
poyntzdoes kubuntu 10.10 knetworkmanager wireless work fine for anyone? or is it bugged across the board?00:34
macoworks for me00:36
poyntzinstalling wicd now.. hopefully wireless will work on it...00:36
macoi think how well NM works varies by hardware still :-/00:36
poyntzah... i have old hardware but before the upgrade it worked fine :(00:36
obshi there any one have problem whit the kdm login theme -?00:41
obs:) i do help me out00:42
noobuntuum... kubuntu doesnt come with java installed ? ... should i choose open jdk or sun java ?00:42
obskde 4.5.1 kubu kdm bug did any one fix that ?00:42
poyntzif my last dist-upgrade borked wireless (it didn't completely bork (if i uninstall then reinstall knetworkmanager it fixes it for the login session), how could I fix it?00:50
poyntzi've tried installing wicd, but it doesn't work :(00:52
=== vbgunz_ is now known as vbgunz
poyntzi removed all the junk from my /etc/network/interfaces file so knetworkmanager could rewrite the configurations..01:11
jmichaelxpoyntz: what chipset does your wireless adapter use?01:11
poyntzjmichaelx: how could i find out?01:12
jmichaelxpoyntz: what kind of adapter is it? usb, pci, etc?01:12
jmichaelxpoyntz: i guess what i am really asking is whether or not it is a USB adapter...01:13
poyntzjmichaelx: i'm trying to find out through lshw01:14
jmichaelxpoyntz: it should be fairly obvious in most cases.... do you plug it in to a usb port?01:14
poyntzjmichaelx: wireless? no01:14
poyntzjmichaelx: the question really confused me.. i don't have an external card if that's what you're asking01:15
poyntzjmichaelx: it's built in01:15
jmichaelxok.... what is the output for 'lspci | grep Wireless'?01:15
poyntzjmichaelx: i don't have to connect anything up.. i just push a button for wireless01:15
poyntzjmichaelx: nothing01:16
poyntzjmichaelx: forgive me01:16
poyntzjmichaelx: i typed wireless in lowcase01:16
poyntzjmichaelx: 06:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)01:16
poyntz- that's the output01:16
jmichaelxpoyntz: ok, that is what i was looking for01:16
jmichaelxpoyntz: is this a laptop?01:18
poyntzjmichaelx: yep01:18
jmichaelxpoyntz: does it have a laptop switch?01:18
poyntzjmichaelx: switch for wireless? yes01:19
jmichaelxsorry.... does it have a switch for the wireless card?01:19
poyntzjmichaelx: yep01:19
jmichaelxpoyntz: is that for absolutely sure turned on?01:19
poyntzjmichaelx: absolutely sure01:19
jmichaelxok, what is the output for 'sudo ifconfig -a'?01:19
poyntzjmichaelx: http://pastebin.com/JAa17tkd01:20
jmichaelxpoyntz: what version of kubuntu and what version of kde are you using?01:22
poyntzubuntu 10.10 / kde 4.5.101:23
jmichaelxdo you still have knetworkmanager installed?01:23
poyntzjmichaelx: yep01:24
jmichaelxok, go ahead and please remove wicd01:24
poyntzjmichaelx: done01:24
jmichaelxok, if knetworkmanager is running, when you click om the wireless icon in the system tray, what do you see?01:25
poyntzmy network01:25
jmichaelxyou see your wireless network?01:26
jmichaelxpoyntz: what type of encryption are you using?01:26
jmichaelx(just trying to gather possibly relevant info)01:26
poyntzjmichaelx: none01:27
poyntzjmichaelx: im using MAC address filters instead01:27
jmichaelxok, gotcha01:27
poyntzjmichaelx: this device is on the list too :P01:27
jmichaelxhave you gone through the steps of right-clicking on the wireless icon, and selecting  'Network Management Settings'?01:28
poyntzManage Connections?01:28
jmichaelxthen selecting the 'wireless' tab.... then 'add'01:28
poyntzjmichaelx: the network's already there01:29
poyntzjmichaelx: I can remove it..01:29
jmichaelxand have you set it to automatically connect?01:29
poyntzjmichaelx: yep01:29
jmichaelxbut then it just doesn't connect?01:30
poyntzjmichaelx: when i first start xserver n plasma the knetworkmanager icon comes up, i right click but no network01:30
poyntzjmichaelx: i have to disable wireless than reenable before anything shows01:31
poyntzjmichaelx: then when i click on it it says activating for a few mins before dropping out01:31
jmichaelxand you are disabling it with the physical switch?01:32
poyntzjmichaelx: nope. unchecking the wireless box01:32
poyntz"enable wireless"01:32
jmichaelxand apparently you have had this card working before, with MAC address filtering?01:33
poyntzjmichaelx: yep.. before the last upgrade didn't have problems01:34
poyntzjmichaelx: i have been able to get it working by uninstalling knetworkmanager and reinstalling01:35
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poyntzjmichaelx: but it only works for the login session01:35
poyntzjmichaelx: next time i startup have to reinstall01:35
jmichaelxpoyntz: this is a bit of a different problem than i first thought it might be.... i'm wondering if this might just be a bug in network-manager-kde01:38
jmichaelxam looking around for bug reports right now01:38
jmichaelxpoyntz: btw, when you had wicd installed, were you running it at the same time as you were running network-manager-kde?01:41
poyntzjmichaelx: i installed, ran it with knetworkmanager, ran it without knetworkmanager, nothing worked01:45
jmichaelxpoyntz: it isn't impossible that they could conflict in some way01:45
poyntzjmichaelx: at least knetworkmanager recognises and finds the networks around me.. wicd didn't do anything..01:45
poyntzjmichaelx: nope, because i only installed wicd today.. i've had the knetworkmanager problem for three days now..01:45
jmichaelxyes, but wicd may not have been able to work with kde-network-manager installed01:46
poyntzjmichaelx: ahh.. should I uninstall knetworkmanager, reinstall wicd and reboot?01:47
obskde 4.5.1 kubu kdm bug did any one fix that ?01:48
poyntzobs: what's the bug?01:49
poyntzobs: i mean.. what happens? what's the problem?01:50
jmichaelxpoyntz: there are a few things that may be worth trying.... one might be to upgrade your KDE SC, the other might be to remove network-manager-kde, and install gnome's network manager01:50
obsin my kde the logout notworking01:50
obsare kdm not working at all01:50
poyntzobs: I had that problem.. there were packages that were blocked.. I installed all remaining packages, rebooted and it fixed it01:51
obsis i frash kubuntu 10.10 installl and i soon i logout it frezz01:51
poyntzobs: oh.. i dunno01:51
obsdoki doki01:52
obstnx 4 nadda01:52
jmichaelxpoyntz: i may have things all upsidedown here.... it looks like kubuntu is not using network-manager-kde by deafult01:53
poyntzjmichaelx: it's the only network manager i have :/01:53
poyntzjmichaelx: to my knowledge..01:53
poyntzjmichaelx: also kde sc 4.5.1 is the latest no?01:54
jmichaelxpoyntz: no01:54
poyntzjmichaelx: isn't it the one that comes packaged with kubuntu 10.1001:55
jmichaelxpoyntz: on my system, network-manager-kde is not installed... it almost looks like it is using gnome's network manager, but with a plasma systray widget01:55
poyntzjmichaelx: what package do you have instead?01:56
poyntzjmichaelx: i think i might be missing a few packages..01:57
jmichaelxpoyntz: my system is relying on network-manager01:57
jmichaelxwhich is from the gnome project.... i do not have gnome installed on this machine01:58
jmichaelxthis was a fresh install from a kubuntu 10.10 cd01:58
=== yogesh is now known as yogesh_
jmichaelxpoyntz: it looks like kubuntu maverick is using network-manager + plasma-widget-networkmanagement02:00
poyntzjmichaelx: apparently network-manager is a package, not an app.. :S02:00
jmichaelxinteresting, definitely something i did not know or expect02:00
yogesh_I hv a prob wid updating my Packages! wher do i ask?02:00
poyntzjmichaelx: sudo apt-cache search knetworkmanager - what happens?02:01
yogesh_Hv googled a lot, but cudn't find d solution?02:01
poyntzjmichaelx: actually locate knetworkmanager02:02
jmichaelxpoyntz: knetworkmanager is not around anymore02:02
poyntzjmichaelx: so /usr/bin/knetworkmanager isn't there?02:02
jmichaelxnot a part of kde4, apparently02:02
macoer yes it is...02:02
jmichaelxmaco: it is not in the repos02:02
macoyes it is02:03
macoyou just have teh package name wrong02:03
poyntzso it's needed?02:03
macoin 10.10 we ship the plasmoid not knm though02:03
jmichaelxmaco: we are talking specifically about knetworkmanager, not network-manager-kde.... two different things02:03
poyntzby needed i mean does plasma-widget-networkmanagement depend on it?02:03
macothey're not two different things02:03
jmichaelxmaco: good grief02:04
maconetwork-manager-kde is the name of the package that contains /usr/bin/knetworkmanager02:04
poyntzi just uninstalled it..02:04
jmichaelxmaco: which knetworkmanager gives no output02:04
macoin 10.10 the plasmoid is what's shipped though02:04
macoin 10.04 knm is shipped02:04
macoso, depends which version of kubuntu you use02:04
macobut both exist in kde4-land02:05
jmichaelxmaco: yes... we went thrugh that before you were here02:05
jmichaelxmaco... there is no longer a 'knetworkmanager'.... NO /usr/bin/knetworkmanager02:05
poyntzk i was missing the plasma-widget-networkmanagement package..02:05
macobut it DOES still exist02:05
macoits just not installed by default02:05
macothats not the same thing as not existing02:06
jmichaelxif you enter 'which knetworkmanager', you will get no output02:06
macoi have it installed02:06
FloodBotK2maco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:06
poyntznothing changed when i installed it..02:06
poyntzdo i have to put the widgit on the desktop?02:06
jmichaelxpoyntz: no02:07
jmichaelxpoyntz: the desktop widget would do the same as the systray icon02:07
macoright click the systray02:07
macoyou can set what stuff goes inside it02:07
macohit the checkbox for network management02:07
poyntzsystray? you mean the package with knetworkmanagement?02:07
macono..the systray on your panel02:08
jmichaelxmaco: there is no 'knetworkmanager' in the repos... there is no 'knetworkmanager' installed on your system, if you are running maverick02:08
macowhere klipper and everything goes02:08
jmichaelxpoyntz: that is the system tray02:08
macojmichaelx: a package name and a binary do NOT have to match02:08
poyntzmaco: i uninstalled knetworkmanager, so there's nothing there for networks02:08
macoknetworkmanager IS in the repos. just because the package it's inside doesn't mean it's not in there!02:09
macoknetworkmanager IS in the repos. just because the package it's inside *has a different name* doesn't mean it's not in there!02:09
poyntzmaco: i deleated it02:09
poyntz*uninstalled it02:09
jmichaelxmaco: show me your ouput for 'which knetworkmanager'02:09
poyntzmaco: should i reinstall?02:09
jmichaelxmaco: knetworkmanager was obsoleted02:09
macopoyntz: you can have n-m-k or plasma-widget-nm .. either is fine02:10
macojmichaelx: $ which knetworkmanager02:10
jmichaelxmaco: what version of kubuntu are you running?02:10
maco$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/knetworkmanager02:10
maconetwork-manager-kde: /usr/bin/knetworkmanager02:10
macothe fact that there is not a *package* with the name knetworkmanger is *completely irrelevant*02:10
macothe package naming has *absolutely no effect* on the names of the files inside it02:11
jmichaelxmaco: i think you are totally missing the point.... but it is useless to go on about it02:11
maco$ rmadison network-manager-kde02:11
maconetwork-manager-kde | 1:0.2.2-1ubuntu2 |         hardy | amd64, i38602:11
maconetwork-manager-kde | 1:0.7svn864988-0ubuntu8 |        jaunty | amd64, i38602:11
maconetwork-manager-kde | 1:0.9~svn1112085-0ubuntu4 |         lucid | amd64, i38602:11
maconetwork-manager-kde | 1:0.9~svn1176084-0ubuntu1 |      maverick | amd64, i38602:11
FloodBotK2maco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:11
maconetwork-manager-kde | 1:0.9~svn1176084-0ubuntu2 |         natty | amd64, i38602:11
