
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
robert_ancellTheMuso, how do I find the list of Ubuntu archive admins?03:57
TheMusorobert_ancell: Afaik there is a list on the wiki somewhere, I think under ArchiveAdministration.03:58
micahgrobert_ancell: do you need all of them or just the ones on duty?03:58
robert_ancellmicahg, I just need someone to let gsettings-desktop-schemas out of the NEW queue03:58
micahgrobert_ancell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Archive days03:58
micahgrobert_ancell: worse case, pitti will be around in a few hours03:59
robert_ancellmicahg, thanks04:00
robert_ancellpitti, ^^^ can you give gsettings-desktop-schemas a kick please?04:00
=== robert_ancell is now known as robert_ancell-af
pittiGood morning06:51
pittirobert_ancell-af: sure, looking06:52
pittirobert_ancell-af: done06:58
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
pittiRiddell: oh, BTW, WIs from Kubuntu/Todo/Natty wiki: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/kubuntu-dev.html (per-milestone views also available)07:09
pittirobert_ancell-af: do you intend to have https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-desktop-n-display-manager targetted to natty? If so, could you please draft it RSN?07:13
pittiafter today's dist-upgrade, my terminal themes are completely messed up07:17
brycehheya pitti07:20
pittihey bryceh, how are you?07:21
RAOFbryceh: Are you going to sleep at all today? :)07:21
brycehpitti, I'm ok... had a death in the family07:22
pittibryceh: uuh, I'm sorry to hear that!07:22
brycehpitti, just as a reminder, I scheduled to take tues and wed off.  national holiday thursday07:22
pittibryceh: thanks for the heads-up07:23
brycehI may need to take friday off as well, depending on when the service for my sister is scheduled07:23
brycehand for a bit of good news, I've got wayland packaged!  https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/wayland/+packages07:23
brycehhowever something's not quite right with mesa... says insufficient opengl es 2 support when I run the compositor07:24
bryceh(but I think I know why that is)07:27
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
didrockslut seb12808:47
seb128lut didrocks08:48
seb128bryceh, hey09:00
=== robert_ancell-af is now known as robert_ancell
seb128robert_ancell, hey09:03
pitti bonjour seb12809:03
seb128pitti, guten tag!09:03
robert_ancellseb128, good morning09:03
seb128robert_ancell, I just replied to your email09:03
seb128robert_ancell, we need a better way to communicate who is working on what now and next09:04
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, I wrote that email because it felt like it was going like that09:04
seb128robert_ancell, I don't think we duplicated lot of work there but it's close enough and that's not going any better with extra team members09:04
brycehseb128, heya09:05
seb128bryceh, can you send me a cairo debdiff?09:06
robert_ancellseb128, let's work out a process.  I propose, we make versions track GNOME3, even if the packages are in the PPA and not natty, we write changes to the bzr branches, and make a maverick branch if we keep on a stable version09:06
brycehseb128, yes09:06
seb128bryceh, thanks09:06
seb128robert_ancell, that's a process to solve what?09:06
robert_ancellseb128, so we can work out who's working on what09:07
seb128we rather need a whiteboard09:07
seb128versions is not enough09:07
seb128I'm working on gnome-panel 2.32 locally but version would not show that09:07
seb128didrocks is working on compiz 0.909:07
seb128rodrigo_ is working on g-s-d and g-c-c 2.9109:07
robert_ancellseb128, I think versions and bzr did a good job last cycle - wouldn't you put your changes in bzr as UNRELEASED?09:07
seb128well there is always a gap between when you start work and well you feel it's in a pushable state09:08
brycehseb128, sent09:08
robert_ancellseb128, true, and in that case you can track it with a bug on LP that shows in versions09:08
robert_ancellthat way you can also write down problems etc09:08
seb128I was pondering using http://openetherpad.org/09:09
seb128or a wiki09:09
robert_ancellI personally like to use the issue tracker because it's already set up for tracking lots of tasks and you can subscribe to the ones you are interested in09:10
seb128well I don't deny that, I'm just wondering if we need a whiteboard as well09:10
seb128I've some things I'm thinking to do next09:10
seb128like dropping applets using bonobo from the default install09:10
seb128but it's not really one component09:11
robert_ancellseb128, track that in the blueprint?09:11
robert_ancellwe should all be subscribed to that09:11
seb128it doesn't really fit the bzr or bug workflow09:11
seb128well an http://openetherpad.org/YgvS4TjbKm09:11
seb128for example would be nice09:12
seb128it's a real time editor gobby like09:12
seb128just an url to open09:12
seb128it shows who wrote what09:12
seb128we could dump comments, ideas on what to work for other people, etc09:12
robert_ancellI don't think the real-time aspect is useful in this case, the most important feature we need is visibility and tracking.  It's obviously better than the blueprint whiteboard for handling who wrote what09:13
seb128right, it's rather that edit is low cost09:14
seb128it doesn't email pitti or people tracking specs09:14
seb128so it's easier to dump a few though at the end of the day, like bugs worth investigation, random ideas of things we should do09:14
seb128I don't think it should replace what you described before09:14
robert_ancellI'm ok as long as it's an unofficial record, i.e. any actions that come out of it should become bugs/blueprint items09:15
seb128ok, so let's say we do what you suggested before and add a pad for notes09:15
seb128the pad is really for dumping "would be nice if somebody wants to pick on that, or email the team about something"09:15
robert_ancellI'll read that in the morning09:16
seb128robert_ancell, do you have 5 minutes ?09:16
robert_ancellseb128, yup09:16
seb128to discuss GNOME 2.9109:16
seb128ok great09:16
seb128so you want to track the new version?09:16
seb128I would rather like adding an extra column09:16
robert_ancellI think versions would be more useful tracking the latest versions, and we should package them even if we don't put them into natty09:17
seb128ideally we would pick things we track on the 2.91 serie09:17
seb128the way we picked the things which stayed on old series before09:17
seb128opt in for upgrades09:17
robert_ancellyeah, was also thinking of that.  We need to refactor versions - it's becoming a bit of a monster :)09:17
robert_ancellhow are you for workload atm?09:18
seb128well we can use the same thing we use to pick up things stay on 2.3009:18
robert_ancell(I can do the versions stuff if you want)09:18
seb128workload ... no reply09:18
robert_ancellseb128, :)09:18
seb128I've nothing urgent but if you count the GNOME3 spec enough to be busy for the next 2 cycles09:18
seb128thursday is an holiday there09:19
seb128and I'm taking friday off09:19
seb128I want to land the new gnome-panel today09:19
seb128starting to get ride of bonobo applets09:19
robert_ancelluh huh.  GNOME3 is feeling a "bit all or nothing" so I'm worried we might end up bringing everything with it even if we don't want to09:19
seb128and the gnome-desktop on gtk309:19
seb128 09:19
seb128ok that was my next topic09:20
seb128how is that the case?09:20
seb128it's that if you take g-s-d09:20
seb128which is why I suggested we would start easy09:20
seb128taking standalone applications rather09:20
robert_ancellwell, take eog.  If you take it to GTK3, then the plugins need to be GTK3, and the Python bindings need to be GTK309:20
seb128using eog or gedit or gcalctool should not force our hands09:20
seb128what bindings? the new version should use gi? and the plugins are part of the same source or there is an extra source09:21
robert_ancellThe applications have been getting more integrated over time.  We might find we have to patch a few things09:21
seb128it just force you to update the eog stack, 2 sources09:21
seb128well we should review things we upgrade for depends on system components09:21
seb128like eog or gcalctool should be self restricted09:22
robert_ancellshould be :)09:22
robert_ancellIt's just my gut instinct.  But you know I'm never against moving forwards09:22
seb128I think I'm rather on the careful side compared to other people there09:22
robert_ancellI agree!09:22
seb128but I don't foresee real issues with eog or gcalctool for example09:22
seb128I would be happy to be educated on what you considered risky09:23
seb128I might revisit my position ;-)09:23
robert_ancellyou don't know what features I have planned for 6.0...09:23
robert_ancellI think there might just be lots of little problems which can add up to a big time sink09:23
seb128well which is why the plan was to pick a few applications09:23
seb128not to track 2.9109:23
robert_ancellbut I don't think we'll know until nearer the alphas09:24
seb128just to exerce gtk309:24
seb128we can still downgrade the calculator if we need09:24
seb128I though about taking like 509:24
seb128doing the end of the year with only those09:24
seb128and revisit what to upgrade at the rally09:24
seb128we can work on extra ones in a ppa meanwhile09:25
robert_ancellI think we should just push them all into the PPA, and migrate the ones that are working well into natty09:25
seb128we will just not bring things over for now09:25
seb128well, keep in mind that gtk3 is not abi or api stable yet09:25
seb128I don't want the ppa to turn into a time sink09:25
seb128which is why I didn't suggest we start tracking 2.91 even in a ppa09:26
seb128some parts of the stack are not there yet and we would waste lot of time by trying to get them in shape09:26
seb128ie nautilus09:26
robert_ancellI treat it like a staging area09:26
seb128ok, so just upgrade things we think are worth trying now09:26
robert_ancellI'll modify versions so we can track both and then at least we know09:27
seb128ok thanks09:27
robert_ancellatm I'm losing visibility into what we have up to date.  I don't have your crazy memory for tracking all this in my head ;)09:27
seb128well, versions track what we are interested in09:27
seb128we want to be uptodate in the 2.32 serie09:28
robert_ancellwell versions just says "everything is out of date" atm09:28
seb128and we want to bring the gtk3 stack in09:28
seb128robert_ancell, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html09:28
seb128it doesn't?09:28
robert_ancellIt's got a few 2.91s in there09:29
seb128I don't know why09:29
seb128I need to investigate those09:29
seb128we still use vuntz's 2.32 list09:30
robert_ancellI did ping him about a few of those09:30
seb128I guess he has been busy travelling09:30
seb128he's on the road for a month or so09:30
seb128ok, back to taking actions09:31
seb128you will update versions to track 2.32 and have an extra column 2.91?09:31
seb128ideally we need a way to say what serie we track by source09:31
seb128or rather list those which are tracking 2.9109:32
seb128we probably need a way to have the same source twice09:32
seb128gtk2 and gtk309:32
seb128robert_ancell, what is your todo for the end of the week?09:32
robert_ancellthey are different packages09:32
robert_ancellkeep updating stuff, also been looking at the nautilus elementary patches09:32
robert_ancellthinking about next week updating main box to natty and getting unity working09:33
robert_ancellwe have all the base gnome stuff covered now, right?09:33
seb128let me fwd you some emails09:34
robert_ancellI thought you guys had all gone on holiday...09:34
seb128robert_ancell, why?09:34
robert_ancellseb128, oh, if the email are about nautilus, jason forwarded them to me09:34
seb128robert_ancell, ok, so I fwd you 2 emails about elementary09:35
robert_ancellyeah, already got them09:35
robert_ancellbeen very quiet from this side of the world!09:35
seb128I should be better to keep you informed for those09:35
robert_ancellfeel free to cc09:35
seb128robert_ancell, isn't it always quiet? ;-)09:35
* robert_ancell is a poet09:35
seb128will do09:35
seb128robert_ancell, ok, so tasks...want to update gtk to 2.23?09:36
robert_ancellcan do09:36
