
VladGhI installed dk-filter and opendkim and I keep getting this error Sendmail DomainKeys Filter: Unable to create listening socket on conn inet:8892@localhost / smfi_opensocket() failed00:24
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VladGhit's not the first time I install this combination, but it is the first on EC200:24
VladGhDoes the EC2 Ubuntu Ami have some kind of permission for creating listening ports?00:25
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erichammondVladGh: Should be same as normal Ubuntu server in this regard.  Is something already listening on that port?00:36
VladGherichammond: netstat --listen shows nothing00:36
VladGhI just tried SOCKET="inet:54321" instead of SOCKET="inet:54321@localhost" and I think it will work00:37
allowoverrideim out l800:43
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VladGhnope, without localhost postfix gives now "fatal: host/service localhost/54321 not found: Name or service not known"00:45
ehcahcan Ubuntu Server be configured to match the capabilities of a product like FreeNAS?00:51
twbI'm not familiar with FreeNAS, but theoretically Ubuntu can be configured in just about any way.00:55
ehcahtwb:  FreeNAS, OpenFiler, unRAID, EON are all packaged NAS solutions.00:58
ehcahI have 2 ubuntu Servers running in my basement rack already.  I'm trying to see if I could build a scalable solution using ubuntu.00:59
twbIf you're just asking "can Ubuntu Server be a NAS" -- yes, it can01:00
ehcahLOL... I know it can.  I'd like to find someone who can offer some real world experience.01:01
twbI use it as an SBS replacement01:11
twbi.e. acting as a centralized auth/file/print server01:11
qman__the biggest problem I have when trying to replace windows servers is directory services01:14
qman__LDAP is such a PITA to configure and use01:15
twbqman__: and krb01:19
twbLast time I got LDAP working w/o SSL or krb.01:19
qman__we desperately need a ready-to-go directory services package01:19
twbThat's what I liked about NIS01:20
twbIt is LITERALLY just a matter of installing it and setting the domain name (which has a debconf prompt().01:21
twbFor the server side, you also have to tell it to be a server in /etc/default/nis, but that's it.01:21
twbUnfortunately, you can only use NIS on "ultimately trusted" networks.01:22
lateniteHi flks, "update-grub" is not adding my custom kernel to grub2? What am i doing wrong? http://pastie.org/128331301:49
twblatenite: if you're referring to bzImage_0 -- it's not named correctly.02:02
latenitetwb, what woudl the name have to be like?02:08
twbWell, like the one that's in there02:08
latenitetwb, vmlinuz-SOMETHING ?02:09
twbJust so02:11
latenitetwb, thanks mn , that did the trick :)02:17
twbYou should build your kernels with "make deb-pkg"02:17
twbIt will generate .deb you can install.02:17
latenitenow I get kernel panic "VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(2,0)"02:17
twbThat's probably because you have no ramdisk.02:18
lateniteI have my filesystems build in * and NO iniramfs02:18
twbOr because you didn't compile something in.02:18
latenitewell what could me missing? filesystems are build in for sure :)02:18
twbYou cannot use root=UUID=... or root=LABEL=... without a ramdisk.  You must pass the raw device name (e.g. /dev/sda1), which can change.02:18
latenitetwb, oh, I did not know that. why is that so?02:20
twbBecause they require udev02:22
twbWithout a ramdisk, the only way to get to udev is via the root filesystem.  So you have a cyclic dependency.02:22
latenitetwb, oh that makes sense :)... well than I just add ramdisk to my kernel?02:23
twbI suppose so.02:24
twb13:17 <twb> You should build your kernels with "make deb-pkg"02:24
latenitetwb, what is that for?02:25
twbBecause I told you to02:25
latenitetwb, I never had a ramdisk. How do I create one?02:26
latenite :) ok I will02:26
twbBy doing "make deb-pkg", then installing the resulting .deb.02:26
twbIf you do it that way, the ramdisk will be generated automatically.02:26
latenitetwb, so in /usr/src/linux/ I do "make dep-pkg && make modules_install" ???02:27
twbJust "make deb-pkg".02:27
latenitetwb, is there a place to read about "dep-pkg" ?02:28
twbIt's DEB-PKG, not DEP-PKG02:28
twbBecause Ubuntu is really rebadged Debian.02:28
latenitetwb, ok id did "make deb-pkg" now whats next? there is no new vmlinuz file in /boot noe a ramdisk anywhere.02:30
twbThe package will be placed in /usr/src.02:31
lateniteoh then i do02:31
latenitedpkg -i $pakage ?02:31
twbJust so.02:32
twbRe. documentation, see /usr/src/linux/scripts/package/builddeb and http://kernel-handbook.alioth.debian.org/02:32
latenitetwb, there is also a new "linux-firmaware-iamge.bed" what s about that?02:32
twbdpkg -I foo.deb describes packages.02:33
latenitetwb, ist sais it conatisn firmware from the kernel. Do I need that? If so, what for?02:34
twbYou need it if you have hardware that needs that firmware.02:35