jmichaelxmaco: quit flooding02:11
macono, you're missing the point02:12
macoyou keep claiming software is no longer in the repos just because its in a package with a name you dont expect02:12
poyntzwhere in the system tray is plasma-widget-networkmanagement sit by default?02:12
jmichaelxmaco: you do not get it...... right now we DO care about the specific name.... also, i do not know about your system, but network-manager-kde is not even being installed by default in maverick02:13
jmichaelxpoyntz: that is what you have been clicking on this whole time02:13
macopoyntz: right click the down arrow on the tray an dunlock widgets, then right click again and go to system tray settings02:13
poyntzjmichaelx: nope.. because i just installed it02:13
macojmichaelx: i *know* its not installed by default. that /doesnt/ mean its not in the repos though02:14
jmichaelxpoyntz: that is what i am saying02:14
macojmichaelx: i am on an upgraded system, so i still have knm installed02:14
jmichaelxmaco: i think if you had been in this convo earlier, it would have made a difference02:14
jmichaelxmaco: yes, that makes sense...02:14
poyntzwell i've never seen the little plasma-widget-networkmanagement icon until i installed it02:15
poyntznow i've installed, i added the widget to the panel02:15
poyntznow there's a little dot on the rh side of the panel02:15
jmichaelxpoyntz: what were you clicking on earlier then, when you mentioned 'manage connections'?02:15
poyntzwhich i uninstalled02:15
poyntzand replaced with plasma-widget-networkmanagement02:16
macohaving network manager bits installed shouldnt conflict with wicd. having NM service running could though...02:16
poyntzi uninstalled it anyway.. shouldn't conflict should it?02:16
jmichaelxmaco: i was surprised to see that kubuntu was using network-manager02:16
jmichaelxin maverick02:17
jmichaelxi did not know that until this evening02:17
poyntzmann.. my wireless network now doesn't show up :S02:17
macowe've used NM for...3 years i think02:17
poyntzif i click enable wireless I get nothing02:17
jmichaelxmaco: 3 years?02:17
macopoyntz: does it work if you just stop the NM service and use straight iwconfig & dhclient?02:17
jmichaelx3 years ago we were still using kde3.502:17
macoat least 2 years, but i think coming up on 3...02:17
macoyes but all of *buntu went to NM at the same time, IIRC02:18
poyntzmaco: http://pastebin.com/PqjG9rQL02:18
macoi only switched from gnome to kde 2 years ago though, so i could be off02:18
jmichaelxmaco: you are off02:18
jmichaelxbut it does not matter02:18
macomm laptop battery out02:18
macopoyntz: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys   <-- or whatever02:19
macoif its wep, add in a "key foo" at the end02:19
macothen run "sudo dhclient wlan0" and see what happens02:19
jmichaelxhe is using mac filtering02:19
macowell i hope the os isnt rewriting his mac incorrectly...02:19
macoanyway battery about to blink out02:19
jmichaelxmaco: i was wondering if network-manager might be rewriting things02:20
poyntzmaco: if i'm connected on a hardline will it still pickup wireless?02:20
poyntzNo DHCPOFFERS received.02:20
jmichaelxpoyntz: it should02:21
poyntzjmichaelx: doesn't look like that worked :(02:21
jmichaelxpoyntz: if you enter 'ifconfig', does it show you wireless device as being associasted with a network address?02:21
jmichaelxsorry for the typos02:21
poyntzjmichaelx: nup02:22
poyntzjmichaelx: actually it does02:22
jmichaelxpoyntz: is it listed as wlan0?02:22
poyntzjmichaelx: wlan0:avahi Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:13:02:cb:aa:1f   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask: UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:102:22
jmichaelxpoyntz: ok, that address is not a real network IP02:23
jmichaelxpoyntz: sudo iwconfig wlan0  essid "your essid"02:25
jmichaelxpoyntz: i think your essid should probably go in quotes02:26
poyntzjmichaelx: nothing02:26
jmichaelxpoyntz: that is just one step02:26
poyntzquotes/no quotes02:26
poyntzneither worked02:26
jmichaelxthat was just one step02:27
poyntzjmichaelx: can you pastebin all the maverick repos you have?02:27
poyntzwant to see if i'm missing any..02:27
jmichaelxstep two: sudo dhclient wlan002:27
jmichaelxpoyntz: i think you have everything installed that you need02:28
poyntzjmichaelx: well after running dhclient, still get no response from plasma-widget-networkmanagement regarding wireless..02:30
jmichaelxpoyntz: well, we are more interested inwhat you are seeing in the command line02:30
jmichaelxpoyntz: it is possible that network-manger is interfering with what we are doing in the command line, though02:31
poyntzjmichaelx: is releasing the device MAC id on here a security vulnerability?02:32
jmichaelxpoyntz: i doubt it, but i would suggest not doing that02:32
poyntzjmichaelx: No DHCPOFFERS received.02:33
poyntzNo working leases in persistent database - sleeping.02:33
jmichaelxpoyntz: that was what you got from the terminal, huh?02:33
jmichaelxpoyntz: did you install network-manager-kde on top of everything else?02:34
jmichaelxok, good02:34
poyntzjmichaelx: should i reboot?02:35
reimyhi,i'm new in ubuntu..02:37
jmichaelxpoyntz: are you in this channel using the laptop we are dealing with right now?02:37
reimynope,i'm using my desktop02:37
poyntzjmichaelx: yep02:38
poyntzjmichaelx: im just on a hardline02:39
jmichaelxpoyntz: i sort of think we could get you connected using the command line, if we killed network-manager... but that would also kill your wired connection02:39
poyntzjmichaelx: i'll reboot and see what happens..02:40
poyntzjmichaelx: well wicd works..02:44
jmichaelxpoyntz: ok, i thought you had removed it02:44
poyntzjmichaelx: me too.. apparently not02:44
poyntzjmichaelx: i'll try again and reboot?02:45
jmichaelxwell.... do you have the wicd icon on your screen right now?02:45
jmichaelxand it shows your network?02:45
poyntzjmichaelx: yep02:45
jmichaelxdoes it let you connect?02:46
poyntzjmichaelx: yep02:46
poyntzjmichaelx: lol, just removed it.. and i'm still surfing on wireless02:46
poyntzjmichaelx: probably have to reboot to uninstall properly02:46
poyntzjmichaelx: it's one way around.. i'd rather use a kde program if possible02:46
jmichaelxpoyntz: ok, then you may want to just remove 'network-manager' and 'plasma-widget-networkmanager'02:47
poyntzjmichaelx: but after removing knetworking manager no networks even show in the widget02:47
poyntzjmichaelx: there was no conflict.. wicd works anyway02:47
jmichaelxpoyntz: lol, i am totally confused right now on what you have installed, and what you do not ahve installed02:47
poyntzjmichaelx: i've uninstalled wicd-*02:47
jmichaelxpoyntz: but it may be that wicd will work for you and network-manager will not02:48
poyntzjmichaelx: sudo apt-get remove wicd wicd-*02:48
poyntzjmichaelx: but i'm still connected on wicd so i have to reboot..02:48
jmichaelxok, poyntz, what have you got?02:57
poyntzjmichaelx: well.. wired is working off plasma-widget-networkmanagement02:57
poyntzbut still no wireless..02:57
poyntzno wicd/knetworkmanagement packages installed02:57
poyntzprobably means im missing some dependency somewhere..02:58
jmichaelxpoyntz: i have a feeling that if you want to continue using mac filtering, you need to remove network-manager, and switch to wicd for now02:58
jmichaelxpoyntz: i doubt you are missing anything, honestly02:58
jmichaelxpoyntz: if you switched to using encryption, and no mac filtering, you would probably be in business02:59
poyntzjmichaelx: it might not be the problem.. there's several networks surrounding my current location02:59
poyntzjmichaelx: knetworkmanager was picking up these networks02:59
poyntzjmichaelx: plasma-widget-networkmanagement isn't02:59
jmichaelxpoyntz: ok... plasma-widget-networkmanagement is just a front-end03:00
macojmichaelx: it occurred to me on the way home that you may have meant "obsolete" as just an english word...rather than as the technical status apt has for a package that has been removed from enabled repositories in the series03:00
jmichaelxknetworkmanager is a backend, but is not what you were using03:00
jmichaelxhi maco03:00
jmichaelxmaco: well, i was mainly trying to establish what backend he was using, and saw that kde was now using network-manager.....03:01
jmichaelxmaco:  i was defintely wrong in the details, but what we were after is which network management backend he was using03:01
jmichaelxmaco: so ty for pointing out that knetworkmanager is a part of network-manager-kde03:02
jmichaelxmaco: did you disappear again?03:03
macoplasma-widget-nm and knm are both frontends to network-manager the service (see /etc/init.d/)03:03
jmichaelxmaco: exactly03:03
macono i have a 4s lag on this connection and my client was still downloading backscroll03:03
macoi dont believe you can use anything *but* nm if nm is managing the interfaces03:04
macoso you have to do sudo service network-manager stop03:04
jmichaelxmaco: that is what i had been getting at03:04
macoand then wicd should work03:04
macoand iwconfig would work as well03:04
jmichaelxmaco: you had missed the earlier part of our convo, i believe03:04
macoif nm is breaking on mac filter, id like to see that reproduced with nm-gnome as well03:04
poyntzwhat's the backend for plasma-widget-networkmanagement ?03:05
macostill the network-manager service03:05
jmichaelxmaco: i thought nm-applet was just a frontend, and that changing frontends would not solve anything03:05
poyntzwhat package is that in?03:05
macoi've been working on GUI patches for the networkmanagement kcm, and they (kcm, knm, plasma widget) seem to all be one codebase03:05
macojmichaelx: the guy who writes the backend writes teh gnome frontend. the kde frontends are getting a bit behind in terms of changes to how the backend works03:06
jmichaelxmaco: he did verify that he could connect to his network using wicd03:06
jmichaelxmaco: so the frontend could actually make some difference03:06
jmichaelxpoyntz: maybe you should switch then to using nm-applet instead of the plasma widget03:07
poyntzif it's just a frontend technically the backend is the issue03:07
macoit was requested that when i finish my current patch for gsm on kde, i then go and write another to get rid of some stuff in the gsm configuration thing that could result in a perma-bricked sim (yikes) because itd been fixed in gnome and not kde03:07
jmichaelxvery much yikes03:07
jmichaelxpoyntz: apparently that is not entirely true03:08
poyntzi have been able to get wireless on knetworkmanager03:08
poyntzit's just sporadic when i get lucky03:08
jmichaelxpoyntz: i think you are using the wrong name there03:08
poyntzand this is on kubuntu 10.1003:08
poyntzi got lucky yesterday and the day before by uninstalling, rebooting then reinstalling knetworkmanager03:09
poyntzbut i shouldn't have to reinstall everytime i start up03:09
jmichaelxpoyntz: you are really confusing me....03:09
macono thats rather odd..03:09
macopoyntz: did you upgrade from 10.04?03:09
poyntzi know03:09
jmichaelxpoyntz: when you do a fresh install of kubuntu maverick, you will not have knetworkmanager03:09
macojmichaelx: makes perfect sense that poyntz had knm on 10.10. like me, was an upgrader03:09
jmichaelxmaco: yeah, if he upgraded, now it makes sense03:10
poyntzevery time i've done an upgrade i've had to tweek03:10
poyntzdoing a fresh install shouldn't be necessary to fix one issue03:10
jmichaelxmaco: will network-manager-kde conflict with network-manager?03:10
macoknm has kept working for me so i didnt bother removing it on upgrade03:10
poyntzit'll be some small problem we've overlooked03:10
macocant run both frontends at once, but they both use the network-manager service03:11
jmichaelxmaco: but is it possible that in the case of his mac filtering, there is a conflict?03:11
