
SPooNlet me look at ndis00:00
Cheri703ScottD: what model number are you looking for? perhaps I'm missing something00:00
Cheri703I get "exact model number" for xps 1700:00
Cheri703but...is there a specific form or?00:00
geirhaVideo cards and wireless cards are the hardware that most often lack proper linux support.00:01
SPooNINtel Centrino Advanced-N 6200 is not listed here: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Category:WORKS&from=Genius+GF3000U00:01
SPooNso unsure as to compatability00:01
Cheri703XPS 17 (L701X)00:01
Cheri703ScottD: XPS 17 (L701X)00:01
geirhaSearching for ubuntu and chipset/model on google will often give good clues as to how well it works in Ubuntu.00:01
head_victimCheri703: where in the *bleep* did you find that :)00:01
ScottDOkay well apparently that wifi card works 2.6.3100:01
* Cheri703 has amazing google-fu skills00:01
ScottDin 2.6.31*00:02
SPooNwhere did you get that from ScottD?00:02
head_victimHere I was thinking that surely it had to be on the dell website.....00:02
Cheri703didn't just go to wiki though (probably should have), found it via googling00:02
SPooN2.6.31 of what?00:02
Cheri703yeah, that makes too much sense for dell head_victim00:02
head_victimCheri703: I should have known00:02
SPooNhey dell is where its at00:02
ScottDrandom forum posts on backports.ubuntuforums.org00:02
head_victimas for it's wifi http://download.intel.com/network/connectivity/products/prodbrf/323016.pdf00:02
Cheri703I looked around on there as well, but...then off to googling00:03
Cheri703but yeah, there you go00:03
head_victimIt's ubuntu linux listed as a specified operating system.00:03
SPooNI'm on a dell studio, which works after Broadcom-STA00:03
SPooNso I'd assume XPS would work00:03
Cheri703hope that helps ScottD00:04
ScottDOkay so the wifi card appears to work.00:06
ScottDThanks for your help (:00:06
head_victimI'd say that wifi card looks a lot better than the base model00:06
head_victimWant to buy 2 laptops and post me one? :)00:07
head_victimWorth a shot, you don't get anything without asking ;)00:08
ScottDI've had this HP dv6 for about a year and half and right after the warranty expired it started falling apart.00:08
stlsaintScottD: classic00:09
ScottDBattery is awful, hard drive has tons of bad sectors, the left clicker thingy is broke...00:09
SPooNnew question already... gonna have to learn this fasst. so I can open .py files to edit them, but how can I run them?00:10
head_victimpython /file.py00:11
head_victimor sudo chmod +x /file.py  and then just the usual /path/to/file.py00:11
pedro3005python file.py00:12
stlsaintSPooN: easiest is to to option two that head_victim gave and just make it executbale00:12
pedro3005not /file.py00:12
SPooNmight have to install python actually...00:12
head_victimYeah sorry, was carried away :/00:12
pedro3005SPooN, you have python00:12
stlsaint+1 pedro00:12
pedro3005most likely00:12
SPooNit shows up in synaptic00:12
pedro3005SPooN, just try it00:13
pedro3005it says it can't find python?00:13
SPooNso if I have the .py saved to desktop...00:14
SPooNsudo chmod +x /blah.py00:14
pedro3005no need to IMO00:14
pedro3005python blah.py00:14
SPooNjust like that within terminal?00:14
pedro3005and FYI it'd be "sudo chmod +x blah.py"00:15
SPooNhmm tells me no such file or dir....00:15
pedro3005SPooN, cd Desktop00:17
SPooNsame err.00:17
SPooNwhich is odd...00:18
SPooNmeaning I don't have a desktop00:18
pedro3005what dir are you on?00:18
SPooNubuntu 10.1000:18
pedro3005no, directory00:19
SPooNhow can I tell? not sure what you mean00:19
* SPooN is supernew to Ubuntu00:20
pedro3005SPooN, type this on the terminal00:20
pedro3005cd ~/Desktop00:20
SPooNbash: cd~/Desktop: No such file or directory00:21
SPooNthats the output from cd~/desktop00:21
pedro3005SPooN, no, with a space00:21
pedro3005cd ~/Desktop00:21
