
VerminatorI'm troubleshooting a video problem and noticed my xorg.conf file is VERY sparse, why?00:25
phillwVerminator: I'm suprised you have an xorg.conf file :) It is not default.00:28
Verminatorphillw, I'm really behind the times then I guess, I thought all the X config stuff was still there/00:29
phillwVerminator: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334 has a really good sticky on vid problems, plus you can also ask on that forum area.00:30
Verminatorphillw, thanks for the link, I should clarify, not video, but monitor resolution issue, sorry.  my bad00:32
SPooNanyone?: http://pastebin.com/zFnju04t01:09
stlsaintSPooN: hrm, maybe try renaming that offensive file to something else then try again01:10
SPooNI was told it's a mercurial repository thats been corrupted, just not sure how to fix that.01:11
SPooNbut I'll try xD01:12
lateniteHi folks, I build my custom kernel. Now I want to edit /boot/menu.lst BUT the file does not exist and /boot/grub/brub.cfg sais "do not edit me" WHAT fiel do I need to edit? thanks01:30
stlsaintlatenite: have you installed the new kernel?01:34
latenitestlsaint, well I mv it from /usr/sr/linux/arch/x85/boot to /boot01:35
latenitestlsaint, now I want to tell grub to...the name the kernelfile01:36
latenitebut what file do I edit...since there is no /boot/menu.lst01:36
latenitestlsaint, any ideas?01:40
stlsaintlatenite: have you ran update?02:01
latenitestlsaint, sure see my paset..the update did not see my new kernel02:04
stlsaintlatenite: i dont think you installed the kernel02:15
latenitestlsaint, update-grub ONLY accepts kernelnames liek "vmlinuz" mine was "bzImage" ...now it works fine02:21
stlsaintlatenite: awesome02:26
latenitestlsaint, say...WHERE would I get the kernelconfig from the default ubuntu kernel?02:45
ubot2The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages02:45
zkriessehello archival03:18
archivalzkriesse, hi03:24
johnny77I am trying to copy my music from my windows partition to Ubuntu. They were is iTunes so they're in a bunch of folders. Is there an easy way to search music files so that I can copy them without the folders?03:32
aveilleuxjohnny77: No need. If you import them to Rhythmbox it'll automatically sort them03:36
johnny77aveilleux: will Rhythmbox copy them over to the ubuntu partition?03:37
aveilleuxjohnny77: What? No, just copy the folders into Ubuntu then import to Rhythmbox.03:39
archivalcan cp command copy files from subfolders?03:41
archivaljohnny77, check this page, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138596603:43
aveilleuxarchival: Yes, cp -r03:47
aveilleuxarchival: Oh, you mean into one single folder? Why would you do that, that's messy03:48
johnny77thank you.... I think i'm gonna just copy over the folders. I think I must have read an old post about rhythmbox and how it works.03:49
archival<aveilleux>, is not for me it was for johnny03:49
beachbuddahhi all  - having a problem with an applet that should install when I visit a website.  Instead I get a log viewer pop up that says (ultimately) "Exception starting applet"  any ideas?03:56
beachbuddahohh - I installed the sun java jre but it didn't make a difference.03:56
UndiFineDmight be a internal flaw03:57
beachbuddahummm - ok (meaning?)03:57
UndiFineDor, your browser is blocking it03:57
UndiFineDcode flaw03:57
beachbuddahoh - so try unblocking the browser - I have an ad block widget on my browser03:58
UndiFineDwho does not :p03:58
beachbuddahI'll give that a try and see what happens - thanks03:59
beachbuddahyeh right?03:59
UndiFineDI got so fed up with flash spam, I enforced click to play03:59
nlsthznUndiFineD: I don't (I like to support the sites I visit :p)03:59
UndiFineDnlsthzn, you only support them when you really click their ads04:00
nlsthznUndiFineD: That sucks... I have read about a few sites that have gone under due to add blocking...04:01
UndiFineDdiskspace is for free, a domain costs ... 25$ a year tops04:02
UndiFineDthe only reason sites go down, because the people maintaining it can not make a living of it04:06
aveilleuxMy domain is $12 a year04:07
UndiFineDhey aveilleux : i meant the max price04:09
aveilleuxYeah, I'm just saying04:09
aveilleuxFor example...04:09
* UndiFineD has a free da.ru and a 10euro .nl04:09
johnny77I think Rhythmbox is not able to play some of my music files. It might be my itunes mp4 files. How do I get rhythmbox to see these files?04:42
nlsthznsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras ... you will never run into any file you can't play ;)04:43
johnny77nlsthzn: Will Rythmbox automatically pick it up?04:45
bioterrormp3 is propietary format, and that's why it does not play them04:46
bioterrorOGG and FLAC are "the linux way"04:46
johnny77How do I get Rythmbox to play my 1000+ music files?04:47
aveilleuxbioterror, he's talking about mp404:47
nlsthznjohnny77: yes it will04:48
bioterrorave aveilleux ;)04:48
johnny77ok, thanks guys.04:49
squ1d1Is there any sort of sound mixer I can add to a panel?05:44
bioterrorsqu1d1, are you using vanilla ubuntu or what?05:48
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kosaidpo1hello guys10:26
kosaidpo1anyone here using dropbox with pcmanfm ???10:27
AbhiJitdropbox with nautilus extension10:27
kosaidpo1AbhiJit: okay i see ,cus i have a weird behavoir with it10:29
kosaidpo1when i do via the icon tray open dropbox folder it gets opened with chromuim :D10:30
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searockI need some advice on editing my wiki page. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Searock12:44
karthick87searock: tell me13:08
bioterrorTue14:59 :: searock (75cca88d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)13:09
ehcahHow are NAS offerings different than Ubuntu Server with RAID and Samba?13:54
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friTTe|bioterror:  when is the meeting tonight?16:37
friTTe|my time is now 17.3016:37
JoeMaverickSettfriTTe|: http://goo.gl/ni4pr16:38
bioterrorfriTTe|, 01:00 your time, 02:00 my time16:38
friTTe|will bookmark that one16:39
geirhahttp://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar  switch to week view and the current time will be marked by a red line.16:41
geirhaAnyway, it'll be 01:00 in your time.16:41
geirhaerr, which bioterror already said. :)16:42
JoeMaverickSett8am wed on my time. :D16:42
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cprofittjledbetter: ping17:49
jledbettercprofitt, pong17:49
cprofittwill you be making the meeting tonight?17:49
jledbettercprofitt, Hopefully. 7 pm eastern right?17:52
jledbetterGrand :)17:53
ehcahaveilleux:  sorry to single you out.  Can you point me to someone or somewhere that can help me debate the merrits of using Ubuntu Server for home media file storage vs. FreeNas or Nexenta?19:01
cprofittehcah: what do you want to know19:02
aveilleuxehcah: I don't know of any particular places, but I can name a few pros and cons if you like19:02
Daniel0108hi :)19:02
cprofittI am not familiar with Nexenta, but the other two I do19:02
ehcahaveilleux/cprofitt:  I 'm struggling with next steps... I'll summarize in a few lines to give some context.19:03
ehcahI currently run 10.04LTS for DHCP, DNS and Internet Sharing. I have another server running a NAS product called unRAID with an attached 8 bay enclosure....19:03
ehcahThe 8 bay enclosure is very slow.  unRAID may also be part of the culprate.  I've ordered a new 24 bay, 4U server chassis an Areca 24 port SATA Raid controller and more 2TB drives bringing me to a total of 12.19:04
mbergamohey daniel010819:05
ehcahI'm not 100% pleased with unRAID.  Nexenta and FreeNAS seem to be leadears due to ZFS which doesn't run on Ubuntu due to licensing or something....19:06
ehcahWhat is the difference between running FreeNAS or Nexenta and running Ubuntu Server + LVM + Raid6 and Samba shares?19:06
aveilleuxehcah: Well, the primary difference being that Ubuntu is a full OS versus the storage options, which are specialized systems19:07
ehcahI want to start fresh, but chose the best solution for a growing home media collection.  No databases or anything super I/O intensive.19:07
cprofittehcah: Well... FreeNas gives you a canned solution, but Ubuntu server can provide the same (with more flexibility)19:07
cprofittI also like the fact that Ubuntu server can update19:07
cprofittif you add webmin to Ubuntu server you should be able to admin most of the same things as you would with the FreeNAS web interface19:08
ehcahcprofitt:  Ok, so you would be biased towards a full server implementation.19:09
ehcahaveilleux:  What would your opinion be?19:09
cprofittIf you have the necessary patience and linux knowledge -- yes full install19:09
cprofittif you are not konwledgeable, then an appliance like solutio with FreeNAS would be better19:10
ehcahcprofitt:  What I'm really looking for is a solution that even I can't f-up.19:10