maco(well really, thats *why* you cant run both frontends at once)03:11
poyntzmaco: how do i install network-manager?03:11
kyubutsudoing a fresh install is necessary when you have a borked system though..03:11
maconetwork-manager-gnome has nm-applet03:11
poyntzkyubutsu: like i said.. i can get wireless if i reinstall knetworkmanager..03:11
poyntzkyubutsu: knetworkmanager also recognises all wireless devices in range, just wont connect03:12
poyntzunless i reinstall it03:12
jmichaelxpoyntz: there would also be the possibility of configuring a static IP in your settings, and forgetting about dhcp03:12
regeyaI have kubuntu on a netbook.  I want to REMOVE the kubuntu netbook settings.  When I try to remove the kubuntu-netbook-default-settings, kubuntu-desktop is removed.  when I install kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-netbook-default-settings is automatically reinstalled.  whiskey, tango...03:12
kyubutsuin fact.. fresh install vs 4 days of fiddling around and still have the same issue..  i choose to spend 45 minutes running a fresh install03:12
macowhen you try to click something, how does it respond?03:12
macodoes it try to connect and fail or does it seem to ignore the click?03:12
macoif the latter, that means it has decided the connection is incorrectly configured03:12
maco(also, tail -f /var/log/syslog to see output from nm as you try things)03:13
poyntzmaco: is this for me?03:13
macopoyntz: yes03:13
macoregeya: there's a different packge you can use instead of kubuntu-desktop. lemme look it up03:13
macoregeya: kde-full03:13
poyntzkubuntu-desktop from the maverick repos will install all missing packages?03:15
kyubutsuwhats so important about your current system that you must keep it at all costs.. ??  upgrading is almost always more problematic than a fresh install .. and maverick has a whole set of stuff different than 10.0403:15
poyntzwe'll see.. i'll reboot03:16
jmichaelxpoyntz: it should give you everything that would be installed from a live cd03:16
poyntzahh k03:16
poyntzthere were a bunch of packages including network packages i was missing..03:16
jmichaelxmaco: ty for educating me on a few matters03:16
poyntzi'll reboot and see how it goes03:16
macojmichaelx: sorry i jumped in without reading far enough back03:17
kyubutsuyou should've warn him of the upcoming dependency hell03:17
jmichaelxmaco: one of the frequent hazards of irc support :-)03:18
macowhy would there be dependency hell in reinstalling the metapackage?03:18
macokyubutsu: we /do/ test upgrades to try to iron all this stuff out. what would be helpful is more people doing so a few weeks prior to the release03:18
jmichaelxi imagine he had the vast majority of the packages from kubuntu-desktop already installed03:18
macoactually he may have them all03:20
maconetwork-manager Recommends network-manager-gnome | network-manager-kde | plasma-widget-networkmanagement03:20
macokubuntu-desktop doesnt specify which to install, just says to have one of 'em -- its just the matter of which is seeded on the cd that causes clean installs to get the plasma widget03:20
kyubutsui just think installing/reinstalling/uninstalling etc.. was unnecessary and the advice should have been to fresh install03:21
kyubutsui have a feeling he's still going to come back saying the issue is still there03:22
jmichaelxmakes sense... i know that is the earlier kde4 days, the default network manager for kubuntu was pretty dysfunctional, and i had always remedied things by replacing kde network management packages with gnome's, and using nm-applet in kde03:22
jmichaelxkyubutsu: i think so, too.  i get the impression that somehow he is not getting a dhcp lease when he uses his network manager03:23
macoi know hidden ssid's dont work right in kde's nm frontends03:23
macoi /think/ they work in gnome03:24
kyubutsuhe's wifi was open03:24
poyntzwell the good news is installing kubuntu-desktop fixed all these missing dependencies..03:24
poyntzthe bad news is wireless still don't work03:24
jmichaelxhidden ssid's have been problematin in gnome, too... at least in the past03:24
kyubutsuits already scary enough he's network has no security enabled03:24
macoyeah just saying about kde & gnome frontends not being *at all* at feature parity03:24
jmichaelxkyubutsu: he does use mac filtering03:25
macomeh mac spoofing's easy though03:25
jmichaelxit is03:25
macoit's how we get jacked into the network in computer labs at school :)03:25
jmichaelxi work at a small college that only uses mac filtering03:25
macomy school uses a vpn on wifi and mac filtering on ethernet in labs03:25
poyntzencryption is annoying for devices n stuff03:26
maco...so we unplug the desktops from the network, plug in laptops, and spoof the stuff03:26
poyntzother devices like iphones..03:26
maco(this is how we did linux installfests :P)03:26
poyntzit's seriously a pain in the arse for my iphone.. :S03:26
kyubutsupoyntz: even ipods connect to wpa protected networks03:26
jmichaelxpoyntz: your iphone should have no problem with encryption03:26
poyntzyou mean ipod touch03:26
poyntzother ipods don't have wifi access03:27
kyubutsutouch it then03:27
macomy stepdad's iphone works fine with wpa...03:27
poyntzkyubutsu: it's an iphone and it has problems03:27
poyntzanyway encryption is a separate issue03:27
macothings im wondering:03:27
maco1. does it work with nm-applet?03:28
maco2. does it work with a kde nm thingy if you turn off the mac filtering?03:28
jmichaelxpoyntz: it is a separate issue, but you would probably have no problems connecting if you were using encryption03:28
kyubutsu3. system reinstall03:28
macojmichaelx: tack on an "instead of mac filtering" to the end of that ;-)03:28
poyntzmaco: the answer to 2 is no because no networks are being picked up at all..03:28
macodont need an "in addition"!03:28
jmichaelxyes, i meant instead of mac filtering03:28
kyubutsuget yourself a cheap usb wifi dongle and see if that solves your mystery03:29
poyntzmaco: there's three networks that are usually picked up.. two use encryption instead of mac filtering03:29
jmichaelx4. configuring a static IP03:29
kyubutsudhcp shouldnt give anyone a problem03:29
macopoyntz: did you ever try the iwconfig thing i suggested?03:29
jmichaelxkyubutsu: it could give a problem in this case03:30
macoi want to see if it can associate when you're doing things the manual way03:30
poyntzmaco: http://pastebin.com/WYLnq9ac03:30
kyubutsuthen he'd have to set up a firewall .. more complications03:30
jmichaelxmaco: i think the network manager he is using conflicts with the command line methods03:30
poyntzjmichaelx: i removed all the junk in /etc/network/interfaces03:31
poyntzjmichaelx: if that helps03:31
jmichaelxpoyntz: yes, but some network managers rewrite all of that stuff03:31
poyntzwhat's the difference between kde-full and kubuntu-desktop?03:32
jmichaelxpoyntz: you can delete or change the contents of your resolv.conf, for example, but network-manager will put it all back again03:32
macojmichaelx: i said earlier "sudo service network-manager stop" before using iwconfig03:33
poyntzjmichaelx: ahh03:34
macopoyntz: kde-full doesnt have kubuntu's settings03:34
jmichaelxmaco: i must have missed that03:34
macopoyntz: sudo service network-manager stop && sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid foo && sudo dhclient03:34
macomm wait03:34
macopoyntz: sudo service network-manager stop && sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid foo && sleep 2 && iwconfig03:34
macosee if that shows it as Not Associated03:35
maco(obviously change foo to your essid)03:35
jmichaelxmay want to put essid in quotes03:35
maco(it should show your AP's mac address instead of "Not Associated" if it succeeds in associating)03:35
macoare essids with spaces common?03:35
jmichaelxmaco: i could not say... would the quotes not be needed if there are no spaces?03:36
jmichaelxhad not known that03:36
poyntzmaco: is there any object aka $<name> that stores the output of the line before in bash?03:37
macoi dont know of one for output, no03:37
macoyou could do export $FOO=$(your command here)03:37
macoand then FOO would hold the output03:37
jmichaelxthis is as lively as i have seen #kubuntu in some time03:41
jmichaelxseveral years ago this channel was considerably more active03:42
maco#kubuntu-devel tends to be quite active...03:43
KimLaRouxwhat's the devel channel for?03:44
jmichaelxi should maybe hang in there a bit more often, but at present i'd be far from dev material03:44
macoKimLaRoux: developers!  talking about patches, figuring out who's going to merge which package, some upstream devs hang there and we can bug them about integration stuff..03:45
Poyntzwell that borked my connection..03:45
Poyntzmaco: now i cant get internet on my laptop03:45
macoits the same computer, huh?03:45
jmichaelxPoyntz: i noticed that you just kind of vanished03:46
Poyntznope im on my iphone03:46
Poyntzjmichaelx: yaa :(03:46
macooh, so you didnt reboot the computer then?03:46
KimLaRouxOh, I'll stick to more user-side stuff03:46
Poyntzmaco: i did03:46
macowell in that case, tell us... does it say Not Associated? or does it say the mac address?03:46
Poyntzmaco: didnt work03:46
Poyntzok just got internet back brb03:47
KimLaRouxwhy has the 10.04 iso been removed from ubuntu's torrent tracker?03:47
macothe point was just to see if it associated. youd still need to "sudo dhclient" afterward to get a lease ... if the associating worked03:47
jmichaelxmust have killed network-manager service again :-D03:47
jmichaelxwb poyntz03:48
poyntzmaco: that's what i got03:48
poyntzjmichaelx: thnx :)03:48
KimLaRouxOh btw, using tar to copy a working system from a drive to another works very well...03:48
jmichaelxpoyntz: you ARE associated with your WAP ssid03:48
poyntzso what now?03:49
macopoyntz: oh! it associated!03:49
macothats *good*03:49
macoso after that youd run "sudo dhclient" and it should get a lease03:49
macowhich would mean the underlying bits are working properly03:49
poyntzkeep in mind i rebooted after running that command :P03:49
poyntzmaco: still getting no wireless connections03:50
macopoyntz: sudo service network-manager stop && sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid foo && sleep 2 && iwconfig    <-- it was this03:50
poyntzdo it again?03:50
macoso if you did that, plus a "sudo dhclient" you should then be online03:50
poyntzah kk03:50
poyntztrying it again now03:50
macoand if that all works, then i think its pretty conclusively nm being stupid03:50
macobecause it proves the lower levels work03:50
jmichaelxand as i understand it, wicd uses the lower level tools for it's connections, which is why wicd had him online earlier03:51
poyntznot sure03:52
poyntzthat command killed the plasma widget03:52
poyntzbut im still getting internet03:52
poyntzas for wireless..03:52
jmichaelxpoyntz: it killed the backend your widget was relying on, then you connected using different tools03:53
poyntzno wireless still..03:54
jmichaelxpoyntz: i know that you wanna use the kde plasma widget and all, but honestly.... just use wicd and save yourself the hassle03:55
jmichaelxmaco: would there be any chance that he might have better success if he upgraded to KDE4.5.3?03:55
macoi havent read teh changelogs on that03:56
poyntzim only on 4.5.1 atm03:56
jmichaelxguess that would be the place to start03:56
poyntzdunno how to manually upgrade kde..03:57
jmichaelxpoyntz: i am not making the claim that upgrading would help.. it's just that your plasma-widget might get upgraded03:57
poyntzah k03:57
poyntzis 4.5.3 in beta?03:57
jmichaelxpoyntz: you would only need to add a ppa repo and dist-upgrade03:57
jmichaelxno, it's realease03:58
poyntzahh k03:58
poyntzwhere could i find the ppa?03:58
