glyph | lifeless: fwiw, it's not a dpush bug | 00:01 |
glyph | lifeless: it's a bug in the svn mac installer, which I've reported and yelled about in here like 5 times | 00:02 |
glyph | | 00:02 |
glyph | please, somebody fix this | 00:02 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 621446 in Bazaar Mac Installers "AttributeError: paths when trying to svn-import (affected: 6, heat: 46)" [Undecided,New] | 00:02 |
glyph | it's shipping with a prerelease bzr-svn that's broken. | 00:02 |
lifeless | ahh | 00:02 |
lifeless | exarkun: ^ | 00:02 |
lifeless | glyph: perhaps you could drop a mail to the list; its more likely to catch the mac installer dudes eyes | 00:03 |
* exarkun arrives | 00:03 | |
exarkun | btw the launchpad login experience sucks | 00:03 |
glyph | exarkun: what are you talking about, it's great. It is super secure. What if you accidentally informed of your credentials? that would be terrible! | 00:04 |
glyph | (sorry, apparently in a snarky mood tonight) | 00:04 |
glyph | also, I may have asked this one before | 00:06 |
glyph | but is there any way to change qbzr's fonts? | 00:06 |
glyph | the code font it has selected for me is painfully ugly | 00:06 |
lifeless | glyph: no idea about qbzr, sorr. | 00:07 |
lifeless | exarkun: what about the experience sucks? | 00:07 |
glyph | lifeless: I suspect exarkun is complaining about the same part of the experience that I'm snarking about. | 00:08 |
exarkun | lifeless: The "did you actually mean to log in" page that comes after the log in page | 00:08 |
glyph | I'm on I click 'log in'. I type my username and password, and hit 'continue'. It then says "The following information will be available to Launchpad:", but clearly that information is _already_ available to Launchpad. | 00:09 |
glyph | Also, at the top of that page it says "Logged in as ..." even though I am (apparently?) not actually logged in | 00:09 |
glyph | Personally, having worked on federated authentication, I understand the difference between authenticating to the login service and relaying that authenticating to the application, but that is an extremely subtle distinction | 00:09 |
glyph | that I think is lost even on most programmers. | 00:09 |
lifeless | mmm | 00:16 |
lifeless | so it might be useful to file a bug or two here | 00:16 |
lifeless | we are working on allowing any provider | 00:16 |
lifeless | - becoming a general rp | 00:16 |
glyph | lifeless: That would be great. | 00:19 |
glyph | lifeless: I really, really want LP to be a general RP so I can throw these credentials in the garbage, along with all of my other random web credentials | 00:20 |
lifeless | yeah | 00:20 |
glyph | lifeless: actually, is there a launchpad bug for that? I'd love to be notified when it's ready. | 00:20 |
lifeless | sure is | 00:20 |
glyph | but still, in that case, I want the LP login service to special-case the case where I am logging in *to* launchpad *on* launchpad :). | 00:21 |
lifeless | well | 00:21 |
lifeless | LP doesn't have its own provider anymore | 00:21 |
glyph | looks like a provider | 00:21 |
lifeless | it does | 00:21 |
lifeless | its themed | 00:21 |
lifeless | different DB | 00:21 |
glyph | lifeless: it says "launchpad" at the top, that makes me think it's launchpad ;) | 00:22 |
lifeless | I know | 00:22 |
lifeless | we had one for a bit | 00:22 |
lifeless | then folk used it | 00:22 |
lifeless | then we move it to a different department ;) | 00:22 |
lifeless | le sigh. | 00:22 |
glyph | lifeless: when I said "is there a launchpad bug", what I really meant was" what is the URL for that launchpad bug" ;-) | 00:23 |
lifeless | I don't know | 00:23 |
glyph | lifeless: well, I spent about 20 minutes searching, and I found nothing. So: <> | 01:10 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 672004 in Launchpad Foundations "launchpad should be an openid relying party (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 01:10 |
lifeless | glyph: | 01:21 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 210943 in Launchpad Foundations "be an openid consumer (affected: 32, heat: 221)" [Low,Triaged] | 01:21 |
lifeless | glyph: its on the first page of a search for openid in launchpad | 01:21 |
