
=== nlawson_ is now known as nlawson
Cheri703chocolate/hazelnut ice cream = AWESOME17:52
* Cheri703 made some last night and ate some a bit ago :)17:57
_bbbever had the queen city cayanne from jeni's?18:27
Cheri703no, I've only had a few from there18:27
Cheri703it's EXPENSIVE18:27
_bbbits chocolate and chili18:28
_bbbi think i paid $10 for a pint18:28
Cheri703I can make mine for about $2 per pint or less, depending on if I have to buy my own goat milk or if I get it free from some people I know...18:29
Cheri703and I can make all kinds of fun flavors18:30
_bbbwell yeah18:31
Cheri703and I can make about 3 batches in quick succession before the thing needs to go back in the freezer (made 3 flavors in one day a few weeks ago)18:32
_bbbsounds like work!18:35
Cheri703well, we were going to dinner with some friends18:36
Cheri703and not that much work, mix up the stuff, dump it in the thing, crank every 3-5 min18:37
deejoe_which maker do you have Cheri703?18:37
_bbband which flavors?18:38
Cheri703and that day I made mint chocolate chip, strawberry, and chocolate chip cookie dough18:39
Cheri703I have also made chocolate, vanilla, chocolate hazelnut, a not-especially-successful apple cider sorbet (still working on that one)18:40
* Cheri703 didn't pay $60 for an ice cream maker, mom found it for $6 at a yard sale18:40
deejoe_there's an awesome recipe for grapefruit sorbet I made years ago18:40
Cheri703ooo, that sounds refreshing18:40
deejoe_alternated between freezing on a cookie sheet and mixing in a food processor18:40
Cheri703ah, nice18:41
deejoe_I think it'd be fun to try it in a paddle-containing ice cream maker on a small scale like that18:41
deejoe_the normal back-yard ice-cream maker is far too big18:41
Cheri703I HIGHLY recommend the donvier...it's really easy and really good, and easy to clean as well18:41
deejoe_might have to be a holiday gift list item18:41
deejoe_so, thanks for the link18:41
Cheri703sure :)18:42
Cheri703I use non-cooked recipes18:42
Cheri703they are quick to melt, but I find the texture really good and much easier to pep18:42
Cheri703I use whole goat milk, easier on the system than cow milk18:44
canthus13Made from a whole goat?18:48
Cheri703yes, yes it is18:49
canthus13Ah.  I'd think you would only need the back half...18:49
Cheri703no, have to have the hooves and horns18:49
deejoe_some people like more crunch18:49
Cheri703that's what gives it flavor18:49
Cheri703goaty goat goat18:50
canthus13Goats are tasty.18:50
* canthus13 loves bbq goat.18:50
Cheri703at whatever point that I own my own property and have the space, I'll have a few dairy goats and some chickens...18:51
Cheri703protein sources that don't require death are always good if I'm raising them myself :)18:51
* canthus13 has no problem slaughtering food.18:52
canthus13Can't stand pure trophy hunters, though. :(18:52
canthus13Nothing worse than finding a bloated, rotting, headless, half-skinned animal in the woods. :(  You'd think they'd have the courtesy to at least donate the meat.18:53
Cheri703yeah, I'm fine with people who hunt and EAT what they kill, or as you said, donate the meat, and I'm fine with eating meat in general, but no organs (or tongue or whatever) and I (as much as possible) avoid eating meat on the bone18:53
Cheri703if I can build the animal from the parts I'm eating, then that's not so good...also if I were to look the animal in the eye when it was alive, then be presented with meat from it, no go18:53
Cheri703so if I were producing my own food source, dairy and eggs would be about it on the protein side...18:54
JonathanDtrade with a neighbor who is also producing his own food.18:55
Cheri703JonathanD: exactly, that'd work too18:55
canthus13I was watching a youtube video of some guy slaughtering his rabbits... Kinda creepy in a way.  He actually has a little dandelion garden just for the condemned.. Lets 'em get a good nibble, then shoots 'em in the back of the head.18:55
Cheri703I just couldn't go "oh, I have fed you and cared for you EVERY DAY and now I'm going to kill and eat you"18:55
Cheri703ugh, no18:55
canthus13But at the same time, he was very nice to them, right up to the end.18:55
Cheri703well, that's good, humane (ish?) practices are good, I just wouldn't be able to do it18:56
Cheri703or watch someone do it18:56
Cheri703people gore I have no problem with, animals? bad.18:56
Cheri703I watch movies where people are beaten up, killed, whatever, but some movie had a guy stomp a dog to death, I was done. that was completely off the list18:56
* Cheri703 doesn't like animal abuse18:57
Cheri703food is a different story (though there are some CRAPPY practices there too)18:58
deejoe_"pets or meat?"18:59
* canthus13 feels much the same.18:59
canthus13meaty pets. :P18:59
canthus13a friend of mine was mostly vegetarian because she grew up on a farm and couldn't bear the thought of eating a former pet...18:59
canthus13She'd happily eat chicken, though.. she thought they were evil little animals. :)18:59
_bbbel chupacabra!19:14
canthus13la chickencabra.19:39
=== deejoe_ is now known as deejoe
Buzz_What's up Buckeyes?21:51
Buzz_I've been using ubuntu (and other linux OS) for about 4 years21:52
Buzz_was curious what you guys like for mp3 software....I'm currently using Audacious21:53
Buzz_OH...I'm on a minimal install of 10.0421:53
dmcgloneHi peeps ;-)22:00
dmcglonehello Buzz_ are you the new kid on the block?22:02
Buzz_I suppose I am22:04
Buzz_been messin with ubuntu since 8.04 (I think)22:05
Buzz_am totally loving my minimal install....CLI isn't nearly as tough as I thought it would be, lol22:06
dmcglonethats cool. I've been a linux users since '9322:14
Buzz_wow, you've forgot more about linux that I know22:14
Buzz_I've messed with a few different distros....fedora, kanotix, all the buntu's, crunchbang, pclos, ect....22:16
Buzz_I keep coming back to Ubuntu22:16
Buzz_anyway, nice to find Ohio Ubuntu, I'm sure I'll be here often22:18
dmcglone:-) glad to hear22:18
paultagchallah all23:31
paultagthanks dmcglone :)23:31

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