
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1194441 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationModel/ (ApplicationProxyModel.cpp ApplicationView.cpp) Use QString's localeAwareCompare() for case-insensitive sorting.00:07
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1194453 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (2 files in 2 dirs) SVN_SILENT: whitespace00:41
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1194456 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (3 files in 2 dirs) A public interface for setting ApplicationViews' internal filters00:42
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1194478 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (7 files in 2 dirs) Fix a bug in ApplicationView where the extenders weren't drawing properly. Brings in some other stuff that I was also working on at the time I noticed the regression.04:05
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1194479 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (AvailableView.cpp AvailableView.h) svn add. An ApplicationView for showing all available apps, w/ categories.04:06
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1194484 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/muon/ (5 files) OPTIMIZE: Avoid a l10n reverse-lookup for package status by using the UserRoles available to us in QStandardItem to store the QApt::Package::State, and emitting this state when passing it to the PackageView04:24
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1194485 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/ (MuonStrings.cpp MuonStrings.h) There should never be a need to do a reverse-l10n lookup on a QApt::Package::State, so remove this function.04:26
apacheloggerfregl: http://www.amazon.de/Filly-Fairy-Plüsch-Pferd-25cm/dp/B0040JRWO4/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1289287555&sr=8-907:26
apacheloggerNightrose: ^07:26
apacheloggeroh dear07:26
* apachelogger passes out and continues calculus07:26
Nightroseapachelogger: !!!07:28
apacheloggerdecember 1007:30
apacheloggerdaft punk with tron legacy soundtrack07:30
* jussi waves to agateau08:21
* agateau waves back08:21
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
apachelogger!find compiz-manager10:08
ubottuPackage/file compiz-manager does not exist in maverick10:08
apacheloggeranyone around?10:13
* ari-tczew waves to apachelogger10:14
apacheloggerari-tczew: yo, do you have 10.10?10:14
apacheloggerif so, what does `env | grep QT` return?10:14
ari-tczewapachelogger: yes10:14
ari-tczewapachelogger: nothing10:15
apacheloggerari-tczew: from a kde session?10:15
ari-tczewapachelogger: gnome :P10:15
apacheloggeri.e. not tty10:15
apacheloggerthat of course is useless then :P10:15
apacheloggerthanks though10:15
* apachelogger pokes Nightrose10:15
Nightroseapachelogger: at work on windows atm10:16
apacheloggerhm, ok :S10:16
apacheloggerhow hard can it be to find a user ^^10:16
* al is running 10.0410:17
ari-tczewapachelogger: maybe on #ubuntu or #ubuntu-bugs10:17
apacheloggerby the time I have a output to confirm my theory I will have fix it already :P10:18
apacheloggerthat was very true10:19
apacheloggerissue fixed10:19
apacheloggeral: could you get me an output eitherway?10:19
apacheloggernot sure whether 10.04 also has the problem10:20
althat's it10:20
hrw~curse lnusertemp10:31
hrwhrw@efika:/home$ kde4-config --path exe --locate lnusertemp10:46
hrwSegmentation fault10:46
yofeldoesn't crash here but returns '/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/lnusertemp'10:47
hrwlooks like no kde4 for my armel netbook now. too many segfaults10:48
=== freeflying_ is now known as freeflying
Riddellnew Qt out12:03
Riddellqt creator too12:09
* hrw uses qt creator directly from nokia not packages12:15
hrwmaemo qt sdk support...12:16
* Sput uses qt and creator directly from git, using packages :)12:19
RiddellI feel so superfluous :)12:21
=== fabo_ is now known as fabo
Riddellfreeflying: ubuntu-chinese-desktop accepted!13:46
freeflyingRiddell, saw it, thanks, I will upload ubuntu-chinese-default-settings in couple of mins13:48
Riddellburndown chart http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/kubuntu-dev.html13:49
