
itnet7and the PM too00:00
RoAkSoAxitnet7: cool what's the script again?00:00
itnet7let me see which one I'm using00:00
RoAkSoAxitnet7: but it is remotely right?00:00
itnet7yes, I'm ssh'd into my server and attached to a byobu/screen/irssi session00:01
RoAkSoAxitnet7: cool... pass me the script!!00:02
itnet7will do trying to narrow down if I added it to auto load, as I just rebooted the machine00:02
itnet7ran byobu, screen, irrsi00:02
itnet7and it just worked00:03
RoAkSoAxitnet7: it probably is that bug that only loads static modules when starting irssi00:03
RoAkSoAxitnet7: pass the script to test it out :)00:03
itnet7trying to remember the dcc comman00:04
govatenti need to get irssi setup on my nslu2 one of these days00:04
itnet7I can send it to you through e-mail00:04
RoAkSoAxitnet7: sure ;)00:05
* RoAkSoAx really needs a notification script through ssh00:05
ChloricBRB, just text me govatent00:06
Chloricgonna go to tiger reall quick00:06
itnet7RoAkSoAx: I have this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/528440 in a file called notify.pl00:07
itnet7and it's added to the autorun folder, not where it says at the beginning of the script00:07
itnet7my nicklist is finally working too00:07
RoAkSoAxitnet7: then it is because of that bug00:08
govatenthey itnet7 i got an idea 00:08
govatentit might be doable and useful 00:08
itnet7RoAkSoAx: yeah00:08
itnet7govatent: ?00:08
RoAkSoAxitnet7: brb00:09
govatentcan you make notifications send an email to which you can make it sms your phone so you know when someone is looking for you ?00:09
itnet7govatent: I am sure you can00:09
itnet7RoAkSoAx: test00:09
govatentsuch as with tmobile i can sms my phone by sending an email to 954554****@tmomail.net00:09
govatenti want to try this 00:09
RoAkSoAxitnet7: nothing, doers it need to be executable ? yes right?00:10
govatentdo you think irssi would be a hog on the cpu of the nslu2?00:10
itnet7pretty sure let me doublecheck00:10
itnet7Yeah, it's marked executable00:10
itnet7govatent: I doubt it would a hog on anything00:11
itnet7RoAkSoAx: test200:11
RoAkSoAxitnet7: nothing, but got this though: 19:12 /bin/sh: notify-send: not found00:12
RoAkSoAxwhat's the package that includes that binary?00:13
itnet7I forgot the command in irssi to see running scripts00:13
govatenti installed irssi on my box now its time to learn to use it00:13
itnet7it's working??00:16
itnet7RoAkSoAx: test00:16
itnet7RoAkSoAx: testing 1,2300:19
RoAkSoAxitnet7: nothing now and error from dbus, so the server needs to have desktop?00:19
RoAkSoAxor X11?00:19
itnet7RoAkSoAx: Yeah, unfortunately00:20
RoAkSoAxitnet7: oh... that;s why then it wont work00:20
RoAkSoAxso I'm running a VPS here so it is useless to have a desktop00:20
RoAkSoAxitnet7: so how does this works?? with ssh sends a message through dbus?00:22
itnet7Yes, but it uses x forwarding, and uses your accounts .xauthority to allow it00:25
itnet7You may not need a full desktop00:26
RoAkSoAxitnet7: i wonder how can we forward a command through SSH00:26
itnet7So, like, have it still use the notify-osd on the desktop your accessing the screen session remotely without forwarding X itself?00:27
RoAkSoAxitnet7: oh do I need to use port forwarding?? -X ?00:28
itnet7That is what I'm using00:28
RoAkSoAxlet's see00:28
RoAkSoAxitnet7: but got this error: libnotify-Message: Unable to get session bus: /bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.00:29
itnet7RoAkSoAx: any better?00:31
RoAkSoAxitnet7: same error00:32
itnet7ah... hold on I'm checking some stuff too00:33
RoAkSoAxitnet7: it's prolly something with Xen00:33
RoAkSoAxlet me reboot00:33
govatentdoes anyone actually use lynx these days? i do just seeing if i am the only one00:34
jtatumno way govatent. elinks all the way00:34
itnet7RoAkSoAx: test00:36
RoAkSoAxitnet7: same error.. dbus error.. so it is either because there's no desktop or because there's a bug in dbus00:36
RoAkSoAxor even prolly with 00:37
RoAkSoAxXen Vm's00:37
itnet7different, but similar issue: http://code.google.com/p/acpi-eeepc-generic/issues/detail?id=4700:37
jtatumit's like lynx but supports javascript, frames, tabs and css00:38
govatentinstalling it right now00:38
itnet7besides links2 is better than standard links govatent !00:39
itnet7shows images as well as txt00:39
itnet7thanks jtatum gonna check out elinks... possibly that will allow me to administrate my router00:40
itnet7from cli00:40
jtatumcool :) hope so00:40
RoAkSoAxitnet7: yea well it is gdm related apparently00:41
itnet7I know that I had an issue when first trying to do it, when I would try and ssh as a different user than what I had started the session with00:43
govatenti got 2 new users switched to ubuntu this weekend 00:49