cprofittThen I would look at FreeNAS and OpenFiler19:10
ehcahWhat is their benefit with ZFS?19:10
cprofittmaybe even squeezebox19:10
ehcahI understand that ubuntu is working on BRTFS or BTRFS or something similar with Oracle I beleive?19:11
cprofittbtrfs is in the most recent kernel and is an Oracle project19:11
ehcahI've narrowed down to one of the 3 solutions I've mentioned.19:11
ehcahI've ruled out the others in VM's.  Some, I just found too complicated etc....19:11
cprofittI can not speak to the file system differences though19:12
bioterrorI have positive experiences with pfSense, so I would go with the FreeNAS ;)19:12
ehcahIt's coming to ubuntu in early/mid 2011 I believe?19:12
ehcahAnother vote for FreeNAS.  This is good.19:12
bioterrorehcah, how about a plain debian and zpool?19:12
aveilleuxI need help from someone who is familiar with browser rendering engines -- My page design is working properly in Opera, Chrome/Safari/Konqueror, and even IE, but Firefox decides that it wants my navigation tabs to be inside the <div> that the <ol> is explicitly above... http://sublevel21.com/hanyoung/19:12
ehcahbioterror:  Hadn't even considered?19:13
bioterrorehcah, you might want to19:13
ehcahPardon my seriously ignorant question... But if its Debian, shouldn't zpool run on ubuntu?19:13
aveilleuxehcah: Ubuntu diverges significantly from Debian in many aspects19:14
ehcahAhh... Ok.  I read that there were ZFS projects on some debian systems.  I misread that as "not production" in ubuntu.19:16
ehcahaveilleux:  I have to think bigger picture.19:16
ehcahI guess it's time to fire up another VM.19:16
bioterrorbut zpool is great19:16
ehcahbioterror:  It sounds very much like what I've been reading about Nexenta?19:17
aveilleuxIn reference to my problem above: Here's a comparison screenshot. http://i.imgur.com/Yq79B.jpg19:17
bioterrorehcah, I would take debian testing (becouse of rolling release) and zpool19:18
ehcahbiotteror:  Is there a specific GUI like experience?  Or do I simply install webmin?19:18
bioterrorehcah, you want to have all eggs in same basket?19:19
bioterrorrouter/dns/fw and NAS?19:19
ehcahI think I want to have a least 2 boxes.19:20
bioterrorone NAT with dhcpd+dns and one NAS?19:20
ehcahbioterror:  I think so.  Unless someone can sell me on the merrits of having one box doing everything?19:20
bioterrorI wouldnt go with that19:21
ehcahbioterror:  I can share my spec's as I assume 1 box for everythign would require a different MOBO, processor and additional RAM...19:21
ehcahYou would build 1 box?19:21
bioterrorI would use two boxes19:21
ehcahOk. Alright. Same as I was thinking.19:22
* bioterror has been pondering a NAS things lately19:22
bioterrorI need something for our pictures and videos19:22
ehcahMe also.  Pictures, Movies, Music and some segragated local backup for all our pc's etc...19:24
bioterrorbuilding a another computer just inst cost effective19:24
ehcahSo you have used FreeNAS, but not Nexenta?19:24
ehcahbioterror:  I have spare. Unfortunately.19:25
bioterrorwell, I'm still on paper with these visions19:25
ehcahunRAID was my first foray.19:25
bioterrorsince we are running 2 laptops, my router (atom machine) and my desktop 24/719:25
ehcahI have more mac address's and IP's in this house than I can count.19:26
ehcahI really like the performance of my server for network functions.  I don't want to mess with it.19:26
ehcahI'm just struggling with what to install when my new hardware arrives early next week.19:27
ehcahbioterror:  I think there should be a few more download options for Debian.  http://www.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/#stable   :)19:28
bioterrordebian and gentoo does a great job with architectures19:28
ehcahoh man... I don't even know where to start.19:29
ehcahMaybe the appliances need more "props".19:29
bioterrorit could be a smart move to buy another intel atom mini-itx board and build a NAS ;)19:30
bioterroror just buy 2TB NAS device19:31
bioterrorbut when your hardware arrives, dont hesitate to tell us about your choise for software19:32
ehcahGo with your first option.  I can't tell you what you should run as an OS, but I can say to leave yourself room for growth.19:32
ehcahI was kinda hoping that someone in this group would be kind enough to TELL me what I should run.19:33
bioterrorwell, we can only give some sort of advices ;)19:33
ehcahI'm a married man and used to being told what to do.  There is too much room for me to mistakes on my own.19:34