seb128ok, so add it to your list09:36
seb128robert_ancell, that and lpi gtk309:36
robert_ancellI've been impressed with GTK3 so far09:36
seb128and libgnomekbd3, what is missing?09:36
seb128do you need review?09:36
robert_ancellI've done libgnomekbd09:36
seb128ok, I didn't check, you just wrote in was work in progress in your email09:37
seb128can you push it to trunk then or maybe natty?09:37
robert_ancellgroan, not looking forward to doing lpi.  I was wondering if we could get everything that uses it updated, but I don't think we can09:37
seb128robert_ancell, impressed how? do you find it much different from gtk2?09:37
seb128robert_ancell, no we can't, do you want me to ask mterry to do it?09:37
seb128robert_ancell, he did that for libindicat* already09:37
robert_ancellI haven't pushed it because it has changed api - so everything that depends on it needs to be updated or it wont build - this is why I was saying you put one thing in and everything else gets dragged in09:38
robert_ancelllpi, yeah give it to mterry09:38
robert_ancellGTK3 is nice in that it's got some good improvements, but I haven't seen any big problems with things migrating to it09:38
seb128robert_ancell, oh, and I guess only 2.9n applications are updated for the new api09:38
seb128should we have another source then?09:39
seb128libgnomekbd building the gtk2 version and staying there09:39
robert_ancellso, it's in the PPA, but I want to check carefully we don't paint ourselves into a corner.09:39
seb128libgnomekbd3 building the gtk3 version09:39
seb128it means we don't need to rebuild anyway09:39
seb128we just have the new lib there for those who need it09:39
robert_ancellwe should talk to Debian about that I guess - can you do that?09:39
seb128I can09:40
seb128vuntz suggested doing that for things that break abi09:40
robert_ancellok, let me know and I'll update the package if so09:40
seb128keep the old lib as it is09:40
seb128and build a new source for the gtk3 version09:40
seb128it allow to transition over time09:40
seb128I will do that today09:40
seb128ok, I think that was it on my list09:40
seb128so versions update for you09:40
seb128gtk 2.2309:40
seb128and clean a bit http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html if you want09:40
seb128though we are mostly uptodate09:40
seb128but feel free to pick in the gnome3 spec work items if you get bored09:41
seb128hey rodrigo_09:41
robert_ancellrodrigo_, hey09:41
seb128robert_ancell, you don't have an idea about bug #408417 btw?09:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 408417 in gdm (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "No option to log in remotely via XDMCP (affects: 223) (dups: 2) (heat: 1052)" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40841709:42
seb128I guess I will need to check that, users an unhappy09:42
seb128debian sent a patch upstream adressing some issues, it seems combined with building without ipv6 it works somewhat09:42
seb128(hate gdm)09:42
robert_ancellseb128, I have been keeping an eye on it.  The GDM XDMCP code is not pretty09:42
seb128robert_ancell, did you check on the debian fix?09:42
rodrigo_hey robert_ancell, up late?09:43
robert_ancellIt's open in a tab in FF, haven't looked in detail09:43
robert_ancellrodrigo_, I left early to go into town, but also so I can catch up with you guys :)09:43
* seb128 is happy that robert_ancell was around09:44
seb128nice to catch up a bit every now and then ;-)09:44
robert_ancellseb128, I'll have a look at the XDMCP stuff09:44
seb128robert_ancell, thanks09:44
robert_ancellI have little faith in it though09:44
seb128I guess you are set for tomorrow with tasks09:44
robert_ancellyeah, I go crazy without catching up now and then09:44
rodrigo_yeah, too many hours difference, can't we move nz a bit more westwards? :)09:44
robert_ancellHow is unity going, does it work on natty?09:44
seb128robert_ancell, I can still drop you an email with some ideas for next tasks today if you want09:45
robert_ancellrodrigo_, we need to move it around to track the sun09:45
seb128robert_ancell, unity in natty not yet, wait a bit09:45
rodrigo_robert_ancell, :)09:45
seb128robert_ancell, didrocks is fighting compiz 0.9 for a week09:45
seb128he should land in the next days09:45
robert_ancellseb128, I'm not looking for more work!  Just finding out where the team is!09:45
seb128once compiz is there you can build unity easily09:45
didrocks(fighting is the word!)09:45
seb128robert_ancell, ok, I was not sure if you needed a sense of what we need next09:46
robert_ancelldidrocks, feeling for you09:46
rodrigo_seb128, robert_ancell: oh, btw, are we creating a ppa for apps? I should have g-s-d and g-c-c today probably09:46
didrocksrodrigo_: thanks :)09:46
seb128robert_ancell, I've the feeling you will get crazy on GNOME 2.9n otherwise09:46
seb128rodrigo_, did you start on those?09:46
robert_ancellrodrigo_, oh, aren't we just putting them in gnome3-builds?09:46
rodrigo_didrocks, you're welcome, but thanks for what?09:46
didrocksrobert_ancell: I'm at the final stage right now, just have to kill the boss and see the end :-)09:46
robert_ancelldidrocks, quad damage!09:46
didrocksrodrigo_: bad completion as weechat autocomplete on the first name :)09:47
rodrigo_seb128, yes, been fighting with librest and libsocialweb, and fixing some serious bugs upstream09:47
didrocksrodrigo_: but thanks anyway :)09:47
seb128rodrigo_, ok, check your emails09:47
rodrigo_didrocks, :D09:47
seb128rodrigo_, robert_ancell has been working on it as well, packaging libgnomekbd for gtk309:47
rodrigo_robert_ancell, on g-c-c?09:47
rodrigo_seb128, ok09:47
robert_ancellrodrigo_, was aiming for g-c-c, but didn't get to it (lucky I checked in on what you guys are doing!)09:48
rodrigo_robert_ancell, ok, libgnomekbd is ok, so keep on that, but leave g-s-d and g-c-c to me, please09:48
seb128rodrigo_, you will need to review the g-c-c patches I guess09:48
rodrigo_seb128, I applied most of them upstream09:49
seb128g-c-c as well?09:49
seb128I followed only the g-s-d work09:49
rodrigo_ah, g-c-c, is coming, yes09:49
robert_ancellrodrigo_, np, there is some patch updates in lp:~robert-ancell/+junk/gnome-settings-daemon-gnome3 if you haven't done them yet09:49
rodrigo_robert_ancell, was waiting for the new release, which I'll do today09:49
seb128robert_ancell, rodrigo got half the patches upstream this week09:50
seb128that will make our job easier09:50
rodrigo_robert_ancell, but cool, I'll have a look at your branch09:50
robert_ancellrodrigo_, yay for upstreaming!09:50
rodrigo_yeah, specially because a lot of stuff has changed, so most of them won't apply09:51
robert_ancellpitti, what do I set the blueprint status to again? pending approval?09:51
pittirobert_ancell: yes, once you are done with drafting09:52
robert_ancellpitti, ta09:52
robert_ancellso who is running natty on their main boxes?09:53
robert_ancellpitti, heh, you got in early!09:53
pittisince UDS Friday :)09:53
rodrigo_robert_ancell, me09:53
robert_ancellI'm still using a VM :)09:55
robert_ancellseb128, do you think I should push the murrine/light-themes changes to natty?  They seem to be ok09:55
seb128robert_ancell, I've a mixed natty09:57
seb128I added the natty source and apt-get install things I need or want over time09:57
rodrigo__btw, if someone can review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/+junk/libsocialweb , not sure what I've done is good, looks like a hack to me09:57
robert_ancellalso opposed to adding remove libdbus-glib to the GNOME3 blueprint (as a maybe)09:57
seb128it gives me an updated desktop stack without taking xorg etc09:57
seb128robert_ancell, you are not the first one to ask, we should clarify, I think it's lot of work and little gain09:58
seb128robert_ancell, I didn't plan to set it as an active goals09:58
robert_ancellseb128, as little gain as libglade etc09:58
seb128well libglade is doable09:58
seb128I don't see dbus-glib being done in one cycle09:58
robert_ancellfair enough09:58
seb128we can list it as a "start cleaning dbus-glib"09:59
robert_ancellI don't see packageselection-desktop-n-gnome3 being done in one cycle :)09:59
seb128well the workitems should be09:59
seb128we have been reasonable there09:59
robert_ancellwell, that's why we add it as a maybe, and then defer all the maybes to next cycle10:00
seb128feel free to add it10:00
seb128dx is switching their indicator stack to gdbus already10:00
robert_ancellseb128, when I've tried porting stuff to it it doesn't seem as easy a glib-dbus (at least for acquiring a bus name)10:01
rodrigo__yeah, it's a bit more 'complex'10:02
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
robert_ancellrodrigo_, I love your message in libsocialweb10:02
rodrigo_robert_ancell, yeah, just saw I only did 1 commit :)10:02
robert_ancellrodrigo_, oh, can you make the depends lists one package per line - it makes them easier to diff10:04
rodrigo_robert_ancell, yes, sure10:04
rodrigo_robert_ancell, pushed10:06
robert_ancellrodrigo_, It's one of my crusades...10:06
brycehrobert_ancell, a noble crusade :-)10:09
robert_ancelllater all10:20
rodrigo_pitti, hmm, what happened with the gsettings-desktop-schemas package? it seems there's still no ~ubuntu-desktop branch10:20
rodrigo_bye robert_ancell10:20
robert_ancellrodrigo_, It needed a new project registered in LP, I did that earlier today10:21
rodrigo_robert_ancell, ah, ok10:21
robert_ancellso it just needs to be pushed now10:21
pittirodrigo_: bzr lp-open lp:ubuntu/gsettings-desktop-schemas10:21
pittirobert_ancell, rodrigo_: I thought we wanted to use the "native" package branch for this?10:21
pitti(created by the auto-importer)10:21
rodrigo_pitti, ah, as you like10:21
robert_ancellpitti, what does that do? does that make a new project automatically?10:22
pittirobert_ancell: it's not a project branch, it's a package branch10:22
robert_ancellpitti, so LP knows about the package, but you don't need to make a project?10:22
robert_ancellok, really going now, bye10:22
pitti... bye10:23
rodrigo_ah, cool, mterry rewrote the copyright file in DEP-510:24
* rodrigo_ removes that from his TODO list10:24
rodrigo_pitti, just for curiosity, why not a ~ubuntu-desktop branch for this one?10:26
pittirodrigo_: we still have a lot of those, but the general direction is to use lp:ubuntu/<packagename> branches with full source, and using bzr merge-upstream10:26
chrisccoulsongrrrrr @ gcc-4.510:39
pittihey chrisccoulson10:39
pittiwhat's up?10:39
chrisccoulsonhi pitti - how are you?10:39
chrisccoulsonpitti - the new toolchain is giving me lots of headaches10:39
pittiquite fine, thanks! seems I got along well with the jetlag this time10:39
chrisccoulsonthat's good, how was plumbers?10:40
pittichrisccoulson: interesting in various ways (I'll expand in my trip report, to be written..)10:40
didrocksseb128: pushing *compiz* in the ubuntu-desktop ppa as my natty pbuilder is quite broken :)10:43
chrisccoulsonhi seb128 and didrocks10:44
didrocksI'll push everything to natty once I confirmed it builds fine there10:44
didrockshey chrisccoulson10:44
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?10:44
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm not too bad thanks, how are you?10:45
seb128I'm fine thanks10:45
pittiI reset the WI tracker this morning, FYI10:52
pittinow we have a clean slate and trend line10:52
chrisccoulsonheh, it looks like i need more work items!10:59
pittichrisccoulson: 16 seems quite fine?10:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, it looked smaller than some peoples ;)10:59
seb128pitti, gnome-desktop3 is in new11:00
seb128if you feel like doing some NEW source review11:00
pittiseb128: 100_load_desired_settings.patch and 80_correct_rgba_use.patch aren't applied, is that on purpose?11:02
seb128pitti, bug #66041711:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 660417 in gnome-desktop (Ubuntu) "the load_desired_settings patch needs to be upstreamed and updated (affects: 1) (heat: 157)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66041711:03
pittiah, thanks11:03
seb128the other one was commented in maverick already11:03
seb128it's for gtk csd which we turned off again11:03
seb128tseliot didn't reply yet though11:04
