
blahdeblahHi folks, way off-topic i know, but can anyone point me to the right place on the ABS web site where i can download a list of towns in Queensland and their total population?00:27
ptlblahdeblah: maybe you can ask that in ##australia00:40
sagaciVK7HSE: sorry, do you resell the stickers, or do I have to buy them from overseas01:12
VK7HSEOh he/she be gone, but no I don't ;)02:27
carybHi Scott04:58
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kaushalcan someone please comment on my post in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2010-November/233969.html05:27
kaushalchecking in again for my query ?06:15
VK7HSEkaushal: are ye still there ?06:59
kaushalVK7HSE: yes07:01
kaushalVK7HSE: do you have any clue about my issue ?07:02
VK7HSEkaushal: Ok can you open a terminal, and then type the name of the application ... it should give some text back as to why it's (the program) fails to load..07:03
kaushalVK7HSE: when i type firefox in CLI it works fine07:03
kaushalthe issue occurs when i try to launch it from Menu 07:04
kaushalnothing of the programs launch via menu07:04
VK7HSESo have you been deleting any hidden files ? namely .profile ?07:05
VK7HSEscrap that, your X session would coplain bitterly if it was missing stuff or only had partial info it needs..07:06
kaushalyou mean ls -la /home/user/.profile ?07:06
VK7HSEthat will tell you the file properties...07:07
kaushali didnot understand07:09
kaushalwhat next to be done ?07:09
VK7HSEHow recent has this been an issue ? like has it only started since a recent update, or has it been like it for a while07:10
jferyou could try simply purging the package then reinstalling it. this should resolve most configuration issues.07:10
kaushalit worked fine till last week but stop functioning this week07:10
kaushalnothing weird in logs07:11
kaushaleither daemon.log or syslog or dmesg 07:11
VK7HSEjfer: purging doesn't remove any customisations that reside in the user home dir. so it may still exist...07:11
jferyes true, but it would narrow the problem down to this07:13
VK7HSEkaushal: Do you have the testing & backports enabled in synaptic ?07:14
kaushalVK7HSE: yes07:17
VK7HSEkaushal: what version of ubuntu are you using? (I'm a Debian user these days!)07:18
nisshhkaushal, oh, if you want a stable desktop you should disable the testing and backports repos07:20
VK7HSEok, So if I'm understanding the issue, you attempt to launch a program from the menu and it simply doesn't start..07:20
kaushalVK7HSE: yes07:20
nisshhkaushal, can you right click on the menu in the top left and hit edit menu please07:20
nisshh(i think that still works anyway)07:21
kaushalwhat next ?07:21
nisshhkaushal, ok, now find, say, the firefox launcher in there, and double click it07:21
nisshhin the dialog that pops up07:22
kaushalnext ?07:22
nisshhgot it?07:22
nisshhok, once you double click it07:22
nisshha dialog box should open07:22
kaushalyes it opened07:22
nisshhlook for the 'command' field07:22
nisshhwhat does it say in there for firefox?07:23
kaushalfirefox %u07:23
nisshhthats fine07:23
nisshhand firefox doesnt launch in the menu?07:23
kaushalplease give me a moment07:23
VK7HSEnisshh: thatks dude ;)07:23
VK7HSE*thanks even!07:24
nisshhVK7HSE, no probs, i just thought that might be the issue, apparently not though07:24
VK7HSEthat's what I was about to go into, but ya beat me to it ...07:24
nisshhah ok :)07:24
nisshhVK7HSE, i suspect its because kaushal has testing and backports enabled07:25
nisshhit then updated the menu's package which possible introduced a new bug07:25
nisshhor something along those lines07:25
VK7HSEI had this happen back on Hardy, but I'm buggered what was the cause now... that maybe possible, but there isn't much content going into those repos now though ...07:26
VK7HSEkaushal: at worst, if you can't get it resolved simply backup all your data from your home directory and re-install ... sometimes that's just quicker than tearing hair out trying to find what has/did go wrong ;)07:30
kaushalvery true07:31
nisshhkaushal, also, if you end up doing that, upgrade to 10.10 at the same time :)07:31
kaushalis there a way to know what all repositories has been enabled ?07:31
* VK7HSE Or Debian! :)07:31
kaushalor just peek it in sources.list ?07:31
VK7HSEkaushal: by default the backports and testing are disabled ...07:32
nisshhVK7HSE, lol, i dont like debian :|07:32
VK7HSEnisshh: but you use ubuntu right ? :P07:32
kaushalthe release cycle if Debian is slow07:32
VK7HSEI'm on sid as I develop ..07:33
kaushalonce in every 2 years07:33
VK7HSEerr maintain is the correct term!07:33
kaushalnisshh: any clue07:33
nisshhVK7HSE, yeah, but debian configures sudo all strange, and all the packages are outdated unless you use testing or unstable or whatever07:33
nisshhkaushal, hmmmm? any clue as to what?07:33
kaushalI mean about repositories ?07:34
kaushalbackport or testing ?07:34
nisshhVK7HSE, and debians choice of default apps is meh07:34
nisshhkaushal, what about them?07:34
kaushalto see if its enables07:34
darkrosenisshh: ubuntu = testing + random bloat07:35
kaushalwhere can i see the setting07:35
VK7HSEnisshh: no Debian simply doesn't configure the first account and make it GOD! all ya have to do is include the user in the adm/admin group and sudoers list in /etc and your done! ... anyhoow! I'm diverging off the topic ...07:35
VK7HSEdarkrose: :)07:35
nisshhVK7HSE, oohhhh :)07:35
nisshhdarkrose, hehe, i agree with you there, im still in the market for an alternative to GNOME07:36
nisshhstill havent found one07:36
VK7HSEnisshh: and Ubuntu's choice of Unity is.... err well lets say bloody stupid! ... :D 07:36
darkrosefluxbox ftw!07:36
nisshhVK7HSE, i have mixed feelings on that front07:36
nisshhdarkrose, no, not fluxbox :)07:37
VK7HSEnisshh: KDE if you have 16 cores and a gazllion GB of RAM !!!07:37
nisshhkaushal, in 10.04.1 open a terminal and execute this: software-properties-gtk07:37
* VK7HSE has to go don the chef's cap and burn some chops on the BBQ ... BBL07:37
nisshhVK7HSE, in my experience KDE is about the same as GNOME in resource usage07:38
darkrosecya VK7HSE 07:38
nisshhcya VK7HSE 07:38
nisshhdarkrose, will you help me on thy quest for a better window manager/desktop environment?07:39
darkrosefluxbox, quest complete07:40
nisshhshould have figured07:41
darkrosework out what you want, then write one07:41
nisshhoh yeah07:41
nisshhthatll take me all of 5 minutes07:41
darkrosewould it take any longer than trying to find the perfect wm from what already exists?07:42
head_victimnisshh: lubuntu would probably do the trick on your machine07:43
head_victimNice mix of easy to use and light07:43
