Chloric | hey itnet | 00:03 |
itnet7 | hey there Chloric ! | 00:59 |
Chloric | hows it going? | 01:06 |
Chloric | i had a question | 01:06 |
itnet7 | go ahead | 01:10 |
itnet7 | sorry for the delay catching up on some stuff in the background | 01:10 |
Chloric | thats ok man, | 01:10 |
Chloric | and i was wondering if you were doing anything LoCo related during thanksgiving week. im going up for 10 days | 01:11 |
Chloric | i'll be in Orlando no less | 01:11 |
itnet7 | going up? | 01:11 |
itnet7 | Oh | 01:11 |
itnet7 | cool!! | 01:11 |
Chloric | so if your throwing anything LoCo related, i could catch up | 01:11 |
itnet7 | cool, I am not sure, usually I try not to do anything around major (family related) holidays | 01:12 |
itnet7 | but if you eat Turkey... '=_ | 01:12 |
itnet7 | oops | 01:12 |
itnet7 | that was supposed to be: :-P | 01:12 |
itnet7 | We could hang out regardless | 01:13 |
Chloric | thats cool and for sure | 01:13 |
Chloric | i'll be in my teepee for those ten days :p | 01:13 |
itnet7 | Oh! | 01:13 |
itnet7 | cool | 01:13 |
Chloric | so we could meet up any time i | 01:14 |
itnet7 | Awesome! | 01:15 |
itnet7 | <----- Sweet! | 01:16 |
Chloric | oh, i dont know if you were on last night, but i was using a Wacom bamboo tablet with Ubuntu | 01:17 |
Chloric | there were a ton of conversations about it on here | 01:17 |
Chloric | i used my girlfriends and i was using it as a mouse the whole night | 01:17 |
itnet7 | Oh, I'll have to read the backlog | 01:17 |
itnet7 | nice! | 01:17 |
Chloric | everything worked except for the FN1 and FN2 button | 01:17 |
itnet7 | Did the gui configuration detect it? | 01:18 |
Chloric | nope, nothing. it worked right out of the box, i never messed with any program | 01:18 |
Chloric | i plugged it in and it all worked | 01:19 |
Chloric | scrolling, gestures, right clicking, drag and drop, and changing work spaces | 01:19 |
itnet7 | Cool, I was just thinkin that you might be able to bind those non-working FN1 and FN2 buttons with the app. potentially | 01:20 |
Chloric | yeah, those were Corel specific buttons | 01:20 |
itnet7 | brb gonna test the install to see if that "True Combat Elite" mod shows up in game | 01:20 |
Chloric | i couldve done so, but i was having fun with it | 01:20 |
Chloric | i was using GIMP | 01:21 |
itnet7 | They are really cool | 01:25 |
itnet7 | That install was flawless, can't play the mod online, because I never entered my CD key | 01:25 |
Chloric | what mod? | 01:30 |
itnet7 | Hey there Bryanstein ! | 01:38 |
itnet7 | Chloric: the "True Elite Combat" Mod | 01:39 |
itnet7 | but you need to have the key from Enemy Territory: the Original one | 01:40 |
Chloric | OH, forgot i opened that link... playing minecraft and listening to music lol | 01:40 |
itnet7 | :-P | 01:40 |
Chloric | the graphics look amazing | 01:40 |
itnet7 | brb, gonna try it again since I just found me key :-) | 01:41 |
Chloric | ok | 01:42 |
Gyndawyr | hello | 14:28 |
Gyndawyr | I'm looking for some americans :P | 14:30 |
* mhall119 is american | 14:33 | |
mhall119 | what's up Gyndawyr | 14:33 |
Gyndawyr | I've taken 3 SAT subject tests: literature, biology, and math level 1. | 14:33 |
mhall119 | SAT? | 14:33 |
Gyndawyr | Can I retake the ones I did bad in to improve my score? | 14:34 |
mhall119 | yeah, I think you can take them as many times as you're willing to pay for them | 14:34 |
Gyndawyr | yay | 14:34 |
mhall119 | I'm not sure if colleges look at all the scores, or just the latest, or just the highest | 14:34 |
Gyndawyr | because I want to keep my good scores in literature and biology, but erase any history of my awful marks in math | 14:35 |