ScottKRiddell: I saw doko is at least around enough to be doing email.  Perhaps you could pin him down on our implicit IT question (should we set that in each package that needs it, will he put it back in GCC defaults, etc?).13:51
RiddellScottK: I was just looking at the build logs to see the state13:52
Riddelllet's ping him now13:53
ScottKOK.  Cool.13:53
* ScottK hopes that cures the superfluousness.13:53
Tm_TDarkwingDuck: poke me at some point about loco & stuff14:46
Riddellapachelogger: for your interest http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ/DoesUbuntuOneSupportKDE15:10
Riddellnewly created15:10
Riddellalso http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ/HowDoIInstallTheGNOMEUbuntuOneClientOnKubuntu15:10
ScottKRiddell: Is there any point in asking people to test it?  I thought it was known not to work.15:25
RiddellScottK: probably not no15:33
RiddellScottK: re #debian-qt-kde we do build qtwebkit from the same source15:37
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.15:46
ScottKRiddell: Can't we stop that now though?15:47
RiddellScottK: no it's needed for qtassistant, else it uses qhtml which makes everything look rubbish15:47
ScottKRiddell: Can't we teach that to use the separate source?15:48
ScottKIf we could make Qt building faster, that would be a good thing.15:48
RiddellScottK: no, it's a circular dependency15:49
ScottKOh. OK.15:49
ScottKNevermind then.15:49
RiddellScottK: it might change with the qt modularisation in 4.815:49
* apachelogger is soaking wet16:00
\shapachelogger: wet tshirt contest? ;)16:11
\shand why do think people that installing a library, which is being used as native lib in mono apps, under /lib or /lib64 is a good idea? 16:12
\shs/think people/people think/16:12
Riddellwhy do people think mono is a good idea?16:15
Riddellin a related note bug 669747 just processed16:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 669747 in qtjambi (Ubuntu) "Request for removal (source and binary)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66974716:16
\shRiddell: because most windows devs don't know c++ ;) but they know c# and .net and when I say: no windows, but you can run your .net tool under linux with mono ;) 16:18
danttiRiddell: packagekit fixes done http://gitorious.org/packagekit/packagekit/commit/05ad4000c1110d49d1530db9a0589dd02147744b  and http://gitorious.org/packagekit/packagekit/commit/41b89ee7febac04fa241acf59097cfa8d783508716:22
danttiRiddell: the first one is VERY very very important :P16:23
macoapachelogger: not do so well on not-falling-in as you did when we canoed with Riddell?16:25
Riddelldantti: is there a bug entry somewhere for the first one?  or a description of it?16:30
danttiRiddell: I'm not sure there is a LP bug but it's kde bug n 25393016:34
danttiRiddell: it affects some people with supposed broken mirrors, in this case I think it was medibuntu16:34
Riddellthanks dantti 16:36
danttiRiddell: np16:37
debfxapachelogger: your latest blog post contains an unprintable char (before "Dovecot") which breaks the rss feed16:55
shadeslayerdebfx: works fine in my RSS news plasmod 16:57
apacheloggerdebfx: interesting16:58
apacheloggerthanks for the heasd up16:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggermaco: well silly weather...16:59
macooooh you got dumped on?16:59
apachelogger\sh: nah, wet undies contest...16:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.pocoo.org/raw/288016/ lookie17:00
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
debfxshadeslayer: maybe it filters the data before throwing it into the xml parser17:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: can you write widgets in QML?17:22
shadeslayerplasma widgets to be precise17:22
apacheloggerin 4.6 I think17:47
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
txwikingerRiddell: Will Kubuntu go the wayland?19:18
txwikingerwayland-qt seems to be further ahead than wayland fo runity19:18
DarkwingDuckTm_T: ping19:36
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
apacheloggertxwikinger: a bit early to ask that question?20:00
txwikingerapachelogger: I did not say that e end up there, I am talking more about the exploring20:00
apacheloggerwayland aint is not stable, aint is no working nowhere, kwin is not working with wayland, qt wayland is not stable either ....20:00