nisshhhead_victim, yeah, ive tried it but i hate the bar at the bottom, it reminds me of windows :)07:43
head_victimHah move it?07:44
nisshhapart from that i love lubuntu though07:44
nisshhoh you can move it now?07:44
head_victimDidn't know there was a time you couldn't move it07:44
head_victimI've only used it for the last couple of months though07:44
* nisshh shrugs07:44
darkrosenisshh: try `apt-get remove xorg-server`07:45
nisshhdarkrose, lol, take me for a fool do you?07:45
nisshhwait, dont answer that07:45
head_victimIt's the only thing that made sense on this 2.4 celeron. That being said I've just splurged on a 3.0 ht intel cpu for this instead.07:45
nisshhhead_victim, lol07:45
nisshhhead_victim, i have tried heaps: window maker, wm2, windowlab, xmonad, xfce, kde, gnome, dwm, awesome, etc07:46
kaushalnisshh: that was meant for you07:46
nisshhkaushal, looking07:46
head_victimnisshh: yeah I did a bunch in VMs to try and work out what I wanted.07:46
darkrosenisshh just hasn't worked out why fluxbox is perfect for him yet07:47
nisshhdarkrose, oh? do tell07:47
nisshhhead_victim, yeah, its a tough decision :)07:47
nisshhi did stick with wmii for a few weeks at one point but got annoyed and went back to gnome07:48
head_victimnisshh: I just wanted something similar enough to gnome so that I didn't have to have 2 separate systems connected side by side via synergy.07:48
nisshhah yeah07:48
head_victimIt was weird having something like fluxbox and gnome side by side.07:49
nisshhlol, i bet07:49
nisshhkaushal, whats that from? a logfile?07:49
nisshhi might try DR17 again, i havent tried that for about 3 cycles07:51
=== krups_v2 is now known as krups
kaushalnisshh: you around ?08:42
nisshhkaushal, yep, sorry i was just trying out a desktop environment08:42
nisshhkaushal, whats up?08:42
kaushalthat was from .xsession-errors08:43
kaushalthe one which i pastebin it08:43
nisshhah ok08:43
nisshhdoesnt seem to be anything in there that i can see would affect your menu08:43
kaushalso i think now its better to reinstall OS08:43
nisshhbut im no linux guru08:43
kaushalinstead of wasting time08:44
nisshhkaushal, i would08:44
nisshhkaushal, need a link to the right ISO?08:44
nisshhkaushal, you want 10.10 standard desktop? 32bit?08:44
blahdeblah nisshh: Did you end up trying icewm?08:44
kaushalits buggy actually08:44
kaushali would endorse 10.04 LTS08:45
nisshhblahdeblah, i think i have, didnt like it heaps from what i remember08:45
nisshhkaushal, most of us are on 10.10, it has been stable for ages08:45
* blahdeblah is not!08:45
nisshhkaushal, and it was released as a stable release weeks ago08:45
* darkrose isn't either08:45
nisshhi said MOST OF US dammit! :)08:46
darkrose4 active users, 1 on 10.10... 1 out of 4 is most ?08:47
nisshhdarkrose, meh, i meant most of the people in the channel not the ones trying to prove me wrong08:47
head_victim+1 on 10.1008:47
head_victimBut I also have a 10.04 and a 8.0408:47
blahdeblah"Everyone who counts loves 10.04!"08:48
head_victimAww nisshh and I don't count :/08:48
blahdeblahnisshh: I just substitute the default GNOME window manager for icewm. In all other respects mine is a standard GNOME desktop.08:48
nisshhi LOVED 10.04 :)08:49
head_victimblahdeblah: hey the local repo thing you were thinking of, did you already have a spare nas you were going to use?08:49
blahdeblahhead_victim: no08:49
head_victimblahdeblah: I've run a test on my home connection and have over 50gb in a few hours so I think it's viable.08:49
blahdeblahI just created a 450 GB jfs and was rsyncing into it.08:49
nisshhblahdeblah, yeah, ill try it again, i cant remember08:49
blahdeblahhead_victim: cool08:49
blahdeblahIt took me about 2-3 days to get 110 GB before i stopped.08:50
head_victimblahdeblah: I think it's a really good idea actually, would have helped out someone who emailed me offlist from the wiki page the other week.08:50
blahdeblahIf you've got cable and unmetered traffic to aarnet, it would probably work pretty well.08:50
head_victimAnyone have any suggestions on brand/model for a relatively cheap 2 hdd slot nas with half decent output?08:51
head_victimblahdeblah: that's exactly my setup :)08:51
blahdeblahhead_victim: My main server is Debian running on a QNAP TS-219P08:51
nisshhhead_victim, i could post to Planet Ubuntu if you like?08:51
blahdeblahnisshh: I can do that too - my feed works now08:51
blahdeblahnisshh: Whoops - just realised you weren't talking to me08:52
head_victimAh I have a deskop quad core 2.33 as my main "server"08:52
head_victimFeel free guys08:52
blahdeblahI'm trying to downsize my power requirements08:52
blahdeblahQNAP uses 21 W max08:52
head_victimI was looking into that but I wanted something that I could do other things with it as well like game server and stuff.08:53
head_victimI just know a lot of the cheaper nas's (like external caddies) have pretty poor network performance.08:54
blahdeblahThere's a core 2 duo version08:54
head_victimSo I was looking for personal experiences if possible.08:54
blahdeblahIt's just dearer08:54
head_victimNo throughput that I can see though08:56
nisshhhead_victim, any specific features you would like besides 2 hard drive capacity?08:57
head_victimnisshh: not that I can really think of. As long as it can sit on a network and act as a repository.08:57
blahdeblahnisshh: My laptop with icewm running: http://libertysys.com.au/node/8808:57
nisshhhead_victim, ok08:57
nisshhblahdeblah, oh, very nice08:58
head_victimSo I guess that will need some sort of web server software.08:58
blahdeblahnisshh: I'm a minimalist - i just like the things i use regularly right at hand, and maximum room for terminal, browser, and email windows.08:59
blahdeblahPlus i use fixed tasks for each of the 12 virtual desktops - games on 1, email on 2, password manager on 3, etc.08:59
nisshhblahdeblah, i do a similar thing, i like: 1 - web, 2 - irc, 3 - music, 4 - misc09:00
* darkrose has email/irc in a tabbed window on screen 2 for all desktops09:01
nisshhdarkrose, two screens is completely different09:02
nisshhblahdeblah, what application is the sheep icon?09:03
blahdeblahnisshh: workrave - forces periodic rest breaks09:06
nisshhblahdeblah, ah, ive heard of that :)09:06
head_victimThat's the one thing I miss about smoking. Forced rest breaks.09:08
blahdeblahhead_victim: Workrave is healthier :-)09:08
darkrosepfft, 100% of non-smokers die, therefore, smoking is healthy09:09
head_victimPlus it apparently has a cute sheep icon. What more could you ask for09:09
blahdeblahdarkrose: Spoken like a true addict ;-)09:09
blahdeblahSo who-all is going to linux.conf.au?09:09
nisshhdarkrose, the difference is we dont have a hard life and we can usually run more than 10 feet before collapsing :)09:10
