
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1193767 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/kded/UpdateEvent/UpdateEvent.cpp (log message trimmed)01:26
CIA-39I was running apt-check with --human--readable because initially I thought I01:26
CIA-39might use its output verbatim. Since I'm not doing that anymore, it is much01:26
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1193768 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/kded/UpdateEvent/UpdateEvent.cpp Oops...01:26
sresuI tried jovie from CLI - <jovie> and < qdbus org.kde.KSpeech /KSpeech say "Hello World" 0> No response How to fix it?10:19
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: ping10:52
ulyssesRiddell: Tuomo (author of HUPnP) fixed the installing problem, but UPnP MediaServer KIOslave can't find FindHUpnp.cmake: http://pastebin.com/fcqae7RE10:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: I aint got not us address :P11:52
* apachelogger starts fighting with cups11:52
apacheloggerdantti_work: is your printer manager thing in svn/git?11:53
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freinhardanyone planing to backport digikam 1.5.0 to maverick?12:12
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ulyssesRiddell: I downloaded FindHUpnp.cmake from Amarok, and changed the dirnames to find HUpnp, now cmake works, but make not: http://pastebin.com/UcH48gTS13:02
apacheloggercould someone with nvidia drivers check if bug 669996 affects them please13:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 669996 in kdebase (Ubuntu) "Two View-> submenus are missing in dolphin" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66999613:20
ghostcube_hmmm the funny idea ti rewrite the soundsystem in mav has got who?13:29
ghostcube_i may send him some packagebombs:P13:29
ghostcube_ok any soulution for the braking of intel audio hardware in 10.1013:34
apacheloggerwhat rewrite?13:41
collabrawho are you asking13:42
collabracause if you're asking me, 10.10 is a joke.13:42
JontheEchidnaari-tczew: pong13:43
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: are you going to merge ktechlab? (assuming by comment on MoM)13:43
JontheEchidnaari-tczew: feel free to merge it13:44
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: I commented 'feel free to take'13:45
JontheEchidnacool, thanks. If nobody gets around to it I'll probably take care of it, but I'm not too terribly attached to the package.13:46
ghostcube_apachelogger: my webcam stoped working in 10.10 and my kmixer doesnt show any line13:48
ghostcube_with intel soundcard this seems not to work as it should13:48
ghostcube_10.10 is bad ass13:48
apacheloggeris pulseaudio installed?13:48
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: easy, 1-2 days and this package will be merged :P (not by me)13:48
apacheloggerif it is not properly installed or runnig kmix will fall on its nose at times13:48
apacheloggerghostcube_: in that case you probably should report a bug 13:49
ghostcube_i just updated13:49
ghostcube_apachelogger: hmm ok13:49
ghostcube_and jackd isnt recongnized as soundserver if you start it like before 10.0413:49
ghostcube_i think i wikll revert to 10.04 and wait :D13:49
* apachelogger hates rekonq so very very much13:50
collabraghostcube_: is a joke13:51
ghostcube_collabra: yeah its not usable for me :)13:51
collabraghostcube_: for what reasons13:52
ghostcube_i cant use my programs :)13:52
ghostcube_bbl on 10.0413:52
collabraghostcube_: do you find it unstable in any areas?13:52
apacheloggerghostcube: you should try a live image?13:53
apacheloggercause if it is not a bug, then you could ask the friendly support peopel to help you resolve the issue13:53
ghostcubeapachelogger: its no solution for this , i asked already13:53
apacheloggerALSO, you should report the bug on 10.10 or vital information will not be available to ubuntu-bug13:53
collabrai find kwin unstable when it comes to desktop effects, for one.13:53
ghostcubeiam not the only one having this13:53
ghostcubenah the problem is mav changed many basements and i dont want to use it in this way. so i will keep 10.0413:54
collabraevery login i had to re-enable the effects13:54
ghostcubei use compiz i dont use kde effects 13:54
apacheloggerghostcube: the sound stack is big and complicated what appears as one problem could really be many different ones13:54
collabraintel audio hardware support is clearly problematic13:55
mgraesslinScottK: the disable selfcheck patch http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/5774/13:55
ScottKmgraesslin: Thanks.13:55
mgraesslincollabra: that patch is the solution to your "had to re-enable the effects"13:56