govatentand they are so happy 00:49
govatenttheir old pcs work 100 times better speed wise with firefox and the other apps they used 00:49
itnet7RoAkSoAx: is theis what you used to use? https://wiki.koumbit.net/Irssi00:50
itnet7govatent: did you ever get that one guys machine working with the ATI sli?00:51
govatenthe is still on windows00:51
itnet7Did he try removing one of the cards?00:51
govatentnot yet00:51
govatenthave not talked to him yet 00:52
govatenthe has a massive case and those cards are a pain to deal with because they are huge 00:52
dorganchaynie_work: ping00:52
govatenti have another pending problem with 10.10 on a laptop sitting in my house for a friend and an intel card00:52
RoAkSoAxitnet7: prolly ill take a look at it later00:52
RoAkSoAxitnet7: u did that?00:55
itnet7RoAkSoAx: No, but after reading it, I thought it may work for you without a desktop00:55
dorganmhall119: you around?00:55
itnet7and it's kind of a current article00:56
govatent00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)00:58
govatent00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)00:58
govatentany word on this card with 10.1000:58
govatentits from a dell laptop 00:58
itnet7This setup is also cool: https://wiki.koumbit.net/ScyrmAa/IrssiProxy00:58
govatentother than the gpu everything works fine00:58
itnet7govatent: not sure what you're asking00:59
itnet7jinjianxin: hey there!00:59
mhall119dorgan: pong00:59
itnet7you mean 3d for that card?00:59
govatenti cant seem to make it work right. its suck at 800x600 and i think all video acceleration does not work00:59
dorganmhall119: I know you said you werent going to Sencha Conf...but someone else from this channel said they may be going....do you remember who?01:00
mhall119um, you01:01
dorganthere was someone else....lol01:01
mhall119I don't remember anyone else01:01
dorganI said I was def going...but someone else said they might be going01:01
dorganahh ok01:01
mhall119dantalizing maybe?01:02
itnet7govatent: you can try this: http://tinyurl.com/2esvnb801:02
mhall119though I think he's going to be out of country then01:02
govatentthank you itnet7 ill try that right away tonight01:02
govatenti only tried google for a few seconds01:02
dorganyeah maybe that was it01:03
dorgandantalizing: you around?01:03
itnet7There is a part there where you set resolutions, be careful not to put any that are too high for the laptop01:03
govatentwill do01:03
itnet7otherwise you'll suffer like the last guy01:03
itnet7it's fixable, but it will be a pain in the keister01:03
dorganitnet7: doesnt the latest version default to an default X config if display is messed up now?01:04
dorganand you can rest the settings?01:04
itnet7dorgan: apparently not for every video card/mode. The last guys comments kind of point to that not being the case01:06
itnet7hey there Spreadsheet_ 01:06
Spreadsheet_I'm moving to FL01:06
itnet7I thought they would too01:07
itnet7Sweet! Spreadsheet_ 01:07
mhall119Spreadsheet_: \o/ where from?01:07
Spreadsheet_So I want to know if any of you know of a good ISP that lets you host servers01:07
mhall119and to where01:07
Spreadsheet_Around Ft. Lauderdale01:07
Spreadsheet_From Indiana to Ft. Lauderdale01:07
govatenthey Spreadsheet_ 01:07
itnet7Oh, cool!01:07
Chloricwow, thats close01:07
mhall119Spreadsheet_: you mean co-located hosting?01:07
govatentmy side of town01:07
MichelleQ1welcome to florida, Spreadsheet_!01:07
Spreadsheet_Thanks for the welcome01:08
Spreadsheet_mhall119: most ISPs block incoming connections to your own computer01:08
Spreadsheet_If I were to host a server, I would want to have my own computer be the server01:08
mhall119Spreadsheet_: oh, I understand now01:08
govatentand no. most home grade isps here dont allow hosting unless its your personal server they have it against tos. comcast or att are the only options as far as i know in my area01:09
mhall119the major ISPs will allow it if you purchase a "business" service01:09
govatentbut with the isps in fort laduerdale none block incoming incoming connections 01:09
govatentthey dont take kindly though to massive bandwidth on the uploads 01:09
govatentunless you get a business grade plan 01:10
mhall119most residential service has terrible upload bandwidth too01:10
govatentnot really kind of 01:10
Spreadsheet_What about Speakeasy? Has anyone tried that?01:10
govatentcomcast offers up to 10 mbps i think 01:10
mhall119business service gives you symetric bandwidth and usually some service guarantees01:10
Spreadsheet_I haven't heard good things about either comcast or att so I will try to avoid those01:10
govatentnot really 01:10
govatentat least cable/dsl business that i know of 01:10