pedro3005there is a space between cd and ~...00:21
SPooNoops typo00:21
pedro3005did it work now?00:21
pedro3005and python too?00:21
SPooNTraceback (most recent call last):00:22
SPooN  File "idiocy.py", line 2, in <module>00:22
SPooN    import getopt, sys, pcap, dpkt, re, httplib, urllib00:22
SPooNImportError: No module named pcap00:22
SPooNwhich I assume is an error in the program itself00:22
pedro3005SPooN, one moment please00:23
aveilleux!pastebin | SPooN00:25
ubot2SPooN: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:25
SPooNthank you aveilleux00:26
stlsaintSPooN: install the pastebinit application00:26
stlsaintSPooN: ^^00:26
stlsaintvery small app but very useful00:26
pedro3005SPooN, sudo apt-get install python-pypcap00:27
pedro3005then try again00:27
SPooNdo I need to get out of cd ~/desktop00:27
SPooNgot out of it, downloading00:28
SPooNpedro3005:   File "idiocy.py", line 2, in <module>00:29
SPooN    import getopt, sys, pcap, dpkt, re, httplib, urllib00:29
SPooNImportError: No module named dpkt00:29
pedro3005SPooN, yeah, one more moment00:31
SPooNalright, thanks for all the help man00:32
pedro3005SPooN, sudo apt-get install python-dpkt00:33
SPooN File "idiocy.py", line 128, in <module>00:35
SPooN    main()00:35
SPooN  File "idiocy.py", line 20, in main00:35
SPooN    cap = pcap.pcap(device)00:35
SPooN  File "pcap.pyx", line 194, in pcap.pcap.__init__00:35
pedro3005that's all?00:35
SPooNuhm yes...00:36
SPooNline above that first00:36
SPooNTraceback (most recent call last):00:36
pedro3005SPooN, well, that is surely weird00:38
pedro3005where did you get the script from?00:38
pedro3005..well, yes00:38
pedro3005you know, what website00:38
SPooNits not extraordinarily legit00:39
SPooNits a mod of firesheep00:39
SPooNcombined with idiocy00:39
pedro3005well are you sure the code is right?00:41
Cheri703what is the irc command for last seen? like what were the last things the person said?00:41
SPooNcode may not be right. I'll look into it00:41
pedro3005Cheri703, AFAIK there's no default IRC command for that.. some bots have that functionality00:41
pleia2Cheri703: there has to be some kind of bot or something tracking logs, most channels don't have a "seen" command00:41
pleia2Cheri703: if you want to see their idle time, you can /whois nickname00:42
pleia2(doesn't work everywhere though)00:42
pedro3005Cheri703, you can see when they last logged on if that's of any use00:42
pedro3005/ns info <nick>00:42
pleia2here on freenode you can do like: /whois pleia2 pleia200:42
pleia2to see my idle time (yes, nickname twice)00:43
Cheri703well, for ubottu I guess00:43
Cheri703pleia2: it's in u-w I'm curious00:43
pleia2I'm pretty sure ubottu doesn't have a seen command00:43
SPooNI've seen a perl script that'll do it...00:43
Cheri703hmm...I thought I saw someone use it in there00:43
Cheri703pleia2: can I pm you?00:44
pleia2Cheri703: sure00:45
ScottDOpenOffice will be replaced with LibreOffice in 11.04? o:00:51
UndiFineDScottD, asap I hope01:19
ScottDOracle is a badword ;P01:19
UndiFineDNo it is not a bad word, just that they have more commercial interests than sun did01:20
UndiFineDand sun was not too OS minded as well01:20
ScottDThey completely removed MySQL community edition.01:21
ScottDIt's back now, but it wasn't when I originally looked.01:21
UndiFineDMysql ... I am not too sure about that progressing now01:21
UndiFineDbut it is a good DB as it is01:21
UndiFineDsofar the only truely free are postgres and couchdb01:22
UndiFineDboth being very different01:22
pleia2most of the big postgres database developers work for enterprisedb, which does a lot of custom postgres stuff01:23
pleia2so while they don't technically have a backing like mysql, by your definition I'm not sure they'd qualify as "truely free" either :)01:23
pleia2by my definition they're both still free, and there are commercial addon options01:24