collabramgraesslin: what patch13:56
mgraesslinthe reviewboard link I just posted :-)13:56
collabramgraesslin: is it currently in the repo for update,...13:57
ScottKcollabra: I've not had any problems with my Intel sound stuff on Maverick.13:57
ghostcubeapachelogger: yeah the stack is big, i dont doubt this but it cvant be that i cannot chhose any channel in my kmix tool13:57
ScottKcollabra: Not yet, but it will be, now that we have the patch.13:57
ghostcubeand if this is back i will stay on 10.0413:57
apacheloggerghostcube: if you do not report a bug this will not change13:57
collabraScottK: i've been in #kubuntu all day long and ghostcube is the fourth one including me that have complained13:58
ScottKcollabra: I'm not saying there aren't problems, but that they aren't universal.13:58
collabrapulseaudio is being blamed,... not to mention the 'generic' driver that supports it13:58
collabraScottK: i understand13:59
ghostcubebut it cannot be that such a problem havent accoured in the testings13:59
collabraScottK: and i applaud the engineers, but,... i won't soon upgrade to 10.1013:59
collabraScottK: i had a terrible experience14:00
collabraScottK: with various bugs14:00
ScottKcollabra: I understand.  There are a mix of problems in this cycle.  The ones that have hit me are generally X related.14:00
ScottKThe release after an LTS is the best one to push forward to new stuff on.14:00
apacheloggerghostcube: the sound stack is bing and complicated, what appears as one problem could really be many different ones - and in that case it can be very well that it works on my system but not on yours14:01
apacheloggeron that note, I tested maverick on 4 devices, all using intel audio14:01
ghostcubehmm ok here on intel ich10 no really working situation14:01
collabraScottK: yeah,... but,... how do you feel,... are these distros rushed.14:01
ghostcubebut nm i will just downgrade14:02
ghostcubei dont have the time to investigate this14:02
ghostcubemaybe anyone else14:02
apacheloggerghostcube: you just need to report a bug14:02
ghostcubei even dont know whats the problem14:03
ghostcubeso against what filing?14:03
apacheloggerubuntu-bug audio14:03
collabraScottK: or is the only way to find these things require publishing?14:04
CIA-39[libqapt] jmthomas * 1193888 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/worker/qaptauthorization.h Use a preprocessor if statement to support polkit-qt-1 from trunk (0.98 or above) To make things easier for porting, don't put the PolkitQt1::SystemBusNameSubject on the heap. I think we were leaking that anyways.14:06
apacheloggercollabra: as we already pointed out, sound on intel chips never appeared as problem in the 5 months of testing we conducted, yet people have problems, so, yes, to a certain degree you need to publish14:06
collabrathe best aspect of 10.10 i found was the speed that which applications initalised.... very quick... but sadly only this to me was significant14:06
apacheloggerit is impossible to provide a solution that works everywhere with only limited testing audience as is there with pre-releases14:07
collabraapachelogger: how much time do i need to give this version to mature14:07
apacheloggerto that degree of course there is no excuse to release broken software, but at some point as developer you need to make the decision to release software if it works reasonable well for you14:07
apacheloggercollabra: april 101214:08
collabraapachelogger: lol14:08
apacheloggerthat will be the next LTS release14:08
apacheloggerand until then we will try to push the boundries14:08
CIA-39[libqapt] jmthomas * 1193889 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/worker/qaptauthorization.h SVN_SILENT: a bit of cleanup14:08
collabraapachelogger: are you serious,... or,... joking,.. truly give me a timeline for 10.1014:09
apacheloggerof course the amount of potentially dangerous changes will decrease already14:09
apacheloggersurely 10.10 had the most involving change that will be between 10.04 and 12.0414:09
collabraapachelogger: ahh,... i wasn't aware of that.14:09
apacheloggerat least from a current point of view nothing as major ought to come up14:09
apacheloggercollabra: releases in between LTS are much like milestones towards a more fullfilling LTS experience, they are not broken or anything, we just tend to be more edgy in introducing new technologies14:11
collabraso,... in distro-release from previous versions,... how long did it take for bugs to be worked out,... major bugs14:11
apacheloggerwhat do you mean by major bugs?14:13