twbThe linux-firmware-image .deb will not be generated if your custom kernel has all firmware options disabled.02:36
twbIncidentally, WHY are you trying to use a custom kernel?02:37
latenitetwb, because I have a soundcard that is not in the default kernel02:38
twbPlease pastebin the output of "lspci -nn".02:39
lateniteICE1712 is what I need to build in *02:42
twbTry pasting it into http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/02:49
twbI'd do it myself but that site is broken in my browser :-/02:50
lateniteWHAT exactly do I pate in there?02:51
lateniteICE1712 results in error02:51
twbThe full output of lspci -nn, as it tells you to02:54
twbIt'll tell you what kernel version (in Debian) added support.  It should be about the same for Ubuntu.02:55
latenitetwb, ok. Say how would I get the kernelconfig from ubuntu custom kernel...to have a sane starting point?02:58
twblatenite: *I* would do it by copying /boot/config-X from the existing Ubuntu kernel02:59
twbAlso, "make localyesconfig" will change all modules currently in use (on the build host) to =y.02:59
twbAlso, "make localmodconfig" will change all modules currently UNUSED (on the build host) to =n.03:00
latenitetwb, wow thats a cool way :) nice03:03
twbYes, it is super nice03:05
twbIt's not perfect, e.g. within snd-hda-intel it can't autodetect which codecs to turn on/off03:05
lateniteis that debian/ubunut OR kernel way of editing .config? in other word will that work on oterh distros too?03:06
twbThat's a feature of the upstream kernel03:07
twbIt should work anywhere, from about .35 onwards03:07
twbi.e. the mainline linus-2.6 repo03:07
lateniteahh ok03:07
lateniteman thanks for al your help :) ....this ubuntu default kernel build for ever... :) I guess I ll idle for a while03:11
aegisI'm back03:14
twbYes, the ubuntu .config is basically "all =m"03:15
latenitetwb, it a killer :) oh well at least iw works :)03:16
twbDon't forget -j2, where 2 is the number of cores you have/03:17
latenitemake -j deb-pkg ?03:17
latenitemake -j6 deb-pkg ?03:17
latenitelik that?03:17
lateniteman I am tored , I got to go to bed...can t evenb type right--03:18
twbWithout -j it will use as many processes as it can, which will probably DOS your host03:18
twbEr, I mean -j without a number.03:18
latenitelol...that s bad :)03:18
twbI did it about three times in a row before  Irealized what happened, because I was doing the compile in a minimized window03:19
latenitestill compiling...doooooo03:20
lateniteany cool ubunut tweaks you can recommend?..I am setting up a desktop for my mom...03:22
* Datz wonders if gnome is a tweek for ubuntu server :p03:26
Datzubottu dict tweak03:27
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twblatenite: etckeeper04:07
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latenitetwb, nice tool :) thanks04:46
slicslaktrying to install openjdk, looks like the server is down?05:08
slicslakErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic-updates/main libcups2 1.4.1-5ubuntu2.605:08
slicslak  404  Not Found [IP: 80]05:08
jetoleDoes anyone know a good method to audit root bash history in a manner that can't be deleted? I need to set up a lot of systems at the data center so that we now have more administrators (as in I am not the only systems admin anymore) and I have done this all pretty well through LDAP but not sure what the best way to audit actions is05:17
slicslaktwb, thx for the link.  of course a 404 means the file iteself can't be found.  so the server is up, but the file is missing.  <shrug>  i suppose it's useless to complain in irc. i just thought someone might know something or somebody and tell them to kick some script or whatever to fix it.05:19
twbslicslak: do an aptitude update?05:21
slicslakjetole, i don't think you can prevent ppl from tampering w/ their bash history.  sudo always keeps a system log though, so you could combine that w/ remote logging and audit that05:21
slicslaktwb, nice, thanks.  jumping too many systems I forgot that was necessary on this box!05:22
twbslicslak: sorry, I should've thought of that before05:23
jetoleslicslak: well in fact sudo mails all commands to me right now and I am looking for how to allow someone to have access to pretty much everything on the system but at the same time not to launch a shell05:23
slicslaknp, i did ask the wrong question  ;)05:23
jetoledon't suppose anyone has any experience with allowing sudo to run just about any command except a shell?05:29
jetolecould maybe recommend a link or a howto05:29
slicslakjetole, they could always compile their own...05:32
slicslakit sounds like you need a pplware solution as opposed to a software solution.  chroot/jails w/ access to limited binaries is what is normally done to restrict what users can run.  but you can't exactly admin a box that way05:33
