lenios | anyone knows about openscap, or of any util using it coming to ubuntu? | 01:14 |
penguin42 | the libraries seem to be there, as does python-openscap but nothing seems to depend on it | 01:16 |
lenios | there is no way to use them as far as i know | 01:17 |
lenios | and no rules written for ubuntu | 01:17 |
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robertzaccour | hey yall | 05:42 |
robertzaccour | how do i update my repos so that I can sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? | 05:43 |
robertzaccour | all these people online and nobody knows? | 05:47 |
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histo | robertf: sudo do-release-upgrade | 09:08 |
histo | !upgrade | robertf | 09:08 |
ubottu | robertf: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 09:08 |
histo | ugh wrong person | 09:08 |
^mNotIntelligent | hi all | 10:50 |
^mNotIntelligent | can someone refer where to download the 11.04 test version that I can use for developing/contributing to the ubuntu | 10:51 |
^mNotIntelligent | anybody home ? | 10:53 |
bazhang | ^mNotIntelligent, not even alpha yet | 10:54 |
bazhang | ^mNotIntelligent, check the release schedule in the /topic | 10:54 |
yofel | ^mNotIntelligent: ther aren't iso images yet, *if* you want to use it anyway, you'll have to install maverick and change 'maverick' to 'natty' in your sources.list and dist-upgrade | 10:59 |
^mNotIntelligent | bazhang, yofel : thanks ... any idea when is the first test release going to be available | 11:08 |
yofel | ^mNotIntelligent: as bazhang said, see the release schedule, first release is alpha1 | 11:08 |
^mNotIntelligent | k, thx | 11:09 |
^mNotIntelligent | yofel, thanks for the workaround | 11:09 |
yofel | np | 11:10 |
fagan | There isnt anything to see on natty yet so there is no real point to upgrading yet although I already have to see what bugs are around from the upgrade to python 2.7 | 11:55 |
alex88 | is it real that new ubuntu will come with unity as default? | 12:06 |
fagan | alex88: yes | 12:07 |
fagan | for the next version of the desktop | 12:07 |
fagan | but there will be a 2d fallback | 12:07 |
alex88 | i've that on my netbook and it's so slow and buggy for me... | 12:07 |
fagan | alex88: thats a known bug | 12:08 |
alex88 | but i hope that compiz instead of mutter will be much faster... | 12:08 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
fagan | it will be and it has a lot less bugs | 12:08 |
alex88 | but why that decision? Unity can be useful for netbooks ok, but it's useless and less user-friendly to ppl coming from other systems.. | 12:09 |
alex88 | for example i had problems opening a share samba folder, also to save things to usb key from internet.. people also are used to use things in desktop.. | 12:09 |
fagan | alex88: well thats an objective thing Mac OS Lion coming next year is doing something almost identical to unity | 12:09 |
alex88 | i've always said that mac is crap.. :) | 12:10 |
fagan | mac is a far better exerience than on windows | 12:10 |
alex88 | then windows...right.. | 12:10 |
fagan | well ubuntu is trying to break away and do something special to set ourselves apart | 12:11 |
fagan | so its a good thing | 12:11 |
alex88 | i hope thay it will be developed much more. | 12:11 |
fagan | it will be, we aim to have everything perfect for LTS releases | 12:12 |
fagan | so it will be very mature by the next one | 12:12 |
alex88 | next one will be at 12.04? | 12:12 |
fagan | give me a sec and ill check I forget | 12:12 |
yofel | next LTS will be 12.04 yes | 12:12 |
alex88 | every 2 years like older releases.. | 12:13 |
fagan | yeah thats right | 12:14 |
alex88 | thank you for support..have a nice time.. | 12:14 |
fagan | no problem | 12:14 |
daurn | hi all | 13:38 |
daurn | how can I enable the natty experimental repo in my maverick install? | 13:38 |
lenios | daurn, change maverick to natty in your /etc/apt/sources.list | 13:44 |
lenios | sudo sed -i "s/maverick/natty/g" /etc/apt/sources.list | 13:48 |
daurn | lenios: yeah... now I'm scared, seems i'm getting a distupgrade | 13:51 |
lenios | ? | 13:51 |
daurn | or at least, alot of packages are being removed, and alot more are being installed | 13:51 |
daurn | ==> I tried to do something with apt-get, it said run apt-get -f install first | 13:51 |
daurn | so I did.... | 13:51 |
lenios | what's the problem? | 13:53 |
daurn | I'm scared :p | 13:53 |
lenios | you're an early tester, you can | 13:54 |
lenios | (be scared) | 13:54 |
daurn | wel I'm actually doing this to try and get gobject introspection going | 13:54 |
fagan | daurn: most people do a dual boot of both the stable and the unstable releases | 13:54 |
daurn | everything in the maverick repos is WAY outdated | 13:54 |
fagan | daurn: its not that outdated | 13:55 |
daurn | outdated enough that none of the features I need are available | 13:55 |
fagan | its actually on the stable releases of most of the libs | 13:55 |
daurn | ==> need GI > 0.9.7 ==> need GIR > 0.9.12 ==> need typelibs for glib > 0.9.12 ==> need glib > 0.23 | 13:56 |
daurn | etc | 13:56 |
daurn | right, we;; everythign seems to have updated itself now :) | 13:58 |
daurn | don't suppose you guys know how to fix: Failed to load typelib file '/usr/lib/girepository-1.0/GIRepository-2.0.typelib' for namespace 'GIRepository': Typelib version mismatch; expected 4, found 3 (0) | 13:58 |
fagan | you would have to ask in #ubuntu-desktop during the week | 13:59 |
fagan | I think its known | 13:59 |
kklimonda_ | daurn: looks like packages has to be rebuilt for new gobject introspection | 14:59 |
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Ian_Corne | is there an way to see which kernel options on when you're booted? | 22:39 |
lenios | Ian_Corne, you have to check grub config | 22:43 |
Ian_Corne | well if you edit them at boot time | 22:43 |
Ian_Corne | they won't be there :p | 22:43 |
lenios | if you edit them, you know what you did | 22:44 |
Ian_Corne | I should! | 22:44 |
geser | cat /proc/cmdline | 22:44 |
Ian_Corne | And I do, but I find it hard to believe it works without the option now :) | 22:44 |
Ian_Corne | thnx geser | 22:44 |
Ian_Corne | ok awesome it works | 22:44 |
Ian_Corne | my touchpad works without aditional option now! | 22:45 |
Ian_Corne | but it's still only basic support | 22:45 |
lenios | what do you mean basic? | 22:45 |
Ian_Corne | I can't enable/disbale touch to click, it's always enabled | 22:47 |
Ian_Corne | I can't set it to 2-finger scrolling | 22:47 |
Ian_Corne | There's no touchpad tab in the mouse configuration menu | 22:48 |
lenios | i have a touchpad tab in my mouse configuration menu, to enable multitouch scrolling | 22:49 |
lenios | oh, maybe there's something wrong on natty, i have it on 10.10 at least | 22:49 |
Ian_Corne | lenios: It's my touchpad, it's a known issue | 22:51 |
Ian_Corne | http://code.google.com/p/vaio-f11-linux/issues/list?cursor=1&updated=1&ts=1289170237 | 22:51 |
Ian_Corne | check the first issue | 22:51 |
lenios | i see | 22:52 |
Ian_Corne | I just wanna disable touch to click :( | 23:21 |
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