tseliotseb128: sorry, I'm kind of busy with a deadline11:05
tseliotseb128: it's definitely on my todo list to have a look at it11:05
pittiseb128: accepted11:05
seb128tseliot, no worry11:05
seb128pitti, thanks!11:05
pittiseb128: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packagesselection-desktop-n-telepathy-indicator should be ready for your review, BTW11:07
seb128pitti, right, and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-desktop-n-gwibber-enhancements11:07
seb128I just want to launch a gnome-panel 2.32 build and I will review those11:07
pittiI didn't see a followup from Ken there11:07
pittiseb128: is that already against gtk3?11:08
seb128gnome-panel is going to be tricky11:08
seb128it would require updating all applets as well11:08
seb128but it's the version using dbus rather than bonobo11:08
pittiso, the honor of the first gtk3 package is still pending :)11:08
seb128well it has support for both11:08
seb128yeah ;-)11:08
seb128we will probably need lpi gtk3 before that11:08
pitticurrent natty alternates are 15 MB oversized, and we didn't even start adding new stuff :(11:09
seb128since most of our desktop software use lpi11:09
seb128pitti, both specs approved11:11
seb128kenvandine's ones11:11
seb128pitti, the gwibber one he didn't add a note but updated the whiteboard and pinged me on IRC11:11
seb128so it was ok11:11
seb128ok, only one left to review11:11
pittiso we are missing one review from RIck, and 4 drafts11:11
seb128rick slacker! ;-)11:11
seb128pitti, well the drafts are from other teams11:12
pittino, from our11:12
seb128I see only 2 from us11:12
pittiso, 5 actually11:13
seb128they don't show up on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+specs?searchtext=desktop11:13
seb128only 2 are there11:13
pittiI copied them from that page..11:13
seb128oh, they are New11:14
seb128not Draft11:14
seb128ignore me ;-)11:14
seb128I sorted by status and was looking at the "Drafting" list11:14
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, interesting11:16
chrisccoulsonllibmozjs has gone now11:16
chrisccoulsonnot sure how gnome-shell will work11:16
seb128interesting indeed11:18
chrisccoulsonit seems to be statically linked in to libxul now, which means that gnome-shell will have to load the entire mozilla runtime11:19
chrisccoulsonand libxul is huge11:19
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ah, it's fixable. there is a build flag for building a shared mozjs again11:33
chrisccoulsonthat's good, i could have been quite unpopular there ;)11:33
didrocksppa builders are crowded?11:35
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yeah, building mozilla daily builds ;)11:36
didrockschrisccoulson: that's because of you if compiz can't do it today. Hope you will take all the blame of that :-)11:37
chrisccoulsonheh :)11:37
rodrigo_ok, g-s-d 2.91.2 released, now packaging it11:49
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
kklimondacan someone take a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/atkmm1.6?11:52
kklimondait's a dependency of gtkmm 2.22.011:52
rodrigo_didrocks, about g-c-c's debian/patches/52_button_layout_from_theme.patch, what themes have that button order property?12:13
didrocksrodrigo_: well, the defaults one? :)12:15
rodrigo_didrocks, my question is really if X-GNOME-Metatheme/ButtonLayout is in the theme standard?12:15
didrocksambiancec and radiance12:15
rodrigo_didrocks, to see if I can push it upstream12:15
didrocksrodrigo_: it's not in the theme standard, as the X-GNOME… as I proposed that upsteam12:16
rodrigo_didrocks, and, was it rejected?12:16
didrocksrodrigo_: look at the header. But once again, this is part of more than 10 patches I posted to upstream and no reply on them12:16
didrocksrodrigo_: you don't see the header and the link to the bug report?12:16
rodrigo_yes, I do, looking12:17
didrocksrodrigo_: urgh, I have 14 patches unreviewed now :/12:18
rodrigo_didrocks, reviewing them, if they are for g-c-c12:18
didrocksrodrigo_: no, it's the only one for g-c-c (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=describeuser.html&login=didrocks%40ubuntu.com)12:19
rodrigo_didrocks, I don't see the bug about the addition to the theme standard, which one is it?12:21
didrocksrodrigo_: there is no need for it, right? As there is a fallback for the theme like the GNOME default one that has not the settings. (that should be discuss as an optional key in xdg list, rather?)12:22
rodrigo_so, only our themes have that key, right?12:22
didrocksrodrigo_: so, no, I didn't opened that discussion. I was waiting for some reply on the patch first12:23
didrocksrodrigo_: right12:23
didrocksrodrigo_: I also found on the web some funny theme using that to make crazy layouts :)12:23
rodrigo_oh, not themes from us?12:23
didrocksrodrigo_: yeah, I guess it was on gnome-look, but not sure12:23
didrockscyphermox: hey, did you see I commented on e-d-s and evolution merge requests?12:25
didrockscyphermox: do you think you can fix those little gotchas quickly so that we can upload the whole evolution stack today?12:25
cyphermoxlooking now12:26
didrocksawesome :)12:26
nessitahello everyone! packaging question: where can I read about building several binaries packages from a source package? and also, where can I read about how to package the graphical part of a project so it can be easily replaced by another gui implementation (kde for example)?12:29
didrocksnessita: you should read "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Advanced Packaging" which has few lines but it's a start and then have a look at some packages which have multiples binaries (it's really easy)12:33
didrocksnessita: take apport as an example I would say12:33
nessitadidrocks: I will, thanks! does apport provides several UIs?12:34
didrocksnessita: yes, a gtk and kde one in addition to text mode, hence the fact I point that one to you :)12:34
didrocksnessita: it's really easy, it's basically:12:34
didrocks- provide several "binary package" stenzas in debian/control12:35
seb128hey nessita12:35
seb128how are you?12:35
didrocks- then, the build system should detect and copy make install DESTDIR=debian/tmp (cdbs and debhelper should do that for you)12:35
didrocks- finally add multiples debian/<package_bin_name>.install files to copy to the right deb12:36
nessitaseb128: pretty good! rocking the packaging world (or that world is rocking me :-P)12:37
nessitadidrocks: perfect, one last question. If I'm building a package for a python project, wgat's the deal with packages named <project-name> vs. packages names python-<project name>?12:38
nessitadidrocks: should I have both?12:38
didrocksnessita: if the package is shipping a python library… like you can then ipython -c "import <library>", it should be named python-libraryname12:39
didrocksnessita: otherwise, it's just project-name12:39
seiflotfyis mvo on a vacation12:39
didrocksnessita: if you like to read: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ :)12:40
nessitadidrocks: ok... what puzzles me is that, for example, ubunutone-client provide boths binaries (ubuntuone-client  that depends on python-ubuntuone-client)12:40
nessitadidrocks: I will! /me enqueues reading12:40
didrocksnessita: so ubuntuone-client should contain the binaries like in /usr/bin and services if any. python-ubuntuone-client should only provide the python module that you include in the "binaries"12:41
nessitadidrocks: makes sense. I study now, may get back later with questions :-D12:42
didrockssure :)12:42
bilalakhtarIs the meeting going on?12:42
didrocksbilalakhtar: it's in 4 hours approximately12:45
seb128seiflotfy, he is, he will be back tomorrow though12:48
cyphermoxdidrocks, can you access the calendar component straight from evo in express mode?12:53
didrockscyphermox: no you can't, that's why it's different desktop files12:54
cyphermoxoh, never noticed that12:54
cyphermoxit's not in the unity launcher is it ;)12:54
didrockscyphermox: not that one, it's shown in the application place nevertheless12:55
cyphermoxah, cool, thanks ;)12:55
didrockscyphermox: I confirm that the calendar for google integration is broken with your version12:55
cyphermoxreally? it works here12:56
bilalakhtarcould someone please sponsor SRU debdiff attached to bug #636329 ?12:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 636329 in gimp (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Gimp: Print preview and printout are blank pages (affects: 44) (dups: 5) (heat: 234)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63632912:56
cyphermoxdidrocks, I just tested it... already created/connected though, and it updates. what kind of process did you try?12:57
didrockscyphermox: just stay on the calendar and look at tomorrow and the days after. I see no more meetings12:59
didrockstrying to reload12:59
cyphermoxI don't know, I can see my meetings in day view and work week view12:59
didrockscyphermox: no, I don't see any appoitment12:59
didrockscyphermox: do you use the google integration as well?13:00
cyphermoxwell, a couple of google calendars13:00
cyphermoxI have like, 7 open at the same time ;)13:00
didrocksahah, it seems it asks for my password13:00
didrocksno, it does it everytime I try to get the list of accounts13:01
cyphermoxdidrocks, ok, let me try something13:02
didrockscyphermox: you removed the old binding, isn't it? :)13:02
cyphermoxdo you mean the old gdata or something else?13:03
Riddellseb128, didrocks: gnome-desktop3-data isn't ment to be empty is it?13:03
seb128Riddell, it is13:04
seb128Riddell, it has translations in debian but those are stripped for langpacks13:04
* rodrigo_ -> lunch13:04
Riddellseb128: the description says it includes "(Pixmaps, .desktop files and internationalization files)"13:04
Riddellseb128: I'll accept it and file a bug13:05
seb128Riddell, thanks, the description needs updating13:05
seb128the pixmap have been moved to another source13:05
seb128the .desktop is built by the gtk2 version for now13:05
seb128we can't built it from both version13:05
seb128or they would conflict13:05
didrockscyphermox: the gdata-google as I wrote in the review13:06
cyphermoxdidrocks, not uninstalled.13:08
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jcastropitti: did you reset the WI tracker yet?14:16
pittijcastro: I did14:16
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didrockscyphermox: ok, I've fixed the calendar issue14:19
cyphermoxdidrocks, what was it?14:19
didrockscyphermox: as told, there was with recurrent events and needed a backport from upstream in e-d-s14:20
didrockscyphermox: so not sure why it was working for you14:20
cyphermoxdidrocks, yeah, really weird because I have quite a lot of them on google :)14:20
didrockscyphermox: so, I've pushed (and in the same time merge e-d-s), but keep fixing the two others things14:20
didrocksin e-d-s and evolution14:20
didrocks+ discuss with upstream about the fail migration output14:21
Riddellkenvandine: bug 666511 still needs a test case14:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 666511 in tomboy (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 4 other projects) "Note data loss with Tomboy sync to Ubuntu One, for notes created in Gnote (affects: 1) (heat: 224)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66651114:21
didrockswill fix the segfault later14:21
* didrocks is happy, full calendar again :)14:21
kenvandineRiddell, let me look14:21
cyphermoxdidrocks, I can't believe I looked at the commits for e-d-s and never noticed that one. but the reason it works for me is that I never use appointments that recur forever. I pretty much always set a limit14:29
didrockscyphermox: ok, hence the fact you miss that :)14:31
kenvandineRiddell, test case posted14:39
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seb128hey mterry14:43
mterryseb128, hello!14:43
seb128mterry, how are you?14:44
seb128mterry, what are you working on?14:44
mterryseb128, right now, some quickly merge reviews14:45
mterryseb128, I could do something else while I'm doing these14:45
seb128mterry, well, I've non trivial tasks if you have time this week14:46
seb128or next week14:46
seb128mterry, we need a launchpad-integration gtk3 build14:46
