
coz_does anyone have contact information for either ivanka or chaotic?10:15
leoquantcoz_, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork?10:28
coz_leoquant,   ok I will check it out  ,, thanks :)10:29
leoquant: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ivanka10:29
leoquantsearch option via launchpad10:29
coz_ivanka,   I do most of the graphics for compiz  and am on the cairo -dock team ,, I have an idea for the compiz/ubnity logo -icon  ,,, where can I submit it?10:32
ivankacoz_ Good morning, I suggest emailing it to the artwork mailing list. Let's have a look and then help you direct it further10:39
coz_ivanka,    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/compiz-unity.tar.gz10:39
coz_ivanka,  its a quick idea for the logo   ...certainly not final10:40
ivankahey coz_ am in a meeting now so can't look at the link - send it to the mailing list and then we can all look at it together and it won't get lost in my IRC logs :-)10:47
coz_ivanka,  ok sounds like a plan ,, thanks :)10:47
ivankacoz_ np10:48
* thorwil wonders what iainfarrell does with the invigorate blueprint17:23
iainfarrellthorwil: need not worry, things are happening but I'm up to my neck getting all our outputs from UDS arranged17:25
iainfarrellactually though17:25
iainfarrellnow I'm here17:25
iainfarrellis doctormo about?17:25
doctormoiainfarrell: he is17:25
iainfarrellsplendid, hello chap, you mentioned some research you'd done17:25
iainfarrelland we were going to get that together before we created a new questionnaire17:26
iainfarrellIvanka's back in the office at the end of the week17:26
thorwiliainfarrell: heh, just puzzled me you would go to the length of editing, just to remove the majik! ;)17:26
iainfarrellbut we could have this ready to start looking at17:26
doctormoAh yes the community-team poll17:26
iainfarrellahh yeah17:26
iainfarrellher username was wrong17:26
doctormoiainfarrell: There was a rumour that some people in the design team were leaving.17:29
thorwili hope i can put some time aside to further develop my thoughts on this. i'm wondering if tiddlywiki or a docbook document in a bzr branch would be a good approach for conception and requirements17:29
iainfarrellOr at least, I don't know yet :)17:29
iainfarrelltiddlywiki is a difficult one from a versioning POV17:30
iainfarrelland it's still a wiki :)17:30
doctormothorwil: There is a few requirements from the ux team too, they want similr things.17:30
thorwildoctormo: i was under the impression that quite  a number of people did leave, so maybe that rumour is based on that and just comes late?17:31
doctormo*shrug* best not to speculate.17:31
iainfarrellguys, I have to leave a bit early17:32
iainfarrellbut catch you tomorrow :)17:32
thorwiliainfarrell: i assumed tiddlywiki would be close enough to plain text to work in versioning, but havn't looked into it, yet17:32
thorwiliainfarrell: have a nice evening!17:32
iainfarrellthorwil: isn't the issue that only one person can really edit at once17:32
iainfarrellon a single area17:32
iainfarrelland wiki markup can be hard for people17:32
doctormobye iainfarrell17:33
thorwiliainfarrell: all reasons i don't wan to use *the* wiki. tiddlywiki is an "offline" in-file wiki17:33
thorwildoctormo: could you expand on "requirements from the ux team"?17:34
doctormothorwil: website to post mockups, design dicussions etc.17:34
thorwildoctormo: ah, ok. i though you referred to the how of documenting the design of the site itself17:35
doctormono, just that there is a need there.17:37
doctormoI need to fill more out17:47
doctormoThe data is on my hdd somewhere17:47
* thorwil subscribes to the wiki page18:07
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coz_mm I think I may be far to  "protective" of my work... maybe too much so I cant work within a team :)22:02
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