govatentif anything comcast has nicer bandwitdh if it comes down to it01:11
govatentyou can get up to 50 / 20 01:11
Spreadsheet_I think comcast has some kind of cap01:11
govatentits 250 01:11
govatentper month on the downloads 01:11
ChloricDo you have Atlantic up in broward?01:11
govatentdont think they did anything about uploads yet anyways 01:11
Chlorictheyre a good ISP down here01:11
govatentin broward its mostly comcast/att or advanced cable which is the worst hell hole of an isp ever 01:12
govatentavoid any area in which advanced cable is the cable owner 01:12
govatentunless you like crappy service and low bandwidth 01:12
Spreadsheet_I also need it to be bittorrent friendlt01:12
govatentatt is semi bt friendly i think 01:13
Spreadsheet_Are there other LUG in FL?01:13
govatentyup 01:13
Spreadsheet_Are they as big as this one? Are they active/hold installfests?01:13
govatentwhen you get to fort lauderdale you can hit me up. i live in the area01:13
govatenti think they are 01:13
govatenti mostly stay here01:14
Chlorici dont have any issues with BT and ATT... i have issues with their speeds01:14
govatentcomcast offers amazing speed compared to what we can get here 01:14
govatentand sorry its 50/10 with comcast01:15
govatentbut its 100 bucks a month 01:15
govatenti pay 42 for 15/301:16
Chloricwhat happened to the 100mps down that comcast has now? the Exfinity thig01:17
Spreadsheet_Hmm oh well01:18
govatentits only in certain areas01:18
govatentexfinity is just a branding thing 01:18
govatentstill crummy comcast 01:18
Spreadsheet_Does dial-up allow you to have incoming connections? ;)01:19
govatentcan you use speakeasy dsl on areas owned by att?01:19
govatenti was never clear on if i could 01:19
govatenti thought i was forced between att or comcast here in fort lauderdale01:19
govatentfor home service anyways01:19
govatentwhat service do you use where your at Spreadsheet_ 01:20
Spreadsheet_A local one01:20
govatenti wish 01:20
Spreadsheet_The other choices are the same...01:20
Spreadsheet_A comcast owned company, time warner, att01:20
govatentwe dont have any locals options here that i know of 01:20
Spreadsheet_Still, they don't allow incoming connections01:21
govatenti know comcast/att home service does allow incoming 01:21
govatentbut is it for your personal use or a public site with heavy traffic? 01:21
govatentlike i host all sorts of stuff from home 01:21
govatenti pick comcast cause they have more down bandwidth 01:22
govatenti have never reached the 250 gb cap 01:22
govatentbut everyone to their own i guess01:22
Chlorici love you govatent01:22
govatenti love me too01:22
govatenti am mad at you 01:22
Spreadsheet_I mean comcast sounds great to me. They have a rather big cap (I would never reach that cap), and they allow incoming connections.01:22
govatentnot the option i wanted01:22
Spreadsheet_But they are anti-bt and service is terrible01:22
govatentatt currently does not provide anything on dsl past 6 unless you go uverse. but do your self the favor and avoid uverse altogether 01:23
govatentcomcast for home service is the lesser of the evil i feel 01:23
Chloriclmao. i took the lazy way out :p but now i have two wireless cards in my computer. i could play with that and have a little fun with it01:24
govatenthow much bw do you get for what price with ur local isp?01:24
Chloricwhat do you mean not past 6? 6mbs? or 6gb cap?01:24
govatent6 mpbs 01:25
Chlorici did 10GB on the weekend 01:25
=== itnet7 changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Florida Local Community IRC Chat !! || Next Team Meeting: Tuesday, November 16th, 8:00 pm EST || Please add your discussion items and Ideas to our Meeting Agenda located here: http://tinyurl.com/ubuntu-fl-agenda || http://www.ubuntu-fl.org
govatentSpreadsheet_, how much bandwidth do you get for what price and is it bt friendly and allow incoming connections? 01:27
Spreadsheet_govatent: I'm not sure01:27
Spreadsheet_I think it's BT friendly, around $30 a month01:27
Spreadsheet_No incoming connections01:27
govatentoh 01:27
Spreadsheet_Not sure of bandwidth01:27
govatentwell just hearing no incoming makes me go away lol01:27
Spreadsheet_Are there many startups in florida?01:28
MichelleQ1what sort?01:29
* MichelleQ1 resumes paying attention01:29
Spreadsheet_Web startups01:30
Spreadsheet_The Silicon Valley types01:30
itnet7I would have to say there are a fair share01:30
govatenti could agree01:31
govatentwhens your big move?01:31
govatentin time for florida winter lol01:31
Chloricwhats florida winter? i dont understand this... concept01:32
govatenthow it does not get cold like in other north states 01:32
itnet7intersil for example, they designed the wifi Hopefully you will arrive on the one or two days a year it's actually cold to feel it01:32