mterryseb128, right, saw the email.  I could work on that.  Is this the first dual library build?  (i.e. is there prior gtk2/3 art I can steal?)14:47
seb128mterry, I don't think we have one yet no14:49
seb128well we need to work on the upstream code then packaging14:49
* mterry blazes a trail14:49
seb128I've no strong opinion on how to do it14:50
mterryseb128, sure, if they don't yet have a gtk3 build (which I'm assuming they don't)14:50
seb128we can probably just port it to gtk3 and upload as a new source14:50
mterryseb128, you think a new source?14:50
seb128whatever is easier14:50
mterryI thought we had talked about two-binary builds14:51
seb128well maybe it's easier to build both from the source14:51
seb128it's an ubuntu specific source anyway14:51
seb128so don't bother with configure flag, maybe just make it build the 2 versions14:51
seb128one build doing gtk2 and gtk3 binaries or one build for each flavor, both work14:51
seb128mterry, we also need somebody to port indicator-applet to dbus14:52
seb128not sure if you are interested14:52
mterryseb128, you mean gdbus?14:52
seb128I just uploaded gnome-panel 2.3214:52
seb128mterry, no, they changed the applet to panel protocol14:52
seb128it uses to be bonobo14:52
mterryoh oh right14:52
seb128I will do gnome-applets14:53
mterryI could look into that too, sure14:53
seb128we can almost get ride of libbonoboui14:53
* mterry adds that to TODO for this week14:53
seb128but we need to port indicator-applet14:53
seb128mterry, I will assign the bugs for each to you14:53
seb128tedg, ^14:53
tedgWow, is indicator-applet last already?14:53
* tedg thought he had a little while14:54
seb128tedg, well we just use gnome-panel and gnome-applets in the default installation14:56
seb128tedg, gnome-dictionary will be dropped from the default selection since it's buggy14:56
seb128tedg, I updated gdm to drop fusa since upstream will do it in GNOME3 and we use indicator-session14:56
bilalakhtarseb128: but that's due to dict.org being down!14:56
czajkowskikenvandine: you working your gwibber magic I see :)14:56
seb128bilalakhtar, still it only works for english and the ui has issues14:57
bilalakhtarah, its up again14:57
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tedgseb128, Great!  Perhaps you should take a vacation :)14:57
seb128tedg, why? ;-)14:57
seb128tedg, thursday is an holiday and I've friday off :-)14:58
bilalakhtarkenvandine: Could you please sponsor the SRU debdiff attached to bug #636329?14:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 636329 in gimp (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Gimp: Print preview and printout are blank pages (affects: 44) (dups: 5) (heat: 234)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63632914:58
tedgseb128, \o/ time to catch up for me!14:58
seb128tedg, you don't have lot of catching up, mterry said he would do the indicator-applet port to dbus14:58
tedgCool, thanks mterry!14:59
seb128tedg, sorry if that was no clear from the ping, that was just to let you know we would give you a patch for that14:59
seb128tedg, btw will you roll tarballs for natty in the next week?15:00
rodrigo_hmm, is XSBC-Original-Maintainer a wrong field in debian/control?15:00
seb128rodrigo_, no, why15:00
rodrigo_dpkg-deb: warning: 'debian/gir1.0-rest-0.7/DEBIAN/control' contains user-defined field 'Original-Maintainer'15:00
seb128rodrigo_, did you use 'Original-Maintainer' or XSBC-Original-Maintainer?15:00
rodrigo_XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) <paulliu@debian.org>15:00
seb128rodrigo_, lintian -i?15:01
kenvandinebilalakhtar, not right now... busy atm15:01
bilalakhtarkenvandine: no problem, thanks, will see some other day15:01
tedgseb128, Yeah, I was thinking so.  I haven't had a chance to integrate mterry's other patches into trunk yet.  But my plan is to handle the merge request backlog first.15:02
seb128bilalakhtar, it's in the sponsoring queue, no need to ping people for things waiting15:02
seb128bilalakhtar, if we don't do it that's because we are busy and sru are frozen still15:02
bilalakhtarseb128: I never got main uploads sponsored without poking people15:02
seb128that's because you don't wait enough15:02
bilalakhtarAnd, I have a main upload in the queue for the last 4 months15:02
bilalakhtarseb128: 4 months is not enough? :(15:02
bilalakhtarokay, sorry15:03
seb128well the desktop ones are handling in a reasonable timeline15:03
seb128those are probably on components nobody wants to touch15:03
seb128or has interest in15:03
seb128tedg, right, that's why I'm asking, would be nice to get some of the gsettings, gtk3 cleaning in natty15:03
komputesIs it possible to run Ubuntu if the root filesystem is mounted in read only mode. I've tried this by editing fstab to mount / ro, but end up in a text console.15:08
chrisccoulsonkomputes, if you have things like /tmp and /var on it, then probably not15:09
komputeschrisccoulson: any way I can get those to write to ram instead of disk?15:10
chrisccoulsonyou can with /tmp but you definately don't want to do that with /var15:11
rodrigo_can I get reviews on these 2 branches please:15:11
rodrigo_https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/+junk/librest and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/+junk/libsocialweb15:12
rodrigo_it looks like a hack to me what I did with the missing autogen.sh in both15:12
pittirodrigo_: "missing"? autogen.sh is usually only used in upstream VCS, not in proper "make dist" tarballs15:14
pittidist tarballs already have the autoconfiscation15:15
rodrigo_pitti, right, but it complained about a missing configure15:15
rodrigo_that's why I think it's a hack, but not sure how to solve it15:15
pittirodrigo_: sounds like a broken upstream tarball to me?15:15
rodrigo_it had the configure script indeed15:15
pittish ./autogen.sh $(DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS)15:16
pittidh_auto_configure -- $(DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS)15:16
pittiwhy both?15:16
pittithe latter should suffice15:16
pittirodrigo_: ah, you have a patch which changes configure.ac15:16
pittiah, sorry, auto_configure != autoreconf15:17
rodrigo_so, dh_autoreconf should solve it?15:17
* rodrigo_ tries15:17
pittiinstead of the patch to add autogen.sh and running that15:17
pittiby and large this just needs an "autoreconf" call15:18
pittiI guess/hope that's what dh_autoreconf does (I never used it yet)15:18
rodrigo_dh_autoreconf: --enable-gtk-doc failed to to execute: No such file or directory15:18
rodrigo_dh_autoreconf -- --enable-gtk-doc15:19
pittiI don't think that autoreconf configures15:19
pittiit just updates configure15:19
pittii. e. it doesn't expect configure arguments15:19
pittidh_auto_configure -- $(DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS)15:19
rodrigo_ah, ok15:19
pittithis should do15:19
rodrigo_now seems to work15:19
pittirodrigo_: btw, dh_quilt_patch isn't necessary with "3.0 (quilt)" sources15:19
pitti(nor a quilt build dep)15:20
pittidpkg-source applies patches already15:20
rodrigo_pitti, before autoreconf?15:20
rodrigo_I had to add it to get the autogen.sh file15:20
rodrigo_hmm automake: cannot open < gtk-doc.make: No such file or directory15:20
rodrigo_seems the upstream tarball is wrong indeed15:20
kklimondabtw packaging, can some take a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/atkmm1.6 ? It's a direct dependency of gtkmm 2.22.015:21
seb128kklimonda, rodrigo_: could you open sponsoring bugs for those15:28
seb128seems everybody is busy right now but we will work on it from the queue15:28
kklimondaseb128: sure15:28
seb128just open a bug and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors15:28
rodrigo_seb128, I'll do as soon as I remove the autogen.sh hack15:28
seb128kklimonda, thanks15:28
seb128rodrigo_, thanks15:28
rodrigo_you're welcome :)15:29
kklimondaseb128: atkmm1.6 is a new package, should I still subscribe sponsors?15:29
kklimondaactually, I just will subscribe as I have to run15:29
rodrigo_seb128, I've filed the bugs anyway, so will keep working on fixing the hack15:36
seb128rodrigo_, thank you15:36
dobeyhyperair: ping15:42
nessitadidrocks: ping15:50
didrocksnessita: yes?15:50
nessitadidrocks: I see that apport sets python modules to install to usr/lib/python*/*-packages/apport/* but u1client uses debian/tmp/usr/share/pyshared/ubuntuone/15:51
nessitadidrocks: can you clarify the distinction between those two?15:51
didrocksnessita: pyshared/<module> are for modules, like when you want to * python -c "import <module>"15:52
didrocksnessita: then, there are some symlink magic to link to usr/lib/python*15:52
didrocksnessita: let me show you an example15:52
nessitadidrocks: I understand that, thanks. Does that mean that python-apport.install needs to point yo pyshared?15:53
nessitainstead to directly install to usr/lib/python*/*-packages/apport/* ?15:53
didrocksI trust pitti on that to have done the right thing :)15:53
didrocksnessita: you have some modules in /usr/share/pyshared/apport15:54
pittididrocks: python-apport does install to /usr/share/pyshared/15:54
didrockswhich sounds good15:54
pittididrocks: the ones in /usr/lib/python2.X are symlinks from dh_py*15:54
kenvandineour meetings is in 35m right?15:54
* kenvandine wished google calendar did UTC times15:54
didrockspitti: ok, I don't know what necessita is referring to then, necessita?15:55
nessitapitti: how does apport installs on pyshared? python-apport.install lists usr/lib/python*/*-packages/apport/* and I\'m not sure I understand that15:55
didrocksnessita: ls -l /usr/share/pyshared/apport/15:55
didrocksand ls -l /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/apport/15:55
mterryseb128, what the heck with the "gcc: not found" errors for gnome-panel.  Is natty busted right now?15:56
didrocksthe symlink are generated15:56
seb128mterry, where?15:56
pittinessita: upstream modules install to /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ or /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages by default15:56
mterryseb128, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/58895346/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.gnome-panel_1%3A2.32.0.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:56
seb128mterry, no, false warning15:56
seb128read after15:56
pittinessita: python-central then takes care of moving them to pyshared, adding the symlinks, etc.15:56
seb128E: Unable to locate package gir1.0-gconf-2.015:56
seb128E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'gir1.0-gconf-2.0'15:56
seb128mterry, ^15:56
nessitadidrocks: I do have apport modules in pyshared and synlinks in usr/lib, I was wondering how that happen if the .install file say otherwise15:56
nessitapitti: ah! I understand now15:57
pittinessita: in the general case, you should call the upstream setup.py with --no-compile --install-layout=deb15:57
pittinessita: and then call dh_python2 or dh_pycentral or whatever15:57
pittiand these will DTRT15:57
seb128mterry, the binary is in universe, I will promote it now15:57
mterryseb128, ah, I see.  Whoops15:57
nessitapitti, didrocks: perfect, crystal clear. Thanks!15:57
seb128mterry, will retry the build but promotion and retry will take a bit16:00
mterryseb128, sure16:00
seb128mterry, you should probably do a local build if you need it16:00
dobeynessita: hmm16:01
nessitadobey: ?16:02
dobeynessita: reading backlog, and i'm not quite sure what your confusion was16:03
seb128mterry, did you figure how to use gi with gtk3 when  gtk2 is installed btw?16:04
nessitadobey: an .install file pointed to pyshared and the other to usr/lib/python.16:06
dobeynessita: right. ubuntuone-client has some special stuff in configure.ac and the Makefile.am for installing the python module bits, to make maintaining the project easier.16:08
nessitadobey: ahahahaha you will not convince me of using autotools!16:09
nessitadobey: :-)16:09
mterryseb128, I never got a clear answer on which Gtk is used by default, how to check which is being used, or how to specify one to be used, no16:09
dobeynessita: we used to use both autotools and distutils in u1-client. it was not fun.16:11
kenvandinewhew... MASSIVE gwibber change uploaded :)16:11