nisshhblahdeblah, im not09:10
darkrosenisshh: who needs to run when you've got a computer?09:10
head_victimblahdeblah: I'm going, decided to not volunteer either so I can spend time getting to sus things out.09:11
* blahdeblah just realises he's missed out on the early bird bookings by 1 day. :-(09:11
head_victimThey spent too much time bbuggering around with details for volunteering09:11
blahdeblahThat's right - i was going to volunteer.09:11
nisshhdarkrose, good point, but what if the cops chase you when you try and hack into FBI servers?09:11
darkrosenisshh you worthless newbcaek, 'hack'? tch tch09:12
nisshhdarkrose, oh sorry, did i just annoy a gentoo user?09:13
blahdeblahUnforgivable, nisshh!  We only call malicious breakins "crack" around here.09:13
blahdeblahnisshh: Calling things the right thing is no laughing matter, young man! >:o09:15
* nisshh goes and cries in the corner09:15
blahdeblahAnd don't come out until breakfast!09:16
* blahdeblah goes on a workrave-enforced break - might not be back tonight. Have fun folks!09:17
head_victimNight blahdeblah meeting in nearly 2 hours though09:17
=== locobot_2_2 is now known as locobot_2
=== quail_linux is now known as quail
MoLE_nisshh, are you still chairing?10:01
nisshhMoLE_, yep10:02
nisshhMoLE_, you know the meeting isnt for another hour right?10:02
MoLE_no sorry, I thought it was 2100 AEST10:03
nisshhMoLE_, oh you thought it was now?10:03
MoLE_yep, sorry10:03
MoLE_someone forgot to change the topic10:04
nisshhMoLE_, thats fine, its only an hour away :)10:04
nisshhlol, your right :)10:04
nisshhoh wait10:04
MoLE_I am? Sweeet10:04
nisshh2100 AEST is right10:04
nisshhnot wrong :)10:04
nisshhMoLE_, 2100 AEST is 9PM10:05
nisshhwhich is right10:05
darkroseAEST != AEDT10:05
nisshhoh yeah10:05
nisshhi forgot about daylight savings10:05
nisshhdarkrose, we dont have it here, so i get confused10:05
darkroseneither do we10:05
sagaciis the meeting now10:05
nisshhsagaci, no, its in an hour10:06
darkroseno, it's at 9pm10:06
sagaciah ok, always getting it wrong10:06
nisshhdarkrose, i thought every state except WA has it?10:06
MoLE_nisshh, and the NT and Qld10:06
sagaciqld don't10:06
nisshhoh, bugger me10:06
MoLE_actually less than half the country has daylight savings10:06
sagaciit's ok, i just hate adjusting to it10:07
MoLE_+1 sagaci 10:07
sagaciit goes for too many months10:07
darkroseyou lot should start pushing to have it abollished10:07
MoLE_so, given that it is 2100 AEST and that's when the meeting is supposed to start, can we get started?10:07
darkroseit's 2000 AEST10:08
darkroseyou're confusing AEST with AEDT10:08
sagaciit's 2108 AEDST10:08
darkroseand if you read the topic it says GMT+1010:09
sagaciwell what's qld's time atm?10:09
MoLE_This is doing my head in :P10:09
nisshhnow i kind of get it10:09
darkroseso, it's an hour away10:09
nisshhGMT + 10 is non-DST10:10
darkroseyep, standard time10:10
MoLE_my apologies for being dense10:10
MoLE_BBL then10:11
head_victimI hate time zones10:11
darkrosehead_victim: me too10:11
darkrosewe should all just stick to utc10:11
darkroseor stardates10:11
MoLE_It seem strange that it's currently later in Adelaide than in Brisbane.10:11
sagacianyone else going to lca10:12
MoLE_sagaci, hoping to.  I think it's on the agenda for tonight10:12
head_victimsagaci: I am10:12
head_victimBooked and paid for10:12
sagaciYeah, i've booked and paid, just sorting out accommodation with urbanest10:13
head_victimI live 50 - 10 min drive from the site so I'm staying at home ;)10:13
head_victim5-10 sorry10:13
sagacifair enough, is it your first lca10:14
head_victimYep, figured I was only likely to afford it when it was in Brisbane10:14
MoLE_I have to say I'm a bit disappointed in the topics.  There doesn't seem to be much for the newbies10:14
sagaciyeah, which I am. :>... but anyway, I'm just happy to go and hear the technical spatters10:15
MoLE_I will probably bring the family along for the open day10:17
head_victimThe tutorials are all still TBA, hoping some of them come through10:17
head_victimI'm also hoping we can have a booth at the open day but I need someone with some experence helping/guiding.10:18
MoLE_head_victim, I can help you if I can get there10:19
MoLE_I've not done booth promotion but I can make it up as I go along...10:22
sagacihead_victim: free stickers?10:22
head_victimHah yeah I'm willing to be a "I'll be there and talk and take photos" but I wouldn't mind some guidance in what to take how many people we'll need,e tc.10:23
head_victimsagaci: well I was hoping if we had enough support we could write to the shipit people and ply our story even though we aren't an approved team anymore. If we were approved we'd have access to all sorts of goodies.10:23
head_victimHence why I was trying to pre plan.10:24
head_victimBUT that would need to happen asap to allow for delivery.10:24
MoLE_head_victim, yep, Christmas getting in the way now.10:32
head_victimMoLE_: indeed :/10:33
MoLE_I've been waiting a month for an android tablet to come from HK.10:35
head_victimnisshh: 20 minute out ping!10:37
nisshhhead_victim, thanks, dinner is in a few minutes but i can eat and IRC at the same time :)10:38
head_victimnisshh: no worries mate10:38
head_victimI should put some food on for myself.10:39
blahdeblahnisshh: Dude, what timezone are you in?  It's practically bed time here! :-)10:39
nisshhblahdeblah, GMT + 810:39
head_victimblahdeblah: you're still here :) I had a thought for our loco nas box. I'm getting a new cpu for this machine so what if I just turned this 2.4 celeron inside a rackmount case (with handles to make it semi-portable) and just used that?10:40
blahdeblahhead_victim: Sounds big10:41
nisshhblahdeblah, south of Perth but same time zone10:41
head_victimYeah it's a normal desktop size it's what I have all my pc's in now.10:41
head_victimI was trying to reduce overheads.10:41
nisshhhead_victim, we should call you "The Rack Guy"10:43
nisshhquail, ping10:44
head_victimnisshh: well I was given 4 racks of varying heights, and bought 10 rackmount cases for somewhere under 80 bucks a hit so I guess I just use what I have? :P10:44
nisshhhead_victim, yeah, true :)10:44
blahdeblahMy QNAP is only 150 x 102 x 216 mm http://www.qnap.com/pro_detail_hardware.asp?p_id=12210:45
head_victimThey're heavy as but at least with handles built in they're reasonably easy to move (the cases that is)10:45
blahdeblahnisshh: He's definitely the rack guy.  ;-)10:45
head_victimblahdeblah: wanna buy one for the loco then? :P10:45
nisshhblahdeblah, hehe10:45
blahdeblahWhat loco?  :-P10:45
head_victimblahdeblah: true you've seen the cases.10:45
quailnisshh: pong10:45
blahdeblahI reckon a laptop with a 640 GB hard disk would be the go.10:45