jmarsdenjetole: Check whether rootsh will help you, see http://sourceforge.net/projects/rootsh/ .  For the "everything but not shells" in sudoers, try something like   %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL !SHELLS05:40
jetolethere is a !SHELLS? Cool. Gotta see if that works under LDAP since sudo via LDAP has a different config but will look05:45
jmarsdenNo problem.05:48
jmarsdenjetole: BTW, if someone can do sudo vi then can get a shell inside vi... lots of programs can start shells... so this restriction will not protect you from malicious users.  But malicious users should not have sudo privs in the first place...05:49
chrislabeardHey guys anyone know of a good tutorial on how to install Suphp06:07
segv`chrislabeard: shouldn't be too hard.06:14
chrislabeardLooks like its already included in apache2?06:14
SpamapSchrislabeard: don't do it. ;)06:14
chrislabeardWhy I NEEDS IT06:14
SpamapSchrislabeard: there are better ways :)06:14
segv`http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1516400 first google result.06:14
segv`No, no one knows of a tutorial :p06:14
chrislabeardthats the one i'm on06:14
chrislabeardSpamapS so what are the other ways.06:15
segv`that's step by step, doesn't look to hard.06:15
SpamapSchrislabeard: depends on the number of users you want to support.06:15
segv`in fact, looks rediculously easy06:15
SpamapSchrislabeard: and how much you care if they run isolated.06:15
chrislabeardYeah but the dood didn't get it to work06:15
chrislabeardSpamapS: I want it to be global06:15
chrislabeardFor any of my domains06:15
SpamapSchrislabeard: how many *users* ?06:16
chrislabeardSpamapS: 3+06:16
chrislabeardmin 306:16
segv`i do the fastcgi method myself, great performance :)06:17
SpamapSchrislabeard: just use php-fcgi and run it as each user.06:17
chrislabeardSo I have to manually do add the users in06:17
SpamapSsuphp is for when you want to host 500 users on one box and not let them steal eachothers' data. ;)06:18
chrislabeardAhh i see, Is it possible to get something to just work06:18
chrislabeardAnytime I create a new user06:18
segv`chrislabeard: you can just use suexec with fastcgi06:21
segv`should be faster06:22
SpamapSchrislabeard: I used to have a script that generated a  user-php.conf for each user that was in a certain group.. would just run that after user creation.06:22
SpamapSsegv`: even suexec isn't necessary w/ fastcgi if you just run the fastcgid independent of apache. unless I'm missing something.06:23
segv`SpamapS: he wants to eliminate that 'manual' configuration.06:23
segv`fire and forget, automatically runs as said user with little or no need for him to intervein06:23
SpamapSRight, the only part that my script had to do was pick a port. I used 20000+$UID to make it easy06:23
SpamapSsegv`: true and suexec is still 10 times simpler and less hacky than suphp06:24
segv`and fastcgi supports it out of the box heh06:24
jetolejmarsden: I was also just reading about noexec which prevents a lot of programs like vi from launching a shell06:31
chrislabeardSpamapS: Is there a tutorial for this setup? I'm new to this stuff06:31
jmarsdenjetole: Yes, but test it before you rely on it.  sudo -V | grep dummy does not output anything on my machine...06:32
jetolejmarsden: you need to be root. It does on ubuntu 10.04, 8.04 (and I assume everything in between) as well as centos 5.2 and I'm about to test it06:32
jetolejmarsden: long story short, should apply to all of mine but I'm going to test it06:33
jmarsdenGo for it :)06:33
jetoleer, !SHELLS seems to be an issue with virsh06:35
jetoledon't suppose you know how to add an exception?06:35
jmarsdenSHELLS is just a Cmnd_Alias, I think... see man sudoers for how to define it, it is one of the examples there.06:35
jetolenot for me06:35
jetoleI'm using LDAP06:35
jetoletheir are no Cmnd_Alias afaik06:35
jmarsdenYou gave the equivalent of /etc/sudoers inside LDAP?  Hmmm.06:36
jetoleno. I am using sudo-ldap, sudo gets it's rules from ou=SUDOers06:36
jetolewell so yes and no06:37
jetolefor example I have cn=defaults for the default rules, cn=sysadmin for the sysadmin sudo rule which applies to cn=sysadmin,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com06:38
jmarsdenSo... ./sudoers2ldif /etc/sudoers  doesn't change if you add Cmnd_Alias stuff into /etc/sudoers ??  There's just no way to put that info into LDAP?  Seems odd.06:39
jetoleI didn't say that, I just said I don't have any cmnd_alias atm06:39
jmarsdenWell, so add one to /etc/sudoers and then run the command to generate the .ldif file from it, and import that... right?06:40
jetolealthough there are some odd things about ldap which are different for example, if I have cn=sysadmin,ou=SUDOers which can run all commands, there IS NOT a way for me to allow a user who qualifies for that match to run another command !authenticate06:40
jetolejmarsden: perhaps. let me look into it06:40
jetolejmarsden: how do I see what it currently uses though if it's not defined as a rule in sudo already though?06:41