jmichaelxpoyntz: you sure you don't want to use wicd?03:58
poyntzwhat would you recommend?03:58
jmichaelxwell, wicd did work for you03:59
poyntzi'd rather use a kde program03:59
poyntzbut.. if it's gonna do more harm than good i'll use wicd03:59
jmichaelxi know you'd rather... but i think you're likely down to either switching away from mac filtering, or switching away from kde gui stuff04:00
poyntzill use wicd04:01
poyntzthanks for the help jmichaelx maco04:01
jmichaelxfor a few years i did not keep any network manager installed on my laptop,  but that got to be more and more of a pain04:02
andrewh192ok. i have a question regarding kde 4.5.3 release04:10
andrewh192i tried again after hearing that and verifying that the problems were fixed04:11
andrewh192and again, it came up with the window saying that there was going to be a bunch of stuff deleted.04:11
jmichaelxandrewh192: hearing what?04:11
andrewh192jmichaelx: that the incomplete update package had been completed04:12
andrewh192jmichaelx: not sure how its fixed04:12
andrewh192jmichaelx: but its still not installing correctly or completely04:13
jmichaelxandrewh192: i am still on 4.5.2, but only because i would have had to remove yawp to upgrade to 4.5.304:13
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andrewh192jmichaelx: is it possible to install it though?04:13
andrewh192jmichaelx: last time i tried, it wanted to delete kdedesktop04:13
jmichaelxandrewh192: i did not do  the upgrade, so i cannot say04:13
andrewh192jmichaelx: what's yawp do?04:14
jmichaelxandrewh192: you could just enable the ppa, update, and 'sudo aptitude full-upgrade'.... it would theb tell you what it wanted to remove in order to do the upgrade, if anything04:15
jmichaelxandrewh192: yawp is just a weather/weather forecast widget04:15
andrewh192jmichaelx: ok.. is there a way to upgrade via the terminal rather than the update manager?04:16
jmichaelxandrewh192: what i was talking about was the terminal04:16
andrewh192jmichaelx: added the ppa04:28
andrewh192jmichaelx: updated04:28
andrewh192jmichaelx: now, doing tthe "sudo aptitude full-upgrade"04:28
andrewh192jmichaelx: this is the ime for crossing fingers04:29
iconmefistoI've installed 10.10 on a laptop with intel graphics, but can't login with kde. after entering login/password, the kubuntu splash appears for a while, then back to kdm login screen.04:29
jmichaelxandrewh192: i have a feeling things will go well with your upgrade.... did it mention any package/dependency conflicts?04:30
andrewh192jmichaelx: no04:30
andrewh192jmichaelx: hey....04:30
andrewh192jmichaelx: sudo: aptitude: command not found04:31
andrewh192jmichaelx: what does that mean?04:31
macoaptitude isnt in the default 10.10 install04:31
macoitd be apt-get dist-upgrade04:31
andrewh192you have to add it04:31
jmichaelxyea, you will have to install aptitude04:31
andrewh192how do i do that?04:31
jmichaelxsudo apt-get install aptitude04:31
macosudo apt-get install aptitude04:31
jmichaelxandrewh192: you could just update with apt-get, but aptitude tends to be more verbose about dependency conflicts and the likes, in my opinion04:33
iconmefistoaptitude is better at resolving conflicts, definitely04:33
andrewh192its working04:34
andrewh192thanx guys04:34
iconmefistoanyone with advice about my login loop?04:35
jmichaelxiconmefisto: i do not, but i can tell you that many mobile intel graphics gpu's do not work well in 10.1004:37
iconmefistojmichaelx: seems to be kde specific. 10.04 doesn't work either. but ubuntu 10.10 works fine04:38
jmichaelxiconmefisto: the issues with mobile intel in 10.10 are certainly not kde specific04:39
[V13]AxelI have one simple question for everyone here. I know that Ubuntu's developers are re-inventing the wheel and doing away with the notification area. Will Kubuntu be following suit as well, or will it keep it's current system tray?04:40
iconmefisto[V13]Axel: kubuntu/kde seems to be expanding and further polishing the systray functions, so my guess is no, kubuntu systray will stay04:42
jmichaelx[V13]Axel: the system tray and system notifications are not exactly the same thing, but kubungu tends to more or less go with default kde behavior on matters like that.... there are alternive system notification systems available, though04:42
jmichaelxlol @ kubungu04:43
[V13]AxelThank GOD. I love how Ubuntu keeps root and userspace seperate, so I didn't want to be forced to move to Fedora or Arch when the Ubuntu developers get rid of the notification-area on the GNOME-panel.04:44
* jmichaelx likes fedora 14 (+ KDE)04:45
[V13]AxelFedora 14 is out already?04:46
jmichaelxyea, it's only been out for a week or two04:46
[V13]AxelHm, I might have to check it out.04:46
[V13]AxelDoes Compiz work on Fedora?04:46
jmichaelx[V13]Axel: i would certainly think so04:47
andrewh192jmichaelx: hey, it asked me about weather or not to change somthing at the end or keep it the same04:47
andrewh192and i answered i wanted to see the difference04:47
jmichaelx[V13]Axel: although i use kde and kwin compositing in fedora, not gnome or compiz04:47
[V13]Axeljmichaelx: I think we should take this to the #kubuntu-offtopic channel, don't you agree?04:47
andrewh192well, i am done seeing the difference04:47
andrewh192but it seems like i can't go back to the actual install part of the screen04:47
jmichaelxandrewh192: what do you mean you are done seeing the difference?04:48
andrewh192jmichaelx: its like showing me script04:48
andrewh192jmichaelx: for startup stuff04:48
andrewh192kdmrc stuff04:49
andrewh192but i saw the difference04:49
andrewh192and it won't go past it04:50
andrewh192tried pushing the enter key04:50
andrewh192just has the word "END"04:50
andrewh192at the bottom04:50
jmichaelxi do not know what to suggest04:51
andrewh192it got through a lot of it...04:52
andrewh192you think it would be a good idea to close that terminal window04:52
andrewh192and just start over04:52
iconmefistoandrewh192: press q ?04:52
andrewh192iconmefisto: kewl04:53
andrewh192iconmefisto: got it04:53
andrewh192iconmefisto: thanx04:53
andrewh192you guys are great04:54
andrewh192one thing i love about kubuntu04:54
andrewh192good "customer service"04:54
andrewh192sort of the same way AA works04:55
andrewh192one computer guy helping another04:55
[V13]Axelandrewh192: That's the power of the Open Source community :)04:55
iconmefistoAA? you mean like a 10 step program?04:55
andrewh19212 step04:55
iconmefistook 1204:55
andrewh192i have been clean 1 year and a couple months so far because of it04:55
[V13]Axel"Hello, my name is Axel, and I'm a Kubuntu addict..." XD04:55
andrewh192gonna restart04:56
andrewh192it appears its done installing04:56
andrewh192hopefully be back here in a  minute or two04:56
[V13]Axel"It's been a rough 2 years... I'm just glad to not be that Windows-using person I once was... And so is my wife, heh..." XD04:56
andrewh192thanx again guys04:56
andrewh192everything is working05:05
andrewh192signed sealed and delivered05:06
jmichaelxandrewh192: congrats!05:08
[V13]Axelandrewh192: I don't even know what the problem was, and I'm happy for you :)05:09
l0cusCan anyone help me out with a problem ive been trying to resolve for the pas 3 hours?05:10
jmichaelxl0cus: who knows, if you do not tell us first what is ailing you05:11
l0cusI know i waas just typing it :P05:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:11
jmichaelxpesky ubottu05:11
l0cusWell I updated Kubuntu after installing05:12
l0cusand the Fn key for my wireless still doesnt seem to work05:12
l0cusive seen other people have had the same problem but no solutions05:12
[V13]Axell0cus: Does the wireless work, period?05:13
l0cusnow im on wired but I cant turn on wireless to connect to my router05:13
l0cusyes in windows 705:13
iconmefistol0cus: does it need proprietary driver maybe?05:13
[V13]Axell0cus: You have to install the drivers for the wireless card; I'm not sure where it is in Kubuntu, but there should be a Hardware Drivers program.05:13
l0cusfor Aspire?05:14
iconmefistoit's not called hardware drivers any more05:14
iconmefistoI think it's now "additional drivers" or something like that05:14
l0cusHardware Drivers?05:14
jmichaelxSystem>Additional Drivers05:14
l0cusOooooooooh i see it05:14
iconmefistol0cus: look for it in the menu05:14
l0cusBroadcom STA wireless driver05:15
l0cusi dont why i didnt think of that lol05:15
iconmefistol0cus: that's it05:15
jmichaelxbut, there are also sometimes problems with these Fn wireless switches05:15
l0cusoh ok05:15
eagles0513875jmichaelx: fixed my plasma workspace issues05:15
[V13]Axeljmichaelx: I think the drivers were his only problem :P05:15
eagles0513875thanks to Peace-'s help05:15
l0cusI hope it works05:15
jmichaelxeagles0513875: sweet.... what did you have to do?05:15
l0cusbout to find out05:15
eagles0513875jmichaelx: turned out that kde wasnt fully installed properly so basically i had to install each kde package individuall in one long apt-get install command05:16
jmichaelxl0cus: it may not work with that GUI tool, if it doesn't we can tell you what to do05:16
iconmefistol0cus: you'll probably need to restart after it installs05:16
Kara-NoI installed Xfce, and started fiddling with the window manager settings, when I was suddenly kicked to the login screen, and when I try to log back into Xfce, I  just get kicked back to the login screen.  Is there any way to reset the settings?05:16
l0cusif i do restart ill ba back :D05:16
jmichaelxeagles0513875: how did things wind up in that state?05:16
eagles0513875jmichaelx: followd peace-'s blog here http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/reinstall-kde/ for 10.10 and it worked05:17
l0cusiconmefisto: no restart works like a charm05:17
eagles0513875after doing a reinstall of everything kde things are working im on kde as we speak05:17
eagles0513875hehe on konvi talkin to ya05:17
l0custhanks a lot guys for the help05:17
[V13]AxelDoes Compiz work on Kubuntu?05:17
jmichaelxeagles0513875: wow, that is definitely something i'd never have come up with05:18
eagles0513875i tried to do a purge and reinstall of the meta package but that didnt work for some reason05:18
jmichaelx[V13]Axel: it does, but you do not need it. KDE has its own desktop effects built-in05:18
eagles0513875!compiz | [V13]Axel05:18
ubottu[V13]Axel: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz05:18
[V13]AxelAh, thanks. On Kubuntu's desktop effects, does it have the Desktop Cube, etc?05:19
eagles0513875[V13]Axel: yep05:19
jmichaelx[V13]Axel: definitely05:20
[V13]AxelSweet~ Wobbly windows, too? Reflection? Animations, etc?05:20
jmichaelx[V13]Axel: it has most of those things.... compiz may have more extras, but for most KDE users, kwin's native compositing management does the job05:22
[V13]AxelCool, thanks. :)05:23
eagles0513875everything knock on woood seems super stable so far05:26
jmichaelxeagles0513875: if you have the right hardware, it works well05:26
eagles0513875lol i have a monster05:27
eagles0513875im quite impressed with rekonq05:27
jmichaelxeagles0513875: folks with mobile intel video have are suffering in 10.1005:28
jmichaelxstrike that 'have'05:28
eagles0513875the laptops05:28
eagles0513875deja vu tbh05:28
eagles0513875i think it was 9.04 or 9.10 that had really nasty issues with intel 945 950 graphics05:28
jmichaelxyea, it's like intrepid05:28
jmichaelxyep, it is that all over again05:29
eagles0513875im lucky this is custom built desktop05:29
eagles0513875still debating if i should turn this into a fully linux server05:29
eagles0513875or at least use my other server as a test bed05:29
iconmefistol0cus: does the Fn button work too?05:32
l0cusyes sir05:32
iconmefistook, cool bananas05:33
l0cusyeah, thx :d lol I feel stupid though that's usually the first place i check05:33
andrewh192hey guys05:43