Chloricits the beginning of november and it was 75 today. it was nice01:32
govatentyea thats florida winter 01:33
govatentits not really cold. but most people run around like its snowing 01:33
govatentme being one of them01:34
itnet7Chloric: did you notice my pm? it's about the wiki01:35
Chlorici never dress different from summer or winter. no matter, im still outside in black skating and running about (sometimes with flannel)01:35
MichelleQ1haha, you'll like winters... unless you're fond of snow, in which case you'll hate it.01:36
Chloricswitching machines01:47
Bryansteinitnet7, 01:58
itnet7Hey there Bryanstein !01:58
govatenthi Bryanstein 01:58
* Bryanstein wipes his nose with Chloric 's shirt01:58
Bryansteingovatent, hey buddy...I see you made it back01:58
govatentno tickets on the way down either 01:58
govatenthow are you?01:59
Chloric*changing shirt*01:59
Bryansteinitnet7, and I saw your tire marks in the toll booth01:59
govatentlmao the way the cop made it seem i bet you did 01:59
Bryansteingovatent, great...just got back from compusa01:59
govatentthey have a compusa up there?01:59
Bryansteinyes we have errrr 4 here01:59
Chlorici think it was the pot govatent01:59
Bryansteinmaybe more01:59
itnet7Bryanstein: I was going to put up that picture of you, me, and Paolo hanging poolside02:00
govatenti have the motherload. tigerdirect store :p02:00
govatentactually that would be Chloric yard 02:00
Bryansteinitnet7, did I have my shirt off?02:00
govatenti was in miami today. scary place i get lost 02:00
itnet7What Florida needs, is a Frye's!!!02:00
itnet7no Bryanstein !02:00
govatentBryanstein, http://www.cisco.com/web/offers/solutions/techdays/2010.html?keycode=197585_3902:00
govatenti am going to that tomorrow in miami 02:01
Bryansteinitnet7, then don't show it...if you show the shirtless Bryanstein pic you get slashdotted defacto02:01
Bryansteingovatent, so what do you expect to see there?02:01
BryansteinI got 2 wireless keyboards02:02
Bryansteinsad thing though...they are M$...I'll have to hack some Linux stickers to put over em02:02
Bryansteinthey were 11.99 a piece02:02
Bryansteinthe keyboard alone is 39.99...I got kb and mouse02:02
itnet7I think the video pop-locking will get us slashdotted!02:02
Bryansteinlol not if Daniel "THE WORM" posts his first02:03
govatenti dont know. should be interesting non the less02:03
Bryansteinit was like tremors in 3D02:03
itnet7I better work on them 02:04
Bryansteingovatent, the place will be crawling with metrosexual IT guys 02:04
Bryansteinlol serious...it's like geeks have gone glam nowadays02:04
Bryansteinitnet7, does Daniel frequent this channel?02:05
itnet7Bryanstein: he is Lupine !02:05
itnet7He is usually lurking about02:05
Bryansteinahhh...I have some wolf stuff he might be interested in Free.9902:05
=== Spreadsheet_1 is now known as Spreadsheet_
itnet7cool!!! brb02:07
BryansteinWhat kind of toy(s) can I get for right at $20002:12
Chlorici need help, anyone wanna help :p02:15
* Bryanstein hides02:15
BryansteinChloric, with what?02:15
Chloricmy dads (probably 2003) dell just failed02:15
Bryansteinfailed as in?02:16
Chlorici need to get that info... but Xubuntu isnt detecting the hard drive02:16
Chloricand only gparted detects it02:16
Chloricbut i cant access it02:16
Chloric(motherboard is failing, hard drive is failing, usb ports are on and off)02:16
Bryansteinpfff run testdisk02:16
Bryansteinyou'll get it all back02:17
Chlorici dont want to salvage it... i just need to access that and grab it... its kinda worth millions...02:17
Bryansteinknoppix with testdisk...done deal02:17
Chloricthanks... i'll see if that work02:17
Bryansteinit should...just figure on something and stick with it...don't try accessing it too much02:17
Chloricwait though, i dont need to fix it. i just need to access it. and gpart see it02:18
BryansteinI gotcha...you can cp all the files with testdisk02:18
RoAkSoAx.win 202:19
Chloricok, thanks02:19
Chloric.win 2?02:19
Bryanstein.lin 1 ?02:19
itnet7He was switching windows in irssi02:19
Bryansteini thought it was /02:20
Bryansteinnot .02:20
itnet7one key over02:20
itnet7easy to do02:20
itnet7especially on a netbook02:20
* Bryanstein never owned a netbook 02:20
Bryansteinitnet7, you know about my trials with free netbooks so how dare you02:21
* Bryanstein cries02:21
itnet7*hugs* Bryanstein 02:21
itnet7It will get better, I promise02:21
BryansteinLOL I hope man...I gotta get something soon02:21
MichelleQ1y'all are too much.  :-P02:22
BryansteinMichelleQ1, it's something in the Florida water02:22
Bryansteinitnet7, also...Ubuntu on plugs only goes up to 9.0402:22