jmarsdenIf you didn't define it, it is probably empty?06:41
jmarsdenOr it may pick up vaules from /etc/shells or something.06:42
jetoleno, I think it's empty, I just tried it with cat and date and neither one would run06:43
wizzorHey, does anyone know answers to the following, regarding UEC:06:46
wizzor1) What happens to images being run on a NC when an NC crashes?06:47
jmarsdenjetole: Ok, so copy the example one from the man page into your /etc/sudoers, edit it to include teh right shells for your machine(s), run sudoers2ldif, import the resulting LDIF file into LDAP, and retest.06:47
wizzor2) What if the cluster controller crashes?06:47
wizzorDo the NCs continue operation as usual, but without ability to start new nodes, or does the entire cloud become inoperable?06:48
jmarsdenwizzor: for #2, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/49708706:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 497087 in eucalyptus "Redundancy for cloud and cluster controller (HA)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]06:49
wizzorWe're obviously talking about a private cloud with more then one NC06:49
wizzorHmm, so does that mean the entire cloud becomes inoperable if the CC is down? I thought the bug was about having the option for multiple CCs?06:50
jetolejmarsden: I appreciate the help, so you know I don't have to worry about the sudoers2ldif as their really isn't a cmnd_alias in sudo for ldap as I can have multiple people and multiple commands in a single role but you've helped me figure out what it is I need to setup so thanks06:51
jmarsdenjetole: OK, you're welcome.06:51
jmarsdenwizzor: As I understand it, the CC currently is not ever supposed to go down :)  But hey, you said this is for a private cloud, so you can easily test this for yourself and see what happens.06:53
wizzorjmarsden: Thanks, I think I might try that (or ask the support team to), it'd be interesting. Any idea about the NC going down?06:54
jmarsdenwizzor: Not really, I'd think you lose the running images from that NC, and when you restart it you can restart those images... in other words, I don't think UEC has a lot of protection from failing machines built into it yet.  But I am a LONg way from being an expert!06:55
jetolejmarsden: one last thing, as far as I can tell, I need full path names. How do I stop a user from copying bash to his /home, tmp, /dev/shm, etc06:56
wizzorHmm, well, it's probably just as easy to try that if we ever get around to building a test cloud06:56
jmarsdenjetole: You don't... I think the man page says: ... these kind of restrictions should be considered advisory at best06:58
jmarsdenwizzor: Right.06:58
jetolejmarsden: so uh, is there a way for me to prevent a user from running bash that isn't advisory?06:58
jmarsdenWell, a *user*, sure.  A user who can sudo and copy files and compile and link programs... probably not.06:59
jmarsdenWhy would you trust a user to run, say emacs or vi as root, but not trust them with bash??06:59
jetolejmarsden: who says I trust anyone. I'm being told by the boss to make it so07:00
jmarsdenThen your spec is flawed... well, you could remove bash from the machine, then they'd have to compile their own copy before they could run it :)07:01
jetoleyeah but thats hardly a deterent07:01
jetoleI doubt it would happen but I really don't want to just assume it won't07:01
jmarsdenIf the people involved are malicious, you are dead anyway.07:01
jetoleor if they are too stupid to have this access in the first place which several of them are, on the other hand I have known a couple from years before I worked here who are very good but may just object to being audited in their actions. as far as I can tell though, I'm kinda dead in the water07:02
jmarsdenThere is a difference between "just assume" and "make it a policy, tell people they will be fired if they do it, etc"07:02
jmarsdenPeople problems rarely have 100% technical solutions.07:03
jetolewish I could but if I do I am in trouble for lying07:03
jetoleheh. I'm screwed07:03
jmarsdenjetole: Get your boss to make that the policy, ...07:03
jetolewell at least with no shell and sudo always mailing (and they don't have access to the ldap server) I will at least have more logs07:04
jetolejmarsden: thanks again for the help07:06
jmarsdenNo problem.07:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #672901 in mod-wsgi (main) "libapache2-mod-wsgi v 3.2-2 attempt to install python3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67290107:27
twbDoes kexec-tools work for anybody on lucid?07:28
chrislabeardIs there such a thing as linking to mysql databases together?07:55
chrislabeardOn different servers?07:55
twbNever mind, I forgot KEXEC_LOAD=true in /etc/default/kexec-tools07:58
chrislabeardIf I wanted to sync my phpmyadmin db to another phpmyadmin08:46