cprofittehcah: it is near impossible to tell you what to run19:34
cprofittwe can tell you what we think of certain solutions... and what our experiences are... in the end you have to decide19:34
bioterrorehcah, http://www.zfsbuild.com/2010/09/10/freenas-vs-opensolaris-zfs-benchmarks/19:34
ehcahcprofitt:  I agree.  BUT, I was hoping to lean on other's learnings.19:34
cprofittI personally am running FreeNAS right now, but it was more a learning experience for me19:34
cprofittI would un Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server for file shares right now19:35
ehcahcprofitt:  Any idea how far away FreeNAS 8 is and if it will be an upgrade or fresh build?19:35
cprofittNo... I am not sure when it will receive an update19:35
cprofittwhich is one of the reasons I prefer running Ubuntu server19:35
ehcahfair enough.19:36
bioterrorthat's why I would use a rolling release ;)19:37
bioterrorno need for version upgrades19:37
julie2i have a problem where my ubuntu doesn't boot19:55
julie2i am now using the live cd19:55
bioterrorwhat happens19:55
bioterrorcould you specify more19:55
julie2i get the ubuntu icon on the black background19:56
julie2then the black screen with the white _19:57
julie2and then the ubuntu loading screen19:57
julie2but it reverts back between those three for a while19:57
julie2and then just the black screen with the white _19:58
julie2sorry if it is unclear but english is not my first language19:58
bioterroraveilleux, any glue? I'm too tired20:01
bioterrorcant keep my eyes open, so I'm hitting the bed for today20:01
julie2anyone else who can help?20:09
aveilleuxStartup is not my strong suit, sorry :c20:21
aveilleuxYou can try #ubuntu20:21
julie2okay thanks20:22
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johnny77having a little trouble with Rhythmbox. I set the library to my windows partition, where my iTunes library is. But for some reason it is finding close to 200 songs less than what is in itunes. I've already installed restricted extras.20:44
aveilleuxjohnny77: Do you have any purchased songs from iTunes? Because it's likely they are DRM protected, and therefore nonplayable on any media player that isn't iTunes20:45
johnny77aveilleux: I bet i've purchased close to 200 songs from iTunes. Is there anyway to get these playable in Rhythmbox?20:47
aveilleuxjohnny77: Boot into Windows and convert them to a different format... other than that, no20:47
johnny77aveilleux: thank you.20:49
aveilleuxjohnny77: No problem, I just wish I could give you a better answer.20:49
johnny77aveilleux: I wish there was a better answer. I'm happy I've made the move to Ubuntu, but this proprietary stuff is pissing me off.20:53
aveilleuxjohnny77: Yeah, it's something that always makes a transition less than seamless.20:54
kosaidpohellp guys21:22
kosaidpoanyone using dropbox with pcmanfm ?21:22
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guest3640Hi, could someone tell me how to login remotely with tightvnc without having to go to the remote system and login in there first ?21:42
aveilleuxguest3640: In the Login Screen settings, there should be an option to allow remote login21:43
guest3640I found that and enabled it but unless I am logged in at that system, it won't let me login remotely21:44
aveilleuxguest3640: I've had issues with this in the past... I think the default VNC server that comes with Ubuntu doesn't start until after the local user logs in. It's a hassle and I wish it wasn't set up that way, but there you have it.21:45
guest3640ugh, kk, thanks  :)21:45
aveilleuxguest3640: Something you can do, is to disable the built-in server and install vnc4server21:46
guest3640I'm not sure I'm up to doing all that but I'll see if I can21:48
guest3640I'm also having trouble getting to my windows network, it shows the icon for workgroup but it always says "failed to retrieve share list"21:50
guest3640I know it's on the network because I'm accessing it with tightvnc right now21:50
aveilleuxguest3640: Mounting Windows shares is finicky on Ubuntu, try mounting them manually with Places > Connect to Server (select Samba)21:51
guest3640I dont' see samba in the list, is Windows share right ?21:54
guest3640yep, it is, that worked, thanks!21:55
aveilleuxguest3640: Yeah, that, sorry... I'm used to the older terminology (Ubuntu accesses Windows shares through a system called Samba)21:58
guest3640no problem, I remembed that samba was what did sharing with windows21:59