Bryansteinso if that it fine with you...I plan to send you and Daniel a package...plug included02:23
MichelleQ1Bryanstein: yes, yes it is.02:23
itnet7Seems to work in Maverick, with a little extra TLC02:24
BryansteinIs that MichelleQ1 as in Michelle Hall with the super hugs?02:24
Bryansteinitnet7, nope...that's arm702:24
Bryansteinnot support for arm5 since 9.0402:25
BryansteinYes I know...it's like whatttt02:25
govatenti look away for 5 seconds and now i have to read a log. you talkative folks 02:26
Bryansteingovatent, yes we talked bad about you behind your back...and we'll say more if you don't get that sangoma u100 working02:26
Bryansteinany word on your pandaboard?02:27
govatentgood question 02:27
Bryansteinsome guys already have theirs02:27
Bryansteinearly adopters that is02:27
BryansteinOh I need help too...02:28
itnet7No, I need to follow up on that02:28
govatenti actually have one better than the sangoma. which is current up in md02:28
Bryansteinsay I had $200 what could/should I get ?02:28
Bryansteingovatent, and what is that?02:28
govatentlooking for the model but its pci based02:29
Bryansteinpfff you lose02:29
Bryansteinlol...I have tons of pci digium cards02:29
Bryansteinonly 2 analog...need 1?02:29
BryansteinI can give you a digital card02:29
Bryansteinbut you'd need something like a t1/t3 pri to use it02:30
itnet7Bryanstein: I may be able to score you a decent netbook for 200 bucks02:30
Bryansteinitnet7, can I install OS2 on it?02:30
Chloricso govatent, wanna chill after the cisco event?02:31
itnet7I am sure you can do anything you set your mind to02:31
BryansteinNo serious...what netbook do you speak of wise man?02:31
itnet7I will ask chuck tomorrow he was trying to sell one02:31
MichelleQ1Bryanstein: yep, that's me02:31
govatentnot sure if ill be able to cause the one guy i am bringing with me and matt02:31
* Bryanstein smiles back at MichelleQ1 02:32
MichelleQ1how are ya, dude?02:32
Bryansteinitnet7, is it Chuck or Daniel with freerunner?02:32
BryansteinMichelleQ1, I'm great...probably colder than the rest of you guys02:32
itnet7I am sure he'll sell that too02:32
govatentits actually not mine its the schools 02:32
Bryansteintell him to throw it in and I'll take em both for 20002:32
BryansteinI'll paypal him the money NOW02:33
itnet7I will ask him tomorrow02:33
itnet7can't hurt to ask02:33
govatentopensolaris much? 02:34
govatentoff topic i know02:34
Bryansteinlol really...also wake up Lupine so I can hook em up with some wolf apparel 02:34
itnet7He would have answered if he were around02:34
itnet7but I can tell him at work tomorrow also02:35
MichelleQ1oh, who's paypaling money around?  02:35
* MichelleQ1 lines up for that deal02:35
Bryansteinlol MichelleQ102:35
Bryansteinyou've gotta have some ridiculous hardware you're looking to give away for little or nothing to get into the paypal line02:36
govatenti have a nslu2 :p02:36
Bryansteingovatent, you need to get into the "please bring back the telegraph" line02:37
Chlorici miss the telegraph =(02:37
Chloriclol stupid boy scouts forced us to learn morse code02:38
govatenti want ext4 on my device 02:38
BryansteinChloric, they really screwed up with it...they should have made a BIG announcement then charged like 5 dollars per transmission02:38
Bryansteinthey would have made a mint02:38
BryansteinI would have sent one...it's like wow...one of the last telegraphs sent02:38
Chloriclmao thats awesome02:39
Chloricthere could be a business for novelty messages02:39
Chloriclike in those "old" colonial towns up in New England02:39
Bryansteingovatent, you're nslu2 is cool, but we're going to get you on some sweeter hardware02:39
Chloricthose darn tourist trap cities could make loads02:40
BryansteinFunny they sure do...just because of nostalgia sake02:40
Chloricshould i install PlayOnLinux or just stick with WINE and Winetricks02:41
itnet7You can do a lot more with Wine, and your own prefix tricks02:42
Chloricyeah,, thats what i was thinking02:44
Chlorici had the prefixes somewhere on a hard drive... somewhere02:44
itnet7you should check out www.thelupine.com02:44
itnet7get an account and search for his wine tips and tricks02:45
govatenti am out of here guys 02:46
govatentill be on when i get home02:46
itnet7gnight govatent !02:46
govatentsee ya all 02:46
govatenti wish it was gnight for me02:46
Pianomanhelp required qith evolution calendar on ubuntu 10.1003:10
Pianomani lost all the anniversaries on my previous calendar03:10
Pianomani hesitate creating new recurring events03:12
Pianomanis there a way to bring back my lost recurring anniversaries?03:12
itnet7Pianoman: is this an upgrade?03:15
itnet7from 10.04?03:16
Pianomanyes it is03:16
itnet7Let me look around a bit and see if it's happening to a bunch... and let me check my re-occurring events03:16
