a bootable image out of it ?? [03:26] with cli [03:26] Hrimfaxi: lets clarify - you have /dev/sda1 and a /dev/sdb1 ? [03:26] !anyone [03:26] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [03:26] can anyone help with a update failure that wont boot after? [03:27] mdg2, I also tried to mount it from terminal, it gave me an error saying: "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1..missing codepage or helper program..." [03:27] boxbeatsy, that's doesn't make sense - an IP address can only exist on it's own network - you can't move them around really. what do you mean by map? [03:27] mdg2, yes [03:28] anyone here installed the ATI driver latley with any success? [03:28] boxbeatsy, do you mean ftp? [03:28] How can I convert one page in a pdf to image? [03:28] Hrimfaxi: now on the left side of the system utility window, tell me the "Storage Devices" listed.... Local Storage, PATA Host Adapter, CD/DVD Drive....etc [03:28] ZykoticK9: well, i want to simulate my production server on a local computer on the same network without changing any configurations. so when i'm running my local server, and try to hit my master server at the xternal IP i want it to hit the one i set up on the local network [03:28] With a package like this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/oem-config How do I go about downloading it and actually using it? Thanks. [03:29] I am having trouble with 10.10....update manager fails to load ubuntu maverick repos any ideas? [03:29] boxbeatsy, add an entry into the hosts file on the testing machine - i think that might work [03:29] seems like everyone is having problems updating to 10.10.. [03:29] tphive, you install it like any other package [03:29] jkr801, don't update, clean reinstall is the way to go [03:29] goltoof, +1 [03:30] does 10.10 hate pci graphic or just my card? nvidia geforce 6200 512ram pci (not pci-e) was working ok in 8.04 but 10.10 was sending me a kernel panic every time i tried to use the card [03:30] anyone here installed the ATI driver lately with any success? [03:30] tphive, you then install package, update the system, whatever. [03:30] Ya a little late for me i guess [03:30] jkr801, unless you like solving unecessary problems [03:30] try to recover with live cd but sda1 wont even mount [03:30] ZykoticK9: that didnt work :\ [03:30] i updated from 10.04 to 10.10 had no problems until tonight (3 weeks later)... [03:30] tphive, when you are done, you run the oem command (I do not know it off the top of my head) and when it boots again, it will make a new account. [03:30] mdg2, Local Storage --> SATA Host Adapter --> 160GB HDD --> DVD Drive ... then Peripheral Devices --> Generic Multicard [03:30] smw: How is that though? I'm pretty new to ubuntu. Would it be found in the built in app downloader? [03:30] boxbeatsy, sorry don't know then. good luck. [03:30] haakon_, ive had no success with an ATI card either [03:30] tphive, do you know what it is for? [03:30] catlady, are they... unecessary problems? :) [03:31] its nvidia though [03:31] Hrimfaxi: sounds like it might be "Generic Multicard" [03:31] i installed the ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix to my netbook and im not to thrilled with it how do i upgrade it to a full desktop version without havingto do a complete reinstall? [03:31] smw: Yeah, basically preparing the computer for an end user. [03:31] clepto: Do a complete reinstall. =D [03:31] tphive, are you the end user? [03:31] mdg2, yeah, it sees the SD card without a doubt..it just refuses to mount it [03:31] clepto, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" [03:31] Hrimfaxi: click once on "generic multicard" then on the right side of the disk utility window, look under "Volumes" and tell me what you see [03:31] smw: No, the computer's being sold. [03:31] goltoof: after an regular update now repos for maverick won't load [03:31] anyone wana help with an ATI driver install, its not going too well [03:31] smw: That's why. [03:31] zykotick9: thank you [03:31] tphive, ok [03:32] internet connection and mirror fine.... [03:32] tphive, just checking ;-). [03:32] How can I convert one page in a pdf file to image? [03:32] mdg2, SD CARD 1GB [03:32] Hrimfaxi: this is like a netbook? You may not be seeing the whole window [03:32] smw: Do you know your way around setting up ubuntu as OEM? [03:32] n0a1ias, get an nVidia card.... poof, done [03:32] tphive, anyways, you can use the package manager [03:32] tphive, yes [03:32] nah mdg2, its a full notebook [03:32] catlady, check your sources? [03:32] tphive, I have done it before. [03:32] hah, but seriously, anyone get it to work? [03:32] sosaited, i imagine that imagemagick could do it - but not sure. [03:33] processing was halted because there were too many errors [03:33] thats never good [03:33] zykotick9: and that will stop it from using that unity interface? [03:33] 10.10 is not great... [03:33] Hrimfaxi: okay, in the section just below "Volumes" is "Mount/Unmount" [03:33] clepto, from GDM you can choose which to use ;) [03:33] smw: Mkay, and good good, I was trying to find answers to my questions yesterday, and hardly anyone had any idea. X_X [03:33] mdg2, I tried that but fails to mount [03:33] clepto, i have both on my netbook [03:33] tphive, the ubuntu package manager can do it. I do not know the ubuntu gui well. however, sudo apt-get install oem-config in the terminal will install it [03:33] n0a1ias, what v card? [03:33] Hrimfaxi: directly to the right of that, and slight up shows the Mount Point: Mounted at /media for example [03:34] does 10.10 hate pci graphic or just my card? nvidia geforce 6200 512ram pci (not pci-e) was working ok in 8.04 but 10.10 was sending me a kernel panic every time i tried to use the card [03:34] tphive, what question? [03:34] mdg2, mount point says it is currently not mounted.. [03:34] goltoof: W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/dists/http/ppa/ubuntu/maverick/binary-i386/Packages.gz [03:34] zykotick9: its ok it just doesnt update my files and stuff in the file and fold browser and i still havnt figured out how to open nautilus without having to use the command line... its driving me batty :D [03:34] Hrimfaxi: not "Device" /dev/sdb1 , but the actual mount --- okay,not mounted means you don't have permission to use card reader [03:35] mdg2, how would I go about setting permission? [03:35] Hrimfaxi: check Users/Groups permissions [03:35] clepto, adding nautilus to my ?launch bar made things a lot more tolerable ;) [03:35] tphive, did you get my last message? [03:35] smw: With the apt-get command, I know what it's for obviously and how to use it, but people seem to just know the exact name of the files immediately, the title of the package, like on the URL previous, is that ALWAYS what you'd type? (And no this wasn't the question yesteday) [03:35] ZykoticK9: nothing in home folder neither hidden + .theme folder is empty [03:35] i just downloaded a bunch of themes via terminal but where do i find them? [03:35] Hrimfaxi: Administration > Users and Groups [03:36] Hrimfaxi: find your name and click on it, then Manage Groups [03:36] lightsab8r, sorry man i don't know where YOU downloaded the stuff too. I can't read minds - i don't even know what themes you're talking about, or how you downloaded them from cli. can you give some more details? [03:36] tphive, I got it from the url. http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/oem-config == sudo apt-get install oem-config [03:36] ZykoticK9: LMAO. This is a new one. When I search for "Image" in Synaptic, it closes right away..... [03:37] mdg2, alright, I'm at the "Manage Groups" window [03:37] Hrimfaxi: sorry Advanced Settings... [03:37] lol, alright, I'm there [03:37] Hrimfaxi: you will probably have to give your password [03:37] tphive, the url had the package name in it. [03:37] sosaited, try ubuntu software center [03:37] Hrimfaxi: click the "advanced Settings" button [03:37] lightsab8r, they don't appear in your theme manager? [03:37] Zykotick9: ok well thank im gonna shut it down for the night. [03:37] mdg2, I'm at the Advanced Settings window. [03:37] hi all, I wrote a simple bash script for compiling latex "tex" files and showing them as pdf, my questions is how do I make the script I wrote working from any place in the terminal or better, if someone know an editor or something like that, which can runing script, so when I'm writing latex I could see my result much faster? [03:38] goltoof, ATI hd 5830 [03:38] goltoof: not at all [03:38] lightsab8r, /.themes? [03:38] does 10.10 hate pci graphic or just my card? nvidia geforce 6200 512ram pci (not pci-e) was working ok in 8.04 but 10.10 was sending me a kernel panic every time i tried to use the card. kernel not syncing. init tainted g. with some jibberish that looked like it was saying that there were some blocks of video ram that were bad [03:38] goltoof: nope [03:38] smw: in that case sure, but is that a standard? Do all linux devs post their packages like that, so what you type in terminal is obvious? [03:38] goltoof: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-distributions/4-ubuntu/265-great-themes-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope [03:38] Hrimfaxi: Under "user Privilges" have a look see [03:38] ZykoticK9: It stops responding [03:38] ZykoticK9: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-distributions/4-ubuntu/265-great-themes-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope [03:39] lightsab8r, what format did they download as? [03:39] GoldenApe, one way would be to create a ~/bin folder and add it to your $PATH (it might already be there) - that would work for your login [03:39] smw: The questions yesterday were based around installing the OS as OEM from the start. I am ultimately trying to get UNE 10.04 installed on an Aser Aspire One AOA-110. But I've tried the UNE disk, Desktop, AND the alternate install, none of them had the oem option when installing. I was completely at a loss, and the only thing that could remotely get what I want accomplished was someone posting [03:39] the link I first did. [03:39] tphive, do you understand the concept of the ubuntu repositories? [03:39] mdg2, alright, I've clicked there [03:39] Hrimfaxi: not sure which one would pertain to an internal SD reader - if it is considered an external storage device or not. [03:39] ZykoticK9: Ok. This isn't just limited to "Image" Typing anything in Synaptic closes it. This is the first time ever that this is happening [03:40] smw not perfectly, I just understand that a repository is basically a database that has an index of packages that can be downloaded and installed. [03:40] tphive, I believe if you press F4 before installing booting the install disk, it should give the option [03:40] tphive, wrong [03:40] mdg2, everything that is supposed to be checked is checked.. [03:40] Hrimfaxi: Most everything in my setup is checked [03:40] tphive, it is not just a database. It is all maintained and controlled by the ubuntu team [03:41] does 10.10 hate pci graphic or just my card? nvidia geforce 6200 512ram pci (not pci-e) was working ok in 8.04 but 10.10 was sending me a kernel panic every time i tried to use the card. kernel not syncing. init tainted g. with some jibberish that looked like it was saying that there were some blocks of video ram that were bad. so i gave up on that card for the time being. no live cd past 8.04 would run with that video card [03:41] sosaited, i have no idea man - doesn't sound good though... good luck man. [03:41] Hrimfaxi: click okay [03:41] mdg2, alright [03:41] clicked okay [03:41] tphive, everything there was uploaded by a trusted person and is patched and maintained by a trusted person [03:41] sorry guys im back [03:41] Hrimfaxi: while you are here, check the "Group settings" [03:42] can i get some help installing an ATI hd 5830 vid card driver? [03:42] any thoughts on http://www.unixmen.com/linux-distributions/4-ubuntu/265-great-themes-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope [03:42] tphive, anyways [03:42] tphive, give me a sec [03:42] mdg2, would that be under Manage Groups? [03:42] any ideas on my above post? [03:42] Hrimfaxi: yes [03:42] tphive, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Changing the CD's Default Boot Options [03:43] mdg2, I see nothing out of the ordinary..is there anything specific that should be in there? [03:43] lightsab8r, check in System / Preference / Appearance [03:43] smw as far as OS installation, I thought the same thing, but upon boot, I was greeted with a remarkably simplified list, there were no function keys listed on the bottom, and I pressed every single Fkey and nothing. :\ The only buttons that would have anything to do with what I want was Install, Advanced Options (which was empty), and I could press tab which brought up a string on the bottom [03:43] that I could type in. (Someone said that has something to do with the kernel) [03:43] Hrimfaxi: maybe "fuse" and plugdev" - make sure you are in those groups [03:43] mdg2, I am [03:43] Hello... i want to delete the old ubuntu versions that appear on boot screen that let me choose between OS's linux and windows where do i find the old kernels? [03:44] Hrimfaxi: i.e. under properties [03:44] all of those are in there.. [03:44] ZykoticK9: nothing, just stock. [03:44] i used Hardware Drivers, and i still can't get the ATI driver to work [03:44] ZykoticK9 --> how do I create a ~/bin folder and add it to my $PATH, what is this $PATH (path of my root or the folder weres I keep my latex files?) ? [03:44] tphive, which disk were you installing with? [03:44] Hrimfaxi: see any groups that look related to an SD reader? === kaie_ is now known as krstnsn [03:45] Descriptioned, use whatever package manager you like to remove old versions of linux-image -- it's a good idea to always keep two - current and a known good. === krstnsn is now known as kaie_ [03:45] seriously... it'd make my night is somebody can disable the "hibernate on critically low power" feature (ubuntu thinks it's critically low every time i unplug) wtf [03:45] smw And I knew that specifically the Ubuntu repository was a perfectly safe one, but didn't notice the specific mention of 'ubuntu' in your question :P [03:45] lol [03:45] mdg2, no not really [03:45] tphive, truthfully, I think installing the oem-config package should do the same thing. [03:45] n0a1ias: system->administration->additional Drivers [03:45] any help with an ATI driver [03:45] ZykoticK9: im new ubuntu i dont use them often to, where do i go and what i type to search... "linux-image" ? [03:46] does 10.10 hate pci graphic or just my card? nvidia geforce 6200 512ram pci (not pci-e) was working ok in 8.04 but 10.10 was sending me a kernel panic every time i tried to use the card. kernel not syncing. init tainted g. with some jibberish that looked like it was saying that there were some blocks of video ram that were bad. so i gave up on that card for the time being. no live cd past 8.04 would run with that video card [03:46] lightsab8r, find them yet? [03:46] smw I have tried with the UNE 10.04 x86, the Desktop version of it, and the alt version. I have since downloaded the full DVD of it as well, but have not tried it yet. [03:46] any ideas on my above post? [03:46] Hrimfaxi: its odd you can see the reader and the media in it.... [03:46] tphive, what is UNE? [03:46] Genieliu, i did that, an i get an error, one sec and ill imgur it for you [03:46] smw Ubuntu Netbook Edition [03:46] GoldenApe, in a terminal type "echo $PATH" does it show your /home/USERNAME/bin in there? if you you just need to make a directory in your home folder called "bin" and put scripts in there - if they are executable, then anywhere you are in the filesystem they will be executed. [03:46] tphive, ah [03:46] mdg2, yes very odd, it just refuses to mount [03:46] Does anyone know what to do when Synaptoc closes when typed something in the search bar? [03:46] I need some help guys, im having a login problem [03:46] goltoof: inside customize->window border [03:47] Hrimfaxi: you have another card you can try in the reader? [03:47] tphive, that must be the problem [03:47] when i put the password to login it kicks me back to the login screen [03:47] goltoof: i thought they would show up as actual themes [03:47] Descriptioned, open Applications / Ubuntu Software Center and search for "linux-image" they will return with linux-image-VERSIONNUMBERS and remove the old ones. [03:47] but i can login to the safe mode desktop [03:47] ZykoticK9, thanks - in GnomeBaker burn image has worked. Thanks. How do I make a usb stick with an image? [03:47] tphive, did you try installing oem-config? [03:47] Hrimfaxi: just try unplugging and pluggin in the card and watch the disk utility window and see what happens [03:47] intrader, System / Admin / Startup Disc Creator is one way [03:48] smw Not yet, booted it though, one moment [03:48] tphive, what is your linux experience? [03:48] i find them on synaptic to thanks alot ZykoticK9 [03:48] tphive, do you know your way around the command line? [03:48] Descriptioned, glad to help [03:48] lightsab8r, i'd ask if you followed the steps but if you got them, you got them :) [03:48] http://imgur.com/ZEtZ0 Genieliu [03:48] ZykoticK9, I see it thanks [03:48] intrader, :) glad to help [03:48] mdg2, I'm going to try another card and see what that does [03:48] Hrimfaxi: I know there are settings for SD cards, like from cameras and MP3 players - what's that utility called... [03:49] n0a1ias: then maybe you should go to the official website to download the ati driver yourself and install it [03:49] goltoof: yeah thx [03:49] does 10.10 hate pci graphic or just my card? nvidia geforce 6200 512ram pci (not pci-e) was working ok in 8.04 but 10.10 was sending me a kernel panic every time i tried to use the card. kernel not syncing. init tainted g. with some jibberish that looked like it was saying that there were some blocks of video ram that were bad. so i gave up on that card for the time being. no live cd past 8.04 would run with that video card [03:50] any ideas on my above post? [03:50] anyone [03:50] Genieliu, i have done that on the past, and when i try and run CCC i get the same error [03:50] tphive mildly, so far I've basically just used linux for rescuing machines or for partition management, all through gui though. I've since followed some guides for tweaking certain acpects via the terminal though, but have a fairly empirical knowledge of it. [03:50] Following the instructions found at (http://tinyurl.com/3a3r2vl), I added the last four lines to my 'default.pa' (http://pastebin.com/4k5aFrnd) in order to permanently merge a sink and a source, but its not working. I got the source and sink names with 'pacmd info' (http://pastebin.com/s8EdwEsr) Please help me figure this out, TIA! [03:51] mdg2, it does the same thing with the new card..when I type in dmesg | tail, it show that it can't find an ext4 file system..do you have any ideas? [03:51] haakon_, use the old drivers that you used with 8.04 distro, my guess [03:51] tphive, ok, cool [03:51] tphive, tell me when you installed oem-config [03:51] Hrimfaxi: you are using 10.10 and it can't find ext 4? [03:51] mdg2, yes, it's looking for an ext4 fs on the SD card.. [03:51] blueice, it's actually probably not a login problem per-say, sounds like it accepts your password - but while trying to load X/your profile - something critical fails and logs you out - and thus right back to where you started. sorry man i don't really have any suggestions, it could be a lot of things. [03:51] it was the same driver (i think) [03:51] can anyone help me with a login problem [03:52] thats what it shows when the mount fails [03:52] Hrimfaxi: do you what what format the card is? fat perhaps? [03:52] mdg2, yes its FAT [03:52] haakon_, i doubt it [03:52] ZykoticK9: ok, well where should I start then? [03:53] any help with my video cad problem? [03:53] blueice, i wish i had some suggestions, i don't... [03:53] ZykoticK9: kind of doesnt make sense to me cause I can still log in via the safe mode [03:53] Hrimfaxi: even though it will not mount via disk utility, does it show the card as FAT or unknown type? [03:53] mdg2, it shows it as FAT [03:53] anyone else have some ideas? [03:53] theoretically the lastest driver from nvidia should rub the card and so should the nouvea(sp?) driver in the live cd but no dice [03:54] n0a1ias, switch to nVidia card... best advice you'll receive all day ;) [03:54] Hrimfaxi: do you see the "Check Filesystem" option on the lower right middle side of the disk utility window? What happens when you click that? [03:54] goltoof, i cant, i boutght an AIT one [03:54] mdg2, pops open a window saying file system is not clean [03:54] n0a1ias, no receipt? [03:54] Hrimfaxi: ooooo [03:54] ZykoticK9 --> thanks work like charm :P [03:55] the only error i get in the xorg log is when it tries to open a path to /dev/fb0 [03:55] Hrimfaxi: you have stuff from that card to save? [03:55] GoldenApe, excellent :) [03:55] in 8.04 it wqas being a little glitchy in open gl or any thing that would really task the card even though it was never at it limit [03:55] i want the one that i have goltoof [03:55] Descriptioned: be sure to run update-grub after getting rid of the kernels [03:55] tphive, are you still there? [03:55] n0a1ias, it's just flat out truth that nVidia has enormous support for linux... ATI, not so much [03:55] give the ati card back to the store? [03:55] smw: sorry gonna taking little longer than expected, resolving network issue quick [03:56] mdg2, yes, but I don't have a computer to move it off to atm [03:56] tphive, ah, fun ;-) [03:56] ohspite: i deleted them what i do now? [03:56] Descriptioned, ohspite's suggestion is important [03:56] ZykoticK9: thanks god i dident restart my pc... how i do that? [03:56] Hrimfaxi: out of curiosity, because I've not experienced this, do you get an option for the error, such as fix filesystem? [03:56] i got my old build to work fine in ubuntu, but it was 10.4, would that matter [03:56] Descriptioned: sudo update-grub in the terminal [03:56] Anyone, I have a laptop with Windowx NT and Wubi. I made the mistake of defragmenting the Windows, and then I chose the Compression option in the properties window. Now when I boot, I get message 'NTLDR is compressed' - and it requests CTLALTDEL to reboot; so I am in a loop. I have no way to recover? [03:56] I have /home on a separate partition, if I re-install do I loose my pgp key that I generated for my cpu? [03:57] mdg2, nope, just a window telling me that it's unclean [03:57] Descriptioned, you'd just still see the old kernels - ohspite just gave the command ;) [03:57] haakon_, unles you like fixing random stuff for no good reason [03:57] n0a1ias: I think the ubuntu10.04 should work better [03:57] Whenever I type more than one letter in Synaptic, it closes. I tried purging and installing xapian index, updating it, reinstalling synaptic. But nothing worked. Any suggestions? [03:57] ohspite: done now i can restart with no fear ? :P [03:57] silly proxybot [03:57] Descriptioned: lol you should be good [03:57] anyone familiar with the port number that is used by oidentd to respond to ident requests? [03:57] why? [03:58] Genieliu, why? [03:58] mdg2, actually, you know what, I think it has something to deal with the drivers [03:58] smw: Lol indeed [03:58] Hrimfaxi: not sure what to suggest next, other than try another computer [03:58] should i re install that, then do an apt-get upgrade after i get the drivers? [03:58] ohspite: one more question i have winxp and ubuntu, i want install windows 7 to.. i need to reinstall grub? last time i got my brain.. :S [03:58] I have run the ATI Driver in ubuntu10.04 and it works fine [03:58] is there a sort of anonymous torrent plugin for transmission? [03:59] n0a1ias: I have run the ATI Driver in ubuntu10.04 and it works fine [03:59] isn't torrent already anonymous? lol [03:59] n0a1ias: What type of your Driver [03:59] Hrimfaxi: have you googled for the SD reader in linux - anyone else report problems? [03:59] goltoof: no [03:59] Genieliu, hd 5830 [03:59] mdg2, I tried a usb multicard reader, it read the SD card and mounted it right off the bat [04:00] so basically the built in one isn't working correctly.. [04:00] blakkheim, what no? no plugin, or the second question [04:00] Descriptioned: oh goodness. it all depends on what hard drive the bios goes to first, and where grub is installed and all that. I'd definitely look for a tutorial or something [04:00] goltoof, does ip address only count as anonymous? [04:00] Hrimfaxi: ooo that's a bummer [04:00] goltoof: 2nd question [04:00] ouch xD [04:00] goltoof, both [04:00] hey all, does anyone have an intel GMA 4500MHD graphics card? [04:00] ah oh well [04:00] smw: that's hilarious [04:00] thanks for the help mdg2 === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [04:00] blakkheim smw, so no protocol can make torrent traffic anonymous? [04:00] kdub, 10.10 sucks with vid card drivers [04:01] n0a1ias: mine is 4670... [04:01] Hrimfaxi: try booting a live cd/USB and seeing what happens with the card reader - see what modules it loads perhaps [04:01] goltoof, no [04:01] where do i find the xsession-errors file? [04:01] goltoof there is always tor [04:01] smw, onion? [04:01] kdub, ive benn here all day, and see others come and give up [04:01] n0a1ias: maybe you should google it for some advice [04:01] goltoof: you can use a vpn [04:01] thanks Genieliu [04:01] goltoof: or a proxy (btguard, etc) [04:01] right but it'd be nice if it were more streamlined [04:01] goltoof, ah, you can use ipredator [04:01] n0a1ias: i'm just looking for info on the card, specifically the maximum texture size. i can get anything to work if the hardware's there :) [04:01] n0a1ias: I have the 4650 running fine. [04:01] mdg2, will do [04:01] goltoof, ipredator was made for this ;-) [04:02] goltoof, it was made by the people who run the pirate bay [04:02] Hrimfaxi: kind of a pain to carry around an USB reader as extra, but at least its cheap [04:02] goltoof, https://www.ipredator.se/ [04:02] n0a1ias: Basically, it doesn't matter what card you have, as long as the drivers support it, it should just run. [04:02] smw... :) coo [04:02] mdg2, yeah I know, but it's okay :) [04:02] smw, easy setup? [04:02] I have two laptops connected to a local network via wi-fi but the transfer speed between computers is very very low (1 Mbps) [04:03] smw: mkay... it's using ext2, had some errors on boot that it tried fixing and network seems to be completely broken now. :\ [04:03] goltoof, dead easy on ubuntu [04:03] smw both wired and wifi lol [04:03] smw, sweet! gracias.. [04:03] tphive, why ext2? [04:03] Hrimfaxi: hope you find an answer/driver sometime. [04:04] Hrimfaxi: I gotta head out [04:04] alright mdg2, thanks for all the help [04:05] Hrimfaxi: you are welcome! :) Have a great evening o/ [04:05] smw because it's using an ungodly slow SSD card, and using the normal fs it constantly freezes while trying to access the ssd. [04:05] you too mdg2! :) [04:05] tphive, ouch... I guess that is a good reason... [04:05] Genieliu, do you have 64bit? [04:05] Whenever I type more than one letter in Synaptic, it closes. I tried purging and installing xapian index, updating it, reinstalling synaptic. But nothing worked. And Update Manager is gone from menu as well Any suggestions? === Jyggaa is now known as Jygga [04:06] Following the instructions found at (http://tinyurl.com/3a3r2vl), I added the last four lines to my 'default.pa' (http://pastebin.com/4k5aFrnd) in order to permanently merge a sink and a source, but its not working. I got the source and sink names with 'pacmd info' (http://pastebin.com/s8EdwEsr) Please help me figure this out, TIA! [04:06] smw now rethinking another fs though, can't have issues like this after it's sent out. >.< ANd yeah, it's crazy. Any idea if another fs would be more stable and still access the drive less? ext3 maybe? no idea here. [04:06] guys, im stuck, im in over my head. can someone rremot into my computer and help me please? [04:07] again, if anyone has an intel gma4500 processor, could you please run "glxinfo | grep MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE" please? :) [04:07] smw since it's a netbook, obviously standby is an important function. [04:07] tphive, standby will work as long as you have enough swap [04:07] tphive, I suggest twice the ram for swap space [04:08] I got update manager back.. but still the same problem with synaptic [04:08] guys, im stuck, im in over my head. can someone rremot into my computer and help me please? [04:08] tphive, ext3 has journaling. that causes more writes... [04:08] tphive, I believe there is a way to specify that it should not record last access times (that may be default) [04:08] please? [04:08] tphive, I have not done in depth research there [04:09] n0a1ias, ask a question, and people can help you [04:09] smw, I believe it's the noatime in fstab flags [04:09] Running synaptic with sudo in terminal gives segmentation fault when it closes [04:09] jenkinbr, is that default? [04:09] n0a1ias: asking strangers on the internet to log into your computer sounds like a bad idea [04:09] smw, I don't think so [04:10] smw my question is how to install the ATI HD 5830 CCC Driver on 64bit ubuntu 10.10 [04:10] smw, probably not, seeing as none of my drives use it [04:10] how do i change login screen? :S [04:10] tphive, in that case, I would definitely add noatime to fstab like Jenkinbr said [04:10] does NX work pretty well in Ubuntu? [04:10] and kdub, i know, i just don't care anymore, i need to see whats on the moniter, then i can fix the rest [04:11] n0a1ias, did you try the driver manager? [04:12] smw yes and i get this error [04:12] http://imgur.com/ZEtZ0 smw [04:12] Descriptioned: you should get ubuntu-tweak. it will make the whole uninstall-kernels-after-an-update ordeal faster too [04:12] ohspite: how i get that? [04:13] I have two laptops connected to a local network via wi-fi but the transfer speed between computers is very very low (1 Mbps). Could someone help me troubleshoot this? [04:13] n0a1ias, stupid question, did you try restarting X? [04:13] n0a1ias, (restarting your computer counts) [04:13] Descriptioned: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak [04:13] smw. yes, but if you want i will try again, [04:14] how would i do that with out restarting my computer? smw [04:14] tphive, send me a PM. I would like to stay in contact with you. I am very interested in what you come up with for filesystem :-) [04:14] n0a1ias, if you have to ask, just restart :-P === jeff_ is now known as Guest92075 [04:14] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [04:14] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [04:14] Descriptioned: it shows up under system tools, and the gdm settings are under startup/login settings [04:14] smw, ok but yes i restarted smw [04:15] ubuntu-tweak is not in my repositories [04:15] hi guys! [04:15] Descriptioned: do you have software center or synaptic open? [04:15] ohspite: im downloading updates.? [04:15] yes :) [04:15] n0a1ias, ok, did you try aticonfig? [04:15] I just installed ubuntu. The computer is connected to my TV and screen size is a lil stretched (about 10 to 15 pixels are not in the view on all sides). Was wondering is someone can help me fix this [04:15] yes smw [04:15] smw: sorry for the silence, got stuck in a conversation in Real Life TM. :P [04:15] hi what version tark [04:15] Running 10.10 and want to start hellanzb daemon at startup, should i learn about upstart or init.d or rc.local? [04:15] but i dont know if i did it right smw [04:16] ohspite: when updates done i will get it thanks a million... [04:16] uter with winxp. I installed ubuntu, but grub isn't loading at bootup. I press ESC to get to grub, but in the list of OS's only ubutu appears, nos XP. FIY, they are both on separate disks. please help. [04:16] smw And yes, the nofstab is one of the tweaks that applied [04:16] smw: and plan to apply again [04:16] i just type in aticinfog in terminal? [04:16] tark what version of ubuntu are you running [04:16] and then its done? smw [04:16] n0a1ias, I do not know much about ATI [04:16] n0a1ias, sorry [04:16] nibblerofdoomz: 10.10 [04:16] n0a1ias, I am much better with nvidia :-\ [04:16] desktop? [04:16] yeah [04:16] if they are on separate disk you hacve to tell grub where to look fo xp [04:17] ohspite: i am using compiz fusion, emerald something... i want to change my login screen how i do that? :P [04:17] ok, can you recomend anything at all? [04:17] does your problem show if you take a screenshot, tark? [04:17] will try that. [04:18] is NX in any of the repos? [04:18] smw, can you reccomend anything at all? [04:18] nibblerofdoomz: it looks good in the screenshot [04:18] Descriptioned: semisided1 is right--it might only show up in apt for me because I added the repository. just google ubuntu-tweak repository and it will tell you how to add it [04:18] n0a1ias, not really :-\ [04:18] ok [04:18] is action parsnip here? [04:18] Descriptioned: yeah, ubuntu-tweak should take care of what you want [04:18] n0a1ias, I could ask if you really need it. But that is about it :-P [04:18] okay if it doesn't show in the screenshot than it is likely a monitor problem [04:18] will do [04:19] have you adjusted the monitor? [04:19] its actually my 42 inch plasma screen.. [04:19] ok, and yes i need it [04:19] E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-tweak [04:19] not sure, how I go about adjusting the TV.. === funnylookinhat_ is now known as funnylookinhat [04:20] okay tark, your next task is to google "monitor adjustment tool ubuntu tv plasma" [04:20] im just going to have to install ubuntu 10.4, then CCC, then upgread, hows that sound [04:20] see if you can find a tool to adjust in software [04:20] I moved a drive from Fedora to Ubuntu and now the files are flagged with SELinux flags. This is showing up as a bit when I do 'ls -al' Also, in Nautilus, if I try to change permissions, it doesn't work. Any ideas how to strip the SELinux stuff? [04:20] anyone know where i can get a 10.4 install iso? [04:20] if not you may need the tv manual [04:21] n0a1ias, http://ubuntu.com/ [04:21] i gather win 7 etc displays perfectly? [04:21] downloading [04:21] n0alias ubuntu.com alternate downloads [04:21] nibblerofdoomz: have vista and that shows okie. [04:22] It could also be your choice of resolution. please compare your refresh rate and resolution in windows to your resolution in ubuntu. take special care to check the refresh rate that is a factor in TV screen position on plasmas [04:23] guys any help on razer mice.... I have an razor salmosa...do we have any specialized driver for that? [04:23] or rather the systems default choice in resolution, obviously you didn't pick a shite option by default ;) [04:23] Not really ubuntu related question...how do you categorize the terms like "RTFM", "STFW"? [04:23] use /nick knighthacker [04:24] nibblerofdoomz: thanks for your help. Will do some googling. [04:24] acronyms? [04:24] nibblerofdoomz: not exactly, like some "strong words"? [04:24] defo check your refresh rate in linux vs windows as the refresh rate will alter the position on screen [04:25] much more something that you'll say to stop incoming questions [04:25] hm [04:26] The most common term in our country is "If you don't like it, don't use it" [04:26] what is wrestool and why does it randomally start up and almost freezes my system is it even neeeded? === khussein is now known as knighthacker === knighthacker is now known as KnightHacker [04:27] i have a q guys: if i install the package "ubuntu-netbook" on a standard ubuntu desktop will it reconfig it to behave like the netbook version? or will it need extra tweaking? [04:29] bc i have a version of ubuntu called DREAMOS for audio apps. but i want to add the netbook unity stuff to it because i'm using it on... a netbook [04:31] *sleepy [04:31] go to sleep [04:31] Yup .. I am outa here :). night folks. [04:32] can anyone help me find out why my external hard drive is mounting as read only in debian lenny [04:32] what is wrestool and why does it randomally start up and almost freezes my system is it even neeeded??? [04:33] how is the external formated? [04:33] ukuleleross, fdisk -l lists it as HPFS/NTFS [04:35] ntfs isn't always linux friendly [04:36] ukuleleross, I am aware, but I need to be able to carry files from home to school. I know that I was using it earlier, for some reason it has become read only today... [04:36] Hi All! Is there any way to use proprietary ATI Catalyst 9.3 drivers with Ubuntu 10.10? [04:37] So when will wubi get updated to support 10.10? [04:38] (ubuntu-tweak:1839): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks", i cant see the ubuntu-tweak on System i need open terminal and "ubuntu-tweak" any help? [04:39] hello! [04:39] - - [04:40] ok, how do i get rid of the old keyring thing? i had a password stored and now whenever i try to access a webdav userspace it asks for a password repeatedly [04:40] if i run gksudo will it do the same as sudo ? [04:40] whats the diferense ? [04:40] !gksudo [04:40] If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [04:40] SorayaUbuntu: GUI or no GUI is the diff [04:40] SorayaUbuntu: gksudo is because ubuntu users "need" a gui for every little thing [04:41] SorayaUbuntu: no, gksu will open up a nautilus window with root priveledges, that's dangerous if you don't know what you are doing [04:41] 哎呀...... [04:41] it's kind of like running windows as admin [04:41] !zh | duke__ [04:41] duke__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [04:42] o [04:42] hello there === noisewaterphdmac is now known as noisewaterphd [04:42] i am having a lot of problems with the DejaVu font, specifially the letter t [04:42] ok,if i want to unistall a aplication,can i run gksudo apt-get --purge (app) ? [04:42] No one knows when Wubi will support 10.10? [04:42] !keyring [04:43] will installing ubuntu-netbook package on my desktop installation add all the netbook settings? [04:43] does anyone know the name of a program that lets me see all bandwidth being used on my computer, a command line program [04:43] Hello, does anyone can help me to fix my problem. When I'm trying to run Update Manger, always got this error msg, W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/neil-aldur/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found [04:43] W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/neil-aldur/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [04:43] W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-wine/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found [04:43] W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-wine/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [04:43] E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. [04:43] wisevoyager: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:43] Iszak: wubi is on the 10.10 disc. just download the image and mount using daemon tools or something [04:43] ohspite, OH! nice. [04:43] netstat? [04:44] Iszak: yeah, it took me a while to find it too :) [04:44] FloodBot3, thank you. [04:44] semisided1: thanks, but that is not the one I used before, it opens up a real program, not just like quick output [04:44] wisevoyager, Please use pastebin :) here is the link=http://pastebin.com/ [04:44] Thanks ohspite. [04:44] can anyone tell me why grub2 doesn't auto detectfreebsd partition [04:45] i have ubuntu and freebsd in my hd [04:45] wisevoyager, or imagebin for screenshots [04:45] but grup can't probe freebsd parttion [04:46] anyone can help [04:46] duckwars: iftop is probably one of the simpler options for that sort of thing [04:46] hrm I have an upgrade issue with my netbook, I no longer have the Desktop environment that I had in Lucid. Any tips for recovering it? (I do have a gnome de, and a 2d unity de that is slightly broken) [04:46] quiescens: thanks, i'm installing now [04:46] i want to unistall aplications but i dont want left overs,any command for that ? [04:46] !enter | newbi [04:46] newbi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [04:47] ok ohspite [04:47] wisevoyager, make sure u online [04:47] will installing ubuntu-netbook package on my desktop installation add all the netbook settings? [04:47] can you help me [04:48] Is there any way to use proprietary ATI Catalyst 9.3 drivers with Ubuntu 10.10? [04:48] also if i make changes to the settings on a live usb stick, if i then install ubuntu to the actual hard disk will my custom settings on the stick be transfered??? [04:48] i'm really looking for a command line program that will let me see all the connections to my server. LIke right now I'm mv'ing some things onto an sshfs mount and I want to see how much bandwidth it is taking up on my LAN? [04:48] duckwars: vnstat [04:50] i used to use sniffit [04:50] for network snooping === Pilif12p_ is now known as Pilif12p [04:50] will installing the ubuntu-netbook package on my desktop installation add all the netbook settings? anyone who wants to help? [04:51] blakkheim: this is not what I was looking for, but thank you. It was more like a program that took up the whole screen... a la rtorrent [04:51] nibblerofdoomz: what netbook settings are you talking about? [04:51] it'd be nice to disable ubuntu hibernating with critically low battery [04:52] I was testing vncserver on ubuntu, I am not able to type the alphabet d using vncclient. It seems to be taking me to the desktop. I tried googling, I found hits for s and m but nothing for d. Is there a way to turn off that behavior [04:52] and figuring out why it always thinks it's critically low [04:52] i just tried to use sniffit on wlan0 and it is giving me a hard time [04:52] question about ubuntu and ubuntu 64 .... i'm a user that uses wine for steam and there is flash on one of the sites that i have to have for work ... the laptop i'm on does have a 64 bit cpu and I have 4Gb of Ram in this laptop would it be better to be a 32bit or 64bit [04:52] what is the equivilant from Program Files in windows in ubuntu 10.10? [04:53] hey guys I am trying to set up a 10.04 server that utilises hard drive sharing on a LAN with windows/linux, I have since forgotten where to start :( [04:53] ubuntu-helpme: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=403064 [04:53] man samba [04:53] kosta: Easy way to check if prop ATI drivers are used is click System -> Additional Drivers. The package that provides ATI Catalyst is fglrx-amdcccle [04:53] bonn: i want to install unity, the applets that come on the desktop and all that jazz that comes with netbook edition. i essentially want to switch from desktop to netbook without a reinstall, because i need some other tweaks that the desktop version has done which ican't do, as well as non-standard packages it has added already [04:54] !samba | Jasuuki [04:54] Jasuuki: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [04:54] NameLess-js: unix file organization is completely different than windows. you might want to look into http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html [04:54] ohspite: plz help me [04:54] nibblerofdoomz: heh, I'm here because my nbr upgrade didn't go so well, ... but... unity is just another desktop environment, it's the same as having gnome, kde, or enlightenment installed [04:54] NameLess-js: the short, incomplete answer is /bin and /usr/bin [04:54] thanks guys :) [04:54] ohspite: i just downoaded firefox 4b and extracted it [04:55] ubuntu-helpme: sorry wrong link, this is the one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=765428 === jenkinbr is now known as squishy [04:55] really, i am hoping when i install ubuntu-netbook that everything will just work [04:55] Hello all. Using ubuntu 10.10 I followed the instructions found at (http://tinyurl.com/3a3r2vl), I added the last four lines to my 'default.pa' (http://pastebin.com/4k5aFrnd) in order to permanently merge a sink and a source, but its not working. I got the source and sink names with 'pacmd info' (http://pastebin.com/s8EdwEsr) I beg your help to figure this out, TIA! [04:56] newbi: I actually don't know--i've never had to mess with it before. just ask your question, and if anybody knows, they'll answer. but wait a while before you ask it again === felipellrocha is now known as feliperocha [04:56] bonn: i already tried it once and ended up losing the taskbar on my usb flash disk that i am running it from atm for testing. [04:56] Wow, I've been gone a week, forgot to close this and it's still up and running [04:57] ubuntu-helpme: As your using WINE and have only 4GB of RAM, your best bet is to stick to 32-bit version as more support for 32-bit WINE & 32-bit Ubuntu. [04:57] will have to try reinstalling the desktop edition to usb disk - AGAIN. then adding the ubuntu-netbook package and praying lol [04:58] nibblerofdoomz: as I say, I'm here because of problems with unity as it is [04:58] hello [04:58] rusivi: that is what i was thinking but didn't know for sure ... [04:58] unity rules. what's wrong with it bonn? [04:58] it's broken on my netbook [04:59] It was working /fine/ on lucid, I upgraded 3 days ago, and it died [04:59] right now under 32 bit i'm working great but i have a issue with the bluetooth connecter ... it keeps asking for the pin number every time it connects [05:00] ubuntu-helpme: As your CPU is 64-bit enabled (assuming it has virtualization extensions) if you wanted to test out 64-bit OS functionality you can virtualize it via VirtualBox [05:00] so what can/can't you see? [05:00] but other then that 32pae is working fine [05:00] what are your symptoms of it being borked [05:00] how can i install windows without effecting ubuntu? [05:01] hold up [05:01] vinus: in virtualbox.. otherwise if you do a clean install on a different partition then you'll have to fix grub after [05:01] interesting article posted yesterday about ubuntu- http://blogs.computerworld.com/17303/ubuntu_abandons_x_server_for_wayland?source=rss_blogs [05:01] hi vinus put ubuntu on a DVD and run it, be brave. [05:01] oh wait soz i misread [05:01] yagoo: yep.. but that conversation is for #ubuntu-offtopic [05:02] you'll need a book disk or a boot stick (usb) that you can use to reinstall grub [05:02] i am so looking forward to not using XFree (eeek, dont hate me) [05:03] how i totally uninstal aMSN and i reinstall it its in strange language.... :@ [05:03] also i am not sure if Windows can non destructively resize a linux partition so you should probably create it in gparted [05:04] anyone have a good link for how to trouble shoot my bluetooth issues? [05:04] when i install windows i had to reinstall ubuntu,i loose that choosing of os option on boot startup... [05:04] vinus: you just need to restore your MBR instead of reinstalling the whole OS. [05:04] !bluetooth | ubuntu-helpme [05:04] ubuntu-helpme: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup [05:04] vinus: windows likes to be first.. but no need for a reinstall.. [05:04] ? [05:05] how to do that please tell me that too. [05:06] Well, I don't know how you would restore it, if you have already removed it. There must be a way to just install Grub in the MBR and manually configure it tho. [05:06] nibblerofdoomz: when I try to start a unity session I get the background image ( one I created), and that's it. I have to hard reboot to get to login and switch to Desktop [05:07] how to restore MBR. [05:07] vinus: for...? [05:07] vinus: ubuntu? [05:07] hol [05:07] HOLA [05:07] how to change language on aMSN its strange language.. [05:07] !grub2 | vinus [05:07] vinus: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [05:08] ALGUIEN SABE COMO INSTALAR ADOBE 10 EN KUBUNTU 10.04 [05:08] !es | douglas [05:08] douglas: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [05:08] !es | douglas [05:08] darn it [05:08] you beat me to it maco [05:08] vinus: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/i-did-fdisk-mbr-how-to-install-grub-again-125158/ [05:08] hey how do you see the open source files? [05:10] how to change language on aMSN its strange language.. [05:10] unr killed my netbok [05:10] test1234: that depends on what program [05:10] how totally to uninstall aMSN from my pc and all logs compoments of it? [05:10] you can download most standard stuff from gnu.org [05:10] the source code that is === karthick1987 is now known as karthick87 [05:10] b0nn: hmm. That's pretty much my problem [05:11] I really just wanted to look at the kernal to see how the code works [05:11] after trying to fiddle with the desktop to get unity all i get is the background [05:11] and other programs on here like sauerbraten [05:11] test1234: do you know C? [05:11] not really I've looked at it tho [05:12] test1234: gnu.org has the source code for all of the standard utilities on your OS [05:12] test1234: u would need to be vry proficient with C to look at the source [05:12] oh you mean just to get to the point to be able to view it [05:12] test1234: and by very he means *very* [05:12] looking at the kernel source is a waste of time imo [05:12] it won't be comprehensible [05:13] test1234: agreed, unless your looking at it for a vry specific reason. It's a waste [05:13] nibblerofdoomz: it works great on lucid :) [05:13] the kernel is full of definitions that you won't understand unless you look at the very first version released ages ago then look at the changes made in each version [05:14] even then it will take you years [05:14] So Im using my livecd as a repo for apt, and for some reason I can't even install gcc off of it. It keeps saying it can't find the necessary files [05:14] i don't think linus torvalds even understands the whole thing [05:14] wow [05:14] however you can learn a lot reading the GNU source code [05:14] on Ubuntu 10.04 [05:14] shred is good reading :D [05:15] but I mean how is it source code diffrent then another application is it because it uses assembly or somthing [05:15] the source code is written in C [05:15] on linux [05:15] test1234: it uses C, which is a fairly low level language (close to assembly) [05:15] JayD3e: see if build-essential will install of the cd [05:15] Okay I am following this : https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html i am upto step 4, it says that the 'sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart' command doesn't exist, but I have installed samba :\ [05:15] i think parts are written in pseudo C++ [05:15] oh ok [05:15] izinucs: already tried tht man, still doesn't work :( [05:16] JayD3e: then it's not there... [05:16] test1234: and it's not just doing if/then statements and gui, but low level hardware stuff [05:16] ohspite: aka black magic [05:16] izinucs: yah doesn't the livecd come with all of tht? I am using Ubuntu Server Edition 10.04 [05:16] I don't know how they did it really its amazing [05:16] you would be best to read up on the linux standards it uses. like posix [05:16] try to understand what it does rather than how [05:17] hmm [05:17] the nitty gritty of how it does it is very fiddly [05:17] Nisstyre65: voldemort would be envious [05:17] Jasuuki, sudo service smbd restart [05:17] nibblerofdoomz: posix is actually a standard for all unix systems [05:17] im always trying to figure out how things work and not that they just do [05:18] yes, linux is made to meet posix standards. so if he wants to know how linux works, really that's the thing to read up on. as it says what linux does, vs say mac os etc [05:18] is there a way to remove indicator me and that mail icon from pannel [05:18] test1234: then I recommend learning about transistors [05:18] or rather what linux aspires to meet standards wise [05:18] Jasuuki: sudo service smbd restart [05:18] test1234: have a look at andrew tanenbaum's operating systems books for a (comparitively) small OS [05:18] I have and that goes on and on [05:19] minix :P [05:19] there is so much information out there [05:19] test try creating your own piece of hardware [05:19] looked at doing that too [05:19] create an led circuit light in a circuit with a usb connector and program linux to turn the light on and off [05:19] that will be hugely rewarding for you [05:19] its complicated but it can be done on a very simple scale [05:20] you will learn tons [05:20] just any kind of hardware [05:21] usb is very easy to interface with hardware wise, a basic understanding of electronics should get you being able to make your own powered led light [05:21] right [05:22] I want a robot [05:22] understanding the usb kernel should mean you can turn it on and off [05:22] I want to open a video in smplayer on my netbook so that it can play on another machine, how can I do that? [05:22] someone help me i remove and install couple of times amsn and its not in english language, help pls.... [05:23] test1234: what sort of robot? [05:23] will this remove indicators with out making any damage to my system = sudo apt-get remove indicator-me indicator-messages [05:23] a robot lol! you could probably buy a kit [05:23] build a netbsd coffee machine [05:23] oh like a manufacturing robot [05:23] lol, build a netbsd toaster! [05:23] there only 50,000 or so [05:23] b0nn: been done [05:24] :( [05:24] kernel panic not syncing+no init found+ubuntu10.04+dell studio1558 laptop [05:24] Nisstyre65: yeah, arm chip in the toaster, could also run debian IIRC [05:24] help [05:24] ? [05:24] have a ton of books on robotics making and it could be done [05:24] just so much to do so little time [05:25] coder2: something wrong with your kernel version [05:25] ? [05:25] test1234: plenty of time [05:25] ubuntu doesn't use init [05:25] actually i've never felt the need to make a piece of hardware yet. What would i do with it is my main question. I mean i could make a panel of LEDs or even hook an eeprom up to a usb connection but why would i? there'd have to be something in it for me [05:25] Nisstyre65: i just update the machine [05:25] Hey guys. Is it normal to have the same public ip when you are connected to an ssl vpn using cisco annyconnect? The cisco anyconnect client says i am connected but if i go to ipchicken.com i have the same ip... [05:25] its not the end result its the getting there. thats what all this is about [05:26] or the going im sorry [05:26] but you could do a lot with it [05:26] surdle: no that's not normal, you should have the VPN's ip obviously [05:26] not really, i mean, i could program it to do flashy colours [05:26] but i'm at a loss as to why [05:27] though I've never used that protocol [05:27] make it display math represented by lights [05:27] Nisstyre65: i have windows also on the same [05:27] or heres one for you [05:27] Nisstyre65: yeah that's what i thought.... it seemed very scary. the same thing happens on two differnet machines and operating systems and on my iphone [05:27] make a cube of lights and see if you can make 3d tv with it [05:27] or a 3d object [05:27] that would be v complex [05:27] i've been thinking about doing that for awhile [05:28] surdle: run wireshark and do a capture and see if the packets are encrypted maybe [05:28] yeah but its another million dollar idea [05:28] my school's vpn might be messed up, and right now is terrible time for it not to work you know with firesheep and everything [05:28] and obviously the destination of them [05:28] surdle: hah [05:28] I use a pptp vpn all of the time [05:28] I want to do it with just paper I think its possible [05:28] good luck exploiting me :P [05:28] you would need see through material to mount the leds in 3d [05:28] surdle: firesheep doesn't do anything new, people have been doing that for years [05:29] Can anyone recommend a network diagram designer/tool for ubuntu? [05:29] yeah, blakkheim is right, it's just the automation [05:29] so skiddies can do it [05:29] exactly [05:29] blakkheim: firesheep makes it extemely easy/trivial for ANYONE to do.... it reallly changes things :) [05:29] pinoyoragon: what kind of network? [05:29] surdle: just because any idiot can do it now doesn't mean you shouldn't have been careful before now [05:29] like a plexiglass bored [05:29] the only use for leds controlled by usb i can think of - case mod [05:29] !ot | test1234 nibblerofdoomz [05:29] test1234 nibblerofdoomz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [05:30] like the flashing front on the kitt car from nightrider [05:30] blakkheim: i used to use wired, but i havent been able to this semester [05:30] really thats not related [05:30] I was gonna do it with ubuntu [05:30] test1234, nibblerofdoomz #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat [05:30] does anyone know if it's possible for someone else on my dorms wired network to sniff my traffic? i mean would it make sense to have things routed with dumb switches that sent the info everywhere? sounds like that wouldnt happen right? [05:31] @pino, tried OpenOffice Draw, dia, or inkscape? [05:31] *puts on tin foil hat* [05:31] surdle: it's very possible [05:31] kernel panic not syncing +attempted to kill init+ubuntu lucid.........anyone please help? [05:31] if they are on the same subnet, they could be doing it easily [05:31] how can you change the ltz10.4 login background [05:32] Nisstyre65: dammnit. traffic doesnt get sent out to every ip though right? sniffing my traffic would require some kind of spoofing right? [05:32] spost: among the three, which is the neatest and full-featured? [05:32] surdle: it would require arp spoofing attacks [05:32] Nisstyre65: is your last name brown by any chance? [05:33] surdle: lol no [05:33] who is that? [05:33] Nisstyre65: haha , thougth i knew you for a sec [05:33] pino, shrug start with OpenOffice for the shapes and connectors, try the others next [05:34] spost: thanks [05:34] Np [05:35] * spost is tired [05:35] has anyone made changes to the notify bar to make it accept longer text? [05:38] because when i use notify-send it only shows three lines and I want to to show more [05:38] so can I make a new one or just edit this one [05:39] really its like that [05:39] does anyone know which session startup script would automatically run bzr-notify? bazaar notifications? === Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja === Kasjopaja is now known as Guest96120 [05:40] I have two laptops connected to a local