nisshhquail, you going to be attending the meeting that starts in 15 minutes?10:46
head_victimThose black ones in the racks that were here, that would be the case. I'm open to other smaller options but can't see a cheaper option.10:46
quailnisshh: am I needed?10:46
nisshhquail, no, but the more people we get, the more discussion we can have10:46
nisshhlast meeting we only had 7 people or something10:47
quailnisshh: I find it hard to keep up with irc meetings10:47
nisshhelky, VK7HSE, krups ^^^^^10:47
* blahdeblah is feeling like cr@p - fighting a gut infection10:47
nisshhquail, what do you mean?10:47
darkroseget a $50 laptop from ebay, add a usb external hard drive to it10:47
quailnisshh: my dyslexia10:48
nisshhquail, ah ok10:48
head_victimWell I could use that laptop you donated to me blahdeblah and get a usb drive?10:48
blahdeblahUgh - i had hoped that laptop was dead by now...10:48
head_victimblahdeblah: haha nah it runs fine. I have Lubuntu on it now10:49
head_victimIt just doesn't play Urban Terror otherwise it would have been PERFECT for what I needed.10:49
head_victimI'm waiting for Telstra to whinge at me. I'm 100gb into the repositories.10:52
head_victimIf I drop offline.....10:53
blahdeblahWhy would they whinge?  I thought aarnet was quota-free...10:53
nisshhhead_victim, i had my first telstra dropout since i switched to openDNS yesterday10:53
head_victimIt is but surely there is something to do with their AUP somewhere.10:53
nisshhmy net dropped out 3 times yesterday10:53
blahdeblahI wouldn't have thought the AUP had anything about quota free sites in it.10:54
head_victimnisshh: I had an "upgrade" in the exchange yesterday so I had to use wireless and then had 3 dropouts today. I assume they were linked.10:54
sagacihead_victim: i've downloaded 200gb in a day off aarnet10:54
head_victimsagaci: ok I'm safe then was worried.10:54
nisshhhead_victim, probably10:54
head_victimIt should only hit 4-500 gb I *think* from then on it's only updates which will be heaps less.10:54
sagacihave you got that new telstra ultimate usb10:54
head_victimNah, cable and a home network gateway on wireless.10:55
nisshhlast month i saved nearly 7GB's of bandwidth because i use aarnet, its so sweet! :)10:55
head_victimnisshh: I'm over 100gb into it in the last 12 or so hours ;)10:55
nisshhheh, nice :)10:55
sagacii'm glad it's unmetered, i'm only on the 50gb adsl2 but it's make a big difference if they metered it10:55
head_victimGetting 3 - 4 MB/s depending on filesize I think.10:55
sagaciwish i was near cable10:56
jferhead_victim: what are you downloading that is 100GB. the whole ubuntu mirror??10:56
head_victimjfer: actually, yes.10:56
sagacierr, how are you doing it10:56
head_victimblahdeblah: had an awesome idea that if we held local tech meetings it would be nice to have a local mirror.10:57
head_victimsagaci: yeah10:57
sagacihow long do you think it'll take10:57
head_victimI found http://adinugro.blogspot.com/2007/09/mirroring-repository-using-rsync.html10:57
head_victimsagaci: depends I have only been running it while at the pc so far. If I leave it over night should be done tomorrow at this rate.10:57
blahdeblahhead_victim: Don't forget free wifi too!  :-)10:57
sagaciyeah, are you doing everything10:57
jferok i will make a note of that as i will be setting up a network with ubuntu next year10:57
sagaciiso's, releases etc10:58
nisshhbrb in 5 minutes, i just need to hang out some washing10:58
head_victimblahdeblah: hah well if it were here I'd probably open the AP for the afternoon10:58
head_victimBut yeah, I was thinking a library might have what we need?>10:58
head_victimI guess it depends on how many want to come.10:59
blahdeblahMostly libraries have crappy wifi, though11:00
head_victimI haven't been to one in 10+ years :/11:01
MoLE_time for a meeting yet?11:02
head_victimnisshh: should be back any minute11:02
firtvid20Yay! Got a new hard drive, now I can has bigger Ubuntu partition11:02
blahdeblahMy crappy ADSL2+ is syncing at 4219 Kbps - max download from iiNet mirror 500 KB/s :-(11:03
head_victimblahdeblah: my condolences 11:03
jferhead_victim:what speeds are you getting?11:03
head_victimI have seen a max of 4.2 MB/s11:04
head_victimTo aarnet.11:04
nisshhok, im here11:05
nisshhim back rather11:05
nisshhshall we start?11:05
jferyes indeed11:05
blahdeblahGo for it11:05
MootBotMeeting started at 05:06. The chair is nisshh.11:06
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]11:06
* blahdeblah goes to get vegemite11:06
nisshhmeeting agenda is here:11:06
nisshh[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Meetings11:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Meetings 11:06
nisshhfirst topic is:11:07
nisshh[TOPIC] Monthly Reports11:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Monthly Reports 11:07
nisshhhead_victim, take it away11:07
head_victimWell one of the main things holding us back I feel is documentation11:08
head_victimSo I was willing to step up and offer time to organise the wiki monthly report as described at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamsBestPracticesandGuidelines11:08
MootBotLINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamsBestPracticesandGuidelines 11:09
head_victimThe only thing is people need to have input into events/etc, much like the website it's only as good as what people are willing to contribute.11:09
head_victimObviously there would be collaboration with our web team ( blahdeblah )11:09
head_victimSo that's what I wanted to say, ideas from the floor as to if this is worth the time?11:10
MoLE_+1 from /me - would be willing to contribute11:10
nisshhwhile we get ideas from others, can i also get a headcount as to who is here?11:10
* darkrose is here11:10
nisshhhead_victim, i would be willing to help also11:11
* darkrose also agrees it's generally a good idea11:11
nisshhjfer, sagaci, firtvid20, you here?11:11
head_victimSo I guess if I work on "building it" in the hopes "they will come" ?11:12
darkroseheh, sounds like the best approach head_victim 11:12
jferi think that if we want to regain offical LoCo status it is important11:12
nisshhi agree11:12
* game2 is here11:12
* MoLE_ proposes that we accept head_victim 11:13
* blahdeblah wonders when he became the web team11:13
nisshhblahdeblah, when you got listed on the wiki11:13
head_victimblahdeblah: you're on the wiki as an admin sorry11:13
jferwhat are the benefits of being an official LoCo?11:13
blahdeblahthere are 2 other people there...11:13
nisshhjfer, well, we get listed as such11:13
darkrosebut not here11:13
MoLE_or should I say head_victim's suggestion that we implement a monthly report11:13
nisshhjfer, and we get support from canonical11:14
