
bbordwellhello, I hate to progress my own bugs so could someone make sure this bug is reproducible? it should only take a few seconds: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/67194801:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 671948 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Indicator-sound closes rhytmbox if opened soon after closing (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]01:14
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RedSingularityDoes update-manager have an apport-hook?10:21
RedSingularitymicahg:  ^^^ ?10:22
yofelRedSingularity: from what I see - no10:32
RedSingularityyofel:  where did you go to look?10:32
jibelRedSingularity, I confirm it doesn't have one.10:32
yofelRedSingularity: /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ (if you have it installed), and I checked the source package10:33
RedSingularityyofel,jibel:  Thanks10:36
yofelno problem10:37
cjaecan someone please find a solution to logitech mx5500 kb and mouse combos, as bluez and bluetooth monolithic progress in kubuntu the support get worse11:28
cjae64 bit11:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 650603 in bluedevil (Ubuntu) "bluedevil does not recognize my bluetooth dongle at all mx 5500 kb and mouse (affects: 1) (heat: 96)" [Undecided,New]11:32
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bcurtiswx_hggdh, ping14:10
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bcurtiswx_hggdh, at the meeting, I won't be able to attend (seminar at that time).  When it comes time for mentor reports will you let them know I need my current two removed from program due to no response of emails and I can be assigned a couple more?14:33
hggdhbcurtiswx_: will do, thanks for the heads up14:40
bcurtiswx_hggdh, much appreciated14:41
charlie-tcanightmare coming: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/launchpad-bug-jam-december-201014:46
charlie-tcaWhy do people think  bugs "must" be closed?14:46
BUGabundocause they get in the way of work14:48
BUGabundoat least for me14:48
BUGabundoat work, seeing an empty queue is better14:49
charlie-tcaSo, of the hundreds/thousands of bugs you have filed, can we close all of them?14:50
pedro_kamusin, hey! great work on the bug day :-)15:13
kamusin:) heh15:14
jcastrohey pedro_15:15
jcastroyou get my mail about a unity section for status.qa.ubuntu.com?15:15
pedro_jcastro, hey!, yes i got it, but bdmurray has the rights to add stuffs there15:16
jcastroI will go after him then!15:16
jcastropedro_: will you be doing unity triaging this cycle?15:16
pedro_jcastro, he's probably already looking at it ;-)15:17
pedro_jcastro, yeah i'll be helping didrocks and the guys with that15:17
pedro_we already discussed some bits on UDS15:17
pedro_workflow etc15:17
jcastrohey so, I just need to make sure you guys are feeding me bitesize ones15:17
jcastroso just tag em as you see them15:17
pedro_will do it15:17
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bdmurrayjcastro: so what packages exactly?16:24
jcastrobdmurray: a bunch, I take it you need a list?16:25
bdmurrayjcastro: yeah16:25
jcastroon it16:25
bdmurrayjcastro: cool, thanks16:25
micahgis the meeting at 17:00?16:25
jcastrobdmurray: source packages or binary?16:29
bdmurrayjcastro: source because that is what launchpad uses16:30
jcastrobdmurray: http://paste.ubuntu.com/528773/16:33
charlie-tcamicahg: as far as I know16:33
jcastrobdmurray: we'll have to adjust it a little bit when the compiz stuff lands but that should be good for now16:37
jcastrobdmurray: also, do you have the ability to graph specific tags in bugs?16:37
jcastroI'd like to keep track of "bitesize" ones in unity16:37
bdmurrayjcastro: I'll have to look at tags for a specific package16:40
jcastrobdmurray: is that hard/alot of work?16:41
jcastroideally if the bug line could also show which ones of those are bitesize that would rock16:41
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pedro_hey hey , do we have a meeting now?17:00
hggdhyes, we should (I think)17:01
yofelping hggdh17:01
yofelah :)17:01
