
stewarthi! i'm using bzrlib to write a script that iterates through a sequence of revisions and applies them to a different tree. I'm using show_diff_trees to extract a patch, but I need to skip over merge revisions so I don't end up trying to do work twice. how do i work out if a revision is a merge revision?00:17
spivstewart: look at the parents of the revision00:17
spivmerge revisions have >1 parent revision00:17
lifelessstewart: you could use use bzr-rewrite ;)00:18
stewartspiv, ahh..00:18
stewartlifeless, haven't been able to get it even to remotely work for my branches.00:18
stewartlifeless, plus, i need to apply transformations :)00:18
lifelessstewart: its designed to do that00:18
stewartlifeless, because regex over patches is an excellent idea :)00:18
lifelessits not entirely fleshed out, but thats the intent00:18
spivBut I agree with lifeless that this is something that bzr-rewrite ought to support.00:19
spiv(even though I can totally believe it's not quite there yet)00:19
stewarti couldn't get it to apply just a few revisions :)00:21
spivstewart: you tried 'bzr replay -r N..M -d TARGET FROM_BRANCH'?00:25
stewartspiv, IIRC (was a few weeks ago), yes. needs mapping of paths thoguh.00:26
stewartoh wow... i'm now blowing up when iterating through revisions that have been merged from another repository... doh.00:27
spivHmm, in theory that should already support arbitrary transformations too, via --merge-type, if you implement a plugin that provides the transformation you want as a new merge type...00:29
spiv(A fairly cumbersome way to do it, obviously)00:29
vilahi all07:06
fullermdWhat?!  You just said that yesterday!07:06
vilahmm, then today is another day. QED.07:07
fullermdI can't deal with another day.  I haven't even reconciled myself to yesterday yet.07:08
jelmer'morning vila, fullermd07:16
jelmerfullermd: hey, aren't you in the US?07:16
jelmerhmm, maybe that was another fullermd07:16
fullermdOh god, there are two of me?!07:16
fullermdI am, yes.07:16
jelmerfullermd: isn't it the middle of the night for you then?07:17
fullermdWell, not for _me_.  Maybe for the other losers in my TZ, but that's their own fault for not synchronizing with the One True Time (i.e., mine).07:18
vilajelmer: that's because you're often up at this hour :) But fullermd don't sleep anyway07:18
viladoesn't, grr ttoyyops07:18
fullermdSleep is for wimps.07:18
fullermdHappy, healthy, well-rested wimps.  But wimps nonetheless.07:18
jelmervila: Heh, perhaps :-) I guess it's not yet midnight on the west coast07:19
fullermdI'm in the same TZ as jam.  0119 now.07:19
* jelmer is slowly transforming from a student into a civilian07:19
fullermdWay better time to get work done than at 1319.  People call me then.07:19
jelmerheh, fair enough :-)07:20
vilafullermd: you'd better unplug the phone once and for all07:20
fullermdI tried that once.  Eventually somebody actually physically came by.  That's way worse  ;)07:20
jelmervila: bzr 2.3b3 uploaded to unstable07:21
pooliehi jelmer, vila07:21
vilajelmer: cool07:21
vilapoolie: hey !07:21
jelmer'evening poolie!07:21
GaryvdMMorning all07:23
vila. o O ( GaryvdM is following fullermd into the never-sleeping land...)07:23
vilaGaryvdM: hey !07:23
fullermdIndividually, we are merely groggy and harassed.  But together, we are a force to b...zzzzzzzz...07:24
GaryvdMMy sleep habbits are much better than when I was at the ice rink. I often woked till 6am. Now I only work to 1:30 am..07:25
vilaping LOSA, any news or feedback about rt #4134008:12
vilajelmer: I can't see 2.3b3 with `rmadison -u debian bzr` . Is there some lag or something failed ?08:23
jelmervila: it usually takes a while before it's processed. I believe the publishing happens 4 times a day at the moment.08:25
vilajelmer: ok, so lag it is, thanks08:25
bob2iirc rmadison depends on the mirror pulse08:25
jelmervila: http://packages.qa.debian.org/b/bzr.html is up to date08:25
=== vila changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | Release Manager: vila | 2.3b3 has been released | work on bzr: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_BSE/
vilaping LOSA, any news or feedback about rt #4134009:22
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GaryvdMjelmer_ : I'm getting this error with my bzr 2.3b3 build: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/528719/  I'm not sure where to start looking for the problem. Any pointers?14:38
jelmer_GaryvdM: no idea, sorry14:39