andrewh192was wondering if anyone knew of how i might be able to or if it was possible to sync my google calender with the kOrganizer program05:44
andrewh192running KDE 4.5.305:44
andrewh192jmichaelx: hey you know if i could sync Korganizer's calender with my google calender?05:46
Lugia010719d1i have a problem since i upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10... Gnome Desktop that i had installed before as a backup for the case KDE goes wild (happened several times) got uninstalled in the process and when i try to install it now, i get some dependency problems.. package gnome depends on both swfdec-mozilla and epiphany-extensions, but each of them uninstalles the other one when installed.. so i cannot install gnome :/ what shoudl i do?06:10
Kara-NoIs there any way to reset Xfce settings without logging into Xfce?06:14
l0cusim trying to ad a new theme and it comes with all the things like icons and font and window style qtcurve config and then theres a folder plasma theme06:24
l0cushow do i install that?06:24
l0cusI downloaded it from KDE-Look.org06:25
iconmefistoandrewh192: try installing akonadi-kde-resource-googledata then add an akonadi source for korganizer. I'm trying it now06:46
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l0cusanyone here?07:12
harrisonHi, I'm having problems getting two monitors to work as seperate x screens07:14
macoxrandr (and so its guis too) does not yet support this07:14
macoyou need to write an xorg.conf to do that07:14
harrisonI've got my xorg.conf set up to do it but I can't start kde on the second screen07:15
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harrisonI just have one regular kde session and one screen that is just black, though the mouse will swap screens and the black screen shows the cursor07:16
harrison(just not the kde cursor)07:16
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administrateurSalut salut08:32
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MisterYa quelqu'un?08:32
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MisterYa quelqu'un?09:11
noaXesshell.. how can i fix that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/528589/09:32
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hsrAfter clicking logout, the system stopped at black screen giving errors - (process: 305:) GLiB WARNING**: getpwuid_r: failed due to unknown user id (0) [OK] OpenOffice.org Dcovert converter.pid non-existant [fail] How to fix it?09:42
hsrI'm still stuck at logout screen, and seeking through help irssi.. how to fix the error mentioned above?09:44
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amichairdo packages in the kubuntu updates/backports ppa really eventually get into the standard repos? (for the same release, that is, not the next one)09:55
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valorieamichair: I'm not sure what you are asking10:04
amichairvalorie: the description of the PPA (in the wiki) says these ppas will contains updates that are intended to eventually go to the official repositories. My question is whether this ever does happen within a given release, or they are put on the official repos only for future releases?10:06
valorieupdates sure, unless there is a newer version available10:07
valoriebackports, dunno10:08
valorieif you want to know about a particular app or package, you can ask in -devel, I suppose10:08
amichairso by using only the standard repos with no ppa, I'll still get kde point releases (updates) or major releases (backports)?10:08
amichairok, thanks10:09
alumnohello chato10:16
FloodBotK2alumno: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:16
apacheloggerhellos, if someone could be so kind to run `env | grep QT` in a terminal and tell me what the output is :)10:17
Systemlordsorry, didn't see it the minute you wrote ;)10:20
valorieI did just so I could compare10:21
valorieI wonder why they are subtly differenet10:21
Mamarokvalorie: there is nothing different I can see10:22
Systemlordthey are not... ~ = home-path... but me didn't want to tell everybody my home path ;)10:22
valorieok, got it10:22
valorieMamarok: I was wondering why mine output the home-path, and his didn't10:23
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Misteryo man10:40
Misterrastafaraï yeah man10:40
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Misterya moi10:47
Misterça va?10:47
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PDPc'est tro bi1 +2510:48
Mistertu mange chez wouam?10:48
PDPouais et ouat10:48
Misterwouam ej ge man ché ouat10:48
MisterPue du cul10:49
cuznti installed kubuntu 10.10 on a pc and the desktop does not work10:56
cuzntkeyboARd and mouse all but usless, cant make the menu open10:56
[mors]I wonder if you have any QA on the live cd ?11:08
[mors]my experience so far after 2 minutes trying to install11:08
[mors]1) during isntallation open partition manager -> full system freeze11:08
[mors]2) after reboot, boot into the live desktop, open konsole, maximize -> full system freeze again11:09
[mors]what a trainwreck... bah11:09
Peace-[mors]: you have to pick altenate cd11:09
[mors]Peace-: what ? oh, the alternate cd is the one that doesn't crash ?11:10
jussi[mors]: please report a bug, and do share your hardware models.11:10
[mors]jussi: is there a tool to give me all the hw info you need ?11:10
[mors]bah :(11:10
Peace-[mors]: if you get the freeze you should use altenate cd11:10
jussi[mors]: also, are you certain its a freeze and not just reading from the cd?11:10
[mors]jussi: it's not reading from the cd when it freezes for 10 minutes11:11
jussi[mors]: ok, sure.11:11
jussi[mors]: lspci should give us a good indication, as well as the output of: dmesg11:12
jussi[mors]: as well as all that, have ytou verified the image you burne is not corrupted in any way?11:12
phoenix_firebrdi am having problem with the window decorations11:15
phoenix_firebrdi am using a window decoration named ambiance, it works fine except, when the window is maximized, the decoration is not displayed properly11:16
phoenix_firebrdi will paste a snapshot now11:17
phoenix_firebrdhere is the snapshot showing normal and maximized windows http://imagebin.org/12248111:24
[mors]jussi: well, working now... :/11:24
jussi[mors]: weird. in anycase, Im off.11:25
=== mnt14 is now known as DwaK_3ndy
DwaK_3ndythey are coming back11:30
DwaK_3ndyto violate my boobs11:31
bazhangDwaK_3ndy, stop that11:31
DwaK_3ndyok ,, why don't you write n here11:32
bazhangDwaK_3ndy, this is kubuntu support only.11:32
DwaK_3ndyok ,, my volume is so low,, how can i make it higher,, please,,11:33
DwaK_3ndyhelp me ,, i have alc66211:35
DwaK_3ndythanx anyway., bye11:35
[mors]so, I just installed kubuntu on  new workstation, and booting, when the kubuntu loader should show up, the screen goes blank11:55
crissiboh  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/64165711:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 641657 in openssh (Ubuntu) "SSH connections freeze after a period of time" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:55
noobuntuhello, i opened KRDC once and now every time i reboot invitation - desktop sharings starts with kubuntu how can i stop it from autorunning ?12:02
wilharthey, my kubuntu had autologin, now it goes to konsole? and when i run gdm/kdm it says something about reso and it didint load nvidia driver tho my xorg.conf is good.12:05
wilharthelp me12:06
roentgen_wilhart: delete/rename xorg.conf and try again12:08
alvin[mors]: What do you mean by 'Kubuntu loader'?12:08
[mors]the splashscreen immediatelly after grub12:09
wilhartroentgen_: ok12:09
alvin[mors]: That's plymouth12:11
alvinSo, you mean: 'after plymouth, I should see kdm, but the screen stays blank'. What happens if you reboot?12:11
[mors]and it's too early for a dmesg... :/12:12
[mors]and this is my work workstation... so I'm stuck between red hat (which means relearning linux for me), kubuntu (well familiar) or having to ask for a windows license (would rather cut my wrists, but I'm not paid for it)12:13
alvinIt's probably just bug 111534 or bug 538524. Workaround is: reboot until kdm shows up. imho, upstart isn't stable enough yet.12:14
[mors]and by screen going blank I mean the screen turns off, due to lack of signal. Live CD works well12:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 111534 in kdebase (Ubuntu) "KDM does not start" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11153412:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538524 in plymouth (Ubuntu Lucid) "boot hangs on splash screen, doesn't switch to KDM" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53852412:14
[mors]alvin: I don't even see the splash screen, and the screen looses signal12:14
alvinI have the same issue on some workstations12:14
[mors]this is a recent HP workstation12:15
wilharthmm, ok i removed xorg.conf yea worked but now i dont have nvidia drivers enabled..12:15
alvinThe splash screen is pretty useless due to the fast boot. It's very well possible that you don't see it. Say, what happens if you remove splash and quiet from /etc/default/grub and run update-grub?12:15
wilharti need xorg.conf12:15
[mors]alvin: ok thanks, reading bug report :)12:19
wilharthow do i fix this please?12:25
wilhartmy kubuntu crash in terminal just jams whole computer, i reboot now it throws me out to konsole, tho i have autologin to kde12:26
wilharti tried without xorg.conf, and with it..12:27
Space_Manwilhart: maybe nvidia has something similar to "sudo aticonfig --intial -f" that creates an xorg.conf for amd cards12:28
wilhartSpace_Man: i have nvidia12:28
wilhartSpace_Man: dont have aticonfig installed.12:28
wilharthmm. this is odd12:31
crissii hot massive performance problems with kde programs... the xserver often needs a lot of cpu12:41
crissifor example file open dialog shows up and sorting the files are very slow12:42
crissialso, typing here in quassel is fast but sening the message (and put in channel window) needs some time (1-3s) also typing fast in the line here causes high cpu usage12:43
crissiim using kde 3.5.3 on 10.1012:43
Peace-4.5.3 or 4.5.1?12:44
Peace-anyway the problem is the driver of your video card12:44
Peace-ati ?12:44
Peace-or intel?12:44
Peace-or sis :S12:44
crissi4.5.1 is toobuggy12:44
Peace-ok for some nvidia you could get problem12:45
Peace-i guess12:45
crissiwith latest driver, desktop effects disabled12:45
Peace-mm that's is the problem then kernel is not really good12:45
Peace-crissi: kubuntu 10.04 was running well?12:46
crissiyes, was better12:46
BluesKajcrissi, which nvidia "12:46
crissiand kde3 was better than kde3 (speed)12:46
crissii think kde4 is broken12:46
Peace-it's the driver12:47
crissisorry kde4 is slower than kde3.. typing here is horrible12:47
crissino. kde3 was fast -> driver ok12:47
Peace-your driver or your video card is sick12:47
Peace-kde4 it's opengl12:47
Peace-kde 3 no12:47
Peace-so driver is an issue.12:47
crissiits an nvidia gforce 620012:47
crissiit should only display windows and so on. no games.12:48
crissii dont need opengl12:48
Peace-so kde it's not for you i guess12:48
Peace-use gnome12:48
crissiit should be fast as kde312:48
Peace-or try to use a nice driver for kubuntu12:48
Peace-crissi: my intel card is very nice with kubuntu12:49
Peace-the driver12:49
crissiif this situation will not be better in future, i'll be back k to kde3 at this machine12:49
crissino. its not the driver.12:49
BluesKajcrissi, did you install the driver recommended in the HW jockey  in system settings ?12:49
crissii use kde since 1.0beta1 and all was fast. kde4 is a marture.12:49
Peace-crissi: http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/nonepomucknoserachstuff.png12:49
Peace-crissi: that is my kubuntu .. and it's faster then kde312:50
