
nobutoHello. Here is pictures at release party Tokyo, Japan last Saturday. http://picasaweb.google.com/106468260551425064278/Ubuntu1010ReleasePartyTokyo#06:51
nigelboh, this must be the event Emmet was talking about06:53
nobutonigelb: Emmet has missed this event. Unfortunately he thought this event was going to happen on Sunday... 06:59
nigelbnobuto: Ah! He did tell me there was an event on 7th.06:59
nigelbor was it 6th06:59
nigelbI'm confused now :)06:59
nobutoI wrote as 6th, but he misunderstood. http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/508/detail/07:01
nobutoDespite entry fee is high (about $35), about 65 people came. It's a great time.07:04
nigelbThat is great!07:04
nigelbDid the veune have some sort of fees or the fees was used for the food etc?07:05
YoBoYgood morning07:05
nigelbmorning YoBoY 07:07
YoBoYhi nigelb 07:07
YoBoYgreat group picture nobuto :)07:07
nobutonigelb: fees was used for the food and all you can drink.07:07
nigelbnobuto: that is totally awesome.  Glad you have awesome venues there :)07:08
YoBoYwith the drinks it's a good price07:08
nobutohere is the food menu picture. http://www.pub-hub.com/party_hub/07:10
nobutoThe venue has 4 monitors (42 inch) and 2 microphones. It was also suitable for presentations.07:11
olive(japan day)07:14
nobutoolive: greats!07:16
* YoBoY hugs olive 07:19
dholbachgood morning!07:35
YoBoYbonjour dholbach 07:39
dholbachsalut YoBoY07:39
nobutoI added more pictures on http://picasaweb.google.com/106468260551425064278/Ubuntu1010ReleasePartyTokyo# You can feel the atmosphere.09:17
nigelbthat cake looks delicious09:22
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ubot4I have no seen command12:58
nhandlerAdapter: Last seen by NickServ 46 minutes ago (/msg nickserv info catweazle)12:59
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nigelbmhall119: goofy teenage boy!13:45
mhall119nigelb: don't make me fly over there and kick you14:08
mhall119because I really can't afford it14:08
nigelbmhall119: hah :D14:09
nigelbmhall119: Happy Anniversary (of sorts) :)14:09
jpdsI thought mhall119 was 119 years old?14:11
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mhall119jpds: no, that's just how old I feel16:19
mhall119thanks nigelb 16:19
mhall119woot! my gwibber patch is finally being applied17:37
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valoriemhall119: happy anniversary to you and MichelleQ23:30
mhall119valorie: thanks23:41

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