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GaryvdMjelmer_: I figured out the issue. The installer was including a "SHFOLDER.dll". Removing this fixed it. Really odd.16:19
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jelmer_GaryvdM, hmmok16:30
jamGaryvdM: fairly often you can get system dlls that aren't properly marked, and thus py2exe doesn't filter them out automatically16:31
jamthere is a decent sized list of ones we've found so far :)16:31
vilaGaryvdM: approved16:35
GaryvdMHi jam16:35
GaryvdMvila: Thanks - I'll land16:35
GaryvdMvila: I'm trying to run bzr selftest with my windows installer, but it seems to just hang.16:53
GaryvdMI'm not sure if it is something wrong with my installer, or an existing problem.16:54
vilaGaryvdM: unheard of, we are at 4 or 5 failures on babune16:54
vilaGaryvdM: try with -v to see which one is hanging16:55
GaryvdMvila: ok16:56
vilaGaryvdM: and --no-plugins :)16:56
GaryvdMvila: blackbox.test_breakin.TestBreakin.test_breakin_harder17:02
* GaryvdM goes to read test17:02
vilaGaryvdM: forget it, it's blacklisted on babune17:06
GaryvdMvila: how can I see you blacklist?17:07
vilaGaryvdM: or rather, try running with -x 'TestBreakin'17:07
vilaGaryvdM: and then file  a bug about it17:08
vilaor check for duplicate, I've lost steam fighting its failures :-/17:08
GaryvdMvila: ok17:09
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
jamGaryvdM: AIUI, the issue is that signals and threads don't get along, and our test suite still leaks threads17:23
jamif you run the breakin tests by themselves, they work fine17:23
jamtrying to confirm now17:24
jamRan 3 tests in 6.681s17:25
jamGaryvdM: so they work here, but I won't guarantee they work w the installer, etc. I also just ran "bzr selftest -s bb" and it seems to be passing17:28
jamso I don't really know how to get the bad interaction that causes them to hang and fail17:28
jamit may also be one of the "you have to have more than one processor" side effects, etc.17:28
jamI got the win32 test suite to pass without skipping on multi-processor machines a while ago (could have bit rotted), but vila was convinced we needed it to always pass on single-cpu machines, so put in the extra effort for that17:29
jamand multi-core machines seem to have fewer bugs wrt threading (at least fewer deadlocks, etc)17:29
vilajam: meh, we're not supposed to leak threads anymore (except for the paramiko ones and even there..)17:30
jamvila: good to hear17:30
jamthough still "bzr selftest -s bb" passes cleanly here (or everything has passed in the last 4m which should include breakin tests)17:31
vilathat's the problem with transient failures in tests, they pass in some places...17:31
jamvila: IME breakin fails reliably for some people, but succeeds reliably for me17:36
jamFAILED (errors=1, known_failure_count=2)17:36
jam135 tests skipped17:36
vilajam: but whether or not multi-core machines has less bugs, it would be nice to have TestBreakin passing everywhere since it's our guarantee that C-\ works17:36
jamAnd a failure while reporting about a missing feature...17:37
vilajam: file a bug, these are hard to track otherwise17:37
jamvila: I wouldn't be surprised if it is a testtools issue, I'm still at 0.9.317:37
jamI don't really feel like fighting with that17:38
vilajam: don't fight, file :)17:38
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jamfiled bug #67312817:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 673128 in Bazaar "Traceback while reporting missing feature (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67312817:47
sakura13good evening17:54
sakura13i have a problem with bazaar how can i setup a webserver for it that my workers can use the same files for our project17:55
GaryvdMsakura13: hi. What OS? Why does is have to be a webserver, and not some other file share?17:56
PengAssuming nothing has gone horribly wrong in the six months I haven't been paying attention: You don't have to do much setup. Just dump the .bzr directory somewhere a web server can serve the files.17:57
sakura13GaryvdM:  wait a sec my project leaders comes in few secs17:57
PengYou *can* set up the smart server program, but it's not necessary. It just makes things faster.17:57
sakura13Peng: moment pls project and server owner comes in few secs17:58
GaryvdMPeng: non smart http is read only.17:58
PengGaryvdM: Oh, err, good point. Peng hasn't slept much.17:58
PengThen, add SSH or SFTP for that! :P17:59
GaryvdMvila: oh boy - I've got some bug logging to do. 5345/28465 tests run, and allready 104 fails18:03
sakura13Swonline: hi18:04
