
nigelbMorning all04:05
paultagheyya nigelb04:09
nigelbhey there paultag04:10
nigelbhow was your weekend?04:11
paultagnigelb, crazy. I spent over 14 hours sitting at my computer without any breaks ( missed lunch and dinner )04:12
paultagI've not gone to sleep yet, and I'm still going to be late on two assignments for Uni04:12
paultagnigelb, I also had my interview today, it went really really well04:12
nigelbpaultag: hrm, sounds like pro geek04:13
nigelblong hours in front of computer check, without food, check, late for work work check04:13
nhandlerpaultag: With Google?04:13
paultagnhandler, yessir04:13
paultagnhandler, I killed the second interview. It was awesome.04:13
paultagnigelb, Check it out04:14
nigelbpaultag: github?04:14
paultagno no, I was going to paste something in04:15
paultagnigelb,  he had me explain: int f(int n) {  return n & ( n - 1 ); }04:15
paultaghonor system, no googling :)04:16
macoitd just return the value of n-1 wouldnt it?04:16
* nigelb blinks04:17
paultagno ma'am maco04:17
nigelbhow can you return 2 values?04:17
paultagnigelb, you're not04:17
maconigelb: & is a bitwise and04:17
paultagyou're ANDing them04:17
* nhandler feels proud for remembering it was bitwise AND. He couldn't remember what it did04:17
paultagnhandler, :)04:17
macoright but... bitwise and on 011 and 010 is 01004:17
nigelbso it would return 104:17
maco(if n = 3)04:18
nigelb3 & 2 would be 1 right?04:18
macono thatd be XOR04:18
paultagmaco, try for cases up to 12 or so, might help make some things clear :)04:18
paultag+1 maco04:18
paultagnigelb, 3 & 2 is 204:18
nigelboh, right.04:18
* nigelb forgets his bitwise04:19
maco01100 & 01011 = 0100004:19
macoreturns highest power of two contained in n?04:19
nhandlerI don't think I've ever actually used a bitwise function like that in my code. I've read about them, just never used them04:19
paultagmaco, that's what I thought at first as well04:19
nigelbI belive they were invented soley for the purpose of interviews and exams :p04:20
paultagmaco, but think about what doing a -1 does, and how it relates to the original ( in base 2 )04:20
paultagnigelb, this is actually super useful04:20
maconhandler: i had an assignment in school where we were told specific operators we were allowed to use and given a maximum number of them per question...04:20
nhandlermaco: I like stuff like that. They are fun puzzles ;)04:20
macopaultag: im assuming you mean 2s-complement base 204:20
macoinvert and add 1 is negation...04:21
paultagmaco, No, I mean, think about what bits you change when you subtract one04:21
paultag( and keep in mind that you're ANDing that against the original )04:22
maco11:  01011 & 01010 = 0101004:23
paultag 0001 --> 111004:23
maco10: 01010 & 01001 = 0100004:24
macoeh? thats 1s complement..not what computers use. -1 is 1111 isnt it?04:25
paultagmaco, I'm using big-endian04:26
paultagmaco, ones place is far left04:26
paultagI think it makes more sense :)04:26
paultagmaco, want what I came up with?04:26
macomy brain doesnt go in that order!04:26
paultagfar be it for me to ruin a good puzzle, though :)04:27
macoim still pondering04:27
paultagsure sure, I'll be here04:27
nigelbpaultag: I commend you dear sir.  You finally did manage to stump her with something.04:28
paultagnigelb, nah, she'll figure it out04:29
paultagnigelb, it's just something you need to ponder a bit, it's tricky for sure.04:29
paultagtook me about 20 minutes or so for this question04:29
nigelbpaultag: on the phone?04:29
nigelbi.e. interview on the phone or in person?04:30
paultagnigelb, yeah, over the phone. This was interview 2, I would not do a physical one until another iteration later04:30
paultagnigelb, and that's *if* they think i'm good enough04:30
macowho is this?04:33
paultagmaco, I'm interviewing with google.04:33
macoif you want to be in a diff dept dont tell them til youre hired04:34
macothey asked me to do on-site interview, and i told them i wanted to do swe not sre and they stopped talking to me04:35
paultagmaco, good call. I'm doing the SRE thing right now, I figured I could migrate later. Plus I want to not be in the USA04:35
macoim pretty sure there were only 2 phone interviews before i was offered an on-site...04:35
macoone with recruiter, one with former-sre-turned-security-dude04:36
paultagmaco, humm, my recruiter told me two ( to make sure there's an average )04:36