chrislabearddo I need to open the 3306 port on my local server?08:46
zealiodI have a lite weight server I am putting on a small harddisk, how can I stop logging so that i don't chew up all my hard disk space over time?08:51
twbzealiod: uninstall rsyslog08:56
twbYou could also make /var/log a tmpfs, with a little work08:56
JanCa tmpfs is only useful is you reboot it often08:59
JanCwell, depending on how much RAM is available maybe09:00
twbIt's also an easy way to cap /var/log at 8m09:03
twbMy netbook had 1GB of RAM and 4GB of disk, so it was much easier to do that than piss about with09:04
ruben23hi guys any idea on how to install on JRE and the Java Plugin on ubuntu 10.10 maverick09:46
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twbruben23: apt-get install openjdk?09:49
twbIt has either "openjdk" or "icedtea" in the name, as at 10.04.09:49
ruben23 twb: thanks09:59
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
=== RoyKa is now known as RoyK
freepenguin0hi, does exist an Apache Server monitor for Debian based distros?   an equivalent of Mysql-Administrator for Mysql10:25
twbfreepenguin0: I don't know what an "apache server monitor" is.10:27
twbfreepenguin0: nor do I know what "mysql-administrator" is.10:27
freepenguin0mysql admin is a tool by which configure10:28
freepenguin0mysql server, see the connections10:28
freepenguin0make backup/restore etc.10:28
twbSo it's a GUI?10:28
twbHere, we encourage people to learn proper CLI tools.10:29
freepenguin0i would know if exist a tool like this for apache server (to see connections etc.)10:29
twbThere may be such a GUI tool; I don't know of one.10:29
RoyKfreepenguin0: really, as twb say, try to spend a few hours learning the CLI - you'll get things done better that way - and over time, much, much faster10:30
freepenguin0RoyK, sure, I knew Rapache but it's no more supported by ubuntu10:34
eagles0513875|2hey guys i just setup dovecot+ postfix11:07
eagles0513875|2i am able to send outgoing email but i cant recieve any incoming from the outside such as gmail11:07
eagles0513875|2i get this error Technical details of permanent failure:11:07
eagles0513875|2DNS Error: Domain name not found11:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #632197 in lm-sensors (universe) "lm-sensors limits and calculations aren't retained after waking from sleep" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63219711:40
Myx0x3i have some problems.. ive just install ubuntu-server and i get IP and everything but it does not ping my router or my computer! the router is the DHCP server also..11:46
Myx0x3it says the destination host is unreachable..11:47
twbMyx0x3: did you configure your ubuntu server to be a DHCP client?11:51
Myx0x3no, i did only install smb and openssh11:51
Myx0x3it gets a correct IP and the router finds it on the dhcp table11:52
Myx0x3and it does not ping google ie11:53
Myx0x3anyone got any ide?11:56
twbSounds like something is wrong with your router.11:59
Myx0x3its not, my computer works fine?12:00
Myx0x3its on the same router12:00
twbIf on the Ubuntu server, "ip address" and "ip route" and "cat /etc/resolv.conf" report correct information, then the problem is not on your server.12:00
Myx0x3whats ip route?12:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #672986 in euca2ools (main) "euca-bundle-vol should copy filesystem uuid" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67298612:12
pmorrisWhy am I getting tons of errors like: named[1336]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET/AAAA/IN': 2001:500:2f::f#5312:34
twbMyx0x3: a tool to set/get the route tables.12:34
pmorrisNothing appears to be failing network wise12:36
twbpmorris: do you use IPv6?12:37
_rubenlooks like a broken ipv6 config indeed12:38
pmorrisOnly happened since I migrated from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS12:39
pmorrisI don't know how to fix it12:39
pmorrisI also thought it was something to do with IPv6 when I saw AAAA resolution12:39
pmorrisBut I also have some errors like this:12:39
pmorrisnamed[1336]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'ns3.afraid.org/A/IN': 2001:500:b::1#5312:39
pmorrisIs this still IPv6 related?12:40
shauno2001:500:b::1#53 is still an ipv6 address12:40
pmorrisSo what would be the best thing to do in this situation?12:41
pmorrisObviously it's not really a problem, just a notification, but should I disable IPv6 somewhere or just disable the logging somehow?12:42
pmorrisAt the moment it pollutes the syslog12:42
h4p0z3uanybody here can help me with ubuntu ec2 configuration?12:45
maedoxh4p0z3u: depends on your question. I've played with it a bit.12:46
h4p0z3umy cloud:  (public ip) --- (cloud front end) --- (private network) --- (cloud background VM's), ok it?12:47
maedoxDo you mean using Ubuntu in Amazon EC2 or setting up your own cloud with Ubuntu?12:49
h4p0z3uset my cloud with ubuntu12:49
