
=== SergioMeneses_ is now known as SergioMeneses
=== apw` is now known as apw
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
lhavelundHi, I was wondering if a group contact would set my cloak to ubuntu/member/lhavelund instead of ubuntu/member/menza?21:00
marienzthat is: he just changed his accountname, and I'll change the cloak to match if that's ok with you21:02
lhavelundthat's about right, yeah21:03
lhavelundhm, might be a bit late for jussi21:03
lhavelundalthough I don't see what makes such a big difference when I've had this account tied to menza for a fair bit21:08
IdleOnePici nhandler topyli ^^21:09
IdleOnerules are rules and processes are what they are.21:10
IdleOnemust follow or be flogged!21:10
IdleOneyou want that?21:10
lhavelundthat came out at a bad time.21:10
jussimarienz: go for it.21:45
jussi(re lhavelund)21:45
marienzlhavelund: done21:46
lhavelundmarienz: thanks :)21:55
marienzno problem21:56

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