jferin terms of?11:14
MoLE_schwag I think11:14
nisshhjfer, we have access to downloadable stickers and other resources, etc11:14
head_victimCDs and schwag.11:14
nisshhok then11:15
jferwell if we want to further promote the use of Ubuntu in Australia this is something we should definitely consider11:15
head_victimSounds like a plan then. I'll get on it and mail the list with information when it's done?11:15
nisshh[ACTION] head_victim to head up the creation of a monthly report11:15
MootBotACTION received:  head_victim to head up the creation of a monthly report 11:15
nisshhhead_victim, sounds good11:16
jferare there any other outstanding issues that we need to deal with to get re-approved?11:16
head_victimjfer: that is one of the main ones11:16
nisshhwe discussed roles last meeting did we not?11:16
head_victimjfer: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-au/2010-May/006166.html11:16
head_victimnisshh: yes they're now documented as to who does what11:16
jferok thanks i was not present. sorry11:16
jferbut i will read the log11:17
nisshhhead_victim, ah yes, thats right11:17
head_victimjfer: no problems, the other thing was general activity levels and membership numbers.11:17
nisshhhead_victim, should we discuss those? or leave them till next meeting?11:18
head_victimjfer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Re-Approval that is the re-approval submission11:18
head_victimnisshh: I think when we get everything right elsewhere the membership numbers will follow11:18
jferwhen is the next chance to get re-approval?11:19
nisshhhead_victim, agreed11:19
head_victimjfer: there is no set date, we just have to show we meet the criteria.11:19
nisshhjfer, whenever we want i think11:19
MoLE_We apply when we're ready11:19
head_victimThe meetings have been a major step forward and I think with the monthly reports that will be another step and then all we need to do is document activites that go on.11:19
darkrosemeetings being dragged offtopic by non-agenda items = bad11:20
head_victimOk so my topic is over I think.11:20
head_victimnisshh: next?11:20
nisshh[TOPIC]Organized Events11:20
MootBotNew Topic: Organized Events 11:20
head_victimjfer: I can have a chat with you after the meeting regarding the reapproval process if you like, just so we keep to the agenda.11:21
nisshhso these are mostly mine, plus MoLE_ has one11:21
nisshhi WAS going to try and get kermiac_ here to talk about his bugjam idea11:21
nisshhbut he seems to be very busy right now11:21
nisshhso ill skip that11:22
MoLE_propose we defer to next meeting11:22
jferhead_victim:ok thanks11:22
nisshhMoLE_, agreed, or whenever i can get hold of kermiac_11:22
nisshhso i had an idea the other day11:22
firtvid20Organised events as in a community event?11:23
nisshhim considering getting our activity levels up by hosting a session on IRC (in #ubuntu-au)11:23
nisshhfirtvid20, yes11:23
nisshhwhere people can suggest things to have the session about before hand11:24
nisshhand the session goes for an hour11:24
firtvid20How frequent is this session11:24
nisshhwith 1 or 2 of us leading it11:24
MoLE_suggestions on the mailing list nisshh ?11:24
nisshhfirtvid20, i was thinking weekly or fortnightly11:24
jfersounds good to me11:24
nisshhMoLE_, yeah, that would be best11:24
head_victimnisshh: maybe liaise with someone in -classroom11:25
firtvid20I like the idea11:25
nisshhand of course maybe we could rotate so everyone gets a go at running one11:25
nisshhhead_victim, possibly11:25
jferi am keen to get started in development but i don't know where to start11:25
MoLE_I would suggest starting fortnightly with topics on the mailing list suggested up to 48 hours before, with the host announcing the topic to the mailing list.11:25
head_victimJust do them at times when it suits Aussies.11:25
nisshhhead_victim, i was thinking evening, that seems to suite most of us11:25
head_victimSure I'm sure the people in -classroom would be more than happy with it all11:26
nisshhas in a bit earlier than this11:26
firtvid20Like around just after dinner?11:26
nisshhhead_victim, only problem is finding a free time slot in classroom that suites us11:26
nisshhit tends to be busy11:26
MoLE_firtvid20, depends where you live in Aus11:26
head_victimnisshh: there hasn't been anything for days and weeks if you mean at a suitable time for us :)11:26
nisshhhead_victim, my point exactly11:27
blahdeblahSo what's -classroom about?11:27
head_victimAs in no classes11:27
darkrosefirtvid20: this is before dinner, so about an hour from now?11:27
nisshhblahdeblah, its where people can schedule and host sessions and its where open weeks and app week happen11:27
head_victimlink: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom11:27
* blahdeblah reads classroom wiki11:27
jfercould we start our own ubuntu-au classroom?11:27
MootBotLINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom 11:27
firtvid20It's about 10:30 in sydney11:28
nisshhjfer, i was thinking just use the main channel11:28
MoLE_jfer, we could, but it makes sense to use the existing infrastructure11:28
head_victimjfer: I suggest using the one in existence just organised it from within the loco at times that suit us that way everyone benefits11:28
jfersounds reasonable to me11:28
MoLE_using -classroom doesn't exclude non aussies then11:28
MoLE_if we set up our own room that might seem to be 'exclusive'11:29
nisshhand it would split our 2 current loco channels into 311:29
nisshhwhen we really only need 1 in the first place11:29
MoLE_I vote we aim to use -classroom at a time convenient for  Aussies11:29
head_victimMoLE_: I think that's the most sensible idea.11:29
nisshhMoLE_, look at the classroom schedule, its almost impossible to11:30
jferit seems to be unutilised at these times anyway for the most part11:30
head_victimThere is no activite there regularly11:30
head_victimI lurk there and it's rare to see an event11:30
nisshhfair enough then11:30
firtvid20What time zone are we going to base these -classroom meetings on?11:30
nisshhi would be happy to organise that then11:30
MoLE_There's almost nothing for the next 2 months in -classroom11:31
nisshhfirtvid20, probably AEST11:31
MoLE_firtvid20, I would suggest 2030 AEST11:31
jferdo we have anyone willing to run a session?11:31
head_victimnisshh: I think as a loco the best idea would be set up a wiki page for it with an ongoing schedule and advertise it through the mailing list and in conjunction with -classroom11:31
nisshh[ACTION]nisshh to organize sessions in -classroom11:31
MootBotACTION received: nisshh to organize sessions in -classroom 11:31
nisshhhead_victim, good idea11:32
head_victimThat way it's inclusive but also focussed for local users.11:32
