
formolQCNote : You can use Chromium, who use is own flash player. but it's unfortunately a little bit too  "beta version"01:25
steviemanI am having colour problems with my geforce 9500GT in mythbuntu 10.04. I am only getting Black and White video over Svideo. IT's not the resolution and I cannot find how to se the signal to NTSC to make sure it's not a PAL issue01:33
Shadow__Xhow can someone answer your question if you keep timing out02:56
rhpot1991stevieman: I showed you before how to change the svideo signal03:34
steviemanrhpot1991: Yes but I was at work at he time, anyways, it turned out that the Svideo port on the tv is a shared input with composet inputs which are currently being used03:35
steviemanof course the only Svideo and composet connections are shared the other 5 inputs are all RCA03:36
rhpot1991so if you unhook the others it works fine?03:36
steviemanyah, I dug out my Svideo to RCA adaptor and presto colour :)03:37
steviemanstill no sound though03:37
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=== Gibby is now known as Gibby_away
steviemanI am still having problems getting irexec working with sdlmame20:24
steviemanDoes anyone have any ideas on how I can troubleshoot this? I've ensured that irexec is running, I've also created a files called irexec in ~/.lirc but pressing the appropriate button on the remote does nothing in SdlMame20:27
=== Gibby_away is now known as Gibby
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].23:24
yggdrasilhello :)23:29
yggdrasilI found an old laptop in my junk thati fixed up, planning on putting it in the van and running mythbuntu on it.23:29
yggdrasilI got mytbuntu installed and it looks all good23:30

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