network via wi-fi but the transfer speed between computers is very very low (1 Mbps). Could someone help me troubleshoot this? === michaelrose-away is now known as michaelrose [05:42] what could these errors mean -> http://pastie.org/private/k0f0xcmqem2nacgkfjwsg ? does it means RAM is full ? [05:42] Hi folks ... naive question ... am trying to write a program that logs the application that is currently in focus (desktop ubuntu) .. is there a way to do this ? [05:42] that logs it?what do you mean [05:43] log what windows you have open or the data from the program or somthing [05:43] test1234: say, puts it is a text file along with a datetime stamp === michaelrose is now known as michaelrose-away [05:43] yeah, I want to know which applications I use the most [05:44] anyone ? [05:44] ahh umm... [05:44] test1234: but i tend to have multiple of them open simulatneously .. so I want a way to know what's in focus [05:44] oh [05:45] really can't say it is probably possible but very complicated [05:45] or just complicated [05:46] test1234: am fine with complicated (as long as its possible) :) right now, I'm at loss for how to google for this [05:47] yeah its a tough one to describe [05:47] semisided1: have you tried looking for the parent process using ps? [05:48] so have you gotten to be able to log what programs are open and are now just tyring to focus on the main window your working in [05:49] Bah, noob question here, but google isn't telling me things. I want to see a list of all available drives, their mount locations (/dev/sda1 etc) and their sizes. I want this in terminal, help plx. [05:49] test1234: no, not yet ... but I guess that would be not so difficult (a ps piped with some greps) ... [05:49] sudo mount -a [05:50] anyone here pretty familiar with mythtv.....the mythtv channel is not noob friendly [05:50] sorry, just sudo mount [05:50] dont know where i got the -a from [05:51] semisided1 k. yeah, first one didn't do anything. === squishy is now known as squished [05:51] it might be a mount -a must be from the dark ages [05:51] thats what I was thinking but with it having to distinguish between what window your working in seems unlikely in bash tho [05:51] aww ugliefrog were they nasty? [05:52] semisided1 Thanks for the help. What's the tag to allow scrolling? or show 1 page at a time? [05:52] yeah ... thats where I got stuck and thought this line of approach might be wrong [05:52] go back in there and give them what for. kill them with kindness and use lots of " :) " until they give in [05:52] )) [05:52] is there an irc chat room devoted to ubuntu enterprise cloud ? [05:53] nibblerofdoomz, well no not nasty.....kinda dismissive.....Ive notices if youre not a well informed user...Its kind of well thats tough [05:53] ok, -a is to mount any unmounted fs [05:53] I want to use my netbook as a remote for the computer connected to my TV, so I have SSH working, but I don't know how to make SMPlayer or MPlayer run on the TV machine from the SSH client on my netbook, how can I do that? [05:53] but then again I have figured out all the features of bash or at least what it can do beyond what it is there for [05:53] hi guys, i have 3 monitors on two graphics cards, both ATI HD4890s. I currently have 2 monitors on 1 card working natively with an extended desktop, but my 3rd monitor on the other card isn't working. i used a custom xorg.conf to prove that the other card can be accessed and work. how would i go about getting all 3 working simultaneously? [05:53] to view just pipe into less [05:53] mount | less [05:53] test1234: :) [05:53] nibblerofdoomz, maybe its my age..I dont know..Im just a Dad that likes ubuntu :) [05:54] whats your mythtv problem? [05:54] how do i edit a file? ie. cronjobs? [05:55] i opened it in ssh, but i want to edit some lines [05:55] gueriLLaPunK: there's about 1000 ways, but a simple way is to open it in nano [05:55] ohhh nano [05:55] i have ubuntu server [05:55] I cannot execute any command via ssh, it always says "-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory [05:55] " [05:55] or vim, or emacs, or ed, or ... [05:56] semisided1 Side note, it's helpful to type the nickname of the person you're directing your message at, some users like myself have a script highlight messages with their nick in it, that way it's easier to pick out what messages are aimed at you when there's alot of text. And to make typing names easier, in soem clients you can start typing the name then just hit Tab and it will complete it [05:56] for you, assuming you've typed enough of it for it to correctly identify the username. [05:56] I'm using Ubuntu 10.10.. I can't install a program.. it's meant for Linux, but uses an executable file.. the error message I get is: "There is no application installed for executable files" what do I do? [05:56] nibblerofdoomz, Live tv and recording library dont play sound...However the file thats been recoreded using Myth plays sound through movie player just fine [05:56] anybody? [05:56] tphive, ok [05:57] are live tv and recording library two media players on your system? [05:57] what is the command to add so terminal shows only one page at a time? Or allows use of page up page down? [05:57] ohspite, i opened it in nano [05:57] how do i edit it? which command? [05:57] i dont see an edit command [05:57] are you using lucid, ugliefrog? i know pulseaudio is the devil and is included by default now [05:57] Leon81:is that when you try to excute it [05:57] nibblerofdoomz, im using 10.10 [05:58] test1234 yes [05:58] tphive: semisided1 answered above--pipe it to 'less' [05:58] so you've got crappy pulseaudio installed [05:58] nibblerofdoomz, dangitness [05:58] sorry i forgot to use /msg [05:58] it's not your fault it's installed by default [05:58] hi [05:58] it's probably the problem. pulseaudio is v buggy [05:58] can some one please guide me about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2010-November/004806.html ? [05:59] so you just downloaded it off the internet and not the repository [05:59] tphive: also you can end your command with: | more === michaelrose-away is now known as michaelrose [05:59] yes, it didn't give any option for dowloading from a repistory [05:59] gueriLLaPunK: i'm a little confused--you can just type [05:59] in settings for live tv etc see if there is an option to output to ALSA ugliefrog [05:59] under sound [05:59] i think that will fix it [05:59] ahh i see [05:59] but sound is terrible in Ubuntu atm [05:59] nibblerofdoomz, yes it s set to alsa:default [05:59] WriteOut = save? [06:00] hi, i'm trying to uninstall a program from wine but I can't, is there another way to do it? [06:00] gueriLLaPunK: oh, maybe if it's the cron file you need to open it with sudo [06:00] tphive: you seem advanced :) would you mind taking a look at my question above please? [06:00] ok, new problem. I can open a video in smplayer using SSH, but I can't control it using the normal hotkeys, should I include some other options when I run it or what? [06:00] I think you have to install it manually [06:00] i did run it sudo. [06:00] ohspite, does writeout save the file? [06:00] how do I go about doing that? [06:00] whats the program called [06:01] Underworld Hockey Club [06:01] gueriLLaPunK: yep [06:01] ugliefrog the sound in ubuntu has been rubbish since they introduced a new system in 10.04. to fix my sound i switched to dream OS which is a custom ubuntu distro [06:01] one sec [06:01] it's still in beta [06:03] the guys in ubuntu studio who made the changes will not fix the problems their ideas have caused as they are too busy working on mini ego projects. so uglief [06:03] gaelfx: you won't be able to control mplayer (or whatever) with hotkeys through ssh. but you could use remote desktop to control it [06:03] hello, I'm new to Ubuntu and ATI.. I just installed Xubuntu, and tried to emulate a nintendo64 ROM which didn't work because it was too laggy. Does that mean I have to switch to the proprietary ATI driver? [06:03] so ugliefrog you're best waiting for an update [06:03] I have two laptops connected to a local network via wi-fi but the transfer speed between computers is very very low (1 Mbps). Could someone help me troubleshoot this? [06:04] nibblerofdoomz, okie doke ill do that..im patient [06:04] kiah: trying a different emulator would be more likely to make a difference [06:04] can somebody please give me some pointers on setting up 3 monitors using two graphics cards? [06:04] you have to compile it [06:04] oh, nevermind, this is the standard for ubuntu systems. Great networking Ubuntu [06:05] ohspite: mind you, i JUST installed xubuntu and haven't played around with xorg or anything [06:05] using the make command [06:05] ohspite, i'm thinking it's related to my driver [06:05] and then make install i believe [06:05] !repeat | sabrehagen [06:05] sabrehagen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [06:05] I haven't done anything like that yet.. but I can follow instructions.. is the documentation on the Ubuntu website sufficient to guide me through it? [06:06] ohspite: okay, it just seems like questions might get lost in the endless stream of text :P [06:07] sabrehagen: true, but maybe just wait a while before asking again so new people see the question. chances are people read yours but have never tried to set up 3 monitors in linux :) [06:07] hi, i'm trying to uninstall a program from wine but I can't, is there another way to do it? [06:08] ohspite: okay, no worries :) [06:09] yeah you can also read in your manual [06:09] from the terminal just type man make [06:10] alright, I'll see how I go and then come back if I'm having problems.. thanks for the help [06:12] I need some clarification about wayland...(because Ubuntu is shifting to wayland) I read on the inter net but still i am not able to Understand what actually wayland do? Please any one can tell me... [06:12] awanti: it's just a replacement for Xorg === Copia_de_sud0 is now known as sud0 [06:13] so is their any major uses of wayland? [06:14] uh, yeah. it shows the graphics on your screen === michaelrose is now known as michaelrose-away [06:14] it interfaces between your graphics card and your applications [06:14] but nothing actually uses it yet, afaik [06:15] checking in again for the query ? [06:15] Why don't tray icons appear under Wine? [06:16] ohspite: um, actually mplayer in ssh you can control with hotkeys, but I want to use smplayer because it does a better job of selecting the right codec [06:16] hii [06:16] apologies for the late response [06:17] aussa: msiexec /unistall XXXX.msi [06:17] gaelfx: wow, I wouldn't have expected that (about the hotkeys). i know what you mean about the codecs [06:18] aussa: if there is an msi file === What is now known as WhatRights [06:18] how come copy and paste doesn't carry over to my ubuntu server running VNC? [06:18] it's kind've annoying :( [06:19] hope I helped [06:19] gueriLLaPunK, : how about just hilite with mouse then use middle click to paste? that might work, its different than cut paste [06:19] semisided1: yes there is, I got an error :S [06:20] im trying to copy (from a windows computer) and paste (vnc ubuntu) [06:20] semisided1 [06:24] how do I make gnome-terminal stay open after being run with the -e or --command option with a command specified? [06:28] Hey I need some help with Ubuntu, is there an "easy" way to set up streaming to an Xbox 360 for XviD (.avi) files??? === alakoo_ is now known as alakoo === travis is now known as Guest45098 [06:29] PCChris: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3512055/avoid-gnome-terminal-close-after-script-execution [06:29] tried those? [06:31] im running ubuntu 8.10 i need help installing latest versions of gkt and glib. [06:32] 大家好啊 [06:32] !cn | hd23 [06:32] hd23: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [06:32] what would happen if on a maverick 32-bit desktop install happen if i typed sudo apt-get install ubuntu-server [06:33] k-rad, probably remove ubuntu-desktop and install any packages dependent on ubuntu-server [06:34] wakkodot, there is no way to retain both ? [06:34] k-rad, I don't think so [06:34] use a flash drive === hd23 is now known as whatbox [06:34] what has happened to #debian? it is all blank. [06:34] k-rad: a server install is just minimal install with no gui or anything [06:35] Does anyone know how to setup sharing and streamin to an Xbox 360 in Ubuntu 10.10?? [06:35] geoffmcc, oh well thank you. i would like to use ubuntu enterprise cloud [06:35] Okay I am following this : https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html i am upto step 4, it says that the 'sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart' command doesn't exist, but I have installed samba :\ [06:35] i also would like to run gnome on top of that [06:36] geoffmcc, i would also like to run gnome on top of that [06:36] hello [06:36] running linux on xbox360 vid faked or real [06:36] k-rad: yea i have no experince with cloud. but i do know it on the server install cd [06:36] thank you [06:36] When your done using terminal during OS installation (Ctrl-Alt-F2) how do you get out of it? === travis is now known as Guest91472 [06:37] tphive, CTL+ALT+F7 if you want to get back to an active X session [06:37] k-rad: you can install the gnome de from the command-line by this command - sudo apt-get install xorg gdm gnome [06:37] wakkarto: Thanks. [06:38] wakkodot: Thanks [06:38] k-rad: or if you only want the gnome-core package, then type - sudo apt-get install xorg gdm gnome-core [06:38] Has anyone tried to setup streaming on Ubuntu or am I the first, because I am lost. [06:39] k-rad: after installing the core package, you can add other packages as per your wish [06:39] is there a safe way to edit ip settings on a remote setver ? [06:39] server* [06:39] like press y if this config works r sum [06:39] Shway, have you played with ushare at all? [06:40] Shway, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Media [06:40] !info ufw | Gunni [06:40] Gunni: ufw (source: ufw): program for managing a Netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.30.0-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 140 kB, installed size 804 kB [06:40] Yea I tried to, however I was unable to get any directions on how to make it work, so there has been alot of frustration and anger. [06:40] can i use that to modify my ip settings ? [06:41] I install it, [06:41] Shway, that page has instructions... [06:41] Installed* [06:41] along with many links to other pages... [06:42] Holy crap thank you. [06:42] Something I can actually follow and makes sense [06:43] Bye bye [06:43] Hi, I've formated my Windows 7 and installed Ubuntu on my note, but i forgot to backup my e-mails. Is there any way that i can recover them? Thanks [06:43] panda [06:43] yUraKeShi, most likely not. [06:44] airtonix, really? no way? [06:44] rigved: what can you pass to the info command? i haven't seen that before [06:44] yUraKeShi, try testdisk and photorec [06:45] they can pull stuff of the harddisk if it's still there [06:45] thanks [06:45] yUraKeShi, well there is but if you've done a complete format and not just a quick formate then there is no way to retrieve that data short of taking it to forensic specialists (which will probably cost you a fortune) [06:45] i'll try it [06:45] http://www.smartpctools.com/email_recovery/ [06:46] yUraKeShi, No problem [06:46] yUraKeShi, a quick format simply resets the File Allocation Table for a partition, where as a Complete Format puts zeros in every single part of the partition.... [06:46] 有人吗 [06:46] most ppl dont 0 out the hard disk [06:47] if that is true, then why after i format, does windows still sence windows on the drive? [06:47] !who [06:47] As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [06:47] !zh | roc [06:47] roc: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [06:47] airtonix, I think it was not a fully format. I used the ubuntu cd format [06:47] yUraKeShi, and if you've done a quick format, and have since written data to that partition, then you might have lost some of the data [06:48] yUraKeShi, give testdisk and photorec a try, i know it's PHOTOrec but it can find more than photos :) [06:48] 有人吗 [06:48] hi, anyone using Dell Vostro 3300 on ubuntu? I want to be sure about drivers and compatibility before buying [06:48] 怎么不说 [06:48] as long as the area that held the data is not written on the data is still there. [06:48] !cn | roc [06:48] roc: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [06:48] OY1R: i've just installed it i'll try [06:49] rigved, i'd much rather install ubuntu server on top of ubuntu desktop. is that possible ? [06:49] does ubuntu server have a metapackage ? [06:49] yUraKeShi, do NOT select a place to store the found files on the hard disk where the files are store them on an external drive [06:50] k-rad, it's all the same, just install gnome on top of a server install [06:50] k-rad: why don't you just install apache or whatever you need? [06:50] OY1R: oh sure, i'm using a external hd [06:50] otherwise you could over write the data [06:50] Ok good [06:50] ohspite, i'd need a list of all server packages [06:50] OY1R: i did a full backup, but forgot the e-mails [06:51] yUraKeShi, in photorec you can specify what file extentions to look for [06:51] Wich option should I use: Analyse, Geometry, Advanced [06:51] yUraKeShi, use photorex [06:51] yUraKeShi, use photorec [06:51] OY1R: okey [06:52] run it with sudo [06:52] then select Intel [06:53] yUraKeShi, did you use Outlook ? [06:53] OY1R: i can't find photorec using apt-cache [06:53] OY1R: thumberdird [06:53] thuberbird* [06:53] i think lol [06:54] it's been a while since i wanted to migrate to linux [06:54] yUraKeShi, photorec is instelled with testdisk [06:54] iirc [06:54] now i did it, but forgot the f*** e-mmails === jeremy is now known as Guest99270 === jeremy_ is now known as Guest34226 [06:54] OY1R: ohh, nice! thanks [06:54] k-rad: well you can install the normal ubuntu setup. then you can individually install all the required components, like a LTSP etc. i suggest you use the alternate cd, because it has both, the GUI-based system and LTSP [06:56] i'm sticking with early adopter maverick i've upgraded every release and never ran a LTSP more until the next release [06:57] yUraKeShi, after startint photorec select > intel > File Opt [06:58] now unselect ALL but msf Mozilla "mork database" [06:58] Hey guys, is it possible to mount a .VDI file created by VirtualBox in 32-bit Ubuntu? :) [06:59] OY1R: there is not .MSF filter [06:59] can someone tell me why that doesn't work if i put that git repo system wide /etc/bash.d and fix paths [07:00] yUraKeShi, look for "mozilla" [07:00] https://github.com/Gunni/bash.d/blob/master/shell [07:00] OY1R: Mozzila XPCOM Type Library? [07:00] perhaps i dont really know [07:00] yUraKeShi, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/File_Formats_Recovered_By_PhotoRec [07:01] OY1R: thank [07:02] any alternate to /etc/modules method to load module before gdm starts? === Guest34226 is now known as wakkodot [07:03] Anybody around here ? [07:03] yUraKeShi, select mozilla and also pst or outlook [07:04] Hey guys, is it possible to mount a .VDI file created by VirtualBox in 32-bit Ubuntu? :) [07:04] Dan```, open it in VirtualBox ! [07:05] I need to copy over 1gb of files within the VDI, and transferring via a network or via the shared folder feature is unbearable. [07:05] Dan```, put it on a usb stick ! [07:06] I don't have one.. === wzj is now known as GIN [07:06] how about a camera? [07:06] semisided1, that would work also [07:06] cdrom would work too [07:06] floppy [07:06] Dan```, -> what semisided1 said [07:06] o 1gb [07:06] oops === ilius1 is now known as ilius [07:06] nvm [07:07] Hi [07:07] Should a swap partition be set to Primary or Logical? [07:07] Can someone explain what "chomp" means very basicly in ruby. [07:07] tphive: Doesn't matter. === ian__ is now known as iflema [07:08] some alternate to /etc/modules ? [07:08] So, can anyone actually answer my original question please? [07:08] yo [07:08] must say, i'm happy to hear about these Wayland changes [07:08] Also, it is dynamically-expanding, and I have no desire to convert it... [07:08] Jordan_U In any way? Or does that basically just define whether it's bootable, which simply doesn't apply in a swap. [07:09] (not enough disk space) [07:09] OY1R: it's running [07:09] thanks [07:09] can someone walk me through a jack installation. [07:09] yUraKeShi, good luck it can take a while [07:09] Dan```, -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S3UkUzzDIo [07:10] i would like jack correctly configured on ubuntu 10.10 [07:10] yeah, 1h13min [07:10] tphive: In any way. Doesn't even change if it's bootable. [07:10] tphive, neither, use primary unless you already have 4 primary partitions [07:10] hi all [07:10] Can someone explain what "chomp" means very basicly in ruby. [07:10] i haven't installed it yet, because i know it won't work without special consideration [07:10] I need to copy over 1gb of files within the VDI, and transferring via a network or via the shared folder feature is unbearable. [07:10] i've got a dell r200 upgraded from jaunty to lucid via karmic [07:11] during boot it is hanging at "EXT3 FS on sda1, internal journal" [07:11] Jordan_U: So why ARE they both available then? [07:11] Dan```, -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S3UkUzzDIo [07:11] OY1R: I need to copy over 1gb of files within the VDI, and transferring via a network or via the shared folder feature is unbearable. [07:11] Dan```, OY1R : http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/System-Administration/mount-vdi-47415.shtml [07:11] wakkodot: thanks. [07:11] Dan```, OY1R there is a program here, i havent used it, to mount a vdi [07:11] tphive: Because msdos partition tables require ugly hacks to use more than 4 partitions. With GPT there is no primary/extended/logical. [07:12] semisided1: Where did you find that? I've been googling for like 30 minutes straight. [07:12] i have a soundblaster card that I would like correctly configured with jack running in ubuntu 10.10 (because i need realtime support, i need assistance with the procedure) [07:12] a new kernel is in order [07:12] and i don't want to mess it up [07:12] can i open a virtual ethernet interface with a different mac address + IP on an existing ethernet interface so that both interfaces will work? [07:12] Dan```, i dont know if it works === purvesh7 is now known as purvesh [07:12] is that the drummerman dan [07:12] Ahh, I see. And ubuntu by default uses GPT I take it? [07:12] reeniginEesreveR, bridge? [07:13] that video shows how to share folders to from guest os and it works great [07:13] wakkodot, could you please give a pointer to that/ [07:13] reeniginEesreveR, when you say virtual, what do you mean? [07:13] tphive: No, because windows doesn't deal as well with GPT (can't boot from GPT on BIOS systems for instance). Ubuntu only uses GPT by default on drives larger than 2 TB (because that's the limit of what msdos labels can use). [07:14] OY1R: could u help me with something else too? i was not able to use wireless connection. The drivers is installed as not open-source, broadcom. I find my network but it never connects, and i'm sure the password is correct. [07:14] Ouch [07:14] XDriInfo returned with non-zero exit code [07:14] contact me later i can give it a shot, but now im in a tight spot myself. [07:14] can someone tell me why? [07:14] just like in virtualbox/vmware we make a virtual interface for guest machine on top of host machine's existing interface. Host machine interface still works while guest machine's pakcets are sent usign different MAC and hence it gets different IP from DHCP [07:14] Jordan_U: MKay, thanks for the information. [07:15] tphive: You're welcome. [07:15] im running 8.10 and want to install gpredict, it needs gtk+-2.22 and glib but i cannot install the packages, can anyone assist me ? [07:15] reeniginEesreveR, you can't just add an interface within the virtualization software? [07:16] hi, what's the best way to do bandwidth limiting? i'm going to stay at a holiday home for 2 days and I have to access internet via (most likely) mobile 3G [07:16] OY1R: 8.10 i think is past end of life. if you want to keep using it. you need to change your sources.list to point to the 'eol' archive servers. [07:16] and I do not want to go over data by accident [07:16] OY1R: i suggest upgradeing to a newer release [07:16] !8.10 [07:16] Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. [07:16] wakkarto, well, i need that without a virtual machine now [07:16] Angel-SL, wondershaper [07:16] !eol [07:16] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [07:16] should I install jackd1 or jackd2 [07:16] reeniginEesreveR: afaik that does speed only, not total data [07:16] i dont have the balls to upgrade ill mess up everything [07:17] should I install jackd1 or jackd2 ubuntu 10.10 [07:17] OY1R: Your choice.... I always do clean installs. rarely upgrade. [07:17] same here but i had a hell of a time to get 8.10 to run right [07:18] had major problems with grapic's card [07:18] OY1R: and for all you know 10.10 may work fine out of the box... whats your video card? [07:18] i have no idea [07:18] ati something [07:18] Is there an easy way to align filesystems to an SSD's erase block size yet? [07:18] Try a 10.10 live cd and see... i guess. [07:18] Dr_Willis, OY1R : i agree upgrading is often more gut wrenching, clean install is the best, but backing up data is a good idea anyway, if you have everything you need backed up you dont need balls [07:18] Dr_Willis, that's the strangest thing all the live cd work great but hd installs filed [07:19] failed [07:19] should I install jackd1 or jackd2 ubuntu 10.10 [07:19] rinku_kokiri: go for the newest... we realluy cant tell what YOU need... [07:19] ooh, a default join chan fer ubunutu [07:19] i have a soundblaster card that I would like correctly configured with jack running in ubuntu 10.10 (because i need realtime support, i need assistance with the procedure) [07:19] why not. [07:20] isent that ubuntu-studio remix some how optmized for 'real time' audio work? (ivbe never used it) [07:20] How to install samba in ubuntu 10.04 [07:20] looking to see if i can use LSI 9650se-8LPMLK 8 port raid card on isntall [07:20] karthick87: install the samba pacakge.. edit smb.conf as you want.. [07:20] !info samba [07:20] samba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8 (maverick), package size 7285 kB, installed size 20624 kB [07:20] cant find ubuntu x6 HCL [07:20] x86 hcl* [07:20] !hcl [07:20] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [07:21] so you say i should just install studio [07:21] rinku_kokiri: no idea. Ive never used studio, never needed jackd either. [07:21] jackd is tha shit [07:21] Is this right "sudo apt-get install samba [07:21] rinku_kokiri: i do belive that one feature of studio was it was set up better for audio work. [07:21] auto jackd is better [07:21] karthick87: try it and see? [07:21] instead of compile a kernel. it would be simpler, but i would like to learn the correct procedure to install a kernel [07:21] !language | servergod [07:21] servergod: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [07:21] hey guys I am trying to get my samba file server up and running, my fstab is like this but when i sudo mount -a, it gives the error messages -> http://pastebin.com/BzcHiRN2 [07:22] guess i'll just add another partition... thx [07:22] rinku_kokiri: if the kernel is in the repos. You apt-get install it, other wise you do compile it. [07:22] my Fstab is this btw http://pastebin.com/rkN1a4aF i didn't post it above [07:22] rinku_kokiri: You can fit ubuntu onto a 8gb flash drive easially for testing. :) [07:22] Jasuuki, what is ur smb.conf? [07:22] meh, don't have a usb atm, have a external hdd i can use though [07:22] Jasuuki: you did install the smbfs package? [07:22] !info smbfs [07:22] smbfs (source: cifs-utils): Common Internet File System utilities - compatibility package. In component main, is optional. Version 2:4.5-2 (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB [07:23] yes [07:23] i did [07:23] anyone know about 9650SE-8LPML [07:23] the kernel i need isn't avail [07:23] hi guys... Is there GUI tool to set automount for the various partitions on ubuntu?? [07:23] with ext4 it automatically sets it to check the disk every 35 mounts or 180 days, whichever comes first. Is there a way to alter that to increase the frequency of it? [07:23] only up to 10.4i think [07:23] maybe even 9.10 [07:24] noob chan [07:24] * servergod part [07:24] l8r [07:24] tphive, tune2fs [07:25] would be safer to just install studio as well, [07:26] should add this to a trigger http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1075622 [07:26] wakkodot: Thanks, which would you change though? max_mounts_count, mount options, mount_count, or a different one? [07:26] Dr_Willis, that link up there's got a nice diag.. [07:27] oh man, same chan [07:27] tphive, man page has all the info you need [07:27] Im downloading 10.10 gona give it a spin on an other harddisk see what happens. [07:27] * servergod sighs [07:27] Dr_Willis servergod this is my smb.conf http://pastebin.com/YLiqQe1i [07:27] and my original problem earlier was wayy back @gstreamer, [07:28] hello [07:28] any one here to help me ? [07:28] wakkodot: Ah, thanks, haven't used 'man' command yet, just saw it mentioned today. Got it though. [07:28] Jasuuki, that is a complete vanilla config for the first 50 lines, did you create an SMB user? [07:28] or even read a guide? [07:28] slow down [07:28] servergod yes [07:28] servergod on both counter [07:29] opm what what you hav sone so far. [07:29] *pm [07:29] frogintox, just go ahead and ask your question [07:29] please include links, [07:29] servergod will do [07:29] and any revelnet conf files. [07:29] ok. [07:29] i'll be here. [07:29] give me a few minutes its quite a few [07:29] np. [07:31] i got ubuntu 10.10 and i installed google earth with the good how-to but google crash 2 or 3 secondes after i start it , any idea how to fix that thanks [07:31] is there a way I can install gcc in Ubuntu Server 10.04 during install? === purvesh7 is now known as purvesh [07:31] frogintox: download version 5.1 from google's website. 5.2 is broken [07:31] ha yeah [07:32] servergod https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently [07:32] ok thanks cool [07:32] https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html [07:32] hoho [07:32] then i install it same way as 10.04 ? [07:33] from this, i can access the two hard drives on my server via /media/xdatas but i can't do it over the network as my windows box doesn't seem to see it [07:33] servergod https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html#samba-fileserver-installation [07:33] servergod then this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently [07:34] sigh i didn't see i posted earlier stuff gah! sorry guys [07:34] Jasuuki, np, but you coulda PM [07:34] frogintox: google earth works here. but ive heard it can have some issues with some video card/drivers [07:35] frogintox, you could check ~/.xsession-errors for specific error messages [07:35] Jasuuki, do you have .bak or equiv of ur files? [07:35] frogintox, or try launching it from within a terminal [07:35] unfortunately, no [07:35] Google Earth [07:35] [07:35] is working on my 10.10 machine. I forget how i isntalled it.. some program./commands that made it a package. i think.. [07:35] servergod im just following what the how-to's say [07:36] does anyone know if nmap has the capability to scan ports on a separate network using the mac address of the other networks router? [07:36] lock, you want to spoof a MAC address? [07:36] Dr_Willis: whether it works seems to vary by graphics system [07:36] lock: no, that is impossible for any software to do. [07:36] Dr_Willis: the error it gives on crashing is related to DRM, iirc [07:36] lock: you can't get L2 packets into another network like that. [07:37] Jasuuki, np. I would just recommend using webmin .deb installer for SMB.conf. it's a webUI for a whole lotta "server settings" [07:37] hey guys. i have kubuntu 10.04. my problem is i have internet running through a thomson st330 modem. does anyone know how i can install that in ubuntu to make my internet work? [07:37] !webmin | servergod, Jasuuki [07:37] servergod, Jasuuki: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. [07:37] lemme look at ur links [07:37] ale_: that a DSL? or 3g modem? or what exactly? [07:37] ubottu, yeah yeah [07:37] servergod webmin .deb... i have heard it [07:37] Dr_Willis it's a DSL [07:37] can wireshark find the ip addresses initiating the signal, or does it only provie mac? [07:37] well i think i will install 5.1 an3 it will work fine [07:37] ale_: i was thinking most DSL modems work. but ive never tried them. [07:38] *provide [07:38] servergod thanks so much for this btw :) [07:38] lock: "initiating the signal" ???? [07:38] send a request [07:38] np, looking now, brb. what is ur guest getting to smb share? [07:38] servergod how do you mean? [07:38] ale_: perhaps Plug the dsl modem into a router - that way the router configs it. then linux wont even know its there. [07:38] lock: wireshark can display "all" information available to it. I don't understand your question. [07:38] are u trying to get to smb via xp, win7, fedora etc [07:39] servergod pretty much much XP > win 7, and my own ubuntu laptop [07:39] ok, and ubuntu is smb server? [07:39] i want to find the ip address of the router to scan ports [07:39] servergod correct [07:39] ok [07:40] servergod i had a 8.10 server doing this but that was 2 years ago and i can't remember how to do it anymore :( [07:40] lock: that information is not available to you if you're on another network. [07:40] :| no way other than cracking key and logging in? [07:41] Jasuuki, np, but the links you sent me were for default nob setup of win to SMB, and how to setup SMB, not ur winbind or smb.conf, well except the one. [07:41] How do i check if i have already installed the package libgstreamer0.10-dev ? [07:41] that would be too easy :) [07:41] lock: this is not the appropriate channel for such questions [07:41] lock: You can find the *ip* address just fine. But even if you could find the MAC address it wouldn't be of any use. [07:41] bah, its networks wars with roomate and i [07:42] i already found the mac address with netsumbler [07:42] if your computer happens to exchange packets with router it is very likely that arp -a will show router's ip address [07:42] Jasuuki, is /media/data and /media/moredata mounted on the SMB? [07:42] now i just need to find out how to get the ip [07:42] Diverdude:~# sudo apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-dev [07:42] *netstumbler [07:42] you can use nmap to search for ports within the network... not just router [07:42] Diverdude:~# if it's already installed it'll tell u [07:42] !metasploit [07:42] thats the ultimate goal [07:43] *scan ports within network [07:43] !backtrack [07:43] There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) [07:43] then use nmap. [07:43] run metasploit on vm [07:43] nmap is powerful [07:43] !info nmap [07:43] nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.21-1~build1 (maverick), package size 1737 kB, installed size 7052 kB [07:43] servergod yes, its in the fstab, but fstab makes a really big hoohah about a few things [07:43] thats why i was asking how to scan ports with mac address with nmap [07:43] sergey if thats what you mean :\ [07:44] i read man pages and nothing explicitly says how to do so [07:44] patebin output from "mount" in terminal [07:44] servergod 'mount -a'? [07:44] not needed [07:44] or if u wish [07:45] servergod 'mount' http://pastebin.com/uC95bKtG [07:45] so does anyone know of 10.10 x64 and 9650SE-8LPML or am i gonna have to try and compile kernel from source. [07:46] having mac address doesnt mean it have tcp/ip stack... nmap works on ip stack I think... [07:46] rarp should get you the ip address if you have the mac address [07:47] however it is very likely that you already have the ip address in the arp table if you used to have some communications lately [07:47] you could flush the arp table [07:47] why flush it if he wants the info on it? [07:48] wasn't following [07:48] =P [07:48] basically you wanna pentest it? [07:48] go get cent os [07:48] compile some tools, [07:48] lol [07:48] metasploit iso [07:48] uh...or backtrack? [07:48] it's all there for you [07:48] since it already has those tools [07:49] so, if i disconnect from my network, then load wireshark and wait for some traffic from his network, then do rarp, i should be able to find ip? [07:49] yep [07:49] Hey people. Im used to use the tortoisesvn shell in windows to handle subversion. What is a similar solution for ubuntu + gnome? [07:49] Jasuuki, is samba running on the server? [07:49] what is metasploit? [07:49] lock:~# is it a wireless network? === mirspcm is now known as MirEpyk [07:50] http://www.metasploit.com/ [07:50] !metasploit [07:50] didn't work earlier lol [07:50] theny have a great live iso [07:50] rinku_kokiri: yes it is wireless [07:50] metasploit works well with ubuntu. I installed with framework-3.5.0-linux-x86_64.run [07:50] wireless, most routers no arp/rarp [07:50] lock: why would you do that if wireshark already give you the ip address? [07:51] lock:~# you *may* have trouble with wireless and wireshark, i'm not sure about the current info about that [07:51] it hasnt yet [07:51] then you doesnt have an ip address. [07:51] pcap (on win) dontknow if there is a nix var of it [07:51] dont* [07:51] hence /wire/shark [07:51] exactly [07:51] has to do with promiscious mode or something [07:52] you dont have "ports" at all if you dont have ip address [07:52] i am enabled prom mode [07:52] ports are OSI layer 4 [07:52] ip address is OSI layer 3 [07:52] lol [07:52] kalser: i am trying to find ip, so i can scan ports [07:52] you are on OSI layer 2 [07:52] doesnt mean the router or switch allow it [07:52] Folks. I need to install a release with an older version of the Kernel, Hardy would suit my needs. Will this distro update the kernel by itself (asking me first, of course), or does it run all the way with the original kernel version provided? [07:52] sounds like a layer 8 issue [07:52] you dont have ports if you dont have ip address. [07:52] there was a something i picked up.. [07:52] Hey people. Im used to use the tortoisesvn shell in windows to handle subversion. What is a similar solution for ubuntu + gnome? Or better question maybe. What do you people use to handle version control? [07:52] hold on [07:52] PICNIK [07:53] * servergod sighs [07:53] kalser: i just want to find out as much as i can about the network without actually having the encryption key...im not trying to gain full access to his network....yet [07:53] gonna have to try kernel compile from source for this 8 port sata raid then? [07:53] 9650SE-LPML [07:53] 9650SE-8LPML* [07:53] airsnort [07:53] anyone? [07:53] lock: if you dont have encryption key, then you can not get an ip address, then you dont have ports [07:54] servergod i have to go soon, are there better howto's other than the ones on the help.ubuntu.com site? [07:54] !aircrack [07:54] kalser: not even while sniffing his packets? [07:54] !airsnort [07:54] no lock [07:54] Shogoot: a quick search in the package manager shows me qct as an app you can use on mac, win, or linux to handle svn, hg, bzr, cvs, git, and more [07:54] servergod: Any reason you want to use fakeRAID? [07:54] you are sniffing layer 2 packets (formally called frames, not packets) [07:54] http://www.aircrack-ng.org/ [07:55] i have aircrack [07:55] there is some negotation on layer 2... then if it success it gives you an ip address,,, [07:55] if you dont have encryption key, it never succeds [07:55] but you can get hw addresses [07:55] that's about it [07:55] aircrack is what can give you most information you could get [07:55] wouldnt you get some sort of denial response sent back though that could be readable? [07:55] unless you can find an outside way in [07:56] yes lock, you should... at layer 2 level... [07:56] wep cracking? [07:56] WPA :( [07:57] i dint know that was possible [07:57] WPA is harder [07:57] i know [07:57] =) [07:57] thats why im here :) [07:57] that's also an illegal subject [07:57] one of reasons [07:57] i have a question if anyone wants to help [07:57] unless you've signed a contract with them [07:57] !ot [07:57] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [07:57] Im sure lock have signed a contract with them =) [07:57] right? [07:57] read earlier^^^---network wars with roomate [07:58] and any one of us would be in conjuction with you in performing an illegal act if we helped you further [07:58] maco: what do you use? [07:58] he is trying to do same thing to me :) [07:58] ahem? OFFTOPIC ? [07:58] Shogoot: the command line [07:58] just for fun to see who can gather the most info [07:58] ;p; [07:58] lol [07:58] vinny_: Just ask. [07:58] Jordan_U, fakraid? uh whut? this is at harware. [07:58] clear [07:58] we need a clear command [07:59] fakeraid would be using JBOD and raid on diskpart [07:59] ooh [07:59] or gparted. [07:59] i do my own part's [07:59] yeah i forgot the slash after addign a bunch of people to ignore [07:59] lol [07:59] .. /boot /home / and then /data [07:59] servergod: I've never heard of true hardware RAID needing special code/drivers. It's usually fakeRAID that needs that as the hardware isn't really doing any of the RAID work. [07:59] rinku_kokiri: its not illegal unless charges are pressed [07:59] .. /data is going to 8 1tb on raid 50 [08:00] ok then, will i run into trouble if i move /home to a different location, and mount it in two different installs? [08:00] i have 10.10, running on a macbook with a nvidia 320m gpu, running as guest in virtualbox with 3d enabled, but cannot seem to get any usable glx even tho im using the vbox aditions driver.. i have experience of the old days ofcompiz/berly etc and am used to editing xorg.conf to make glx extensions available, i.e include glx etc.. but it seems there is no xorg.conf now. glx is NOT available :( so i dont knwo what to do, and virtualbox channel is dead lol [08:00] ubuntu and ubuntu studio [08:00] and like i said, network wars [08:00] servergod: What happens when you try to use the controller? [08:00] lock:~# that's still ot for this chan.. this aint offsec [08:01] bah, thanks anyway [08:01] Jordan_U, on Fedora/CentOS and RHEL5 the HW/RAID BIOS is not reconized so i get invaid drive space etc. I wanna know if the .deb kernel supports thso OOB [08:01] *this [08:01] ok google 5.1 work fine i got 32bit sys [08:01] google earth [08:02] Jordan_U, i can compile RHEL/CentOS/FC13 on x86 but not on x64. [08:02] lock:~# go get backtrack run it from a live cd.. [08:02] so hence my question [08:02] lock:~# otherwise sol [08:03] lock:~# may wanna try #backtrack-linux [08:03] rinku_kokiri: thanks [08:03] hihi [08:03] servergod: The BIOS is basically out of the equasion once the kernel starts, so I don't understand what you mean by "the HW/RAID BIOS is not reconized". Please try using the controller with Ubuntu, and give any symptoms / error messages if it doesn't work. [08:03] hi all, does anybody how can I make the cursor large in ubuntu? [08:03] rinku_kokiri: looks like i got some HW to do :) [08:04] lol Jordan_U [08:04] really? [08:04] servergod: Really what? [08:04] * vinny_ waits patiently :D [08:04] =o [08:04] ha ha.....so if i create a raid 50 on the card with 8 hdd and the OS sees 8 drives and not 1.....is that the card or the kernel? kernel. [08:05] u see, that's the responsibility of MD_raid [08:05] servergod: "if i create a raid 50 on the card with 8 hdd and the OS sees 8 drives and not 1" then it's fakeRAID. [08:05] servergod: Or you've configured the controller for JBOD. [08:06] or, kernel md_bios inoperability [08:06] and the controller has a _______ on it that tells the ________ what to see [08:06] * shirish waits patiently [08:07] aight, back to solaris, this cust is screwed. [08:07] lol [08:07] hi all, does anybody how can I make the cursor larger in ubuntu? [08:08] what's your definition of "cursor" the thing that makes letters, or the mouse ? [08:08] servergod: Please research the difference between fakeRAID and true hardware RAID. If the OS sees it as anything but a normal, single, drive (and you're not using JBOD) then it's fakeRAID. [08:08] rinku_kokiri: the mouse [08:09] rinku_kokiri: the pointer - the arrow whichever way you look at it. [08:09] system >preferences>appearance>theme tab [08:09] click customize button [08:09] pointers tab [08:10] Jordan_U, before i make myself look like a total idiot, I'll go do that. [08:10] rinku_kokiri: thanx, small things but not known. Its cool. [08:10] * shirish out [08:12] Jordan_U, On-board I/O RISC processor and RAID offload provides true hardware RAID [08:12] and, it wasn't an issue on FC 2.4 kernel [08:12] "ip link add ..." command isn't workking for me. is it supported? [08:12] it werks on 8.04 [08:13] ip link add [08:13] Not enough information: "type" argument is required [08:13] hello [08:13] 10.10 ^^ [08:13] :) [08:13] crackpot [08:13] just not RHEL 2.6 (centOS/FC13/RHEL5) havent tried ubuntu 10.10 x64 [08:14] #! [08:14] i've wasted more time trying to get a yes it werks right on .deb x64, i know it werks right on x86 [08:14] So i have no idea why i let u piss me off and waste my time. [08:14] exitr [08:15] so [08:15] noone got any experince with virtualbox & opengl - compiz for an example but only cos its the most well known example [08:16] or like installing ableton in wine without pops and clicks [08:16] lol @ ableton [08:16] use logic [08:16] haha [08:16] rinku_kokiri: back again [08:16] oh wait.. [08:16] work in wine? [08:17] Here is the deal RedHat 2.4 werks x86/64 werks on this card. Ubuntu 8.04TLS x86/64 werks on this card. Ubuntu 10.10 x86 werks on this card. I cant find HCL for x64 for this card does this card work on x64 [08:17] i was tryign to be funny, logic being an osx ap [08:17] shirish:~# yea? [08:17] rinku_kokiri: also the thing that makes letters write, is it possible to also make that bigger/more visible [08:17] just need to confirm my thoughts. i have an eee pc 900 and am trying to set the cpu scaling to ondemand. what i've done so far is to enable p4-clockmod in /etc/modules and that made me able to select userspace, performance and powersave. i've now also installed powernowd and that made the userspace work as the ondemand function though ondemand still doesn't work since it just goes to performance when i click on it. this works gre [08:17] at though except for a minor irritation, when the computer starts it seems like if the ondemand mode is selected after about a minute or so and that results in that performance mode is selected instead. so what i want to to is to change it so it select userspace of some value instead and now i wonder if /etc/init.d/ is the right place to look in? [08:17] lol [08:17] lemmie check [08:17] lol [08:17] rinku_kokiri: sure [08:17] i think you'd just have to increase font size [08:17] in about the same area [08:17] different tab though [08:17] rinku_kokiri: what I actually want to do is have more contrast to it. [08:17] !enter [08:17] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [08:18] i [08:18] will [08:18] do [08:18] servergod: If it works with 32 bit it almost certainly works with 64 bit. linux drivers are almost never architecture dependant. [08:18] what [08:18] i [08:18] servergod: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:18] want [08:18] roflroflrofl [08:18] rinku_kokiri: what happens is the surrounding space is also white [08:18] maybe servergod, obviously not changod [08:18] god i'm cranky. [08:18] rinku_kokiri: and hence the cursor/pointer is often missed when [08:18] :( [08:18] rinku_kokiri: I'm writing something. [08:18] i cant beleive noone knows the answer [08:19] i got so sidetracked, i forgot my question [08:19] to my question [08:19] :( [08:19] is it 63? [08:19] 42! [08:19] no its 42 [08:19] but not helpful [08:19] no it's blue [08:19] er 101010 [08:19] clear [08:19] that's 42 [08:19] indego [08:19] and the day I got married [08:19] Folks. I need to install a release with an older version of the Kernel, Hardy would suit my needs. Will this distro update the kernel by itself (asking me first, of course), or does it run all the way with the original kernel version provided? [08:19] what do you need, vinny_? [08:19] rinku_kokiri, lol [08:20] nor floodgod [08:20] shirish:~# it's called a caret [08:20] rinku_kokiri: any ideas ? [08:20] shirish:~# http://www.ge.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=954607 ?? [08:20] rinku_kokiri: caret, new name to learn. [08:20] 这是? [08:20] !ch [08:20] Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis. [08:21] rinku_kokiri: looking at it. [08:21] how is de ch? [08:21] Jordan_U, I had t compile to x64 kernel on the RH kernel, My orig question is, will this card work OOB because there is no HCL on it, or will I have to compile. Does anyone know. If I do have to compile i will submit to KCL. [08:21] *CHL [08:21] 今天才装 不是很懂的 [08:21] !cn | yang__ [08:21] yang__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [08:21] cn hahaha [08:21] that's why [08:21] oh [08:22] damien : [08:23] Jordan_U, i'm on an Linux ubuntu-bot 2.6.35-22-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:45:36 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux right now is why i'm asking. [08:23] when i try to run glxgears i get Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". [08:23] anyone know what tool he's talking about in post 6?? http://www.ge.