
nigelbmorning all!05:23
nigelbFinally back after a fun weekend away from the computer05:23
* nigelb swims in the inbox.05:24
nisshhlol, nigelb :)05:33
nisshhnigelb, i just came across an Ubuntu 6.10 user thismorning, made me go "wow"05:34
nisshhnigelb, what could possibly be fun that involves being away from the computer?05:35
nigelbnisshh: Its going out with friends and hanging around them for 3 days05:35
nisshhnigelb, how boring :)05:35
nigelbListened to some good songs played by my friends, good fun05:35
nisshhnah, im kidding :)05:36
nigelband my arms are aching from volleyball.05:36
nisshhthat would be fun05:36
duanedesignhello nisshh05:38
duanedesignhrllo nigelb05:38
duanedesignhmm, hello nigelb05:38
duanedesignhard to type in the dark. I need one of those keyboards with the lighted keys :)05:39
nisshhhey duanedesign :)05:39
nisshhduanedesign, oh, like my G15 here :)05:39
duanedesignnisshh: ooooh, thats a nice keyboard05:40
nisshhyeah, it is :)05:40
nigelbheya duanedesign05:40
nisshhthere are better ones though05:40
duanedesignthe google logo is pretty neat today05:41
duanedesigntook me awhile to realize its an animation...its is subtle, but the letters are glowing05:43
doctormopleia2: hey there06:20
* nigelb waves to doctormo 06:29
doctormohey nigelb06:30
duanedesign'lo doctormo06:31
doctormohey duanedesign, what you up to?06:32
duanedesigndoctormo: was just reading the planet and watching a bit of Futurama06:33
doctormoAh which episodes?06:33
duanedesigndoctormo: Bender is robot wrestling. 'Bender The Offender' soon to become 'Gender Bender' :D06:34
doctormoduanedesign: Wonderful06:35
duanedesignComedy Central06:35
duanedesignneed to reboot, brb06:38
czajkowskiAloha :)06:43
duanedesignhello czajkowski06:43
nigelbmorning czajkowski06:47
nigelbczajkowski: How did the invasion go? :)06:47
czajkowskistart work today07:04
dholbachgood morning!07:33
jussiMorning all.07:36
dholbachjcastro, ubuntutheproject-community-n-unity-bugfixing-participation says that I should "Provide a graph for tracking metrics for this initative" - can we talk about that at some stage? I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do07:38
dpmgood morning everyone08:18
dholbachhey dpm08:19
dpmheya dholbach :)08:20
nigelbmorning dpm , dholbach , jussi :)08:32
nigelbhola ara08:32
dpmhey nigelb :)08:33
arahey nigelb, dpm08:33
dpmhola ara08:33
* dholbach goes back to writing specs09:08
* nigelb waits for blueprint spam.09:09
dholbachhola randa, hey daker09:30
randahi dholbach09:31
dakerhi dholbach10:06
dholbachhey popey10:31
dholbachha, I just found out that Jono is only a double of ~claudio.arseni (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/34429296/IMG_9416_3.png) - Jono must have lost his earring somewhere11:11
nigelbdholbach: heh11:25
nigelbmorning Pendulum :)11:25
* nigelb waves to kim0 11:32
nigelbkim0: Friday was holiday in India, I was away for weekend :D11:32
kim0nigelb: morning man11:32
popey\o/ Diwali!11:34
nigelboh yes :D11:34
nigelbplenty of sweets \o/11:34
nigelbpopey: did you get treated to more lovely indian sweets?11:35
duanedesignmorning all11:54
nigelbmorning duanedesign12:00
* popey points duanedesign at jcastro 12:04
duanedesign<.<   >,>12:06
* nigelb wonders why12:09
* duanedesign thinks it is about screencasts12:14
duanedesignI think jorge wants to redo his askubuntu screencast12:14
* dpm <-- long lunch at the uni13:02
czajkowskiranda: ping13:10
randaczajkowski: hello13:34
czajkowskiranda: mind if |I pm please13:34
randasure czajkowski :)13:35
popey\o/ http://ucasts.tv/2010/11/08/ucast-0003-update-manager-intro/  spam spam spam spam13:57
nigelbpopey: did you start it?13:58
popeystart what?13:58
nigelbthe site!13:58
nigelbIts lovely!13:58
popeywith some help from lovely people in the Ubuntu community13:58
popeythank you13:58
nigelb(yes, I have been on another planet for a few days)13:58
popeyWelcome back to planet Earth13:58
popeyIf you have any suggestions for things I should record.. do let me know..  http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/Screencasts14:00
nigelbwhoa, that's a biiiiiiig list :)14:04
popeyideally I'd release one a day, maybe more14:04
nigelbwow, that's commitment14:05
popeyyeah, wont happen ;)14:05
popeythats why they're all so short14:05
nigelbI'm hoping you'd get ad revenues to pay your costs14:05
popeythe site is only 3 days old14:05
nigelbwell, but over time...14:06
popeymaybe in the future I'll get a bit, but doubt it will be enough to cover all costs14:06
popeywe'll see14:06
nigelbme thinks a donate button would be helpful14:07
popeydo people actually click those14:10