paultagor something. I'm not that vested in knowing the in-s and out-s :)04:36
macooh i thought you were telling nigel there are 3 phone ones before in-person04:37
macoi was not given any programming questions04:37
paultagmaco, one screen and two with other hackers04:37
paultagmaco, I've been given lots of coding questions, it rocks. I feel like a big boy04:38
macoi was asked about tcp headers, osi layers... that kind of stuff04:38
paultagmaco, Ahha, I said I did not know anything about networking. I know a bit, but best not say that.04:38
macoand was asked to explain some filesystems stuff since i used to work for a company that did fs researchy stuff04:38
paultagI was given UNIX / POSIX internals and coding04:38
paultagjust my stuff04:38
macothe screen was unix/posix stuff04:38
macodid they ask you about "stat"?04:39
paultagmaco, they sure did04:39
paultagmaco, and how chmod stored stuff04:39
paultagmaco, I got all of those04:39
macoi didnt give it as an answer because i dont expect people to know about it:P04:39
paultagmaco, hehehe04:39
paultagmaco, let me know if you want my solution ( which I believe to be correct ) to that bitwise and function04:46
nigelbI now realize how geeky 2 of my best friends on IRC area.04:46
paultagnigelb, <304:47
paultagI'm a nerd, and I'm damn proud.04:47
nigelbpaultag: pictures of my weekend PM'd :)04:47
paultagnigelb, cheers, opening now :)04:48
nigelb3rd picture = awesomenessof burst photography04:48
paultagtotally nigelb :)04:49
paultagnigelb, rock on, looks like you had yourself some fun :)04:50
nigelbpaultag: oh yes, totally04:59
nigelbpaultag: ther are some really fail photos of me playing badminton04:59
paultagI can always find you by that mustache05:00
nigelbpaultag: when I applied for visa 'somone' did tell me they remember me as the guy with the mustache and don't shave or they wouldn't be able to identify :p05:01
nigelbpopey: bad connection? :D06:54
dholbachgood morning!07:35
jussiHuomenta dholbach07:47
dholbachhi jussi07:47
dholbachhola dpm08:05
dpmheya dholbach08:05
dpmgood morning everyone08:05
nigelbmorning dholbach, jussi, dpm :)08:20
dholbachhi nigelb08:21
nigelbdholbach: Hows your morning? :)08:21
dholbachgood, although it's ....... cold here, I manage to go for a run this morning08:22
dholbachhow was yours?08:22
jussidholbach: cold? how cold is it there?08:22
nigelbIts raining here, so far so good :)08:22
dholbachjussi, it's not cold by your standards, but cold if you stand there in your running clothes08:23
jussidholbach: ahh yeah, fun. do you guys not have those winer running suits?08:23
dholbachwe do, but maybe it's not the specialist equipment they have in Finland to endure -30°C :-P08:24
nigelbIts not *that* cold here though ;)08:25
dpmhey nigelb08:34
jussidholbach: hehe08:37
czajkowskigood morning lovelies how are we all doing today09:40
dholbachhey daker, randa, czajkowski - how are you doing?09:40
czajkowskigoood :)09:41
czajkowskiday 2 of fun job09:41
dakerhey dholbach czajkowski09:41
randahi dholbach, czajkowski09:42
popeyMorning has broken!09:44
czajkowskibah naf song now in head09:44
czajkowskiyuck smell of fresh coffee09:44
nigelbczajkowski: song in your head? cake song? ;)09:45
czajkowskimonrning has broken09:45
czajkowskinigelb: you're a little obsessed with cake song09:45
czajkowskiyou need to listen to more music09:45
nigelbczajkowski: Indeed.09:46
nigelbczajkowski: There is something else stuck in my head which you just reminded me again09:46
czajkowskiwhich is\?09:46
czajkowskithis is an odd keyboard09:47
=== nlawson_ is now known as nlawson
nigelba song a friend of mine wrote...09:47
jussiczajkowski: yuck? fresh coffee is an awesome smell!09:53
czajkowskino, hate it, and the grounding machine is close by.09:54
nigelbjussi: she's just landed in the uk; i'd give her a week to say its lovely09:54
czajkowskimeh not the end of the world and if that's my only issue, I think it's fine09:54
jussinigelb: she is a tea girl - Im teaasing ;)09:54
nigelbjussi: aah :D09:54
czajkowskimmmmm *slurp* Tea09:54
nigelbI've been to tea factory09:54
nigelbit was nauseating - the smell09:54
duanedesignmorning all12:20
nigelbmorning duanedesign12:20
duanedesigngood day nigel :)12:20
nigelbOh, DST happened, right.12:21
nigelbI did wonder why everything is later compared to me.12:21
Pendulumnigelb: yes12:22
Pendulumwell, rather we all switched off DST12:22
nigelbWell, yeah, either way its kind of irritating.12:22
