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MootBotMeeting started at 06:58. The chair is NCommander.12:58
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]12:58
ogra_acyou're to early12:58
rsalvetiNCommander: and the meeting date is wrong12:59
ogra_acthat too12:59
rsalvetiyou created it as 100912:59
rsalvetiunless you think the release is tomorrow, you're wrong12:59
NCommanderdavidm: I'm here :-P, no need to call :-P13:00
davidmYep, just saw that, had phone to ear13:00
NCommanderI'm just waiting for GrueMaster to rise13:00
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/2010110913:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/2010110913:01
ogra_achmpf, note to self: starting update-manager right before a meeting isnt a clever idea13:01
NCommanderThere are no action items or special items from the last meeting13:02
ogra_acwhen was that anyway13:02
NCommanderogra_ac: the 2nd, but only davidm and GrueMaster was there13:02
davidmLast week13:02
NCommandermost of us were in transit for something13:02
davidmI ran it since no one besides Gruemaster showed up13:03
davidmAnd I like fast meetings13:03
davidmSpeaking of which.....13:03
NCommander[topic] Standing Itmes13:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Standing Itmes13:03
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-mobile.html13:03
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-mobile.html13:03
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-mobile-natty-alpha-1.html13:04
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-mobile-natty-alpha-1.html13:04
NCommanderAll my specs expect spice seeds have their work items in properly. We don't have any notes for spice ATM (waiting for IS to post the audio logs of UDS to recreate them)13:04
NCommanderonce those are done, I'll write that spec, and get the work items up13:05
rsalvetiI'm finishing reviewing and finalizing the specs today13:05
NCommanderIt looks like since my specs didn't make it to approved, they weren't counted togethers the workitem tracker13:06
ograno hurry13:06
ograspec deadline is the 18th13:06
NCommanderso the trendline is completely screwed up. again.13:06
* NCommander bangs his head on the desk13:06
ograalso the WI tracker has to be changed a lot13:06
rsalvetibut we all want to do some "real" work soon :-)13:06
ograsure, just go ahead13:06
NCommander[action] NCommander to track down why his specs aren't on the tracker and to have that fixed13:07
ograstill though, the tracker points to the wrong team name etc13:07
MootBotACTION received:  NCommander to track down why his specs aren't on the tracker and to have that fixed13:07
ograNCommander, leave that to me13:07
NCommander[action] ogra to take previous action13:07
MootBotACTION received:  ogra to take previous action13:07
ograthe tracker has to be rewriotten13:07
ograwe are not mobile anymore etc13:07
ograi haver to work with pitti on that13:07
ogranomenclature changed too13:08
ograits on my TODO for this week13:08
NCommanderon, let's move on13:08
rsalvetiwill also change the ml?13:08
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, mpoirier, lag)13:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, mpoirier, lag)13:08
ograno idea, up to davidm13:08
ograNCommander, we dont have kernel guys atm13:08
rsalvetiit'd be better to have ubuntu-arm instead of mobile, so we avoid questions regarding eeepc :-)13:08
ograpointless topic13:08
rsalvetiuntil they start shipping arm cpus13:08
lagcooloney is still with you13:09
ograrsalveti, well, as i said, up to davidm13:09
rsalvetisure :-)13:09
NCommanderGrueMaster: any point to doing QA status?13:09
ogralag, true, but not around atm13:09
* NCommander guesses not13:09
lagNope, I believe he's in Lex13:09
rsalveticooloney did some work this week13:09
ogralets do a short spec overview13:09
ograwho has what etc13:09
NCommander[topic] Specification Overview13:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Specification Overview13:09
* NCommander is a fan of that13:09
GrueMasterNo QA status at this time.13:09
ografor anything else the topics dont suit well13:10
ograoh, and probably discuss A113:10
NCommanderI currently have improved ARM subarch support + userland subarch support, and spice seeds once we get the session notes recovered and the spec writen.13:10
davidmogra, the image for the PPA build system, will you get that done before A1 or is that an A2 task for you?13:11
ograthese are my four13:11
ogradavidm, A113:11
davidmOK thanks'13:11
ografor anyone who doesnt have it13:11
* ogra waits for more spec links 13:12
rsalvetimy four13:13
* ogra has some items on the set-top-box one13:13
rsalvetiwe'll all end up having work items in different blueprints :-)13:13
ogramotre than last time13:14
ograwhich is good :)13:14
rsalvetiyup :-)13:14
ograis persia with us ?13:14
davidmogra, I have pretty much taken over panda-ppa-build-cluster.   But any assistance with wiki spec gladly accepted ;-P13:14
ogradavidm, i'll do it :)13:14
davidmrsalveti, I added the paste notes to the botton13:15
rsalvetidavidm: cool, was going to do that, but didn't know if I should put at the wiki or the blueprint itself13:15
rsalvetithanks anyway13:15
davidmI put it at the bottom of the wiki for now13:16
davidmSeemed to be a good place13:16
davidmpersia, ??13:16
ograrsalveti, the blueprint should just have WIs13:16
ograall the rest goes into the wiki13:16
rsalvetiok, because I saw many blueprints with notes in it13:16
rsalvetimostly linaro ones13:16
ograwell, for dumping the notes the whiteboard is an easy place13:17
ograbut during cleanup and drafting it should be moved in the proper place13:17
ograalso note that linaro might just handle it differently13:18
ograbetter to look at ubuntu specs ;)13:18
nigelb!info python-gtk213:18
ubottupython-gtk2 (source: pygtk): Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. In component main, is optional. Version 2.21.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 721 kB, installed size 2628 kB13:18
nigelberr, sorry13:18
NCommanderanyone else got any other specs to post?13:18
ograapart from persias we should have all13:19
* NCommander has a pretty good idea at this point who's doing what for the forseable future13:19
NCommanderthen I'm moving on unless someone else has something13:19
ograwe will get a new employee soon13:19
ograplease think about WIs he can take13:19
* NCommander has nothing for FTBFS status, and there are no images yet so ...13:19
ografrom your specs13:19
rsalvetiwhat he's good at?13:19