Guest96478I have a partition on my computer for windows and ubuntu and I want to update the ubuntu partition22:15
duanedesignNewGuy: hello22:15
NewGuyOk, so I can see the wlan0 connection on the laptop, I have entered the MAC into my router for filtering22:15
duanedesignGuest96478: to run the updates just go to System > Administration > Update Manager22:16
UndiFineDwhat kind of changes would you want to make to the ubuntu partition ?22:16
Guest96478I want to install the newest version over the ubuntu partition22:17
Guest96478but I'm not sure how22:17
UndiFineDdo you want to replace or update ?22:17
duanedesignGuest96478: what version are you running now22:18
NewGuyI have gone into the Network Connections and made and entry under Wireless for 'Home'. Entered the SSID, encryption type and encrytion key. However I cannot get an IP address from the DHCP22:18
duanedesignNewGuy: do the wireless networks show up in the network manager?22:18
pedro3005what is the security type? (wep, wpa..)22:18
NewGuyIs that Network Tools?22:19
guest3640could someone tell me how to get my onboard sound to work, I'm using an asus p5b-e mb22:19
UndiFineDok, Guest96478 : then you need to get the iso from ubuntu.com, make a stick of it or burn a cd, boot into the live environment, so you can do backups and install the new version, or do install directly22:20
NewGuySecurity type is WPA22:20
Guest96478I'm running 9.1022:21
NewGuyWhere do I find Network Manager. I am running 8.04 on this laptop.22:22
Guest96478I want to replace it with 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)22:22
UndiFineDGuest96478, http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download22:23
UndiFineDbesides downloading, read the page too22:23
Guest96478UndiFineD: I already have made a CD22:24
UndiFineDgreat, stick it in, boot into the live environmet, make a backup if you like and install22:25
phillwGuest96478: run the self test on the CD to ensure it has burned okay, it can save a lot of heart-ache.22:26
UndiFineDI never had downloading / buring issues though22:26
Guest96478But how do I install it so it doesn't write over my windows partition?22:27
Guest96478whoch option do I chose?22:27
phillwGuest96478: chose side by side :)22:27
UndiFineDmanually partition22:28
UndiFineDI like to make /home separate22:28
phillwGuest96478: before you do so, it's advisable to do a defrag on the windows system.22:28
Guest96478phillw: how will it know to install on the ubuntu partition and not the windows22:29
duanedesignNewGuy: still their?22:29
duanedesignNewGuy: sorry i got pulled away22:30
NewGuyNo problem22:30
duanedesignNewGuy: network manager is the icon in the top right of the panel22:30
phillwGuest96478: do you need the data on your existing installtion of ubuntu?22:30
NewGuyI can see other wireless connections but it doesn't seem to be connecting to my router22:31
UndiFineDgreat, then you can simply remove the old partition and instal new one(s)22:31
duanedesignNewGuy: ok so the driver is likely loaded correctly22:31
phillwGuest96478: then do as UndiFineD says, select manual partitoning and remove the ubuntu ones. the windows area will show as ntfs or FAT32 area - Leave that one alone !!!!!22:32
NewGuyGot it working. I knew it was something simple I was missing22:32
phillwyou will then have 'free space', tell ubuntu to install into the free space.22:32
NewGuyHad to tell it to connect to a hidden network.22:33
Guest96478okay, so I just the erase the ubuntu partition?22:33
phillwGuest96478: yup :)22:33
NewGuyThanks for the help Duane22:33
duanedesignNewGuy: nice you got it22:34
phillwyou can either also delete the /swap on and the install will make new one, else make a note of it and tell the install to use it.22:34
UndiFineDGuest96478, I can fit ubuntu easily in 8192 MB, make a swap partition at the end of the disk with twice the size of memory and make a separate /home of the remaining space22:34
duanedesignNewGuy: thats great22:35
NewGuyNow the long process of updating until I can get my burner working again22:35
duanedesignNewGuy: are you updating to a new version?22:36
Guest96478phillw: so I do the "specify partitions manually" option22:36
NewGuyI started at 8.04 because that was the CD I had on hand22:36
UndiFineDyes Guest9647822:36
duanedesignNewGuy: ahh22:36
duanedesignNewGuy: from their you are going to which version?22:37
duanedesignNewGuy: I think it is safe yo go from 8.04 to 10.0422:38