nisshhjfer, i was going to do them, but i thought about maybe having a group of people who volunteer11:32
nisshhand we rotate and take turns depending on what the session is about11:32
nisshhanyone got anything else to add about that?11:33
head_victimnisshh: set up a wiki with a possible schedule of topics and send it to the list for feedback.11:33
nisshhhead_victim, yeah, ill do that right after the meeting11:33
MoLE_then we can all put our 2c worth in11:33
jferso are we going to aim this at both users and developers?11:33
MoLE_I hope so11:34
nisshhjfer, sure, i think a mix of both would be good11:34
firtvid20jfer: I'm guessing so11:34
head_victimjfer: I'd say so, I guess it depends on what people volunteer to do and what people want to attend11:34
nisshhanything else then?11:34
head_victimNope, next?11:34
nisshhMoLE_, your up next about localized material11:35
MoLE_Welp, back in the dim dark past, I had a crazy idea about adapting some of the spreadubuntu materials for the ubuntu-au LoCo.11:35
game2nisshh, localised  ;)11:35
nisshhgame2, thanks (grammar nazi :))11:36
* game2 puts dictionary away again11:36
MoLE_So with head_victim's help I have adapted a poster which darkrose kindly agreed to host temporarily.  I have finally completed the end product and emailed copies to head_victim and blahdeblah for final comments and hopefully posting on the website.11:37
nisshhMoLE_, keep going, im just checking on dinner11:37
blahdeblahMoLE_: Sorry about that - i can put it up now11:37
MoLE_Once we have a link up, I can post to the mailing list the URL.11:37
MoLE_As part of this idea, head_victim and I were tossing around the idea of providing a 'mail out' service of materials similar to what is happening with the local CD service.11:38
head_victimMoLE_: to this end I noticed today in the Ubuntu Newsletter that http://spreadubuntu.org/ is finally up.11:38
MoLE_http://spreadubuntu.org/en/material/poster/your-free-alternative-v2-ink-saving is the one I have adapted with head_victim's help11:39
MootBotLINK received:  http://spreadubuntu.org/en/material/poster/your-free-alternative-v2-ink-saving is the one I have adapted with head_victim's help 11:39
nisshhoh, so NOW mootbot recieves the link :)11:39
firtvid20And now Chrome opens up11:40
head_victimI think it has to be the start of the line11:40
MoLE_I'd love some ideas on which other posters could be adapted for ubuntu-au use and whether there would be any interest in the mailout service?11:40
nisshhMoLE_, looks good11:40
MoLE_I'm a bit more confident with scribus now and am willing to do some more work on this, time permitting.11:41
head_victimThere used to be a free sticker mail out so I'll ping elky to see if we can revive this to include stuff like that11:41
firtvid20MoLE_: So we can put them on telegraph poles now11:41
MoLE_firtvid20, if you so desire....11:41
blahdeblahI'd really like to see some style & grammar cleanups in that doco11:41
head_victimfirtvid20: I'd suggest places that are designed for posting of things like that.11:41
firtvid20Change the link from the uk site to au11:41
head_victimfirtvid20: that's what we've done.11:42
darkrosehttp://stuff.ltmnet.com/ubuntu/index.html was the changed copies MoLE_ sent me11:42
MootBotLINK received:  http://stuff.ltmnet.com/ubuntu/index.html was the changed copies MoLE_ sent me 11:42
MoLE_I'm happy to crowdsource appropriate grammar and style suggestions11:42
MoLE_and incorporate them11:42
* game2 reaches for dictionary again11:43
nisshhsounds good11:43
nisshhMoLE_, you could post to the mailing list too11:43
MoLE_happy to do that nisshh, as long as I don't offend anyone again :)11:43
firtvid20darkrose: Cool11:43
nisshhMoLE_, yeah11:44
nisshhanything else about what MoLE_ is doing then?11:45
MoLE_I'm looking for suggestions for material to adapt basically.  I'm not a designer.11:45
jferi would recommend uploading the changed versions to spreadubuntu.org11:45
MoLE_jfer of course11:46
nisshh+1 jfer11:46
jferok just thought i would be sure you are going to do that11:46
nisshhok, shall we move on?11:46
head_victimSounds good11:46
MoLE_'twould be nice to have a collection of material we can all use that we actually want to use11:47
nisshhheh, yeah11:47
head_victimMoLE_: yeah would make it easier for everyone.11:47
head_victimMoLE_: would a wiki page with links be useful?11:47
nisshh[TOPIC]LCA 201111:47
MootBotNew Topic: LCA 2011 11:47
nisshhhead_victim, yours again11:47
head_victimOk I was hoping it would Link that11:47
* nisshh slaps mootbot11:48
MootBotLINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/LCA2011Brisbane 11:48
nisshhi have to do its job for it :)11:48
head_victimBut yes, I will be going and was wondering if anyone else was. The goal here would be to have a booth at the open day and possibly some sort of other Ubuntu-AU social gathering.11:48
head_victimIt's not often we have lots of us all in the one city so I thought it would be good to make use of it.11:48
nisshh... with IRC displayed in a giant screen11:49
blahdeblahMoLE_: How do you want this uploaded?  Do you want the PDFs downloadable separately from the source tarball?11:49
head_victimI was thinking we might be able to make a plea to canonical for a conference pack of schwag despite being currently not approved if we can get enough people wanting to help out with the open day11:49
MoLE_blahdeblah, sounds good to have separate.  I just wrapped them in the same tarball for convenience.11:49
MoLE_If I can't get there I'd be happy to donate some schwag11:50
nisshhhead_victim, a good idea11:50
MoLE_to give out11:50
nisshhso, who else is going to LCA in brisbane?11:50
jferi will be11:51
blahdeblahMoLE_: OK - will put them as separate downloads from the tarball11:51
nisshhdarkrose, are you going to LCA?11:51
head_victimThe problem is timing, we'd have to organise this well in advance and time for that is running out. We currenlty only have 4 people interested in the idea on the wiki and I don't think that will convince anyone of anything.11:51
jferi was talking to head_victim about it earlier11:51
blahdeblahnisshh: I'll be going11:51
firtvid20I'd like to go, but I'm in Sydney11:51
jferthere is a section in the table for those attending now11:52
nisshhi would go if i lived closer :)11:52
head_victimSo again, events like this will definitely help in re-approval and also in improving membership numbers.11:53
darkrosenisshh: dunno, too far away (time wise) for me to be thinking about it11:53
nisshhhead_victim, problem is, we dont have anything else as major as LCA :(11:53
nisshhdarkrose, fair enough11:53
head_victimnisshh: no but there are lots of university open days, local conferences, etc that could all do with our presence.11:54