* duanedesign agrees12:26
nisshhwho would i talk to about having a session in #ubuntu-classroom, anyone know?12:26
nigelbnisshh: somone in classroom team :)12:26
nisshhtheres a classroom team?12:26
nigelbnisshh: well, yes.  You can talk to me :)12:26
* nigelb is in classroom team12:27
nisshhnigelb, here or a PM?12:27
nigelbnisshh: in an email would be great :D12:27
duanedesignnigelb: this is a good link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/Submissions12:27
duanedesignnisshh: ^^12:27
nigelbnisshh: ^^12:27
nisshhthanks duanedesign12:27
nigelbI finally found a tab buddy \o/12:27
duanedesigni just did a blog post on the classroom team so I had the link handy12:28
duanedesignnigelb: :D mohi started the tab fail committee in the BT channel12:28
nigelbduanedesign: lol12:28
nisshhnigelb, that may be a bit formal for what i want to do12:29
duanedesignnigelb: i think i have earned vice President12:29
nigelbnisshh: well, basically just send the mail and one of us will add to the calender12:29
nigelbI didn't want you to get blocked by me.  I'll be stepping out in a few12:29
nisshhnigelb, i want to find out if it would be possible for my loco to host a session in -classroom fortnightly12:29
nigelbyes it would12:29
nisshhah ok12:29
nigelbwe'l love to have people come in and have sessions :)12:30
nisshhnigelb, ill send the email then12:30
nisshhthanks nigelb :)12:30
nigelbnp, happy to help )12:31
nigelbwait, that's wrong12:31
=== jorge is now known as jcastro
jcastrohey dholbach14:18
jcastroa bunch of my stuff is missing14:18
jcastroany idea?14:18
dholbachheya jcastro14:19
dholbachSeries goal: None14:19
jcastrowhat is it supposed to be?14:20
jcastronm I see it14:20
jcastrodholbach: ugh, will that screw our graph up?14:21
jcastroThis like doubles mine14:21
dholbachjcastro, I can reset the line14:21
jcastroI don't get it14:21
jcastrowhy is ours all behind?14:22
jcastrodpm and kim0's don't even show up?14:22
dholbachjcastro, check the blueprints and see if they were accepted for natty14:22
dholbachjcastro, if not jono didn't do it14:22
dpmjcastro, I think it's because jono hasn't still approved them14:22
jcastroso wait, is JONO supposed to do it?14:22
jcastroso I think I just accepted mine and wasn't supposed to14:22
dholbachyou're fired!14:23
* dpm hugs jcastro14:23
jcastrodholbach: I undid them14:24
czajkowskiye are amusing14:24
jcastrodholbach: oh hey nhandler says the HoF box for askubuntu is broken14:26
dholbachif somebody wants to go and fix the css, be my guest14:26
dholbachI'm really too busy to do it14:26
jcastroalso that you're a bad person14:26
dholbachyeah, I know14:26
jcastro(I made that last part up)14:26
dholbachoh, the data is broken14:27
dholbachI see14:27
dholbachI'll add it to my TODO14:27
dholbachwe're screenscraping askubuntu14:27
dholbachI guess their html changed14:27
PiciWhy not use the stackexchange api? Or does that not do what you want it to do?14:28
jcastroreputation leagues don't have an API yet14:28
jcastrootherwise I'd have a box of awesome people on my blog!14:29
jcastro" I would suggest that you do some research into the behaviour of Ubuntu community members when they are not constrained by the CoC (in outside forums/ communities) to get a proper feel for the true underlying issues. There are a lot  I know you don’t want to hear this, but some of the most arrogant and hurtful people I’ve encountered online have been Ubuntu community members. "14:37
jcastroyou know, I hear people say this sometimes14:37
jcastrobut like, when you ask for specifics ...14:37
czajkowskijcastro: it's valid point14:39
jcastroyeah, but where?14:39
jcastroon a more personal note14:43
jcastroI made boycottnovell!14:43
popeyhave you tried listening to their audiocast14:44
popeyI subjected myself to some minutes of it last night.14:44
czajkowskisee I can hear popey accent when he says these things on irc14:45
czajkowskiit's rather amusing14:45
czajkowskiand I giggle14:45
czajkowskithen folks look at me14:45
czajkowskimust remember am not in my bedroom any more and there are people beside me14:45
Pendulumczajkowski: can you get away with listening to podcasts using headphones while at work?14:46
Pendulum(or music or something)14:46
popeyi find listening to podcasts too distracting, music is good though14:46