ograimages failed today, havent checked why13:19
NCommanderogra: oh, crontabs are running?13:19
GrueMasterDo we still want omap & dove images to build?13:20
ograrsalveti, everything but dont overload him ;)13:20
* NCommander didn't see a build failure image this morning13:20
ograGrueMaster, omap -> yes, dove -> no i guess13:20
rsalvetiogra: :-)13:20
ograNCommander, you should have mail13:20
NCommanderGrueMaster: Dove is dead. omap3 is in the hands in Ubuntu ARM, and omap4 is maintained by Canonical13:20
ogradavidm, can you confirm ? no more dove in natty, right ?13:20
davidmcorrect no more dove in natty13:21
GrueMasterWe'll probably kickstart it again mid February-March.13:21
ografor reference: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-November/031952.html13:21
ograthat applies to omap3 currently13:22
NCommanderGrueMaster: don't make me come and stab you13:22
ograwaiting for solutions from kernel and linaro teams13:22
davidmGrueMaster, I doubt it, the kernel we have access to is too far behind for natty13:22
ograwe might have a slight prob for A1 btw, we need livecd-rootfs to work for the preinstalled ones and i think cjwatson wont focus on live images (usually he looks only at alternate for A1)13:23
NCommanderogra: I'll keep on eye on it for A113:23
ograso that might need some heavy lifting on our side13:23
NCommander[action] NCommander to supervise pre-installed omap4 images for Alpha 113:24
ograto have the deps and seeds right13:24
MootBotACTION received:  NCommander to supervise pre-installed omap4 images for Alpha 113:24
NCommander^- standing item until Alpha 113:24
ograas well as ftbfs13:24
ograNCommander, thanks13:24
ograthe ftbfs list looks awful atm13:24
NCommanderogra: I've got access to GrueMaster's pandas, so I can do TI work again.13:24
ograthough thats mainly kde/QT related13:24
NCommanderogra: not as bad as in cycles past TBH13:24
ograwell, but again qreal issues as far as i can see13:25
ograthe always reoccuring issue13:25
ograNCommander, how about finally applying the upstream fix to it ?13:25
NCommanderogra: the one we can't fix without breaking the ABI of Qt :-/13:25
Riddellwhere are qreal issues?13:25
ogradavidm, ^^^13:25
NCommanderogra: upstream won't move until Qt513:25
ograany words on that ?13:26
ograRiddell, armel as usual13:26
ograRiddell, we have that every release13:26
davidmNCommander, I thought upstream wnated the change??13:26
NCommanderogra: sometime in the future. Not even Nokia knows when based off feedback from last Akademy13:26
NCommanderdavidm: yeah, but they can't until they break the ABI in general13:26
ograwell, they asked for it at the brussels UDS13:26
NCommanderogra: Linaro asked for it13:26
ograand its really a non issue since its armel only13:26
davidmNCommander, can you please verify that upstream does not want it now?13:26
ograNCommander, no13:26
ograNCommander, i was at the discussion between asac and upstream13:27
davidmIt is really creating havoc here13:27
Riddellogra: I haven't seen any new qreal issues.  there's the issue with CXXFLAGS += -Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb13:27
NCommanderdavidm: we can not break it down here independently of upstream. If upstream wants it broken, they need to fix it upstream, then we get it via normal updates13:27
ograRiddell, hmm, that might be a new one, usually NCommander puts in a few weeks to adjust his armel patches per app though13:27
ograwhich costs a lot of time13:28
NCommanderogra: that's a toolchian issue because we had a patch in previously to make that the default13:28
ograand upstream aksed to just switch TQ on armel for fixing that upstream13:28
NCommanderogra: doko kicked it out since upstream rejected it.13:28
* NCommander had a discussion with doko on this very issue during UDS.13:28
davidmNCommander, can you please verify with upstream if they want/will take the change.13:28
ograNCommander, on the upstream QT qreal changes ?13:28
* ogra wonders how thats related to doko13:29
Riddellthe CXXFLAGS is related to doko13:29
ograright, but thats fixed13:29
NCommanderogra: CXXFLAGS was doko, and no it wasn't, it was worked around.13:29
* ogra doesnt really care about stuff that has a fix/workaround already 13:30
Riddellmost packages still fail to build on arm because of the CXXFLAGS issue, been waiting for doko to show up to discuss it13:30
ograwhat i care about is NCommander  wasting workdays on the same issue each release13:30
ograadjusting the same patches every round13:30
ograwhile upstream asked us to fix it with an upstream patch13:31
NCommanderogra: and we can't fix it upstream13:31
ograwe can13:31
NCommanderI'm not repeating this disucssion. We do it every cycle13:31
ograjust patch QT properly and be done13:31
NCommanderogra: how do you suggest we sanely break Qt's ABI13:31
NCommanderI'm not doing it13:32
ograwe only break it on armel13:32
ograand given that we rebuild the whole distro, thats a non issue13:32
NCommanderI am *NOT* having this discussion again13:33
NCommanderI will post the links to every meeting we have discusssed it13:33
NCommanderBecause its the same argument going around13:33
NCommanderAnd I have no interest wasting meeting time discussing it again when nothing has changed13:33
* ogra prefers wasting 1h meeting time to two manweeks of work 13:34
ograi still fail to see the reason to not do it13:35
davidmNext please13:36
NCommander[topic] Any Other Business13:36
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Business13:36
NCommanderGoing once13:36
NCommanderGoing twice13:36
NCommanderGoing three times13:36
MootBotMeeting finished at 07:37.13:37
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* apw limps in17:00
* ogasawara waves17:00
* cking here o/17:00
ckingapw, broken foot?17:00
* smb /O\17:00
* ericm|ubuntu here o/17:00
* ogra_ac lurks17:00
MootBotMeeting started at 11:01. The chair is bjf.17:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:01
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:01
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick17:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick17:01
bjf[TOPIC] ARM Status (lag)17:01
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Status (lag)17:01
cooloneyericm|ubuntu: you first, lady17:01
bjfcooloney, ^?17:01
ericm|ubuntuno problem, simple word - nothing going on with Marvell dove17:02
ericm|ubuntuthey've shipped their LSP 5.3.6, I'll talk with tgardner offline for that17:02
bjf# NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.17:03