Pianomanitnet7, it seems to be a reported bug but i am not familiar with all of this yet03:17
itnet7Pianoman: bug number?03:19
Pianomanitnet7, let me try to find something03:19
itnet7Pianoman: don't worry, I thought you may have it handy03:20
itnet7I'm looking now03:20
Pianomanok thanks03:20
itnet7Your not synching to a pda or anything right?03:21
Pianomanitnet7, no nothing03:21
Pianomanitnet7, similar to this one Bug #24625103:23
Pianomanitnet7, i also get a : This calendar is read-only message03:24
itnet7Pianoman: can you start evolution in a terminal and see if there is any messages that appear in the terminal after accessing the calendar?03:26
Pianomanhow do i do that?03:27
itnet7Close evolution if you already have it open03:27
Pianomanitnet7, sorry am not too familiar with much03:27
Pianomanitnet7, done03:27
itnet7then open a Terminal, Applications, Accessories, then Terminal03:28
Pianomanitnet7, done03:28
itnet7type in: evolution, and hit enter03:28
itnet7look back at the terminal any funky reporting going on?03:28
Pianomanitnet7, EI: MAIL PREFS03:29
itnet7select the calendar part if you can03:29
itnet7and look a the terminal again03:29
itnet7anything else showing up?03:29
Pianomanitnet7, Se_cal_view_start: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)03:30
itnet7can you close evolution03:31
itnet7I will walk you through some other debugging03:31
Pianomanluckily i have 2 screens03:31
itnet7trying to see if there is a specific option for Calendar03:31
itnet7yeah :-)03:31
itnet7Is this on a full 10.10 ubuntu desktop? not netbook edition or something?03:35
Pianomanfull 10.10, dual boot laptop03:36
itnet7Just to rule out this is not a MAPI account03:40
Pianomanhow do I check for MAPI03:41
itnet7Open evolution, the normal way..03:42
itnet7Edit, then preferences03:42
itnet7what protocol is the account using?03:42
itnet7Is the stuff missing from all views?03:44
itnet7are your recurring appointments missing from all views, meaning, daily, weekly, and monthly?03:45
Pianomani had all my anniversaries in the calendar as recurring appointments03:45
Pianomanthay are all gone, in all views yes03:45
itnet7If you got Help and About in Evolution, what version does it say you're running?03:51
Pianomanshould be the latest03:52
itnet7Yeah, just making sure you and I were running the same version03:53
itnet7when did you upgrade? Have they ever appeared since the upgrade?03:59
Pianomanon 10.1004:00
Pianomannever saw them since04:00
itnet7Pianoman: Let me ask around a bit, I don't see any real specific debugging for calendar.04:02
itnet7can you swing in tomorrow night?04:02
Pianomanok thank you very much04:02
itnet7no problem04:02
Pianomanit is getting late i might have to leave soon04:02
itnet7You can e-mail me at itnet7atubuntudotcom04:03
itnet7if you want04:03
itnet7in case you can't get in here tomorrow04:03
itnet7and I will ask around04:03
Pianomanam sending a test email now04:04
Pianomani have another little problem you might be able to suggest a solution04:05
itnet7Got it!04:05
itnet7what is your little problem? Hopefully I can help you with that04:06
Pianomanin my browsers, Chromium or Firefox, i cannot see some of the flash player apps running, sometimes it is a movie04:06
itnet7Are you running 64-bit?04:06
Pianomani dont think so04:06
Pianomanthat problem started about 1 week ago after some upgrades04:08
itnet7Do you know which version of flashplayer you have installed?04:09
itnet7I am trying to find an easy way of finding it04:09
itnet7System --> Administration --> Synaptic Package Manager....04:10
itnet7in the Quick Search put flash04:11
itnet7in the check column click the very top of the column box to sort and show installed apps04:11
itnet7two to the left from "Package"04:11
itnet7is that installed version, or latest04:12
itnet7you're using kde?04:13
Pianomanam i?04:13
itnet7konqueror is the kde browser04:13
Pianomanwell? i am laughin here alone at my computer04:13
Pianomandid i install something i was not supposed to?04:14
itnet7you were reading the description at the bottom?04:14
Pianomani sorted the flash packages by installed version04:14
Pianomantop one says Konqueror 4:4.5.1-oubuntu404:15
itnet7Well, My flash version is outdated, let me upgrade it and see if mine breaks too04:15
itnet7is your terminal still open?04:16
itnet7can you type: uname -a04:16
Pianomanbut i have many other packages installed: gnash, klash, flashplugin04:16
itnet7can you paste it here04:17
itnet7the output04:17
PianomanLinux denis-laptop 2.6.35-22-generic-pae #35-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 22:16:51 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux04:17