hggdham I the leader today?17:01
yofelthe wiki says you are17:01
pedro_hggdh, looks like it :-P17:01
pedro_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Meeting <- Agenda17:02
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Nov  9 17:02:51 2010 UTC.  The chair is hggdh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell.17:02
meetingologyUseful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting.17:02
hggdhOK. Here we go, sorry for the delay17:03
hggdhtopics as as shown here:17:03
hggdh[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Meeting17:03
yofelbtw, who manages the dates for the weekly newsletter? #217 said our meeting is at 18:00UTC17:03
hggdhthe following actions were set last meeting:17:04
hggdh    * Bug Day to be created for regression-potential tags17:04
hggdh    * bdmurray to remove regression-potential as an official bug tag for Ubuntu17:04
hggdh    * hggdh to prepare a bug day excepting kernel17:04
hggdh    * hggdh to clean up the Regression wiki pages17:04
hggdh    * nigelb to edit bugsquad headers to be similar or link to each other appropriately17:04
hggdh    *17:04
hggdh      devildante to split HowToTriage page up into a simple page and an advanced page17:04
hggdh    * devildante to start e-mail thread in mailing list about translations of bug reports17:04
hggdhof those, the first four were done17:05
hggdhnigelb: there?17:05
hggdhdevildante is MIA right now...17:06
hggdhso I will mark these actions as pending, and re-activate for next meeting17:06
hggdh[ACTION] nigelb to edit bugsquad headers to be similar or link to each other appropriately17:06
meetingologyACTION: nigelb to edit bugsquad headers to be similar or link to each other appropriately17:06
hggdh[ACTION] devildante to split HowToTriage page up into a simple page and an advanced page17:07
meetingologyACTION: devildante to split HowToTriage page up into a simple page and an advanced page17:07
hggdhdevildante *did* start a thread on the ML, and we discussed translations more during UDS17:08
hggdhpedro_: do you have a summary of what was decided in UDS?17:08
pedro_hggdh, yeah17:08
pedro_that's blueprint https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-qa-n-handling-nonenglish-bugs17:08
pedro_we agreed that the best place where to handle such reports is the answer tracker17:09
hggdhat least for now, yes (now I remember ;-)17:09
pedro_so they can ask the questions in their native language there, then it can be translated and converted into a bug report17:09
hggdhall: any comments on that?17:10
pedro_there's a couple of work items :17:10
pedro_[brian-murray] Recommend that people ask a question in their native language in Answers (best stop-gap move): TODO17:10
pedro_[brian-murray] Modify Luanchpad to allow one to specify the language when converting a bug into a question: TODO17:10
pedro_so the detail to fix is to have the option in the "convert to question" to specify the language17:11
pedro_because right now you have to convert the question and then go to the question on the answer tracker and change the language17:11
kklimondahggdh: so the workflow is "foreign bug is reported -> we convert it into a question -> it gets translated and reported again" ?17:11
hggdhkklimonda: the ideal would be for them to start in the answer tracker17:11
kklimondaor the original report is just re-opened?17:12
charlie-tcasorry, seem to be late again17:12
pedro_kklimonda, for already filed reports and if it's a bug, yes17:12
yofelis it currently possible to change the language of a question?17:12
bdmurraykklimonda: reopened once complete in english17:12
bdmurrayyofel: yes17:12
pedro_yofel, yeah, but only in the answer tracker17:12
hggdhLP dev is considering localisation, but it will take a time (lots to do)17:13
yofelthat's what I wanted to know, thanks. So I'm fine with converting those to questions if we can set the proper language afterwards17:13
kklimondaI think it makes sense - it definitely beats alternatives.17:14
bdmurrayyofel: I'm looking at setting the proper language during conversion.17:14