cooloneyfor ti-omap4, we just fixed a config issue bug 67263517:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 672635 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu) "enable CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67263517:03
cooloneytim pushed and uploaded17:03
cooloneythat's for maverick17:03
bjfcooloney, is that it?17:04
cooloneyand some status from mpoirier17:04
cooloney* Texas Instruments (ti-omap)17:04
cooloney * PATCH    : PowerSGX patch:17:04
cooloney              .Spent a lot of time looking at powerSGX17:04
cooloney              .Studied 3 implementation: Android, Meego and rcn-ee17:04
cooloney              .The Meego patch was folded in linaro-linux-2.6.35 but got rejected -> not upstreamable17:04
cooloney              .To be accepted, the patch would have to be nursed through the iteration process -> this is a full time assignment17:04
cooloney              .Going from ubuntu to linaro for kernel maintenance mandate that submitted patches be upstreamable17:04
cooloneyfor me, i'm working some upstream OMAP DSS2 patches. that's not for our ubuntu release17:05
cooloneyyeah, that's it17:06
cooloneyi'm done17:06
apw.. ?17:06
bjf[TOPIC] Release Metrics (JFo)17:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Release Metrics (JFo)17:06
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Kernel Configuration Review (apw)17:07
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review17:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Kernel Configuration Review (apw)17:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review17:07
apwConfiguration changes are defined and approved.  Work has not yet started on applying these, should hit before natty-alpha-1.17:07
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Enhancements to the firmware test suite (cking)17:07
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements17:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Enhancements to the firmware test suite (cking)17:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements17:07
ckingChanges to fwts (natty development branch):17:07
cking * Added more intelligence in backlight issues found in klog17:07
cking * add --show-tests-full option17:07
cking * add --lp-tags to print out LP tags when scanning klog errors17:07
cking * make -p (show progress) default17:07
cking * add -q, --quiet option17:08
cking * add --dumpfile to load tables from acpidump and fwts --dump output17:08
cking * prototyped ACPI method execution for sanity checks and mutex state checks17:08
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Handling of Deviations from Standard Kernels (smb)17:08
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance17:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Handling of Deviations from Standard Kernels (smb)17:08
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance17:08
smbNot much to add for the moment17:09
smbWorking on the announcement scripts17:09
smbAnd I guess someone needs to do the documentation at some point...17:09
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Review of the Stable Maintenance Process (sconklin)17:10
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review17:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Review of the Stable Maintenance Process (sconklin)17:10
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review17:10
sconklinDuring UDS, discussions were held which resulted in the adoption of a new process for release of stable kernel updates. Details about why this was needed and how it will be implemented have been committed to the Ubuntu wiki here:17:10
sconklinIt looks like the first official cycle may start on Nov 18th, but this is still indiscussion17:10
tgardnersconklin, any progress on the testing front?17:10
tgardnerhow can we start a cycle without a prototype of the process?17:11
bjfmaybe we should invite someone from testing to this meeting?17:11
apwskaet, any update on the testing ?17:11
sconklintgardner: good question. We're awaiting our first information from the people responsible for testing17:11
apwbjf, i think we need an action on steve to get one of them here for the next meeting till its resolved17:12
ogasawaraI'd sent email yesterday poking hw cert about the testing.  They're still trying to run a full smoke test of the kernel in -proposed to see how long it takes.17:12
* cking wonders why he pulled the finger out on saturday to do some testing when we are blocked en-route by process17:12
* apw wonders why cking did that when the deadline wathursday17:12
bjf[ACTION] sconklin to make sure someone from testing attends the weekly kernel meeting :-)17:12
MootBotACTION received:  sconklin to make sure someone from testing attends the weekly kernel meeting :-)17:12
sconklinwe're going to slip the Thursday requirement for verification testing17:13
apwwhy so ?17:13
bjfapw, without the full process in place should we go ahead and revert patches?17:14
apw(i suspect this is a #u-k discussion)17:14
sconklinBecause we have not officially begun the new cycle, and have no definition of the testing process.17:14
apwlets take this offline then ..17:14
tgardnersconklin, well, you have announced that we're gonna do it on a certain date.17:14
sconklintgardner: that's correct, an I can just as easily announce that we're slipping17:15
bjfapw, i thought thats what this meeting was about / for (this kind of discussion)17:15
apwoh ok, then i think if you start by slipping the verification revert17:15
apwthen people will think they can always assume you will17:15
apwsets a bad precident17:15
sconklinThat announcement was predicated on the assurance that we would have testing results by the end of last week17:15
skaetapw, sconklin - haven't got an update - but not sure I'm on the official list to get one.17:15
apwthe longer we soak with only the patches we are going to release with the more17:15
apwhappy [sic] the SRU team will be17:16
bjfskaet, if your not on the "official" list who would be?17:16
tgardnersconklin, I think we should go ahead and prototype that part of the process at least, despite not being able to get official testing.17:16
sconklinI also have no problem dropping patches as announced, but we are feeling the process out17:16
apwsconklin, testing is meant to occur in the second week after the reversions, right?  so testing will occur after this thursday for the official release17:16
skaetbjf, sconklin is who victorp is communicating with.17:16