92AABIV95Hi, is anyone aware of a command or plugin that will let me list revisions with or by their size? Basically, I'm trying to identify a revision that introduced a really large amount of stuff that was subsequently deleted so I can attempt to get rid of them.18:04
=== 92AABIV95 is now known as pickscrape
SwonlineHow do I set up a server?18:06
vilaGaryvdM: if you're running from bzr.exe you may be the first one :-/18:07
vilaGaryvdM: don't let it come in the way of releasing, I don't think these are *new* failures18:07
sakura13vila: GaryvdM its my project leader he want setup the server for our project with bazaar18:07
GaryvdMSwonline, sakura13: A bzr smart server is not needed to host a bazaar branch. What OS is you server?18:08
vilaGaryvdM: but it will be good to fix them nevertheless (probably by skipping)18:08
GaryvdMSwonline, sakura13: The easiest is to create a window file share.18:09
Swonlinehow to?18:10
sakura13GaryvdM: hmm did it worked without server that we can make a networkhardrive18:10
sakura13GaryvdM: on our pc18:10
GaryvdMSwonline, sakura13: bzr init \\server\share\proj-name18:10
sakura13i use atm bazaar explorer18:12
sakura13ok if i made a branch18:13
sakura13and upload it with ftp to my server18:13
sakura13and give the workers the path to the branch18:13
sakura13will bazaar open it can work with it18:13
PengFTP is a rather awful protocol.18:15
PengWell, plus the implementations tend to be rather awful.18:15
sakura13yes i know but i dont have ssh acces18:15
GaryvdMsakura13: Yes - you can upload your branch to the server with bzr push ftp://server/yourbranchname (or a windows file share with bzr push \\server\share\proj-name)18:15
PengMy condolences.18:16
sakura13GaryvdM: hmm and what type of branch did we need to share files and so on18:16
sakura13GaryvdM:  i have used before p4 thats my problem :)18:16
GaryvdMWhat type of branch: Any bzr branch18:17
sakura13GaryvdM:  i have here different work modules colcated, feature, plain and shared branch18:17
GaryvdMsakura13: You probably want a shared repository18:19
GaryvdMsakura13: But plain branch is  fine18:19
sakura13GaryvdM:  and what is the diffrent of a branch and a plain18:20
PengBranches in shared repositories share their data. It's more efficient.18:20
PengBut there's no functional difference. It's just faster and less disk-intensive.18:21
PengWell, plus it makes complicated auth a pain since everybody needs to be able to write to the repo...18:21
sakura13becuase we must have merge files, work on the same files and so n18:21
GaryvdMsakura13: Can I recommend that you go though http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/mini-tutorial/ - I'm sure things will be a lot clearer afterwards.18:23
sakura13damn if i open my ftp bzr it crash18:23
PengWhat? If bzr crashes, paste the traceback at http://paste.ubuntu.com/ . Or the URL if you have that helper thingy enabled.18:24
sakura13i dont use command line on windows18:25
sakura13i use atm the gui18:25
sakura13and dont see any debug18:25
sakura13but i try now with bazzar on cmd i hate windows cmd but ok18:26
sakura13hmm but one thing i dont understand18:27
sakura13if i change some files with bazaar18:27
sakura13to example i put a new file on it18:27
sakura13ahh its ok18:27
GaryvdMsakura13: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/explorer/en/guide/processes/starting_a_project.html <- explains the different branch types you saw.18:29
GaryvdMIf you select "Feature branches" it creates a shared repo, and a trunk branch for you. (I just learnt that...)18:31
GaryvdMSo that's the recommended.18:32
GaryvdMYou would then create you feature branches in the shares repo.18:32
GaryvdMNight all.18:37
sakura13k thx18:46
eriduI have gpg_signing_command = false in my ~/bazaar/bazaar.conf, and gpg-signing still works. what's going on? I'm using v2.2.1 (in Ubuntu 10.10)19:10
eridu(I know signing works because I see the "You need a password..." message in my terminal when I run bzr ci)19:11
bob2branch-specific bazar.conf?19:15
eridunope, global19:15
eriduit was my fault19:16
eriduI set gpg_signing_commmand by accident19:16
eriduwhat's especially ironic is that I tested setting gpg_signing_asdfcommand to see if bzr would give me an "invalid configuration key"-type error, and it didn't, but I still was change-blind19:17
pooliehi all, hi bob219:37
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SilasleIs there some guide to register you whit bzr (on launchpad)?19:57
maxb`bzr help launchpad-login`19:58
