
=== Crisco is now known as zz_Crisco
EricThibaultIs there an admin online?17:31
UndiFineDhello EricThibault17:33
EricThibaultI would like to join the team :)17:33
UndiFineDgreat, we could use a few more active people17:34
=== UndiFineD changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: The Ubuntu Tour Project! | http://ubuntutour.org | Join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tour | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Todo#List | Let's finish the writing !
UndiFineDin this topic are all the links17:34
EricThibaultI'm a 17 years old student, just discovered Ubuntu about 3 months ago, did massive learning on this OS, including Desktop and Server17:34
EricThibaultOkay, I just read : Send us an email or stop by the #ubuntu-tour channel on irc.freenode.net to ask us a question, introduce yourself, or get to know the other members of the team.17:35
EricThibaultI thought it was an essential step to join the team17:35
OmegaI'm here18:53
Omegahe left18:53
UndiFineDOmega, into assimilation modus ?19:41
EricThibaultHi Muscovy!22:11
MuscovyHello EricThibault.22:13
EricThibaultI just read the email you sent me22:14
EricThibaultSo, your team is about showing people how Ubuntu can be amazing and used everywhere, right?22:14
EricThibaultAnd how do you proceed?22:14
MuscovyAs in from our current progress?22:15
MuscovyWe're hoping to finish writing some stuff on Evolution, Firefox, and Rhythmbox,22:15
Muscovythen we'll start packaging the tour, and ask people for opinions.22:16
MuscovyOn how understandable it is, if we've missed topics, etc.22:16
EricThibaultLet's say I'm a windows standard user, and I don't even know the words Ubuntu, Linux, OpenSource.  How will I land on your website, if you have one?  How will you try to convince me to leave 30 years of windows utilisation to get on Ubuntu?22:16
MuscovyWell, I don't think we're using the website as anything other than a developer portal at the moment.22:16
EricThibaultBy the way, I read that you are an high school student!  I just graduated last year, im 17!22:16
MuscovyAh, same age as me. :D22:17
EricThibaultAre you using a CMS for the website?22:17
MuscovyNope, just from scratch.22:17
EricThibaultOr it's all javascript, html and css?22:17
MuscovyANd some php.22:17
MuscovyI used php for a few ease-of-editing stuff.22:17
MuscovyWe do hope to have an online version of the tour.22:18
EricThibaultBecause it's pretty basic.  I know you don't know me much, but I just completed a DEP in Quebec, Canada, which is, if i translate, Professionnal Studies Diploma, thats almost like college.22:18
MuscovyYeah, the website does need some updates.22:18
EricThibaultAnd I'll finish it in 3 days.  Since I've started it, i've made 1800hrs, focused on programming, and a bit of networking.22:19
EricThibaultSo i'm pretty good with the web, and did you know that CMS are a lot easier to work with, and give better results in less time?22:19
MuscovyI didn't.22:20
EricThibaultYou know what's a CMS?22:20
MuscovyI learned this morning actually.22:20
EricThibaultContent Management System.  Those allow you to do like 95% less code.22:20
EricThibaultAnd the visual effects are way better22:21
MuscovyWould you recommend a particular one?22:21
EricThibaultAs an example, this is one of our school's website.  Took like 5 minutes to do + adding the text : http://lepisc.com/intranet/22:22
EricThibaultI know it's in french, just for you to see the result!22:22
MuscovyI use Chrome, so I translated it.22:22
EricThibaultOk, cool22:23
MuscovyYeah, I see what you mean.22:23
EricThibaultTell me if you think I'm too fast, I know we don't know each other yet.  You could make me a subdomain, I could build up the website, because I have a lot of free time, and then, if you like the result, we can easily switch it to the primary domain22:24
MuscovyThat or I could give you the code (it's in a bzr branch) and you could do it locally.22:24
MuscovyMy webhost locks ftp accounts like crazy.22:25
MuscovyIn the creation of the site we had a lot of issues there.22:25
EricThibaultYeah, doing it locally, on a small LAMP server could work pretty well.22:25
EricThibaultI'd show you the results with some screens22:25
EricThibaultJust a question!  What time are you usually logged on, and what time is it where you live?   So I could easily contact you on the IRC channel!22:26
MuscovyOn weekdays I'm on from about 11:30 PM to 5:00 AM UTC.22:28
MuscovyOn and off.22:28
MuscovyFeel free to email me or the email list too.22:28
EricThibaultWhere do you live?22:29
MuscovyWest coast of Canada.22:31
EricThibaultIm near Montreal!22:31
EricThibaultWhich explains why I'm a frenchie22:32
MuscovyI keep meaning to update the site, so I'll play with it during the next week.22:35
MuscovyThere's a sync of it here: https://code.launchpad.net/~muscovy/+junk/ubuntu-tour-site22:35
MuscovyThe sync excludes a few things like the IRC logs.22:35
EricThibaultWhat's a branch?22:35
MuscovyEver used something like Git or SVN?22:35
EricThibaultSorry, I'm new to launchpad22:35
MuscovyWe use Bzr (Bazaar), a version Control SYstem.22:36
MuscovyVCS are systems that intelligently upload/sync project files.22:36
MuscovyThey deal with merges and so on.22:36
Muscovyhttp://ubuntutour.org/contribute/branch/ explains the basics of using it.22:37
MuscovyMost the the page stuff it setup.22:37
EricThibaultthanks, ill check that22:37
EricThibaultHi again!23:37
EricThibaultI have a question!  Do you want the website of Ubuntu Tour to be similar to Ubuntu.com, or just a nice sleek finish, with many nice options?23:38
MuscovyEricThibault, we're trying to go with the Ubuntu style.23:41
MuscovySo it doesn't need to mirror it, but the same conventions would be nice.23:41
EricThibaultWhat do you mean by conventions?23:41
MuscovyThe same general colour schemes and so on.23:42
Muscovyhttp://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/ might be useful.23:42
EricThibaultIs Ubuntu design (like ubuntu.com) open source, because i'd just copy the pictures, and build something really awesome, no wordpress, just with some js and jquery23:46
MuscovyI think it is.23:52
EricThibaultSo I can copy the images, and just change the text?23:53
MuscovyI believe so.23:54

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