NewGuyNot sure yet. If I get impatient I might just stop at 9.04. I'm just setting up this laptop to learn how to hack my own network22:38
UndiFineDGuest96478, and then you can remove the old ubuntu partition22:38
UndiFineDGuest96478, and create new ones22:38
UndiFineDwhat is the free space available ?22:38
duanedesignNewGuy: yeah it is generally a good idea to do them in steps22:38
Guest96478150 gigs22:39
duanedesignNewGuy: here are some notes on going from 8.04 to 10.04 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades22:39
Guest96478I'm not quite sure how to do all this22:40
UndiFineDGuest96478, first you make a primairy 8192 MB ext4 linux partition at the beginning of your free space22:40
UndiFineDthen you create another logical swap type partition at the end of the free space with twice the size of your memory22:41
UndiFineDand then create another logical partition with the remainder of disk space for /home22:42
UndiFineDthis one is also ext4 filesystem format22:43
duanedesignGuest96478: unless you had a particular reason for wanting to do a fresh install you could also just do an upgrade.22:44
UndiFineD-- eventhough this partitioning may seem hard now, the benefit is, in the future, if you decide to resinstall again, you do not need to make a backup of /home22:44
guest3640how can I find out what kernel is being used?22:45
UndiFineDduanedesign, he has 9.1022:45
UndiFineD$ uname -a22:45
UndiFineDLinux head 2.6.35-23-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 5 19:17:11 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux22:45
duanedesignguest3640: run the command uname -a in a Terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal)22:46
NewGuyDuane, it says that the repositories are no longer available22:46
guest3640kk, found that, I'm trying to edit the file /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 but I can't find it, or don't have it22:47
Guest96478I'm in windows right now22:47
UndiFineDGuest96478, :)22:48
duanedesignguest3640: hmm. i dont have that22:49
Guest96478If I just upgrade from the internet will that be okay too? I wanted to install it fresh because I heard people sometimes have problems when they upgrade from the internet22:50
guest3640I guess I don't either, just trying to get my sound to work, as old as the board is I expected it to be found and installed when I installed ubuntu22:50
UndiFineDguest3640, why the edit ? how about /etc/modprobe.d/ ?22:50
UndiFineDGuest96478, : although you can do the upgrade procedure, it is possible you run into trouble22:53
UndiFineDGuest96478, : and it takes much longer than a clean install22:53
Guest96478Is there anything online that walks you through it?22:56
UndiFineDupgrading is easy22:58
UndiFineDalt+f2 : upgrade-manager -d22:58
UndiFineDbut it can go wrong sometimes22:59
UndiFineDalt+f2 : update-manager -d22:59
UndiFineDdate not grade23:00
guest3640well I got it to see the onboard sound, now I need it to output to the sp/dif opitical port, can anyone help with that ?23:11
UndiFineDsudo alsactl23:12
guest3640it says, "Specify command..."23:13
guest3640  # other modules go here23:14
guest3640  snd-hda-intel23:14
guest3640  snd-hda-codec23:14
guest3640alsactl: Specify command...23:14
guest3640ok, I've made some progress, it sees the monitor and tv now but still no sound, any ideas ?23:27
nlsthzn_workG Day all :D23:40
mbergamohey, nlsthzn_work23:42
nlsthzn_workmbergamo: Slow times in the beginners room I see...23:47
mbergamonlsthzn_work: yeah I think everyone is just sitting around waiting for the meeting.23:47
nlsthzn_workCool, what meeting?!23:48
guest3640well now I have a new problem, I tell it to use the monitor as default but it keeps going back to the tv, can that be fixed ?23:48
mbergamonlsthzn_work: the ubuntu beginners team meeting ;)23:49
nlsthzn_workmbergamo: Makes sense... So are we allowed to lurk?23:52
mbergamonlsthzn_work: Yup, I'm new here and can't vote or anything so I'm just going to sit quiet and watch. #ubuntu-meeting23:53
nlsthzn_workmbergamo: so the meeting is an a seperate channel? Or in this one?23:54
aveilleuxnlsthzn_work: #ubuntu-meeting23:55
mbergamonlsthzn_work: separate one #ubunty-meeting23:55
nlsthzn_workk, thx23:55
nlsthzn_workwill be good to see a meeting in action.. get a feel for how Ubuntu peeps go about this kind of thing :)23:56
mbergamonlsthzn_work: exactly :)23:57

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