yofelbdmurray: that would be nice indeed, thanks17:14
pedro_and that' would be a *neat* feature17:14
hggdhwe still will need to communicate this, when the infrastructure is in place17:15
micahgconvert to question is still broken AFAIK, but it's at the top of the LP Bugs work list17:15
bdmurraymicahg: when you say broken do you mean times out?17:15
pedro_micahg, it sort of works here, the first time i get a time out, but if you click back and then convert again it works17:15
pedro_odd but that's the only way i can convert a bug to a question right now17:16
hggdhpedro_: happens on edge only?17:16
bdmurrayincidentally there is not an edge anymore really17:16
pedro_hggdh, just tried on edge17:16
micahgtotal time is around 100 seconds for convert to question hence the failure17:17
pedro_ok so it might be the same on the normal lp, haven't tried though17:17
micahgprogress can be tracked in bug 43811617:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 438116 in launchpad-foundations "Timeout when converting bug into question (BugTask:+create-question) (affects: 6) (dups: 3) (heat: 50)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43811617:17
pedro_thanks micahg17:17
hggdhsubscribed, thank you micahg17:18
hggdhany other comments on this?17:18
hggdh[TOPIC] Mentorship program update from Mentors17:18
meetingologyTOPIC: Mentorship program update from Mentors17:18
hggdhfrom me:17:19
hggdhojap pings me once per week17:19
hggdhfrom bcurtiswx_ (asked me to relay this): no response from his two mentees, recommends dropping them17:19
hggdh(also from me: kangorooo asked for an extention and vanished again)17:20
pedro_again? wow17:20
hggdhother mentorship updates?17:20
pedro_i only have 1 student now: elopio and he's busy with school at the moment so i might take a couple more17:20
thekornyes, my two mentees vanished :(17:20
hggdhthis is really not working :-(17:21
thekornit seems I don't have luck with this mentorship program17:21
pedro_btw where's fish?17:21
pedro_i mean vish ;-)17:21
jibelalgnod, is there from time to time. online/offline/online/offline/...17:21
hggdhduring UDS we had agreed on trying a different approach (creating LP teams with some mentors/mentees)17:22
pedro_jibel, is he/she working at all?17:22
jibelyes is active17:22
jibels/is/he is/17:22
hggdhat least that -- one out of 5 so far...17:23
pedro_hggdh, indeed and that's a TODO task :-)17:23
hggdhpedro_: OK, cool17:23
yofelhggdh: right, as I couldn't make it to UDS, what exactly did you decide on there (about [sense] create a bugsquad-mentor-team-alpha in launchpad with a mailing list, have 2 to 3 members join the team and add mentees to that. Try it for 3 months and report back. Members - brian-murray, hggdh, vish, sense with 8 students: TODO)17:23
hggdhyofel: exactly that ;-)17:24
charlie-tcawhen will it happen?17:24
hggdhwe will try this approach (exclusive mentorship is not working), and then see how it behaves17:25
pedro_yofel, the idea is to have a central place where students could ask to different mentors instead of having just one person to ask to17:25
yofelok, so put severaly mentors and studends into a LP team and discuss things over the team ML?17:25
bdmurrayyofel: yep,17:25
yofelok, sounds useful17:25
hggdhyes. Plus IRC (I personally would require it)17:25
pedro_IRC is a requirement, yes17:25
hggdhyofel: the idea is to have one explanation hitting all the mentees in a group17:26
yofelgood idea, agreed17:26
bdmurraywell and to build a classroom type environment17:26
hggdhinstead of repeating the same thing ad nauseum for each mentee17:26
hggdhhopefully this will spur exchange of ideas and doubts17:27
hggdhOK. Anything else on the mentorship?17:27
hggdh[TOPIC] Open Discussions17:28
meetingologyTOPIC: Open Discussions17:28
hggdhyofel pointed out at the beginning that the newsletter still has theis meeting at 180017:28
pedro_is that the UWN ?17:29
yofelcurrently it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/528800/17:29
yofeltaken from #21717:30
pedro_they are probably grabbing that from the fridge17:30