ckingonly the patches that are not tested?17:16
apwcking, right the un 'verified' bugs17:17
sconklinok, so as announced, we wi can drop all unverified patches on Friday, and then we're in a straight-up testing hold.17:17
tgardnersconklin, ack17:17
sconklinworks for me17:17
ckingand if testing fails to occur, we are effectively roadblocked?17:17
apwcking, we are in a bad place.17:17
bjfso no changes can be made to the repos until we've reverted patches?17:17
tgardnercking, we're no worse off then we were before, e.g., crowd sourcing17:18
sconklinbjf: effectively, yes.17:18
smbbjf, That probably is done on a side branch17:18
bjfsmb, what good does it do to do them on a side branch?17:18
sconklinagreed, we just need to choose a naming convention for the "next" branch17:18
sconklinand we will have a merge window for it17:18
smbI was thinking along starting a branch from the upload and revert17:19
smbthen that can be merged back to master17:19
sconklinno reverts, we will remove the patches and force-update the master branch17:19
skaethow about sru-candidate?17:19
smbsconklin, I would not do that, but its your decision17:19
apwskaet, in that week we are essentially on hold waiting on verification17:20
sconklinToo much clutter, and I'm afraid it will break all the tools which parse changelogs17:20
bjfsconklin, if we revert, we can comment why it was reverted (failure to verify)17:20
sconklinbjf: that will be documented in the bug17:20
bjfalso, if we are adding patches to a "next" branch, do we do a "pre-proposed" from that?17:21
skaetapw, yah - and from yesterday's probing, it doesn't seem clear on the verification side the handoff between the cert and QA for running tests.17:21
sconklincan anyone tell me how many tools there are which parse kernel changlelogs, in and out of the kernel team?17:21
apwwhat about the debian changelog17:21
apwwon't that show the patches going in only if you do not revert, even though they are not in the tree ?17:21
smbsconklin, I just fear that you are causing pain by force-updating and rewriting a sort of pushed tree17:21
sconklinwe regenerate the changelog. We simply make the patches dissappear.17:22
apwsconklin, i am not sure the archive admins will accept that, as it does not reflect correct history17:22
smbapw, I think at the moment it might be a case where apply and revert are done in two uploads17:22
sconklinThe basic assumption I'm operating under is that anything after a tag is mutable17:22
smbapw, That is probably not handled as you would expect in the changelog17:22
apwright, which this is by definition17:22
smbsconklin, But you would do that if you remove patches from before17:23
smbwheras revert does not change the past17:23
sconklinsmb: do what?17:23
bjfcorrect, the patches you are "disappearing" have been "tagged"17:23
smbsconklin, you sounded like using rebase -i to remove patches17:23
tgardnersconklin, lets take this offline. its a process issue thats not really relevant to the overall testing issue17:23
bjfas part of a -proposed upload17:23
sconklinsmb: but we have numerous tools which parse the changelog, sch as those used by archive admins, and those tools do not understand reverts as far as I know17:24
apwsconklin, a revert is just another patch on top17:24
apwthey do not need to be understood per-see17:24
sconklinI understand that, but it leaves the original patch and the buglink17:24
apwwe might wish to drop the bug link ...17:24
smbsconklin, apw Lets discuss this later on17:25
sconklinyes, we'll tackle this later17:25
bjfsmb, apw, tgardner, sconklin, when and where because I want to be there17:25
skaetI'll be there too.17:26
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Ubuntu Kernel Delta Review (apw)17:26
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review17:26
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Ubuntu Kernel Delta Review (apw)17:26
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review17:26
apwWork has started on updating the Ubuntu drivers.  Work centers on updating aufs2 which is a blocker for (performant) live-cds.  Pulled in an experimental version of aufs2 for testing in v2.6.36.  Also pulled this up to v2.6.37-rc1 and did some testing.  Looking good so far.17:26
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Kernel Version and Flavouts (apw)17:26
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Kernel Version and Flavouts (apw)17:26
apwPulled the ports meta-packages into the main master branch to simplify ongoing maintenance.17:27
apwPS: the title here is spelt wrong17:27
bjfmy bad17:27
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Natty (apw)17:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Natty (apw)17:27
apwNatty has just moved over to a v2.6.37-rc1 based kernel.  Stability is unexpectedly high.  Work is ongoing to get aufs2 working again so we can have performant live-cds shortly; likely in the next upload.  Blueprints are mostly up to date with initial work items and work is just beginning on our deliverables.17:28
apwAnyone who has not yet added milestones for their work items are likely to find I have assigned them one.  You may well find that means your entire natty workload is now scheduled for natty-alpha-1.  Please review these and split them out as necessary.17:28
bjf[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin)17:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin)17:29
sconklin||                         || Upd./Sec.     || Proposed      || TiP || Verified    ||17:29
sconklin|| Dapper: Kernel          || 2.6.15-55.89  ||               ||     ||             ||17:29
sconklin|| Hardy:  Kernel          || 2.6.24-28.80  ||               ||     ||             ||17:29
sconklin|| =       LRM             ||||               ||     ||             ||17:29
sconklin|| Karmic: Kernel          || 2.6.31-22.68  ||               ||     ||             ||17:29
sconklin|| =       mvl-dove        || 2.6.31-214.30 || 2.6.31-214.32 ||     ||             ||17:29
sconklin|| =       ec2             || 2.6.31-307.21 ||               ||     ||             ||17:29
sconklin|| Lucid:  Kernel          || 2.6.32-25.45  || 3.6.32-26.46  || 14  ||  6 / 24     ||17:29
sconklin|| =       LBM             || 2.6.32-25.24  || 2.6.32-26.25  ||     ||             ||17:29
sconklin|| =       mvl-dove        || 2.6.32-209.25 || 2.6.32-211.27 ||     ||             ||17:29
sconklin|| =       fsl-imx51       || 2.6.31-608.19 || 2.6.31-608.20 ||     ||             ||17:29