UndiFineDso what do you suggest pleia201:25
pleia2I still use mysql and postgres, their community version are fantastic01:25
pleia2we mostly work with small/medium businesses, and the standard versions are fine for that scale01:26
ScottDI wonder how long until Oracle starts charging for VirtualBox01:30
UndiFineDhttp://www.opensource.org/licenses/postgresql <- rather weak license, I have doubt if it would pass law01:31
UndiFineDas in, if company A provides serves with postgresql, and it fails, company B sues and finds out they use that, they could say not fit for purpose01:32
pleia2UndiFineD: the OSI has some pretty strong licensing lawyers working for them and that license is approved, I wouldn't write it off so quickly01:32
UndiFineDin my country, only Creative Commons have been approved01:34
UndiFineDEven Osor is not mentioned in any of our law documents01:34
pleia2yeah, it certainly does depend on your country01:34
UndiFineDwhich has been developed by the EU01:34
pleia2unfortunately one of the big things I learned about open source licensing at the linux collaboration summit this year is that they're still very US-based when it comes to writing licenses that will stand up01:35
pleia2including what language is used in the documents and such01:35
UndiFineDit means, we would need to spends millions to certify license by law in each country01:38
* pleia2 nods01:38
benpowers23i just repartitioned my hd and am fixing to install on ubuntu on a dedicated partition anyone have some advice04:46
bioterrorremember to buy some installation beer! ;)04:46
bioterrorso benpowers23, in what you need some advices?04:48
benpowers23i work on a tow boat, im gone from home for a month at a time,  were not allowed to have alcohol |-)04:48
benpowers23is there anything im missing as far as drive setup or is it as simple as installing on the specific partition04:48
stlsaintbioterror: once you allocated the space just tell ubuntu to use the largest free space or do a manual partition install04:50
benpowers23thats why im confused04:51
bioterrorstlsaint, best is to wipe whole drive for ubuntu :D04:51
stlsaintHA TAB FAIL04:54
benpowers23so,  dont  fallow the page?04:54
stlsaintbenpowers23: have you already partitioned some space for ubuntu?04:55
benpowers23yes 119 gb04:55
benpowers23181 for windows  119 for ubuntu and 12 for windows recovery04:56
bioterrorjust choose from installer to use all the required space04:56
bioterrorrequired == all free space :D04:57
benpowers23i will def thank you04:57
bioterrorno probs04:57
benpowers23be back next prob ;-)04:57
geekosopherhello all05:56
MyD0j0i have a question about using dd to image my existing winxp drive for converting to a virutalbox image; in this link: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Migrate_Windows they talk about imaging the drive and in step 3, they say *do not* just image the partition; i am already booted to a livecd (coming live from... ;) and have a secondary drive to large enough to hold the dd image--but i do not understand what *not just* the part05:56
MyD0j0the image will be used in ubuntu instead of a side by side install...05:57
karthick87Hi everyone i planned to conduct a workshop on ubuntu in my college for my juniors,i need some ubuntu posters to post it in my college and make it to spread among the students..Where to get good posters..?06:47
head_victimkarthick87: http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/07:00
karthick87head_victim: Thank you :) Is it possible to edit those posters?07:02
head_victimMost of them have licenses telling you what you can and can't do with them07:03
head_victimIf they allow editing then they usually have a source download.07:03
karthick87head_victim: Yes there is a source .svg format.07:04
head_victimWell it seems you're in luck07:07