itnet7Have you ever installed Ubuntu-restricted-extras?04:18
Pianomanwho knows lol04:18
itnet7use the quick search04:19
itnet7and check :-)04:19
Pianomandont know how?04:19
itnet7In the synaptic manager where you were just looking at Flash stuff, enter: ubuntu-restricted-extras04:19
Pianomanyes installed version 4204:20
itnet7I think that there could be some conflicts with the other versions of flash stuff, like gnash in particular04:21
itnet7let me do a little research04:21
itnet7and I will e-mail you tomorrow!04:21
Pianomangood night04:21
Pianomanit is almost 11h30 here04:22
itnet7same here, do you live in Florida?04:22
=== `ightfrog is now known as nightfrog
itnet7Bryanstein: ping05:23
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=== nightfrog is now known as Slizzurd
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czajkowskimhall119: I miss blake 13:40
KlutzHow is this going to change Ubuntu.... One asks wonderingly?15:02
maxolasersquadKlutz: It won't meen anything for a long time.  I would expect this work to take at least two years.15:08
maxolasersquadIt's a pretty ballsy move.  It'll be something to see how they plan on pulling it off.15:18
KlutzSo this means nothing...  Then what was he trying to say?      This comes on the heels of Mark Shuttleworth’s recent announcement that 11.04 would see Ubuntu leave behind the GNOME Shell in favor of Ubuntu Unity. That was a tiny drop in the bucket compared to this latest consideration.15:19
KlutzIf you have to compile from source every program you install then this will not be an easy distro to put on your friends or Grandmas computer...15:22
maxolasersquadKlutz: The move to Unity is big, but manageable.15:25
maxolasersquadThe move away from X is huge.  If Ubuntu is really going to ship without X, then that will be a really big deal.  At this point one can only speculate what the full implications are of this.15:26
maxolasersquadTo make that a reality will take a huge amount of work.  Since that work has hardly begun, and since it will be a long time before we begin to even see Alpha snapshots of an X-less Ubuntu, then for right now it just means business as usual.15:27
maxolasersquadKlutz: Nobody has a vision in which an end-user will need to compile anything from source.15:28
maxolasersquadNobody within Canonical has that vision for Ubuntu.15:28
KlutzDrivers will not be an issue?15:31
maxolasersquadDrivers will be a big issue, and a really big risk IMO.  If the basis of the Windowing system requires the graphics card, and its accompanying driver to have certain feature support, then I'm really curious what they are planning to do when that doesn't exist.15:33
itnet7Klutz: Canonical cannot control what proprietary vendors do in support of their hardware now, and it was a fight to get to this point, but if you notice "smart" vendors are coming on board. Intel, HP, Broadcom (on future cards). I would say that even with Canonical's plans to live on the cutting edge with Wayland, if it doesn't pan out (Which I am not doubting it will pan out) they will adjust.15:40
KlutzThen this just might be like installing Xubuntu... It may look differently but it is just the windows manager? Am I understanding it correctly?15:41
itnet7I am not sure how they plan to begin implementing it, but am excited in anticipation15:42
itnet7I noticed that there are some PPA's right now, but am waiting for a little more documentation to play around any myself15:42
maxolasersquadUbuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu all use the same same Windows Manager, X.15:43
maxolasersquadI think at this point we can only speculate how it will change the appearance.15:44
maxolasersquadIt may be one of those things that nobody directly notices the difference.  One may only notice a more responsive system.15:44
KlutzI thought ICEwm was the manager?15:44
itnet7You have to remember. In all of this out of anyone, Mark has the largest investment, and has the most to stand to lose. I don't think he's looking at this like an experiment. I honestly believe that he feels it is the direction we need to move in order to become even more of a force to be reckoned with.15:44
Klutzalong with several others?15:44
maxolasersquadThe same way one doesn't "notice" a new kernel.15:45
itnet7Klutz: it's the graphics presentation layer15:45
itnet7or server if you will15:45
itnet7not a Window Manager thing15:45
Pianomanitnet7, good morning15:46
KlutzSO ICEwm and Gnome are both at the Presentation layer together?15:47
itnet7Hey there Pianoman 15:47
itnet7Klutz: doublechecking my layers, give me a moment15:49
KlutzProgramers Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away?15:50