sconklin|| =       ec2             || 2.6.32-309.18 ||               ||     ||             ||17:29
sconklin|| = lts-backport-maverick ||  ||               ||     ||             ||17:29
sconklin|| Maverick: Kernel        || 2.6.35-22.35  || 3.6.35-23.37  || 14  ||  12 / 30    ||17:29
* ogra_ac wonders about the maverick arm kernels in that list17:30
* cooloney still is waiting for the list to finish17:31
tgardnermaybe sconklin got booted17:31
sconklinI'm here, looks good to me17:31
sconklineven including the final ..17:31
ogra_acmvl-dove, omap3 and omap4 should be in maverick17:31
bjfnot seeing it17:31
tgardnersconklin, are ther more then one Maverick entry?17:31
smbMe neither17:31
ogra_acwheer omap3 is built from the ubuntu tree as is17:31
sconklin|| Maverick: Kernel        || 2.6.35-22.35  || 3.6.35-23.37  || 14  ||  12 / 30    ||17:31
sconklin|| =       mvl-dove        || 2.6.32-410.27 ||               ||     ||             ||17:31
sconklin|| =       ti-omap4        || 2.6.35-903.18 ||               ||     ||             ||17:31
tgardnermuch better17:32
sconklinThat's all I have for Maverick17:32
apwwe didn't get the last two lines17:32
sconklinoh, and then you also missed:17:32
sconklin * The Karmic proposed kernel has been moved to updates.17:32
sconklin * Jaunty is no longer supported17:32
apwRIP jaunty17:32
bjf[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)17:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)17:32
bjfapw go17:33
apwFor those who own a blueprint could you add a 'Status:' block to your17:33
apwwhiteboards which should be a couple of sentences covering the current17:33
apwprogress and any blockers.17:33
bjfogra_ac, go17:33
ogra_aci would like to rais some attention to17:33
ogra_acwhich the arm team would like to have clearness about17:33
apwSubject: Ubuntu ARM and the linaro kernels17:34
apwogra_ac, yes, that is on our radar ... when we know yo17:34
ogra_acits currently not clear where the kernels for the new images are supposed to come from and who does the maintenance and how17:34
apwyou will know too :)17:34
ogra_acah, good17:34
tgardnerogra_ac, its not cleat to us either17:34
ogra_acmy main concern is that we need "distro" kernels17:34
ogra_acthats fine then :)17:34
apwogra_ac, yes, and supported ones17:35
cooloneyi think we are pretty sure about that, we will keep ti-omap4 branch as Maverick17:35
cooloneybut not sure about the omap3 solution17:35
ogra_acomap3 is moving to linaro on my request17:35
bjfapw, it may be on the radar but the email thread is getting no love17:35
apwogra_ac, are you testing a CD with their output (omap3) ?17:35
ogra_acwith worst case dropping full support for the image if we cant get a distro like kernel for it17:35
cooloneyso who are going to maintain that omap3 stuff in our distro kernel17:35
ogra_acand keep it as a community goodie17:36
ogra_acapw, thats the plan17:36
ogra_acmy only concern is about security support17:36
ogra_acbut i'm willing to demote the image to a community one17:36
apwbjf, yes that is true, when we have some clarity we will publicise ...17:36
ogra_acomap3 is just a nice to have17:36
apwogra_ac, well the result of your testing will help very much with the planning process for this arm stuff17:37
ogra_acomap4 has to be supported but there seem to be no probs ahead with that17:37
apwogra_ac, when might we see your test results there.   we probabally need an official work-item for that testing as it is gating on some of the decision making imo17:37
ogra_acapw, right, prob is that we need the kernel in main etc17:37
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
ogra_acand indeed would prefer ubuntu suace as well as similar configs17:38
sconklinwe have no resources at all for anything that is simply "nice to have"17:38
apwogra_ac, it should have sauce in theory ...17:38
ogra_acneither is clear yet if linaro can do that17:38
ogra_acall i heard yet was that sauce is ripped out in linaro17:38
ogra_aci might be wrong though (and would be happy to be)17:38
apwbjf could you action me to get some work-items for arm testing created17:38
ogra_acand that the amount of built drivers is supposed to be reduced in linaro17:39
tgardnerogra_ac, John Rigby sends me pull requests for linux-linaro that has Ubuntu SAUCE17:39
bjf[ACTION] apw to get work-items created for arm testing17:39
MootBotACTION received:  apw to get work-items created for arm testing17:39
ogra_actgardner, awesome17:39
ogra_acthen i'm wrong (and happy)17:39
tgardnerogra_ac, and has been for all of Maverick17:39
ogra_aci didnt touch any linaro kernels before17:39
tgardnerogra_ac, I think you should try it out. I thought you were already using it17:40
bjftgardner, do those also have security updates?17:40
ogra_acnope, they dont have all drivers nor the same config17:40
ogra_acand no security support at all17:40
tgardnerbjf, yep cause jrigby rebases against Maverick master17:40
bjftgardner, cool17:40
ogra_ac(which doesnt help much in natty)17:40
tgardnerogra_ac, natty is a different story that is still in development17:41
ogra_acmy concern is all about natty17:41
ogra_acmaverick is done17:41
ogra_acwe only do SRUs and maintenance17:41
tgardnerogra_ac, I just don't know what the RM story for natty is yet.17:42
ogra_ac(we wont change anything thats not SRU)17:42
ogra_acyes, nobody seems to17:42
ogra_acyet i have to build images for alpha117:42
* cooloney feels lost17:42
tgardnerogra_ac, you shold be talking to jrigby17:42
ogra_actgardner, that wont solve anything on the distro side17:43
tgardnerogra_ac, why not? He's producing a distro kernel.17:43
ogra_aci just noticed i have a mail from him but that wont help with distro or security17:43
ogra_ache doesnt build all drivers17:43
tgardnerogra_ac, ok, so bug him to turn stuff on or off17:43
ogra_acwe want mostly identical configs across all builds17:43
bjfdoes anyone have anything else?17:44
bjfthanks everyone17:45
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:45.17:45
kamalthanks bjf17:45
sconklinthanks bjf17:45
cooloneythanks bjf very much17:46
ckingthanks bjf17:50
SpamapSanybody here for server team meeting?18:09
SpamapSseeing as its 18:09 UTC18:09
JamesPagehmmm; should be here and now according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting18:10
JamesPagebut seems a little quiet....18:10
smbI am sort of standby, but google-cal may have gone hazzard18:10
* jjohansen is hanging around too18:12
jjohansenSpamapS: I think the whole dst ending in n. america may have messed people up a bit18:12