jferbut i am sure from the knowledge we gain there we can run sessions for the broader ubuntu-au community11:54
head_victimUbuntu-AU is not just about user support but should also focus heavily on community engagement.11:54
MoLE_Brisbane does seem to have the highest concentration of members11:54
jferi seem to be the only member in my region11:55
nisshhjfer, same with me11:55
firtvid20jfer: Which one?11:55
jferSunshine Coast11:55
nisshhjfer, i appear to be the only active member in the whole of WA :(11:55
nisshhok, anything else before we wrap up?11:56
head_victimOk so back on topic. I'll email the list again in a call for volunteers but unless we get more people signing up I'm not certain we can achieve a presence at the open day.11:56
blahdeblahMoLE_: Do you have any promotional text written for these brochures?11:56
MoLE_blahdeblah, not as yet, but I can probably come up with some.11:56
blahdeblahhead_victim: Where & when is the promotional day?11:56
jfer[LINK] http://lca2011.linux.org.au/programme/open_day11:57
MootBotLINK received:  http://lca2011.linux.org.au/programme/open_day 11:57
head_victimJust beat me to it11:57
* MoLE_ suspect mootbot doesn't like https links11:57
firtvid20MoLE_: LOL11:57
jferi used the link command11:57
head_victimBut yes, it's held on the Saturday immediately following th econference11:57
MoLE_jfer, I noticed 11:57
jferi don't know if i will still be around for open day yet11:58
nisshhanything else?11:58
blahdeblahUploading the brochure now, MoLE_11:58
MoLE_thx blahdeblah 11:58
blahdeblahUpload seems slow...11:59
head_victimnisshh: looks like it's right on time for the hour. I think I've covered what I needed.11:59
nisshhill take that as a no11:59
nisshhhead_victim, ok, cool11:59
MoLE_thank you for chairing nisshh 11:59
MootBotMeeting finished at 05:59.11:59
nisshhMoLE_, no problem :)11:59
nisshhMoLE_, me and head_victim are liking this taking turns thing11:59
head_victimNext meeting will be Tuesday 14th December everyone12:00
head_victimMark you calendars/diaries now.12:00
firtvid20head_victim: Ok12:00
MoLE_I've had some experience chairing meetings but not on IRC .  I might give it a go in the new year12:00
firtvid20Just 11 days before Christmas :D12:00
darkrosethat's 2100 AEST GMT+10!!!!!12:00
MoLE_thanks darkrose :)12:01
=== head_victim changed the topic of #ubuntu-au to: Welcome to the Official Australian Ubuntu LoCo Team channel! - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/IRC || Next Team Meeting: Tues 14/12/10 2100 AEST (GMT+10) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Meetings || Team home: http://ubuntu.org.au || #ubuntu-au-chat now open for non-ubuntu discussions! || Mailing list: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/MailingLists ||
game2thanks to everyone doing something!12:01
head_victimgame2: thanks for turning up :)12:01
MoLE_I'll be relying on you game2 for the grammar expertise12:01
head_victimHah game2 is a healthy contributor to enAU translations so that's fair enough12:02
head_victimnisshh: are the meeting logs really there yet?12:03
MoLE_expat aussie game2 ?12:03
jferwith regards to contributing to ubuntu developement. where should i start?12:03
game2head_victim, that's a topic worthy of a meeting one day -- but not this one12:03
jferi have read the packaging guide12:03
head_victimjfer: what are you interested in?12:03
nisshhhead_victim, i think so, /me looking12:03
game2MoLE_, trans-tasmanite 12:03
* firtvid20 thinks those crappy school-owned laptops would be better off with Ubuntu12:04
jferi would like to package some applications and fix bugs12:04
head_victimI would recommend joining #ubuntu-beginners if you want to start helping out but not sure where. They're a team specificially for new users. If you want ot help with bugs I'd suggest #ubuntu-bugs12:04
jferbut i don't know what packages require packaging and where work can be done12:04
* darkrose may have an app in the repo's soon12:04
nisshhhead_victim, link to the exact log: http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ubuntu-au.20101109_0506.html12:05
nisshhdarkrose, OI! stop showing off!12:05
head_victimnisshh: you want to clean up the meeating wiki page or shall I?12:05
nisshhhead_victim, you can, im busy doing up this page about the sessions12:05
* blahdeblah can't get the files to upload12:06
head_victimnisshh: no worries.12:06
nisshhhead_victim, you want to chair the next meeting or shall i?12:06
head_victimI gotta see if I'll be off12:06
nisshhhead_victim, let me know when you know then12:06
head_victimNah I'm on day shift so I'll be home well before 2100 so can chair12:07
game2jfer, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/ is a good place to start for helping with bugs12:07
nisshhthat was quick head_victim :)12:07
head_victimnisshh: I have it all planned in evolution12:07
head_victimWhich I then sync to my mobile.12:07
jferwhat programming language would you find most useful to have a knowledge of for fixing bugs?12:08
nisshhill let you chair the next one then, i will be there though12:08
* blahdeblah makes the sign to ward off python12:08
blahdeblah...but it doesn't work12:08
nisshhjfer, depends what package or app i was fixing bugs for12:08
nisshhjfer, most packages in the repos use Python, but many use C, Ruby, Vala, etc12:09
nisshhC++ as well12:09
jferok that is more my style12:09
blahdeblahanyone know where we log bugs about Canonical-hosted web sites?12:09
nisshhjfer, if i was you i would triage bugs first before fixing any12:09
head_victimblahdeblah: launchpad?12:10
nisshhblahdeblah, what do you mean?12:10
blahdeblahThe file upload to the web site is not working12:10
nisshhblahdeblah, sorry, i mean which website do you mean?12:10
nisshhas in our loco website?12:10
blahdeblahDoesn't matter - i think i've found a problem12:11
head_victimblahdeblah: I believe bradm_ or elky would know details.12:11
nisshhi second that12:11
jferi rarely encounter bugs. what would you recommend to get more exposure? using pre-release software?12:11
blahdeblahWe can't upload those files12:12
nisshhjfer, get more exposure?12:12
blahdeblahThey're too big12:12
jferto bugs?12:12
nisshhjfer, to triage bugs you only need to be running the release which the bug is reported against, and thats IF you need to reproduce it12:13
nisshhjfer, ask in #ubuntu-bugsquad12:13
nisshhnot that channel12:13
nisshhjfer, ^^^12:14
firtvid20Oh well, goodbye people.12:15
nisshhhead_victim, what do you think? weekly sessions on IRC for my idea? or what?12:16
head_victimnisshh: if you have the time I'm sure that would be heaps12:16
darkroseI though fortnightly was suggested?12:16