itnet7I remember it Phil Donahue never televizes sick people anymore15:50
itnet7that wasn't what I meant15:50
itnet7I was just checking the granular differences15:51
Klutzitnet7: if you use my  phrase you might get your phrase... Nice combo...15:53
KlutzSo essentially everyone is saying stay tuned for the Alphas and the Betas that will start showing up around February...15:58
itnet7I would have to say they are both at the the Presentation layer, but Wayland will be running first regardless of the desktop manager, just as X-server is now15:58
itnet7Klutz: I don't think they will be available until after 11.0415:59
itnet7I think there are 2 separate things15:59
itnet7Unity on the desktop15:59
itnet7then the move towards wayland15:59
itnet7I am only going by what I have read though16:00
itnet7Timeframes are difficult. I’m sure we could deliver *something* in six months, but I think a year is more realistic for the first images that will be widely useful in our community.16:00
itnet7^^ Mark Shuttleworth's Blog ^^16:01
Klutzok... Thanks everyone for your input... 16:05
Klutzgotta go...16:05
=== `ightfrog is now known as Slizzurd
dantalizingmhall119: i'm not going to senchaconf18:04
mhall119didn't think so18:06
DammitJimdammit windows!18:29
reya276hello everyonr19:53
reya276Is anyone having issues stating that updates can't be made due to insecure packages19:54
reya276everytime I have to do updates some updates are held back due to some insecure packages19:55
reya276is anyone here today?20:09
reya276How can I fix this issue? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/528873/20:10
mhall119reya276: wait and try again20:13
reya276no this is has been happening for a very long time now, is not a wait and see issue because is every single time20:13
reya276something seems to be wrong with a config or something20:14
reya276I even disabled or removed some of the repositories that may have not had keys20:14
reya276and that did not seem to solve the issue20:14
reya276this is also a clean install not an upgrade20:15
mhall119it's a DNS error 20:17
mhall119for the security. domains anyway20:17
reya276maybe there is something I'm doing on my end that is causing my router to block it, because it happens in every PC in my home20:20
mhall119you can try finding local mirrors20:22
mhall119that's what I do, I use USF's servers20:22
maxolasersquadreya276: Make sur eyou can ping archive.canonical.com20:26
reya276ok I changed it to that lets see if it works, thanks20:29
mhall119USF==University of South Florida20:29
reya276ok now only this happend http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/528892/20:30
maxolasersquadreya276: Can you do the following: wget http://dl.google.com/linux/talkplugin/deb/dists/stable/Release.gpg20:39
reya276maxolasersquad thanks20:45
maxolasersquadDid it download?20:45
reya276HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK20:46
reya276Length: 189 [application/octet-stream]20:46
reya276Saving to: `Release.gpg'20:46
reya276100%[======================================>] 189         --.-K/s   in 0s      20:46
reya2762010-11-09 15:46:01 (29.7 MB/s) - `Release.gpg' saved [189/189]20:47
reya276but again I got this W:Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/talkplugin/deb/dists/stable/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'dl.google.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)20:47
reya276, E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.20:47
maxolasersquadWeird.  My Googling indicates that this would mean the apt was unable to download that file.20:48
reya276now I got this20:48
reya276W: Failed to fetch http://ftp.usf.edu/pub/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'ftp.usf.edu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)20:48
mhall119sounds like DNS resolution is failing20:48
mhall119can you nslookup ftp.usf.edu20:49
reya276oh oh20:49
reya276Non-authoritative answer:20:49
mhall119looks right20:50
reya276yeap but I still get this now W: Failed to fetch http://ftp.usf.edu/pub/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'ftp.usf.edu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)20:50
reya276I think something else is wrong20:50
reya276because I do receive updates and I can download them just not when I do sudo apt-get update20:51
reya276like when update manager comes up notifying me that there are update20:51
reya276see now I'm getting this W: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'archive.canonical.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)21:08
reya276funny when I do an nslookup on that address it comes back fine as well21:12
reya276Non-authoritative answer:21:12

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