kenvandineto natty that is16:11
icekhi, my ubuntu 10.04 is using 19 gbs of my 2gbs or ram, over 90%, and my computer is SOO slow, but in the monitor tool I cannot see any process using more than like 40 mbs, whats going on@@@16:15
icekand why does adobe flash take soooo many resources?16:17
pittiteam meeting is in 12 mins, right?16:19
pittijasoncwarner, seb128 ^16:19
seb128pitti, no, 1116:19
jasoncwarnerseb128: :)16:19
didrocksI already saw that pitti was late in Florida :)16:19
didrocksI understand now!16:20
jasoncwarnerbtw...not a fan of google calendar. I still have it on my calendar as in 1 hour16:20
pittiseems my Evo calendar still shows it as in 1:10 (still running on European summertime?)16:20
* jasoncwarner shakes fist at google calendar16:20
didrockspitti: does it reflect your jetlag?16:20
chrisccoulsonmy evo calendar shows it as the correct time16:20
* pitti takes a huge big hammer and beats Earth into a flat shape again16:21
pitti... as it should have been all the time!!!11!16:21
didrocksjasoncwarner: same here, I didn't get daylight saving working…16:21
pittididrocks: the one minute? yes :)16:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - you meant that the earth *isn't* flat?16:21
rodrigo_yes, evo does the correct thing16:21
* didrocks thinks that the conversation has exceeded the "nonsense" part already :)16:22
pittichrisccoulson: but if it was it would be so much easier16:22
pittiso it seems nobody sent a meeting reminder this time16:23
pittisorry, forgot about it16:23
dobeyjust only use UTC for everything16:24
dobeychange all your clocks to be in UTC16:24
pittididrocks: can you please ping me when you are done with the wiki?16:25
jcastrodidrocks: in order for QA to make a list of graphs for unity bugs I need a list of package names for all of "unity", how can I find that out?16:25
kenvandinepitti, for the work item tracker, you hard code the lp team to associate with blueprints right?16:25
kenvandinepitti, i had the ubuntuone team create a new lp team that only has real team members as members... so the work item tracker will be more effective16:26
didrockspitti: ping16:26
kenvandinepitti, can you change their's to ubuntuone-team?16:26
didrockswell, once wikimoinsmoins will have finished with loading…16:26
didrocksjcastro: you mean, the unity task or just those from unity source?16:27
jcastrodidrocks: I'd like to have bug graphs for the stack16:27
pittididrocks: cheers, added mine16:27
jcastrodidrocks: like for xorg for example: http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/16:28
jcastroI figure have one called "unity" with the dash bits, compiz, the launcher, etc.16:28
didrocksjcastro: ok, will get that to you16:28
pittikenvandine: I hardcode a team list, but not the assignment; that is determined by the members of each team16:29
didrocksjcastro: you need binary or source package?16:29
pittikenvandine: you can do the change as well, but I'm doing it for you now16:29
kenvandinepitti, right... great16:29
kenvandinecool, didn't want to break anything :)16:29
pittikenvandine: done (see platform@lillypilly:~/work-items-tracker/config/natty.cfg)16:29
kenvandinethis will make workitem tracking actually sane for u116:29
jcastrodidrocks: source16:30
jasoncwarnerOk Everyone...16:30 UTC (no matter what Google calendar tells me). ready to start the desktop meeting?16:31
didrocksyes o/16:31
jasoncwarner    * Outstanding actions from last meeting16:33
jasoncwarner    * Partner Update16:33
jasoncwarner    * Kubuntu Update16:33
jasoncwarner    * Release Bugs/Release Status16:33
jasoncwarner    * Review activity reports16:33
jasoncwarner    * Any other business16:33
jasoncwarnerstarting w/ outstanding actions from last meeting, anyone have anything they would like to talk about?16:33
jasoncwarnereveryone had one big action:16:33
jasoncwarnergetting specs written and approved! :)16:34
pittiI had an action to set up WI tracker for Kubuntu specs16:34
jasoncwarnerpitti had one additional: pitti setup WI tracker for Kubuntu16:34
pitti(milestone views also available, as usual)16:34
pittisorry, s/pitti/platform/16:34
* pitti curses history in ffox16:35
jasoncwarnerso, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/kubuntu-dev.html ?16:35
jasoncwarnerawesome, thanks!16:35
pittijasoncwarner: as for specs, can I have a separate topic for that?16:36
jasoncwarnerwould you like to go now or after everything else?16:36
pittimight as well now16:36
pittithe other topics should be quick/nonexistant16:37
jasoncwarnerall yours ;)16:37
pittiso, first, congrats everyone, we made great progress here16:37
pittithe large majority is approved now16:37
pittirickspencer3 needs to approve https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-desktop-n-opportunistic-developer-manual16:37
pitti (sort by reverse "design" is best)16:37
pittiand we have 5 which are still drafting16:38
pittirickspencer3: that must have been utterly thorough :)16:38
pittiI'd like to run through them quickly16:38
pittitkamppeter: ^16:38
pittithis seems like a very complex problem, and is a corner case at the same time IMHO16:38
pittitkamppeter: would you like to work on this during natty, or should we postpone this to olympic opossum?16:39
rodrigo_doesn't the 'ñ' come after Natty??? :)16:40
pittithis requires some thorough use cases first, analysis of what currently happens, discussions with upstream etc.16:40
rickspencer3pitti, I was in the session ;)16:40
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
pittithat's Allison's, and she still has time until the "official" blueprint deadline16:41
pittiso I'll ignore this for now16:41
pittihttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-audio-apport-symptom is diwic's16:41
pittialso not strictly our team, I'll ping diwic about it16:41
pittithis is a bit inconsistent16:42
pitti"Accepted for natty" but "deferred"16:42
pittichrisccoulson: should this rather be un-targetted for natty?16:42
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that one should be untargetted. i don't think there are any WI's there are there?16:42
pittichrisccoulson: right, and status is still new16:43
chrisccoulson(i think i'm tracking all my WI in other blueprints)16:43
pittichrisccoulson: ok, done16:43
pitticool, so except for the papersize one we are in shape16:43
pittiI reset the WI tracker today, so today is day #1 for trend line and counting16:44
* pitti ^5s team, let's have at it!16:44
pittijasoncwarner: I'm done, here's the mike back16:44
jasoncwarnerthanks, pitti16:44
jasoncwarner[ACTION] follow up with tkamppeter about paper size bp16:44
jasoncwarnerI can take that one, pitti16:45
jasoncwarnerback to the agenda16:45
jasoncwarnerPartner update?16:45
kenvandinenothing to report on the partner update, besides the team fix for U1 work items, so that will help a lot!16:45
jasoncwarnerKubuntu update?16:45
pittikenvandine: nothing new on DX as well? compiz etc.?16:46
didrockspitti: this is in the unity update16:46
kenvandinewhat didrocks said :)16:46
pittiah, 'k16:46
kenvandinenext week we'll have more16:46
pittinew crack!!!16:47
jasoncwarnerok, we'll all be looking forward to next week! :) Unity update!16:47
jasoncwarnerRiddell: Kubuntu update? Anything you would like to note?16:47
Riddell * 4.5.3 uploaded and built16:48
Riddell * trouble on arm due to removal of CXXFLAGS += -Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb by default16:48
Riddelldoko will investigate the arm issue tomorrow16:48
pittioh, why did we drop thumb again?16:48
Riddellbecause upstream didn't like it I believe16:48
pittididn't we rebuild everything for it in lucid (or was it maverick?)16:48
Riddellmerges all done16:48
Riddellneed to make sure all our deltas go upstream16:48
Riddellthen we're all ready to get into feature mode!16:49
jasoncwarner[ACTION] doko to investigate arm issue for kubuntu16:50
jasoncwarnerAnything else?16:50
jasoncwarnerIf not, we'll move onto release bugs/release status.16:50
jasoncwarnerwhich I'm assuming is light ;)16:50
didrocksjasoncwarner: isn't the turn of Unity update? :) (the Agenda has never been upated to include Unity/USC update I'm afraid, will do it)16:50
pittididrocks: can you please update the Template?16:50
didrocksjasoncwarner: look at the wiki page, below agenda16:50
pittididrocks: while you are at it, perhaps change the chair from Rick to Jason :)16:50
didrockspitti: will do that too16:50
jasoncwarnerUNITY/USC  it is!16:51
didrocksso Unity…16:51
didrocksdx team is working hard to get a rocking unity on compiz!16:51
* pitti remembers TheMuso having lots of fun with that last week16:51
didrockscompiz is uploaded today in natty as a first step to unity compiz. We still need some patches to compiz to be ready for landing unity into natty. Will come soon… very soon :)16:51
* rodrigo_ is not on the template, feels out :(16:51
didrocksyour dear compiz will be partially broken (no pager in gnome-panel applet real support) and no integration in gnome-control-center (will show "no effect"), also the edge doesn't react. Known issues, will be fixed soon or post alpha1 for some parts16:51
didrocksThe migration of data/settings from older compiz 0.8 to newer compiz (0.9+) is planned upstream for alpha216:51
pittididrocks: does that need any magic for keeping user conf during upgrade? or did that not change?16:51
didrocksrodrigo_: will add you too16:51
rodrigo_didrocks, merci16:52
didrockspitti: no magic right now, just dropped16:52
didrockspitti: not removed, but the folder name isn't the same16:52
pittididrocks: ah, you preempted me16:52
didrocksI was sure you were about to react :)16:52
didrockspitti: so, there are two kind of magic needed:16:52
pittididrocks: should we make a backup of our current conf, so that we can reinstall it for later upgrade testing?16:52
rodrigo_didrocks, btw, there's no more appearance applet/panel in g-c-c 316:53
didrocks1. upgrade data from compiz 0.8 to 0.916:53
didrocks2. handling conflicting plugins with adding unity by default16:53
rodrigo_didrocks, so the stuff for setting up compiz effects needs to be thought16:53
didrockspitti: no, you will still have your old data in ~/.compiz and ~/.config/compiz16:53
didrockspitti: the new is reading at compiz-116:53
didrocksrodrigo_: ok, thanks for the heads up16:54
didrocksrodrigo_: I won't spent time on that then16:54
seb128we didn't decide if we would take g-c-c 3 this cycle16:54
seb128especially due to such questions16:54
kenvandineyeah, but i am very interested in the ideas for a web accounts interface :)16:54
didrocksok, will put the WI for later, it just helps to focus on more urgent things16:54
rodrigo_kenvandine, g-s-d and g-c-c packages coming soon, but no web accounts yet16:55
seb128kenvandine, right, we will need to check with the u1 about that though16:55
seb128just to be clear coming to a ppa, not natty16:55
rodrigo_yeah, right16:56
pittiI'll package the user admin portion of gcc 3.0, though16:56
pitti(needed as replacement for gnome-system-tools)16:56
* pitti lets his Perl axe blink for a bit16:56
rodrigo_pitti, it needs the whole g-c-c 316:56
pittirodrigo_: source yes, but I take it the user admin part can be split into a separate binary package16:57
seb128rodrigo_, no, that was a standalone component before16:57
pittiI did that already for the network proxy and something else16:57
rodrigo_yeah, but now it's obsolete, and part of g-c-c16:57
pittianyway, details16:57
seb128rodrigo_, well if we don't take the new g-c-c we will investigate taking the old source for this cycle16:58
pittididrocks: you're done?16:59
didrockspitti: I'm done, yes16:59
tremoluxok, so USC update16:59
tremolux* Work items specified for the Software Center UI enhancements blueprint16:59
tremolux * Focus on Unity integration, improvements to software purchase experience, performance and usability16:59
tremolux* Remaining work items lists for Software Center-related blueprints will be completed this week (after mvo returns from holiday)16:59
tremolux* mpt has done a review of the current ratings and reviews UI branch and provided detailed feedback16:59
tremoluxany questions?17:00
jasoncwarnerIf not more questions, I have some actions :)17:01
* tremolux drums on desk, whistles17:01
