
akgranerhey all! Issue 217 looks great!03:13
akgranerThank you!03:13
akgranerSorry it ended up being a longer day than I planned working on things for the new house03:14
Pendulumakgraner: no worries! mostly thank highvoltage he did all the organising really03:14
akgranerhighvoltage, did the howto work for ya?03:15
highvoltageakgraner: yep!03:15
akgranerthe reason  ubuntu-news is moderated even for my emails is b/c the ONLY thing that goes out on that list is UWN03:15
highvoltageakgraner: I'm not sure if I did everything 100% perfect, but I guess under the circumstances you can forgive a small mistake here and there :)03:15
akgranerhighvoltage, there is nothing in this world that is perfect so no forgiveness is needed - you rock03:16
akgranerthank you all sooooooooooooo soooooooo much03:16
Pendulumhighvoltage: you kicked ass for getting it all organised03:17
akgranerI need to go pick up my daughter she just is on her way back from a trip to DC - but I wanted to say thanks....03:17
highvoltagethank you, Pendulum!03:17
Pendulumakgraner: band trip?03:17
akgranerhighvoltage, so the howto was ok then?04:26
akgranerhighvoltage, did it get posted to the forums and the notices get sent to the other channels and mailing lists? I think you should have the honors of sending it if it hasn't...04:27
nhandlerakgraner: Doesn't look like the notice went to the other channels, and I don't recall seeing a million emails (although I haven't confirmed)04:57
akgranernhandler, ahhh ok04:58
akgranerI just wanted to check  -  I feel so lost atm and you all rock on getting it all out - I can't say Thanks enough!!!04:59
nhandlerakgraner: Did you get a chance to glance at that google doc I shared with you (no rush if you haven't)04:59
akgraneryep started reading it05:00
akgranerlooking good05:00
akgranerI need to send and email to Charlie and find out where all that is at now05:00
nhandlerIt also looks like nick listed to my email and is looking at a captcha for the submission box (and hopefully also how to set us up to get notifications about posts that are submitted through it)05:00
akgraneroh cool05:01
akgranerthank you for working on that with him05:01
akgranerit's going to take me a few days to get back in the swing of things and find my footing now that I am back on the computer05:02
nhandlerakgraner: We can handle things here. Worry about getting the things that actually matter in order first ;)05:03
akgranerI know the howto needs some cleanup and I would still like to try the "includes" idea but you are correct about first things first05:03
akgranerhowever good news we picked out the house and they will start work tomorrow05:04
akgranerwoo hoo!!!05:04
nhandlerakgraner: Awesome! Still in the same general area of CA ?05:04
akgraneryou mean NC :-)05:04
akgraneryep we are moving the house 20 feet from where the old one was and adding about 18 feet onto the basement area05:05
akgranerpleia2, is in CA  - I would love to move to CA though05:05
akgranerPete's grandparents lived in Carlsbad and I would move there if my family wouldn't be so far away05:06
nhandlerakgraner: Bleh, sorry. I was just reading some scrollback in -us about her. But that is probably a sign I should head to bed05:07
nhandlerNight akgraner. And congrats on the house05:07
akgranerI need to find my pillow too05:07
akgranerlaters - highvoltage et al - Thanks Again!!!05:07
nigelbhighvoltage: awesomeness05:30
alouriewas 217 released?09:47
nigelbhighvoltage ftw :)09:50
alourienigelb: oh, great :-)09:51
alourieis it ok to do a small editorial there?09:51
alouriehighvoltage: thanks!09:51
nigelbthat, I don't know, probably ask him :)09:53
alouriehighvoltage: can I ?10:10
highvoltagealourie: hey. editorial?12:15
alouriehighvoltage: hey, sorry for the delay. I just wanted to replace in the list of people who worked on it the "Your Name Here" to "Alex Lourie"14:06
highvoltagealourie: whoops, that "Your Name Here" is indeed not supposed to be there. Sorry for leaving you out, I'll edit now...14:36
highvoltagealourie: I didn't see your name in the changelog, I guess it was with the entries that got imported with etherpad or elsewhere then?14:37
alouriehighvoltage: it was 215 then though :-)14:51
alouriebut anyway14:51
alouriehighvoltage: thanks for fixing it15:57
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
donsmousehello everyone:)18:30
akgranerhey all19:12
akgraneralourie, it's ok for you to add your name to the wiki19:12
akgranerit's not a set list19:12
akgranerwe encourage people to add their names as they work on the issue19:13
akgranerI try to double check before it's published as a courtesy but if you work on it then please add your name (this applies to everyone) :-D19:14
highvoltageI double-checked but I guess since the changes came from etherpad (or somewhere else) I didn't see it in the wiki changelogs19:18
akgranerhighvoltage, no worries19:27
akgranerI tend to "mother" things and well I need to stop :-)19:27
highvoltageperhaps you should let someone else do one issue every month?19:28
highvoltageat least more people will be available in an emergency and you also get to do less work for one week a month19:28
highvoltage(just random suggestion, use it / don't us it)19:29
akgranerhighvoltage, that was going to be my next suggestion19:34
akgranerI'll email everyone next week and add stuff to the wiki - I was thinking of a publishing editors group19:35
akgranercontributing editors19:35
akgranerassociates etc19:35
akgranerand we'll set it up with a progression of sorts19:37
akgraneragain just thinking out loud19:37
akgranerwe'll figure it out :-)19:37
holsteinakgraner: hey, great news about the new pad :)19:38
akgraneryeah - I am happy19:38
akgraneryou'll have to come visit once it is completed19:38
holsteinim in19:39
nhandlerakgraner: Be careful with that. We don't want to add too many levels (I sort of like having everyone as 'editor' with just different areas of specialty and different tasks)22:59
cody-somerville+1 nhandler23:14

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