
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
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ubuXubugood morning members of the xubuntu tribe!04:31
prestondoes xfce in xubuntu still set on top some parts of gnome?06:11
prestonive got an older computer and am loking for something lightweight to put on it06:12
prestonhavent actually messed with xubuntu since 9.10 and didnt know if anything had changed in the meantime06:13
ubuXubulxde may be a good one06:27
prestonive been a fan of xfce though06:29
prestoni like the way its laid out06:29
ubuXubui was using xubuntu 9.04 on a machine with 512 ram06:30
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Sir_Ragnarokhi, I'm new to Linux.14:31
Sir_Ragnarokhow do I unmount an external hd using the commandline?14:32
Sir_Ragnarokjust that?14:56
Sir_Ragnarok$ unmount14:56
psycho_oreosumount /mnt/foo14:56
Sir_Ragnarokok thanks, i'll try that next time14:57
psycho_oreoserr you'll need root privileges so you'll need to append sudo14:57
psycho_oreossudo umount /mnt/foo14:57
psycho_oreoscheck via `mount' command to see where the device is mounted to14:57
Sir_RagnarokI'm going to write that down somewhere, my little bro is currently using computer with xubuntu.14:58
Sir_Ragnarokagain, thanks for helping14:59
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
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charlie-tca!hi | vieuz17:14
ubottuvieuz: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:14
vieuzi have a problem with autologon. Is there someone that can help me ?17:14
charlie-tcaPlease ask your question all in one line. All of us are volunteers and will attempt to answer if we know.17:16
vieuzIn the window "New User", i can't check or uncheck the box "Don't ask a password at login" (sorry for the translation, my XUBUNTU karmic is in french) ! The line is in grey17:17
=== travis is now known as Guest18021
charlie-tcaDid you authenticate/unlock the box?17:18
=== Guest18021 is now known as tdr2009
tdr2009Ok, i came before a long time ago about a problem with xubuntu, and i figured out the theme that has a problem17:18
vieuz? sorry, charly-tca, i don't understand your question17:19
charlie-tcaMaybe it is me not understanding. Are you adding a new user?17:20
vieuzi have only one box (in grey, i can't check it or uncheck it17:20
tdr2009a theme that logs you out, and you cant log in until you delete xubuntu folders in ~/.config17:20
vieuzyes i am17:20
vieuzi wrote name, and i entered a manual password17:20
charlie-tcaThere is a lock button at the bottom, you have to click it and put in the password to be able to add the user and check the boxes17:20
charlie-tcatdr2009: did you file a bug?17:21
tdr2009no, i think its already reported, not sure17:22
charlie-tcaIt won't really get fixed if there no bug. If there is one, perhaps you could add comments to it?17:22
tdr2009ill look to see if there is one17:22
charlie-tcavieuz: starting up a karmic system. let me look17:22
vieuzi click the lock button, then i entered the password, then i clicked on New User. In the window that appears, I can enter the name of the user, his password, but i can't check or uncheck the box at the bottom ("don't ask a password at login"). Ok i'm waiting for you17:23
tdr2009I tried adding a user, it asked for password, i entered it, and mine wasnt greyed out17:25
charlie-tcavieuz: you are right. Give me a minute17:26
tdr2009of course, i dont know much about this anyway17:26
charlie-tcatdr2009: in 9.10?17:26
tdr2009i have 10.1017:26
tdr2009i did have ubuntu, but I installed xubuntu-desktop, and removed everything that came with ubuntu17:27
tdr2009but my version is 10.1017:28
charlie-tcavieuz: looks like a bug to me. I can not check that for any user in xubuntu 9.1017:28
vieuzah, it is a good news, if i can say it !17:28
tdr2009i guess that bug is fixed in 10.10, since i dont have that problem?17:28
charlie-tcaI believe it came about as a result of changes to GDM for gnome desktop. I think you will need to upgrade to 10.04 to resolve it17:29