Gyndawyr | do you know anything about the literacy test at all? | 14:35 |
mhall119 | man, it's been a decade since I took my SATs | 14:36 |
mhall119 | maybe MichelleQ1 has some insight into those | 14:36 |
MichelleQ1 | Gyndawyr: the college will look at *all* scores submitted from one test - so, say you took it July 2010 - they'll look at all the marks for all the subjects from that test. | 14:36 |
* Gyndawyr points to young person | 14:36 | |
Gyndawyr | but I don't want to keep all my scores | 14:37 |
Gyndawyr | just the good ones | 14:37 |
MichelleQ1 | I know - unfortunately it doesn't work that way | 14:37 |
MichelleQ1 | what you'll want to do is submit your highest test in general | 14:37 |
Gyndawyr | I'll be damned if I have to sit through literature again -_- | 14:38 |
Gyndawyr | also, I'll have to get loads of math tuition | 14:38 |
MichelleQ1 | hahaha, having a rough time with the ilterature sections? | 14:38 |
MichelleQ1 | where are you trying to go to school at? | 14:38 |
Gyndawyr | when something is open to interpretation and prettymuch all of the answers are valid, it becomes difficult to select one out of five on the multiple choice | 14:39 |
MichelleQ1 | this is true - literature is very hard to objectively test | 14:39 |
Gyndawyr | I'm british english, but I want to move to MIT for my graduate year in university | 14:39 |
MichelleQ1 | ok - call MIT and ask for an admissions counselor. They'd be the best to tell you how to submit your scores | 14:40 |
mhall119 | maybe you can get an ESOL exception ;) | 14:40 |
Gyndawyr | if what you said is true, the best way to submit my scores would be to re-take the exams after I have some sort of education in how to pass the bloody things :) | 14:41 |
MichelleQ1 | there are all sorts of SAT guides out there | 14:41 |
Gyndawyr | the average scores are in the 750 region for people at MIT :S | 14:41 |
MichelleQ1 | I'd offer to help you study, but it's been years since I've sat for them. I am around though, regularly, should you need some generalized literature help | 14:42 |
Gyndawyr | if I have to submit my awful grades along with my good ones, I'd probably be better off resitting the subjects I'm good at along with the ones I failed previously | 14:42 |
MichelleQ1 | that's what I'd suggest | 14:42 |
MichelleQ1 | odds are, your good subjects will remain high, but you'd have a chance to improve your low scores. | 14:43 |
Gyndawyr | biology felt so easy :D - maybe it's because I've covered most of the material recently | 14:43 |
Gyndawyr | I literally guessed 40 out of 50 questions on the math paper | 14:43 |
MichelleQ1 | yeah, I'm sure I'd fail spectacularly if I sat for the SATs again. | 14:43 |
Gyndawyr | you're older than I expected :) | 14:44 |
MichelleQ1 | If you haven't already, you might want to sit for the ACTs, too - they're generally easier. | 14:44 |
* MichelleQ1 knocks on 30. | 14:44 | |
* Gyndawyr is 19 next week | 14:44 | |
Gyndawyr | I know I should remember my education but I have poor memory and it was 4 years ago since I was in math class | 14:45 |
MichelleQ1 | I sucked at math in high school - I can't imagine I'd been any better at it now. | 14:46 |
Gyndawyr | I don't think I'm bad at it as much as I don't enjoy it | 14:46 |
MichelleQ1 | Why are you headed to MIT? Comp-sci? | 14:47 |
Gyndawyr | I plan to go somewhere relatively local for the moment | 14:48 |
Gyndawyr | manchester university or similar | 14:48 |
Gyndawyr | my grades aren't very good so I don't know what place I'll get | 14:48 |
Gyndawyr | I plan to study biology or engineering. I hope to transfer to MIT - bio-engineering when I've done the first part of my degree | 14:49 |
MichelleQ1 | ah, ok. | 14:49 |