maedoxok I see, sorry, then I'm not your guy. Haven't gotten that far yet. I've been using Amazon's EC2 for a little while.12:50
h4p0z3uhum... thx12:50
mgolischdoesnt their documentation tell you how to do that?12:55
h4p0z3uyes, but not rich like others doc's12:59
mgolischthe documentation on http://open.eucalyptus.com/ covers the basics of most stuff13:01
h4p0z3uI configured the system but now I want know if I did correct and start my instances... but I don't understand well about access the instances... like a ssh access on Xen VM's... you understand?13:05
patdk-wkpmorris, sounds like you have an ip6 on your computer13:06
patdk-wkwhat does 'ip addr show' look like?13:06
jpdspatdk-wk: Like 'ip addr show' .13:10
patdk-wkonly for english speaking people :)13:10
maedoxHow can I redirect requests to certain domains through a proxy server? Command line only.13:29
twbmaedox: set $no_proxy13:30
twbAssuming you mean HTTP13:31
twbe.g. export http_proxy= no_proxy=.lan,.local,fs,
twb...will cause everything to go through the proxy, unless its IP is, it's hostname is fs, or its FQDN ends in .lan or .local13:32
maedoxtwb: yeah, I started out with squid, but it will be a bottle neck if I redirect everything there. I only want to proxy w3c.org and java.sun.com.13:32
maedoxtwb: not possible to do it the other way around?13:32
twbI don't know.13:32
maedoxalright, thanks.13:32
maedoxI guess my quest continues :)13:33
twbThe only way I can think of that doesn't involve proxy.pac (a.k.a. javascript) is transparent proxying13:33
twbHmm, I suppose you might also do it by making w3c.org and java.sun.com resolve to the local host, then effectively having a reverse-proxy listening on
maedoxvery weird that it should be so difficult. in any browser it's very easy.13:35
twbmaedox: it's not easy in w3m13:35
maedoxmainstream browsers :D13:35
twbOr indeed any other well-behaved browser that uses $http_proxy and $no_proxy instead of trying to NIH the proxy configuration13:35
twbmaedox: w3m is the default browser on Debian.13:35
maedoxI just find it curious that there should not be some kind of service for it with a config file where you can specify proxy nothing, except these domains.13:37
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twbmaedox: "service" implies it's a proxy13:38
twbObviously you can tell squid to only CACHE some domains...13:38
maedoxtwb, yes, I know, but what I would like is in essence the inverse of no_proxy.13:40
maedoxbut I guess I could use no_proxy to at least have it not go through squid for LAN IP's.13:41
maedoxI think I will do that for now, and see if I can figure it out down the road.13:41
twbWhat client(s) are you using?13:42
twbHTTP clients, I mean13:42
maedoxIt's maven running from Hudson CI13:42
twbDo you have any evidence it honours $http_proxy?13:42
twbIt's purely a convention13:43
maedoxIt should be possible to configure env vars in the job in Hudson, but it doesn't seem 100 % stable sometimes.13:43
twb(Hint: anything using libcurl gets $http_proxy support "for free")13:43
maedoxIt seems to be honoring http_proxy, but I don't know about no_proxy.13:43
maedoxḮ'll test it out to see what happens13:43
twbapp authors are pretty stupid; they might not even know about $no_proxy13:44
maedoxThe Hudson server is controlling nodes on other servers and http_proxy works for jobs but not for the whole node if you don't put it on every single job.13:44
twbI'm glad I Don't Do JavaTM13:45
maedoxhah, yeah, me too, I'm just here to keep the network and servers secure and running.13:47
maedoxAh, there is a Java env.var. http.noProxyHosts  because it seems java doesn't honor no_proxy. We are one step closer :D13:48
maedoxsystem property* not env.var.13:49
jpdstwb: ™13:57
twbOh, you want τεχ?13:58
twb(Yes, my IRC client (Emacs) has TeX and SGML input methods.)13:59
jpdsAnd much more I guess.13:59
twbOh sure.13:59
eagles0513875hey guys are there any postfix experts in here i need some help fixing an issue with my mail server14:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #673035 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67303514:26
lamonteagles0513875: you'll find better luck if you just ask the question (or describe the problem) rather than asking if you can ask a question14:27
eagles0513875my question is this i am currently able to send emails from my server to my gmail for example but i cant send from my gmail to my server14:28
eagles0513875i get this message14:28
eagles0513875Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 554 554 5.7.1 <jonathan@eagleeyet.net>: Relay access denied (state 14).14:28
eagles0513875i have an mx entry in godaddy which is the following14:28
eagles05138750 @ @ where @ is pointing at my ip address14:28
eagles0513875port 25 is unblocked14:28
eagles0513875my isp though doesnt allow relaying off their MX server14:28
eagles0513875is it possible to setup my own mx server on my own machine14:28