karthick87Using which software i can edit these .svg format07:07
venilsuryaIs there a way to download the packages for upgrading to 10.10 without running the upgrade right away?07:56
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apollothethirdI have a Laptop running Ubuntu and a Desktop running Ubuntu.  I'm trying to properly run a remote gnome-session from the desktop on the laptop and have sound.09:18
apollothethirdI'm sure I'm not doing it right because when I run startx on the laptop it starts the local gnome-session windows manager.  So what I do is start it with the X command then export my DISPLAY to :0, then "ssh -X myid@mydesktop gnome-session"09:20
apollothethirdThat brings up the desktop's gnome-session.  Can someone tell me if that is the standard way or is there a more conventional way of doing this.09:21
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Jon69I've got an Evolution problem: All my folders (Inbox etc) are suddenly not visible.  On clicking the grey button "Mail" the Left-hand panel where the folders should be just shows "On this Computer" "Search Folders" and "Unmatched"  At one stage it said 268 messages, 103 unread, but now I can't even see this. This has suddenly happened, with no changes made ... except that it *may* have been after I accepted download of about12:45
Jon69I've got an Evolution problem: (continued) What IS still OK: filters I set up, contacts etc.   I'm using POP email from my ISP. There's only one account, set as default, obviously.  I'm very new to Ubuntu (got version 10.10) and new to Evolution (version 2.30.3)12:45
geirhaYour first message got cut off at «...*may* have been after I accepted download of about»12:53
nlsthznHi all :)13:48
pedro3005hi nlsthzn13:53
pedro3005I cannot pronounce your nickname13:53
nlsthznpedro3005: Thats ok, neither can I :p13:53
Joeb454I'd go with 'nelsthuzun' :P14:02
Joeb454where the 'u' is as it is in the word 'up'14:02
Joeb454not like the u's in ubuntu :)14:02
nlsthznJoeb454: lol14:04
nlsthznYou should learn some afrikaans and use that to pronounce it14:05
Joeb454hmm, I know a few south africans that speak afrikaans, I might mention it :P14:08
aluexneed help14:08
Joeb454what's up aluex14:08
aluexmy package list broke down14:09
aluexi've installed openoffice.org but it isn't listed in status yet14:10
Joeb454do you get any errors?14:11
aluexJoeb454, i replaced current one with a backup,and that caused the thing above14:12
Joeb454aluex: you replaced the current OpenOffice, or package list?14:12
aluexPackage list14:13
Joeb454hmm, I don't even have a /var/dpkg directory :-\14:14
aluexit should be /var/lib/dpkg...14:15
Joeb454ah ok, I'll check there :P14:15
Joeb454ok...howcome you replaced it, if you don't mind me asking?14:16
aluexbecause the list turned into an empty file by mistake..14:17
aluexand i dont know that untill i was informed of it after i type apt-get update14:18
aluexvery odd14:18
Joeb454aluex: check in /var/backups - there might be one in there14:19
Joeb454looks like the system keeps automatic backups of them14:19
aluex/var/lib/dpkg/status-old is a backup i used14:20
aluexand openoffice.org i installed later was not in that list./14:21
aluex...maybe a bit confusing...14:23
Joeb454aluex: have you tried using /var/backups/dpkg.status.014:23
Joeb454or /var/backups/dpkg.status.1.gz14:23
aluexhowto? just cp?14:24
Joeb454aluex: if you look in /var/backups/ you'll see there's a number of backups for dpkg.status, so if you wanted to use one, you'd use the following:14:24
Joeb454sudo cp /var/backups/dpkg.status.0 /var/lib/dpkg/status14:24
Joeb454sudo cp /var/backups/dpkg.status.1.gz /var/lib/dpkg/status14:25
lukjadJoeb454 !14:28
lukjadPabloRubianes !14:28
PabloRubianeshi lukjad14:28
aluexJoeb454, the directory /var/backups/ id empty.14:28
lukjadPabloRubianes Joeb454 http://www.reddit.com/r/itookapicture/comments/e2hfh/itap_an_early_morning_shot_of_a_street/14:28