head_victimAnything less than monthly would be slow but anything in between would be great12:16
nisshhdarkrose, i said "either fortnightly or weekly or something..."12:16
nisshhi think we should start at fortnightly12:17
* darkrose nods12:17
nisshhand increase from there if we get lots of activity12:17
jferthat seems good12:17
nisshhi will put all this on the wiki page and then we can discuss it more on the ML12:17
jferbut what day?12:17
nisshhjfer, i just said "...and we can discuss it more on the ML"12:18
nisshh :)12:18
darkrosepick one, if people complain, pick another12:18
darkrosemailing list12:18
jferoh right. sorry12:19
nisshhhmm, what to call the wiki page12:19
nisshhjfer, the ML is just more convenient12:19
nisshhjfer, we can include the whole loco in the discussion then, not just the IRC lurkers12:20
darkroseheh, the first logged message for the meeting: "* blahdeblah goes to get vegemite"12:20
blahdeblahI needed it, too!12:20
nisshhblahdeblah, i think we all know what you were thinking12:20
blahdeblahDoes anyone know if we can change the PHP settings for our site?  bradm_?12:21
blahdeblahI have 2 x 3.5 MB files that won't upload because they're over the size limit in PHP12:21
nisshhoh wow12:23
nisshhthat sucks12:23
darkroseblahdeblah: see `iniset` and `upload_max_filesize`12:25
blahdeblahdarkrose: That would be great if we had shell access...12:25
darkroseit's a php command12:26
blahdeblahWhat's that got to do with anything?  We can't edit the PHP fiiles anyway.12:29
darkroseah, it's generally the workaround for "need to change upload limits but can't edit configs"12:30
blahdeblahDoesn't matter - i managed to get part of it uploaded.12:31
nisshhhead_victim, i just talked to a guy on the Ubuntu Classroom Team12:31
nisshhhead_victim, he said it would be possible for us to have sessions like that12:31
head_victimnisshh: they'd probably appreciate the traffic to be honest12:32
nisshhhead_victim, yeah12:32
nisshhhead_victim, so im just sending an email to request it, and ill let you know what happens12:32
blahdeblahWhere's MoLE_?12:33
blahdeblahLooks like he's gone12:33
blahdeblahCan we put 3 MB PDF attachments in the wiki or anywhere like that?12:33
head_victimHosted offsite, linked on official websites?12:34
head_victimIf we upload back to spreadubuntu.org we can just link it there12:35
head_victimOtherwise I'd volunteer darkrose 12:35
darkrosedoesn't bother me12:36
jfermake sure you include the source when you upload it12:37
blahdeblahjfer: Can't - extension not supported12:37
jferwhat extension?12:37
blahdeblahNeed to have source which is "svg pdf xcf psd zip gz tar odt odp ods odg ai"12:38
jferyes and you have?12:38
blahdeblahAnd also, image is required12:38
jferwhat is an sla?12:39
blahdeblahInkscape, i guess12:39
blahdeblahI didn't do it - MoLE_ and head_victim did12:39
jferi think that you should save it as an svg in that case12:39
darkrose.. or just gzip it12:40
blahdeblahHmm - didn't see that buried in the middle.12:40
blahdeblahtoo bad that only solves 1 problem...12:40
jferwhat is the other problem?12:41
darkrosesplit into chunks, and add instructions on how to use cat12:42
blahdeblahjfer: It requires an image in png, jpg, etc.12:42
blahdeblahdarkrose: You're giving me old school heebie jeebies again...12:43
blahdeblahSomeone give MoLE_ this link when he comes back http://www.ubuntu.org.au/node/7712:46
blahdeblahWe need to give it some better promo text, i think12:46
darkroseyeah, I was looking at using it a while ago, but it's just a bit... lacking12:47
blahdeblahwell, it's there now - we can always improve it later12:48
* darkrose nods12:49
* blahdeblah is cactus - night folks12:49
nisshhnight blahdeblah12:49
head_victimnight blahdeblah 12:49
nisshhhead_victim, nhandler just told me about a LoCo Day being held about a week before christmas this year12:50
head_victimnisshh: They hold them semi-regularly12:51
nisshhhead_victim, what are they about?12:51
head_victimJust getting people organised to work on loco stuff12:51
nisshhhead_victim, something we could look at maybe?12:52
nisshhhead_victim, ill look into it12:52
head_victimI'm trying to get the team reports thing to work. It's kinda convoluted.12:53
head_victimIt could be that I"m tired but I'm really having a hard time following the process.12:53
jferhead_victim:from the reading i did i found the same12:55
* darkrose doesn't mention head_victim's lack of mental capacity as a possible cause12:55
head_victimI think I've got the pages created.12:55
jfermaybe it would be better looking at an aproved LoCo's reports12:55
head_victimBut looking at it I don't think it's going to be a "lets get everyone to contribute to the page" but a "lets get everyone to send contributions to head_victim so he can write it up"12:55
head_victimjfer: that's what I'm doing now I think I have the pages organised.12:56
nisshhhead_victim, you can always do it when your brain isnt as tired :)12:56
head_victimnisshh: I don't know if that's going to help :P12:57
darkrosegah! so many straight lines!12:57
* darkrose explodes12:57
game2 /part cya12:59
game2 /part #ubuntu-au cya12:59
head_victimI *think* I Have it13:04
nisshhhead_victim, sent the mail to the list about the -classroom sessions13:08
head_victimI'm writing up one about the reports ;)13:08
head_victimAs much as I can't think of a better way the team reporting process is a little involved.13:09
nisshhhead_victim, now i just need to figure out a date/time and a session leader for the first session13:10
* darkrose offers "how to be an elitist bitch" as a session13:11
jferregarding LCA https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences may be worth loking at13:29
head_victimjfer: yeah I was going to apply for the non approved loco pack but wanted to make sure we actually had people willing to do it first13:33
head_victimFingers crossed it will work out and I will order by the end of th emonth13:33
jfergood to hear13:35
head_victimI just didn't want to end up running it alone basically.13:35
jferdo you know how many people attend LCA?13:38
head_victimNope, this will be my first.13:39
jferi thought i would go while it was in brisbane13:39
jferand I am a student13:40
head_victimUnfortunately I'm not so I signed up as a hobbyist.13:40
jferoh ok13:41
jferwhat is your area of work?13:41
darkrosehe doesn't work, he's management13:41
head_victimHah yeah I "work" in electronic security.13:42
head_victimCustomer service style stuff13:42
jferok i know that many compaines send their employees for professional development for free that is all13:43
head_victimNah this is nothing related to wokr13:44
jferfor me this very much is13:44

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