
=== paulproteus_ is now known as paulproteus
Pendulumhiya czajkowski :)13:37
czajkowskihey roomie13:38
PendulumI miss having you as my roomie :(13:38
czajkowskiI know :(13:38
czajkowskiI also miss Blake the crazy dog13:39
PendulumI know!13:39
czajkowskiand being as sturbon as he is with the rope13:39
Pendulumyou should tell Michelle when she's on next ;)13:39
Pendulumit is her and Mike's anniversary today :)13:40
nigelbbeing stbborn with the rope?13:40
czajkowskiyou had to be there13:40
czajkowskiI was arguing with the dog13:40
czajkowskiand the dog was not going to win13:40
nigelbI have a dog, it sounds familiar13:40
czajkowskiMichelleQ1: I miss blake and my tug of war with him15:20
MichelleQ1he sulked around for a couple of days looking for everyone15:24
czajkowskiI did miss the crazy chap15:24
czajkowskisturbon tug of war15:24
PendulumI miss the whole family. :)15:24
MichelleQ1you'll just have to come visit, both of you.  :D15:24
PendulumMichelleQ1: I know you don't necessarily believe this, but you have one of the most welcoming families and you really don't even have to put effort into it for it to feel that way :)15:25
MichelleQ1thanks.  I owe it to my grandma15:25
czajkowskithis is so true15:26
czajkowskiit was lovely15:26
czajkowskiand relaxing15:26
czajkowskiand you are a fanastic cook15:26
czajkowskiand your kids are adorable and polite15:26
MichelleQ1Quinn handled houseguests with remarkible grace.  I was surprised!15:27
PendulumMichelleQ1: that's because we aren't guests, we're family :P15:27
MichelleQ1this is true.  :)15:27
czajkowskiwe did invade ;)15:28
MichelleQ1rofl, you're welcome to invade whenever you would like.15:29
* Pendulum hugs MichelleQ1 15:31
MichelleQ1group hug!15:32
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czajkowski▘ ▘▝▀ ▝▀ ▝▀15:32
sresu_czajkowski: Ha... good one.17:20
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