jcastrothe flattr ones seem popular14:10
nigelbyeah, there is flattr already14:12
popeyyeah, I've flattr'ed a few people14:13
dholbachjcastro, ubuntutheproject-community-n-unity-bugfixing-participation says that I should "Provide a graph for tracking metrics for this initative" - can we talk about that at some stage? I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do14:52
jcastrodholbach: yeah14:52
jcastroit's ok they haven't landed anything that we can file bug reports on14:53
jcastrodholbach: basically I am going to make a set of tags14:53
jcastroand we have to measure them via a graph14:53
jcastrothe tag will probably be "bitesize"14:53
dholbachjcastro, can you update the work item so it's a bit clearer what I have to do (whenever the time is right)?14:53
jcastroand we need to track based on status, so like Triaged, fix committed, etc.14:53
jcastrosure I can do it now14:53
jcastrohey wait a minute14:56
jcastrodon't the QA bug pages do graphs of bugs already?14:56
jcastrodholbach: we should just have QA add all of "Unity" there14:58
jcastroand then all we need is a seperate line for "bitesize"14:58
dholbachI think that bdmurray can very easily set them up14:58
dholbachbut for me it's no super big deal either14:58
jcastrodholbach: I split it up into 2 bullets and clarified15:24
jcastroI hope they make sense15:24
dholbachthanks jcastro15:24
dholbachdpm is having internet problems, he'll brb15:24
jcastrocaffeine refill, bbi 1015:35
duanedesignjcastro: you were wanting to update the 'how to use ask ubuntu' screencast?15:38
paultagjussi, advertising hard, eh? :)15:47
czajkowskipaultag: get all college work done?15:47
jussipaultag: no?15:47
paultagczajkowski, last night at 0400 my time15:47
paultagczajkowski, I spent over 12 hours at my computer desk. I better get a half-decent grade.15:48
paultagczajkowski, and today, I have my phone interview with Google. I'm thinking it will go south.15:48
paultagjussi, Nah, I was kidding you15:48
czajkowskipaultag: just relax sit in front of a mirror for interview15:49
czajkowskihave pen and papper for doddling and relaxing15:49
paultagczajkowski, I have to do it over google docs, perhaps I'll pull up cheese ;)15:49
paultagczajkowski, I'll have to do that. aye15:49
czajkowskimake sure no housemates in to annoy you and you'll be fine15:49
czajkowskialso glass of water15:49
Pendulumpaultag: good luck :) I'm sure it'll go well :)15:51
paultagthanks Pendulum !15:51
duanedesignor a glass of whiskey15:52
dholbachhey jono15:53
jonohey dholbach15:53
paultagduanedesign, +115:55
czajkowskijussi: why sending multiple mails|15:55
jcastroyeah jussi!15:55
paultagherp derp!15:55
jcastroduanedesign: yeah at some point, I was hoping popey would just do it for me15:55
jcastrosince he has a nicer, calmer, english voice.15:55
jcastromaybe I'll do it tonight or tomorrow night, depending on how much time I have15:56
popeyYour voice has a rugged authenticity to it jcastro :)15:56
jcastrothe part where I sound like an 8 year old? yeah15:56
jcastrowe need to find someone with a nice deep radio voice to do voice overs15:56
duanedesignjcastro: well if you find you are too busy I would be glad to help you get it done15:57
jcastroI have them down now, I can bust them out quite quickly in one take15:57
jcastroI did a banshee one the other day15:57
czajkowskijcastro: just the chap I was looking for, re the wiki clean up and moving to askubuntu was I assined any actionitems ?15:58
popeyyeah, the ones I have done recently have been done in one take15:58
popeyonce you know what you're going to say you can hit record and just fly15:59
jcastroczajkowski: not afaik15:59
jcastroczajkowski: oh wait15:59
jcastro"feel free to use it!"15:59
czajkowskiah grand so15:59
jcastroczajkowski: one thing I dunno if I mentioned it in the session15:59
czajkowskiwill work on that in spare time15:59
jcastrois be careful about seeding questions15:59
jcastrolet me find an example15:59
jcastrothe kernel guys were trying to move some of their faq stuff16:00
jcastroand this question was something they thought was a FAQ16:00
jcastro(ends up it's not)16:00
jcastrothere's the advice to fix it ^16:01
czajkowskithank you16:01
czajkowskiNEw machine is named Penny, can you guess why :)16:02
jcastroczajkowski: that being said doctormo figured it out nicely here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/11781/where-can-i-find-ubuntu-posters16:02
jcastrodholbach: I mailed bdmurray and ara about adding a section in status.qa16:03
jcastrothat would be brilliant16:03
dholbachjcastro, great, thanks16:03
Pendulumczajkowski: too bad you can't bring it to Cheesecake Factory?16:03
