[00:02] Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name [00:02] tcp 0 0* LISTEN [01:42] I'm having a proble getting my remote workingwith sdlmame and I'm wondering if I am in the right place for help [02:51] Hi. I got "no upnp" with a fresh install of myth-tv. did I miss something? I never get this error all the time before I did try mtyh-tv [04:52] so I'm certain i've got my remote db connect issues taken care of. my local frontend works now. I'm still having an issue with my new remote frontend. help would be appreciated [05:08] update: i've got a db connection on remote front end. Now I'm getting 'Could not connect to the master backend server' message. Suggestions of what to look at? [06:07] kenni, thanks for the heads up. i'll take a look [11:20] If I install the backported 2.6.35 kernel on mythbuntu 10.04 the buttons on my remote control changes [11:20] What could that be? === qwebirc97228 is now known as XVampireX [16:16] Hello [16:17] I am running mythbuntu 10.10 from live cd right now and I'm wondering if there is any way to work without a backend, with just the frontend? [16:17] since I'm not thinking of doing any of the TV Broadcasting things [16:18] I just want to have a frontend capable of playing music [16:19] playing movies [16:19] and running emulated games [16:19] like a media center, only without running it through a backend :-/ [16:21] or as I understand it I have to install it to be able to use the interface [16:21] Nevermind, I'll figure it out later since no one is here. [16:34] hmm [16:34] probably want something like xbmc then [16:34] but you left [17:11] hey all. trying to get my backend running correctly. i am able to start from command line as root after fixing mysql.txt. it looks like i've got a permission problem for the mythtv user [17:11] cat: /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt: Permission denied [17:11] cat /etc/mythtv/config.xml works [17:11] lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv root 22 2009-08-03 23:16 config.xml -> /etc/mythtv/config.xml [17:11] -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 28388 2010-10-30 19:42 jamu.conf [17:11] lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv root 21 2009-08-03 23:16 mysql.txt -> /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt [17:12] same permissions from what i can see [17:45] also, I question why it's using mysql.txt instead of config.xml [19:28] castlec, what is the permissions of /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt [19:29] how much more info can i give than what is already pasted in? [19:29] not sure what to check. i copied the file to home and chowned it. that worked but I'd prefer to have it right [20:04] I'm having a proble getting my remote workingwith sdlmame and I'm wondering if I am in the right place for help