crissii installed nvidia driver from nvidia server directly12:50
Peace-your problem is not kde it's hardware|driver12:50
BluesKajcrissi, actually it's kmenu/applications/system12:50
crissicant be. i tested several machines with kde3 and kde4.. new and old machines, kde3 was erverytime faster.12:51
Peace-i don't believe you12:51
crissiwhy the hell they did it wrong?12:51
Peace-you must have a nice kernel12:51
Peace-with nice hardware12:52
noobuntuwhich one should i choose open java or sun java ?12:52
Peace-you got bad hardware or bad driver.12:52
BluesKajcrissi, did you install  from default kernel source in the repos server or the proprietary driver from the nvidia website12:52
thinkinsync_java questions anyone?12:52
Peace-noobuntu: well you could use the open but the normal user add medibuntu12:52
crissitry a kde3 system.. you wil, think you have a rocket started. (no joke), i like kde really but i gotting the very big hate with kde4.. not finished, a lot of crashes in history, still not all features available..its a pain for normal users12:53
Peace-noobuntu: then sudo apt-get kubuntu-restricted-extras shoudl do the job12:53
Peace-crissi: i had kde312:53
noobuntui see thank you12:53
crissiBluesKaj: from nvidia server (ftp://download.nvidia.com)12:54
Peace-crissi: i believe you just fit with kde anymore12:54
BluesKajcrissi, it's not kde that's at fault ..I think you have the wrong nvidia driver installed12:54
Peace-doesn't fit12:54
Peace-+1 BluesKaj12:54
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BluesKajcrissi, well if you won't try with the right driver then we can;t help and stop complaining about poor performance12:55
crissidirect rendering: Yes12:55
crissiserver glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation12:55
crissiserver glx version string: 1.412:55
crissiits the right driver. i use linux since 1997 and know what i have to do.12:56
Peace-crissi: good luck with your hardware and another distro man12:56
Peace-with gnome i mean12:56
BluesKajcrissi, then use the rcommended driver in system /hardware12:56
crissibut kde4 performance is very poor after a while on kde4 here. the machien is fast (2.2ghz, 2gb ram)12:57
crissiits a pitty. this situation will not force ppl to use kde when switch from windows.12:58
crissito tell its the driver is easy but will not help. older machines with kde2+3 are fast without opengl and bad drivers12:59
Tm_Tcrissi: please, this is support channel, discussion about previous kde versions in #kubuntu-offtopic12:59
crissii think i'll still recommend kde3 for ppl who want to use kde.12:59
BluesKajcrissi, stop complaining and install the recommended driver!13:00
crissiits the best driver already.13:00
* BluesKaj use the ignore option13:00
thinkinsync_i think that some settings may also be wrong in KDE system settings module13:01
thinkinsync_once my pc stopped booting in KDE13:01
thinkinsync_i opened system settings 4m gnome13:01
thinkinsync_it was there - faulty hard disk labels!13:02
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* thinkinsync_ wants some interesting discussions!13:05
Tm_Tthinkinsync_: try some offtopic channel then, this is for support (:13:06
* thinkinsync_ wants some interesting problems to answer! :) thats what i meant13:06
mkkhow can i install ubuntu one on maverick? i installed ubuntuone-client and ubuntuone-client-gnome, but there's nothing under kmenu13:16
kyubutsui like to see kde integration with ubuntuone. apparently that project only works with gnome13:22
Tm_Tmkk: unfortunately there's no ubuntuone applet for kde13:22
kyubutsuan applet for it would be epic13:25
* kyubutsu wonders how this even happen.. ubuntuone was a major feature of maverick, yet kde gets jack about it13:27
kyubutsunot cool13:27
PiciI thought there was something...13:27
kyubutsudo tell13:27
kyubutsuby the way.. i had you for a gnome guy , Pici..13:28
* kyubutsu looks at you13:28
Tm_Twas, unfortunately upstream (canonical) kept changing the service libraries & all to wrong direction... (hrrr, getting offtopic)13:28
Picikyubutsu: I am.  I was just going to say that I don't use KDE, but thought that someone at UDS had said something about Ubuntu One on KDE.13:28
BluesKajmkk,  http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2010/08/ubuntu-one-in-kubuntu-1010.html13:29
Tm_Tas far as I know those aren't supported13:32
amichairWasn't apachelogger working on something like that? Maybe I'm mistaken...13:33
mkkBluesKaj: that is not working13:33
kyubutsumkk: was that what you referred to originally?13:34
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mkkkyubutsu: i can't find any way to get it work13:36
kyubutsui'll try Pici's recommendation just 'cause its on launchpad , i dont know about the other site13:37
mkkthere's no deb package13:38
kyubutsumaybe i'll get lucky, but its in alpha!13:38
kyubutsuthere is a tar.gz for download though13:38
mkkkyubutsu: can you tell us the result when you try13:43
powerinsideMy Kubuntu fails to upgrade on its own to 10.10 (from 10.04) via Software updates because it was badly patched using a UBUNTU 10.04 alternate CD previously.. (from 9.10) any other method to upgrade?13:43
Tm_Tmkk: kyubutsu: there's no working support for maverick13:46
kyubutsuduly noted, Tm_T..  its better than nothing imo , so kyubutsu tries anything..13:47
* kyubutsu still reading thru README and other docs ... 13:48
BluesKajmkk, have you asked in #ubuntu-one ?13:52
mkkbut i will thank you13:53
BluesKajthey might be able to help you, mkk13:53
kyubutsureadme says "In its current iteration it may only be used to query information from the13:57
kyubutsuUbuntu One Servers (but not edit them)" [about launchpad ubuntuone client for kde sc 0.1-alpha113:57
kyubutsuBluesKaj: its #ubuntuone not #ubuntu-one13:59
geekosopherkyubutsu: ubuntu-one redirects to ubuntuone :)14:00
kyubutsukind of thought that be the case.. but still14:00
* kyubutsu shrugs14:01
=== root is now known as Guest98534
Red-Bulleverybody in tha housa?14:07
BluesKajkyubutsu, too bad that site is still up..looks like apachelogger's ubuntuone ppa is no longer valid14:07
kyubutsui referred to the launchpad one though..14:08
kyubutsustill.. having no editing capabilities am not willing to test it..  :(14:11
kyubutsuBluesKaj: on the ppa one, found yet another site linking to it..14:12
* kyubutsu sighs14:14
kyubutsutalk about overlooked14:14
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BluesKajkyubutsu, mayb3e there are just too many probs with integrating ubuntuone into kde so he dropped the the ppa but it's difficult to track down weblinks that he didn't post14:17
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* kyubutsu nods14:18
Guest25652Any body help me on configuring GRUB2. is it default loadr in kubuntu 10.04 LTS?14:20
=== phil is now known as PhilRod
Guest25652Any body help me on configuring GRUB2. is it default loadr in kubuntu 10.04 LTS?14:21
Guest25652Any body help me on configuring GRUB2. is it default loadr in kubuntu 10.04 LTS?14:22
Space_ManGuest25652: what's the problem (you only need to post once)14:22
Guest25652when booting it shows ¨no suitable modes found¨,¨ünknown command terminal14:23
Guest25652when booting it shows ¨no suitable modes found¨,¨ünknown command terminal14:23
Guest25652when booting it shows ¨no suitable modes found¨,¨ünknown command ¨terminal¨14:24
Space_Manstop spamming14:25
Space_ManGoogle's first result http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152976414:26
Guest25652when booting it shows ¨no suitable modes found¨,¨ünknown command ¨terminal¨. this message is shown in blank screen and after few time it boots , but why error is shown? i hav to see boot menu.14:26
powerinsideDoes any body know how I can upgrade my kubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 maverick? It does upgrade from Software upgrades it gives error. quick alternative anyone?14:26
Guest25652ok sir , im gonna check it.14:26
Space_ManGuest25652: which links to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1501143&page=214:26
Space_ManGuest25652: use kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub instead of sudo gedit /etc/default/grub14:27
Space_Manthen follow the rest of the fix14:27
BluesKajpowerinside, in the terminal , sudo do-release-upgrade14:27
Guest25652thnx, im gonna look sir,14:27
powerinsideBluesKaj: Thanks.. will it be a good upgrade or will it wipe out my data like from knotes etc?14:29
BluesKajpowerinside, it should keep all your data14:29
BenPAhi all ... I changed a desktop setting in Kubuntu and now my x won't start14:30
Exposurehmz annoying problem here, I've setup some NFS mounts in fstab but apparently the system tries to mount them while the network interface isn't up during boot14:32
BenPAhow do I reset from the konsole14:32
BluesKajBenPA, which desktop setting ..desktop-effects ?14:32
ExposureI get some errors that it can't resolve the hostnames where the nfs exports live14:32
BenPABluesKaj: yes14:32
BluesKajBenPA, could be your graphics card driver ...which graphics card , which driver?14:34
BenPABluesKaj: I am not sure ...14:34
delacis there any gtk style that can modify firefoxs' icons and tabs? QtCurve seems to only be able to change buttons and scrollbars?14:35
BenPABluesKaj: is it lspci?14:35
Guest25652I want to see graphical boot in any resolution14:36
Guest25652i think console is boaring14:36
Guest25652can you help me to fix the error and use graphical boot by any means14:36
BluesKajlspci | grep VGA will give the card14:36
BluesKajGuest25652, did you do , sudo update-grub ?14:37
powerinsideBluesKaj: I got the simmilar error with update  :(14:37
Guest25652no  . . . my error is reported in above conversation with spaceman14:38
Guest25652plse reffer that14:38
BluesKajpowerinside, make sure you package manager/sources.list doesn't contain any ppa sources for specialty apps and theird party sources14:39
BenPABluesKaj: it is a Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)14:39
BluesKajGuest98534, try sudo update-grub , anyway14:39
powerinsideBluesKaj: How to do that? I mean can i just uncheck the extra and how do I know what all to remove in sources14:40
Guest25652it is a Intel 82810 Integrated Graphics14:40
sandra_hallo ich habe ein kleines Problem mit Kubuntu 10.10,und zwar möchte ich KDE 4.5.1 auf die 4.5.3 aktualisiern,nur weiß ich nicht die Installtionsquelle dafür.kann mir jemand helfen?14:43
BluesKajpowerinside, uncheck any repos that aren't universe , multiverse or security14:43
BluesKaj!de |sandra_14:44
ubottusandra_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:44
delachow can I change firefoxs' icons on kubuntu?14:49
BluesKajdelac, change to ?14:50
BenPABluesKaj: Not sure you saw my response ... it is a Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)14:51
delacBluesKaj: yes. they dont seem to change when I change the icon theme for the desktop. So I wonder if there is some other way to do it for firefox?14:51
alvinExposure: bug 27545114:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275451 in nfs-utils (Debian) "nfs mounts specified in fstab is not mounted on boot. " [Unknown,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27545114:52
eagles0513875BenPA: was talking with someone this am intels are getting hit hard again with bugs :(14:53
eagles0513875the intel graphics just like intrepid i believe it was14:53
BenPAeagles0513875: I am not sure that this is a bug as much as me changing a setting and trying to get back what was there14:54
eagles0513875BenPA: im just saying becareful14:54
BenPAeagles0513875: I know I do dumb things like this all the time14:55
Exposurealvin: unbelievable a bug like that isn't fixed for two years now :(14:55