collabraapachelogger: i understand and you make perfect sense.... like linux i'm beginning to mature myself,... and i'll be trying not to jump when dists come out14:13
collabraapachelogger: bugs that are common among new dists14:13
collabraapachelogger: bugs that are made aparant after release14:14
apacheloggerdepends on the implication of the bug14:14
apacheloggerif the bug affects all users, it usually gets resolved ASAP14:15
collabraapachelogger: has there been any of those bugs in this release14:15
apacheloggerso generally it depends on the scope of the bug, the more people are affected, the faster it usually is delt with (given that bug triage and developer resources are available of course)14:15
apacheloggercollabra: not that I know of14:16
ghostcubehmm found an old soundblaster eax14:16
ghostcubewill test this14:16
apacheloggerthere was one with all of Qt and certain other apps crashing on nvidia proprietary drivers14:16
apacheloggerhowever IIIRC that did not even affect all users of the driver14:17
ghostcubeapachelogger: iam glad the x probs i read about havent got me :)14:17
ghostcubebut i didnt read anything about sound probs damn :D14:17
collabraapachelogger: so, do you consider 10.10 to be ready now,... and if not when should i give it another try?14:18
* apachelogger still thinks that a configuration issues is more likely the problem for ghostcube14:18
apacheloggercollabra: it works for me(tm)14:18
apacheloggersoftware is *never* ready14:19
freinhardghostcube: install libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio14:19
apacheloggerdue to the fact that there is no such thing as bug-free or perfect software14:19
freinhardthat did the trick for me... lines in kmixer, working micro etc14:19
collabraapachelogger: i'll infer that means don't bother upgrading,... that i'll have the same experience regardless of time given to the software14:20
ghostcubefreinhard: hmmm 14:20
ghostcubesounds good14:20
apacheloggercollabra: depends on what you mean by experience14:21
ghostcubeguys the hardest step ever was to use kde 4.0 from kde 3.x14:21
apacheloggerif experience == rock stable, then I would go for the mantra "never change a working system"14:21
collabraapachelogger: well,... like whether i'm smiling or frowning14:22
ghostcubeand i did it and i knew what waited for me but here in mav i think some news should have been spread before the peoples had clicked update14:22
collabrahappy or sad14:22
collabrasatisfied or ,... well....?14:22
apacheloggercollabra: that still depends on what you expect14:22
apacheloggerghostcube: we have release notes14:23
ghostcubei knew you woukd say this :D14:23
apacheloggerthose state all the important bugs we know about14:23
collabrai may be naive about these distros,... but i expect a greater experience than say the 2600 build from microsoft,... which is basically what i 'experienced' from 10.1014:24
collabrai don't mean to be too critical,... but... eh.14:24
* apachelogger notes that he really has no time to engage in buzzword discussions14:24
ghostcubeapachelogger: no prob i didnt want to bother you just was a bit pissed for the sound bug :)14:25
ghostcubei will try freinhards solution so far14:25
apacheloggerghostcube: understandibly that you were pissed :)14:26
collabraapachelogger: at any rate,.. regardless,.. 10.04 works and i think expecting that same quality from 10.10 was premature,... i'll just keep that in mind when pondering an upgrade14:28
collabraapachelogger: thanks for taking time to talk to me.14:28
apacheloggersure thing14:28
ghostcubefreinhard: didnt work14:37
ghostcubecause i needed to uninstall -alsa then and after this nothing worked anymore14:37
apacheloggeroh, bug in dragonplayer14:47
apacheloggeroh dear14:47
ghostcubemeeeh vlc doesnt work o.O14:50
ghostcubeis this for anyone else too?14:50
ghostcubeclaims updating alsa-lib14:50
dmattsorry, wrong channel14:51
apacheloggergstreamer - we do not only eat your ramz we also use silly names so that you have to install all sorts of unrelated crap to get playback working14:56
ghostcubei think this good bad ugly very ugly extremly ugly is a pita14:57
Riddellulysses: well done on the progress14:58
Riddellulysses: I think it's missing a library in the linking options14:58
Riddellprobably needs a -lhuphp or whatever the library is called14:58
Riddellin CMakeLists.txt somewhere15:04
apacheloggernow this works very well15:05
* apachelogger aint got no sounds in gstreamer15:05
* apachelogger got like a billion devices in phonon-gstreamer setup though15:05
MamarokRiddell: there is no littleCMS in the sources AFAICS, it is an optional dependency for the next koffice15:06
Mamarokor am I just too dumb to find it?15:07