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lamontwhatever machine returned the error to google is not configured to relay or accept email for eagleeyet.net - assuming that gmail was able to reach your machine, it needs to be told that eagleeyet.net is a local destination14:29
lamont(fwiw, pri 0 mx hosts make me cry a little, simply because there's no way to inject one of higher priority later)14:30
eagles0513875lamont: its probably my isp14:30
eagles0513875as they dont allow MX relaying14:30
eagles0513875whats funny i can send from my domain to gmail14:30
* lamont fires a test email14:31
eagles0513875email to test with is jonathan@eagleeyet.net14:32
lamont<jonathan@eagleeyet.net>: host eagleeyet.net[] said: 554 5.7.114:32
lamont    <jonathan@eagleeyet.net>: Relay access denied (in reply to RCPT TO command)14:32
eagles0513875bah now squirrel mail is proken14:32
lamontso... that IP is the one bitching14:32
eagles0513875thats my ip14:32
eagles0513875oh snap14:33
lamonteither pastebin your main.cf, or email it to lamont@ubuntu.com?14:33
eagles0513875hold on14:33
yann2any idea where I can download etherboot - 5.4.4-1ubuntu3  as mentioned in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/etherboot/+bug/617316 ?14:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 617316 in etherboot "Broken pxe-e1000.bin" [Medium,Fix released]14:35
eagles0513875http://pastebin.com/if37pwDw lamont14:35
_rubeneagles0513875: apparently eagleeyet.net isn't configured as a local domain on your postfix instance14:35
_rubenadd eagleeyet.net to mydestination14:36
eagles0513875done and postfix restarted just sent test email14:38
lamontit should work better now. :-D14:38
lamont(got distracted there for a minute)14:38
eagles0513875that did it14:39
eagles0513875always with me its something small14:39
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yann2hallyn, any update on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/etherboot/+bug/570870 ? Am still unable to pxe boot on e1000 with lucid, tried the -proposed, no luck...14:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 570870 in etherboot "pxe boot doesn't work with kvm" [Low,Fix committed]14:57
hallynyann2: supposed to be fixed, near as I can tell15:06
hallynyann2: what exactly happens when you try?15:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #673048 in tomcat6 (main) "tomcat6 package should suggest libtcnative-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67304815:06
yann2doesnt get a DHCP address15:06
yann2just worked with packaged from maverick15:06
yann2I mean, installed etherboot and kvm-pxe from maverick, it worked.. lucid's proposed, not15:07
hallynyann2: that's interesting, but it sounds like a different bug.15:07
hallynyann2: in taht bug, pxe boot was never attempted.  it hung on 'Seabios" msg15:07
yann2there were 215:07
hallynyours tries but fails to get ip from dhcp, right?15:08
yann2there were a few duplicates15:08
yann2 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/etherboot/+bug/617316  have a look here15:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 617316 in etherboot "Broken pxe-e1000.bin" [Medium,Fix released]15:08
hallyni don't condone multiple bugs per bug :)15:08
hallynone sec15:08
yann2yeah, there was taht bug, then a fix, and the fix brought up this second bug, was in the comments...15:08
yann2I needed it working right now, but happy to test future ppas15:09
hallynchecking the lucid source for my fix15:10
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hallynyann2: well, i don't know what happened there.  the fix is definately not there15:16
hallyni'm wondering whether kirkland's fix usurped mine15:16
hallynall right, we need to nominate this for sru.15:17
hallynyann2: sorry about that, will get that done, but it's likely to be a slow process15:19
yann2do you need to formally report somewhere, like add a comment or so?15:19
yann2hallyn, I dont care, It works with maverick's15:19
yann2so as long as it can boot I'm a happy man :)15:19
hallyncool :)15:19
hallynyeah, i have to update the description and subscribe a team, but i'm trying to figure out whether they will 'just know' how to cherrypick the right debdiff, or if i have to build a new package for it15:20
yann2also, it boots well with the rtl8139, just of course I need it for freebsd :P15:21
yann2btw hallyn you wouldnt happen to know how much of a risk I would take installing a lucid kernel on a hardy server would you - ie if it's safe, not safe, or absolute madness?15:22
hallyni think plenty of ppl are dong it15:23
hallyndoing it15:23
hallyni misread.  i thought you meant a lucid kvm VM on hardy host15:23
hallyni'd recommend asking on #ubuntu-kernel, bc i have no idea...15:24
yann2thanks, will do15:26
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DodgeThishow can i replicate a server to another computer?16:39
SpamapSDodgeThis: can you define "replicate" ?16:41