powerinsideBluesKaj: I still got the same problem even when I unchecked all extra from the repos and included only Main, universe and multiverse and the restricted driver14:55
eagles0513875BenPA: i started out like you back in the day14:56
alvinExposure: Yes, but it's better now. Most of the time, shares are mounted now. In Jaunty it was totally broken.14:56
Exposureyeah most of the times doesn't do it for me14:57
powerinsideBluesKaj: Here's the message im getting using terminal (simmilar to GUI error too) http://pastebin.com/6ykhYtB014:57
BenPAeagles0513875: Oh so I have something to look forward to ... leaving well enough alone14:57
eagles0513875BenPA:  im saying youll learn from your mistakes14:57
ExposureI guess I can't opt to remove all this upstart nonsens and go back to sysv which has matured in a period of like over 30 years?14:58
BenPAeagles0513875: I was just getting ready to give this one back ... I know what you mean but I am starting to have senior moments mixed in14:58
alvinExposure: If that was possible, I'd do it immediately. Fedora just started using upstart, but they are moving away from it again. I'm not sure about debian.14:59
BluesKajpowerinside, ok run ,sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:59
powerinsideBluesKaj: I just did that yesterday it only downloaded a few files.. this time it just shows a couple of stuff like new kernel.. should I really go for that?15:00
BluesKajpowerinside, yes15:01
BluesKajBenPA, sorry I can'rt seem to find anything about your card15:01
powerinsideBluesKaj: whoa nothing http://pastebin.com/55hsCu3d15:03
BluesKajpowerinside, good , no errors , sudo apt-get clean...then try sudo do-release-upgrade15:07
18VABRG9Dwhy is hte new kmix in 10.10  such a memory hog.   its using 1.6Gb15:11
noobuntuhi, i have an issue in kubuntu when installing sun-java6-jre i get "One of the selected packages failed to install correctly.15:11
noobuntuMore information is available in the detailed report."  "subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 2"15:11
noobuntui can use -f install but i dont get why that is happening in the first place15:12
=== 18VABRG9D is now known as JJman6_
BenPABluesKaj: can I re-install something?15:15
BenPABluesKaj: can I re-install something ... to get the default settings back?15:16
BluesKajBenPA, you on a tty ?15:16
BenPABluesKaj: yes15:16
BluesKajok BenPA , hang on15:17
powerinsideBluesKaj: Same error :(15:17
BenPABluesKaj: fyi ... it is kubuntu 10.0415:18
noobuntudoes anyone knows what that is happening ?15:20
BluesKajBenPA, have you done any update/upgrades since ?15:27
BenPABluesKaj: no15:28
BenPABluesKaj: wait I did do apt-get update and upgrade but there was nothing15:29
[mors]I gents15:31
[mors]having something similar to bug 53852415:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538524 in plymouth (Ubuntu Lucid) "boot hangs on splash screen, doesn't switch to KDM" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53852415:31
[mors]but I've disabled the splash screen and it seems kdm boots (because the screen flickers a bit) but then the screen goes off due to lack of signal15:32
alvin[mors]: Anything weird in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?15:33
JJman6_why is the new kmix in 10.10 such a memory hog. its using 1.6Gb   thats seems s15:33
BluesKajBenPA, this may be using a sledge hammer on a needle, and it might create more problems sudo apt-get remove compiz15:34
[mors]alvin: after the boot I can't do anything else to the machine15:34
alvin[mors]: Not even Ctrl+Alt+F1?15:34
[mors]alvin: no15:34
[mors]screen is dead, no signal15:34
BenPABluesKaj: ok np15:34
[mors]I disabled quiet splash screen and changed the plymoouth upstart script to be like the one in the ppa, same results.15:35
alvin[mors]: Can you boot into root mode (don't remember how it is called exactly)15:35
BenPABluesKaj: says not installed15:35
alvin[mors]: Did you ran grub-update?15:35
[mors]alvin: can't do that because I changed the scripts from a live cd, but I did change the grub.conf file manually and removed the splash there too. I see the kernel initializing now (not the splash) and then the screeen flickers and  it's turned off15:36
alvin[mors]: Hmm, you could do it when chrooted. I thought it was important. Is safe/root mode possible? (Hold shift while booting to find the grub menu)15:37
BenPABluesKaj: should I install it?15:38
[mors]alvin: did you solve your problem ?15:38
alvin[mors]: What problem? I have many :-)15:38
[mors]alvin: from the bts it seems you had the same :)15:39
BluesKajBenPA, no it's installed under a different name already15:39
alvin[mors]: I still do, but rebooting is a working workaround for me. On second boot, I always see kdm.15:39
power-insideBluesKaj: Man its the same error...15:39
[mors]alvin: my workstation does not have a reset button15:40
BluesKajBenPA,` try metacity --replace&15:40
[mors]alvin: I have the grub menu, now what ?15:40
alvin[mors]: It might be a different problem. (If Ctrl+Alt+Del is not working, your problem might be  a kernel panic)15:40
alvin[mors]: Second option. Safe mode or something15:40
[mors]recovery mode ?15:40
alvinShould give you a root shell15:40
alvinthat one, yes15:40
[mors]oh nice, same issue15:41
[mors]recovery mode -> kills the screen15:41
alvin[mors]: What's your graphic card? Some cards are working badly in maverick. (Some nVidia, some Intel, Matrox and a few others)15:41
[mors]nvidia quadro something15:41
[mors]but the live cd boots.15:41
[mors]and works just well15:41
BluesKajpower-inside, methinks a clean install is in order , backup your data then grab an iso from kubuntu.org15:41
alvin[mors]: That is strange. LiveCD working is a good sign15:42
BenPABluesKaj: it says metacity is currently not installed and that I need to apt-get install it15:42
[mors]alvin: how can I disable kdm booting when pc boots ?15:44
[mors]I could boot it manually after the pc booting15:45
alvin[mors]: Recovery mode should not start X (and thus not start kdm)15:45
BluesKajBenPA, ok ..I've run out of ideas , maybe the guys at #ubuntu can help since it's a graphics related problem15:45
[mors]alvin: humpf....15:45
[mors]nice... :(15:45
avohey all. I just uploaded my Ubuntu distro from kubuntu.com, but its asking for an activate.15:45
alvin[mors]: That indicated that your problem occurs before X is started.15:46
BenPABluesKaj: what would happen if I install either metacity or compiz?15:46
v3nd3tta``[mors] maybe it has something to do with /etc/init.d/kdm :)15:46
[mors]seems I need to play with bios then.15:46
BluesKajBenPA, compiz is already installed..it's what runs desktop effects under a different name15:47
James147BluesKaj: compiz isnt installed in kubuntu... it uses kwin instead15:47
BluesKajJames147, really ? I read somewhere that desktop effects is actually compiz15:49
James147BluesKaj: no, kde has had its own compositing engine since kde 4.015:49
James147built into kwin15:50
BluesKajJames147 , maybe you can help BenPA ..he's stuck at a tty after enabling desktop-effects15:51
BenPAeither one of you can help15:51
James147BenPA: try renaming ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc  and logging back in, that whould reset kwin to its defaults15:51
[mors]alvin: still there ? :)15:52
[mors]I filmed the screen... the last line that is output before the screen blanks is something like15:52
BenPAjames147: when you say renaming you mean change the name of kwinrc to say kwinrc1 then reboot?15:53
alvin[mors]: Let's hear it15:53
James147BenPA: "sudo restart kdm"  to restart kdm  (or start if its not alrady started)15:53
[mors][drm] nouveau 0000:01:00,0: 512 MiB Gart (aperture ...15:53
James147BenPA: yes... although you dont need to reboot, restarting kdm should be enough15:53
[mors]name similar lines before15:53
[mors]there are also 3 lines that say [ttm] kernel: Available graphics memory: ...15:54
[mors][ttm] highmem: Available graphics memory: ...15:54
[mors][ttm] initializing pool allocator15:54
[mors]then the noveoau line and then screen goes blank15:55
BluesKajhey dasKreech16:02
dasKreechhi BluesKaj16:02
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BenPAjames147: it worked ... thank you16:06
alvin[mors]: Nouveau? A bit strange. Nouveau is not used when you boot into recovery mode. There was an issue with nouveau when maverick was still in beta, but that was solved before release.16:10
BluesKajBenPA, are myou on a laptop ?16:11
[mors]alvin: where is dmesg dumped to ?16:13
snarksterdmesg can be dumped to your home folder via a > as in dmesg > dmesg.txt16:14
James147snarkster: I would think so :)16:15
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[mors]alvin: nouveau is printing stuff when booting in recovery mode16:33
[mors]and I'm using a release iso16:34
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[mors]why is nouveau lading in recovery mode ?16:51
BluesKaj[mors], ok which graphics card are you running?16:57
[mors]nvidia quadro16:58
[mors]and the distro on the live cd boots but freezes too often16:58
BluesKajquadro , what number?16:58
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BluesKaj[mors], lspci |grep VGA16:59
[mors]nvs 29516:59
[mors]need to reboot pc because live cd frooze17:00
eagles0513875!hi | ubuntu17:01
eagles0513875!welcome | ubottu17:01
samuel__good morning all, can anyone tell me which PPA to use for kde 4.5.3 on 10.04 release. I've already tried the one listed on the website and it only brings me up to 4.5.1 :(17:04
DarthFrog 4.5.1 is all that's available and all that will be available, for 10.04.  4.5.3 is available for 10.10 only.17:07
samuel__bollocks! I'm switching to LFS17:07
=== debiannewbie is now known as atoz-chevara
BluesKaj[mors], the forums talk about using the nvidia proprietary driver on the nvs 295 .. my nvidia is is the 8400gs and it wouldn't run on the proprietary driver and poorly on the nvidia-current . The only way i could get the 8400gs to run properly was to install it on a newer pc .17:10
[mors]BluesKaj: given that the system doesn't even boot that will require me to reisntall the OS...17:13
BajK_Is it possible to have a (Ubuntu?) server that has all the home directories and user settings stored and on each client there is just a plain Kubuntu install and they log on to the server via network?17:26
BajK_So have a centralized server for all the home direcotries and settings and just use them for login17:26
[mors]though you might  not be happy with 3rd party storage17:27
BajK_yep, I'm not ;)=17:28
BajK_things like they have in schools and such, with 2500 users on the net and being able to login from anywhere (notebook, computer lab, etc) to those accounts and have your home directory17:29
BajK_it's with [many swears here] novell and just stupid. So I wanted to know whether it is possible with Ubuntu/Kubuntu17:29
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[mors]a roaming profile17:29
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BajK_roaming profile?17:30
BajK_i don't want it with prehistorical windows. I want it with Kubuntu.17:34
BajK_(i thought Linux was a network system?)17:34
[mors]sure, just so you understand the name17:34
[mors]it's probably easy to setup a rsync job that syncs your profile during login and logout, depending on your desktop env17:35
BajK_can't i just use the files on the server direclty without having them to copy on the local pc?17:35
mmn980Hello everyone, I've got a problem - KDE doesn't display the desktop on Radeon 4550 HD, anyone has some spar time/desire to help?17:36
[mors]that could be quite overkill for performance17:36
[mors]mmn980: does the pc boot into kde at all ?17:36
BajK_[mors]: why? It's not that KDE reloads every second all the time?17:37
BajK_okay, well17:37
BajK_it should be possible copying settings (.kde folder or so?) via rsync to local17:38