SilasleAnd then?19:59
maxband then what?20:00
SilasleDont i need some ssh keys?20:00
SilasleHow do i create them20:02
PengTHere's nothing LP-specific about creating SSH keys, although I think they have some guides anyway.20:04
maxbI have no idea where there might be a pleasant tutorial for this sort of stuff, sorry. I learn it so long ago that it's fairly alien to explain for me20:04
SilasleOk, i found the guide20:04
Silaslelaunchpad-login and ssh keys is everything i need?20:05
SilasleOk, thanks20:07
jampoolie: hey, are you online already? /wave20:31
pooliehi jam, i am20:32
mgzjam, is the bug 673128 about the UnicodeDecodeError? I marked it as a dupe of the testtools bug I fixed to start with, but I'm not sure you didn't mean something else.20:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 673128 in Bazaar "Traceback while reporting missing feature (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67312820:33
jammgz: Well, I got the failure during the "XX tests skipped due to ..." section20:34
jamnot while actually running the tests20:34
jamIt may be due to testtools20:34
jamvila said "don't think, just file"20:34
mgzI agree with the sentiment, I'm just having trouble understanding the bug. :)20:34
mgzthat traceback certainly doesn't come from the printing-skip-reasons phase. perhaps some kind of stream buffering thing?20:37
jammgz: it would be a very strange buffering.20:37
mgzoh, wait, I know20:37
jamIt definitely happens after the "10 tests skipped by 'foo'" has been reported20:37
mgzit's just bzrlib being helpful and printing out the error that broke it at the end20:37
jambut before the missing "unicode" feature is reported (or something like that)20:37
mgzfor whatever reason you didn't get any more skip things listed.20:38
mgzanyway, upgrade and bug with bother you no more.20:42
mgzand you'll also be able to write tests that deal with unicode things.20:42
spivSilasle: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair20:46
Silaslespiv, Thanks but i'm already done :)20:47
pooliemkanat, hi?21:04
pooliehello emmajane!21:04
emmajanepoolie, ola!21:05
lifelesssladen: actually, hi here.21:40
sladenlifeless: and here!21:43
lifelessso you seem to be filing a large number of bugs which seem like first-impressions issues, not functional problems.21:44
lifelessand particularly biased towards folk with existing muscle memory21:45
lifelessthis doesn't seem like a particularly useful way to address whatever use case you're working on : consider what would happen if you filed bugs on dpkg that it doesn't support apts options, or on rpm that it doesn't support dpkg's options.21:46
lifelesssladen: so I thought I'd try to engage you in a higher level discussion21:46
sladenlifeless: yup, I've been chating to poolie in the background over this21:47
pooliesladen, perhaps we should just talk here21:47
poolielifeless, yes i was just making the same point21:48
pooliepeople who want _exactly_ the git ui, byte for byte and bug for bug, are unlikely to ever be satisfied by bzr21:49
poolieon the other hand bugs about things that are missing features, or that are inconsistent within bzr on its own right, are worth noting21:50
sladenthe general background is being (forced?) to start using bzr where for I had been using git for the last few21:50
poolieif i can draw another analogy21:51
pooliepeople file a bunch of bugs about ubuntu being different to mac os, or to windows21:51
pooliethere may be a good point behind them but they are not generally very productive bugs ime21:51
sladenso "bzr commit -a" falls into that category21:52
sladenothers, like bzr diff blocking whilst writing a bzr commit are workflow blockers21:53
sladenand still others (bzr pager by default) are out-standing issues from before I ever used git21:53
sladenit's just that (in the latter case), having used something else, it confirms the original issue21:54
lifelesssladen: so some of this is perspective21:55
lifelesssladen: for instance, the pager thing really should be fixed in your shell.21:55
lifelesssladen: its nuts to change every single tool to do its own pagination21:55
sladenlifeless: and that may ever well be a good point21:56
sladenlifeless: (but doesn't help get the reported issue fixed)21:57
lifelesssladen: well, part of it is whether its a good idea or not22:00
lifelesssladen: the reported issue can be viewed in a few lights - concretely, I /loathe/ gits auto pagination stuff.22:01
lifelessit invariably gets in my way when I use git.22:01