jcastrodholbach: I think their existing stats + adding some tag tracking, like bitesize would be great16:04
Picimmm... cheesecake16:04
jcastroczajkowski: I was hoping for more community-like questions by now. :-/16:05
czajkowskijcastro: will resolve that soon enough, gimmie a week to get settled in here16:06
jcastroczajkowski: which wiki things did you have in mind btw?16:10
czajkowskiloco stuff16:11
czajkowskiso much frigging duplication drives me bat shit crazy16:11
duanedesignpopey: are you going to be available in about 7 minutes? I am going to upload a screencast and probably need you to move them to the proper folder.16:11
popeyduanedesign: sure16:21
duanedesignpopey: thank you. It is uploading now. 001-HowToConnectIRC16:22
duanedesignjussi: nice to see the ubuntu-irc-members team.16:27
doctormojono: Are you around?16:28
jonodoctormo, yup16:28
duanedesignjussi: a few people in #ubuntu-beginners who give good consistent support who i will pass mention that too16:30
doctormojono: I'm PMing you.16:30
popeyduanedesign: upload finished?16:46
popeye396a04d50cef035d66323c5eee4e8ff  001-HowToConnectIRC.ogv16:46
czajkowskihmm wonder what time my finish time is16:49
czajkowskireally should have checked that16:49
popeyUK is usually 7.5-8 hour day16:50
duanedesignpopey: yep17:00
popeyin /srv/static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/www/videos/2010/11/0817:02
duanedesignthank you popey17:02
jussiduanedesign: its like a normal membership, only we are seeding with some people who are normal members. see here for the almost final versio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Membership17:04
dholbachjono, ready to mumble?17:30
jcastroLETS GET READY TO MUMBLE!!!!17:31
jonodholbach, LET'S GET READY TO.......skype17:31
dholbach. o O { freedom hater }17:32
dholbachjono, ok :-P17:32
jonodholbach, just give me one quick sec17:32
jonogetting pinged17:32
dholbachman, it takes AGES to get skype started, I'm sure it's indexing my entire disk and uploading it somewhere17:32
dpmok, time to call it a day. See you all tomorrow!17:34
dholbachdpm, have a great evening!17:34
jononight dpm!17:34
dpmdholbach, jono, and to you, have a nice rest of the day!17:35
Technovikingthought you guys all use Facetime now to chat:)17:40
jussi(and yes, I had to google facetime)17:43
jonojcastro, mind if we punt our meeting by a few hours?18:29
jcastrojono: no worries18:29
jonothanks jcastro18:29
jonojcastro, you got all the objectives, work items and  blueprints finalized for the chat?18:29
jcastrojono: everything is set, I had to adjust 2 work items for daniel this morning but other than that they are done.18:30
jcastropending you asking me to rewrite them all of course. :p18:30
jonothanks jcastro18:43
duanedesignthe beginnerss team has made some awesome progress on the plans we laid out at UDS. I am really proud of the team. :)18:44
duanedesignnone too soon, we are getting a lot of new folks. I think this is going to be a good cycle for the team.18:46
duanedesignyeah i am pretty excited.18:54
PiciI was surprised on how much activity you all had.  :)18:55
* czajkowski had a fantastic first day at work :) love my new job 19:48
Pendulumczajkowski: that's wonderful!19:50
AlanBellnice :)20:16
jonodoctormo, around?20:18
doctormojono: yep20:18
jonodoctormo, can you do me a cool logo for openrespect.org20:18
doctormojono: Sure, just put together a brief, include the emote and theme you want to envoke and I'll see what I can put together for you.20:19
jonodoctormo, I haven't got much time to knock a brief together, essentially:20:19
jono * single color - white on transparency20:20
jono * something that looks professional and sleek20:20
jono * preferably with a symbol in the logo that reflect 'respect'20:20
jono(maybe shaking hands)20:20
jono * I want to make the logo something easily recognizable - so I can ask people to put buttons on their websites20:21
jonosounds OK?20:21
AlanBellsounds like the brief for the circle of friends20:48
Technovikingczajkowski: woot20:48
doctormoAlanBell: I agree, but I might be able to grab the fist from the black pantha movement ;-)20:53
czajkowskiTechnoviking: ;)21:20
scott-workdoctormo: you got a name check in the latest Linux Outlaws episode for the generative wallpaper22:45
doctormothanks scott-work22:46
Technovikingjono: congrats on 2 years!!! Your a lucky man.23:04
jonothanks Technoviking23:12
jonoI am indeed :-)23:12
scott-workjono:  just listened to your interview with dan on ratholeradio, very enjoyable :)23:14

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