lifeless | glyph: I'm sorry you spent so long looking | 01:21 |
glyph | lifeless: not for me it isn't | 01:23 |
glyph | "No results for search openid" | 01:23 |
glyph | | 01:24 |
lifeless | | 01:24 |
glyph | oh, I already found this bug | 01:24 |
glyph | ah | 01:26 |
glyph | not launchpad itself | 01:26 |
glyph | or launchpad foundations | 01:26 |
glyph | but launchpad project :) | 01:26 |
lifeless | we use launchpad badly | 01:26 |
lifeless | sorry :( | 01:26 |
glyph | (ok sorry for talking about launchpad so much in #bzr, I will go back to talking about bzr in here and join #launchpad if I want to talk about launchpad) | 01:26 |
lifeless | :) | 01:26 |
glyph | so, regarding qbzr | 01:32 |
glyph | there are a couple of places where it hard codes "Courier New, Courier" | 01:32 |
glyph | and you can just edit it | 01:32 |
glyph | and is a bug about fonts, albeit maybe there should be more bugs | 01:34 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 619301 in QBzr "Commit dialog: Font should be choosable (affected: 3, heat: 15)" [Undecided,New] | 01:34 |
luke-jr_ | Can I reconstruct a Subversion repository from a bzr-svn branch of its root? ☺ | 01:41 |
jelmer | luke-jr_: No, as the zeroth revision in svn is immutable. | 01:49 |
glyph | jelmer: Can't you rebase onto an empty trunk? | 01:58 |
glyph | oh, wait, maybe not. | 01:58 |
glyph | luke-jr_: Why bother, though? If you are in the happy situation of having lost your SVN repository but still having a bzr backup, sounds like it's time to just switch to bzr :) | 01:59 |
luke-jr_ | jelmer: svnadmin can load over it ☹ | 01:59 |
luke-jr_ | glyph: bzr doesn't work nicely with subtrees | 01:59 |
luke-jr_ | glyph: I'd want to at least import it back to Subversion, then branch from the trunk | 02:00 |
jelmer | luke-jr_: I think you might be able to do a push if you use svnadmin to change the uuid to match the original repo first, and get rid of your bzr-svn cache for that repo | 02:00 |
luke-jr_ | hmm | 02:00 |
luke-jr_ | any idea how to find the UUID? ☺ | 02:00 |
jelmer | it's part of the bzr revision id | 02:00 |
luke-jr_ | hmm, does seem to be working | 02:03 |
luke-jr_ | any idea if this is lossless? :P | 02:03 |
luke-jr_ | or at least keep compatibility with the real original repo, in case it returns someday? | 02:03 |
jelmer | luke-jr_: yes, this would be lossless in terms of what bzr supports (otherwise bzr-svn would refuse to push) | 02:03 |
jelmer | so svn:externals and other custom properties would be lost but svn:executable will be kept | 02:04 |
luke-jr_ | i c | 02:04 |
glyph | jelmer: I mentioned this yesterday but just got around to filing a bug on it: <> | 02:04 |
luke-jr_ | so only lossless from Bazaar's limited view | 02:04 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 672016 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "'bzr branches' is pathologically slow with an svn+ssh URL (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 02:04 |
glyph | but my main purpose is that I am trying to write a little shell script that synchronizes a whole repository, including all of its branches. | 02:05 |
glyph | I'd like it to work with a bzr repo or an svn repo. | 02:05 |
glyph | 'svn ls' isn't quite right if you've got things which aren't branches in /branches, so it would be nice if bzr branches worked right. | 02:05 |
glyph | is there a different suggested method for doing this? | 02:05 |
jelmer | glyph: hmm | 02:08 |
* jelmer tries locally | 02:09 | |
jelmer | glyph: it looks like this is an issue with the way the branches command works | 02:16 |
jelmer | it just find all possible places with a control directory and then filters out the ones that have branches | 02:17 |
jelmer | in svn, every directory is a possible control directory | 02:17 |
glyph | jelmer: While it's theoretically possible to have a branch within a branch, it seems like you'd be pretty hosed if you tried that | 02:20 |
jelmer | glyph: it's perfectly possible in bzr | 02:20 |
glyph | really? | 02:20 |
jelmer | well, the branch inside the other branch wouldn't be versioned as such, but it can exist. | 02:20 |
jelmer | (ie the container branch wouldn't know about it) | 02:21 |
glyph | right | 02:21 |