Pendulumbecause then start a habit of doing so when you giggle at something said on IRC in the future you can say "sorry, something on the podcast I was listening to"14:47
czajkowskiPendulum: smart14:47
czajkowskiI could listen to UUPC but I really do laugh a lot listening to it14:48
popeythis weeks uupc is a bit... different :)14:48
Pendulumczajkowski: picked that up from someone else. thought I'd pass on the advice :P14:48
Pendulumpopey: you lot didn't go all serious on us, did you?14:48
czajkowskipopey: you've not gone and gotten all serious on us have ye14:48
popeyquite, quite the opposite14:48
czajkowskipopey: lol14:48
jcastropopey: was it awesome?14:48
popeyi ope so14:48
Pendulumczajkowski: jinx :P14:48
czajkowskiok there is a phone for me tomorrow14:49
czajkowskiit's an............................iphone14:49
jcastropopey: are they english too?14:49
popeyjcastro: tim is, roy has an odd accent14:49
popeyit's just insanely dull14:49
popeythey talk about it being punchy14:49
popeybut it's 1.5 hours long!14:49
czajkowskiI'm sure it's not14:49
popeythats one damned long punch14:49
Pendulumczajkowski: did you not specify android?14:49
popeyczajkowski: iphone4?14:50
czajkowskidont think so popey14:50
czajkowskiI can see it on the desk14:50
czajkowskibut it's locked and the simn is in a drawer14:50
czajkowskistill a phone is a phone and will stop me roaming on this one14:50
popeyyeah, good move14:50
czajkowskiaye so just house and NI to sort out14:51
czajkowskiand got an interview date for 2 weeks time so not bad I guess14:51
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
Picipopey: Thanks for the note on sounder.15:40
duanedesignpopey: i am having some trouble getting my latest screencast posted. If you get some time could you take a look.15:56
popeynp Pici16:02
popeyduanedesign: wassup?16:02
czajkowskithanks popey nice mail  ;(16:04
popeyduanedesign: I'd look at another post and copy the contents, you've linked the url in the post to the ogv, thats now how it works, the url in the post should be the url _of_ the post16:06
duanedesignpopey: ahh, ok. For some reason the video is not coming up when I preview the page.16:12
popeyyes, because the content is missing16:12
popeylook at the content for another video16:12
duanedesignlol, thanks16:14
duanedesignpopey: much better. thats a bit embarrasing. we don't have to ever speak of this again :)16:21
popeyI don't think anyone noticed16:22
Technovikingmorning all16:25
czajkowskiTechnoviking: ello ello16:26
duanedesignhello Technoviking16:27
popeyWhat ho Technoviking !16:34
PiciAlas poor Technoviking, I knew him Horatio.16:34
Technovikingjust bullocks Ubuntu 10.10 on my Macbook Pro trying to get vga_switcheroo working16:36
dholbachok my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!16:57
Technovikingdholbach: have a good night16:58
dholbachTechnoviking, you too16:58
dpmdholbach, I think that's a really good idea. Calling it a day here too :)16:59
* dholbach hugs you all16:59
dpmgood night everyone!16:59
czajkowskidholbach: toodles17:00
dholbachbye :)17:00
* duanedesign yawns17:28
duanedesignits contagious17:28
Pendulumthe real problem with yawning is that it takes energy17:30
popeyduanedesign: you know the link on planet ubuntu to the screencast is broken?17:31
popeyduanedesign: you need to remove the leading slashes from the url field17:33
popeyduanedesign: just fixed them17:34
doctormojono_: What was that community member feedback wiki page again? I need to reference the results.17:37
duanedesignthanks popey17:37
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
duanedesigndoctormo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityReview/Sep2010 <--this one?17:38
doctormothanks duanedesign17:47
Technovikinggrrr. trying to help out the Mactel team, but they will not approve my membership to the team17:49
popeythere is a team?17:53
Technovikingpopey: yup17:54
popeyare they just not around or have they rejected?17:54
Technovikingnot around, but package in there ppa are getting updated17:55
popey"Please DO NOT request to join this team unless you have some experience with programming."17:55
Technovikingyeah thoght so too17:55
popeyyou thinking of updating the packages?17:56
popeythere are some maverick packages there17:56
Technovikingyeah,just fixed the btusb package to work with the MacbookPro6,217:56
popeyone uploaded 3 hours ago17:56
popeymaybe ping Henrik Rydberg17:56
popeyhe's active17:56
Technovikinggood idea17:57
