
NCommandercjwatson: just to confirm, you don't have a copy of the spice seed notes, right? (I think I pinged you already on this, but I can't remember)01:48
supasamuraihello, is there any nice app that installs a bootable ubuntu installer from a mac?06:32
supasamuraiuh, from a mac onto a usb stick, I mean, to be booted on an i386 netbook w/o a cd drive?06:35
supasamuraior just some way of verifying a current USB stick to see if it's going to boot and fixing potential problems without having to actually try to boot from it?06:37
supasamuraiam I talking to myself?06:37
cjwatsonNCommander: sorry, I don't09:18
NCommandercjwatson: damn it. Seems the notes drops into a gobby crack. I'm hoping we can get audio logs, but I'm thinking this spec si probably going to be delayed for awhile until I can rebuild the spec by memory09:21
evgrep fail.  What's the current state of affairs with respect to avoiding replaying the journal? I'm adding the preserve home option to partman-auto and I want to be sure I'm not doing that when mounting.  I recall the blockdev --setro trick, but that seems to be long gone.  Equally, norecovery seems to be filesystem-specific.12:34
cjwatsoncoincidence: I'm *just* in the process of preparing a Debian busybox upload including blockdev --setro12:36
evwow, crazy12:36
cjwatsonyou should lurk on #debian-boot@oftc :-)12:36
evso that os-prober patch is the preferred method12:36
cjwatsonyeah, putting all the pieces together for that now12:36
evugh, more irc networks.  But sure, I really should12:36
evon it now12:36
evdamn oftc and its 3+ character nick requirement13:02
=== apw` is now known as apw
Mjolinorhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall I am trying to install using the instruciton there, problem is I am not using usb or optical, I have neither. I do have an ubuntu install on sda and hte disk I want to install on as sdb18:28
Mjolinorno istrucitnos I can find for doing that. Any links please18:29
Mjolinorbefore the computer goes out hte window18:29
cjwatsonMjolinor: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/index.html maybe?  (specifically, "Preparing Files for Hard Disk Booting" and the following links)19:10
highvoltagecjwatson: graphical d-i is now in ubuntu!? awesome!!!19:46
cjwatsonnot currently planning to attempt to squeeze it onto our CDs, mind19:49
cjwatsonbut presumably a flavour could select it if they wanted - they'd then take on primary responsibility for QAing it.  or you can use it with netboot19:49
highvoltagethat's a good improvement :)19:52
Mjolinorhmm, thanks for that but I replace dhte motherboard, its now AMD64, the install on the existing IDE is i386 and hte new sata has nothign on19:52
cjwatsonwell, you can download the amd64 files instead20:00
cjwatsonmake the obvious change to the URL20:00
MjolinorI have them, the mini.iso20:00
MjolinorI can extract it and copy it to the new sata disk20:00
MjolinorI think all i need to do is install grub on the new sata disk when I am booted form the ide disk20:00
Mjolinorwhich si wher eI am stuck right now20:01
cjwatsonsimply extracting the mini.iso doesn't give you an Ubuntu installation20:01
MjolinorI need a boot MBR, which i SHOULD HAVE with the install-mbr command and I need grub to point where it shoudl20:01
cjwatsonbut if you just extracted mini.iso and copied that, as you said, then all you have is the installere20:02
MjolinorI need to read soemwheat20:02
MjolinorI think I need to chroot after amkign the new fiel system, seems a lot of work when everythign is there and working :)20:03
cjwatsonslow down20:03
cjwatsonin fact, stop20:03
cjwatsonit would be easier to modify the bootloader configuration that you're using to boot from the IDE disk, to point to the vmlinuz and initrd.gz extracted from the mini.iso20:03
cjwatsonuse that to boot into the installer20:03
cjwatsonthe URL I gave above goes to instructions for this20:03
cjwatsonyou should extract them to your filesystem on the IDE disk, not to something you've created on the SATA disk20:04
Mjolinorso basically put initrd and hte kernel into the boot foleder of hte ide and edit grub to use it20:04
cjwatsoninto anywhere grub can read from, doesn't have to be /boot, but yes20:04
cjwatsonmake sure you don't overwrite the ones you're actually booting your existing system from20:04
Mjolinortyhat should start hte installer on the ide disk and the installer will ask me where I want to install20:04
Mjolinorsounds like a plan :)20:05
Mjolinorresults shortly :)20:05
MjolinorInstaller started :) whoopedoop20:13
Mjolinorthat was close, the installed swapped my sda sdb round, nearly did the wrong one :)20:21
cjwatsondisk ordering is effectively random, try not to rely on it20:22
cjwatsondepends on things like module load order, bus probe order, etc.20:22
Mjolinorthankfully I didn't20:22
cjwatsonyou have backups anyway, right? ;-)20:23
MjolinorI refuse to comment on that20:23
cjwatsonwise move20:23
Mjolinorwhy did I not think of doing it this way, I have been rakcing my brains on it for hours20:25
Mjolinorits really easy, at lest with my version of grub, from what i remmeebr I cant edit the menu.lst file on the new one that wil  be installed but Im sure I will get used to it20:26
cjwatsonyou shouldn't edit grub.cfg in GRUB 2 directly, because it's autogenerated, but you can edit /etc/default/grub or the files in /etc/grub.d/20:26
cjwatson(and then run update-grub)20:27
cjwatsonthe problem with menu.lst was that it was both an input and an output file, and the scripting required to make it all hang together was fiendishly complicated, kept going wrong, and was fundamentally impossible to fix properly20:27
Mjolinorhmm not looking good right now, stuck at 33% on the formatting and my keyboard leds are all flashing20:27
cjwatsonkeyboard lights flashing means that the kernel has crashed20:27
Mjolinornot such a good start then :)20:28
cjwatsonif you really did reformat the correct disk, you should be able to try again20:28
Mjolinori wil20:28
cjwatsonI can't generally help with kernel problems though20:28
Mjolinorif I did the wrong disk then I am sure I have a plethora of other old ides with ubuntu on20:28
Mjolinorsame again :(20:33
cjwatsonswitch to alt-f4 when the formatting starts, and see if you get any useful messages there just before the crash20:33
MjolinorI will reboot off the ide properly and manually partition and format20:34
cjwatsonjust to check, which mini.iso did you use?  netboot?20:35
cjwatsonyou could try the netboot mini.iso from a different version of Ubuntu20:35
cjwatsonanyway, done for the night I think20:35
MjolinorI wil check that too, I thought it was the amd64 one but I will get it again to be sure20:35
Mjolinorth\anks for the help20:36
Mjolinornot sure if I should use ext 4 rather than ext320:37
Mjolinorany input?20:38
Mjolinorseems to be away now, installing base system. I formatted it before I ran the installer20:47
cjwatsonnetboot and amd64 are different categories20:57
cjwatsonsaying "it's not netboot, it's amd64" doesn't make sense because there is an amd64 netboot image :-)20:57
MjolinorI used hta tone20:58
Mjolinorseems to be OK now20:58
cjwatsonnetboot, by the looks of things.  ok20:59
Mjolinorhmm select adn install software step failed21:02
cjwatsonalt-f4 should have logs, and did you follow whatever instructions were on that wiki page regarding kernel parameters to pass from grub?21:06
MjolinorIll read about it if it doesnt work21:07
Mjolinori ran it again and jsut deselected the extra apckages I had chosen21:07
Mjolinorseems OK :)21:07

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