
czajkowskihows you09:51
slashtomgrand, how's life in England?09:52
czajkowskigood thanks09:52
czajkowskisettling in well09:52
czajkowskifew hiccups like trying to get a NI number has been entertaining09:52
czajkowskistill house hunting09:52
slashtomin last company, when we hired a guy from poland it was fine... just waited a couple of months for the NI number09:58
czajkowskimonths is the issue10:00
slashtomyou would probably also need to get onto HMRC and get your tax code sorted10:11
faganI got an internship :)10:22
faganall I have to do is get my collge to sign off on it10:23
faganI asked Mark about it and he said ok10:24
czajkowskiyer kidding10:24
faganIll be doing things with unity10:24
faganHe was very cool about it all and he asked me a few questions and put me in touch with who I needed to talk to10:25
czajkowskithat's nice10:25
faganhows the job going czajkowski10:26
czajkowskigood thanks10:27
czajkowskiwhats the link to the ie etherpad10:35
tdr112hey cztab10:58
czajkowskihows you10:58
czajkowskicollege going well10:58
tdr112yep , not too bad10:58
tdr112from what i read you had a good first day10:59
ebelyo yo10:59
czajkowskiloving it10:59
ebelczajkowski: http://pad.ubuntu-ie.org/ ?10:59
tdr112feck ebel got there before me11:01
popeycongrats fagan11:03
tdr112fagan: will you be doing it from home ?11:04
fagantdr112: yep11:04
faganpopey: thanks :)11:04
tdr112fagan: nice11:05
fagantdr112: yeah im glad I dont have to move from carlow. Rent everywhere is rotten. I pay 65 a week in rent which is nothing11:06
faganand home is comfortable11:06
tdr112can you stay there for the summer too11:07
faganyeah and my landlord drops the rent too for the summer11:07
faganby 5 euro11:07
tdr112then your sorted11:07
faganyeah so other than food its all profit11:07
czajkowskirent for summer in castletroy is €3011:08
faganholy crap thats cheap11:08
faganWell mine is 60 but I get UPC broadband and TV for free with it and bills too11:09
czajkowskirent during year is only €79 for a double room en suite in most places11:09
faganduring the summer11:09
czajkowskicollege year11:09
faganI meant that as a continuation of my other sentance11:10
czajkowskiyeah so is the 7911:10
ebelfagan: there has been a massive property crash. loads of places to rent11:11
ebeltis great :)11:11
faganit helps so much11:11
ebelanyways congrats on the internship11:11
faganmy landlord had to drop my rent twice the past 2 years11:11
faganthanls ebel11:12
ebelfagan: you do stuff with this ubuntu app store thingie, yeah?11:12
faganebel: na im probably doing something with unity doing unit tests and bug fixing11:12
ebelany idea if/when you'll be able to charge for apps on it?11:12
ebeloh i don't mean for the internship, i saw your name on the app review board team list or something11:13
czajkowskiebel: there is one app in there at present you can buy11:13
faganebel: na all the app review board does is release small apps post release11:13
faganebel: the store is canonical itself there is no board or anything there11:14
ebelah ok.11:14
faganid say there is some % that they charge for putting apps in there11:14
ebelCan people sell apps on it? *ahem* Is it available to more than white prodestants? :P11:14
faganebel: you just have to talk to em who is again11:15
* fagan checks 11:15
faganebel: I cant find who it is but mpt can point you to who it is11:16
faganthey package it up and all for you too11:16
ebelAh it's not urgent, i'm just curious.11:17
czajkowskiwhatcha up to ebel11:17
ebelTwould be cool to get some of the buzz for 'make millions on the iphone/android app store' for ubuntu.11:18
faganI remember hearing that they are cool with you making a little program and charge a dollar for it11:18
faganso they do allow all of those little things too11:18
faganebel: we had a load of sessions about getting that kind of thing going in the UDS11:19
faganIt would be really cool if there was some automated process like the android marketplace or the app store11:20
faganbut its not there yet11:20
czajkowskiso anyone going to the mark talk next week in dublin11:21
ebelYou'd need an apt repo that people needed to put passwords into (possible with http://username:password@example.com/...)11:22
faganI didnt even have a clue that it was on11:22
tdr112ebel: have we any cd left that i could bring along11:22
ebelthen a serve side system to manage payments & uploads11:22
ebeltdr112: yeah we have ~ 15 left11:22
ebelczajkowski: can't go, work :P11:23
tdr112i could bring them and that stand you left in tog11:23
faganebel: well the payments and uploads thing would be handled just like the android store id say where everything is uploaded and if its bad flag it and ban the author11:24
faganthe payment system is ubuntu pay which is up now11:24
faganbut its very bad11:24
czajkowskifagan: how did you miss that.. it's been blogged and mailed to a lot of lists, might be in your interest to go11:24
ebeltdr112: sure. I have another little 'cd holder' from the last one11:24
czajkowskitdr112: can you post my blog post to the IE list please re the event happening11:24
faganczajkowski: yeah I havent been looking the past 2 days11:24
ebelactually i fouind ~ 5 or 10 10.04 cds left :P11:24
czajkowskifagan: this is about a month old11:25
faganczajkowski: or maybe I just forgot11:25