Technovikingpopey: going to build it for my ppa for now17:59
jcastrojono_: don't forget about me today! :)18:24
jono_jcastro, I won't, have a call and then let's talk at 1pm my time18:24
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
senseCome on, it must remind you somewhat of 'guttenabend' when you try to pronounce it! :)20:07
jono_nearly ready jcastro20:57
jono_finishing lunch20:57
jcastroI am just hanging out20:57
jcastrojono_: can we do skype? I find it's voice activation is much better20:58
jono_jcastro, yeah, will call soon20:59
czajkowskicoming home to baby hugs is a massive perk21:53
czajkowskisoo adorably cute21:53
jcastromy cat just scratches me21:53
duanedesignczajkowski: your new job is going well?21:54
czajkowskiduanedesign: yup only day 2 so far, but everyone is really nice and fun.21:55
czajkowskiduanedesign: it's for 6 months so I get to have some fun trying new stuff and see how it goes21:55
duanedesignczajkowski: that is great21:57
duanedesignczajkowski: the people you work with, and your boss, can make a huge difference21:58
czajkowskiits stuff I've never done before as well so good to learn21:58
czajkowskiduanedesign: so frigging true21:58
duanedesignczajkowski: i worked at a place once, the first day I was their the guy in the ofice across the hall comes over and introduces himself "Hi, Im the &^%hole around here"21:59
czajkowskino the folks chat about which distro they use at work22:00
czajkowskiit's amusing I've never had that before22:00
czajkowskithough there was lots of laughing when my ubuntu machine started to misbehave22:00
jcastroczajkowski: your blog post is awesome22:01
jcastroI have 60 days of free Sirius in my car!22:02
czajkowskidifferent company though22:02
czajkowskijcastro: am so happy there22:02
jcastroI didn't see that until now!22:02
czajkowskiand being told I can do what ever I want and see who ever I want to prmote open source frigging rocks22:02
* czajkowski hugs jcastro 22:02
jcastroit's so awesome22:02
Pendulumczajkowski: you must love the new job if you're giving out hugs :P22:03
czajkowskiI know @_22:03
Pendulumespecially to a cat owner ;-)22:03
czajkowskiyes but it's Jorge22:03
jcastroI am not a cat owner, I am a spouse of a cat owner22:03
czajkowskiplease insert laura logic in as apropiate22:03
jcastroczajkowski: it's awesome when your employer lets you work on ubuntu22:04
Pendulumjcastro: czajkowski is about as anti-cat as you can get22:04
jcastroPendulum: I am neutral-cat but pro-predator22:04
czajkowskijcastro: yup slackware folks and debian in there mostly22:04
jcastroso I like it when he's a little hunter22:04
jcastroI am listening to opera22:06
Pendulumjcastro: are you listening to opera or are you listening to Andre Bocelli? there is a difference22:07
jcastrowell, he's covering opera22:07
jcastrodo they call it "covers" in opera?22:07
Pendulumbut I know what you mean22:07
jcastrothere are no vikings around afaict22:08
jcastrodoes sarah brightman count as opera?22:08
Pendulumokay, that counts as opera. although better if you were listening to an actual opera :P22:08
Pendulumdepends on what she's singing22:08
czajkowskijcastro: http://videosift.com/video/Heavy-Metal-Opera-The-Phantom-Of-The-Opera-by-Nightwish22:08
Pendulumif she's singing opera, she's singing opera. if not, she's just singing22:08
czajkowskiI love this version22:08
* Pendulum grew up on the NPR saturday afternoon opera broadcasts22:09
duanedesignjcastro: liked your banshee screncast. I was never able to keep up with ratings so that is perfect22:09
jcastroduanedesign: someone in my blog mentioned a more efficientish design22:09
jcastrobut yeah, why should I rate my songs, my player knows better than me!22:09
jcastroduanedesign: all I need is for my player to take the data from last.fm and mush it together22:10
* duanedesign nods22:10
jcastroPendulum: were you able to get more feedback on the people who didn't have screen reader capability?22:52
jcastroPendulum: AlanBell: also, we have #ubuntu-stack now22:53
AlanBelljolly good23:01
czajkowskiPendulum: did you follow @tc5523:10
Piciczajkowski: I see your heavy metal version, and raise you a punk rock cover:23:15
PiciI also return you to your reguarly scheduled conversation23:17
Pendulumczajkowski: no. why?23:35
Pendulumczajkowski: or was that just the reminder that I should follow her?23:39

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