SpamapSjjohansen: yeah, plus the time was set at 19:00 in the header by ttx last week because he wasn't going to be able to attent at 18:0018:13
SpamapSok, I'll change the meeting time back to 19:00 in the header, and we'll try again in 45 minutes18:13
jjohansenah, I had missed that18:13
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
* SpamapS waits for 1 more o/ 19:01
SpamapSwoot ok here we go19:01
MootBotMeeting started at 13:01. The chair is SpamapS.19:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]19:01
SpamapSFYI, the meeting was sort of half scheduled for 18:00, half for 19:00, so we're doing it now19:01
SpamapSI will be the scribe since daviey is possibly unavailable19:02
SpamapS[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting19:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting19:02
SpamapSUnfortunately, I believe those ACTION points in the agenda are the same as last week's.19:02
JamesPageis that because we did not do them last week?19:03
SpamapSplease standby I will grep them out of the meeting log from last week..19:03
SpamapSOk there were none it seems19:04
SpamapSmoving on19:04
* mathiaz \o/19:04
SpamapS[TOPIC] Natty Development19:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Natty Development19:04
mathiazit's always like that at the begining of a release cycle19:04
SpamapSIndeed. :)19:04
SpamapSI added this topic, just wanted to make sure people had a forum for any questions or comments on the spec process.19:05
mathiazso the focus is to get WI defined19:05
SpamapSWe should all be submitting specs for review by... is it next Thursday?19:05
mathiazonce the WI are defined and rough plan is outlined the spec status should be moved to Review19:05
robbiewand I've started reviewing/approving/deferring/asking :)19:05
* robbiew gave https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/NattyBlueprints some loving19:06
SpamapSFeature Definition Freeze is 11/25, so specs must be approved before then right?19:06
mathiazone thing to consider is that it's possible (and actually encouraged) to add WI after the spec has been approved19:06
SpamapSyes, its mostly about getting the design and intent clear19:06
mathiazas it helps to keep track of what needs to be done19:06
SpamapSAnd a general idea of how much is needed to be done.19:07
mathiazand if an important is taking more time we can know in advance what other things should be dropped19:07
mathiazso WIs defined when a spec is approved are not set in stone19:07
SpamapSok, anything else on Natty?19:08
mathiazNatty is going to ROCK!19:08
SpamapSIts going to burst forth from the ocean like a unicorn with flippers and a blow hole.19:09
SpamapSAlright, moving on.19:09
RoAkSoAxis the meeting almost over or just started?19:09
SpamapS[TOPIC] Maverick SRUs19:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Maverick SRUs19:09
SpamapSI think this list also wasn't updated in the agenda.. and zul was mostly in charge of these, but does anyone have new ones to bring up for discussion?19:10
JamesPageyes - bug 666028;19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 666028 in openldap "apt-get install slapd => Can't locate object method "new" via package "Debconf::Element::Noninteractive::Booleam"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66602819:10
JamesPagefor awareness more than anything else; its a follow up to bug 65822719:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 658227 in openldap (Ubuntu Natty) "upgrade process does not upgrade underlying BDB format from 4.7 to 4.8 (so slapd aborts with "Program version 4.8 doesn't match environment version 4.7" error message)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65822719:11
mathiazJamesPage: the upload has been accepted in maverick-proposed19:11
mathiazand should be ready in a couple of hours for testing19:11
JamesPageyep  - just went through19:11
SpamapSright looks like pitti accepted it into proposed just now19:11
JamesPageits holding up bug 66154719:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 661547 in openldap (Ubuntu) "Existing patch gssapi.diff makes guess_service_principal produce garbage" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66154719:11
JamesPagebut that might be debatable for SRU (we'll see I guess)19:12
SpamapSIs anyone signed up to do the verification yet?19:12
mathiazSpamapS: usually it's the SRU team in QA that does it19:12
SpamapSOk.. I tend to verify my SRU's too.19:12
mathiazSpamapS: however it's become a zero-man team recently19:12
mathiazwell - not really - volunteer are still trying to do verification19:13
mathiazbut it can take time19:13
* SpamapS debates an action for robbiew: "FIX IT!"19:13
mathiazso having someone within the server team taking care of sru-verification would be helpful19:13
* robbiew is no longer release manager ;)19:13
mathiazI'll do the sru-verification for openldap19:13
robbiew+1 on having Server team member on SRU team19:14
robbiewwe are lucky to have pitti back from oem rotation this cycle for sure \o/...but help is definitely needed19:14
mathiazit's also better to have the sru verification done by someone else than develop and sponsored the fix19:14
SpamapS[ACTION] mathiaz: to verify SRU bug 66602819:14
MootBotACTION received:  mathiaz: to verify SRU bug 66602819:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 666028 in openldap "apt-get install slapd => Can't locate object method "new" via package "Debconf::Element::Noninteractive::Booleam"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66602819:14
JamesPagemathiaz: I agree19:14
mathiazwhich means that 3 people are required for getting an SRU through19:15
mathiaz(1 developer, 1 reviewer, 1 verifier)19:15
SpamapSOk, so maybe another topic for discussion should be that we should raise the SRU manpower issue?19:15
* hggdh pays attention now19:15
mathiazyeah - that would be an interesting issue to solve19:15
mathiazwe had plans to improve the SRU process19:16
SpamapSmaybe somebody could publicize that we are in need of some volunteer help for SRU's19:16
mathiaz(devised in the summer sprint in dublin more than 1 year ago)19:16
* s3hh wonders what a reviewer task entails19:17
robbiewSpamapS: heh...if it were just advertising, it'd be a simple process to solve19:17
robbiewMIR team needs help too19:17
SpamapSyeah no kidding :p19:17
mathiazthe SRU tracker was designed as a tool to help in tracking what needs to be done19:17
robbiewand the Release Team could stand to grow a bit.../me gets off his soap box19:17
mathiazit mainly is a ressource issue19:17