nlsthznI don't get it?14:30
aluexJoeb454, i wanna remove openoffice.org14:30
PabloRubianeslukjad: nice!14:30
aluexbut it says i haven't installed it14:30
lukjadPabloRubianes :D14:31
aluexJoeb454, poke14:31
Joeb454hey lukjad14:34
lukjadJoeb454 :D What did you think?14:34
Joeb454aluex: sorry, had to go afk briefly. So you want to remove OOo, but the /var/backups/ directory is also empty?14:35
Joeb454lukjad: nice14:35
aluexand its the reason that my package list is  not up-to-date with  my current status14:37
aluexpoor aluex14:38
Joeb454hmm...do you have /var on a separate partition, by any chance?14:39
aluexi dont know ...actually, this is a arm-device14:39
aluexand memory size is small14:40
aluexso ... oo.o is a bit fat14:40
* aluex poor aluex14:41
Joeb454hmmm...I'm out of ideas, I don't know why it isn't appearing, or if there's any way to recover it, especially with the backups dir being empty as well :(14:41
aluexand is there any way to remove a software not listed in the package list..?14:42
aluexbut i can see oo.o in dpkg -l14:46
Andyy47hey am new to linux but am diggin it...have a laptop heat issue14:46
Timo_Andyy47: what's the problem exactly?14:47
Timo_Can you describe it in detail?14:47
Andyy47this toshiba runs hot and stalls?14:47
Timo_so the fan isn't working properly I guess?14:48
pedro3005Andyy47, what are the system specs? ram, etc14:48
Andyy47ok elsewhere  amd dual core at 2gig  3 gig ram  bestbuys l305d14:49
Andyy47fan does push heat  under any load is hot14:49
Andyy47this is recent install  nodual boot or anything14:51
Andyy47would the amd64 ubuntu 9.10 work around this?14:51
Andyy47does fan have more than one speed?14:57
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Daniel0108someone here, who is good with port enabling/forwarding? :P17:01
aveilleuxDaniel0108: 'sup17:01
Daniel0108aveilleux: so, you can help me? :)17:02
Timo_Daniel0108: just ask and if someone knows a solution they will tell17:02
=== collin is now known as collinp
Daniel0108okay :P17:03
Daniel0108so.. I got a new router: Thomson twg850... I want to forward my 80 port, but I think this port is not enabled...17:03
Daniel0108i always get "Connection timed out" error... :(17:03
deejoe_this is for outgoing connections, or for incoming connections?17:04
Daniel0108I want to setup a server ;)17:04
deejoe_do you have a server running now?17:04
aveilleuxDaniel0108: Have you taken a look at http://portforward.com/ ?17:05
Daniel0108first I want to try on my computer, then I do the same thing on my server ;)17:05
Daniel0108yea, I always have... it didn't help...17:05
deejoe_Daniel0108: you have to have the server running first, then forward connections to it17:05
Daniel0108oops xD I meant I already looked there :P17:05
aveilleuxDaniel0108: I assume you're running Apache on Ubuntu?17:05
Daniel0108yeah, I HAVE the server running on my computer, I have LAMP :)17:06
deejoe_if you forward connections to . . . nothing, then you will be disappointed.17:06
Daniel0108Apache with LAMP17:06
deejoe_so you can connect to that server from the same computer that runs it.17:06
deejoe_ok, good17:06
Daniel0108and I can connect from my other pc(which is also connected to the router)17:06
deejoe_and they are both on the internal network17:07
aveilleuxDaniel0108: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Thomson-Alcatel/TWG850/HTTP.htm You found this?17:07
Daniel0108all pcs in my network can connect, so my server works ;)17:07
Daniel0108yes, I exactly found this, aveilleux :)17:07
aveilleuxDaniel0108: I've had this issue before, on Verizon... try configuring Apache to run on port 8080 and try then. Your ISP might block port 80.17:08
Daniel0108okay ;) thanks :)17:08
Daniel0108I will try17:08
Daniel0108can you please tell me where the config file for apache is, when I installed Lampp? :P17:10