pedro_I'll contact the folks there to have that updated17:30
pedro_thanks for raising it yofel17:30
hggdhanything else? Anyone? Huh?17:31
pedro_just a quick announcement17:31
pedro_remember we're having a bug day on Thursday 11!17:32
* kamusin wohoo!17:32
pedro_kamusin and komputes are doing a *extraordinary* work17:32
hggdhoh, our old friend, bugs without a package17:32
pedro_kamusin komputes you guys are heroes :-)17:33
hggdhI would like to remind all that the Ubuntu Beginners Team would like to draw on our knowledge there17:33
pedro_and as always we're looking for new targets so if you have one, please add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning17:34
pedro_oh good call hggdh :-)17:34
hggdhso -- having time, please drop by #ubuntu-beginners-team, and ask how you can help17:35
yofeljoined, how exactly do they want to help us (or we help them) here?17:36
charlie-tcaThey would be willing to help teach triaging17:36
hggdhthey also have (or are planning) a triger's class/group/effort. We should probably try to converge/standardise17:36
hggdhcharlie-tca: heh. You beat me ;-)17:36
* charlie-tca thought I was missing today17:37
yofeloh, nice to have some more help there, I'll idle around there then :P17:37
hggdhthanks yofel.17:37
charlie-tcaI guess I will too17:37
* charlie-tca got to report that xchat bug17:38
hggdhBTW -- one thing I noticed is new triagers somehow try to tackle kernel, sound, and X bugs first17:38
hggdhhow can we tell them this is Not A Good Idea (TM)?17:39
charlie-tcaThey are picking on the hardest bugs they can find to learn with.17:39
yofelwell, I guess that's since those are usually at the top of the bugs stats lists with the most bug numbers - usually because they're so hard to do17:39
hggdhyes. But I always tell folks to start on something (1) simple (2) that they use... somehow I am not successful in passing this over17:40
bdmurrayrecommend that people pick software they like / use a lot17:40
hggdhand explicitly recommend they do not get kernel/sound/X?17:41
yofelmake https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/EasyTasks a bit more useful as a recommendation point?17:41
charlie-tcado we have any place in how to triage or helping with bugs that refers to that page?17:42
yofelthat page currently just lurks around in the knowledge base without many knowing about It I guess17:43
hggdhcharlie-tca: not to my knowledge17:43
hggdhit should be in, I guess17:43
charlie-tcaWould be nice to see it where it will be used17:44
yofelwait, it's not even in the Knowledge base17:44
* yofel wonders how he found that page in the first place...17:44
charlie-tcaheh, one of those neat things you wander into17:44
yofelI'll add it there at least17:44
pedro_i've created that page for the UGBJ but i don't remember if i linked it to others...17:45
pedro_bad me17:45
yofelbtw. is there *any* convention what goes to 'Bugs/' and what to 'BugSquad/' on the wiki?17:46
hggdhany other comments?17:46
charlie-tcaum, pretty much where ever it lands, I think17:46
hggdhthere is an effort on consolidating/rewrting/cleaning-up our pages17:48
bdmurrayteam stuff should goto BugSquad and Bugs stuff is generic to bugs17:48
charlie-tcaPerhaps both sections could be combined. That would cut out a lot of duplication, and make it easier to maintain17:48
bdmurrayso really the majority of the stuff should be in Bugs17:48
charlie-tcaIf bugsquad is the team that works on bugs, why are they separate in the wiki?17:49
hggdhbecause you do not need to be in bugsquad to triage17:49
bdmurraycharlie-tca: BugSquad stuff would be stuff like meetings, how to join etc17:49
bdmurraydevelopers might read Bugs stuff and not be interested in the BugSquad17:50
bdmurraywhich is their loss ;-)17:50
charlie-tcaand yet we make them bugcontrol?17:50
hggdhyes -- for *some* teams, not all17:50
hggdhlike core-devs17:51
SpamapSI've always felt that bugsquad is the team charged with doing the obvious triage work so that devs can focus on the hard stuff.17:51
yofelwell, they should read status, importance and other things, which is under bugs/ and doesn't have much to do with the team17:51