sladenlifeless: yup, and you're a poweruser, and can disable it22:01
sladenlifeless: it's not a use-case I'm interested in22:01
lifelesssladen: non powerusers can use GUI's22:01
lifelesssladen: if you want to get into an argument on that angle22:01
lifelessbut I don't think an argument is a good way to move forward22:01
lifelesswe want bzr to be joyful to use for as many people as possible22:02
sladenlifeless: yup, and there are plenty of choices for dvcs so people vote with their feet22:02
sladenlifeless: the question is, why did we, with a one year headstart, end up with less user-base than other dvcsen22:02
lifelesssladen: s/one year/2 months/22:03
pooliesladen, that's more of what I would call a 'beer question' than a 9am in the morning question22:03
pooliei realize you're in a different tz22:03
poolieat the moment i'm more interested in what we can best do this week and in the next few months22:04
poolietaking into account mistakes we might have made in the past22:04
poolieone of them was making it too hard to get patches in, and i think that is now a lot better (i'd welcome evidence to the contrary)22:04
sladenI don't think there are mistakes, were are where we are because of how things unfolded, and wouldn't be otherwise22:05
sladenjust as, on the desktop we are where we are22:05
poolieanother was not being systematic about performance, and that is somewhat better now, though not ideal22:05
sladenspeed and illusions of interactivity are not the same---an iPhone draws pretty zooming windows with the GPU while the application takes 1-2 seconds to starts up on the CPU22:06
sladenthe conversation (feels) uncomfortably confrontation---which is why I'm being hesitant22:07
pooliebzr with progress bars on certainly feels different to without22:08
sladenit's not something I wish for, but it 9am or midnight22:08
poolie(though again, the progress bars are not perfect in either coverage or implementation)22:08
poolieno, me either, and i don't want to be defensive22:08
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | Release Manager: vila | 2.3b3 has been released
lifelessone thing I think in particular rubs about bugs that reference the git UI22:10
lifelessnearly -everyone- I know, including git afficiondos, dislikes the git UI22:10
lifelessI'd much rather see 'Foo was confusing, I looked on the web, in the help, and finally found an answer in the corner of ...' - thats a symptom we can definitely work on to improve.22:11
lifelessAdding to that that git does X, svn does Y, hg does Z can be good inspiration to fix it.22:11
lifelessbut the actual /problem/ encountered is squarely and clearly focused on defects in bzr, not on comparisons which are rather more subjective.22:12
sladenlifeless: I agree, I've tried to use the wording "other dvcs" and not being specific about it22:20
sladenlifeless: this issues are all (I think) about usability---if usability is accepted as a defect in bzr, then that matches the spirit in which the bugs were reported22:20
lifelesssladen: usability is very much a defect22:21
lifelessblah, take that in the spirit intended22:21
pooliei think the reports are fine22:22
pooliein spirit22:22
pooliei agree with robert that saying "there is this problem, other people have done X" is kind of grounding it better22:23
poolieresponses to bugs that suggest workarounds often make me uncomfortable22:23
poolieit's one thing to say "thanks, that is a bug, in the interim until we fix it you can do Y"22:23
poolieit's much less good to give the impression that because a workaround is possible we're denying there's a bug22:23
peitschie(mornin sladen, poolie, lifeless and all you other lurkers :)  )22:36
sladengood morning poolie22:37
pooliehi there22:37
sladenpeitschie even22:37
jbowtieHello, also welcome back, poolie22:40
peitschiehi jbowtie22:44
jbowtieMy email inbox is unusually full of bug activity this week.22:44
jbowtieOh, right, UDS.22:46
jbowtiepoolie, did you finally hire a BSE? (noticed that ad is gone from IRC topic) Congrats.22:49
pooliejbowtie, we did22:49
pooliei'll send a mail22:50
jbowtieI have to say the new release of bzr-tfs seems to be much better integrated, those per-foreign-vcs tests are very helpful.23:15
maxbhmm. the clearing of progress displays seems to have regressed again23:25
maxb"Pulling /home/maxb/wc/bzr/udd/trunk from bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~udd/udd/import-scripts/shing stream" says my multi-pull23:26

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