apacheloggertxwikinger: nothing to explore because nothing is there ;)20:01
txwikingerWell.. Mark makes bold announcements20:02
apacheloggerbecause he can put work force behind it ;)20:03
mgraesslinapachelogger: Compiz main dev did a video of Wayland running on his notebook20:09
apacheloggerlast I checked only intel driver was doing all the fancy stuff it requires20:10
apacheloggermgraesslin: since you are here...20:10
apacheloggermgraesslin: <apachelogger> seems to me http://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=1137645 is a bit of a troublesome change...20:10
apachelogger<apachelogger> since it manipulates the envrionment variable everything started after kwin will also have no glib20:10
apachelogger<apachelogger> for example phonon20:10
apachelogger<apachelogger> now if phonon wants to use pulseaudio it needs to have a glib eventloop, which it does not20:10
apachelogger<apachelogger> hence that change breaks pulseaudio integration of phonon20:10
apachelogger<apachelogger> (along with disabling glib eventloops for about every other app)20:10
mgraesslinintel, radeon and nouveau should do the stuff20:10
mgraesslinapachelogger: are you sure it also changes the environment variable for other processes?20:11
apacheloggerpretty much20:12
apacheloggerI recompiled without that line and env does not list the var anymore and suddenly phonon works properly with pulse20:12
mgraesslinwhich means that compositingprefs.cpp:line 133 is also a problem20:14
mgraesslinsetenv( "LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT", "1", true );20:14
mgraesslinand could explain why people say that games are running badly even if compositing is disabled20:14
apacheloggerme@avatar:~$ env | grep -ri indirect20:15
apacheloggerseems so indeed20:15
mgraesslinnot here20:15
mgraesslinI know that it is indirect rendering as my GPU does not provide direct20:16
mgraesslinsame for QT_NO_GLIB20:16
mgraesslinit's not set in my env20:17
shadeslayerdantti: http://www.piware.de/2010/11/ubuntu-natty-where-did-my-changelogs-go/ << apt-changelog to your rescue :>20:20
apacheloggermgraesslin: surprisingly enough it is not the case on the 10.10 cd either20:22
mgraesslinso something seems to be different on your system I conclude20:23
apacheloggerRiddell: why does the live session have an env var RUNNING_UNDER_GDM?20:24
apacheloggermgraesslin: but what would that be, I mean, since the environment is only inherited by children, kwin would have to be parent to e.g. konsole :O20:25
mgraesslinmaybe some kdeinit magic going on?20:26
apacheloggerstill, why would only be on my system ^^20:26
apacheloggeroh wellz20:26
apacheloggermgraesslin: I will do some more investigation20:26
yofelshadeslayer: why are they re-inventing the wheel?20:28
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=== ximion is now known as ximion1
=== ximion1 is now known as ximion
shadeslayeryofel: because the wheel is redundant... we need something more efficient :P21:00
shadeslayerjussi: have you seen http://quasseldroid.lekebilen.com/ ?21:00
shadeslayerwell... it isnt active... but still21:01
yofelshadeslayer: I thought more about apt-changelog <-> aptitude changelot - but I guess copying the wheel isn't bad sometimes...21:03
shadeslayerwell.. it isnt bad if they can make it better 21:04
shadeslayerthe key word being make it better21:04
rbelemRiddell, ping21:48
shadeslayerRiddell: i was trying out libreoffice and it is pretty good, doesnt play well with gtk-oxygen tho 22:08
shadeslayerbut it is definitely better than OOo22:08
rbelemshadeslayer, nice :-)22:15
rbelemshadeslayer, are there packages?22:15
rbelemfound them :-) http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/testing/3.3.0-beta2/deb/x86/22:22
=== skreech_ is now known as dasKreech
effie_jayxhey guys I really wish to help out but I feel there is little to be done, you keep the helm fine. thanks for making such a great release :)23:27
valorieeffie_jayx: right now is the pause of exhaustion and planning, I think23:28
danttishadeslayer: well aptcc py-apt, aptitude synaptic they all use changelog.ubuntu.com to get changelogs23:28
valoriewe're just back from release and then UDS23:28

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