vieuzthe pb is that i don't have broadband access on internet, just using a 56k modem !!!! it will take a long time to download new version !17:29
charlie-tcaIt won't get fixed in 9.10. I am sorry17:30
tdr2009oh, you could get free cd17:30
ubottuShipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Maverick (10.10) CDs17:30
charlie-tcaI can't remember the place you can get the xubuntu cd from?17:32
vieuzI will ask them a CD17:35
vieuzI have an other pb. Can I ask for your hep ?17:35
vieuzwhen I log with a user, my wifi card starts automatically but I have to enter a password to authorize acces to key ring.17:36
vieuzin order my PC to access WiFi.17:37
charlie-tcayes, that is right. Gnome-keyring does not pick up automatically for Xubuntu 9.1017:38
vieuzis there a way to avoid entering a password (which is not the WPA passphrase).17:38
vieuzand if i log with a generic user (group : User) it doesn't ask me a password keyring17:39
charlie-tcaDoes the wifi card start automatically with the generic user?17:39
vieuzyes. and it connects automatically to my hotspot17:40
vieuzi don't understand why my other user (vincent, group VIncent) doesn't act the same17:40
vieuzprobably because it is not in the same group...17:41
charlie-tcaI don't know the answer to this. Perhaps add vincent to group users ?17:43
vieuzdo you think i will loose my documents i have on my account ?17:44
charlie-tcaNo. You can add users to groups without affecting those. You don't move vincent from group Vincent, you just add vincent to the other group17:45
vieuzOK, i'm trying it right now. I disconnect the chat and i come back. Thanks.17:45
charlie-tcaYou´re welcome. Good luck...17:46
vieuzi'm back17:59
vieuzit's not working, it doesnt't take my changes. I think i'll stop and i'll wait to upgrade to 10.1018:00
vieuzanyway, thanks for your help18:01
=== travis is now known as tdr2009
tdr2009Ok, I had one more question, but my internet messed up18:30
tdr2009but, when you have the compositer enabled, are the windows supposed to move slowly?18:30
tdr2009when they're bigger sized windows?18:30
charlie-tcaThat would depend on hardware in use18:31
tdr2009its just the pointer moves faster than the windows, but thanks for helping18:32
charlie-tcaIt would depend on the video card, video memory, ram, and cpu18:32
tdr2009mines not that powerful, i guess18:32
tdr2009i know the graphics card and the processor and the ram though18:33
mario_hi how i had configur wlan0 to connect to internet and now i need to configure eth0 to share this connection to my lan. How can i do this?19:04
tdr2009Ubottu: Hi19:48
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:48
tdr2009Ubottu: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:49
=== travis is now known as tdr2009
tdr2009How do you install wineprefixcreate?20:27
Sysiplease don't spam20:42
tdr2009sorry, didnt know if anyone was even here, since noone talked at all20:47
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=== Guest10127 is now known as tdr2009
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:30
Sysipopping question is easier22:31
mark76Does anyone know where perfectska hangs out?22:51
crawlerhey guys, i just upgraded from xubuntu 9.04 to 10.04 using the update manager, and now i have no mouse cursor.  the session starts up, and the screen blinks and the cursor just disappears.  any idea what's going on?22:52
Sysicould you try changing cursor theme?22:54
crawleri suspect it has to do with this: when upgrading, i was asked a couple questions and chose "use package maintainers version" both times22:54
crawlerhi Sysi i'll try that now22:54
crawlerSysi, i tried changing the cursor theme, but no go..  i'm using the keyboard to navigate the windows but the invisible mouse will still highlight and click things - i just have to guess a lot22:57
crawlerit seems like a driver issue or something...but i don't know much about these things22:57
Sysi(you shouldn't be able to skip versions when upgrading)22:57