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=954607 [08:23] when i try to run glxgears i get Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". [08:23] hovefirse: i dont think a release that old thats not supported any more will auto upgrade at all. try it and see i guess. [08:23] !eol [08:23] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [08:23] i have 10.10, running on a macbook with a nvidia 320m gpu, running as guest in virtualbox with 3d enabled, but cannot seem to get any usable glx even tho im using the vbox aditions driver.. i have experience of the old days ofcompiz/berly etc and am used to editing xorg.conf to make glx extensions available, i.e include glx etc.. but it seems there is no xorg.conf now. glx is NOT available :( so i dont knwo what to do [08:23] Hi, some how adobe flash plugin is gone from all my browsers and now i have Gnash. [08:23] noobz [08:24] I am on Ubuntu 10.10 [08:24] Viper: that would be odd if it did it autmatcially. remove gnash package, and reinstall the flash installer package. [08:25] shirish:~# you could try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility/doc/Guide [08:25] So i have in Chromium adobe flash removed and only gnash, but i did not install gnash on Chromium [08:25] but that's old [08:26] am i the only one with this problem? [08:27] Dr_Willis i would like to have both plugins Gnash on firefox and adobe in chromium [08:27] Is there a way to have both, Why it is removed btw? [08:27] Viper: not sure thats do able without some hand work. [08:29] rinku_kokiri: while I'm looking at the other link you gave [08:29] rinku_kokiri: I ran into another smallish problem. [08:29] ok thanks Dr_Willis :) [08:29] rinku_kokiri: I was trying to navigate to /usr/share/themes/ [08:29] rinku_kokiri: till here it was cool, no issues. [08:29] rinku_kokiri: now here there are number of themes. [08:30] rinku_kokiri: the theme I'm running is called Dust Theme [08:30] rinku_kokiri: please notice the spaces between Dust Theme [08:30] rinku_kokiri: now there is another theme also called Dust [08:30] rinku_kokiri: when I do cd /usr/share/themes/Dust Theme [08:31] dust and dust sand [08:31] shirish: use quotes or escape the space. [08:31] rinku_kokiri: it goes to /usr/share/themes/Dust and not Dust sand [08:31] cd 'dust theme' [08:31] and !enter [08:31] er [08:31] shirish: use the TAB key to complete file names, it will be handy also. [08:31] rather cd 'Dust Theme" [08:31] cd '/usr/share/dust theme' [08:31] or however its cased. :) [08:31] Dr_Willis: hang on trying that [08:32] Spaces in file names = annoying. [08:32] eating a messy burger in a car with a white shirt on... =annoying [08:34] Dr_Willis: the '' quotes trick worked. [08:34] shirish: of course.. its not a trick. :) [08:35] ' ' " " or escapeing special characters. via.. \ [08:35] just not `` [08:35] those are for running commands within a regex [08:35] mkdir 'foo bar' [08:35] willis@Cow:~$ cd foo\ bar/ [08:36] shirish, are you using a machine that has multiple user accounts on it ? [08:37] ls -al |grep `ls -al|grep chicken` [08:37] airtonix: no [08:38] airtonix: just me, why? although my mother sometimes plays solitaire on it. [08:38] airtonix: she is the one who often has issues with finding the arrow [08:38] shirish, then why are you putting themes, icons and fonts in /usr/share ? You really ought to be putting them in ~/.themes ~/.icons and ~/.fonts (and then put /home on its own partition ) ) <<< it makes it easier when you do clean installs [08:39] airtonix: while I have issues sometimes finding the karet [08:39] airtonix: no I didn't put them there, this is the default download places from bigsi project [08:39] shirish, terrible [08:39] airtonix: please check bigsiproject.org [08:40] shirish, 404 [08:40] shirish: theres packages for those bigsi themes... no need to mess with the dirs by hand. [08:40] Ive seen PPA's for them [08:40] airtonix: airtonix, sorry bisigi things. [08:41] airtonix: www.bisigi-project.org [08:41] https://launchpad.net/~bisigi/+archive/ppa [08:42] anyone got a cli open? [08:42] type yes into it and hit enter [08:42] Dr_Willis: there's also a launchpad archive, I used the ones from bisigi [08:42] rinku_kokiri: the yes command prints y over and over... thats its task.. [08:42] i likeit [08:42] guys, bbiaw [08:42] rinku_kokiri: 'yes no' prints no over and over... [08:42] I think. :) [08:42] letting the session running. [08:42] you can make it type YOU SUCK over and over [08:43] shirish, i fail to see the point of bisigi [08:43] yes you suck [08:43] i love it [08:43] getting gcc installed w/o an i-net connection is a major pain in the ass [08:43] Moar Themes. for Moar Peoples. [08:43] Dr_Willis, are they trying to be another gnome-look.org ? [08:43] now if i can regex a way to type that into terminal, i'll have.... too much time on my hands [08:44] airtonix: no. they are just a set of themes they work on. They dont have user submitted themes. [08:44] okay, so i just tried to reboot, and randomly it says that after trying to start open sound system it failed. i've tried running in recovery mode and updating grub and everything. i can't even use the fallback terminal. [08:44] airtonix: every so often they add a new theme. but they work on them ane make them look/work very well. [08:44] that page with the diag from before would b helpful now [08:45] shiza http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1075622 [08:45] salut [08:45] hi [08:45] Furi:~# how long u had the os installed? [08:45] a week or two. [08:46] rinku_kokori [08:46] just started happening? [08:46] yes [08:46] where i am ?? [08:46] i'm not in the gantz irc ?? [08:46] what's your hardware? [08:46] jimmy_: #ubuntu :) [08:46] hardware ? linux ubuntu ! [08:46] (i speak french) [08:46] is there a misc chat room in ubuntu realm with equal amout of active people? [08:47] i'm not really the best with remembering that sorta stuff; i usually check it via a GUI or something [08:47] hello === Wraith_ is now known as Wraithulek [08:47] ?? don't understand >< i'm bad in eneglish.. sorry, i go to help administrator ^^' byy [08:48] where i can add new device to xorg? [08:48] i did install some updates with update manager before rebooting [08:48] come to think of it [08:48] there is no xorg.conf [08:48] but i don't pay attention to what it installs [08:49] Wraithulek: What device? Was it not autodetected? [08:49] Found a bug with Nautilus. It crashes every time I open this one folder which is field with JPEG2000 files. [08:50] How should I go about filing a bug? [08:50] rinku_kokori [08:50] !bug | RPG-Master [08:50] RPG-Master: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [08:50] i want to get resolutio more than 800x600 on SiS graphics [08:50] i m here.. on two trails [08:50] sudo lshw -C sound [08:50] run that [08:50] pastebinit [08:50] but here's the thing, i can't even get into a terminal [08:50] Jordan_U: Thanks :) [08:50] RPG-Master: You're welcome. [08:50] recovery mode does the exact same thing [08:50] alt F2? [08:51] you don't get it, it doesn't even get to the login screen or anything [08:51] Wraithulek: Then just create an xorg.confg. SiS graphics are painfull to deal with... [08:51] u can't switch tty's? [08:51] Dr_WIllis: Well, it's a LTS-release, with 3 years of security updates... [08:51] i get stuck at a screen that says open sound system failed and when i try switching ttys it just shows a blinking cursor and i can't put anything down [08:52] i create xorg.conf on /usr/share/X11/xorg.d/ [08:52] and add here some about this graphics [08:52] then i get only to text mode [08:52] ;c [08:52] Wraithulek: No, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf . === realeyes is now known as realeyes|Zzz [08:52] ok [08:52] Furi:~# latest? [08:52] 10.10? [08:52] rinku_kokiri: yes [08:53] when exactly did the reboot occur [08:53] back [08:53] rinku_kokiri: a few minutes ago [08:53] rinku_kokiri: manual [08:53] tht's not sounding good... [08:54] when was the update? [08:54] rinku_kokiri: a few hours ago [08:54] rinku_kokiri: sound worked just fine previously, too [08:54] !ubuntu-bug nautilus [08:54] need to know your hardware... [08:54] rinku_kokiri: hold on [08:55] rinku_kokiri: what's the command again? [08:55] RPG-Master: It's not a command for ubottu. You run "ubuntu-bug nautilus" in a terminal. [08:55] Jordan_U: Oh [08:56] rinku_kokiri: i managed to get into this terminal and it says i'm at "grub>" [08:56] heh [08:56] ok. i created [08:56] reboot [08:56] servus [08:56] hi [08:56] rinku_kokiri: what's the command? [08:56] that's not bash [08:57] you're @ a grub prompt [08:57] but that's all i can get to [08:57] but my command is useless in grub [08:57] Furi: Try selecting a previous kernel version. [08:57] if it's there.. [08:57] same ;c [08:57] Jordan_U: EXACT same thing happens, even if i choose the recovery mode on THAT [08:58] Furi: Does adding "init=/bin/bash" as a kernel parameter get you a shell? [08:58] Jordan_U: i don't understand [08:59] Jordan_U: on bash? [08:59] Jordan_U: i mean, on grub [09:00] ;C [09:00] Furi: At the grub menu press 'e' to edit one of the entries. Add "init=/bin/bash" to the list of kernel parameters (after "ro quiet splash" and on the same line). [09:00] Furi: Then press ctrl+X to execute this modified entry. [09:00] hi all - is possible to install ubuntu 10.04 without graphic envriroment ? [09:00] where to see list of supported models of nvidia-185 driver? [09:00] wakatana: Yes. [09:01] wakatana:~# search for the server install cd [09:01] !minimal | wakatana [09:01] wakatana: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [09:01] heh or the minimal... [09:01] I tried switch to command line install (press esc key) and then type custom linux, linux server, but neither works [09:02] kernel not found [09:02] will I have to download another CD for this installation or is it possible to do with my existing CD 10.04 ? [09:02] wakatana: if you want no gui,. use the server, or minimal cd's [09:02] wakatana: or desktop install. then remove what you dont want [09:02] wakatana: You can't do it from the standard Desktop CD. You need to use the minimal, alternate, or server CD to install without a GUI. [09:02] Jordan_U: bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device [09:03] wakatana:~# it's a different cd [09:03] actualy I did not have capacity do downoad another CD this is why am asking if I could user classic CD [09:03] Jordan_U: bash: no job control in this shell [09:03] Furi: Does it still give you a shell? [09:03] Jordan_U: and it says i'm bash@(none) [09:03] Jordan_U: i think [09:03] Jordan_U: idk what you mean by shell, do you mean like a command line? [09:03] Furi:~# if you were in grub, chances are, you need to run a find /boot/grub/stage1 [09:03] Jordan_U, that is bad :( [09:03] Furi: Yes. [09:04] Jordan_U: yeah [09:04] wakatana: What do you mean by "capacity"? [09:04] Furi:~# reboot normally, get to grub [09:04] Hey, how can I format my one and only internal Hard disk? I want to install Windows on my Ubuntu PC, but the installer tells me that my HDD is not formatted as NTFS or something [09:04] wakatana: you can always just disable the GDM service if you dont want X starting. [09:04] Furi:~# then when @ grub> [09:04] http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=117829&postcount=2 [09:04] start @ #4 [09:05] Jordan_U: what do i do? [09:05] if you need to find the hd it's on [09:05] JohnHeikkila: You need to have the disk partioned in a way that windows has a space tio install to. [09:05] Furi:~# reboot and tell me when ur @ grub [09:05] Furi: Ignore rinku_kokiri's advice. It has nothing to do with your problem, and wouldn't work even if it did. [09:05] JohnHeikkila: you have just linux on the machine now? [09:05] Dr_Willis: Yes [09:05] Dr_Willis: Any program I could burn and boot from a disk? [09:06] JohnHeikkila: then you need to resize your partitions and make a unallocated space for windows to format/install to. gparted can do that. [09:06] Jordan_U: but what should i do, then? i'm at a command line as root@none... [09:06] hi all, back [09:06] Dr_Willis: What if I want to remove linux completely, a fresh start? [09:06] Dr_Willis, OK so I will try install ubuntu classic and then I will use runlevel without graphic or disabling gdm or something, which is the best way ? [09:06] rinku_kokiri: back [09:06] JohnHeikkila: then delete all partitions. and reboot windows installer cd. [09:07] okayyy [09:07] does anyone here emulate n64 games? [09:07] I do [09:07] wakatana: ubuntu dont use runlevels that way.. disable gdm service = X dosent start. Or use the 'text' kernel option to boot to the console only [09:07] Dr_Willis: would there be any benefit changing the software sources from the bisigi project to the launchpad PPA archive? [09:07] kiah:~# i only emulate bond... [09:08] kiah:~# i dont have enough memory for mario... drink too much [09:08] Dr_Willis, OK i will try - thanks a lot so far [09:08] Hi, i'm on ubuntu 10.10. I'm looking to install the theme from older ubuntu versions or how do i move the close, minimize, and maximize buttons to the right?. I don't like where the Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons are placed because i've migrated from Windows. [09:08] Hello, good morning from Spain. [09:08] i have 2GB of DDR2 RAM and an old ATI card with i think 128MB and an old 64bit AMD processor. not exactly top of the range but i've been trying all day to emulate n64 games and i just can´t [09:08] Dr_Willis: So are you telling me to start Gparted while I've booted from my linux HDD? [09:09] i haven't tweaked xorg or installed proprietary driversd [09:09] Will you please tell me how much disk space I should set for the swap partition? I have 2GB RAM [09:09] Jordan_U: what should i do? [09:09] all games lag too much, in both mupen and project64 in wine [09:09] When I try to import with apt-cacher-ng, it prints tonnes of 'fingerprint created' messages, but doesn't actually move them from _import into the cache. Why not? [09:09] ubottu: controls | CaptSmokey6 [09:09] CaptSmokey6: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side [09:09] JohnHeikkila: yes. or use a live cd. [09:09] alberto, you shouldn't need more than 500MB [09:10] JohnHeikkila: if you want to delete linux and install windows. You basically erase the HD and let windows repartition it.. windows instller can proberly do it also. [09:10] so you n64 emulating guys, what emulators are you using? [09:10] Dr_Willis: no comment ? [09:10] @rww: Thanks [09:10] shirish: i just use teh ppa's - the 2 may be the same thing. [09:10] !p3 [09:10] Dr_Willis: The windows installer has the Format option but it's gray, not clickable [09:10] kiah: when i used vista, i used project64k to play ssb64 with my friends and stuff [09:10] kiah I've read I should set double my RAM [09:11] Dr_Willis: ok thanx. [09:11] kiah: p64k emulates extremely fast too [09:11] JohnHeikkila: delete the partitons via gparted then i guess. [09:11] kiah In that case... Should I reserve 4GB? [09:11] Dr_Willis: Okay. [09:11] Furi:~# your problem solved? [09:11] alberto, old advice from the days of 256MB of RAM [09:11] rinku_kokiri: not realy [09:11] alberto, any more than 500MB is a waste of HDD space [09:11] rinku_kokiri: Dr_Willis: I don't know what to do about making the caret bigger, the Ubuntu Accessibility guide isn't any help at all. [09:12] rinku_kokiri: Dr_Willis: should I change the settings in the theme file by hand [09:12] Furi, yes but im using ubuntu [09:12] shirish: the mouse pointer? its in the themes/settins some where. but some times tyou have to log out/back in for the changes to take effect. [09:12] shirish:~# i would make a backup first. [09:12] kiah On the other hand, I installed Ubuntu 10.10 and it reserved automatically 5GB! :-s [09:12] hmm... maybe i should install XP instead [09:13] rinku_kokiri: Dr_Willis: the mouse pointer but when writing docs. [09:13] alberto, well, it's stupid. [09:13] rinku_kokiri: you are correct. that is the first thing. [09:13] * kiah goes to install XP [09:13] * kiah *sighs* === purvesh7 is now known as purvesh [09:14] kiah It's very strange, I mean I installed it in basic mode, not advance, so I didn't decide the size of the partitions, it was Ubuntu itself that did that for me, and as I tell you, it reserved 5GB. [09:14] running xp in virtualbox right now. :) [09:14] its called as putting leg on axe [09:14] kiah How much would you recommend me? 500MB? [09:14] alberto, yes, i already said that [09:14] 500 [09:15] BY the way, my Ubuntu is 64bits, I don't know if that has something to do with it... [09:15] kiah: and so am i, but i don't really play games much anymore, so i can't really tell you about anything good for ubuntu [09:16] gamez for linux collection site ---> http://www.penguspy.com/#/All/free_and_commercial/sort=1/view=1/limit=0 [09:17] i'm not interested in linux games. i just want n64 emulation and am surprised that such a simple thing won't work [09:17] if i install flash in ff browser and it works, then i get an update and i cant play vids wut do i do [09:17] it used to work about a year back on my nvidia [09:17] Are there any dangerous terminal commands that don't require admin besides forkbomb? I know this sounds like some skiddie, I'm just playing around in a VM right now and wondering what I can do / what I need to be concerned with if I am running an SSH server or something [09:17] hello [09:17] N64 emulator worked for me last time i tried one. but the state of emulators is a little flakey for some games [09:18] Dr_Willis, which emulator did you use? [09:18] also it takes a rather powerfull system to run it well. [09:18] kiah: dolphin perhaps.. it was about 8 mo ago i last tried it. [09:19] Dr_Willis, dolphin isnt an n64 emulator, i dont think [09:19] Dr_Willis, it's for gamecube and wii [09:20] anyways, does anyone know how to help with my issue? [09:20] may been i was doing GC also that week... [09:20] I deleted the vino from the startup apps by mistake. Can anyone provide me the defaults? [09:20] i'm in a bash terminal as bash@(none):/# [09:20] and i'm trying to fix rebooting and such [09:20] n64emu thread -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476031 [09:21] open sound system fails at starting [09:21] hey guys.. is there Qt4.7 available for ubuntu 10.04? [09:21] Furi, ossv4? [09:21] kiah: idk [09:22] kiah: i updated before i rebooted [09:22] hay cani use 64bit ubuntu in 32bit laptop [09:22] kiah: i mean, update manager [09:22] no [09:23] miyamoto: you need a 64bit cpu. [09:23] hello [09:23] he ho === ashish is now known as Guest8893 === Guest8893 is now known as AshishC [09:23] today i download ubuntu 10.10 but its for 64 bit i tried it using usb stick it works [09:24] I deleted the vino from the startup apps by mistake. Can anyone provide me the defaults? [09:24] miyamoto: then you have a 64bit cpu.. what IS your cpu? [09:24] corei3 [09:24] miyamoto: so... you have a 64bit cpu.. whats the acutal issue? [09:25] Dr_Willis:~# i think you answered your own question [09:25] =D [09:25] ohh i dont kno tht b4 [09:25] ubuntu 10.10 just solve ma problem [09:25] headphone was not workin in lucid [09:25] but no it works fine [09:25] I anyone so kind to look in startup apps and provde me those values? [09:26] Cars10: i would, but i can't even get on ubuntu atm [09:26] ok any1 else? [09:27] going for a break, may come back later. [09:27] Furi:~# pop ur livecd in [09:27] rinku_kokiri: Dr_Willis: thank you for your efforts. [09:27] * shirish out [09:27] rinku_kokiri: why? [09:27] Furi:~# that way you can boot your system and fix the problem. [09:28] hi, how can I enable alt key work together with gedit ? i cant make signs like ~ and ^ with it, works fine with kate.. not sure where the problem is [09:28] I need someone running the ub desktop version [09:29] rinku_kokiri: but i don't even know what to fix [09:29] Cars10: if you made a new user and logged in as that new user. it should hav the default settings you could look at. Im on kde right now so cant check. [09:29] Dr_Willis: ok thx [09:31] hi. trying to install ubuntu using alternate on a external hard drive partitioned as lvm (1 primary partition as vg, not full disk). /boot, root are within the lvm. install runs fine, grub installs fine. but never boots: i get a blank screen [09:32] foormea: you may need /boot/ not in the lvm. [09:32] Dr_Willis: apparently grub2 supports /boot within the lv ; but i tried with /boot outside of the lv and same damn thing :( [09:32] what are you gainign by using a lvm anyway? [09:32] flexibility [09:32] You DID tell the installer to isntall to the usb drive? [09:32] are you really going to be resizeing partitions? [09:32] 1tb drive. i like to play around with OSes [09:33] I got a 1tb hd just for HOME. :) [09:33] Dr_Willis: yes, i knwo what i'm doing [09:33] hi [09:33] Which is the best torrent downloader for ubuntu..? [09:33] Go for it then I guess. try a non lvm install perhaps as a text. [09:33] test. [09:33] torrent...uhm [09:33] karthick87: depends on your needs. they can all do the basics. [09:33] use a light one [09:33] transmission is so good [09:34] karthick87: rtorrent for text mode, ktorrent for a nice kde one, for gnome and other no idea [09:34] hello good morning, I have installed ubuntu on VMware, I just did an upgrade on my Windows 7 PC and VMware network adapter vanished. is no more there. hence I can't connect to the network on my Ubuntu system. how do i fix it please ? [09:34] gnome use the built in torrent client [09:34] is called transmission [09:34] Which one should i use? [09:34] ive been using qBittorrent - it has a feature where it can download files 'in order' so i can watch ep1, while ep2 is downloading. :) [09:34] karthick87: it depends on your needs.... [09:34] USE TRANSMISSION [09:35] hi all [09:35] karthick87: try one.. if it does the job fine.. if not try another. [09:35] I SAID TRANSMISSION IS THE BEST AND LIGHT [09:35] i'm running a 64 bit lucid server upgraded from jaunty to karmic then to lucid [09:35] universalinterfa, lose the caps [09:35] its defaunatly not the 'best' for everyone. and light is rather meaningless if its lacking features you want. [09:35] guys, i really need some help. i'm in bash as root@(none):/# and i am trying to fix a problem involving open sound system failing to open. [09:35] universalinterfa: caps are bad :\ [09:35] gosh is it the chan etiquette to use capital letters like that? [09:36] yes [09:36] Furi: so the system was working? you then did somthing and now its booting to the root terminal? or what happened exactly? [09:36] i was screaming [09:36] and from what i can accertain it is hanging at udev starting during boot [09:36] hi all. im trying to connect my ps3(eth0) to internet via this computer. i enabled ipv4 forwarding but it isnt working. is there anyone who has experience? [09:36] universalinterfa, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic [09:36] any suggestion ? [09:37] Dr_Willis: rebooted. i updated like 20 hours before i rebooted, so that's probably related === viki is now known as Guest35653 [09:37] !ics | th_ [09:37] th_: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php [09:37] while i close the chrome browser after browsing the system hangs , i tried reinstall .how to fix it? [09:37] Furi: and that was all you did? updated/upgraded/rebooted? no other fancy changes? [09:37] th_: no idea how ps3 works, but if you wanna achieve nat you need to set ipforwarding rules [09:37] Dr_Willis: nope [09:37] yes try to format your brain with sudo apt-grt remove shit [09:37] foormea, yes that is what i was thinking but no idea how to do that [09:37] universalinterfa, stop that [09:37] lol [09:38] sreeju: reinstalling programs to fix things is 'windows thinking' , try running chrome from a terminal, look for error messages when it hangs. also you may want to ssh in from some other machine and check the logs when it hangs and see if any commands can wake it back up. [09:38] hey there, i have a command running through ssh on a server, but its gonna take a while for that command to finish. if i get out of range my ssh session is gonna die. would my command still be running if my session timed out? [09:38] alright people. bye [09:38] if so is there a way i can keep that command going even if my session times out? [09:39] MoeMoney: use 'screen' in ssh.. its very handy. or 'nohup' [09:39] when it hangs even restart button is not working [09:39] the machine is running ext4 fs and it mounts fine ... but in the output it stops right before when udev starts on another 10.04 box [09:39] Each time i add a share with Nautilus it crashes (It dissapears without a warning, i am assumingit is not normal behavious) How cani see what it's doing? [09:39] anyone into public key ? [09:39] sreeju: ssh in, look at logs, try 'reboot' command or 'sudo service gdm restart' or try killing any processes that look hung. [09:39] Dr_Willis: would either of those require me to restart the command? [09:39] but there is no problem in other browser [09:39] MoeMoney: normally one uses screen when you first log in, and use it as your 'shell' so yes.. [09:40] I complete remove the AWN from synaptic. after that i remove every folder and file from my home folder by searching them from nautilus. after that i clean the system with bleachbit as root. and than i reboot the system and i install the AWN back and i see that the same configurations (my old settings) still for AWN. how it can be possible? i use ubuntu 10.1 but i can not remove a package ( program) with it's all configuration files. can someone explain me p [09:40] bawls :( [09:40] btw if i want to refresh my connection setting do i really have to reboot like that help page says? [09:40] what if i bg it then do nohup fg & [09:40] might that help? [09:40] sreeju: sounds like some driver crash/issue. try perhaps going to some empty web site befor closing the browser. or try the google chrome. or the daily builds of the chromin/chrome browsers [09:40] if i just restart networking service or something? [09:40] Dr_Willis: so...any ideas? [09:40] MoeMoney: not sure. I tend to use screen. :) [09:41] ah kk Dr_Willis [09:41] does anyone know why would denyhost keep adding the localhost into hosts.deny even knowing it is whitelisted? [09:41] Furi: not really other then try to update/upgrade againm, and rerun 'sudo update-grub' [09:41] Dr_Willis: oh i found nohup for existing jobs on the wiki. thanks for the help :) [09:41] ok [09:41] MoeMoney: if doing a lot of ssh. then screen/byobu is worth learning about. :) [09:42] Dr_Willis: tried update-grub, says it's read-only filesystem... [09:42] Dr_Willis: i see that now, i always thought it was unnecessary but i think from now on the first thing i'll do is use screen when i login [09:42] mm [09:42] ^z, bg and disown [09:42] raid 0, new install sees one volume but its cranky about GPT select yes and goes nowhere, reboot select no goes nowhere bad card or unsupported? [09:42] Furi: you can remount it. or try a live cd. sounds like that MAY be the bigger issue. the os defaults to remounting the HD as read only. if a disk error is detected. [09:43] Furi: you may want to be backing up any imporntant data soon. [09:43] on mobile phone sry fir sp [09:43] Dr_Willis: so this is growing into some big-ass thing that i have to deal with [09:43] quiescens: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1463852/why-do-unix-background-processes-sometimes-die-when-i-exit-my-shell [09:43] just found that too :) [09:43] thanks for the help quiescens , Dr_Willis [09:44] Furi: 'system mounting read only when it shouldent' has always been a hard drive failure in progress/happenign issue fromw hat ive seen. [09:44] Dr_Willis: then how do i remount it without it being read-only? [09:44] theres a -o remount, option to mount , you can use. [09:44] i would fsck the filesystems first. to make sure they are ok. [09:44] but i would BACKUP anything imporntant befor doing that. [09:45] to be honest, i have nearly no idea on what you're talking about [09:45] :) [09:45] Furi: do you have any thing imporjntant on there that you must 'have' ? [09:45] Dr_Willis: sure [09:45] Furi: use a live cd, and a external usb hd, or somthing. to get to it.. and copy it somewhere safe. [09:45] can you use two screens with one video card, with one port, and another onboard video port? [09:46] shazbotmcnasty: yes. you can. [09:46] anyone into public key auth ? [09:46] Dr_Willis: so i have to face the inevitable? [09:46] shazbotmcnasty: but the chipsets of the cards can make the task harder,. or easier.. [09:46] mhm [09:46] Furi: 'data worth keeping' is worth backing up. [09:46] I complete remove the AWN from synaptic. after that i remove every folder and file from my home folder by searching them from nautilus. after that i clean the system with bleachbit as root. and than i reboot the system and i install the AWN back and i see that the same configurations (my old settings) still for AWN. how it can be possible? i use ubuntu 10.1 but i can not remove a package ( program) with it's all configuration files. can someone explain me p [09:46] so it's a long hard task Dr_Willis ? [09:47] Dr_Willis: in other words, it's not 100% chance that i'm screwed, right? [09:47] shazbotmcnasty: for my nvidia system . took all of 10 sec... [09:47] I'm just wondering because my girlfriend wants to use two screens on ubuntu, and she wants to set it up [09:47] oh [09:47] Furi: if its a hard drive failure in progress... its hard to tell. [09:47] well can a linux noob do it in ten minutes? [09:47] what you did.. === jason is now known as Guest92837 [09:47] shazbotmcnasty: depends on your chipset.. with nvidia.. its easy. [09:47] kneato [09:47] #can anyone tell me how to rum lamp after i install it [09:48] i install the nvidia drivers. plug in both monitors.. (rebooted) ran nvidia-setup tool and set up 2 monitors. restarted X server.. [09:49] Dr_Willis: oh, wow. fucking wonderful. [09:49] I complete remove the AWN from synaptic. after that i remove every folder and file from my home folder by searching them from nautilus. after that i clean the system with bleachbit as root. and than i reboot the system and i install the AWN back and i see that the same configurations (my old settings) still for AWN. how it can be possible? i use ubuntu 10.1 but i can not remove a package ( program) with it's all configuration files. can someone explain me p [09:49] kenet_yum: run bleachbit as the user perhaps. [09:49] Dr_Willis: my life is really starting to suck badly, this month so many crappy things have been happening [09:49] kenet_yum: sounds like you are missing some config files in the users home dir. [09:50] kenet_yum: and the package manager system does NOT normally touch anything in the users home dirs. [09:50] LAMP Problem here [09:50] need help some one :( [09:50] Dr_Willis: what we should do ? we have to use an application like "unistaller" or something ? [09:51] kenet_yum: i rarely have an issue with the configs staying. [09:52] Dr_Willis: anyways, i did mention to you that it's open sound system not opening right, right? [09:52] my screen goes blank while logging to ubuntu10.10 [09:52] kenet_yum: traditionally uninstalls do not remote any user settings etc because the administrator could well be a different person to the users that are using it, you probably need to do something like "gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/avant-window-navigator" on the user in question [09:52] and alll the visual effect are no t working [09:53] hmm, i don't know for sure whether that gconf path is up to ate [09:53] if i have multiple interfaces, how do i set one interface as default interface/ [09:54] ? [09:54] quiescens: i did it too. but it is not wokring. there is a big problem for config files of gnome. not just for awn but for other packages too. i remove and install many packages but i face the same problem... :( [09:54] yes [09:54] quiescens: this is a gnome's problem or not ? [09:54] yes its upt0 date [09:55] kenet_yum: as we've said, uninstalling is not intended to reset any user settings because it would be inappropriate for uninstalling something to delete some other user's data [09:55] quiescens: so there is nothing to do ? [09:57] hi I m trying to edit resolv.conf but it is read-only, how can I get the right to edit it ? [09:58] olivvv_ try the sudo prefix before your edit call [09:59] how to scons install it says don't know how to make target `install' [09:59] I m doint that in the gui [09:59] Dr_Willis: i started up via a livecd, but it's all temp stuff [10:02] hello, having some issues with my opengl3+ dev under ubuntu.. I get an undefined ref to a single function: glDeleteVertexArrays() [10:02] My Nautilus keeps dissapearing when i make shares. please. Ho can i find outwhat happens, it's not like a make shares all day so it's not critical but i find it unsettling. [10:03] hello together i have a couple of pictures in a sd card and would lik to change the direction like to left ect... [10:04] in the explorer it isn't a function [10:05] Q: how to I chk if my libs are outdatet? and possibly see what libs my exec uses on runtime [10:05] can restart or turn wireless card on from terminal? [10:06] hey [10:07] can someone help my computer isnt working [10:07] hey hey [10:07] DiogenesW:what is the command ? I randomly tried sudo edit resolve.conf [10:07] it caught on fire and it made a whrrrrrrrrrrrrrblrrrrrrrrrrgh sound [10:07] whicheditor do you use, olivvv_ ? [10:07] im on my moms computer [10:08] Sam__, ##hardware [10:08] the sound was like WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr----BLAAAAAAREIRGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL [10:08] Sam__, wrong channel [10:08] my computer blew up [10:08] help me [10:08] wats a channel [10:08] my mommy told me to fin help on googel [10:08] DiogenesW:default one [10:08] Sam__: this channel is for ubuntu support. You apparently have a hardware issue. Take it to a computer store [10:08] Sam__, offtopic chat on #ubuntu-offtopic hardware help in ##hardware [10:08] im sad no one wl help me :( [10:09] WHY DO U ALL HATE ME IM TELling my mommmyyyy [10:09] olivvv_ which is? [10:10] does anybody know how i could change the direction of my pcitures directly from the sd card and not only in the cache [10:10] DiogenesW:gedit [10:10] technikfreak, flip them 180 degrees? [10:10] then the command should be "sudo gedit /resolv.conf" [10:10] yes [10:11] technikfreak, phatch [10:11] is that a terminal command_ [10:11] Dr_Willis: i tried booting from livecd and everything is local to the disk [10:11] !info phatch | technikfreak [10:11] technikfreak: phatch (source: phatch): simple to use Photo Batch Processor - GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.7-2 (maverick), package size 217 kB, installed size 812 kB [10:11] --------------------------- http://www.cccsex.net ------------------------------- :) real free! === ian__ is now known as iflema [10:12] thx y olivvv_ does that work? [10:13] mmh, strange it opens the file, but the content is empty [10:13] if i do it in the gui there is content [10:13] then you have the path wrong and geditr opens a new file [10:14] olivvv_ try "sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf" [10:16] what's the linux equivilant of 'dir'? eg, 'dir c:/' would list all files in that directory. [10:16] DiogenesW:works, thanks [10:16] tphive: ls [10:16] can i enable wireless using terminal? [10:16] olivvv_ it would be nice if you get the prnciple why it works [10:17] sorry, sounded a bit offensive# [10:17] DiogenesW: I guess program name and then path [10:17] jackbox26 thanks [10:17] and sudo is to say that i am super powerful, right ? [10:18] yep, anbd when you need administrator rtights, sudo as prefixed command [10:18] olivvv_ it says you are the caretaker of the computer [10:18] super user do? [10:18] sudo = Subtitute User and DO [10:18] oh :) [10:19] it's derived from the "su" command, whcih means "substitute user" [10:19] you could follw any user on the machine, but by default, it means root [10:20] if you were alfred and wanted to take over as bert, you usew "su bert", enter bert'S password and now wor wth bert's right [10:20] rights [10:20] Where are the definitions of the shares i make for samba? they aren't going to /etc/samba/samba.conf like i expected :( [10:21] Hi! [10:22] can anyone tell me how to set proxy exceptions in my bashrc? i took a guess at http_proxy_exceptions but it didnt work [10:23] i'm new in the community and i'd like to help [10:23] !contribute | angelo [10:23] angelo: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate [10:23] i can use C/C++, Java.... [10:23] :-) [10:23] o_O [10:23] thank u guys [10:24] :-) [10:24] they are just links? [10:25] Daghdha, you mean the ones you create by right click a folder in nautilus ? [10:25] I found them [10:25] thanks [10:25] They are little config files [10:25] Daghdha, yes made by software provided by nautilus-share [10:26] yeah, i saw that, but in the artwork area a person told me that maybe there will be need in future, when work will take more shape [10:26] | ubottu [10:27] angelo, this isn't the place to find out. [10:28] Hmm, adding new ones but they don't list [10:28] yeah airtonix, its an advice in the artwork area to use IRC [10:29] angelo, but not this channel. [10:29] ah, ok [10:29] and where? [10:29] i'm new in IRC too [10:29] morning all [10:30] has anyone encountered any issues with the system freezing up when you try to access your download folder? [10:30] it only happens with that folder. [10:30] Daghdha: theres some directorys/files in /var/ that handle the user made shares. [10:31] angelo, using irc isn't a hit and run affair like you would be used to with instant messaging... but anyway : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [10:31] yes Dr_Willis, i found them and added one. It's not showing up though. Gonna reboot and see if it shows then [10:31] Daghdha, you don't need to reboot [10:31] ok [10:32] thank u [10:32] Daghdha: i think one nees to logout/back in for them to work. [10:32] Daghdha: at least the first time.. [10:32] or just : sudo service smbd restart [10:33] is brtfs good enough to be used for /home or is data loss excepted? [10:33] I run ubuntu in a virtualbox, can I copy and paste from windows ? [10:33] olivvv_: with guest addons yes [10:34] daedaluz: ive heardits gotten very good. but i dont think you gain much from it vs ext3/4 at this time. [10:34] lol, it don't show yet. [10:34] ok, i ll into that later, and will noy type with my little fingers [10:34] * Daghdha checks file [10:34] olivvv_, it's actually called "guest additions" [10:35] Dr_Willis: well seeing how next release is going to default to brtfs and it's way fast in MeeGo vs ext4 in latest Ubuntu so.. [10:35] aw ok, i see it. It's owned by root iso me === lodger is now known as Guest86665 [10:36] Daghdha, I suppose there is a good reason why you are not simply using nautilus to create the share ? [10:36] yey! [10:36] yes, it crashes eachtime i do [10:36] has anyone encountered any issues with the system freezing up when you try to access your download folder? [10:36] and sometimes it makes the share and sometimes it doesn't [10:39] every single time i access the download folder/dir for even a second the damn system freezes up. [10:40] leftist, even from terminal ? [10:40] i am try8ing it now airtonix [10:40] when i run wubi 10.10 on my netbook (windows xp), it only offers "try and full install" and "learn more", but no "install inside windows" button, what gives? [10:40] let you know [10:40] hpj_, just create a liveusb instead and book from usb... [10:41] i am trying to just copy the contents first before i do anything termally destructive [10:41] airtonix: yes, i actually have an usb already [10:41] but i don't know how to install ubuntu inside windows from the normal ubuntu install cd [10:42] or usb, for that matter [10:42] hpj_: i believe you start the process within windows [10:42] gurus how do I disable gdm in 10.04 ? ls -l /etc/rc2.d/ | grep -i gdm gives nothing [10:43] geoffmcc: as i've said, when i run wubi within windows, it doesn't offer me the option to install ubuntu inside my windows [10:43] i have the latest version of nautilus-share :/ [10:43] hpj_: thats the only reason why you would use wubi so it dont give an option - unless i am misunderstanding [10:44] geoffmcc: sorry, i don't understand your sentence === chouchou_ is now known as chouchou [10:44] i want to install ubuntu inside my windows [10:45] i already have the following: [10:45] ubuntu cd [10:45] ubuntu live usb (bootable) [10:45] hpj_: if your using wubi its to install within windows. its not gonna give you an option to install within windows cause if thats not what you wanted you wouldnt be using wubi [10:45] ubuntu iso [10:46] when I plug in my usb key I get http://pastebin.ca/1983523 in dmesg. Nothing else happens. How do I actually use it? [10:46] geoffmcc: sorry, i still don't understand you at all [10:46] simply tell me how i can install ubuntu inside windows [10:46] hpj_: with wubi [10:47] geoffmcc: right, but that exact option is not shown when i start wubi [10:47] hpj_: because there is no other reason to use wubi but to install within windiows [10:47] all the guides i find on the net have a screenshot of wubi start dialog with three buttons [10:47] when i start wubi, it only shows two buttons [10:48] hpj_: it knows thats what you want to do cause your using it [10:48] once again: that option is not being offered to me [10:48] hpj_, Try to start it whit the command --force-wubi [10:48] I suggest not using wubi at all. :) but thats just my oponion. [10:49] hpj_: sorry cant think of a way to explain any better i guess [10:49] Dr_Willis: i will second that. use livecd or install completely. [10:49] Silasle: oh yes, that brings me the "inside" button [10:49] what's going on here? [10:49] how do I tell which fs type is on a usb key? [10:50] lesshaste: 'sudo fdisk -l' [10:51] geoffmcc: i think you missunderstood me from the start - i didn't come here because i didn't know about wubi, but because wubi isn't doing what it's supposed to do on my computer [10:52] could be they changed wubi in 10.10. and the gudes are not up to date [10:52] hpj_, Is it working whit the --force-wubi? [10:52] Silasle: yes [10:52] hpj_: your saying its not giving you an option to install within windows right? [10:52] but why? [10:52] hpj_: im saying thats cause its assumed - cause your using wubi [10:52] geoffmcc: right - until i used "--force-wubi" [10:52] I got the same, if i was running from usb drive [10:53] I think they don't want you to use USB for wubi [10:53] geoffmcc: that's ridiculous - it doesn't assume it at all, in fact it prevents me from doing it [10:54] geoffmcc: in your opinion, what button should i have pressed in order to install wubi inside windows? [10:54] hpj_: i guess im not familar with the screen - i always just next right threw it with no problem [10:54] geoffmcc: i think you only know the old wubi 10.4 [10:54] which doesn't have that start screen [10:55] ok i was able to copy the contents of the download folder to a temp location, however even when i open the copied contents download folder from a fresh location it still freezes up. if i delete the downlod folder will it be rebuilt on startup? [10:55] Silasle: at first i thought it's because i was running wubi from usb, and in a subdir too [10:55] leftist: the download directory. is just a directory called 'Downloads' nothing special to it. [10:55] ok thanks dr_willis [10:55] I am making all my shares GUEST. and then it puts 777 as mod, can i changeitto 766 and it still works? [10:56] hpj_: i guess so. seems odd to change something that was only a couple clicks into something more [10:56] Daghdha: try it and see. [10:56] so copied wubi and the iso to d:\ under windows, as some articles i found on the web suggest [10:56] but still it wouldn't give me the inside button [10:57] i dident even know wubi could work any other way then 'install inside windows' :) [10:57] hpj_: are you using usb cause no usb drive? [10:57] hpj_: sorry i meant cd [10:57] that's right [10:58] hpj_: i don't know how much help this will be - as far as i remember, when you put in the livecd in windows, there's one option to install inside windows. then, wubi will start and ask you where you want to install and also how much size should be given to it. also about usernames and passwords. [10:58] btw, i'm looking forward to the ethernet driver theater [10:58] hpj_: i never tried it - but what about daemon tools [10:58] when i tried ubuntu live on this netbook, it failed to install wifi driver [10:58] hpj_: with wubi instal that is - dont remmber if wubi has to restart first [10:59] ive heard using Deamon Tools can confuse wubi.. really you can download the wubi.exe from the ubunt u sites and it can download/install from the iso i thought. [10:59] but i dont use wubi. :) so i may be wrong. [10:59] geoffmcc: i think wubi installs eveything first and then reboots [10:59] I figured out that --force-wubi should work as i tried to install xubuntu on an computer whit broken cd drive and to old to start directly from usb [11:00] Dr_Willis: i can see it confusing wubi - but never tried it like that [11:00] But it first copied from the usb drive and then it wanted to download the iso too :( [11:00] ok i deleted that download directory and i opened the d/l copy folder via gui and it froze up again. could it be content that is causing this in this folder? only thing i can figure? [11:01] seems odd to me that the newest ubuntu can't get a driver for a popular netbook model that's over one year old [11:01] leftist: check dmesg out put in the console. when it freezes up. [11:01] lenovo ideapad 10-2 that is [11:01] ok [11:01] leftist: or try an empty directory.. , could be some odd bug. or a hardware issue [11:01] ok [11:02] try accessing the Downloads dir from a terminal also.. [11:02] ok [11:03] how can I check how much %age RAM and CPU is being used by ALL the processes currently running ? [11:03] dr0id: htop, or top. is what i normally use. [11:03] umm, that doesn't shows the total [11:03] check their options. [11:03] hmm ,thanks :) === chouchou_ is now known as chouchou [11:04] free command shows ram used.. [11:04] as for cpu.. it changes so fast. :) its hard to tell [11:04] dr0id, Why not just use system monitor? [11:04] I just have ssh access [11:04] ok [11:04] ssh -X remotebox, then run the gui tools. :) [11:04] Dr_Willis: uggh, see, --help gives me -> http://pastie.org/private/b2vjqzyut44buzvussu6eq [11:05] dr0id: yes. top and htop have lots of options [11:05] umm, that's not explained [11:05] theres various sysinfo type scripts/programs out there also. [11:05] htop looks better [11:05] http://pastie.org/private/b2vjqzyut44buzvussu6eq [11:05] ok, I will get htop then [11:06] don't know why, but whenever I install anything from apt-get , I get this msg everytime, http://pastie.org/private/rxjpt5wgxsby4izfaobcdq any idea why ? [11:07] dr0id: what version of ubuntu? [11:07] 9.10 [11:08] dr0id: pastebin /etc/environment [11:08] hmm, it's not there -_- [11:08] ok, 777 it is :) [11:09] dr0id: apt-get install language-pack-en-base -- as per http://bookmarks.honewatson.com/2009/05/30/perl-warning-please-check-that-your-locale-settings-ubuntu/ [11:10] geoffmcc: what did you google? [11:10] dr0id: how did you set en_IN as your LANG? [11:10] dr0id: perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: [11:10] jrib: I don't know anything, am working on my client's VPS [11:10] dr0id: ask client [11:11] ayta einai [11:11] !gr | koukou [11:11] koukou: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes [11:12] ok thanks..!!! [11:12] seems we see a lot of badly configured VPS's in herer. [11:12] k [11:14] can i ask something about wine?? [11:14] koukou, installing it? or app help [11:15] koukou, particular app help better dealt with in #winehq [11:15] ok ,, thanks [11:15] htop says, Taks: 112 total, 1 running, that means only 1 task/process is running the list ? [11:16] dr0id, http://paste.ubuntu.com/526943/ [11:16] hello, i can't get to work my wacom bamboo pen, can anybody help me? [11:17] Silasle: what shall I do with that ? [11:17] Save it as for example cpu.py and run it whit python cpu.py [11:18] Should give you cpu usage in % every 2 seconds [11:18] I have installed wine and trying to execute .exe files. Every exe files gives an error saying "file should be marked as executable", Hence i go into properties and try to check "allow file to be executed as program" but as soon as i tick, it gets unchecked automatically, whats wrong ? I also tried it via command line using chmod command to give execute permission to the exe file. It didn't change permission too (without any errors) [11:18] weird. [11:19] 新手学习报个到....可惜不会英语 [11:19] xt3mp0r: what filesystem? [11:19] !english | yaxixingye [11:19] yaxixingye: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [11:19] jrib, Sorry. i am a bit new to this. how can i know the filesystem i'm using? [11:19] xt3mp0r: « mount » [11:20] does somebody know how to edit grub2 to add text option for booting 10.04 to text mode ? [11:20] Silasle: lol, giving me 0.12 everytime and sometimes 0.00 [11:20] dr0id, And what is it really? [11:21] jrib, type fuseblk [11:21] Hi [11:21] hey guys which package gives you egl dev libs? [11:21] Silasle: htop says, Task: 115total, 1 running, does that means only 1 task is running in that big list ? [11:21] dr0id, I get around 25 and it's true [11:21] xt3mp0r: pastebin the output please [11:21] How can I change default CPU governor from ondemend to performance (I don't need ondemend becouse it is a desktop PC, not laptop) [11:21] bis später [11:21] Silasle: may I PM you to show a screenshot please ? [11:21] dr0id, I dont have htop installed [11:22] hello, i can't get to work my wacom bamboo pen, can anybody help me? [11:22] dr0id, Sure [11:22] wakatana: edit /etc/default/grub and put 'text' as the default options.. or edit the grub line at the grub menu and use 'text' at the end. [11:22] jrib, http://pastebin.com/AqUhHv3V [11:22] wakatana: or if you want a text option in addation to the others.. you could make a 40_custom entry for it.. but not sure how to auto-update that. [11:23] xt3mp0r: are you using an ntfs partition? [11:23] heya there, i'm trying to use evolution-mapi to connect to exchange 2007.. i've got all server address details from the OWA page, but i can't seem to authenticate [11:24] I'm trying to ask a question in the #inkscape channel and I get "#inkscape :Cannot send to channel" [11:24] jrib, actually i installed ubuntu 10.10 using wubi within my windows setup. The exe files which i am trying to run are from my windows drives. I am unsure, but yes it is ntfs i guess. [11:24] !register | casadrya [11:24] casadrya: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [11:24] casadrya: you proberly need to register your nick. [11:24] ok [11:24] ciao [11:25] xt3mp0r: are they just exe files to install? It isn't recommended that you run exe's that have been installed in windows for example. If that's not the case, you can change the permissions at mount time [11:25] !ntfs > xt3mp0r [11:25] xt3mp0r, please see my private message [11:25] Dr_Willis, so i shoud put 'text' somewhere in /etc/default/grub ? [11:25] or in section GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT ? [11:26] wakatana: i replace the options that are in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" [11:26] jrib, giving a try to change permission at mount time [11:26] Dr_Willis: may I pm you to show a screenshot ? [11:26] dr0id: a screen shot of what? [11:26] my htop [11:27] dr0id: what are you trying to even figure out? i frogot. [11:27] Dr_Willis: some cpu processes, etc. [11:28] htop shows the cpu used.. and how mych each process is using.. so whats the problem? [11:28] Dr_Willis: check your PM please [11:28] you said 'hi there' in pm.. so..... :) [11:28] heya there, i'm trying to use evolution-mapi to connect to exchange 2007.. i've got all server address details from the OWA page, but i can't seem to authenticate [11:29] Dr_Willis: well, you didn't reply, so I thought you were not there :P please check now and reply ;) === yy is now known as Guest47915 [11:30] hi [11:34] #join [11:34] #join ubuntu-br [11:34] como fao pra entrar na sala em portugues brasil do ubuntu [11:34] hi everyone [11:34] ubuntu_, /join #ubuntu-br [11:34] has anyone here used Ubuntu on an ARM processor ? [11:35] valeu brow [11:35] ;join #ubuntu-br [11:35] can anyone point me to a good guide for evolution. especially i want to learn about the security features offered by evolution and how to set them up [11:35] why would ubuntu think i have 4x USB 1.1 and 2x USB 2.0 when this is a brand spanking new mobo with 6xUSB 2.0? [11:35] I disabled "font smoothing" but it's still showing up in some programs (namely Firefox), is it Gnome's or their fault? [11:36] Sanky: some times programa need to be restarted to have some changes like those to take effect. [11:36] Dr_Willis, I've restarted many times after applying that [11:37] s/after/since [11:37] Firefox may be doing its own thing in the rendering of the html. as for the menu;s that should be getting the setting appled i think. [11:37] will removing compiz have any adverse reactions? [11:37] i have noticed firefox menus rendering a little differently then other gnome apps in the past however.. [11:37] Nope, it's applied for the menus in it too [11:37] I have ati so i really don't use it haha [11:37] robertzaccour: i would leave it alone. and just disable it. [11:37] something like how to setup pgp and s/mime [11:37] Chromium forces it too, is that a trend nowadays? :V [11:38] Dr_Willis, what all is it integrated with that it will damage? [11:38] hi all [11:38] howdy [11:40] hi! who can teach me how to install e17 on 10.04? [11:41] Euthanatos: Drivers. [11:41] Euthanatos: Maybe there are two different controllers, one for the first four and one for the latter two? [11:41] hi, i'm trying to figure out if some kernel patches are in ubuntu's kernel. So I want to get the linux-sources, but it wants to install all this additional stuff like gcc and several C dev libraries. I don't need them for this, any way to get only the linux-sources? [11:42] FYI since it's an internet facing server I'm really reluctant to install dev stuff [11:42] Perhaps using `apt-get source'? [11:42] !kernel > freakynl [11:42] freakynl, please see my private message [11:42] freakynl: just use git [11:43] Euthanatos: Oh, I looked up `mobo'; I guess that's motherboard. I thought it might be a laptop or something. [11:43] solidsnack: that's worse, it needs dpkg-source and that requires a lot more dev stuff :) [11:43] freakynl: Oh, weird. [11:43] jrib: can I be sure those sources aren't newer? [11:44] freakynl: no, but git is versioned :P But it sounds like you should just do this on another machine anyway [11:44] i cant install xmms [11:44] solidsnack, but it's a fresh install of ubuntu...lucid 64bit...i mean really? USB 1.1? [11:44] cola4231: what happens when you try? [11:44] !xmms > cola4231 [11:44] cola4231, please see my private message [11:45] Euthanatos: There are many drivers it won't have. [11:45] cola4231: xmms is rather old.. thers better alternatives today. [11:45] Because of "freedom". [11:45] !xmms [11:45] xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details. Consider using audacious or xmms2 instead. [11:45] Euthanatos: Do you have two separate controllers? [11:45] do you have any like xmms software? [11:45] cola4231, audacious [11:45] whats that [11:45] cola4231: the factoid mentioned 2... thers others [11:46] cola4231: check package manager for media/music players.. theres dozens of them. [11:46] i before install a software like winamp [11:46] solidsnack, i believe so, they're physically seperate and technically there are 6, two are esata, on the back and inside there are pins for 6 more USB [11:47] cola4231: theres numerous medis players out there... it all depends on yoru needs. [11:47] but i forget what is the name [11:47] cola4231, thats audacious [11:47] Euthanatos: What are the two controllers? [11:47] jrib: I can pull in the git tree on my laptop. In fact I don't even need the whole source, I only need to see drivers/scsi/libsas/sas_ata_c [11:47] dont like audacious [11:48] !media [11:48] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [11:48] cola4231: so try the others.... [11:48] xine? [11:48] i also cant install beep media player [11:48] http://tuxarena.blogspot.com/2010/09/very-nice-music-player-for-gnome.html [11:49] solidsnack, i don't kniow how to check that i've never had problems with usb before [11:49] thres several new/updated music players in the work also. [11:49] Euthanatos: lspci [11:49] Hi. I have a Lenovo G550, and I checked to see if it was 64 bit and it is. So I installed Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit, and its saying that I only have one CPU. What can I do so I can two like I'm supposed to? [11:50] Kevin147: what is saying you have 1 cpu? [11:50] Kevin147: you may have 1 cpu. and 2 cores.. perhaps... [11:50] solidsnack, http://pastebin.com/04uY5Gfc [11:50] I looked in the system monitor, and its showing I only have 1 CPU. [11:51] Kevin147: What does `/proc/cpuinfo' say? [11:52] What exactly are GTK+, KDE, and Debian? And which does Ubuntu 10.04 use? Has it ever used anything else? [11:52] Euthanatos: I wonder what EHCI and OHCI mean? [11:53] http://www.linux-usb.org/FAQ.html#gs7 [11:53] tphive: gtk is a toolkit (for buttons and other controls in gui programs), KDE is a desktop enviroment (like GNOME), and Debian is a distro that ubuntu is based on [11:53] tphive, GTK+ is a toolkit to create GUIs, KDE is a desktop environment, and Debian is a Linux distro. Ubuntu is based off of Debian, uses Gnome as a desktop environment. [11:53] jrib, lmao [11:53] GoldenFish4U: :) [11:53] :P [11:53] EHCI = USB 2.0 [11:53] soildsnack: http://pastebin.com/TqV2wV2s [11:54] solidsnack: : http://pastebin.com/TqV2wV2s [11:54] I'm new. Can someone tell me which is better kde or gnome? thank you very much. [11:54] :D [11:54] Gat0, no better just preferences [11:54] Gat0, it's a matter of preference [11:54] jrib: Thanks. :D [11:54] !better | Gat0 [11:54] Gat0: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [11:54] GoldenFish4U: Thanks! :D [11:55] yw tphive :) [11:55] i like a mp3player likes winamp [11:55] my usb key which I think has 2GB comes up as two removable drives, one of 5MB and one of 250MB. How do I fix this? [11:55] anyone know about it? [11:55] cola4231, try some from the package manager [11:56] lesshaste: Reformat it with `fdisk' and see what happens. [11:56] lesshaste: does it have the 'u3' feature? [11:56] solidsnack: sure but do I reformat sdd or sdf? [11:56] Dr_Willis: great question.. how do I tell? [11:56] lesshaste: normally it says it on it. :) [11:56] lesshaste: sdd? [11:56] too many i dont know which one is ok [11:56] lesshaste: sudo fdisk -l, and look at its layout. [11:56] bien, yo vengo de windows 7 pero no estoy contento con esto. Necesito un entorno sencillo e intuitivo para trabajar y empezar a aprender este sistema. [11:56] Gat0: English please [11:57] Dr_Willis: http://pastebin.com/zKeewQmG [11:57] Gat0: Spanish in #ubuntu-es [11:57] Well, I come from Windows 7 but I'm not happy about it. I need a simple and intuitive environment to work and begin to learn the system. [11:57] U3 = has 2 partitions on a usb one is a 'cdrom' that autoruns stuff for windows.. useless in linux,. and can confuse things. [11:57] sorry [11:57] lesshaste: I should think `fdisk /dev/sdd'? [11:57] -rwx---rwx <--- i am trying to write text to a file with given permission. when i changed it to 702, i was not able to write [11:57] Gat0, then I advise you use Gnome [11:57] google translate...heheh sorry [11:57] it's probably u3 liks Dr_Willis says lesshaste such a pain....you can fix i think now but you might have to do some special stuff [11:57] GoldenFish4U: Both are easy [11:57] Euthanatos: I also have windows 7 if that is any easier :) [11:58] ElNota, I didn't say KDE ain't easy [11:58] Umm I need help [11:58] all i did to remove U3 i think was used gparted to delete the partitions.. there may be some U3 reover tools out that may be better. [11:58] or use dd to zero the drive, then repartitionit. [11:58] inorder to write, one must be able to read it first? [11:58] Euthanatos: Well, I'm pretty confused; you might try looking for firmware for that chipset. [11:58] AFK [11:59] lesshaste, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/removal-of-u3-crap-from-usb-flash-how-410539/ [11:59] kde is more dificult? [11:59] several good suggetions and food for thought in that thread [11:59] i confused [11:59] Gat0: Yes, its not as user friendly as Ubuntu/Gnome is. [11:59] Gat0: i dont find kde hard.. ts just much more flexiable and different then gnome. [11:59] i cant install beep media player [11:59] cola4231: and how are youy trying? and what error do you get? [12:00] KDe is more astheticlly 'windows like' [12:00] it's a matter of preference really [12:00] sudo apt-get install beep-media-player [12:00] kde is getting so much 'more' then windows... :) [12:00] the kde in 10.10 is very useable.. but it is a bit overwhemling at times. [12:00] Gat0, try Gnome, if you don't like it, you can easily switch to KDE [12:01] lock [12:01] seems 10.10 no longer has the beep media player. [12:02] There is also a fork of classic BMP called Audacious Media Player [12:02] i dont understand "overwhemling" [12:02] any software like winamp on ubuntu? [12:02] sorry my english is bad.. [12:02] or xfce.... Gat0 think of them like flavors that's all......it's not so big a deal or that difficult....each window manager has different things you can customize and such [12:03] Gat0, abrumadora [12:03] just taste them and see what you like. [12:03] cola4231: have you even tried any of the 6+ media players we have suggested? [12:03] thanks GoldenFish4U [12:03] Dr_Willis: I'll try the simple gparted route, thanks [12:03] :) [12:03] Gat0, I sent you some PMs, check them [12:03] 6+? [12:04] !media [12:04] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [12:04] beep is dead.. so move on down the list.. [12:04] true, sorry I see it now GoldenFish4U [12:04] then i mentioned 2 that are not in the repos yet.. [12:04] http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-media-players-overview.html has an old 'summary' of several [12:04] np [12:05] Dr_Willis: hmm this is unobvious... had sdd and sdf. I can't even see what to delete in gparted [12:05] Kevin147, I wouldn't say that gnome is more user friendly than KDE but I would say that Ubuntu (and the dozens of apps for it) have made Ubuntu's gnome very idiot friendly [12:06] Folks, what would be cron command to execute every 1 hour? thx [12:06] the advent of lucid has linux almost as idiot friendly as vista [12:06] lesshaste: yea. u3 somehow made the usb show up as 2 devices.. I forget if in gparted if i deleted both.. or if i used a U3 remover tool under windows.. or if i had used 'dd' i did this with u3 proberly 2+ yrs ago. [12:06] hello [12:06] lesshaste: whats odd is that Your sizes dont add up either. [12:06] can u hear me [12:06] Dr_Willis: ok thanks.. I'll try the windows removal tool [12:07] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications lists 7 audio media players [12:07] guys . does anyone know if there is a channel for httrack [12:07] bit_, /msg alis list *httrack* [12:08] hey im looking for a solution to my mouse problem. Im running ubuntu 10.10 on a old biostar amd mobo, everything works find except for the mouse which seems to have a problem with flash for some reason. it also sticks when the notifications from ubuntu from pidgin pop up. i had an old ibm think pad using a p3 and that has ubuntu hardy and it works pretty fine. now ive browsed the internet and see this is a known problem but the're so many varients i c [12:08] Dr_Willis: grr.. it just says "insert a u3 smart drive" [12:09] Hi guys. Quick question: can standart gnome movie player emm... play video via vdpau? [12:11] hi, my system just had a freeze. after some time it worked again. where/how can i start to investigate for causes of the freeze? [12:11] .. [12:11] Folks, I have to run /home/box/script.sh every 1 hour. Would you be so kind to help me what command I should execute with cron or crontab? Thx [12:12] 0 0 [12:12] good people here, thank you very much for help me [12:12] StaRetji http://www.unixgeeks.org/security/newbie/unix/cron-1.html [12:12] I set to test ubuntu now [12:13] I'm trying to get my sound back but when trying to open alsamixer I get this error, cannot open mixer: Filen eller katalogen finns inte [12:13] I've been reading this guide about passwordless ssh because I'm going to employ backuppc [12:13] Works if I sudo it thought [12:13] lesshaste: could be the thing is just messed up.. if you were SURE of what /dev/ it is.. you could dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/XXXXX [12:13] What should I do? [12:13] best regards, bye! [12:13] cya [12:13] lesshaste: but you better be carefull with dd. :) [12:13] I don't quite understand the machanics of copying keys, and what exactly is being copied [12:13] anyone can help me with my issue? [12:13] Thx sergey, will read it [12:14] bazhang thanks [12:14] mreh: i tend to just do a 'ssh-keygen' then 'ssh-copy-id remotebox' and then it works. :) [12:15] mreh: it puts stuff in the proper .ssh dirs/files. is about all i know. [12:15] anyone usb mouse? [12:16] Dr_Willis: I do get a ERROR: No identities found [12:16] so clearly Ihaven't generated a key? [12:16] StaRetji 0 */1 * * * your_script runs your_script every hour [12:16] mreh: i keygen first.. then copy it... [12:16] so i would say yes mreh :) no keys yet [12:17] Hi all [12:18] How can I record tv using Zapping [12:18] Dr_Willis: I forgot to switch to the right account [12:18] genius [12:18] Hi everyone [12:19] I don't know howto see external drives in the Unity Interface. [12:19] Unity interface needs.. work badly... [12:19] +9001 Dr_Willis [12:19] jcd: they should be under the places/computer of the gnome file manager at least. [12:20] if you can figure out where THAT icon is at. :) [12:20] Thanks. I can get Nautilus open with Gnome Do. [12:20] Unity - teaching me the value of gnome-do :) [12:20] I tried unity for a few days... and gave up. === sergey is now known as foolext [12:21] does anyoneuse httrack [12:21] I tried it for a few minutes :D Couldn't get it to work [12:21] Is there a way to record tv using zapping === foolext is now known as slassh [12:21] !anyone | bit_ [12:21] bit_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [12:21] the question is.. will ssh recognise the remote machine if the ip-address changes? [12:21] mreh: define "recognize" [12:22] can u please help me with the syntax with httrack sot hat i could download a particular type of files [12:23] hello [12:23] please, what is a "gpe storm"? my systemf froze for some time and this is waht was mentione in dmesg. i can't google any info about that. [12:23] when I have all ports closed on my router I got internet speed of 100/100 Mbit .. but when I open them up and host some servers on them first the speed is still 100/100 .. but after some hours it drops to 1-10Mbit :S why is that? [12:25] m_fulder: how are you testing the speeds? [12:25] internet speed test [12:25] http://www.speedtest.net/ [12:25] so if you shut down all the servers.. the speeds go back up? [12:26] no [12:26] if I shut down all the servers and close all the ports [12:27] what if you just shut down the ports? [12:27] the servers wouldn't run [12:27] the ports are needed for them to run [12:27] so shutting down the ports are the same thing as shutting down servers and then ports [12:27] try it and see.. they would run. but not be able to connect or be attacked is what i am getting at.. [12:28] I dont see how open ports on a router would slow things down.. unless you are getting some sort of 'attacks' against you. [12:28] but i could be wrong. [12:28] Hi, i got and TS server version 2.0.r23.b19 Linux. Runing on a Ubuntu 10.0.4 And it's cutting the Voice when people talks, some one know how to solv this? all voice codec is enabled. [12:28] aha yeah you mean run them localy only [12:28] sec will try [12:29] Hi how can I record tv - I use tvtime and zapping [12:30] port closed - servers running and I got 88 Mbit down [12:30] back [12:33] huh [12:33] ppl are able to connect to my servers when I closed the ports :S [12:33] m_fulder: that seems.. odd. :) [12:34] yeah really weird :S [12:35] or well [12:35] ppl can't connect [12:35] \msg nickserver identify axe8462 [12:35] but the once that connected before are still online [12:35] \join #jna [12:35] \join #java [12:36] zesoze: /join #java [12:36] What's the file manager in gnome called? [12:37] Dr_Willis, there I've now reopened the ports .. and still Im getting 88 Mbit [12:37] gartral|p: nautilus [12:37] it is nautilus [12:37] hi [12:37] ciao [12:37] i don't have volume control applet in the list - how can i add it? [12:38] right click the panel [12:38] sandking: right click on task bar [12:38] look up for the volumn control === nouitfvf is now known as nouitfvf|aw [12:38] volume [12:39] ubuntu9981, intick : as i said - i don't have it on the applet list [12:39] i know how to add applets [12:39] sandking: it's notification zone i think [12:39] i just don' have this one [12:39] !resetpanel [12:39] To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [12:39] look up for gnome-media package [12:39] sandking: notification applet [12:39] maybe you uninstalled it [12:40] The new volume thing is part of that notfications applet thats where teh mail icon is at also. [12:40] yep ! as i said [12:40] Dr_Willis, oh, i removed that mail icon [12:40] or you can run the gnome-volume-control-applet for the older mixer icon [12:40] can't i have it separately/ [12:40] yaya that mail icon [12:40] no you cant [12:40] sandking: you removed the container that held ALL the indicator applets [12:40] yup [12:40] sandking: theres hacks to do it.. [12:41] oh, got it now [12:41] Dr_Willis: interessted === chouchou_ is now known as chouchou [12:41] add to panel 'indicator applet' [12:41] it should bring both back [12:41] this is strange that i need both of them [12:41] i don't want email notifier :/ [12:41] hi i have a problem .... my computer freeze when the internet disconnect and the only way to use my mouse and key board is to take off the cable of the internet [12:41] the indicator applet is the new way of doing things.. thats just how it is. [12:41] how do i install unity? [12:41] @help unity [12:41] someone can help me to install apps from console in lubuntu? [12:42] !help unity [12:42] BobSapp: install netbook-desktop is one way. [12:42] Dr_Willis: could you tel hw to del this mail icon ? [12:42] Dr_Willis, well, yes, but it would be nice if i could remove elements i don't want [12:42] intick: theres some web sites that mention what to remove to get rid of it. I got a gmail thing that uses it.. so i keep it now. [12:42] Dr_Willis: oi ill give it a test [12:42] kk [12:42] lauttman: what do you want to install? [12:42] How do I get the Me menu icon to show up in the systray? [12:42] intick: more and more apps are using that indicator-applet way. [12:42] oh, god, it's linked to evolution... at least i though it could use it as gmail notifier [12:43] youre all fucking nerds without life [12:43] oh [12:43] how to install flsh plugin , please [12:43] lauttman, that was useful [12:43] I have problem with compiz. I'm using a nvidia card and my computer run slowly. [12:43] lauttman: and you have such a full life you want to yell at us.. [12:44] 'how to NOT get help in ubuntu' [12:44] did any one read my problem ? [12:44] exit [12:44] lolla: what was the issue? [12:44] hi i have a problem .... my computer freeze when the internet disconnect and the only way to use my mouse and key board is to take off the cable of the internet [12:44] odee, 'sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin' [12:45] pretty new at ubuntu, Need help! [12:45] lolla: how is the internet disconnecting? [12:45] !manual | notreve [12:45] notreve: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [12:45] whats up notreve ? [12:45] notreve: or is there a specific question? [12:45] by it self it comes and go [12:45] oh,, it doesn't work dr_will [12:45] hellow [12:46] i think it is about the phone componey problem [12:46] is that what u want to know [12:46] ty [12:46] clr [12:47] lolla: ive never heard of anyone that had eyboard/mouse freezing when the network drops.. Unless its actually freezing befor and Causing the network dropping.. [12:47] easiest way to install tar.gz? [12:47] notreve: totally depends on what the tar.gz is [12:47] i cant install beep media player [12:47] When i copy a lot from win7 to ubuntu the network connection dies (I use SMB). Just now the whole machine even froze up and i had to reset. :/ [12:47] login theme [12:47] Hi i look for someone that have experience in hosting TS or Ventrilo servers in Ubuntu. [12:47] cola4231: beep media player is not in the repos.. it has been discontinued. it grew into audacious. [12:48] helllo [12:48] I'm having problems with the language settings, I want the whole interface in English but I want Dutch dates, currency, etc [12:48] notreve: most gdm thmes are for the OLD gdm. not gdm2. so its proberly pointless to try. [12:48] has the file syslog.conf found in /etc/ been moved somewhere else? [12:48] hmm oki [12:48] notreve: there are a few gdm2 themes out and some tools to install them. [12:48] show me to them, please [12:49] notreve: i dont use any of them. I just change the wallpape and thats it.. [12:49] notreve: http://delicious.com/dr_willis/gdm2 has my links on the topic. [12:49] oki thanks anyway [12:50] no the freezing only happen when the net is not working [12:50] some of the tools are outdated. and never worked very well to begin eith. [12:50] i know that because i got a very bad connection [12:51] Why does ubuntu refure to install updates because some things require untrusted packages? [12:51] jest tu jakis polak?? [12:51] refuse [12:51] !pl | mtym [12:51] mtym: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. [12:51] i am working with fortran code on a external hard drive in 10.10 and it now says "permission denied" when i try to run ./a.out...this worked fine in all previous version of ubuntu I have used...thanks [12:51] tomguest: wht filesystem is the external hd? [12:51] any software like winamp on ubuntu? [12:52] any software likes beep media player? [12:52] !info mpd [12:52] mpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15.10-1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 175 kB, installed size 504 kB [12:52] Dr_Willis: i believe it's fat32...is there an easy way to check in linux? [12:53] mount [12:53] tomguest: check mount output. You proberly need to mount it with the proper options. then everything will be 'executable' on it.. which can be an annoyance. [12:53] cola4231: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-media-players-overview.html first google search result [12:54] how to install python? [12:54] tomguest: you may want to do your development on a ubuntu/linux filesystem. ive had odd quirks with keeping code on vfat/fat/ntfs [12:54] mtym: python is installed by default [12:54] python --version [12:54] python --version [12:54] Python 2.6.6 [12:54] Dr_Willis: It's just that I work on computers in two different locations so I like having the hard drive as a go between [12:55] Dr_Willis: also is it strange that this works fine using 10.04 on my laptop? [12:55] tomguest: you can still format it as ext2 or whatever [12:55] tomguest: chedk fstab.. perhaps you got different options. [12:55] tomguest: or the systems are set to use diffrent default optuions. [12:56] hi folks [12:56] one is setting things to be 'executable' other is proberly not.. thats the core of it. [12:56] Hi there could someone help me with a server problem as I am pulling my hair out [12:56] * Dr_Willis hands dean_ a hat. [12:56] sdaasdasdassasas [12:56] Dr_Willis: is the command just "fstab"? [12:56] thanks Dr_Willis [12:56] !fstab [12:56] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [12:56] that's a bit of a bold assumption Dr_Willis [12:56] hola [12:56] tomguest: fstab is the config file. :) You may want to run the 'ntfs-config' program and check some of the options. [12:57] is somewhere polish channel? === chouchou_ is now known as chouchou [12:57] Dr_Willis thank you for your help [12:57] !pl | mtym [12:57] mtym: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. [12:57] * Daghdha started another massive filecopy, wait till Ubuntu LAN fails again. [12:57] Hi i look for someone that have experience in hosting TS or Ventrilo servers in Ubuntu. [12:57] When I am downloading using Vuze I cannot browse the web it times out is there anything i can do to stop this as this dont happen when I use windows? [12:58] if you set the fmask/dmask options for mounting NTFS/Vfat one way.. then every file will be shown as executable.. set it the other way and none of them will be shown as executable. === ubuntu_7411010 is now known as Chada [12:58] dean, pause downloads? [12:59] alos can install bmp [12:59] I have finished downloading now trojan_spike and its still not loading pages [12:59] Dr_Willis: when i run ntfs-config only my windows partition shows up [12:59] theyre still seeding tho.. [12:59] any software likes bmp? [12:59] Ive stoppped and removed it trojan_spike [12:59] oh,, [13:00] orbit: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line) [13:00] tomguest: there should be some check box;s covering external media also. [13:00] tomguest: what ubuntu version are you on right now? [13:00] cola4231: you've been given several already [13:00] 10.10 [13:00] I'm seriously on the verge of uninstalling Ubuntu but I dont want to [13:00] check sys-monitor,, see if it is fully stopped.. prob done already [13:00] !vfat [13:00] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [13:00] hi everyone [13:01] i want to set up a media server, that i can connect to from other computers in the same network and choose the video i want to watch and start watching === oCean_ is now known as oCean [13:01] sys-monitor where do i go to look on there? [13:01] Hi i look for someone that have experience in hosting TS or Ventrilo servers in Ubuntu. ( i don't need help with the install. I need help with some strange audio issues) [13:01] is that possible ? how? [13:01] tomguest: you culd make a custom fstab entry for the thing. and just mount/unmount it as needed and not use the automounting feature. [13:01] orbit: ask your actual question... [13:01] any software llike beep media player ? [13:01] administration / === max is now known as Guest65342 [13:01] cola4231: audacious [13:01] plainas: you can just use samba to share a directory (right click -> share) [13:01] Dr_Willis: okay, why does 10.10 make this harder? [13:02] tomguest: never noticed.. then again. i never use executables from vfat/ntfs... [13:02] orbit: those act like any other server [13:02] dont like it [13:02] wine winamp.exe [13:02] when i click on publish and sync keys in seahorse, then only my public keys will be published, right? i'm using ubuntu 10.04 [13:03] I've looked on that but nothing seems out of the ordinary trojan_spike [13:03] yes but when i logout i doest rember my list [13:03] orbit seems to me like those act like any oterh server [13:03] exit [13:03] afternoon. I've got an nx8220 laptop with an x600 graphics card. I've install ubuntu 10.10 and it's currently using the xserver-xorg-video-ati driver. There's choppy game play (on open-arena and minecraft), and I'm wondering if the fglrx driver would give better performance? [13:04] Dr_Willis: okay, thank you for this help...I think I'll have to deal with this issue when I have more time [13:04] n1md4: proberly - IF the chipset is supported. [13:04] seems to have stopped timing out now but this is a pain for when I am downloading trojan_spike [13:05] Dr_Willis: Thanks, how can I find out? [13:05] !ati [13:05] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [13:05] èù+ [13:05] has the file syslog.conf found in /etc/ been moved somewhere else? [13:05] yuiuio [13:05] u can try setting up a firewall === xumuk_ is now known as XuMuK === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [13:06] Anyone know how I would read and write to a text file using bash? [13:06] when i click on publish and sync keys in seahorse, then only my public keys will be published, right? i'm using ubuntu 10.04 [13:06] ubottu: I'm reading this now. [13:06] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:06] doh! [13:06] what difference would it make trojan_spike i am a newb on ubuntu? [13:06] Jef91: what do you want to accomplish? [13:06] firewall,, u could then block torrent when youre done with them [13:06] dean_, if you run an older computer vuze can slow things down , because it's java based I think [13:07] jrlib....mmm can i? does that alow me to play remote files right on? [13:07] I am creating a small shell script that will edit a value on a line of a config file jrib - so my friends don't need to use the CLI to change the default login on LXDE [13:07] plainas: try and see, that's one way for you to share files [13:07] is zfs any good on ubuntu? [13:07] i think it was just leaking when ur torrents were done [13:08] the only problem is I have had to use Vuze BluesKaj because the other torrent programs werent picking up any speeds [13:08] Jef91: ask #bash what's the best way. There are lots of ways to edit text files: echo/cat with redirection, sed, awk, etc... [13:08] Jef91, sed is good for search on replace [13:08] jrgp: but what i am looking for is not exactly to share files, for that we have sftp which works like a charm [13:08] jrib, First question, when i run ventrilo client sometimes i cant hear users that are talking, and sometimes i can hear them. Q2; I have a teamspeak2 server that cut off the voice for everyone connected so it's impossible to hear. [13:08] whati am looking for is a way to stream media on demand [13:08] Jef91, that is probably your best bet. You can also append to files with >> [13:09] plainas: ah, I don't know if streaming will happen with samba, but you should test and see [13:09] dean, ktorrent is very good. [13:09] Would I need more ram possibly [13:09] thanks smw, I'll look into that :) [13:09] watching videos over 'samba shares' isent really streaming. [13:09] * Jef91 goes off to read some man pages [13:09] I tried ktorrent trojan_spike very slow compared to Vuze [13:09] jrlib, that wont work, it wil download the file then open it [13:09] amarcolino: i could find only rsyslog.conf in /etc/ [13:09] ive been using qbitrorrent lately. [13:09] I also tried that Dr_Willis [13:10] plainas: I would try samba first, but see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MediaTomb [13:10] Does anyone here know how to cross/side-boot linux without having to reboot? [13:10] dean_, the speed isn't totally determined by the torrent client , but you can use unlilmited or as fast as your connection and sources will put out in deluge ..my fav , very configurable as well [13:10] wine utorrent.exe :) and theres also a 32bit port of utorrent (web interface only) to linux now. [13:10] dean_: deluge [13:10] gartral|p: what does that even mean? :) [13:11] jrlib, i already did, but i wasn't able to figure out if it's possible to stream on demand [13:11] tavish, so did I but the an pages online state that it should be in /etc/ and it controls syslog, now I am wondering which file controls syslog [13:11] Dr_Willis, web interface?? more? [13:11] I've tried deluge, transmission, k and qtorrent and Vuze was only one that would pick up speed [13:11] Dr_Willis: its an archaic BeOS term for basically hot-swapping a distrobution between versions on the fly [13:11] dean: assuming ur on a good private tracker, not a public one? :) [13:11] you mentioned u torrent 32 bit port how would I get that? [13:12] well on windows I used peerblocker Dropje^ but cant get my head round tar.gz files [13:13] plainas: #samba can also tell you if you can stream with samba I suppose [13:13] any1 know a good pdf reader like foxit on windows? [13:13] Dr_Willis: I know, in theory, its gotta be possible.. [13:13] trojan_spike: what more is there to say? utorrent came out with a 32bit linux port a few eeeks back.. it runs with no gui. You access it via the web interface same asyou would the win version. [13:13] adobe Dropje^ [13:13] I have just insalled ubuntu and my sound is not working. I have two soundcards in my computer, one which's attached to the motherboard and one external [13:13] Hi all. I hear about Unity instead of Gnome. Is this what comes as a default in 10.10 Desktop installs ? [13:14] gartral|p: every so often i hear some mention of a similer feature.. but never seen it amount to anything. [13:14] Night_Elf: on netbook edition - yes. [13:14] Night_Elf: on desktop install the netbook-desktop package. [13:14] utorrnet linux.. must have [13:14] so no GUI? this with fox add-on? [13:14] I can see the sound icon at the top panel but still no sound when I fire up sound or video applications [13:14] Daghdha: the 32bit only is a limititon. [13:14] many toosluse webadmin. specially python based [13:14] dean: i mean like foxit for windows, but a pdf reader on ubuntu? [13:14] trojan_spike: it uses the WEB interface... as i said.. :) [13:14] That way it works on all OS's that have e.g. python. [13:15] I see dropje 7zip is meant to be good [13:15] i'll google [13:15] dead: lemme check [13:15] *dean: :) === mahioo is now known as moldakv [13:15] hello [13:15] Dr_Willis: thanks, ill ask. In good ole' #linux [13:15] np Dropje^ [13:16] Hi all. I hear about Unity instead of Gnome. Is this what comes as a default in 10.10 Desktop installs ? [13:16] is it easy to get utorrent on linux then Dr_Willis [13:16] At finally, I made an local repo using repo DVD isos. I followed this link. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1090731 === moldakv is now known as mahioo [13:17] dean: 7zip is for compressed files etc, not a pdf viewer right? [13:17] Dropje^: correct [13:17] what do you use to connect to skype, msn or yahoo? [13:17] i have 64bit:/ [13:17] Night_Elf: know any nice pdf viewer on ubuntu? [13:18] my bad Dropje^ I think ubuntu has a built in pdf reader [13:18] dean: no problem, i know :) but i dont like it [13:18] Dropje^, acroread [13:18] Dropje^: you don't like Evince ? [13:18] ah I see Dropje^ I think you can get adobe on linux [13:18] Night_Elf: no... thanks BluesKa ill look into that one [13:19] alfa builds.. nevermind [13:19] I hear about Unity instead of Gnome. Is this what comes as a default in 10.10 Desktop installs ? [13:19] Dr_Willis: I will use transmission instead. Also has web interface [13:19] is it advisable to give my own user mount power? until now i did moutnign always with sudo [13:19] if I want to change what goes into syslog which file do I edit as syslog.conf doesn't exist? [13:19] Dropje^, it's the linux version of adobe [13:19] Benkinooby: I'd rather keep it that way. [13:20] hi guys.. it seems like : in.archive.ubuntu.com:http is not accessible... apt-get is failing.. [13:20] Just saw the news Ubuntu is moving to wayland at some point... Anyone know if there is a way to install/play with wayland on 10.04? [13:20] anyone have faced similar issue. [13:20] hm, but then... when i plug in a pendrive it get's automounted and i can read files... how comes? [13:20] Daghdha: most all clients have a web interface these days [13:20] abhijeet, change your sources in the software manager [13:21] Jef91: its not in a very useable state at this time. [13:21] BluesKaj, let me check it.. [13:21] Jef91: depends a lot on your video card also [13:21] Benkinooby: it's the 'fuse' subsystem, filesystem access in userland [13:21] nice tip to all: adding an alias to .bashrc and reloading it after with . .bashrc make it permanent, even after rebooting :P [13:21] nvidia and/or intel chip DR_Willis [13:21] Jef91: nvidia is going to be a complex issue.. intel with open sourced drivers.. should be ok, [13:22] Any idea if it works in VirtualBox DR_Willis? [13:22] I hear about Unity instead of Gnome. Is this what comes as a default in 10.10 Desktop installs ? [13:22] Could someone explain to me why Unity is being flamed so hard? [13:22] Dropje^: or put them in the . ~/.bash_aliases [13:22] !ot | gamefreak264 [13:22] gamefreak264: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [13:22] BluesKaj, thanks.. i have selected the main servers.. it seems like India servers are down... [13:22] gamefreak264: well... what' [13:23] gamefreak264: its a new tool. and people expect it to be perfect.. it will get better. [13:23] gamefreak264: well... what's so good about Unity ? [13:23] HELLO!everyone [13:23] Dr_willis: won't that make them user dependable? [13:23] Dropje^: your .bashrc is for a spefcifi user also... check the .bashrc file and see at the end.. it reads the file i mentioned.. [13:24] Night_Elf, well... it gives a nice interface for netbooks.. [13:24] Dropje^: so you dont need to customize the .bashrc when you can edit .bash_aliases [13:24] coz_: ok.. but is that a default install in 10.10 desktops too ? [13:24] Night_Elf, personally P prefer the kubuntu-netbook version [13:24] abhijeet, good choice , I have had to change mine in the past to main due to congestion on the Canadian sources [13:24] Night_Elf: NO... gnome is on desktops.. unity on netbook edition [13:24] Night_Elf, no not unless you use kubuntu I believe.. [13:25] Kubuntu = has kde. which has its own netbook and desktop 'interfaces' [13:25] Night_Elf, I believe the kubuntu desktop edition includes netbook as well and can be switched from the system settings/Desktop [13:25] I think Lubuntu also has a desktop and netbook mode. [13:25] Dr_Willes: i understand.. Making a typo would be less harmful on ~/.bashrc prolly? [13:25] Night_Elf, would you spare some minutes to help me gaining write access to the mounted devices? [13:25] Dropje^: .bashrc would be MORE harmfull... [13:25] Dr_Willis yeah thats what i mean [13:26] Dr_Willis: ah ok. Nice. Because actually, my gf finally feels comfortable with my laptop with Gnome, 8.04 -> 10.04. Now in hers she will put 10.10 and if what she knows changes, I'm in trouble :p [13:26] Night_Elf, I have kubuntu-netbook running on my other desktop system [13:26] Night_Elf: normal gnome will be an option i imagine. [13:26] anyone knows what the sync account is for, found in passwd & group and what would be the consequences of removing it? [13:26] lastlog kriuq [13:26] bbl [13:26] Benkinooby: what do you mean? As in "user" can also write what the "root" can only ? [13:27] Night_Elf, i mean i can't write to the mounted pendrive. i don't knwo why, because i nearly added my user to allgroups that seem realted to this problem. [13:28] Anyone know the homepage for the unity desktop? Google is getting far too many hits for "unity linux" and "unity ubuntu" [13:28] Benkinooby: does that happen with all pendrives or with all of them ? [13:29] * Night_Elf will still stick with X/Gnome for quite some time [13:29] Jef91, you want to download it? [13:30] I want to read about it coz_ === devil__ is now known as Mohan_chml [13:30] Is it on the repos? [13:30] Benkinooby: sorry, that was "with one pendrive or with all of them" [13:30] In a general sense, not just in a "OMG UBUNTU uses it sense" [13:30] Jef91, here is shuttworth's first take on it http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/383 [13:30] can anyone give me some advice with servers? [13:30] Night_Elf, it happes to all pendrives, no matter where i connect them [13:31] One pendrive to rule them all? [13:31] :P [13:31] Is there some macro about asking to ask?I haven't been in #ubuntu for months [13:31] !ask | gamefreak264 [13:31] Jef91, however ,, i would wait until 11.04 is released,, at that point unity will no longer have mutter but will instead be based on compiz [13:31] gamefreak264: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [13:31] Benkinooby: what comes for that device when mounted when you type "mount" in a command prompt ? [13:31] I want to automount all my partitions during booting.. how can i do it on ubuntu 10.10 [13:31] Is unity something Ubuntu is deving then coz_ or was it a pre-existing desktop like gnome/lxde? [13:32] ciao a tutti [13:32] abhijeet: make a fstab entry for them [13:32] !fstab [13:32] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [13:32] abhijeet: you can't do that by manipulating /etc/fstab ? [13:32] Jef91, it is essentially for netbook computers [13:32] Jef91, however ,, on my one system i do use kubuntu-netbook as well [13:32] Dr_Willis, ok... I am just looking for the docs.. ubottu has given it.. [13:32] Night_Elf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/527003/ [13:33] Jef91, it is designed for small screens and saving realestate [13:33] Night_Elf, see the last entry. sda is my hdd, sdb is a pendrive [13:33] So Unity is fully a Ubuntu project then [13:33] Jef91, ` http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/05/install-the-new-ubuntu-10-10-netbook-interface-unity-screenshots/ [13:34] Yes, I've seen all that coz_ I'm looking for the gnome.org of Unity [13:34] A webpage about the DE [13:34] Jef91, ah [13:34] anyone knowledgabvle about file servers? [13:34] Benkinooby: what is the user:group of stuff when you do: ls -l /media/usb0 [13:34] Can't seem to find one :-/ [13:34] Night_Elf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/527004/ [13:35] Jef91, well the design is different but the base DE is gnome [13:35] greetings, all. Quick question if I may. Upon bootup, my refresh rate is being set to 85hz (monitor does not support this) - How can I lower it, please? [13:35] Jef91, if that's what you meant [13:35] the above does -not- apply to x [13:35] Oh, so it isn't a full desktop environment then coz_? [13:35] Jef91, it is full just designed differently for small screens to save realestate [13:36] Benkinooby: it's all root I see [13:36] Jef91, so there is a panel on the left for access to applications instead of a menu [13:36] I'm using Ubunti 10.04, with Evolution email and IMAP for transpoprt. Any idea why the Indicator Applet always seems to show (0) for each IMAP account, even though there are new emails in the inboxes? [13:36] Night_Elf, hm, i think that is becuase root is the only one able to mount [13:36] But is it still tech. gnome coz_ or it's own thing like LXDE or XFCE [13:37] Jef91, well it has the gnome libraries etc and all of the familiar applications...it is just designed differently [13:37] Night_Elf, also everything is set to read/write/execute for all if you look at line 2 ... i think [13:37] Jef91, at this point however, it is using mutter for compositing [13:37] Jef91, 11.04 will remove mutter and replace that with compiz [13:38] Jef91, mutter is resource intensive ,, and can be slow on some systems... i find it irritating myself [13:38] coz_ what does that mean for systems that don't support compositing OOTB? [13:38] Night_Elf, how does it look on your system? [13:38] Benkinooby: that is a link, they usually are like that. That link is "usb" which points to "usb0" and that in turn is 755 mode [13:38] Jef91, oooo good question... you have such a system? [13:39] coz_ well for example a nvidia chipset without closed source drivers [13:39] Benkinooby: mm, I need to find a usb stick and check it out... [13:39] Night_Elf, that would be great! [13:40] Jef91, ah I see,, well with the new compiz replacing mutter I am not sure although I think it will work with the nouveau driver at that point [13:40] how do I go about closing a service port i.e. port 445 microsoft-ds? [13:40] Jef91, I havent discussed this with the compiz devs at this point... [13:40] can somone link the german ubuntu channel? [13:40] !de | nexus6__ [13:40] nexus6__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. === Th0mas is now known as Rinsmaster [13:40] Jef91, but my guess is it will work with nouveau driver [13:41] thank you very mich [13:41] *much :( [13:41] nexus6__: your welcome [13:41] Jef91, or at the very least it will ask if you want to install the nvidia driver [13:42] Very good. Does that mean starting with 11.04 though there will be no option to turn off compiz? Compiz really tanks 3D performance of other applications coz_ [13:42] Night_Elf, so if i understad correctly: there is a link with generous permissions form usb to usb0 (so that i can acces my pendirve via usb with all privileges). but then the permissions are very minimal for me in the pendrive itself. correct? [13:42] Benkinooby: ok, first difference: this system I'm on now is Debian. Second, when I mount a ntfs external disk, the auto-mounter has it: /dev/sdf1 on /media/LG External HDD Drive type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)" [13:42] Jef91: theres always an option to not have something, what are you talking about? [13:42] Benkinooby: so it's "fuseblk" the filetype, not "ntfs" or "ntfs-3g" [13:42] Jef91, well as I said I think that compiz might run on the neauveau driver at that point but hold on let me talk with the devs [13:43] if anyone can advise me about a server please message me, i'd be gratefull [13:43] Benkinooby: and the last part, is that all files and directories in it are like this: drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16384 2010-07-31 02:36 dkumentMy [13:43] Benkinooby: so all are 777 (wrxwrxwrx) [13:44] ways: servers have no gui's... advice= learn the cli [13:44] ways: server for what purpose? [13:44] hey aeon [13:44] Benkinooby: the links are always allowing all. The restrictions come from the final destination themselves [13:44] im wanting to make a file server [13:44] so i can access my crap wherever i am [13:44] * Daghdha reboots yet again. it IS just like windows :) [13:44] izinucs: they can have guis, just that you'd only ever use it once, due to the fact that servers are meant to be left headless in a room [13:44] sftp sounded good [13:44] i just can't get it through my firewall [13:44] Night_Elf: the automouter uses the fuse system which is using ntfs-3g [13:45] aeon-ltd: yep. just keeping it simple for him [13:45] ways: open the port you need on your firewall and router [13:45] Night_Elf: if you make a fstab entry it will use ntfs-3g directly and you can tweak all the options [13:45] ways, that is between you and your router. Open port 22. [13:45] 22 yea? [13:45] Jef91, apparenlty the devs are sleeping right now :) I cant answer that question wit confidence at this point until I talk with sam about it [13:45] ways, yea [13:45] Night_Elf, so the permission of the link are the permission givven through that link. so i could use it like a "permission filter"? or are the permission the permission for the link itself (so waht i can do to the link)? [13:45] well ive done that, the only thing i can think of is that my isp is dynamic [13:45] Very good, it's not important really just something I was thinking about coz_ :) [13:45] Dr_Willis: ah, good to know. For Benkinooby, the permitions are write for root only though. Can that be changed ? [13:45] thats gonna cause problems right? [13:46] !ntfs [13:46] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [13:46] Night_Elf, but see, your mounts are root root too [13:46] Night_Elf: ntfs-3g has dozens of options [13:46] Jef91, with the new compiz out now ,,, considering the major changes,, i really dont think there is going to be an issue in the long run [13:46] !list [13:46] This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [13:46] ways, you have cable. I doubt you have a dynamic ip [13:46] Benkinooby: yes, but instead of "rwxr-xr-x" I have them "rwxrwxrwx" [13:47] ways, or, changing IP. You probably change when you restart your router or something [13:47] my exgternal ip changes every so often [13:47] thats what i mean [13:47] Night_Elf, hm.. so how can i cange the default permission settings for mounted devices? [13:47] ways: pogoplug & simplenet nas are two devices that do that out of the box.. I just picked up a simplenet at Frys for $30.. pogo plug is $100+. you can use dydns.com to create a route to your computer dispite having a dynamic IP address.. use it for any setup [13:47] ways: mine does often.. but not too often. [13:47] :) [13:47] ways, then you need dyndns [13:47] isnt that gonna cause problems when trying to connect [13:47] ways, look up dynamic dns solutions [13:47] ah ok im just on with dyndns at the moment [13:48] ok [13:48] ways: i have a simple.net NAS device. it works decently well. but you may want to go with somthing thats a bit more high end.. its rather simple. :) [13:48] Benkinooby: I need to check that. Never came across something like that [13:48] i can get my sftp server working inside my network [13:48] ok. I have managed to ascertain that I need to make changes to my VBE settings. Anybody able to assist, please? [13:48] hmm ok ill give it a try [13:48] ways: yeah cos your router internal ip doesn't change till dhcp calls for another one [13:49] ubottu, thanks for the fstab docs.. [13:49] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:49] brb ill try then pick some more brains:P [13:49] ty [13:49] * izinucs chuckles [13:49] ?? [13:49] Jef91, read here some of the major changes in compiz 0.9.x http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/46269 [13:49] Night_Elf, i am wondering why it changed. all this is a bit beyond my understanding and i am reluctant playing with permissions unless i have some guidance. maybe i could change the permission of the folder where it gest mounted ot === administrator is now known as Guest78484 [13:49] administrator: the bot response [13:49] Night_Elf, let me try and report you [13:50] d [13:50] Benkinooby: ok [13:50] haha [13:50] 大家好 [13:50] !cn | Guest78484 [13:50] Guest78484: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [13:50] how does dyndns know when my home ip address changes? [13:51] ways, there are ways to report the change [13:51] ways: install ddclient [13:51] ddclient right u are [13:51] ty [13:52] ways: you set your account in your personal router and they talk to each other occationally [13:52] ways: there is an application you install on your computer. everyday it sends a message to the dyndns server " this is ME @ THIS IP" dyndns knows that ME is = to www.mywebsite.net [13:52] wouldnt i have to install it on the router firmware somehow? [13:52] ways: some routers actually do support it natively, though [13:52] ok [13:52] ways: lots of routers already have support built in.. like phasma says [13:53] d-link? im new to them, ive always had netgear [13:53] yep [13:53] but this is offtopic for this channel [13:53] please accept my apolgies for asking this again, but I really do not wish to blow another monitor here. Something, (I suspect VBE) is setting my refresh rate far too high. Where do I need to change this? [13:53] phasma: xrandr [13:54] !xrandr | phasma [13:54] phasma: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 [13:54] izinucs: This is happening before x even loads [13:54] phasma: now that's really strange.. maybe you have a bad card? [13:54] izinucs: brand new card only yesterday [13:55] phasma: what's VBE.. I'm not remembering that term [13:55] Night_Elf, i changed it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/527016/ but still no permission [13:56] izinucs: Vesa BIOS Extensions [13:56] phasma: what kind of card did you get [13:56] izinucs: which is making me think this is actually a kernel issue (this is a self configured kernel) === trend is now known as acidr0xs [13:57] izinucs: only an nvidia 6800GTS (although it was new) [13:57] as in still in the packaging [13:57] Benkinooby: I guess what you want is usb0 right? So while you are at /media, can you try: sudo chmod -R 777 usb0 [13:58] phasma: AH! might be.. well that's a workable card.. if you want the latest drivers once you get the box up and running.. look for the nvidia-vapau PPA.. it will reference the x- PPA for the latest drivers.. manual install is a pain these days.. [13:59] izinucs: Using the very latest nvidia drivers. May be worth falling back, though. Will give that a try. Am really up for trying anything right now [13:59] Night_Elf, tried it. -> permission denied [13:59] anyone here uses pianobar? [14:00] how i update the network list in WiFi radar? [14:00] with a running server if I plug-in a serial device to the server (fax/modem) will it be detected or in order to do so the fax/modem must be connected and powered on before I power on the server? [14:00] Benkinooby: and what heppens when you: sudo touch /media/usb0/test.fil [14:01] bis später [14:01] ahah! The problem is indeed xrandr. Seems ubuntu is loading x far earlier than I thought it did [14:01] lexington: yes i do [14:02] is there an easy way to remove just a refresh rate from an entry? [14:02] I can't log into pandora with pianobar. says I need to upgrade libpiano. [14:02] SAngeli: should be recognized but not neccessarily functional.. after plugging it in wait a few secs and then type "dmesg" in the terminal.. at the end it will show the new connection and give you the attachment location address you'll need for your fax software. [14:02] how to I go about upgrade or fixing this. . I hate the flash version of pandora [14:02] :P [14:02] hey! [14:02] http://pastebin.com/msmSxp35 [14:02] ok [14:03] i wish to remove just 85 and 75.1 hz from that [14:03] Night_Elf, works like charm and confirmed success with ls [14:03] lexington: when you do sudo apt-get upgrade are there packages held back? [14:03] * Rhun good day [14:04] phasma: where'd you get that list of numbers? xrandr? [14:04] Night_Elf, benedict@box:/media$ rm usb0/etst.fil [14:04] rm: remove write-protected regular empty file `usb0/etst.fil'? y [14:04] rm: cannot remove `usb0/etst.fil': Permission denied [14:04] izinucs: yes, by invoking just xrandr [14:04] Benkinooby: [14:04] phasma: then xrandr should be able to remove them.. [14:04] !xrandr | phasma [14:04] phasma: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 [14:04] Benkinooby:because it has to be: sudo rm usb0/etst.fil [14:05] help [14:05] izinucs: indeed, though I am unfamilar with it. Will check that out, though. Thank you [14:05] Night_Elf, i know. i just wanted to show that i can't do anything without sudo [14:05] my sd card isn't mounting; it isn't under sudo fdisk -l; any ideas? [14:05] lexington: huh, that is weird. after a fresh install of pianobar on 10.10 i am getting the same error [14:06] Night_Elf, i don't know what to do the get back to a normal (=usable!) state. i can't and won't sudo all the time. [14:06] phasma: good luck.. helps to google.com/linux a little for xrandr too. you'll get more info.. look for newer docs. [14:06] Benkinooby: try this: sudo chmod a+rw usb0/etst.fil [14:06] Benkinooby: this should make the test file read and write from all [14:06] Sorry, I'm not very knowledgeable. . I don't know about held back. I just get a statement that says: 0 upgraded, 0 installed, 0 removed and 0 not upgraded. [14:06] Jef91, apparenlty nourveau 3d will not be included into ubuntu until nouveau releases and steps up to support a stable release [14:07] Hi how do I get Itunes to work on linux? [14:07] lexington: one sec. I have reproduced the issue on my system. I will figure it out. [14:07] !appdb | dean_ [14:07] dean_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [14:07] hey, does ubuntu come preinstalled with a different default font than windows? i've just installed 10.10, and the text on websites looks different [14:07] dean_: does there exist iTunes for linux ? [14:07] cool, thanks, I'll be here waiting. :) [14:07] dean_: you dont. install rhythmbox or banshee. [14:07] dean_: It might work with wine, but why do you need it? [14:07] dean_: there are alternatives [14:07] boo_: does mac come with a different font.. yep [14:07] boo_: yes [14:08] net [14:08] is there any way to get the windows fonts legally, erUSUL ? [14:08] Night_Elf, wow.. look at that! http://paste.ubuntu.com/527020/ the permissions didn't change ... seriously...it's getting weired [14:08] boo_: there is a package, mscorefonts .. or such [14:09] boo_: install ubuntu-restricted-extras [14:09] boo_: what font you looking for? [14:09] someone who has soundproblem with wine (ubuntu 10.10??) [14:09] or now what my problem is =) [14:09] are there dvd rippers for ubuntu that can cope with both decss and bad sector "protection" etc? I want to store my dvd collection for use in mythtv, but every time I go to rip some dvds it ends up hanging indefinitely [14:10] thanks, erUSUL . izinucs , im not sure, but nytimes.com is hurting my eyes >_< [14:10] boo_: System>Preferences>appearance. Fonts got to advanced configuration. [14:10] Dr_Willis, I have automounted the disk using fdisk .. no problem is that mounted disk and disk name is shown twice in Nautilus [14:10] hello [14:10] No==Now [14:10] I have problem with spotify on ubuntu 10.10 (wine) === funnylookinhat_ is now known as funnylookinhat [14:10] Benkinooby: it is something relating to mount time then. I have seen something like this happen and I had to manually unmount and remount all read/write permitions. [14:11] !hi | Veliouras [14:11] good morning all [14:11] bot down? [14:11] boo_: you can change the default font in Firefox from within firefox.. there should be lots to choose from.. some will be *very* close to Times New Roman [14:11] i justa started my acer A150L yesterday and i had a message about "kernel panic" [14:11] lexington: here is the fix http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=480433&postcount=11 [14:11] can i fix it? [14:11] ion [14:11] when i put something in my share it is owned by 'nobody nogroup' how can i prevent that? [14:11] Benkinooby: it was /dev/sdb1 for you if I remember correctly [14:11] do you know what the standard windows font is? is it Times New Roman? [14:11] Daghdha: that's a good thing.. [14:11] switch10_: thanks, I'll test this out. [14:12] Night_Elf, yes... what you descibed before is my state atm [14:12] I have soem packages that have been pinned...I want to remove this so I can upgrade to php 5.3. Hoe can I do these through the cli? [14:12] Daghdha: you have your share permissions set as "share" and not "user" ?? [14:12] boo_: yes thats the default no sans font [14:12] 哇 有人会中文不 [14:12] Benkinooby: so you umount /dev/sdb1 first [14:12] lexington: dont bother the link is dead sorry. [14:12] !cn | quanru [14:12] quanru: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [14:12] hello, does anyone can explain to me what I've got from my terminal output, http://paste.ubuntu.com/527021/ any help is much appreciated :) [14:12] this is my /etc/network/interfaces file http://pastebin.com/qDLQZE0G i am using link aggregation. this url seems to indicate that you can failover to wireless if bonding were to break. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man4/trunk.4freebsd.html i'm wondering if that can be included in my interfaces file [14:13] Night_Elf, ok, done [14:13] switch10_:haha, yeah, I was about to say that [14:14] i dunno [14:14] * Daghdha checks [14:14] wisevoyager, it is a list of partitions on sda [14:14] k-rad: linux usas bond[N] interfaces for that [14:14] can ifconfig be used in a /etc/network/interfaces file ? [14:14] @smw, is it considered okay? [14:14] Night_Elf, hm... i did what you said... look at that... what comes for usb0 http://paste.ubuntu.com/527023/ [14:15] wisevoyager, it is normally nice to include the command you used to make the output :-P [14:15] Daghdha: if you're trying for universal access to the shares then it most likely is set to share. then you want that user group:setting [14:15] k-rad: http://wiki.debian.org/Bonding [14:15] anyone about "kernel panic!" message on start-up? [14:15] lexington: and it looks like the guy developing it is giving up :( [14:15] Night_Elf, i unmounted, but the pendrive stayed attached... in case this info is valuable [14:15] smv, TQVM :) [14:15] wisevoyager, I can't tell sizes from that. It is not in human readable numbers [14:15] No i have no security=user [14:16] erUSUL, that is correct. i have a bond0 i want a failsafe fallover to wlan0 if bond0 breaks. that manpage says it can be done with ifconfig [14:16] wisevoyager, but what ciykd be wrong with it? [14:16] anyone have good suggestions for music players? rhythm box is annoying at best, maybe something along the lines of winamp or itunes? [14:16] izinucs: But it looks like my sabnzbd can't use it [14:16] k-rad: see the wiki « bond_mode active-backup » <<< [14:16] wisevoyager, could* [14:16] Benkinooby: yes it is very strange [14:16] yes [14:16] Night_Elf, i even can't cd to usb0 [14:16] Benkinooby: anyhow, just a sec, we try something [14:16] smv, thanks! [14:16] switch10_: Lameness. Are there any other non-flash ways to access pandora [14:16] lexington: he is promoting this alternative. although it doesnt say anything about pandora. http://www.coderholic.com/pyradio/ [14:16] Night_Elf, ok [14:17] k-rad: here http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt <<< linked in thw same wiki page you can see what each mode is [14:17] lexington: pithos, but I think it uses pianobar as a backend as it is a GUI [14:17] wisevoyager, although ubuntu people don't do it. It is my suggestion that you have a separate /home partition [14:17] k-rad: please read the docs you are pointed to before asking further. for example « Active-backup policy: Only one slave in the bond is active. A different slave becomes active if, and only if, the active slave fails. [14:18] lexington: but try it out. http://blog.kevinmehall.net/2010/pithos [14:18] hi, i was wondering what the status of ati/amd evergreen support is in ubuntu 10.10's kernel&radeon-driver? [14:18] ie. not using fglrx [14:18] Benkinooby: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ -o uid=`id -u ` -o rw [14:18] hello [14:18] boo_: RB and banshee are like itunes; for a winamp clone try audacious [14:18] how do i get mono 2.6? [14:18] anybody know howto logout in fwvm? [14:18] switch10_: are you having any problems using pianobar yourself? Just cursious if this is something that pandora updated that broke pianobar [14:18] Benkinooby: you should have the pendrive mounted under /mnt with the owner of the files being yourself, not root. [14:19] Hi there, I would like to enquire about the system not recognising my 4096MB or RAM whereas it does so in the BiOS. I am running a 64bit system. [14:19] *of [14:19] erUSUL, your being a little strict on me, i'm a bit of a novice. i've just been using link aggregation for some time. [14:19] lexington: yes I am experiencing the same problem as you [14:19] from time to time, my mouse pointer(touchpad) jumps to the top-left corner of screen, and can not be moved, while I can still click. is this a bug of X, touchpad driver, or wm? [14:19] lexington My pyradio randomly stopped working thismorning [14:19] What issue are you having with it? [14:19] hi guys. how do you see a laptop power stat? like, how much W power it's using, etc === NG_ is now known as ng_ [14:19] Jef91: yeah, this is when it stopped working for me. Or, at least when I noticed it not working [14:19] k-rad: sorry if it sounded harsh [14:20] Is Unity available to download as beta for desktops at all? [14:20] lexington: try pithos if you dont mind a GUI [14:20] i justa started my acer A150L yesterday and i had a message about "kernel panic" [14:20] can i fix it? [14:20] can i install a linux based os without cds or a usb? [14:21] mikebeecham, you want the netbook interface on your desktop? [14:21] k-rad: so just copy the lines in the wiki and use the mode you prefer, if you want aggregation and fault tolerance use the first mode that is "balance-rr" [14:21] switch10_: going to test it out here in a second. I'll keep you posted [14:21] Night_Elf, the command has to be done with sudo [14:21] lazarus_, wubi [14:21] !wubi | lazarus_ [14:21] lazarus_: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe [14:21] Veliouras, anything besides "kernel panic", like why it panicked [14:21] Benkinooby: yes, I always forget that [14:21] smw, i dont sue windows [14:21] use [14:22] Benkinooby: or, you do first a "sudo bash" to go to danger-land first :p [14:22] lazarus_, in that case... no [14:22] Q: I've got only ubuntu installed on my computer. Unforuntately, I need to start developing for Adobe Flash, trough Flex. Adobe cancelled Flex development for Linux, so I need to use windows for that. I'm wondering if installing windows in this machine, will overwrite ubuntu from boot ? Thanks for looking [14:22] Night_Elf, i stay with sudo... just wnated to inform you. sok, did it. [14:22] lazarus_, you need a cd or usb [14:22] smw, not even if i loop the iso through grub [14:22] Benkinooby: so what have you in /mnt [14:22] erUSUL, i would like mode=4 for bond0 type however if bond0 is every broken, i would like a failover to wlan0 direct my wireless router in the past if a 1 of 2 cables get broken in link aggregation i've lost all connectivity [14:22] lazarus_, if you want a small cd you can download the minimal install cd for ubuntu it is only about 12 megs [14:22] is there any way to auto dock windows in 10.10 to the side, like in windows 7? [14:22] Shwaiil, you may try virtual machine within ubuntu [14:23] lazarus_, I could never figure out how to do that :-\ [14:23] also, thanks erUSUL [14:23] Night_Elf, see result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/527026/ [14:23] lazarus_, I have looked. It may be possible, but I don't think so [14:23] k-rad: http://pastebin.com/xDU2FtRB [14:23] Shwaiil, in fact, it's better for security reasons [14:23] Shwaiil, it will remove ubuntu from boot [14:23] dli, virtual machine trough ubuntu. That sounds nice! I remember people doing the other way around, virtual machine in win to run linux. [14:23] oh well suse will need to stay in a vm [14:24] Night_Elf, nautilus is not showing it to be mounted in "places" [14:24] Benkinooby: can you now play with the files there ? [14:24] dli, any tips on getting started on doing that (Virtual Machine + windows ) ? [14:24] Shwaiil, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows [14:24] is there a way to set the xrandr settings directly using the monitor EDID? I am having a lot of problems here [14:24] Shwaiil, because virtual machines don't have access to hardware by default, whatever viruses windows might have is contained [14:24] Benkinooby: no, because it has not been notified by the automounter [14:24] dli i don;t know why it panicked. i just had this message on the start up [14:24] smw, thanks. I guess i'll just stick with the virtual machine [14:24] smw, not really...I was wondering it if would work on a desktop and, if so, whether it was available to try somewhere [14:25] Night_Elf, yes, now i can copy stuff and change it and whatsoever [14:25] mikebeecham, you can switch between netbook and desktop at login [14:25] dli, is there any disadvantage on running win in vm ? [14:25] mikebeecham, install the ubuntu-netbook metapackage [14:25] Benkinooby: wondering, what comes out for you for /dev/sdb when you give: fdisk -l [14:25] Shwaiil, it's quite straight forward, if you have the disk space, and CPU support for virtual machine (not absolutely required thought) [14:25] dli i mad no changes, and then my only chance to make it work was to select the previous kernel version on the startup screen [14:25] smw, is there any real benefit to using netbook on desktop? [14:25] switch10_: Pithos isn't working for me either. Error: Pandora does not support your client version. [14:25] dli, cpu support ? [14:25] Shwaiil, you can recover ubuntu after installing windows. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows [14:25] Veliouras, usually, it says why it panicked [14:25] dli, i'm on a dual 1.4 [14:25] mikebeecham, not at all [14:26] oh ok, hold on [14:26] smw, yeah thanks, i'll stick with vm [14:26] I have a problem with the System Monitor not recognising all of my 4096MB of RAM in 64-bit Ubuntu 10.10. This may be relevant http://paste.ubuntu.com/527027/ - on BIOS boot 4096MB is recognised. [14:26] Night_Elf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/527029/ [14:26] Shwaiil, what cpu? [14:26] dli, intel [14:26] erUSUL, i should be able to use 802.3ad which is mode=4 and have failover to wlan0 bond=4 has faster response times than round robin [14:26] Shwaiil, what model? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM [14:26] mikebeecham, if you want to play with it, you can install it. But, it has no real value on a desktop [14:27] dli, I dont know the model :X [14:27] smw, no worries then [14:27] Shwaiil: cat /proc/cpuinfo [14:27] Shwaiil, cat /proc/cpuinfo , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_virtualization [14:27] I'm just going to take it as pandora updated something that broke pianobar. I'll keep browsing the web and hope for an update [14:27] dli, the message is: kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount eoot fs on unknown block (0,0) [14:27] you dont need CPU support to use virtualbox, but the performance hit is bigger if you CPU lacks it [14:27] erUSUL, with failover to wlan0, i can simply correct my bonding issue somehow. link aggregation works per the ubuntu documentation where as the bonding documentation has always tended to fail for me [14:28] (or, more accurately, if intel deactivated it for marketing reasons) [14:28] Benkinooby: ok. Now you cd away from mnt, then umount /mnt and check fdisk -l again ? [14:28] Intel Pentium Dual T2310 @ 1.46ghz [14:28] dli, steffen123__ thanks [14:28] Veliouras, usually, if means your rootfs is not supported (found) by kernel, either the chipset driver, or the file system [14:28] hello [14:28] k-rad: maybe ask in #networking [14:28] lexington: that is exactly what happened. they dont want people doing what we are doing. :) skipping adds and such. have you tried last.fm? I use it in rhythmbox, and it is great. [14:28] hi pEoslAczd [14:28] dli great! now what? [14:28] Shwaiil: but if you just wanna run, say, MS Office in a virtual windows then the performance hit probably doesnt matter [14:29] Shwaiil, then, basically, you create a virutal machine image file, and supply it with an installation cdrom (iso file) to boot to install as normal [14:29] steffen123__, is to develop flash apps in flex [14:29] thank you so much erUSUL sometimes these difference in communication, happen. i greatly appreciate your effort. [14:29] k-rad: no problem [14:29] Veliouras, boot a ubuntu livecd, and check your file system, if it's okay, the kernel is to be blamed [14:29] Shwaiil: hm not sure, i'd recommend to just give it a go. i never seriously tried KVM but virtualbox is really neat [14:29] Night_Elf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/527031/ [14:30] switch10_: yeah pianobar was awesome! no adds and it didn't take away from my limited 40 hours of listen time. I'll tried last.fm a long time ago and didn't really care for it. I'll give it another go === ng_ is now known as NG_ [14:30] Night_Elf, i didn't unplug the pendrive [14:30] dli i have to re-install no matter what? how can i check through the cd? [14:30] switch10_: anything out there for slackerradio? [14:30] Benkinooby: yea, that's what we want [14:30] Veliouras, usually, just do fsck in livecd [14:31] Benkinooby: and you still have those odd entries when you check with "mount" ? [14:31] Night_Elf, what? to unplug it? let's agree on: unplug = physically remove and unmount = use umount command [14:31] Shwaiil, I would recommend KVM, if your cpu supports vmx, and you don't use USB hardware within the virtual windows. otherwise, you use virtualbox [14:31] Benkinooby: yea, we don't want to unplug it not yet [14:32] Night_Elf, if i do mount no /dev/sdb+ there [14:32] Night_Elf, if i do mount no /dev/sdb* there [14:32] lexington: not that I know of. [14:32] Night_Elf, ok. i wont unplug until further notice [14:32] Benkinooby: but how came out those entries of /dev/sdb?????? before ? [14:33] dli i am usning a usb stick with the latest distro on it. the otions i have are: try without instal, instal, check disk for defects, test memory and boot from 1st hd [14:33] Night_Elf, hm... not sure... if i would know, i'd be working on my prob on my ownn ;) [14:33] dli what should i do? [14:34] switch10_:Thanks for all your help. Going to check out last.fm here in a bit. staying in the chat, but will be MIA. Need to help my nephew with blender. ONce again, thanks for the help [14:34] @smv, separate /home partition, what does it means? [14:34] Benkinooby: ah well. So jeez, try to unplug and replug back in the pendrive. I'd guess you'll still have the files owned by root and you can't change stuff in the pendrive [14:34] Night_Elf, if you wish, i can do: unplug, replug, fdsik, mount, fdisk, umount, fdisk, unplug, fsdisk [14:34] lexington: no prob. good luck. [14:35] wisevoyager, my name is smw, smv does not highlight me [14:35] gos why is all this user/right stuff so complex [14:35] any good stuff to biuld up corpora? [14:35] hello [14:35] Night_Elf, after unplug, i anly see my hdd with fdsik [14:35] Night_Elf, after unplug, i anly see my hdd with fdisk [14:36] smv, separate /home partition? can you tell me about it? [14:36] Benkinooby: that's how it should be [14:36] wisevoyager, pretty much, it means you keep your personal and configuration files on a separate partition [14:36] Night_Elf, yes. should i follow the procedure i suggested? [14:36] anybody know howto logout fvwm? [14:36] wisevoyager, that way, if you reinstall, you don't lose your personal settings and files. But you need to manually partition [14:36] smv, ok! :) [14:37] anybody know howto logout fvwm? [14:37] Benkinooby: we will try that and see what happens. Can you plung it back in ? [14:37] wisevoyager, and that is why ubuntu does not suggest it [14:37] Night_Elf, plugged in. [14:37] smv, thakns for advice [14:38] wisevoyager, if you don't know what you are doing, it is more hard than good :-\ [14:38] Benkinooby: what can you see when you "dmesg" [14:38] wisevoyager, my name is SMW! lol [14:38] Night_Elf, i see some activity on the pendirve-controll led and neptun is listing it under places mounted to /media/usb0 [14:38] Benkinooby: at the end of the much info scrolling, there should be something about write protection [14:38] dli any suggestions> [14:38] SMV, :) [14:39] Night_Elf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/527034/ [14:39] anybody know howto logout fvwm? [14:39] Anyone successfully installed fglrx driver, under ubuntu 10.10? [14:39] Night_Elf, writeprotection is off it states [14:39] good afternoon everybody [14:39] hi randomnicknamez [14:40] If 0 it means that your CPU doesn't support hardware virtualization. [14:40] So, I can install windows in a vm in ubuntu ? [14:40] is anyone using Empathy right now? [14:40] Benkinooby: and you still can't write or delete on the drive, yea ? [14:40] I've got no experience in this Vm stuff [14:40] randomnicknamez, ask a specific question === steve1 is now known as Guest99030 [14:41] Night_Elf, cp /home/benedict/Desktop/winkel.png /media/usb0 [14:41] cp: cannot create regular file `/media/usb0/winkel.png': Permission denied [14:41] smw: well, when I get notified of something by empathy, there's a flick on the icon, and some artwork is missing [14:41] Benkinooby, maybe try with sudo [14:41] randomnicknamez, don't point the question at me. [14:42] sorry, I was using your string to reply [14:42] Night_Elf, i hope you are fine with me pasting the results from the terminal instead of answering your questions straigt. i thnik by this i minimze risk of missunterstanding and provide more informaiton. [14:42] Benkinooby: its ok no worries [14:42] just wanted to know if it was reproduced by anyone else [14:43] dli any suggestions? [14:43] Night_Elf, writing works with sudo... no surprise [14:43] Benkinooby: are you able to unmount the device using the desktop and the right click and all ? [14:44] !image [14:44] hello [14:44] !paste [14:44] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. === daniel_ is now known as dconnect [14:45] where /dev/dsp have gone? [14:45] dli, are you there? My cpu is not supported by KVM, so, I guess I must go with virtualbox ? [14:45] it used to be there [14:45] Night_Elf, http://imagebin.org/122031 [14:45] Night_Elf, after rightclick and choosing "unmount" === WiWafk is now known as WiW [14:46] does anyone know any good software to build up corpora? [14:46] *anybody [14:46] is anyone experiencing this missing image on notification via empathy? screenshot: http://imgur.com/OgzZI.jpg [14:46] Benkinooby: I was expecting that. So, the idea is that you could do this before and at a point in time you can't do it anymore. Do you remember what you might have changed ? [14:47] sudo command to remove un needed packages after upgrade??? [14:47] Chaos2358: sudo apt-get purge packagename [14:47] Guybrush88, what does that mean? [14:47] Shwaiil if you dont have CPU support for virtualisation then you cant use KVM, but you can still use virtualbox [14:47] hey guys, out of curiosity,, I have the ubuntu font beta is it released yet? [14:47] erUSUL, not not a particular package just a general clean up [14:48] coz_ yeah, but some sets are missing [14:48] Chaos2358, I think sudo apt-get autoremove [14:48] ty [14:48] Chaos2358: sudo apt-get autoremove ? [14:48] How do i give my user rights to listen on port 8080? [14:48] randomnicknamez, ok thanks [14:48] i justa started my acer A150L yesterday and i had a message about "kernel panic" [14:48] sabnzbd won't start without it [14:48] coz_ : http://font.ubuntu.com/ [14:48] smw, i mean to keep together some texts related to the same topic and to find some common specific word and to see the frequency of the words [14:48] http://images.4chan.org/b/src/1289050247109.png [14:48] Benkinooby: at the system administration users and groups, check if your user has the privilege to mount user-space filesystems (FUSE) [14:48] erUSUL, thank you i was thinking autodelete and it wasnt wortking lol [14:48] the message is: kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount eoot fs on unknown block (0,0) [14:48] Daghdha, it should have those rights [14:48] can i fix it? [14:49] pluhngz, rules 1 and 2 [14:49] The main difference between Christians/Atheists: http://images.4chan.org/b/src/1289050247109.png [14:49] steffen123__, great! Let's say I'm running windows trough virtualbox. I'm wondering if wireless connection, is going to use the driver on ubuntu or windows. This has example [14:49] Daghdha, maybe something is already running there? [14:49] lol pluhngz [14:49] !ot | pluhngz [14:49] pluhngz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [14:49] to understand how hardware is handled [14:49] randomnicknamez, mm I wonder if this is any better than the pre released beta? [14:49] Daghdha, you may need to restart. Something must be using port 8080 [14:49] Night_Elf, woha... i know it is like that for at least more than 1 month if not longer. my full story is like: installed ubuntu, saw fluxbox, wanted to use fluxbox only, removed most gnome stuff, worked fine, removed gdm, got all kind of troubles, reinstalled gdm. i also played with consolekit because there are so many instances of it running. but i purged it so it should be normal angain [14:49] Shwaiil: the wireless connection will be ran using the ubuntu driver [14:49] coz_: well the binaries are different [14:49] randomnicknamez, ok thanks :) [14:50] no smw, my user doesn't havethe rights i think [14:50] windows uses the driver for the virtual network card, which talks to the linux network stack to get onto the physical network/card [14:50] steffen123__, so, this is good just for running software specific to an operatiin system, right ? [14:50] yeah [14:50] Has anyone set up the equivalent of a node reference using the awesome relationships module? [14:50] does anyone know perl [14:50] Daghdha, that does not make sense [14:50] can i list programs listening? [14:50] tho the caged free of charge version of virtualbox also supports passing an actual USB device into the VM, so that you could use windows' driver for it [14:51] countley: people on #perl most likely do [14:51] but i dont think thats relevant for you [14:51] Daghdha, netstat -ltpu [14:51] Benkinooby: I see [14:51] Night_Elf, http://imagebin.org/122032 [14:51] steffen123__, so, on a virtualbox, can I run it fullscreen ?! or something ? [14:51] sure [14:51] countley, try #perl [14:51] Night_Elf, i never played on permission though [14:51] ok thanks erUSUL [14:51] you can either run the VM as a window, or in fullscreen mode. the VM is basically just a program [14:52] hi all [14:52] ok thanks [14:52] a program that happens to execute a whole other OS, but from linux' point of view it's just another program [14:52] steffen123__, this will consume a lot of resources right ? [14:52] does anybody of a command line browser cli www browser ? [14:52] No nothingis listening on 88 [14:52] lynx [14:52] shirish, lynx [14:52] shirish: w3m [14:52] well you will be running two OSs simultaneously [14:53] Daghdha, I believe you should have the ability to claim every port over 1024 or something like that. [14:53] Benkinooby: check also the user, at the privileges tab [14:53] Val67: n3rV3: erUSUL: thank you guys [14:53] but you can configure how much ram you want to give the VM. [14:53] smw: ok i use 88 [14:53] so i should use a higher one.. ok [14:53] Benkinooby: and also check what gives cat /etc/group | grep fuse [14:53] Daghdha, yeah. 8080 should work [14:54] * shirish bows out [14:54] Hi something interesting when would anyone decide to block all pings/ICM on a machine? I just can't think of any reason a person would do that even if it may seem secure. [14:54] Night_Elf, what privileges tab? [14:54] Hi. [14:54] Night_Elf, ah, if i got advanced settings... got it [14:55] amarcolino, are you behind a router. If so, there is absolutely no reason to block it. [14:55] amarcolino, :) [14:55] look up opd [14:55] *pod [14:55] Benkinooby: well, in Debian I have this tab that has a list with checkboxes of what said user can do [14:55] Night_Elf, http://imagebin.org/122033 [14:55] amarcolino: make it invisible to network scans? [14:56] smw, n3rV3, I know I was looking for examples or reasons why people would block pings [14:56] amarcolino, blocking pings is good, if you have an issue with getting too much pings... [14:56] Benkinooby: seems ok to me ... [14:56] Night_Elf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/527049/ [14:57] erUSUL, yeah I know but... what aboutt he consequences of doing so? [14:57] amarcolino, example 1: someone is doing a DDoS attack to you using pings [14:57] i have a 32gb usb stick, the usb on back of my computer runs faster then the front plate, due to power issues / distribution or something [14:57] amarcolino, if you want to know if there server is up, you can't ping it :-P [14:57] but how snappy or not snappy will 10.10 be on a usb drive [14:57] 32gb, using usb 2.0 [14:57] amarcolino, to "hide" so that you are more difficult to be detected and attacked [14:58] erUSUL, may i ask if you believe anyone else here might be skilled in the world of link aggregation ? i would like to know if i can repeat my question at 15 minute intervals. [14:58] amarcolino, when I have dealt with computers like that, it has always annoyed me... [14:58] #networking is of no assistance to me [14:58] amarcolino, is this a desktop. If so, there is no reason at all [14:58] k-rad: maybe more help about it in #ubuntu-server [14:58] do people on cover talk [14:58] smw, that is a good reason but I am thinking I can ping google.co.uk and I am certain even if I have no proof that it gets lots of attacks yet I can still ping so is their an actual benefit to it or its more based on user's choice [14:58] ? [14:58] erUSUL, i appreciate the tip [14:58] trespelosdeo@yahoo.es [14:58] . /<-r4d 31337 . [14:58] k-rad, what is your question? [14:59] deja vu from 10 yrs ago rofl [14:59] wtf is the origin of "k-rad" & /<-r4d again [14:59] deopelostres [14:59] Night_Elf, to you have some kind of suspicion? so that i know what to look out for [14:59] old hacking phreaking days :) [14:59] where is girl from cd cover [14:59] she make me happy [15:00] amarcolino, it is up to you. It just really annoys me :-P. [15:00] i want very much to put tongue in the butthole [15:00] this is my link aggregation problem of which i am willing to pay anyone $10 if they can solve it for me :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10080308#post10080308 [15:00] i take 10 dollars [15:00] i fix [15:00] !ops | AtomicAgony [15:00] AtomicAgony: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler! [15:00] ok? [15:00] Benkinooby: I'm enstranged. there's this file though, in my system, /etc/fuse.conf [15:01] i need to permanently remove a refresh rate from xrandr. Docs yield little help. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated [15:01] u make big talk in red [15:01] with my name [15:01] smw, erUSUL, Benkinooby, thanks for the responses [15:01] Benkinooby: what is its last line in your system if you have it ? [15:01] if you don't mind, when he is silenced, i would like to restate my issue. [15:01] you must want atomics big dick [15:01] in mouth you like yes? [15:01] Night_Elf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/527056/ [15:02] thanks Seeker` :-) [15:02] hope no one objects. need failover for link aggregation to wlan0 and speed tweak recommendations i am willing to pay anyone $10 if they can solve it for me :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10080308#post10080308 [15:02] Benkinooby: same thing as what I have too [15:03] Night_Elf, all my lines in that file are commented out [15:03] cool it works [15:03] k-rad, #debian might be a good place to look [15:03] Benkinooby: it's the defaults what you see there. [15:04] k-rad, it is a different group of people ;-) [15:04] Night_Elf, ok [15:04] Benkinooby: and I guess that is how they should be [15:04] thank you smw. i appreciate that tip too [15:04] where can i find someone that can help out with packaging? [15:04] :) [15:05] jaw_vvd: best look in #debian [15:05] oki, thanks [15:05] smw: Me using < 1024 was ll that was wrong [15:05] my sabnb now runs udner my non root user :P [15:06] Benkinooby: I basically am out of ideas ...! [15:06] Benkinooby: maybe asking around in #gnome might help [15:07] I request to kick HarD` Life [15:08] Night_Elf, hmm... thank you so much for your time and efforts. [15:08] Benkinooby: no problem. It's odd [15:08] akssps011, you're right, he also spammed to me [15:08] Benkinooby: by the way... if.. you create a second user... [15:09] Night_Elf, hahah, that was i thought just that second [15:09] Guybrush88: yeah..even the url he mentioned isn't legitimate :) [15:09] Benkinooby: and give that user the same permitions and try.... [15:09] lol. ok [15:09] akssps011: why? [15:09] Night_Elf, gimme a moment and lemme see... i'll come back to this after i logged in as the new user, ok? [15:09] akssps011, i didn't try it, but i think he could easily be a fuckin' spambot [15:09] ok [15:09] akssps011, Guybrush88: oh. please report PM spam in #ubuntu-ops [15:10] !language | Guybrush88 [15:10] Guybrush88: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [15:10] Benkinooby: give the user right to fuse [15:10] Night_Elf, ok. [15:10] LjL: Guybrush88: didn't try but gave a google search...the site is not even in english [15:11] akssps011, haha, spam fail [15:12] anyone know how to get compiz working with the nouveau/gallium drivers? [15:12] my glxinfo says it is wrking fine, but compiz doesnt work and glxgears shows a black box [15:13] Night_Elf, so, created ne user, made him member of fuse and also checkd the other tab to make sure he [15:13] Night_Elf, is allowed to use fuse [15:13] Benkinooby: ok. so logout and then login as that user to see what happens [15:14] hi all how ca n i reduce mynick@mynick-desktop:~/Documents/MyFolder: to somthing like mynick@mynick-desktop:~/lastFolder acceded: ? i have done it in the past but dont remember anymore [15:14] Benkinooby: unplug the usb [15:15] it may have a relation with bashrc if my memory is good [15:15] intick, an ln -s would do imo === toastcfh is now known as UKCumBunny [15:16] Hey folks. Can someone tell me what package I have to download to get libGL.so, so I can compile an app with Ogre? [15:16] How do I get the Me menu icon to show up in the systray? [15:16] n3rV3: may i create it as an alias ? === UKCumBunny is now known as toastcfh [15:17] intick, all you need is to create a soft-link to that dir and yes you can further shorten the command with an alias [15:18] i have 2 lettered aliases of my most used commands [15:18] i dont want to make a shortcut to one directory but to all shell navigation [15:19] otherwise i wanna to make the path shorted [15:19] shorted [15:20] intick: i use PROMPT_DIRTRIM=2 in my bashrc [15:20] erUSUL: ok thx i'll try this it tels me somthing === bruno is now known as Bruno_rails_ [15:21] anyone know how to get compiz working with the nouveau/gallium drivers? [15:21] blue_anna, let me quote from #compiz-dev the Gallium3D driver for offering up OpenGL support will not be going into Ubuntu 11.04 or any other release until the upstream Nouveau developers commit to providing support (or a "1.0" release). [15:21] cant install beep media player and xmms [15:22] !xmms [15:22] xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details. Consider using audacious or xmms2 instead. [15:22] guys, can anybody at all help me fix this xrandr issue? I have tried everything advised so far and am getting nowhere [15:22] !info qmmp [15:22] qmmp (source: qmmp): feature-rich audio player with support of many formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-1build3 (maverick), package size 538 kB, installed size 1464 kB [15:22] hello [15:22] intick: you may like this prompt as well: PS1='\[\033[32m\][\w]\[\033[0m\]\n\[\033[1;36m\]\u\[\033[1;34m\]-> \[\033[0m\]' [15:22] so, Ubuntu is giving up on the Xserver ? [15:22] for wayland ? [15:22] heh [15:22] coz_, I havent installed any ppas since updating to 10.10 and I followed install isntructions from blogs and I have the driver .. glxinfo reports OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on NV43 properly and everything ... [15:23] Night_Elf, hi i am here again.. sorry had to find my wlan-key first ;) [15:23] slomo, i am the pendrive guy [15:23] lol slomo. And how is it going then ? [15:24] I want to decrypt a password with brute force, and on one PC I need more time to a Decrypt, how can make in pralel 2 pc to have a higher power [15:24] slomo: any luck ? [15:24] blue_anna, well I cant respond to that... all I know right now is what I mentioned already ,,, you sould probably.. at some point... talk with sam on #compiz-dev [15:24] hello, I need some help. I upgraded my Ubuntu from 10.04, my accer netbook is unable to identify wireless connections. [15:24] excuse to 10.04 [15:25] weird .. seem to have steeped through a portal backward in time again ;) [15:25] hello [15:25] I want to decrypt a password with brute force, and on one PC I need more time to a Decrypt, how can make in pralel 2 pc to have a higher power [15:25] * Night_Elf will NOT upgrade a LTS release unless a next LTS release [15:25] Night_Elf, again, permission denied [15:25] sombody tell me pls [15:25] pls [15:26] or another ideaa to decrypt this password [15:26] yo00000rootkid: you don't, and that's not really an ubuntu issue [15:26] errr....does anyone know perhaps why my 'open in terminal' when i right click would have decided to dissapear lol? [15:26] Hello. Sorry for a stupid question. I'm trying to burn a DVD disk in UDF file system with Brasero, but I didn't find this option. Brasero's homepage says nothing about UDF suport :( [15:26] AshleyT, what is it you opened in terminal? [15:27] yo00000rootkid: and moreover, usually this sort of things can take years and years. Brute force are quite so non effective when the passwords are good. [15:27] AshleyT, if it completes a request the terminal will automatically close [15:27] hahahaha [15:27] People? How can I get libGL? [15:27] my wireless card is Atheros, but ubuntu says it is not enabled...what can I do? [15:27] yo00000rootkid, you should learn about clustering... have fun [15:27] slomo: I don't know. Just ask again here, other people can have more to say at this point [15:27] As in, my IDE is saying it can't find -lGL [15:27] dekker3d, are you trying to compile something [15:27] oh. I mean for example, when i right click the desktop i used to habe 'open in terminal'. So i could view files etc in the terminal...but that option has gone =( [15:27] HerliMenezes: what's the output of: rfkill list [15:27] nught_elf the password have 24 digits and it is a password random [15:28] Night_Elf, hm... ok... what about purging some packages? [15:28] yo00000rootkid: more the worse then :) [15:28] yo00000rootkid: it's not for this channel [15:28] night_elf soory [15:28] dekker3d: I would use synaptic package manager, do a search for libgl. [15:28] ilovefairuz: wait a minute I will run that [15:28] dekker3d, sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev perhaps [15:28] Yes, coz_. I'm trying to compile the Ogre sample application included in Code::blocks [15:28] AshleyT: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal [15:29] dekker3d, ah I see I have code:blocks here ... let me check that out [15:29] dekker3d: install mesa-dev libraries; freeglut etc ... ? [15:29] slomo: i dont think it might be of great help. it could be some component of gnome that you are missing or needing to reconfigure, rather than purging what is already there . [15:29] Night_Elf, i installe the whole gnome stuff again... so i have everything [15:29] Hm. I just did the sudo apt-get thing that coz_ suggested, and now it "compiles and runs" instantly, with no app showing [15:30] night_elf you know how i can have 2 pc in parallel? [15:30] coz_ everything i try to open in the terminal. [15:30] Night_Elf, i could try kde to compare [15:30] THe option appears to have gone from the menu now [15:30] yo00000rootkid: you don't do it, please stop asking [15:30] ive tried sudo install terminal stuff...but im getting errors there too =/ [15:30] AshleyT, ooo can you give a precise example [15:30] slomo: well yea do that. And see if kde treats the automounter differently. [15:30] Ah. A file wasn't found. I guess that answers that. I'll fix that and get back if it still causes errors [15:30] ok goobye thanks for help at all [15:30] ubuntu lucid10.04+kernel panic:not syncing+attempted to kill init+no init found..........can anyone help?? [15:30] AshleyT: what errors? pastebin to paste.ubuntu.com [15:30] slomo: in the meanwhile I will need to leave towards home [15:30] :) [15:31] coder2: is that in a virtual machine ? === toastcfh is now known as richard [15:31] ok. one second. Thankyou for help [15:31] guys, is it possible to burn a DVD in UDF with brasero? If not, is there any gtk based program that could do that? === richard is now known as Guest67892 [15:31] AshleyT, when you do a spcific command in the terminal ie sudo apt-get update is the terminal also closing on you? [15:31] Night_Elf: no === Guest67892 is now known as toastcfh [15:32] coder2: that is during install or at some random moment when working normally ? [15:32] via lascio vado via....ciao === Dad is now known as Guest76892 [15:33] dekker3d, when you get an error similar to that when compiling it is looking for the developemt packages ending in -dev so that is what you would look for in synaptic [15:33] Night_Elf: i just updated from the update manager normally and after a reboot this problem occured [15:34] coder2: you are using a newer kernel ? [15:34] ow would i restart x with out haveing to restart my whole computer? [15:34] night [15:34] ilovefairuz: output: 0: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocket: no Hardblocked: no [15:35] n0a1ias: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (for gnome) [15:35] Night_Elf: i think yes [15:35] HerliMenezes: in system > administration > hardware drivers, is there an entry for your card? [15:35] thanks Night_Elf [15:36] coder2: and does that happen when you select some other, previous kernel, from the grub list when booting the computer ? [15:36] Night_Elf: it happened second time....and i dont want to install lucid it again [15:36] one second, brb, going to switch machine [15:36] Has anyone compiled a version of the new cinelerra (4.2) for Ubuntu? [15:36] does anyone know how to get mydns to load on system boot? [15:36] ilovefairuz: let me see [15:36] Night_Elf: yes it also occured with the previous one also [15:36] it says no proprietary drivers in use [15:37] coder2: hmm. And in single user mode ? [15:37] ilovefairuz: it says no proprietary drivers in use [15:37] HerliMenezes: what ubuntu version are you using? and paste the output of "lshw -C network" to paste.ubuntu.com [15:37] help me to use nvidia graphics card [15:37] coder2: or safe mode or whatever name it has ? [15:38] Night_Elf: in recovery mode it is also there [15:38] !details | vinod [15:38] vinod: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [15:38] Hello, I'm trying to set up some ufw rules on Ubuntu. Basically I want to allow samba from my home network to my server. In my mind the ufw rule would look like: 'ufw allow samba from'. However, when I run the command I get an error "ERROR: Wrong number of arguments". What am I doing wrong here? [15:39] ilovefairuz: ok, ubuntu version: 10.04 Lucid Lynx [15:39] coder2: odd. Usually its either damaged memory, or bad drivers in the kernel. You might want to change kernels. You could try the livecd/installcd and see if you can only install the kernel from there, not all of ubuntu [15:39] coder2: and together with that, also grub (the boot loader) [15:39] Here we go - when i tried to install 'open terminal' i got this error [15:39] http://pastebin.com/7d0kZtnQ [15:40] Night_Elf: how can i do that? [15:40] AshleyT: the command is: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal [15:40] Rigorm0rtis: i don't use ufw, but i imagine the problem is that your specifying samba when it should be a port [15:41] AshleyT: you were trying to use aptitude, which is not installed by default any longer [15:41] ill try that - sorry i had copied it off a forum somewhere....weird though to suddenly stop working === Terminator_ is now known as Terminator [15:41] !who | AshleyT [15:41] AshleyT: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [15:41] AshleyT: perhaps it was accidently uninstalled [15:42] Hi, i'm trying the first time to install linux (ubuntu 10.10) with my hp notebook nx9005. At the end of the installation, i press the "Restart now" button an while shutdown the cd drive opens end i get the following error message: "[ 3262.542930] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 529096" (i tried it two times, once with a cd-rw and second try with a cd-r [15:42] !tab sorry ubottu [15:42] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [15:42] AshleyT: type the first few letters of a nick and press tab, that's how it works [15:42] coder2: there should be some menu selecting when booting from the cd/dvd and one of them being expert mode or expert install, or recovery booting, I don't know the exact name. There is an option there somewhere. Sorry for being vague, I have seen these things happen in debien before, but their installers are similar [15:43] debian* [15:43] ilovefairus: I have reinstalled and i still cannot 'right click and select open in terminal' [15:43] anyhow, I am off for today. Take care all and happy weekend. [15:43] Night_Elf: ok,no problem thanks [15:43] ilovefairuz: it's there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/527074/ [15:43] AshleyT: what was the output of the apt-get command? [15:43] ilovefairuz, ahh i see :) [15:44] !wine [15:44] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [15:44] ilovefairuz, ill put it on pastbin. It looked sucessful though. One moment [15:44] HerliMenezes: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up; iwlist scan [15:45] ilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/gTp2Qd5H [15:45] aeon-ltd: ufw allows specifying services by name. It's one of the reasons I like it. If I do ufw allow samba, it works and I can see the rule and nmap from another host confirms the port is open [15:45] AshleyT: try logging out and back in [15:45] is there a greeting card program for linux? I am currently using tuxpaint actually, which does a pretty good job, but is hard to give it a little more info about how i want it to fold and stuff. [15:46] I have a process which wont close, even with kill -9 --- what should I try next? [15:46] ilovefairuz, okey...would a restart be better for would simply logging in and out be ok? [15:46] BlaDe^: threaten it with Windows ;) [15:46] is no one able to help me with the installation problem? [15:46] heh [15:46] AshleyT: not needed, it's just to restart nautilus cleanly === SuperHark is now known as MichealH [15:47] okey, thankyou, brb [15:47] ilovefairuz: wlan0 : No scan results [15:47] dekker3d: unplugging my iPhone fixed it [15:47] HerliMenezes: are you sure you have any wireless networks around? [15:48] ilovefairuz: yes, I have a wireless network at home. [15:48] BlaDe^, odd... oh well [15:48] it's rhythmbox that was frozen [15:48] I'm trying to copy music to my iPhone, rythmbox shows content but the iPod app shows none [15:48] :( [15:48] ilovefairuz: wireless router... the machine does not recongnize any wireless network... [15:49] ilovefairuz, Thankyou that worked! [15:49] AshleyT: you're welcome [15:50] ilovefairuz: i got some scanning results, I will paste it at paste.ubuntu.com [15:50] hi, if I install ubuntu alongside windows on my laptop, will I have access to the filesystem ? [15:50] Hi [15:50] Hello, how can i post a long message without disturbing ? [15:51] FreddyStrauss, http://paste.ubuntu.com/ [15:51] i'm trying to install the "activate" the b43 driver in ubuntu 10.10, it says "SytemError: installArchives() failed" [15:51] thanx [15:51] that's an extremely useless error message [15:52] ilovefairuz: the output is at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/527083/ [15:52] olivvv_, yes , ubuntu will give you access to shared files on your windows partition [15:52] !paste | FreddyStrauss [15:52] FreddyStrauss: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [15:52] hpj_: change the mirror in /etc/apt/sources.list ... pick a different country or something [15:52] hpj_: and then: sudo apt-get update .. and try again [15:52] Thanx again [15:52] BluesKaj:thx [15:53] ilovefairuz: it seems to me that the downloading went fine, but i'll give it a try [15:53] HerliMenezes: looks okay to me, right-click on the network icon in the top right corner and click on a network [15:53] How can I use desktop bluetooth to transmit music to bluetooth cell phone? === root is now known as Guest99482 [15:54] hpj_: try manually: sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-sourc [15:54] ok, I think its working, now, it recognizes networks at "Arpoador" at copacabana beach, and "Santa Marta digital" very far away from my house. And the local one. [15:55] thank you very much. [15:55] ilovefairuz: thank you very much [15:55] can you read my messages? [15:55] sresu_: you need to pair your phone with the computer, use the bluetooth icon to "setup a new device" [15:55] Santman: yes [15:55] HerliMenezes: you're welcome [15:55] ilovefairuz: After that? [15:55] !ask | Santman [15:55] Santman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [15:56] hi ! does someone use the soft mixxx ? I have a segmentation fault at lanching [15:56] ilovefairuz: Is it part of "Setup a new device" ? [15:56] sresu_: go through the wizard and complete it, then right lick on the bluetooth icon, hover over your phone's entry and select browse, should open the phone files in the file manager and you can copy stuff to it [15:56] Well guys, here is my problem, please take a look and tell me if you can help me fix it (I'm totally new to Ubuntu) http://paste.ubuntu.com/527084/ [15:56] sresu_: yes, click it and complete the wizard [15:57] ilovefairuz: I want music file to be played via desktop... [15:57] haha, you said "right lick" [15:57] good afternoon [15:57] Hi, i'm trying the first time to install linux (ubuntu 10.10) with my hp notebook nx9005. At the end of the installation, i press the "Restart now" button an while shutdown the cd drive opens end i get the following error message: "[ 3262.542930] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 529096" (i tried it two times, once with a cd-rw and second try with a cd-r [15:58] sresu_: are you trying to trasmit a file or use the desktop as a "bluetooth speaker" ? [15:58] FreddyStrauss, the firmware doesnt support your m-board,, or so it seems [15:58] ilovefairuz: Yes, thats what I asked.. to transmit music .. [15:59] sresu_: as in copying the file? i told you how [15:59] trojan_spike So, what should i do? [15:59] ilovefairuz: I would like play music files on cell phone by desktop bluetooth [15:59] do you know the make / type of your motherboard? Do you have graphic drivers ? working ok? [16:00] I just installed Maverick here, but neither GNOME nor KDE sessions are working - some app seemingly locks the X session initialization [16:00] sresu_: PLAY the music on desktop speakers or COPY IT to desktop harddrive? [16:00] I can run Gnome safe mode and Xubuntu just fine. Any ideas on how to find out what is locking the GNome/KDE sessions? [16:00] ubuntu lucid10.04+kernel panic:not syncing+attempted to kill init+no init found..........can anyone help??:-( [16:01] ilovefairuz: Its not about file transfer is different... its like using cellphone playing songs of desktop pc w/o the exitence of audio file on cellphone.. [16:01] anyone here have experience using the oslr package in ubuntu ? i was told it would solve my bonding failsafe fallover problem [16:01] Santman: is there a CD inside? [16:01] using bluetooth [16:02] hello [16:02] ilovefairuz: yes it ist, but while the shutdown messages, the drive opens [16:02] ilovefairuz: Hold on.. let me clrarify it better.. [16:02] trojan_spike I 'm runnung a Dell Inspiron notebook, quite new [16:02] sresu_: streaming the music from the cellphone to the desktop ? [16:02] ilovefairuz: Now you get that.. :) [16:02] auto proxy switcher 4 linux [16:03] ilovefairuz: Or even vice-versa [16:03] sresu_: ok, use blueman, there's a plugin included for that [16:03] prxy switcher 4 linux [16:03] that switch proxy auto [16:03] ilovefairuz: Where I can find that? Its part of package? [16:03] trojan_spike I 'm runnung a Dell Inspiron notebook, quite new, i thin the model is 1545 [16:03] !info blueman | sresu_ [16:03] sresu_: blueman (source: blueman): A Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.21-4.1 (maverick), package size 444 kB, installed size 2680 kB [16:03] ..................... [16:03] FreddyStrauss, best thing to do is search the ubuntu forum,, ref : dell netbook (type) etc.. If nothing, just leave a post with lots of detail,, some1 will post something to help you. [16:04] ilovefairuz: What is the plugin name? [16:04] sresu_: i don't remember [16:04] trojan_spike which is the URL for that forum? [16:04] ubuntu 10.10 by default have installed open jdk though there is not a plugin in firefox... am i missing somethin ? [16:05] i'm trying to install usb adsl modem manager. but the .deb says dependency is not satisfied : python-gnome2-extras. any ideas? [16:05] FreddyStrauss, http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10029467 [16:05] Maverick seems to be a bit unstable [16:06] trojan_spike thank u very much [16:06] YW ,, good luck hope u get it fixed soon. [16:06] is there a way to suppress boot messages [16:06] JoaoJoao: As in? [16:06] thanx [16:06] infomaniac50: quiet? if you meant the verbose boot [16:07] sresu_, I just installed it and I can't run GNOME or KDE - just Gnome safe mode and Xfce [16:07] maybe what i mean is boot warnings [16:07] afternoon all! [16:07] ilovefairuz: any idea about the installation-problem? [16:08] hi, what indicates red wirting color for a link in terminal? [16:08] Santman: it looks like a defective CD or the drive itself [16:08] sresu_, No errors, after a couple of seconds the X session just stays there doing nothing, showing the background and the mouse pointer [16:09] like smbus address uninitialized i think is what the message is. the machine is in virtual box [16:09] JoaoJoao: Were there any errors during upgrade/installation? [16:09] sresu_, No errors, everything seemed to run just fine [16:09] ubuntu lucid10.04+kernel panic:not syncing+attempted to kill init+no init found..........can anyone help?? [16:09] ilovefairuz: i tried it with two different cds, is ther a way to test the drive? with the same hardware i installed windows xp without problems!? [16:09] JoaoJoao, run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm [16:09] ' [16:10] JoaoJoao: sudo apt-get update gives error? [16:11] trojan_spike, Sorry I should be more specific, gdm or kdm work just fine, the session hangs after I log in [16:11] Santman: doesn't have to be non-operation, could be a firmware issue or a bug in how the linux kernel interacts with it, you should file a bug report, join #ubuntu-bugs for help with that [16:11] ilovefairuz: i just installed another package (ntp), and the detailed screen showed me something about my b43 driver - i believe dpkg was re-trying to install b43 [16:11] Santman: non-operational ** [16:11] so u have got gnome or kde installed properly [16:11] how can i manually do the same with sta? [16:11] JoaoJoao: And ? [16:12] i. e., letting dpkg try again and tell me what's wrong [16:12] JoaoJoao, laptop or pc? [16:12] sresu_, no output from "dpkg --configure -a", so I assume no errors [16:12] hpj_: sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source; sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source [16:12] hpj_: if there are any errors, paste to paste.ubuntu.com [16:13] trojan_spike: I'm currently running Ubuntu desktop safe mode on the same laptop [16:13] trojan_spike, And the Xubuntu session works as well [16:13] ilovefairuz: i'm a bit confused with the "source" thing - do i really have to compile that myself, installing gcc and all the stuff in the process? [16:14] [16:14] there's no binary? [16:14] i'm trying to install usb adsl modem manager. but the .deb says dependency is not satisfied : python-gnome2-extras. any ideas? [16:14] Hi, my system crashes when I try to start X, I don't even get a Xorg.0.log. How can I find out what's wrong? [16:14] ale____: errr. install it? [16:14] ale____, install the package python-gnome2-extras [16:14] as [16:14] open synaptic,, search for gnome evironment', kde etc.. meta packages might be better [16:15] aeon and benkinooby, that doesn\t really work as it's not in the repositories anymore [16:15] hpj_: no you don't, just reboot after installation finishes [16:15] switching to the Xubuntu session, BR [16:15] BRB [16:15] JoaoJoao: Or try http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome to use GNOME alone.. [16:16] Hi, my system crashes when I try to start X, I don't even get a Xorg.0.log. How can I find out what's wrong? [16:16] okay. I am slowly but surely getting my screen refresh rate issues fixed, although just one problems remains. I have fixed xrandr to not use 85Hz (my monitor does not support it) although -something- is still setting it to 85 before X is loading. What will this be? [16:16] ale____: just compile that aswell [16:17] aeon-ltd : could you please guide me through that? im kind of a newbie [16:17] I'm back [16:17] ilovefairuz: ok, again i got a totally non-descriptive error message saying "subprocess dpkg returned error code 1" [16:17] i need some help [16:17] ale____: tar -xzvf nameofpkg.tar.gz, cd nameofpkg, ./configure, make, make install [16:17] hpj_: pastebin the whole output [16:18] could anyone help me [16:18] jovaro: any logs you can supply on a paste site for us to support better? [16:18] !details | biohazard [16:18] biohazard: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [16:18] AL|EN, what kind of logs do you want? I don't have X logs unfortunately... [16:18] trojan_spike, So, here it is, Xubuntu-desktop seems to work perfectly [16:18] I need some help with setting writing permissions on a thumb drive.... I been unable to extract some files into it.... [16:19] JoaoJoao, open synaptic [16:19] trojan_spike, done [16:19] scroll to 'meta packages' [16:19] jovaro: what was the last things before you broke with X? [16:20] trojan_spike, done [16:20] are any installed? (green) [16:21] Hey FRESH Ubuntus! [16:21] Does anyone know if I can find out whether my computer takes ddr ram or ddr2 without opening my box? [16:21] trojan_spike, kubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-minimal [16:21] Everything FRESH? [16:21] Ubunutbunutubunt! [16:21] AL|EN, X breaks right on starting it [16:21] do a re-install on them [16:21] UUuuuuu! [16:21] Ubuntu, u-buntu! [16:21] Yeah [16:21] ubuntu lucid10.04+kernel panic:not syncing+attempted to kill init+no init found..........can anyone help?? [16:21] :-( [16:21] The magnificent TROLLY is here! [16:21] JoaoJoao, now go to multiverse [16:22] Knee down in front of the unbelivable TROLLY! === dreamtraveler is now known as noobuntu [16:23] okay. I am slowly but surely getting my screen refresh rate issues fixed, although just one problems remains. I have fixed xrandr to not use 85Hz (my monitor does not support it) although -something- is still setting it to 85 before X is loading. What will this be? [16:23] jovaro: is X broken after a fresh install or what were you doing last that caused that trouble? update fail? [16:23] coder2, are you installing by bootstrap? [16:23] trojan_spike, okay, reinstalling them [16:23] Im the TROLLY! [16:23] The distinguished TROLLY! [16:23] T [16:23] !ot | Sechssechssechs [16:23] Sechssechssechs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [16:23] R [16:23] dli: no [16:23] O [16:23] L [16:23] Sechssechssechs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:23] L [16:23] AL|EN, update from 9.10 to 10.04 [16:23] at install, grub2 had entries for all 3 OS. after sudo update-grub, it only has ubuntu. [16:23] JoaoJoao, meta (multiverse) choose the restricted ones u want.. === emma_ is now known as emma [16:24] T Y [16:24] R L [16:24] !ops | Sechssechssechs (Trolling) [16:24] Sechssechssechs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:24] Sechssechssechs (Trolling): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler! [16:24] OL [16:24] trojan_spike, okay, doing it [16:24] ilovefairuz: pasted - 527092 [16:24] OL [16:24] Does anyone know if I can find out whether my computer takes ddr ram or ddr2 without opening my box? [16:25] TROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROL [16:25] LYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLY [16:25] Sechssechssechs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:25] !ops | Sechssechssechs [16:25] Sechssechssechs: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler! [16:25] once done , reboot. and run :sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm' again [16:25] TROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROL [16:25] LYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTROLLYTR [16:25] Sechssechssechs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:25] man, somebody ban that jerk already [16:26] what an idiot [16:26] trojan_spike, not finding the libopenjpeg package, going to packages.ubuntu.com to download it manually [16:26] sion, try 'sudo dmidecode -t memory [16:26] ' [16:26] at install, grub2 had entries for all 3 OS. after sudo update-grub, it only has ubuntu. how do I fix? [16:26] why is it always, that operator status is always give and taken? what is the advantage? [16:26] sion, try 'sudo dmidecode -t memory' [16:26] okay, will try again seeing all that spam obviously made my question wholly invisible [16:26] okay. I am slowly but surely getting my screen refresh rate issues fixed, although just one problems remains. I have fixed xrandr to not use 85Hz (my monitor does not support it) although -something- is still setting it to 85 before X is loading. What will this be? [16:26] Benkinooby, keeps people from annoying ops w/ trivialities. [16:27] Hello, can I have crossfading in Audacious? [16:27] sion, in my case there is a line 'Type: DDR' [16:27] zorklat, oh, ok. thanks [16:27] JoaoJoao, I gtg,, basically u want to re-install the gnome / kde libs [16:28] ilovefairuz: somehow, "addtional drivers" now says the sta driver is active but not in use [16:28] how do i put it in use? === Pilif12p is now known as GoHawks [16:30] hpj_: the pastebin says this driver doesn't support your chipset, what's the output of: sudo lshw -C network [16:31] anyone ever got such problem: when using ubuntu, sound volume sometimes randomily jumps to ~0, and you have to go to sound preferences to turn back up? [16:31] #corsix-th [16:31] going to reinstall libs, thanks for your help guys [16:31] Does anyone know how to disable right mouse clicks on the browser's scrollbar? [16:32] Agent001, depends on window manager. [16:32] coder2, I saw attempt to kill init only because of debootstrap or incorrect /etc/inittab [16:32] at install, grub2 had entries for all 3 OS. after sudo update-grub, it only has ubuntu. how do I fix? [16:33] Man... after trying out MAC OS X, I don't feel like coming back to Ubuntu! [16:33] dli: i think that occured due to installing of new kernel [16:33] I'm on ubuntu 10.04, and trying to access phpmyadmin from localhost, but I get a message that I don't have permission. Can someone help me? [16:33] hello [16:33] how can I disable ACPI ? [16:34] coder2, do you mean you can boot with another kernel? [16:34] mateobur, boot with kernel parameter acpi=off [16:34] ilovefairuz: yes, the b43 driver isn't compatible with my chip, but the sta driver seems to work now - i only have to put it in use, somehow [16:34] mateobur, sometimes it helps, "acpi=off noapic" [16:34] dli, thanks [16:35] I have a RAID5 mounted on /mnt/raid .. but i want access to it as ~/Data ... should i ln it or just move the mount point? [16:35] is it possible to download source code for something like Qt in such a way that the gdb will see it? [16:35] dli, that will block the acpid demon as well ? [16:36] hpj_: reboot? [16:37] mateobur, if there's no kernel support of acpi, I suppose the acpid won't hurt either, to make sure, you can remove acpid from init jobs [16:37] dli, where are those init jobs ? [16:37] I don't see any wizard to configure them [16:37] mateobur, sudo update-rc.d -f acpid remove [16:37] dli, hm.. isnt upstart the new standard and rc.d is outdated? [16:38] dli: no i cannot boot with the another one also,but i think that this problem as been created by newly installed kernel [16:38] Benkinooby, should be, could you point an upstart howto for mateobur then [16:38] Hello, I'm getting an error while trying to boot. Target filesystem doesnt have requested /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init =bootarg [16:39] and then it dumps me in a shell [16:39] at install, grub2 had entries for all 3 OS. after sudo update-grub, it only has ubuntu. how do I fix? [16:39] Daghdha: you can also use mount's --bind option [16:39] coder2, can you do a memtest? it could be hardware as well [16:39] dli: what a bad block on partition means? [16:40] Hi, I'm sorry if this isn't particulalrly ubuntu specific, but I am using ubuntu; I keep getting warnings that my diskspace is below 1.6GB, so I decided to shrink my windows partition to make my ubuntu partition bigger. I sharnk it by 20GB using windows, and tried to use the gparted live CD to make the ubuntu partition bigger, but I cant find a way to either move the partitions or add the free spa [16:40] coder2, means hard drive surface defects. to check, boot livecd, and do fsck -f [16:40] space onto the other partition. here is a screenshot of what i want to do, could someone tell me how?; http://tinypic.com/r/291yopd/7 [16:40] dli, hm, i just saw several times that when ever ppl spake about update rc the got corrected to use upstart. please do not missundersand me. but for now, all i could do is google [16:41] coder2, or directly, badblocks [16:41] dli: should i get a replacement of harddrive from company? [16:41] Hello, I'm getting an error while trying to boot. Target filesystem doesnt have requested /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init =bootarg. Does anyone know what causes this? [16:41] dli mateobur "man upstart" says that all the important files are in /etc/init/ [16:42] does anyone know a multitrack player on ubuntu [16:42] ok [16:42] Benkinooby, myself is not updated with upstart, it's better to suggest the upstart way for sure. [16:42] Hi Edmund, unfortunately, you cannot do that directly... Windows is on a primary partition and Ubuntu is on an extended... [16:43] Edmund: You might try creating a 'Linux Volume Group' Unfortunately I'm not at my PC right now... but do try and search on google... Hope this helps... :-) [16:43] sunk8: so would the only way to be to delet the entire extended, and then make another one with the unallocated included, and re-install? [16:43] coder2, hard drive failures are easy to detect, first, you boot livecd, usually you would see error messages concerning hard drive in "dmesg", second, you can run something like "badblocks -s /dev/sda" [16:44] coder2, dli is right. menu entry you look for, to check disks, is "Disk Utility" -- it's a program called Palimpsest. [16:44] Edmund: reinstall is a not an option... too time consuming... Your ext4 patrition is abt 32 GB === peppe is now known as Guest6839 [16:44] anybody around able to help with a refresh rate issue yet, please? [16:45] Ubuntu shouldn't take so much space... [16:45] coder2, usually, "badblocks -sw" is not necessary (write mode test) [16:45] Edmund: U got too many apps installed? [16:45] zorklat: ok [16:46] sunk8: ye I tihnk its just apps, I recently re-installed ultimate edition, whcih is pretty big, and have since downloaded all the updates and quite a few agmes [16:46] Edmund, may also want to try sudo apt-get autoclean and sudo apt-get clean [16:46] phasma, do you mean in X? you can find monitor(screen) setting in Preferences menu [16:46] If I upload a file to ubuntu one using the web interface it works fine, but if I try to do it locally I am told that my storage is full. [16:46] at install, grub2 had entries for all 3 OS. after sudo update-grub, it only has ubuntu. how do I fix? [16:46] dli: No. This is happening before X. I have set xrandr to disregard the rate, although it is still evident in text mode (whilst booting up) [16:47] phasma, are you using kernel mode setting? [16:47] phasma, if so, you can use kernel parameter "video=" options [16:47] Edmund: The biggest problem lies in the fact that you are allowed only 4 primary or 3 primary and 1 extended partition, so you cannot 'create' a partition in that free space and get away with it... [16:47] dli: No. There is a bug with KMS on my video chip === nictrace is now known as kotoped [16:48] ok [16:48] So my Compiz or whatever crashed and now GIMP has stolen my cursor and I cannot get back to interact with other programs. [16:48] phasma, if not, I guess you will have to rely on old framebuffer drivers, no a pleasant way, with vga= settings [16:48] Edmund, when in gparted, can you not select the partition in the graphical representation and then drag its edges? [16:48] no [16:48] but that wouldnt [16:48] Edmund: w8, that's an unallocated one... Why don't you format it as ext4 and maybe move your home partition to that drive? [16:49] thats a good [16:49] idea [16:49] Khisanth: I made a ln instead. [16:49] hold on, i cant [16:49] seem to type more [16:49] than a few wordse [16:49] dli: eww, but if that is the only way, then so be it. Thanks. Out of curiosity, though. Where is the rate set as things stand right now? Is it read from the EDID before X loads? I am thinking along the lines of changing it manually, as it is obviously set -somewhere- [16:50] Edmund: This guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving willhelp you move the home partition... If you have a lot of data there, your issue will be resolved... [16:50] phasma, I'm not sure, but kernel has lower level video control [16:50] whats wrong with suspend/hibernate in maverick? [16:50] everytime i close the lid of my inspiron 17, i have to restart to get it back [16:51] same with my vaio [16:51] ok i'll try that thanks [16:51] at install, grub2 had entries for all 3 OS. after sudo update-grub, it only has ubuntu. how do I fix? [16:51] dli: You think it is possible I set the configuration incorrectly when I configured the kernel? [16:51] Edmund: Cool... Good luck... [16:51] ilovefairuz: after reboot, the wireless drivers is supposedly active and in use now, but not a single ssid is listed under available networks, though there are several here (including my own) [16:52] My test box is setup to boot Ubuntu 10.04 or Xubuntu 10.04, I just ran updates on Ubuntu, and now grub can't find Xubuntu, boot message says /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxx.... does not exist? [16:52] phasma, if it works with default ubuntu livecd, then, you know for sure, something wrong with your kernel [16:52] ilovefairuz: do i need an additional package that searches for ssids? [16:52] dli: Good point. Thanks for your help [16:52] hpj_: nope, iwlist scan [16:53] phasma, for me, the ubuntu livecd gives me blank screen, so I know my kernel is better [16:54] dli: Yeah, I had to roll my own kernel on this box owing to a 2 year old kernel bug, so I can totally identify with that [16:54] I also have another unrelated question; a few weeks ago my ubuntu started messing up really strangely, for example, i cant restore windows every so often, sometimes windows blank out and I cant use them for no reason (and I've only got a few running with plenty of resources free). All updates installed. So a couple of weeks ago I re-installed UE 2.7 (ubuntu 10.04) and installed all the updates. pr [16:54] dli@ KMS basically wedges my GPU [16:54] phasma, what bug, do you get a bts link for it? [16:54] hello All, I am having probelm in installing one package ..which is called as "omega" [16:55] dli: Not sure if you are aware, but there is an old bug with mode setting on the onboard intel video chips [16:55] ilovefairuz: iwlist scan gives me 3 interfaces - lo, eth0, eth1, but all three "doesn't support scanning" [16:55] anyone here have experience using the oslr package in ubuntu ? i was told it would solve my bonding failsafe fallover problem [16:55] n2diy, sounds similar to my problem -- update-grub removed everything but ubuntu from the grub menu. [16:55] presently i'm still getting all these wiers things happening that quite often make the os almost unusable. for example, for a few minutes just now, I could only type a few words, then all of a sudden the cursor changed to [16:55] When I try to remove pinentry-gtk, it also installs pinentry-gtk2... How do I disable this? [16:55] ilovefairuz: i also tried "connect to hidden wireless network", it doesn't work either [16:55] there do not seem to be too many OSLR how-to's for ubuntu and OSLR, not even useful information on ubuntuforums.org [16:55] hpj_: paste the output of: lshw -C network to paste.ubuntu.com [16:56] Edmund... are you downloading something? [16:56] the sort you use for writing and I couldn't click on anything; Iassume it must be a problem with a recent update since the problems are still here after re-installing [16:56] dli: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes [16:56] in the INSTALL file they asked to change some system dependent varaibles: MOTIF=/usr/X11R6/LessTif/Motif2.0/ X11_INCL_PATH=-I/usr/X11R6/include/ -I${MOTIF}/include X11_LIB_PATH= -L${MOTIF}/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib/ [16:56] phasma, the KMS bug I reported: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29221 [16:56] Edmund: Maybe a torrent client is on? or a download/install? [16:56] zorklat: yes, I noticed that too. I'm going to check my directoroy, maybe the old disk was renamed, and I recover it that way? [16:56] sunk8: no, and this is a problem which occurs after restarting [16:56] no [16:56] dli: Not sure about that one. Checking now [16:56] what is this X11RC and motif and LessTif? [16:57] which remastersys version i have to install on my system here: http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/ubuntu.html [16:57] Correction: when I try to remove pinentry-curses, it installs pinentry-gtk2. [16:57] can some one help ..in this regard [16:57] Hello guys. Any recent problems with the 10.10 install and Catalyst drivers? Apparently after I enabled the proprietary drivers my display is kinda scrued [16:57] n2diy, no idea. I came here to see if I could get help, nobody seems to know. [16:58] n2diy, actually, doesn't seem to be my issue -- had LMDE, ArchBang & lubuntu entries before booting into lubuntu, ran updates, & now only have lubuntu. [16:58] zorklat: roger that, this is like fishing, sometimes you get a bite, sometimes not. [16:58] and now the cursor is the sort you use for typing (cant remeber the name of it) and I cant click on anything- my system is fully updates as well [16:58] can someone here use remastersys with ubuntu 10.1 ? [16:58] dli: No, this is a different issue than that. I do not get a blank screen. X loads fine, but upon the GPU wedge, it fails to redraw, requiring a magic key out of it [16:58] phasma, looks like your chip is a little bit too old, my mine is a little too new :( intel video is not satisfactory :( [16:58] dli: Yeah, mine is an Intel 845 (about 6 years old) [16:59] i install ubuntu 10.4 and my removable device does not automatically mounted i need to do that manually so what i can do to solve this issue [16:59] sudo apt-get install yum [16:59] Hi. My headset just broke, and i've started using my good ol' speakers again. I've thought that i could just buy a microphone(blue yeti maybe?). Would this give echo-problems in VOIP-software? if so, how can i fix this? [16:59] hello, guys ..can you help me to understand X11RC and motif and LessTif ? [16:59] and How to install them [17:00] Can someone help me with my Xserver? It crashes right after starting it. The log is here: http://pastebin.com/s6QyX8pj [17:00] I know these are really wierd symptions and I've never had these problems with ubuntu before, but as I say, even after a re-install they still happenly randomly, which is why I think it must be an issue with an update, does anyone else experience any such problems? [17:00] nadeem, have