Daniel0108too lazy to search :P17:10
Daniel0108i dont have apache directory, I installed Lampp...17:11
Daniel0108ps: I know that lampp is using apache ;)17:11
aveilleuxDaniel0108: Apache is installed when you install LAMP. Linux Apache Mysql PHP17:11
aveilleuxDaniel0108: You *should* have an /etc/apache2/ directory, or else there's something seriously wrong with your Apache install17:12
Daniel0108but I installed lampp to /opt/lampp/17:12
Daniel0108i just installed lampp, lol :P17:12
UndiFineDwe actually have another dodgy compiled lamp service17:13
aveilleuxWhat, really17:13
Daniel0108:P I downloaded an installer ;)17:14
Daniel0108that's not my fault ;)17:14
aveilleuxDaniel0108: Can you link where you got the installer? I can have a look-see17:14
Daniel0108umm... I don't know anymore, but it installed lampp to /opt/lampp/ directory...17:15
Daniel0108if you want, I can reinstall lampp ;)17:15
aveilleuxDaniel0108: That's not entirely helpful, anything can install into /opt; I'm looking for your specific implementation of Lampp17:16
Daniel0108okay, wait, I'm searching for the link ;)17:16
Daniel0108oh, wait, I just did everything, apachefriends told me... :P17:17
Daniel0108that should help you ;)17:17
UndiFineDxampp, hmm, not very secure17:18
Daniel0108can you give me a suggestion for a better program?17:18
UndiFineDapache, mysql, php17:18
UndiFineDphillw, wrote a manaul for it :)17:19
Daniel0108okay, thanks ;)17:20
aveilleuxDaniel0108: I second UndiFineD's suggestion of installing Apache, Mysql and PHP separately rather than installing XAMPP, because updates are available for it and if you don't need the MP part then you can just install the A alone ;-)17:20
Daniel0108I'm a new to such things :P I'm usually a programmer ;)17:20
phillwDaniel0108: have a read of http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11917:20
Daniel0108thanks, I will read :)17:20
phillwtry using tasksel on your system, it should get the missing stuff.17:21
Daniel0108thanks  :P17:21
phillwI did hold that as a classroom a few months back, it's just easier to find my notes on my own forum :)17:21
Daniel0108there is a problem with tasksel...17:24
Daniel0108tasksel: aptitude failed (100) :(17:24
Mohan_chmlphillw, ^17:24
phillwsudu tasksel17:25
Daniel0108:PP sorry, my fault ;)17:25
phillw*sudo tasksel*17:25
Daniel0108another aptitude task was running in the background ;)17:25
phillwlol, yeah, that catches me sometimes :)17:26
Daniel0108haha :)17:26
Daniel0108I always forget to close synaptics :P >.<17:26
SPooNi never really open in17:26
SPooNshould I open it?17:27
Daniel0108no ;) not really :P17:27
Daniel0108just if you want xD17:27
SPooNok :P17:27
* SPooN is new to ubuntu and has no idea what he's doing17:27
Daniel0108okay, finished installation, now /etc/apache2 is aviable17:28
* Mohan_chml is the same as SPooN 17:28
Daniel0108 *available17:29
Daniel0108I have to change ports.conf, right?17:29
Daniel0108okay thanks :) I only have one question, how can I see if my ISP is blocking a port?17:34
aveilleuxDaniel0108: Call them and find out :P17:35
Daniel0108okay, thanks :P I thought there is another way :)17:36
Daniel0108thanks for all :P I think it's impossible with my ISP :) But I have a 2nd server, that is working ;)17:36
Daniel0108on this server I installed CentOS server :)17:37
Daniel0108thanks for you help :) have to go, bye :)17:37
phillwSPooN: head over and have a read of http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3 it contains some really good links to resources for ubuntu for beginners.17:40
SPooNphillw: thank you17:41
Mohan_chmlphillw, thank you. I will read it to when SPooN finishes reading17:43
SPooNwhy do I have to finish first :O17:43
phillwMohan_chml: it's on my forum, many people can read it at once :P17:43