SpamapSDodgeThis: do you want it to keep "replicating" or do you want to clone it one time?16:41
DodgeThis+/- cloning16:42
DodgeThisi want to pass all the confis and db to another server running ubuntu16:42
SpamapSDodgeThis: one time only, or every time you change the source server?16:44
DodgeThisone time only16:44
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SpamapSDodgeThis: you can probably just boot the destination box in a recovery console/live CD, mount its hard drives, and use rsync.. then chroot into the root filesystem and update-initramfs/grub-install.16:45
TeTeTDodgeThis: if they are of the same make, you might want to try clonezilla16:46
DodgeThisexemple: i have a server running in virtual box and want to transfer all the stuff db,configs etc to a real server16:46
SpamapSDodgeThis: of course, that may result in a corrupted DB unless you shut down the source box.16:46
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SpamapSDodgeThis: if you haven't done a ton of system configuration, you could just install the new machine, and rsync the data to it.16:47
TeTeThmm, virtual box should rule out clonezilla, sorry16:47
DodgeThisSpampaS do you have some tut that i can follow?16:48
SpamapSDodgeThis: I wrote one up *a long time ago* .. I don't know how much is relevant.17:05
SpamapSDodgeThis: hrm, no the tutorial I wrote is for switching local disks.17:07
SpamapSDodgeThis: Since you're changing hardware, I would suggest just backing up the *data* and copying it to the new machine.17:08
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zealiodi was hoping this rule would log all port traffic.... it doesnt log anything... what am i missing?17:28
zealiodsudo ebtables -A FORWARD --in-interface eth1.11 --protocol ipv4 --ip-protocol tcp --log-level notice --log-prefix ASH17:28
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tomsdale_I have added 'user1' with p.rimary group 'group1' to an additional group 'group2'. Why is user1 not able to view a folder with the group restrictions set for group217:33
tomsdale_it's like the additional groups don't count.17:33
shaunotomsdale_: silly question, but has the user logged out yet?17:34
shaunoI don't believe changes to groups are 'noticed' until the next login17:34
tomsdale_shauno: handpalm ...17:34
tomsdale_shauno: yes - that's exactly it. thank you.17:35
RoAkSoAx/w/win 217:36
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cubmikegreetings I am new to ubuntu18:06
highvoltagegreetings, cubmike18:06
cubmikeI want to know if there is any advantage of installing the 10.10 server edetion vs the desktop and the 32 vs the 6418:07
SpamapSmathiaz: its 18:10 UTC .. do you know where your meeting is?18:10
mathiazSpamapS: which meeting?18:10
SpamapSserver team?18:11
SpamapSwas it cancelled w/o an announcement?18:11
mathiazSpamapS: hm - I don't know if we're gonna have a meeting this week18:11
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mathiazSpamapS: given that half of the team is at the OpenStack summit18:12
mathiazSpamapS: and they're having lunch right now18:12
mathiazSpamapS: so JamesPage, you and me are the only one around right now18:12
SpamapSI will postpone to 19:00 UTC and see if anyone shows up, since the time was listed as 19:00 UTC (but last tuesday) until a few minutes ago18:12
mathiazSpamapS: yeah - it's the time change thinggy18:13
mathiazSpamapS: we'll have to reconsider the time of the meeting now that both europe and north-america have switch hours18:13
mathiazSpamapS: and google calendar is also confusing when it comes to DST18:13
JamesPagemathiaz: time change is on the list of items for discussion.....18:14
SpamapSAgreed, the fridge calendar doesn't even have our meeting on it18:15
mathiazJamesPage: yeah - it's a good moment for discussin time changes given that 1. time change in both Europe and North America and 2. the new composition of the team18:15
* JamesPage nods18:15
s3hhso we decided no mtg today?18:17
s3hhSpamapS: ^18:19
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SpamapSs3hh: meeting is moved to 190018:19
SpamapSs3hh: so, stick around for 20 minutes and we'll give it another shot18:19
s3hhSpamapS: so otherwise it would move with dst, eh?  silly18:23
SpamapSs3hh: I don't know, that will be discussed. I think its less confusing to go with UTC, but many may prefer that it stays at the same time locally for them.18:24
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RoAkSoAxSpamapS: when I get back home i'll point you to a diff ;)19:56
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uvirtbotNew bug: #662679 in ec2-api-tools (multiverse) "EC2 kernel panic at boot with 34GB RAM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66267920:41
squidlywhat does everyone recomend for an ipv6 dhcp server that will auto update bind9 with rdns and AAAA recoards?21:11
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