jasoncwarner[ACTION] update wiki w/ updated agenda and add rodrigo17:01
jasoncwarnerAnything else from the above?17:01
jasoncwarnerAnd, anything else missing from the agenda we wanted to talk about?17:01
pittinot from me17:02
didrocksjasoncwarner: done btw (update wiki)17:02
seb128jasoncwarner, hum, did anybody pinged pedro to know if he has anything for us?17:02
seb128pedro_, hey17:02
seb128pedro_, not sure if you want to start doing a weekly status that early in the cycle?17:02
pittijasoncwarner: wrt. release status/bugs, I didn't start tracking them yet; we just finished blueprints and don't have release meetings yet17:03
pittijasoncwarner: I'll prepare an initial release status page by next week17:03
seb128release bugs we let pedro_ do a qa status update usually if he has anything for us17:03
pedro_seb128, right, it's a bit early, but i can get some stats for bugs to SRU,etc for next week17:03
jasoncwarner[ACTION] pitti: prepare an initial release status page17:04
seb128pedro_, would be nice17:04
seb128pedro_, thanks ;-)17:04
pedro_there's only one bug i've scalated to you guys17:04
pedro_already assigned to canonical-desktop-team17:04
seb128pedro_, the video out key one?17:04
seb128I think pitti was on it17:04
pedro_yes, that one17:05
pittiis that the Super+P thing?17:05
seb128pitti, yes17:05
pedro_exactly that one pitti17:05
pittino time yet, but I can have a look17:05
seb128seems it's basically applying the bugzilla patch17:05
pedro_awesome, i'll change the assigned then so we move it from c-d-t17:05
pittipedro_: right, feel free to assign to me17:06
pedro_for the record: bug 53947717:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 539477 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 7 other projects) "Video out hot key sends super + p + return on many upcoming Dell & HP systems (affects: 18) (dups: 2) (heat: 128)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53947717:06
pedro_pitti, already assigned , thank you17:07
* pitti shakes fist towards broken BIOSes17:07
jasoncwarnerAnything else to discuss? We can move on to 'Any other business' if nothing...17:08
jasoncwarnerso, any other business? :)17:08
pittithanks everyone17:09
rodrigo_hmm, do we need to add our status reports to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-11-09 ?17:09
tremoluxthanks desktop team peoples17:09
didrocksthanks everyone :)17:09
pittirodrigo_: please17:09
jasoncwarner[END MEETING]17:10
jasoncwarnerAwesome, thanks everyone.17:10
kenvandinepitti, gwibber has some stuff in binNEW17:12
seb128rodrigo_, I've assigned some tasks to you17:12
rodrigo_seb128, ok17:12
kenvandinethe service plugins have been split into separate packages, finally!17:12
rodrigo_seb128, where?17:12
seb128rodrigo_, bug #67311017:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 673110 in gnome-applets (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "should port the python applets to gi (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67311017:12
seb128bug #67310917:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 673109 in gnome-applets (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "the null applet should be ported to the new library (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67310917:12
seb128rodrigo_, basically is "get ride of remaining bonobo use in gnome-applets"17:13
seb128rodrigo_, it should be easy, the null applet is small and invest porting to gi should be ok to do17:13
tkamppeterpitti, jasoncwarner, sorry, I have missed it, have forgotten DST change.17:13
seb128rodrigo_, no hurry, but having it done by end of next week would be nice if you can17:13
hyperairdobey: pong17:14
rodrigo_seb128, ok17:14
tkamppeterpitti, jasoncwarner, the paper size issue we should fix in Natty.17:14
seb128rodrigo_, thanks ;-)17:15
pittitkamppeter: looking at the current workload status, "we" would be "you", I'm afraid17:15
pittitkamppeter: but this requires a fair bit of research first17:15
tkamppeterpitti, in one point I have started by fixing s-c-p to actually follow /etc/papersize when creating a queue.17:16
kklimondapitti: transmission dev has asked if we can update it to 2.05 in maverick - it's not released yet but is at the point when there are enough bug fixes to justify a new point release. I took a look at the diff and all fixes are all SRUable, at least two of them make sense to get into maverick. Can I just assume that as long as they all qualify for SRU we can just make an update? We did for 1.0417:19
kklimondabut it was LTS and in the past it wasn't that easy to get micro releases (other than gnome) into non-SRU stable releases.17:19
pittikklimonda: yes, that sounds fine17:19
tkamppeterpitti, other step I will do is adding a widget to the server settings of s-c-p to set /etc/papersize.17:19
pittikklimonda: we don't care about the version number or where the fix comes from for SRU; just about what the nature of the change is17:19
pittitkamppeter: that'll be debian/ubuntu specific then17:20
tkamppeterpitti, does Fedora not use /etc/papersize?17:20
pittilibpaper and /etc/papersize are a Debianism, I think17:21
tkamppeterpitti, I can make the widget only showing if there ia /etc/papersize or libpaper.17:22
pittiah, yes17:22
ftawas epiphany installed by default in ubuntu in the past?17:24
seb128fta, I don't think so17:28
seb128mterry, was there any reason you didn't upload canberra to natty?17:28
ftaseb128, i'm wordering why it's installed by ~10% of our users17:29
mterryseb128, because I thought it was PPA-bound.  I can upload17:29
ftabut barely used at all17:29
seb128mterry, ppa-bound?17:30
seb128fta, weird, dunno, they maybe try it since it's the GNOME browser17:30
seb128mterry, in any case feel free to upload if you think it's ready17:30
mterryseb128, I thought it was going to bake in PPA before uploading17:31
mterryseb128, but sure, it can go to natty17:31
seb128well seems at this point we just can go to natty and deal with bugs17:31
ftaand it doesn't match the other less popular browsers: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/popcon-20101109-pct2.png17:31
mterryseb128, agreed.  we doing a meeting today, right?17:31
seb128mterry, it was one hour ago17:31
seb128mterry, seems you got hit by dst ;-)17:31
mterryseb128, !  for the love of!17:31
* mterry reads backlog17:32
seb128jasoncwarner, pitti: would be nice to highlight all team members at start of the meeting17:32
jasoncwarnerseb128: ack and agree17:33
tkamppeterpitti, the widget in s-c-p could also change system settings of locale, but for this i would need help of locale guys.17:33
didrocksseb128: argh, we worked on gnome-panel on the same time (wasn't doing the update but autoreconf + my patch update)17:33
didrocksseb128: you didn't get DSO linking issues?17:33
pittitkamppeter: it shouldn't really17:33
pittitkamppeter: if we set LC_PAPER, then it should be done in the installer, together with a few other categories17:34
seb128didrocks, which ones? I guess the codebase changed quite a bunch in the port to dbus17:34
didrocksseb128: no xrandr flag17:34
seb128didrocks, I'm still half not upgraded to natty so my gcc might just not have the dso optimisation17:35
seb128didrocks, feel free to upload your fix and patch update ;-)17:35
didrocksseb128: yeah, I'm bzr pull --overwrite there :)17:35
didrocksseb128: will tell you if it FTBFS17:35
seb128didrocks, thanks17:36
mterrypitti, that super+p video out bug, did upstream somehow handle the extra Return that Dell BIOSes send?  Last time I heard they refused to do that17:37
pittimterry: I think the extra return key was fixed in the BIOS; no way to work around that17:37
mterrypitti, this was not a bug in the BIOS, but a design spec of Dell's.  it will not be fixed in BIOS, AFAIK, for Dell systems17:38
pittiit was a total misunderstanding17:38
mterrypitti, on Dell's part?  OK.  If you have newer info, that's good.17:39
pittimterry: no, I mean Dell said "the hotkey should do the same as Super+P"17:39
pittibut that was meant to be "send a hotkey which Windows will treat similar as super+p", not "actually send the identical scan code as super+p"17:40
pittimterry: ISTR that Tony said that the Enter was of no concern17:40
mterrypitti, right, but you believe that the BIOS manufacturers are fixing it?  That's good, I just hadn't heard that17:40
mterryyay for fixing things!17:40
pittimterry: I don't know what the bios guys are doing; I was just told that the Enter bit was a non-issue nwo17:41
dobeyhyperair: hey. i see you are the creator of banshee-community-extensions on lp; was wondering if you could perhaps set up the code import to pull from git://gitorious.org/banshee-community-extensions/banshee-community-extensions.git for it17:43
hyperairwhy don't you just use git? =)17:59
seb128didrocks, mterry17:59
seb128you might want to subscribe to the blueprint18:00
seb128the changes are probably useful infos for people who will work on the GNOME3 transitions18:00
seb128I've just added some comments about items to consider if we want to take the new g-c-c for example18:00
seb128also seeing who has work items assigned might avoid duplicating work18:00
seb128kenvandine, hey18:01
kenvandinehey seb12818:01
seb128kenvandine, I've add a "- needs to check with the u1 tem if the web account dialog doesn't create conflict with their work" on this spec, can you do that?18:01
seb128kenvandine, no hurry but just at some point just check if they will want to integrate with it18:01
seb128or have concerns with what upstream is doing18:02
kenvandineyeah... cool18:02
seb128kenvandine, thanks18:02
kenvandinewill do18:02
seb128rodrigo_, ^ as well I guess18:02
dobeyhyperair: if that's your answer, why is there a project entry on launchpad at all?18:02
hyperairdobey: for bugs.18:02
seb128dobey, you need to register projects to be able to add upstream watches to the upstream bug tracker or to push packaging work etc18:03
hyperairdobey: the thing is, if we mirror the code down, and you start coding up a storm in bzr, nobody's going to stare at your branches and merge them.18:03
hyperairdobey: because the whole lot of us prefer git.18:03
dobeyseb128: right, but i thought that was automated (ie, all the gnome stuff is automated/imported/etc.)18:03
dobeyhyperair: i don't care if nobody looks at my branches in bzr. i want to develop with bzr. when it's ready to merge i can export to gitorious or something.18:04
didrocksseb128: yeah, the gnome-panel error is still there, fixed, pushed and opened upstream18:05
didrocksseb128: subscribing to the blueprint as well18:05
seb128didrocks, thanks18:05
hyperairdobey: can you? i'm not sure what you would use to do that, aside from posting up a bunch of patches onto the bugzilla, for example.18:05
didrocksseb128: yw :)18:05
dobeyhyperair: bzr-git? or merge the changes into a clone, commit, and push to gitorious. it's not a hard problem.18:06
dobeywhat /is/ hard, is git.18:06
hyperairdobey: and even if you don't expect us to come stare at the bzr branches, there's always the likelihood that someone starts posing the question: if you're not going to look at my branches and merge them, why do you even mirror the code on launchpad?18:06
hyperairdobey: i think bzr is harder than git, but that's just me =)18:06
hyperairlet's not get into a VCS war here, though.18:07
chris|oh, please, lets :)18:07
hyperairdobey: if you're willing to maintain all the potential bzr branches that turn up on bce in launchpad, then yeah sure18:08
dobeywhat does that even mean?18:08
dobeyand why are you so adament against using a common practice in lp for upstream projects? if the project had been created like all the gnome ones, it would already be getting mirrored anyway, and we wouldn't be having this discussion18:09
hyperairdobey: because eventhough i'm an ubuntu developer, i have no interest in bzr, or launchpad code hosting until it supports git.18:11
hyperairdobey: i'm adamant against setting up something i can't/am not willing to maintain.18:11
* cyphermox --> lunch, bbl18:12
hyperairdobey: if you want to maintain it, sure, i'll add you to the team or something and let you handle it.18:12
hyperairbut *i* will not maintain it.18:12
dobeymaintain what?18:12