mhall119 | for not enjoying math, you sure are picking two subjects that are going to require a lot of it | 14:49 |
Gyndawyr | imagine what you could do with the ability to program DNA ;) | 14:49 |
* MichelleQ1 wanted to go into molecular biology | 14:49 | |
Gyndawyr | even though I hate programming it sounds like something I would do | 14:49 |
MichelleQ1 | and then I failed calculus. | 14:50 |
mhall119 | yeah, I've read several articles about molecular computers and such | 14:50 |
Gyndawyr | why didn't you Michelle? | 14:50 |
MichelleQ1 | can't math. | 14:50 |
MichelleQ1 | :D | 14:50 |
MichelleQ1 | So I majored in English Lit instead. | 14:50 |
Gyndawyr | eugh... I hated math and chemistry. But I've always been naturally good with computers and biology :/ | 14:51 |
Gyndawyr | putting it together is fine, it's just programming the thing I'm no good with | 14:52 |
MichelleQ1 | I found I was good with anything that could be explained to me in concrete terms. But when it came to theoretical math, ... no. | 14:52 |
Gyndawyr | hahahahaha I had to learn "don't ask questions" when it comes to education in general | 14:53 |
Gyndawyr | otherwise you end up asking "why does gravity only attract?" or "how does energy go through a vaccum?" | 14:54 |
MichelleQ1 | Yeah, that was my problem... and I couldn't deal with 'just don't ask' | 14:54 |
mhall119 | well the second is kind of a misconception, but the answer to the first is still "We have no clue" | 14:54 |
MichelleQ1 | that's part of the reason why I went into literature - I could manipulate the texts as I saw fit, and make the answers my own. | 14:55 |
mhall119 | I think too many professors of the "hard" sciences are unwilling to admit that nobody in their field knows the answer to something | 14:55 |
itnet7 | mhall119: ping | 15:46 |
mhall119 | itnet7: pong | 15:56 |
mhall119 | but I'm about to leave for the hardware store | 15:56 |
mhall119 | be back later | 15:59 |
itnet7 | lol | 16:03 |
itnet7 | sorry | 16:03 |
itnet7 | bbiab | 16:08 |
RoAkSoAx | itnet7: ping | 19:13 |
RoAkSoAx | itnet7: what is the version of irssi that had that perl module you were talking about, and which is is the one it didn't have it anymore | 19:14 |
cjohnston | Headed back home. :-( | 22:44 |
itnet7 | RoAkSoAx: let me doublecheck | 22:52 |
RoAkSoAx | itnet7: ok cool, we'll try to see if it was a packaging error :) | 22:54 |
test123 | itnet7: test | 22:56 |
itnet7 | I can't find the same stuff I was seeing | 22:57 |
itnet7 | loaded, but my notifications are not forwarding through X | 22:58 |
crashsystems | hello florida | 22:58 |
RoAkSoAx | itnet7: so it's prolly something with the packaging | 22:58 |
itnet7 | RoAkSoAx: if you were to type: /unload perl, then try to /LOAD perl you will get the following error. | 23:02 |
itnet7 | When I tried to compile irssi myself and point it to by perl libraries it would not let me compile in perl support | 23:02 |
RoAkSoAx | itnet7: seems like a known bug | 23:04 |
RoAkSoAx | itnet7: and a packging error probably | 23:08 |
RoAkSoAx | itnet7: | 23:12 |
RoAkSoAx | itnet7: but according to what I'm reading it says that you can unload perl, but you can't reload it | 23:14 |
RoAkSoAx | itnet7: but if you could give me the versions of the packages would be easier to investigate | 23:15 |
itnet7 | RoAkSoAx: Unfortunately I don't have any thing running the previous versions, let me check it out in a bit, I am going through my e-mail and getting caught up a bit | 23:37 |
RoAkSoAx | itnet7: ok if you remember the version you had before and which version you upadted to that thad the problem would be useful | 23:44 |
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