mathiazs3hh: a review task is about reviewing the SRU prepared by another developer19:18
mathiazs3hh: given that SRU is making there are no regression many eyes are important19:18
SpamapSOk, so right now, we just make it clear that there is a resource issue, and tax other devs for verification?19:18
ajmitchrobbiew: I didn't think the release team was necessarily involved in SRUs :)19:18
mathiazSpamapS: yeah - I think that's the good way19:19
mathiazSpamapS: with the sru tracker we should be able to generate a list of bugs that need to be verified19:19
robbiewajmitch: you should check out the members of each then ;)19:19
SpamapSmathiaz: there's a tag for that ;)19:19
mathiazSpamapS: and then the verification needs to be done by someone19:20
ajmitchSpamapS: is the problem mostly verification, or getting a package into -proposed in the first place?19:20
mathiazSpamapS: yes - the SRU tracker also filters the list to make it relevant to server package19:20
mathiazajmitch: both ;)19:20
SpamapSSo maybe we should add a "daily verification" schedule similar to daily triage.19:20
mathiazSpamapS: make it smaller chunks19:20
mathiazSpamapS: yop - that was the next step :)19:20
SpamapSzul_: think you could add a list of verification-needed bugs to the SRU tracker easily?19:21
mathiazSpamapS: it already is IIRC19:21
SpamapSyes, why yes it is19:21
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
mathiazSpamapS: http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html#verified_bugs19:21
SpamapS[ACTION] ALL: please check the SRU tracker for verification-needed bugs and help out with verification19:22
MootBotACTION received:  ALL: please check the SRU tracker for verification-needed bugs and help out with verification19:22
SpamapSOk, lets move on19:22
SpamapSajmitch: getting things into proposed seems to happen at a fairly nice pace, we can thank pitti for that.19:23
SpamapS[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)19:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)19:23
hggdhfirst question is from myself19:23
hggdhhow are we going to test server images for MAC, armel, PPC?19:23
hggdhnice to have them, but...19:24
ajmitchSpamapS: oh I meant getting a package ready for -proposed, ie finding the fix19:24
mathiazhggdh: are there any images published for these architecture?19:24
hggdhmathiaz: yes, just popped in in the server/daily19:24
JamesPagewhats the status of libvirt/kvm on those architectures?19:25
SpamapShggdh: I believe there were some build machines distributed for armel at UDS.. did we not get QA machines as well?19:25
hggdhSpamapS: none for server testing at least; I did not hear of any for QA at all19:25
mathiazhggdh: well - I think these images should be tested19:26
s3hhJamesPage: well ppc kvm is supposed to work iirc19:26
mathiazhggdh: in order to do that hardware needs to be available19:26
hggdhmathiaz: I agree, I  did not say they would not, I asked *how* ;-)19:26
mathiazhggdh: which I don't have19:26
mathiazhggdh: and I don't know who on the team has hardware19:26
hggdhrobbiew: hello, sir :-)19:27
SpamapSI have an old PowerMac G5.. but what really troubles me is that this suggests maybe we're going to have even *more* iso tests to run?19:27
hggdhyes we will19:27
SpamapSJamesPage: time to fire up automated iso testing on PPC. :-D19:27
hggdhlibvirt would help, but we need to also try bare metal19:27
robbiewwhy are we discussing this?19:27
SpamapSrobbiew: no idea, hggdh brought it up19:28
robbiewUbuntu Server testing on PPC32?19:28
mathiazrobbiew: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/19:28
JamesPageSpamapS; yes - but we need to cover the other two cases using physical hardware as well19:28
mathiazrobbiew: ^^ there are images for these architecture published there19:28
hggdhrobbiew: we have the images now19:28
SpamapSOoo I volunteer to host the PS3 test box...19:29
robbiewwe don't spin official ISOs for Server on PPC3219:29
robbiewor PS319:29
robbiewthese are ports, right?19:29
mathiazrobbiew: I don't know - it's the first time I see these images show up on cdimage19:30
SpamapSright, so we don't need to complete the iso tests.. that would be something the community would need to complete.19:30
mathiazrobbiew: under the ubuntu-server daily iso19:30
robbiewlet me dig into this19:30
hggdhthank you19:30
highvoltagethere are PS3 images on cdimage!?19:30
robbiewI say for now...no testing of these flavors19:30
mathiazrobbiew: it may be an error on the iso build scripts19:30
robbiewintel and amd64 for now19:30
hggdhrobbiew: the same for AMD64-mac?19:30
* highvoltage sees there is and apologizes for his ignorance19:31
robbiewjust focus on i386 and amd64 images19:31
SpamapSsounds good to me. :)19:31
hggdhnext item from QA19:31
mathiazhggdh: so nothing changes compared to last release cycle19:31
ajmitchhighvoltage: good luck getting a PS3 that you can still run it on :)19:31
hggdhmathiaz: ack19:31
hggdhI intend to expand daily build for packages with build-time checks19:32
* robbiew suspects this has to do with the discussion at UDS around relocating the ports stuff19:32
hggdhso I would like you folks to give me these packages (so that I can add them in)19:32
mathiazhggdh: you're looking for packages that have their test suite run during the build?19:33
SpamapSahh so just add the natty package as a daily build, to test for toolchain regressions.19:33
hggdhmathiaz: yes, this would be immediately used (like mysql, coreutils, etc)19:33
hggdhwhich are already built daily, BTW19:33
mathiazhggdh: ok - I'd suggest to send email to ubuntu-devel/ubuntu-server for a first round of feedback19:33
SpamapShggdh: its not entirely clear how one would determine that easily, other than noticing it while looking at a package.19:34
mathiazhggdh: you can also find good candidates by looking at packages that support the nocheck option at build time19:34
hggdhwill look for them19:34
SpamapSmathiaz: how is that determined though? grep nocheck debian/rules ?19:34
mathiazhggdh: as nocheck is the recommended way (may even be in the policy now) to disable tests at build time19:34
mathiazSpamapS: yes - nocheck in debian/rules19:34
mathiazSpamapS: write a script that looks for all debian/rules in the archive19:35
mathiazSpamapS: I recommand a local mirror of the archive to do so19:35
SpamapSok so that could be done in an automated fashion (albeit slow, since it would basically require grepping every diff and unpacking every .debian.tar.gz19:35
mathiazSpamapS: I usually as kees to run these scripts ;)19:35