tdr112czajkowski: i will send an email to the list about the event and give a link to your blog11:26
czajkowskitdr112: cheers, can't do it from here11:26
tdr112ebel: i have been putting in a few 10.04 into the box i give to people11:26
tdr112to get rid of them11:26
fagantdr112: well 10.04 is kinda the one you should be giving to new users11:27
faganthe normal releases arent really entirely supposed to be suggested as the greatest impression of the desktop11:28
czajkowskiof course they are11:33
popeyLTS for business, non-LTS for everyone else IMO11:35
tdr112czajkowski: email sent11:36
czajkowskitdr112: thanks11:36
czajkowskitdr112: you going ?11:36
popeyalso ebel we already have the ability to do password protected repos with PPAs in launchpad11:36
faganwell the protocol for normal releases is to build up for the next LTS releases at least thats how ive always seen it11:36
tdr112ebel: can you drop in the rest of the cds and the other stand you have11:36
faganand as well as password protecting them you can hide them but thats internal I think11:36
ebeltdr112: into TOG? sure.11:37
ebelpopey: ah cool. :)11:37
tdr112ebel: yep11:37
czajkowskifagan: LTS for business so they dont have to worry about udpates, regular versions for folks who arent pushed but can stick to a lts if they want.11:37
ebelYou'd need to have a system so that people can't download the deb until they have paid for the app.11:37
popeyyup, thats not hard to do11:37
popeyi have an app on my system which was bought like that11:38
tdr112we can only give people the cds we have so it will be a few 10.4 and a few 10.1011:38
popeythey have a key'ed repository, so only poeple who have bought the app can download it11:38
czajkowskitdr112: do you need more ?11:38
* fagan doesnt have a credit card so couldnt pay for anything in the software center 11:38
czajkowskiI can see if I can get more sent over for the evnet11:38
czajkowskifagan: 3v card11:38
czajkowskitop up11:38
czajkowskigot in many petrol stations11:38
faganoh yeah I forgot about those yokes11:39
faganit is cool to see https://pay.ubuntu.com/11:40
popeyThey only support Amex, Visa, MC, DC, JCB11:40
ebelpopey: oh? interesting. You're basically saying what i want has already been done. linky?11:40
popeyebel: I know two examples of it11:40
faganebel: yeah its done in the software center for 1.1011:40
popeyebel: one is the font11:40
ebelfagan czajkowski  in proper countries they have a debit card that works online. None of this laser rubbish.11:40
faganyeah I have a boi laser11:41
czajkowskiebel: aye mine arrives Saturday ;)11:41
czajkowskibut the 3V card is a MC so I dont see an issue11:41
ebelthankfully in ireland they are moving away from laser, ulster bank did, boi will11:41
faganczajkowski: I thought it was visa rather than MC11:42
tdr112ebel: yep they are going under11:42
ebelslashtom had trouble with rubycard.11:42
tdr112ebel: should start calling himself Timecop11:54
* ebel has to work around timezones for facebook api11:54
ebelapparently they may or may not convert to local time in .ca.us. Stupid API11:54
czajkowskiebel: has issues with Tz11:56
ebelNo, I understand TZs. It's everyone else who either ignores them or does them wrong :P11:57
czajkowskiebel: have you mailed looking for the free gift for ubuntu-ie11:57
czajkowskithey are going to be sent shortly in batcches11:57
ebelwhat's this? the banner? I can't remember...11:58
lau1we finally got the week end storm last night ...11:59
lau1hi everyone11:59
ebelczajkowski: i have emailed requesting a conference pack just now12:08
czajkowskiebel: to bannerrequest@reponses.net12:16
ebelczajkowski: yep that's where i sent it12:16
czajkowskigood thanks12:16
ebelI put my address down12:17
ebelSince I have 24/7 concierge, none of this going to the sorting office non-sense12:17
ebeli'll let ye all know when i get it12:17
ebel"The start_time and end_time are the times that were input by the event creator, converted to UTC after assuming that they were in Pacific time (Daylight Savings or Standard, depending on the date of the event), then converted into Unix epoch time."12:45
ebelthat's why I hate when things don't do timezones.12:46
ebelthat is how you add events on a large social network site starting with F12:46
czajkowskifelimwhiteley_: tdr112 is cheeky13:15
tdr112what now ?13:16
felimwhiteley_heh the ubuntu ie mail with Cztab..13:17
felimwhiteley_tdr112: you know you can get away with it now she's not about to give you digs :)13:17
tdr112felimwhiteley_: one of the very small + for her moving to the uk13:22
BelseruskAnyone else have trouble playing mame games in Ubuntu 10.1014:34
tdr112ebel: i am getting cd shipped no need to drop the other ones in14:35
ebeltdr112: oh cool. from shipit?14:36
tdr112yep czajkowski sorted it out14:37
czajkowskiI have a use16:46
=== AGECannonix is now known as lau1
lau1are you in the uk czajkowski ? 16:52
czajkowskiI am indeed16:53
lau1http://www.flickr.com/photos/laurentcgeo/5161585806/in/photostream/#/photos/laurentcgeo/5160977641/in/photostream/lightbox/ this morning in North dublin (so you don't miss it to much) ;)16:54
lau1went after lunch for high tide splash I will add a few later to the album16:55
lau1there was a mad bloke attemting to surf to :p16:56

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