
primes2hMorning ara. :-)09:42
aragood morning primes2h, how are you?09:42
primes2hfine, thanks! you?09:43
primes2hara: what's the weather like there? here is horrible09:44
araprimes2h, same thing here, very very cold :)09:45
primes2hara: I prepared a testcases scheme for the tracker, Paolo told me about the agreement at the UDS09:49
primes2hara: It's a text file, I'm going to send it to you by email.09:50
araprimes2h, great, do09:50
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
=== sulumar is now known as Sulumar
Sulumaris there any work left to do ??ยต12:19
niallHaHi, I'm new to Ubuntu and am interested in helping out with some testing. Can anyone point me in the right direction?14:12
jibelniallHa, Welcome, You can read our wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing and our website http://qa.ubuntu.com/14:18
jibelniallHa, It contains a set of activities you can perform to help with testing.14:18
niallHaThanks, will have a look through them now14:18
jibelniallHa, great, don't hesitate to ask questions if any.14:20
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
=== apw` is now known as apw
araprimes2h, are you around?16:16
primes2hara: here I am. :-)16:34
araprimes2h, there is something I don't understand about the documents16:39
araprimes2h, where does amd64, desktop and netbooks fit in?16:40
primes2hara: those are intended to be the links from which you can download images. A page like this http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/469516:43
primes2hhere you have "Ubuntu Desktop i386"16:43
araprimes2h, but as you see, we can only have one category in the first page16:43
araand it seems like you have put 3 levels16:43
araubuntu netbook -> systme -> testcase16:44
primes2hara: I see, but the solution can be16:45
primes2h1) on the main page, three sets, one for each edition, I saw qatracker.linaro.org/ having this kind of solution16:47
primes2hubuntu Desktop.16:47
primes2hUbuntu Desktop amd6416:47
primes2hall on the main page16:48
primes2hara: Now qatracker.linaro.org is not showing this, but it did some weeks ago.16:49
araprimes2h, that's another thing, those are milestones16:50
aramaybe they had 2 milestones opened for sometime16:51
primes2hara: so,  is it possible to have three edition of a milestone on the same page?16:51
primes2hI mean, the main page16:52
arano, it is not possible16:52
arathe only possible solution that I can think of is renaming the testcase to16:53
araSystem - Suspend/Resume16:53
primes2hara: so, main page Ubuntu i386, Ubuntu amd64, Netbook16:54
primes2hara: subpage16:54
primes2hSystem-Memory etc?16:54
primes2hara: so like the current ISO tracker16:55
arayes, we are assuming that this first version is without code changes in the tracker16:56
araaren't we?16:56
primes2hara: sure, I thought it was possible to split editions at least on the main page but I was wrong.16:57
primes2hara: so we'll have 19 testcase in the same page16:58
primes2hno prblem16:58
araI am afraid that's the case16:58
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araprimes2h, to help me in the process of creating the site16:59
araI will appreciate if you could send me a file easy to parse16:59
arawith the following structure17:00
araUbuntu Desktop i38617:00
araI will send you an example by email17:00
primes2hara: that's nice.17:01
araprimes2h, sent, let me know if you understand it17:05
* primes2h is checking17:06
primes2hara: it's clear, I prepare the file asap, then I send it to you.17:10
primes2hara: thanks17:10
araOK; I am going off IRC now, but I will follow up on the email17:11
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux

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