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stublifeless: Does https://code.launchpad.net/~stub/launchpad/update-storm/+merge/40264 need to go through review?06:46
stub2.4k of pretty much mechanical changes and delintings06:46
lifelessstub: hi06:55
lifelessuhm, I wouldn't, but I would get the *approach* discussed06:57
lifelessstub: e.g. the cast in the core is a little concerning in general06:57
stublifeless: Didn't really seem to be any other sane way of doing it. I could have fixed the tests feeding raw strings in, but that could create too many brush fires on production with all our untested code paths (or even fixing some of our tests - gina.txt is utterly inscrutable).07:06
StevenKgina.txt is a horrid test07:07
lifelessI guess the main thing to do is to behave sanely if a non-ascii str is passed in07:07
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lifelessas well as have some way to let us incrementally report and fix things07:08
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lifelessthe former should be done before landing for safety IMO07:08
lifelessthe latter whenever07:08
stublifeless: Where I have a unicode() cast, I could change that to something else that raises a warning, but I suspect that would be YAGNI.07:08
lifelessI suggest this:07:09
lifelessif type(thing) is not unicode:07:09
lifeless    try:07:09
lifeless        thing = thing.decode('utf8')07:09
lifeless    except UnicodeDecodeError:07:09
lifeless        bail07:09
lifelessshove that in a helper07:10
stubOh - nothing should be getting UTF8 that I changed. We do want it to explode if we get non-ascii.07:10
lifelessjust doing a plain cast to unicode is a problem because it can do nuts things07:10
lifelessstub: sure, s/utf8/ascii/ there07:10
* stub wonders if there is an easy way to s/unicode/ensure_unicode/g in the lines changed in my branch07:17
lifelessgrep + interdiff might be able to do something07:26
stubinterdiff does the magic08:01
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henningebigjools, jtv: if either of you would be so kind (maybe a revie is optional here ... ;)11:33
bigjoolshenninge: sounds like a perfect no-review branch to me11:34
bigjools(without looking that is)11:34
henningewhat is the tag11:34
henninge[rs=henninge] ?11:34
bigjoolsno idea, I'm waaaay behind on email11:34
jtvSomething like r=noreview, but probably not that11:34
bigjoolsrs=me ?11:35
bigjoolsdo the tools work with this brave new world?11:35
jtvhenninge: too late, I've already approved it11:35
henningejtv: thanks11:35
StevenKgmb: Hai! If you're still reviewing, I have a small branch ready for you12:24
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gmbStevenK: Sure. Link me13:02
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StevenKgmb: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/move-ppaexception/+merge/4040813:06
* gmb looks13:06
gmbStevenK: 81 lines. My kinda branch.13:07
gmbStevenK: r=me13:07
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marsStevenK, hi13:10
marsmorning gmb13:11
gmbHi mars13:11
StevenKmars: Hi13:14
marsgmb, have you started into the activereviews pile?13:14
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gmbmars: No, I haven't yet.13:19
gmbI will be doing shortly, though.13:20
gmbmars: Feel free to make a start and I'll pick up whatever you're not working on.13:20
marsgmb, ok, I'll update the topic as I go13:20
gmbmars: Also, using "Claim review" takes it out of the list for the review team.13:21
marsgmb, ah!  thanks13:22
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jtvgmb: care for a small one?  The funny bits are in the larger follow-up branch though.  https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/recife-pre-cleanups/+merge/4043414:55
gmbjtv: Sure.14:56
gmbjtv: r=me15:01
jtvgmb: thanks15:01
* gmb goes off call for to do some hackering15:09
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jtvmars: can you take my big one?15:15
jtvAfter some wild swings, it came out at a neat 799 lines.15:15
marsjtv, I can, I'm helping deryck with something though, so it may be a bit before I can start it15:17
marsfirst on the queue though15:17
jtvmars: great, thanks.  I'll wander in and out for the coming few hours.15:17
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jtv(as agreed)15:38
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benjimars: when you get a chance, here's a small MP for your perusal: https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/bug-621090/+merge/4047419:16
marsthanks benji19:17
salgadosinzui, I haven't been getting any UI reviews lately. is it just me or are devs not working on UI lately?19:22
sinzuiI have had only one request in 3 weeks, and I could not do it19:23
sinzuisalgado, I think lose of edge is causing us to rethink ui.19:24
salgadosinzui, why's that?19:25
sinzuiI think people are learning feature flags.19:26
sinzuiI think weeks 4 and 1 were busiest for UI because we need to get UI changes on edge.19:26
sinzuiSince UDS was on a week 1, we may have had a natural decline in UI requests19:27
salgadoyeah, that's possible19:28
sinzuisalgado,  my team is at the end of a feature. so we have less UI work, but expect a lot in a few weeks19:28
sinzuithe code team will get a lot in a few weeks too because they will hack on blueprints19:29
salgadosinzui, cool, I'm looking forward to some UI reviews.19:31
sinzuiYou will get lots. henninge, you, and myself are the UI reviewers19:33
jtvmars: hope you'll be able to get to my branch, because the next OCR shift is probably yours truly!19:42
marsjtv, :)19:44
marsjtv, I was just looking at it19:44
marsjtv, isn't it three in the morning for you right now?19:44
jtvmars: just about :)19:49
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thumperhttps://code.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/recipe-builds/+merge/40489 anyone?23:31

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