SpamapShah good point19:35
SpamapSso, is somebody going to do that?19:35
mathiazSpamapS: kirkland also has a local mirror and ran similar scripts before19:36
hggdhwill look for easy ways. Meanwhile, if you know of any such packages now... I can add them19:36
mathiazhggdh: mysql, openldap19:36
JamesPagehggdh: is it possible to see whats already covered somewhere?19:36
hggdhJamesPage: yes, just a sec19:37
SpamapShggdh: how about you send a message to ubuntu-server and ubuntu-devel with the coverage and a request for more packages that do checks?19:38
SpamapSwe need to move on.19:38
hggdhI am done19:38
robbiewright...so the new look of the daily images has to do with https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-foundations-n-cdimage-ports-consolidation19:38
robbiewjust an FYI19:38
SpamapShggdh: thanks! :)19:38
SpamapS[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)19:38
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)19:38
jjohansenwell first up lets add an action item to change that from jjohansen to smb :)19:39
jjohansensmb: did you have anything you wanted to bring up?19:39
smbJust one notification that I was made aware of a bug which looks server related by Montreal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/41535319:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415353 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "karmic/lucid installation slow on "detecting network hardware" with bnx2x" [Medium,Triaged]19:39
smbHave not looked at that deeply but plan to do tomorrow19:40
SpamapSjjohansen: will do when doing the minutes19:40
* smb spent most of today from recovering / catching up from yesterday which he spent recovering from returning from Plumbers19:41
jjohansenThe config patch for Bug #651370 has been submitted and accepted for SRU19:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 651370 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "ec2 kernel crash invalid opcode 0000 [#1]" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65137019:41
SpamapSalright, anything else?19:42
mathiazsmb: how is the kernel release manager for natty?19:42
mathiazsmb: *who*19:42
jjohansenwhat else, the pv-on-hvm drivers are in the natty kernel and we will be experimenting with them this week19:42
SpamapSmathiaz: aw, and here I thought you were just concerned for apw's well being19:43
SpamapSalright, we're running a bit short on time, so unless there is anything else?19:43
jjohansenI'm done19:44
SpamapSsommer seems to be absent so we will skip Doc team q&a for now19:44
SpamapSI've pinged kim0 .. but we can move on to the next topic till he replies19:44
SpamapS[TOPIC] Meeting time and scheduling (SpamapS)19:44
MootBotNew Topic:  Meeting time and scheduling (SpamapS)19:44
SpamapSI think actually Daviey and ttx brought this up originally19:45
SpamapStwo issues really19:45
SpamapS1) today's was moved back to 1900 UTC accidentally I think.. or did we move it to 1900 so it stays at the same local time for everybody who is now on DST ?19:45
mathiazSpamapS: 1) - yes for 2nd option19:46
robbiewany reason why it's so late in the day?19:46
SpamapSSo given that do we have any strong thoughts about moving the meeting to 1600 UTC?19:46
robbiewcould we do 1700 UTC?19:46
mathiazrobbiew: historical reason19:46
robbiewor even 1600UTC19:47
JamesPage1600UTC would be better for me (and I now Daviey was keen as well)19:47
* robbiew would love 1600UTC...but wasn't sure SpamapS would be awake ;)19:47
mathiaz1600 UTC would mean we'd be back to back with the Tech Board19:47
mathiazevery other week19:47
SpamapS1600 UTC will be 8:00am for me, but I have a 1 year old so thats usually 3 - 4 hours after I wake up19:47
Davieymathiaz: we used to be back to back19:47
Davieyit was *rarely* a problem19:47
robbieweh...TB isn't that important anyway :P19:47
mathiazDaviey: yes - the meeting was at 16:00 UTC for a long time19:48
* robbiew says we move it back19:48
* JamesPage seconds the motion19:48
* s3hh is good w that19:48
SpamapSI am totally fine w/ 16:00 as long as its understood I may be surly and have messy hair.19:48
s3hhSpamapS: keep that webcam off19:49
SpamapSOk, 16:00 UTC it is19:49
smbThis also means the meeting has to finish after one hour. :)19:49
SpamapS(I believe we also discussed this offline with some other team members last week so I feel comfortable saying that "the motion carries")19:49
RoAkSoAxjeez im gonna have to wake up early now :(19:49
SpamapSsmb: ++19:49
SpamapSRoAkSoAx: I'll make an extra big pot of coffee so we can share19:50
SpamapS[TOPIC] Open Discussion19:50
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion19:50
RoAkSoAxI need a volunteer to review the library split for cluster-stack packages... anyone? :)19:50
RoAkSoAxbefore actually uploading to universe and requesting MIRs19:51
ajmitchRoAkSoAx: 16:00 UTC shouldn't be that bad for you? there aren't too many server community people in this part of the world though19:51
SpamapSRoAkSoAx: throw it up as a merge proposal and ask ubuntu-server for a review.19:51
SpamapSRoAkSoAx: I'll take a peek.19:52
robbiewwait folks...I think the desktop team meets at 16:30UTC...according to the Fridge19:52
SpamapSAnybody else have any other topics?19:52
SpamapSrobbiew: doh19:52
mathiazrobbiew: nope - they meet in ubuntu-desktop19:52
mathiazrobbiew: the fridge is probably wrong19:52
robbiewand odd...but who cares19:52
SpamapSoh thats the other thing19:53
SpamapSshould we update the fridge?19:53
SpamapSwe aren't even listed there19:53
robbiewI can19:53
SpamapS[ACTION] robbiew: update the fridge calendar with new ubuntu server meeting time19:53
MootBotACTION received:  robbiew: update the fridge calendar with new ubuntu server meeting time19:53
RoAkSoAxajmitch: no it is actually not that bad... but it is early for me :P I wake up late sometimes :)19:53
SpamapS[TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time19:53
MootBotNew Topic:  Announce next meeting date and time19:53
SpamapSTuesday 2010-11-16 at 1600 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting19:53
SpamapSThanks everyone!19:54
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:54.19:54
mathiazSpamapS: thanks!19:54
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
cprofitt#startmeeting Ubuntu Beginners Team23:59
MootBotMeeting started at 17:59. The chair is cprofitt.23:59
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]23:59
cprofitthello Beginners Team23:59

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