you tried nautilus (default gnome file manager), you click on the displayed devices(partitions) to get it mounted, pretty much like automounting [17:02] i cant even see those partitions in the file manager [17:02] ilovefairuz: pasted: 527113 [17:02] i do fdisk -l to see them and then mount manually [17:02] Edmund, Occasionally you will see things with Ubuntu that don't make sense. These basically are bugs. However, if you can't replicate the bug it is extremely hard to track down the cause (let a lone the solution). This happens more on some distros because they are newer. Arch for example is very very new and has tons of bugs. Debian stable is an example at the other end of the spectrum (older features but fewer bugs) [17:02] jovaro, is 1360x768 your monitor resolution? [17:02] ummm...hi..can anyone help me with a problem regarding wubi? [17:02] dli, no I use a TV which is PAL [17:03] at install, grub2 had entries for all 3 OS. after sudo update-grub, it only has ubuntu. how do I fix? [17:03] jovaro: Did you actually put all those mode lines in your xorg.conf? [17:03] Edmund, A good work around is to use an older kernel (since many strange bugs originate in the kernel). Or if you can nail the bug down to a particular piece of software an older (or sometimes newer) version of that. [17:03] Diamondcite, no I don't have anything in my xorg.conf [17:03] hi, can some one look at the following Makefile.config and suggetst me the X11RC and motif and LessTif values in that :http://pastebin.com/trYhyEXW [17:03] Hi, i'm trying to autlogin into my mythbox. Followed this: [17:03] if [ $(tty) == "/dev/tty1" ]; then [17:03] echo "Starting X" [17:03] it doesn't even exist [17:03] startx [17:03] else [17:03] regomodo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:03] echo "Not starting X" [17:03] jovaro, can you do "X -configure" to see whether it crashes as well [17:04] Hi, i'm trying to autlogin into my mythbox. Followed this: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2010/01/01/enable-automatic-login-in-ubuntu-9-10-server/ [17:04] whats wrong with suspend/hibernate in maverick? [17:04] everytime i close the lid of my inspiron 17, i have to restart to get it back [17:04] It logins in fine but X doesn't start. [17:04] dans: Some systems hibernate terrible, try suspend [17:04] dans, I got a similar problem, because display keeps black after suspend [17:04] Only when I run "bash +x" does X start. Any pointers? [17:05] ebdian: I know that, but i have been using ubuntu for years, and have never experienced these problems. the only similarity is that on my old compuer with barely any ram the windows would balnnk out (darken) for a while if there were too many windows open. however i now have 4gb of ram and a decent processor, and this happens random;y when few windows are open, there are also other random things [17:05] dli, it says FATAL, nvidia not found [17:05] jovaro, sounds stupid, since you don't really have nvidia card, right? [17:05] Edmund, because it is random I literally cannot offer advice about it. [17:06] I've tried slecting an earlier kernel at boot, but x wont start due to driver issues, the one i'm running is the only one i can run [17:06] dli, no it is a VIA thingy [17:06] at install, grub2 had entries for all 3 OS. after sudo update-grub, it only has ubuntu. how do I fix? [17:06] network died on ubuntu machine again whil copying a lot of data [17:06] Any fix yet for not being able to save network files via Kate, and other resources [17:06] dli, but it did give a new xorg.conf, maybe it didn't crash after all? [17:06] jovaro, dli: nvidia makes mobos, including some marketed by via. [17:07] Anyone know of some software that will equalize a bunch of MP3's from various sources? [17:07] hi , can some one look at the following Makefile.config and suggetst me the X11RC and motif and LessTif values in that :http://pastebin.com/trYhyEXW [17:07] jovaro, test with the new xorg.conf [17:07] ilovefairuz: anything? [17:07] Turns out that tombuntu lguide is incorrect. [17:07] zorklat, it is a Via Eden board, don't think nvidia makes those? [17:08] ebdian: one thing I can say is that a few weeks ago my install had been running perfectly and very fast for about a month (since install) untill I installed updates (with the update manager), and then these problems started, so my guess is that its a problem with one of these updates, so I'm thinking that someone else must also be experiencing problems? [17:08] hpj_: running lucid? [17:08] dli, it crashes with the new xorg.conf as well [17:08] ilovefairuz: 10.10 netbook [17:09] 32-bit [17:09] FishFace, well there are probably several applications for this you can check in sysnaptic for notmalize-audio [17:09] jovaro, the wikipedia entry strongly suggests you are right. [17:09] FishFace, maybe ffmpeg or mencoder can help also for command line based uitiliy [17:09] srini, sorry, I don't understant that particular package, and the Makefile.conf contains only ENVs for some Makefile, I suppose [17:09] at install, grub2 had entries for all 3 OS. after sudo update-grub, it only has ubuntu. how do I fix? === Kyoku is now known as Kaizen [17:10] jovaro, now, can you modify the new xorg.conf to specify modelines [17:10] FishFace, look here also http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/09/11/normalize-the-gain-playback-volume-of-your-mp3s/ [17:11] , Yes,, I am new to unix and ubuntu....and in that file basically, there are some varibales which have to fill in according to my system specification [17:11] hi, i have a problem with a divx-stream... how can i watch it in ubuntu? [17:11] dli, do you have an example so I know where and how to write the modelines? [17:11] jovaro, try: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg [17:12] !restricted | greenIT [17:12] greenIT: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [17:12] , I do not know what is that X11R6 and motif anf LessTif in that Makefile.config [17:12] hpj_: looks like you'll need to install the windows driver using ndiswrapper [17:12] coz_: Thanks. Checking it out :) [17:12] I'm thinking I should just re-install ubuntu, but maybe noy use ultimate edition this time, since the problem could be in that. I'm fine with ubuntu 10.04, would there be any disadvantages in installing 10.10 instead, because I'll start the download on either now [17:12] jovaro, basically, you need to add sections Monitor Screen, and in Screen, you specify modes lines: Modes "1024x768" "1280x1024" [17:13] not* [17:13] srini, first, what are you trying to do? to install a package named omega? [17:13] yes === squished is now known as jenkinbr [17:13] greenIT: I myself use gnome mplayer with the codecs installed most people suggest VLC but i think the program is horrible [17:13] yes [17:13] dli, thanks I'll do that! [17:13] How do I get the Me menu icon to show up in the systray? [17:13] Edmund, only disadvantage i know of re 10.10 v 10.04 is 10.04 has support till 13.04, while 10.10 only till 12.04 [17:14] dominicdinada, how can i watch streams with mplayer or which plugins do i have to install? [17:14] ok [17:14] greenIT: i sent you the howto on restrict formats [17:14] hey guys. im having some weird issues with a vpn setup that works on debian but not ubuntu. i believe it has something to do with the way default routes work. ive tried other channels pertaining to vpns and networking to no avail so far. http://pastebin.ca/1983384 any help i greatly appreciate :) [17:15] !restricted > greenIT [17:15] greenIT, please see my private message [17:15] cheers, it was DDR DIM :) [17:15] ilovefairuz: why is that? [17:15] dominicdinada, ah, thx [17:15] the whole package you can get it from the following link : http://www.infosun.fim.uni-passau.de/cl/loopo/required/ [17:15] doesn't eth1 show properly? [17:16] hpj_: no idea why the driver doesn't support your chip, you should file a bug, join #ubuntu-bugs for help with that [17:16] in that webpager you can see a link to "omeg" [17:16] hpj_, ndiswrapper is a tool to make windows drivers for wireless cards work in linux, when there are no linux drivers. [17:16] ilovefairuz: i don't understand [17:16] why do you say the driver doesn't support my chip? [17:16] the b43 driver said it doesn't support my chip, ok [17:16] in that webpager you can see a link to "omeg" [17:16] hpj_, cos it's not working? ;~) [17:16] hpj_: because it explictly says so in the installation error [17:17] but the sta driver installed fine [17:17] how do you delete an IP from ssh "last -x" log? [17:17] hpj_, ther's a difference b/n installing & working. [17:17] did you see anything wrong in the lshw result i posted? [17:18] srini, and error occurs when you install omega? [17:18] if not, how do i know this is a driver bug, not a configuration error? [17:18] ls [17:18] oops [17:18] at install, grub2 had entries for all 3 OS. after sudo update-grub, it only has ubuntu. how do I fix? [17:19] hpj_: does it work? sudo ifconfig eth1 up; iwlist can [17:19] hpj_: scan ** [17:19] how d u instll gimp n ubuntu? [17:19] in the INSTALL file they said, we have to change some and I do not understand the VARIABLES related to X11RC and motif and LessTif [17:20] how can I associate txt files with open office? [17:20] srini, and that's for the package omeg, right? [17:20] they asked me to do "make depend" but it fails giving an error [17:20] randomusr_, right click, properties, Open With [17:20] joeyjordison: use synaptic package manager and search for gimp [17:20] ilovefairuz: no, iwlist still says eth1 doesn't support scanning [17:20] hpj_, pastebin (not paste) your `lspci -nnk' output [17:21] hpj_: pastebin /var/log/messages [17:21] dli, Open Office is not listed [17:21] srini, can you pastebin your command lines also, right after you untar/unzip the source, and cd to the source folder [17:22] randomusr_, usually, you can choose other programs, or custom command [17:22] How to access a linux system from windows remotely..? [17:22] karthick87, ssh/vnc [17:22] karthick87 with ssh [17:22] putty.exe works pretty well [17:22] dli, does that mean I have to assign the -writer command to all text files? how do I do this glabally? [17:22] the whole package is in the following link, it is from a university http://www.infosun.fim.uni-passau.de/cl/loopo/required/ u can look for the link with : omega1.2_for_loopo-2009-11-03.tar.gz [17:23] Installed openssh-server in my ubuntu [17:23] then download putty on windows [17:23] randomusr_, I suppose you only do it once [17:23] How to access my system from outside..? [17:23] and enter your ip address in putty, and you'll remotely connect to your server [17:23] dli: did that, but it only applies to the single file [17:24] randomusr_, from right click -> properties? [17:24] yes, I can do that , I did untar and unzip and read the INSTALL file and they asked me to change some Variables in Makefile.config which I pasted at http://pastebin.com/trYhyEXW [17:24] srini, do you have to install loopo first before installing omega? [17:24] in that file I do not understand the X11RC variables.. [17:24] Installed openssh-server in my ubuntu,how to access my ubuntu system from outside..? [17:25] karthick, lok in ur private chat [17:25] to install Loopo I need this Omeaga [17:25] im talking to you, about the question [17:25] WOOT! should have mentioned I'm using lubuntu: issue addressed at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275, the Grub 2 guide! [17:25] dli: right click > properties > use a custom command > type "/usr/bin/soffice -writer" [17:25] dli, I added some modelines, depth 24 "1024x768" "1280x1024" and now instead of X crashing, everything crashes... [17:25] dli: I'd have to do that for every txt file? [17:25] anyone know how to install photoshop on ubunut ... i tried using wine but i get a executable error [17:25] n2diy, check this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 [17:26] psycho_oreos: pasted, 527124 [17:26] how can i install google earth in ubuntu 10.10? [17:27] bukem, that's one of the tougher tasks out there. expect to find a lot of time w/ google & ubuntuforums. [17:27] hpj_, one of the ethX should be a wireless interface, iwconfig should tell you which one has wireless extensions apart from printing `no wireless extensions' for a specific interface [17:27] zorklat: ok, just deleted all my partitions and I'm re-installing. [17:27] bukem, winehq.org forums as well. [17:27] zorklat .thanks [17:27] !google earth | NameLess-js [17:27] NameLess-js: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository [17:27] jovaro, "everything crashes"? I don't understand === WiW is now known as WiWafk [17:27] according to INSTALL file , If I do "make depend" I get the following error http://pastebin.com/0qgfxPbV [17:28] srini, give me several minute to understand this [17:28] Silasle: how can i install it, without using medibuntu, i downloaded the .bin file [17:28] dli, had to restart the pc for anything to happen === WiWafk is now known as WiW [17:29] thanks , no problem , I am trying this from yesterday and for one of my project it is needed [17:30] psycho_oreos: i know which one, it's eth1, and iwconfig says so too [17:30] hello, is there a way to raise the available swap space without repartitioning my disks? thanks [17:30] jovaro, sounds like video card driver bug though :( bad luck for openchrome users :( [17:31] hello ! could someone please help me with f-spot. just need someone who knows how to use it show me around a bit. private convo please so as not to spam the channel [17:31] hpj_, so your issue is not being able to scan? what if you tried issuing `sudo iwlist eth1 scanning'? [17:31] dendrite, I suggest shotwell instead of f-spot, personal preference though [17:32] dli: o yea forgot about that. i have used it before it is great [17:32] psycho_oreos: iwconfig says about my eth1: link quality 5, signal level 0, noise level 0 [17:32] mi è sparita la barra di stato superiore e l'area per le icone ridotte.che faccio? [17:32] that signal level 0 can't be right, can it? [17:32] NameLess-js: Did you see this? - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=233309 [17:33] ty FishFace [17:33] Hello! I'm having a problem installing Ubuntu on my machine. [17:34] psycho_oreos: iwlist eth1 scanning says "failed to read scan data: invalid argument" [17:34] I'm installing via Vista. [17:34] hpj_, you're using a proprietary driver, who knows how it'll exactly function, I'd check dmesg for info and hope [17:35] I tried 3 times, first being able to boot into Ubuntu to install, but getting stuck on "Syncing to network time server" [17:36] Second, via the same process, and booting into Ubuntu to finish, but getting stuck on "Checking for other OSes" [17:37] anyone know how to set file associations from bash? [17:37] joe_cool what release? [17:37] Third time, it finished installing via Wubi, but when I open Ubuntu, I get a strange and erractic arrangment of pixels. [17:37] linuxR: Unmount your swap partition and create a swap file [17:37] 10.4 LTS [17:38] joe_cool you booting to your dvd? [17:38] To my computer. Using Wubi. [17:39] Downloaded from ubuntu.com [17:39] nothingspecial, yep thanks, I have just created a swap file and added this to the swap pool [17:39] srini, you will need the package lesstif2-dev: sudo apt-get install lesstif2-dev [17:39] psycho_oreos: when i do "ifconfig eth1 down" and "ifconfig eth1 up", nothing shows in /var/log/messages, what does that mean? [17:40] hpj_, it means that the driver doesn't tell you in verbose messages what is going on internally [17:40] joe_cool: sry neva used that ... try ubuntu live, if you looking for a lighter version [17:41] psycho_oreos: and "iwlist eth1 power" says "current mode: off", is that normal? [17:41] I installed that package already ... [17:41] hpj_, don't know if you're curious about those, maybe you should consult with broadcom, its their own proprietary driver [17:41] I'll try Ubuntu live, but I'm looking for a version that supports 64 bit. [17:42] la barra superiore del desktop è sparita che faccio? [17:42] psycho_oreos: i find it strange since lenovo s10 isn't exactly an exotic series [17:42] If you have downloaded the "omega1.2_for_loopo-2009-11-03.tar.gz" file , can you look at the INSTALL file and Makefile.config files [17:43] hpj_, it isn't lenovo that's the issue.. well if anything it is partially, but its because of the wifi chipset and the manufacturer behind the wifi chipset [17:43] there is a samll README file as well [17:43] psycho_oreos: also, iwlist eth1 event tells me: "wireless events supported: (empty); scanning capabilities: essid" [17:43] my log and my consoles (clt-F1 F2 etc) are flooded with this message: http://pastebin.com/iYp8NTxJ [17:43] srini, and you make some minor changes to Makefile.conf: http://pastebin.ca/1983745 === itch_ is now known as sisif [17:43] [drm:radeon_dvi_detect] *ERROR* DVI-D-1: probed a monitor but no|invalid EDID === NG_ is now known as ng_ [17:44] Any one have the solution to that? [17:44] srini, if you have used the program patch, you can cd to source folder, and do: patch -p1 < /path/to/patchfile [17:44] Hello guys. What`s the best driver to install for a ATI HD 2xx unde 10.00x64 ? [17:44] is there anything like Genius for itunes, but for ubuntu? [17:44] i deleted my /etc/samba directory thinking it would recreate itself when I reinstalled samba, but i was wrong [17:44] It's strange i don't even have DVI [17:44] any ideas how I recreate the directory with the default config files? [17:44] sisif, the radeon open source driver [17:45] Jeaton, sudo apt-get remove samba; sudo apt-get install samba [17:45] hpj_, again I must stress that for all issues whilst using wl driver, you should seek broadcom for support as they would know exactly how their driver works [17:45] the patch answer I did get [17:45] dli, do you have a link to a .deb ? [17:45] dli, or it`s in the repos ? [17:45] the patch answer I did not understood...sorry [17:45] Jeaton, aptitude -o Dpkg::Options="--force-confmiss" reinstall samba-common samba [17:45] psycho_oreos: but that can only take months, if ever [17:45] I just removed Skype, in addition to that, I also removed the .Skype folder in Nautilus, what else should I remove to completely remove it? [17:46] psycho_oreos: i thought people are familiar with this kind of problems [17:46] hpj_, well :) that's the joys of using that driver and having that laptop device [17:46] Jeaton, or apt-get (in maverick, aptitude is not installed via default) [17:46] srini, you save what I pastebined to a file, install the package "patch" [17:46] it seems to be there are quite a lot of broadcom driver problems [17:46] hpj_, not I, and I wouldn't be using wl for starters.. if anything I'd get rid of that crappy laptop, not worth the hassle [17:47] psycho_oreos: a netbook without wlan isn't much a netbook is it? [17:47] srini, then, you cd to omega source folder, do: patch -p1 < /path/to/saved_patch_file [17:47] hey guys. need some help. just did a fresh install of 10.10 but cannot figure out how to get bluetooth to stay connected, esp so i can use it at login screen? [17:47] a lot of it is related to broadcom being slow to introducing themselves to the linux community, they've only just recently made some of their wifi support open [17:48] hpj_, I meant to get rid of the netbook entirely and get a netbook with a decent wifi chipset.. not something like lenovo [17:48] okay..I will do [17:48] psycho_oreos: the thing was given to me - for free [17:48] I have a number of USB sticks that are bootable systems - when I pug them in they are all named "4G File System" - how do I change the names [17:48] i wouldn't have brought it, for sure [17:49] MajicJ: what are they formated as? [17:49] My superior desktop bar it's missed how can restore it? [17:49] hpj_, well I'd sell it and buy something worthwhile with the money :) there's no point hanging onto something that won't work the way you want it to work without lots of fiddling around.. unless if you're really willing to learn linux inside out starting from the command line and hope that you'll get it working [17:50] MagicJ: what are they formatted as (sorry spelt username wrong forst time) [17:50] srini, also, as the omeg package maintainers to use stand build tools like autotools, or cmake. it's silly to ask users to modify a config and build [17:50] Hi, how can i spawn a process through the command line without having the console "bind" to it? Meaning, I want to spawn a program and be able to run more commands through the same window [17:50] dydt: & [17:51] dydt, easiest, background fork with &. better use GNU screen or tmux [17:51] NameLess-js: Did you get it installed? [17:51] not really sure - how would I quickly discover that [17:51] I uninstalled Skype, removed the .Skype folder, what else can I do to make sure there's nothing left? [17:51] FishFace: working, workins, warning, warning, error, critical error :) [17:51] oops Tylerjs - not sure how would I determine that [17:52] j/k working fine FishFace [17:52] bah ok what tools do I need to get from an mp3 to an aiff tried a few things with mpg123 and sox but sofar not sucessfull [17:52] Anybody know if flash64 works with mythtv? [17:52] NameLess-js: Cool. I had to do it a different way. [17:52] wait [17:52] acually error [17:52] Errors were encountered while processing [17:52] FishFace: sudo dpkg -i ./ [17:53] anyone? [17:53] Thank you, that worked :) [17:53] MagicJ: Are you in Ubunutu Desktop, if so run the disk utility from the Adminisration tab [17:53] NameLess-js: Go to the 4th response in the thread if you have to by kalpet89 - http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/earth/thread?tid=0530e630c239ca19&hl=en [17:54] FishFace: k [17:54] Wipster, I'm not sure about it, but you may try ffmpeg [17:54] FishFace: thats what i did [17:54] FishFace: nvm working tyvm [17:54] NameLess-js: I see. I just ran it and it opened up - then closed [17:54] Wipster, like : ffmpeg -i foo.mp3 foo.flac [17:54] Tylerjd:- I am - w95 f32 [17:54] FishFace: error again [17:55] how to disable copying file on samba server [17:55] dli, thanks i will give that a whirl [17:55] Tylerjd - but it does not allow me to change the label there === zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse [17:55] FishFace: i got error when installing but runs fine :) [17:56] NameLess-js: I am working on it :) [17:56] :) [17:56] hey guys, i have an interesting wireless issue on my laptop - when i use the switch to turn the wireless on, ubuntu says the wireless is disabled, but when i turn the switch off, ubuntu switches to saying it is disconnected and gives the option to search for networks [17:56] I think , I am ending up in the same issue ...it is not running " make depend" fails [17:56] * Daghdha reboots again to get eth0 back on the air :/ [17:56] Magicj: that means that it is formatted as a Fat32 disk, you should just be able to rename it from there... but I'm not positive, let me get a Ubuntu VirtualMachine running, hold on a sec [17:56] how do I log as root in kubuntu? [17:56] FishFace: ok, 1 down now vmware.binary to go :) [17:56] aussa: sudo -s [17:57] tyler jd - ty [17:57] aussa: You don`t, you use sudo [17:57] typelerjs - I will stand by [17:57] srini, I suppose either you still need some packages which I have here, or you patched the file wrong [17:57] Hi everyone, how do I edit Apache HTTP Server's configuration file? [17:57] srini, pastebin the error message, and the patched Makefile.conf [17:57] quantum: by using a text editor [17:57] is there anything like Genius for itunes, but for ubuntu? [17:57] My kernel is warning me with this message http://pastebin.com/iYp8NTxJ what does it mean? [17:57] quantm - the files are in /etc/apache2 - you will need to sudo [17:57] quantum: should be in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default or something like that [17:58] thank you :D [17:58] aussa, it's okay to login as root via ssh === HRT is now known as hrt [17:58] MagicJ, thanks [17:59] hi [17:59] osmosis: guayadeque music player uses lastfm to create playlists based on the first song you play and similar artists........ [18:00] !paste [18:00] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [18:00] !screeshot [18:00] !screenshot [18:00] some how when I do patch -pl < the path to file , I was getting "patch: **** strip count l is not a number" as a error, I did changed the Makefile.config manually and [18:00] Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it. === silver is now known as hy === sartf is now known as skfin [18:00] here is the Makefile.config http://pastebin.ca/1983754 new one [18:00] hello. i want to convert my emails from outlook express to evolution. whats the best way to do this? [18:01] robbrit, I can [18:01] robbrit, I can't find what I need in this file [18:01] dli, even something simple like converting the mp3 to a wav doesn't work and makes an unplayable file === clay_ is now known as ClayG [18:01] Wipster, ffmpeg -i foo.mp3 foo.wav ? [18:02] Would it be horrible to install reg ubuntu on my netbook instead of the "netbook edition"? [18:02] ClayG: no [18:02] srini, and "make depend" error? [18:02] dli, yeh cant play the file fires up totem and nothing [18:02] nothingspecial, i didn't think it would be, thanks [18:02] MagicJ: While I'm getting this VM going, what did you use to make the bootable USB's? Was it a tool on Windows, or something like unetbootin on Linux> [18:03] dli, try to play in rhythem box, nothing [18:03] clayg - I run regular 10.4 on my netbook - its GREAT! [18:03] I'm having a problem on finding the right Apache HTTP Server configuration file [18:03] totally just got photoshop on ubuntu!! [18:03] * bukem punchs the air [18:03] make depende error is : http://pastebin.ca/1983756 [18:03] Wipster, mplayer ? [18:03] is it possible for ubuntu to emulate an xp recovery disk so i can run 'chkdsk -r' and stop xp from bluescreening? [18:04] Wipster, aplay [18:04] <_jesse_> stev3: not really, you probably want a windows PE cd [18:04] dli ok will try those thanks [18:04] tylerjd - some unetbootin, remastersys and "Create startup disk" - and I find that word starting with W objectionable - NO! :) [18:05] trying _jesse_ :{ i cant find it, is it possible to eject a live cd to burn xp? [18:05] <_jesse_> stev3: you could use a live cd to burn a new XP cd, yes [18:06] cant seem to get it to eject _jesse_ [18:06] <_jesse_> eject? [18:06] <_jesse_> oh [18:06] only 1 dvd drive [18:06] <_jesse_> I see [18:06] srini, then, I think it's some missing packages [18:07] <_jesse_> stev3: what if you ran the live CD from USB? You could also probably run ubuntu's filesystem checker on your NTFS partition if that's the only utitlity you are looking for [18:07] , I think I will mail the Loopo team, for help [18:07] <_jesse_> stev3: well it's another program, but http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=729535 [18:08] ill try _jesse_ thanks :} [18:08] srini, it does build here [18:08] MagicJ: haha sorry:P I try to stay away from that word as well, but is there an option for "Change Disk Label" in there? make sure you choos the actual USB device, not the controller [18:08] srini, if possible, I suggest you install gentoo, because gentoo gives you -dev files by default, unlike ubuntu [18:09] is it ? can u paste the Makefile.config of urs ? [18:10] psycho_oreos: actually i'm already somewhat familiar with linux - starting with debian more than ten years ago, and having maintained a few servers [18:10] srini, http://pastebin.ca/1983766 [18:10] what is that gentoo and how should I install it [18:10] just not so good with hardware under linux [18:10] tyler - I don't see a choce that you reference [18:10] otherwise i'm ok [18:10] srini, http://www.gentoo.org/ [18:11] http://pastebin.com/iYp8NTxJ i don't even have a radeon, i have intel onboard gfx [18:11] most time i spent with linux has been on the command line, anyway [18:11] srini, as usually, you can try a new OS with virtual machiens [18:11] guys - when I hit the login screen it offers the vaious users that I set up but doen't offer the ones that are sort of part of the system, such as root - how do I set it to hide others that I set up [18:12] !notification [18:12] hpj_, then you should know for starters is to not use wl driver but to use the kernel's own b43 driver [18:12] any way that I can set the time notifications are on screen for please? [18:12] Hi, sound works only on one headphone side, what should I do ? [18:12] psycho_oreos: as i said, i'm not so good with hardware drivers under linux [18:13] srini, one thought: apt-get build-dep lesstif2 [18:13] srini, it may not help though [18:13] tried gentoo once, but gave up fairly quickly after trouble with kernel drivers [18:13] hi, i'm new here, how can I get some help? === rin is now known as rinhagemi [18:13] dane_ro: just ask [18:13] hi what can i install to refresh my address? something like dyndns... dhcpd ? [18:13] dane_ro - just ask [18:14] psycho_oreos: meanwhile, i've made significant progress with my netbook [18:14] hi [18:14] rek, better by your router, if it supports, or by ddclient [18:14] !ask | dane_ro [18:14] dane_ro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:14] the driver is scanning now! [18:14] I uninstalled Skype, removed the .Skype folder, what else can I do to remove it completely? [18:14] Sound works on only one headphone side, I tried to install QAmix, mute/unmute, none of these worked. What should I do ? [18:14] what dli ? [18:14] hpj_, *sighs* you still persist with that wl driver, up to you [18:15] psycho_oreos: seems the problem was that i deactivated wifi under windows (using fn key), and that somehow disabled the wifi (in the bios?) [18:15] !notifications [18:15] NameLess-js: I have 10.10 and finally got Google Earth working. LOL! [18:15] hi, i've installed VirtualBox 3.2 with .deb file, and now i want to do "Complete Removal" for this. How can i do this? [18:15] psycho_oreos: ok, instead of that driver, what would you recommend? [18:15] FishFace: i got googleearth working, but installer says ERROR :) [18:15] GoldenFish4U, It should be already removed completely. It isn't? [18:15] compiling my own kernel? [18:15] If I understand, u want me to install gentoo linux as a Vitual Machine and try installing this library [18:15] I want to lock all the ssh user in a particular location,so they cant browse my entire systsm.How can i do this..? [18:16] samr, extentions sownloaded from smartphone shows up as mp4, which media player can I use, I have installed a xouple of plug ins available in the ubuntu software library. Anyone can help? [18:16] MagicJ: that is weird, hmm, what version of ubuntu are you running? I have a USB fat32 device mounted in ubuntu, and is it giving me the option... Try installing GParted, "sudo apt-get install gparted" its basically a utilitarian version of Disk Utility. And a bit more powerful. then try and see if that lets you change the label [18:16] xrdodrx, yeah it's gone from the menu etc, just making sure it's gone :D [18:16] ummm.ok, here goes: until recently i've had windows xp and ubuntu 9.10 installed on the same partition, ubuntu installed with Wubi...yesterday I uninstaled Ubuntu to upgrade to 10.10...I installed ubuntu 10.10 through wubi, but when I rebooted, ubuntu said "Root partiton not found. Please correct this from partitioning menu"... [18:16] someone235: try apt-get remove virtualbox? [18:16] tyler - lucid [18:16] hpj_, b43 as previously mentioned.. and no it should come with the ubuntu's kernel depending on which kernel you're running [18:16] GoldenFish4U, linux isn't like Windows, it doesn't leave remnants behind when you uninstall stuff for the most part [18:16] i had trouble installing 10.10 with wubi inside XP also [18:16] petan, i want to do complete removal, not a reugalar removal [18:16] ok xrdodrx, then I'm done :) [18:16] srini, yes, ubuntu is okay, but gentoo is more convenient for users to build from source. still I want you to try "apt-get build-dep lesstif2" first [18:17] xrdodrx: it does, in the user directory [18:17] and it depends on the script [18:17] magicianlord, he told me he deleted ~/.skype [18:17] someone235: remove .VirtualBox from your home then [18:17] how can i set the folder of my ssh server ? i mean i don't want it to be / but only a directory [18:17] magicianlord, so yeah, it should be gone :) [18:17] hi all anyone had probs uisng nxclient on ubuntu 10.10 [18:17] xrdodrx: word? [18:17] Word? === realeyes|Zzz is now known as realeyes [18:18] and when I re-install 10.04 for 32-bit OS it automatically goes ahead and installs "amd64" version without my asking. I don't use an amd processor why does it do this? [18:18] rek, ssh chroot? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=367573 [18:18] btw, after the upgrading to v10.10, Nautilus doesn't get the system var "~", how can i set it back? [18:18] hi,in my opinion bluetooth does NOT WORK since 8.04 and nobody is fixing it [18:19] I triled that "apt-get build-dep lesstif2" [18:19] rek: agreed [18:19] srini, and doesn't help "make depend"? [18:19] oh shi... [18:19] JayD3e asked a lot of people they tried to guide me but bt still doesn't work [18:19] istinspring, ? [18:19] !ask [18:19] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:19] similar error in make depend [18:20] 1500 users. just install xChat [18:20] anyone know good IRC channel for python programmers? [18:20] !offtopic | istinspring [18:20] istinspring: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [18:21] please fix the bluetooth in Ubuntu!!!!!! [18:21] rek - what do you mean [18:21] srini, it runs here smoothly: http://pastebin.ca/1983773 === Lucas_ is now known as lethalfiodor [18:21] rek: do you have proper driver installed? [18:21] yes [18:21] i mean bt does not work [18:22] Can anyone tell me: does the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS kernel have alterations to it such that if I compile my own newer kernel from kernel.org it will not install/work or is this OK to do? I am unfamiliar with Ubuntu in this area. [18:22] installed everything now im on kubuntu same problems [18:22] rek: what does not work exactly [18:22] cant send or receive files !!! [18:23] rek: do you see target device when you try to send it? [18:23] is there a problem with #debian? I can't join, for some reason. [18:23] psycho_oreos: but i did try the b43 driver first, and it said it doesn't support my chip [18:23] yes [18:23] !punctuation | rek [18:23] rek: Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability: Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences. See also !enter [18:23] psycho_oreos: btw, i got wifi fully working now [18:23] rek, can you try obexfs ? [18:23] petan, didn't work [18:23] hpj_, you haven't mentioned which wifi version [18:23] Magui, no, no problem, I just joined [18:23] ohspite: likes rules [18:23] thx a lot for all your help [18:23] hpj_, I meant which kernel version [18:23] dli: don'tknow it [18:23] someone235: what didnt work? remove? [18:23] is anyone in here familiar with remote acces outside of network? i need some help. i am trying to set up remote access to a windows 7 laptop from my ubuntu 10.10 laptop and im not very familiar with establishing these types of connections and neither is my uncle whos computer i am trying to access [18:23] rek: likes etiquette === ng_ is now known as NG_ [18:24] netiquette? [18:24] is there an issue with #ubuntu-unregged considering i've setup xchat to register my nic I still get sent to that channel [18:24] i read this word in a internet book [18:24] rek, apt-get install obexfs [18:24] xrdodrx: I get this in the status window " #debian :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services " [18:24] psycho_oreos: default kernel version that comes with 10.10 netbook [18:24] what does +r mean? [18:24] Magui, please /msg nickserv help [18:24] amarcolino, just quit xchat and try again later [18:24] xrdodrx: OK. thanks. [18:24] Magui, you need to register your IRC nickname. [18:24] xrdodrx: oh, I see. [18:24] petan, yes, i've removed it & deleted ~/.VirtualBox and the installed it again, and it still has part of the past installation [18:25] hpj_, can't see why its not supported, its only missing firmware but meh [18:25] someone235: what parts? [18:25] Hellow all! [18:25] Magui, if you need more help you can msg me, but it's pretty straightforward [18:25] I did look at u r pastebin, it is smooth, I was getting that Error "make[1]: *** [depend_self] Error 127" in my make depend , u can look at my last pastebin [18:25] !hi | Midler [18:25] is there a repository to test 2.6.37 ? [18:25] jemark, huh? [18:25] someone235: try pruge [18:25] someone235: have you tried apt-get autoremove to do clean up? or with purge? [18:25] Hi can someone suggest ways fo me to identify what is going on my network, denyhosts keeps blocking localhost and the machines I use for ssh, I would like to find out what causes it to trigger a block, the log gives no information on why the machine(s) keep getting blocked [18:25] someone235: try purge [18:26] Iam having a problem i think is relative to gnome. The windows stucks beside eachother (insted of being left over other windows layerlike). And also, single leftclick in nautilus selects :/ [18:26] hello anyone managed to install hp laserjet p1102 shared via samba on linux. hplip seems not to support this printer connected via samba [18:26] srini, I may come back one hour later [18:26] psycho_oreos: the b43 driver said "not supported low-power chip with pci 14e4:4315" [18:27] petan, what is purge? [18:27] someone235: remove fully package [18:27] petan, syntax pls? [18:27] someone235: see man aptitude [18:27] hpj_, ironically, it is partially supported [18:27] The windows in gnome is not draged around soft, but intstead its like they are draged around partlike [18:27] purge is in apt-get I think? [18:27] it with get rid of config files [18:28] someone235: apt-get purge ... === ukine_ is now known as ukine [18:28] psycho_oreos: what do you mean? and who says that? [18:28] someone235: apt-get purge vbox [18:28] hpj_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1266620 and also: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 [18:28] is there someone who knows about the single click selects problem i have? [18:28] tylerjd - ty - will try that - brb [18:29] Midler: single click is default to select [18:29] petan: yes, but if you click on more than one file/folder, its selects them to [18:30] the first file/folder is selected, clicking the file/folder beside is selecting both the first and next click then so on and on [18:30] like holding down ctrl and left click multiple files to select* [18:31] When I try "paste to" in Gnome Do I get an error, any idea's? [18:31] but iam not holding down ctrl* [18:31] whats up with flowbee___a [18:31] i mean FloodBot3 [18:32] Midler: try to restart nautilus or session [18:32] HMM [18:32] oops [18:32] i think it could be a problem related to synergy+ [18:32] i will try restart synergy server, w8 a sec [18:33] Midler: thers known bugs with synergy where the shift/ctrl/alt keys can get 'held down' [18:33] just got cod working .. damn! no more windows .. my life is better already [18:33] Hello, I can't get my Wacom Bamboo Pen to work, can anybody help me? [18:34] !wacom [18:34] Dr_Willis: ok [18:34] Midler: its an old bug been around for ages.. [18:34] Midler: t5ry hitting ctrl a few times that may clear it out [18:35] well, guys... do you recommend to update 10.04 to 10.10? [18:35] anyone u nxclinet on ubuntu 10.10 [18:35] my main concern is i'm running a netbook with 10.04 but disk is encrypted [18:35] any risk to loss access to ubuntu if i update to 10.10? [18:36] Dr_Willis: you know of any likewise application like synergy+, except more stable? [18:36] Midler: not really seen anything that does the same thing. === zz_Crisco is now known as Crisco [18:36] to bad, its a great app otherwise [18:36] what dir is ./ [18:37] ./ is current directory [18:37] oh ok [18:37] what does synergy+ [18:37] ? [18:37] petan, still doesn't work [18:38] is it true that ubuntu is going to move rom rhythmbox to banshee as default music player? [18:38] I'm new, I need to install sqlite3.7, but apt-get install sqlite3 only installs 3.4, how can i get a more up-to-date version? [18:38] cablop: if you had 2 pc's you could controll them both with 1 set of keyboard/mouse [18:38] cablop: or several pc's [18:38] !upgrade [18:38] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [18:38] thx usr_ [18:38] Hi can someone suggest ways fo me to identify what is going on my network, denyhosts keeps blocking localhost and the machines I use for ssh, I would like to find out what causes it to trigger a block, the log gives no information on why the machine(s) keep getting blocked [18:38] O.o with synergy?,,, interesting [18:38] interesting [18:39] someone235: what you mean? [18:39] cablop: so if you are in a situation where you can see serverl pc's monitors.. syngery can save you some hassles. [18:39] someone235: you reinstall? [18:39] Dr Willis.. i think i'll use in the future [18:39] Hi can someone suggest ways fo me to identify what is going on my network, denyhosts keeps blocking localhost and the machines I use for ssh, I would like to find out what causes it to trigger a block, the log gives no information on why the machine(s) keep getting blocked [18:40] sih [18:40] wikipedia says about synergy plus [18:40] Development status Discontinued [18:40] anyone here have much experience setting up a remote desktop/vnc server? I can't seem to connect to mine when I create one under the Ubuntu Remote Desktop [18:40] hello, I want to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 for amd64. I tried sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it returns that no upgrade is available. I then checked lsb_release -a and I am still running 10.04. I tried the update option from system -> administration and still, no possible dist upgrade available. What can I do? [18:40] Running 10.04 with 306.5 MiB, I am assuming that is too low. Is that correct? [18:40] Hi - I'm trying to install the wsgi_module on apache in Ubuntu 10.10 and I'm getting this error ... wsgi_module is already loaded, skipping waiting - I've been struggling for ages with this and would appreciate some help [18:41] cablop: never even heard of synergy plus, just syngery [18:41] the old synergy project merged with synergy+ a few months ago. [18:41] welll, they asked for synergy+ then i saw that that was a fork, and now is merging again [18:42] so the answer is... maybe synergy is the less buggy alternative to synergy+ [18:42] the name of the new project is just synergy. http://synergy-foss.org [18:42] yup [18:42] well [18:42] does 10.10 worths the try? [18:42] cablop: what do you have to loose. [18:42] the data of the whole encrypted disk [18:43] imean the accesss to the encrypted filesystem [18:43] can someone please recommend a program to upload a file via ftp with progress/speed indicator? [18:43] ubottu: upgrade | usr_ [18:43] usr_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [18:43] cablop: when in doubt.. back up stuff first [18:43] usr_: there's a settings button in update manager. what does "show new distribution releases" say for you [18:43] I don't understand how such a simple requirement can be so hard to find [18:43] teratorn: perhaps 'wput' actually 'mc' can also do ftp. [18:43] !info wput [18:43] wput (source: wput): A tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-2 (maverick), package size 61 kB, installed size 176 kB [18:43] Dr_Willis: wput doesn't have an indicator [18:44] teratorn: filezilla as well [18:44] so it fails, sorry [18:44] If anyone has a bit of spare time to help me take a look at a bluetooth issue with 10.10, please let me know, it would be greatly appreciated [18:44] hmm, mc maybe [18:44] teratorn i think filezilla would do the trick [18:44] LWSDesigns: ty [18:44] teratorn, maybe krusader, but i'm not that sure [18:44] like a indicator really helps? [18:44] Not sure if anyone knows of an ftp program where i can queue backups....other then cron scripts with ftp [18:44] actually you could mount a ftp server somewhere via the fuse-ftp tools and use any tool you want. :) [18:44] oh I forgot to mention: CLI only [18:45] thats interesting dr_willis [18:45] obviously a graphical ftp would have an indicator, or at least most all of them do [18:45] Is 306.5 MiB too low for10.04? [18:45] ive seen other tools/ways to 'add' a progress bar to various commands/operations also. [18:45] mmmm [18:45] cli only... [18:45] rww, ohspite, I found my problem. I selected "long term updates" or something like that. I got the option to upgrade. Thanks [18:46] * teratorn checks mc [18:46] http://chris-lamb.co.uk/2008/01/24/can-you-get-cp-to-give-a-progress-bar-like-wget/ [18:46] what is the best mobile broadband usb device to get: virgin mobile, at/t, or verizon [18:46] I wanted to use the old-skool 'nftp' but I can't make it work [18:46] anyone know why my shortcuts are not working? [18:46] the static binary runs, but it's missing all these files that are supposed to be under ~/.nftp/ [18:46] my keyboard shortcuts [18:47] cablop: the original author of synergy didnt want to merge the codes at first [18:47] but now, he is making his own [18:47] I've been thinking about buying a new netbook and was curious as to how people feel about nvidia ion chipsets [18:48] stupid people cant ans my ques [18:48] and their performance with ubuntu [18:48] so synergy2 seem to be the one i should use for my htpc :D [18:48] Drunken: id say check the forums. ive seen those also. but not had one. [18:48] Dr_Willis, I've glanced through them a little. I seem to get mixed views about them [18:49] Drunken: works great on an aspire revo nettop [18:49] Hello [18:49] Drunken: nvidia works fine [18:49] FiReSTaRT, whats your battery life like? [18:50] Drunken: using it as a media center.. playing 1080p content, i barely get up to 20% cpu usage [18:50] Does anyone here know how to troubleshoot a VNC server on a local network? It seems like it should be simple, but I can't connecte to it [18:50] Drunken: no idea.. no battery.. that one is plugged in.. as i said it's a netTOP (netbook with no battery and no screen) [18:50] ah. new term for me. lol [18:50] stepan1, 10,04 on 306.5 MiB memory? [18:51] Disk? [18:51] How can do to listen to music only on headphones when I connect them ? [18:51] Drunken: http://www.pauljroberts.com/acer-aspire-revo-3610-atom-ion-330-review [18:51] i was looking at the asus 1215n. [18:51] if i run ls / | xargs rm -fr [18:52] can i recover it? [18:52] cafer, why would you do that? [18:52] i wonder [18:52] teratorn: seems the latest wput has a progress bar feature [18:53] 'mc ftp://...' ftw! [18:53] cafer, why not use us rm -rf /? [18:53] itcan say too many files [18:53] Ah [18:53] Dr_Willis: good to know, but the 'ole reliable mc did the trick nicely [18:53] Changes: Wput now has the new wget-like output-interface (with the cool progress bar). It also features full Windows compatibility [18:53] hi all [18:53] cafer, A better bet would be using find IMHO. [18:53] teratorn: thers dozens of other ways you could fo done the same thing. :) [18:53] Drunken: i got mine from hong kong, avoiding the winblows tax :P [18:53] cafer, you won't be able to recover though. [18:54] My sound works only on the left speaker, I tried mute/unmute, installing QAmixer, however none of these solutions worked.. [18:54] FiReSTaRT, from a store or website? [18:54] Drunken: came pre-installed with non-functioning Linpus, but I immediately did a USB install of Karmic.. been upgraded to Lucid since then [18:54] Drunken: some fleabay seller [18:54] heh, I'm transferring a file at 5 meg a second across Internet... I think thats a personal record [18:55] marel, strange. Are you sure it's not a hardware problem? (i.e. have you tried plugging in headphones / alternative speakers?) [18:55] teratorn, I used to get 100Mb/s in my halls :) [18:55] Yes, I've tried, still only one side works.. [18:55] FiReSTaRT, i've been seriously considering this as my net book http://www.amazon.com/Seashell-1215N-PU17-BK-12-1-Inch-Netbook-Battery/dp/B0041G5XFQ [18:55] Drunken: but remember that this one isn't portable.. basically has to stay plugged in.. however, it's useful where your priorities are cutting power consumption and noise without sacrificing video performance [18:55] Stormx2: between two unrelated inet sites?? [18:56] Stormx2: and you said small b... ? [18:56] How do you get to the room list to display in empathy? [18:56] teratorn: b for bits. And I got that while torrenting. [18:56] nobody here has any experience with VNC? [18:56] not bad.. but this is Big B [18:56] i've a linksys wireles network card that wont show up in lspci. is this likely to be a problem with the card? [18:57] Drunken: yikes.. for that kinda dough you could get a real laptop.. but then again i'm partial to desktop replacements lol [18:57] teratorn, big b I get 12.5MB/s [18:57] a high end netbook. :) [18:57] FiReSTaRT: you mean the 'back breaker'tops :) [18:57] i don't like the size of a normal laptop. [18:57] Drunken: in any case you shouldn't experience any Ubuntu compatibility issues with the ION chipset [18:57] even with the ion2? [18:57] Im having problem with my hp printer on linux can anyone help ? === michaelrose-away is now known as michaelrose [18:58] Drunken: yep.. currently rockin' a 17 with 2hrs of battery life.. good enough for playing around at an airport [18:58] dagon666: specify the problem [18:58] Is there anyone that can offer me some good input on how I can start working on my own Ubuntu fork? [18:58] Drunken: also used it to do homework on the way to and from the university i was attending.. this was my first permanent ubuntu install [18:58] jalex start with ppas first [18:59] jalexbrown: that's one for the mailing list or the forums. Why are you forking it? [18:59] lol. i love this acer aspire one that i have now. but when i bought it i didn't mind using windows. it was after i emoraged on vista i learned i had bought the worst linux net book ever. with poulsbo [18:59] @Stormx2: I want to make an Ubuntu fork with a focus on gaming out of the box. [19:00] jalexbrown, people are already working on that. Don't go it alone. [19:00] jalexbrown: i recall that being done befor.. but i cant recall the name of the variant. [19:00] cablop: It seems to work when connected via USB but when I connect it to some external server and try to use it via samba it doesnt work. My aproach was: install it via hp-setup when connected via USB, then reconnect it to the server and change the location only from USB port to a samba share. All I can see in logs is: "printer-state-reasons=hplip.plugin-error" [19:00] jalexbrown, I suggest you just set up a PPA. It's much easier for end-users [19:00] Stormx2: Do you have any information on the name of the existing project? [19:00] Can someone please help me with a Remote Desktop/VNC connection to a Ubuntu server... I've followed a lot of guides and the best I can get is a black and white checkerboarded screen when I remote in [19:01] Drunken: i decided to give ubuntu another shot BECAUSE this one came with vista (performance, stability and package compatibility issues).. that's when i got hardy up and running on this one (hp dv9894ca)... had a few quirks (no suspend, mic issues, webcam issues), but they mostly got fixed by now [19:01] I'll ask again - just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and am trying Emapthy as my IRC client ( I used to use pidgin) without any contacts how do you get the room list to dispaly/populate? [19:01] -> /list ? [19:01] FiReSTaRT, lol. after switching to ubuntu (i picked up 9.10 when it first released) i realized i'll never go back to windows [19:02] hey guys. so im new to ubuntu (started installing it a while ago but actually using it now). i have a printer on my ubuntu box, want to share it with my mac and windows boxes? and be able to access folders on them too...is samba the way to go? [19:02] no one can help me ? [19:02] How can do to listen to music only on headphones when I connect them ? [19:02] dagon666: mmm seems too much specific for me... sorry... i think you can check in ubuntu software center some apps there fix hp problems [19:02] imthenachoman: samba handles windows 'shares' yes. cups handles the printers.. [19:02] UbuMaverikUser: you can proberly play with the mixer controlls and up the headphone jack volume, and lower the pcm/master volumes. [19:03] jalexbrown, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-for-Gamers-49145.shtml [19:03] anyone running backtrack 4 [19:03] dasrot: do you have gnome installed on the server? [19:03] UbuMaverikUser: some times with some chiopsets the speaker/headphones dont cut out when they should. [19:03] yes [19:03] trackback: they have their own support channel. [19:03] johna: i tried empathy for a day and found it very awkward for IRC ended up installing xchat gnome [19:03] ok thx... will try that then [19:03] Oh wow, awesome. Thanks Stormx2. [19:03] cablop: ok, thanks anyway [19:03] dasrot: if that was aimed in my direction - sorry did not work! [19:04] jalexbrown, that's from 2007. If you want to work on packaging games that ubuntu doesn't package (e.g. because of licensing issues) I suggest you start a PPA. A lot of users would be grateful I expect [19:04] Drunken: ubuntu is a great general purpose desktop system so i don't see myself switching either. generally you should look at hardware compatibility issues... my recommendations are Brother and HP printers f.ex. [19:04] trackback: go to #backtrack [19:04] I dont know what you mean johna [19:04] oh nm [19:04] Does Ubuntu have a tool where I can install the Gamer Edition, customize it, install or uninstall a few apps, and re-roll it into a new ISO that I can burn to install on other PCs? [19:04] UbuMaverikUser: it depends on the way you configure the default option for that audio device [19:05] Drunken: nvidia is generally well supported and the nouveau driver is seeing a lot of good work.. for wireless go with atheros.. i dont like the closed broadcom sta driver [19:05] dasrot: and it's running, and preferences/remote desktop is configured to allow other people to see the desktop? [19:05] FiReSTaRT, yea i bought a brother printer just for its linux support [19:05] !info nodejs [19:05] nodejs (source: nodejs): Node.js event-based server-side javascript engine. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.97-1build1 (maverick), package size 335 kB, installed size 936 kB [19:05] Drunken: My brother printer works vbery well. :) but it pays to read reviews befor you buy. [19:05] If anyone has a bit of spare time to help me take a look at a bluetooth issue with 10.10, please let me know, it would be greatly appreciated [19:05] oliver602: I had a felling that Empathy wasn't as far IRC is concerned. THNX [19:05] cablop: I configured nothing and I don't know what to do lol [19:05] Drunken: it's a bit of a hassle to set up but you get perfect support.. with hp's, my experiences included stupid-easy setup, but minor quirks in support [19:05] Dr_Willis: i got a package avaiilable in 2 repositories, one official, one in a ppa, how do i force it to get it from the second repository ? [19:06] Hey, I am locked out form sudo. I added myself to the group www-data by doing usermod -G www-data torstefan, did a relogin, and now I'm locked out [19:06] FiReSTaRT, you know any updates on how the linux community is working on getting nvidia's optimus to work? [19:06] UbuMaverikUser: right click on the sound, your answers are there === prakash_ is now known as PrakashB [19:06] how can i find my kernel version? [19:07] jetienne: the ppa version should be higher so it uses that.. ive never had a ppa version be a lower version. You could use teh package manager tool (synaptic) and show the ppa repo packages and select them [19:07] !pin | jetienne [19:07] jetienne: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto [19:07] leafwiz: You replaced all your existing group memberships with www-data, not added to them [19:07] Drunken: nope.. actually im just looking into getting a bit unstable nouveau driver up and running on my machine just to see if i can get 3d accell support on 8400 [19:07] Dr_Willis: htanks looking [19:08] ohspite: I've used System - Preferences - Remote Desktop and enabled that, and also downloaded vnc4server, vinagre, vino and xinetd based on some guide, which I seem to connect to this route, but I cant see anything when I remote in on my win7 machine [19:08] maxb, from man usermod : -G ... A list of supplementary groups which the user is also a member of. [19:08] using vncserver :1 command [19:08] hey! any0ne know about bk4? [19:08] dasrot: okay--no clue then [19:08] im probably going to drink some beer and build up the courage to order that netbook. :P [19:08] How do I get the Me menu icon to show up in the systray? [19:09] it should just work right? [19:09] with the System - Pref - Remote desktop route? [19:09] i've opened ports on my router and still nothing [19:09] PLZ HELP OUT ON MY AIRMONG-NG [19:09] dasrot: yeah, I haven't had those problems [19:09] i cant get my sound to work proper at all [19:09] any help? [19:09] cablop: when I change the Connector in output device, I either hear nothing or hear both (sound in headphone and from pc) [19:09] does Ubuntu come with a built in firewall somewhere that could be blocking incoming connections? [19:10] 2 [19:10] !firewall [19:10] Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist. [19:10] dasrot: it has a firewall. but no rules.. so its off by default [19:10] ok [19:10] HI DR WILLIS [19:10] cablop & UbuMaverikUser : im having the same issue [19:10] I NEEED ANYONE TO HELP OUT [19:10] I just installed so I dont see how anything can be screwed up, but I guess i'll reinstall and try again [19:11] UbuMaverikUser: check the options that appear there for your own device [19:11] Ubuntu that is [19:11] !shout | root_ [19:11] root_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [19:11] where can i get gparted for 8.10 [19:11] ryt plz help out [19:11] for as much as people love this stuff... its not that intuitive [19:11] UbuMaverikUser, i had the same prob, are u using ALSA? [19:11] root_, just ask your question [19:11] is the work worth the rewards? [19:12] my bk4 cannt recorgnize my LAN card [19:12] root_: ask your question more clearly also... [19:12] root_: whats a bk4 ? [19:12] Tweedle: what's ALSA ? I'm using ubuntu maverik on HP Compaq nx6110 [19:12] LOL [19:12] ALSA is the sound system [19:12] so is OSS and Jack [19:12] dasrot: you're right, it's not intuitive--until you learn about it and you see why it shouldn't be any other way. sometimes. [19:12] etc\ [19:12] am on backtrack4 [19:12] UbuMaverikUser: et all, click in the sound icon, then preferences, then go to the hardware tab [19:12] kernel --> ALSA --> other things [19:13] root_: backtrack has theior own support channel. [19:13] then try with the diferent profiles [19:13] i cant install xmms [19:13] and iwconfig cannt is returning no wireless extensions [19:13] i had to change the surround from INDEPENDENT to Shared [19:14] cola421: because its outdated and old.. and not supported by ubuntu or debian any more. I was able to compile xmms from source a year+ ago. [19:14] yeah iknow buh u can help out cannt u? [19:14] its also the same as Front and Spread [19:14] root_: i know nothing of how backtrack4 does stuff.. so no. [19:14] Hi guys - can anyone help with wsgi_module and apache ? [19:14] k [19:14] I've upgraded my MythBuntu from 10.04 to 10.10 - went pretty well besides from the fact that the frontend doesn't come up at startup. I've tried disable/enable it in the MythbuntuControlCenter ... didn't work - but an entry is shown and enabled at the session/startup application screen. I can start the frontend by writing mythfrontend at the command line ... adding an entry with this in the session/startup applications does not work. Any suggestions? I [19:14] use 'auto' login. [19:14] troubleshooting is a bear though [19:14] am out then [19:14] root_: they ahve their OWN support channel. go to it. [19:14] and also cant install beep media player [19:15] cola421: that one has also been discontinued. [19:15] cola421, try using VLC media player [19:15] can someone that has download helper installed (firefox plugin) and working on ubuntu 10.10 please help me? [19:15] i have no probs with it\ [19:15] i have download helper pointing to a recompiled version of ffmpeg and i cant convert video to audio [19:15] i like to listen mp3 only [19:15] cola421: xmm2 [19:15] I've a linksys wi-fi card taht doesn't show up in lspci. is this likely to be a faulty card? [19:15] cola421, it will play mp3 just fine [19:16] I should still be part of the group with sudoers access http://pastebin.com/h2RRvrjM [19:16] !info banshee [19:16] banshee (source: banshee): Media Management and Playback application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.0-2ubuntu1~maverick1 (maverick), package size 3415 kB, installed size 10392 kB [19:16] !drive [19:16] hi guys, I have a synaptics touchpad on a Samsung q310, running Ubuntu 10.10 - the width of the area for vertical scrolling is really wide. How do I change this? [19:16] !drives [19:16] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [19:16] cant xmm2 [19:16] but after sudo usermod -G www-data torstefan , sudo borked [19:16] !info listen [19:16] listen (source: listen): music player and manager for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.5-5 (maverick), package size 757 kB, installed size 3368 kB [19:17] !partitions [19:17] For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap [19:17] cola421, sorry xmms2 [19:17] I have a bluetooth keyboard that can pair using hidd --connect, but will not auto-pair when I restart or power up/down the keyboard (tells me to grant access, which never works). Bluetooth config via GUI in 10.10 also does not work. Mouse works fine. any thoughts? [19:17] Quod Libet is a GTK+-based audio player application written using the Python programming language. [19:18] sudo apt-get install quodlibet [19:18] where are the processes in ubuntu? [19:18] cant show in application [19:18] how do I know what drive stuff is being saved to? I have like 4 partitions and my biggest one mounted to /home does this mean anything under /home is in that directory? [19:18] cola421: be a bit more verbose in what you mean. [19:19] dasrot: thats how mount works. [19:19] on that partition I mean [19:19] !mounr [19:19] !mount [19:19] mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount === lambiek is now known as lambiekNL [19:19] a 'filesystem' gets mounted to a 'directory' [19:19] where can i find xmms2 [19:19] !info ps | bukem [19:19] bukem: Package ps does not exist in maverick [19:19] !info xmms2 [19:19] xmms2 (source: xmms2): Client/server based media player system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7DrNo+dfsg-2 (maverick), package size 14 kB, installed size 56 kB [19:19] ..system monitor .. i c [19:19] i install aleady [19:19] its telling me im out of space though and I should have 40GB [19:19] nothing works cablop :/ [19:19] !mount [19:19] mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount [19:19] cola421: xmms2 needs a 'client' to connect to it for a gui. its a very 'complex' audio/player server setup. [19:20] what is the best option on ubuntu for converting youtube videos to mp3's or wav's? [19:20] !xmms2 [19:20] xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details. Consider using audacious or xmms2 instead. [19:20] yo, imma let you finish, but gentoo is the best linux distro of all time! [19:20] !monitoring | bukem [19:20] bukem: There are many ways to monitor processes, here are a few: ps, top, htop, gnome-system-monitor, lavaps, wmtop [19:20] http://xmms2.org/wiki/Clients [19:20] my computer doesn't detect USB devices after changing mother board. How to resolve it? [19:20] awe thanks guys .. freaking loving this shit [19:20] how can i install xmms2 [19:20] !language | bukem [19:20] i cant find it out [19:20] bukem: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [19:21] soory [19:21] sudo apt-get install xmms2 gxmms2 [19:21] cola421: http://xmms2.org/wiki/Using_the_application [19:21] If I use export FOO=bar;some script from within cron, is that set for just that one script, that entire cron run (from that point on) or permanently ? [19:21] just got drush for drupal ... wow, speed saver [19:22] chasejacks: I like winff for converting. [19:23] IdleOne: thanks, is there a way to script it so when i download the flv it will auto convert? [19:23] probably. I don't use it that often [19:23] How to view the GMT from terminal? [19:24] j'aurai du ne pas installer ubuntu ... [19:24] karthick87: date --help [19:24] !fr | UbuMaverikUser [19:24] UbuMaverikUser: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [19:24] in passwd I'm still a member of group 1000 which is my installed group, and that group / user should be part of sudoers by the default install. http://pastebin.com/h2RRvrjM [19:24] IdleOne: will it convert vids to wav's? [19:25] Gargoyle: Cron is not a shell and the variables is can deal with are specified in its man file. Depending on what you are trying to do, maybe this thead will help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=352461 [19:25] chasejacks: try it. sudp apt-get install winff [19:25] sudo* [19:26] dont know how to use gxmms2 [19:26] PeterNL: its not there [19:27] karthick87: man date [19:27] hey guys, i have a problem with my ubuntu machine 10.04, the monitor never gets to idle, i all ready check the preferences of that option and they seem to be the right ones, i really don't know whats happening. [19:27] cablop: what should I do in Hardware ? [19:27] cola421: install audacious [19:28] karthick87: or else: http://lgmtfy.com/?q=date+gmt [19:28] Tweedle: did you fixed the issue ? [19:28] cola421: and what part of gxmms2 is confuseing to you? [19:28] nope [19:28] oh wait [19:28] about the headphones and front mixing issue? [19:28] how to input mp3 file to it? [19:28] IdleOne: permission denied it says [19:28] thanks thingy! [19:28] IdleOne: how do i give winff permission to convert? [19:29] cola421: use the playlist editor perhaps? or drag/drop? [19:29] UbuMaverikUser: try the different profiles [19:29] chasejacks: you installed the app [19:29] ? [19:29] yes [19:29] yes, i know how to fix the shared front/rear issue UbuMaverikUser [19:29] cablop: nothing works [19:29] lol [19:29] and winff told you permission denied? [19:29] Tweedle: How ? [19:29] when i try and convert, a command line prompt comes up [19:29] says permission denied [19:29] never saw that before. unless you don't have read/write permission on the file [19:30] IdleOne: perhaps because ffmpeg is located in my usr/bin directory? [19:30] chasejacks: no idea to be honest [19:30] doest work [19:30] i want to start the upgrade process but i just want to download all the needed packages first, and no install [19:30] how can i do that? [19:30] chasejacks: I suppose you could run gksudo winff but seems overkill to convert a file in root [19:31] IdleOne: check it out: http://pastebin.com/5uuv6uC6 [19:31] cola421: http://xmms2.org/wiki/Using_the_application#Configuring_the_daemon [19:31] Hi, how i can reset the Desktop Bar on Ubuntu 10.10? [19:31] what a emacs? [19:31] UbuMaverikUser, im not on that computer so give me a moment and i'll find the program [19:31] its a mixer [19:31] !bar [19:31] baz [19:32] chasejacks: very strange [19:32] cola421: you have to run 'xmms2d' to start the xmms2 server it seems. [19:32] chasejacks: what happens when you hit enter? [19:32] Hello guys - I've 12 GB of memory, however ubuntu 10.04 Lucid is only recognizing 4 GB.... (and yes this is a 64 Bit Installation) [19:32] how do i turn my nagivation bar back from folder view so I can type my directory structure rather than traverse it? [19:32] IdleOne: the terminal window disappears [19:32] Hi, someone or something is using al my bandwidth on my ubuntu server (8.04). How do I see what program it is, and what host it is connecting to/from? [19:32] chasejacks: how did you install winff? [19:32] what commands are good for listing installed hardware [19:32] taofd: ctrl-l [19:33] IdleOne: synaptic [19:33] oliphant: sudo lshw [19:33] PeterNL, ah thx, is there a way to make this permanent? lol [19:33] Hi, how i can reset the Desktop Bar on Ubuntu 10.10? [19:33] CrazyTux: pastebin output of "uname -a" and free -m [19:33] chasejacks: sorry I don't know how to help [19:33] oliver602: lspci for pci devices, lsusb for usb devices and sudo lshw for everything [19:33] !panels | ostage [19:33] ostage: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [19:33] taofd: just press ctrl-I every time :X [19:34] can i make a list of all programs installed in ubuntu ? [19:34] PeterNL, -____-; [19:34] PeterNL: do those work for devices that dont have drivers installed? [19:34] !clone | OY1R [19:34] OY1R: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate [19:34] oliver602: try it, and see what the results are [19:34] PeterNL, i'm going to look under gconf (grumble grumble...) [19:34] can i make multiple ethernet connections in ubuntu? [19:34] IdleOne, thanks i will have a look at that. [19:35] how to run? [19:35] taofd: check the nautilus settings first. Might actually be an option, i don't know [19:35] PeterNL: iv a wifi card taht doesnt show up with lspci, so im wondering if this is because the drier isnt installed, or because of a harware fault [19:35] saddfsa, of course, even over the same device [19:35] PeterNL, i didn't see it there :( [19:35] It's an PCi card? [19:35] Yep [19:35] cola421: type the command in a terminal is what i did.. thats how you can run most things... [19:35] oliver602: What make/model? [19:35] UbuMaverikUser: maybe it is not controlled via hardware [19:36] IdleOne, Thx :) Grazie :* [19:36] and you need a driver for that [19:36] * Daghdha reboots once again with a dead network but seemingly fully functional nic and connected cable. :/ [19:36] cola421: the xmms2 docs state how to do it. [19:36] thingy: http://pastebin.com/4tdXbuR9 [19:36] check if your audio devide provider has linux drivers [19:36] ostage: welcome :) Prego [19:36] IdleOne, sei italiano? O_o [19:36] is there a guide on fixing resolution with 10.10 (older laptop)? or should i choose some other distro or version? [19:36] ostage: I am :) [19:36] actually I have one NIC and connect to get an static IP depending upon my mac address [19:36] PeterNL: Linksys WMP54G ver4.1 [19:37] IdleOne, Great :P [19:37] byeeeeee [19:37] CrazyTux: Thats a custom kernel. Did you compile one? [19:37] curently i'am trying to install 96 nvidia drivers.... [19:37] later [19:37] PeterNL, okay i found it [19:37] thingy: no === diana is now known as Guest4555 [19:37] but I wanted to make multiple(virtual) ethernet adapters with different mac address [19:37] taofd: ...and it is at? [19:37] thingy: this is from CD install [19:37] i sudo it la [19:37] gconf-editor, /apps/nautilus/preference/always_use_location_entry [19:37] hi, what parameter do i have to change to make it so that long-running terminal scripts aren't killed? [19:38] <_jesse_> spvensko_: look into nohup [19:38] PeterNL, gconf-editor, /apps/nautilus/preference/always_use_location_entry === alex222 is now known as dddddddddd [19:38] ty _jesse_ [19:38] Ah, thanks! === dddddddddd is now known as azertyuio [19:39] Where can I go for some pretty general information on databasing? [19:39] oliver602: does lspci show something from RaLink? [19:39] i wine winamp but the player hide i cant find it out [19:40] thingy: only thing I can think of is some of my memory went bad or something.... but then I would imagine it wouldnt boot at all [19:40] got a question, I have a Raid5 which I growed with 2 disks, what's the command to run after reshape? === visitor is now known as bearinmind [19:40] thingy: in any regard I am taking off and will come back to this later, thanks! [19:40] CrazyTux: My mistake...the issue is that you need the linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic-pae kernel installed and not the linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic one! [19:41] PeterNL: i don't think so, i could account for everything that was listed. but ill go plug it back in and check, thanks [19:41] oliver602: post the output to pastebin.com, and show me :D [19:41] <_jesse_> tortoise: the internet? I don't see how that is related to Ubuntu [19:41] ok :) [19:42] any body who can help me with network printer installation? [19:42] UbuMaverikUser, u still there? [19:42] PrakashB: what have you done to install it so far? [19:42] _jesse_: what? [19:42] Tweedle: yes [19:42] pm ok? [19:43] <_jesse_> tortoise: you asked where you could learn about databases; I said that isn't really related to Ubuntu [19:43] whats the best security to use on ubuntu? [19:43] _jesse_: I was thinking that databasing would be at least a little different between distros. Obviously I have no idea what I'm talking about. Just looking for some general information on databasing. [19:43] bukem: common sense. [19:43] PrakashB: for a canon printer. i suggest checking the linuxprinting web site and cups.org sites. Canon printers can be VERY unsupported in linux [19:43] <_jesse_> tortoise: you are asking an incredibly vague question though; what is your goal? [19:44] PrakashB: i have a canon printer here.. and i will never buy another one. [19:44] _jesse_: I know, my goal is pretty vague too. I just want to learn some vague information on databasing, and mysql [19:44] is there any MASM like program in ubuntu to code in 8086 specifically? [19:44] _jesse_: wait, no I meant general information. Because my question is a general one, not vague. [19:44] Hi, someone or something is using al my bandwidth on my ubuntu server (8.04). How do I see what program it is, and what host it is connecting to/from? [19:45] IdleOne: can i download that? [19:45] bukem: unfortunately no. [19:45] sudipta: i would have thought you can write things that get assembled lomwhere but like... nothing on the system is basically... [19:45] sudipta: Just the code or communication too? [19:45] sudipta: 'practically speaking' everytihng talks via the C library.... [19:45] !firewall > bukem [19:45] bukem, please see my private message [19:45] PrakashB: talking to the channel is best. [19:45] !virus > bukem [19:46] sudipta: This is a MASM compatible assembler: http://www.japheth.de/JWasm.html === michaelrose is now known as michaelrose-away [19:46] sudipta: as Diamondcite says... what are you trying to do etc. it will probably be reinventing-the-wheel to write only in assembler and call kernel directly, etc. [19:46] Hi, someone or something is using al my bandwidth on my ubuntu server (8.04). How do I see what program it is, and what host it is connecting to/from? [19:46] PeterNL: "netstat -n" or "iftop" will tell you where your bandwidth is going.. but not the app using it. [19:46] sudipta: whereas. you may have more luck writing a program that is linked with C code or similar? [19:46] !info ntop [19:46] ntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.3-14 (maverick), package size 2555 kB, installed size 10712 kB [19:47] <_jesse_> tortoise: However MySQL is rather orthogonal to Ubuntu as far as simply learning how to use it; I'd suggest #mysql, #web, and http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/index.html [19:47] iftop was probably what I'm looking for. i used it a while ago, but couldn't exactly remember the name [19:48] enyc:no i need it for study purpose and it is done in completely instructions [19:48] anyone here have experience with sharing a scanner from UBUNTU to OS X? [19:48] AFAICR iftop does show port numbers, which is just as good as PIDs [19:48] Hi all [19:48] Dr_Willis: How does ntop remember it's data? === roman is now known as Guest22489 [19:48] anyone know why my keyboard shortcuts are not working? I want to do that 3d shift thing [19:49] Diamondcite: ntop is so complex.. i couldent figure out 1/20th of it.. [19:49] Dr_Willis: I am trying to install a printer on the network - Canon imagerunner 2525 [19:49] I used System>Administration>Printing [19:49] the network printer was discovered, and opted to provide ppd file by using "Provide a PPD File:" [19:49] I get the error "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'server-error-internal-error'. cups server error" [19:49] PrakashB: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:49] where can i get user guide for ubuntu 10.10 maverik [19:49] Dr_Willis: I'm currently using bandwidthd in html mode.. but the graph generation breaks frequently =/ [19:50] * Dr_Willis is out for the night... take care. [19:50] !faq | SorayaUbuntu [19:50] SorayaUbuntu: A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com [19:50] My connection keeps stopping to work, everything seems ok butit does not work. It seems to be related to these entries in kern.log: Nov 6 20:10:53 NAS kernel: [ 2653.814677] do_IRQ: 9 callbacks suppressed [19:50] Nov 6 20:10:53 NAS kernel: [ 2653.814691] do_IRQ: 0.64 No irq handler for vector (irq -1) [19:50] ANy clues? [19:51] HI guys, I ran into a problem with pianobar, worked great up until today, when i went to turn it on it gave me a error message stating invalid protocol update libpiano. any ideas? [19:51] what network card do you have? [19:51] Daghdha? [19:51] can anyone recommend a good dock? there's so many out there [19:51] what are the more popular ones? [19:51] docky [19:51] PeterNL: http://pastebin.com/Rim45Jf1 [19:51] advent navigator [19:51] avant window manager [19:51] hi dutchgirl [19:51] It's an onboard, lemme check [19:51] hi [19:52] oliver602: I was waiting for it :D [19:52] oR [19:52] :D [19:53] hi [19:53] oliver602: It's definately not there. Does it work with another OS or in another system? [19:53] Or [19:53] any player likes xmms? [19:53] Daghdha: I don't know a lot about all this, but I had a certain brand of network card, I think Atheros, and its not compatible [19:53] mplaye [19:53] PeterNL: nope, not visable in windows either, or in another PC, so I guess it must be faulty? [19:54] active directory and Ubuntu can they mix ? [19:54] hello [19:54] oliver602: definately broken [19:54] need help with flash [19:54] How to I add users to active directory from Ubuntu and change to the primary DC ? [19:54] rodde76: what problem? [19:54] have the late ubuntu [19:55] ello [19:55] rodde76: ok, but what is your problem? [19:55] PeterNL: thanks! [19:55] sudo mplyaer but cant show it out [19:55] thx u guys are here for what purpose ? [19:55] i downloed adobe flash but can not install it [19:55] how do you save your session, so that all apps I have open, load at their same positions on the cubes every time I log in [19:56] !flash | rodde76 [19:56] rodde76: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [19:56] thanks [19:56] Umm... I had entered an invalid option in my /etc/fstab and there was an error mounting a drive when i booted up, ubuntu gave me the option to 'manually fix' the issue, so I was at a shell logged in as root. I didn't even enter a password to gain root access. Could this not be exploited? [19:56] wait think I found it [19:56] lest [19:56] ing [19:56] I get this error when i try to restart apache2 "(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address" Any idea ? [19:56] I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 after getting into gnome and doing all the updates i restart and now, it just goes right to command line when booting if i type startx it just goes black and looks like its locked up. my graphics card is a Intel HD. [19:56] x0rs: anyone who has physical access to your computer owns it unless it's fully encrypted [19:56] x0rs: everyone with physical acces to your system could get root easily. [19:57] BEAST_MODE: this is the ubuntu support channel [19:57] hunh / [19:57] blakkheim, PeterNL : ack, didn't know that. ok cool, thanks for the heads up [19:57] damnit [19:57] yes i need help with adding domain controllers and ubuntu users [19:57] !patience | BEAST_MODE [19:57] BEAST_MODE: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [19:58] Nevermind, i forgot to write "sudo" before the command, haha [19:58] how do you save your session, so that all apps I have open, load at their same positions on the cubes every time I log in, I tried that startup applications option but it only partially worked [19:58] x0rs: put your computer in a safe, don't use wifi and cut all the cables. Then it's safe. until someone picks the lock... [19:58] lol @ no wifi [19:58] anyone know how to update lib piano for pianobar? [19:58] lol [19:59] apt-get update libpaiano [19:59] any software like acdsee? [19:59] view photo [19:59] gphot [19:59] PeterNL, my personal computer isn't the one I was worried about. I was just worried this posed an easy security flaw for more important PC's out there running ubuntu. Didn't know if it was a bug that could be fixed [19:59] pornviewer [19:59] gphoto [19:59] need to laern comands ex sudo apt-get ? [19:59] thx can someone point me to a good irc where I can get some help ? [19:59] x0rs: keep your server room locked :D [19:59] were can i find it [19:59] why can't i ssh into my ubuntu desktop without physically logging in first? [20:00] PeterNL, that is the key =) [20:00] cola421, eye of gnome is built in [20:00] nån från sverige [20:00] BEAST_MODE , #ubuntu-server maybe? [20:00] sudo apt-get install gnome? [20:01] x0rs: don't let anyone near important stuff (not only your servers) away from anyone you don't trust. I've heard stories of someone unplugging a server to use a vacuum cleaner [20:01] how do you save your session, so that all apps I have open, load at their same positions on the cubes every time I log in, I tried that startup applications option but it only partially worked [20:01] i have two drives that got kicked out of my raid5 array. i reassembled the array but when i go to start it, it thinks two drives are bad. is there any way to proceed from here? [20:01] PeterNL, wow, that's amazing [20:01] PeterNL, and good advice, thank you [20:02] PeterNL, could be worse, server could be used as vacum cleaner for example [20:02] PeterNL: that's happened to me far more than once [20:02] yes, it is always good protocol to not let anyone near the servers...especially the cleaning lady :) [20:02] :D [20:03] cleaning lady has havoc on servers [20:03] what must i do to get some nice gpu support with an older laptop? (i've no idea what x.org is) [20:03] the card is some sort of nvidia go [20:04] go to #hardware [20:05] i found my answer [20:05] mngrif, afaik raid5 is supposed to survive 1 drive failure? [20:05] thanks [20:06] anyone have dreambox here ? [20:06] brontoeee: nothing failed, the drives are good and the data is fine. it's just detecting that one drive is good and the other two are bad. i had a power connector slip somehow, that's all. [20:06] server rooms are actually locked places where i'am, so i've no idea how cleaning lady might get in there? [20:07] mngrif, ok, sorry for misunderstanding the question then [20:07] i'm thinking i should recreate the array with the one drive deactivated, let the two drives sync, then re-add it [20:08] my problem is that i don't know if that will work :( [20:09] Guys, pyuic is working on lucid? [20:10] mngrif, no idea, however don't hurry, take some time to think and read around [20:10] I'm trying to run it on a couple of ui files I created and I basically get no python output (except for one import line) [20:10] brontoeee: oh for sure [20:10] mngrif, i just lost 4 tera of stuff few weeks ago... [20:11] this is 1.5tb but still... ouch :( *IT hug of pain* [20:11] ok hiexpo is in havoc trying to create a launcherand it's not working can someone help [20:12] Hi guys! I had many crashes with maveric. I runned it in a vostro 1014. It was fast but with many signals of instability. what can I investigate first? [20:12] hi, is there a way to hide "synchronize this folder" bar in Documents folder in nautilus [20:13] hi i need help ;) How i can test ubuntu to knaw lts my 10.04 or not? [20:13] any ideas? [20:13] jiga, go to preferences! === Mhaddog_ is now known as Mhaddog [20:14] system>about>ubuntu [20:14] hi === Yahweh is now known as poutine [20:14] my bar line on desktop (superior bar) it's cancelled.how can resumre or recall it.please help me i'm new! [20:15] zionenrico, first be still [20:15] !panels | zioenrico [20:15] zioenrico: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [20:15] hi. what's gnome program similar to kdirstat? [20:16] mxgms, preferences and than what? [20:16] righ click at the lower bar add new pannel [20:16] ludmil, 'graphical disk map' maybe [20:17] NOTICE:: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! 10pm EST tonight Freenode will enforce SASL for ALL connections! If you don't fix your client to use SASL, YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE! PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS! mqueishe n0nam3 winux_ ruler89flex ludmil Lock nuxelite kosta wolter moes Axlin tommie_ myrk lukaszg_ Mhaddog alex222 solid_liq Kassad xangua neriukas Lenin_Cat schmidtm spacebug- si [20:17] then, another richt click and add to this pannel [20:17] brontoeee: whats the name so i find it in synaptic [20:18] ludmil, thats the name in 'ubuntu software center' i belive [20:18] last line below applications ludmill [20:19] Should be some pc app <> linux app dictionary :) [20:19] hi guys where can i find my linux c files [20:20] wicth dock good [20:21] cola421: docky, cairo dock, avant [20:21] brontoeee: thanks [20:21] n0nam3, a nire resource: http://www.linux.org/lessons/beginner [20:21] Daghdha: i've seen one before... [20:22] I still can't find where to hide Ubuntu One bar [20:22] cant find [20:22] you'll understand all the tree structure. [20:22] tankyou soo much Idleone ubottu. i try [20:23] jiga, i think you can uninstall it at software manager [20:23] Hello [20:23] zioenrico: you are welcome [20:23] is there any good particle editor/animator in the repository? [20:23] cant find cairo [20:23] mxgms, just this bar, not whole ubuntu-one ? [20:24] wrong type? [20:27] I'm trying to install ubuntu on my macbook air. It has no CD drive and couldn't boot form the USB key so I dd'ed the USB key to the harddrive. Now the install process is complaining I need to unmount /cdrom [20:27] anyone know how to get around this? [20:27] i guess I need to know how to install Ubuntu from the same hdd as i'm installing to [20:27] i just got done installing samba, and i keep getting this when i try to run it [20:27] http://pastebin.ca/1983861 [20:28] jiga, I dont know [20:28] hi [20:28] Jeaton: try #samba [20:29] lucid rules [20:29] how do you install the wineprefixcreate? [20:29] i need a nice distro for a very old laptop [20:29] luke, it's possible to install through an iso extrator. you you find the install options [20:29] !lubuntu | blueglasses [20:29] blueglasses: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu [20:30] bluglesses, puppylinux is great. [20:30] mxgms: that's on the main installer? [20:30] blueglasses: Lubuntu like he just said, or Xubuntu [20:30] blueglasses: http://puppylinux.org/main/Overview%20and%20Getting%20Started.htm [20:30] thxs! [20:30] anyone know how to install wineprefixcreate? A something in wine needed it [20:31] all the files are compressed in the iso file. it's possible to open them throug an extractor. [20:31] mxgms: that's what I'm running off of now [20:31] Is it possible/ok to get rid of this Gnome Keyring? I want to be able to VNC into computer after bootup without having to type password in server computer [20:32] dasrot: probably not [20:32] i think [20:32] seriously? [20:32] that would be horrible [20:32] tdr2009, install wine through synaptic, you'll not have problems with dependencies [20:33] i'm going to disable them at startup and see what happens... any idea what the purpose of them is for? [20:33] well luke, i don't know how to help. it would be helpful to reformulate your question. [20:33] im not really sure, i think that Gnome Keyring controls the root stuff [20:34] mxgms: i expanded the ISO to a harddrive partition and booted off that. now I'm running through the install process and it wants me to umount the expanded ISO because it's on the same physical drive [20:34] can someone link me to some general information on databasing and mysql? [20:34] its annoying... whats strange is my last install didnt bother me with it. Now I reformatted it and everytime I turn it on it asks me for keyring password [20:34] mxgms: i did, but its missing wineprefixcreate [20:34] !mysql [20:34] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [20:35] well, LAMP is not what i wanted [20:35] hi all [20:36] hi flo [20:36] Well, do you know of some place that would have information more specific to using mysql? [20:36] I'm new to ubuntu and tried installing it on my laptop, but the wireless doesnt work, nor does simply connecting my laptop with my router, does anyone have any ideas? [20:36] Would there be any danger/risk with adding www-data (apaches user) to my own group? I want to do this so that I dont have to change the owner of files I create in /var/www for certain php applications to work properly. (It's a dev server) [20:36] hold on [20:36] tortoise - are you referring to mysql in general, being able to inject data into it? [20:37] PaulSp: run Restricted Drivers and see if Ubuntu recommends any binary drivers [20:37] turtoise: this may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/mysql.html [20:37] tortoise - try #mysql [20:37] Jeaton: to be perfectly honest, I'm not really sure. My friend suggested that I learn databasing and start with mysql so I can use that for keeping my music/movies downloads [20:37] Jeaton: Thanks, I was looking for a channel like that. [20:37] is it possible to have a file put in my password into keyring at startup? [20:38] Paul try starting ubuntu with your wireless turned on. [20:38] dasrot: keyring keeps keys and passwords - usually it is opened when you log in with your password [20:39] I have it login automatically [20:40] Its a server with no monitor, so I want it to startup and be good to go. I also want to be able to VNC/Remote into it so I can do whatever I need to do. But with this Keyring thing, everytime I reboot and try to VNC, the server asks for keyring password. Since its a server with no monitor, Its not exactly easy to type that in everytime it reboots [20:40] Jeaton: #mysql is a moderated irc :? [20:40] brontoeee: can you tell me what you did to lose your array? :\ [20:40] erm channel* [20:41] lol, sorry, i didn't even realise that [20:41] what USB headsets work good with Ubuntu? [20:41] That's alright [20:41] dasrot: use NX [20:41] !NX [20:41] FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX [20:41] how do you save your session, so that all apps I have open, load at their same positions on the cubes every time I log in, I tried that startup applications option but it only partially worked [20:41] Jeaton: I think I'm going to take a break from all this anyways :P Thanks for the help [20:42] amonra, I don't know how I would be able to turn it on, with windows I have a key combo which can turn it on/off, but it doesn't seem to work in ubuntu, I know it's not working as the light isn't on, any ideas? [20:42] if I do this, should I disable the GNOME Remote Desktop? [20:42] dasrot: yes. [20:42] con-man: hibernate saves everything to disk [20:42] No. [20:43] con-man: so its like saving session almost [20:43] i think banshee is not a good replacement for rythmbox === Tweedle is now known as Tweedle[afk] [20:43] i find it harder to use than rhythmbox [20:43] con-man: im using xubuntu, and it has and option to save session, i dont know about ubuntu [20:43] tdr2009, nah sometimes I need to really reboot [20:43] is that true that they're going to replace with banshee as the default media player? [20:43] tdr2009, ubuntu does as well but it only partially works [20:43] con-man: oh didnt know that [20:44] con-man: oh, i never tried it because i never needed it [20:44] any suggestion on music player other than rhythmbox or banshee? [20:44] Exaile [20:44] cablop [20:44] exaile? === Geek is now known as Guest70371 [20:44] moc [20:44] !Exaile [20:44] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [20:44] i wan easy to use as winamp is in windows [20:44] !moc [20:44] !xchat [20:44] that is, you just throw things on a playlist, sort it, and clic on play [20:44] hm [20:44] no need to importa anything to noplace [20:45] cablop, VLC plays about every file [20:45] !xchat | MJ94 [20:45] mmmmm [20:45] VLC.... [20:45] Hi all... How do I install xchat? [20:45] hold on [20:45] sudo apt-get install xchat MJ94... [20:45] cablop: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ [20:45] i loved the old amarok... the new one is another hard to use thing [20:46] i use vlc, but just for video [20:46] and i love it [20:46] cablop: Exaile has playlists [20:46] mpd for music, mplayer for video [20:46] trying exaile now [20:46] mpd? [20:46] and its the first thing you see when you open it, you can add stuff to your playlists [20:46] ah, and anything that does'nt remotely look like itunes, xD [20:46] ok here's the deal i can cd /opt/fasttrack/ than run sudo ./fast-track.py and it runs fine how do i create a launcher for that [20:46] cablop: there is clementine, uses only qt4 and is supposed to have almost the same feature as amarok 1.4 [20:47] :) [20:47] hiexpo: are you using backtrack? === WiW is now known as WiWafk [20:47] no its on ubuntu 9.10 [20:47] I wish I could get itunes running in linux, do you know how annoying it is trying to sync an iphone on a computer at work thats not even mine [20:47] clementine is not in ubuntu repos :( [20:47] hiexpo: well, 9.10 isn't supported anymore [20:47] well these instructions for installing freenx don't even work... awesome [20:47] blakkheim, yes it is still [20:48] Exaile looks like ITunes? [20:48] dunno [20:48] not to me, it looks way different [20:48] just instaling it [20:48] hiexpo, cd /opt/fasttrack/ && gksudo ./fast-track.py [20:48] hiexpo, maybe [20:48] i don't know why the new amarok looks so THAT ugly [20:48] oh maybe it was 9.04 that just lost support [20:48] my bad then [20:48] is there anyway to install freenx without using terminal? [20:48] oh, thought you were talking about Exaile looking like itunes [20:48] brontoeee, lety me see one sec and thanx [20:49] wow [20:49] exaile installed so fast [20:49] dasrot: use software center, synaptic¿ [20:49] dasrot: why not use terminal? [20:49] The MouseKeys keep getting enabled, anyone noticed this before and know of a workaround, (10.04) ? [20:49] its the best one to me to use, i like it [20:49] because I can't find it with terminal [20:49] !list [20:49] This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [20:49] !itunes [20:49] itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee [20:49] and is it drag n drop? [20:49] let me see [20:49] I was hoping for an article on how to use wine to get it to work [20:50] Is it possible to tell grep to look for two or more different matches ? [20:50] cablop: yes it is [20:50] why [20:50] con-man why? [20:50] i think i killed it... i droped on it a folder with 1500 songs [20:50] LOL [20:50] when i try to install openssh-server package i get this error at the end :I wasn't able to locate file for the gstreamer0.10-plugins-good package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. [20:50] brontoeee, it works fine in terminal butnot when i try to create a launcher [20:50] Swian, cause I wanna sync my iphone [20:50] cablop: and if you right clikc "Playlist 1" tab, you can rename it [20:50] idleOne...i'm failure.can you show more semplicius the procedure to doing?. [20:51] cablop, oh did it crash? [20:51] nah [20:51] oh ok [20:51] just got grey [20:51] con-man I see, get a mini [20:51] hiexpo, use fullpath to your python script [20:51] oh, its probably adding all of them lol [20:51] oh its here, http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/9035/ [20:51] just got my wife one off amazon.com for 350 [20:51] con-man, a mini is not an iphone [20:51] really does need sorted, it is most annoying [20:51] con-man, there are other things it syncs [20:51] when i try to install openssh-server package i get this error at the end :I wasn't able to locate file for the gstreamer0.10-plugins-good package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. [20:51] yeah I can't find freenx in Synaptic or Software Center, webpage to download seems to be broken, and instructions for installing via terminal dont work [20:51] brothenrico: you can ask in #ubuntu-it if you would prefer help in Italian [20:51] brontoeee, ok let me see [20:51] Swian, a mini is not an iphone [20:51] Swian, there are other things it syncs [20:52] con-man you wanna go mac, go mac [20:52] this file it asks you to edit doesn't exist -> sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freenx-team-ppa-maverick.list [20:52] Swian, I like linux just fine [20:52] apparently, Exaile doesnt know who sings the song lol [20:52] #=X? [20:52] at least mine [20:53] brothenrico: type /join #ubuntu-it [20:53] using Exaile now [20:53] :P [20:53] it says Album Unknown and Artist: Unknown [20:53] willing to try mpd too [20:53] con-man using WINE for apple products on linux is just too far removed [20:53] one thing i dont like exaile, is it cant minimize to tray, like banshee [20:53] and i can enwueue on a random list too!!!! [20:54] lol [20:54] Swian, I have no idea what that statement means [20:54] enqueue? [20:54] IdleOne..I hope.tankyou and goodlife. [20:54] yes [20:54] con-man it means you're spanning 3 os's to accomplish something, NOT a gonna have good results [20:54] oh ok [20:54] thta is to set a song as the next in playlist regardless random or not [20:55] Ah, I answered my Q: grep -E "REGEX PATTERN" [20:55] never tried that lol, i only have 3 songs so far lol [20:55] !it | brothenrico [20:55] brothenrico: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) === jansen is now known as sumpygump [20:55] this seems like too much work... no way to just get keyring to let me enter password after I remote in? [20:55] !ssh [20:55] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) [20:55] ee [20:56] dasrot, whats the question? [20:56] could anybody point me in the right direction to getting my refresh rate set correctly when I drop out of X, please? Whilst I am booting up, it is set to 85Hz. I used to have the problem when X loaded, though xrandr fixed this. The problem still remains when I kill X, though [20:56] como é que atualiza firefox no ubuntu 5 [20:56] hello all! [20:56] So txt files on my computer are being identified as "Typelib Generated C/C++ Inline Files". Any ideas of how to fix that? [20:56] !#ubuntu-offtopic [20:56] that dont work either [20:57] !offtopic [20:57] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [20:57] Ronald: Ubuntu 5! [20:57] had 9.04 and upgraded to 9.10 and now dont have a network-manager, where can i find wicd or something like it? [20:57] Ronal, update that Ubuntu to 8.10 at least [20:58] any clues? [20:58] mpd or mdp? === xumuk_ is now known as XuMuK [20:59] F0sterO4: does not have network manager as in you uninstalled it or it just doesn't appear¿ [21:00] would anybody at least be in a position to advise where I may go to fix my refresh rate issues, please? This problem only exists on Ubuntu and has already cost me one monitor [21:00] do you want network manager or wicd¿ [21:00] i think its MPD [21:00] Hi All, just have a general question about ubuntu and using Ipod touch - is this the place to ask it? [21:00] womblet: yes [21:00] Anyone know how to set a static IP behind a router? [21:00] womblet: its the Ubuntu support channel; [21:00] xangua: i hat it installed it on 9.04 but upgraded to 9.10 and now nothing at all [21:01] I've tried editing /etc/network/interfaces but then my internet connection goes totally down [21:01] F0ster04: you have no network manager? [21:01] bcomp, talk to your provider? [21:01] eighter, network manager or wics [21:01] no no i just want to set a static IP on my LAN [21:01] nothing, no network manager and no wicd [21:01] cool. What is the best way of managing music with an Ipod touch using Ubuntu? I've tried Rythmbox but it won't let me edit anything on the ipod, though it can see it [21:01] sera [21:01] eg. instead of 192.168.2.x that the DHCP on the router assigns.. I want to set it as for example [21:01] F0ster04: I dont think Ubuntu Software Manager is on your version, is it? [21:02] sigh [21:02] bcomp, i use dhcp +adress reservation for servers (everything setup in the router) [21:02] When you run a command and it outputs more than 1 page, how do you scroll through it? [21:02] exaile is nice, lightweight, but ugly in the management of columns :( [21:02] not sure [21:02] i wouldn't call exaile lightweight [21:02] where can i download the packages directly and install them if they work? [21:02] F0sterO4: first add the notification area to the panel and then Alt+F2 > nm-applet > enter [21:02] bcomp, adress reseravtion is based on mac adresses i think [21:02] @ compufreak pipe the command through less [21:03] stand by [21:03] !exaile [21:03] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [21:03] so the developers are seriously planning moving away from X to another platform === Guest10739 is now known as gdoteof_home [21:03] bcomp: You just need to set your router to assign static ip's then configure network manager to take the same address [21:03] F0ster04: search in Synaptic for network-manager-gnome [21:03] ubittu: do you recommend any one in particular for iTouch? [21:04] womblet: it's a bot [21:04] !ipod > womblet [21:04] womblet, please see my private message [21:04] I think Exaile is lightweight [21:04] I'm sorry but that is simply not acceptable. They do not respect unix and are repeatedly demonstrating this [21:04] womblet: what generation of ipod touch do you have? [21:04] i'm gone and you should be too. [21:05] it's a new itouch (sorry I don't know how to find out the gen) [21:05] NOTICE:: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! 10pm EST tonight Freenode will enforce SASL for ALL connections! If you don't fix your client to use SASL, YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE! PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS! s1akr gdoteof_home con-man andycc Roasted__ To4ikx amikrop mlazzari2 www2 Cpudan80 B-r00t Smoodo bcomp womblet XuMuK commandoline GauravButola pothos woulf F0sterO4 overtherainbow pankajm renato phasma ke [21:05] NOTICE:: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! 10pm EST tonight Freenode will enforce SASL for ALL connections! If you don't fix your client to use SASL, YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE! PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS! o0ze Plain_Flavored siml1 adam_doehling faction918 tdr2009 debuggerboy Mikelevel Luke yapsol Calinou Rashid UnNaturalHigh tensorpudding gord trijntje graviton Axlin redrocket arescorpio xiong n0nam3 Lock [21:05] NOTICE:: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! 10pm EST tonight Freenode will enforce SASL for ALL connections! If you don't fix your client to use SASL, YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE! PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND/OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS! dollarbang x0rs coldfront Biolunar rodde76 guntbert tempeldirne PsiloX Robert_Zenz gdb scivi caffeinegum dmaxel darkas sgh uLinux Shurakai_ pure_hate mdmcaf jjman6_ jjman6 petercoulton quentusrex wzk dest [21:05] un214 what are you talking about? [21:05] and x has to do with unix? [21:05] un124 what you talking about? [21:05] womblet: I am pretty sure there is no way to interface with the new itouches [21:06] sumpygump: ah, what a pity [21:06] womblet: the only way I know of is with itunes, which doesn't work on GNU/Linux, maybe it works in wine, but I haven't tried it. [21:06] or through a virtual machine [21:06] yeah - I have itunes on a mac, but really want to machine all my music using ubuntu elsewhere [21:06] since i have installed wine ubuntu is not running smoothly.. anyway to solve this? [21:06] Hello. Deleted or re-arranged bookmarks keep coming back or going back to where they were! [21:07] sumpygump: in WineHQ AppDB, it says this: Version 10 | Media player and media synchronization software. [21:07] everything is running alot slower [21:07] jeffreyf, you have some sort of snyc setup? or maybe just some permission problem with browser? [21:07] sumpygump: what is an itouch ? [21:07] How about managing services? Like Apache, MySQL [21:07] sumpygump: oops, i mean its Bronze [21:08] linxeh: short name for ipod touch [21:08] sumpygump: oh, you mean an ipod touch. I see. === Guest10739 is now known as gdoteof_home [21:08] * linxeh rolls eyes [21:08] womblet: try itunes version 10 in wine, its rated Bronze at WineHQ [21:08] !beep media player [21:08] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [21:09] !exaile [21:09] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [21:09] ubuntu one sync [21:09] anyone know why wine is slowing down my pc? [21:09] !beepmediaplayer [21:09] any advices for laptops 13" with an nvidia 330 running linux well ? [21:09] !beep [21:09] !media [21:09] !player [21:09] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [21:09] bukem: i am sure is not, is something else [21:09] well [21:09] Hey, random problem [21:09] A1B2C3_: macbook pro has 320m in 13" and 330 in 15" [21:09] tdr2009: stop spamming the bot [21:09] I am trying to play nethack, and it is working fine, but [21:10] Text is being shown in black and white only, no color :\ [21:10] blakkheim, ty, im looking for a pc [21:10] blakkheim: I wasnt, I was trying to get it to explain Beep media player, which now, i know it has no clue [21:10] xangua: while if i close the program using wine then everything is fine as soon as i open it is slows up again [21:10] no beep media player in 10.04 [21:11] A1B2C3_: it is a pc [21:11] tdr2009: if you want to play with the boot you can make it in private [21:11] nekk: what terminal are you using? [21:11] bukem: depends of what kind of program are you running [21:11] hi, I am trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on a a7n8x motherboard, and it does not detect the harddisk (it does not find disks to install on) [21:11] xangua: utorrent .. lank lite [21:11] cablop: wikipedia says: The Beep Media Player (BMP) was a free audio player so i guess its not anymore [21:11] the silicon image driver is not in the list presented to me to select from; how can I fix this? [21:11] ok - thanks all, I'll try out itunes on wine [21:12] xangua: ok, i make one single mistake, and you have to do this? [21:12] xangua: im not stupid [21:12] !askthebot > tdr2009 [21:12] tdr2009, please see my private message [21:12] bukem: you have a lot of native torrent programs and there is also utorrent for linux, i believ is only 'web interface' [21:13] well, im sorry i didnt know that [21:14] xangua: yeah i will try the linux version .. was just checking out wine. I dont like any of the other native programs , transmission never seems to pick up any of the torrents [21:15] brontoeee, i can't get it === tdr2009 is now known as hi [21:16] hi [21:16] hi [21:16] well. i just ordered my new netboook [21:16] interested to see how ubuntu will do on it === hi is now known as travus231 [21:16] bukem: rtorrent is my favorite torrent client but transmission is good too [21:16] brontoeee, why do i have to use ./ infront of it what is that telling it [21:16] should do great, I have seen a video of a netbook running quake3 arena very smoothly [21:17] To4ikx, i hope so. i got bought an alienware m11x [21:17] blakkheim: Will check rtorrent out .. thanks [21:17] hiexpo: the ./ in front says to look in the current directory and not use the $PATH [21:18] bukem: I also like rtorrent [21:18] @drunk ho much mem? [21:18] sumpygump, thats what i thought [21:18] @drunk how much mem? [21:18] To4ikx, 4gb [21:18] sweet [21:19] i stuck with the core 2 duo [21:19] so its the lower end of the m11s [21:19] but still a damn grand. lol [21:19] hiexpo, . (dot) means from current dir, which may not go into this context, find out the real path to your python script like /home/user/script.py [21:19] xangua: weird, if i minimize utorrent then it seems to work fine, well not 100% but a lot better [21:19] I think it should perform nicely [21:19] : ) [21:19] brontoeee, i know the path i put it there [21:20] hope so [21:23] two disks are showing up with the same UUID... what's up with that? [21:25] Any hints to where I can find logs showing what is happening when Ubuntu is executing startup applications? [21:27] Why does my bootscreen looks weird after installing the nvidia drivers in 10.10? [21:28] anybody there who compiled vim from source, need a little help here [21:30] brontoeee, ok i gotta create a shell script launcher how do i do that ? [21:30] !compile | W4RH4WK [21:30] W4RH4WK: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [21:30] anybody about to help fixing my refresh rate, please? I have tried a whole host of things. xrandr has set it correct but dropping out of X is still a major problem === denni767 is now known as Denn [21:34] my problem is not compiling itself i have a problem with the integrated file browser (already asked in #vim and via their google code board, no solution yet) === coax_ is now known as ec2-noob === ec2-noob is now known as czx [21:36] W4RH4WK: what integrated file browser? [21:37] please, please can somebody at least point me in the right direction here? I am having a refresh rate issue that has already cost me a monitor. Nobody seems to know how to set the rate here. #xorg say it is not an x issue, #grub say the same, as do a few other channels. I am at a real loss here [21:37] guntbert, open a terminal and type vim . [21:37] hi im useing ubuntu 10.10 but the language change from Arabic to English [21:37] W4RH4WK: you mean vim's file browser? [21:37] is it possible to run both cloud controller and node on a single machine? [21:37] guntbert, yes [21:38] guntbert, hello [21:38] hi im useing ubuntu 10.10 but the language change from Arabic to English [21:38] W4RH4WK: then I'd say #vim should be the place to talk about it [21:39] already in there, nobody knows the... but thx anyway for helping [21:39] loo0oola: what langauge? the interface language or the keyboard layout? [21:40] ilovefairuz, english [21:40] http://shekay.blip.tv/file/4229929/ [21:41] doh [21:41] loo0oola: be clear and describe all the problems/details [21:41] welcome to my wedding... [21:41] how do I tell wget to use a local squid proxy? [21:41] loo0oola: yes, what exactly changed? the interface itself (menus, buttons, etc) or the keyboard layout (that you switch before typing) [21:42] when iam writting the leter change and i repet type ther ketter more than 3 time [21:42] hiexpo: do you mean you cannot start the script? [21:42] CarlFK: you edit /etc/wgetrc and add http_proxy, https_proxy and/or ftp_proxy variables [21:42] the interface and button dont change [21:42] just when im typeing [21:43] ka1ser: cool - thanks [21:43] loo0oola: ok, go to system > preferences > keyboard [21:43] CarlFK: np [21:43] CarlFK: and read man wget (search for proxy there) [21:43] loo0oola: click layouts tab and then add [21:44] guntbert, yup [21:45] hiexpo: cd into the directory where the script sits [21:45] hi all [21:45] k [21:46] hi reactor16 [21:47] i'm trying to install my wifi usb on ubuntu http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k_htc [21:47] reactor16- hello [21:47] i have follow steps but i get not ar9271.fw found [21:48] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3 [21:48] usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice [21:48] usb 1-1: ath9k_htc: Firmware - ar9271.fw not found === fireblasto_ is now known as Fireblasto [21:48] reactor16: where did you put the ar9271.fw file ? [21:48] "/lib/firmware [21:49] guntbert, then what cd into it [21:49] and you have confirmed it is there ? [21:49] ? [21:49] chanserv op #ubuntu-it-doc mlazzari2 [21:50] reactor16: it is definitely in that directory ? [21:50] i need help getting remote access up and running on my ubuntu server [21:50] how i define it ? [21:50] eh? [21:50] sorry [21:50] cars- what type of remote access [21:50] yes it there [21:50] not a dir [21:50] To4ikx: dunno [21:51] hiexpo: when the directory of the script is your current directory type ls -l (use a pastebin to show the result if more than three lines) [21:51] Cars10- command line, or remote desktop [21:51] ls /lib/firmware/ar9271.fw -l [21:51] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 51280 Nov 6 21:48 /lib/firmware/ar9271.fw [21:51] To4ikx: desktop [21:51] Cars10- You can turn in the vino server in Ubuntu [21:52] To4ikx: ok how? [21:52] Cars10- its a VNC server, but you have to already be logged into the box [21:52] so this is wierd. when i creat a file from the command promt is gets the permissions 644 but when i upload one over ftp it gets 600 O dp not understand what is causing this. i am useing 10.04 server [21:52] hiexpo: please speed up a little, I'm not around much longer :-) [21:52] linxeh, you have a clue ? [21:52] To4ikx: i am [21:52] guntbert, sorry looking at it a bit [21:52] Cars10- System > Preferences > Remote Desktop [21:53] hiexpo: let me look too :-) [21:53] To4ikx: its not there [21:53] reactor16: I was just googling, what version of ubuntu are you running ? [21:53] doing it1 sec rest room sorry [21:53] To4ikx: i installed core gnome on it === Thomas_G_C is now known as tgc [21:54] Cars10- "sudo apt-get install vino" [21:54] clayd: look into the config file of the ftpd - search for "umask" [21:54] i think is 8.04 [21:54] thanks [21:54] BackTrack 4 PwnSauce === tgc is now known as tooma [21:54] !backtrack | reactor16 [21:54] reactor16: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) [21:54] guntbert, got it thanx :) [21:55] reactor16- truing to crack wireless are we? : P [21:55] nah [21:55] hiexpo: all set? [21:55] guntbert, yup [21:55] i want to install it after that i want to exoprt driver to another machine [21:55] To4ikx: ok its installed [21:55] hiexpo: nice :-) [21:55] kool thanx === tooma is now known as tomas [21:56] Cars10- System > Preferences > Remote Desktop [21:56] so here's a simple question... running ubuntu netbook 10.10, why can some of the apps be added to the unity sidebar by right clicking, and some can't? [21:56] i need help with my hp [21:56] To4ikx: ok === tomas is now known as tomcos [21:56] hmm, to go kde or go insane with gnome again [21:57] reactor16, what driver ? [21:57] !printer | evan_ [21:57] evan_: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows === tomcos is now known as tomas [21:57] http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k_htc [21:57] linguy- i love Gnome, much more stable [21:57] linxeh- i love Gnome, much more stable === tomas is now known as tomcos [21:57] !nickspam > tomas [21:57] i have a HP compaq nx9420 nd the battery keeps saying discharging when i unplug it [21:57] !nickspam > tomcos [21:57] tomcos, please see my private message [21:58] To4ikx: and now? [21:58] evan_: normal. [21:58] evan that means it's running on battery power [21:58] To4ikx:than what? [21:58] will someone help me [21:58] linxeh: you are very welcome in #kubuntu :) [21:58] Cars10- Did you check the box to "Allow users to connect" [21:58] !helpme | evan_ [21:58] evan_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude [21:58] evan_, that is normal behavior. That means that the battery is working properly [21:58] To4ikx: ok done [21:58] it is a laptop and it runs on both [21:59] relax :) [21:59] Cars10- Your set [21:59] evan_: what you have described is normal behavior. next. [21:59] hi, what key i have to press in terminal to finish write the long file name? [21:59] evan_, "Discharging" is just fancy talk ffor "You're using the battery" [21:59] Cars10- Got to a machine with a VNC client [21:59] evan_: when the battery is plugged in, it is charging, unplugged means running on batt power, discharging [21:59] if a battery isn't charging, it's discharging [21:59] that's just common