
=== rat is now known as Guest75977
=== RobotGrrl_ is now known as RobotGrrl
paultagAnyone from Toronto?17:12
willwhpaultag: there are some I believe, I couldn't tell you who thougth18:40
willwhI'm in Victoria, BC :)18:40
=== RobotGrrl_ is now known as RobotGrrl
dscasselpaultag: I'm nearby. hypatia has been running Toronto events lately...19:16
paultagdscassel, awesome. One of my good friends lives up there and I got her to switch to Ubuntu19:39
paultagthanks willwh :)19:39
dscasselCool. :) hypatia was talking about starting up Ubuntu Hours there, but I don't think she's had one yet.19:40
paultagawesome :)19:46
paultagHey, I'll BRB, need to head to an interview. One love and all that.19:46

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