dobeyyou seem to insist on implying there is some sort of burden, which does not exist.18:13
* popey hugs kenvandine 18:14
hyperairdobey: if there's no burden, then you'll take care of configuring the code hosting (which should be a one time thing) and taking care of looking into merging any potential b-c-e bzr branches that might pop up, yes?18:14
kenvandinepopey, :)18:15
hyperairdobey: if the answer is no, then forget it. if yes, i'll add you to the team, so please handle it.18:15
dobeyi can't merge any b-c-e bzr branches that might pop up.18:15
hyperairdobey: you might want to take this to #banshee on irc.gnome.org where there might be someone who favours bzr and is on launchpad who will be willing.18:15
dobeyand even if i could, i'm sure you wouldn't want me to do it, because git would break when i tried to use it.18:15
dobeyhyperair: no, you seem to be misunderstanding my request as one to move the primary code to bzr. and it is not.18:16
hyperairand there we go. you've just highlighted a problem.18:16
hyperairdobey: i'm not misunderstanding any request.18:16
hyperairdon't put words into my head.18:16
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
dobeyi haven't hilighted any problem18:17
dobeyif it was a problem, we'd be having this discussion at UDS five times over already, because all of GNOME would be experiencing it.18:17
* hyperair shrugs.18:17
hyperairthings would be so much easier if launchpad would just adopt git.18:18
dobeyno, they wouldn't. and this isn't the place for another dumb vcs argument18:19
hyperairthey would. this argument wouldn't have started.18:19
hyperairso anyway, this goes two ways. i add you to the team, you handle any bzr thing that pops up, or i'm not doing anything.18:19
hyperairor you find someone else to do it18:19
hyperairso that's three ways18:20
hyperairpick one.18:20
dobeyi am not taking over maintainership of your project just so there can be a vcs import of the code in lp18:20
hyperairi didn't ask you to take over maintainership, and b-c-e isn't my project.18:20
hyperairi just created it on launchpad because i needed to file upstream bugs. period.18:21
hyperairif you want to handle the code.lp.net side of things, fine, but i don't want anything to do with it.18:21
pittigood night everyone18:23
didrocksgood night pitti18:28
seb128'night pitti18:34
kenvandinegood night pitti18:34
rodrigo_seb128, I'm already subscribed to that blueprint18:38
rodrigo_dobey, hyperair: you don't need a maintainer to request a vcs-import18:38
rodrigo_dobey, just request the importing, lp can import from git18:38
dobeyrodrigo_: you need some form of code support enabled on lp18:38
dobeyrodrigo_: i can't request the import, because there is no ui to allow me to, because the project is not configured to allow it18:39
seb128rodrigo_, hum?18:42
seb128rodrigo_, oh, I was just pointing the webaccount and how it impacts u1 to you18:42
rodrigo_seb128, ah18:42
seb128you probably know the u1 team better than most of us and know with who to check18:42
rodrigo_I don't like the idea of a web accouints thing18:42
rodrigo_I like though the central storage of account info18:42
rodrigo_so that any app can reuse the credentials18:42
seb128I'm wondering if we should give it some though and design thinking to that before bringing it in the distro18:43
rodrigo_on the g-c-c mailing list someone posted about the few uses the web accounts applet would have18:43
rodrigo_seb128, it's not even started, so there's no code :)18:43
rodrigo_seb128, there are just some mockups18:44
seb128so probably not for this cycle?18:44
kenvandinerodrigo_, yeah... there is some nice potential though... but the hard part is making it useful18:44
rodrigo_unless someone writes it very quickly, yes, not for this cycle18:44
rodrigo_kenvandine, yeah, right now, I don't see it useful18:44
kenvandinelike how firefox might use the account data for gmail login... etc18:44
rodrigo_apart from a central storage of web acocunts18:44
rodrigo_which makes a lot of sense18:44
kenvandineso those problems need to be solved first18:44
kenvandinelike should a user allow just any app they have installed access to their credentials18:45
kenvandineor should they be able to opt-in installed apps... which seems to suck18:45
* kenvandine should actually reply to that email :)18:45
rodrigo_kenvandine, yes, it needs a lot more thought18:46
seb128Riddell, hey, if you binNEW gnome-panel can you make sure you send the lib to main? other things wait on it18:50
mterryseb128, oh, btw, libcanberra isn't in desktop set, so I can't upload18:51
seb128mterry, oh, ok18:52
seb128I will upload it18:52
mterryseb128, desktop trunk is up to date for that (we weren't using a gtk3 branch)18:52
didrocksbye bye everyone18:54
ftabooh, lots of new crashes on natty after today's update :P18:59
ftashotwell, glade-3, calibre..18:59
pittifta: hm, calibre has worked fine for me two days ago19:01
pittiright, not any more19:01
pittiargh new pyqt or so19:01
ftapitti, yep, i use it everyday. but now, it crashes on startup19:01
fta ?? () from /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/sip.so19:01
fta ?? () from /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/sip.so19:01
fta initpictureflow () from /usr/lib/calibre/calibre/plugins/pictureflow.so19:01
fta _PyImport_LoadDynamicModule ()19:01
pittigood night for real now19:02
ftapitti, good night19:02
ricotzseb128, hi, do you know if robert_ancell is onto working on vala 0.11.2?19:11
seb128ricotz, hey, no clue19:11
seb128drop him an email?19:11
ricotzseb128, i have a package, just a simple update which could be uploaded19:12
seb128ricotz, can you open a sponsoring request and subscribe robert?19:13
ricotzseb128, is there is script for this?19:15
seb128there might, not sure I don't request often for sponsoring19:16
ricotzseb128, ok, i do it the manual way ;)19:18
* micahg isn't aware of a sponsoring script, only for syncs from Debian19:18
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ricotzseb128, i am not able to assign someone https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala/+bug/67316619:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 673166 in vala (Ubuntu) "Please update to vala 0.11.2 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]19:25
seb128ricotz, subscribe is enough ;-)19:25
seb128we just want to hint19:25
mterryseb128, do you know much about the licensing of liblaunchpad-integration?19:26
seb128mterry, not sure I want to reply to that, just ask your question19:27
mterryseb128, 2 things: COPYING says GPL3, debian/copyright says GPL2+.  I can't find copyright headers in any of the files, so I'm assuming debian/copyright should be updated.  Second, is GPL appropriate here?  Don't we want LGPL?19:28
seb128mterry, it's a valid point, yes I think we do19:29
seb128mterry, feel free to update the COPYING and debian/copyright19:29
seb128mterry, the lib was written by jamesh for Canonical so we have the copyright so updating the license is no issue19:30
mterryseb128, OK19:30
seb128mterry, thanks for spotting it!19:31
mterrynp  :)  just happened to look19:31
mterryseb128, ah, COPYING wasn't in bzr so that's why there was a mismatch.  Still, the relicense from GPL2+ to GPL3 makes sense19:35
mterryI mean LGPL319:35
mterryseb128, btw, I can answer one question about PyGI: Gtk.get_major_version() shows that by default, 2.0 is loaded.  Still looking into being able to load 3.019:40
kenvandinemterry, ugh... i really hope there is a way to set that...19:40
seb128vuntz pointed that g-s does it19:40
seb128but it's js not python19:40
seb128js/ui/main.js:imports.gi.versions.Gtk = '3.0';19:41
seb128is what they do19:41
kenvandineseb128, btw i am just running ubuntu-geoip through pbuilder for natty, then it will be ready to sponsor :)19:41
seb128kenvandine, great, that and the sound indicator ;-)19:41
kenvandineoh... yeah that is still not uploaded for lucid.. was on my nag seb list :)19:42
seb128I didn't forget about it ;-)19:42
kenvandineno joke... i have a tomboy note named "Nag list for seb128"19:42
kenvandinei don't look at it daily though, i should :)19:42
seb128what else do you have there?19:43
seb128I should perhaps do a "nag kenvandine" note ;-)19:43
kenvandineindeed :)19:43
kenvandinejust geoip and indicator-sound  now19:44
kenvandinebut last cycle it got pretty long19:44
seb128don't worry my "nag kenvandine" had quite some items as well19:44
seb128not as many that my "nag ted" list though :p19:44
seb128ok, stupid launchpad will not be push to ~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-desktop3/ubuntu19:46
seb128can't we use package names? we really need products to be registered?19:46
micahgseb128: try ~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/gnome-desktop3/19:48
micahgyou might need a series as well19:48
seb128well that breaks our standard scheme19:48
micahgseb128: try ~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/gnome-desktop3/natty/ubuntu or such19:48
seb128stupid launchpad19:48
seb128micahg, but thank you ;-)19:48
kenvandinemterry, there is a Gtk.require_version19:48
kenvandinei suspect that is where you set it19:48
kenvandinebut don't have gtk3 yet to test :)19:48
micahgseb128: it's versatile, so you can choose to push under distro or project19:49
mterrykenvandine, interesting, I hadn't discovered that function yet!  That seems to *want* to do what I want, but get_major_version still returns 219:50
ari-tczewhello devs, I would like to ask about merge meta-gnome2 package from Debian. is it makes sense if version is 2.30 ?19:51
kenvandinemterry, odd... dunno19:54
kenvandinelove the docs :)19:54
mterrykenvandine, there are docs for gi?  I didn't find them19:55
kenvandinehaha... i was kidding19:55
kenvandinefor me the docs are tab completion in ipython :)19:55
mterrykenvandine, don't get my hopes up19:55
kenvandinepainful way... but the best i can do...19:55
kenvandinemterry, sorry man!19:55
mterrykenvandine, interestingly, Gtk.introspection_module gives "<IntrospectionModule 'Gtk' from '/usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Gtk-3.0.typelib'>" so *something* is right.19:56
kenvandineso maybe get_major_version doesn't return what you think it is returning19:57
mterrykenvandine, ah!  walters in #introspection cleared it up19:57
mterrykenvandine, major version is 2, because the version is 2.91.3, obviously!  :)  get_minor_version() returns 91 correctly19:57
kenvandinehaha... obviously :)19:57
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
* didrocks will rebase his gnome-desktop wallpaper cache for the 4th time and will poke vuntz everyday now :)20:33
seb128didrocks, ;-)20:34
seb128didrocks, I've to admit I've been lazy20:34
seb128I didn't check if it was easy to update it or not20:34
didrocksseb128: thanks for admiting it :)20:35
didrocksseb128: last time, it was trivial, but not this time ;)20:35
* didrocks hugs seb12820:35
* seb128 hugs didrocks20:35
didrocksseb128: but last time, I used the refresh to apply other comments from vuntz (like multimonitor with different wallpaper support and such)20:35
seb128I would usually make a comment on how getting things upstream spare work20:35
seb128but you are not the right one for that ;-)20:35
didrocksseb128: exactly :-)20:36
seb128didrocks, you should go to bed btw20:36
didrocksin any case, it's vuntz's fault, once again, we all know that :)20:36
didrocksseb128: will just do that and go to bed then :)20:36
seb128didrocks, tomorrow is not going to be an easy day for you20:36
didrocksseb128: what what ? :-)20:36
seb128I can see compiz issue raising tomorrow morning ;-)20:37
chrisccoulson_asac - do we need the addon overlay in ubufox now? it hasn't worked for the last few releases because there is no gnome-app-install, and nobody missed it ;)20:37
seb128not sure why20:37
* didrocks planned to slack yesterday :)20:37
seb128just a feeling20:37
didrocksseb128: yeah, upstream bugzilla is down :)20:37
didrocksseb128: I've already listed known issues with default config20:37
kenvandineseb128, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-geoip/ubuntu is ready to sponsor20:37
kenvandinewhen you have a chance20:37
didrocksapart from that, working quite well from the last 2 days20:37
