
=== locobot_2_2 is now known as locobot_2
douglasawh-workhow do I tell dhclient not to change my domain?  I do want it to continue to change the DNS servers though21:48
nickmoeckdouglasawh-work: you go up to dhclient and you say "HEY! DON'T CHANGE MY DOMAIN!"22:59
douglasawh-worknickmoeck: you can sorta do that in dhclient.conf I discovered23:26
douglasawh-workbasically, this is what I want to do: http://pastebin.com/P1yz330a23:53
douglasawh-workonly, I want to do it on Linux23:53
douglasawh-workoh, I left out the step of ipconfig /registerdns23:53
nickmoeckdouglasawh-work: Um... don't you set the domain in /etc/resolv.conf?23:53
nickmoeckor, with dhclient, with the domain-search directive?23:55
douglasawh-workyeah, the domain is set23:57
douglasawh-workbut it's not updating DNS23:57

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