glyph | Well, certainly this is up to you, but personally I think it would be fair to say that anything which has the metadata to suggest that it's a branch is the end of the line for searching for more branches :) | 02:21 |
glyph | and you could possibly have some configuration to disagree with that, for pathological repositories | 02:22 |
jelmer | glyph: it's not up to me :-) | 02:22 |
glyph | aren't you mr. bzr-svn? | 02:22 |
jelmer | glyph: I guess :-) But bzr-svn doesn't get into the picture here except to answer the question "does this control directory have a branch attached to it?" | 02:23 |
jelmer | so there's no way I can make it scale from within bzr-svn, bzr core has to be changed. | 02:23 |
glyph | jelmer: Doesn't bzr-svn also get asked "is this a control directory?" | 02:24 |
jelmer | glyph: Yes, but control directories can exist without branches. | 02:25 |
glyph | jelmer: It should be possible to at least look at the directory and say 'no' if it was copied from somewhere else (i.e. probably a branch) | 02:26 |
glyph | at any rate this is implementation, all I want is for 'bzr branches' to be super fast, just make it happen, etc ;-) | 02:26 |
jelmer | glyph: I don't think copies are a good indication of whether something is probably or not probably a branch. Also, finding out will have a performance impact too. | 02:30 |
jelmer | I'd like to fix this properly, by having bzr ask bzr-svn for the list of branches in a repository. I'm just not sure yet what the proper API for that is. | 02:30 |
glyph | jelmer: My understanding is that SVN's revision calculus makes it formally impossible to determine the list of branches in the repository. | 02:33 |
glyph | All you can do is look to see if a directory was copied from 'trunk' or something that looks like it. Is that wrong? | 02:33 |
jelmer | glyph: yes, but bzr-svn has a mechanism for determining what is a branch and what isn't. | 02:34 |
jelmer | glyph: that's what e.g. "bzr svn-import" uses to determine what branches to import. | 02:34 |
glyph | jelmer: oh. I always assumed that _was_ the mechanism. What's the actual rule? | 02:36 |
jelmer | glyph: it uses heuristics to find out what repository layout a svn repository has and then uses that layout, which is usually path-based. | 02:37 |
spiv | mgz: | 07:02 |
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away | ||
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann | ||
loldrup | do I tell which revision my branch is currently at? Neither 'status', 'log' or 'info' tells | 18:03 |
lifeless | bzr revno | 18:03 |
lifeless | or bzr log -r -1 | 18:03 |
loldrup | thanks :) | 18:03 |
gthorslund | loldrup: if you've done a bzr update -r<oldrevno> then you'll need bzr version-info to get it | 18:24 |
lifeless | gthorslund: bzr revno --tree | 18:31 |
gthorslund | lifeless: aha! I've missed that one. thx | 18:37 |
=== luks_ is now known as luks | ||
glyph | so, I'm getting on a plane in 15 minutes | 20:48 |
lifeless | \o/ | 20:48 |
glyph | can anyone figure out why svn+ssh:// thinks that it needs to branch 14341 revisions, in a shared repository with an up to date copy of svn+ssh:// | 20:49 |
glyph | in less than that amount of time? | 20:49 |
glyph | (svn+http should work as an anonymous mirror of the same thing) | 20:50 |
lifeless | well | 20:50 |
lifeless | jelmer: probably can, but I'd expect tha tmost of the history is identical and the progress counter should do a huge jump and be done quickly. | 20:50 |
glyph | well, no | 20:51 |
glyph | I know what it looks like when it does that | 20:51 |
lifeless | ok | 20:51 |
glyph | and it's definitely not doing that now | 20:51 |
lifeless | don't stop the operation | 20:51 |
glyph | 4519kB 15kB/s | copying revision 1126/14341 | 20:51 |
glyph | oh | 20:51 |
glyph | oh I'm a liar | 20:51 |
lifeless | but what does 'bzr missing svn+ssh:// say, run from your trunk mirror | 20:51 |
glyph | I have an up to date copy of | 20:52 |
glyph | who knows what the differences are there | 20:52 |
lifeless | if its the same bzr-svn version, it should be the same-same. | 20:52 |
lifeless | OTOH perhaps its building its bzr-svn cache first, if this is the first direct to svn operation you've done. | 20:52 |
lifeless | that can take a little time. | 20:52 |