seb128kenvandine, let me try my chance now20:38
didrocksthen, if people start to use $plugin with $parameter :)20:38
seb128starting with the indicator so I don't forget again20:38
asacchrisccoulson_: your call ... was a good thing, but we should rather do something like for plugins with extensions if we want it right ... or rather integrate soft center directly in UI to give a streamlined experience ;)20:38
didrocksargh, they added a new structure and replaced that as a parameter :/20:39
asacchrisccoulson_: my final goal was to make all ubufox go away, but adding those integration features to ffox plainline ... did you ever try my ntrack online/offline patch?20:39
chrisccoulson_asac - ok, i can drop it for now as it's throwing some exceptions.20:40
chrisccoulson_i've not tried the ntrack patch yet, it slipped my mind actually ;)20:40
chrisccoulson_i'll do that tomorrow20:40
asacchrisccoulson_: talk to mvo to also drop the special features were aded to gnome-app-install (if that still eixsts)20:40
asacand the special database that was maintained i guess (in app-install-data)20:41
chrisccoulson_asac - did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/ubufox/ff-4.0/+merge/40373 too?20:41
micahgwhat about the restart notification?  chrisccoulson_ just dropped that in favor of the ubufox version20:41
asacchrisccoulson_: no ... poke me directly on those things ... my mail setup is more busted than ever20:41
asacchrisccoulson_: asac at linaro.org if you need anything ;)20:41
chrisccoulson_(although, there's more changes coming in a bit, i've just merged the plugin finder code from firefox 4 as well, but i still need to test that)20:41
asacadded to TODO ... will review20:41
asacchrisccoulson_: is ffox 4 in maverick ppa or sokmething?20:42
seb128asac, gnome-app-install is not in recent ubuntu version, deprecated by software-center20:42
asacso i can test there without building big tree?20:42
asacseb128: right. but  maybe that code was moved too ... so we should double check20:42
seb128not sure if software-center supersed it for what you are talking about though20:42
asacme neither ;)20:42
chrisccoulson_asac - i just use the daily builds for ff420:42
asacchrisccoulson_: maverick? ... kk20:42
* asac check 20:42
chrisccoulson_yeah, maverick is working fine, natty is not working so fine ;)20:43
asacchrisccoulson_: safe to use for profile and go back?20:43
asacor is a special dir created?20:43
chrisccoulson_asac - it creates a special dir20:43
asacalready have it ... will try tomorrow then20:43
asachow is it going in desktop world?20:44
chrisccoulson_i think it's going ok ;)20:44
chrisccoulson_i don't spend that much time in here!20:44
asacheh. the begining of cycle is always easy20:45
asaceveryone is laying back enjoying life ;)20:45
asacuntil new unity getss dropped after beta ;)20:45
micahgasac: chrisccoulson_has been hard at work redoing the packaging for FF420:45
asacgood. ;) ... dh7?20:45
chrisccoulson_no dh7 yet ;)20:45
chrisccoulson_i did the new lightning packaging with dh7, and i'm not really sure if it gives any benefits20:46
asacfor everything not trival it probably doesnt really matter20:46
* micahg would love to drop CDBS by the end of the cycle20:46
asacmost likely just writing debian/rules that does everything manually is similarly good20:46
micahgfrom teh Mozilla packaging at least :-/20:46
chrisccoulson_yeah, the firefox packaging is definately not a trivial case ;)20:47
asacmicahg: ;)20:47
asacwhen is desktop meeting nowadays?20:48
chrisccoulson_tuesday afternoons still ;)20:48
* asac doesnt even remember when that was ;) ... 1500 UTC?20:48
micahg16:30 UTC on Tuesday20:48
chrisccoulson_asac - is it easy to set up a local server for the plugin finder?20:48
asacok added to my calendar ;)20:48
seb128it should change in the next weeks though20:48
asacchrisccoulson_: yes its quite easy20:49
asacseb128: no!!20:49
seb128since jasoncwarner is moving to .au this week20:49
asacseb128: do you have a meeting entry on a calendar and could invite me? so it moves for me?20:49
chrisccoulson_he's going to be getting up at 3am ;)20:49
seb128asac, we can probably do that yes20:49
seb128I will ask jasoncwarner to invite you when we set a new time20:49
asacgood. thanks20:50
* asac deletes manually created entry again20:50
* asac out20:51
seb128kenvandine, so sponsoring...20:51
seb128kenvandine, there to do some tweaks to the geoip one?20:53
kenvandinehappy to tweak20:54
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
seb128kenvandine, sorry I got sidetracked20:56
seb128I've sponsored indicator-sound20:56
Sarvattbdrung: sorry about the pixman sync request failure, looks to be a toolchain issue with the test suite on natty and I should have caught that20:56
kenvandineseb128, thx20:56
seb128ubuntu-geoip, small comments20:56
seb128kenvandine, would be nice so use source v3 for new sources20:56
seb128dep5 for copyright as well20:56
kenvandineah... good point20:56
kenvandinewill do20:56
tkamppeterjasoncwarner, ping20:57
bdrungSarvatt: no problem20:57
seb128kenvandine, why do you build-depends on  libglib2.0-bin?20:57
seb128kenvandine, that seems buggy20:57
tkamppeterjasoncwarner, did you see my last messages in the private chat?20:57
kenvandinei'll look into that, that was how tedg sent it to me and i didn't catch that20:58
seb128kenvandine, also if you are full source why using the ubuntu-desktop vcs rather than the canonical location?20:58
kenvandineprobably not needed20:58
kenvandinei can't push there...20:58
kenvandineyet :)20:58
seb128until next week? ;-)20:58
seb128doh, add "need advocacy comment" to your "nag seb" list20:58
kenvandineok, i'll fix those up in a few20:58
kenvandineoh yeah...   :)20:59
kenvandineplease do that :)20:59
kenvandineanything else?20:59
seb128kenvandine, you don't have a compat20:59
seb128which seems weird20:59
seb128nor a watch20:59
seb128kenvandine, otherwise seems fine21:00
Sarvattugh, pixman 0.20 test suite passes with -O0 on 4.5, passes normally on gcc 4.4 too21:00
seb128so mostly wishlist changes21:00
chrisccoulson_Sarvatt, heh, we get some 200-odd additional test-suite failures in firefox with the new toolchain ;)21:01
chrisccoulson_it's a mess....21:01
ricotzseb128, gnome-panel might have a problem the gir package depends on gtk2 also the other "3.0" packages21:05
seb128ricotz, what do you mean by "the other "3.0" packages"?21:06
seb128ricotz, it's supposed to depends on gtk2 since it doesn't use gtk3 yet21:06
ricotzi mean libpanel-applet-3-0, ok, so they are just dummy package which contains quite the same like the -2-0 package?21:07
seb128ricotz, no, they are different libraries21:08
seb128that's not a gtk2,gtk3 thing21:08
seb128it's a applets using bonobo or dbus abi update21:09
ricotzah, alright21:09
seb128the soname 2 is using bonobo21:09
seb128the new one is using dbus21:09
seb128no worry21:09
didrocksok, gnome-desktop done now (waow, transition to gsettings made me changing my cache format :/)21:22
seb128didrocks, waouh21:26
seb128didrocks, you can upload your update if you want btw21:26
didrocksseb128: already done :)21:26
seb128didrocks, great21:26
seb128didrocks, you should call it a day then ;-)21:26
didrocksseb128: I updated upstream patch as well and I head to threaten vuntz for not giving ice cream at my "pendaison crémaillère" :)21:27
seb128didrocks, thanks for updating the control as well21:28
didrocksseb128: yw :)21:28
didrocksseb128: ok, going now. you should go to bed as well! see you tomorrow :)21:28
seb128didrocks, yeah, I will in a bit, 'night!21:29
didrocksgood night!21:29
* bcurtiswx_ hugs kenvandine21:35
* bcurtiswx_ just read the facebook dev response21:36
kenvandineseb128, so we dep5, if the packaging is under the same license and copyright, i don't need a separate stanza for it right?21:36
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, oh? /me looks quick21:36
seb128kenvandine, no you don't21:36
kenvandinethought so21:36
* kenvandine still hates debian/copyright :)21:36
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, you'll probably want to jump off an ethercliff21:37
kenvandinehe didn't really answer my question!21:37
bcurtiswx_i know, welcome tot he revolving door21:37
seb128kenvandine, url?21:37
bcurtiswx_to the*21:37
ubot2bugs.developers.facebook.net bug 13040 in [Old] Rest API "Desktop app failing, API_EC_TOO_MANY_CALLS breaks Ubuntu" [-,Resolved: invalid]21:38
kenvandinei understand we are being throttled... /me wants to scream!21:38
kenvandine"This application clearly throttled due to high DB query count. The application21:38
kenvandinehas about 8.8 million daily fql.calls resulting in 266 million DB queries."21:38
* kenvandine reopens bug, they are going to hate me even more21:40
kenvandinehowever, it is slightly informative21:41
kenvandinethat isn't the query that i expected was the biggest problem21:41
* kenvandine needs to run... i'll yell at them in a few :)21:42
bcurtiswx_cya kenvandine21:42
james_wwhat does MAU mean?21:42
james_wbecause 8.8 million API calls a day < 100 million API calls a day limit, or do they really mean that the limit is 100 million DB queries a day?21:43
bcurtiswx_have we started building gtk2.9*.* yet?21:44
seb128bcurtiswx_, yes21:46
seb128bcurtiswx_, it's in natty21:46
bcurtiswx_OK, empathy is at 2.91.*, does that auto-sync? or would someone have to build it?21:47
bcurtiswx_iirc that depends on it being in debian-unstable vs debian-testing.. right? which one does it have to be in ?21:48
seb128empathy 2.91 we don't package yet21:49
seb128it will require gtk3 build of other libraries21:49
seb128webkit for example21:50
bcurtiswx_seb128, OK.  I would like to try helping to take care of empathy and telepathy-* packaging this cycle, so lemme know when I can start helping there.  Will that eventually get auto-sync to start?21:51
seb128ok, I will21:52
seb128not likely since Debian is frozen for their next stable21:52
bcurtiswx_seb128: thanks :)21:52
mterryseb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/launchpad-integration/gtk3/+merge/4048622:19
mterryseb128, I can't upload that, so someone else should review and push22:19
seb128mterry, I think you need at least a build-dep on gir1.0-gtk-3.022:22
seb128mterry, random comment while reading through, I didn't try to build yet22:22
mterryseb128, hrm, my understanding was gir:Depends inserted that, but I didn't confirm.  Checking now shows that it didn't add anything.  Let me see why that is22:23
mterryseb128, oh sorry, misread your comment22:23
seb128mterry, thumbs rules, dpkg -I gir<name>.deb22:23
seb128and copy the depends as build-depends22:23
seb128the gir ones at least22:23
seb128that's what I do usually22:24
mterryseb128, ok, let me confirm my build-depends and gir1.0-launchpad-integration-3.0 depends22:24
seb128mterry, you probably want a shlibs:Depends on the gir as well22:24
mterryseb128, gir:Depends is supposed to do that...22:25
mterrybut it didn't, so I'm checking why22:25
mterrymaybe I misunderstood what it does22:25
seb128I though it would add gir depends only22:25
seb128gir-* depends22:25
seb128not the lib*22:25
seb128but I never read the dh_girepository code22:25
seb128I'm just speaking based on packages I've seen from debian and copied ;-)22:26
seb128they usuaully have shlibs, misc, gir depends22:26
mterryseb128, http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-gtk-gnome@lists.debian.org/msg13664.html says it *should* do both22:27
seb128ok, learning every day ;-)22:27
seb128mterry, seems fine otherwise22:27
seb128I just think you lack some gir in your build-depends then22:28
mterryseb128, probably true.  I forgot to actually run in pbuilder before I pushed, so checking what that dies on22:28
SEJeff_worktedg, ping22:41
tedgSEJeff_work, Howdy22:41
seb128ok, time to call it a day22:47
seb128mterry, I will review lpi tomorrow if nobody does it before22:47
mterryseb128, yeah, sorry.  I figured it out I believe, but just doing some last minute tests.  no rush22:48
seb128mterry, no worry and no hurry either, push to ppa meanwhile if you want so it's available22:49
seb128anyway, 'night22:50
seb128see you tomorrow22:50
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