sense [21:59] Gintulis: tab [21:59] well my EEEpc says useing battery [21:59] To4ikx: i have tightvnc on windows [22:00] evan_, don't worry about it [22:00] Cars10- Try it [22:00] evan_: I'm on a eeepc and it says discharging. [22:00] but it says it has 20-30% of battery letf and then dies [22:00] To4ikx: failed to connect [22:00] evan_: define 'dies' [22:00] Cars10- is this a virtual machine? [22:01] evan_, that's probably a battery issue. [22:01] Cars10- Linux [22:01] how do i get rid of the old version of linux in grub [22:01] To4ikx: yes [22:01] its a band new battery [22:01] evan_: does it go to sleep? hibernation? completely shuts off? get specific [22:01] Flyingwatermelon: uninstall it [22:01] what about me :) [22:01] shut off [22:01] xangua how [22:01] Flyingwatermelon, those aren't old versions of linux, those are different versions of the kernel. You might want to keep them around in case you run into problems with your current kernel [22:01] Cars10- You have to put your virtual machine adapter in bridged mode to get a IP from your router [22:01] hi. i'd like to ask about fresh reinstall of 10.10. i've heard many times (also on this channel) that it's less subject to errors, and i have considerable troubles at the moment. however, what can i keep to have less work restoring my work environment? (settings?) [22:02] evan_: and the contacts on the battery and the contacts on the laptop for the battery are 100% clean? [22:02] evan_: somethimes batteries are bad since the bgining [22:02] so I just read this http://tinyurl.com/34fgamf about Ubuntu moving from X to Wayland.... Is there a way to try this out early? is there a desktop environment that I can install that uses it? [22:02] evan_, how old is the battery? my experience is that they only last about 2 to 3 years and then won't hold their charge for any significant length of time. [22:02] To4ikx: i have allready done [22:02] xrdodrx: technically they are old versions of linux ;-) [22:02] it just turns off and when i press the power button it will not turn on [22:02] linxeh, heh, I guess. xD [22:02] Flyingwatermelon: with apt. aptitude, synaptic, the one you like more [22:02] it sounds like a battery problem. [22:02] evan_: sounds like a third-party battery [22:02] xrdodrx, I will save the base kernel but i want to get rid of the other versions [22:02] xangua, my update manager isnt working properly [22:02] To4ikx: host is guest is [22:03] reactor16: you said you are running backtrack - that is only supported in #backtrack-linux [22:03] To4ikx: host is guest is [22:03] but i have OSX on it and it works good but ubuntu says what i said [22:03] evan_: do you know power-appet (on the top panel)? [22:03] hello! i`m new to linux and i installed ubuntu 10.10 in dual with my win xp. I have 2 HDD ( 1st with one partition with win xp on it[c] and the 2nd has two partiotions[d]&[e] and i used [e] to install ubuntu) . The thing is now it won`t load any of the OSs. Anyone knows where i did something wrong? [22:03] xangua, http://pastebin.com/q0iKGj4V [22:03] Carr- Ping from host to guest [22:03] thats what it says [22:03] evan_, is the battery actually dying or is the computer hibernating? [22:03] evan_: but you're not making any sense [22:04] guntbert, its some os i think [22:04] Alex21: grub needs to be installed in the primary HD [22:04] To4ikx: works fine [22:04] Carr- I dont know if tightVNC client works with Vino [22:04] evan_: ? [22:04] Hey is anyone having an issue with grub 2 freezing on older systems with architectures similiar to atholon 64? [22:04] * roshanavand is saying HI to all [22:04] To4ikx: i have tightvnc on windows xp and vino on core server [22:04] Flyingwatermelon: are you using lucid¿ [22:04] !backtrack | reactor16 [22:04] reactor16: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) [22:05] xangua it was set by default and it dindn`t work..and i installed the bootloader in the 2nd hdd and it still doesen`t work [22:05] Please pm if you are. [22:05] just disable that repository Flyingwatermelon [22:05] reactor16: no [22:05] !pm | loulinkj7 [22:05] loulinkj7: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [22:05] i am useing 10.4 [22:05] I run a program but it says a copy of program is already running [22:06] xangua, i am using the newest version [22:06] and that is not my processes [22:06] what is happening? [22:06] evan_: pess on small battery icon on top, then press time information [22:06] To4ikx: do u know what will work then? [22:06] Carr- run a netstat -l [22:06] Flyingwatermelon: like i said disable the repository that program is from or use the updated rpository for 10.10 [22:06] To4ikx: on win? [22:06] CarlFK- is port 5900 open? [22:06] evan_: it will open window with title Power Statistics [22:06] xangua, how do i use the updated one? [22:06] Cars10- is port 5900 open? [22:07] 1 sec [22:07] To4ikx: -l do not exist [22:07] Cars10- Linux [22:07] Flyingwatermelon: how am i supposed to know¿ no idea what repository you added [22:07] To4ikx: ok [22:08] evan_: two lines are interesting: Energy when full, and Energy (design) [22:08] hey,,, I can't upgrade from lucid to maverick :( I'm not very good at ubuntu and I have not much computer skill. please help me fix this :( [22:08] so i just installed 10.10 seems to work ok [22:08] !upgrade | dht123 [22:08] dht123: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [22:08] To4ikx: i dont see the number 5900 [22:09] i do have one immediate issue, the second monitor switches on and off [22:09] it says I have maverick but it still has the lucid software... [22:09] none of the new maverick stuff [22:09] khfgk,ldfkghkhdk [22:09] oops sory :( [22:09] can some one help me with update manager? it is not working properly http://pastebin.com/uqJPjfYw [22:09] sudo do-release-upgrade says no new update found [22:10] dht123: may be you still have lucid repos... [22:10] how do I check that [22:10] Cars10- Im not sure then... If you have the box checked in "Remote desktop" and you have a pingable IP it should work [22:11] Cars10- I have to admit I have never tried to VNC into a virtual machine, only real boxes [22:11] Flyingwatermelon: try to change the server you get updates from... [22:11] XuMuK, how do I do that [22:11] dht123: what software precisely? [22:11] maybe my computer can't run the new maverick stuff... how can i check? [22:12] To4ikx: ok are you sure nothing is missing? [22:12] When I upgraded to maverick it said something like this tool can not install the updates to maverick. [22:12] dht123, run live cd [22:12] Nothing installed. [22:12] hiexpo, I dont have the live cd. Im in lucid. [22:12] Damn... the bot in ubuntu-unregged is annoying. I have a registered nick, but my client autojoins #ubuntu before I get a chance to identify myself to nickserv >_> [22:12] yeah I have that issue too [22:13] To4ikx: someone told me to install vnc4server. what it for? [22:13] Cars10- you can try installing tightvnc server for Linux [22:13] spam [22:13] caused that [22:13] I should eventually take #fedora off of my autojoin too. I don't use the crap distro anymore anyhow [22:13] Anyway, I was wondering.. My ubuntu 10.10 install changed its style from black and cool to gray and... win98-ish.. whenever I relog without rebooting [22:13] Cars10- its another VNC server [22:13] And it goes back to the black style when I do reboot [22:13] dht123: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade <-- first thing to do, but before check your repositories [22:13] Cars10- They all do the same thing [22:13] How do I fix that? [22:13] update manager doesn't show any updates. [22:13] To4ikx: ok how do i install it? === dl551_ is now known as dl551 [22:14] E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied) [22:14] E: Unable to lock the list directory [22:14] Cars10- "sudo apt-get install vnc4server" [22:14] dht123: sudo... [22:14] To4ikx: how to install tightvncserver [22:14] E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) [22:14] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? [22:15] I used sudo in front of that command [22:15] it still shows error. [22:15] salut matterhorn [22:15] Question: does anyone know if the debian testing iso comes with linux headers installed, so that graphic and other drivers can be compiled? [22:16] Cars10- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC [22:16] mikael_, euh salut. On se connait? [22:16] Cars10- Should help [22:16] dht123, apparently, you didn't sudo enough :P. It's literally "sudo apt-get..." stuff. [22:16] dht123: close all other apt, dpkg. soft center, or synaptic [22:16] non mais j'ai vu que tu es français et c'est la premiere fois sur le canal [22:16] shcherbak, theres nothing else open except for firefox terminal and xchat [22:17] dht123, That helps. Anything that'll automatically download and install software should be closed before you try the apt-get [22:17] D'accord, merci de ton accueil alors ;) [22:18] dht123: you can remove lock manually or reboot (syslog have info of any broken installation) [22:18] Anyway, how do I fix my visual theme/style after logging out of ubuntu and back in again? [22:18] !fr > mikael_ [22:18] mikael_, please see my private message [22:18] mikael_, matterhorn [22:18] ok I think it';s working now but it has another error [22:19] Errors were encountered while processing: [22:19] fglrx [22:19] fglrx-amdcccle [22:19] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [22:19] dht123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:19] mikael_, matterhorn #ubuntu-fr [22:20] Hello there, I've got a fresh install of lucid lynx and a usb wifi adapter that claims to be compatible with linux. While the given driver does not work on 64-bit, or is supported, I've found that the usb wifi dongle uses a chipset that is natively supported by r8192s_usb. I load this module and dmesg reports the device is detected, but I get no wlan0 interface. Why is this? [22:20] i use tatem movie player with subtitles, can i set delay for subtitles somewhere? [22:20] *totem [22:20] salut hiexpo [22:20] dht123: it is graphic driver, i recommend to: sudo killall dpkg and run Additional Hardware from menu [22:20] I dont see why updating has to be this hard :( [22:21] dht123, you have clearly never used gentoo. [22:21] is not, your repositoreis are messed up dht123 [22:21] dht123: it is not, just sometimes troublesome... [22:21] it says no proprietary drivers are in use [22:22] :( [22:22] dht123: are you the guy that simply changed all 'lucid' by 'maverick' in the software sources¿ [22:22] xangua, no. [22:22] dht123: uninstal them, and install agian [22:22] dht123: or just reboot [22:22] shcherbak: how? [22:23] why does chrome use less memory than firefox on windows but firefox uses WAAAY less memory on ubuntu?? [22:23] xangua: what? [22:23] wind passes dht123 's ears [22:23] while uninstalling... Errors were encountered while processing: [22:23] fglrx [22:23] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [22:24] dht123: with the very same manager - Additional Hardware - there is option to remove driver [22:24] hi. i'd like to ask about fresh reinstall of 10.10. i've heard many times (also on this channel) that it's less subject to errors, and i have considerable troubles at the moment. however, what can i keep to have less work restoring my work environment? (settings?) [22:24] sigh... [22:24] shcherbak: no there isn't... thers no drivers listed under additional drivers [22:24] dht123, reboot [22:24] Noodels- ROFL [22:24] dht123: yep, reboot [22:24] will try that... [22:25] how do you call cool video player VLC VNC or what? [22:25] dwarder: mplayer [22:25] baskak: I think you are asking what you should save before you clean wipe and install a newer version of Ubuntu. Correct? [22:26] Noodels- I have done tarball installs using the Gentoo guide, that was actually fun, and educational at the same time [22:26] thingy: what can i actually use in the new install. apart from personal documents etc., obvoiusly [22:26] just installed Ubuntu 10.10 can someone help me fix the second monitor switching on and off [22:26] hello guys, before i try to re-invent the wheel .. do you know if there's a script or tools which permit to check for new available version of softwares ... normally the script or tools would check a download link & then check a more recent version .. something like that :) [22:26] guys, when I extracted a tar archive as root, it is re-creating what were previously symlinks as plain, ordinary (empty) files... what gives? [22:27] paissad: cron-apt [22:27] baskak: you can nitty way gzip whole /home including configs and manually (carefully) replacethem in new install [22:28] sudo hi [22:28] hey everyone, my friend just upgraded to maverick and he is having alot of problems [22:28] rpgdude: join the club [22:28] shcherbak: "carefully" is the key word :D [22:28] haha [22:28] he is unable to start X [22:28] I'm trying to set my locale to dutch and the user interface to english with 'language support' menu, but some programs still show me dutch translations [22:28] How would I start xserver with intel graphics acceleration enabled? [22:28] When does the Narwhal alpha come out [22:29] baskak: You will find that your current version of ubuntu has x applications installed, and more than likely, those same x applications have a newer version in the new version of ubuntu. So, if the individual applications can read old versions of their configurations files, then all your settings should work. What you should do is create a tar ball of your home directory and keep it safe. Then, option a) new install with new user account and new setti [22:29] ngs and you manually merge in any settings you want from your tar ball, or option b) new install, + new user and you overwrite new user's home directory with contents from your tar ball and fix any issues that occurr. [22:29] baskak: just make back up of fresh files and do not bath to much at once [22:29] rpgdude: did he run Xorg -configure? [22:29] it gives an error, unable to initial kms [22:29] no [22:29] sam__: 11.04 [22:30] i did dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver [22:30] he needs to install his vid card drivers, mouse, keyboard inputs, synaptics if its a laptop, then run Xorg -configure [22:30] teratorn: What parameters did you pass to tar ? [22:30] hey [22:30] shcherbak: hm... perhaps i should try just the configs i will actually need (noticed when starting a program, for example) [22:30] thingy: xfvj [22:30] its a radeon card [22:30] it was working before the upgrade [22:30] Does anyone knoe why 'sudo apt-get update' on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS takes forever? (download are bytes slow) [22:30] as root it should preserve all original permissions, and everything [22:30] xangua: do you mean 2 days ago or april? [22:31] I set up ubuntu on my little brother's laptop & set it for automatic login (so I could keep the password for myself-- he kept trashing his Windows installations so I figured it would be a good safeguard) [22:31] where is my sansa clip ? Which folder? [22:31] then i'm out of ideas [22:31] lol [22:31] excess^: get a mirror that doesn't suck, I guess [22:31] & he called me up today saying it's asking for his password on the login screen [22:31] When does natty come out? [22:31] shcherbak: year.month.......... [22:31] WHO LET THIS HAPPEN [22:31] thought it was a fresh install [22:31] teratorn: any suggestions? [22:32] its using us.archive.ubuntu.com [22:32] or security.ubuntu.com [22:32] atari2600a, he did he set a password than [22:32] shcherbak: i'm quite worried about things like: all partitions automounted on startup, netshares automounted... i don't remember what i tweaked and where i found instructions [22:32] hiexpo, what [22:32] maybe try reinstalling the proprietary driver and reconfiguring X... [22:32] My external monitor switches on and off all the time, like clock work few sec on a few off, the grapic card is a ATI Radeon x1400 [22:32] what is the path to my sansa clip+? Or how can i find the path? [22:32] To4ikx: should vino run as a process to connect remotely? [22:32] atari2600a, he had to [22:32] ububababoo: moun [22:32] hiexpo, you're required to have a password for all accounts, but I set the laptop to automatically log on [22:32] ububababoo: mount [22:33] another issue that happens that might be related [22:33] @Cars10 I LIKE TWITTER [22:33] atari2600a, he changed it [22:33] the boot splash screen colors are all messed up [22:33] blakkheim: what do you mena? [22:33] mean? [22:33] hiexpo, see that's the thing [22:33] sam__: say what? [22:33] is there another ubuntu channel that's not so busy [22:33] I HAVE THE PASSWORD [22:33] so he couldn't have changed it [22:33] atari2600a: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:33] ububababoo: run "mount" and it will tell you where all your devices' mountpoints are [22:33] who worked with Goldendict? [22:33] yea seems like xorg needs to be reconfigured... reinstall the drivers and reconfigure x [22:33] hey [22:33] !caps > atari2600a [22:33] atari2600a, please see my private message [22:33] i wanted to ask where is the best source to get a bit into linux? [22:34] also the understanding of it [22:34] atari2600a: let him reboot - he probably logged out [22:34] atari2600a, you should have set a password and set an account for him that is not admin [22:34] guntbert, good idea, hold on [22:34] hiexpo, I'm doing that once I get home tomorrow :P [22:34] theSamowar: install arch linux or ubuntu server [22:34] hello, is someone familiar with compilig using gcc/g++ ? [22:34] doesnt the new X server autoprobe everything though [22:34] my vino isnt running i need some help [22:34] is there a way to use ssh with a browser? [22:34] dirtikiti: is that a distribution? [22:35] dirtikiti: arch doesn't teach that much about linux [22:35] I'm tinkering with bind9, and in named.conf.options, there's this setting: "auth-nxdomain no; # conform to RFC1035". Why is that there? [22:35] rpgdude: i dunno... but i had that issue loading up arch linux and forgot i hadnt installed the vid drivers and configured x [22:35] blakkheim: pls see http://pastebin.com/sa2FfT0f [22:35] anyone ? [22:35] blakkheim: teaches more about it than ubuntu desktop [22:36] dirtikiti: yes but i really have actually no clue about it [22:36] dirtikiti: yeah [22:36] hiexpo, it worked :P [22:36] rek_: Sort of, http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mressl/webshell/. [22:36] ububababoo: it doesn't look like it's mounted [22:36] dirtikiti: so i just want to get started somewhere [22:36] *guntbert [22:36] theSamowar: there is a detailed beginners guide you can follow... [22:36] is 10.04 better than 10.10 ? [22:36] rek_: Whatever you do do *NOT* try to use a website not hosted by you. [22:36] blakkheim: i wonder if it's the gvfs one [22:36] ububababoo: it's not [22:36] OY1R, sure, if you're like an enterprise user or something [22:36] dirtikiti: but does it also explain the functions of the terminal and how linux is build up in general? [22:37] atari2600a: nice :-) [22:37] well, leaving now [22:37] blakkheim: but SansaClip shows up on my desktop [22:37] !manual | theSamowar [22:37] theSamowar: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [22:37] dirtikiti: i dont want to know how to use ubuntu, but more like how its build and how it works [22:37] Jordan_U: i don't understand [22:37] theSamowar: you might want to try Linux From Scratch [22:37] ububababoo: ok, open that and look at the location bar [22:37] blakkheim: when i right-c/ick the icon, i can choose to unmount [22:37] dirtikiti: is that a book ? [22:38] theSamowar: it's a "distro" you build yourself [22:38] google linux from scratch [22:38] blakkheim: i doublecickred, but all that i see is "SanDisk Sansa Clip+" [22:38] does anyone know i guide how to setup remote desktop between a host win and a vbox ubuntu? [22:38] thingy: oh thanks, and sorry, didn't notice your words [22:39] rek_: You can host your own ssl secured web page to allow you to log in and get a shell via any web browser, but other than hosting it yourself (on the machine you want to log into) there is no secure way to do it. [22:39] theSamowar: it doesnt get anymore barebones than that, you pretty much have to learn about linux if you set it up [22:39] dirtikiti: do you need to know already any basics in programming or other things? [22:39] hi guys, recompiling a server using only necessary modules etc how can help the speed of the pc? i mean, is it useful? like boot time and other things? [22:39] alex88: yes [22:39] theSamowar: there is a detailed guide on their website... covers just about everything [22:39] dirtikiti: ok im now on it! thanks for the info! [22:39] alex88: No, recompiling the kernel will not likely have any noticeable performance increase. [22:39] np [22:39] no secure way why? [22:40] Jordan_U: i think a lot of people would disagree with that [22:40] hello, is someone familiar with compilig using gcc/g++ ? [22:40] I am really stumped, I have tried everything to connect to this wireless network on Ubuntu Server Edition 10.10 and I can't. I can see all of the networks when I do a iwlist ra0 scan, but I can't connect to them. IT keeps saying No DHCPOFFERS received when I do a dhclient ra0. I'm using the rt2860sta [22:40] can i select how many parity drives to use in mdadm ? and can i change all drives with larger ones and grow the raid ? howto do that ? [22:40] Is there a way to force the use of intel graphics accelleration? [22:40] blakkheim: if you recompile the kernel, won't it be set up for that specific pc? [22:40] blakkheim, Jordan_U thank you all :) [22:40] dirtikiti: yes [22:40] zaxonspox: what do u need? [22:40] thats what i thought [22:41] dirtikiti: i said it -would- help performance, he said it wouldn't [22:41] blakkheim: after i unmounted the Sansa device, i got this: http://pastebin.com/BpYuaQYK [22:41] blakkheim: yea, i was just asking... === Sir_Konrad_ is now known as Sir_Konrad [22:41] hi, I have a WindowsXP/wubi setup - I mistakenly asked in Windows to compress the C: drive. Now I get 'NTLDR is compressed' message.; How can I recover? === _Nertil is now known as Nertil [22:41] JayD3e, i did compiled 2 C++ programs under amd64, but they don't run on i386, what i dont know? [22:42] thingy, shcherbak: what i want to do is in fact to reinstall 10.10 (i have it already) to exclude possible "piled-up" errors from upgrades. 10.04 worked VERY wrong, 10.10 is better, but not good [22:42] intrader: did it create an .iso backup image? [22:42] zaxonspox: recompile them on your 32 bit system. [22:42] intrader: That's more of a windows problem. Try asking in ##windows. [22:43] does the ovation mc760 mobile broadband stick work with ubuntu 10.10 without loggin into windows? [22:43] switch10_, cant i compile it for MANY platforms under my amd64? or do i need other machines/arch/platforms and recompile it under them everytime? [22:43] I am really stumped, I have tried everything to connect to this wireless network on Ubuntu Server Edition 10.10 and I can't. I can see all of the networks when I do a iwlist ra0 scan, but I can't connect to them. IT keeps saying No DHCPOFFERS received when I do a dhclient ra0. I'm using the rt2860sta [22:44] blakkheim: hello? [22:44] zaxonspox: cross-compiling is possible [22:44] mngrif, can you tell me how? or point a link to a material? [22:44] JayD3e: did you sudo dhclient? [22:44] In Firefox, I delete or organize bookmarks, but they come back or go back. Any ideas? [22:45] zaxonspox: the best i can suggest is to google "gcc cross compile".. my experience with doing it is 4 years old and netbsd-centric. [22:45] Hello this is my first post anyone here now [22:45] yes [22:45] mngrif, ok, thx for info [22:46] Hi do you now if Tim has a profile on this site [22:46] You know who he is [22:46] barrygold2k8: just post your question, there are 1553 here..... [22:46] lol [22:46] I know Tim [22:46] OMG are you kidding that may people [22:46] I hope one of them is Tim [22:47] magicianload: yes I did [22:47] yea dude... it definitely is Tim [22:47] hi everybody! [22:47] barrygold2k8: You can create an alias name...it could be any one of them. [22:47] magicianlord: yes I did [22:47] barrygold2k8, i see tim__b [22:47] lol [22:47] can someone explain if the deny rule of ufw blocks all the ports? [22:47] I'm talking about Tim (OSGUI) btw [22:48] olá FIREHELL [22:48] with your IP would be my neighbor [22:48] barrygold2k8: If he is here, he may or may not answer you....Tim is a pretty common name [22:48] Uhm, I'm just going to try asking again. My Ubuntu (with Gnome) seems to lose its visual theme whenever I log out. It looks like Windows 98. Which I'd rather not be reminded of by anything. Can someone help me fix this? [22:49] I'll try tim_b anyway [22:49] Can you see this tim_b [22:49] dekker3d, happened to when my hdd was full [22:49] dekker3d, did you tried making another account, and test it? [22:50] I have a fresh install here, with 50 gb dedicated to the Ubuntu partition. And a 2 TB drive on the side. [22:50] barrygold2k8, it was tim__b not tim_b [22:50] how to change resolution with nvidia-settings from console [22:50] Oh right how do I tak to him alone [22:50] zaxonspox, I haven't tried that yet. Should I? [22:50] dekker3d, in that case maybe problem with file permissions? [22:51] barrygold2k8: email? this channel is for ubuntu support only. [22:51] dekker3d, you could see the authorizations on /usr/share/themes === GoHawks is now known as Pilif12p [22:51] dekker3d, you can, if it wont happen on the new account it would be some errors in your main account [22:51] Crap I better go then what others are there? [22:52] hello room [22:52] mxgms, the permissions are "create and delete files" for the owner, root, "access files" for the group, also root, and also access files for others [22:52] Did linux invent workspaces? thought red hat did but i can't find it on the internet [22:53] does anyone know much about installing Sims 3 on a Ubuntu OS [22:53] h1ll37, well you remember red hat is linux yes? [22:53] Well yes I know I'm saying did they invent it, sorry that was oddly phrased [22:53] dekker3d, say it the linux way: root 755 or root rwx-r-xr-x [22:53] I love Sims 3 and I also love my Ubuntu [22:54] coz: i'm trying to prove to my brother they did but he says i'm wrong lol, he basically hates linux because i love it [22:54] hi guys [22:54] anyone tried onlive on ubuntu? [22:54] Ah, I'm not too good at remembering those codes, zaxonspox [22:55] I would increase the permission of the user and test [22:55] anyone help me about why the batery indicator in panel does not show the time to uncharger? [22:55] h1ll37, I understand I am not finding an accurate history of it but hold on [22:55] dekker3d, type in terminal "ls -al /usr/share/themes" [22:55] How would I normally go about changing the theme anyway? [22:55] I think that is chmod 755 to the file [22:56] cuz_: thank you, i am also looking, trying to find them in the patents [22:56] h1ll37: I remember using them when I first used linux in 97. [22:56] zaxonspox, it has drwxr-xr-x on everything. [22:57] doc|home: I remember using them when I had to use my dad's old red hat computer, even on Ubuntu it says red hat somewhere in the workspace options i think === kdnewton is now known as kdnewton`afk [22:57] h1ll37, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_desktop yes by the xwindow system [22:57] Apearance Preferences > Get more themes online. [22:57] In Firefox, I delete or organize bookmarks, but they come back or go back. Any ideas? [22:58] h1ll37, so yes you were correct [22:58] coz_: i was correct? I didn't think xerox was linux? [22:58] coz_: zerox was the first OS with a gui wasn't it? [22:58] h1ll37, look be low that part [22:58] mxgms, well.. chmod didn't change a thing about the permissions. Still drwxr-xr-x. Seems like I'm doing something wrong. What would be the exact line to change the whole themes folder to that? [22:58] how do i stop a pinging? lol [22:58] h1ll37, switching desktops [22:59] Xerox was, yes. [22:59] xerox was not linux :) unix also used X Windows [22:59] h1ll37, so xeros then switchable desktops by linux [22:59] dekker3d, dont do chmod, as the perms are OK [22:59] mxgms, also, I just found out something: While changing the theme will make my windows change colour, it won't affect the gray bars at the top and bottom. [23:00] h1ll37, so a little more reserach and you will have it all correct :) [23:00] zaxonspox, alright [23:00] h1ll37, what does your brother think ? [23:00] coz_: oh so xerox invented different users having different desktops and linux invented having them with switching? [23:00] hello -- new install of Ubuntu 10.10 (was running 9.04). Need some help. Got the wrong kernel! (generic-pae when I need x86_64). How do I switch back to the kernel I need? [23:00] coz_: he just thinks i'm wrong, he thinks it's IBM because he found an unrelated patent, he only read the first word or two lol [23:00] how do i stop from pinging all the time??? [23:01] h1ll37, ah I see,, well this is offtopic here..however I think a little more research on the topic will clarify it for both of you :) [23:01] ping -c 3 [23:01] wich version are you using? [23:01] Darn autoconnect feature... I wish Xchat would let you choose what network to connect to before connecting... [23:01] mxgms, Ubuntu 10.10, 64 bits [23:01] dalmal: yeah but its allready running [23:01] have I screwed up using the command dd? : http://pastebin.com/3m27iNU5 [23:01] Lol alright thank you... seems like a popular thing such as this would have more documentation on the internet... lol [23:01] Never ping -t... unless you want to have fun with the system you're pinging. [23:02] do you have more than 1 user? [23:02] gidimanunaki: it only on windows you write -t on linux its default [23:02] gidimanunaki, what is the -t switch for ? :) [23:03] mxgms, if that was meant for me: no. Except for the new account I just created and haven't gotten around to testing yet. [23:03] anyone out there that can help with a new install? [23:03] can someone teach me how to dd ? :) really though? [23:03] ok, please, test and tell us. [23:03] eraskin, not much to help with...are you using live cd? [23:03] In Firefox, I delete or organize bookmarks, but they come back or go back. Any ideas? [23:03] eraskin, what do you need? [23:03] Cars10: killall ping ? or just ctrl +c ? [23:04] hello. i cannot see internet tv without getting annoying freezes due to my slow internet connection 20 to 30kb per second. does anyone know a way to solve this problem? [23:04] mxgms, Do I have to log off my current account to do so? It'll kill my IRC connection [23:04] Ok, something is wrong with my 'apt-get update', I can download the file instantly if I browse to it, but apt-get takes forever, '240B/s' [23:04] I dont believe its the mirror. [23:04] jeffreyf, export to html onto the desktop and delete all book marks [23:04] dalmal: ty [23:04] np [23:04] jeffreyf, rather after exporting delete them from firefox [23:05] nope -- actually installed off a multiboot USB flash drive. It installed 10.10 with no questions asked about architecture. I'm running on a Dell Precision 690 which loaded x86_64 last time. This time it's generic-pae and it's messing up all my software installs. :-/ How do I get an x86_64 kernel downloaded? Can't seem to find it in Synaptic. Once I get that, I can probably fix grub myself. [23:05] dekker3d, you can SWITCH at first [23:05] ok, we will be here. :) try it out then go back to your usual account. [23:06] how many kbs per second will able you to see tv using internet? [23:06] Hi. [23:07] more than 2MB is the ideal [23:07] zaxonspox, mxgms, It did not get the black and orange style back, by switching to the test account. Shall I try relogging or is it preferred if I reboot first and get the style back that way? [23:07] mxgms : im talking about real speed [23:07] lol [23:07] Ok, something is wrong with my 'apt-get update' on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server, I can download the file instantly if I browse to it, but apt-get takes forever, '240B/s [23:07] real speed? [23:07] reboot your system. [23:08] Alright. Be right back. [23:08] excess^: change which mirror you are using [23:08] hello again [23:08] bastid_raZor: how do i do that? [23:08] http://www.armor-it.co.uk is the one i'm referring to [23:08] sorry ignore that wrong window [23:09] during my startup i had a message about lernel panic because it was unable to mount fs. what can i do to fix it? [23:09] I take it nobody has any ideas for me? [23:09] excess^: System > Administration > Software Sources then select a different mirror [23:09] also i am loosing the signal on my wifi very often. it seems connected but it's not [23:10] switch10_, mngrif, got another question about compiling, now i have compiled under VirtualBox with Ubuntu 32 bits, it is working, but should it also work on Ubuntu 64bit (amd64) ? [23:10] bastid_raZor: im command line only, there is no gui layer [23:11] coz_: I still honestly can't find anything that clearly states it at all lol [23:11] mngrif, i mean the comiled program [23:11] zaxonspox, mxgms, I just rebooted. I have my black bars and orange workspace icons back. I forgot I have autologin set to my own account, though. [23:12] I'll try switching at first ,then relogging, and note where it loses its theme [23:12] zaxonspox: compile it under amd64, it should work fine [23:13] hello! i have a question about Upgrading ubuntu 10.04lts to 10.10 [23:13] zaxonspox, mxgms, That's odd. I switched and the test account had the gray, themeless bars, but when I logged out of that and back into my own account, it had the normal theme [23:13] Felip0n, what is the question? [23:13] It would be nice if launchpad had a bounty system. [23:14] tensorpudding, i have compiled it under Ub 64bit (amd64) it is working, now i wanted to have for i386 (ub 32bit) and it is working, but should the 32bit version work also on amd64? [23:14] hi, I have a WindowsXP/wubi setup - I mistakenly asked in Windows to compress the C: drive. Now I get 'NTLDR is compressed' message.; How can I recover? [23:14] zaxonspox: you probably can't just copy it over [23:14] Does anyone else run into issues on upgrades? I tend to just backup and install a fresh copy after I make my USB bootable with the new ISO. [23:14] i just have 0.5gb of memory space on hd, upgrade was posible? [23:14] zaxonspox: the binary *would* work if you had the libraries it was built against available in 32-bit form on the amd64 system [23:14] free [23:14] zaxonspox: probably not. vbox requires a kernel module and you can't load Xbit modules in to a Ybit kernel [23:15] intrader, get your install cd, go into repair, and find any of the file browsers so you can right-click your c drive and turn off compression [23:15] intrader, insert XP CD, do a repear and type something like /fixboot [23:15] zaxonspox: also what was said about libraries applies too [23:15] Felip0n, only .5 gigs left on hardrive? [23:15] zaxonspox: it's a question about static vs. dynamic libraries [23:15] fdisk /mbr to get a windows mbr back [23:15] The system is suddenly screwed up. Unable to boot and dumps me into initramfs. Doesn't boot from liveCD either. What to do? [23:15] excess^: you will need to manually edit /etc/apt/sources.list .. look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors for a mirror to try out. it has directions too [23:16]    bastid_raZor sweet thanks [23:16] excess^: you're welcome. best of luck [23:16] well... Upgrade reemplace old ubuntu filesystem? [23:16] dekker3d, see: system-> preferences-> startup aplications [23:16] Anyway, zaxonspox and mxgms, it seems that I only lose the theme if I log out of an account [23:16] then, in the "options" tab, i just pressed "remember currently running applications" [23:16] i dont know talk very well in english XD [23:17] zaxonspox: as for vbox kernel modules, that something far more complex, because they're usually linked against a specific kernel version [23:17] tensorpudding, mngrif so if i would compile the program in real 32bit evironment on phisical i386 CPU and copy the compiled app into Ubuntu 64bit (amd64) will it work? [23:17] Felip0n, what is your language? [23:17] mxgms, What should I look for in that list? [23:17] Most Americans don't talk very well in English, so it's fine. :) [23:17] español [23:17] then restart [23:17] Felip0n, ok type /join #ubuntu-es [23:17] options tab [23:17] The system is suddenly screwed up. (I think after battery died). Unable to boot and dumps me into initramfs. Doesn't boot from liveCD either. What to do? [23:17] during my startup i had a message about lernel panic because it was unable to mount fs. what can i do to fix it? [23:17] mxgms, got it. What now? [23:17] during my startup i had a message about kernel panic because it was unable to mount fs. what can i do to fix it? [23:17] press, remember currently running applications [23:18] zaxonspox: possibly, but probably not [23:18] Hey, heres a Ubuntu questiuon, I am planning on putting Linux on a Dell Poweredge 1850 server. Is Ubuntu a good choice [23:18] ? [23:18] zaxonspox: Any 32bit app will work on the 64bit Ubuntu os provided you got ALL the dependancies that 32bit app needs to run [23:18] then restart [23:18] maybe works [23:18] Tuzlo, what are you planning on using it for? [23:18] Ah. I should do that when I have no extra apps open, right? [23:18] jazzybee, mayby whole hardware died? or at least power supply? [23:18] anyway [23:18] Moment. [23:18] Felip0n, ir al canal español Unbuntu en # ubuntu-es [23:18] zaxonspox: How to troubleshoot? Monitor works [23:19] damian- basic file server for the house, plus a web and Mail server for internet [23:19] zaxonspox: Keyboard works too [23:19] Tuzlo: Let you know in a few. Just downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 Server and am installing under VirtualBox to play with. [23:19] jazzybee, everything can work, until more power needed, you can run LiveCD made on USB stick [23:19] zaxonspox: try doing 'ldd VBoxSVC' on your system [23:19] virtualbox, is that like a livecd? [23:19] Tuzlo, you won't have any issues as long as Ubuntu has the drivers for your hardware [23:20] dekker3d, install compiz may help you too. [23:20] there is nobody here [23:20] XD [23:20] mxgms, I tried logging out and back in with the session stored. Seemed like that should work too. But no change [23:20] I'll try compiz [23:20] damian- is there a way to make a live cd and test it out on cd first? [23:20] good. [23:20] Felip0n, yes they are /join #ubuntu-es many many people there [23:20] zaxonspox: that will show you a list of all the libraries that that binary (part of VirtualBox) is linked against. To use that binary on the amd64 system would require all those libraries to be available (in the right versions) compiled for 32-bit on your 64-bit system [23:20] mxgms, it's already marked as installed in the package manager [23:20] Tuzlo: No, it's virtual machine for use on your Linux installation. I have a VM for WinXP SP2, FreeBSD8, and now Ubuntu 10.10 Server. [23:21] zaxonspox: Can i boot from an SD card if i copy the iso file to it? [23:21] Tuzlo, you can use a live cd, however you won't get the performance out of it that you would using an installed distro. the install cd/dvd *is* a live cd, download and give it a try [23:21] dekker3d, does the theme loses itself after logging off and on at the new made account? [23:21] zaxonspox: The package ia32-libs provides a good assortment of common 32-bit libraries and is packaged for 64-bit, but it probably won't have all of them [23:21] dekker3d, nice [23:21] Felip0n, escribe aquí / join # ubunttu-es [23:21] non o [23:21] zaxonspox, it seems that the theme is lost the moment I log off. [23:21] so Virtualbox will let me test my hardware and make sure I have drivers, then I can install it afterwards right? [23:21] Felip0n, escribe aquí / join # ubuntu-es [23:21] jazzybee, you cant copy the ISO file, you need to run USB-Creator to copy the ISO appropriately [23:22] As in, the login screen is the same gray style as anything else after the theme is lost [23:22] dekker3d, but from the new account too? [23:22] okss [23:22] !ubuntu-es | Felip0n [23:22] I'll turn off autologin, reboot, and try [23:22] im in! [23:22] XdD [23:22] Tuzlo: Virtualbox is the safe way to play with OS ISOs before deciding to install them properly. At least for me. :) [23:22] !spanish | Felip0n [23:22] Felip0n: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [23:22] Tuzlo, Virtualbox will give you an indication, but linux inside of that will be using the virutal harware, not the physical .. so not necissarily [23:22] what OS do you have on it atm? [23:22] Felip0n, ok :) [23:23] windows 2008 64 bit server [23:23] and I dont wanna relearn a windows just to run it on there === adrian is now known as Guest40431 [23:23] Tuzlo, why don't you run Win2k8 with Ubuntu HyperV'd or soemthing [23:23] then you have the best of both worlds :P [23:24] hey I locked myself out of my own system [23:24] arch linux is more faster than lubuntu? [23:24] anyone? [23:24] default path to change the pass [23:24] damian- you lost me there, I would rather use linux standalone though [23:24] Veliouras, what's a lernel? :P [23:24] oR [23:25] Felip0n: Arch is fast, but lubuntu is not that bad.. Arch is harder to setup [23:25] Tuzlo, yeah. well at the end fo the day if it's for a home machine and not affecting anything give it a try and see how it performs [23:25] hello all [23:25] ello [23:25] <dalmal> What dist for this setup Pentium D 805 2.6gz | 512mb Ram | [23:25] I need help [23:25] Tuzlo, unless you have something on the Win2k3 (which i doubt if you're looking at going over the top). from experience HP servers don't go well with Linux, but i've never tried a Dell [23:25] how can I be sure ubuntu supports all the hardware w/o wiping the HD's though? [23:25] Felip0n: i removed my Arch today and replaced it to lubuntu on a 500mhz and 256mb ram laptop [23:25] path to reset the pass with a live disk [23:26] Tuzlo, it'll be a learning experience :D or go so far as to disconnect your hdd/array and use a temp. old 40gb hdd in there to test with [23:26] just make sure you don't run it from the same sata/scsi ports as yoru current setup, else things may go haboy1 [23:26] i have a Kubuntu on this pc, but the session work fine with Lxde core [23:27] damian i corrected it. it's a kernel! [23:27] zaxonspox, I have just rebooted twice, first trying the test account and then my normal account again. Without autologin, I get the gray theme every time [23:27] damian- i corrected it. it's a kernel! [23:27] Tuzlo, personally i'd just give it a try if i have the time / patience to install Ubuntu then reinstall Windows if it fails :P [23:27] zaxonspox, Apparently, the login screen itself is what messes up the theme. That, and the user switch. [23:27] Tuzlo: u can burn a cd boot it up and click try instead of install ubuntu [23:27] dekker3d: by chance are you running 64 bit system? [23:28] Blue1, yes [23:28] dekker3d: let me now ask the 64 bit question. And firefox? === ian__ is now known as iflema [23:28] @Felip0n u need an upgrade lol XD [23:29] Blue1, it was the version of Firefox included in the 64 bit OS. I'd assume it's 64 bit too, but don't know how to check [23:29] My learning experiences with gparted always ended with me accidentally wiping out my partitions. :) [23:29] i need so many things! [23:29] XD [23:29] And that was how I lost 200GB of downloaded television. :) [23:30] dekker3d: there are known issues with 64 bit systems, running ff, and 32 bit flash (which comes from the factory) -- [23:30] dekker3d: everything I have tried to get ff to run, fails. chrome and opera are un-affected. [23:31] So... it's either back to a 32 bit build with bigmem... learn a new browser.. or deal with the win98 look on relog? [23:31] dekker3d: the symptoms you desribed are consistant however, with that precise issue. [23:31] I miss Opera. I used to use it all the time, then I got on a full open-source kick. [23:31] dekker3d, the other browers aren't that hard to learn [23:31] \NickServ IDENTIFY xyzzy [23:31] dekker3d: yup choose one. I am using chrome with the 64 bit beta plugin (btw that does NOT fix the instability in ff) [23:31] asd [23:31] No, I guess not. I just like firefox, even though I know Chrome should be better in most ways [23:32] lol aetaric [23:32] I haven't gotten on the Chrome bandwagon. [23:32] figuringout, I recommend you change your nickserv passcode [23:32] dekker3d: ditto, but I couldn't live with the instability. [23:32] So any of you guys the new Dell XPS 17 inch? [23:32] lol [23:32] got the new* [23:32] !offtopic | gidimanunaki [23:32] gidimanunaki: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [23:32] Blue1, so.. I guess I have to uninstall Firefox to fix this problem, anyway? [23:32] dekker3d: naw, just don't use it. [23:32] I just installed eclipse from synaptic, wonder were the installed folder would be places, and also if I can download eclipse from their official site and install it at the place were synaptic would install it? [23:33] hi there can anyone tell me why my wifi on 9.10 cannot properly stay connected to my router yet its fine on vista never seen this b4 with ubuntu?? [23:33] Blue1, it also happens before I'm even logged in to start firefox [23:33] dekker3d: I even went so far as to blow away the .mozilla directory, it still barfs [23:33] Blue1, "don't use it" won't fix that [23:33] Computer A has a wlan0 interface connected to a network. Computer A also has an eth0 interface, connected and working, to the eth0 interface on computer B. Computer A can ping successfully and vica-versa. How does one tunnel, perhaps by means of ssh, through the wlan0 interface of computer A from computer B? [23:33] hello people, this might be off-topic but i have access to a postgres dump and I need to get this into MySql. are there any scripts out there that can help me do this? [23:33] dekker3d: that sounds more like an X issue, or driver problem [23:33] i recommend to not install Eclipse from synaptic, it changes too frequently, better to just download and unpack and run from the Eclpse.org site and it has updating built in [23:34] Blue1, I've got two nvidia 460GTX cards in SLI, using the binary blob drivers offered to me the moment I installed ubuntu [23:34] i run 64 bit 10.10 on a laptop and a desktop and ff with flash runs fine [23:34] I get an error about "too many connections" each time I boot up, by the way. [23:35] dekker3d: how old are those cards? [23:35] noodels: isnt that pinging the pc itself? [23:35] dekker3d,zaxonspox, I had to order the cd as it is a thinkpad laptop. I don't have the distribution cd it does not come with the laptop [23:35] Blue1, I doubt I've had them for more than a month [23:35] ping google or something [23:35] damian- there is no try in the options [23:35] hey drekker3d, did it worked? [23:35] dekker3d,zaxonspox, I had to order the cd as it is a thinkpad laptop. I don't have the distribution cd it does not come with the laptop [23:35] Blue1, Exactly a month, actually [23:36] errr... the router [23:36] I just downloaded the tar.gz from eclipse.org, wonder where I should install it? I guess installation is just extracting the file? [23:36] dekker3d: may not be supported in linux yet. dunno I do know that legacy support for nvidia has been removed -- so my old nvidia card no longer can use compilz [23:36] intrader, I'd just download a torrent in your situation [23:36] compiz [23:36] dirtikiti, computer A is, computer B is, there is no router, an ethernet cable is plugged directly between the two computers. [23:37] intrader, download the ISO file from ubuntu.com [23:37] Blue1, well.. I can't use Ubuntu's default monitor settings program anymore since I installed the drivers. It has to use nVidia's controls now. [23:37] Noodels: you're trying to share internet or fileshare? [23:37] dekker3d, did [23:37] my external monitor switches on and off afer i installed ubuntu 10.10 the grapic card is a ati x1400 [23:37] dirtikiti, I want to temporarily access the internet so that I can install packages to help me fix a nasty usb wireless problem. [23:38] dekker3d: not true [23:38] dekker3d, did you tried shwitchg theme to see if other theme dont do such a behavior? [23:38] dirtikiti, I have found a likely solution that requires internet access. [23:38] dekker3d: just say no to use the nvidia drivers, and adjust accordingly [23:38] zaxonspox, yes. It switched the window colours, but not the gray bars [23:38] dekker3d, zaxonspox, your are both suggesting /fixboot in the ubuntu iso? [23:38] Noodels: the computer with internet access is connected by wireless? [23:38] Blue1, won't it be slow if I don't? Will SLI still be supported? [23:39] intrader, no, but I don't want to go against his suggestion [23:39] dirtikiti, correct. computer B has no internet connection [23:39] dekker3d: I don't know what sli is [23:40] intrader, my suggestion was to use the install screen to get to a file browser.. but you have no install cd, so that won't work [23:40] coz_: I went as far as deleting the profile folder from ~/.mozilla/xxxxxx [23:40] dekker3d: but I do know you can change grahics settings, and NOT use the nvida stuph [23:40] Blue1, it's nVidia's crossfire. Using two cards in tandem [23:40] dirtikiti, It's only temporary, so if ssh could just act as a pipe or something to make it appear as though computer B has a wlan0 interface, I'd appreciate it. [23:40] dekker3d: okay beyond my knowledge level [23:40] dirtikiti, Or just route any old traffic. [23:40] dekker3d, do you have Fusion-Icon in Applications>>System Tools ? [23:40] Blue1: it's having 2 nvidia cards on one screen. [23:41] Blue1, also, I'm a game developer. The biggest reason I use Linux is to support it in my projects. So graphics performance is a big deal to me [23:41] hello [23:41] dekker3d: I don't play games, since I have uber poor eye-hand co-ordination issues [23:41] zaxonspox, I have no system tools in my applications :P [23:41] dekker3d, what are you dooing in "game development" ? [23:41] Noodels: ok, this might work... go into your network connections (on the computer connected to internet), select your wired connection, click on ipv4, in the drop down, select shared [23:42] dekker3d: what are you trying to do? [23:42] In Firefox, I delete or organize bookmarks, but they come back or go back. Any ideas? I have deleted the ~/.mozilla/Profileabc folder and it still happens [23:42] zaxonspox, basically, Ogre-based rpg style games [23:42] dekker3d, press ALT + F2 and type to run "fusion-icon" [23:42] dirtikiti, Ah.. Computer A is running archlinux with wpa_supplicant because of authorisation issues. [23:42] zaxonspox, I'll need to install it. Moment [23:42] anyone could help me to re-install apache2 ? by mistake ive deleted /var/www dir, wanna re-install but after apt-get install apche2, it said newly installed [23:42] any idea [23:42] Also, Docky wants composting.....how? [23:42] dekker3d, do you compile apps, or maks DEBs or what correctly? [23:43] Noodels: then the easiest way would be to set up computer A as a router... for that you would need to join the arch linux xhannel [23:43] dcyber09: mkdir /var/www/htdocs? [23:43] dirtikiti, Very well. Thankyou. [23:43] hey guys [23:43] MagusOTB : no, ive uninstalled it, [23:43] i have twinview, and the games run across both monitors [23:43] np [23:43] zaxonspox, I mostly code on Windows, but I would like to support Linux too. Which is why a Linux install comes in handy :P [23:43] do you guys know how to fix it? [23:43] dcyber09: uninstalled apache2 or deleted /var/www, because apache doesn't actually pyt anything in /var/www [23:43] but when i install again, it said newly installed o.O [23:44] so any idea to re-install apache2 again [23:44] dcyber09, uninstall, reinstall It should put it all back except for any things you created [23:44] dcyber09: how did you uninstall it? [23:44] zaxonspox, Fusion-icon did stuff to my bars but they're still gray. [23:45] dekker3d, if you have fusion-icon, run it, it will place itself near the clock, click mouse right, and select Reload Window manager [23:45] i already used dpkg -P apache2 and apt-get remove [23:45] dcyber09 sudo apt-get remove apache2&&sudo apt-get install apache2 [23:45] lemme try [23:45] zaxonspox, just noticed that. I did, still nothing. [23:45] guess i will have to try ubuntu 10.04 instead [23:46] zaxonspox, changing window manager didn't help either [23:46] jeffreyf : when it finishid it should created /var/www right [23:46] dekker3d, can you make a new bar, with some icon, and see if that new bar will behave like the others? [23:46] zaxonspox, I don't know how to make a new bar [23:46] hello [23:46] dekker3d, by Tuesday I get the cd from IBM. I wish there was something in the ubuntu. Can I see the underlying file system? [23:46] hello [23:46] hi [23:47] dcyber09, it SHOULD have [23:47] zaxonspox, now I do. but it's the same gray [23:47] dekker3d, right mouse click on existing panel, and select "new bar" [23:47] why when I use shutdown command it show me screen with recuperation ? [23:47] intrader, you can see it, but I doubt you can change NTFS compression settings from Linux [23:47] jeffreyf : yes it should, but i cant see /var/www dir :\ [23:47] dcyber09: it might, but an apache install doesn't put anything there except the default "it works!" page. you can easily remake it with mkdir [23:47] I want shutdown to... shutdown [23:47] Hi! I've 2 monitor, with separate X screens, When i login i can choose the Session, but not on each screen! How can i correct that ? [23:47] zaxonspox, I figured it out. The new bar is gray [23:48] dekker3d, do RMC on existing panel, select propertis >> tab Background [23:48] dcyber09 http://localhost Do you get a page? [23:48] Magus : ok [23:49] dekker3d, I see, and therefore can' see files and folders [23:49] I'm trying to install the source for the ubuntu package 'xchat', but it says there's no source package. Any suggestions? [23:49] jeffreyf : i restart apache2 i found : the requested ur / wasnt found blah blah [23:49] zaxonspox, I was just messing with that. Solid color changes it to a gradient. Background image (with no image selected) and None (system theme) set it to the gray. [23:49] rbh00: don't you need to manually add source repos in order to get sources? [23:49] rbh00: enable the source repositories.. System > Administration > Software Sources and check the sources box [23:49] zaxonspox, the gradient was from my background and the bar being transparant [23:49] dcyber09: what says that. Firefox? [23:50] of course MagusOTB [23:50] dcyber09 sudo apt-get autoremove apache2 then sudo apt-get install apache2 see if that does it [23:50] bastid_raZor, Thanks. MagusOTB Thanks. [23:50] dcyber: sudo mkdir /var/www/htdocs and put an index.html in it [23:50] dekker3d, mayby try to kill process "gnome-panel" and re-run it [23:51] MagusOTB & jeffreyf : ill try both [23:51] dcyber09: actually not even htdocs, it's just /var/www [23:51] dekker3d: you can reset the panel to defaults [23:51] !panels | dekker3d [23:51] dekker3d: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [23:51] zaxonspox, Killall gnome-panel made them vanish for a moment, then come back gray. Fun :P [23:52] Isn't gray the default? Mine are grey... [23:52] dekker3d, and before "gray" what color the have had? [23:52] bastid_raZor, that gconftool stuff didn't work either. [23:52] MagusOTB: the theme you use also affects the panel [23:53] zaxonspox, a black gradient with orange-on-gray indicators for the workspaces [23:53] Well, antracite-black. You know. [23:53] MagusOTB & jeffreyf : wont [23:53] MagusOTB & jeffreyf : still the same [23:54] Now it's a solid light gray with a basic emboss, and blue on dark gray indicators for the workspaces [23:54] dcyber09: is it a 404 or a no such server message? [23:54] dcyber09 go to terminal and cd /var/www [23:54] downloading 10.04 [23:54] zaxonspox, it's pretty minor, but I figured there'd be some easy solution I just didn't notice. Man.. [23:54] MagusOTB & jeffreyf : yes its 404, ive created www === adrian is now known as Guest7628 [23:54] MagusOTB & jeffreyf : i found this [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts [23:55] dcyber09: cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default|grep DocumentRoot [23:55] MagusOTB : output : DocumentRoot /var/www [23:55] how can I setup a cron that runs this command every 15 min: sudo chown -R artin:www-data /home/xxx/public_html/xxx.com/public/ [23:56] zaxonspox and bastid_raZor, thanks anyway. I'll just ignore it, I don't need to log off often [23:56] !cron | kutku [23:56] kutku: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto - There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm [23:56] dekker3d, use the Win7 way - hibernate :P [23:56] hello, i'm trying to do a 100% reinstall of the asterisk package in 10.04. i've tried apt-get remove and apt-get purge and then install the package again, but config files in /etc/asterisk/ don't get reset/recreated properly. any pointers on how to do a full, 'clean' reinstall. [23:57] MagusOTB & jeffreyf : how it is [23:57] *how is it [23:57] dcyber09: try chmod 755 /var/www [23:57] dcyber09 http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and paste your apache config [23:57] kutku: */15 * * * * your-command and using sudo in cron is not possible [23:57] zaxonspox, Heh... I never know how to get the computer out of all those sleep modes so I just panic and press buttons and eventually the power button and it does stuff and I'm happy I got it to do something again [23:58] zaxonspox, other than that, I'm quite good with Windows. I just can't deal with sleep modes. [23:58] MagusOTB : i already but its still same, [23:58] jeffreyf : by mistake i already del previous /var/www [23:58] jeffreyf : so where i can see config [23:58] is there a good place to find lots of fonts for ubuntu? [23:59] hi [23:59] dcyber09 /etc/apache2/apache2.conf [23:59] would anybody be aware of a wiki page for switching from uvesafb to vesafb, please? [23:59] how are those little website icon called? [23:59] Matisse: favicon