mwhudson | jam: oops, i wish i hadn't subscribed to ~jameinel/launchpad/lp-service :-) | 20:54 |
glyph | lifeless: nope, not that either. I just made sure that I did have an up-to-date trunk; branching trunk took no time at all | 20:55 |
glyph | there's something wonky with that branch | 20:55 |
glyph | I'll have to repro this when I have better network connectivity and more time, I guess. | 20:55 |
glyph | Maybe I'll get lucky and the plane will have wifi ;) | 20:55 |
lifeless | good luck. | 20:56 |
glyph | lifeless: thanks for the attempt at help, anyway :) | 20:57 |
lifeless | :P | 20:57 |
mwhudson | glyph: if the branch was branched at the wrong level in svn, it can behave like that | 20:58 |
glyph | mwhudson: it wasn't; it's right under /branches, it's a copy of trunk | 20:58 |
glyph | mwhudson: I mean, you have the appropriate credentials, go ahead and inspect it :) | 20:58 |
mwhudson | that's unlikely if combinator is being used | 20:58 |
mwhudson | glyph: well, i'm trying to reproduce at leat | 21:01 |
mwhudson | *least | 21:01 |
mwhudson | glyph: ok yeah, i see the same | 21:02 |
mwhudson | oh hang on, different versions of the svn mapping in effect? | 21:06 |
mwhudson | glyph: it seems lp:twisted contains a mix of the v3 and v4 bzr <-> svn revid mappings | 21:09 |
mwhudson | and when you import from svn, you just get the v4 mappings | 21:12 |
spiv | mwhudson: a mix? That seems odd. | 21:18 |
spiv | Aren't they unrelated ancestries from bzr's point of view? | 21:19 |
mwhudson | spiv: it does a bit doesn't it? | 21:20 |
mwhudson | and it seems that bzr-svn is somehow smart enough to know that | 21:26 |
mwhudson | bzr log --show-ids svn+ssh:// -r 14639 | 21:26 |
mwhudson | should give a v3 revid | 21:26 |
mwhudson | but not smart enough to know that svn+ssh:// -r 14639 should too | 21:26 |
mwhudson | ... no | 21:27 |
mwhudson | oh right | 21:28 |
mwhudson | yes | 21:28 |
mwhudson | i guess this is a bzr-svn bug | 21:29 |
=== nailuj24 is now known as yailuj24 | ||
spiv | mwhudson: how does bzr-svn know that 14639 should be svn-v3? | 21:37 |
mwhudson | spiv: magic jelmer sauce? | 21:37 |
mwhudson | spiv: actually, i guess that because there are revisions in svn that are actual bzr commits, this somehow forces all older commits to be of a known mapping | 21:38 |
spiv | hmm! | 21:46 |
* mwhudson wants to know what bzr log --show-ids svn+ssh:// -r 14775 says, but it's taking freaking ages | 21:49 | |
mwhudson | ah | 21:49 |
mwhudson | bzr: ERROR: Requested revision: '14775' does not exist in branch: svn+ssh:// | 21:49 |
mwhudson | i think maybe what's happening is that the revision that 'forces' the trunk into v3 mapping isn't present in modules-so-2871 | 21:50 |
spiv | mwhudson: ah, that seems plausible | 21:59 |
mwhudson | i don't know what you could do about that | 22:00 |
spiv | nothing pleasant, I suppose... | 22:02 |
spiv | Well, Twisted could land branches faster? ;) | 22:03 |
mwhudson | yeah, that would definitely help | 22:03 |
peitschie | mornin all :) | 22:26 |
mgz | thanks for that link spiv. | 23:07 |
spiv | mgz: you're welcome! I haven't actually tried ascii_with_complaints yet myself... I suspect the noise will be a bit overwhelming. | 23:39 |
mgz | I think part of the pain is there's no decent way to specify interfaces. | 23:43 |
spiv | As in “the first arg of this function takes unicode not bytes”? | 23:44 |
mgz | every time you write a function or method that takes some kind of string, you don't want to write a type check at the top. | 23:44 |
mgz | as generally that should have already been handled somewhere else anyway. | 23:45 |
spiv | Yeah. | 23:45 |
spiv | Well, it was handled somewhere else... | 23:45 |
spiv | That somewhere else being ~1970, where only ASCII mattered ;) | 23:45 |
NET||abuse | hi folks, i'm a bit confused, i have a branch on my local machine of a repo on my server, i also hhave a branch on the server for deployment, but i also made a sql backup to the server branch and checked that in on the server, but i can't get the updated sql back down on my local machin.e | 23:49 |
NET||abuse | hmm, never mind, backupappeared after i pushed tothe server...??? werid | 23:51 |
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