micahghggdh: all ubuntu-devs are member of bug-control17:51
hggdhmicahg: yes. But not *all* dev teams17:52
charlie-tcabut that doesn't mean they read/know any of the procedures bug-control non-devs must follow17:52
hggdhthe reasoning was (at the time, IIRC, bdmurray may correct me ;-) if they are already ubuntu-devs/core-devs, they *know* what to do17:52
hggdhand they are still expected to abide by the rules17:53
bdmurrayand have signed the CoC etc...17:53
hggdhwe do accept new teams for -control (but none have applied so far)17:54
hggdhbut the teams must be moderated/restricted and CoC is a requirement17:55
bdmurrayAre we good with this topic?17:55
hggdhI think so17:55
hggdhas such17:55
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Nov  9 17:55:48 2010 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell . (v 0.1.4)17:55
meetingologyMinutes:        http://mootbot.libertus.co.uk/ubuntu-bugs/2010/ubuntu-bugs.2010-11-09-17.02.moin.txt17:55
hggdhthank you all17:55
* hggdh goes for the next meeting17:56
charlie-tcahggdh: Thanks for chairing17:56
pedro_thank you hggdh17:56
bdmurrayjcastro: what is nux? I can't seem to find it18:01
jcastrobdmurray: it's some library that will be there eventually18:05
bdmurrayjcastro: ah okay18:06
bdmurrayjcastro: and compiz-plugins-main will be an new package too?18:07
jcastrobdmurray: when it all lands I can double check each one, just getting them started would be best18:07
jcastroyeah, probably18:07
bdmurrayjcastro: okay18:08
jcastrobdmurray: I suspect the bug numbers will all be skewed for the first week since they're rewriting the buggy parts but I figure it's best to get them going now18:10
jcastrobdmurray: out of curiosity do you just add packages to a list or is it there more to it than that?18:27
bdmurrayjcastro: one list and then classify them by category in a different list18:28
jcastroand measuring the bitesize tag? Will that be a problem?18:29
bdmurraythere would be some more work involved so I'll look at it later18:30
* jcastro nods18:30
jcastrobdmurray: so basically, the bug people triaging unity bugs will determine if anything is bitesize, and then I'm going to start a drive around getting new contributors interested in bitesize bugs18:30
jcastroit'll likely be modelled in a gnome-love/papercut like manner18:31
jcastroso any way I can measure successes with bugs with those tags would help me out18:31
flipefrhi everyone18:49
flipefrcan anybody take a look at the bug 67059218:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 670592 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashes when screensaver activates (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67059218:49
pedro_flipefr, a backtrace is needed, could you ask the reporter to enable apport and submit a new report?18:50
pedro_flipefr, there's a stock response for that here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Missing%20a%20crash%20report%20or%20having%20a%20.crash%20attachment18:51
flipefrpedro_, ok18:51
pedro_btw , you can close the bug after asking for the new one18:52
pedro_thank you flipefr18:52
flipefrpedro_, how can i close the bug?18:54
pedro_flipefr, just set it to Invalid18:54
pedro_to bug is no use without a backtrace anyways18:55
yofeldoes anyone mind if I rewrite that response a bit? the !gnome invocation instructions are just wrong18:59
pedro_yofel, feel free to edit it19:00
* yofel gets to work19:00
pedro_but the wiki seems down to me now19:00
yofelI need to make a draft anyway first19:00
pedro_is working again19:01
yofelany xubuntu user here? can't you open a crash report in thunar with a double click?19:03
* micahg uses Xubuntu19:04
charlie-tcalet's see19:04
charlie-tcasure I can.19:05
charlie-tcain Xubuntu 10.0419:05
micahgyofel: if the crash is owned by the user, yes19:05
yofelcharlie-tca, micahg: thanks19:05
charlie-tcathat's correct19:05
charlie-tcaif owned by root, it errors19:06
yofelsame goes for gnome and kde19:06
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