Mohan_chmlphillw, I am new to internet and I don't know anything. teach me :D17:44
phillwSPooN: that forum area is where I store my copies of my notes, they are available to any and everyone.17:44
phillwMohan_chml: lol17:45
SPooNthanks for the link in any case phillw17:45
phillwit's easier than flooding the room with lots of links :)17:45
Mohan_chmlphillw, what is a link? :P17:46
Mohan_chmlSPooN, for how much days you are with ubuntu?17:48
SPooNthis is my second day running Ubuntu17:48
Mohan_chmlSPooN, and are you new to the Linux family too?17:49
Daniel0108hi :)18:30
Timo_hi Daniel0108 wb18:30
Daniel0108hi Timo :)18:32
ikoniaSPooN: stop spamming links18:34
pedro3005SPooN, #ubuntu-beginners-team is more appropriate for offtopic subjects18:36
SPooNwhat do I need to install in Synaptic to get Java(tm) to work?18:38
Daniel0108what about installing it in software center?18:40
Daniel0108do you want to install a java plugin for your browser or the java runtime?18:40
Daniel0108for plugin: install icedtea6-plugin18:40
Daniel0108for runtime: install openjdk-6-jre (or other engines with jre in their name;) )18:41
Mohan_chmlDaniel0108, I can see the whole channel with smileys all over :P19:44
Daniel0108really? :P just wanted to bump the chat xD19:44
Mohan_chmlHola hobgoblin19:52
Daniel0108hi hobgoblin ;)19:53
djsHello everyone. I'm a noob!19:58
pedro3005hello noob!19:59
hobgoblinhi djs - everyone is or was at some point20:00
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin, how are you spending this Sunday?20:00
djsTo be human is to be noob20:00
hobgoblinMohan_chml: waiting for a mate - he has a bottle of wine20:01
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin, /me missed that bottle :'(20:02
Mohan_chmlwb MichelleQ120:03
hobgoblinand hi Daniel0108 :)20:04
MichelleQ1Mohan_chml: thanks20:05
MichelleQ1sorry to have been in and out...  coming and going quite frequently these past few days!  Running around like a headless chicken.20:05
hobgoblinMichelleQ1: eeew - sputy blood :(20:06
hobgoblinand spurty ;)20:06
Daniel0108djs: So, you shouldn't be a human :P You should be a nerd :)20:07
hobgoblindjs: the question needs to be asked - did you come here to hang out or for help - if it is help then ask :)20:08
Mohan_chmlmeindian523, HIYAS =]20:08
meindian523hey Mohan_chml20:08
Mohan_chmlstill in the states?20:09
meindian523will be here for the next few years20:11
Mohan_chmlOkies (;20:11
Daniel0108what are you currently doing?20:11
hobgoblinmeindian523 my condolences sir :(20:11
meindian523hobgoblin, lol20:11
hobgoblin:) and good to see you20:12
meindian523as it is to see you hobgoblin20:12
hobgoblinnot many say that :)20:13
meindian523well, I consider your heritage too, you see20:14
hobgoblinanyway - nice to see you all - I am off now - goodnow all20:14
Daniel0108bye and good night :P I'm tired xD(PS: It's 9:31PM in austria)20:31
kosaidpohello guys20:54
kosaidpoanyone here using dropbox with pcmamfm ??20:54
stlsaintnope, sorry20:54
kosaidpostlsaint: okay thanks20:57
Mohan_chmlNight all!21:01
stlsaintnight mohi :P21:01
MichealHNight Mohan_chml21:01
Mohan_chmlerm :b21:01
Mohan_chmllater stlsaint and MichealH21:02
MichealHThe first one looks like he was licking his nose :P21:02
dazza71hi can anyone help me pls21:07
stlsainti leave to use the potty and look what happens21:08
UndiFineDcrap ?21:09
suprengrI assume none of you signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct - potty NOT appreciated.21:51
=== karthick1987 is now known as karthick87
stlsaintsuprengr: ??22:08
stlsaintsuprengr: i have signed the CoC22:08
lukjadhey guys, I'm in the middle of partitioning my hard drive, should I make a /boot drive?23:16
UndiFineDno need really, though it coulb a security feature23:27
UndiFineDwhere you turn off /boot after startup23:27
lukjadhm, yeah23:27

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