crawlerhmm..not sure what you mean by that.  at the top of the update manager window, there was a button to upgrade to 10.10 lucid (or something similar), and i was reluctant to do it for weeks and weeks.23:00
crawlernow i know why23:00
crawleri usually do clean installs, but this time i wanted to try upgrading through the update manager23:00
Sysiupgrading can cause problems but new version may have bugs..23:01
crawleralso, the gnome session works fine, i have a cursor there. just not the xubuntu & default xfce sessions23:01
Sysiyou could try removing settings ~/.config/xfce4/23:02
crawlerok, i'll try that now23:03
crawlerSysi, that produces a mouse cursor, and everything looks different...but everything seems sluggish and there are no panels at the top and bottom23:08
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/23:08
Sysiyou propably need to set up theme etc.23:09
crawlerSysi, thanks a million23:09
crawlerthat did the trick23:10
crawlerSysi, i think i found the problem of the invisible mouse; when i changed the display refresh rate to 75Hz, it seems the display driver crashed.  no i put it back to 60Hz and rebooted.  everything was fine but now the screen is flashing horrible white vertical stripes.23:39
crawlerit's odd because with 9.04 i had the refresh rate @ 75Hz with no problems.  maybe it was that intel driver update i got yesterday??23:40
crawler(using integrated intel video chip)23:40
crawlerthe system has become unresponsive and had to be shut down by holding in the tower's on/off switch23:42
crawlerbah, this is frustrating!  i have never had a *buntu upgrade via the update manager go well.  not in 5+ years23:43
=== travis is now known as Guest97281
=== Guest97281 is now known as travis2009
travis2009ok, i have a problem. Flash all of a sudden stopped working in firefox. I go to youtube and click on video, then its just white where video is supposed to be23:46
travis2009when i right click where video supposed to be, no menu or nothing pops up23:47
travis2009ive tried everything, every flash site will not work23:47
travis2009ive tried it in google chrome, and the flash is really buggy somehow, and it never used to be buggy in chrome until now23:47
travis2009any suggestions?23:47
crawlerhi travis, i get this problem from time to time..try going to the adobe site and installing the latest .deb23:48
travis2009ok, ill try that, and tell you if it works23:48
travis2009wait, .deb or APT?23:49
travis2009i have 10.1023:49
travis2009xubuntu 10.1023:49
crawlerthere should be a .deb on the abobe site23:49
travis2009ok, there was a choice of APT or .deb23:50
travis2009it says: "Error: A later version is already installed"23:50
travis2009when i run .deb file23:50
crawlerhmm...i don't know then.  maybe try reinstalling flash with synaptic23:51
crawleror reinstalling ff23:51
travis2009i cant find flash in synaptic23:52
travis2009nvm foundi t23:52
travis2009i only searched flash23:52
crawlertry flashplugin-nonfree23:53
travis2009ok, done, ill tr FF now23:54
Guest7628Hi, I'm using xubuntu 8.1023:56
travis2009didnt work, here is how it looks like :http://oi55.tinypic.com/2mi4q9.jpg23:56
Guest7628Hi every body can helpme23:57
travis2009Guest7628: whats your problem?23:57
Guest7628I have a PIII with 768Mb of ram..and I have xubuntu 8.1023:57
crawlertravis2009: i don't know dude...maybe try disabling adblock-plus?  not sure what's going on there, sry23:58
Guest7628can I update to xubuntu 9.10...or maybe my pc wont be able to run good23:58
travis2009you should be able to23:58
travis2009crawler: I already tried disabling it, didnt do any good23:58
crawlerGuest7628: word of warning: if your system is running good, don't touch it.  i'm having major pains upgrading xubuntu (which is why i'm here now ;)23:59
Guest7628I will not have problem with xubuntu 9.10  on my PIII..is not so old machine23:59
crawlertravis2009: try reinstalling ff23:59
travis2009flash in google chrome, it shows a vidoe fully loaded as soon as it starts, for instance a 10:00 minute video shows that its done as soon as I open it23:59

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