Mamaroknvm, found it, sadly the file description doesn't mention the word littleCMS, so it is not findable by a search, one has to know the library name15:09
RiddellMamarok: liblcms1 ?15:10
Mamarokyes, it didn't show up when I searched with the term littlecms15:11
Mamarokfound it now15:11
RiddellMamarok: I'll upload a fix to that now15:12
MamarokRiddell: thanks :)15:12
MamarokRiddell: also, which version is in Natty? is it already 2.0? I still have 1.18 in Maverick15:17
Mamaroktrunk requires 2.015:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: afaik you can choose the country down below15:18
shadeslayerScottK: thanks :)15:22
freinhardghostcube: i got libsdl1.2debian libsdl1.2debian-alsa and libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio installed and since i did so everything works like a charm15:22
ghostcube_i cant install libsdl-debian alsa and pulseaudio at the same time15:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: it says in the requirements that you need a us shipping address15:25
apacheloggerRiddell: gstreamer refuses to work here all and entirely15:25
apacheloggerno clue why15:25
shadeslayerthen why do they have that effing country entry?15:26
ghostcube_freinhard: how did you install both?15:30
ghostcube_if i try to instsall one of them the other one gets removed15:30
freinhardno idea. just did that in aptitude15:31
freinhardoh, my bad, looks like i didn't see the "rc" of -alsa in dpkg -l15:31
apacheloggeraccording to yauap playback is working15:32
apacheloggerI just dont here anythig15:32
freinhardanyways, installed -pulseaudio, reboot, works15:32
apacheloggermaybe my hearing is not good enough for the superior might of gstreamer \o/15:32
ghostcube_huh i can route pulseaduio into jackd by pulseaudio plugin16:49
ghostcube_hmmm thats nice 16:49
ghostcube_still no channels but this is cool 16:49
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ScottKshadeslayer: You're welcome.17:58
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ScottKcollabra: We test these things during development, but particularly with audio and video many of the problems are very hardware specific, so it's hard to make sure everyone has a good experience without making it the default.17:58
androidloggerRiddell: dvd playback has no menu navigation in dragon with gst :(18:49
Riddellandroidlogger: well yes, that's a downside for gstreamer for sure18:50
Riddellbut since we don't offer out the box dvd support anyway, you could argue it's no worse18:50
ScottKBut don't we pop up a way to get it?18:51
ScottKSo the difference between out of the box and not is very slight.18:51
androidloggermy system got navigaton headers for gst+dvd it seems, though making that work gives me a bit of a headache, just from thinking about it18:53
ulyssesRiddell: I don't know what's changed, but now UPnP MedaServer can't even find HUPnP, so cmake fails too…19:05
androidloggerdvd navigation implemented in phonon gst19:48
androidloggershould even work with surface and gl rendering19:48
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1193987 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/ (DetailsWidget.cpp DetailsWidget.h) Remove the unused QApt::Backend pointer from the DetailsWidget class. Now that the tabs that use the QApt::Backend are in their own classes, the pointer is no longer used in the DetailsWidget19:53
JontheEchidnareduced mem consumption by 4 bytes \o/19:53
ScottKEvery little bit helps.19:54
ulyssesRiddell: I „fixed” it, I write the path of the libHUpnp.so into the CMakeList.txt, and now it works, I could browse the UPnP devices if I would have one21:23
apacheloggerdoes anyone have a dvd where one has to enter stuff or something?21:25
Riddellulysses: awooga21:31
Riddellulysses: so lesson No 1 for packagers is upstream software sucks :)21:32
Riddellulysses: now the trick is to get it all packaged21:32
ulyssesRiddell: I get it now:P I sent an e-mail to Nikhil (author of UPnP MediaServer KIOslave) with my workaround21:37
sheytan__Riddell hey dude22:12
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valorieapachelogger: need a US address? you can use mine, and I'll re-ship whatever-it-is to you23:08
valoriewhich reminds me, I need to ship maco's scarf to her23:09
macooh yeah23:09
apacheloggervalorie: probably not worth it, shipping would probably be super expensive23:09
apacheloggerthanks for the offer though :)23:09
valorielittle, or big?23:17
valoriebig stuff is expensive, little not-so-much23:17
valorieemail me your shipping address, maco23:17
valorieI'll put it in an envelope and send it tomorrow23:17

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