BajK_and have the user data home kept on the server?`17:38
mmn980it even draws windows17:39
mmn980of skype and chrome17:39
mmn980but no desktop, shortcuts, <start> button tray, widgets - nothing17:39
[mors]mmn980: then, don't know. Try to disable compositing17:39
mmn980how can you do this from text console?17:40
BajK_hm "Raming Profiles Sync" in ubntu wiki, but Implementation, Code, Bla, nothing -.-17:42
BajK_hm well, it should be implementable using a selfmade script but don't know how to persuade kdm giving you permission to log on bnased on that stuff from remove17:44
BajK_ah samba pdc17:46
BajK_hm okay that PDC seems to be only for syncing windows profiles17:56
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[mors]alvin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Working%20around%20bugs%20in%20the%20new%20kernel%20video%20architecture18:15
[mors]that saved me !18:15
dasKreechmmn980: What driver?18:22
* eagles0513875 pokes dasKreech with kubuntu-offtopic18:22
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dasKreechIt's super effective!18:24
dasKreechhi Guest9116118:24
Guest91161hi dasKreech18:25
Guest91161can somebody help me i cant control my brigthness in battery mode18:26
Guest91161i have installed kubuntu 10.1018:26
dasKreechGuest91161: What have you tried?18:29
pingvenoIs there a way to have KDE's Plasma based NetworkManager installed and also have a networkmanager client for XMonad?18:30
pingvenoLike, a NetworkManager client that can hook into KDE's KWallet.18:31
pingvenoInstalling knetworkmanager requires uninstalling the Plasma plasmoid.18:31
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* crack05 is away (Gone)18:46
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sresuWhich command Analog clock widget uses to speak time?19:20
[mors]how do I disable all desktop sounds in kde ?19:21
Pici!it  | giuseppe7719:54
ubottugiuseppe77: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:54
giuseppe77join #ubuntu-it19:55
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anjexei have promlem using my adsl conection un kubuntu19:58
anjexehow to config it?19:58
voicuany way to switch easily between proxy settings globally?20:09
Patricia|Ocupadawhat application I use to record the screen on my kubuntu video20:15
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yazzus_hello everybody! Has someone installed coreldraw on kubuntu 10.10?20:38
Angelmanhey, I was thinking of switching from the regular gnome version to the KDE version and was wondering if there was a guide telling me what apps replace the ones I currently use21:08
Angelmanlike I use DeVeDe and Artisa quite often, and Cheese, I want to know KDE replacement apps and such21:09
anikaguten abend zusammen21:09
anikahabe mal eine frage zu wlan21:10
anikaneuinstallation von cd, der asus wl-167g v2 wird gefunden, netzstärke wird angezeigt, aber ich kann mich nicht verbinden.    was kann das sein?21:11
anikanetzeinstellungen sind wpa2-psk passwort stimmt, nur ich hae im networkmanager keine möglichkeit den kanaöl anzugeben21:12
yofel!de | anika21:12
ubottuanika: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:12
anikathanks and bye  ;-)21:13
morticumi have a problem. after upgrading to kubuntu 10.10 from 10.04, i now get a lot of graphical glitches, like menus not rendering21:18
morticumthjis is with with compositing enabled21:18
morticumi also notice that using rekonq fullscreen flickers and it actually caused my entire screen to go black with nothing accessible...i had to use a shortcut to logout21:18
morticumany ideas as to why?21:19
yofelmorticum: I remember having rendering issues with intel drivers before KDE 4.5 was released, but nothing since then, can you try to disable the 'Blur' effect?21:22
morticumyofel: i've disabled blur21:25
morticumi've disabled most effects and th problem persists...i should try disabling them all while keeping compositing enabled21:26
morticumI just disabled all effects and the menu drawing problem's gone21:29
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morticumaha, I found the menu-drawing-glitch culprit: it's the fade effect21:53
morticumat least, that's ONE cause.21:54
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smwis it just me, or does kde look worse and worse every time they update?22:01
smwI stopped using it for a little while, and I just decided to use it again22:01
TNZ_which version do you use ?22:03
smwTNZ_: I just installed the latest kubuntu22:03
smwI was using arch linux with lxde for a little while22:03
smwnow I am back, and I am wondering what happened to kde22:04
smwmaybe I just got used to everything being simple...22:04
TNZ_Wait, i gonna give you ppa link for 4.5.3 version which is better22:04
yofelthere isn't any design difference between 4.5.1 and 4.5.322:05
smwTNZ_: that, and I think I am liking kubuntu alot better after I turn off compositing22:05
yofelI don't like the default theme much myself, but instead of gnome I can at least make it look the way I want22:05
smwthe compositing was hurting my eyes because my computer is too slow to render the effects correctly22:05
smwnot that I would want most of these effects :-\22:05
TNZ_smw : I see ... with ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa in your apt-list you'll get the last version ... quite good22:07
TNZ_I use compositing with an ATI 4870 under catalyst 10.1022:07
smwI have a few year old laptop that ran kde 3 and lxde just fine thank you :-P22:08
* yofel uses compositing on his notebook with nvidia, but has it turned off on his eeePC22:08
smwplasma workspace died unexpectedly.22:09
smwI used to use kde religiously, now I remember why I left it...22:10
smwthe only improvement I can find is rekonq :-\22:10
yofelI haven't had any large issues since 4.3 here, except the network management plasmoid not handling bssid well22:12
yofelwhich reminds me I need to file a bug about that sometime...22:13
smwyofel: I am finding that too much stuff moves in kde now. I do not think that making stuff fade in/fade out helps :-P22:15
smwI hope I am not sounding like a troll :-\22:15
yofelI think you can disable the fading for the notifications and for most stuff - 'oxygen-settings' has a few options under 'animations'22:16
smwdisabling compositing did alot22:16
smwI will look into oxygen settings22:16
smwI am installing ubuntu-desktop now22:16
smwI used to find that ubuntu got better with each release22:17
smwover the last 2-3 releases, I have found that they are getting worse22:17
smwit used to be that X failed to start until I installed video drivers.22:18
yofelIMHO it got better till jaunty, I switched to kubuntu with karmic, I haven't tried unity yet22:18
smwthen X started to boot in safe graphics mode automatically22:18
smwI am talking about both22:18
smwthen it started automatically in the right resolution22:19
smwso it incrementally got better22:19
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smwnow it took alot of work to use the virtual terminal to install the drivers22:19
smwit seems like things are getting worse, not better.22:20
smwAlthough, I must admit that it asking if I wanted to install flash and other stuff for rekonq was awesome...22:20
yofelno video problems here, intel works fine, and the nvidia drivers worked fine too after I installed them22:20
smwyofel: I wish mine worked so easily22:21
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smwI gave up and converted my kubuntu install to an ubuntu one :-\.23:04
smw(I installed gnome)23:04
dasKreechsmw: aww23:08
dasKreechwhat happened?23:08
smwdasKreech, did you see what I was saying earlier?23:09
dasKreechNo just came in23:09
dasKreechscrolling up23:09
dasKreechVideo drivers?23:09
smwthat is an all around ubuntu problem23:09
smwI fixed that already23:10
smwkubuntu was just annoying me with too many moving parts.23:10
dasKreechWhat's the all around problem?23:10
dasKreechOh ha ha felt too busy?23:10
smwthe video drivers was a *buntu problem23:10
smwnot kde23:10
smwdasKreech, yep23:11
smwdasKreech, I moved to lxde 8-10 months ago23:11
smwI was on archlinux23:11
smwnow I am moving back to ubuntu23:11
smwlxde -> kde is a "culture shock"23:11
smwmoving in the other direction was much easier for me23:12
smwnow, I just need to figure out how to put the x button on the right side in gnome...23:12
smwdasKreech, I think ubuntu reached its peak about 2-3 releases ago23:13
dasKreechsmw: well a crest at least23:13
dasKreechHave to rethink things then rebuild to a new height23:14
smwnow they have cool stuff to make it easier for people who are new to linux. But I feel like everything that matters is being ignored.23:14
dasKreechnatural motion of communities and projects23:14
smwdasKreech, yeah, that is kde's current thing23:14
dasKreechand openSuse23:14
dasKreechas well as Redhat23:14
dasKreechIt'll happen23:14
coz_hey guys.. I have the plasma netbook installed, works fine ...but,,,, when I middle click on the desktop I keep getting this little yellow sqares at the bottom looking like notes  but have no idea how to get rid of them    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/yellow.png23:15
smwdasKreech, when "plasma desktop expectantly crashed" 10 minutes after I started using kde, I installed gnome.23:15
coz_I can also type in them like notes23:15
dasKreechGood thing is that In the land of the FOSS you can choose to ride it out, try different visions or priorites or just sit back on the old and reliable for as long as you want23:15
dasKreechI haven't had plasma crash on me in months. what did you do to trigger it?23:16
smwdasKreech, use my computer...23:16
smwI really don't know23:16
dasKreechthat's different for each person :)23:16
smwI turned off compositing and stuff23:16
smwbut that should not make it less stable23:16
smwI was just doing the very basic stuff. using quassel and rekonq23:17
smwbtw, nice job to the kde team for rekonq. It was the one thing that impressed me :-D23:17
dasKreechnot had tha happen in a long time23:17
smwdasKreech, it is my hope that kde does some work on their system. Also, do you know if there are any themes for kde that are minimal? I hate how much space it taken up23:19
smwdasKreech, I use xchat over xchat-gnome because xchat-gnome took up more space for the same stuff. I can not think of how to explain it23:20
yofelsmw: what do you mean with 'how much space it taken up'? you can adjust the panel size and you can get rid of the desktop widgets (shouldn't be more than 2 by default)23:23
yofelyou can even tell the desktop to show the desktop folder instead of widgets (I think)23:23
yofelabout the moving: you *can* lock the widgets so the desktop behaves mostly static23:23
* yofel goes looking for a screenshot of the default theme settings...23:24
smwyofel, I am more thinking of QT theme settings23:25
smwyofel, I will do some looking at some point23:25
yofelfound one on the release announcement23:25
yofeler... what about the Qt theme takes up much space? The last time I looked at gnome in lucid it didn't take up much more, and you can adjust the size of the window borders23:27
yofelthen again, I haven't looked much at lxde either, it was a bit too simple for me23:28
dbc254how can I find the id of my new wireless card?23:28
yofeldbc254: what do you mean with id? pci id? interface name? mac?23:28
dbc254PCI id?23:29
James147dbc254: try "sudo lshw -c network"23:30
dbc254how can I have an essid, if the card has never connected to anything?23:35
yofelaren't the essids returned when it scans for networks before you actually connect to something?23:38
rats_can anyone explain to me why watchdog goes zombie on me every minute or so23:40
rats_kubuntu 10.0423:40

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